The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, October 20, 1840, Image 2

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WHEREAS, in end by an Act of the
General Assembly of this State, en.
titled 'An Act to direct the manner, time
and place of holding Elections for the Elec
tors of President and Vice President of the
U. States,' enacted the 2d of February,
1802, it is enjoined oo me to give Public
Notice of such Election to be held, I,
GEORGE W. M'CLELL AN. Sheriff of
the County of Adams, do therefore hereby
make known and give thts Public Notice to
the Electors of the said County of Adams,
that an
73L 2ra T I 01T
Will be held in the said County, on the
fifth Friday preceeding the first Wednes
day in December next, which will be in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and forty,
(being the Sath day of Oct&
her 'nextd
at the several Districts composed of the
following townships, viz:
In the First District, composed of the
Borough of Gettysburg, and the township
of Cumberland, at the Court House in Get.
In the Second District, composed of the
township of Germany, at the house now
occupied by Alfred Cole, in the town of Lit.
tlestown, in the township of Germany.
In the Third District, composed of that
part of the township of Berwick , not inclu•
Jed in the 15th district, at- the house of
John Miley, Esq. in the town of Oxford.
the Fourth District, composed of'the
township of Latimore, and that part of Hun
tington township not included in thu 11th
District at the House of Mr. Underwood, in
the township of Huntington.
In the Fifth District, composed of the
townships of Hainiltonban end Liberty, at
the public school house in Millerstown.
In the Sixth District, composed of the
township of ,Hamilton,at the house now occu•
pied by Jacob Bushey,in the town of Berlin.
In the Seventh District, composed of the
township of Menallen, at the house of Capt.
J. Burkholder, in said township.
`ln the Eight District, composed of the
township of Straban, at the hou se
. occupied
by. Philip Shriver. in Hunterstown.
In the Ninth. District, composed of the
township of Fianklin, at tho house now oc•
cupied by Henry Hartman,in said township.
In the Tenth District, composed of the
township of . Cunowago, at the house of Ad.
sit Gaiter, in M'Sherrystown.
In the Eleventh District, composed of
the township of Tyrone, and all that part of
.Huntington township south of the road lead
ing. from East Berlin to Carliele, and east
of the State road,includino• °
all the voters
residing contiguous to said State road, at
the house 61 Frederick Bowers, in Heid
leraburg, in Tyrone township.
In the Twelfth District, composed of the
township of Mountjoy, at the house of Mrs.
Latimer, in said township. •
In the Thirteenth District, compoired of
the township of Mountpleasant, at the house
of Anthony Smith, in said township, situate
at the cross toads, the one leading from
Oxford to the Two Tayerns—the other from
Hunterstown to Hanover.
' In the Fourteenth District, composed of
the township . of Reading at the Public
Schdolhouse in the town of Hampton.
In the Fifteenth District, composed of
the Borough of Berwick, and that part of
Berwick township, ONLY, included within
the following limits, to wit: beginning where
the Hanover and Petersburg turnpike cros
ses the York county line, thence along said
turnpike. o the place where the road from
Berlin to Oxford crosses the said turnpike,
thence Mona the said Oxford road, until it
intersects the new road from George Mum•
rnert's farm on the said Oxford road, thence
atorig said road to the York county. line,
near David Hollinger's saw mill, thence
aloni; said York county line to beginning;
at the Public School, house in Abbottstown.
The Sixteenth District, composed Of the,
township of Freedom, at the house of Nich•
olas Moritz, In said township.
At which time and places will be chosen,
a number of persons, equal to the whole
number of Senators and Representatives to
which this State is entitled in the Congress
of the United States (being THIRTY in
number) to be . •
TAeztova of Vresiaelit itua
Nice Yresiaent of.the,
And the several Judges, Inspectors, and
Clerks, Mir, attend nn the 13th day of Oc
tober next, at the election for. Members of
the General Assembly, dm. are hereby en
joined to attend and perform the like duties
at the said Election of Electors, subject to
like penalties 'for neglect or misconduct as
they were liable to at the Election of Mem
bers of the General Assemblv, &c.; and
one Judge from each District is enjoined to
attend at the• Court House, in Gettysburg
on the Monday next after said Election,
(being the 2d day of November,) for the
_.purpose of making out the returns of the
G. W. M'CLELLAN, Sherif.
Shetiff's Office, Gettysburg,
October 6, 1840.
Estate of Peter Baumgardner , deceased.
LETTERS Testamentary ou the Estate
of Peter Baumgardner, late of Mount.
joy township, Adams Co. deceased, having
been granted to Jacob Clutz, residing in
the same township, and to Daniel. Baurngar •
doer, residing in Carroll county, Md.—
they heresy request all persons indebted to
satd deted, to make immediate payment of
their respective dues, and all persons having
claims or demands against said estate to
make known the same to the subcriber with
out delay.
September 29, 1340.
THE County Committee, hereby cordi.
ally invite the friends of both candidates for
the Presidency, to attend all political meet
ings, which are advertized to beheld, or
which shall bereaftt.r be advertised to be
held during the present campaign. The
committee also respectfully invite the can
didates and orators of both parties to attend
and address these meetings. It is highly de
sirable that they should do so; and no man
can consistently claim the name ofDemocrat,
who will refuse to take the trouble of ap
pearing before the people, to make known
his views in relation to public men and
measuree. The people have a right to require
to see and hear those who are to be the re
presentatives of their interests.
September 22, 1840. to-26
D'• H. SW OPE has just received from
the cities of Philadelphia and Balti
more, a new and most desirable assortment
Of Fall and Winter Goods,
which he will be enabled and is determined
to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER. Among the
goods just received are,
Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Grey and
Drab Cloths;
Blue and black Pilot, and Beaver cloths;
Blue, black, and fancy colored Cassi
Buckskin and striped ditto;
Cassineits, of every shade, quality and
Figured and plain black Satin vestings;
Morino and Valentia vestings;
White, scarlet and yellow Flannels;
Blue, brown, green, red and yellow Can
ton flannels; •
Bleached and 'unbleached Do. do.;
Rose and paint Blankets;
English, German and French Merino;
Super black, Matthaei Lutestring;
Black Italian Do.;
Colored Gro de Nap, figured and plain;
Mouseline de Laines;
Black lace and Chintilla veils;
Black and scarlet Merino Shawls;
' 'Tibet Wool, do.
* Rob Roy and Highland, do.
Tartan. Blanket and . Prussian, do.
Cashmere and Mous'eline de Leine, do.
Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hosiery;
Gloves, CALICOES, Tickiogs, Checks;
Damask Table cloths, Table daiper;
Irish linens, Sheeting, &o.
All of which will be shown with much plea
sure to those who may favor him with a
call—and as he believes it will bo their in
terest to do so, he respectfully requests the
Public to call and examine his stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
October 6, 1840. tf-281
Pegetable Universal Pills
are held in Adams county by the following
Abraham King, Hunterstown.
Ickes & Bridges, Petersburg.
Wm. Hildebrand, East Berlin.
Cook & Tudor, Hampton.
A. S. E. Duncan, Ca - shtown.
M'Slierry & Fink, Littlestown.
A. M'Farland, Abbottstawo.
[I. W. Slagle, - Oxford.
M. Lawyer, Fairfield.
As pills, purporting to be mine and put up
in imitation, are vended in various quarters
prejudicial to health of those who use them,
it is but just to warn the public against pur.
chasing of any but such as are the avowed
and authorized agents. By so doing they
will be secured against deception.
September 22, IS4O. I y-26
Garlegant's Balsam of Health,
Prepared only by Me sole propielor, JOHN S
MILLER, Frederick, Md.
CIFFIFIE subscriber has just received a further
44 supply , of this valuable medicine, which has
gained a celebrity which few other articles has
ever received in so short a time as this; the sale
of which, has constantly increased, and will con
tinuo to increase, as its merits are made known.
This celebrated BALSAM 07 HEALTH, is a medi
cine and vegetable compound, warranted a safe
and effectual remedy for the cure of Dyspepsia,
and for the whole train ofdituiases resulting from,
and connected with a disordered condition of the
of the stomach and liver, or, derangement of the
digestive functions. As a family medicine it
stands untivalled, and should be possessed by all
beads of families, particularly, by all those that
aro subject to a constipation of the bowels: it ope
rates as h gentle, aperient, gives tone and ac.
tion to the stomach and bowels, and enlivening
and invigorating the whole 'system. This Bal
sam of Health does not contain a particle of Mer
cury, but it is composed altogether of vegetable
matter, which renders it perfectly harmless, and
it is no hinderance to business, nor any proper
customary employment and habits. The propri.
etor couldgive a great many certificates of cures
performed by this medicine in this advertisement,
if it did not occupy so much room; therefore he
deems it quite unnecessary, as all those w1..0 wish
to see them can, by applying to his agent in this
S. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, or,
Dr. AUG. TANEY, Emmitsburg, Md.
September 29, 1840. 6m-27
PROPOSA LS will be reseived until 16th
of October next, to furnish and plant
in the College Campus. in Gettysburg,
about fifty maple, tulip poplar, buttonwood,
and elm trees, to average twelve feet, and
growth insured.
September 29, 1840. 3t-27
Neatly 2..nd expeditiously executed at the office of
2 1 45131Ergai
attena to your Interests!
THE subscriber respectfully informs the
public, and the Farmers particularly; that
So has ready for delivery his
Improved Two Horse
One of which is now in the possession of
Mr. Abraham Fisher, residing in Menalien
township, Adams County, Pa. Messrs.
Fisher and Forney having fairly tested the
utility of this machine, furnish the following
CERTIFICATE.—We certify, that we
have in use one of Mr. S. H. LITTLE'S
lieve it to be decidedly superior to any thing
of the kind we have ever seen. From the
small degree of friction and the rapidity of
motion, two horses havo thrashed at the
rate of itwo.hundred dozen a day, with the
greatest ease, and without injury to the
Menalien township, Sept. 5, 1840
WE, the undersigned, do hereby certify
that we have seen one of S. H. Little's
Two Horse Patent Portable Thrashing Ma
chine in use and can assure the Farmers
and the Public that it is worthy of the
highest praise and patronage, as two horses
can do the work of four with more ease and
fess hands. It saves one half the labour
and performs the work in the best manner
possible. It possesses a decided advantage
over any other machine, being less liable to
get out of order, and easily to be removed.
To see it in operation is sufficient to satisfy
any one of its great utility and the propriety
of our statement.
George Smyser, John F. 111'Farlane,
David Ziegler, Wm. N. Irvine,
C. Bur!itchy, William Settle,
John Barret, Robert King,
William M'Clellan, Joel B. Danner,
A. B. Kurtz, S. R. Russell,
Wm. Taughinbaugh, John Gilbert,
JeAse Ashbaugh, Michael Rupp,
John B. M'Phorson, James C. Watson,
Daniel Culp, Geo. C. Strickhouser,
John Hamilton, S. S. King,
C. Stout, John M: Stevenson,
D. Horner, Bonj. Lefever,
J. White, (Freedom) H. Aughtnbaugh,
David Troxel, Jr. Joseph Little,
Amos Maginly, James D. Paxton,
David M'Mardie, John Scott,
Quintin Armstrong, Barnhart Gilbert. •
Farmers who have been waiting for
something better than heretofore offered for
sale, will find this to be the article. Come
see it, gentlemen, and judge for yourselves.
S. 11. LITTLE.
Gettysburg, Sept. 22,1840. tf-26
Affil3 F 0 RY.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the
Millers and MillwrigLts, and the trade in
general, that he still continues to manufac
French Burr 01111 Stones,
in Harrisburg, where he keeps constantly on
hand. a good assortment of FRENCH Buan
BLocKs of a very superior quality, which he
is prepared to manufacture to order, on fa
vorable terms and cheaper than the same
quality of French Burrs can be had at any
other place in the United States, and will
warrant them equal in quality to any that
can be made in America.
The subscriber will, if desired, deliver
Burrs at any given point along the Canals
or Railroads, at his own risk.
q Orders by mail will meet the same
prompt attention as it personal application is
July 28, 1840. [[iar. Int.] Om-18
_IUST received a large assortment—em
la" bracing
Black Italian Lustrings Silk, (Matteonis,)
Very rich black Gro de Rhine ,
Blue black Lustring and Gro do Grani,
Rich figared Silk, (a large assortment,)
Plain and figured Satins,
Plain Gro de Naples, (all colors '
Black and Blue black French Bomba
Handsome style French Mouselino de
Rich Paris Aprons, (a new article,)
Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,
Kid Gloves;
Thread Laces,
Jaconet did Swiss Edgings and Insert
French Lawns, Plain and Figured Illue•
lins, &c. (Sze.
For sale cheap, by
August 4, 1840. tt--19
The peculiarities of this Chemical Com.
pound,areowing to its extraordinary, effects,
upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligaments
and muscles; its virtues being carried by
them to the immediate seat of disease, or of
pain and weakness.
However good any internal remedy may
be, this,as an external application, will prove
a powerful auxiliary in removing the disease
and facilitating the cure in cases of Local
Inflammation, Serofulous Affections, King's
Evil, Gout, Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, and in all cases where seated
pain or weakness exist,
For sale at the Drug Stores of SAMUEL
NEY, A : tents, Gettysburg.
July 14, 1840. 3m-16
71412 . 113411133ign .
chamberibur g Street, next door to the Indian
Queen Hotel, Gettysburg.
9111 HE subscriber would respectfully in•
m• form the citizens of this place and
the public generally, that he has opened a
shop as above, and intends to keep constant
ly on hand a splendid assortment of
Gentlemens' Wigs, Ladies'
Do., Ladies' Braids, Friz
zettes, Curls, Puffs,
&c. &c. &c.
The New York and Philadelphia lashions
for hair dressing will be received regularly
every month. He hopes, by attention to
business and a determinationsto please, to
reteivo and merit a liberal share of patron.
N. B. All kinds of old hair taken in ox•
change for new work.
June 2, 1840. tf.
IN addition to the MEDICAL PRACTICE,
Dr. D. GILBERT is prepared to insert
MINERAL TEETII, Of the best quality, and
to perform all other operations for the pre
servation and beauty of the teeth. All
operations warranted.
Gettysburg, March 31, 1840. Iy.
/'LIE PERSIAN PILLS raise from the
lowest state of weaknebs to health and
vigor, they cure all cureable diseases if ta
ken according to directions. They go ahead
of I3randreth and all other modern pretend
ers to the healing Art, they outstrip all the
Panaceas, Vermifdges, Tonics and Tinc
tures now before the public as certified by
hundreds. They can be had al all of the
villages in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio,
Massachusetts, dr.c. dr,c.
For•sala at the Drug Storrs ofSAMUEL
NEY, Agents, Gettysburg.
July 14, 1940. 3m-16
Gottley's Vegetable Medicines.
No medicine has, perhaps, ever met with such
decided and general success as
Gouley's Vegetable Bitters.
THIS medicine has been but a few years
before the public, and the demand for
it hes already become so great, that the sub.
scriber finds it difficult to supply , the numer
ous orders which he is constantly receiving.
Innumerable Certificates in his possession
bear testimony to its medicinal virtues and
attest the fact of its having preserved the
ives of hundreds both in this city and else
a new article, are aiso,getting into general
use, having been.preductive of the most be
neficial effects in hUndreds of families of the
first respectability in this city and vicinity I
and although they have in one instance, but
without any foundation or truth,.been pro
nounced poisonous, UUNDREDS of certificates
can be produced of their having performed
positive and effectual cures in the most obsti
nate cases, both on young and old, and he
now challenges any one to produce satisfac
tory evideuce that there is one particle of
any ingredient in their composition that can
injure a person in the lowest stage of any
Having administered hie medicines in al-
Most all diseases to which the human fami
ly are subjected, he never, in a single in
, stance, found them to 'produce'any injurious
eflects, but, on the contrary,they have been
attended with the most complete success.
N. B.—As the Fever and Ague is very
prevalent at this season of the year, he can
confidently recommend his
88 a °mums curie,rind invites all who may
be afflicted with this dreadful disease to
make trial of them. ,
The attention of piasters and Owners of
Vessels is called to , this medicine; it will be
found of grat benefit nmong their crews,
and a sure prevTitative of many of the di
seases to whichthe mariner is subject during
long and tempe stuous voyages.
N0.,21i Baltimore street,
• near the Centre Market,
between Harrison and Frederick streets.
Nov. 25 iy
I S now getting in readiness for the fall
sales the g reatest variety of stoves ever
offered to the public in this place, m ostly of
his own manufacturing, and trimmed in the
neatest and best m a nner. ALL WARDAIIT.
ED. Amon g which are a g reat variety of
PARLOR, ratizoirtur !AND
all of which will be sold at prices to suit the
times. Old stoves and old metal of every
kind taken in exchange for new stoves.—
All persons wanting Stoves are invited to
Gettysburg, July 21,1840. ti-17
P. S. Among the above Stoves are borne
of a very large sizo, calculated for Church
es, Bar and School rooms.
Omnes Principiis obsta.
I a `NCOURAGED by the unilorm success attending
• • his peculiar method of treatment. for the,preven
lion and cure of .venereal complaints. and confirmed
by the experience of many years in a widely extended
practice; sensible also of the happy effects resulting
to. the community, from having confined himself en
tirely to the study and care of a class of diseases
which there is every reason to deplore arc too prev
Dr COOKE continues to direct hie solo attention
to the treatment of every disorder that °cents from
imprudence, whilst ender the influen ce , of intemper.
awe or any ostler baneful excitement, and to the cure
of those dreadful maladies, which I 000ften arise there
from, ,These sometimes commence in a most simple
form, and through neglect or injudicious treatment
afterwards assume a more aggravated state ofdisease,
ocessionins: abscess ulceration, nodes. caries of the
bones, psuedo syphilis, cancer, promature old age.
and too often end in a protracted incurable state of
miserable existence , ,
Dr. COOKE though professing exclusively the stu•
dy: and cure of these particular complaints, deems it
proper to inform his friends and the public in general,
an justice to his professional dbaracter, that he was
properly educated and regularly iuiatiated intoesery
branch of the profession as a general Practitioner in
Europc. •
Dr. COOKE may be consulted therefore at all
times, as usual at his offices, which are properly fit
ted up and arranged for confidential consultation.
Country patiente residing at a distance—and all other
patients who prefer writing instead of a personal in
terview—can be treated with equal success on descri
bing minutely their case by letter, and enclosing a
remittance for advice and medicine. There will be
no difficulty in sending packages to any part of the
United States, and the medicines will be securely
packed, carefully protected from observation,and sent
without delay to the place appointed.
OFFICES No. 3 Norton street, near Green street,
Albady, New York.
May 5,1840. ly.
valuable medicine is daily effecting some of
the most astonishing and wonderful cures that
have over been known. All who have ever used
it for Asthma, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Hoop.
ing Cough, Croup or Hives, Consiimption,Chron.
is Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Pain and Soreness of the
Breast, difficulty of Breathing, and every other
disease of the Lungs and Breast, can and do at
test to its usefulness. Brouchitis,a disease which
is annually sweeping thousands upon thousands
to a premature grave, under the mistaken name
of Consumptlon v is always cured by it The usu-
al symptoms of this disease ,(Bronchi (Is) are
Coughs,Sorenoss of the Lunge or Throat, Hoarse
ness, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hecilc Fe.
ver, a spiting up of Phlegm or matter, and some.
times blood. It is an inflarnation of the fine skin
which lines tho inside of the whole of the wind
tubes or air vessels,whicli run through every part
of the Lungs. This Expectorant immediately
suppresses the Cough, Pain, Inflamation, Foyer
and Difficulty of Breathing, and produces a free
and easy Expectoration, and a cure is soon offec.
It always cures Astlimas—two or three.large
doses will cure the Croup or Hives of Children,in
from fifteen. minutes to an hour's time. it im
mediately subdues the violence of Whooping
Cough; and effects a speedy cure. Hundreds
who have boon given up by their physicians as
incurable with "Consumption," have been reeto
red to perfect health by it.
dent of Granville College, Ohio, says—"he was
laboring under a severe cold, cough and hoarse.
noes, and that his difficulty of breathing was so
great that he felt himself in imminent danger of
immediate suffocation, but was perfectly cured
by using this Expectoraut." Mrs. Ditto, of Sa.
lem N. J. was cured of Asthma, of twenty years
standing,: by using two bottles of this medicine.—
M re. Ward, also, of Salern o was cured of the same
complaint by one bottle. A young lady, also of
Salem, who was believed by her friends to be far
gone, with Consumption, was perfectly restored
by three bottles. Dr . J
Hailton, of St. ames,
South Carolina, was greatly affected by a cough,
hoarseness and soreness of the lunge, and on
using a bottle of this medicine, found permanent
The following certificate to from a practising
Physician, and a much respected Clergyman of
the Methodist Sobiety, dated
Modest Town, Va. August 27,1838.
Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir—l have been using your
Expectorant, extensively, in my practice, for the
last three montha, and for all attacks of colds, In.
flamation of the 'wigs, consumption, asthma,
pains and weakness of the breast, it is decidedly
the best'medicine I have ever tried.
Very tespectfully your&
Nutnerous other certificates might be addOd,
out the Above are considorod sufficient evidence
of its great usefulness.
Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, No. 20 South
Third street, Philadelphia. Price 81.
Where also may be had Jayne's Carminative
Balsam for the cure of Bowel CoMpluint, &o
Tonic Vermifuge, for the removal of Worms, &a
Sanative Pills, for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints,
and Female Diseases &c. Also, Jayne's Hair
Tonic, for the remova l Baldness and preserve.
lion of the Hair.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Feb. 18,1840.
PARENTS—Jaime's ExrEcrroammia with.
out exception tho most valuable preparation in
use, for the above diseases. It converts Hoop
mg Cough into a mild and tractable disease and
shortens its duration more than one half,and pro
duces a certain and speedy recovery. From halt
Co one ACM spot nful, will certainly cure Croup in
Infanta and young children, in half an hour to an
hour. The lives of hundreds of children will bo
saved annually, by always keeping it on hand
ready for every emergency. For sale at No. 20
South 3rd street Philadelphia.
For sale at the Drug Storu of .
H. BumiLER,
Gettysburg, Feb. 18, 1841),
Tis a certain, sail and effectual remedy for Dye.
entery,Diarrahma,or Looaoness,Cholor• Mor
bus, Summer Complaint, Chulic, Griping Pains,
Sour Stomach, Flatulency, &c. &c., and all Spas
medic and Nervous Dareases,as Pink and Nervous
kleadach, Hysteria, Cramp, &c. &c.
This is one of the most efficient, pleasant and
safe compositions ever offered to the public for the
cure of the various derangements of the stomach
and bowels, and tho only article wot thy of the
least confidence for curing Cholera lufuntum or
Summer Complaint; and in all the above diseases
it really acts liko a charm.
All persons are t equested to try ft, for there is
no mistake" about its being one of the most val
uable family medicines over yet discovered.—
Hundred! nay thousands, of certificates have been
received from Physicians, Clergymen, and fami—
lies of the first respectability. bearing the sttong.
est testimony In lte favour, too numerous to puts
This is to certify that I have used Dr. Jayne's
Carminative Balsam very extensively in Bowel
Complaints, and have not the least hesitation in
declaring it superior to any preparation that I.
have met with, for the relief of those dineasea.
Physician lc the Cumberland, N. J Almshouse.
Bridgeton, July 19, 1836.
Dr. D. JaYr4l4—Dear Str,-11aving mrdo use
of your Carminative Brahmin in my family, arid.
finding it to bo admirably adapted - to the com
plaints for which it is intended, I take pleasure•
an recommending it to the use of toy friends and%
tho public generally, belit.ving there who are of-.
Meted with any of those c omplaints will find re
lief in the use of this valuable t oedicine.
President of Granville College, Ohio.
New York, May 20, 1837.
For Sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Fob. 19, 1840.
_"' OLOGY FOR WIGS. Of all this tome.
dies ever dovised for the restoration and preserva
tion of the Hair, nothing has been found equal to
Jayne's. Hair Tonic. It seldom fails to restore
the hair to health and beauty. Many who were
bald a few months ago, can now exhibit luxuri
ant heads ofhair by the use of It.
Copy of a letter from Dr. S. S. Fitch.
PiniAncumii, May 111, 1839.
Dr. Inyne.—Dear fool !but 'can hard
ly say enough to you in favor of Ike H air, Tonic,„
prepared by you. My heir had boon falling off
about two years, and had become very thin threa.
toning speedy baldnoaa,when I commenced using
this remedy. In about one wools it ceasdd to
fall off:
I have used it now about three months., and
have as full and thick a head of heir as l can pos.
albly desire. I have recommended its use to !I.
number of my" friends, who all speak well att.
If faithfully employed, I have no doubt of hi geri.
eral success. 1 may add, that before using the
Tonic, I had tried almost all the various articles
employed for the hair, such as the Macassar Oil
all the different preparations of Boar's Oil, Vog.
°table Hair Oil, &c. &a. without exporioricing
much, if any benefit.
Respectfully yours,
No. 172 Chestnut street
The Rev. LEONARD FLETCHER, Pastor of the
Baptist Church. Groat Valley, Pa. who had ben
more or less bald for many years, used thieohot.
tles of the Hair Tonic,end Vas now a fine groWth
of new hair over all that part of his head whine
ho was bald, writos—
"My hair is growing fiaely. I assure you."
West Chester, P. March 2, 1839. ,
. .
Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, sole proprie.
tor, No. 20 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Price $1 a hot' le. ,
For Bala at tho- Drug Stara of
Gettysburg, nib. 18, 1840
\UP of Sixty Years Standing, cyan) by Dr
Jayno's Expoctotant:
PHILADV.I.IIIIA, Atigust 16th, 1838.
, Mr. AytassoN—Dear Sir: A few weeks ago I
noticed in your paper. an account of the surpri
sing effects of Jayne's Carminative, in restoring
a groat number of passengers on board a Miseis
sippi steamboat, to pprfect health who were affix.
ted with Bowel Complaint. I was glad to see
you notice it do kindly; yeii may rest assured it
deserves the praise bestowed upon it. The ben
efit I have received from this medicine, mollies.
pocially his ExpectUrant, Induces me to state my
case to you.for the benefit of those who ate afilic.
ted in the same way. It has been my misfortenii,
sir, to labor under a cough and astlimatical OP.
prossion, for more than Palf a century. When it
soldier in the American camp, in 1778,1, with
many others, (owing to great exposure.) had a
violent attack of disease of the Lungs,by which I
was disabled from duty for a long time. Since
that period until recently, I have never been frail
from a violunttough and difficulty of breathitit.
Year after year I have expectorated over a gill a
day; often much more, and sometimes mixed
with blood. For months together, night after
night, I have hod to sit or be bolstered up to
tain my breath. Tho weakness and debility can.
sod by soak constant expectoration, frequently ,
brought me to a state borderin !on death. , It has=
been a matter of astonishment to my family and'
friends that lam here , to write this to you. I.
have had skilful physicians to attend me, end:
every thing done that was thought likely to give •
me relief, without any beneficial effect. .Lasts
winter I had another severe attack of Inflame
tion of the Lungs, which I, fully expected would
be the last. I then considered my case as past
the aid of medicine, when I was persuaded to Pall
on Doctor Jayne. With dm assistance of Divine
Providence, through him,l was once more ialsed
from my bed, but the coughing and wheezing
wearied ma day and night. Ho advised me Louse.
hie Expectorant. 1 did so, with a strong hope
that, as it had cured many of my acquaintances
of various diseases of the Lu go, it might at least
mitigate my sufferings. Need I say how gratifi.
ed I felt? It has EFFECTUALLY CURED me, As
soon as I commenced taking it, I found it reach
ed my , case, and I began to breathe with more
freedom.,, My expectoration became more !may.
and my cough entirely loft me. 1 ins Thal, ate
well as ever I did in my life, and ant belts titan
I have been for the last SIXTY YzAti l I r astsuni:
mar I spit a great deal of blood; new, thaPk,Goit
lam perfectly mod Now, J r,S silly suffering'
so long,and finding at Int, tku§li tigpal relief flora
Jayne's Expectorant„ feel, anxieus to inform
my fellow citizen. wilipr,e,relipl:may be had.
you think this, %Om , a phit)? to your papezymd.
will obliv, ;pp by noilcing it.
N 0.35 Lombard Street.
Dr. Jiiyoe's Office is No. 20 SOuth Third street
For alts at the Prug Store of
Gettysburg, Feb. 18,1840. "
\ORMS! WORMS!! WORMS::: To remove
WW these dangerous end trobblivonie
Hants of tho ,Stomach and Bowels, which BO
often impair the health and ditstißi the lives Of
children. use Dr. Jayne'a Tonic Vermifureoicer.
lain and safe preparation for the removal of the
various kinds of Weit»l4 PrPePPin, Sour Sty
mach, Want of Appetite, intimato fever and
Ague, and debility of the Stomach and B ow el s ;
NM organs of digestion. To he had at lie. 29
South Third Street, Philadelphia. Price SD eta.
Ft), seta ut the Drug Store of
S. El. DUE 111.431.
crettysborg, Feb. 18, 1840.