The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, October 03, 1845, Image 2

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    931 2•24111
Friday Evening, Oct, 3, 1845,
(Subject to the decision of a Nat'l Cow:en ton.)-
JOSEPH FINK, Mountjoy.
ADAM J. WALTER, 'Menallen.
JOSEPH -. N. SMITH, Menallen.
ROBERT COBEAN,__Cumbdrland
WM. S. HAMILTON, Cumberland.
DAVID M'CREARY, , Gettysburg
Beware of_ Miarepreseptations I
irr We deem it,proper to caution our friends
throughout the County to .guard.against the
representations and falsehoods which will be put
afloat from-lids - time until the election to injure
Our cause. ' We understand that a 'number of these
misrepresentations in relation to our rdidates_
are already upon 'the rounds." One of them will
be silenced by-the card of-Mr. Sennrysa, the can.
didate for the office of Sheriff, which will be found
in our advertising colums.
The Right Course;
Enn another column will be found a Card to
, Public from Mr. DAVID-Z . 176C, giving in' his
adhesion to the nomination's, and pledging, his
support to the- WHOLE . TICKET. This is
right and manly—a course which- every Whig
who loves his principles will be expected to imi
tate. Mr. &rex was one of the few individuals,
who were disposed to carry personal and priVate
feelings into the contest, to the detrirrient of the
1% 1
Whig cause . A little . re fl ection has conviii . ed
him that principle: are not ;re toys, to be pla ed
with and laid aside arpleas re, when suiting r
sonal conveniences or priv e„:animosities—si d
that it is the duty of every goodWhirt . Tnicerge
self and self-interest in the common good. Let
every dissatisfied Whig (if there still be any such,)
The Presbyter3r of Carlisle assemble iri
nettysburg on Tuesday next. The session will
be. opened with a . sermon, on the morning of th,
day, by one of its members, in the Presbyter'
Church.— . ,
The **ter Meeting.
. ,
pursuance of notice, the citizens of the
borough assembled in town meeting, on Friday,
night last, to alloptmeasures for the introduction
of a supply of water into the borough—D. Zrgo
.-sa presiding;=uid-Gio. W IvrtiEILAN acting
as Secretary. Messrs. G. W. M'Cr.v.m,AN, Alc«
ass 31.'Cusrr, D. ZIEOLtR, S. H. Snafus:li, and C.
W. Hammes were appointed a Committee to as
certain upon what terms the property of the old
Water Company could be obtained, and how
-much additional stock could be disposed of. The
'Committee are to report to an adjourned meeting
en Friday evening the 17th of October. We un-
derstand that the COmmittee have already eater-
ed upon their duties, Sind with such success that
there is but little doubt of the whole re quisite p•-•
y disposeti.. _
tz ofa_tls
o:l4fWtt tertr- olionting_extrict from
pm last Ilcutiogdou I. t - atolktownsniair,-Dr._
• Gitaitari has been successful, y crating fuOpthal
; ictlC,Siggery; In tbat - county, and received. as a sub
' stintiil oinipliment to his skill, ibOaudsoine fee of
• "Tot Bumf Reiman. To Sienr.—Dr. Nvfo
GIZAIIRTA (of Gettysburg. Pa.) Professor of Surgery
• ••• lf Philadet-
"--' ------ -- - "phi a few - weekr vinde - sichieved a grand triump r
ill Opthalmie Surgery. Mrs. ENTIIIICStf. of Ilope
wall townshipi.Huntingdon coanty,•iged 6S years,
kail.beentnirtially blind for years ; one of her eyes
. 'iris totally blind from Cataract, which by the skill
, • -., alb, eenlisusas restored to vision sufficient for all
-pritoodrui puPpolwit.• ArCrylittle pain WAS caused by
. .
the oPeratkiv.—: - •
•._ Whea the_ isstrasseat , was withdrawn from the
tert a lnstaatly aysuiety of objccis were distinctly ob.
- - sirced...-: /St present large print can be read with fa
- , eiUty. - .It is lbsi Sist operation of the kind ever-per
.: _ *mid in Ilunting - don county !
ne i n. dais of the above care were furnished
' b ' '0 wbo the alter treatment.
-I- .Y:s• - •. - Ay. VII(' ,_..f.
__ sa sme that Mr. Ent:ikon.
' lig w v .I. l ' . 'hifiM - uroga"d • •
,-1.------rrltablY-mall-.Vnero-417fOutnd-ilr Mrs. ; , -
s. prosentint Professor Gilbert with'the Luta of
- .
- - IWO. al A reOOIIIIINIIIPV fur the incalculable benefit
desiredr bona tins operation "
• Erkepocial election fora mtunbetof 'Congress.
- -ks the place bf lion. Wright, deeeklecl, will
be held in TeDey on the 4th of Soromber
Mt. _ _ •
(Of Dauphin.)
The Turin' in Danger I
trThe Washington Union, (the official 'organ
.of President Polk) of Friday evening, says :
"Doe of the great objects or the republican party
is the rrthiction'of the Tariff The "Union" will
take up the subject in a few days, and discms the
whole sy•tem in a regular manner. Afl Mr. Walk
er emphatically said. "THE TARIFF' MUST BE
The views of the "Union - are endorsed by the
Harrisburg, Reporter (Gov. Shunk.'s organ,) of
Thttislay last, which, in publishing the views of
Silas Wright, ex•l'resident Vau Buren, and others,
upon the Tariff, remarks : .
qiiCstion'is as sliming nets importance every
day. and every thing Natialieg us that Mr. Walker
was rigid in declaring that "THE TARIFF
. Whigs of Adams—rriends of the Tarillye
who would lidte=the hills and valleys of our coins
-ICY rieiiiing With a happy and enterprising popu
lation, of mechanical and agricultural industry—
what think ye of this? Do you see your danger
The Tariff reduced destroys Protection, and
closer the workshciPs and factories of the country—
silences the anvil of the blacksmith—stops the' loom
Of the weaver—brings foreign pauper labor in
competition with the industry of our artizans and
mechanics—and invites gloom:) , poverty, Want and
destitution to the doors of the now comfortable
dwellings of the great body of Ameridm laborers!
Sre yint prepared to approve of all this?
FARMERS, •would you have your home mar
ket destr . oyed by thus disgorging . this vast body
of, mechanical population from the shops and fac
toriesupon your own ranks? With no laborers
to supply, every man the producer of his own
grain, arid' the markets of Europe closed against
youwhere do you expect to sell your produce?
Are you willing to see it remain in your grana
ries --there to ROT before yielding you an ado
quate remuneration for your toils?
:, These are the blessings now threatened to be
diffused among you by the National and State Ad
ministrations—and would you know how to stay
the 61;i11
Lct a full Whig vote, be polled througliqut Pon
trylvania. at the- coming c/caion 7 leethe Keystime
State — at surnta
_stand upon this subject worthy of
herself—let her speah.Ofif in bold and manly tones
The support of Pennsylvania is necessary to
sustain the Locoloco Administration, and the Gov
ernment will NgT bear. to act contrary to her
wishes, if tholse wishes be decidedly and.manfully
eipressed. '.7.Xiioweiter, this great State faultsr
now; andis inst. I A triumph of Locofocoisrmin
the present campaign, or even a weak and doubt.
ful support of the Whig =lie, Will be the signal
for the "beginning, of the end" of the first and dear.
est interest of Pennsylvania policy—the encour
agement and protection of American Inclitstry. •
WiIIGS Or Tilß !•:I'OI7,OGUAILD r ----tile interests
of your, State, the happiness and prosperity of
your fellow-citizens are in danger. You:, at least,
are expected to do your duty. . CoMe sip, then, no 7
bly to the work—sacrifice all personal considera
tions—cast aside every feeling of individual disap
pointment, and rally, one and all, to the support of
GREAT PRINCIPLES. Strike no 'name from
your ticket; but give a strong pull for the Ticket
THE TICKET ! . ...
Principles—Not Nen.
ojThe Locofoco politicians, with their
usual cunning and deceptive policy, are la
boring hard to induce Whigs to believe that
there is no principle involved in the present
sttugglo. ' "What of principle, 'We ask, is
involved in ilia approaching election ?" says
the Compiler. 'What bearing upon the
great national (Intitions will the success of
Bushy, orFelty, or Danner, or Cress, have?'
°chew the leaders upon every corner.—
What means all this? Why this studied
concealment of colors upon the part of the
enemy 7 Why this labored effort to throw
Were the people the un wonted issue that
the. Contest is NOT pritiPißks, but men?
Have the principles 'cif "the partv,"•leen
lost sight of in rho swift march,of"Frogres- ,
sive Democracy ?" Or have the recognized
doctrinee of the leaders become so rotten &
Jigsaw osid.tntts_aud..r..epuleivt:titlaat they_,
dare not be held up to the view . of an honest
people ?
BE NOT DECEIVED, Fellow Whip? Be
assured that there is something wrong in
all thisetudied policy. We ore contending
with the same enemy that Jibled, and slan
dered, and basely wronged, the noble, gift
ed CLAY-4110 same that so bitterly opposed
the gallant MAIIKLE—the same that defeated
your popular and favorite candidate for.,Con
gress._he nominees - upon ur ticket are
the repreitntacives - a the - same printiples
for which yott thenso-ga ti ,tl battled
they are the standaid - bearers of t ile
faith—and_ as you love your principles and
your faith; will you, can you, DARE you
strike a single' man of them 2
• The Linneoan Journal. •
"first water,") of Friday last, contains the to/lowing
handsome: notice of the "Journal conducted by our
pint% friends at the College
"The - "Literary Record and 'Journal" of the Lio
nised Association of Pennsylvituia . College, a month.
Iy-itoklication issued at Gettysburg, is a valuable lit
tie- work most wortny of encouragomont. Its articles
are all:original, and all, of an "instructive and E the
same time--amusing character, comprising the sub
jects of natural history, science. ethics, literature,
&o. alltreated In a clear, practical, and familiar
style. The price is only ono dollar a year ; and
there is wit a single—uurnber of the work which is
not worth the xvhele year's subscription fur anyfam-
ID — The Whi of lvta - snrehusetti - -1 n - State
Conventhin on the 24th ult., tiominated, by accla
mation, Grotiat N. Brifous
l and Joni REED, as
candidates:fur re election to the offices of Governor
and Lieut. Governor f olthat. State. Elecitfou.
fL7 The election in Maryland for mcmlwrs of
Congress., Legislatureg &c. took place on Well:es
daylast. We have returns. from Baltimore city
and Carroll county. In the city of Baltimore, the
Locos have carried their whole ticket, including
Congressman, Delegates and Sheriff. There were
three full tickets in the add—Whig, Locoroco and
Native-- , -the latter polling from 100* :03400
votes. - For Congre9S the vote stood ai follows:
Giles [loco] SSU I ; Kennedy, [Whig] 1462; Pun
can (Native.] majority over Kennedy
There were fifteen catulidate-; for the (Alice of
Sheritf. .lent C. 16:77r.r.wr.-1.1., FOll of our
respected friend chocks Katlewel), Esq. Of York
SpriUgs, was the successful candidate, leading
Maj. LAW, the next highest cUnditlate, IT3I votes'
A few returns from Baltimore county indicate,
as•was expected, the defeat of Mr. Winlislir,n
RYitig,l for Congress. This district is strongly
We have glorious news from our neighlioring
county,. Carroll. The Whigs have carried ,their
whole•ticket by from FIVE TO SIX HUNDRED
MNJORITY ! Maj. T:loc leads the ticket one or
two hundred votes: Carroll gave a tnajority
Of less than a hundred I •
"Fight cvcr
Were the cheering words of counsel and e - Nlior.
tation of the gallant. Jima to the Whigs of Ten:
rieSiTee, and we commend them to our f fiends. En,
ergy of action—persevering, unflagging energy—is
as essential to a victorious - warfare,- as the cOur
.sing of the life-blood through the human system
is to the preservation of our being. No party can
succeed without omits' zArros, And no organiza
lion can be sustained without an unwearying vig
ilance and activity. The soldier, who • should
ground his arms, or surrender to the enemy, during
slight skiimiShes orlcical conflicts, under the assu
rance that the importance of the contest did not
demand his efforts, ;:vould be unworthy his calling.
There can ke no temporary yielding to the cne•
my f ,without hazarding the cause in more trying
times. The first and only duty is to "FIGHT
ON.FIGHTFAI.E.II!" come weal or wo, victory
ordefeat,—be the conflict when or , where it may..
Let the motto then be adopted as' our ivatch
word—let us realize its efficacy in the contest—
let there be no hesitating, no:holding back, no
doubtful zing support of the cause. If it
be our hear '._lesire to secure the - prosPerity,and
honor and glory pf our country, we must "FIGHT
ON < FIGHT EVER,'!_ until the last vestige of
Locofocoism be driVen from our midst, and the
lofty, Conservative, and well tried principles of
Whig policy be diffused and recognized through
out the land.
Something R Wt.
177 he following Resolution
.'was adopted by
the Locofoco State Convention which assembled
at Harrisburg, to nominate a candidate for Canal
Commissioner :
RESOLVED, That we hail the rising star of I rexas
and her admiWsion into the Union, as the beij.ficinl
result of the ascendancy and diffusion of derriocratif
in enlarging the AREA OF HUMAN LIGER ,
TV; and the Keystone State will not fail to rally. a
round our patriotic Chief Magistrate,
James K. Polk
in the maintenance oilier rights and our rights ."
The Slave Institution was not recognized by
Texas, as a Mexican State: Subsequent to the Rev.
olution Slavery was introduced ; and now, by the
constitution tinder which she comes into the
Union, human slavery is made renrs•rUAL! A
queer calculation this of "enlarning the area of
human liberty."
Suicide of the Hon. John White.
Q 3 The Western mails bring us the painful in,
telligenceof the death, by suicide, of the lion. Jour
WHITE, ex. Speaker of-the House of Representa
tives. Shortly after the expiration of his last
Congressional tdrar, Mr „Warn: had been appoin".
ted to a Judgeship by Gov. OwsLT, from attend
ing to the duties of which at the Breathill Cour
he had just returned the day before his death. For
some months previous, his health had been
very feeble, accompanied by great depression Or
spirits. On the 'tilt:, beinglndisposed, he re
tired to his - room, requesting not to be die.
turbcd by his family. The report of a pistol,
about 3 o'clock, r. M., summoned the members of
his family to his chamber, when it was found that
he hadilischarged,a ball through, his right temple,
occasioning immediate death. The deceased ryas
distinguished for a franknesi and manliness of
character which served to endear hrm to a large
circle of friends:
Trial of the Antl•ltcntcri.
• rrThe trial of the .2nii-Renters in New York,
is steadily progressing On Friday last, John Van
Steenberg was arraigned for the murder of Sheriff
Steel. In 'consequence of .the number of chal
!engesl-but five jurors were obtained out of the
whole regular pannel. • '
The• trial of Dr. Boughtongßig Thunder,) at
Hudson, was expected to close on Monday. The
testimony of two or three witnesses tended to
proye an alibi, which - Made fair his chances for
Laren.—The Jury brought in a verdict of guq
ty, in the case of "Big Thunder," whereupon he
was sentenced to "confinement in.the State l'ris7
on during the natural term of his life."
ErThe "York republican," a sterling Whig pa•
per, and which we always welcOme with
pleasure to our table, Under the assurance of hav- .
ing something good, comes, to . urhis week in an
entire new and handsome &lA.- We congratu:
late our friends . upon. thiS evi4ncc of prosperity ,
and trust their spirited efforts may be amply re
munerated by an increased circulation and support
of the "Republican." •
°D:rCAsstus .I‘l.-CcA: intends t. print his pa
periii.Cincinnati,aird edit-it from ' into!), liy„
- Whereliii'will still reside with his amily. The
Lexington Inquirer states that, a number of the
Committee that assumed the responsibility of
.removing-the-offiee of the l‘Tritc .I»icr lea are
now tipon i triiil before the city couit.
The Prospect Cheering.:
Night cheering intelligence of the activity .
end vigilance of our frietids'is pouring in
upfin 6 day after thy. Every wliere over
the State, the Wliigs seern to be arousing
themselves to a duo sense of the importance
of pollioq, a full and unbroken vote at the
election on Tuesday week. Even in the
strong-holds of Locofecoisrn, ►n counties
hitherto utterly benighted with locolocoism,
forks,' Schuylkill, Montgomery, &c. the
Whig) are rallying to the contest with a
spirit and vial that tell well fur their
win, to princiPle nr.d duty..
Adams Colinty, signa!ized for . her long,
uncempmmisitigand undeviating hostility to
Locofocoism, we feel assured, will not be
found wanting ivhen her sister counties are
doing so well. Our friends all arowtd us—
in Franklin, .Cumberland, Dauphin, Leba
non; Lancaster, Philadelphia, Allegheny,
York, forks, &c., are manfully fighting
tie etierny-in some. instances even against
fearful odds. it would. not do for Adams
to fall back in the hour of danger. It would.
bo unworthy her fame; dishonorable to her
sons, and call down the deserved execrations
of her sister counties. ‘Ylngs, tried, old,
veteran Whigs—working Men iii .contests
that are past—WAKE UV TO A $1:218q: OF DV.
TY !• Bring out the entire Whig rote, and
let it be cast in an undivided support of the
ru-Tho attempt, on Thursday week, to elect - a
Representative to Congress from the district in
N. liatripshire, lately represented by Jour P,
HALE, has been - again unsuccessful, in consequence
of the number of scattering votes. 'The law of
that;State requires a majority" of the votes cast
to 'elect.
U. - The-L . o'es of Philadelphia design opening
a Brizaar in that city on Tuesday next, the pro
cceds.of the sales to be appropriated to the Penn.
sylvanta Academy of Fine Arts, in order to enn-
Vle that Inst'itution to repair, as far as possible, the
injury which it sustained'by the fire in June last
They announce arnagniticent Fair, to take p 1 ace
on the occasion oilthe Bazaar.
re The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company
have contracted for the completion of the Canal to
Cumberland, lid;, within two years. The sum
stipulated to be paid by the company is $1,700.
000. • - -
A Compliment to Henry Clay,
Kr At the late commencement ofJEFFER
soN CoLLEGy, at Canonsburg, Pa. the hon
,degrCit of L. L. B. was' conferred
upon, the Hon. Henry Clay. -rho announce
ment of the conferring of the degree was
received with a - domonstration of applause,
as complimentary to the-clusiltiguished states
man as it was honorable to 'the audience.
New York Episcopal Convention.
This body has been in session in the
City of N. York for a week past; and as a
large portion of its discussions I have had a
bearing upon the Onderdonk case consider•
able interest has been attached to its pro.
ceedings. Very warm debates had taken
place on Saturday and Monday upon the
questio as to the effect of the Bishop's late.
center of indefinite FUSPeRSIOII . from the
dutie , of his office, without a decision being
-ha . It was supposed, however, that the
r.sult would,bo 77 to_psy__to him a salary_of
• .2,500, and regard him as Bishop of the
Diocese under suspension,' and empower the
standing committee to call on the Bishop of
Pennsylvania to perform any Episcopal lune
Lions that might be required.
The Rev. Di. CREIGHTON (Or the "High
Church" party) presides over the conven
tion. -
LATER.—The convention adjourned sine
die, on Tuesday last, without corning to a
ny definite decision. Several propositions
wer-e_vbied down, when an amendment to
the Canon of the Diocese . ii , Ttiunrinimori9Tf
owering the standing commit
tee to ' aie the services ofa neighboring
Bishop, during the inability or . disability of
their own. Bishop. ...
ozO'he Aqueduct on the canal alghtiffer's,
near fluntindon, was destroyed by fire on
Monday a week, supposed to be the work of
an incendiary.
KrThe Synod of Pitisbuzg, of the Pres
byterian Churelf gold school,) closed its
session during Jest week.: A Resolution
censuring or disapproving of the action oT
the late. General Assembly, which sat in
Cincinnati, on the Slave question, was neg
atived by a vote of 82 to 10.
0:!7 - A Rail Road Convention assembled
at Greensburg, Pa. on the 24th ult. All
address to the people of Pennsylvania, urg
ing the propriety of giving the right of
way through our southern counties_to_Ahe
;Amor() alid Ohio ftriter — aulTwawdopted
together withm memorial to the Legisla
lure and a number of resolutions.
LAMB have been nOrnimated as the W,hi s g
eandtdatee for GorFrnor and Lieutenant
Governor of Michigan.. •-•-- •
O&ALEXANDER II EvEntrr, Minister
to China, who has been lying ill at Rio Ja
heir° for some lime,' has determined tore=
turn to the U. States.
lb-The BOSTON Crtnommt, the organ
A f the “Liberty. Party" in New,England, ed•
ited by Joshua Leavitt, has expired through
want of•patrouago.
Confession of John B. Gough.
Eiry"Mr. Goutut has made the . promised
statement of the circurnsiances attending his
late unfortunate difficultit s. it differs In 11 . 0
material points from the account which wt•
have already published. !le insi,is -that
the's,da water which he drank wasdrugged
by Williams, the individbai
met, soon atter leaviAg the hotel.. As Wil
liams handed Mr. Goti , di the glass at the
soda fountain, the hand of the former was cx
iended over the top of tho glass. Soon af
ter drinking the soda, a singular Mid tudes.- - '
crihahle feeling seized upon him, aecompa.
nied by an irresistablo longing for liquor',
which increased until Mr. Gough °became
so bewildered-as to loso comniand of his
reason. In this condition he recollects
drinking brandy, but whore or. how. pro
cured, ho cannot tell. Ills
_conscionsflems of
every thing that subiequently occurred is
indistinct and confused, until he was discov
ered and restored to his friends.
To the truth of his statement Mr. Gough
says he is "willing to stand through life, in
till hour of death, and at the :pulgelir ., rni
seat." Lie concludes with-expressing feel=
logs of the deepest humiliation and pain ns
;ho result of his misfortune, and gives the
assurance that with a more than ever firm
reliance upon the grace of God ho isill be
come "a more firm, consistent and uncom
promising foe to strong drink, in all its-forms,
than he over has been before."
The. Mormon War.
7•Tlio difficulties in the State of
between the Mormons and Anti-Nlor
tnons, had not subsided at the latest accounts.
The.wi l oi, country around the Mormon set•
tleinerth, yeas . _ . in a great - excitement, and
continual skirmiShes were taking place be
(wean the hostile parties. Several individ
uals had been killed, and a large number of
houses, barns, &c*:,,dostroyed.
A proposition was submitted by the Mor
mons to their enemies,' urging a cessation
of hostilities, and proposing to leave the
State, under certain conditions—but being
addressed to the 'Mob,' was not entertained.
Large bodies of citizen volunteers are in
the field, under command of different officers,
& every thing wears thirpect of a civil war.
- The Sher'iff of Hancock county, Bnelten
stos,- (a - Mormon - .) is at the head of the for
ces of the latter, who arc said to be several
thousand strong.
On the 21st, Sheriff' Backenstos, at the
bead 'of 500 welkarmed''Morinons from
Nnuvoo, •took possession of Carthage, the
county seat, after an engagement, tq Whin
it' is said, 18 Anti-Mormons, and 3 Mor
mons were killed!
- The Goi , ernor of the State had ordered'
severs) corps of Military to -march-to-the
scene of the disturbance, to quell the riot.
0- - r The Convention which Met to mould n
Constitution for the new State of Texas,
having accomplished tts labors, has adjourn
ed. The Constitution is to be submitted to
the vote of the people on the 73th inst., as
also the question whether Texas all or
shall notbe annexed to the United tates 7 -
the government of the country r, tuning
as at present organized until the result is
ascertained. Among the provisionkof the
Constitution it is declared that no person
shall bo imprisoned for debt, no• Bank shall
be chartered and no Minister of the Gospel
shall hold a scat in the Legislature.„ Slave.
ry, in effect; is made perpetual. Peons
engaged in duels, mediately or immodiatb, , ,
are to forfeit the right . of holding office, & 0
Gon. IVIES P. n 4
,llENnuory is ,already .
announced as a candidate for the office - of
first Governor of the new •State, and, it is
thbught,.will be elected.
07 The steamship Princeton arrived nt
Pensacola in five days from Vera Cruz,
with dates to the 15th ult. The arrival
brings no intelligence of importance, save
a-confirmation of previous accounts as
the disorganized and enfeebled contrition of !
the country. Mexican politics nre in a
state of chaos. The government pas cll•
ling the regular troops from all the depart.:
meats, no: having yet given up its desig4l
of war against the United States, though"
it gut au) , means to carry it on.
Rumors from the City of Mexico state
that Gen. Pardes had raised the standard of
'rebellion, and that the garrison of the Cap.
itol.was ready to second all his views.
The French Minister had demanded his
passports,prepa - ratory to leaving the coun
try, in' consequence cfsome personal diffi- .
It is said that Gen. Almonte is carrying
on a regular ~cryiespondonce with Santa
Ana, and that ho controls an active system
orespionage having in view the recall of the
Eic•President, when
.circurnstauces shall
be favorable.
Gen.• Taylor, of the U. S. Army, to his
last advices, thinks that th = I• ; ;
apprehension of apy active - operations upon
the part; of Mexico against this country.
pier An injunction hue been served upon
the publishers (lib° ' , Mckenzie pamphlet"
by-the U. States Marshall of N.
trio, aving in view i o liner aim; a TO
means by which' Makeniie obtained the let
ftriklr. IVILITNEr, the pro . iector of the
great Rail-roa4 from the northern lakes to
the Oregon territory, has returned from an
exploring tour, and eipresses himselivery
faiorably as to the practicability of the pro
poked enterprise.
...I,CrThe, attempt' to 'mien Cotton in the
East In!lios has proved a total failu-e. Ex
periments made throughour India for the
last five or six yoare, ala; poll of half a
million . adollars e it is said, halb all ended
To The Public.
M :Evrrou :—The electron wilrbe ore
in a few , daya and, it behonyes every .0001)
_WHIG to bear in mind thn foul means wed
hy our political enemies lust fall, for thi:
pf of defepting nll the great measures
. W partrf,imthat4,lorious conceit.--
Theye considerations have iaticed me. irs
one in Ihnt noble cause, In throw aside :di
prrsonal feelings in the coining election, k.
to go, heart and band, into iho supper I
th e . WHOLE w InG TICKET. 1 11,141
made op my mind, in - consequence of pet
"wit t.!elings, not to support the rioniinatio
of NI r. :7!!cittarmt as our next Shard- tidy
feeling I repent; and, have now mer g ed it
in considerations for-the.... •elfnre
.of the Wing party, and / now pe r i stir
to .siiiipng„..tekh true Whig :col, Benjuin
&Alive'', as ta — cirmlidate who will carry
Out the Whig policy in time to come.
trust all and curry Whig, who went fiir,
HENRY CLAY 4,184 will stick to his
political creed, b) doing as I intend to do
and by thus doing, secure a glorious tri
urimh in the election of all Whig
Ihe 6 YOung.Guaril," during the:nex.t three
.rot• lhr "Sin): u (I BornieJ7l
- 1 hone you will excuse me for dc-,
laying so long in reply to several questing',
which you asked for information on the 13111
of last mouth, (as to truth am! character, wo
will leave' theta to the judgement of our
You would like to know what causes - me
to use So ranch zeal : in behalf of several on
our ticket—l did not do so in times gone
by. I look upon the past with pleasure, &
upon the
.ffinfre with hope. You wants ti
know if I am not working for some consid •
oration in their success I lam workiog
for the preservation of the largest liberty.
and lei:intend the.greatest r amOutit of undo! ,
egated power, which. we 'can conveniently
wield into the hands of the ‘Yliigs, whom
we are going to elevate to office on the sec
ond Tuesday of this. month. You .want to
know what makes me •so zealous at this
there not something I want my.-
self? I waritto use all honorable means to
secure the success of our whole ticket, and
have the Cabinet of Adams Ceunty filled
with Wings,; and 1 knoW it will be ap
proved by the people.- 'You say, have not
the Sheri Commissioners something..
to give that influences me at this time—am
I not cooking for a seat in the Jury Brix,
&c.l The Sherifrand Commissioners
. are
own abetter principle than to "bargain &
sale" for anTman'a vote- Yes, sir, they
are possessed of unflinching ‘l l big princi
ples ; they are possessed of all the qualifi
cations-that-belong to gentlemen; •
Now, sir, I have answered yoOr questions
as calmly as I possibly could. I hope, sir,
that we will be triumphant in the success of
our whole ticket, and I hope that you and
the cabin boys of '24 all will unite in the
bond's of political friendship. Success wilt
be with us in '45; and then for a clear field
in '47 with our favorite. COOPER, and in
'49 will Ir'INFIgLEISCJIIP—sure plcdg
es of grlo
) uous victory !
U M M-A R Y.
EXTENSIVE, Roaricar.—On Friday Mr.
üben Rowley, of IVrentham;lllitss:, felt
II le by the cars for Stonningtun, and tan
is arrival there took passage in the Massa
chusetts for New York. • During the pas-•
sage, he was accosted by a genteely dress
ed 'man who called himself Southwick, anti
represenied himself ns an acquaintance of
Mr. Rowley. In the course of converse-.
tion, Southwick offered him a peach, which
Mr. R. ate and shortly niter was seized
with dizziness, violent cramps, with
profuse vomiting. When the boat err ived
Mr. Rowley found that his pocket book had
been taken, containing $27,000 in batik
bills, all of Massachusetts bank. The mon
ey all belonged to Mr., R. .
Later accounts say that Mr. Ron ley has
offered it reward 'of $ for the arrest of
the rogue and cry of the property.
Be_sa_ys be - felll into a deep• sleep after the
efli.cts of eating the peach went 611; andthe
money was then stolen. lie ,believes him
self to have beet drugged.
It is said that ho has since commenced n
suit against the plopiietors of .the line.for
111AretcrnE.—A married woinnn, named .
Ellen Wilson, waS arrested on Thursday
morning in New York, charged withc hav
ingiturdered her mother, Margaret %Vll
son, n,gnd nbou 70 }ears. ,At about . _ nine,
o'clock on the prey ious,nigitt:.theformtr-sei
ilk n billet of
her mother's wonian. Earn)
afterward went to her bed, in - i ,- hich•she,wes
. s.,de_tuLnext_trtQrning.—Thkfact_,of_gl
len having struck her mother was Impart
ed by hertell, expressing creep - re g ret. •
SmitEmi.—A young man by tho name
of Thomas Stewart, on the 18th instant,
near Louisville, Ky..boat.hts step-father to
• v • t club The cause of the .tra-.
ens grow out of 'severoirenitnent, w
mother received from his step-father.
In every . part of the Western country, in
termittent fevers of every type prevail to no
unusual extent. At Du Bailee, Galen-14
Chicago-'=throughout lowa, W isconsiti,
Missouri, Illinois and Indiana,. not only in
dividuate, but frequently whole tunnies are,
prostrated with thcrepidetic. . • - -
N. J.—A fever of a.nialignant typeis prey- •
alent at Changewater, An - - Warren c0ut0y,.,,,_ .
s3veral persons attacked with it havo died,
among whom wits Abraham, the brother oh
the murdered J.oku.Castner:: - •
rumei ed that the
wile of a gentleman, of fortune awl the
mother of three children, living in splendid
style in one of the most laskionable streets
in Brooklyn,""eloped on Thursday last,
ring the alivencn. of her 'husband, with a
young man from Philadelphia, whom she
met only a few weeks since., at tie house
of a friend. It iv snid tho partner of her
flight has a wife in Plidadelphin.-3/irror
,r,rl;',. E. llounimir, n student in the
College at Princeton, N. J., accidentally
shot himse,if on Friday last,•by a careless
handling-of n loaded gun preparatory to go
ing out upon n shooting excur'sion.
A FO TrNATI Pri INTEIi. - jairnej- .
man Printer in New Orleans, employed-m
-the office of the Courier, Irni4 just been ble.l
- with a legacy of 810,000, by - the death
• a near relativ.e_in—Missouti.
rumored that n delegate to Congress will be
sent during the next session, by the settlers
in Oregon.
Four hundred persons, mostly natives,
diedpf epidoinir2inauenzl in - the Sandwich
Islands during three: week ending in Ute
. - -month pi . April last..
B=71'lle• intelligence of the - arre,t of cernorn,
.... —.the 1\ nti•lZpilter, proves to be tin(otintled. Ile is
till at large.
Our AgritrY.
V. B. P.u. rEn, Esq., of the Philadelphia Ilea?
Eslalr and Coal QAT, is our authorized AGENT
for Obtaining Allrerlisionrols and subcreiption for
the "STAR & BANNER." and is ClOlllPd with full
power to receipt for any monieS paid to him on
thii: , e objects. includes the following
cities, viz :—.Puiladelphia, New York, Baltimore
and Boston, and his olfiee3 in these several places
, are located as follows: -
Pll LNDELPIIII—No. 59 Pine Street.
-NEW YORK—No, le. N assa u
BALTIMORE' —S. E. Come ofßalt.&
I.I.O.iTON—No lei State st.
On the 2:l' inst. by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr JACOB
MICKLEY, to M it4S ELIZA JANE, daughter of Mr.
Joseph Pitzer, both of Franklin Township.
On the 14th inst. by the Rev. E. V. Gearhart,
both of Strahan town:44lr,
On the 16th dust at Conevraiii Chapel, - hyrlhe
Rey. Mr. Stnnebncher, Mr. ANDREW FoLusn of
Tranover, to Mies JULIANA F. 'daughter of Capt.
Jacob Baumgardner, of Mountjoy township.
On - ON-18th inst, lOiss NANor CA M . GAroiti:'
daughter of Mr. James M*Gatighy, of Franklin town
,ship, aged abuut2C years.
On the 2.0111 inSt. Mr. AORA ECLLAII, or Lit
tresiown, aged 75 years and 10 months.
On-the 92d inst. Mrs ELIZABETH Moir, widow of
'Mr. Christian Dick, of Ablmostown, in the. 75th
year of her age.
— ln Emmitsburg. on Friday fast, after an illness - of
bull a few days, Miss ANN FRANCES MOTTEII, ill
the 19th year of her age.
ITAVINRIenrned from various sources
I . on which 1 can rely, that several rp.
dtviduald, who are opposing my electio'n,
have. endeavored to prejudice the minds of
a portion of the voters of the county, and to
deprive nie of the influence of a number of
friends, by circulating. indOstriously,A re
port, that I intend, if elected,' to appoint Mr.
STOUT, of Gettysburg, to be
,my deputy,
and aid mo the diseharoo of,the duties
of the office—[ take this 'mode of snyinu
publicly. (hal TtrE Ituriiirr Is UTTERLY
IJNFOUN DE D ; I have not selected, much
less have I rnomisED to, any man, any office
or influence, that might beloiig to me offici
ally.. I expect, if elected, to discharge the
duties of Sheriff,, personally, and will Doi
employ a deputy.
Tyrone tp , Oct,. 3, 1845.
j I P.WW S ei1a212J1):.2,2P0
ESPECTFULLY informs the eiti•
zens of Gettysburg, and the surround
ing countfy; that he has taken the well
Tailorin g Establishment
of J. 'l-1. SKELLY, in Cliambersburg st.,
Gettysburg . , nearly opposite Mr. Buehler's
prepared to execute all work in his line
witb neatness and most approved style.
, gc'All work entrusted to
. him will be
warranted to- fit: His terms will be you
mederate,•fer PAW or COUNTRY Pao'nuct
KrThe latest Fashions will be regularly
received from the Cities,
THE subscriber takes the present oppor-
trinity of recommending to the patronage of
the public Mr. DENWIDDIE, WhOSO 110Ver•
:-- _ ---
- - tieement - appeals above. He has been for
long-timoremployed in=my:_establith ie t=
and. ralteertnllv recommend him as an
cellent Mechaniconid one every .way wor
thy of-poblic-confidence. - _
— Gettyabuti, Oct. 3.
TTORXE 'rJr Lsa 113
ractice in the several Courts
of the City and CoLinty td Philp
Ills Office is rif•No. 35, South FOURTH
Street, between Chesmit and Walnut streets.
Phila. Oct. 3, 1845. 3m
• j PON the subject of Temperance will be
deliveied by the. Rev. B. Knt,t:ott, on
Sundu, Evehing the 12th of October, in
the, nethodif.t EPiscopal Church. - The
Address'd win be the'third of series upon
the mune subject by the• Clergy of the bor.
°ugh.. It is expected that the other church
es of the :'place will be closed upon the oc-
Gctiyi•burg;Oct. 3. ' td
"C B a' 0 ", ri
ma ola • •
_BY virtue of an order of the Orphnne'
Court of A . darniz County, the subseri•
ber will expose to Public Sale, on the pre
rnisei_on Lrednesday the sth of iVemember
next, at 10 o'clock, A M.,
ait A
situate in Mt. Pleasant township, Adams
county, lute the property of JOHN 'I'OR
RENCE, deceased, containing about
' irrrnpiove7nents ori - Ti;isl7fitm4-, ---
0,,, (11111 a half-Slory • .
:IV Log Divellinp,. Elousc,,
II :i,: - -
_,-- 1....:4- 91 ,. Batik Burn, Spring house, and
other necessary Orit-buildings. There is an
APPLE AND PL' A CAI-- ,-• t:„-.:. -.-,
VUiCLUIVaIIia) 4. " I ' l ' 1
on the farm ; besides a variety of
other fruit trees. There is a wryer-tail-.
ing Spring olexe.gpent water convenient to
the house; about-50 .Ires of WOOD
LA N D, end a Fuffic len dy of good Meadow.
The land is of good qualit and well watered.
Tunas—One half in land, and the resi
due in two equal annual payments, without
interest—the purchaser to give security to
the satisfaction of the sul:criber.
TilEitE Will he be sold at the sante time
and place, by the subscriber, Executor of
John Torrence, deceased,
five or six 11 . 11LCH COWS, n number of
young CATTLE, about :30 bend of
17 : Sheop, about 90 bushels of bent. a small
quantity of Rye, about 150 hushels of oats,
250 bushels-of Corn, Bor 9 tons of Hay ;.
Ploughs, Harrows. Horse-genrs, two Wind
_mills, (ono of thcmfirst•raie,) one broad
wheeled Wagon. one narrow do., together
with a vntiety of other articles, including
Ttaims - z-A credit of six months will be
given on all purchases above Five Dollars,
the purchaser to givo note with security.—
Purchases under
r _Five- Dollars to be paid
in Cash. sale to commence at 10 o'clock
-• M.
By the Court,
Oct. 3.
1' YI I 3 IL - II C S LE.
_ .
n y Order of the Qalrions' Court of Ad
-I*--a'ams CoUnty, tbe-- - Subseriber, Admin
tstrntor'of/the Estate - of HENRY AL.
TER, deceased, will offer at:Public Sale, on
. Tuesday the llth of Xoverizber,
nt one o'clock, r. rt., on the premises, in
Menallen township, Adams County, the
1 A P 1C
of said deceased,_ adjoining lands of Joseph
Deardorff, Jacob Shank, Charles F. Kanter,
Nicholas Bushey, and othefs, containing
of Land, more or less. The improvements
upon the Farm - ore voluoblo . and in good or•
ea- der, includirg n
B i-" Tico•Slory Double -Brick
1 111
with a BRICK Back Building; a. Bank
. Barti, 'the Lower part Stone and the upper
part Log, with Sheds, &c:, a Still-House ;
Blacksmith Shop ; Corn Crib ;. Wagon
Shed, &c. Thero.are also upon
the Fnrm -
young and thriving trees. A large
Wportion of thn tract is composed of ex 7
ceiling MEADOW LAND, and some
rood TIMBER. Several Springs and run-.
ning streams furnish a good and constant
supply of Water.
There is upon the Farm n ono (mita
'half wary Log Pliant House, with n Log
- Stable - , - a - Spring - IlouseTand a never-failing
Spring e •Stc. tr.*7The tract might easily
be divided to make two convenient Farms.
Attendance will be. given, and terms
made knoWn, on the day of sale, by
By the Court,
Oct. 3.
ILTIVe recommend all of our friends visiting
the city to call at the I'ekin Company's store, and
lay in a supply of
30-S. Second st:, 'between Market & Chesnut,
II A V - E constantly air hand, and ifor sale,
" Wholesale:and
,Retail, a variety of
;731ir 31.-• EIN,"
'" ;417 gnus 447' LOITER .1 1 Brq'S,
. 119 according to the quality, than
they can be bought for at any other estab
lishment in. the City,
O::TTEAs, exclusively; aro sold at this
house, and several varieties which can Me
beobtamed elsewhere. Any Tees which
de•not give entire Saltstactionsan be re
turned and exchanged; or the money will
be refunded.
Thu citizens of Adams county are 'te
spectfillly imr,itcd to gli; , e 118 a. call.
Agent'of the Pekin Tca Compatiy.
PhilnAelphia, 'Oct. 3, 1845. .•
Few Cerds ofgned W 00 D will be
taken' inebzehange for subset iption at oldie "Star and Banneh.
Oettyoburg) Oct. 3. - tf
i t 11, persons having cfninie
township, who has been declared a t:tinte
d drunkard, will present them, properly nu•
Lhenticated, to the subscriber, who has been
appointed-Lis committee . ; 'end - all persons
indebted to the said Abraham Kitchen, are
hereby required In make payment to the
subscriber, tesiding in the said township of
October 3. 1446. L -fit
.ItE 4 l4 —, Frii-4.W4* - 14014646143r=0n - the Estate
of A lIIMIA3I KELLAn, deceased, late
of Germany Township, Adams County, Pa.
having been granted to the subscribers, they
hereby give notice to all those indebted, to
make immediate" payment, and-1480 - hay.;
claims to preTstaiT - ilititif, properly -au
thenticated for 'settlement, to the subscri=
hers, resuliog . in Germany Township.
- GEOIIGE WILL , Ex'rs. •
M A 1117• KE LLA R.
October 3, 1845. fit
OTT IC, 11.
ETTERS Testamentary on the •Ftrate
of FaEunnrcK Boner, deceased, late
of Straben township, Adams county, having
been granted to the Subscriber:l)e hereby
gives notice to all those indebted, to make
immediate pay ment,and those having claims
t.o present them, properly awhenticated for
settlement, to. the subscriber, residing in
Straban Township. •
October 3, 1545. • tit
THE Subccriher, appointed Trustee for
ELIZABETH CROSS - , of Stiaban
township, Adorns county, hereby . gives no
tice to all persons not 'lust the s said Eliz
abeth Cross on his account, as no debt of
her contracting will he paid by him.
TrOlee for Elizabeth Cross.
October 3, 18413. " 3t
IIjOUSENEEPERS, and others, who
ia -a
arc annoyed by
Rats, Mice, Cockroaches, &c.
_can be relieved by the use of a Preparation
for the destruction of Rats, &c. • made by
;Dr. M‘PnEnsoN, of Harri4iutg, which will
:prove a certain destruction to-these troub
lesome and unwelcome visitors. • --
'(?! — The efficacy of the preparation will
be WARRANTED, and the money return
ed if it fall to an its work. • •••
For sale in Gettysburg; at the Drug and
' Bookstore of •
Oct. 3. •
Gettysburg Troop I
VOU will pnrade in the bnreugh
tysburg on:Salu rdgy the,l6lli of Oc
tober. at 10 o'clock, A• M. • ./
J. F. FELTY, Q. s.
Oct. 3: ' It)
VATILL assemble at MORITZ'S Tay
' r ern, on Saturday evening, October
the llth inst. at early candle light, anti in
vito.their friends of tbo'neighboring town•
ships to be present with them. 'Lot , there
be a full turn our:
grj"Severaj Addressee will he delivered.
September 26.
villrflE Subscriber, being about to remove
frdin Quitysburg, on the 15th of Octo
ber,. rcquestit all those who knoW themselves
to be indebted to him, either by note or
book account, to settle their accounts, on
DAY, after which time all unsettled ac
counts will be placed in the hands of an of
ficer for collection.
KT N. B. The subscriber will dispose
of his stock of tin ware now on hands, p t.
redimed prices. Those who need any thing
in his line will do well to call soon or they
will miss a bargain.
September 2(3, 1845.
Magistrate 4fia ftrivener.
ln - ChambersbureStreet, directly
opposite - lo Hotel.
ill A VING disposed sof the "Star %Siff:m
il-a ner,'?. the subscriber would respectftlix
lc inform his friends and the public, that he
can always be found in his JUSTICE OF
FICE, where ho will be
,ready at all times
to attend to any business entrusted to his
care• Besides the duties Incumbent upon
him ns a Justice of On Peace. he will at
tend to other Collections, as also; the•draw
tog of deeds; instruments of writing, &c.
For capacity, promptness and faithful
ness in the discharge of those . duties, ho re
fere- the public to the [lon. JAMES COOPER,
DANit.:L 51. S)II , 3ER, A. R. STEVENSON, &
September 20,.1845. 3m-28
arIN bond and for - sale, a large quantity
- . 0( STOVES, ofall sizes, which will
be sold utlprices to suit ilia times.
tytburg, Sept. 20; 1. 4 ..13. 27.130)
!;5 4 .:27.:2 ad 2,4 ca .11.1 Q
pY of au Qrtler of the Orphnn
1) Court of Adnins county, the
Adroinistrntorg o 1 Gronov Itri ti, de•
ceneed, ('‘ , lll sell al Yurdic SII le, on the ptem
isee, on the 27th flay rf October next,
containing about 133 ACRES, situated in
llanultunban township, (It: winch are erect
Log- Dwelling house,
Log Barn, and Stour Cpneg house. There
ie on the farm en Apple Oichnra, n lerg v e
proportion or good :Meadow, and
rt: 0 0 .1') L 0 T..
At the same lime, the subscribers will sell
a tract of Mountain Laud, late the proper- -
tv of GEORGE-TVI VI N, deceased, containing
about 12 Acres, ndjoining lands of Johtolc-
Collough, inines'SleGatighy, and others.
Terms—One-half of the purchase money
for each of the above Tracts, to hr paid in
handv i andtke.residue in two equal annual
payments, 'Without interest. Sale to take
place nt 1 o'clock, P.ll.
AI the same flyne and place, t he subs
scribers will sell a cpinntity of HAY, and
some wtLEAT and RYE by ihe
Arlm'r of Geo. Irvin, *ed.
Sept. 20, 1845. .
,C,l PALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed for the erection of an Edifice for
the use of the Preparatory Department of
Pennsylvania College and the Lipman As•
sociation,•until the Ist rri . Nopembei7 next.
The building' is to be of brick, 45 fcet
front, 50 feet back', and 34 feet to t believes,.
with .a portico. Plans and specificatmns,'
may be seen, and terms made kndivn, at
the Drui and Book .Store of S. H. BeEt!-
LER, where Proposals may be lea.
S. FA Com, : for
D. CILBERT, Penn College
111. JACOBS, Com. for
F. BENEDICT, )L Association
Gettysburg, Sept 20. • id
c usylvanta Riflemen.
YOU will parade at the haueie
of William M'Onnaliv, on
Saturday, the 11th of October
next, with arms and accoutrements
in complete order.,.
appeal'will be held on
said day. .
tember 2Q
C'3.4lo''-1. VP.O WAIIT3D.
THE School Directors of IM ountpleasant
township will moet nt the School
House near Anthony Smith's, in said town ,
ship, on safurrlay the 11th day of. Octo 7 "
Ler next, at 1 o'clork P. M.; to receive'
proposals and employ teachers for tha seve
ral schools in the township.
September 26. to
Hla subscriber, having been appointed
Assignee of Ciini/mIN 1111:ssEn, of
11amilioniran township, Adams county, by
deed - of voluntary assignment in trust for all
his creditors, hereby gives notice to all.per
sons indebtdd •to wild Musser, to make im
'mediate payment to him without delay, and
to all persons having claims against his As
signor, to present them to the Assignee at
his residence in Liberty . township.
September 6, 1845. 6t-25
the estate OEFLIZABETII SrouFFER,•
late of batimore township, Adams county,
deceased, having been granted to the sub
scriber, he hereby fives notice to all those
indebreq'to said estate, to 'call and settle;
and those having claims, to present them
properly authenticatedTdr settlFinenr,in't he
subscriber, residing in Franklin township,
York county.
August 30, 1845. . 6t-24
Executor's XotLce.
IA der the last will and testament of Jane
Bonner, deceaSed, late of Latimer° town-
Adams countv,_having_been granted to
the subseriber,_residing in said township,-
1701tr=tiolie - a7to- - rall hasp indebtf
ed said deceased, -- to-make immediate
p,nyment, and—those who having elnitris
present them properly authenticated;
W NI, .F.• BONNER, Executor.
Sept. 20, 1845. 27-01
TRE tindersigned, having disposed of
the "Star & Banner," wouldi.respect
fully suggest
.the necessity of having his
books closed. Ile is anxious to pay r , fl'
his own debts and, is desirous of having
theie Who are indebted to. him. to walk up,
to the mark without flinching. He trusts
this call•wdl be immediately resnonded to.
, •
September 26, 1845. 31728
Qards,„Blanhs, Notices, and Printing
of every descriptiori, neatly and
promptly executed -at the
• Office of the
Star "Republican niettner.
D. scorr, Cap(
Philadelphia Wholeaale Housca.
TIIE undersigned Merchants, Manufnetur
ors, Importers and Wholesale Dealers o
the City of Philndelphin, embrace the medium
of the Newspaper Fields of your section of coum
try, to g ie'yoti the streets and numbers of our
several e s tablishments, and resent:rutty to invite
you to an examination ut our Full and Winter'
Storks, which aro now quite full and coinplote, ;
The superior excelkince and great variety of
our own City Mnnufactorein in addition to I
supplies of Foreign Sr Donondic Goods, of every I
Alescription. which will be sold on. terms and at
prices which cannot fail to prove satisfactory,
present the strongest inducements-to-purchasers.
Importers and DCOI4IIII in Silk and Fancy Dry ,
Gandy, and Fine. French and Biiiish Cloths,
Cassimeres and Vcidings.
Ashhurst4 Reininglon, N. 80 Market st.,
bel,4 3d.
Importers and Dealers in Staple, Silk, and Fan
cy Dry Goods. Also, British, French and A•
merican Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings and
Tailors' Trimaings. 1 .
T. Godley, Spry. 4. Co., No 84 Jlatket st
Domestic arid Foreign Dry Goods. • -
James M. Kennedy; 4. Co., 114 Market st.
Importers of German Goods, and Purchasers of
all kinds of Shipping Furs,
Geisse c0n8,6,0 South Prpnt at., be
low Chestnut,
Importers and Manufacturers of Fancy Furs,
and Fur. Caps, and Purchasers of all kinds of
Shipping Furs, .
Solis, Brothers, 86 Arch st.,-between 2d
• and 3d sta.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Readv:rnado
Clothing, of every grade,
Michael Tracy, 202, Market st.
Manullicturer of Shirts, Collars,
and Bosoms.
John Hodges, Sign of the Matornoth Shirt-
Collor, 11(1 North Second st.
Imparters and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic
Hardware end Cutlery,
Dihrorth iS• Branson, 59 Market at.
Welded Wrought Iron Tubes for Locomotive,
Marine,and other Boiler Flues, and all Steam
purposes, .
• illorris,Tailrer (S• Norri,CPosca I refl. Works
YV a rehouse, S. E: cor. 3d & ‘Vidoulsts.
Agency for-the Sole of Soothworth Manufuctur.
ing Company's Superior Writing Papers :
S. Lawrence; Ageaf, Ng. 3 Minor st. •
Imnorters of Jewelry, Watches, Fine Cutlery,
-Britnnnia, Plated and Silver Wares,
Dickson 4- Co S. E. corner - illarket and
• Third sty.
John C Farr, 112. Chestnut et.
J. ,S• t 4. L: lrard, 106Cciestnin ci., olipo•
. • Site Sanderson's Franklin house.
Manufacturers of silver Ware,-and Dealers in
Plated and Britannia Wares, for Household
R. 4. W. Wilson, S. W. corner Fifth and
Cherry sts: • -
Manufacturers of Britn nn ia, Block Tinoind, Pew
ter Ware. Also, Dealers in Plated Spoons,
Cutlery, &c., „ .
Hall, - Boardman 4. Co., 104 .N. Third st.,
below Rage. . .
Manufacturer of Silver and Brass Stair Rods and
Cornice Poles,
Edward" Jones, eni: George and..Swanwiek
els. between \V slnut and Cheistnut,west
of. Sixth. •
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple Goods,
Beads, Brushes and Perfumery, ' •
F A. F. Ott lllonrose, 16 S. 4th sf., between
Market and Chestnut.
Importers, of Toys, Fancy and Staple Goods, Per.
• futnerice, Musical Instruments, Glass, Earth.
enwaro, Chinaware, &c.,
C. AlireVeldi 4- Co., No. 16 N. 4th ht., be- -
tween. ,la rket and Arch. (up stairs).
Inv( rtors of Paris and London Fancy Articles,
Brushes, Perfumery,Combs ' Soaps, Stationery
rid articles for Druggists' Sales.
4- G. A. Wright, No. 23 S. Fourth at.
Importer and Manufacturer of Perfumery, COS.
motics, Fancy Soaps, and Dealer in Fancy
Jules Havel, 46 S. Third st.
China, Queensware and Glass.
Edward Snowden, 34 N. Third st., opposite
the City Hotel.
Dentists and Afifarreatirreie oil'incorrucitible
Teeth; Plato, Pivot, Molar and GUM Teeth;
Gold and Tin Foil; Gold, Platina, add Silver
Plato and Wire,4c.,
Wilkinson 4.• Armstrong, 88, Arch et., n•
hove 4th S. aide.
Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles,Mathematical
Instruments, Walking Canes, Microscopes,
and. Spy Glasses, '
4-. co.. 49 Chest n.ut'st.
lit a'nutrictoiere:Of While and other Paints,
and of Chemicals, &c., and 'Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines, Dye St - uffi, Oils, &c.„ ,4
Wetherill 4- Brother, 65 N. Front at.
Importers and Dealers in Drug.s,Dye Stuff:4.olls,
Chemicals, Plato Glass. &c., and Agents for
-Pure-White - Lead-and—Jersey-Window -Glassy
Campbell 4- French, N. W. corner 10th iSe
Market pls.
Importers and Dealers in Drage . , Atedictnes,Dyo
Stuff's, Paints, Oils, &c.,
Haskell, Merrick 4- C0...45 K. Frnnt at.
Dr D. Jayne, 8 S. Third st., near Market.
Consulting , Physiciaii, Druggist and Chemist,
and Proprietor of "RoWand's InTproved Tonic
Dr. John R. Rowand, Grad. Univ.,'Office
and Drug Store, 28 N. Second st.
Manufacturers of 'Umbrellas, Parasols, PUMO
----liittifsTitTd-Sun Midas.
William A: _
, _
Slepe - r - 4. - Fettner, i25--M k et-st . r soulhinde:
_one doer-below 4th at. • .
Fire and Thief-P. - roof .Chaatprßefrigerators,-Na
. ter Coolers, Filters, licher Copying Presses,
Oliver Evans, 15 Chestnut at.
Venetian Blind Manufacturer. , . •"
p..., J.- Williams,. 12 North 6th at., a . few
,door above Ntarket. •
Manufacturers and Dealers rn Matressea, Bed.
ding. and Feathers
Finley k Co , S. E. car. 2d and Walnut sts.-
Hartlfy Knight, 148 S. 2d st., 5 doors
.above . Spruce - . •
Dealer in Coleman's 2E(ilian'Plano Fortes,
F Peering, 108. Chestnut at., S. F. cot. of
Eighth. -
Manufacturers of Common and Fancy Soaps,
Mould anti Dipped Candles, &c., )
Elijiih 4- Dcilletic...-3111firkot at.
Itnportei of French Artificial Flawers, Feathers,
Straw, Braid, and Fancy Bonnets, &w, and
Bonnet Frames, Tips, arid Cro.wns.,
R. Barton, 50 Chestnut st '
Manufacturers of Sieves. Riddles, Screens and
• Wire •
Needles 4- Watson, 54 N. Front at., be
low Arch.
llidea;Oil, and Leather, •
William Musscr Co'., 263 Market 'at.
Importer of . ot4tnizow, L'enfon., .1"; it
Prucns, Currants, Almond*, and other.Foreig a
nut', ' .
Daniel P. Busies, 27 South* Wharves.
Maniahctir?or of Fire Engineis„.'of.att
. A lraorip.
tion•, warranted respects, , .
.70(1 Bates, 13 Drinkers' Alley. • • es
Martiletanct Meheensv Dealers, •• •
John Eckstein 4. Co , Wien • Mills, Ridge
Rmrd. Warelintiire, 64 Durk or.
Mionfactorer - or Comh?,- Looking Glasse! end
Brnalle., tint! Tin parlor of French and Getnnin
Fancy Grodß,
"Thomas Borck..7r.,lB.4lVtirkei at.
Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in rill kinda
tit Blower., Brushes; ridekote, - . - Cedst.Wate,
. ckdra....Bl-skurs, '_hats, Blacking, Eartorir.
made Woodem.lVare, „: •
lustily--Runk,-G3 N. Third enelloor.n.
Unite Arch, east side. • ,-• • •
Cheap Pehliention and Periodical Estaldiehmira,
G. B. Zitter C0.,--3 - Ledger
3d st., helcw Chestnut.
Ilnota and Shoes, - .-
Robert l'almer, 162 S. 2d st., three doors;
below •Union, west s'de.
ilanufuetracra and Donbas in all kinds-of Scales,
Weights, and Weighing' 51aellippa. Also,
Borden's 'Patent Iforse•Shocre,
'Croy ,S• Brother. :34W alnut el., below 2d4
September 20, 1845. • - ' 4C; •
aw.ll3lzt &alit 41421.61'Q
rim E,.,.subierlb g ifi-will sell at Putt ,
cin'tfte 27ih day,l October tieitcon
the prrmkes, a - Plantation eontainineabcini
218 ACRES,
on which are erected, a two-story., - Weallil
~4 DWELLING I.lOU$Ei - .'
Slone Bank - Barn, Spring 'Smdlit),
[rouse, and other necessary.out.building%
There is on the Farm, Apple. and Peack-*
0 R C II A R r. •
bearing fru4 of tti chowealkiiiicairtP -
Inling Spring of Water _convenientio the'
House, a sufficiency of MEADOVV, arid a.;
bout 05 Acres of
• VP d'Ye 2;l'
well. timbered.. The House
_and otherim-,
provements are all gond, : _and . of
fine finality.
This Farm W4B formerly the,property„o(
G con6l: Intim, - deceased, who,, in. his
time, sold it to,his Rens, JOgri end
as whose Estate it is now offered for .. Q . q.. Th
It is situated in Ilamiltimban.toWnebsp,Ari
ems-county, about 5 miles from,Getlysberg,
and is, in all respects, one ofilie moefdtitl
rattle Fai'uns in the county:
Terms:— One-third of Thepnrchasermrm•—•
ev to be paid in
_band, on the , crinfirmation
of the sale; ,the residue in three equal ennui
al payments, without interest,' 9n - the-parr
merit of the hand money 'and'serkringthe
residue, an indisputable title will be made,
to the parches6r.
Sale to take place it 1 o'clock . ; P.
-Persons desiripg:to pqrdiese, win be
shown the property by 1.:7 e o W..D. Irvin;
who resides on-the premises. ;
W. D. IRVI , N,
. • . A ME§:COOP.ER:-•x!..:,
# JAMES Cl4orElt is.t , ho .ofrlifilitrarEE
* •
of John Irvin, dec'd., and is, sejling the to ?
torest of the.said John . (an undiyidecilittlf,)
in the said premises, by virtue: oleo order
oldie Oiphan's Court:
"Lancaster Examiner' insert till sale and charge
Sept. 20, 1845,4....
BY order of the Orphane Court:pc : Agit .
ams coußty, the eubbcriber,AFlminis
trator of' the state of.,DAmer,
ceased, will '• Public. Sale, on .4"etur:
day the 111 h of October next, op the prem t
!sea,' and abou s t half a mile south,-west of t 135/
Gettysburg—and Littlestowp Ttynpike,, the
following property being the Real .g state of'
said deceased, to wit: •
A Jib" A.. :Irk AHIC
situated in Mounijoy, township . , .adjoining
lands •al Michael Troatlei. Roses Swarm,
Peter. C'ownover,..and . others, containipg
of first-rate land, on whicti,pre,ereetedAn
~,, T urm•STOßEmr,,,.
- ' 'paving a rrame litTCRENI ,
connected with it, roughcatg, with an pxcelr
lent well'of wator,with a pump initAkoa ttit
the kitchen door, and a good , •
B A N:IE-11
part stone and part fra:nifiisheils altaiountf, -
and dobble Wagan.sheili.Teith - eCorn.Wrib_
t he- - esn t he - I a nd
venient- fields:
cellent Metdow; end about
well covered with Ti - rnbef."
all under pod fences; rind.frir"4
of cultivation., 'Moro
2 P Ce /1),
of the, choicest - kin 8.,3 A.OItRIP 144IWOB
ing to purchase, ono havq,ao,.opportwiili oi
viewing the promisee, by,caßlogArt,t4,444.
ministrator, to Strabao qIowPshIPOOKIIII
miles east from Guttysbarg t .,L, ~„,
Terms of Sale.---Thirieen nittputtl4 l 4lto
payments of 43129 each, the one-third- o
the purchase-money, after dediicting debt'
and expenses, to to be secured in likeilerm
for the u s e of said Widrw nor 'Ma
ria Reaver, and the balance of thelinrobase
money to be paid in band on the keiihti , et
April neit. , ; ,
Ott - Sale to - 96nr.mnnce af lje s citaiLLlk
When atlentlarice Oen, anti
made known) by -
By the Court- „ - •
= D.. - C. BRINK-qtAClF",,Okrkj
August' 30, 1640: