STAR & REPUBLICAN BANNER. Br ROBERT WHITE MIDDLETON Office of the Star & Banner : ehambersburg Street, a few doors West of the Court-House. I. The STAR & 12NPUBLICAN 1317fREll IN pub.- iished at TWO DOLLARS per annum (or Vol ume of 52 numbers,) payable balpyearly in ad vance: or TWO DOLLARS & FIFTY CENTS if not Paid until after the expiration of the year. 11. No subscription will be received for a shorter period than six months; nor will the paper be dis continued until all arrcaragcs nro paid, unless at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a dis continuance will bo considered a new engagement and the paper forwarded accordingly. 111. ADYERTIFIZMENTS not exceeding rt square, will lie inserted TllntE times for $l, and 25 cants for each subsequent insertion—the number of in sertions to be marked, or they will be published till forbid and charged accordingly; longer ones in the same proportion. A reasonable deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. lir. All Letters and Communtcations addressed to the Editor by mail must be post-paid, or they will not be attended to ADVERTISEMENTS ROBERT W. MIDDLETON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE* office 8 a few doors - Westof .the Court otr e. mall business entrusted to hinj will be attended to with fidelity and despatch. October 16,183f1 LAST NOTICE. LL.persons indebted to DAVID EIEAt7Y, •ria- are requested to call and Make pay ment immediately. Those havina twainst him will also call and Make settle- Ment. R. W. MIDDLETON. October 16, 18:38. • Just rmeced by the subseribiT, a freshsupyly of GA R LEG 1 NT'3 BAXSAIYX Or REAMTN. Prepared only by JOHN S. 111ILLER, Frederick City, 1114. /II HIS valuable Medicine has only been intro. duccd to the public in various parts of the country, and hundreds of persons have used it,and found its beneficial effects, and. 7 out of ten cases hove been permanently cured of the Dyspepsia, ()holies, Nervous Tremors, lowness of Spirits, Palpitation of the heart; and all those trains of diseases, resulting from a disordered condition of the stomach and liver, or derangement of the di. gestivo function, such as general debility or weak ness, flatulency, loss of appetite, sour, eructations and acidities of the stomach, costiveness, head ache, jaundice, flatulent and bilious cholic, &c. The proprietor does not recommend it as most patent medicines, as a cure all, and when used is found wanting, so that the public have got so much deceived, that they can scarcely be prevailed upon to try any more, which is not the case with this Balsam of Health, as hundreds of persons have received the'most happy and good effects. which the proprietor can prove, if required by the testi. mony of many respeetable.persons that have been curer] of the above diseases, ho has only given the certificates of several persons below, as it would occupy too much room in this advertisement to in sert all the certificates, which he has in his pos_ session—many of which can be seen in his Di rections, which accompany each Bottle. Certificate of Nicholas 'Weaver This is to certify that I bought of your agent at Gettysburg, several bottles, of your valuable Bal. ram of Health, which completely cured me of the Dyspepsia. I had taken much of other patent Medicines, but found no relief, until I-made use of your Balsam of Health, which affected a radical cure, and do recommend it to all those who are troubled with that obstinate disorder Dyspepsia. NICHOLAS WEAVER Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 2,1836. Certificate of Jos. S. Snapp, Frederick Co. Mr. John Miller. Sir—l do hereby certify,that have been afflicted with Dyspepsia for the last 4 or 5 years, which has been increasing on me over since to such a dcgree,that for the last 3 or 4 weeks previous to using your valuable Gartenant's Bale sam of Health, I am certain I had not eat ono ounce a day of any kind of food, neither was I able to sleep with any kind of comfort during the tirne,be cause of a severe pain in the stomach. In fact, I had given up myself as incurable, as I had recourse to so many 110:rent remedies without any benefit. At length I heard of your Balsam of Health being advertised, and was induced to try it. I accord ingly bought one bottle from your agent, (Wm. Miller, Winchester.) After taking the first three doses, I found the stomach to retain in some de kree what I eat, and the pain in a great measure subsiding. After using only one and a half bot tles I found myself entirely well, and can now eat any thing I have an inclination for, and can sleep well at night. It was surprising to see the quanti ty of morbid matter I discharged from my stomach, which I am inclined to believe was coated thick with it, which no doubt rendered all diet indigos& ble. Given under may hand this Ist day of De comber, 1836. Frodoricli County, Va. . The proprietor requests all those persons that are afflicted in the way above described,to give his medicine - a fair trial,and ho assures them they will not bo disappointed. lie does negate the public and citizens of this place and epunty, that his. Balsam is BotaniCal in its composition, and is perfectly innocont,nnd can be u. sad by both soles of any age,with perfect safety without any change of habit or diet. For sale only in Hagerstown, by MILLER and LUTZ, in Nyagnesboro', Pa. by M. M. STONER, etna,lu;Shippenaburg, by RHIN DRECKEN UHIPGD.. sale at the Drug Store of S. IL BUEEILER. .00tisburg. May 15. 1838. .6mcovr--7 ObDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUM BIA and HAYS' LINIMENT—for sale et the Drug Store of , S. H. BUEHLER. August 14, INS. tf-20 LIRA NDRETII'S 'ILLS for sale at the ALP Stores of THOMAS J. COOPER and " 3. M. STEVENSON. • Gitttroburg September 4, 1839. .tl-23 and 'LOG BARN, and other necessary im provements; there is an excellent Orchard, a well of water at the door—and Marsh creek runs through the Farm. The terms, which will be very satislitc tory, will he made known on application to the subscriber. WILL bo sold nt Public Sale, (by ad journment,) on Friday the 2d of November next, A VALUABLE FARM, Situate in Straban township, Adams coun ty, Pa. between the State Road and Hun terstown Road, adjoining lands of Robert King, Peter Moritz and others, containing 217 acres of Patented Land. The Improvements are a (*nod •••• LOG DWELLING I B ROUSE, Log Barn, &c. The land is of a good qual ity, and in an excellent state of cultivation —with a suitable proportion of Timber. KrSale to commence at one o'clock, P. M. on the premises, when attendance wall be given, and the terms made known by 0::rlf the above Property is not sold on said day, it will be RENTED. The terms will be made known at the same time and place. 'WILL be Exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, on 'I uesday the lath of November hext, A ITALUA3I3.73E Late the property of JOHN PEDEN, de ceased, situated in Freedom township, Ad ams county,Pu. two miles north of &minus. burg, adjoining lands of Henry "'cagy, Thomas Reid, Martin's and others, contain ing.l79 acres, and the usual allow ance; about 100 Acres cleared; the residue well Timbered, with a great quantity of valuable Locust trees; the improvements are A GOOD TWO STORY STONE,. II OIT 8 E . 11. se FS .'"- ;4••• - - and Kitchen;double Log Barn,M'agon Shed, Carriage Shed and Corn Crib, and other necessary out : buildings,three wells of water convenient to the buildings,also an excellent orchard of various kinds of fruit. 11 - 3"Salo to commence at I o'clock, r. ar. on said day, when attendance will be given, and terms made known. Any person wishing to view the properly, will please callon• THOMAS REID, Agent for the Heirs. October 16, 1838, is—'29 N. B. If not sold on the above mention. ed day, it will be RENTED.. JOS. S. SNAPP IN pursuance of an Order of Orphans' Court of Adams (Aunty will be sold at public sale on the promises, on Saturday the 241/i day of November next,at 1 o'clock r:m a. Tract of Italia, .Late the Estatd ofJorrN MILLER, deceased, situate in Germany township, Adams Coun ty, about one mile from Littlestown, adjoin ing lands ofdolui Beck, Andrew Rorebaugh, Fleury Snyder and others, containing 5 0 Acres more or leSs,—on which are erected • • - •- A TWO STORY : 'ZZie DIVE L L , Ili 0 13 E Log Barn, and stable, with all otbei neces• spry improvements, as .well us excellent water convenient. • Terms made known on ,the day of sale and attendance given by PUBLIC SALES. PUBLIC SitliAlE. WILL be sold at public sale on Satur day the 27th inst. en thepremises, A FAR', late the Estate of J °SEM FA LLER,deceased; situate in Mountplensant timnship, Adams county, adjoining lands ofJacob Hill, James M'Sherry and others, containing 4133 Acres moth or less—having erected thereon eth ti A ONE AND A HALF STORY •L 0 G 11,. , lip I? BI 0 USE, two weds of good water, log spring house, Barn and other necessary buildings—au Orchard of good fruit. . ALSO, a T ftet Of LAM, in the same township, adjoining lands of Peter Smith, James M'Sherry and others, containing 3 Acres, more or less—the improvements are A LOG HOUSE, log barn, Spring house, with a good spring of water convenient, an Orchard, &c. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock 11., when the tering will be made known and attend. anco given by JACOB SMITH, October 16,• 1588. is-29 ranra ron SAME. THE subscriber offers, nt private sale, his FARM, situate part in Cumberland and part in Free. dom townships, 3 miles from Gettysburg, containing 212 ..1c es of Patented Land=of which 40 Acres are Timber, '2 Aeres of Meadow, and more tnay be made. The improvements are a good TWO STORY :e I on , " q B•lt i CK. A " :t,L . t :,:'. 1 1 1 . 0 TY S E -,.....:. - . . _ %x. McGAUG HY. October 9, 183°. 3t-29 PALUOMILIP,RAE AT PUBLIC SALE. ISA tie NIONFORT. Adnir. with the will annexed, of George Bercaw, dic'd. October 16,1838. is-24 VALUABLE FARM S 111.1 E. IPUBIAIC %A.ILAVA. FREDERICK COLEHOUSE. Administrator do bonis non. October 16, 1939. to -20 ADVERTISEMENTS. COPP'EIt, SHEET-IRON AND MI :ARE 2./LA1T1T1".4.C.102,7. /HIDE Subscriber would respectfully in -111- :brrn his Friends and the Public gen ernllv, that he has taken the entire stock of Mr. ANDREW POLLEY, and will continue to curry on the above mentioned buFiness rn till its various branches, at the old stand. in East York street, directly opposite Mr. A. B. Kurtz's tavern, where he is prepared to manufacture to order, and will keep con, stnntly on hand A LAI!CF. A;Sincrm ENT OF S 4CE 'ILI:: MY .LW'" COPX"Ini. WARE, of the host male:ires, and made ic a work man like manner. ST OV S Of all kinds, and of the nezzeid patterns ALSO- A SUPPLY OF 117 0 'ark' 1111 for baking, &c. Ilopio , r, by a ctr;ct aneri• tinn to business, and ao earnest erzire :o please, to receivo a liberal share of Public patronage. GEORIF E. BUEHLER Gettysburg, Sept. 25, 1833. ti—J6 N. B. The highest price Diyen, in c es h or 7'rode, 11)r OLD COPPER. PEWTER and LEA D. G. K B. I q 1 ii _q_o------ •.-. : ,_-.,----__,--_,-_z--_ : . l, ._ 1.. , _.&..,r.. _ ✓ - • I ••=•:-.: 0 ••.‹, _ -67,574 STOVES AND HOLLOW-WARE. F OR Sale cheap, by the Subscriber, a large It of Stores, all sizes and very handsome patterns, among whsch are OCCICIITa• 5T:73% OF rnrrrni.:37 - r KINDS. Also—A Large Stock of Pots, Ovens, Kettles, and Pans, WITH A LACGE STOCK OF BAR IRON & STEEL, DUNLOP SEIVER'S .)_'ID'S, WITH A GENERAL A..;SORT.HENT OP EDGE TOOLS, (warranted)—till of which will be sold on pleasing forms. GEORGE ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Sept. 25, 1x39. 4t--26 Iltrattdrettals 'Vegetable Pills. PUBLIC OPINION.—PubIic opinion is per haps the only unerring guide from whose de cision there is no appeal ; and was there ever sul a manifestation of its approval, as there is with BRANDRETIFT VEGETABLE UNIVER SAL PILLS ? Step by step has this Medicine wormed itself into favor, in spite of ENVI, prat max and scoax. Triumphant has been its pro_ gress to its present sphere of extensive usefulness. It has surmounted okaacle.s which quakery sinks paralysed—and has gained for itself a repu tation which neither PHISICIANS. nor flippant sordid counterfeiting apothecarits can ever injure. These charlatans nevertheless no assail it with the malignant shafts ef their despicable envy, and which rebounds upon themselves with a power each day on the increase. until they themselves will be covered with the slime of their own manu facturing. They can no more injure the reputa tion of BRANDRETIPS PILLS than they can lay their hands the sun. How TO BE SECURE ratan COCNTERFEITS.— Never to purchase Brandrethis Pills without be ing positively sure that the persan selling has a copperplate certificate of Agency, and fty• observe it has been renewed—no CERTIFICATE BE ING ANY 'MIA RA NTEE AFTER TW ELVE MONTHS FROM DATE that Pills sold by the holder aie genuine. All Pills having Wm. Brandreth on the label, and George Hodgkinson cn the edge. are counter feits, and made to DECEIVE THE PUBLIC and evade the law at the samo time. These, and indeed ALL counterfeit Pills, if used according to the direction of my Pills, are calcu lated to DESTROY LIFE. They are made by men having no standing or respectability, without habitation or name—perfectly careless of conse quences, provided money is obtained. [Extract from Dr. B's address to Citizens of U. S.] And he careful to remember that I bare never authorised any Doctor, Druggist, .Apothecary, or Pei Her in the United States to sell my Pills. These contemptible PEnsvnts universally sell counterfeits.. Never forget that this cLass, Doctors, Druggists, Apothecaries, and Pedlars are the men Who sell counterfeits, and that all Traile_vmen wbo are made agents, bare each of them a COPPER PLATE certificate of Agency, signal in writing with a pen by me; and which certificate requires renewal every twelve months, it being no guaran tee for more than arse year from date--observe the date is not WRITTEN, it is COPPERPLATE. The following respective pe'rsona are my fluty authorised AGENTS in Adams county, Pa., whose namfrare, THOMAS J. COOPER, Gettysburg, 'JOHN NI. STEVENSON, do. J. A. & J. S. DAVIS, littleztown. WILLIAM lIILDEBA ND, E. 21,4 Berlin. • ADAM EPLY, New Chester. ABRAHAMKING, Hunterstown. • ' My offices in Philadelphia are at No. S North Eight Street, and 43 Chesnut Street. B. BRAN METH, M. D. 211 Broadway, New. York. N. B. All travellers from me have a power of Attorney, proved before the Clerk of thes•ounty of Now York. Observe it. • A DVERTISEM EN'I'S CO-PARTNERSHIP. nIVVITID YIEIXGY AM) DAATIE.S; TZLIDIPMEM., AVE tins day entered into Partnership AL-a. in the busines or C 11,13 triP - - 01 VAIN V:, IN ALL ITS VARIOUS MUNCHEN: which they will carry on nt the Old Stand of David Dungy, in (:Thanthershurg Street, Where they will keep constantly on hand for sale, at the lowest prices, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, and all other articles in the line of their business. n'cliey will also [MIN° C OFFIA'S on the shortest notice—and have a llnAnst: with which they will attend Funerals when required. They hope for a share of pnblie patron. age, and will endeavor to deserve it. DAVID IIEAGY, DANIEL TRIMMER. March 13, 1838. tf-50 WOOL! WOOL! iqviE subscriher continue the sale of JR- WOOL on commission, nod is pre. pared to make liberal advances, it' required, On Wool consigned to him for sale. LYMAN REED. No. 227, Baltimore St. Baltimore. Baltimore, Sept. 11,1839. 2m-24 ffiettleavell,Brikon eir fflSliruvt GLIM' /4:11S & CO3l 3I SSIO.Si 31 Elul LINTS, Corner of Commerce and Pratt Streets, BALTIMORE, O FFERAD the Country trade for Cash or prompt payment, the following GOODS: TO WIT: 50 bls. S. LI. .11olasses 20 lihils West India & N. Orleans ditto 200 bags Rio Coffee, (part strong scented) 100 " Laguira do. 100 " Havana do. 50 hhds. N. Orleans & Porto Rico Sugar 10 pipes and hall pipes Champagne and Rochelle Brandy 5 " (;in 50 tierces Honey 200 boxes Raisins 100 quarto do. 150 eighth do. Fresh importation. so ksgs do. • TOGETIIER WITH Cinnamon, Clones, Pepper, Teas in chests, half chests and boxes, 4.c. 4.c. Bakinlore. Nov. 17, 1837. MONEY WANTED. B" A M in want of money, and therefore call /I- upon all thos_that have notes or Book accounts with 30 of long standing, to cull and make payment, or at least let me have part; and in order to help out, I will take in Q korpavment of old debts, or for Goods, Ohl iltial, Copper and Bross. GEO. ARNOLD. September 18, 1828. 3t-25 FRESH GOODS. Cheaper than ever! ►subcrribrr has just returned from . 14 - the eity,and is now opening at his store on the north-east corner of the Diamond, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF t ry.. Y • r• '• * of the, 'best cxxxo‘lity---eutbr clog every variety of D 1 2" GOODS, 4.c. OSOOMRIES, 4.c. 6cc. which have been purchased on the best terms —and which he can sell cheaper than they have ever been He invites the public to give him a call, and judge for themselves. SAMUEL 1% ITUEROW. Gettysburg, May 15, 1938. tf-7 P1132/161C NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber by bond, note or book account nre re quested to call and make settlement on or &fore the first of November next—after that time, they will be placed in an officer'Oi4ti for collection. RoßEier SMITH. September 4, 1838. td-23 gittlealrs LAZA FR 1011' X '71:1 S lit S. rrHE Subscriber has now on hand a large -M I L stock 'or very superior w c,/2 er) J.t ayQa. u FRINGE ,AND TASSELS, OF lIIS OWN lI,kNUFACTURE, which he will dispose of on tl►e most reason able terms. (I:—Orders from a distance will be prompt ly attended to. Any Pattern made to order. Address JOHN ODELL, - Gettysburg, Pa. N. B. All kinds of MILITARY work done to order. November 17, 1837. CIAR LEG A NT'S .BALSAMOF. HEALTH, prepared by John S. Mil• ler of Frederick, !kid:, for 'sale at the Drug Store of S. H. BUEHLER. August 14, 1839. tc-20 GETTYSBURG STEAM rouNDirr. rffIHE subscriber has established n Steam I'oundr yin Gouyslyirg, Adams county, Pa., and is now prepared for making 03 MITT of every kind, in the neatest and hest Having the best gray Foundry Pig in the State, nod long experienced Workmen, the castings cannot fail to be smoother and of a superior quality; and in a short time will be prepared to do all kinds of Bran Castinp,s and Smith Turning . Of every Lind in IRON and IMAMS, Persons having any thing to do in the above line of business, would do well to cull. All orders and particularly those froin n distance, thankfully received mid punctually attended to. A FIRST RATE .Mac - 111.111st tuiik l'uttern 4 . 14 N, • antiN ig attached to the Esitiblightnent. Patterns can thoref)re be furni,hed at all times on short notice. OLD %1 EATA L taken nt the Foundry in exchange, and tho 1-116 H EST PRICE IN CASH paid for Ohl Copper mid grass. (KrFrom a disposition to please, and a determination to make SUPERIOR work,— (none other shall lea ee the Establishment,) the subscriber hopes, therefore, I hat he may be patronized. G EO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, August 28, lEt:39. :3m-22 1'A0... 4 ) 4 - -•.. liticw -1 ..,,, , ,,, S F, cc :: 0 , •••, •r- • — et ' " b t.- 1.14:3•,. frig... 7, • ~,- : , ~: :- ; *k;,-- , c''', lel 1102 It 4- : :; ,',1) 447 ~ , i', /i k.,,,,f.,_,..... , ..- f r -.. 1 -i ----- -= ~.. -1. , t, , ..„.r. A. ..,,,._. , v , , Irgirnii- _. :4 ,- , ---- :- ~. 1i . ', 1 ,,,,.-- ~.. . __ -- ~.,„ m g . -1-: -: . ----:_-. .-7,-,.----.. . - risostmEns, Loon HERE THE .übscrther has opened a Shop, on Second street, a few doors cast t'rorn the Market llouse,in Chambersburg, where he will build SAIITII GA I DNER'S PORTABLE HORSE POWER THRESHING MACHINE, which he will sell in Franklin, Adams and Bedford counties. These tnachmes are now in operation in this county, and are equal if not superior to any other —and may be had, by persons wishing to obtain them, In any of the nbove.named counties, on the shortest notice, by applying to the subscriber, who hopes by strict attention to business to secure a share of public. patronage. (KrAn advantage which this Machine has over others, is that the horse power is constructed to work under the overshot of a barn, so that ram does nut interiors with its operations. JOHN TAYLOR. Chambersburg, June 5, 1838. tf-40 O'VILCFA. SHE Subscriber, residing in the Borough kIA of Gettysburg, hereby gives notice to all persons indebttd to the Estate of ‘VALTER SMITH, Esq. late of the Borough of Gettysburg,Adams County, Pa.deceased,tocall and make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate, will present thorn without delay, properly authen ticated, for settlement. ROBERT. SMITH, Executor. September 4, 1833. 6t-2S ALL persons indebted to the Estate e Dr. JESSE GILBERT, late of the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa. deceased, are desired to call. with the sub scriber, and make immediate payment, and those who have claims against said Estate, are requested to present them, properly au thenticated for settlement. The Administrator resides in Gettysburg . B. GI LBERT, Adm'r. September 11, 1838. 6t-24 APPRENTICES WANTED. 61 0 , OR 3 Apprentices to the Saddle and Harness making business. Boys of good moral character, froM the'countfy, and about 16 years of age, will find a good situ iqjpn by applying immediately to DW IN A. ATLEE. Gettysburg, Aug. 29, 133Ec tr-22 TEOF Subscriber, residing in Ctimhorland township, hereby gives notice to all par. sans indebted to the Estate of PHILIP HARRIS, late of Cumberland township, Adams County, Pa. deceased, to call and make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate, will present them without delay, properly authentica• tod, for settlement. WILLIAM DEN WARD, Exe . er. September 18, 1838. 61-25 ALL persons indebted to the Estate of WILLIAM M'MILLAN,Iate of Ham iltonban township, Adams county, deceased, are desired•to call with the Stibscribers, and make, immediate payment, and those who have claimsagainst said Estate,are requested to present them, properly authenticated for Battlement. 'fho Administrators reside in Hamilton ban township. , SAMUEL I LAN, ? Adm'rs. DAVID M'M I LLAN. S August 21 1839. Qt-21 AI)VISERTENIENTS ;:. manner 11Vork. -ALSO NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICES. ,i' i!! l :7,irtrfwni r0240 1 ,; , ;1! WI 1 ,ii,r , ,,f, -;;;; 11.11' , ,i Ili l lIV "'" f :''' 7111!i iri l ;YI II 0 ., i,l ~ I ,1, , ~,,x „I l it , j,,,,, R y-,. - xlii , ii 1 1 c , -......, 11111111' ,t ,'-',s. .7. _i,,11m,i,.•.y,, I , L .,1 ! ...... r • - ...;;; (... llf • " . Cak 7i PO,. 41 '.C . : 3 X r,' ,' l ..'t ;:-. 1 . ,; 7 4 EL !-.. 1 ' , i' I 'l' ; 1 ,','/ l I,A cz T.. •,•?4 , - 1 .4.... , :.f , ' , /.. 4 ., . 'i .ti ~ "'-.... r• 7 ~,- . 1 ,. : ..,..,,.; , ;1. .. t _t, - ;.; *:.,4,. ,I, I, 1!!1,11i (3' .. . , ,,. A:. -' . F LA . • , - . 4 ., 7, ~, -- - ---= --. •• C': - ( .............,-- ...... .? . 1,,, •,',.. „. ..., , : c .02 14 ...... : • Z•.: ; (‘ r. , /1 . --" r -. ‘( 1 ) ( I: -- r. Ci .: " ' .s-' rlrr,, ~ 7 I d f.'; - Ths ' A • -"- k t;', `i / r: -" :) r - , 1 ! :•_;', ,,,, 1 I I .4 .... V.,. , f j.... , : : : r -: , . 5 _ -,,,t,.., (•:,4,.,....., ~,,,:;..., ..i ,F i ‹.-_--- ~ cz, .., • .. R 4...e ._ . ... , ..;._, r. v.,.. -, 'O, k.,..7 \ / C, ..... _. .1 I .` •)* I ' ":"=', '; i• , 4 *,, .: • ,' J iiki: ::" ''. '''. t f I \ \ 1,. 1 1 Cli. -: '' V j'I:! 1 - 1 - / : ' ‘ :4 . i • \ '...''' - . 1 -- . 1 A _.. t. v..... -. ... -: I. f ?„.....)0 , - ..........:.,-..... --4?- , =. ( - - -/ . 'N..- - ---- 1111.1UT1FUL 111WI1I 17.171 re &:Z. is the grandest ornament btloriging to the human frame. how strangely the loss ofit chum. zes the comitenance arid prematurely brings on the appearance of yid age, which causes many to recoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun society to avoid the jests and sneers of their acquaintance; the remainder (Albeit. lives are con sequently spenthn retirement. In short, riot even the loss of property fills the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking gloom ns does the lons 01 his hair. To avert all those unpleasant cir cumstances, DI?IDG OS BALM OF CO. 1.0 11131 A stops the hair from fdlling off on the first application and a lbw bottles restores it again. It likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers; pre voots the hair from turning grey, !mikes it curl beautifully, arid frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the first respectability in support of the virtues of (Attridge's Balm, tut) shown by the proprietors. ICT*Rood the follmitng ROBERT W HARTON, Esq. late Mayor of Philadelphia, hag certified, as may be soon below, to the high character of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used the 1111 m of Columbia discovered by J. Old ridge, and have 'bum' it highly serviceable not only as a preventive against the dr of hair, but also a certain restorative. AVM. THATCHER, senior. Methodist Minister in St. Georgo charge, No. 86 North Fifth street. JOHN P. LNGLIS, 331 Arch stroet. JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 163 Raco at, JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce at. i t HUGH McCU DY, 243 South 2d at. JOHN GARD, Jr. 123 Arch st. The aged, and those whu persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the plilic,when it is known that, throe of the above signets arb more than 50 years of age, and the others not loss than 30. CO3I3IONWEALTIII OP PF.NNAYLVANIA, City of Philadelphia. I, ROBERT VHALTON, Mayorot said city of Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I ant well acquainted with Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John S. Fu roy, and Hugh McCurdy, whose names are sign ed to the above . certificate, that they are gondo -1 mon of character and respectability, and as such full credit should be given to the said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the city to bo affix ed; [L. S.] this sixth day of December. &c. ROBERT IVHARTON, Mayor. OBSERVE that each bottle of the Genuine Bohn has a splendid engraved wrapper, on which is re presented the Fulls of Niagara. &c. &c. For sale at wholesale by COMSTOCK, & CO Solo Agents for America, Now York, and by most druggist throughout America. Piles or Hemorrhoids. Ic7-TO THE AFFLICTED PUBLIC. 10 T is considered of great importance for the I LA_ public to know the following facts : ' About four years ago, Solomon flays, the per. son to whom the celebrated Dr. Gridley had, on his death bod, imparted the secret of making a Liniment to cure the Piles, authorized it to be put up and sold under the name of flays' Lini ment, and enjoined that all who would use ono bottle for the Piles, and return the empty bottle, should have the prices refunded. Since that limo, upwards of fifty thousand bot tles have been sold, out of which, not ten have been returned, and those only because the per sons did not use it properly !! Such wonderful success, probably, never attended any other arts. elm It is now determined by the proprietor, that the public shall bo made more fully acquainted with its virtues, so y: tlio,Cthoso suffering with that dreadful complaint availmu themsolvesof its use. There aro many I.4 . p . ;usand certificates of the• most respectable and authentic character,many of which may be examined where the article is sold. It is used as an external application, and for many other complaintS enumerated in the wrap per, is considered remarkably effective; but fur the PILES it has no equal, and tho agents are now bound to refund in all cases whore it does not cure. It is being used in hospitals in our principal cities with great effect. No FICTION.--This extraordinary chemical composition, the result of science and tho wven• - tion of a celebrated medical man, the introduction or which to the public was invested with the so lemnity, of a death= b ed bequest, has since wined; a reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the correbtisiss—of the lamented Dr. Gridley's last. confiraibn; that.;"lia dared not die without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowledge on the. subject," and he therefore bequeathed to his Mona and attendant S. Hays, the secret of his discovery, It it is' now used in the principal hospitals. anal the private .practice in our country, first end most. certainly fur the cure of the PILES, and also sck extenEively and effectually as to baffle credulity. unless whore its effects are witnessed. External.. ly in the following complaints: For Dropsy.—Creating extraordinary absorp• tion at ones. AU Swellings.---Reducing them Wu few hours.. Rheumatism-A cuteor Chronie.givingqiiicir case Sore Throat —By cancers, ulcers, or colds. Croup and Whooping Cough.—Extornally end over the chest. • All Braises, Sprains, and Burns, curing in a low hours. Sores and Ulcers.—Wliotlier fresh or long standing, and Fever sores. Its operation upon adults and children in redu, clot; rheumatic swellings and loosening coughs and tightness of chest by relaxation of thes parts. has boon surprising beyond concoptidn.— Tho common remark of those who have used it, in the PII / E9, is, ';it acts like a charm." It is used only as Cri external application, and us sovereigmpower in curing tho above named complaints, is Justified by sclentifi , principles. CsuTioN.—Ohsorvo that each bottle of tho goo uino has a splendid engraved wrapper• with the Immo of Mr. Hays and Comstock a:. cu. on it. KirFur Sale nt the Drug Store of SAMUEL U.BUEHLER. Gettisburg, Oct. 13 1 107. eowly9