The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, February 12, 1839, Image 3

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Ile,altit luta. Iluypircess.
'IT cannot be denied that whilst many
icines which are recommended - to the
public, have not even the negative merit oj
armlessness, there are others which it
would be great injustice indeed and suicidal
prejudice to involve, untried, in a common
'condemnation. And when a medicine comet.
endorsed with nll the great profession, and
warranted by the seal and signature of long
and uniform success, its proprietor makes
no unreasonable demand upon public confi
denco,when he chines for it a superior con
of Dr. Evans, of New York, is undeniably
entitled to this enviable dist inction; for whilst
no medical authority in existence condemns
it, every medical, work which alludes to it,
and every medical practitioner that is ac
quainted with it, freely acknowledges its
pre-eminent virtues; and that the littler
should do so in opposition to their personal
interests, must be attributed either to their
candor and love of truth, or to their unwill
ingness to fly in the face of all observation
and the testimony of thousands.
Dr. W. EVANS does not pretend that
his Camomile Pills will cure all diseases.—
He.frankly and conscientiously admits that
they will not. lie lays no claim to the dis
covery of the "Philosopher's Stone, and
wishes nobody to believe that he silks the
Elixir of Life," but ho does say and he does
believe and he can prove that in debilitated
and impaired constitutions; in nervous dis•
eases of all kinds; in weakness of the diges
tive organs; in incipient consumptions wheth
er of the lungs or of the liver; in the dread
ful debility occasioned by the use of purga
tives, in palsy, rheumatism (more especial.
ly) in the sickness incident to mothers and
females of relaxed nerves; in every case of
delirium tremens, or that disease which is
brought on by intemperance; in the wretch
ed horrors of the mind and body which tic.
crue from occasional inebriety, in the loss
of appetite; languor, melancholy, pains in
the head, limbs or side; in corrupt, sallow,
and uncomely complexions,which arise from
the bad state of the fluids; in all these cases,
and in some others mentioned in the bills
and directions given with his medicines, he
does say,that the Camomile Pill interchang
ed occasionally with his aperitne family
pills, (the best known) which are sold with
them, will affect immediate relief; and if us
ed but for a fair period of trial, a perfect
cure. This much is placed beyond doubt,
by daily testimonies which would be given
on oath; and fcir this much Dr. W. Evans
can conscientiously reqUestconfidence. He
therefore need only to add that his camomile
pills, together with his excellent aperient
pills, can bo obtained, wholesale - or retail at
no. 19th north Bth st. Philadelphia. Also
for sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1 P3B. ly-32
Peters' Vegetable Pills.
MORE than three millions of boxes of these
inai celebrated PILLS have boon sold in the
United Slates since January, 1835.
Hundreds and thousands bless the day they be
came acquainted with PETERS' VEGETABLE
PILLS, which in consequence of their extra°, di
nary goodness, have attained a popularity unpre
cedented iu the history of medicine.
When taken according to the directions accom
panying thorn, they are highly beneficial in the
prevention and cure of Billions Fever,
Fever and
Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Head
ache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism,
Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female
Obstructions, Heart Burn, Furred Tongue, Neu
des, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, In
eipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Habitual Costive.
nese. Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Com
plexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels,
where a cathartic or an aperient is needed. They
aro exceedingly mild in their operation, produc
ing neither nausea, griping, nor debility.
The efficacy of those Pills is so well known,
and their use so general, that further comment is
considered unnecessary.
For • further particulars, see Dr. PETERS'
Pamphlet which can be had GRATIS, at the,
Drug Store of G. K. TYLER, Gonoral Agent for
the State of Maryland.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 27, 1638. axm 35
More Conclusive Proofs of the
Efficacy of Dr. Wm. Evans' Camomile' Pills.
Liver Complaint cured by Dr. William Evans'
Camomile Tonic and Aperient Pills.
MRS. LYTLE,of Mount Joy, Lancas
ter county, Pa. Completely restored
to health, by Dr. Evans' Camomile Pills.
Her symptoms wore great pain in her right
side, could not lie on her left side without an
aggravation of the pain, disturbed rest.
Extreme debility, pains in the head, loss of
appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness
and dimness of sight, languor, with other
symptoms indicating great derangement in
the functions of the liver. Miss Lytle,
daughter of the aforesaid Mrs. Lytle, has
also been restored to health by the same in•
valuable medicine. Der symptoms were
extreme nervousness; attended with severe
pain in her side, sickness of the stomach
eructations, &c. Mrs. LI tle has the plea•
sure of informing the public that numerous
cases similar to her own, (in her vicinity,)
have been restored to health by the same in
valuable medicine.
For sale at the Di ug. Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 0, 1839. Iy-34
THE NECESSITY of a Restorative
and Sustaining Medicine at this season
of extreme trial to the nervous system .and
digestive organs, is felt by thousands of per
sons who never thought of inking the Came.
wile Tonic Pills prepared by Dr. Wm.
Evans. Those who have once used them
will readily bear testimony to their delight
ful effects,.
For sale at th© Drug Store of
G F.lO. G ILBERT & Co.
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1835. Iy-32
n _
1191.110 S PANACEA.
For the tore of Dyspepsia, loss of appet
Coustiiiiptino, &c. For
VI I .1W ttio Drug c;:it• of
" Yr -r }. (3 C )
VNI: 446 1 11 : : 1
Important to the Sick.
1111IIE vississitudes of the aummer,and The
-11- preceding spring, have atilt:And pecu
liar opportunities for exemplifying to the
country the happy effects of Dr. IV. Evans'
Camomile onic Prils,upon debilitated con;
stitutions. In cases of ext reme nervous suf
fering, which stimulating tonics only mo
memo:illy relieve, and at length greatly ag
gravate, a single box of these beautitidly
compounded pills has proved an immediate
and continual benefit. The loss of appetite
and tremulous exhaustion which all invalids
feel during this oppressive season, are reliev
ed within two or three hours by one dose on
ly; and in many cases a few doses will forti•
fy the system a long time against a recur
ranee of these attacks. To Ladies especi
ally, who suffbr from nausea and lassitude
incidental to interesting changes of health,
these pills are friends indeed, and a bottle of
them has hence become a favorite bondoir
and toilette confident of ladies in wedded life.
If taken before exercise in the open airahey
will, generally prevent the lasitude and fa
tigue which frequently attend it at this sea
son; and if taken afterwards they never fail
to relieve these sensation in a f•w moments.
That oppressive sensation of arterial fullness
and throbbing in the head, which is genet..
ally experienced in fervid and sultry weather,
is so speedily removed by those Pills that
they aro recommended by a great number
of our best Physicians in preference to any
other prescriptions, as they are well known
!o be in many other cases.
The cures,the great,effectual and undenia
ble cures which this fine tonic and restora
tive remedy effects in the cases that are
particularized in other advertisements, are
daily exciting the admiration and enlisting
the candid acknowledgment of the medical
profession who witness them. Directions
for taking these Camomile Pills, as well as
Dr. %V. Evan's Aperient Family Pills. al
ways accompany them; ant' they may be
obtained wholesale and retie!, at 19th north
Rth at. Philadelphia.
Also for sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 8, 1838. Iy-32
NOSTRUMS.—The united testimony of
physicians throughout the United States has fully
proved the fact the' Peibrs' Vegetable Pillsate
the only true Vegetable Pills which will stand
the test of anulyzation ; hence the proprietor'
would most earnestly urge ti.oin to the notice of
those who have been in the habit of using, as ca.
thartics or aperients. the destructive and irritat
ting quack pills so generally advertised, and
which are at best but slow consumers oldie vital
functions, and murderous agents, oven to the
most halo. It is true, most of them produce a
purgative effect, end sometimes transient relief;
but in most cases they injure the digestive or.
gans, arid an habitual resort to themmust termi
nate in confirmed dyspepsia.
It is true that cathartic end aperient medicines
aro often required. but the nicest discrimination
should always be observed in the selection;nnd
if this bo done, nothinginjurious can resu lt from
their use.
To produce this much.desired result, Dr. Po
tors has made it his study for several years, and
flick proud to say he has succeeded at length far
beyond his expectations. The object of his pills
is to supercedo the necessity ofa frequent recourse
to injurious purgatives, and to offer a medicine
safe, certain, and pleasant in its operation.
D. No. 129 Liberty street, Now York. Each box
contains 40 pills. Price 50 cents.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gottyobt.rg, Nov, 27, 1838. ixin-35
To Dr. Win. Evans.
Georgetown, D. C. June 2s, 1839. •
, gratified that I can return my ,incere
thanks to you, who have been the cause of
my being restored to perfect health. For
five months past I have been laboring under
a severe Chronic Inflamitory Rheumatism,
attended with debility, loss of appetite, low
ness of spirits, &c. Having frequently
hoard of the truly excellent quality of your
Camomile Pills, 1 at last determined to
make trial of them, although not without
considerable opposition from my physician
and family. At last seeing my determina•
two they agreed to the trial ; and upon
using the third package, I was•altogether
restored to health. How can I express my
gratitude and sincere regard for such a as
viour of human frames? - My - case was al
together hopeless, and I must confess my
self surprised at the extraordinary r u
NO people wore ever more blessed than we
are with such reinidies. The many quack
advertisements which appear in the papers
which I receive from your city. deterred
me from using your pills before I did. I can
truly say that no medicine in the known
world has had such a beneficial effect as
your Camomile and Aperient Pills. What
makes the cure more extraordinary is that
I am more than forty years of age, and for
the last four years could just move about
and only at short intervals. lam at pres:.
eat entirely recovered, and my hones are
that you may enjoy a long and prosperous
life. If I am spared. I will almost cer
tainly come to Philadelphia to see you.
If my name and letter will be of any ser•
%ice to' you, you are at perfect liberty to
make use of them and all I can do to aid
you will be done with unbounded pleasure.
Your truly grateful and humble servant:
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1838. ly-32
v LINIMENT, an article superior to all
other applications for Rheumatism, chil
blains, sprains, numbness of the limbs,
weakness and .stiflliess of the joints, sore
throat, &c. which has effected cures in
several Cases which had baffled the most
respectable medical aid.
OZr Pride 50 cents a bottle, to be had at
the Drug store of
G. R. GILBERT, & Co.
Dec. 23, mail • tf-39.
• • ----------
_ILLY %V U ITE, fur the Ladies Toilet.
°I- 4 A superior cnsineiin for beautylying the
Isc.r sale by
4- ;. R. G I IP 01.
.Vegetable Pills
PPUBLIC OPINION.—PubIic opinion is per
haps the only Unerring guide from whose de
cision there is no appeal; sad was therecver such
a manifestation, of its approval, us th em i s w i t h
SALPILLS I Step by step has this Me Reim
wormed itself into favor, in spite of r.:iv T, 11E111
area and SCORN. Triumphant has been its pro.
greys to its present sphere of extensive usefulness.
It has surmounted obstacles before which luakery
sinks paralysed—and has gained for itself a repu
tation which neither rurstmAlvs, nor flippant
sordid counterfeiting opothecarita tan ever injure
These charlatans nevertheless no assail it with
the malignant shafts of their despicable envy, and
which rebounds upon themselves with a power
each day on the increase. until they themselves
will be covered with the slime of their own manu
facturing. They can no more injure the repute.
nun of BRANDRETH'S PILLS than they can
lay their hands upon the ctn.
Never to purchase Brandreth's Pills without be
ing positively sure that the person selling has a
copperplate certificate of Agency, and jr- observe
it has been renewed—no CERTIFICATE BE
MONTHS FROM DATE that Pills sold by the
holder are genuine.
All Pills having Win. Brandreth on the label,
and George Hodgkinson on the edge, are counter
feits, and made to DECEIVE THE PUBLIC
and avado the law at the same time.
These, and indeed ALL counterfeit Pills, if used
according to the direction of my Pills, are calcu•
lated to DESTROY LIFE. They are made by
men having no standing or respectability, without
habitation or name—perfectly careless of conse
quences, provided money is obtained.
[Extract from Dr. B's address to Citizens of U.S.)
And ho careful to remember that I have never
authorised any Doctor, Druggist, Apothecary, or
Pedler in the United States to sell my Pills
Theso contemptible PERK/Ns universally sell
counterfeits. Never forget that this class, Doctors.
Druggists, Apothecaries, and Pedlars are the men
who sell counterfeits, and that all Tradesmen who
aro made agents, have each of them a COPPER
PLATE certificate of Agency, signed in writing
with a pen by me; and which certificate requires
renewal every twelve months, it being no guaran
tee for more than ono year from date—observe the
date is not WRITTEN, it is COPPERPLA'T'E.
The following respective persons are my duly
authorised AGENTS. in Adams county, Pa.
whose names are,
THOMAS J. COOPER, Gettysburg,
J. A. & J. S. DAVIS, Littlestown.
ADAM EPLY, New Chester.
ABRAHAM KING, Hunterstown.
My offices in Philadelphia arc at No. 8 North
Eight Street, and 43 Chesnut Street.
241 Broadway, New York.
N. B. All travellers from me have a power of
Attorney, proved before the Clerk of the County
of New York Observe it.
CO-r.d.stxmaksibur. .
HAVING purchased the Drug Store
of Dr. JESSE GILBERT, deceased, will
continue the establishment under the firm of
at the old stand, in Baltimorg street, Get.
It is hoped that the, experience of ore of
the members of the firm in the business, and
the entire devotion of both,to the accomme.
dation of those who may favor them, will
secure the cOnfidence,and a reasonable share
of the patronage of the community.
Oki r a 1 4 .70' 7 2,Ve
Paints, Oils, & Dye Stuffs,
will be kept on hand constantly, and sold on
the most reasonable terms.
la" Physicians arid Country Merchants
will be promptly supplied at REDUCED PRI
CES. Their orders are respectfully solicited.
Gettysburg, Oct. 16, 1838. tf-29
Cured by Dr. Evans' Comm;le Tunic and
Family Aperient Pills.
MRS. GOOD, of Mount Joy, Lancas
ter county, - Pa-, was affected fiar sev
en years with distressin , t' symptoms of which
she was confined to herbed fur nine months
Her symptoms were, depression of spirits,
sickness at the stomach, headache, impair
ed appetite, great pressure and weight at
the stomach after eating, great mental de
spondency, flying pains in the cheat, back
and sides, costiveness, emaciation, coldness
and weakness of the extremities, a dislike
fer society or conversation, involuntary
sighing and weeping, and languor and lassi•
tude upon the least exercise. Mrs. Good
was in the most desperate situation, and
could obtain no relief until she was advised
by her neighbors to make trial of Dr. Ev - -
ans' Camomile Pills of which she is happy
to state that she is now enjoying all the
blessings of perfect health. Persons deli
roue of further information will be satisfied
of every particular of her astonishing cure
by applying at, No. 10. N. Eigth street
Philadelphia, or at her residence.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg Nov. 6,18 as. ly-32
lic:r7 To rierents.
safe, effectual and speedy remedy for
the disease of young childrer,euch as colic,
convulsions,restlessness, griping, disordered
bowels, green stools, sour vomiting, Rath
lency, dec. This article is not a new inven
tion, but, one whose merits have.been tested
by time, and found fully nth.qoate to the
purposes for Which they are recommended.
Price 25 cents n bottle, and for mule at
the Deng store of
C• !:• (..4)
Interesting case Cured ..
By Dr. WILLIAM EVANS' Camomile Tonic
. and Family Aperient Pills. •
"BENJAMIN BROWN, corner of Ship
pen and George streets, Philadelphia,
was afflicted for seven years with extreme
nervousness, by which he was not able tt
write his name. His symptoms, were erus
.:atiou, daily spasmodic. pains iii tbelteild,
loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart.
giddiness and dimness of sight,•utterinabili
ty ofeugaging in any thing that demanded
vigor or courage, sickness of the stomach.
impaired appetite, coldness and weakness of
the extremities, emaciation and general de
bility, disturbed rest, a sense of weight at
the stomach after eating, greatAnental des
pendency, severe flying pains ill the chest.
back and side costiveness, a dislike for so
ciety and conversation. Mr. B. has made
a trial of Various medicines now before the
public, but to no effect, until observing in a
public paper some cures performed by Dr
Wm. Evans' Camomile Tonic and Family
Aperient Pills, ho was induced to give them
a trial, of which he is at any time happy to
slate that they effectually cured him of the
above distressing disease.
aPersons who doubt the above cure,
are most respectfully directed to the above
mentioned person, at the corner of Shippen
and George streets.
Philadelphia, Oetob-r 26, 1828.
For bale at the Drum Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6038. I y-32
"The True Riches of Life is
Wo know that Health, and the ability to labor
is the wealth of the great mass of the people in this
as in most other Countries. To preserve, there
fore, thut health by NATURAL moans, is a grand
moral and political scheme, to fulfil which re
quires our utraost attention.
(4)HE unparallel reputation which Peters' Pills have acquired as a Medical Restorative,is the
most unquestionable proof that can ho given of
their i 111 l nonso Importance to the afflicted, in of
most every clues of diseases. The number of lot
tors received from patients recovering through
their moans is really prodigious, and the com
plaints which they have cured are alniost us var
ied its they urn numerous. But still there ded
some in which they are more especially beneficial
than in others= and among thoso may bo named
the too often fatal complaints of therstoinach and
bowels, such as Chohc, Flatulence, stud Indigos
Lion, for which they are not only a certain but un
immediate cure.
It is well known that from the disarrangement
or tho stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths of all
the maladies of adult and declining life; that this
is the foundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic Pains
Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, &c. and that those
in their turn give birth to Dropsy, Liver Corn•
plaint, Comsumption, and habitual lowness of
spirits; therefore Peters' Pills being the very best
medicine which has ever been discovered for the
incipient diseased' of the intestines, are necessari
lythe surest preventives of those dreadful, and al•,
so general disorders, which embitter mature lito,•
and drug so many millions to untimely graves.
In speaking tins Dr. Peters arrogates nothing
to himself that has not been conceded by the pub
tic. tic is no needy quack or unknown specula
tor, who cornea befbre the world as his own her
ald and witness, but is placed in a resin nsibility
of situation by the patronage which ho has en
joyed for years, and which is increasing to an
extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine,
that makes him careful to assert nothing which
is not borne out by the moat infallible proof, and
hence lie does not fear to be put to test in any
thing which 110 has pronih4ed respecting his Pills .
Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state, on
the authority of a great number of regular physi
cians, that wherever his Vegetable; Pills have
been introduced, they have almost superceded the
adoption of morcuroal experiments, for their pe
culiar faculty in sweetening thei blood, and slut ,
ulating it to expel all noxious juices, end in giv
ing strength and tone to tho nerves, prevents die.
ease nom acquiring diet strength which must be
lot under, if at all, by dangerous remedies.
M. D. 129 Liberty street. Now York. Each box
contains 40 pills; price 50 cents.
These celebrated Pills are sold by all the prin
cipal Druggists in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Wash.
t neon City, and throughout the United States,
the Canades, Texas, Mexico, and the West Ital.
For sale at the Drug Store of
GottyHburg, Nov. 27,1838. ism-35
AL-rThis mild and efficactous remedy
possesses many advantages over other rem.
idies usually employed for diseases originat
ed in children. •It is found to be safe and
effectual cure for the following diseases,
viz : Pains in the atom:itch and bowels,
cholic, griping, rristlessness, convulsions,
These drops are prepared only from veg.
etubles. For sale by
G. R. GILBERT, dr Co.
IT has been ascertained beyond contra
-mdiction, that persons can be cured. per
fnanently and effectually of Hernia or Rup
ture by the use of Hull's Truss. Numerous
certificates could be produced from Gentle
men of the first respectability that have
been cured by wearing thorn. It is not
only the easiest to wear of any Truss ever
invented ; but it keeps the Hernia perfectly
reduced, so that the person can ride or
labour as well as if not thus afflicted. A
trial of this instrument would once convince
every pf3son of its superiority over any
other article that could be offered for , the
same diseatte.
A supply of the Genuine article, is
nst received and fur. sale nt the hrtig store
( 7 . !Z.. A:, (2,1.
IFFIE s'66serthin haig.6l4ned a Shnp,
Second street, a few doors east from
the Market flouse,in ChamberAurg; where
lie wititatild SMITH GARDNER'S
which he Will sell in Frankiin,,Adams.ito
Bedford counties. These machines are now
in operation in this county, and are - equal II
not superior to any other —and may be hod,
by personi wishing to obtain them, in any o
the above.named enuntit;s, on the shortest
notice, by applying to the subscriber, who
hopes by strict attention to bUsiness to secure
a share of public patronage,
KT - An advantage which this Machine
has over others, is that the horse power is
constructed to work utidel. the overshot of a
barn, so that rain dues not inter:ere with its
Chambersburg, June 5, 1888. tf-10
R. SPOIIN'S permanent cure for the
sick headache. A thousand certificates
of the virtue of this Nledicine might be
added, but the following is to respectable to
require others.
Nu. 12, Bowery.
For sale at the Apothecary & Drug
Store of
G. R. GILBERT; & Co.
Dec. 25, Iq3B. tf-89.
110 R 'fetters Ringworms, Pimples on
the remand other eJtaneous eruptions,
prepared by VAUOII3IAN & DAVIS, Philo •
dolphin. Sold at the Apothecary and Drug
Store of
Dec. 35, NAP. if-39. ,
. •
HAUPT respectfully informs the
citizens of Gettysburg and its vicinity
that he intends paying them a visit on or
about the Ist of December next, when he
intends to bring a supply of the best Min•
eral and Porcelain. Teeth
manufactured in this country. Persons wish
ing to have teeth inserted, from one to a full
set—or filling, extracting, dm. will please
be prepared, as his stay, for this time, curt
not be extended beyond six week's.
0:7 - Terms, liberal.
Boston, Nov. 6, 1.8353.
y> AND ,
ATM. W. PAXTON has now on hnnd
at his old stand two doors from the
Court Howe—
Fashionable Castor, Silk and
Russia Hats.
Old men's and boy's fur HATS.
Ladies Fur and Silk Bonnets
Wool HATS and flair Seal CAPS
All of which he will sell at low prices
for Cash or Country Produce. Call and
judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, Nov. fl, 1838. tM2
IN NO INSTANCE has the beautiful
tonic, anodyne, and restorative prepara•
lion, well known and celebrifted as Dr. Wm.
Evans' Camomile Pills, failed to afford the
highest gratification to theise who have hied
them in any of the %winds cases for which
they are recommended in the larger adver
For sale nt the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1838. ly-32
For beautyfying and restoring the Hair,
dm. For sale at the Drui• Store of
G. R GI LBERT, & Co.
Dec. 25,1Q39. ' 11-39.
AlieltJewell, Wilson iii' !Millard
Corner of Commerce and Pratt Streets,
O FFER to the Country trade for Cash
or prompt payment, the following
' TO wa:
50'bIs. S. 7!. Molasses
20 hhds. West India & N. Orleans ditto
200 bags Rio Coffee ' (part strong scented)
100 " Laguira do.
100 " Havana do.
50 hhds. N. Orleans & Porto Rico Sugar
10 pipes and half pipes Champagne and
Rochelle Brandy
5 " Gin
50 tierces Honey
200 boxes Raisins ,
100 quarto do.
150 eighth do. Fresh importation.
50 kegs do. .
Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, Teas in chests,
ha f chests and boxes, 4.c. 4.c.
Baltimore, Nov. 17, 1837. tf-33
THE Subscriber having determined to
change his location in the Spring, is
now selling off his
at prices which will "astonish the Natives."
-He invites the Public in call—and if they
do un,t get BARGAINS; it will not he his
fault: •
• • Adjutant Veneral'i•OSei,
Elnuntsauno, January I,
It I' virtue of the authority vested in the
'Adjutant General, by the Militia law's
.if this Commonweelth, it is !tetchy' direct- .
d by him, with the consent a.trl' concur
rence of the Governor and Commander-in.
..hief of Pennsylvania, that tie system of military knowledge, and reg
ulationsltii the Militia and Volunteers of
the State of ,Peensylvapia, be, from and:
after this date, that system which lies been
prepared, and,arranged by Brevet Captain
S. Cooper, (of the U. S. Army,) Aid de
camp and Assistant' Adjutant Geneial, and
is entitled "a concise system of instructions
and Regulations for the Militia arid Volun
teers of the U. States," &c,
All officers and non-corrimissioned 'offi
cers, musicians and privates of the Militia
or Volunteers of this State,. will therefore
henceforth conform, in the perforn.euce of
their military duties, to the reeelniions for
their guvernnient preset ibed inthe above
system, and all and every (Ater mode of
rastruction in military !mitt •I' consist
ent with that above referret:',m,.ate hereby
positively. prohibited, foi thiJ instruction of
the Militia and:Volunteers 'of this Stitt'.
As a matter of course, all instructions of
VLlunteers or Militia will, be given in the
English latiguage ! '
Adit Gen. of Pennsylvania.
Jan. 15.
E subscriber, will sell at private halo
situated on Baltimore Street, Gettysburg,
and now occupied by Samuel S. Forney f at
a lair and cheap rate, any person desiroes of
following the Tanning, would find this a
most desirable situation, nod are invited to
cull and sec the pruporty,the particulars will
be made known by Samuel S. Forney, still
living on the premises, or by
of Carlisle, Pa, or
Hanover, York.county, Pai
January 16i 1838. 3m-43
For Fever and Ague, warranteda prompt
and effectual cure, pre fared by Vaughail
arid Davies, Filth, and for sale at the Drug
Store of
G. R. GILBERT, dr. Co'.
Dec. 25, 1829. tf-39
the French Language taught in Fifty
,4 GENERAL outline of the plan of this
I System, and of thy mode of instruction
has been already submitted to the Public.—
Any further information may be obtained
from the Gentlemen forming Mr. Hamilton's
first class in this Town. Thia class took its
first lesSon on Saturday the 19th lust, and on
Thursday last the 24th inst. read and trans
lated, without previous preparation; without
the assistance of Gramtnar, Key or Diction
ary, several pages of the French . Gospel'of
St. John. The pupils translated even• word'
in French by a corresponding pert of speech
in English,' pointed out by, the translation,
the Grammatical constitiction . of the phrase,
the mood, tense and person of every verb,
and thus in effect,. parsed as well as transla.
ted a language, of which one week before,
they knew not ono syllable.
The study of the French Language
sufficiently held in repute, that no Lady or
Gentleman is considered well educated who
has not devoted some attention to it. When
it is known that by the acquisitionme attain
a proud pre.eminenee over our fellows, that
we truvers new regions wherein - time and
apace are annibilated- 7 -that the dead of a
thousand years arise and impart unto us liv
ing instruction., 'rhea° 'reflections , alone
should beeufficient to induce inartY to tint.
&race the
,opportunity of
,acquiring knowl.
edge which may prove to them a real and
tangible adVantage thrOugh . life.
January 29, 1839.
For solo at the Drug Store of
G. It. GILBERT, dr Co.
Dee. 25, 1839. tf-39.
A Catalogue of Reasons for using Dr.
Peters' Vegetable Pills.
1. BECAUSE experience has established their
merits, and decided them to be best, as also the
meat popular of modern medical discoveries. -
2. Because they aro composed ofsimples which
have the power to do good in an immense number r
of eases, without . possessing the means to do in
jury in any.
3. BCCUIII4O . , they are not' a quack medicine, but
the scientific compound of a regular' physieian,
who has made his profession the study of his life
and are hence recommended as a etandurd faintly .
medicine by the regular faculty
For sale at the Apothecary and Drug Store
Gettysburg, Jan. 29,13:}9. • tf-44
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of
Dr. JESSE GILBEWIr, late of the •
Borough of Gettysburg, deceased, are here- „,
by notified to call with the suliscriber, or at
the Drug Store of Geo. R. Gilbert; dt Co
and seitle_the same on or before the
of March next; as afier that time their ad:,
counts volt be placed in the hands of proper'
Officers fur collection, and those who have
any claims against said Estate are requested
to present the same properly authenticated
fr,r settlement.
• • B. GILBERT, Adm'r.
January 29, 1 . 8:39. at-44
" WO.
OD will be taken at. the Office of •
tht z= , 'AI'.,