The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, May 15, 1838, Image 3

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The Fashionable Hats, Caps
and Bonnets.
Win.W. Paxton,
HAS now on hand a very large assort
ment of
. at his.old stand in Chambersbure- Street,
two doors, from the Court House.
Men's Castor HATS,
" Rorain do.
" Spanish body do.
Silk do.
18 Plain Russia do.
Youth's Fur dr.
Old Men's Broad Brims do.
gi • Low Crown do.
Also Second hand FIATS.
gi SILK do.
*EIJIt C Sof different kinds:
,Lla S IL GIP S for MEN
and BOYS.
All of which he will sell at Low Prices
wholesale and retail—for Cash and Country
Produce—such as.W heat, Corn, Rye, Buck
wheat, Oats, Wood, Wool, &c: &c.
'Call and judge for yourselves.
November 17, 1837.
z) Two short years have scarcely elapsed
since I ()paired my present office at 169 RACE
STREET;for the sale of the Vegetable Universal
Medicine,, known by the name. of BRAND.
RETIPS PILLS. Conscious of its superiority
over every othirjeedicine then in use. I praised
it in the most unqualified termsond thereby pro.
ailed on a majority of my fellow citizens to test
I is powers. • Subsequent events; have shown that
1 did not exaggerate its virtues. You generously
depended on my recommenclutiona, and judging
for yourselves, gave the medicine a trial, arid
found it deserved all my encomiums. It is al
source of much gratification to me to reflect that
in no one instance whore the pills have been par.
chased at my Race street office, have they fulled
in producing the most beneficial effects; but, un
the contrary,thoy have cured many and relieved
all 'rho pleasure arising from the above happy
state of things in this city, is much alloyed by
the knowledge that this health restoring remedy
is counterfeited in every part of the Unien. From
the New England States to New Orleans, and
from St. Louis to the Atlantic, do counterfeiters
abound; and to such an extent have some admire
persons pushed their contemptible calling, that
ono attic fraternity hire an office publicly in Now
York,dovotod exclusively to the sale of the coun
terfeit article, arid another one is about being
opened in Baltimore fur the came vile purpose.
Our own good city is, as yet, comparatively free
from these heareess impostuies. Dow long it
may remain so, depends, my fellow citizens, on
you, If you still continue,us heretofore,steadily
refusing to encourage any and every kind of
posture, no matter by what barefaced effrontery
it may be attempted you will serve the cause id*
morality,as well as minister to your own weltiire,
by obtaining the medicine in its original purity
Boston, New York, Cincinnutl, Louisville, New
Orleans, Baltimore, &e. ell teem with counterfeit
Brandreth Pills. Philadelphia alone is uncoil
tuminated, mid the old established RACE
STREET office still stands es a Beacon Ugh: to
guide the valentudinat ion to the port of safety.--
Awake, citizens , . and drive the prowling caitiffs
from your door a, Tell them,Philadelphians never
have, and never will, encourage impostures, and
thut,in this city,there is no abiding place for them.
By these means, their nefarious and murderous
designs, directed against your health, will be de
feated, and the character of our city, for honesty
and good faith ho preserved.
CAUTION —Great care should be taken to
purchase of regular appointed agents, who will,
in all cases, have a certificate signed by the Gen.
oral Agent. Mr. William Wight.
The follow tog aro seine of the regular appoint
ed rgents; and ere provided with certificates duly
endorsed by the above Mr. William Wright, (the'
General Agent.)
Dr. JESSE GILBERT, Gettysburg, Adams co.
Who has just received a freak supply of the
Dr. Benjamin Ziegler, York, York co.
Mr. Henry Sidle, Dillsburg, York county.
'Mr. Wm. Gilmore, Chumbersburg, Franklin co.
Mr. John Slffaner, Lancaster, Lancaster county.
Remember Dr. Brandrethis General Office for
the sale of the medicine, wholesale and retail, is
at 169 Race street, and 43 Chesnut street, Phila
April 3,1838.
Dr. Peters' Vegetable Pills.
rrtlHE immense and increasing popularity of
these pills is another proof of the infallibili.
ty of the old adage that "truth is powerful and
will prevail." Other pills are only putibd,but Dr.
Peters' are purchased and praised, & recommend
ed until the demand for them has become almost
Dr. Peters would impress this fact upon the
public, that his pills are not u quack medicine,liut
a scientific compound of simples which has been
the result of many years intense application to a
profession in which ho was regularly bred, and
hence it is as popular with the regular faculty as
with the people at large.
Ono of the many peculiar virtues fifth() Vegeta
ble Pills is, that while very powerful in its effects,
it is particularly mild and gentle in its action.—
Unlike the generality of modielnes,ils application
is never attended with nausea or griping.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Dr. J. GILBERT, Agent.
Gettysbur s ,Jan. 5, 1838. 9m-40
07:'To Parents•
safe, effectual and speedy remedy for
the diseases of young clrildren,such as colic,
convulstons,restlessness, griping, disordered
bowels, green stools, sour vomiting, flatn
leilebite. This article is not a new inyen
duo, but ono whose merits have been tested
by time, and found fully adequate to the plc
Poses for which they are recommended.
'Price 25 cents a bottle, and for t ale at
- the Drug Store of
Feb. 6. IQ3Q.
Tli E
WE, Tke People of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, ordalp and establish this CunstitutiJn fur
its Government.
Section I. The legislative power of this Common
wealth shall be vested in' a General Asr a mbis
which shall consist of a Senate and lions° of Itepre
ta ti yea.
Section iI. The representatives shall be chose
annually by the citizens of the city of Phil-I,l,lphi
and of each county respectively on the second Tues
day of October.
Section 111. No person shall be a repre , entotiv
who shall not have attained the age of tivorCy-,,n
years, and have been a citizen and inhabitant th,
State three years next preceding his eleeti,m, and U,,
last year thereof an inhabitant of the district 111 fllj ,
for which he shall be clipper: a rrpres,:teit,, nnlk ,
he shall have been absent on the public busine.: of
the United States or of this State.
Section IV. Within three years after the fii
meeting of the General Assembly, nod within eve,,
subsequent term of seven years, an
the taxable inhabitants shall be made in such 111.111
ner as Shall be directed by law. The number of
representatives shall, at Via several period, of toll,-
ing such enumeration, be fixed by the I".gi:litore
and apportioned among the city of Philadelphia am!
the several counties, according to the number of
taxable inhabitants in each: and shall never Le le,
than sixty nor greater than one hundred. 1.:m.1,
county shall have at least one representative, but no
county hereafter erected shall be entitle,' t o a sew ,.
rate representation until a sufficient of t.,x
able inhabitants shall be contained within it,
entitle them to one representative agreeably t‘, the
ratio which shall then be established.
Section; The senators shall be chosen for thee,
years by the citizens of Philadelphia and of II;
several counties at the same time, in the same 111:i
-ner, and at the same places where they shall vett
for representatives.
Section VI. - -The inniiber of Senators shall, at tip
several periods of makiog the enumeration loti.s.
mentioned, be fixed by the Legislature a n d app
tioned among the districts formed as herei,,
directed, according to the number of taxable
tants in each ; and Shall never be less tit mo••
fourth, nor greater than one-third, of the nuoC , et ~t
Section VII. The senators shall be chosen in .1i
tricts, to be formed by the ; nor nu d
trict shall he so formed as to entitle it to elec.! ;a,
than trio senators, unless the number if taxable in
habitants in any city or r,,sni y shall, at any IJcr
be such as to entitle it to elect mire than two, Punt nc
city or county shall be entitled to elect Mare than
'Mir senators; when a di•dliet shall be comprise('
of two or more counties, they shall Inc adjoining
neither the city of Philadelphia nor any county Oat
be divided in forming a district.
Section VIII. No peison shall be a senator, wilt
shall not have attained the age of twenty-live years.
anti have been a citizen and inhabitant of the Stair
four years next before his election, and the last year
thereof an inhabitant of the district for which bt
shall be chosen, unless he shall have been absent e•
the public s of the United States or of the
State ; and no I.l^rSon eleeted as aforesaid, shall hob,
said office after lie shall hare removed from, such dis
Section IX. The senators who may be elected a
the first general election after the adoption if th
amendments to the constitution, shall be divided h ! ,
lot into three classes. The seats of the senators of
the first class shall be vacated at the expiration a'
the first year; of the second class at the expiratia,.
of the second year ; and of the third class at the
pirrition of the third year ; so that thereafter on,
third of the whole number of senators may be chose,.
every year. The senators elected before the amend_
meats to the constitution shall he adopted, shall hob.
their offices during the terms for which they shot!
respectively have been elected.
Section X. The General Assembly shall meet M.
the first Tuesday of January, in every year, utile,
sooner convened by the Governor.
Section XI. Each house shall choose its Speaker
and other officers; and the Senate shall also chores,
a Speaker pro tempore, when the Speaker shall ex
ercise the office "of Governor.
Section XII. Each house shall judge of the quali
fications of its members. Contested elections shat!
be determined by a committee to be selected, forme.!
and regulated in such manner as shall be directed by
law. A majority of each house shall constitute a
quorum to du business; but a smaller number may
adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by
law to compel the attendance of absent members, in
such manner, and under such penalties as may be
Section XIII. Each house may determine the
rules of its proceedings, punish its members fu;
disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrence of
two-thirds, expel a member, but not a second timi
for the same cause; and shall have all other powers
necessary for a branch of the legislature of a free
Section XIV. The legislature shall not have power
to enact laws annulling the contract ,!f marr ia4e in
any case where, by law, the courts qf this CO/11711011-
wealth arc or may hereqfter be empowered to decree
a divorce.
Section XV. Each house shall keep a journal of
its proceedings, and publish them weekly, except
such parts as may require secrecy: and the yeas
and nays of the members on any question shall, at
the desire of any two of them, be entered on the
Section XVI. The doors of each house and of
committees of the whole shall be open, unless,
when the business shall be such as ought to be kept
Section XVII. Neither house shall, without the
consent of the other, adjourn for more than three
days, nor to any other place than that in which the
two houses shall be sitting.
Section XVIII. The Senators and representatives
shall receive a compensation for their services to be
ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of
the Commonwealth. They shall in all cases, ex
cept treason, felony and breach or surety of the
peace, be privileged from arrest during their at
tendance at the session of their lespective houses,
and in going to sq:td returning from the same. And
for any speech or debate in either house, they shall
not he questioned in any other place.
Section XIX. No Senator or representative shall,
during the time for which he shall have been elect
ed, be appointed to any civil office under this Com
monwealth which shall have been created, or the
emoluments of which shall have been increased
during such time : and no member of Congress or
other person holding any office (except of attorney
at law and in the militia) under the United States
or this Commonwealth, shall be a member of either
house during his continuance in Congress or in
office. . .
Section XX. When vacancies happen in either
house, the Speaker shall issue writs of election to
fill such vacancies.
Section XXI. All bills for raising revenue shall
originate in the house of representatives, but the
Senate may propose amendments as'in other bills.
Section XXII. No money shall be drawn from
the treasury but in consequence of appropriations
made by law. i
Section XXIII. Every bill which shall. have
passed both homes shall be presented to the Go
vernor. If he approve he shall sign it, but if lie
shall not approve he shall return it with his objec
tions to the house in which it shall have originated,
who shall enter the objections at large upon their
journals and proceed to re-consider it. If, after
such re-consideration, two-thirds of that house shall
agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent with the ob
jections to the other house, by which likewise it
shall be re-considered, and if approved by two
thirds of that house, it shall'be a law. But in such
cases the votes of both houses shall be determined
by yeas and nays, and the 'mines of persons voting
for or against the bill shall be entered on the jour
nals of each house respectively. If any bill shall
not be returned by the Governor within ten days
(Sundays excepted) after it shall have been pre
sented to him, it shall be a law in like manlier as if
he had signed it, unless the General Assembly, by
their adjournment, prevent its return, in-which case
it shall be a law, unless sent back within three
days slier their next meeting.
Section XXIV. Every order, resolution or vote
to which the concurrence of both houses may be
necessary (except on a question of adjournment
shall be presented to the Governor, and before i
shall take 4:fleet, be approved by him, or being dig
approved, shall be repassed by two-thirds of butt
houses accoeding to the rules and limitations pre
scribed in case of a bill.
Section X XV. No corporate body shall be hereafter
created, renewed or extended, with banking or (its
roue!! lee g j ricilevos, irithind ris men!ka pro: I.,:ts
puqic notive of the intended application for tne
4,17107 in such manner as shall bt prrseri'wd by lay.
Nor shall any char! •r
. for the purposes aforesaid, be
granted for a longer period than twenty !rani', and
every such (barter shall contain a clause reserving
la the leg jslatarc the poir... to alfrr, revoke or annul
the same whenever in their opinion it may he inju
rious to the citizens of the cammonwrallh, in such
manner however that 719 injustice shall he done to the
corporators. No law hereof ler enacted, shall errata,
renew or extend the charter of more than one corpo
Section 1. The Supreme Executive power of this
Commonwealth shall be vestv4 in a Governor.
Section 11. The Governor shall he eho.en on the
second 'ruesd.ty of October, by the citizens of tin
Commonwealth, at the places where they sh.tll re
speclively Vote for representatives. The return
of every election fur Goveinor shall be sealed u;
and transmitted to the seat of government, tirectei
to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open am
publish them in the presence of the members 0
both houses of the legislature. The pers;oi havio.
the highest nuniber of votes shall he Governot
But if two or more shill he equal and highest it
votes, one of them shall lie chosen Governor by lii
joint vote of the meml , ers of both C o o
tested elections 1.11,11 be deteitnined by .t Committee
t o b e se l ec t e d from both houses of the legislatior
and formed and regulated in such roomier as still
be directed by law.
Section 111. The Governor shall hold his odic,
during three years from the thitii Tuesday of Janu
ary nex t en.ohig hie election, and shall not to
capable of holding it longer 11140 sir in anY term
of nine years.
Section IV. He shall be at least thirty rear: of
age, and have been a citizen and antint id
this State seven years next before his election ;
unless he shall have been aliment on the public
business of the U tiled Stites or of !hi., scot..
Section I'. No itiemher of (' ,ii ie, nr per , on
holding any office under the 1 7 iiite:I State:: or tiu•
State shall exerri , e the office of G..vernor.
Section VI. The I:oventor shall at , tited tiro. •
receive for hid service , : a c. , tripettisaii.ol,
he neither itirre..; , :erl nor .U 414 6 ,41,1 during tin
period for whirl, he .Hall hive liven elected.
Section VII. He .1101 he eonn.11.111,1(.1.-1,ii-ehief
the :limy and tat y of the , eounit.mwe illh 'in.] of
the militia, except when they calk.' lii
the actual cervice of the
Section VIII. He Ali/ llppktilil 41 SN'lll•lry it Ih.
Common ,sea f'/, ilueioz pl. , ,Huer, and lie diIY
nate and bo and rrif tio , adviee and CWISo ;I .
Sena ilppelint all poll, Oil olrwers nl eaueli ul
record, unless whenrise prarided . in• in In:
/talon. Ile swill have pop,- to fill all rnean,•l.,
Thal mai/ Ivlppea in .such
reeess of the S.aile, hq zra al , n 1; cononi.,,ion,
Shan e.lpi,"P of the I,ld of their rtes! h : r i .,
vi , lv,l, Mai in lirtiqglid I,os 11, -.
Senate Shall sit upc:: and in ro.,Orh.loL:
or J./jet7 At;; the noinii,gt ions the Gorernor, lir.
rot^ drill Of , token "id 'Joys.
Svclimi IX. lie hay,. 1...xv0i In ri•mit flol
111.11 31:./ -t 111.! i;.!
except in v.c.c.: of loirelch , flect.
Sielim, V Ile may ii,lniit i”folmltion in Writing,
110111 (110 1• 4 in till` 1•)0.(11!11:r , 1.11.111111e11t
ct to the duties of their respec
Section XI. Ile shall, from time to time, vire to
the General Assembly u.l ,, matirm of the .tote of
the Cernmonwerilth, and ter, nittiviul to their con
:surh me:Acmes as he sh ill jtrhze expellent.
Section XII. lie may, on 1.7i1r.11,01111.11y OCC
con% env the Genital ; and iti case of
dkagi ecm , I.T. between the two h m‘er. !tit respect
to the time of .dj mrunient, than to 91101
time as he :•11:1.11 thick plOlll-1, 110 l rrr%errerling firm
Section XIII. lle shall take care that the lairs
Le faithfully executed.
Section Xll in fave of the death or resignati ,, e
of lh Cove!nor, or of his removal fn•rn otrtur, ti„
Speaker of the Senate shall elerciiP the 'Pier ol
Governor, 'Wit another Governor shill Or did,
qualified ; lad in such ra,e another Go: - .7nor
be chosen at the next annual el•-•!1, , ,, nl rrpsri, n'o
tic,,s, &tacss ouch dea'h, or rP,,nol .11
shall occur within three ealecullr noorq.
(stay preceding .s.uch next annual election, in uh,cl
case a Gorcruor ®boll be chosen al the s e .,n,/ srr
eroding annual election of representatices.
if the trial of a contested election shall contlion,
longer than until the third Monday of January
next en , iuing the election of Got ernor, the Govt.rn.,
of the last year or the Speaker of the Netiau. soh,
in,, he in the exeiciNe of the executive au tleftity
shall continue therein until the 11l Ll'Unillatioll Of
ouch contested election, Ulid until a Governor
be duly qualified aN aforesaid.
Section XV. I'he Secceiary of the Commonwealli
shall keep a fir tegkler of all !Ito What! actl •
proceedings of the Governor, and when re
gaited, lay the some and all nape's, minutes an
vouchers relative (hereto, berme either hranch of
the legislature, and .11,11 I , CIIII/1 ouch Mbar
as shall be enjoined him by law.
Section I. In elections hy the citi:ras erery whit
freeman of the age if twenty-one year s, haring. fur
sided in this state one year, and in the election dis
trict where he "fors to rote, len day.; imrnedia'el,
preceding such election, and within two years
a Stale or County tar, which sh ill hare bren
sessed at least ten days I,fore the eh, nin,nh ill ca),, :
the rights of an ele,dor. But a citi r.en,!l' the Vail,'
States who had prerionsly been a ounlifird rat ^r qt
this State, and removed therefrom and ref ornrd,nyr
who shall hare resided in the election di'trirt, full
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be eat lied to ride, oft •
residing in the stale six months. l'r.)v that whi.
freemen, citizens of the Called States, helif,Pll th ,
ages of twenty-one and twenty-two pear:, and hns
ing resided in the Stale one gear, and in the el ,- it ,
district len days us aforesaid, shall be entitled 1.
vote, although they shall not hare paid taxes.
Section 11. All elections shall be by ballot, eN
cept those by persons ill their reprelientartve cap,
who shun vote viva yore.
Section 111. lileetors shall in all rases,
treason, felony. and bee,eli ur so,ely of the rr o•••
be privilegi , d from arrest, ilnring their attendance
on elections, and in going to and returning from
Section T. The House of Repreaentatives shall
have the sole power of impeaching.
Section 11. All impeacluncnts shall be tried by
the Senate; when sitting for that purpose, the
Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation. No per
son shall be convicted without the concurrence of
two-thirds of the members present.
Section 111. The Governor, and all other civil
officers under this Commonwealth, shall be liable to
impeachment for any misdemeanour in office; but
judgment, in such cases, shall not extend furthe
than to removal from office, and di Sqll:llUleation to
hold any office of honour, trust or profit, under this
Commonwealth: The party, whether convicted or
acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indictment,
trial, judgment, and punishment according to law.
Section 1. The judicial power of this Common
wealth shall be vested in a Suprotne Court, io
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De
livery, in a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court,
Register's Court, and a Court of Quarter Session! ,
of the Peace, for each county; in Justices of the
Peace, and in such other Courts as the legislator,
may from time to time establish.
Section 11. The judges of the Supreme Court, of
the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of sitcl.
other Courts of Record as are or shall be establishet
by law shall be nominated by the Gorernor, and to,
and with the consent of the Senate appointed and
commissioned by him. The judges of the Strpretn
Court shall hold their offices for the term of Afire),
years if they shall so long behave themselves well.
The president judges of the SiTerai Courts of Ccatmol,
fleas and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law , and all other judges re
quired to be learned in the law, shall hold their quire.
for the term of ten years if they shall so long lehat,
themselves well. The Associate judges of the Courts
of Common l'lras shall hold their qffires for the term
of fire years if they shall so long behave themselves
well. But for any reasonable cause which shall not
be sufficient ground of impeachment, the Governm
may remove any of them on the address of two-thirds
of each branch of the legislature. The judb,s of the
Supreme Court and the presidents of the several
Courts of Common Pleas shall at slated Ames receive
for their services an adequate compensation to he
fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during
their continuance in office, but they shall receive no
fees or perquisites of qffice,nor hold any other qffice
of profit under this Commonwealth.
Section 111. Until otherwise directed by law, the
Courts of Common Pleas shall continue as at present
established. Not more than fire counties shall at any
time be included in one judicial district organized
for said Courts.
Section 111. The jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court shall extend over the State ; and, the judges
thereof, shall by virtue of their .ollices, he justice
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Ihdivrry, in
the geveral counties,
Section V. The judges of the Court of Conriinon
Pleas, it each county, shall by virtue of their
offices, he justices of Oyer and Terminer and Gene-
ral Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and' ; other
offenders therein ; any two of the said judges; the
president being one; shall be a quorum : but they
shall not hold a court of oycr and terminer, or jail
delivery, ;n any county, when the judges of the
Supreme Court, or any of them, shall be sitting
the same county. The party accused, as well as
the Commonwealth, may, under such regulations as
shall be prescribed by law, remove the indictment
and proceedings, or a transcript thereof, into the
Supreme Court.
Section VI. The Supreme Court, and the several
courts of common pleas, shall, beside the powers
heretofore usually exc.:rised by them, have the
power of a court of Chancery, so far as relates to
the perpetuating of testimony, the obtaining of
evidence from places not within the State, and the
cate of the persons and estates of those who are
non compotes mentis. And the legislature shall
se- the said courts such other powers to grant
relief iu equity, as shall be found necessary: and
may, nom time to lime, enlarge or diminish those
;towels or vest them in such other courts as they shall
judge proper, for the due administratien of justice.
Section VII. The judges of the court of common
pleas of each county, any two of whom shall be a
quorum, shall compose the court of Quarter Ses
skins o: the peace, and orphans' court thereof; and
the register of wills, together with the said judges,
or any two of them, shall compose the register's
court of each county.
Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common
pleas shall, within their respective counties, have
the like powers with the judges of the Supreme
Court, to issue writs of certiorari to the justices of
the peace, and to cause their proceedings to be
brought before them, and the like right and justice
to he &me.
Section IX. The president of, the court in each
circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the
couri of common pleas within their respective
counties, shall be justices of the peace, so far at
relates to ci imina I nutters.
Section X. A register's office, for the probate of
wills and ;;ranting letters )f administration, and an
°dice fur the recording of deeds, shall be kept in
cacti county.
Section XI. The style of all process shall be
" The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose
cutions shall he carried on in the name and by the
authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and conclude " against the peace and dignity of the
Section 1. Sheriffs and coroners shall, at the
times and places of election of representatives, be
chosen by : the citizens of each county. One person
shall be chosen /,r each office, who shall he commis
sioned by time Governor. They shall hold their
offices for three years, if they shall so long behave
themselves well, and until a successor be duly
qualified ; but no person shall be twice chosen or
appointed sheriff, in any term of six years. Vacan
cies in either of the said shall he idle I by
an appointment, to he made by the Governor, m
continue 1,1(11 the next general electr u m,, and until
a , ticee.s.,r shall be ch.,sen and quAliiied as afore-
Section 11. The (women Of this c , iirfmanwealth
shall lie arrreinisref and discipline l rir it s
de truer, when am! in s Ile h ur., nMr as rurty
hr dirrrlyd
by /1/le. .1 . 11,111 w h o rain , i , •n Wni'iv S(11)ple to bear
an,lS, shall 11/1 Le 1 . 111111 , 011 . 11 (// 110 SO, 1111 t shrill pay
an equivalent far persanal sei I ice.
Section 111. l'eothonotariCN (If the Supreme
Court shall be appointed by the soh( Court far
the term of three years if they so long behave
,heinselves well. Prothonotaries and clerks of the
several other courts, Recorders of deeds, and It,-
gliders of wills, shall at the times and placer of
election af representatives, be elected by the quali
fied electors of each county, Or the districts over
which the jartsdiction af said courts extends, and
shall be commissioned by the G ov ernor. The . q
shall hold their &ices for three years if they shall
so lung behave thernsehTs well, and until their
saccess - ors shall he duly quiiPfied. The legisla
ture shall provide by law, the number of persons
in each county who shall hold said offices, and
how many and which of said &ices shall be held
by one person. Vitra/ides in any of the acid af
jices shall be filled by appointments to be made
by the Governor, to continue until the next gene
ral election, and until successors shall be elected
and qualified as aforesaid.
Section IV. Prothonotaries, clerks of the peace
and orphans' courts, recorders of deeds, registers of
wills, and sherill, shall keep their offices in the
county town of the county in which they, respec
tively, shall be officers, unless when the Governor
shall, for special reasons, dispense therewith, far
any term not exceeding live years after the county
shall have been erected.
Section V. All commissions shall be in the name
and by the authority of the Commonwei:lth of Penn
sylvania, and be s'ealed with the State seal, and sig,ii
ed by the Governor.
Section VI. A State Treasurer shall be elected
annually, by joint vote of both branches of the legis
Section VII. Justices of the peace or aldermen
shall be elected in the several wards, boroughs,
and townships at the lime of the election if con
stables by the qualified •: , ,ters thereof, in such
number as shall be directed by law, and shall he
cmantissioned by the Governor for a term of five
years ; but no township, word or borough shall
elect more than two justices if the pence or alder
men without the consent if a majority if the qua
lified electors within such township, ward or bo
Section VIII. Ali officers whose election or ap
pointment is not prorided for in this ronslittition,
shall he elected or appointed as shall he directed
by law. Nu person shall he appointed to any tf
lice within arty county who shall not hare hien a
citizen and an inhabitant therein one year next
before his appointment, if the could!, shall hors
been so long erected ; but shoal not have hten
so long erected, then wt//in the limit,. i t! the
county or counties ~at of which it have hero
taken. No•meolher of Congress front this stole,
or any person holding or exercising ap,g (Wire or
of trust or priilit ewire the United
States, shall at the Mille time itch/ or exercise (my
office in this state, to which a salary is, or
, fees ur
perquisites are by law, annexed; and the legisla
ture may by law declare what State r ! !fices are
compatible. No member the Senate or
house of representatives shall be appointed hy the
GOVe,rll,lr to any office daring the term for which
he shall have been elected.
Section IX. All ulcers fiw a term of years
shall hold their qfices for the terms respectir(&
specified, only on the condition that they SO long
behave themselves Teen ; and shall be removed on
conviction of misbehaviour in office or of any in
famous crime.
Section X. Any person who shall, after the
adoption V the antendment.q proposed by this
Convention to the Constitution, fight a duel or
send a challenge for that purpose, or be (rider or
abettor in fighting a duel, shall be deprived of the
right of holding any r!/lice of honour or profit in
this State, and shall be punished otherwise in s uch
manner as is, or may be prescribed by law ; but
the executive may remit the said deuce and all
ifs disqualijications.
Section f. The legislature shall, as soon as con
veniently may be, provide by law, for the establish
ment of schools throughout the State, in such
manner that the poor may be taught gratis.
Section 11, The arts and sciences shall be pro
moted in one or more seminaries of learning.
Section 111. The rights, privileges, immunities
and estates of religious societies and corporate bo
dies, shall remain as if the constitution of this State
had not been altered or amended.
Section IV. The legishdure shall not invest any
corporate body or individual with the privilege
of taking private properly for public use, without
requiring such corporation or individual to wake
compensation to The owners of said property, or
give adequate security therefor, before such pro
perty shall be taken.
Members of the General Assembly, and all offi
cers, executive and judicial, shall be bound by oath
or affirmation, to support the constitution of this
Commonwealth, and to perform the duties of their
respective offices with fidelity.
That the general, great and essential principles of
liberty and free government may be recognised and
unalterably established, \V E DECL Alt E, Tu AT
Section I. All men are born s quilly free and in
dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
Fights, among which are those of enj )ying and de :
iendiog, life and liberty, cf segni ink, isossessing
and protecting property and reputation, and of pur
suing their own happiness.
Section 11. All power is inherent in the people,
and all free governments are founded on their au
thority, and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness ;, For the advancement of these ends, they
have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible
right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in
such manner as they may think proper.
Section 111. All me❑ have a natural and indefea
sible right to worship Almighty God, according to
the dictates of their own consciences; no man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry
against his consent ; no human authority can, in any
case whatever, control or interfere with the rights
of conscience ; and no preference shall ever be
given, by law, to any religious establishments or
modes of worship.
Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be
ing of a God and a future state of rewards and pu
nishments, shall on account of his religious senti
ments be disqualified to hold any office or place of
trust or profit under this Commonwealth.
Section V. Elections shall Ire free and equal.
Section VI. Trial by pity shall be as heretofore,
and the right thereof remain invirdate.
Section VII. The printing presses shall be free to
every person who undertakes to examine the pro
ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of go
vernment: And no law shall ever be made to re
strain the right thereof. The fiee communicatioc
of thoughts and opinions is uric of the invalttabb
rights of man; and every citizen may freely speak.
write and print on any subject, being responsible
fur the abuse of that liberty. In pnmecutions f. o
the publication of papers investigating the ofileiA
eOnduct.of officers, or men in a public capacity, or
where the matter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof 111,1 y he given in evi
dence'[, And in all indictments for libels the jury
shall liave a right to determine the law and the facts.
under the . direction of the court, as in other cases.
Section VIII. The people shall be secure in their
nelsons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea•
sonable searches and seizures: And no swirl ant to
search any place, or to seize any person or things,
shall issue, without describing them as nearly as
maY tie, nor without probable Cause supported by
with or affirmation.
Section IN. In all eriininal prosecutions, the ac
cused bath n right to be heard by himself and Irk
counsel, to demand the nature'imd cause of the :te
ens ohm against him, to meet 'he wituesses face to
face, to have compulsory pro . s for obtaining wit
nesses in his favour, and, in 14‘eautions by indict
ment or information, a speedfthiblie trial, by an
impartial jury of the vicinage; 11cl:cannot be com
pelled to give evidence against hiirmit, nor can he
be deprived of his life, liberty, or pr cperty, Unless
by the judgment of his peers or th 'rim .of the
Section X. No person shall, for any
offence, be proceeded against criminally by infurirt
tion, except in cases :irking in the land or 4'4Val
forces, or in the militia when in actual seivideln
time of war or public danger, or by leave orthe.
court, fur oppression and inkilemeanour in office.
iwpmn shall, for the same offence, be twice put in
jeopaidy of life or limb; nor shall any r 113105 pro
petty be taken or applied to public use. without the
cmisent of Ilk representatives, :in,: tt ithout just
c , nipeosation living made.
Section XI. All com Is shall be opeo, and every
min fur ;In injury dime him in his land+, goods, pm
ril or reputation, shall have remedy by the due
course of law, and right and justice adminktered.
e.ithout sale, denial or delay. Suits may lie brought
agaiost the Commonwealth in such manner, in such
cmirts, such cases as the legislature may by
law direct.
Section XII. No power of suspending laws shall
be exercised, unless by the kgislature, or its au
Section XIII. Excessive bail shall not be re-.
(mired, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel mi
ni-fitments in It icted.
Section XIV. All prisoners shall be bailable 19
sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences, whet.
the proof is evident or presumption grest ; and the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
suspended, unless when, in cases of iebellion or in
vasion, the public safety may require it.
Sect ion XV. No Collllllk , lini oft /yet and Terminer
or jail delivery shall he issued.
Section XVI. The person of a debtor, where
there is not strong presumption of fraud, shallot
be continued in prison, after delivering up his estate
for the benefit of his creditors, in such manner as
shall be prescribed by law.
Section X VII. No ex post facto law, nor any law
impairing contracts shall be made.
Section XVIII. No person shall be attainted of
treason or felony by the legislature. •
Section XIX. No attainder shall work . corruption
of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender,
for feiture of estate to the commonwealth the es
tates of such persons as shall destroy their own
lives, shall descend or vest as in case of natural
death ; and if any person shall ho killed by
casually, there shall be no forfeiture by reason
(het cof.
Section XX. The citizens have a right, in a peAce
able manae to assemble together, for their common
good, and to apply to those invested with the powers
of government for redress of grievances, or other
proper purposes, by petition, address or remon
Section XXI. The right of citizens to bear arms,
in defence of themselves and the State, shall not be
Section XXII. No stana . ing army shall, in time
of peace, be kept up without the consent of the Le
gislature ; and the military shall, in nll cases, and
at all times, be in strict subordination to the civil
Section XXIII. No soldier shall, in time of peace,
be quartered in any house without the consent of the
owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be
prescribed by law.
Section XXIV. The legislature shall not grant
any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, nor
create any office the appointment to which 'Shall be
for a longer term than during good behavitiur.
- Section XXV.. Emigration from the State shall
not be prohibited. '-
Section XXVI: To guard against transgressions
of the high pofvers which we have delegated, WE
DECLARE that every thing in this article is ex
cepted out o?the_general powers of government, and
shall for ever remain inviolate.
Any amendment or amendments to this constitu
tion may be proposed in the Senate Or house of Re
presentatives, and if the same shall he agreed to by
a majority of the members elected to each House, such
proposed amendment. or hmendirients shall be entered
on their journals, with the. yeas and nays taken
thereon,and the. Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
rause the same lobe published three months before the
next election, in at least one newspaper in every
county in which a newspaper shall be published ; and
if in the legislature nest afterwards chosen such pro
posed amendment or amends:tents shall be agreed to
by a majority of the members elected to each house,
the Secretary of the Cernmonwealth shall cause the
same again to be published -in manner aforesaid, and
such proposes! amendment or amendments shall be
submitted to the people in such manner and at such
time, at least three months, after being so agreed to
by the two houses as the legislature shall prescribe;
and if the people shall approve and ratify such
amendment or amendments by et majority of the qua
lified voters of this State voting thereon, such amend
ment or amendments shall become a part of the con
stitution; but no amendment or amendments shall
be submitted to the people oftener than once in five
years ; Provided, that if* more than one amendment
be submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner
and form, that the people may vote for or against
each amendment separately and distinctly.
That no inconvenience may arise from the altera
tions and amendments in the Constitution of this
Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain
ed, That,
Section I. All laws of this Commonwealth in force
at the time when the said alterations and amend
ments in the said Constitution shall take effect, and
not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions,
prosecutions, claims, and contracts as well of indi
viduals as of bodies corporate, shall continue as if
the said alterations and amendments had not been
Section 11. The alterations and amendments in the
said Constitution shall take Mfect from the first day
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
Section 111. The clauses, sections, and articles of
the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall
continue to be construed and have effect as if the
said Constitution had not been amended.
Section IV. The General Assembly which shall
convene in December, eighteen hundred and thirty
eight, shall continue its seSsion, as heretofore, not
withstanding the provision in the eleventh section
of the first article, and shall at all times be regarded
as the first General Assembly under the amended
Section V. The Governor who shall be elected in
October, eighteen lonnlicd and thirty-eight, shill be
inaugurated on the
.third Tuesday in January
er4hterm bombed road unity-tune, lu ia
the present executive term is hereby extended
Section VI. The commissions of the judges of the
soprerne Court, wh , may be in office on the first day
of January next, shall expire in the following man
ner: The commission which bears the earliest date
.hill expire on the first day of January, Anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and flirty-two; the
emuoi , sioll next dated shall expire on the first day
of Jannarv, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-live; the commission next dated shall
expire on the first day of January, Ann o Domini
one th msand eight hundred and forty-eight; the
commission next dated sh !II expire on the first day
of .I.tittruiy., Alum Dernini one till/115111d eight him
dred. and fifty-one; and the commission List dated
shill expire on the first day of Januarv, A ono Do
mini one thous.und eight bundled and fifty-four.
Section VII. The coumni , dons of the President
judges of the several j stein districts and of the
.ussociate law judges of the lust judicial district shall
exoire as follows : The commissions of one-half of
those who shall have held their offices 'en years or
'mire at the adoption of the amendments to the consti
tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe
bruary, one thousand eight hundred soul thirty`-nine;
the commissions of the other half of those who shall
have helul their offices ten years or more at the adop
!ion of the amendments to the constitution, shall
expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one
thousand eight hundred and forty-two ; the first
it embrace those whte commis•dons shall hear the
.I.lest elate. The commssions of all the remaining
judges who she. not have held their offices for ten
at the adoption of the amendments to the con
it Mum shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of
Febtu try next after the end of ten years from the
!ute of their C1)111nli,i(1!13.
Seetioo VIII. The Iterorderg of the several RTny
v.• c , .ortr, :,ed other criminal courts in this Com
m , ivealth, shall he appointed for the same time,
,nd in the 5 , 11111. 111,11111(T, ”S the president judge!:
!!”, jodiciol di.tiirtc; of thoge how in
Ali,C. (111. 1 , 1111111 , .11111, oldest ill date shall expire on
tweloy-,ev,11111 dad• of I , ebrihry, toe thousand
1.4 . !1; lo,tlt.ett a:1:1 f , rty-one, the other, every
yea..t theletrter nreortloor, to their respective
!,,es. in It Ito ex, i i,i l , 4 first.
! , 1•111011 \. The legl+l.illle :It its first session un
der the amended etordi uliou, shall divide the other
,i.itePidge, it the St ale 11114, four rlaasrc. The
1 , t11111i. , 1'.11 , 0f lhow of the Init rhass shall expire
on the tiii.oty-,, , ver:h (I.,t' of February, eighteen
f , rty ; of the seronif class on
, lie t tvendk -sevehtn 0.13' of Pion ti try, eighteen hun
dred and isrty-one ; .if th,:e of the thud class on
the to enty-seventh (1.9 of reliruary, eighteen Min
ified and folly-two; and tit* th,ive of the firth class
iin the ttventy-,evelith d.ty of Fehrintry, eighteen
hundred forty-Atree. The said sluice from the
first to the fourth shill be :irrandred •Ice , .rdine to the
seniority of the eommi,ions of the sever:il judges.
Section X. Proth clulks of the several
courts (except of the Supieinc Court) recorders of
deed.; and iegiqtera of wills, shall befit'st elected under
the amended Constitution, at the election of repre
sentatives in the year eighteen hundred and thirty?'
'nine, in such in,nner a. may be pre , e , ihed
Section XI. The appointing power shall remain as
'heretofore, and till officers in the appointment of tit°
executive department shall continue in the exercise.
of the 4:.r.ies of their respective WIWI until thtf
legislature shall pass such laws as may be required
by Mc eighth section of the sixth article of the
amended constitution, and until appointments shall
he made tinder such laws t unless their commissions
shall be superseded by new appointments, or shall
sooner expire ht their own, limitations, or the said
otlkes ',hall become vacant by death or resignation,
and .mll laws shall be enacted by the foot legisla
ture under the amended constitution.
Section XII. The first election for aldermen and
jo,i;ces of the peace shall be held in the year eight
een hundred aunt forty, at. the time fixed for the
election of constables. The legislature at its first
session under the amended constitution shall pro
vide fir the said election and for subsequent similar
elections. The aldermen and justices of the pence
now in commission, or who may in the interim be
.ppointed, shall continue to discharge the duties of
their respective offices, until fifteen days tiller the
day which shall be fixed by law for tile issuing of
new commissions, at the expiration of which time,
their commissions shall expire.
• In testimony that the foregoing is the amended
constitution of Pennsylvania, as agreed to in
convention, We the officers and tneffibers of the
convention have hereunto signed our names at
Philadelphia, the twenty-second day of Febru
ary, Anti° Domini one thousand eight hundred
and thirty-eight, and of the ludepenticithe of
the United States of America the sixty-second.
Daniel Agnew, Ezra S. Hayhurst,
Wm. Ayes, Wm. Hays,
M. I\l. Baldwin, Abm. Ileiffenstein,
I.l,hrtini Banks, M. Henderson,
John Y. 11;irelay, %Vin. Henderson,
1.1e01) Ilarndohr, in. Ifiester,
4 Ails. A. Ilarnitz, IVilli3m Iligh,
Andrew Bedford, Jth4. Hopkinson,
r1i0 , 4. S. Bell,
.Lanes Cornell Biddle, Jahez Hyde,
Le'diens L: Bigelow, ChArles Jared Ingersoll,
S,ml. C. lionluitn,
l'has. Brown, George Pl. Keim,
Jeremiah Brown, James Kennedy,
William Brown, Aaron Kerr, --.
Pierce Butler, Jos. Konigmacher,
Samuel Carey, Jacob Krebs,
John Commit), 11. G. Long,
Thomas S. Connmgham, Dat.tid Lyons,
William_Curll, Alex. Magee,
Wm. Darlington, Joel K. Mann,
George Chambers, W. M. Meredith,
John Chandler, James Merrill,
Jos. R. Chandler, Levi Merkel,
Ch. Chauncey, Wm. L. Miller,
Nathaniel Clapp, James Montgomery,
James Clarke, Christian Meyers
Juba Clarke, I). Nevin,
William Clark, Wm. Overfield,
A. J. Cline, Ili rani Payne,
Lindley Coates, Matthias Pennypacker,
IL E. Cochran, James Porter,
Thos. P. Cope, James Madison Porter,
Joshua F. C.ox, Sami. A. Pnrviance,
Walter Craig,, E. C. Iteigart,
Itiehd. M. Crain, A. 11. Read,
Geo. T. Cray/fol . :1, Geo. W. Biter,
Cornelius Crum,
. ,
ltenjn. Martin, 11. Gold Rogers,
John J. AK:alien, Samuel Royer,
E.'l'. M'Dowell, James M. Russell,
James M'Slierry Daniel Saeger,
Mark Darrah, John Morin Scott,
Harmar Denny, Tobias Sellers,
John Dickey, G. Seltzer.)
Joshua Dickerson, Geo. Serrill,
Jacob Dillinger, Henry Schectz,
Jas. Donagan, George Shilleto,
J. It. Donnell, Thomas H. Sill,
Joseph M. Doran, (;co. Smith,
James Dunlop, Wm. Smyth,
Thomas Earle, Joseph Shively,
D. M. Farrelly, Jno. B. Sterigere,
Robt. Fleming, Jacob Stickel,
Walter Forward, Ebenezer W. Sturdevant
John Foulkrod, Thomas Taggart,
Joseph Fry, Jr. Morgan J. Thomas,
John Fuller, James Todd,
John A. Gamble, Thomas Weaver,
William Gearhart, Jacob B. Weidman
David Gilmore, It. G. White,
Virgil Grenell, Gen. W. Woodward,
William L. Harris, IL Young.
Thomas Hastings,
(Attest,) S. Suomi, Secretary.
Assistant Secretaries.
FEBRUAItY 28, 1838....
I certify, that the foregoing is an exact and literal
copy of " the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania as amended by the Convention of one
thousand eight hundred and "thirty-seven-thirty
eight," deposited in this office on the 26th day of
February, 18361 the amendments being in italic,
and the retained portions of the present Constitu
tion in roman letter.
Sec'y of the Commonwealth.
/WAKE Notice that we have applied to the
AL Judges of the Coati of Common Pleas
of Adams County, for the benefit, of the
Insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, and
that said Court has appointed Tuesday
the 29th of May next, for the hear•
ing of us and our creditors, at the Court.
house in the Borough of Gettysbuig, when
and where _you may attend if you think
Apiil 24, 1838. 84*-4