RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, ADAMS COUNTY, PA. AGREEABLY to an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to raise Connty Rates and Levies," requiring the Commission. era of tho respective Counties to publish a statement of the RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES yearly—We. the Commissioners of Taxes of the said County, do REPORT as follows, viz: FROM THE NINTH DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 1638, TO THE SIXTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1840—both days inclusive:— Dolls. Cis. To outstanding Tat, Jan.B, 1899, at last Boatmen:, 0,567 48 Quit Rents received from C. Chritzmau, 34 00 do. do. in James Majors' hands, 184 00 Proceeds of notes discounted in Bank, 5,944 33 Taxes assessed for the year 1839, 15,307 75 Cash received from James Russell, Rsi. for stab of stray Cow, Cash received for ones of do„ Tho Tans assessed for 1839, aro as follows: Collectors. John Heintzolman, Joseph Taylor, David Stewart, Henry Brinkerhoff, James Major, John Martin, John Blair, John Marshall, Jonathan C. Forree, James Black, Sen. Martin Hill, Valentine Hollinger, Robert M. Hutcheson, Benjamin Asper, Sen., Robert M'Kinney, Samuel Hollinger, William Yeatte, James Bight's), Otr.The outstanding Tax appears to be following Collectors:— Collectors. 1830.—Wm. M'Creary, " Anderson Ewing, 1837.—David Stewart, 44 John Chroniater, 1888.--David E Cook,* 44 Wm. Douglass,t 44 Daniel Bowersox,* 44 Henry Brame , t 1839.—John Heintzeiman,* 44 Joseph . Taylor,t " David Stewart,t 44 Henry Brinkerhoff,t 44 James Majors,t 4 4 James Black, Sen.t 44 John Marshall,t 44 J. C. Forrest,t 4 4 John Martin,t " R. M. Hutcheson, Benj. Asper,t " Samuel Hollinger, " Martin Hill, 4 4 William Yeatts,t 44 John Blair,* 44 Robert M'Kinney,t U James Bighttin,* Those marked V] have since paid in full—thus [t] in part. .1013.1 V 11. Zi11(11.Y.1,1,61X, Yaski Tve, AAWins for Yu To Outstanding School tax at last settlement, Jan. 8,1839, Cash on hand Jan. 8, 1839, " Balance of State appropriations for school purposes on hand due 3 noa•accopting districts, 180 95 a..L. N TESTIMONY that the foregoing statement of RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, exhibited nt the Of. *) .V Tice of the Treasurer of said County, is a correct and true Copy, as taken from and compared with the ori• ;-- -‘ 0 ;,; i gnals remaining in the Books of this Office—We have hereunto set onr hands and af fi xed the Seal of our said ,•,, i ,74' , • Office, at Gettysburg, the 6th day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty. WILLIAM REX, DANIEL DI EHL, Commissioners. J. L iiIIHN, ArrEsTil. J. SCHREINER, Clerk. A U =II , IT.'RS 9 lb EP*RTO To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of admits County. WE, the Subscribers, being duly elected AUDITORS to settle and adjust the Public Accounts of the Treasurer and Commis sioners of said County, and having been sworn or affirmed agreeably to Law,REPORT the following to be a general State. meat of the said Accounts, from the 9th day of January, A. D. 1839, until the Bth day of January, A. D. 1840, both days inclusive John IL Al ' Esq Treasurer, and Commissioners, in Account with the County of Maw s. DR. _ II Cit. Dolls. Cts $15,135 86 440 18 5,000 00 28 00 77 53 7,106 89 114 00 150 00 51 52 Dolls. Cis. To outstanding tax at last settlement, Jan. 8, 1839, $0,567 48 66 Quits rents received fromC. Chritz- man, 34 00 Quit rents in Lames Majors hands, 184 00 Proceeds of Notes discounted in Bank, 5,944 33 Taxes assessed for the year 1839, 15,367 75 Cash received of James Russell, Esq. for sale of stray Cow, Cash received of Do. STATEMENT exhibiting the amount of Taxes assessed for tt propriations in tho hands of JOHN H. hi'CLELLAN, Esq . DR. To outstanding tax at last settlement Jan 8,1830, Cash on hand Jan. 8, 1839, Balance of State appropriations for School pur poses on hand, duo 3 non•accepting districts, WE the undersigned Auditors of the County of Adams, elected and sworn according to Law. Report tint we met at the Commissioners' Offiae in Gettysburg, on the first :Monday in January inst., and in compliance with law, pro p coeded to audit, settle, and adjust the accounts of the Commissioners and Treasurer of said County; that on a careful and attentive examination, made by us, of the vouchers produced by the Commissioners, and of Commissioners Orders, Re ceipts, and other legal evidence Of payments, produced by John H 11PCiellan, Esq. Treasurer, of said Canity, from the oth day of January, 1839, to the 6th day of January. 1840, both days inclusive, we find the account of said Commissioners and Treasurer, to be correct, and that there Is a balance due to the !ounty of Adams by John H. llPClellan, Treasurer of said County, in Cash, the sum of FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN DOLLARS k,ND NINETEEN CENTS, and in outstand ing. Taxes the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SIX DOT.LA RS AND EIGH'T'Y-NINE CENTS. In Testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands at the Commissioners' Office, in Gettysburg, our place of settling Public mounts this 6th day of January, A. D. 1840. - JOHN L. NOEL, JOHN G. MOR N I NGSTA R, Auditors. SAMUEL DURBURO %V, rebnutry 4, MO. DR. , Townships. Franklin, Menallen. Hamiltonban, Stnkban. Borough, Berwick, Mountpleasant, Conowago, Germany. Cumberland. Liberty, Reading, Hamilton, Huntingdon. Mnuntjoy, Latimoro, Tyrone, Freedom, in the hands of the Townships. Liberty, Mountpleasant, Hamiltonban, Latimore, Menallen, Hamiltonban, Germany, Huntingdon, Franklin, Menallen, Hamiltonban, Straban, Borough, Cumberland, Conowago, Germany, Berwick, Hamilton, Huntingdon, Latimore, Liberty, Tyrone, Mountploasant, Mountjoy, Freedom, for linos, Auditors' pny, Tuition of poor children, Road views and Damages, Assessors' pay, Collectors fens and releases, Bills of costs paid Sheriff and otheni, Fox ar.d wild cat scalps, • Treasurer of Poor House funds, Grand Jury and constables' pay, General Jury and constables' pay, Work done to public buildings, Commissioners' pay, Clerks pay, Directors of poor pay, Court cryer and attendant's pay, Jailor's fees, Public printing, Prothonotary's, Recorder and Clerk's pay, Officers of election pay. Coroner's fees, John Camp's last payment on contract for Little Conowago Bridge, John Camp two first payments on contract for t Groat Conowago Bridge, 28,109 99 County Taz. 81,159 41 1,119 70 1,143 90 1,100 OD 071 98 1,021 02 994 66 1,023 07 819 65 960 67 516 81 901 02 828 91 794 07 597 81 532 80 521 19 Wood for public buildings, Books and stationary for public offices, Medical attendance on prisoners, Wm. Taughinbaugh, Sheriff, convoying prison- ? era to penitentiary, c 139 J. H. M'Clellan (in trust,) E. S. Prison, 50 Wm. Taughinbaugh, Sheriff. notifying Judges of Special Elections, 49 Public Schools, Franklin quota of county funds, 1833, 87 do. do. Menallen do. do. 79 do. do. Berwick do. do. 73 do. do. Mountjoy do. do. 43 do. do. Cumberland do. do. 439 do. do. Hamilton do. 18:19, 59 352 33 015,867 75 County 7a.T. 100 00 96 61 32 18 34 47 33 93 263 84 113 71 73 87 358 41 719 70 819 90 609 09 359 08 560 67 546 07 208 65 261 02 123 91 449 07 72 80 121 81 431. 19 379 60 204 81 132 33 do. do. Straban do. do. 78 Errors of taxes overcharged and refunded, 18 George Himes, quit rents on lots, No. 82 and 208, 12 Justices' fees for vagrants, &c. 8 James Cooper, Esq. two years pay as counsel, 40 Cash duo Treasurer at last settlement, 446 Notes paid in bank, 5,000 Interest paid in bank, 28 Certificates of constable returns, 77 Outstanding tax, January, 1840, 7,106 do. quit rents in James Majors' bands, 114 Treasurer's salary, 150 $28,058 4ri Cash in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 6,1840, 51 52 629,109 9V!' 87,100 89 - emelt, In Account "with the Coxint's of tallo-w Dolls. Cia. Collectors lees and releases, Treasurer of Franklin school funds in lull, Treasurer of Huntington school, do. Balance of State appropriations for School pur poses on hand due 3 non accepting districts, S Cash in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 6, 1839, 204 25 428 77 $793 97 By monies paid on Commissioners' Orders, Cash due Treasurer at last seettloment, Notes paid in Bank, Interest paid in Bank, Certificates of Constables returns, Outstanding Tax January 1840, Quit rents in J. Majors' hands, Treasurer's salary, Cash in hands of Treasurer, Jan. 0, 1840, 11 42 1 00 028,109 98 o use of Public Schools, together with the balance of the State A p Treasurer with Orders paid: CR. Dolls. Cis. By monies paid on Commissioners' Orders, 247 35 Balance of State appropriations,for School pur poses on hand, due 3 non accepting districts, 160 95 Cash in hands of Treasurer Jan. 6, 1840, 395 67 Dolls. Cis 204 25 428 77 100 05 $793 97 CR. . By Commissioners' Orders, as follows, viz: Dolls. 22 170 588 341 769 704 19 5,800 279 1,040 111 301 215 60 91 679 415 127 VOS 58 CII. By monies paid to orders as follows, viz MILITARY ELECTION. ♦ N Election will be held on Saturday 116 L the 22d of February next, at the fol lowing places: Ist Battalion 90th Regim't nt the house of Wm. Ilamme, Lewisbury ; 2d Battalion 90th Regiment, at the house. of Moses Myers, Petersburg, (Y. S.) ; Is; Battalion 89th Rrigiment, - at the house of John Hershey, in the borough of Hanover; 2d Battalion 89th Regiment, at the house of Col. George Ickes, Abbi,tt..itown ; Ist Battalion 80th Regiment, at the house of John Keckler, Franklin township ; 2d Bat taboo 80th Regiment, at the house of A. B B. Kurtz, Gettysburg—to elect 1 ri gadier General. DAVID SCOTT, 8.1. Jan. 18. te Enrolled Inhabitants of the 2d Brig. sth IJiv. Penn. ! DE pleased to consider mu a Candidate for Brigadier General on the 2'2d of February next. SAMUEL E. 11ALL. Jan. 18. to 3 ames 3. :,\l , ll.l‘cully, , `t --F Harniltonban township, will bo stip ported for tho thrice et' BRIG AMER GENERA I. of the 2d Brigade .5111 Divis ion Pennsylvania by MANY. Jan. 4. to 569 635 54 62 73 50 S. WITHEROW -3 OF 0 ETTrsimiza, candidate Go. the Office of BRIG A DIER GEIVERAL—and will he sup ported by MANY. Jan. 18. to BRIGADIER GENE it A IL. Brother Soldiers : OFFER myself to your consicleration for the of&ce of BRIG A DIER GF,N. ERAL, in the room of T U. Mrt.t.un, re signed. Should you e•lcct me, I shall en deavor to perform the duties of said office with promptness and nopartialtty. Your's, very respectfully, JAMES L. NEELY. Sun. 29. to G.6:%' I Riff 172. 7o the Volon44lllllfolled eitizrns of • d /Jr uision, P.. 31. *NCOUR AGED by a number of my friends, I (ger myself to your consider. ation as a candidate fo; the office of liTragadier Genera!, at the election to be held on the:22d of Feb ruary next; and pledge myself, should I he elected, to perform the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. HENRY I3ITTINGER. York Springs, Jan. 4,1.84.0. Capt. Samuel S. al" Creary. WvILL be supported for the office of LIEUTEA AIV T C OLONEL,for the 80th Regiment, ut the election to be held ou the 22d inst. MANY SOLDIERS. • Feb. 11. te. To the Enrolled members ol the i4O//a Reg intent, Pennsylvania illattia. Dols Cis 29 30 45 12 172 93 FELLOW SOLDIERS: T the solicitation of many of you, I of - cm- ter myself to your consideration to fill the vacancy of occasioned by time resigna lion of Co:. Wurnk:now• Should you hon or me with your confidence,' pledge myself, to servo you to the best of my ability. Very Respectfully, Your's &c. R. COBEAN. Feb. 11. te. 160 05 385 67 $793 07 YOU will parade, on the 2.2 d of Februa ry inst., at the house t.f Mr. TnomAs BLOCHER, precisely nt 10 o'clock A. M. By order of the Captain. Feb. 11. td. N. B. The court of appeal will be held on the same day for said Company. aria you will parade at the housc! of JAMES HEAGY, 111arsh Creek, on Saturday the 22d day of February, at 10 o'clock A. M. Punctual attendance is required. An appeal for the last year will lie held on said day. Feb. 4 ATTENTION! GETTIeSRURG TROOP. Y OU will parade in Gettysburg, on Sat urdny Me 22d of February inst. at 10 o'clock A. M. Their will be an appeal held on that day. By order of the Captain, ROBERT M'CURDY, Sec'ry. Feb. 11. id. $28,100 08 TEMPEIZANCE. A MEETING of the Union Seminary 'IR- and Hampton Temperance Society. will be held on Saturday evening, Feb. 22, at early candle light, in the School House in Hampton. Addresses will be delivered by Messrs. W ADSWORTH and IlEcitt. The Public is respectfully invited to attend. AMOS MYERS, Socr'y. February 3, 1839. $793 97 f 4, would just here mention to those of my friends that are indebtud to me, ole long standing,either by note or book accouot,t hat am in want of money. Do call and morn the favor I have so loivg bestowed upon you. This invitation is giVen indiscriminately. Vely Respectfully, GEORGE A RNOLD. Jan. 4, 1940. If. ADVERTIsENIENTS Franklin Guards ! D. SCOTT, Capt. td ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFF'S SALES. IN pursuance of a Writ of Vcditioni Ex pones, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Adorns county. and to mo directed, wall be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, on Wednesday the 26th day of February inst. at 1 o'clock, P. N. A TRACT OF LAND, .iitunte ip Hamilton township, Adams coun ty. Pn—Cadjoinint , " lands of Nicholas Ginter, henry Wolf and others containing ,319 ACRES, more or4ess, on which are a erected 13 NN aling %louse, part Stone and part Brick Bank Barn, a spripg house and other _ nut tenant houses, with an OARCHARD, and n view of'water near the door. Siezed and token in execution as the Ef tnte of Robert Mgivain, Andrew M ilvain, Mary ill-Bonin, Margaret 111.1lcain, and Margery 111.1 Iva in. G. W. M'CLELLAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Fob, 11,1840. -S td MAGISTRATES , ELECTION. 7o the Citizeris of Gettysburg: - lOFFER myself as a candidate for the office of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, and pledge myself, if elected, to do the du ties thereof honestly, to the best of my abil ities. SAMPSON S. RING. Gettysburg, Jan. 28. Phrenakosmian Socioty. faNHE Ninth Anniversal meeting 4$ the Phrenakosmian Society will take place at Christ's Church,,.on Friday Evening the 21st of February inst. Several Addresses, and appropriate music may bo expected. The citizens of Gettysburg, and the pub lic generally, are respectfully invited to at• tend. AARON J KARN,I b. C. CULLER, D. BITTLE, W. WEAVER, I C. F. FRARY, J a . Pennsylv College, Gattysburlf aail Feb. 11. S IZEGISTEIVS NOTICES. S'otice is Hereby Given, r Eirto all Legatees and other persons -acon cerned, that the ADMINISTRA TION ACCOUNTS of the Estates of the deceased persons hereinafter mentioned, will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Adams county, for confirmation, on Tues day the :3rd day of March 1940, to wit : The final account of Thomas M'Creary, Executor of tho E3lnte of John M•Creary, deceased. The account of F. W. Koehler, Adminis trator with the Will annexed, of the Estate ofJohn D. Felty, deceased. The account of Jacob Keller, Adminis trator with the Will annexed, of the Estate of Al at tin Heller, deceased. The account of John Wollord, Adminis trator of the Estate of Sarah Sponcer,dec'd. WM. KING, Register. Register's Office, Gettysburg, to Feb. 4, 1810. Cheap Atexiwra. ix VERY handsnmeassortmenf,French lab and Enghsh Merinoes, suitable for drosses and cloaks. Also, very rich black ground Mouseluxe de laines—junt received and for sate by R. G. McCREARY. Gettysburg, Jan. 4. If FOR THE LADIES. VERY splendid assortment of plain L'IL and fgured SILKS and SA7'TINS, for Bonnets, fashionable colors, with trim mings to match.—Also, Belting., Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Lidkfs. 4-c. Just received and for sato by R. G. M'CREARY. Jan. 4. tf FALL .& WINTER GOODS frb 11. SWOPE having just returned • from the cities of Philadelphia' and Baltimore wit'a a large and general assort ment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Cassinetts, Silk and Merino Vesting., Black Nfattioni Lustring, Blue and Black do. Figured and Plain colored Gro de Nap, Mouselino de Lames, 6 4 Engliah and French Merino, 3 4 Do. do. 6.4 French Bombazines, Merino and Thibet Wool Shawls, Highland do. White, Scarlet, Green and Yellow Flan nets, White Gause Flannel, Bleached & Unbleached Canton Flannel, Colored Do. do. 3 4 and 4-4 Plaid Linseys, Bleached and Unbleached Musline, Corded Skirts, Guernsey Frocks, Net Lambs' Wool Shirts, Ladies Black and White Silk Hose, Do. Wostard , do. Do. Cashmier do. Black Wostard 4 Hose, Ladies Kid Gloves, Do. Lined do. Berlin and Wool do. Prints, Checks, Ticking, dtc. Which he takes peculiar pleasure in in viting those who - are fond of Bargains, to call and examine, as they were bought upon surh terms as will enable him to sell them LfIWER THAN 7'IIEY HAVE EVER YE7' REEIV OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. Now is the time, call and examits.r for yoarselves. Country produce tuko in exchange for Goods. Gettysburg, Sept. '24. MD. tf. ADVERTISEMENTS. srasmar GT0.111• HOTEL, Corner of Market Slrcd and Market Srare, HARRISBURG, PA. 'VIM Subscriber respectfully informs his m- friends anti the public that he has ta ken the WASHINGTON HOTEL—that Nell known tavern stand situated at the cor ter of Market street and Market Square, qarrisburg, lately occupied by Maj. George W. Johnson, which he has fitted up in a su lerior manner, with entire new furniture of the newest fashion and best quality, from 4nrret to cellar. The house has also un lergone a thorough repair, and is put in • he best condition for the accommodation of customers. He takes the liberty to _state that the Washington Hotel -hull be kept in the best manner. His Table will always be furnished by the best the market affords, and so serv ed as to suit his guests. His Bar will be supplied with the hest of wines and liquors of all k;nds His Stable, (the largest in Harrisburg,) will be attended by faithful Ostlers, and every attention given (hat can be desired. As he is desirous of. proving that he is determined to keep a house not excelled in Harrisburg, he respectfully it.- vites travellers, members of the Legislature and others, to call and judge for themselves, as he will be happy at and and all times to see them. Oct. 5. DR. FRANKLIN J. SMITH , ESPECTFU LLY calls tho attention of his friends and the public generally. t o the important and interesting fact, that he is lully prepared and qualified to -cure the most inveterate cases of rheumatism.— The various diseases to which mankind are subject (if curable) can also be effectually and radically cured by him, safely and ex peditiously, at moderate and reasonable charges, without subjecting the patient to the poisonous influence of minerals, such as mercury, arsenic, &c. His remedies are mild, agreeable. and of and orerate in accordance with the laws of the animal economy. Doctor F. Smith is ready at alt time.; to attend patients at their houses. Patients living at a distance can be accont►nodated with board and medical attendance tit mod- erate prices at his dwelling, in Carlisle street, the house formerly occupied by Dr. Berluchy. Dr. Smith would also inform the public that his mode of treatment will perfectly remove t h e bad effects ren►aining in the eye. tern, from the use of mercury or any other poisonous mineral. Medical men of the li:gliest distinction and talent, such as Matthias, Alley, Cramp ton, Pearson, Abernethy, Carmichael, iltc afeirm that chancres and buboes, ulcerations in the throat, together with diseases of the periosteum, tendons, cartilages, ligaments, fascia, and eruptions of a highly obs.inate character, are the consequence from the ad ministration or use of mercury. These aw ful eff!cts of mercury are net novel, for every physician of veracity will acknow ledge them to be of frequent and melancho ly occurrence. Sept. 17. t Gonley's Vegetable Medicines. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS! No medicine has, perhaps, ever met with suc: decided and general SUCCE`fiI as Gouley's Vegetable Bitters. THIS medicine has been but a few years before the public, and the demand for it has already become so great, that the sub scrilier finds it difficult to supply the numer ous orders which he is constantly receiving. Innumerable Certificates in his pocqession bear testimony to its medicinal virtues and attest the fact of its having preserved the lives of hundreds both in this city and else where. His VEGETABLE COUGH DROPS, a new article, are also getting into general use, having been productive of the most be neficial effects in hundreds of families of the first respectability in this city and vicinity 1 and although they have in one instance, but Without any foundation or truth, been pro nounced poisonous, lIIINDIERDS of cert if.cates can be produced of their having performed positive and effectual cures in the most obsti nate cases, both on young nod old, and be now challenges any one to produce satisfac tory evideuce that there is one particle of any ingredient in their composition that can injure a person in the lowest stage of any disease. Having administered his medicines in al most all diseases to which the human fami ly are subjected, ho never, in a tingle in- stance, found them to produce any injurious effects, but, on the contrery,they have been attended with the most complete success. .;. N. 13.—As the Fever and Ague is very prevalent at this season of the year, he can confidentiv - recetntriend his VEGETABLE BITTERS as a CERTAIN CCEkt!XI iffilite9 811 who tea"' be afflicted with [hit:tire:Whit disease- ter, make trial of them. - _ • :..; ••-tx, The attention of Masters and Vessels 19 called to this medicine; it Alt found of great benefit among their crews *. and a sum preventative of many of tho di =eases to which the mariner is subject during long and tempestuous voyages. LOUIS GOULEY, No. 21i Baltimore street, near the Centre Market, between Harrison and Frederick streets. Nov. 25. ay WM. E. CA MP. Am