The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, October 05, 1839, Image 3

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?fE!E subscriber, will sell at Private Sale,
his farm of valuable land, consisting of
173 acres, filly O. r
which are WOOD
3.V7 , 10, With a good proportion of meadow.
The improvements are
V.O ilabL1 4 :1 1 210 ;
m;it F
and double Log Barn, with two ,
.good wells of water, one at the Barn am
the other near the House, also TWO
.The above farm ►s situate in Lnt•
amore township, Ada ms county,Pa
adjoining lands of George Deardorff, Josiah
:Bender, and others; the farm is under good
Any further information respecting 1!►f•
same can be obtained by calling on the sub
scriber residing thereon.
September 3.
New Store.
THEsubscriber would inform the public
that he has taken that stand formerly
tecupied by Wm. Gillespie, in .Baltimore
btreet, directly opposite Yentt's Hotel,w here
ho is now prepared to offer an entire, New--
Large and Splendid assortment of
.Grocevics, Yitt-rdANtvre
- Selected with great care arid bought upon
the very best terms for Cash. Among his
very general assortment are the following
articles :
Blue, Blach,and Brown Cloths,
Polish and Invisible Green Clothe,
-Black, Ribbed and Plain Cassimere.s,
Fancy Melbourn Ribbed, do
Plain Fancy Colored, do
!Superior Black Satin Vestings Fig. & Plain,
Black. Silk
Stiperior Tabby Velvet,
White Linen Drillings, Ribbed and Plain,
:Brown do do do do.
Black Summer Cloths,
Melbourn Ribbep do.
- Elephant and Bang up Cords,
10-4 Table Diapers,
10-4 Irish Shootings,
Russia and Scottish do.
Black Mattionia Lustring,
- Blue Black, do.
Figured and Plain Gro do Nape,
Plain Gro do Bet:hies,
Fancy, Gauge, Satin & Lace Bordered Shawls,
White and Black Silk Gloves,
ice an,d Pic Nic, do.
Kid!..,ll4Beaver, do.
•Genaman's Silk, Kid and Beaver
'White and Black Silk Hose,
White and Black Silk 1-'2 do.
White and Black Colored do.
Bonnet Ribbons, Lawns, Calicoes, (as low
as 6) Mouseluine de Lnines,
IVith n great variety of almost every
other description of GOODS; to all of
which he would respectfully call the atten •
lion of the citizens of Gettysburg and
neighborhood, ns from the "unusual" terms
upon which they were bought, be will be
enabled—as he is detcrmirind to sell them
at very reduced and unusual W
D. 11. SOPE.
Gettysburg, April 23, 1639. tf-4
N. B. Country produce taken in exchange
'for goods.
1 - -g. H. SWOPE, returns his sincere
• thauks to the citizens of Gettysburg,
and the public generall), for the very liberal
share of patronage received by him. De•
termined to merit a continuance of public
favor by unremitting, exertions to please—
and a determination to keep constantly on
Yrealtb,, and Bo
mtstic Tttuey and Sta- •
ale Goods,
of the lowest prices—he has the plenrure
of announcing to the public, that he has just
returned frum the city, with an additional
supply of
• 7 Vezv 41 , * most desirable Goods,
‘vinch with his present stock will now en
able him to offer to those who may favor
him with a call. • -
-to allot which he most respectfully invites
their attention.
Gettysburg, June 18, 1839. tf-12
3rZertieiveri, U"itson 15° Hillard
Corner of Commerce and Pratt Streets,
OFFER to the Cduptry trade for Cash
or prompt payment, the following
50 Ns. S. 'Molasses
20 Mids. West & N. Orleans ditto
200 bags Rio Coffee,
(part strong scented)
100 " Laguira do.
100 " Havana do.
50'hlids. N. Orleans & Porto Rico Sugar
10 pipes and half pipes Champagne and
Rochelle Brandy
5 1 Gin •
50 tierceillOney
20 boxes Raisins •
100 ril e, do.
150 ighth do. Fresh importation.
,too •sgs do.
Toomi nu IVITIr
CiOlaMo/1, Mors, Pepper, Teas is
half chests and bares, 4.c. 4.. e.
Nov. 17 1.437.'
New Establishaucut.
CI EA 1' ,7. 1 11 J'L OTC 7. 7.
" - .IIIIE Subscribers boos leave, respectful
ly'''. to inform the citizens of Geitys
!)urg, and surrounding country, that he has
3ommenced, the above business, toother
NING, &c. &c., in Chambersburg s'reet,
iearly opposite the Apothecary and Dick
:tore of Mr. S 11. Buehler, where he will
it aIJ times be prepared to execute all orders
in the above business with neatness and de.
patch; he will also keep n supply ofChairs
of every description constant:3 , on hand,
,vhich for neatness and durability cannot be
a-passed by any manuflictured in this sec
!ion of country. Ile hors by strict atten
iiod to business and a desire to please, to
meat and receive a share of public patron.
Gettysburg, Aug. 13,1689. firo'2o.
pAS just returned front the City, and is
11 now opening at his Store, on the cur
rier of the Centre Square and Baltimore
street, a most splendid assortment of
suitable to the season—amongst which are
as fine supply of
Stiperaire ei OthS, of all colors,
the best ever brought to the borough of
Cassimeres, Cassinotts, Satinetts,
Mouseline do Laines, and Shawls,
Irish Linen, Fancy Handkerchiefs,
Figured Boilibitsins, Suininer Clothe;
Silks, black, blue-blac4., colored, 4. figurcd
Cambric and Jaconett Muslins,
Calicoes and Chintz from to 50 ;
ANID A TINE Assbirriti:yr OF
Gia Zit a) a) Qrp
in fact, every thing in h►s line from "a nee
die to an anchor."—Also,
ilaTaware, Quectisw e,,
Groceries, Ege. Eric.
all of which have been purchased on the
very lowest terms, and with great care ; and
can be Old, lid ventures to say, as cheap
as they can be procured at any establkh
moot in the country. He invites the public
to cull and view his assortment—confident
that no one desirous of purchasing will be
able to resist the tempting BARGAINS he
is enabled to offer them.
J'All kinds of Country Produce taken
in exchange for Goods.
Gettysburg, April 23, 1839. if--4
Stoves ! Stoves ! 1
rvimiE subscriber is nOw'getting in readi•
Jai ness for the Fall Sales from 4 to 300
Stoves all trimmed in the neatest and best
manner. Comprising the greutost variety
ever offered to the public in this place ;
among which are :
20 Diffvrent sizes and patterns, 9 plate.
6 Do. Do. Parlour. Do. a new
and very neat article.
6. Do. Do. Cook. Do. amon ,,
which is the Premium Stove.
2. Do. Do. Franklin. Do.
I. Millers Patent. Do. for heating two
rooms at the same time. Among
the above Stoves are many new and
handsome patterns.
Public attention is inv:ted, as I will be
aLle to furnish any hind or size of Stoves
that may be &shed.
The above Stoves are of my own manu
facturing at the Foundry.
Will be sold Cheap and all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase Stoves will
find it to be their interest to give me a call
Old Stoves, Metal, Copper and Brass talc•
en in exchange for cew Stoves.
July 23, 1939. tf-17
113-4 on the estatate of
01.111TIA* lIE LIU:,
late ofGerrnany township, deceased. having
been granted to the subscriber residing in
Alountjoy township—he hereby requests all
persons indebted to the estate to make pay•
went of their respective dues—and all per
sons having claims to present them, proper
ly authenticated for settlement.
Adm'r with the Will annexed.
Sent. 17. 6t.
AGOOD assortment embracing—
Very fine wool dyed Black—Superior
Invisible & Bottle Green, Olive,Brown
and mixed Cloths.
Suprior Plain and Bucksin Cassirnere,
Cassrnetts, Kentucky Jeans, Beaver
Cloths, 4:c. &c.
Just received and for sale by
Sept. 17. tf.
Those person.; having books in their pas
-ession belonging to tho "Gettysbury Li
brary Association," will please return them
unnacdietely to Mr, Conrad Baker's otlio:e.
By order of the Proprietors.
b,_,, •r , 4 5 ., ' ,r 1 . 1 t'-7 , IY q ,-, :v m •4 ' ,,;; • , .: ,. - . - fi-a..2 ,_•iL•--- ;2: , _ 1
_ -.-Ir;N'.i --th4-,
4, (~,vv.„,
"t,2, 46 -
l e .
-nr- , ..3_ -t- - - --• • pl•-••••:::,,a;
11 1 Af] M El 6-1 t=4
An npportunity is now offi:red of supply
irn yourselves with ‘Voodcock's
Sell' Sharpi»g
Being the hest article ever tyfur . rd the
farmers in this section of the State.
rriILIESE Ploughs will not choke nor
curry dirt, and the draft is about one
.hird less than the Ploughs heretofore in
use, two horses doing the work of three bc•
sides a great saving in time and money in
keeping them in repair. The Point and
Shear can he put on in five minutes and only
cost 37.1 cents each and when dull can be
turned and repeated. These Ploughs have
been introduced in this comity. 'lke fill•
lowing named persons; have used them to
whom we recommend Farmers to apply
or inkmnation respecting them.
Montjoy town s hip, Samuel Durhorrow,
Jacob Keller, Esq. Moses M'llvam,
John W ikon, Joseph Miller, Jonas Spang
ler, James Ditrr, John Benner, Cornelius
Lott, Wm. Eline, Frederick C7olehouse,
Jueob Ciutz, Samuel Reck, Josir,b Benner,
J.icob Norbeck, John B. Houghtelin.
Mountpleasant township, Joseph Coshun
Alexander M'llvain, Eli Sprmsler, Samuel
Sponsler, Jt'rob Clapsaddle, Joseph Smith,
Cm nelius Eloughtelin, %Vin. Lott, John
Torrence, Jacob Benner, Wm. Roberts.
Samuel Swope, Alexander Ewing, David
Snider, Joseph [lender.
Cumberland township, Peter Frey, Hem.)
Lott, Jacob Bolinger, John Plank, Jacob
Miller, Robert Allison, Peter Epley.
Straban township, Joseph Lott, Jacob
Hulick, Eaton Norris, John Elorneberger.
Franklin township, Frederick Diehl.
Germany township, Mr. Loudebaugh.
A supply of the above Ploughs, with
Points and Shears will be kept at
THOS. MIiNIGHT'S, Franklin township.
Cxeorge Bange, New Oxford.
D. Barnoz, Hanover
J. Aulebaugh, MeSherrystown.
Farmers in want of good Ploughs me
requested to gain all the information from
those that are now using them, and then
take the Ploughs keep them until they ale
scoured and if not what they have been rep
resented, to return them.
N. B.—The double tree must be at least
3 feet long.
Chambersburg, April 16,1839. 6m-2
- T..Z.. -
5 :., .
RESPECTFU LLY calls the attention
of his friends and the public generally,
to the important and interesting fact, that
he is fully prepared and qualified to cure
the most inveterate cases of rheumatism.—
The various diseases to which mankind are
subject (if curable) can also be effectually
and radically cured by him, safely and ex
peditiously, nt moderate and reasonable
charges, without subjecting the patient to
the poisonous influence of minerals., such as
mercury, arsenic, &c.
Ilis remedies are mild, agreeable. and
efficient, and ore rate in accordance with the
laws of the animal economy.
Doctor F. Smith is ready at all times to
attend patients nt their houses. Patients
living nt a distance can be accommodated
with board and medical attendance at mod•
mate prices ut his dwelling, in Carlisle
,I;eet, the house formerly occupied by Dr.
Dr. Smith wotdd also inform the public
that his mode of treatment will perfectly
remove the bad effects remaining in the sys
tem, from the use of mercury or any other
poisonous mineral.
Medical men of the h:ghest distinction
and talent, such as Matthias, Alley, Cramp
ton, Pearson, Abernethy, Carmichael, &c.
affirm that chancres and buboes, ulcerations
in the throat, together with diseases of the
periosteum, tendons, cartilages, ligaments,
fascia, and eruptions of n highly obstinate
character, are the consequence from the ad
mintsti atiun or use of mercury. These aw
ful effects of mercury ate nut novel, for
every physician of veracity will acknow
ledge them to be of ftequent and melancho
ly occurrence.
Sept. 17. if
117,NT 0001)Z.
=JUST received and for sale at his old
c% .- stand, a large stock of
among which is a great variety of cheap
Cloth, Coatings, Cassinetts,
Itlerinoes, Calicoes, Silks,
Domestic Goods—and a very great vari•
eta• of Fancy Goods—also,
Hardware, Stoves, 4&tc.
Call and see, the above goods will be sold
at prices to suit the times, for Cash or pro.
P. S. Old Metal, Copper and Brass, la
ken in exchange for new Stores or Goods.
G. A.
Sept. 24. t
61di3 IPIE. grit TUN 44,
Such as Handbills, Advertisements, Cards
. Pamphlets, and Blanks of all kinds
neatly end expeditiously executed
tittl 62ire of the STAR,
WV ) H. SWOPE having just returned
• from (he cities of Philadelphia and
it iltimore wit:i a large and gentirtil assort
ment of
Cloths ; CaF:simeres and Cassinctts,
:7•71;1( and Merino Vet4ings,
hock Maitioni Lustring,
Blue and Black do.
Figured and Plain colored Gro do Nap,
Mouseline de Lames,
6 4 English and French Merino,
:3 4 1)o. do.
6.4 French Bombazines,
Merino and Thibet Wool Shawls,
Highland do.
White, Scarlet, Green and Yellow Flan
White Gause Flannel,
Blenched & Unbleached Canton Flannel,
Colored Do. du.
8.4 and 4.4 Plaid Linsevs,
Jib ached and Unbleached Muslins,
Corded Skirts,
Guernsey Frocks,
Net Lambs' Wool Shirts,
Ladies Black and White Silk Hose,
•D o . WoAard do.
1)o. Cashrnier do.
Black Westin d Hose,
Ladies Kid Gloves,
D , l. Lined do.
Berlin and Wool do.
Print:, Checlo, Ticking, &c.
Which he takes peculiar pleasure in in
viting those who are fond of Bargains, to
call and examine, as they were bought upon
such terms us will enable him to sell them
MARKET. Now is the time, cull and
examine for yourselves. Country produce
take in exchange for Goods.
Gettysburg, Sept. '24. 539. tf.
U ATE in Cumberland township, Ad
urns county, Pa., on the road leading
from Gettysburg to Emmittsburg, 4 miles
south of the latter place, adjoining lands of
Capt. M Curdy and others containing 130
ORES, about
200 P-CRES,
of the al.ove farm is covered with firs: rate
Timber. This property will answer to be
divided into Tl%O FARMS, about '2OO
Acres lies West of' the read leading from
Gettysburg to Einwittsburg„ the improve.
mews arc part LOG arid part
STONE - 150 TOT. ,i 25
Log Ifin n & Blacksmith shi,p, f 4;!!
about 250 Acids East of said
road with a LOG HOUSE, LogAarn, and
Tenant house thereon. The above form
will be sold together or seperate, or the
Went part will be sold in lots to suit per.
chasers. If the above property is net sold
before Friday the Ist day of November
next, it will, on that day be sold ut Public
to commence at 1 o'clock P.
and terms midi! known by.
110L3EPT %1'• McSIIERRY.
Sept. 21. 10.
11101 t US 111ULTICAULLS.
21 - 111, 11E Subscriber offers for sale 1200 or
1500 genuine Moms Multtcaulis Trees
growing in Adams County, Latimore town•
ship, Pa. They will be sold at moderate
prices, ou good teirns, and small lots to suit
Sept. 24.
KrLeiters addressed to Mr. Driest,
Latimore township, Adams county, Bermu
dian Pust Office, will be attended to.
ci2.11 .1 la a (oLfiQFP L?:? c.v.",::=2.
GETVETraUII.G, 2.21.
rffllE Subscriber begs leave to inform
his friends and the Public generally
that he has removed from !Hs Old Stand,
(the Globe inn) to that large and cornmodi-
575.17173E-STEGaY MOUSE,
lately occupied as a Store by Col. Samuel
WidiereW. It is situated on the South
East Corner of the Diamond, and imme
diately opposite the Bank and the Public
Offices, where by strict attention to bu
siness, he is determined to please and ac
commodate all those who may choose to
give him a call. A. B. KURTZ.
Gettysburg, April 1, 1839. tf-2
N. B. H begs leave to return his
sincere thanks to his old customers for their
liberal encouragement.
. Y.-Ls a Raley's
VMS is to certify that I was severely of
flicted with the disease technically
termed Bronchitis, the Tonsils considerably
swollen and much inflatned,the uvula or pal
ate permanently elongated, the Trachea or
‘Vindpipe exceedingly painful, my disease
was so extensive and aggravated, as to dis
qualify me from my prolesgmnal avocations,
and I was induced to make application to
the celebrated Professor Doctor Smith of
Baltimore, who cut off a part of the palate,
which gave some little relief, but still did
not cure the disease under which I was I-n
As a dernier resort I atiPli ed to Dr. F.
J. Smith a Botanic Physician of Hanover,
now of Gettysburg, by whose care, shill
and judicious treatment,l have been perfect
ly and radically cured ; and I thus make it
public as an act of but conunon justice to
the Doctor, and from a full & strong sensed
gratitude to him, and at the same time as
an inducement to others similarly affected
to avail themselves of the like .hentfits, nq
witness my hand this ISt] day of Septem
ber, 1539. EZRA I ELI E
Tit 11 eN town, tf.
To the Afflicted.
7 0 1E1E,, ntooF which can he given of
n th *ALIJA) I•mcmx of
- 11 E L FE'S
, t t.
V" li CLUiC ff IDr ops.
in addition to ihu wonticilul cures that Inivi
hem) cacti:Ll ilirpin . di chid extrawil.nnr3
Mediemo, 14 the following new and interest
ink' rase :
VER SORE A most aggravated Cure
rc7"Extract of a letter, dated Nov e i n
bee, am now using the Relic's
It danical Drops in a very important and
ditilcult case. It is of a person who has had
a Fever Sure for more than twelve years,
hich has resisted the skill and medicines
of the best Physicians—tieing applied to
about fire %seeks since, 1 advised ihe use of
the Botanical D,ops, aid they have Ilihd a
most s•Jrprisiri ellect, having reduced the
leg (winch N 5 as dreadfully swollen) more
than six inches in Circumference, ur,d
think will effect a perfect cure; 1 am now out
of the Drops, and wish you to send me some
by the bearer."
C:cre Complercd.
[Extract of a letter from the ,iit.j:.ct of the
loregoing communication, Mr. Jae. Che
ney, of Reading, Mass.]
"Sir-3(v leg which before did not look
like a human hoib, is now en t i re ly h ea l e d
up, and come to its proper shape. I um
free lion) pain, and can walk without limp
ing. My appetite is good, and .lcep re
and quiet, and I eon follow my oc•
eimetion with comloit. Previous to taking
the Drops,' had given up all hopes orrehel."
The above remarkable case of cure 1:5 at
tested to by
JARED ar.(l
I).INIEL CERA E, E - ti.
Juttice Peace, IZcachag, (Maf's )
In 181, an Agent tvritc3,—'•ln nnuilicr
care (the Botanical Drops)undoubtedly had
the happiest etlect. In this instance the dc
cease appeared to pervade the whole system.
It was undoubtedly ola scrofulous nature.
The glands in various parts became enlar
ged, hard and very painful, and became oth•
erwiso so atlected with the di,ca.3e its to
be under the necessity ocgiving up business
and confine himself to his room fit• sever
al weeks; c•ue or two of the swtilings sup
purated, and discharged a considerable
quantity. Thu beneo, the physician told
him, were also materially diseased. It
was precisely under these circumstances
tint he commenced the use of the Botanical
Diops,andas':he used ncthintg else, (with
the exception of game purgative occasion
ally) and perfectly restored to health, we
arc (olcourse) warranted in drawing the con
clusion,that this happy result %%as brought a
bout solely by their cc enc.)."
.Enother Case.
J - Ati Agent writes, --"There
is a person itt this !dace taking the Botani
cal Drops evidently with the greatest ad•
vange. lie declares, to use his own words,
"le is doing wonders for him," and as it
were "snatching hull from the grave !"
gt..lnthony , s Fire.
Cr.: - /"A Lady of the first respectability,
(tv;itvs an Agent, has recently been cured
of a very obstinate case of St Anthony's
Fire, by the use of Dr. Relfe's Botanical
Drop, alter having previously received the
best advice in vain.
cabbed Erupt ion
(f 'A distant Agent writes—"l have wit
nessed two most astonishing cures of erup
tions or cutaneous disease, effected by the
Botanical Drops, that had eluded the skill
of the most eminent Physicians in the neigh.
boring city (Philadelphia); they were cases
of two or three years FlNlRdilig ; one of
a hull was literary covered with a kind of
scabbed eruption. They are members of
highly respectable families, 'nod declare
without reserve that they belict,e the
tanical drops to be one of the most valuable
Medicines ever offered for diseases of that
•The proprietor might exhibit numerous
other testimonials-to prove the extitiordina
ry, efficacy of -this' invalnaLle medicine.
The prejodiee . ofthe rrioSt incredulous give
way on beholding the astonishing cures
perliamed . by it—and - various Physicians
who have witnessed ifs efficacy, not only
approve oral use, but in many cases re•
commend it witlu•ut reserve. These drops
will be found one of the most powerful al•
terativo, purifier, and swee'ner 'et the
blood ye'. discovered, and may be used us
ore of the best remedies for the Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Leprosy, St. Anthony's Fire,
Fever Sores, (even when the bones nre of
feted ) White Swellings (it applied with
Dr. Jebb's Liniment,) foul and obstinate
Ulcers, Sore Legs and Eyes, Sealdhead in
Children, Scurvy and Scorbutic Gout, Pim•
pled or Carbuncled Fades, Festering Erup
tions, and Venereal Taints throughout the
body, in which lust case the Drops often
cure when Mercury fails. They are also
the best Spring and Autumnal Physic to
purity and cleanse the syStern from humors
which frequently appear at these seasons of
the year. They also aid the process of di
gestion, and by purifying the blood, prevent
the secretion of malignant humors on the
(r., — None genuine unless signed T. KID
DER, on (1)(1 / wrapper, (sole proprietor and
successor to Dr. Conway,) by whom
they are for sale, at his counting room, No.
99, Court st. Boston, (up stairs, ) and by
his special appointment, at
Tho Drug and Book Store of
Price $l, or 0 bottles for 45.
Tr N NO INSTANCE hascthe bentitiful
tome, anodyne, and restorative prepare•
Lion, well known and celebrated as Dr. Writ
Evans' Camomile, Pills, tailed to ntlbrd the
highest gratification to those who have tried
them in any of thevarious cases !Or which
they are recommended in the larger adver'
For sale' at the 1)roo St ore ci
GEo. it..(;II,I:ERT &
Ceitysbur4, Nov. 0, 1-;:t.5.4
Interesting case Cured
By Dr. WiLLIAM 13 VANS' Cenionaik
Lind Family Aperient Pills.
ENJAMIN BIZOWN, corner 01 Ship
pen and George streets, Philadelphia,
was afflicted for seven years with extretyo
nervousness, by which he was not able to
write his name. Ills symptoms, were ern--
daily spasmodic pains in the head,
loss of appetite, palpitation, of the heart..
giddiness and dimness of sight. utter inabili„
ty of engaging in any thing that demand( (1
vigor or coinage, sickness of the stomach,
impaired appetite, coldness and weakness 0 1
the ext nullities, emaciation and General de.
bility, disturbed rest, a sense of %%Hub! at
the stomach after eating, great mental des•
pondency, severe flying pains in the chest,
back and side costiveness, a dislike for PO
ciety and conversation. Mr. B. has rondo
a trial of various medicines now before the
public, but to no efilict, until observing in a
public paper some cures performed by Di.
Wm. Evans' Camomile Tonic and Furm!y
Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them
trial, of which he is at any time Imp* ill
state that they cfrectuidly cured him of Wu
above distressing disease.
rrl'elsons who doubt the above cure.,
are most respectfully directed to the Mime
mentioned person, tit the corner of Shim=
and George streets.
Phi!adelphia, Oetob'r 26,1828.
For at the Drug Store of
Moro Conclusive Proofs of the
Efficacy of Dr. Wm. Evans' Camomile Pilld.
Lirer eared by Dr. IViilium Evans'
Camomile Tunic and Aperient Pi
LYTLE,of Mount Joy, Lances
i\ft ter county, Pu. Completely restored
to health, by Dr. Evans' Camomile Pills.
Iler symptoms were great pain in her right
saie, could not lin on her left side without an
aggravation of the pain, disturbed rest.
Extreme debility, pains in the head, loss o
appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddine
and dimness of sight, languor, with °II Or
symptoms indicating great derangemeoi
tilt) luertions of trio liver. Miss Lytle,
daughter of the aforesaid Mrs. Lytle, has
also been restored to health by tge same in
valuable medicine. Iler syniptoms worn
extreme nervousness, attended with severe
pain in her side, Sickness of the stomach,
eructations, &c. tie has the plea
suro of informing'the public that numerous
cases similar to her own, On her vicinity,)
have been restored to health by the Same in
valuable medicine.
For sale at the Di itg'Store of
Getlpburg, Nov. 6,1833. ly—at
Cured lig Dr. EV(lll3' Camomile Tunic and
Family Aperient Pills.
reRS. GOOD, of Mount Joy, Lances.
1 . 4 ter county, Pa., was aflbcted for sev
en years with distressing symptoms of which
she was confined to her bed for nine months.
tier symptoms were, depression of spirits,
sickness at the stomach, headache, impair
ed appetite, great pressure and weight at
the stomach after eating, great mental de
spondPery, flying pains in the chest, back
and sides. costiveness, emaciation, coldness
and weakness of the .extremities, a dislike
for society- or conversation, involuntary
sighing and weeping; and languor and lassie
tude upon the least exercise. Mrs. Good
was in the most desperate situation, and
could obtain no relief until she was advised
by her neighbors to make trial of Dr. Ev
aus'Camomile Pills of which she is happy
to state that she is now enjoying all the
blessings of perfect heale.i. Persons desi
rous of t 'lurther : information will be satisfied
of cvery.particular4rf her astonishing cute
by applying at No. 10. N. Eigth street
Philadelphia, or at her residence.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg Nov. 6, MR. Iy-31
Important to the Sick.
E vississitudes of the summer,nnd the
preceding spring, have afforded pecu
liar opportunities for exemplifying to the
country the lapey efli , cts of Dr. W. Erun3'
Camomile''lonic Pills,upon debilitated con
stitutiuns. In cases of extreme nervous suf
fering, which stimulating tonics only !pe
llicle:4llly °hove, and at length greatly ag
gravate, a single box of these beautifully
compounded pills has proved an immediate
and continual benefit. The loss of appetite
and tremulous exhaustion which all invalids
feel during this oppressive season, are reliev
ed within two or three hours by one dose on
ly; and in many cases a few doses will forti
fy the system a long time against a recur
mace of these attacks. To Ladies especi
ally, who suffer front nausea and lassitude
incidental to interesting changes of health,
these pills are friends indeed, and a bottle of'
them has hence become a favorite boudoir
and toilette confident of ladies in wedded life.
if taken before exercise in the open mr,they
will generally prevent the lasitudo and fa.
tigue which frequeutly attend it at this see
son; and if taken afterwards they Lever fail
to relieve these sensatiorrm a few moments.
That oppressive sensation of arterial fullness
and throbbing in the head, which is gener
ally experienced in fervid and sultry weather.
is so speedily removed by those Pills that
they are recommended by a great number
of our best Physicians in preference to nny
other prescriptions, ns they are well known
o be in many othc: eases.
The eurs,thegreat,t:fibctualand undeniel
blo cures which this fine tonic and restora
tive remedy effects in the cases that are
particularized in other advertisements, are-.
daily exciting the admtration and enfistrng:
the candid a cknowledgment of the media`;
profession who witness- them. Directes:,•,„,
for taking these Camomile Pills, as welt'
Dr. IN, Evan's Aperient Family Pills;
ways accompany there; and they may •
obtained wholesale and retial, at 10th nort -y
3lt st. Philadelphia * .
Also fur sale nt the'Drug Store of
,Cctlys!mr.4, Not. 0,, Uttts. Lnr- I y
~"i "`l` ?.?~