MISCELLANEOUS. Frogs the New-lrasiars. The Swiss Emigre:weft Ihresaw se How gently night's viisiewe hostas nay sod hew: And bring peace to oxy sanwagfisig was& When they wake to new Ere the haiiiiks hag= off the pas; And the friends I have [eft be befficalL Last rive,witten soft aluntbar rolitilslinal =lona. A vision or beauty was miror,- Mothonght I roarand fiver ore:oozy cram nador . etas. Or slumbered beneath my awn slam. I hoard tho mitd rondo of targityrs. tastattoratehn Their perfumes throtrghi ipmakto moil cam% Ana tho fat, rude yoke crf nry omadcor ants thr=o. In tones of erection sad! Dave- My sister was there. is her bawdy sail %RIK Her eyo like tba fairy graarn*, She glided as light as a ayaspre ores Who gbua— My beautiful. karma Hour . How rotolly I gazed, ma each aii ins af WEIR% Nor dreamed of the Lzzk sarong GEFIR Which fevered the toad that haul loved, With all its endeastneata,6ca® ram. The vision departed isitht a.6,ar disarm. And left me its Ws to infirm And I sighed, Wits smog, ler thee =Mx' absents, Where friends shaft be erEsevad lUD mrose- Emma. Yonkers Fan. Sea. Jam.. IFFIIL DEATH OP CAPTAIN NILE'T- We regret to team that Cereal Janes Riley diod on the 15th Mareb. as bawd his brig, the William Tel:Lb:mad to Mogs dore in the 631 year efkis age. Captain Riley was eateaarerty tame in this country and id Ilevoner, as the web= •of ti personal narrative of exerst ilerstest„ connected with his shipwreck maxi ageivriti . r among the wild Andean the imieet oiiaat of Africa, and his emendiaary perer eel • feringa and adventans. Os the Ent ap• pearance of the book it was iminumeil by many to have been a mem remece, saw the work of Judah Paddeeb was pahlivibed, who bad been wrecked neady is the me place and suffered sersery wain the enr ages of that coast, and di cosinabasidled Emmy iot Captain Rdery'sdenula We zeneeder„ ; in particular, how Thule enallemesias etas to his declaration, that his eassessive serer. lags bad so reduced tuna that be weighed' but sixty pounds. It is rather aingabr,. that atter his escape from the Arida, and the kindness *hewn to bias by Kr. Wkdtt 'shire at blogadore,CSi?tieiS Riley lisesikea, with the exception atm lbw yews Om whili be resided in Obin, eaustaat* trailed to that port. He was familiar with its CLEW moral, we may say bad nearly the eathe monopoly, was a Semite with the chari ties of that place, yet his dreamy seemed to have led him voyage after voyage In age. proach the same mesa, the same saer-! ehant•marrin: groeke the same astisowita-: Ide mountains of sand, so tang the ems his anguish and tionate audieina . Be must have been trading firma die mar/ to Mogadore (or the Gut Maly-Ere yews. , Of late his health has been he robust, frame seemed to hate gives way to disease, and he finally soak err ia, 1116- moved from his Einirly and ifiiraills. Captain Riley in my mamas was am i extraordinary man—be had Kamm si nsl i great energy and peso® of cisme ter, not ossify datostad fry dimigerr. was grateful to the last for As Ildadisests Amin to him in adversity, and passaeßeil sway excellent traits of chainstreen. H? wank which may be consaressdl as am andikessiic detail, has had a wide ll:bn:l3istsal:l6 mail Las always been easfidiud a very g narrative.-IVsm York Starr- 11:1'41'f0):1 -,1 i14%'1rv:14 KO • s sti (s):12:3:11 This singular phstaimesee hes sitassend some attention among armraliates eat seers in our city. A scientific flies% wsn eagimined it, has finessed us with do (l lowing description dr thews:ties tie stria the worm in question is nqppesalamtheltag:' The common name edit ies„Gaiassi Wanes,; the scientific names are mensal ist assailier, but the most approved is„prebaddy; Maria Mediae:un- The boey of the wens is round; elastic, eraegatedl„ and ef =sty equal thickness throughout. hOs al al, white colour; about the thickness ci the string of a violin, and all nurkes linagtb, as described by miasma The seem em the horse now in this city is sspipmed to be nearly three inches sock, and it ism longer deity. his newer styli, has =as about constantly with a tromaistg matiso. This species of warm darlDetiMlES Erma in the human body. Dr. Jnr, of Mak i in an article on worms, —"lt hers Urn met with in abreast alit szpenkcial situa tions of the body,—in the wails tithe abss - and chesty in the aims wmi bads about the neck and heart; and ewe under the conjunctive, or deep ire eke Racket dense eye; from allot which sienna=s has been successfully extracted. In a enstais sle eks of ape a similar war= has deem trained within the peritoneal cavity, weld is member between the coats at the me. It ins been discovered in the alidaters eI Ida bane also, and even in the &beef the eye 7, where it has been tarty seem teen transparent hamors. In cases such as that =der unniae„ present the inquiry is matnrell haw &mom ' worm get in the eye o(the 'These are various opinions astaag the scisentie mains question. Some write= swam dont ads worm is the farts of an keen term ins the eye, by the insect penetanstiag the eye.' Others think that it makes its way isms the body by the month, in eamd ar dried' c and then creeps away to a eangeinsi releng place. Basases, a orikihreall writer cm worms, is of opinion that the MUIR. is a creature ofwbieh the wawal shade is the animal body, where, and Islam aims, it originates and inaltip4es.---/k& Amer. APm Sosa.—A coai= . sit)l6 ,,, er at tie Natchez theatre, s siegivig a snag called "etwalreth's Para." The P6rar®e sea. Aare hart many bans win be ft.lL - .= for his benefit: ADVERTISEMENTS. OILIPMA.NS 9 COURT SALE. 110 pccrsuance of an order from the Or -A plums Court of Adams county, will be midst public vendue, on the premises, on Mowing the 11th day of May pert, at 10 o'clock A. M. All nail interest of JA13013 Fiesizst, deceased, in A Tract of Land, Saute an Liberty township, Adams county, cesitaking 201 ACRES ea PERCHES, and allowance. adjoining lands of Jacob Weldy and others. The improvements Mill • LA3IOII 15 . 11 STONE MILL. with two water wheels and three pout stones—the works in good repair; a Saw NELL, recently repaired; A STONE Dwelling-House, and STONE BA NN. -ALSO 3KOUI~►'TAIX TRACT, lying about 3 miles from the above deacri bed Tract, containing 131 Jervi s and 430 Percher, adjoining lauds of Robert Mamma, Christian Friedt, and others. Terms of sale made known on day of salo by the ADMIUSTELTOU. By the Court, S. R. RUSSELL, Clerk. April 21. td. BRIGA . ORDERS: The.:Fawalle,ll 'OF the Second Brigade Flab division Pennsylvania Militia, are required to Le paraded and trained as follows, viz : IN COMPANIES, On Monday the 4th of May next, at ouch pause u their Commanding Officers shall direct. IN BATTALIONS, As follows, viz: The Ist Battalion of the 21 do. of do. on Tuesday the 12th :—The let Battalion of the 80th Regiment, on Wednesday she 13th ; the 2d do. of do. on Tisrraday the 141 h :—The Ist Battalion of use Sikh Regiment, on Friday the 15tH; the 211 do. of do. on Saturday the 18th of May asst: unless the Commanding Officer. sihrmld direct Regimental Trainings instead thereof JTbose Volunteer Companies within the ligamds of the 80tb, 89th and 90thlite• silencing, may attach themselves to either Battalion most convenient for inspection. ItGrAPPEALS—For the Militia, on ilianday the 84 of Jane neat—For Volun• taws, w Monday the' 2nd of November see. DAVID SCOTT, Brig. Insp. 2d Brigade sth Division P. M. April 13. tp. LIVER COMPLAINT Cured by the "use of Dr. HARLICH'S Compound Strengthening and German Aperient pills. Mr. Wrimax Iticasatro, Pittsburg, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressing die. ease. His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, lose of appetite vomiting, =rid eructations a distension of the eta swath. sick hea dache, furred tongue, coun. tonna" changed to a citron color, difficulty cA breathing, disturbed rest, attended with • casigh„ great debility, with other eytnp tans indicating great derangement of the lEincsiors of the liver. Mr. Richard bad theadvice of several physicians, but receiv ed no relief, until using Dr. Harlich's ined wine, which terminated in effecting a per conneet cure. Principal office, 18 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also for sale in Gettysburg, at the Drug Store of S. S. FORN EY, Agent. April 21. 21. (TOUGHS, Consumptions and Spitting of vv Blood.—Dr. Swayne'e Compound Syr. aq of Wild Cherry Bark is found to be the beat article for healing ulcerated lunge, mapping night sweats, and relieving the awash, that has ever been in use. Those who are afflicted would do well to procure this medicine before it may be too late. Cestiheates ofmany may be seen by apply; lag at No. 19 north eighth street, Philadel- OM, where this medicine can always be obtained. Alai), for sale in Gettysburg, at the Drug Store of S. S. FORNEY, Agent. April 21. 2t. ACROSS THE STREET:, WM. W. PAXTON INAS removed his HAT STORE across the street, to the House lately occu ! 'pied by Edwin A. Atlee, next door to Mr. Envy's Hotel; he has on hand a very large ismartment of HATS, of every description. Prices low, for Cash or Country Produce. April 7. N. B. An APPRENTICE to the above liminess will be taken if immediate applica tion be made—one between the age of 15 end 17, alio can come well recommended, sail obtain a good eituntion. W. W. P. NEW GOODS! _TUST received and for sale by the sub. "F scriber very cheap. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Dry eifeebi* GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, ' Hardware, Bar Iron, Hollow- Ware, &c., &c., All of which will bo sold at prices to suit the tunes: Either cash or produce will be taken in exchange. Please give me a call. GEO. ARNOLD. April 14,1840. ADVERTISEMENTS. DISSQLUTION OF CO.P.IIRT.VIERSIIIF. THE Co-Partnership, of the firm of MA nit & TRIMICII was dissolved on the 6th instant by mutual consent. All pergolas having unsettled accounts, will please settle the same with either of the subscribers. DAVID I - lEAGY, DANIEL 'PRIMMER. Gettysburg, March 10. F4.'.T7FX.IF7I'i. .---..A 2. - . 1,...-J.1. , _. --...-- • +..J. -: ... IIIIMIIIIMIOMIIIII ". ° 'I F i giff , P 'n ' , .. 1 .1 --. 37 , Tri r. . F•7= 7, •,i'' 1 ? fi r 'i l tidrr t i I Yl li li l l l ll,.l 11 r)**".. '22:l .' r 7 2 ,ir iji h r l'''j r Iri ' '., 1 1.' 4 i I 1 l' , • k. 4.0 LI ~ ....-.1 ' . ' . : ~ ..., firtHE Subscriber has on hand a very JiL floe assortment of tho different arti cles of furniture, at his ware room, in Chambersburg street, one door west of Christ's church; among which are some of the very latest fashioned Bureaus / Bedsteads, &c. He hopes that those wishing to purchase, will cull and see hie lot of furniture before they purchase elsewhere, as he is de termined to sell low for Cisu, or for such [MIMI as will suit him. He can also furnish customers with 'CHAIRS PLAIN OR FANCY, of a superior quality. COFFINS made according to order as usual. D. HEAGY Agent for Gettysburg, March 10. Estate of JACOB BROUGH, deceased. NOTICE lS hereby given to all persons interested that LETTERS OF ADEINISTRATION, of the Estate of JACOB BROUGH late of Franklin Township, Adams county, deed have been granted to the subscriber resi ding in said township. Those indebted are requested to pay without delay—and those having claims will present them in order for settletnept. D. MIDDLECOFF, Adm'r. March 514. Gt. Gouley's Vegetable Medicines. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS! Ne medicine hee, perhaps, ever met with such decided and general success as Gottley's Vegetable Bittern. Tills medicine has been but a few years before tha public, and tho demand for it has already become so great, that the sub. scriber finds it difficult to supply the numer ous orders which he is constantly receiving. Innumerable Certificates in his possession bear testimony to its medicinal virtues and attest the fact of its having preserved the lives of hundreds both in this city and else where. His VEGETABLE COUGH DROPS, a new article, are also getting into general use, having been productive of the most be neficial effects in hundreds of families of the first respectability in this city and vicinity ! and although they have in one instance, but without any foundation or truth, been pro nounced poisonous, HUNDREDS of certificates can be produced of their having performed posit= and effectual cures in the most obsti nate cases, both on young and old, and he now challenges any one to produce satisfac tory evidence that there is one particle of any ingredient in their composition that can injure a person in the lowest stage of any disease. Having administered his medicines in al most all diseases to which the human fami ly are subjected, he never, in a single in stance, found them t 6 produce any injurious effects, but, on the contrary,they have been attended with the most complete nieces.. N. B.—As the Fever and Ague is very prevalent at this season of the year, he can confidently recommend his VEGETABLE BITTERS as a CERTAIN cuttE,and invites all who may be afflicted with this dreadful disease to make trial of them. The attention of Mtisters and Owners of Vessels is called to this medicine; it will be found of great benefit nmong their clews, and a sure preventative of many of the di seases to whichthe mariner is subject during long and tempestuous voyages. LOUIS GOULEY, No. 21} Baltimore street, near the Centre Market, between Harrison arid Frederick - streets. Nov. 23• ty BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! SPRING AND SUMMER r r HE subscriber returns his thanks to his -m- customers and the public getterally, for the tibornl encouragement received, and hopes still to receive a share of Public pa tronage. He has just returned from the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, with a new and desirable assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which he now offers to the Public, on such terms as cannot fail to please—amongst his assortment are the following articles: Blue, Black, Green and Faacy colored Cloths, Blue, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, • 8-4 Black and Blue Black Bombazines, Figured and plain Gros de naples Silks, Shalleys, Mouseline de laines, Lawns, Chinises,Calicoes,Tickings, Checksotc. Call and examine for yourselves, as it will be to your advantage to do so. I). IC SWOPE. Gettysburg. March, 31. IP4O. tf. N. B. Country produce taken in ex change for goods; for which the highest prices will be given. 1). H. B. DENTAL SURGERY. IN addition to the MNDICAL PILACTICZ, Dr. D. GILBERT is prepared to insert MnisnAL Tema, al the best quality, and to perform all other operations for the 'pre se:vation and beauty of the teeth. MI operations warranted. Getty-bburg, March 81, 1640. Iy. WHEATFIELD INN. North Howard, near Market at., Baltimore. . . • • THE undersigned, intending to remain at this old establishment, reepectfully asks a eontinuanee of the support he hes heretofore received. He cannot offer any thing to the public in the way of a fine house, but he will try to make the comforts within, compensate for the deficiencies with out—to make the accommodations and not the building the object of attraction. J. COCKEY. March 31, 1840. 4t. J. HEAGY. If. CLOTHS CLOTHS ifUST received • fresh suppiy of very cheap CLOTHS, comprising all co lors.—Also, a good assortment of CASSI MERES and CASSINETTS. For sale by R. G. McCREARY. Jan. 4. tf TinOOPING COUGH, AND CROUP. —TO <144.1 PARENTS---hunes EXPECTORANT,i9 With. out exception the most valuable preparation in use, for the above diseases. It converts Hoop. ing Cough into a mild and tractable disease, and shortens its duration more than one belf i and pro. duces a certain and speedy recovery. from halt to ono tea spoi.nful, will certainly cure Croup in infanta and young children. in half an hour to an hour. The lives of hundreds of children will be saved annually, by always keeping it on hand ready for every emergency. For sale at No. 20 South 3rd street Philadelphia. For sale at tho Drug Store of S. H. BUEHLER. t4ettisburg, Feb. 18, 1840 Ali R. JAYNE'S EX P ECTORAN T.—This in fo/ valuable medicine is daily effecting some o the most astonishing and wonderful cures that have ever been known. All who have ever used it for Asthma, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Hoop ing,Cougli, Croup or Hives, Consumption,Chron ic Pleurisy. Hoarseness, Pain and Soreness of the Breast, difficulty of Breathing, and every other disease of tho Lungs and Breast, can and do at. test to its usefulness. Bronchitis,a disease which is annually swooping thousands upon thousands to a premature grave, under the mistaken name of Consumption, is always cured by it. The usu. al symptoms of this disease ,(Bronchi lie) aro Coughs.Soronoss of the Lungs or Throat, Hoarse ness, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hectic Fe.. vor, a spiting up of Phlegm or matter, and some times blood. It is en inflamation of the fine skin which lines tho inside of the whole of the wind tubes or air vessole,whioli run through every part of the Lungs. This Expectorant immediately suppresses the Cough, Puin, Inflamation, Fever and Difficulty of Breathing, and produces a freer and easy Expectoration, and a cure is soon effec. ted. It always cures Asthma—two or three largo doses will cure the Croup or Hives of Childremin from fifteen minutes to an hour's time. It mediately subdues the violence of Whooping Cough; and effects a speedy cure. Hundreds who have been given up by their physicians as incurable with "Consumption," have been reatoi red to perfect health by it. REV. JOHNATHAN GOING, D. D. Pauli. dent of Granville College, Ohio, says—"he was laboring under a severe cold, cough sad hoarse. noes, and that his difficulty of breathing was so groat that he felt himself in imminent danger of immediate suffocation, but was perfectly cured by using this Expectorant." Mrs. Dilks, of Se. lem, N. J. was cured of Asthma, of twenty years standing, by using two bottle, of this medicine.— Mrs. Ward, also, of Salem,was cured of the same complaint by one bottle. A young lady, also of Salem, who was believed by her friends to be far gone with Consumption, was perfectly restored by three bottles. Dr. Hamilton, of St. James, South Carolina, was greatly affected by a cough, hoarseness and soreness of the lungs, and qpi using a bottle of this medicine, found permanent The following certificate is from a practisign Physician, and a much respected Clergyman of the Methodist Society, dated • Modest Town, Va. August 27, 1838. Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir—l have been using your Expectorant, extensively, in my practice, for the last three months, and for all attacks of colds, In. flamation of the lungs, consumption, asthma, pains and weakness of the breast, it is decidedly the 6est, medicine I have over tried. Vory respectfully yours, IL W. W ILLIAMS, M. D. Numerous other certificates might be added, but the above are considered sufficient evidence of its great usefulness. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, No. 20 South Third street, Philadelphia. Price 81. Whore also maybe had Jayne's Carminative Balsam, for the cure of Bowel Complaint, &c.— Tonic Vermifugo, for the removalof Worms, &c Sanative Pills, fur Dyspepsia ' Liver Complaints, and Female Diseases, dr.o. Also, Jayne 'e flair Tonic, for the removal of Baldness end pre/Veva. Lion of the Hair. For aalo at the Drug Store of S i 11; DITERLER. Cettyeburg, Fob. 18,1540 ADVERTISEMENTS. 000DS. ADVERTISEMENTS. To the Afflicted. THE BEST PROOF which can be given or the UNRIVALLED EFFICACY Of DR. R ELFE'S arßotanical Drops. is addition to the wonderful cures that have been effected through this extraordinary Medicine, is the following new and interest ing case. FEVER SORE ! A most aggravated Cate. lirm'Extract of a letter, dated Nevem• ber, "I am now using the Rolle's Botanical Drops in a very important and difficult case. It is of a person who has bad a Fever Sore for more than twelve years, which has resisted the skill and medicines of the best Physicians—being applied to about five weeks since, I advised the use of the Botanical Drops, and they have bad a moat surprising effect, having reduced the leg (which was dreadfully .swollen) more than six inches in circumference, and I think will effect a perfect cure; lam now out of the Drops, and wish you to send me some by the bearer." nitre Completed. [Extract of a letter from the subject of the foregoing communication, Mr. Jac. Che ney, of Reading, Mass.] "Sir—My leg which before did not look like a human limb, is nnw entirely healed up, and come to its proper shape. 1 am free from pain, and can walk without limp ing. My appetite is good, and my sleep re. freehing and quiet, and 1 can follow my oc cupation with comfort. Previous to taking the Drops,l had given up all hopes ofrelief." The above remarkable case of cure is at tosteii to by Rev. JARED REID, and DANIEL CHUTE, Esq. Justice Peace, Reading, (Mass.) Scrofula. In 1831, an Agent writes,—'•ln another case (the Botanical Drops)undoubtedly had the happiest effect. In this instance the de cease appeared to pervade the whole system. It was undoubtedly of a scrofulous nature. The glands in various parts became enlar ged, hard mad very painful, and became oth erwise so affected with the disease as to be under the necessity of giving up business and confine himself to his room for sever al weeks; one or two of the swellings sup• purated, and discharged a considerable quantity. The bones, the physician told him, were also materially diseased. It was precisely under these circumstances that he commenced the use of the Botanical Drops, andas ho used nothintg else, (with the exception of some purgative occasion ally) and perfectly restored to health, we are (ofcourse) warranted in drawing the con clusion,that this happy result was brought a bout solely by their agency." .41nother Case. Or - An Agent writes, "There is a person in this place taking the Botani eal Drops evidently with the greatest ad. year. He declares, to use hie own words, "11 es doing wonders for him," and as it were "snatching him from the grave I" St..l lire. EttrA Lady of the first respectability, (writes an Agent`dias recently been cured of a very obstinate case of St Anthony's Fire, by the use of Dr. Belle's' Botanical Drops, atter having previously received the best advice in vain. Scabbed Eruptions. Oc:TA distant Agent writes--"I have wit nessed two most astonishing cures of erup tions or cutaneons disease, effected by the Botanical Drops, that had eluded the skill of the moat eminent Physicians in the neigh. boring city (Philadelphia); they were cases of two or three years standing ; one of which was literary covered with a kind of scabbed eruption. They are members of highly respectable families, and declare without reserve that they believe the Bo tanical drops to be one of the most valuable Medicines ever offered for diseases of that kiod. The proprietor might exhibit numerous other testimonials to prove the extraordina ry efficacy of this invaluable medicine. The prejudice of the most incredulous give way on beholding the astonishing cures performed by it—and various Physicians who have witnessed its efficacy, not only approve of its use, but in many cases re commend it without reserve. These drops will be found one of the most powerful al terative, purifier, and sweelner of the blood yet discovered, and may be used as one of the best remedies for the Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Leprosy, St. Anthony's Fire, Fever Sores, (oven when the bones are al. fetted,) White Swelling (if applied with Dr. Jebb'e Liniment,) foul and obstinate Ulcers, Sore Legs and Eyes, Scaldhead in Children, Scurvy and Scorbutic Gout, Pim. pled or Carbuncled Faces, Festering Erup tions, and Venereal Taints throughout the body, in which last case the Drops often cure when Mercury foils. They are also the best Spring end Autumnal Physic to purify and cleanse the system from humors which frequently appear at these seasons of the year. They also aid the process of di gestion, and by purifying the blood, prevent the secretion of malignant humors on the lunge. Oar None genuine unless signed T. KID. DER, on the wrapper, (soleproprietor and successor to Dr. Conway,) by whom they are for sale, at his counting room, No. 99., Court st. Boston, (up stairs,) and by his special appointment, at The Drug and Book Store of S. H. BUEHLER. Price 81, or 6 bottles for 85. JOB PRINTING, Or ALL RINDS, guah as Handbills, Advertisements, Cards, Pamphlets, and Blanks, Neatly ±nd expeditinualy executed at the office of STAR & BANIV.EI?," ADVERTISEMENTS. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM Rs a certain, safe and effectual remedy for Dye tna ontery, Diorralitea,or Loosoneaa,Cb u t sra m or _ bus, Summer Complaint, Cholic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Flatulency, &c. and all Spas. modic and Nervous D souses,as sick and Nervous Hoadach, Hysteria, Cramp, &a. &c. This is one of tho most efficient, pleasant and solo compositions over dram(' to the public fur the cure of the various derangements of the stomach and bowels, and the only article worthy of the least confidonco for curing Cholera luflinlum or Summer Complaint; and in all the above diseases it-really acts liko a charm. All persons are requested to try ft, far thero is 'no mistake" about its being ono of the most val. uablo family medicines over yet discovered.— Hundred! nay thousands, of certificates have boon receivod from Physicians, Clorgymen, and lami. lies of the first respectability. bearing the etiong est testimony in its favour, too numerous to pub lieh. CERTIFICATES This is to certify that I have used Dr. Jayne'l Carminative Ballwin very extensively in Bowes Complaints, and have not the knot hesitation in declaring it superior to any propitiation that I have mot with, for the relief of Boise diseases. WILLIAM STEELING, M. D. Physicinn tc the Cumberland, N. J Almshouse. Bridgeton, July 19, 1836. Dr. D. JAYNK,—lloar Sir,—liaving mode use of your Carminative Balsam in my family, and finding it to be admirably adapted to the com plaints for which ii is intended, I take pleasure in recommending it to the use of my friends and the public generally, believing those who are af. Meted with any of these complaints will find re lief in the use of this valuable medicine. JONATHAN GOING, M. D. President of Granville College, Ohio Now York, May 20, 1837., For Salo at the Drug Store of • S. H. BUEHLER Gettysburg, Fob. 18, 1840. TTENTION BALD HEADS. NO AP— GEL% OLOGY FOR WIGS. Of all the reme dies over devised for the restoration and preserve. tion of the Hair, nothing has been found equal to Jayne's Hair Tonic. It seldom fails to restore the hair to health mid beauty. Many who worn bald a few months ago, can now oxhibit luxuri ant beads ofhair by the use of it. Copy of a letter from Dr, S. S. Fitch. PHILADELPHIA, AlUy 10, PM. Dr. Jayne.—Dear Sir.—l feel that I can hard ly say enough to you in favor of thu Hair Tonic, prepared by you. My hair had been falling off about two years, and had become very thin,threa. toning speedy baldnese,whon I commenced using this remedy. In about ono week it ceased to fall off. I have used it now about throe months, and have as full and thick a head of hair as I can pos sibly desire. I have recommended its use to a number of my friends, who all speak well of it. If faithfully employee, I have no doubt of its gen. eral success. I may add, that before using tho Tonic, I had tried almost all the various articles employed for the hair, such as the Macassar Oil. all the different preparations of Bear's Oil, Vog. °table Hair Oil, &c. &c. without experiencing much, deny benefit. Respectfully yours, No. 172 Chestnut !area Tho Rev. LEONARD FLETCHER, Pastor of the Baptist Church,Great Valley , Pa. who had been more or lose bad for many years, used three bot tles of the Hair Tonic,and has now a find growth of new hair over all that part of his head where he was bald, writes— "My hair as growing finely, I amour° you." L. FLETCHER Neat Cheater, Pa. March 2, 1839. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, 11010 proprio. tor, No. 20 South Third Stroot, Philadelphia. Price $1 a bottle. For sale at the Drug Store of S. H. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, Fob. 18, 1840 (NOUGH,ASTHMA,SPITTING OF BLOOD, ‘340 of Sixty Years Standing, CURED by Dr. Jayne's Expectorant: PHILADELPHIA, August 16th, 1838. Mr. kricrisori—Dear Sir: A few weeks ago I noticed in your paper, an account of the surpri sing effects of Jayne's Carminative, in restoring a great number of passengers on board a Missis sippi steamboat, to perfect health who were affec led with Bowel Complaint. I was glad to ace you notice it so kindly; you may rest assured it deserves the praise bestowed upon it. The ben efit I have received froni this medicine, more es pecially his Expectorant, induce. me to state my case to you,for the benefit of those who are afflic ted in the same way. It has been my misfortune, air, to labor under a cough and asthmatical op. precision, fur more than IN:111'a century. When a soldier in the American camp, in 1778,1, with many others, (owing to groat exposure,) had a violent attack of disease of the Lungs,by which I was disabled from duty for a long time. Since that period until recently, I have sever been free from a violent Cough and difficulty of breathing. Year after year I have expectorated over a gill a day; often much more, and sometimes mixed with blood. For months together, night after night, I have had to sit or be bolstered up to ob tain my breath. The weakness and debility eau. sod by such constant expectoration, frequently brought me to a state bordering on death. it has been a matter of astonishment to my family and friends that lam hero to write this to you. I have had skilful physicians to attend me, and every thing done that was thought likely to givo me relief, without any beneficial effect. Last winter I had another severe attack of Inflame tion of the Lungs, which I fully expected would be the last. I then considered my case as past the aid of medicine, when I was persuaded to call on Doctor Jayne. With thn assistance of Divine Providence, through hini,l was once more raised from my 'bed, but the coughing and wheezing wearied me day and night. He advised me to use his Expectorant. 1 did so, with a strong hope that, as it had cured many of my acquaintances of various diseases ofthe Lungs, it might at least mitigate my sufferings. Need I say how gratifi ed I felt? It has EFFECTUALLY CURED me. As soon as I commenced taking it, I found it reach ed my case, and I began to breathe with more freedom. My expectoration became more emiy,, and my cough entirely left me. I now feel as . well as ever I did in my life, and am better than, I have been for the last SIXTY Traits. Last sum-. mar I spit a great deal of blood; now, thank God, lam perfectly cured New, Sir, after suffering so long,and finding at last such sig nal, relief fi orri; Jayne's Expectorant, I fool anzinus to inform,, my fellow citizens where relief may be had. IC• you think this worthy a place in your paper you will oblige me by noiieing it.. NICHO,LAS HARRIS, SEN, N 0.3.5 Lombard Street. Dr. Jayne's Office is No. 213South,Third meek Phdadelpida. For sale at the Drug atom of ' S. H. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, Fab. 18, 184U.' \WORMS!, WARMS!! WORMS!!! To remove 'J'J these dangerous and troublesome inbab-' itants qt the Stomach and Vowel?, which so often impair the health and destroy the lives 01. .children. use Dr. Jayue's Tonic VArreifuge,a cer tain a.nd safe preparation for the removal of the, Various kinds of Worms, Dyspepsia, Sour Stu mach, Want of Appetite, infantile Fever and ; Ague, and debility ut the Stomach and Bowels, and qr. gan s of digestion. To bq lied at No. 20: South Third Street, Philadelphia. Price 50 cts. For snip at the Drug Store of S. H. BUEULI4. cettysbikers, Feb. 1 . 8, 'O4O, S. S. FITCH,