The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, June 30, 1840, Image 3

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    hP')z)r ,- ) 1 . 0 , D , 'L•l4sii l / 2 13 i 411-fs-il
P. 8. GREGORY & CO. Managers
"'Virginia State Lottery,
For the benefit of the Monongnlia Acade
my, class N.o. 6, for 1840. To bo drawn
at Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, 4th July,
One prize of $30,000
One do. 10,000
One do. 6,000
One do. 5,000
One do. 3,000
One do., 2,500
One do. 2,195
Twenty-five Prizes of 2,000
Filly do. 200
Fifty do. 150Sze.
Ticket" only sio—Halve" Ss—Quarters €2 50.
Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $ 130
Do. do. 25 Half do. 65
Do. do. 25 Quarter do. 32 50
Virginia State Lottery,
For the benefit of the Town of Wellsburg,
class No. 6 for 1840. To be drawn at Al
exandria, Va. on Saturday, I 1 th July, 1840.
One prize of $4O 000
One do. 15,000
One do. 5,000
One do. 3,000
One do. 2,500
One d 0 .2,297
Fifty Prizes of 1,000
Fifty do. 300
Fifty do. 200,&c.
13 Drawn Nos. in each package of 26
Tickets only slo—Halver. ss—Quarters 32 50
Certificates ofpackages of 26 Whole ticketssl3o
Do. do. 26 Half do. 65
Do. do. 26 Quarter do. 32 50
For endowing the Leesburg Academy
end for other purposes. Class No. 6, for
1840. To be drawn nt Alexandria, Va. on
Saturday, 18th July, 1840.
• One prize of. $30,000
One do. 10,000
One do. 8,000
One do. 5,000
One do. 4,000
One do. 3,528.1
Five Prizes of 2,000
Five dn. 1,500
Twenty-five do. 1,000
Twenty.five do. 500
Thirty do. 300
Thirty do. . 250,&c.
13 Drawn Nos. out of 75.
Tickets only slo—Halves ss—Questess $2 50
Certificates of packages of 25 Whole tickets $l3O
DO. do. .25 Half do. 65
Do. do. 25 Quarter do. 32 50
Virginia State Lottery,
For the benefit of the Peterslotrg Benev
olent Mechanic Association. Claes No. 7
for 11440. To be drawn at Arezondria, Va.
on Saturday, July 25th, 1840.
One prize of
One do.
One do.
One do.
0:7100 Prizes of
o::rFifty do.
0:7 - Fifty do.
13 Drawn Numbers.
Tteltets . only slo—Halvew ss—Qoartery E 32 50
Certificates of packages of 26 Whole tickets $l3O
Do. do. 26 Half do. 65
Do. do. 26 Quarter do. 32 50
For Tickets and Shares or Certificates
of Packages in the above splendid Lotte.
D. S. GREGORY & CO., Managers,
Washington City.
Drawings sent immediately after they
are over to all who order as above.
June 29. st.
A Stated meeting of "The Total Absti
41L nence Temperance Society of Gettys
burg and its vicinity" will be held on Sat
urday the of July, in the English
Lutheran Church at 7i o'clock P. M.
0:7 - An Address will be delivered.
A. K. STEVENSON, Sec'ry.
June 23, 1840. td.
notice that 1 have applied to the
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
of Adams county, for the benefit of the
Insolvent Laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, and that they have appointed
the 24th day of August next, for the hear
ing of me and my creditors, at the Court
house, in the borough of Gettysburg, when
and where you may attend if you think
June 23, 1840.*
THERE will be a meeting of "the Lit.
tleFtown Temperance society" on Sat
urday evening the 4th of July next; when
an address will be delivered by F. R. ANS
June 23, 1.340. id.
4'211 Cr stubs.
WHERE have been arrangements made
for celebrating the day ()four Nation.
al Independence, nt NEW - OXFORD; and
the Friends bf Hattaisos and REFORM
throughout the County are respectfully in
vited to attend. Several Addresses will be
delivered by gentlemen of high political
standing—the corruption of our General
and State Governments will be exposed—
end, therefore, a general attendance is solic
• JOHN C. ELLIS, Committee
W M. D. HIVES, of
F]. W. SLAGLE, Arrangement
luau 16, MO. - 2t.
iiiiutite Axle+
bo Exposed to Public Sale, on
• the premises, on Saturday the 12th
of September next, nt 1 o'cloak, P. M.
late the Estate of JOHN ELLIOTT, de
ceased,situate in Huntington township,about
two miles from Petersburg. Adams county,
adloining lands of Nicholas Wierman's heirs
and others, containing 120 Acres, more or
less; there is a sufficiency of Woodland.—
The improvements are a large
and Brick Bank Barn, and other ! 1 . 1 2..1.i.
out-buildings; a young Orchard. Beriou.
dim - ) Creek runs through the Farm.
Terms will be made known oil the day of
sale by
JOHN NEELY, Executors.
June 10, 11940.
THE Subscriber respectfully announces
to his friends and the public in general,
that he bas Just received and offers for sale
on the most accommodating tetras, at his
Old Stand, in South Baltimore street, Get
of various kinds and prices, including
X haiIi. I FAVA CIL° C
rirp,V. Lever, English,
~--,.,,T14. • French Ger-
I,\ -,,'"'5 . ., man 4 Common
0,,*. g . Ic." :_,.,,, , 1gt WATCHES,
p... -- 1 ? - ": := 4" TOGETHER WITH A BELECT
Clocks and Watches Repaired
and warranted as heretofore.
Thankful for past favors, the undersigned
hopes to merit and receive a continuance of
the patronage of the public heretofore so
liberally extended to him.
June 2. tf.
IV; V.l I.EINKI aPI fl DI ti
MLE3i iii Zaagn i E 3l3
Chambersburg Street, next door to the Indian
Queen Hotel, Gettysburg.
THE subscriber would respectfully in•
form the citizens of this place and
the public generally, that he has opened a
shop as above, and intends to keep constant
ly on hand a splendid assortment of
Gentlemens' Wigs, Ladies'
Do., Ladies' Braids, Friz
zettes, Curls, Puffs,
&c. &c. &C.
The New York and Philadelphia fashions
for hair dressing will be received regularly
every month. He hopes, by attention to
business and a determination to please, to
receive and merit a liberal share of patron
N. B. All kinds of old hair taken in ex ,
change for new work.
June 2, 1840. tf.
THE subscriber returns his thanks to his
customers and the public generally,
for the liberal encouragement received, and
hopes still to receive a share of Public pa
He has Just returned from the cities of
Philadelphia and Baltimore, with a new
and desirable assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods,
which he now offers to the Public, on such
terms as cannot fail to please—amongst his
assortment are the flillowing articles:
' Blue, Black, Green and Fancy colored
Blue. Black and Fancy Cassimeres,
6 4 Black and Blue Black Bombazines,
Figured and plain Gros de naples Silks,
Shalleys, illouseline de laines, Lawns,
Chintzes, Calicoes,Tickings, Chechs,4-c.
Cull and examine for yourselves, as it
will be to your advantage to do so.
- • D. H. SWOPE.
Gettysburg, March, 31. IP4O. tf.
N. B. Country produce taken in ex
change for goods; for which the higlics
prices will be given. 1). 11. S.
HAS removed his HAT STORE across
the street, to the House lately occu.
pied by Edwin A. Atlee, next door to Mr.
Ferry's Hotel; be has on hand a very largol
assortment of
of every description. Prices low,for Cash
or Country Produce.
April 7. tf.
N. B. An APPRENTICE to the above
business will be taken if immediate applica-
tion be made—one between the age of 15
and 17, who can come well recommended,
will obtain a good.situation.
W. W. P.
WILL be taken at thief O ffi ce if imme
diate application be made.
subscriber respectfully informs his
JR' rriends and the public in general that
he carries on; in connection with the black
smithing the
IW'agon Making Business,
and is prepaied to execute all orders in eith
er of the above businesses in a workman
like manner and at the shortest notice.
Gettysburg, May 5,1640.
N. B. An apprentice will be taken to tho
Black• Smithing if immediate application be
made. C. W. H.
It. G. Al.i.evectry,
11_1AS just received and now offers for
si-Ja• sale at very reduced prices a good
assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS—
comprising a very large and handsome va
riety of
3.4 and 4.4 Calicoes and Chintzes—
French painted Lawns (very fine)
Mouseline de Laines and Ginghams,
5-F and 6-4 French Bombazines;
Black and Blue Black Lustring Silks—
Coloured Gro de naps and Polte do sole;
Splendid Figured (pro de Oran—
Summer Scarfs and Dress Handkerchiefs;
Very beautiful styles Bonuett and Cup Rib
bons ;
Lace veils; Cambric Handkerchiefs; Gloves
Laces; French Collars; Cambric and Jaca-
nett muslins—
With a general assortment of Hosiery.
Fine Black and Blue CLOTHS,
Green Brown and Olive ditto. •
Black, Blue and Fancy Cassimer,
Summer Cassimer and Summer Cloths,
Sattin, Velvet, and Marseilles Vestings;
Linen and Cotton Drillings.
7-8 and 4-4 "Pickings, (very good,)
5 4 and 0.4 Brown and Bleached Sheeting,
Bleached and Unbleached Mullins,
American Nankeens, Cotton Stripe, Car
petting, dm &C.
A Fresh Supply of
which have been bought very cheap, and
will be sold at small advance for CAsisor Pao-
DUCE. Call and examine and be convinced.
Gettysburg, May 5,1840. tf.
Gouley's Vegetable Medicines
No medicine hes, perhaps, ever met with ouch
decided and general success as
Gouley's Vegetable Bitters.
TtilS medicine has been but a few years
do before the public, and the demand for
it has already become so great, that the sub
scriber finds it difficult to supply the numer
ous orders which he is constantly receiving.
Innumerable Certificates in his possession
bear testimony to its medicinal virtues and
attest the . lact of its having preserved the
lives of hundreds both in this city and else-
a new article, are also getting - into general
use, having been productive of the most be
neficial effects in hundreds of families of the
first respectability in this city and vicinity
and although they have in one instance, but
without any foundation or truth, been pro
nounced poisonous, HUNDREDS of certificates
can be produced of their having performed
positive and efectual cures in the most obsti
nate cases, both on young and old, and ho
now challenges any one to produce satisfac
tory cvideuce that there is one particle of
any ingredient in their composition that can
injure a person in the lowest stage of any
Having administered his medicines in al
most all diseases to which the human fami
ly are subjected, he never, in a single in
stance, found them to produce any injurious
effects, but, on the contrary,they have been
attended with the most complete success.
N. B.—As the Fever and Ague is very
prevalent at this season of the year, he can
confidently recommend his
as a ccarAm cumand invites all who may
be afflicted with this dreadful disease to
make trial of them.
The attention of Masters and Owners of
Vessels is called to this medicine; it will be
found of great benefit among their crews,
and a sure preventative of many of the di
seases to whichthe mariner issubjectduring
long and tempestuous voyages.
No. 21i Baltimore street,
near the Centro Market,
between Harrison and Frederick streets.
Nov. 25 ly
To the Afflicted.
THE BEST PROOF which can be given of
the UNRIVALLED Ervircaott of
(cp.Botanical Drops.
in addition to the wonderful cures that have
been effected through this extraordinary
Medicine, is the following new and interest
ing case.
FE VER SORE ! A nsost aggravated Case.
pCrExtract of a letter, dated Novein
her, -- ' 4 l am now using the Relic's
Botanical Drops in a very important and
difficult case. It is of a person who has had
a Fever Sore for more than twelve years,
which has resisted the skill and medicines
of the best Physicians—being applied to
about five weeks since, 1 advised the use of
the Botanical Diops, and they have had a
most surprising effect, having reduced the
leg (which was dreadfully swollen) more
than six inches in circumference, and I
think will effect a perfect cure; I am now out
of the Drops, and wish you to send me some
by the bearei.."
Cure Completed.
Extract of a letter from the subject of the
foregoing communication, Mr. Jac. Che
ney, of Reading, Mass.]
"Sir—My leg which before did not look
ike a human limb, is now entirely healed
ip, and come to its proper shape. I am
fee from pain, and can walk without limp
ng. My appetite is good, and my Jeep re.
reshing and quiet, and I can follow my oc.
;option with comfort. Previous to taking
he Drops,l had given up all hopes ofreliel."
The above remarkable case of cure is at.
ested to by
Rev. JARED REID, and
Justice Peace, Reading; (Mass.)
In 1831, an Agent writes,—'•ln another
case (the Botanical Drops)undoubtedly had
the happiest effect. In thus instance the de
sease appeared to pervade the whole system.
It was undoubtedly of a scrofulous nature.
The glands in various parts became enlar
ged, hard and very painful, and became oth
erwise so affected with the disease as to
be under the necessity of giving up business
and confine himself to his room _for sever
al weeks; one or two of the - swellings sup
purated,-and discharged a considerable
quantity. The bones, the physician told
him, were also materially diseased. It
was precisely under these circumstances
that he commenced the use of the Botanical
Drops, andas he used nothintg else, (with
the exception of some purgative occasion
ally) and perfectly restored to health, we
I are (ofcourse) warranted in drawing the con
clusion,that this happy result was brought a
buut solely by their agent)."
another Case.
Oz;rAn Agent writes, "There
is a person in this place taking the Botani
cal Drops evidently with the greatest ad.
vange. He declares, to use his own words,
"h is doing wonders for him," and as it
were "snatching him from the grave I"
St• anthony's lire•
irrA Lady of the first respectability,
(writes an Agent) has recently been cured
of a very obstinate case of St Anthony's
Fire, by the use of Dr. Relic's Botanical
Drops, alter having previously received the
beat advice in vain.
Scabbed Eruptions.
O:7 — A distant Agent writes--3 , 1 have wit
nessed two most astonishing cures of erup
tions or cutaneons disease, effected by the
Botanical Drops, that had eluded the skill
date most eminent Physicians in the neigh
boring city (Philadelphia); they were cases
of two or three years standing ; one of
which was literary covered with a kind of
scabbed eruption. They are members of
highly respectable families, and decla'e
without reserve that they believe the Bo-
tanical drops to be one of the most valuable
Medicines ever offered for diseases of that
The proprietor might exhibit numerous
other testimonials to prove the extraordina
ry efficacy of this invaluable medicine.
The prejudice of the most incredulous give
way on beholding the astonishing cures
performed by it—and various Physicians
who have witnessed its efficacy, not only
approve of its use, but in many cases re
commend it without reserve. These drops
will be found one of the most powerful al
terative, purifier, and sweetner of the
blood yet discovered, and may be used as
one of the best remedies for the Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Leprosy, St. Anthony's Fire,
Fever Sores, (even when the bones are af
fected) White Swellings (it applied with
Dr. Jebb's Liniment,) foul and obstinate
Ulcers, Sore Legs and Eyes, Scaldhead in
Children, Scurvy and Scorbutic Gout. Pim
plod or Carbuncled Faces, Festering Erup
tions, and Venereal Taints throughout the
body, in which last case the Drops often
cure when Mercury fails. They are also
the best Spring and Autumnal Physic to
purify and cleanse the system from humors
which frequently appear at these seasons o
the year. They also aid the process of di
gestion, and by purifying the blood, prevent
the secretion of malignant humors on the
o:TNone genuine unless signed T. KID
DER, on the wrapper, (solo proprietor and
successor to Dr. Conway,) by whom
they are for sale, at his counting room, No.
99, Court st. Boston, (up stairs,) and by
his special appointment, at
The Drug and Book Store of
j' Price 81, or 6 bottles for 85.
rr HE Subscriber is prepared to construct
-AIL and put up LionTNixo Roos, at the
shortest notice. C. W. HOFFNIAN.
Gettysburg, May 5,1840.
IN addition to the MEDICAL PRACTICE,
Dr. D. GILBER'r is prepared to insert
MINERAL TEETH, Of the best quality, and
to perform all other operations fur the pre
servation and beauty of the teeth. All
operations warranted.
Gettysburg, March 31,1840.
THE PILOT, Extra.—This paper will
be published once a week,in pamphlet form,
and double royal size, from the first of May
until the 15th of November, and be devoted
exe:usively to the Presidential election. It
will furnish a cheap and efficient means of
distribut;ng documents, facts and arguments
bearing on the contest, and at the price of
one dollar.
Tippecanoe Clubs—Whig associations,
and especially the Whig Young Men are
requested to act as our awnts in obtaining
subscribers. Thu papers, friendly to the
cause are requested to send us theirs in ex
change, and to insert this Prospectus.
CC:rPersons desiring to obtain subscribers
can cut this prospectus from the paper and
attach it to a sheet of blank paper.
Baltimore, May 5, 1840.
out exception the most valuable preparation in
use, Mr the above diseases. It converts Hoop.
mg Cough into a mild a..d tractable disease, and
shortens its duration more than ono halt;and pro
duces a certain and speedy recovery. From half
to ono tea spou nful, will certainly cure Croup in
infants and young children, in halloo hour to an
hour. The lives of hundreds of children will be
saved annually, by always keeping it or. hand
ready for every emergency. For sale at No. 20
South 3rd street Philadelphia.
For sale at the Drug Store or
Gettysburg, Fob. 18, 1840.
OLCKA" FOR WIGS. Of all the reme
dies ever devised for the restoration and preserva
tion of the Hair. nothing lan been found equal to
Jayne's Hair Tonic- It sek•con fails to restore
the hair to health and beauty- Many who were
bald a few months ago, can now exhibit luxuri
ant beads of hair by the use of it.
Copy of a letter trr.m Dr.. S. S. Fitch.
ALBANY LOCH HOSPITAL. Pror...sorx.rins. May 10.1839.
SYPHILIS. .. Dr. Yap:ie.—Dear '44 --- r--1 feel that I can hard.
1 ly say enough to yen in favor of the flair ;Tonic.
Omnes Piincipiis obsta. prepared by you. Me hair had been falli nu off
ENCOURAGED by the uniform success attending afloat two years. and had Lecome very thin three.
his peculiar method of treatment, fur the preven- teeing speedy fraldoess.when I commenced using
lion and care of venereal complaints, and confirmed this remedy. In about one week it ceased to
by the experience amen) , years in a widely extended f an o ff:
practice; sensible also of the happy effects resultiugl
I halm used it now about three months, and
to the community, from bovine con fi ned himself cu
have as full and thick a bead of hair as I can pot.
tirely to the study and care of a class of diseases '
which there is every reason to deplore are too prev- I sibly desire. I have recommended its use to a
alent. _.- - I number of my friends, who all speak well of it.
Dr COOKE continues to direct his sole attention ! If faithfully employed, I have no doubt of its gen.
to the treatment of every disorder that occurs from eral success. I may add, that before using rho
imprudence, whilst under the influence of intemper- ITonic, I had tried almost all the various articles
ance or any o . ber baneful excitement, and to the cure , .
employed for the hair, such as the 31acassar Oil,
of those dreadful maladies, which too often arise there-
, all the different Melia-rations of Bear's Oil, Veg
from. These sorrittimes commence in a most simple
form, and througlatiglect or injudicious treatment , etable flair Oil, &c. &c. without experiencing
afterwards assume a more aggravated state of disease,' much. tfany benefit.
occasionine abscess ulceration, nodes, caries of the I Respectfully yours, S. S. FITCH.
bones, psuedo syphilis, cancer, prornature old ace. No . 152 Chestnut street.
and too often end to a protracted iucurable state of
The Rev. LEONARD FLETCREa. Pastor of the
miserable existence Baptist Chnrch„ Great Valley. Pa. who had been
Dr. COOKE though professing exclusively the stu
dy and cure of these particular complaints, deems it I more or less bald for many years, used three bet.
proper to inform his friends and the public iu general.; ties of the flair Tonie s and has now a fine growth
an justice to his professional character, that be was of new hair over all that part of his Lead where'
properly educated and regularly iniatiated into every h e was b a ld. wr i tes _
branch of the profession as a general Practitioner in ' "My hair as growing fumly. I assure you."
Europe. L. FLETCHER.
Dr. COOKE may be consulted therefore at all
West Chesteir, Pa. March 2. 1839.
times, as usual at his offices, which arc properly fit
led up rind arranged for confidential consultation. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jeyoe. sole proprie.
Country patients residing .t a distance—and another tor, No. .20 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
patients who prefer writing instead of a personal in- Price al a bogie.
terview—can be treated with equal success on descri- For sale at the Drug Store of
bing minutely their case by letter, and enclosing a S. 11. BUEHLER.
remittance fur advice and medicine. There will be Gettysburg, Feb.lB. IS-110_
no difficulty in sending packages to any part alba
United States, and the medicines will be securely
packed, carefully protected from observation,and sent
without delay to the place appointed.
OFFICES No. 3 Norton street, near Green street,
Albany, New York.
May 5,1840.
valuable medicine is daily effecting some of
the most astonishing and wonderful cures that
have over been known. All who have ever used
it for Asthma, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Hoop-
ing Cough, Croup or Hives, Consomptien,Chron
ic Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Pain and Soreness of the
Breast, difficulty of Breathing, and every other
disease of the Lungs and Breast, can and do at
test to Its usefulness. Bronchiiis,a disease which
is annually sweeping thousands upon thousands
to a premature grave, under the mistaken name
of Consumption, is always cured by it The usu
al symptoms of this disease ,(Bronchi tis) are
Coughs,Soreness of the Lungs or Throat, Hoarse
ness, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hectic Fe
ver, a spiting up of Phlegm or mutter, and some
times blood. It is an intimation of the fine skin
which lines the inside of tho whole of the wind
tubes or air vessele.which run through empty part
of the Lunge. This Expectorant immediately
suppresses the Cough, Pain, Inflamation, Fever
and Difficulty of Breathing, and produces a free
and easy Expectoration, and a cure is soon efibc.
It always cures Asthmas—two or three large
doses will cure the Croup or Hives of Chilarenon
from fifteen minutes to an hour's time. It im
mediately subdues the violence or Whooping
Cough; and effects a speedy cure. Hundreds
who have been given up by their physicians as
incurable with "Consumption," have been resto
red to perfect health by it.
dent of Granville College, Ohio, says—"he was
laboring under a severe cold, cough and hoarse
ness, and that his difficulty of breathing was so
groat that ho felt himself in imminent danger of
immediate suffocation, but was perfectly cured
by using this Expectorant." Mre Dilks„ of Sa
lem, N. J. was cured of Asthma, of twenty years,
standing, by using two bottles of this medicine.—
Mrs. Ward, also, of Salem,was cured of the same
complaint by ono bottle. A young lady, also of
Salem, who was believed by her friends to be far
gone with Consumption, was perfectly restored
by three bottles. Dr:Hamilton, of St. James,
South Carolina, was greatly affected by a cough,
hoarseness and soreness of the lungs, and on
using a bottle of this medicine, found permanent
The following certificate is from a practising
Physician, and a much respected Clergyman of
the Methodist Society, dated
Modest Town, Va. August 27.1835.
Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir—l have been using your
Expectorant, extensively, in my practice, for the
last three months, and for all attacks of colds, in.
fietination of the lunge, consumption, asthma,
pains and weakness of tho breast, it is decidedly
the best medicine I have over tried.
Very lospectfully yours.
Numerous other certificates might be added,
but the above are considered sufficient evidence
of its great usefulness.
Prepared only by Dr. D.. Jayne, No. 20 South
Third street, Philadelphia. Price $l.
Where also may be had Jayno's Carminative
Balsam. for the cure of Bowel Complaint, &c
Tonle Vermifuge, for the removal of Worms, &c.
Sanative Pills, for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints,
and Female Dummies' &e. Also, Jayno's flair
Tonic, for the removal of Baldness and preserve..
Lion of the H air.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Feb. 18, 1840.
ris a certatimsaff and effectual remedy for Dys•
ii entery.Diarral-m~3.0r Loorene•e,Cholera Aloe
bus, Summer Complaint. Ciarare„ G r ipi ng Pains.
Sour Stomach. FLitulency, A. - c„&m. and all Spas.
modic and Nervous sick and Not anus
Eleadach„ Hysteria. Cramp. &c. /km
This is cue of the moat efficient, pleasant and
safe compositions ever otTered tott.e public for this
care of the various derangements of the idomach
and bowels. and the only article worthy of the
least confidence far curing Cholera lufantum or
Summer Complaint; sal in all the above diseases
it really acs like a charm.
All persons are xeqtres:cd to try ft. for there is
no mistake" about its UM:: one of the must
uable family medicines ever yet discovered.
Hundred! nay thousandle,ofeertificates have been
received from Clergymen. and lami.
lies of the first respectability, bearing the strong .
est testimony to its favour, too curia-rims to pub .
This is to re. tify that I have used Dr• Jayne's
Carminative Balsam very extensively in Bowel
Complaints, and have not the least hesitation in
declaring it superior to any preparation that I
have met pith, for the relief of those diseases.
Phroician tc the Cumberland. N. J Almshouse:
Brid2eton. lolly 19.183,6.
Dr. D. J•var.—Dear Sir,—Having inside use
of your Carminative Balsam in my family, and
finding it to be admirably adapted to the corn.
plaints for which ii is intended. I take pleasure
in recommending it to the use of my friends and
the public generally. believing those who are af
flicted with any of these complaints will find re.
lief in the use of ibis valuable medicine.
President ot Granville College. Ohio.
New York. May 20.1837.
For Sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg . , Feb- IS4O.
‘,NrIP of Sixty Years Standing, Immo by Dr.
Jaycee's Expectorant:
ntuantx.ruu. August 16th. 1838.
Mr. Arsmos—Dear Sir: A few weed ago I
noticed in your paper. an account of the surpri
sing effects of Jayne's Carminative. in restoring
a great number of passengers on board a Missis
sippi steamboat, to perfect health who were affec.
ted with Bowel Complaint. I was glad to see
you notice it so kindly; you may rest assured it
;deserves the praise bestowed upon it. The ben.
efit I hare received from this medicine. more es.
pecialir his Expectorant, induces me to state niy
case to youlor the benefit of those who ate afflic.
ted in the same way. It has been my misfortune.
sir, to labor under a cough and arithmetical op.
pressioo. for more than kalfa century. When a
soldier in the American camp, in 1778.1. with
many others, (owing to great exposure,) had a
violent attack of disease of the which (
was disabled from deity for a leng time. Since
that period until recently, I have never been free
from a rudentCough and difficulty of breathing.
Yeas after year I have expectorated over a gill a
day; often much more, and sometimes mixed
with blood- For months together, night after
night, I have had tosit or be bolstered up to ob
tain my breath. The weakness and debility can,
sed by such constant expecteration. frequently
brought me to estate borderin -on death. It has
been a matter of asionishment to my family and
friends that lam here to write this to you. X
have had skilful physicians to attend nie, anilt
every thing done that was thought likely to givo
me relief. without any beneficial effect. Last
winter I had another revere attack of Inflame,
thin of the Longs. which I fully expected would
be the last. I then considered my case as past
the aid of medicine, when I was persuaded to call
on Doctor Jayne. With the assistance of Diviner
Providence. through him.l was once more raistd
from my bed, but the coughing and wheezing
wearied me day and night. Ile advised me louse
his Expectorant. 1 did so, with a strong hope
that, as it had cased many of my acquaintances
of various diseases oldie La es. it might at least
mitigate may sufferings. Need I say how grail&
ed I felt? It has IMMICTUALI-V cuaxo me. As
soon as I commenced taking it. I found it teach,
ed my case. and I began to breathe with more
freedom. My expectoration became more ea.y„,
and my curigh entirely left me. I now feel as
well as eve: . I did in my life, and am better than
1 hare been for the last sari yeses. Lust sum.
mer I spit a great deal of blond; now, thank God„
lam perfectly cared Now, Sir, after suffering
so longaind finding at last each signal relief ham
Jaycees Expectorant. I feel anxious to inform
my fellow citizens where relief may be had. If
you think this worthy a place in your paperyou
will oblige me be enticing it.
N 0.35 Lombard Street.
Dr. Jayee's Office is No. 20 Smith Third street ?
Fox sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg. Feb. lg. lELO.
'4FIRMS! WORMS!! Wd113,1S!!! To reinevat
thrse dangerous and troublesome inhab
itants of the Stomach and Dowels. which so.
often impair the frialth and destroy the lives of
chi/rhea. use Dr. Jayiss's Tonic Verrnifuge,a cos.
fain and wee preparation for the removal of the
various kinds of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour SW..
mach,. Want of appetite. inzantita Fever and,
Ague, and debility of the Stomach Bowels,
and organs of digestion. To be had at No. 2Q
Smith Third Street. Philadelphia. Price SU chi t
For sale at the Drag Store of
Geuisburg, Feb. 18. :840,