The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, August 14, 1838, Image 2

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DIED—In this State, yesterday,at
9 o'clock A.M., the Right Worship
PARTY,hi the e2d year ofits age! Jiffs
chief mourner is one Dav e y R. Its
dissolution was brought about by an
old German Doctor named RYMER,
who administered to it a Pill in the
following shape, which purged the
Creature to death! Peace to its ashes!
In the name and by the authority of the Common
-42‘), wealth of Pennsylvania.
BY JO SE t •PH. '; _UTNE •
6 , 9
Governor of the said Commonwealth.
A Proclamation.
The period has arrived when the series of misfortunes produced by the injurious inter
ference of the National Government with the Currency of the Country is about to ter
minate. Congress having risen without sanctioning the attempt to give to the Federal
Executive the entire control of the National wealth, and of the whole amount of specie
in the country, and the consequent power to affect and wield to its own purposes all the
capital and credit of the Union; and having also imposed certain salutary restrictions on
so much of this power as had been already arrogated, it is incumbent on the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania to put forth her strength, to quicken her dormant energies, and
to take that stand in the trade and commerce of the Union, which het unbounded is',
sources, her vast natural and artificial facilities for their development, and the solid and
energetic character of her citizens.demand: to deprive her of which stand, all the mea
sures of the National Government have recently tended.
For the production of this most desirable result, the measure first requisite is,that an
end bo put to certain open infractions of the spirit of the laws, which have been forced
upon us by the overbearing necessities of the times, and to restore credit and the cep
rency to the firm basis on ivhich they stood before their late derangement was un
.necessarily brought on the people.
1, therefore, by virtue of that enjoinment of the Constitution which requires the Gov
ernor of the State to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and for the purposes
aforesaid, do hereby require all Banks in this Commonwealth, on or before the thirteenth
day of August next ensuing the date hereof, to resume and continue the redemption of
their respective notes, bills and other - obligations, in Ginn and smvs.n COIN, according
to the true intent and meaning of their charters. And,for the purpose of aiding those insti
tutiorisin the accomplishment of this laudable object, I deem it proper to state,from the in
formation 1 have obtained,that their solvency and govern, condition is such as to entitle
them to the confidence of all who hold their notes, their amount of specie on hand being
largely increased, and of notes in circulation much diminished, since the suspension of
specie payments in May, 1837.
While it is thus cheerfully announced that the means of the Banks are ample, and that
their conduct has been, throughout the late trying crisis, generally such as to sustain our
already high character for punctuality, honesty and solvency, maintain and oven increase
our trade, keep up the value of property, and prevent the State from becoming the thea
tre of panic or distress, yet 1 shall feel bound, in duty to the public, to take all the means
in my power to compel a return to that agency and responsibility to their creditors for
which.they were created. lf, however, a return be promptly and faithfully made to that
line of duty to the laws and to the public from which they have been compelled to depart,
the occurrences of the past year will only be recorded in our history its another instance
of the perfect adaptation of republican institutions to the demands of every crisis, and will
show that common and overruling necessity being bowed to by general consent, becomes
for the time the law of the land. But to justify such rule of necessity, and to prevent fu
ture evil from its unnecessary recurrence or unjust continuance, it is indispensably re
quisite that the instant the pressure of circumstances which produced it ceases, the em
pire of the express and ordinary law of the land should be restored. Accordingly, lion
the other hand a return to general and•real redemption in specie, and a withdrawal of all
illegal paper money from circulation, do not now take place, when all admit that it
.. may
with Safety and public benefit, 1 shall hold it my duty, forthwith to take all the measure,
t . .; compel it, which the constitution and laws have placed in my power; and at the open
ing of the next session of the Legislature, to recommend the passage of such laws as
mast more effectually guard the future from the evils of the past.
And further, for the purposes and by virtue of the enjoinment aforesaid, I do also here
by require all persons or bodies corporate, who may have violated the laws of this State,
by the emission and circulation of notes of any denomination under that of five dollars,,
commonly called "Shin Plasters," to take instant measures for the full and honest re
demption of the same, in gold and silver coin, or Sueh other ample equivalent as shall be
satisfactory to the holders thereof, under pain of the penalties provided in such cases,
which penalties, if this notice he not complied with in a reasonable time, it will be thy
duty °fall good citizen to enforce.
Should this requirement be fully and promptly complied with, the Commonwealtl
will be restored to that sound currency which she possessed before the suspension, viz
One composed of gold and silver for all sums under, and of notes instantly convertibl ,
into specie for all.sums of and over, five dollars. The result of the attempt to improv , ,
the currency will then obviously be, that the only paper issues in circulation AND NO'
In communicating thus publicly with my fellow citizens on this most important an " While we admit and SCRUPULOUSLY
interesting matter, I would respectfully and earnestly say to all, be firm and cool in di, RESPECT TIIE CONSTITUTIONAL itzunTs OP
emergency. Trust in the laws, have contience in the institutions, and sustain the higl OTUP.R STATES, on this momentous question,
credit and character of your glorious Commonwealth. You have borne yourselve (slavery,) let us not, either by fear or inter
the crisis nobly and honorably: You have come almost uninjured out of (lit cst, be driven from aught of that spirit °fin
trial. Make one more calm and steady effort and all will be well. The forbearanc: dependence and veneration . fur freedom'
and determination heretofore exhibited have been such as to reflect credit upon the State which has ever characterized our beloved
while it has strengthened the hands and cheered the hearts of your public agents in th Commonwealth."
perfiirmance of duties of no ordinary difficulty. Contrasting, as is naturally done, the Is this the language of an enemy to the
feelings and hopes connected with this attempt to aid the resumption, with those which!
South ? No one but a cringing,corrupt
animated me when I addressed my fellow citizens on the subject of the suspension on
•- - amof naltvntra_dastard freeman or a base
specie payment, I cannot but rejoice at tho difference,, Wewere then entering upon i Mark. Package. 1 'Weight.
new and untried course of action whose happy termination was only matter of hope.—
Jas. P. Stewart. 1 Trunk. I 137 lbs.
We are now at the conclusion of our doubts and fears, and, with the blessing of Provi-
dance on the exertion of our own moderation and industry, about to return to our usual Received the above.
confidence and prosperity.
Given under my hand and tho great seal of the State at Harrisburg. this tenth day of July, in
the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and thirty.cight, and of the Com monwea lth This signature, written twenty years ago, is
the sixty-third.
firm, clear and characteristic. It would bo recog
niscd in an instant by any ono who has seen the
hand writing of the present Governor of Penn
sylvania. Huzza for the old wagoner!
o:DHuzza for the Farmer Governor!
MORE PROSCRIPTION & INTER. of the general government could roach him! The
FERENCE OF THE U.S. GOVERN. daring and impudent interference of the President
MENT IN OUR ELECTION! and his idritchen cabinet" in our local affairs, on
Our readers will bear in mind, that,amongst this as well as various other occasions, will cause 0.
the people to become disgusted, and must operate
other certificates which we published a fortnight
ego, in relation to the transactions and law suit be-
seriously against the election of Porter. Gar. Her.
tween Samuel Sturgeon and David IL Porter,was
ono signed by Maxwell Kinkead, who was an arbi- FrOill Porter's home.'
trator in the case, and whose testimony bore heavi- IVe extract the following from the proceedings:of
ly upon Porter, as did that of the other surviving A public meeting held at Willtanasburg is Huntingdon
arbitrator also. Mr. Kinkead held the office of county:—
Postraister at Yellow Springs, IlUntingdon coup. "It is our duty to tell the unhought eons
ky—and, for stating the facts of the case betwo'en of this State, that we cannot support him,
those two individuals upon oath, ho has been re., (Porter) because we know his MORAL, POLP
moved by ihePostmaster General,as wo learn from TICAL, and INTELLECTUAL character—l-lie
the Pittiburgh Times! As th a t pa ter jtwly re- .:tott.AL, is far from spotless, and
narks. for thus falsifying the ease ens of Porter no palliative or purifier of the stains CAN
and his hiends,the I) vengeance or OAR c be offered by his deluded advocates
of the President of the United States, through hie —His POLITICAL. t 3 written in the history
profligate agent Amos Kendall; has visited Mr. of an official demagogue, grown fat upon
Kinkead, and be has been punished for his hones- the favors of the people—His INTELLECTUAL,
ty and independence, at least so far as the hands leas never been developeil—Soc
Sec'ry of the
years in the halls of the Legislature, his
deeds are a blank among the Lawgivers of
of our Commonwealth. No act of his life
gives him a claim to MEDIOCRITY.—such
we know him. 9,
From the American Sentinel, a Van Buren paper
Let 'Well Alone.
No. V.
The third article relates to the elections;
and 1 find on comparing it with the present
constitution, that there are three important
alterations in it. From the manner in which
it is printed in the newspapers, the whole
'article being in italics, I at first supposed
that it was all new; but this is a mistake;
and,as I have said,there are three alterations
Ist.—The word white is introduced so as to
prevent blacks from voting. 2d. 'l'lle term of
residence is reduced to one year. 3d. The
tax need not have been assessed more than
ten days before the election. As to black
' (nen voting, I never heard of it in this part
of the county. If there has been any such
thing, all I can say is that I never heard of
its having been attempted. The old consti
tution of 1776, made by the patriots of the
revolution,did not contain this word "white;"
nor does the present constitution. The Su-
preme Court have decided lately,that negroes
have not the right to vote under the present
constitution. IVhat is the use then of this
amendment? If a man can get rid of a diffi
culty by his own good constitution, what is
the use of taking medicine? Thrills my idea;
and if theie was not something in the hack
ground that we don't see, I doubt if there
would be so many alterations proposed. Be
sides, I am afraid the word "white" will on
ly make new difficulties. There aro a great
many of the colored people that are nearly
white, and a great many white people that
are very dark colored. I know some mulat
toes that are lighter than real white people.
Now it will be hard upon a farmer or me
chanic whose skin has become dark by be
ing in the sun rind wind, if he should be
tuned away by some malicious inspector,
and not allowed to vote. Yet it may be so
Waits alteration should be adopted. I think
it would have been wise for the Convention
to have said at once, that Negroes, or per
sons of African descent, should not vote,he-
cause every body knows what Negro means,
and that it is not merely the color of the skin,l
but various other things distinguish their
persons. I don't think much of this altera
tion therefore. Then the next is the term •
of residence. At present no man can vote
unless ho has resided two years in the state.
Is this too mach? I for one do not think it is.
Wby should not a man Who comes here
from New England,or New Jersey,or Cana
da,have the right of voting the moment that
he comes? Because he don't know enough
about our laws and politics, and business.—
Every body agrees that he ought not to vote
immediately for that reason. Our fathers
wl.o made the Constitution in 1790 thought i
that two years was not too long; and it seems .
to me that they were right. Our young men
are not allowed to vote until they have been
21 years resident; and yet the Convention
thinks that two years is too much for strati-'
gets. 1 hope the people of Pennsylvania will
not agree to this. The next alteration is
respecting the assessment of the tax w
is to be paid. Our present Constitution sa
' that the tax must be assessed at least six
months before the, election; that is, ev'
Man must be assessed so long. The object
was, I suppose, to prevent cheating at elec
tions and smuggling in votes. When the
list is made out six months before, there is
only a small chance of that—but if it is made
mit only 10 days before, it is probable that
there will be a good many names slipped in
lti l i i an d thus honest
those ikiVe r rT , fAtatit v t% IP ....---.__
• Southerner ourself, we sec nothing in them t
objectionable to the rights and feelings of.
the Sourthern or Slave holding States, for
Mr. Ritner distinctly says, however much
we in.tho North may deplore Slavery as a
misfortune, "we are bound to respect it as
a Constitutional institution." This is g
'what he says in the following letter, and
hear what he said in his message ref'rred to:
1t 'The People's Advocate a new RR
= paper just established in Philadelphia; says it
supports Governor Ritner's re-election
1. Because in two years and a half of his ad
ministration, our public works, which previously
were a burthen upon the State, have through his
prudence and energy been made to yield a hand
some revenue.
2. Because ho is the friend of tho Common
School System, by moans of which every poor
man can educate hts children without paying for
it. Through his influence, more than a million
of dollars have ,peen appropriated to the estab
lishment and support of free schools.
3. Because, while thus. aiding the poor, by
freely opening to their children the fountains of
knowledge, his measures and policy have been
such, as to effect a reduction of upwards of
three hundred end fifty thousand dollars, in the
sta.@ debt.
4. Because wo have tried him, and aro eatisfi.
od of his honesty, his capacity for the elation he
now holth„ and of his faithfulness to the best in
terests of all the people.
. -CO 40.--
Damonlin, the most celebrated physician
of his time bein 'r surrounded in his last moments
by several of his colleagues, who wero deploring
his less, Gentlemen," said he, leave behind
me three excellent physicians." Anxious to be
informed who the three wore who stood so high
In his estimation,his friends inquired their names.
Ho replied, "water, exercise, and regimen."
Susannah Miller, (Tate Susan Frickle) vs. Simon
Yeatts and M. Starry.
Dr. J. 11. Miller vs. Bank orGetlysburg.
Thomas Stephens vs. David White.
Thaddeos Stevens vs. J. IL Hozhea. Brotberton.
and others.
Wm..3l'Creory re. George Winter.
Commissioners of A. Cyr. Daniel
Joseph Kepner, re. George Icl - es.
Win. 31'Cleltan qrs. Adam 31reia_
The Trugtees of Eli 113 King vs- T. Neely.
Augur 7. in.?. tc-19
Hamiltonhan—Ezra Blythe, Joseph J. Kerr,
Joseph B. Reed, Joseph 31 - Cleary.
Lati ni ore—John Ztegkr. George Sheffer.
Stra ban— David Schriver. Garret Brinkerhoff,
John P. Demaree, Samuel Mickel, J. N. Grafi.
Tyrone—Jonathan Heyman.
Cumberiand—Jacob Herbst-
Emmen go--Daniel
G: rmany—George Darterer.
li a rn Ilion—Wm. Wolf, Robert M. Holchenson.
Illenallen —Win. Morrison, Gee. Menich.
Borough—David M - Crraii, D.aniel Culp, S. H.
Reading—Philip :livers, (of J.)
Born; ick--John 1.. 'Noel_
Berwick—Henry Eir.lkiberger, .11a . j. Henry
Straban—Peter Monfort, Henry Dossier, John
Dickson. jr., Henry Monfort, Dania! Longen
ecker, jr.
Franklin—Joseph Pit-ccr, Geo. Wright.
Germany—John Bots-ers, John Spangler.
Borough—Hugh Densiedie,John Gilbert, J.
F. Macfarlane.
Ct/ mbettand--Bersjmmin Schriver, James
3PCullough, James Heasy.
MenaPen—Peter Dfflop, Adam Gardener.
Conowago--Gecrge Baseboar.
Huntington -Wm. Brandon, Chas. Lafferty,
Christian Picking, Henry Bintiuger.
31ountjoy—David Zuck.
Liberty—David Biker-
Tyrone—Joseph Cline, Wm.. Yeatts, Wm.
Harniltonban— Daniel Mickley, jr., Hiram
Boyd, John Orr.
Lattinore—Jessu Cook-, Bernhaat Gardner,
David Grtest.
August 14, 183 g. tc-19
raarimmits, ZOOK IitERE
ritrirE oubscntier has opened a Shop, on
IL Second street, a fez- doors east from
the Market tionse,inCharribersintrg, where
he will build smrni GARDNER'S
which he will sell in Franklin, Adams and
Bedford counties. These machines are now
in operation in this county, and are, equal if
not superior to any other —and may be had,
by persons wishing to obtain them, in any of
the above-named counties, on the shortest
notice, by applvin7 to the subscriber, who
hopes by strict attention to business to secure
a share of public patronage.
Le.rAri advantage which Ibis Machine
has over others, is that the horse power is
constructed to work under the overshot of a
barn, so that stun does oat haterlere with its
Chambersburg, June 5,153& tf-10
at the last se- , ssio i of the Le
m gislature cf Pecrisylvania, have been
received at this Office, and are ready for
B. GI LBERT, Proth'y.
Prothonotary's Office, Get-
tysbcrg, July VI, 1833 3t-17
v Esq. Presidentof the several Courts
of Common Pleas, in the Counties compos
ing the Nineteenth DistnctA-Justice of the
Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General
Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and
other offenders in the said Di st rict—and
Judges of the Courts of Common Picas, and
Justices of the Courts of Over and Termi
ner, and General Jail Delivery,for the trial
of all capital and otheroffentlers in the Conn
ty of Adams—have isned their precept,
bearing date the 25th day of April, in
the year of our LORD one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-eight,and to me directed,
for holding a Court of Pleas, and
General Quarter io sof the Peace, and
General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer
and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Jlonday
the 27th day of Avgust next—
Notice is I>►etcl~s Given,
To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coro.
ner, and Constables, within the said County
of Adams, that they be then and there, in
their proper persons, with their Rolls, Re
cords, Inquisitions., Examinations, and other
Remembrances, to do those things, which
to their offices and in that behalf appertain
to be done and also they who will prosecute
against the prisoners that are, or then shall
be, in the Jail of the slid County of Adams,
are to be then and there,to prosecute against
them as shall beire;t.
July 24, 113:38. tc-16
Wrightsville, York and Get
tysburg Rail Road Company.
fIY a resolution of the Board of Mans
gers-uf this Company,the Stockholders
are hereby requested to pay into the Trea
sury 85 on each share of Stock, on or be
fore the 15th of the present swath: and also
the same amount en each share, on the I stli
of each succeeding month until the whole is
paid. Stockholders will please attend punc
tually to this request.
llCT'Stockhohlers in Philadelphia can pay
to the Cashier of the U. ".2%.' Bank; and in
Columbia to Roncnr B. Warcurr, Esq. at
the Collector's office.
JOHN B. lII'PHERSON, i reasurer.
May 1, IS3S.
-11. 4 10 R 'fetters Ringworms, Pimples on
AI: the face,and other C.itaneous eruptions,
prepared by VAUGHN-4.N & DAVIS, Phila
delphia. Sold at the Apothecary and Drug
Store of Dr. J. GILBERT.
Gettysburg, April 10, 1839. • 11-2
T HE subscriber will rent that large and
IKILO 113 SIE rt
situated on the corn e r or, *_4•
Cliambersburr. and Ship. . 3 !le
" •
pensburg streets, NI um-
titAsntinG, Adams county. It has been oc
„thr n number of years as a 'PAV
ER N and STORE—HOUSE. The coun
try round is thickly settled mid the stand a
very desirable one.
pr - Possession can be had by the mid.
d:e of August. Terms made known by call
ing; on the subscriber, residing on the prem
July 24, 1838
THE subscriber, Administrator ofJAcon
Fisnun, late of Franklin county, de
ceased, will sell at private sale, and on rea
sonable terms, all the right, title, interest
and estate of the said Jacob Fisher, decid,
at the time of hts death, in a certain
Pim/ration Tract of Lana,
containing eoo acres, on which aro eree
ted'a first rate
GUAST-NuivotA, I 1
Saw glint, situate in Liberty. township,
and formerly the property of Alexander
If the said property, shall not be sold at
private ea Ic on or before the 10th day of Au•
gust next, then the interest of the deceased
in the same, will be dieted at public sale on
Monday the 271 h day of August, at 1 o'clock
p. in. of said day, at the Court House in the
Borough of Gettysburg.
1 ---- Application to be made to JA3tEs
CoorEn. Esq. in the borough ofGettysburg,
who will make known thu terms to those
desirous of purchasing.
Administrator of Jacob Fisher, dee'd.
May 15, 18:38. tf-7
Cheaper than ever!
r r inE subscriber has just returned from
m- the city,and is now opening at his store
on the north-east corner attic Diamond,
of the best quality tx
clug eveLy vavicty oY
which have been purchased on the hest terms
—and which he can sell cheaper than they
have ever been offered. He invites the public
to give him a call, and judge for themselves.
Gettysburg, May 15, 1838. tf-7
FRINGE .1.71" D TaS S 0'; Ia S.
/11111 E Subscriber has now on hand a large
stock of very superior
Cfa(Da vm aidienao
which he will dispose of on the most reason
able terms.
ciT - Orders from a distance will be prompt
ly attended to. Any Pattern made to order.
Gettysburg, Pa.
N. B. All kinds of MILITARY work
done to order.
November 17, 1837. • tf-33
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
who know themselves to be indebted to
the Estate of HENRY HEvILER, lute of
Mountpleasant township, Adams county, Pa.
deceased, either by bond, note or book as
count, to make payment of their respective
dues to the subscribers, Executors of said
dec'd, without delay; and those persons who
have claims against the said Estate are here.
by requested to Present their accounts prop•
erly authenticated to the subscribers for
The first named Executor resides in Mountpleas.
ant and the latter in Conowogo township.
July 3, 1839. 6to-14
'WAKE Notice thatwe havo applied to the
- 11 - Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
of Adams . County, for the benefit ,of the
Insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, and
that said Court has appointed Monday,
the 271/t of August next, for the hear:
ing of us and our creditors, at the Court
house in the Borough of Gettysburg, when
and where you may attend if you think
July 24, 1838. 3t-17
wi ANTED, on the Gettysburg Exten•
sion of the Pennsylvania Rail ROad,
-I=__2,o®o Hands!
. ,
To whom CONSTANT WORK and•the
BEST OF WAGES will be given.
KT - The Gettysburg Rail Road runs
thro the most healthy part of this country.
Apply to
Gettysburg, Pa., May 19,1@39. tf-9
Kettietvell,lVilson l{'
Corner of Commerce and Pratt Streets,
B A L 'P I I‘l 0 It E ,
tIIFFER to the Country trade-for Cash
or prompt payment, the following
bls. S. 11. Ologasscs
20 hhds West India & N. Orleans ditto
200 hags Rio Coabe, (part strong scented)
100 " Laguirti do.
100 " I lavana do.
50 hhds. N. Orleans & Porto Rico Fugal.
10 pipes and half pipes Champagne and
Rochelle Brandy
5 " Gin
50 tierces Honey
200 boxes Raisins
100 quarto do.
150 eighth do. Fresh importation.
50 kegs do.
Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, Teas in chests,
half chests and boxes, 4.c. 4.c.
Baltimore, Nov. 17, 1837. tf-33
HAVE this day entered into Partnership
in the busines of
CAB I.ItE9P %lillG ,
which they will carry on at the Old Stand
of David Ileagy, in Chambersburg Street,
Where they will keep constantly on hand
for sale, at the lowest prices,
Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads,
and all other articles in the lino of their
KIT - They will also make C OFFLA'S
ou the shortest notice—and have a llgnitsn
with which they will attend Funerals when
They hope for a share of public patron.
age, and will endeavor io deserve it.
March 13, 138. tf-50
LL persona indebted to the Estate of
Li JOHN MILLER, late of Germany
township, Adams county, deceased, are de
sired to call with the Subscriber, and make
immediate payment, and those who have
claims against said Estate, are requested to
present them, properly authenticated for
The Administrator resides in Mounijoy
Admitlistycqor de bunis non.
June 26, 1838. 6t-13
ifIE Subscriber, residing in Mounijoy
township, hereby gives notice to all per.
sons indebted to tho Estato of
lato of Gormany township, Adams County, Pa.
doccasod, to call and make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said Estate, will
prosont thorn without delay, p operly authen
ticated, for settlement. .
.dune 26, 1888.
Encampment of Volunteers.
V IJIERE will be an Encampment of Vol
unteers formed at Gettysburg, in Ad
ams County, Pa. commencing on'Thursday
the 13th of September next, and to continue
lei three days. The Encampment will be
formed by the "American Union Baitalion,n
but the different Volunteer Companies with
in the bounds of Adams and the neighboring
Counties, are all invited to attend: as also
tho Commissioned and Stafrofficers of Mili
tia, of the 2d Brigade, sth Division - Pa: Mt-
Tents, fuel, dr.c. will be provided in suffi
cient quantities on the ground.
T. C:• MILLER, Brig. Gen.
S. S. 11IcCRE4RY, Copt-
D. M. SMYSER, Ist Lieut.
Committee of Arrangement.
Gettysburg, July 3, 1638. to-14
JUST received and for sale, at the Store
of the subscriber, in Baltimore street,
of the best and purest quality—together
OILS, P &11.1119L'5.-elte• &c.
May 29, 1838.
Office of the Star & Banner :
:Aumbersburg Street, a few , doors West of
the Court-House.
.fished at TWO DOLLARS per annum (or Vol
ume of 62 numbers,) payable half-yearly in ad-.
if not paid until after Ha expiration of the year,
If. No subscription tvi/1 be received f,r a shorter: ,
period than six months; nor will the paper he dis.,
continued until ull arrearuges are paid, unless ut
the option of the, Editor. A failure to notify a dis.
continuance considered a UM engagement,
and the paper forwarded accordingly.
111. AuvtwrifiEnl:NTB not exceeding a square.
will be inserted 'runt:lt times fur 51 , and 25 cents
fur each subsequent Insertion-,-the number of in
sertions to be marked , or they will ho published tilt
forbid and charged accordingly; longer ones in
the same proportion. A reasonablededuction
be made to those who advertise by the year.
IV. All Letters and Communications addressea
to the Editor by mail must bo post-paid, or they
will not be attended to