, ri votrrsc API'EALS. , To the Taxable In of Adams Comity- • N plasuance of an Act of the General 411 °.Atoieriibly of Pennsylvania, approved the:lsth day of April. A. D. ism, untitled 'An Act relating to County Rates and Lev ies,' the uedersigned Cominis.ioners of Adams County, will proceed and attend to bear Appeals, for the several townships, from all persons who cony apply for redress, in accordance with • the directions of said act, and will grant such relief and make dual corrections as to them . shall appear just and reasonable. The Boards of Appeal will , be • belt! in the following order, at which timcs and places,the several Asses sore will attend for their ;respective Town ., .9, VIZ: ~. .... _, the Townships of Menallen, Frank ..ii'''" ' 'rune, on Monday the 14th day of , next, at Burkholdees Tayern ylortomst- 4: wn I i p. 'f...., .. ~ • :hips of Hamiltonban, Lib ; , : ... — .410114004.. on Tuesday the 15th *op o , ~.:401. tgailoe.,xt, at the house of ittelli...!' .',...,.. - • ' • rstown. Pot' "k„,. ~°)::ll•"l'r;k:r..aban and Cum berlitnd,7P.7.V. . 41015.--af....Gettysburg, Q - n 'Wedneadiejt• - , • ~ j „ .. - • • of February ~iO4llO-1/Office, is Get -I.**ltiii,ii'l'i'vsint.r., • . • ' for.•tfiev To!s*biOi':_4?f•llountjay, Ger. irre mi It llO6•At nisostagtyand.Naidqrisin Thursday cubooth.ploto - - et the house • sinkilii#4l ll iii; Fur tlietSWiisl.Rorwsek, Mount pleasant' and Hamilton, onFilday the lgth day - of February next, at the house of Se bastian [heifer, in Abbottstown. , . Fur the Tots ;whips of Reading, Hunting ton Old Latimore, on Saturday the 191 h day of February next, at the house of Janie& M'Cosh; in Petersburg. - • . • •• JOSEPH J. ' KUHN, ,(;) WM. DOUGLASS, g s ' • ' ' ' - GEO. BASEHOAR, .., Atteqt—H. J. Scilinmq„En, Clerk. i - Cotrmilesioners' Office Getty's- i -. - bag, Jun: 18, 1842. HENRY A. DREER'S Seed and Horticultural Warehouse, Chesnut atreel, Philadelphia, WHERE is ()tiered a full 'assortment otwarranred Garden and Field Seeds, comprising all theiriost superior and newest kinds worthy of Cultivation, all of the crop u 11841 . -. . . •:, ',FLOWER SEED?.—Great attention is de voted to this branch, and upwards of 300 choice acid tare varieties are offered for sale this :season. • Assortments put up in boxes of 12 very rare kinds for 01.00, or 20 hno kinds for 81.00 Each box is ac companied with -Directions for Planting. But,nous FLOWERING ROOTS.—A largo collection, suitable for spring planting, as Gladiolus, Tigritlias, Ainarylis, Tat:rose, &c. &c. DOUBLE DAHLIAB.--The collection of this superb Flower stands unrivalled, hav ing gained the FIRST PRIZE for three a se ceasive Reasons, (1839, '4O, and '41,) at the Grand Autumnal Exhibitions of. the Penn sylVania Horticultural Society, fOr the best varieties and beat displays. Day Boats can . be transported any distance between the months of October and May. Packa ges containing an assortment of 12 fine kinds, and of all the various colors, each root Inhaled with the name and color and carefully packed in moss, for 85.00; small er assortments in proportion. BOOK 9 ON" FARMING AND GARDENING.— All the standard and most approved works on these subjects, ninon which are the Farmers companion, by Judge Buel, 81.00; Moubray on Poultry, 75 cents; American Swine Breeder, 75; •M'Mahon's American Gardener, 83; Bridgeman's Young Gar dener's Assistant, 81,25; Florists Guide, 02 cents; Buist's Flower Garden Direc tory, 82,25 &e. &r. GARDENING TOOLS.--As Hoes and Rakes, Pruning knives and Shears; Garden Trowels, Spades, Green House Syringes, &c. &c. Ganzzl AND PIOT UOUSE PLANTS.— Shrubery, Fruit and Ornamental Trees supplied on the most reasonable terms, from the proprietor's collection or established nurseries. French Sugar Beet, Manuel Wurtzel, Butts Bags, Field Carrot and Turnip Seeds Wholesale and 'Retro!. . Dealers supplied with Seeds, neatly put up in bags with printed labels., containing Practical Directions forptaiittlig, and Man aging, by.tholoo nr 1000 or by the pound, on favprablo,tyrms. Catalogues gratis on (pOsj,pajd) nitrification. ~1an.,1t4 , , • 1c342: 1312.1GADE INSE'ECTOR. To the Enrolled C‘tizena of the 2d Bri gade • 6lll Division Penn. Militia. rluE Subscriber , at the desire of hie friends, is induced to off:.r himself as a Candidate for the office of 'Brigade Inspector, • at the Election w June next. fie will, if elected, perform the duties of the office with promptness and fidelity. 'JAMES "MORRISON. Jan. 11, 1c4.1.., • td-42 NOTICE. Estate 'of DAVID . STEWART, deed. 11" . Erl - ERS of 'Administration on the A- 4 Estate of DAVID STEWART, late of litinnhoulrari township. Adams county, i kpormd,huye been granted to William O i niglossoTsiding in the samo township, im,lioretry reque, , t., all persms indebted to tha, said, di , ceay.d, to make immediate paynicpt atheir reFpective dues, and all pertinMr having claims or demands against raid Est:ite, to rii.ke known the same to the PiAlse r I bin. wit limit dela v. W ILIA A M DOUG LASS, adner. Jun. 4, lev. • 61-41 BLACKSMITHING. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the public that he nnw occupies the shop on West Middle Street, Gettysburg, where he is prepared to execute all kinds of country, work and blacksmithing belong. ing to hie line of business. tie hopes by strict attention and moderate charges to merit a share of public patronage. WILLIAM GRAHAM. Jan. 4.. 1 4 142. 3t-41 LIST OF LETT En% Le EMAINING in the Post Office, in am' Gettysburg, on the Ist instant, which if not taken out before the first day of A pril next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead Lettere. A. 11. Miller Ash, John Arthur, Henry Anderson. B. James Boyd, J. Bollinger, James Black, Nicholas Bair, G. W. Boyd, F. Baer, Hetty Bnyd, Henry Bear, George Baker. C. James R. Clark, A. Curren, W. Clapsaddle, A. Caldwell, Henry Clutz, u. A. Donalsun, Lydia Devnn, William Dysart, Susan Dunmore, Mr. Dullard. E. George Eply, U. Everett, a Everhart. F. Louis Filler, Thomae Frazier. G. S. E. Sadler, Daniel Gowen, Abram Scott, James Gourly. John Sweney, H. Jacob Smith. G. D. Harman, T. George Hammer, Summit) Thoman, Dr. S. C. Hall, Walter Thompson, Michael & Abraham Nlelvina Thompson, Huffman, Frederick Troyer, George Hahn, V. Joseph Humer, Albert Vandyke. W. M. Harper, W. Zephaniah Herbert, Elizabeth Walker, Susan Heart z, George Wolf, George House, Joseph Walker, J. Hartman, sen. Henry Webb, Sayan Ann M. Huff, Samuel W intrude, High Constable. Jacob Welty, I. James White, Addison Irvin. William W. Wright, A. Koßor. John Kuhn. L. D. NV a2goner, Samuel Lohr, Emaniel Ziegler. 11. V ANORSDEL, P. M. January 4,1942. 3t-41 Sheriff's Sale. IN pursuance of. a Writ of Venditioni • Exponas, issued out of the Court of Commit) Pleas of Adams county, and to me directed, be exposed' to Public Sale, at the Court house, in the borough of Gettysburg, on Tuseday the 25th day of January inst., at 1 o'clock P. M. The Life Estate of Mara Menchey in Tvact o Laud., • lm-43 Situate in Germany township, Adams coun ty, Pa, containing 12 ACRES, more or less, on which urn erected a one AND A HALF-STORY •it Log Irtvelling House Igivit•-•: and log Barn, and an Orchard thereon, and a spring of water near the door, adjoining lande orDr. Jesitph Shorb, Jacob Stavely, anti Jacob Harman. Seiied and taken in execution us the Estate of Adam Menchey GEO. W. M'CLELLAN, Shen": [ Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, January 4, 1842. Nttts tOOL The Subsoriber has just received , a stock of NE•W GOODS , which will be sold asionishinalv cheep! D. MIDDI4ECOET. Gettysburg, Jun. 4 B. Laubaugh, 2 W. N. ,Long & Ly , ilut Long, , Elizabeth Linsy, D. ',Longenecker, Isaac Leet, Christian Loew, ,Jacob Myers. John Mangun, Victor ,M'Elheily, John Miller, George Musser, R. M'Gaughy, John, Moor, David M'Cleary, D. or G. Martin, N. Charles Nighler, Charles N alum, P. Mary Plank. Jacob Righter, John Reed°, Nicholas Stoltz, David Scott, Joshua Sadler, C. Sigrnond,. Jacob Stein:, It. Spangler, William Saylor, John W isler, 2 Col. C. P. G. Wen ADVERTISEMENTS_ Td.rEll.l' LICE.VS E. 'To the Hon. Daniel Durkee, Esq. President, and ins Associates, Judges of the Courts of Com mon Pleas of Adams county, now composing a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and fur said county, January, 1842. rip/1E Petition of Nicholas Moritz of It Freedom township, Adams county„ i rebrctfully alieweth—That your petition- er now heaps a Tavern or Public House of EntertainmPnt in said Towruthip, it being an old and established stand; that your pe titioner is prepared with all things necessa• ry for keeping said house of Entertainment, and desirous to continue . his license. He therefore, respectfully prays the Honorable Court to grant him a continuance of his license, and your petitioner as in duty bound will pray, &c. NICHOLAS MORITZ. The Subscribers being well acquainted with the petitioner, and believing that the building he occupies is highly suitable for n tavern, and that he is a sober man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and well provided for the accommodation oftravellers,—we therefore, humbly beg leave to recommendithe'said Nicholas Mo ritz, that his license may be continued agreeable to his petition. J. Cunningham,. David Roth, John Stockslager, • Jacob Spangler, Garret V. Gipe, . Jacob Freet, Jacob Storkslager, B. Gardner, Samuel White, Thomas Smith, Henry Mv"rs, Jacob Myers. Samuel Rhoders, Dec. 28,1941. In the IllAtter Of the intended application of DANIEL COMFORT for license to keep a Tay ern in Straban township, Adams county —being an old stand: We the undersigned, citizens of Straban township, respectfully certify that we are well acquainted with the said Daniel Com fort, that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house and stable room, and every thing necessary for the accommodittion of the public and the entertainment of strangers and travellers, and that a 'lnvert: at his house is necessary, and could not well be dispensed nfrith, without much inconve nience to the public generally. A. Campbell, L. Briekert, Henry Tate, ' J. Rinehart, John Rinehart, Peter Monfort, Samuel Herman, Jacob Herman, John Tate, Daniel Gulden, J. Swisher, jr. J. Stalismith. Dec. 28,1841. to-40 NOTIC E. INO'CICE is hereby given, that applica tion will be made by the undersigned for License to keep a Public liousc at York Springs, Lattinore township Adams county, at the January Court of Quarter Sessions, one thousand eight hundred and fort v-t wo ICETTLEWELL & GARDNER. Wo the undersigned, citizens of Adams county, beg leave to represent that WO have for a long time been acquamted with Ket tlewell & Gardner, the above petitioners; that they are of good repute for honesty and temperance, and well provided with every necessary for keeping a [louse of En tertainment, in the same house at York Springs, Latimore township, in which:they have•kept a Tavern for several years past; and that the samo is necessary for the ac commodation of trrvallers, visitors and others- Moses Funk Levi Miller, jr. Wm. Gardner, J. T Raffensberger, Wm. Ickes. Jeo. Deardorff, Christian Picking, David Lerew, S. A. M'Cosh, Daniel Fickes, Jas. M'Cosh, Peter Smith, John W ()Word Jan. 4, 1.q42. NOTICE. NOTICEos hereby given, that a pence. tion will ber made by the undersigned, for License to keep a Public Flown in the town of Elampton, Reading township, Ad. arns county, at the J anuary Court of Qear• for Sessions, ono thousand eight hundred and forty-two. SOLOMON ALBERT. The Subscribers citizens of Rending township aforesaid, recommend the above petitioner, and certify that the Inn, or Tavern above mentioned, is necessary, to accommodate the public and entertain travellers, and that the above petitioner is of pod repute for honesty and sobriety, and is well provided as required by law, with house room and convenience for lodg ing and accommodating strangers and trav ellers. David ‘Vhite, C. Butch, Michael Philips, H. pummel, G. Deardorff; C. Myels, L. Chronister, B. Melann, Jacob Smith, Henry Albert, Jacob Albert, Job Picks, James Chronicler, S. Chronicler. Jan. 4, 1842. 4tc-41 racrawr WANTED, AND MUST HAVE IT! ALL those indebted to the Estate of JOHN STEWART, late of Freedom township, Adams county, deceased, by Bond, Note, iir Book account,, will please call with the 'Subscriber before the first iloy'of March next., and make payment, or aive, such security as will be satisfactory. The Vendee notes will be due on tho 19th day of next month. "Those nnalecting this notice may expect no I..nger inlutgence. J. CUNNINGLIASI, Executor. Jan. IR, 1842. 4t-43 ADVERTISEMENTS GOD EY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR. 1912. Edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale and Mrs. L. If. Stgourney. 38 Engratiings each year. Colored Fashions every Month. Twentyfour pages new Mustc. A new novel, commenced by Miss C. M. Sedgwick; a new novelette, by Miss E. Leslie; fashionable tales, bY N. P. NVlllis; moral and instructive tales, by Mrs. Heinz, Mrs. Embury, T. S. Arthur, Mrs. Iln'e, and others. Poetry, by MrS Sigourney, Mrs. Osgood, and all other good writers of the day. Mrs. S. C. Hall, of London, contributes those delighted Irish Tales that have made her name so renowned in Great Britain. PUBLISHED MONTHLY. Price 83 for one copy one year; $5 for two copies one year; 85 for one copy two years; $lO for five copies one year; $2O for eleven copies one year. Godey's Lady's Book and Lady's Musi cal Library, (which contains about thirty dollars worth of Music a year) for 5 dol lars; Godey's Lady's Book and People's Library, one year, 5 dollars: Godey's La. dy's Book and Young Peoplo'sßook, 5 dol lars. Address Letters, postngo paid, enclosing the remittance, to L. A. GODLY, Publishers' hall, Philadelphia. The Number for February will contain Engravings of unmatchable beauty. Jan. 19, 1841. mac/ &int 5.1. 7 02 MANUFACTORY. "['HE Undersigned respectfully infortns his old friends, and the Public gener ally, that he has re-commenced the above business, in South Baltimore street, one door south of Mr. Samuel Fahnestock's Store, where he is prepared to manufacture ROOTS AND SIZOMS of every description, and of the best Mate rials. He invites his old customers to give hun a call, as he is determined to please those who may favor him. N. B. FOUR JOURNEYMEN SHOE MAKERS wanted immediately, to' whom constant work and liborul wages will be In addition to the above he has opened a GROCER' STORE; and having just received nn extensive as sortment of GROCERIES, comprising Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Molasses, Cheese, and other articles embraced in this line of busi ness, he feel, coi.fi‘lent that he will he able to sell, for Cash or Country Produce, on ns ple:ising terms as any other cook bligliment in the place. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicite JOIId. N BARRE l'T. Gettysburg, Nov. 10. tf-34 LAW NOTICE. Za r ni r ai SaVa23 4 4o Attorney & Counsellor at Law, HAVIN G withdrawn from public life, will henceforth give bis undivided attention to the business of his profession. The Law Partnership heretofore subsist ing between Thaddeus Stevens and D. M. Smyser still continuos. Any business en. trusted to ei•hnr of the partners, will re• ceive the care and attention of both. ra"OFFICE, as heretofore, in South Baltimore street, east side, three deer 6 from the Courthouse. Gettysburg, Sep. 7, IS4I. 6n-24 LiND AT PRIVATE SALE. rain E Subscriber offers for sale the Farm - 13 - on which he now resides, situate in Green township, five miles from Chambers burg, on ihe Cumberland Valley Rail Road, adjoining lands of Geo. Chambers, Robert Criswell, and others. It contains 131 Acres and 70 Perches of first-rate tillable land, in a good state of cultivation. The buildings consist ofa god DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn, and a sufficiency of as stabling.—Also, Saw Mill and Clover Mill. This is a valuable property, and is well worth the attention of persons wishing to purchase. Persons wishing to view the promises, will please to call on the subscriber. WILLIAM TuomsorsT, . Ex'or of Awn° Thomson, Esq dec'd. Nov. 23, 1841. am- 35 IMPORTANT CAUTION. BEWARE OF nn ticod several remarks attached to the advertise. , manta of a Nostrum called a "Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry"—by which it appears the,pro priotor of that article is endeavoring to injure the reputation of that invaluable rind highly ap proved medicino—'•Dß. WISTAWS BALSAM OF WILD CIIERRY"—and holster up his miserable preparation by resorting to fiction and falsehoods, we deem it necessary to caution the public against. such .trickery, and request 'ell those who wish to secure the genuine preparation of Wild Cherry to be very particular when they • purchase or limy may bo docoived and got a vs. ry different article. In odor to proloct the public from impolition, copy rights have been secured, and the genuine medicine will invariably bo put up in moulded bottles with the words "WISTAR'S• BALSAM OF WILD CIIERRY"—blown in the, glass, l and-the signature of Homy Wistar M. Don the label without which none is genuine. ILLIAMS & Co., Agents for Dr. Wistar. LT Remember the genuine Balsam is sold on. ly in Gettysburg by • SAMUEL U. 131,1EHLER, Appointed Agent. tf4B Gcatysburg,l4,lB4l. ADVERTISEMENW DENTAL SUIWEIIY, IN AUDITION TO TON, • • MEDICAL PRACTICE, DR..D. GILBERT, is prepared to in sert &Mineral . Weeila l of the best quality, and to perform all other oper ations for the preservation and beauty or the teeth. All operations wAttne-Tign. Gettysburg, June 1!. • • t:-12 A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED: C\LL and examine the FRESH Surror of Cheap. SUMIVLER Cr00I) which I have just received, and which in chides a large and h-autiful assortment of New style British and Domestic prints; 4.4 Chintzes and Lawns; Fine Manchester and Domestic Ging hams; .laconett and Cambric makes; Bobbinetts, mull and Swiss muslins; Handsome French worked Collars; Thread and Bobbinette Laces,.(good as snrtment;) Lace Veils and Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs; French Kid and Silk Gloves. A99ORTMENT OF HOSIER ^r, 'Very Cheap 5-4 French Bombazine; Irish Linen and Linen drillings; Merino Cw.•irrieree Itibb'd and Plainaambroons; American NankeKis, Cotton drillings; Ch'ecks, Brown and Bleached muglins; Linen Diapers, Linen Table cloths; Handsome Ingrain Carpotinus, &c. &c.; which will be sild at veil reduced prices for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. It. G. WCREARY. 4t-10 June 1, 1841 IIOKSE-POWER AND THRAS HING MACHINES. Tug Sabacriber takes pleasure in en nooncing th it he is now prepared to furnish the Farmars of Adains and Franklin Coun ties with the best.RORSE POWER AND THRASHING. M VCIIINES ever put in operation in either of the above counties.— The advantages of the Horse-Power are obvious from !tie fact, that n much greater velocity of the cylinder of the Machine is acquired by a slower walk of the horses than in any other Machine now in use, mid having greater leverage. and lees friction requires ligliter draught. The superiori•l ty of the Thrashing Machine consists in that ot Thrashing more grain in any given time with four men to attend it, than the Machines now in use do with seven men to attend them. Thu above. powers and Machines are permanently constructed, and . will wear winch longer than any heretofore offered to the public. The Shops in which they are manufactured are Mount Maria .Furnance,, near Millerstown, Adams counts?, and at Indian Springs,.near Waynesboro', Frank ii lin county, Pa. • itc:r All orders will he thankfully reeeiv-' ed and promptly attended to at either of the . above shops. Farmers and • others would do well to examine - the -abolie, - previous to purchasing elsewhere. J. DONA LDSON. August 24, 1941. INAO ON XVI airmva. TUE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in efmerel !hut he carries on, in Connection with the black smithing the Wagon Making' Business, and is prepared to exeente nil ()Hera in.eith' er of tti- above businosgos Ina workman Ike manner and at the shoripat notice, C. W. 110PFNIAN. Gettysburg, May 5, 1.840. N. B. An apprentice .will be talorm in the Blnok•Smjthing if juitneiiiate nt pli.-ntine made. C. 'W. 11. AN Apprentice to the Print ing Business wanted at this Offise. 4- RE;AII ttii WHAT IT HAS DONE... And if yon have a trivial .reladien, or know any ena that is afflicted with that tintressing disease, -CON p.-nmade Ito m wittitut delay to Ire that famout and tiori•alled medicine, the 'PA I.SAAI OF WILD CIIERRV,* which has cured thou•adds of this complaint alt V thing else 1.. d fail, d. Read the folluwinguitdoubted ptr il. Id hs . theucy: lloithundmh, S. y,l, 10 154 1. Dear Sir—Ple.ote seed ute too bottle.. uthre of your Ilal-am of %Vila Cherry, like that It.tt sent me hi fore. I have taken nearly all of the find two, and confi dently believe this medicine witl cure me . I bat e used a crest many remedies within the last peat, but have never humid any tlaidg that has relieved me so munch It ha•stopped my cough eetirely,ebeekett my Mold sweats, and I drrp bolter at night m.d feel bet ter it. every way than I hate for Many wonting. Yours, respectfully, mates K rtd.v: liolmeshurg„ Sept. l:2, Iti4l. Friend Wi.ttar—l must again trouble thee to send me ttvo titles more of thy itivaltiable Balsam. I have now taken three bottles it all, and eau assure their that it has done me more goad ,than a ll th e medicinel have ever taken before. Send by the stage as soon as possible. and oblige thy frit nd, JACOU HOLLOW/IT. Bristol, September S. 1841. Dear Dlefor—llearing so many people talk about the womb-did cures your Balsam of Wild Cherry has made in Consumption.l sea. to one of your agents the other day for a bottle, and have (multi it to relieve too so much. that I want three bottles more scut Soon, us I believe it will cure me too. I have used a great many balsams 01,141 - event Muds, have tried Jadhe's Expectorant and other medicines beside,, but nothing has ever done me a. mach good as yours has. Scud by thesteareboat Bolivar. Yours truly, WiLunat 1110:WAR. ep-Resides its aslonishinz efficacy in Constimpt Mit it is also the most elTiattnal remedy ever discovered for LIVER COMPLAINTS, ASTHMA. BRON CHITIS, COUGHS, CROUP, WHOOPING. COUGH. &c ,as 1 areas will testify who have been cored by it after all other remedies bad coiled. Co-Re very partitular to ask for Dr W 'STAR'S ILNLSAM OF WILD CHERRY.- Sold wholesale and retail by WILLI IMS & Co , Chemists, No. 83 South Fourth orc.q. Philadelphia. PrCri- 91 00 a h o me. Fur sale at the Drug Store of S. H. BUEHLER Gettysburg, 0ct.19, 1891. ANOTHER LIFE SAVED. By the extraordinary virtues of that unrivalled medicine. the ••BALSANI OF WILD CllF.ttltY..• the well-known famous remedy for CONSUMP-. TION AND LIVER compLAINT. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTIIM A, BRONCHITIS. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, 87... e. Boston, June 16, 1841. To Da. 11. MITA Bear Sir,—lii your last letter you ask if your Bal.' sam has been successful in this city. In reply to that enquiry. I can assure you I have never before sold any medicine that lias sold so rapidly or been used with quell universal success, its yours has. In' some cases it has effected surprising cures. and in others has given great relief after every other reme-, ily had failed. But there is one case that excels' any I bare yet heard of. This Wita a Poor -womtn that has been afflicted with CONSUMPTION for several years. and hail tried every thing in vain.— Knowing she was very prior. vet very worthy, I sent her a bottle gratis, which she said relieved her very muek. This circumstance was soon made known to a reliiious society she helOngeil to, and theY imme diately presented her with halt a dozen bottles, which she has also used a part of, and is recovering very fast. She told me a few days since that she hail not fell so well for the last year, and believed your medicine was the only thing that saved her life, Fee. The same society have purchased over thirty bottles for different persons, and will no doubt porchase many more as they praise is very highly'. Your...respectfully. HOLBROOK, BARTLE & Co. . e;:itelle very particular when T onpurchase to ilfjC for.• Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD Ist a+ sr Naar,— ••••• s.astasea dual ortlSed that is entirely a ditTerent medicine. Prepared. wholesale and retail, WILLIAMS' & Co-, Chemists, No. 33Sonth Fourth street, Phila delphia. Price Si 00a bottle. Fur Sale at tho Drug Stern of 'S. H. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, Oct. 19.1811. gm .30 THE CAUSE OF CONSUMPTION.—Sim. ple as those complaints are usually considered, no one can deny their being the'moat common causo of this fatal and distressing disease. It is indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands fail victims to Consumption every year from no other canoe than NEGLECTED COLDS Yet we find hundreds, nny thousands who front such complaints with the greatest indifference, and let them run on for weeks and even months v.ith out thinking of the danger. At first von hove what you may consider a slight COUGH or COLD; you allow business. pleasure or careless ness to prevent you from giving it any attention; it then settles upon your breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the side or cheat, expecte rate large quantities of matter, perhaps mixed with blood. a difficulty of breathing ensues, and then you find your own fooliali neglect hag brought on this distressing complaint If then you value life or health. be warned in time, and don't trifle with your COLD, or trust to any quack nostrum to cure you, but immediately procure a bottle or two of dial famous remedy, the ''BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," which is k nto he the most speedy cure ever known. as thousands will testify whose lives have been saved by t'. irr Be very particular when yeti purchn.e to ask for "Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," as there is also a SYRUP of this name in . use. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LIAMS &Co , Chemists, No. 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. Price $1 00 a bottle. For sato at the Drug Store al S. H. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, Oct. 10,1841. 6m..30 CROUP IN CHILDREN. MOTHERS. BE ON YOUR CUARD.-.. This is the season when this destructive coin. plaint attache your interesting little children, and (len robs you of those you fondly dont on, and carries kundieds to the grave. 'Every moth er should, therefore, know Its symptoms, wale', them closely, and always be prepared with a remedy to cure it, as many are doily sacrificed by such neglect. At first the little patient is seized with a shivering, It grows restless, brie flushes heat , the eyes become red and swollen, it breathes with difficulty, and then comes that fearful COUGH that will surely terminate in convulsions or death unless something is inituel. ' tim e ly given in cheek it. In this voinplaint. the "BALSAM CIF WILD CHERRY." is welt kriown to ho the most speedy cure ever diseov-, 'ere& It is indeed a preemns r emedy—mild, safe end innocent, and sure to trive the little suf ferer immediate relict. and niticklv waters It to safety and health. Every ,umber who loves her. children should always keen in the house mid give it to them early; by doing so you may olttn save the life cantoe y,.n . fondly love. Remember this is the famous ~nroelv of that distibynished hsician,Dr, bra cured thou, ands of CROUP. IteIOPING COUGH, ASTHMA. consumrriorsi, &c., after every other medicine bed failed. Trß.t purtieoler when yen purnhern to nab for "Dr- wisTAirs nAT,,,N .WILD CHERRY," as there is n syrup or t his fl ame, ~dier l i..ed that is enti*elv rr different medicine.. Prepared only Lc W 11.1.1 , 11'. 1 xtr. Co ,Chemiets, No. 33 Foot th• street, Philadelphia , Price $t Oti a bottle., For solo at the Drug Store of S.' U. RUMMER; Getlystic rg Oct. 19 1811. • tim .er. Iy-•2 Gin..3o -....b0 0 i1n.....