The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, May 21, 1839, Image 3

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    ow , .err.
11i 1' Elt TISENI
c.42aLla:ll2f DAY? 2f113.42'12at
411 1 17111 rm'v4eriber begs leave to
-II his friends and the Public generally,
Ow he has removed from his Old Stand
; Oho Globe Inn) to that lar a ge aad commodi-
occupied as a Store by Co!. Samuel
Wilberow. it is situated on the South
East Corner of the Diamond, and imme
.diately .opposite the Batik and the Public
.otlices, where by strict attention to bu
.smess, he is determined to please and ac•
commodate all those who may choose to
n aive him a call. A. B. KURTZ.
Gettysburg, April 1, 1839. tf-2
N. B. He begs leave to return hie
sincere thanks to his old customers . fer their
liberal encouragement.
,F'or Sale at the Drug Store of Geo. R_
Gilbert Sr. Co.
Wit the cure of Scrofula or King's
Evil, Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases
Rheumatism, Ulcerous Sores, diseases of
the Liver and Skin, White Swellings, gen
_eral debility, dr.c.
A certain remedy for Worms.
This mild and efficacious remedy posses
sea many advantages over other remedies
usually employed for diseases originateB iu
'.children. It is found to be a safe and effec
tual cure for the following dkesses,viz: Pains
in the stomach and bowels, cholic, griping,
.restlessness, convulsions, &c. Those drops
fire prepared only from vegetables.
Por Fever and Ague, warranted a prompt
.and effectual cure, prepared by Vuughman
sand Davies, Philadelphia.
FOR beautifying and restoring the Haar,&c
Rrng worms, Pimples on the face, and other
Cutaneous eruptions prepared by Vaugh
man & Davis, Philadelphia.
y EYE SALVE, an article highly re
commended as superseding all .others for
sore, weak and inflamed oyes. It has fre
quently effected cures after all other prepa
rations had failed. Its efficacy is attested
by many certificates, which can be examin
ed on application to the subscriber.
Hernia, or Rupture, cured by
It hay been ascertained beyond contradict
lion, that parsons can be cured permanently
and effectually of Hernia or Rupture by the
tole of Hull's Truss. Numerous certificates
can be produced from Gentleman of the
first respectability that have been cured by
wearing thorn. It is not only the easiest
to wear of any Truss ever invented ; but
it keeps the Hernia perfectly reduced. so
that the person can ride or labor as well as
if not thus afflicted. A trial of this instru
ment would at once convince every person
of its superiority over any other article that
could be offered for the same disease.
April 9, 1539. tf-2
$5O R 1 WARD.
Money Lost.
Iv AS lost by the subscriber on Monday
w evening last, between Gettysburg and
Major Will's Mill, a pocket Book contain
ing 8250 ; 170 on the bank of Virginia,
ono twenty, tu.d the rest tens. The balance
were $2O notes on the Merchant's and
Manufacturer's Bank of Pittsburg, and
,promisory notes•to the amount of NINE
Reward will be given to any persou who
delivers the pocket book with all its con
tents to James A. Thompson, Eaq , in
Geityaburg, April 30, 18:30. 31-5
To Dr. Will. Evans.
.Georgctown, D. C. June 26, 1839.
Xi, gratified that I can return my sincere
thanks to yet:, who have been the cause of
my being restored to perfect health. For
Lye months past I have been laboring under
; n so.vere.Clueaic Inflataitory Rl•cumatistn,!
atteritiod with debility, loss of appetite, low. ' '
tress of spirits, dr.c. Having frequently
:heard of the truly excellent quality of your
Camomile Pills, 1 at last determined to
snake trial of them, although not without
considerable opposition from my physician
and family. At last seeing my deterrnina
4ton they agreed to the trial.; and upon
wing the .third ,package, I was altogether
Testored to health. Bow; can I express my
gratitude and sincere regard fur such a an
viour of human frames! My case was al
,tozother hopeless, and I must confess my
self surprtnd,at the extraordinary Leault
No people were ever more blessed than we
are with such remidies. The many quack
advertisements which appear in the papers
tvhich I' receive from your city, deterred
me from using your pills before I-did. I can
truly say - that no medicine in the known
I,vorld has had such a beneficial clii.ct as
your Camomile and Aperient Pills. What
midies the cure more extraordinary is that
I am more than forty years of age, and for
,she last roar years could just move about,
and only at short intervals. lam at pres-
Hut vutirely recovered, 'and my hones are
that you may enjoy a long and prosperous
fife. It am spared. I will almost cer
tainly come to Philadelphia to sae you.
If ow name and letter will be of any sor
t ice to yoU, you are at perfect liberty to
mike use or thew" and all I can do to aid
you will be done with iiiiboundi , d plemure.
zuur truly grateful and humble servant.
For sale at the. Drug Stare of
fjotyaburg, Nov. 0, teas, /y-a?
n= r- .P
EngiEeer's Office Baltimore & Ohio
Rail Road, Bahrimore, April 20,1639.
Contractors for Graduation, Mason
ry and Wc.veden Badges are informed
that upon the 15th thy of May next, Speci
fications of all eke art - 4k of the above kinds
required to Ere dare uiNin the hoe of tho
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Leto-eel)
Harper's Ferry rued Cumberland (96 miles)
will he ready for deiivery at the Company's
office in Rilairoare; and that aealod propo
sals for the said aork affil be received al
the same pac e by the =letsVied, up to
ft o'clock P. 31. up= Saturday, the Igl of
Juno next. The time hetan the two dates
just named will be stracieut for a full exam
ination elite orhele hoe which is now staked
out fur contract.
Ergiceer of =A Construction.
April 23. 1F.39. 7t-4
Interesting case Cured
By Dr. WII.LIAJJ ErANS" Camomile Tonic
1 7 02:1121 Apritat Pills.
IIENJAMIN BROWN, comer cil Ship
pen and George strents, Philadelphia,
was afflicted Ear seven years with extreme
nervousness, by w!iich he was not able to
write filename. His symptoms, were eras
cation, daily sps.sri.odic pains in the head,
kiss of appetite, palpitation of the heart.
giddiness and dimness of si.ibt, utter
ty of engaging, in any' thing that demanded
vigor or courage, sit-knew, of the stomach,
impaired appetite, coldness and weakness of
the extremities, ein.-,cliatilsa and general de
bility, disturbed rest, a scum of weight at
the stomach after eating, great mental des
pcnilertcy, severe flyinc , pains in the chest,
back and side costiveness, a dislike for so
ciety and coninersatum. Mr. B. has made
a trial of various medicines now before the
public, but to no effect, until observing in a
public paper seine cures performed by Dr.
Win. ETans' Camomile Tonic and Family
Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them
a trial, of which he ia at any time happy to
state that they effectually cured lam of the
above distressing
liCrPf mons sa-ho doubt the above cure,
aro tr.ost respectfully directed to the above
mentioned person, at the corner of Shippen
and George threat.
Outoh-r 25, 1828.
Far &ale at the Ilrug &are of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6,1:1.438. ly-32
311LE3 Crinapind Extract of To-
Ja-rroato Pars, a is..titata for Calomel.—
Foraele at the Apothecary and Drug Store
of GEO. R. GILBERT, drc CO.
ApnE 9,1539. ' tf-2
THIS safe and effectual remedy seldom
ails LI destroy ars! carry off worms
from the eGmach and bowels of children,
and (Cord relief from those nauseating and
destroying symptoms, with which they are
generally atteroded. Ito operation is per
fectly rend and gr.mtlle„ and it can do no
harm If the ir ,..3e;,,41 ELKOIIIId not Le affected
with worms Preraned and sold by.
April 9, 15. 2 9- tf-2
liras:dr:4los Vegetaitia
OltUßLlCtraliON..—PaaLlie opinion is per
haps the only amenninzgcaZo from whose de
cision there is no and was there ever sue
s coanifostancei of its auroral, as there is with
SAL FILLS! Sup Ly sup Las this Melicin
wormed itself into facer, in spite of sacs, tante
sees and areas. Ttimeephimt has been its pro
grass to lupe:new sibetne of extensive usefulness-
It has nurcounred cola:dee before which quakcry
sinks par dysinl—ar..3 has gained for itself a repu
tation neither ritassciass„ nor flippant
sadia connterfenisse apothecaries can ever injure.
"lee chart/muss crvereless no assail it with
the =Emma ffbaits cf thcir2lespicable envy, and
wltich rehome& trim 11...1.9t1ves with a power
each thy on the tram-e. until they themselves
will tic covered with the slime of their own menu
factoring- They can no more injure the reputa
tion of BRANDBETWS PILLS than they can
lay their Linde tgrn the run.
How TO IST. Si , crs,r. most Cortersurrirs.—
Never to Turehase Brandretlf Pills without to
iag posithely sore Ct.stt_Se person selling has
cop Reap hate cereiTteee of A„,,-;esery. toad (0. observe
it has been tereera--no CERTIFICATE BE
MONTHS FROM DATE that Pills sold by the
holder we genzine.
All Filfs Won- Brandres on the label,
and Gesrgo on on the edge, are counter
feits, and niade.l.3, DECEIVE THE puma;
sad sviae theta= st the sat= time.
These, a:will:Oct:di emu. ocra.mcifeit Pills, if used
according to therer....licia of my Pills, are coleu
rated tc.. DESTROY LIFE- They are made by
MCI) haling ma stendsg es respectability, without
haliitatien or r.teNr—ierfiretly careless of conse
quences,. pra: . zf cst ti obtained.
[Extwit fru= Dr- Ws traillatEs to Citizens of U. S.]
And he ca..-eral rarmembe.; that I hare never
autharZ=i any fil.'a,rz•ar, DionLvt, Apothecary, or
Feiner is ehe Visited tqates to sell my Pills
These eme.ter.vele teurtea7.l aniversally sell
coun tcrfeits.Newer i rt thz.t. this class, Docture,
Druggiets„Apc.allareanies, an. 3 Pedlars are the men
who; sell enantrafeil*, and that all Tradesmen who
are made agrou, have earl of them a COPPER
PLATE certilk.Laet of Agency, signed in writing
with a Peal IS;f ; alba
renewal every asn - a:.'-- - x....1i1a,. it bring no guaran
tee fur ma.= than Cnde yea: fezm clatc—observe the
date E. net EZ EN,st isC9P.PERPLATE.
The Enarzizz ptrzons atan irty duly
authw.L.rdi AGENTS in Adams county, Po
tcL•csc nacres arz,
THOMAS .1_ CGOPrit, Gettysburg,
3. A. 3. S. DAVIS. Littlertown.
HiLDEBA.ND, East Berlin
AL 7:: ill PLY. Nr-rr. Cirr_ster.
I:ill.; Pi A 1 , I arbto
yy in: -xre a! No. 8 North
ti.t.r.f.t,:zd CL ( r.;:.1.1t Street.
B. N D.
New York.
N. B. A;; tr:_v4.;:eys frt.!...1 m rh3Ve a power of
At: Ecir re I'Le of the Cow:ly
o f Ncv, it,
Democratic State Convention.
The friends of IlAnnrsoN and WEBSTER
in the several counties of Penusylvama, are
requested to appoint Delegates, equal in
number to their numbers in the State Sen
ate ar•.d House of Representatives, to meet at
the Court [louse in Harrisburg nt 12 o'clock
A. M., on
for the purpose of nominating a Ticket of
Electors, to be vo'ed for by the people of
Pennsylvania, at the Presidential Election
in IE4O, and *Aged, if elected, to st3pport
the candidates for President and Vice Presi
dent of the United State settled by the I
ncratic Antiamsonic National Convert
winch was held In Philadelphia in Noi
ber 18082
Harrishurg, March IS+=.o
Ilealllx alia.
"Vcannot be denied that whilst many
icines which are recommended to the
public, have not even the negat,vo merit of
harmlessness, there are others which it
would he great injustice indeed and suicidal
prejudice to involve, untried, in a common
condemnation. And when a medicine comes
endorsed with all the great profi:ssion, and
warranted by the seal and signature of long
and uniform success, its proprietor makes
no unreasonable demand upon public confi
dence,wlien he claims for it a superior con
of Dr. Evans, of New York, is undeniably
entitled to this enviable distinction; for whilst
no medical authority in existence condemns
it, every medical, work which alludes to it,
and every medical practitioner that is ac
quainted with it, freely acknowledges its
pre-eminent virtues; and that the latter
should do so in opposition to their personal
interests, must be attributed either to their
candor and love of truth, or to their unwill.
ingness to ay in the face of all observation
and the testimony of thousands.
Dr. IV. EVANS does not pretend that
his Camomile Pills will cure all diseases.—
He frankly and conscientiously admits that
they will not. lie lays no claim to the die.
covert' of the "Philosopher's Stone, and
wishes nobody to believe that he sellsthe
Elixir of Life," but he does say and ne does
believe and he can prove that in debilitated
and impaired constitutions; in nervous dis
eases of all kinds; in weakness of the diges•
five organs; in incipient consumptions wheth
er of the lungs or of the liver; in the dread
ful debility occasioned by the use of purga
tives, in palsy, rheumatism (more especial
ly) in the sickness incident .to mothers and
females of relaxed nerves; in every case of
delirium tremens, or that diseaso which is
brought on by intemperance; in the wretch
ed horrors of the mind and body which ac
crue from occasional inebriety, in the hiss
of appetite; langunr, melancholy, pairs in
the head, limbs, or sick.; in corrupt, sallow,
and uncomely complexions,which arise from
the had state of the fluids; in all these cases,
aiid in some others mentioned in the bills
and directions given with his medicines, he
does say,that the Camomile Pill interchang
ed occasionally with his aperient family
pills, (the best known) which are silld with
them, wilt affect immediate relief; and if us
ed but for a fair period of trial, a perfect
cure. This much is placed beyond doubt,
by daily testimonies which would be given
on oath; and for this much Dr. W. Evans
can conscientiously request confidence. Ile
therefore need only to add,that his camomile
pills, together with his excellent aperient
pills, can be obtained, wholesale or retail at
no. 19th north 9th st. Philadelphia. Also
for sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, It'3B. ly-32
LSd G'YA .
..,sviralel S. Al'ereca-y,
INFORNIS his friends and the public go
nerallv, that he has removed his Shop
to West York street, nearly opposite Mr.
Forry's Tavern—where he will always keep
on hand, and will manufacture to order,
La, ax 2 ,
()fate Latest Fashions, and made
of the beet materials. Thunklul for post fa
vors, he solicits a continuance of public pa-
Gettysburg, April 15. tf-4
raILIE NECESSITY of a Restorative
and Sustaining Aledicitie at this season
of extreme trial to the nervous sys , em and
digestive organs, is felt by thousand:, of per- .
sons who never thought of taking the Camo•
mile Tonic Pills prepared by Dr. Win
Evans. Those who have once used them
will readily bear testimony to their delight
ful effects.
For sale at the Drut Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1834. ly-32
- Dv
and Hand-Bills, of every description
neatly & expeditions y executed at the office of the
"STAR at 114NNEH,"
, trft ‘ l,o•o 1164C.Z.!
Residence in Carlisle street, in the house
formerly occupied by Dr. Burleych!.e.
HERE ho may be twin(' prepared to
W attend do the duties of his profession.
He tenders his gratitude for the encourage
input he has received, end kids continf
that his knowledge of the old medical sys
tem of theory and practice, in conjunefion
with his acquaintance of the Botanic sys
tem, will-enable him skilfully and success
fully to subdue disease, render general satis
faction, and merit a portion of the patronage
of a generous and intelligeht public.
Ho still finds additional evidence of the
benefits and utility of the botanic system,
and from the practice facts have arisen to
increase his faith in, and to confirm his for•
mer sentiments of the great superiority of
the Thomsonian Medical Practice.
Ile therefore recommends it to the corn
munity with an entire consciousness if its
intrinsic merits, and as a system that will
neither injure nor poison them, but as the
best, the safest, and the most efficacious in
the United States, as certified by the fol
lowing medical gentlemen of the old school.
Professor B. We terliouse, 31. D.
D. L. Terry, 31. D.
Rev. 11. Fcnerden, 31. D.
Alexander Draper, 31. D.
J. TV. Comfort, 111. D.
W. Caldwell, H. D.
IV. Ripley, 31. D.
W. K. Griffin, 31. D.
7'. Everivies, M. D.
David Tower, 31. D.
Rer. Dr. John Hersey, formerly a
Surgeon in the United States Army.
with many others too numerons to insert.
Dr. Howard's Works fur sole by the sub.
Gettysburg, April 9, 1839. ly—'.?
Important to the Sick.
9111-1 E vississitudes of the summe r,and the
preceding spring, have atilirded pecu.
liar opportunities for exemplifying to the
country the happy et! cts of Dr. W. Evans'
Camomile lonic Pi//s,upon debilitated con
stitutions. In cases of extrutne nervous suf
fering, which stimulating tonics only mo
mentarily relieve, and at length greatly fig
graven., a single box of these beautifidly
compounded pills has proved an immediate
and continual benefit. The loss of appetite
and tremulous exhaustion which all invalids
feel during this oppressive season, are reliev
ed within IWO or three hours by one dose on
ly; and in many cases a few doses e ill fort i•
fy the system a long time against a recur
rence of these attacks. To Ladies especi•
ally, who suffer from nausea and lassitude
incidental to interesting changes of health,
three pills are friends indeed, and a bottle of
them has hence become n vorito bendier
and toilette confident of ladies in wedded life.
If taken before exercise in the open air,they
will tfenerally prevent the lasitude nod fa
tigue which frequently attend it at this sea
son; and iftaken afterwards they never fail
to relieve these sensation in a f•tv moments.
That oppressive sensation ofart•oriel fullness
and throbbing in the head, which in gener•
ally experienced in let vid and sultry weather,
is so speedily removed by those Pills that
they are recommended by n great number
of our host Physicians in pref . ,. rence to au}
prescriplices, as they arc well known
'o he in many othc.: cases.
The cures,t he great,eflectual and undenia
the cures which ibis (hie tonic and restora
tive remedy effects in the cases that are
particularized ill other advertisements, nre
daily exciting the admiration and enlisting
the candid acknowledgment of the medical
profession who witness them. Directions
for taking these Camomile Pills, as well ns
Dr. W. Evan's Aperient Family Pills, al.
ways accompany them; ant' they may be
obtained wholesale rind retial, at 19th north
Bth at. Philadelphia.
Ala.) tel sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1838. ly-32
A Catalogue of Reasons for using Dr.
Peters' Vegetable Pills.
"..1. BECAUSE experience has established their
merits, and decided them to be host, us also the
most popular of modern medical discoveries.
2. Because they are composed of simples which
have the power to do good in an iminenee number
of cases, without possessing the means to do in•
jury in tiny.
.3. Because they ere not a gulch madicmc,bm
the scientific compound of a regular physician,
who has made his pi coescion the study of his life
and are hence recommended us a standard family
incaicine by the regular faculty
For sale only at the Apothecaries and
Drug Store's of Gni). R. GILBERT and
Gettysburg, Jun. 29, 1 939 . tf-44
V.ll7.l.72CiattS, LOOT& MILVLE ,
TIIE rubserrber has opened a Shop, on
Second st rem, a few doors east from
the Market House,in Charnber:;burg, where
he will build SNI ITH GAI DN ER'S
which he will sell in Franklin, Adams and
Bedford counties. These machines are now
to operation in this county, and are equal if
not superior to any other —and may be had,
by persons wishing to obtain them, in any of
the above•named counties, on tho shut test
notice, by applying to the subscriber, wile
hopes by strict attention to (iriness to secure
a share of public patronage.
C* — An advantage which this Machin(
has over others, is • that the horse power
constructed to wink ender 11te overshot of a
barn, so that rain does not inter ere with it,.
Chanibersbur",-June 5, 1i:39. If-10
Z..c G 74 • T
For suk! gull's Office'•
61.,:042x2rfh*.F 7 00 , .. 4 4 , W.4a 0 6 ,, n 4 .:' , R0xfri 0
Cured by Dr. Evans' Camon.lie nllle and
F':•iily Aperient
TA,,f,f, RS. GOOD, of Mount Joy, Lancat7
ter county Pa , as etiiitted ;or sev•
on years with distres ing.!mptomsofwhich
she was confined to her Led for nine months.
Her symptoms ivete, dr.pression of spirits,
sickness et the stomach, liondache,
ed appetite, groat pressure and weight at
the stomach after eating, great mental It.
spondency, ilymg pains in the chest, back
and sides, costiveness, emaciatien, coldnes
and weakness of the extremities, a diskke
fc r society or conversation, involinuary
sighing and weeping, and languor and hest
tuck upon the least exercise. Mrs. Good
was in the most desperate situation, arid
could obtain no relief until she was advised
by her neighbors to make trial of Dr. Ev.
nna' Camomile Pills of which she is happy
to state that she is now enjoying all the
blessings of perfect health. Persons desi•
roes of further ild'ormation will be satisfied
of every pnrticular of her astonishing cure
by applying at No. 10. N. Eigth street
Philadelphia, or at her residence.
For sale at the Dui Store of
Geitysburg Nov. 0, IH3B. ly-32
\\ \ 7,7 - c ~,-...:,-, s t .,,, • zy ,
./' /,...„:„,/ 2„ ,
\:i . ,:‘,2, \-: 4 . - - -7.- • // ////, /
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.•tI r in v;. ---- • .-fi' y t 1.... L. „ .g:t
. _-- .0.
.c 6F
"The True Riches of Life is
We know that Health, and the ability to labor
is tho wealth of tho great masa of tho people in this
as In most other countries. To preserve, there
fore, that health by NATURAL ineana, is it grand
moral and political scheme, to fulfil which re
quires our utmost attention.
11011._: unparallsl reputation which Peters' Pills
have acquired as a Medical Itrstorativoos the
most unquestionable proof that can be Oven of
their immense importance to the afflicted, in ul
most every class of diseases. Tho number of lot
tors received from patients recovering through
their means is really prodigious, and the com
plaints watch they have cured are almost es var
ied us they tire numerous. But still there are
some In which they are more especially beneficial
than in others; arid among 010/10 may be Lamed
tho too often fatal complaints of the stomach and
bowels, such as ( . 11.1iC, PUII.IIOIIOO, and Indigos
strut, for which they aro not only u core iia but an
immediate cure.
It is well known that from the disarrangement
of tho stomach end bowels, arise nine tenths of all
the maladies of adult Find declining life; that this
is the Inundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic Pains
Indigeation, Loss of Appetite, &c. andlhat those
in their turn give birth to Dropsy, Liver Coin
plaint, teinsumptien, and habitual lowness of
ilimpMre Pours' Pills being the very hest
me,licioe which has ever linen discovered for the
incipient diseases of the intestines, are tiecessari
ly the entreat preventives of those dreadful, and ol
eo general disorders, which esorhitter mature life,
and drag so many millums to untimely graves.
Li spec Ling thus Dr. Peters arrogams nothing
to himself that hes not horn conceded by the pub
lic. He is no needy quack or unknown specula
tor, who conies before the world as hie own her
ald and witness, but is placed in a rosin risibility
of situation by Cho patronage which he has on.
joyed the years, and which is increasing to an,
extent unprecedented in the annuli; of medicine;
that makes him careful to assert nothing which
ie. not borne out by the moat inf,iliblo proof; and
hence 1.0 does nut tear to ho put to test in any
thing which ho has promised respecting his Pills
Dr. Peters is most happy to ho able to state, on
the authority of a great number of regular physi
cians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills have
been introduced, they have almost supercedod the
adoption o'u:creams' imperimente, for tlieir po
culler faculty in sweetening the blood, and &vim
ulating it to expel all milieus juices, and in giv.
Mg strength and tone to the nerves, prevents dis.
ease from acquiring that atrenrb whiclimust he
lot under, if at all, by dangerous remedies.
11. D. 129 Liberty street. New York. Each box
contains 40 pills; price 50 cents.
Thome celebrated rm. arc Fold by all tho grin•
eipal Druggists in Pultiniorc, Philadelphia', Wash
' ngton City, and throughout tho United States,
tho Canudas, Texan, Mexico, and the West In
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, N0v..27,1888.
1 €l4l* Bushels of Lime fo- sole by
the Subscriber, at his planta•
on, one half mile from M illorsiown, on the
and lunding to Gettysburg.
April 23, 1939. if-4
Peters' Vegetable Pills.
than Oleo millions of boxes of these
''..4•A celebrated PILLS have been sold-in tho
United States sinuo January, 18d5.
Ilundreds and thousands hloss the day they be
fin me acquainted with PETERS' VEGETA BLF.
PILLS, which in consequence of their extract di
nary goodness, have attained a popularity unpre
:edented in the history of medicine.
When taken according to tho directions accorn
danying thorn, they arc highly houefiLial in the
arevention nrid core of Bilious Fever, Fever'and
Ague Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick [load
Asthma. Dropsy, Rhr.utnatiu, ~
Enlargement of the t:pleen, Fornalc
Obstrtic ions, Ile , .rt Burn, Furred Tongue, Nati
cea, Distension of the Stomach arid Bowels, lo
sipient Diarrlicel, Flatulence, Habitual Costive
ness, Loss of Appeiite. Blotched or Stillo - w Corn•
plexion, end in all eases of Torpor of the Bowels,
where a cathartic in on aperient is needed., The )
are exceedingly mild in their operation, produc,
ing noilirr fIaUSC(I, nor debility.
Tho efficacy of these Pills is sin well known.
and their use so general, that further continent is
considered iinnecessary.
IF,or further partieulars, &Po Dr. PETERS'
Pamphlet which can be had GitATIS, at the
Drug Store of G li. 'FYLER,GeneruI agent fur
the Shan of Alaryland. •
For sale et the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 27, lt3d. mu 35
1 4 0113 PP:CENT:A:MG,
Such as Handballs, Advertisements, Cards
Y+unphla y, and .Isl4nlis
neatly ivad ekpediliously tseented
4t t h e orrice of Alio
Mel llezvell,Tril.vozzl? ffifilferrel
G 11.0 C ER' 5; CO 3.?
O FFER to the Cmr;try tra.? , 17r Cr:2.A
ur pr.ompt ',ft/mu tke
G qD D
TO war:
50 §ts. N. ;Plans srs
2i) Weis, West 1 mita tS:. Orleans dre!o
.200 R Coft.:•e, (part stnal , scented)
100 " Lnguir.i do.
100 " itivn rut d.w.
50 Mids. N. Orleans tt Porto Rice S-"Jaar
10 pipes rind 11:01 pipes Chaturnig::e and
Rochelle Brandy
5 " Gin
fiO tiorces lionev
200 boxes Rai9ina
LOO Tiurto do.
150 eighth do. Fresh importatisn.
50 logs do.
Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, Teas indices,
half chests oral bores, Ake. 4.c.
Baltimore, NOV. 17. 1837.
N NO INSTANCE bas rho beautiful
tonic, anodyne, and restorative prepara
tion, well knnwn and c:•tebrated as Dr. Wm.
Ernn.' Camomile Pills, ftil.•d t' otliord !Le
Li_hest gratification to these who have tried
them in any of the varicus ea,:es for w - hich
they are recommended in the larger ativer.-
For sole nt
. ftlcr _tore of
GEt). It. GI LBERT dr Co.
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1t,,34.
INDSTIZUMS.—The united ie.:rimer', cf
physicians throughout the United States has fully
proved the fact tha• Petars' Vegrtahle PiMare
tlin only true Vegetable Pills which sill etanit
the lest of analyzation; hence the proprietor
wnuld most earnestly urge them to the notrce of
those who have been in the habit of using. a. ea.
lhartics or aperients, the drstructieo and trritat.
ling quack pills so generally adagrth•ese,, and
Which aro at best but slow consurnorltsof the vital
murderous egents, even to the
most halo. It is true, most or them proshme
purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief;
but in most cases they injure the digralire
galls, and an habitual resort to then must [fermi.
nate in confirmed dyspepsia.
It is true that cathartic and anerrend
aro often inquired, but the direA
should always he observed in the ►election: •nd
ifthia be done, nothing injurious can reAgtfloct
their line.
T o produce this mur.h•desired result, Dr. Po
tors has made it his study for several years. trod
feels proud to day lie has sttecner•dled at length far
beyond hid expectations. The oNeet of his pills
is to supercodo tho necessity oft frequent reeocrse
to injurious purgatives, and to offer a nriedieinis
safe, certain, and pleasant in its operation-
Prepare() by JOS. PRI F.S'I I.Y
1). No. 129 Liberty street, New York. Each bos
contains 40 pills. Price 50 cents..
For aalo at the Drug Store f.f
.. GEO. It. GI LIIERT,& Co.
Gottyobt. , g, Nov. 27. 18:16
A LL persons indebted on the Books of
Cie- the Store lately kept by me, ore re
quested to make immediate payment. The
proprie'or having dispo,.ed of Ws stock to
A. It. STEVENSON & CO., is desirous
of closing his business ; and has authorized
inn to place all accounts remaining unpaid
on the Ist day of June next in the hands of
a proper officer for coneetma.
J. M. sTEv ENSON, Agent.
April 23, 1989. 3t-4
More Conclusive Proofs of the
Efficacy of Dr. Win. Evans* Camomile Pitts.
Liver Complaint cured by Dr. Millar., Erma
Camomile Tunic and Aperient
,TRS. LYTLE, of Mount Joy, Lances.
peE ter county, Pa. Cornp!etely restored
to health, by Dr. Evans' Camomile Pills.
tier symptoms were great pain in her right
side, could not lin on her left side without au
aggravation of the pain, disturbed rest.
14.:ict rein° debility, pains in the bead, loss of
appetite, palpitation of the heart, g,itiliners
and dimness of sight, languor, with other
symptoms irelicatinm great derangement is
the functions of the liver. Miss Lytle,
daughter of the aforesaid Mrs. Lytle. has
also been 'restored to he7,lth by the same in.
valuable medicine. Her symptoms were
extreme neryousnecn, attended with sera
pain in her side, eieknes of the stomach
eructations, &c. Mrs. Lytle has the plea,
sure of informing the public that numerous
cases similar to her own, (in her minify.)
have been restored to he alth by the same
valuable medicine.
For sale at the r), eg Sore of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1F3163. 1— 3-1
JUST received and for sate by the Sub.
scriber, a large stock of
Planes, Edge Tools, Anv ills, Vices,
Brass Andirons.
*N I 'Ai YUetS ttua Sprirs
"Aar lyou mit% 9 , :tecl,
II& IL ; B1- IR le O.I D
tlf every kuid, persons engrwecl in buiNli
rind those commencing house keeping aculA
(to wi.ll to cull.
Gettv.tw7 ,, . Ay, 25, 1829. 41-5
'T*LAKE Notice, that 1 have epphed to
11 -:tho Judges of the Orphan's Ccurt
of Adamaf County, Pa. for the Bea (Et
of the Intolvent Laws of this C..motock
wealth, and that they hayo nuaic:tcriTues,
day the ':'2Sth day cf Noy) r.f.rt. far 1 ear
ing me owl my creditors, ut the Coed-Loom
is the lloronh (4 - * tlyst.e.r ,, , wl:ct. and
where ynu may tittvi.d it vnu think 'at- er.
April : , 1(), 1 c.?,9.
Scr Frr &rick l'xant'.cer" is re
quested to insert the cb it a !laws and
Chr.r , rn ti is olnev.
X ()TEC E.
• x ra-33