The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, May 14, 1839, Image 1

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    . :
asit tir
VOL. X.--AO. 7.]
o the Y cat era of A alto), s
ir offer omen in vow consideration an a
AL candidate f.)r the offices of. Re ristee. and
Recorder (under such comtiiiistion as me%
be a& ood by the Legislature) at the ensu•
ing election.
Under a knowledge arrinired from attend
ing to scveral or the Mote* annerlantlott to
maid offices, nod practical -k 11 a. a convey.
sneer, I hop- (if n .minl(ect and elected) to
b•• able to ex-cure the dutierrthereof person
ally, in a prompt and correct manner.
Your*: reopectiully,
March 12. !SU 11=b(►
To tlie. Voters of atlatos
Offhr 'ayse•lf to vim,. eginaidervion 1113 ■
AL candidate for the ' , thee++ fir Re Eißfer, Re
corder and Clerk of the Orphans: Court, a
the Ainsiiing eleetnin.
Ittving, from pracOcal experience acqui
red a perfect knowledge of the of
thniie oflicea, I hope Of nominated and elect
ed) to be able do the bu4ineaa promptly, cor
rectly and in person
The Public%l Humble Servant,
%V11,1,14%1 KIN(;.
Gettysburg, Feb. 26. 1.-39. tv-40;)
To the looeprode . ot Voteri of
Adams County.
I iiffor envoelf to vioir enosiderntson,
et tho ensuing General Election, as a ran
didntr fir the officeit of Register, Record
er, and Clerk of the Orphans' Court: And
pledge myself, elected, in iliaeltarge the
duties of those offiees with fidelity end
March 19, 1°39.
To the Free and Independen
Voters or %dams County.
'Through kind persuasions from
'many of my, I hove been induced to
totrar myself as a candidate f ur tho
0/lice fir Miscall'',
it the ensuing" Election, and respectfully
our vuirs. Arid alinuld Ibe a, 14-
innate as to pbeeive vinir emitidence, by be
ing elected to that (Wive. I pledge myself to
discharge the du , nai of the tiffice with fideli
ty and impartiality.
Franklin town4bip,
March 19, 1199.
To the Voters of Adiuns County.
Through the encouragement of
many of my friende, I offer myself ea a can
didaie for the
Office of Sheriff:
for amid County at the ensuing Llection
should I receive the nomination of the Con.
vention to veitle a county ticket, and b. ,
elected, I pledge rity.elf to iterliArin the dut•
tea of that Office promptly and impartially.
Moutujoy town.hip,
April 23, 10.39.
Ridurns his idneeie thanks to his
friends and the public in general, for placing
him on the re 111.114 with th- present end
former Sheriff, and again offers himself
once inure as a candidate fur the
Of ice of Sheriff,
at the ensuing Election. Should he be
honored with their confidence , in plaring
him in thst officio, no exertion on his part
shall he wantiog to a faithful discharge of
the ditties of th,it important trust. •
lttrch 19, 1. 1 39. te—fil
rif 11 R rra z, Tlr .
To the free and Independant voters of
Adams County.
I offer myself again to your con
sideration as a Candidate for the
011 ice of Sheila;
at the ensuing Election, (If I receive the
lioiniri s tion of our next General County
Delegation) I would . then.. warmly solicit
your suffrages. And should I be so fin - innate
ati to Is-come the Honored Candidate of your
choice, I would evince my gratitude to you
all, by a faithful &charge of the duties of
said Office. end by adhering to punciuelity,
and to impartial,humane, and social feeling.
The Public's H ble Servant,
W; 1 /1. ALBRIGHT.
Conowago Township. April 23.
're - elle. Vuters of Atlmus
THE Subscriber , offers himself to the
consideration of his f (low eilizeng nt
Adams county, eats candidate for the ()flied
of Prothonotary of said County, (movidee
be shall reeesve the nomination of the GM
ve ri ti m , to settle a COUIlly ticket.) And res
f►ectfully solicits their auppor►.
Geltydburg f Feb. 20, Ic3D, to 4~r
Office of the Star & Banner:
:hambersburg Street, a ferr doors West
the Uourt•lfoare.
I. The SrAn & BARRIER is pub
iahed st TWO DOLLARS per annum (or Vol
111710 of 52 numbers,) payable half-yearly in ad
fnot paid until after the expiration of the year.
11. Np,iiubscription still be received f r a shorter
period than six months; nor will the paper be dis
continued until all arrearoges are paid, unless at
the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a dis
continuality will be considered a new engagement
and the paper .forwarded accordingly
111. ADV sirrissm LVTA not exceeding a square
will be inserted TII nee times for $l, and 25 cents
or each subsequent insertion—the number of in•
aer i in to be marked, or tnev viii be published till
forbid and charged accordingly; burger ones in
the same proportior. A reasnnnbl• deduction will
ne made to those who advertise by the year.
IV. All Letters and Commenicatione addressed
to the Editor by mill must be poet-paid, or they
will not he attended to
- -
sic,- 0"311:117'-4'
417.' •
.df 4FAManatay
. •
AgrMZZ •
. _ .
.With aweeteal flower•rnrieh'd,
From r'ariou• gardens rull'd w till care
Farewell hnioved, the evening breeze is steuling
/Softly around us, and the /ow, sweet nigh
Of water* tininteTing• hy
Fill• ot) my moul s in gentle tone reneekng,
Visions of future hours, when I shall be
Thine hut in memory,
Wilt thou not sometimes wonder forth alone
Beside this tranquil hike end fondly dwell
On all we've loved a.) well !
Anti, as the breeze hears forth each plaintive tone
Will out my •htrit 1144.111 to hover near,
Thy cherished voice to hear
Yet must I leave thee, tho' thy altddened hrov*
Grows puler than its wont, and each fond anvil•
mots from thy lip awhile.;
Still would ice thy soul km+ troubled now
l.aat mine be won from loftier feelings back
Unto ita earthward tracks
Fein would t watch the lonely couch beeide
When eivitnee• h•th o'erereud thy pallid cheek,
Wttli te•.-e's fearful streak t
Oft hare I rayed, /mt good or ill betide,
That 1 'night lice to catch cad!' breath sod vene,
In joy or it ief, thins orn4
Yet hant thou deemed my warmest love gm* cold
When all my sours fond hope. to thee were sly. 0
Too much estrvinged front heaven;
But there are thoughts and feehrgs still untold,
Tura flow like burled streams. for ewer on,
Unchanging mud uakaorrn.
I had not ■aid much in by•gon• hours,
But now my awl ' , eat. feebly, •nd each breath
event. to we fraught with death ;
And if to call thee mine, when Burrow Iwn
Can brighten once again thy sunkew eye.
Then can I calmly die
Calmly could leave this fair and glowing 'eerie.
Of twe's soft shadows and of morning's beam.--
The bliss of earthly dream,--.
If less of sorrow ou thy brow ware germ.
And hope of future hours could chase the gloom
That shrouds the loud) tomb.
Methinks the night grows Wily, and the breeze
Meows not to pour its wonted fragrance round ;
Still fainter grows the sound
Of night•birds warbling iii the moonlit trees
While on my soul fon.l hopes rind yearning swell
Mine own is death, farewell t 8. C.
WILDA illidU).)Wiltt 91.11 V•
Frew the Knickerbocker
I'llKlt I.; 11 li 0 V I I ; R S
Dr. 8 , of Coot !land, Alabama, a
waive et' Vironia, lamed a company et
eighty )(wog men who were called the
•• Red Rove,.." Iruin the color of the blank
et great coats which they wore. In this
company were a sun and nephew of the
captain Dr. 8---, with his "Red
void," wee with 1111 l lig when he surrend
ered, and is, c 1111 l mou with the other otfi
cars he strongly opposed the surrender,
having nu confidence in the Mexican With.
But Fanning was resolti.d ; and when he
'mule known the decieum, the captain and
one or two other effieeis shed tears. "heir
late is well knows,. hey were marched
out from a fort, where they wefts ciifite.d,
under various pietexis ; now that they w, re
"to be taken to Copan°, a ueighbortnu sea
pull, to be shipped beck Mono to itie.thilied
States ;" end agent they were "sent out 1,.
drive in cattle to the Hirt." They had not
proceeded tur f ' however, before the) were
ordered to halt, and next to w heel to the
right about, so ad to stand With their backs
to the Mermen line. he toilers *ere giv
en in Spairish. Ihe nuilibor of the Texan
vulunteois wore about four hundred, and of
the Mexicana about the dense. tie two
Imes ittoud about three feet apart, there be
nig only e brush fence between them.
Nearly all the pristine' a were mussaered—a
ow made their et.eape. Among the vic
tons of title slaughter, were the Red Rip
verir ; and among them the sun of the com
mander, who wire hiniaell soared, probably
..or the bake of Ills piuteemiumil set ; end
AA nephew owed Ma escape to sickiieas,
.shieb prevented his marching, although lie
.1;i1dall%10US to accompany them, Imp i mising
:lie% were about to returns heine. Fat 1111 l ig,
,) u.r Il Ilow 1 teceiyed the isielaticleity dis
auction, ati CullittilltlAtr i ul butts x hut alube.
.4 ft I, s.'S .1 • IA Flt .
RODER r reixfo.r, EDITOR pnornicToil.
t.!2LAik 212 (the fi'V224.D.LIX aztax j. :JO 'Da
Ile was H binve vane, and died like a si,P
her, tnerell rcqae,ting Wit to have his •
bandaged, and d'siiris his watch and min=
idture to hr given to his mother. Ile was
a graduate id Pe iricet(in Collooe. Th e re
was a jeah•usy nig between Fannin":
earl Ilon.ton, and a want of conrert.;'
litinston frelnently sent word to hint tnj in
him; but he refits , d, declaring that
w i s h e d t o fi g ht "on his own h k." This!
was the grand fttax pas in Texas The
scattered parties ought to have ciweentra-,
'eft under II uston ; they did not, and were /
colt "singul.t.ion "
. •
1 was walking the streets of Tuscumbin:
shortly all• r Ihr roasaaere of 'Nutt.° whert
I oaw a those crowd of p. nide around
young wan, ooe the —Red Rovers," whti
h.►d escaped. Ile had had a brother in !he
ssaerr, arid with great
elf the !klekientl9. HP 11aVe 3 'me account,:
of hay adventures, nod answered d icer:;.
questions lbw were propounded to him:.
FL• owed his safety to the tiler, that he be
Itim,erl to th.• vanguard ..f ranningen corps,
consisting of sonie !went) . or Hotly who
%%Pie separated 4r. tit the main body, at the
the •urre u der I met, to the some
oceiu,ion, another Texan volunteer, who had.
also belmiged the adVatiCP zdaril,w hom I
recognized as a former arquaintance.
Was a native of South Car.riam ; but at the
:itne the Texan rev , •r was at its height. be
quitted school, In•n_ht a rift., nod marched
with the "Heil Rovers," in search of hind
mid glory . , Ma brother, who went °tat
with !sun, h.-0111150 era'aitfal.willi two wounilo.'
Ile *4304 nosing flit, massacred,
only slightly wounded, ran; he was purse
-d hi, a Vluxicini soldier, who was fast gait(•
in 2 mum lion, when lie threw down his
;,hold watch, which the Mexican, with char•
g„idgrwdine~s,.lopped in pa ll
up, and fie eurreedod in (talking his way lo
th,. tall gritss,t bat r (Fetnally concealed him.'
A fter enduring mato/ hardslups, he at leng•lt
elfected his return to the United Stales.
I subsequently saw Dr. --- at Tut;
curtain', on his ;morn. He had a hard limo'
of it. lie looked lath. and einatiated,
here the marks of the railing fetters he had,
worn on his ankles. The people of the
town flocked mound to shrike hands with
him, and weaNinie hie riots. It wasdeent
ed certain that he had shared the fate r:fhis.
0 patrons in arms, and he was regarded
'is rile arisen from the dead. lie was spa.
rd ern acet.unt of liar being a surgeon aide
by a little fineness on hie part. ' , He wasi
travelling tai To-xiis," he bard, "merely to I,
hark to the counts v, when he was pressed
into the servivemi the capacit!, t 4 surgeon!"
The %lexica,' commander, at tilt fish whi,r;:„.
he wait 'confined. moods-et, to discharge knit*
parole I Inn when appliod to liir a pusir•
nor!, tall him fa; horn time to time. At
trtigill ht.) 8P(11 the e ttttt mender words
von will not grant the passport you profit
sod, then let me be taken tout and allot
hid rather you would Mt this, tharidetnin
no, here any longer in suspense. You are
welcome to all the credit you may gain by
e 'her Coat ;H. " This prodiseed it favorable
etrect on the ofliver, who at once agreed to
fanjet, him with a passport to some town in
the interior; one, lomever, which it was
impossible to reach, without great tisk from
the Indians on the en).
At this coojimentre, suddenly came flaws
if the murk Sno incisuo. 'Render. you
have 'wen a 'whale hurled bye um taisehe
vlinpr otrehavl•laty, ahli) the teistre lir a lair
or•t's nest dependent from the h..o g h snow
In II pine? Such wino the panic among ihe
wounded and pi honor's. Our captain then
formed, with a fellow physician and prison•
er, a plan of escape. They armed them
selves •'cep a pie," pith arms belongin g to
-trivets of the fort, each hearing a rifle, it
brace of !moots. and a howie.knite. Thee
borrowed two fine Norses, ready caparisoned,
from tha stables, meowed them and fled.
They lay concealed in the woods, or in the
tall gran. of the prairie, during the day,
travelling in the night ; and thus, alter suf
faring many privations end danger,' they at
lard entered the happy himis of their own
emintry shortly after his arrival n 'Tit+•'
eirnois, ilia iJ;niii wee heard, mid ;,1 party
..f the milieu v assembled to accompany him
tonne. A cannon was ))))) tinted on a ear,
and fired every mile to his residence,
twenty-two mileg dietatit. hen he arri•
% , ed. the whole population rattle nui to nwet
him, and among them his ,if nod children.
lie bare the whole 'eerie with cornpiNure.
until a little son came up an.! urapppd him
by the knee. At t his he shed team Pain-
furl return I Of his ••Itert Rovers," few Nur.
vise& Nenrlt all, arid nosing them his soil,
were snerifieed They had not died nmid
the "shi.utn iif battle, nod the shock of
arms;" they were slaughtered I•ke cattle;
immolated in a Mexican hecatomb
11 OLUTIONA RY A :1r iccoove. --qr. B.
merchant of Providence. It Nate Island. and
Pl man quite celebrated afterwards for his
liberality and public spirit, was the owner
of a most fortunate privateer Hhich Hailed
nut of the port of Providence. Ori one or.
casino, when she bad just inn.hipped a cargo
' , cougar. taken from a. very rich prize, in
rolling it inio,the yard, one of the hogsheads
clove. Mild fl
, Ovitity of sugar fell out. A
iiUnrvonitirt !tithe neighborhood, seeing the
tforaster, run and filled her apron. !11i. B.
(rem the aloft of the store, called out.
i4Vliat are you doing titers t' The poor
won an looking up answered, "Privateer.
mg. sir."
NMWS 'II% tlio tr,chplur►► ol Du liu4. will
izive a premiun► of a ht,Aband to the ,Nei*
who tiro' nu ikPs her ippearnuc►• that 'dace
dressed US silk U/: t►er VIVU wuuuiuctu►e•
J 111 0 4 S BIIt IL
.:And his mangled corpse lies buried
On lake Erie's distant shore."
Few individuals, perhaps, have received
a greater share ..r v uhlir my input Iry than lie
whose name heads this article; and none
have acquired a greater share I,f postliettoins
Ctii.r. ()II account of the wanner of hia death
than, J•rnres Had.
To the . peaple of the valley of Wyoming
everything cornier:led with the lustary 1.1
this omit ba, heroine doubly interestsml.
from the flirt that the harsh and sanguinary
di-cipline the navy seems to have been
administered, in his case without a due re
Bard to the dictates of mercy.
Tl.O writer or this article Rgllllo years
since. silent a summer in the neighborhood
of Er se, mid while oink rig a visit to the
graye 14 Hi d, on a :Sunday morning, met
an old marine, who gave Min the particular
of the last days of psis Bird.
It would ii-ern that Bird owed his death
mare to the pet ft 'mil Nl:allay of Illy hi'
IliediUlt , C. 111111 l loading, than to may
v.reut . erere-silv, existing at that time, of
eidare . _ the strict diseiplitte of the navv•
Ho had conceived a strong desire in visit
fits native idare, and Ire quently salicitrd
illrilfl.l9l ha 1111111 , p119511,e, ahich was uni
family telbsed ; and, la tlni-e who were ac
goau with his ii it ing nod reckless char
actor, it will n o t he PM' prising that he shemal
have sub r' d this desire to avercome
sense id duly as a ist•ldit.r. • lie was mini a
111(111 lit Ix. 6011104 i in his purlm4es ; and, In
the absrawe of 112iiid to', iii crow
pai.y with arother Ina r me. deserted from
the ling Niagara. then lying in the harbur
of Este. Ile ass pursued iuid token with
in laity -eight hulls,
('oust Nlllllllll was detailed, by a lieuteinini
of marines, who laud iuthttsd a silting
antipathy to Bird. He and his campainoti
were tried, condemned, and, it is believed,
exi cuted, byline the tetuiti of the commun.
ding officer of the squadron.
Stion after the execution of (Ltd, lilt
lieutenant of marines showed evident
sympt tus of derangement nod lint untie
titteritly fflifllShed the atiatinel stationed et
his quintets. fit," permitting find to enter
ilia room ; lets health let In and
it was apparent that he was lab, lug wide)
some strong menial ii-xcileinent, which pub
lie opinion attributed to remoter. Oar the
acme parr he lead taken in the trial and
execution til Bird. In a lew weeks from
the death of . his vietiiii. the crew oh the
Niagara writ, alarmed in the night by the
report of a pistol, and the idlirer on duty,
on eitteling the beaten:int)) its pi, liwud hum
roipse; he had Jill:141113 billl%/11.41 laid uwt
Inane+ n!
Bird lies hurled, rear the lower cud of the
bitchier 01 . Bee, a fru rods fresiii flip mitre:.
edge, nod frothing but a rude storm 1117116
1010 Mace Iff ht. rt'll..tit's di eg, however,
[dace corwitlet able interest to eve' y pet
sun vistiii.g Erie, who has ever re ud the
healthful bailee front which the coupktt at
the head of thwarted*. he extracted.
I well remember the day what, the liiriga
ton Volunteers took up their line tit . march
for the west, and in aUerhmea , when I have
Upllll the. 'leek of the berg Ning ire;
and within sigh , of poor Bud's grave, I
could riot but re-flert upon the
oral' earthly pritsperts. Bird lets h id ft/ tilt' Ai
leitu-e to meet the enenues of his contain . .
his hope for fame and (118111K:1.1M atdenl , Mid
los patriotism pr ((((( piing bun tit deeds ii
noble daring. Ile subsequently ti.uutst
side by side will, the Verry, nod
shirred in the glorious victory of the
lOUs of September. The wounds which
he received im that day bore ample testimony
of his bravery, mid when gentle peace bad
once unite shed het over his coon.
try, it was luau al Mut lees heart should
yearn letwaids his native vale, where deve Is
Ilse friends end companies of his boy hoi , d ;
het. alas 1 hie home. his parents, sod hib
friends lie vies to see no mote: tins W.I. des
tiny had fixed the te►n►mulion of his la'
career : nh the wild shores at lake Erie,
slime and unblended. he met his death
with the same fiiihness that had molted
has life.
C.— Wslit?sbarre Advocate.
Penn•lLtveil, April 9, :839.
The following is from "A history of a
Sirird Pig," written by L. Sergeant, re•
erritiN publialird to 1/11.11111
411 i 41, 1 Lod ono of his lin)a to tho Dea
con, •1 had a tunny dry ital hist 'tight.'
•Wrii Tu y, what wad )our tunny
drrnn► ?' •
Why I dreamed that the Deed came in
to veer ahire.'
'The Dtvul I'
*Yee pa, the devil, and that he found you
drawing a glit,sid gin tor poor Airibo Jamey,
.who has fitscand mho broke liar It de baby'.
arm the IlitlUr day. because she cried w hen
he came home drunk. And 1 thought the
devil cause tip'to !be counter. and laid the
end ..f his long tail down on a chair, and
!rimed over ttiaarde the barrel of gin where
,nu writ , %lionising to draw it out. awl asked,
van ais'tit a deacon. And 1 thought you
dltrtit os.dt up but maid you wail, and then
he gent ti'd and shook hie tail like it cut that
has a mouse, and said i That 'ere's the
diucon for me !' and rats out of the whop
laughing, so loud that 1 put ruy fingers in
nay ears and woke up.
Cutztova RELATunssurit..r-According to
the Datibliq ( %lass) Times, there is a ho)
that town Ishii*. tidither is his cousin,
whose is his niece, whose wide is hi
end w illilk" 1411111d.rditlEar is I , i. utiele.
There is one qt1(1111in wt* should like to ask.
if the boy hus gut muck a 'Mug as all KU..I
lauw I/ 'Liu uuw.
Goverritir I 'antion of 'rennet-see. and the
Into Sraker Polk. are opp9stiag candidates
th.. next Gubernatorial term in that
4 tate ; and, as is the custom of that region,
they are stuoitp speaking, in the diffiaent
coin ties.
At Nlurfrf eaborn, Mr. Polk made a
4pere•h, and the G6vernor replied ; frmn
thts reply we ex , met the f' pot.-
Itaiture of the mint who never forgave.—
Pigs. Goz.
uhAerve, fellow countrymen, tie
my ti,nrtittir appeais to take pleasure
eielei ring you to lielleral Jack:el:l ' s initial
y achievements—to his hit viol; foinelit
the Indians surcesrlulh, and to the Man
ter which he 'vended that long signifi
calif ft Igor, at %% asttingtem, whenever he
wished tee make it understand that his wed
was to tee eiteeved 1 tell, gehtlettelle said
the Governor, I atol some eel viol had
something to do in filifetint , with the Indi
ans also. As you well know, I never have
been n fevorite with tny oppement's high
ly euloutz-d "Old Chief. " His peeled/lei
Iv never bore me ideate to smiles and for
tune. I never flung to the skirts et his
- oat, or when danger apprauched, jumped
1111 11 his pocket.
I h eve know!' him long, nad met his die
pleasure before now. If my competiteet
ran beast of having rode smoothly upon the
billows of the. Old Chive's popularity, I vim
..tiv with truth that I have hod to 1411 . 111 the .
1)1111;1111V ril kW wrath. Fellow citizens.
-(1(110 10511'11611er the time when nut
ertiey was repiesitog on tins side or the
Coast—that General Jiteksim deputed my
t . euiment anal amether to cross that ho bulent
stream and attack the /inertly iii !um strong
holds—Alai we anal as we were ordered,
while (ssn Jackson my ren this side in se .
curtly—that we safr real nmeli from hiiigu
and hunger—that we bound the enemy
stimig and powerful, hut heat hint triumph
iiiitiv—and returned conquerors I Hui sup
'Jose we hail been henna), teed nil; shim, lii iv
tong would it have be. u. before Getittral
.lack-tin would have been found on this side
of the Tentieisee I I may be arineteekers.
but I have always 01444;1 t there was
!waive which vertivd the s Ivetioei ut
loose who COos* the Coosa on th
I have been opposed to the Old Chief nn
imi y occastima. I remember the t HIP
!hat t•tripliiitlc finger, oiy ciantiefitin loves
.I) well to describe, was first pointed at me.
w,14 oil the Jury to try, iii
old Mr. Magnus, on charge at
Patton Anderson, (Geti• Jarksim's friend
11 e were sweiti in nil„ in a true verdict
‘Ve did i, according In our judgments,
when I Ilatilled the terdici in. General dfack•
sin, warred - that '•leng, significant finger"
at ore aid pi Culinr manner,—
mink you yobng man P l ' And, said
he thoverrinr, I behove lie has kept his
pronlise ['roily faithfully to this 'thy. Ito
used tit dank that Geheial Jar ksuii wan of
It runt by nature and rducatilin. Ile had
witnessed his asaternents (111 wilily eirrilbl(ll!
area his varrous plans of (operations
when ho laid his clans about hint—sird ho•
always would have bis clans, hut no umn iu
them In hallow it,,,,, who would not be his
nail and his slate."
STRENG'rII or F.:%oLAND.—Englnind CAD
bear mote inismarnigenient, toxin y, and rm .
'option, thathilny nation tinder heave' ; and
prolitirei s of ;hose pithy ',obi whin,:
who have built `heir preiliele , ns of he
lowplilll horn analogies taken from other
tuitions have all fortunately failed, beeatew
Great Britain Ila,. hour points of st reii4th
mid revivesrence. not Common to there ex
:triples (nun which them analogies ldne
been drawn. Two of these soureeti of
Airtight are physical ; her coal and her
Iwo: and two of them moral; lli fieetliiiii
of Ilia press—which constitute* her Fourth
Emtute—a d the trial bs jury ; and they are
',nimbly and iiiii witty.. co ...sell
other, I. Pliiiuld any attempts be made
-o,e care not by » hum !bey mil be per pa
flitted—to del.t oy the last two, the liter two
are admirably adapted to defend them.—
English Pll per.
1 r. Presidect to argue the case I I
the I ICII nano, and the pour mom ; and
h,lieve that before I *hull have cbucluded
pa t will chow that it admin. of no alga
mem. .1 he neh man Mr. Prepident,
elines lus emaciated foists en at nothivati)
yofr cut down, hewed out, ea, ved, Anti
outouliictured f he tall (viten§ of Leh
anon, which grown upon the bat V and cloud
eapt suwnla of the ever memorable mouti•
11(11) of Jeho , opliai. Then Mr. President,
he hits to hie cadaverous lip the go ld",
rhino cup—iiiiinufaci used, as is well known.
Presidetit, in eriot. Mid other un
known and urinhabitable parts of Illt•
ijulytisse. W title tin the other hand, Nit . .
President, the poor 1111111 declines hi* expec
tenons in It )•ottnge, 1111111 %Inch he retires
to the shade of some uttibragveus
there to contemplate the nicomprehriistbilit
„r the vast conbielation and ether fixed nuil
immoveable canines that devolve around
the celestial emeirre of (hie kql)1411CIU11 tir•
nutmeat on MO.—Then, Mr. President,
atter ceiling wound him bit sale, and the
rest or his little children, hn leeches them
to per•pire to 0 1'Nflemlut 111111101 tali!) bey anal
the grave.—. Now (Meting .dun.
'I meant to have told you of that hole,
said an Irishman to a !item', who tiros
walking with lam In hie golden, at,d
truutblt•d ni a ► a pit full ot water.
6•No flintier," baud Pat, blowing the mud
and water t►W td i k we►yt4, 'L'vQ fuuud
[WHOLE NO: 475.
The following chnraeteristic anecdote of
a Bettish sailor will be read with feeling Of
deep interest. Übe subject of it was the
father of Sir T. Trowbridgo, now one of
the Lords i.f Admiralty , "A curious scene
occurred I'll board the .`bans ['Oreille on the
morning id the Ist of June (Lord Howe'a
action ;) Capt. Trowbridge, who had been
recently falcon in the Cuitier, with Ids Con
%ov hound tic Newfoundland, was a prisoner
on bland the French ship just named, where
Re ,r Admiral Neuilly held his 11 ter
After Lord I !owe had obtained his position,
and had drawn his fl-et in a lion paralled to
shirt of the enemy, be brought to, and made
the signal to go to breakfast. Trowloidgo
lisiew the pus port of the signal. end telling
it to the Ft cools Admiral, they took the
advantage of the time allowed them (lir the
sante repast. Trowblidge (whose appetite
never forsook him on these occasions ) was
helping himself to a large slice from the
brown look when the French captain ob
serveti to him by an interpreter, (for 'Frew.
bridge would n.•ver learn their language)
that the English Admiral showed no dispo.
..ition to fight, and lie was certain did not in.
'end it. ‘• tt . hat !"said the En. 4 lish hero,
saipping his loaf, and laving his hand ahnost
too ecaphoPeall% on the Frenchman's
ler, while he looked him furiously in the
, •iiet fight ! stop till they have had
'heir bielikfast ; I know John Bull well.
'i;:d when Isis belly is full you will get it."
In a few minutes after this the.fleet bore 11
ro eie:age. Trowbridge was sent into the
boatswain's sthreroom, where for a length
•if sine! he Ironed ngainst the lot emast, and
ionised himself in pouring out every itnee.
live Hu:till-I the French, and the man op.
I nsults -it to gun! d him. Suddenly be felt the
vas t . thin 1-1 this must, and heard it fall
liver the side ; when, grasping the astonish.
with both his liands,he began
ran joiop and caper, with all the gestures of
3 maniac. The Sans Pareille soon after
,it, rei dered, and Trowbridge assisted in
:siting her to rights and taking her into
port.--Brertou's Naval History.
Tees, lay wok, Andrew Class,
.Esq. de
livered n lerline on atmospheric electricity,
tt Tnunten, i lust sated by a number of beau
nful experiments. He illuminated 900
feet id ilia' chain, hung in festoons about
the neap the whole extent being brtllihmtly
iglited at the same instant by the passage
through it el the spark nom a battery, and
melted several feet of wire. Mr. C. after
wards detailed the results of ninny exper
intents on thunder clouds and ini-ts. fly
means ~I a wire apparatus suspended in his
patk, he had discovered that a driving fog
sweeps in masses. alterontely negatively
mai positively electrified; and once the tic.
eutmilin ion of the eft curie fluid in a fog was
so great, that there was an incessant stream
from Lis eenduetor of spailts, each one of
which would have struck an elephant dead
wan iebtant.
Ponca OF Baum.— A toper in Neat
011.41n4 ttikitie n check to n bank to be
ensiled, wing ou.ked by the teller, .11nty he
would hnve it 7' he answered instantly
'emit] if uu plume, and without sugar.'
AtnoNE all the rhymes perpetrated
ogrutort shrug I bia - Eerrami, the editor of the
'uu•nuiati Nett line poured forth hie
•üblttns conceptions in this tide of song
And now the merry ploughboy
Wbibtles his morning song
Along the dale. aml through the vale
"I is echoed bud end long . ;
The farmer's docks are rovii.g , free,
Auden thu budding shrubbery
His spouse's
And the martins have returned, and found
A welcome at our houses ;
And the little nigg. re run around
Dileitted of their truwaers I
Tar FISHERIES —The Alexandria Ga.
zelle.lf Tat tidily says:— .‘The weather has
imply la ell %ety fine for the Pohlman Fish.
ei ierottrl great quantities (limbed um her.
rip): have, we uuderstand, been caught, es
pecially in the Mary land shore. Shad
have been selling at the Fish wiled; in Al
kvando ia. (the greet Fish depot,) at from
s`.'.so to $lO per hundred, and herrting at
from $2.25 lo rer thewand . The de.
naiad has not yet been supplied."
Mr. Bennett, a feeble old man, one of the
few rerna'ning survivors of the Wyoming
marariete, by the British and Indians, was
lately turned out of n leek at ‘t ilkosbarra,
by. Gov. Porier's ennabofficere, tu give olaco
somebody else; whose only recommit
dation was that ho voted tor Porter.
There is a woman now living in Ohio
lan•lv einigranteti Iriqn Conneetient, who is
'hp Int that her husband WOO obliged to go
hack twice after her. •
A dandy, who was strutting around a bar
room in lidrito., with his pantaloons strap
ped down so tightly that they threatened to
burst At the km e, rudely jostled 'member
ref that anomalous dams known as '•runners."
.Take rare "said the runner, turning upon
him i "or Pt! cut your straps and let you up."
•fer," oliberves Sir I.lm Hershel', 4 1 / 4 4E1
-eareely ever be beard MOM than 20 or 811
miles from the flash which prekluces it‘
Lei:Janine, on fhb other befit', may be . wen
••••-f4 at haw ifs nrfleCtion in the cloud; at*:
inieg what is called sheet field/levet dile
diatmuceod 141.1 ur pilaw