ADVERTISEMENTS• IPIR6VZQUOZAWIIQUi) 4 O WHEREAS the Hoo.D. DumEnE,Esq. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial .of all capital and oth• or offenders in the said District—and Wm. III'CLEAN and GEo. WILL, Esquires, Judg• ce of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all •cryital and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept,l3earing date the 27th of November, in the year of our LORD one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and to me directed, Tor holding. a Court of Common Pleas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Ter miner, at Gettysburg, on Monday the 27th day of January next— Notice is 'hereby Given, To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coro ner, and Constables. within the said County otAdams, that they be then and there, in their proper person, with their Rolls, Re cords, Inquisitions, Examinations, and °th in Remembrances,to do those things,which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done and also they .who will prosecute against the prisoners that are, or then shall be, inithe Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there,to prosecute against them as just. GEO. W. AI'CLELL AN, Sherif. Dec. 28,1838. tc REGISTER'S NOTICES. Ratite is hereby Gri WO all Legatees and other persons con corned, that the ADMINISTRA TION ACCOUNTS of the Estates of the deceased persons hereinafter mentioned, will be presented to the Orphans' Court o Adams county, for confirmation, on Mon day the 27th day ofJanuarylFl4o, to wit: The account of John B. M'Pherbon, Ex ecutor of William M'Pherson, deceased, who was•the surviving Executor•of Walter Jenkins, deceased. The accountof Robert Mllhenny, Admi nistrator of the estate of Jane Gwinn,dec'd. The account of Aridrew White and Thos. Reid, Executors of James White, deCeased, who was Guardian of Elizabeth White,(late M'Allister) deceased. WM. KING, Register. Register's Office, Gettysburg, tc Dec. 28, 1839. Trial List—January Term. J. B. Danner vs. Henry lloke's Executors. Enoch Simpson vs. Frederick Bower. Jacob Settle vs. Freeland, Bailey & Co. Do. vs. do. George Trostlo vs. James •Freeland. E. Hsnaway - vs. E. Buckingham. Frederick Bolinger vs. Henry Myers. Do. vs. do.. Henry Myers' Exec'r-vs. JamegoH. Johnston. John Chambers vs. Joseph Miller. John Arendt vs. Daniel Lady. FOR ARGUMENT. 'Thomas *Knight vs. Elizabeth Mentz. General Jury—Jan. Term. Hamillonban—John Donaldson, John A. *- Ginly, Joseph Scott. ' 'Borough—Joel B. Danner. Hamillon—George EhrhartGeorge H. Binder; Bernard Hildebrand. Mountjoy—Cornelius Lott. Straban—John Deardorff, John Herman. Mena/kn—David E. Cook. Conowago—lgnatue ()bold. Cumberland—A. H. M•Creary, Quintin Arm strong, James Hem?. Latimore—John liarbold, Isaac Tudor. Reading—Frances Placa, John Bosserman, jr. Wm. Jones. Huntington—Jesse loluit. Franklin—Jacob Mark. Mountpkasant—David Demarco. Liberty--Samnel Plegle. Graml .Tury;—Jan.' Term. Boreugh—Lazarus Sharp, Wm, W. Paxton, Daniel Baldwin, ,David Little, Hez. Van °Mel. Hamilton—Daniel Bender, James H. Picket, Andrew IMllvaine. Reading- - --David White, Nicholas Bushey, John Morrison. Germany-John Bart, Daniel Crouse. Strubinz--John Dickson, jr. Armstrong Tough- Inbaugn„, Wm. Cushman, jr. Cumber/and—James *Allister, Hugh *- Gaugby, jr. Wm. *Curdy, Alexander Homer. Hamillonban—Joseph Culbertson, jr. Berwick—Joseph J. Smith, John t3neeringer, Jacob Diehl, Michael Carl. Mountp/easant—Peter IL Noel. . • Pranklin—JOhn Walter. . ' Mena/I.:al—Simon Becker, Jacob C. Bender Conowago—Jaco*.) Mouse. Huntington—Alexander *Cosh. • Mountjoy—Silas M. Homer. Liberty—Joseph *Livid. • Tyaone—John Myers, Sen. Freedom—Wm. M'Croary. tan. 11. tc TO MY CREDITORS. TARE notice that I have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and that they have appointed the 20th day ofJanuary next, for the bear. ing of me and my creditors, at The Court house, in the borough of Chambersburg, when and where you may attend if you think proper. JOHN ODELL. Quitnbersburg, Dec. 21. lc Cheap Merinues. A VERY handsome assortment of French Aft Merinoes, suitable for drew" and cloaks. Aiso, very rich black ground Mouselsne de /aints—just received and for sate by R. G. McCREARY. .irfettyaburg, Jan. 4. tf ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFF'S &ILES. IN pursuance 401 a Writ of Veditioni Es pones, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Adams county. and to me directed, will,be , exposed to Public Sale, at the Court-house, in the borough of Gettys• burg, on Tuesday the 21st day of January next, at 1 o'clock, r. u. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Mounipleasant township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Moses Lockett, Alexander Ewing and others, containing 26 acres. more or less, on which are erected, a One and a Half Story STONE i Dwelling 11011643) 99 and Stone Kitchen ; with a TAN YARD, containing 16 Vats, and a one and a half itstory Tan-House, a Log Barn, with an Orchard—and two Springs of Water near the door. Seized and taken in execution as the Es tate of Jonr BANKERT. G. W. M'CLELLAN, Sherif. Sheriff's Mice, 'a Gettysburg, Doc. 28,1839. 5 t :UMW 0001)5. UST received and for salo at his old stand, a large stock of JV'EW' GOODS, among which is a great variety of cheap Cloth, Coatings, Cassinetts, Merinoes, Calicoes, Silks, Domestic Goods—and a very great vari• ety of Fancy Goods—also, 'Hardware, Stoves, &c. &o. Call and see, the above goods will be sold at,prices to suit tho times, for Cash or pro. duce. T. S. Old Metal, Copper and Brass, to ken in exchange for new Stoves or Goods. G. A. IN( r.. 1 1 (tom 1 0) It) , a H. SWOPS returns his sincere mu" thanks to tli+ citizens of Gettysburg, and the public general 4 , for the very liberal share of patronage received by him. De. termined to merit a continuance of public .favor by unremitting exertions to please— and a determination to keep constantly on 'hand A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OP DIA - U.Bli, French, and. Do mestic :Fancy and Ma vie Goods, at the lowest prices—he has the pleasure of announcing to the public, that he has just returned from.the _city, with an additional supply of Jr tiv itie most desirable Woods, which with his present stock will now en. .able him to offer to those who .may favor him with a call. A VERY SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OP . SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, to all of which .he most respectfully invites tbeir attention. Gettyliburg, June 18,1889. • -t-12 FALL & WINTER GOODS. LbH. SWOPE having just returned • from the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore wira a large and general assort ment of Cloths, Cassimerea and Cassinetts, Silk and Merino Vestings, Black Mattioni Lustring, Blue and Black do. Figured and Plain colored Gro de Nap, Mouseline de Lames, 6 4 Englibh and French Merino, 3 4 Do. do. 6.4 French Bombazines, Merino and Whet Wool Shawls, Highland do. White, Scarlet, Green and Yellow Flan nele, White Gauso Flannel, Bleached & Unbleached Canton Flannel, Colored Do. do. -3.4 and 4-4 Plaid Linseys, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Corded Skirts, Guernsey Frocks, Net Lambs' Wool Shirts, Ladies Black and White Silk Hose, Do. Wostard do. Do. Cashmier do. Black Wostard Hose, Ladies Kid Gloves, IDo. Lined do. Berlin and Wool do. Prints, Checks, Ticking, ace. Which he takes peculiar pleasure in in viting those who are fond of Bargains, to call and examine, as they were bought upon such terms as will enable him to sell them LOWER THAN THEY H AVE EVER YET BEEN OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. Now is the time, call and examine for yoarselves. Country produce take in exchange for Goods. Gettysburg, Sept. 24. 1839. tf. MONEY WANTED, Iwould just here mention to those ditty friends that are indebted to me of a long standing,either by note or book account,that am in want of money. Do call and return the favor I have so long bestowed upon you. This invitation is given indiscriminately. Very Respectfully, GEORGE ARNOLD. Jan. 4, 1840. It. JOB PRINTING, Such as Handbills, Advertisements, Cards, Pamphlets, and Blanks, OF- ALL KINDS,. Neatly and eabeditieuely executed at the office of 4.THE STAR & BANNER." GEO. ARNOLD. Pr3HIS medicine has been but a few years before the public, and tho demand for it has already become so great, that the sub scriber finds it difficult to supply thexiumer ous orders which he is constantly receiving. Innumerable Certificates in his possession bear testimony to its medicinal virtues and attest the fact of its having •preserved the lives of hundreds both in this city and else where. His VEGETABLE COUGH DROPS, a new article, WO also getting into general use, having been productive of the ainst br• neficial.effects in :hundreds of families of the first respectability in this-city and ! and although they have in one instance, but without any foundation or truth, been pro flounced poisnnousouninnitns of certiCeates can be produced of their having performed positive and effectual•cures in the most obsti nate cases, both on young and old, and he now challenges any one to produce satisfac tory evideuce that there is one particle of any ingredient in their composition that can injure a person in the lowest stage of any disease. ADVERTISEMENTS. Itlqi ll 4 l fAtAt i i ll 4 l4 olFTlM 4 44 l4 l 111 t , ;,•• • South Fourth et—between Mcsket 4 Chesnut Ids. PHILADELPHIA. DAVID MILLER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has removed from the Western Hotel in Market street, to that large and commodious Hotel former ly held by B. Duke, sign of the INDIAN QUEEN, This Hotel is situated in South Fourth at. between Market and Chesnut streets, in the very centre of the business part of the city, and will therefore be found very convenient for Merchants and busine .8 men generally• The buildings have been completely and thoroughly repaired by the subscriber, and no expense has been spared in arranging and furnishing the rooms so as to promote the comfort and convenience of those who may favor the house with their custom. Gentlemen travelling with their families, can have private parlors furnished in the best manner, with chambers attached to them, whore they can enjoy privacy and se clusion, or the companionship of their friends, as may be most desirable. The Bar and Cellar s have been provided with the best Liquors and tho choicest Wines of every description. The Table will at all times be supplied with every delicacy, which the season and market can afford, and every exertion-made to please the palate of customers. The Reading Rooms are well supplied with the leading journals of different titios as well as with a great variety of the coun, try Journals of the State. The Servants will be found careful and trust worthy. Attached to the Hotel are very extensive STA BLEB, calculated to accommodate one hundred horses, and under the superintend ence of careful and attentive hostlers. ICPD. M. returns his sincere acknowl edgements for the very liberal encourage ment heretofore received, mid feeling confi dent that he can furnish Its gursts with fare which will lose nothing by a comparison with other houses, and that his apartments and their furniture are fully equal to those of any other hotel ia the city, he respectful ly solicits a further share of public patro nage. Nov. 4. 1 y Gouley's Vegetable Medicines UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS! No medicine has. perhaps, ever met with such decided and general success as Gouley's Vegetable Bitters. Having administered his medicines in al most all diseases to which the human fami ly are subjected, he never, in a ringle in. found them to produce any injurious effects, but, on the contrary,they have been attended with the most complete success. N. B.—As the Fever and Ague is very prevalent at this season of the year, he can confidently recommend his VEGETABLE BITTERS as a cairrairr curtE,and invites all who may be afflicted with this dreadful disease to make trial of them. The attention of Masters and Owners of Vessels is called to this medicine; it will be found of great benefit nmong their crews, and a sure preventative of many of the di seases to whichthe mariner is subject during long and tempestuous . voyages. LOUIS GOULEY, No. 21i Baltimore street, near the Centro Market, between Harrison and Frederick streets. Nov. 25. ly TEMPERANCE. THERE WILL be a meeting of the Union Seminary and Hampton Tem perance Society will be held at the Union Seminary School-house, on Sunday the.lBth inst. at 11 o'clock, A. Et.—when an Address or Addresses will be delivered on the sub ject of Temperance. AMOS MYERS, Sec'y. Jan. 4. . td JUST IX SE.ASOJV' ! AFRESH sappy of white and colored Flannels, fine Whitney Blankets, Green Bockings, and F loor Cloths—now opening, and fur sale by R. G. M'CREARY. Jan. 4. tf WOOD WOOD . 1 . AFEW Cords of WOOD will be taken at .this Office, immediately, for sub ; eription. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. azAnt, rAOTORT. THE Subscribers begs leave, respectful ly to inform the citizens of Gettys burg, and surrounding country, that he has commenced, the above business, together with HOUSE PAINTING, AND TUR NING, &c. &c., in Chambersburg street, nearly opposite the Apothecary and Book store of Mr. S H. Buehler, whore he will at all times be prepared to execute all orders in the above business with neatness and de. spatch; he will also keep a supply ofChaira of every description constantly on hand, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed by any manufactured in this sec tion of country. Ho hopes by strict atten. tiod to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive a share of public patron. ADAM KITZMILLER. Gettysburg, Aug. 13, 1839. 81.1120. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! 500 FOUNDRY STOVES. ipHE subscriber is now getting in readi. 111 ' nesa for the Fall Sales from 4 to 500 Stoves all trimmed in the neatest and best manner. Comprising the greatest variety ever offered to the public in this place, among which are : 20 Different sizes and patterns, 9 plate. 6 Do. Do. Parlour. Do. a new and very neat article. Do. Cook. Do. among 6 Do. - - which is the Premium Stove 2. Do. Do. Franklin. Do. 1. Millers Patent. Do. for heating two rooms at the same time. Among the above Stoves are many new and handsome patterns. Public attention is invited, es I will be able to furnidh any kind ar size of Stoves that msy be desired. The above Stoves are of my own manu facturing nt the Foundry. Will be sold Cheap and all warranted. , Persons wishing to purchase Stoves will find it to he their interest to give Me a call 0;d Stoves, Metal, Copper and Brass tak• en in exchange for new Stoves. GEO. ARNOLD. July 23, 1839. tf-17 FARMERS ATTEND TO YOUR /NTERESTS. yusic GUS A. TIAIWGIIS An opportunity of supply .g yourselves with Woodcock's • Self Sliarping Ploughs. Being the hest article. ever offered the Farmers in this sectiorpof the State. THESE Ploughs will not choke nor carry dirt, and the draft is about one third less than the Ploughs heretofore in use, two horses doing the work of three be- sides a great saving in time and money in keeping them in repair. The Point and Shear can be put on in five minutes and only cost 37i cents each and when dull can be turned and repeated. These Ploughs have been introduced in this county. The fol. lowing named persons have used them to whom we recommend Farmers to apply or information respecting them. Montjoy township, Samuel Durborrow, Esq. Jacob Keller, Esq. Moses Mayan), John Wilson, Joseph Miller, Jonas Spang ler, James Barr, John Benner, Cornelius Lott, Wm. Eline, Frederick Colehouse, Jacob Clutz, Samuel Reck, Josiah Benner, Jacob Norbeck, John B. Houghtelin. Mount pleasant township, Joseph Coshun Alexander M'llvain, Eli Spbusier, Samuel Sponsler, Jocob Clapsaddle, Joseph Smith, Cornelius Houghtebn, Wm. Lott, John Torrence, Jacob Benner, Wm. Roberts, Samuel Swope, Alexander Ewing, David Snider, Joseph Hemler. Cumberland township, Peter Frey, Henry Lott, Jacob Bolinger, John Plank, Jacob Miller, Robert Allison, Peter Epley. Straban township, Joseph Lott, Jacob Hulick, Eaton Norris, John Horneberger. Frankiin township, Frederick Diehl. Germany township, Mr. Loudebaugh. A supply of the above Ploughs, with Points and Shears will be kept at JAMES A. THOMPSON'S, Gettysburg. SAMUEL DURBORROW'S, Two Taverns THOS. M'KNIGHT'S, Franklin township. George Bange, New Oxford. D. Barntlz, Hanover. J. H. Aulebaugh, McSherrystown. Farmers in want of-good Ploughs are requested to gain all the information from those that are now using them, and then take the Ploughs keep them until they are scoured and if not what they have been rep• resented, to return them. JOHN M. SLIBERT. N. 13.—The double tree must be at least 3i feet long. Chambersburg, April 16, 1839. 6m-3 ADVERTISEMENTS• To the Afflicted. THE BEST moor which con be given of the UNRIVALLED EFFICACY of DR. RELFE'S arrßotanical Drops. in addition to the wonderful cures thnt have been effected through this extraordinary Medicine, is the following new and interest ing case. FEVER SORE I A most aggravated Cam. frrExtract of a letter, dated Novein• her, ---"I am now using the Relfe's Botanical Drops in a very important and difficult case. It is of a person who has had a Fever Sore for more than twelve years, which has resisted the skill and medicines of the best Physicians—being applied to about fhe weeks since, 1 advised the use of the Botanical Drops, and they have had a most surprising effect, having reduced the leg (which was dreadfully swollen) more than six inches in circumference, and I think will effect a perfect cure; I am now out of the Drops, and wish you to send me some by the bearer." Cure Completed. [Extractor a letter from the subject of the foregoing communication, Mr. Jac. Che ney, of Reading, Mass.] "Sir—My leg which before did not look like a human limb, is now entirely healed up, and come to its proper shape. lam free from pain, and can walk without limp ing. My appetite is good, and my sleep re freshing and quiet, and I can follow my oc.. cupation with comfort. Previous to taking the Drope,l had given up all hopes ofrelief." The above remarkable case of cure is at. tested to by Rev. JARED REID, and DANIEL CHUTE, Esq. Justice Peace, Reading, (Mass.) Scrofula. In 1831, an Agent writes,—'-In another case (the Botanical Drops)undoubtedly had the happiest effect. In this instance the de sense appeared to pervade the whole system. It was undoubtedly of a scrofulous nature. The glands in various parts became enlar ged, hard and very painful, and became oth erwise so affected with the disease as to be under the necessity of giving up business and confine himself to his room for sever al weeks; one or two of the swellings sup purated, and discharged a considerable quantity. The bones, the physician told him, were also materially diseased. It was precisely under these circumstances that he commenced the use of the Botanical Drops, andas'he used nothintg else, (with the exception of some purgative occasion. ally) and perfectly restored to health, we are (of course) warranted in drawing the con clusion,that this happy result was brought a bout solely by their agency." dilnother Crime. WrAn Agent writes, "There is a person in this place tokiog the Botani cal Drops evidently with the greatest ad vange. He declares, to use his own words, "It is doing wonders for him," and as it were "snatching him from the grave I" St.elnthonyls Fire. 1)::!7 - A Lady of the first respectability, (writes an Agent) has recently been cured of a very obstinate case of St Anthony's Fire, by the use of Dr. Relfe's Botanical Drops, after having previously received the best advice in vain.. Scabbed Eruptions. 0:7"A distant Agent writes—"l have wit nessed two most astonishing cures of erup tions or cutaneons disease, effected by the Botanical Drops, that had eluded the skill ofthe most eminent Physicians in the neigh boring city (Philadelphia); they were cases of two or three years standing ; one of which was literary covered with a kind of scabbed eruption. They are members of highly respectable families, and declare without reserve that they believe the Bo tanical drops to be one of the most valuable Medicines ever offered for diseases of that kind. The proprietor might exhibit numerous other testimonials to prove the extraordina ry efficacy of this invaluable medicine. The prejudice of the most incredulous give. way on beholding the astonishing cures: performed by it—and various Physicians who have ivitrielseed its efficacy, not only approve of its use, but in many cases re commend it without reserve. These drops will be found one of the moat powerful al terative, purifier, and swee.ner of the blood yet discovered, and may be used as one of the best remedies for the Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Leprosy, St. Anthony's Fire, Fever Sores, (even when the bones are of fected ) White Swellings applied with Dr. Jebb's Liniment,) fotil and obstinate Ulcers, Sore Legs and Eyes, Scaldhead in Children, Scurvy and Scorbutic Gout, Pim pled or Carbuncled Faces, Festering Erup tions, and Venereal Taints throughout the body, in which last case the Drops often cure when Mercury fails. They are also the best Spring and Autumnal Physic to purify and cleanse the system from humors which frequently appear at these seasons of the year. They also aid the process of di gestion, and by purifying the blood, prevEnt the secretion of malignant humors on the lungs. Oc:rNone genuine unless signed T. KID DER, on the wrapper, (sole proprietor and successor to Dr. Conway,) by whom they are for sale, at his counting room, No. 99, Court at. Boston, (up stairs,) and by his special appointment, at The Drug and Book Store of S. H. BUEHLER. Price 81, or 6 bottles fur 85. • INTEREST TABLES CLCULATED by CITAIIiES KETTLE. WELL, Esq., (of Petersburg) lork Springs, to be had at the Store of SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK. Gettysburg, August 6,1889 11-19 ADVERTISEMENTS. Diseases of -the Lungs ! /111 HE melancholy effects of which our obituaries painfully exhibit, have for some years been increasing to an alarming extent. The dreadful ravers of these complaints have in a vast number of cases been arrested, by the use of Dr. Relfe's Asthmatic or Consumptive Pills,which have proved one of the most useful medicines ever yet discovered, for complaints of the Lungs generally. This medicine has re stored a large number of persons, from the verb borders of the grave, to health and society, who had been given over by their friends. and in many instances even by their Physicians, as past rslief I Among a large number of cases of cure by the use of this invaluable medicine, the following are gresented to the public. Copy of a Letter. Dear Sir,—Elnving hada severe cough en tirely removed by the use of your Dr. Rel. fe's Asthmatic Pills,(and occasional use of the Antibilious Pills!) I feel it a duty in cumbent on me to inform you more . min utely for the benefit of others who' may in like manner be affected. To be more paticular, I would say that for about ten years past with but little in termission,l have been affected with a hard, dry, hacking cough, attended with great pain and sinking'of the stomach and with very little raising of phlegm—that I have tried from time to time many prescriptions, with no or at most, with a temporary relief and had become constrained to believe that I should recieve no lasting relief when I was recommended to make trial of the above named Pills, which I did with little confidence of a beneficial result, but contra ry to my expectation, in a few days my cough was wholly broken up, and subse. quently removed I feel thankful for the benefit I have re. ceived, and am full) persunded that many, if not all, who are affected in the that I have been, would find a complete cure by doing as I have done. You are at lib erty to make use of this communication in any manner that you may deem most expe., client or productive of good. Respectfully yours, die.` (Signed) HORATIO N. CRANE. Boston, March 14th,.1880. Mr. Thompson Kidder. Another Letter. [From a gentleman of the first respectabili. ty, to whom reference can be made.] Mr. Kidder, • Dear Sir:—Having been affected for several years past with weak lungs and a troublesome cough, which had become very alarming, I was induced to try the efficacy of your Relfe's Asthmatic Pills, from which I have derived so much benefit that I have recommended- them to a number of my friends as a cure for coughs, colds, dm. and have heard of no instance in which the pa tient has not been benefittsd. Believing as i do that this medicine has been the means of prolonging my life, and that of a near friend, who is subject to a pulmonary complaint, you may rest assured that 1 shall avail myself of every opportuni : ty to make others acquainted with int vir tues. Yours, truly, South Boston, Feb. 22(11630. llemarkable Case. ; , ' .. A gentleman states an extratirdivy case that of his wife, who. was reduced "sa low by a pulmonary complaint, that tiftrip toms of approaching dissolution begalf to exhibit themselves, so that her Physician intimateJ that nothing further could be done for her—that her case was past hu man skill, and the Doctor observed shortly after, while at a neighbors, that Mrs. W. was about to leave us. The same evening a relation recommended a trial of these (Relic's Asthmatic) Pills, they were acconl ingly administered, producing such relief, and effecting so favorable a change during the night, that in the morning strong hopes. were Welded ofat least a partial restoration of her health, which was effected, and made comparitively comfortableby a continued sue of these Pills. Timely Relief. A person recently from neglecting a slight cold, became so seriously affected with a severe cough, which notwithstanding every attempt to remove, became so bad as to oblige him, to suspend attending to business, and finally to exhibit such alarm ing symptoms as to excite serious fears for the result—in these circumstances he was advised to Enda use of these Pills, which ho did, and with such complete success, as to be able to resume his business in a few days, entirely cured Much more testimony might be produced' to prove this one of the best medicines ever discovered for all stages of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness, Wheesing, Difficulty of breathing, Tight ness of the Chest, Pain in the Side, Spitting . of Blood, &c. &c. Price—Whole Box of 30 Pills, el 00-- Half Box of 12 Pills, 50 cents. o:7'Noce genuine unless signed T. KID DER, on the wrapper, (sole proprietor and successor to Dr. Conway,) by whom they are for sale. at his, counting room, No. 99, Court et. Boston, , (up stairs,) and by his spe.,i , g cial appointment, at The Drug and Book Store of B.H. 'BUEHLER: - Price $l, or 8 bottles for $5. 7474 LAW NOTI.OII. C. BAKER- NVILL, practice Law in the several Courts of Adams county.—OfficP in Chambersbure street, one door west at Mr. Buehler's Store.' • Gettysburg, April 30, 1839.