The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, March 06, 1838, Image 4

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!,..- 1. , : .. . . ~,..._,.... t
indebted to tile Este 0. ,
Atte Pers".CLARE.
' A... ' ' - VOL JAM ES . late of. ') ..
..P.; -• e : •-. 6 „' • • kW') deceased , are noilfief that cead s w il i b ii
' - c.! a giff e )b i b to s s, '" Adniinistrators
_of .c. s o itt av moot oz io i
r4 ' l.lltild "the
11°Imi3flA d:r . Di til l ig h 7th of March nest,
'..":::topenslilp, ma Wednes y
make settlemeaVind receive
.-.,i... at 10 o'clock; A. NI ttl au ._. Thos e who have any
r:';‘,.pay . rtient °ranch Kee ns : to g ,
ere a
ili elikin" again" said
roperly d i b iuth e lticate or
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THOMAS R ~ I Akim rs
- :4.
• •
''' -' _I airway 30.
Interesting Cure' of Dyspepsia.
•;Cured fr• Dr. Wm. .E'ermie Camptnile Tonic
:and Aperient
iv R. GEORGE ELI:MAX—Dread street be
. Amy Walnut, afflicted for several years with
ilte following disuessirig symPtcons—Great pres
sure and weight at the stomach after eating,
ness and ditpness at eight, sickness at the stomach,
constant head-ache, initieired appetite, difficulty of
breathing, !angrier, larisittitle, great depression of
epiriti, a sensatiim of fluttering at the pit of the
btornifch irregular transient pains in different parts
of the body, costiveness, a dislike for society or
conVonlation, coldness and weakness of the extre
rnitiee emaciation and general debility, disturbed
rest, with other symptoms which it is not essential
to intimate. '
Mr. E. had given up all hopeep as he had made
trial of all other medicines before the public, bu t
to no effect until ho was advised to make trial of
Dr. Evans's Tonic Pills, of which he is happy to
state they , effectually restored him to health,-by
taking three packages.
For Sale at thu Drug Store of
Dr. J. GILBERN, Agent:
Gettysburg, Dee 8, 1837. 13+-03
LL persons who have any unsettled accounts
against DAVID MU4PEft, of limiting.
ton township, Adams County;are hereby notified
to meet at the House of David Momper in said
township, on Tuesday the 20th of February next,
for the purpose of arranging the accounts between
said Mumper and has Creditors. And persons
`Who hold any settled claims against said . Mum
per aro notified to present them within one year
from this date, f they expect to recline
. any divi.
dead of the units remainirig in our Jusnds at the
time ofdietribution.
Januaiy 30, 1838
.1 Catalogue Of itemoukr
1. Because they are exceedingly popular, which
proves them to be exceedingly good.
2. Because they are composed of simples which
have the power to do good in an immense number of
caselovithout possessing the means to do injury in any.
3. Becauie they are not a quack medicine, but the
scientific compound of a regular physician, who has
made his profession the study of las life.
4. Because they are not unpleasant to tako,uor dis
tressing to retain, while they are most effective to
Operate. •• , .
6. Because they are recommended as a standard
Medicine by the regular faculty.
6.'Because by keeping the system in a natural state
of action, they cure almost every disease which the
human frame is incidental to.
7. Because they arc cheap and profitable, and will
retain all their virtues in full vigor,m any ellmate,and
for any length of time.
. B. Wellllllo notwithstanding their simplicity and
mildness,they arc one of the speediest purgative me
' dfeines which has yet, been discovered.
9. Because thley are. au unfailing remedy for pro-.
curing it good appetite.
10. Because .us case of , spleen or despondency, by
their healthy influence on the excited state of the bo
dy, they have a most happy effect in cab:tiling and in
vigorating the mind. -
11. Because they effect their cores without the usual
attendants of other pills, sickness and gripings.
12. Because as well as being an unrivalled - puller
of the general system, they arc a sovereign remedy
for sick head-ache.
13 Because they different from the majority of me
dicines in the fact that the more they are known the
more they are approved.
14.' Because. as their application produces no debil
ity, la tho system, they may be taken without produ
cing any hindrance to business or the' usual pursuits
of every day life.
15. And lastly, because they aro acknowledged to
be an almost infallible remedy for Bilious Fever, Fe.
wer and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, mann
dice. Asthma,Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of
the Spleen. Lowness of Spirits, Piles, Cholic, lie art
burn 'Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels,
Flntidence, Habitual Costiveness, Loss of Appetite.
'latched or Sallow Complexion. and 'in all cases of
Torper of the Bowels, where a mild but effective
ruedicine may be requisite.
In short,thc general voice of the community has de
cided that DR. PETERS' Vegetable Pills is one of
the happiest discoveries Of modern days,and altogeth
er unrivalled as a general soother of bodily afflictions.
tgrFor sale at the Drug Store of
DR. J. GILBERT, Gettysburg.
' 3'pnu“rv . A, 1839. 9b-40
Kenny, No. I 15 Lotus street, between Stanton and
Houston eta. afflicted for ten years with the follow
ing distressing symptoms:'
'Acid orustation, daily spasmodic pains in the
head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid
diness and• dimness of sight, could not lie on her
right side, disturbed rest, utter inability of engag
ing in 'anything that demanded vigor or courage,
sometimes a
_visionary idea of an aggravation of
her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular per
sone and places, groundless apprehensions of per
sonal danger and poverty, an irksomeness and
weariness of life,discontented,disquietudo on every
slight occasion, she conceived she could neither die
nor live, she wept, lamented desponded, and tho't
she_ led a most miserable life, never was due so bad,
with frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. Kenny
had the advice of several eminent physicians, and
had recourse to numerous medicines, but could not
obtain even a temporary alleviation of her distress
ing'state, husband persuruled her to niake
trial of my mode of treatment. She is now qui `fe
relieved, and finds herself not only capable of at
tending to her doinesCc affairs, but avows that she
enjoys as good health at present as she did at any
period' of her existence.
Husband of the aforesaid Anne IC'enny.
Svi`orq befiiie,zeO this 14th (lay of December, 1536.
PETER Pzciciss, Corp. of Deeds.
For Sal? at the Drug Store of
• ' ' ' Dr. L GILBERT.
December 8. 1837. Iy-36
fitimbeeriber, residing in Liberty town
prIlA hereby Ores notice to till persona in
• • • lieltte'Esteto of
. . 1 .
isAirt . of Ltberty torrosotp.. tunnans , county, Pa.
IlleseaSd. tiletall sintl.make tinnietliste payment;
int *NW hilkaios c.laimit rigaiost said Estate, will
eteleotttthost without delay , properly author'.
- .bed,tbritrettlerrient.
'; 3 - 110.31U1::L . 13EARD Admir.
Shiftily 30, ib3d. ' . 14.--14
Mil Wail
coNsuhferioN.— Mr. John Russell, ap
plied on the Ist of September, at the office 100
Chatham street,laboring under the following symp
toms:.--A slight spitting of blood,distressing cough,
attended with an expectoration of perulent matter,
night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of
breathing on exertion, with n well marked hectic
flush on the check. On examination, the chest
was found to sound well every whore except under
the left clavicle, and in the arm pit of the same
side. ,
TREATMENT—Directed to take' i the restora
tive Camomile Pills, with the expectorating com
pound, at the same time an injunction to call in
four days; when the night sweats had ceased, the
expectoration slightly diminished, a slight fit of
coughing still remaining in•the morning. Order
ed as usual to continue the medicine, and to call
in the course of a week—when his health continu
ed rapidly increasing, without the least cough.—
Called at the office on the fftli of this month, quite
convalescent, returning his sincere thanks for the
benefit, he had obtained. •
The above patient chiefly used milk regimen,
during his treatment. ,
For Sale at the Drug Store of
Dr. J. GILBERT, Agent.
Gettysburg, Dec. 8, 1837 ly-36
.l'ati-Rheatinatic IJecuction
An infallible remedy for Chronic, Inflanimatory
117 - It also curesLENIIIAGO and SCIATICA,and
it will ho soon by some of tho certificates given
from Physicians and others,that it Is a sovereign
titans arising front an IMPURE. STATE OF THE BLOOD.
tr.; undersigned takes plea.uro in announc
ing to tho public that ho has discovered a
Sovereign Remedy for Rheumatism &O. It never
fails to cure witere.tho medicine is taken agrocu.
bly to the directions which accompany each
Innumerable instances might be given of tho
happy effects and poworful virtues of this propa•
ration, in the cure of those painful and distressing
• diseases which have been named above, and a
gainst whose resistless attacks the artillery of
medical science has so long been directed in vain.
Tho transcendent merits of this preparation, its
sanative powers and unparalleled efficacy in the
cure of Rheumatism &c. have drawn forth the
voluntary plaudits of thousands, who by its use
Jilive been restored from pain and torture, stiffness
and decrepitude, to ease, strength, activity and
vigorous • health; credulity and scepticism must
disappear boloro the powerful array of testimo
nials voluntarily furnished by Physicians of high
reputation, who use it in their practice and have
the honesty to give it the character it so justly
Lotter of Dr. Jos. Gotzendannor of Montgome.
ry Co., Md., who woe long and severely afflicted
with Chronic Rheumatism, and finally cured by
two bottles of OtPleill's Medicine:
..,Dear Sin—ln compliance' with your request,
I hheerfully add my testimony in favor of your
Anti.Rhoumattc Medicine, and no selfish consid.
oration could inc!iicoMe to withhold it. My motto
is, 'honor to whom honor is due." I was great
ly of with Chronic Rheumatism, and dis.
covered that the "Materia Medics" contained
nothing that would roach my disease. It is un.
necessary hero to 'stn's in detail, how much I suf
fered; suffice it to say, that I have been severely
afflicted for many years, and suffered groat pain;
and that I:obtained two bottles ofyour Anti-Rheu
matic decoction, and two phials of the liniment,
which accompanies it, and that it has banished
every vestige of Rheumatism from my frame.—
The afflicted would do well to resort to this rem
edy, Your ob't. servant &c.
From the Frederick Times and Dom. Advocate.
Highly Important to the Afflicted.
It wilt no doubt be gratifying s to our readers
to learn the wonderful success which has attend
ed Mr. P. O'Neill, in the use of his valuable Anti
Rheumatic Medicine, which has boon ascertained
to be a specific not only in Rheumatism, but also
in White Swelling, disease of the Hip Joint, Scro
fula, &c. &a. Wo are urged to make these re
marks, not from the certificates of unknown per
sons, but from our own knowledge of several int
portant cures effected by his medituno,which have
created general astonishment.. The most inipor
tunt one is that of Miss E Rohr, the daughter of
our worthy Post.master, who, after years of suf.
faring, has been relieved solely by the use of Mr.
O'Neill's medicine—the Medical Faculty having
tried every thing in vain. Those are Miss Rohr's
own' statements. The high reputation of Mr.
O'Neill's ondorsersiustify us in saying that their
statements merit universal credence.
From the Baltimore Chronicle.
We are not in the habit of expressing an opin
ion of the efficacy of Patent MedicineS, but in the
case of the ahove mentioned remedy for Itheuina
hem. wO rod called on, by principles of humanity,
to state that it has had the most surprising of.
fects. The inventor is a gentleman in whom the
greatest reliance can be placed; but he has other
than his own testimony in favor of the medicine
which he offers to the public. ' Clergymen, phy
siciens, and those who have boon removed, have
borne voluntary witness to its astonishing oflica
cy; and those who have the misfortune to be afilic
ted with this distressing complaint may be assur
ed of iininOdiato relief by resorting to this remedy
The following is from the Frederic:Mown Her
ahLedited by Win. Ogden Niles, Esq. April Gth,
Mr. O'Neill's Rheumatic Medicine, offered to
the public in this day's paper, if we form an opin
ion from the character of the maker, and numor
ous certificates in his possossion from highly roe
poctablo individuals, who havo boon cured by the
use of it, is one of tho must valuablo of recent dis.
covory. Itti effects upon those afflicted with chro
nic and inflammatory rhoumatismiliave boon truly
marvelloutt; a few bottles enabling them to die.
'tense with crutches, flannels and bantlagos, with
which for years they hive protected their limbs
and bodies. Mr. O'Noill merits the gratitude of
tho afflicted, and
. tho testimony of respectable
physicians forbids those imputations which are
generally attached to vendors of panacoas.
[l:l 2 ' For sale at the Drug Store of
May 1, 1837. ' • tf-.5
Or. Peters' tregetable
IcR I EIE immense and increasing popularity of
these pills is another proof of the infitllibili
ty of the old adage that "truth is powerful and
will prevail." Other pills are only puffed,but Dr.
Peters' are 2tirchased and praised, & recomtheml
ed until the demand for thorn has become almost
Dr. Peters would impress this fact upon the
public, that his pills are not a quack medione,but
a scientific compound of simples which has.biten
tho result of many years intense application to a
profession in which be was regularly bred, and
hence it is as popular with the regular faculty as
with the people at large.
One of the mariy pecUlisr virtues oftho Vegeta
ble Pills ip, that while very, powerful in iia effects,
it is particularly mild and gentle in its action.—
Unlike the generality of mediclnes,its application
is nover,attended with nausea or griping.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Dr. J. GILBERT; 'vent.
~fitn. 5,163 e. Sul-10
Ozr O'N LL'S
and Nfocurial
WHEN a medicine comes before the public,
endorsed with the names of the medical
profession and distinguished men, and warranted
by the seal of uniform success, the proprietor
makes no unreasonable demand upon the public
when he claims for it a superior consideration.
Are undoubtedly entitled to distinction, Inas.
much as many medical practitioners, who have
witnessed their efficacy, freely admit their cura
tive powers and pre-eminent virtues; and that they
should do so in opposition to their personal inter
est must be attribUted to their candor or their un
willingness td cone: mil them in the face of all oh.
servatlon and the testimony of thousands. The
proprietor does not pretend that his Pills will
cure ell diseases, but ho does say, and has satisfi
ed the hicredulotis that in all diseases whore n
cathArtic or an aperient Medicine is needed, if
used according to the directions for a fair period
of time, they will effect a speedy and certain cure,
and this much is placed beyond doubt by the tes
timony and reforencesof individuals ulready given
to the public.
'Are now regarded by those who have had an op
portunity to decide upon their I norits, as an inns
Moro than two millions of boxes of those ccle•
brated Pills have been sold in the
. United,Stutes
since January, 18:15.
Dr. Peters has received upwards of FIFTEEN
sequence of the good dime by hie medicines; and
it will ut -once be soon by this evidence that nu
remedy for the prevailing disesses of the Souther n
and Western states has over boon presented to the
notice of the afflicted with stronger claims lin
their attention. Founded upon the surest and
soundest orall principles, viz. actual expeiiment,
those Pills havo been wonderfully successful in
restoring the sick to health, and in bpite of doubts
and prejudices, the use of them in those parts of
the country, which the proprietor has been able .
to supply, has boon rapidly extending. It is high
ly encouraging to him that,among the list of those
who have been either personally benefitted by.
them, or have witnessed their effects on others,are
tho names of many of the most respectable and
intelligent mon in the South; who have cheerfully
given their written testimony to that encl.
Without an oxcoptiun in any ago or country,
no M.edicino has sproad with such rapidity and
grvon such universal satisfaction.
Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M. D. No. 129
Liberty streot, Now .York. Each box contain 40
Pills—Price 50 cents.
113110 careful and inquire for Peters' Vegeta.
ble Pills. They ore for sale in Gettysburg, fiy
Dr. J. GILBERT—and in Hanover by G. W.
and on inquiry, can ho had in almost
every town in tho State.
January•s, 1838,
CITONE DISEASE host thou only—an impuri
ty of the Blood, which by impeding the circula
flora brings on puin• n• •/••ungement in a. nr
gans or pat where such impurity of blood settles
T is true a varioty of causos may bring about
LA this /state of tho blood—ouch as a violent
bruise or lull, damp feet, indigestion. pain in the
head, &c.—and although it may be said that
. . . .
these diioases have not their origin in impurity
of the blood, yet the effect is the same—they all
and in impurity of tho blood and our only object
to prevent the irritating influences being kept
up, is continually to purge the body, as long as
any unpleasant symptoms remain, with
which, if persevered with in sufficient quantities
to produce copious evacutions, will assist nature
to restore every organ to a state of health. This
is on the principle of draining. We drain a mar
shy piece of land, and from a state of sterility
soon produce a most abundant fertility, and so
it is with the human body. When any thing is
the matter pith it, we have only occasion to
drain it by purgation, and experience has taught
those who have adopted this reasonable practice,
(because consistent with our natured that they
have acted rightly, the result having been sound
health. About ton thousand persons can bo re.
furred to in New York city, and nearly the same
number in Philadelphia, who have been cured,
when every other means had become unavailing,
of diseases which appeared of the moat opposite
character, and where to all appearance, no human
moans could save life, have patients, by the use
°Ethos° Pills, been restored to perfect health, the
devouring disease having boon perfectly eradicat
NOTICE.—Owing to the numerous attempts
of Drugists, to destroy tht, fame of Doctor Bran.
droth's Vegetable Universal Pills, by selling a
counterfeit, instead of the genuine article, the
Public are cautioned against purchasing said Pills
of any person, except the appointed agdrits, but
especially to avoid Drug stores; as they aro never
in any case appointed as agents; and it is in their
hands the spurious Fithian usually found.
The following aro the appointed agents for this
vicinity, for list of agents of other counties see
their respective papers.
JACOB A. WINROTT, Gettysburgh,
HENRY SIDLE, Dillsburgh, York Co.
CRULL & BARTON,Lewisbury,York co
WM. GILMORE, Chambersburgh,
3:7*Dr. Brandroth'e OfPees aro 169 Race street
above sth street, and 43 Chesnut street above 2d
street, Philadelphia.
CAUTION—Bowaro of purchasing the Bran.
drolVs Pills of any Druggist, either in the city or
country,ns there aro so many counterfeits for sale
in their stores.
May 1, 1837. ly-5
L - U- Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street, N.
Y., afflicted for five years with humeral habitual
Asthma, applied at the office 100 Chatham st. on
the 4th of October, laboring under the following
symtoms. A sense of tightness across the chest,
with the greatest difficulty of breathing,distressing
cough, generally ending with copious expectoration
of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest, the face turbid and
of a livid hue r -could not lie in a horizontal posi
tion without the sensation of immediate suffbca
tion, languor, drowsiness, and tlizinesa in the head,
and loos of appetite.
Mr. 11. applied to tho most eminent physicians
in this city, likewise used several other remedies
without obtaining any permanent benefit, until his
friends persuaded him to place himself under Dr.
Wm. Evans' treatment. He is now relieved of his
complaint, and called at the office yesterday, avow
ing that he had not words to express his gratitude
for the benefit he had received. October 21, 1837.
For Sulu at the Drag Stool of
1 y-313
Decombur S, 1;37.
is the grandest ornament belonging to the
human frame. flow strangely the loss of it chan
ges tho countenance and prematurely brings on
the appearance of old age, which causes mtmy;to
recoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even to
shun society to avoid the jests and 9110010 of their
acquaintance; the remainder of their lives are con
sequently spent in retirement. In short, not oven
the loss of property fills the generous thinking
youth with that heavy sinking gloom as does the
loss of his hair. To avert all these unpleasant Mr.
cumstances, OLDII I DOE'S BALM OF CO
LUMBI A stops the hair fro n tilling Won the
first application and a few bottles restores it again.
It likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers; pro.
vents the hair from turning grey, makes it curl,
beautifully, and froos it front scurf. N umerous
certificates of the first respectability in support of
the virtues of Oldridgo's Balm, are shown by the
the following:
ROBERT WHARTON, Eq. late M iyor of
Philadelphia, has certified, as may he seen below,
to the high character of the following gentlemen.
The undersigned do hereby certify that wehavo
used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Old
ridge, and have found it highly Serviceable not
only as a preventive against the fulling elf of hair,
but also a certain restorative.
No. 86 Nor th Fifth street.
JOHN P. ING LIS, 331 Arch street,
JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 163 Race et
JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce et.
Tho aged, and those who poreist in wearing
wigs, may not always experience its restorative
• alities, yet it will certainly raise its Virtues in
the estimation of tho puhlic,whon it is knowh that,
three of the above signers are more than 50 yours
of ago, and the others not less than 30.
City of Philadelphia.
. . .
ROPERT WHARTON, Mayor of said city
of Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I am well
acquainted with Messrs., J. P. Inglis, John S. Fn.
rey, and Hugh McCurdy,wh9so names are signed
to the above certificate, that they are gentlemen
of character and respectability, and as such full
credit should be given to the said certificate.
In witness whereof, I have, hereunto set my
hand, and caused the seal of the city to be affixed,
[L. S.] this sixth day olDecoinber, &c.
OBSERVE that ouch bottle of the Genuine Balm
has a splendid engraved wrapper, on' which is
represented the Fulls of Niagara, &c.
For sale at wholesale by COMSTOCK, & CO. Solo
Agents for America, Now York, and by most
druggists throvimur America.'
T is considered of great importance for the
i i .sgb public to know the following facts:
About four years ago, Solomon Hays, the per
son to whom the celebrated Dr. Gridloy had, on
his death bed, imparted the secret of making a
Liniment to cure the Piles, 'authorized it to be
. up and sold under the name of Hays' Lini
ment, and enjoined that all who would use one
bottle for the Piles, and return the empty. bottle,
should have the price refunded.
Since that tune, upwards of fifty thousand hot:
ties have been sold, out of which, not ton have
been returned, end those only because the per
sons did not use it properly 'such wonderful
success, probably, never attended any other arti.
cle. It is now determined by the proprietor, that
the public shall be made more fully acquainted
with its virtues, so that those suffering with that
dreadful complaint may avail themselves of itsuso.
. There are many thousand certificates of the
most respectable and outhentle churactor,rnany of
which may be examined whore tho article is sold.
It is used as an external application,and for
many other complaints enumerated in the wrap
per, is considered remarkably effective ; but for
the Pir.xs it has no equal, and thnagents are now
bound to refund in all cases whore itdoesliot cure.
It is being used in Hospitals to our principal
cities with great effect.
No FiarioN.—This extraordinary chemical
composition, the result of science and the inven-
Lion of a celebrated medical man, the introduction
of which to the public was invested with the 'so
lemnity of a death-bed bequest, has since gained
a reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the
correctness of the lamented Dr Gridley's last
ainfossion, that "ho dared not di e withoutigiving
to posterity the benefit of his knowledge on this
subject," and he therefore bequeathed to his friend
and attendant S. Hays, the secr3t of histliscovery:
It is now used in the principal hospitals. and
the private practice in our country, first and most
'certainly for the cure of the ['miss, and also so
extensively and effectually as to baffle credulity,
unless whore its effects are witnessed. External.
Ly in the following complaints: •
For Dropsy.—Croating extraordinary absuip
lion at once.
All Swellings.—Reducing thern in a few hours.
Rheumatism Acute orChronic,giving quick vase
Sore Throat.—By cancers, ulcers or colds.
Croup and Whooping CoUih--Exteinally and
over the chest.
AU Bruisea,Spraina, and Burns, curing in n
few hours.
Sores and Ulcers.—Whother • fresh or long
standing, and Fever sores.
Its operation upon adults and children in redu
cing rheumatic swellings, add loosening coughs
and tightness of the chest by relaxation of tho
parts, has been surprising beyond conception.—
The common remark of those who have used it
in tho Pit-ss, is, "it acts liko a charm."
It is used only as an external application, and
os sovereign power in curing the above named
cimplaints, is justified by scientific principles. •
CAtrrioN.—observo th•it each bottle of the gen.
uino has a splendid engitived wrapper with the
name of Mr. Hays mid Comstock & Co. on it.
For Salo sit the Drug Store or
iiuttymburg,Oet. IS, 103 - i. uuwly—:llii
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WM. THATCHER, senior,
Methodist Minister in St. George charge,
HUGH McCURDY, 213 south 2d tit
JOHN GARD, Jr. 123 Arch at,
Piles or illamorriaoids.
fripHE medicinal preparations of Dr; WM. Ear
- 11 1- ANS exert a specific effect on the brain and
nervous fluid, that the palpitating heart; the tremu
lous hand, the dizzy eye, and the. fluttering mind,
all vanish liefore their influence like noxious va
pors before the benign impulse of the morning sun.
These tonic and aperient anti-bilious preparations
are for nervous diseases, general rleb,llty, inthges
lion and its consequences, as want of appetite, an
apparent distension of the stomach, ()etchings,
pains in the stomach, acidity, heartburn, rumb
ling noise in the bowels, chlorosis or green sick
ness, hysterics, floor albos or whites, night-mare,
cramp, spasmodic affections, nausea, vomiting,
giddiness, dimness or confusion of sight, tr4nsors,
watchings, agitation, anxiety, disturbed rest,
hypochondriacism or IoW spirits—when the mind
becomes irritable, desponding, thoughtful, nwlan
choly, dejected—appalling ideas haunting the
imagination and overwhelming the judgment.—
These medicines, by their reanimating and stom
achic powers, invigorate the mind, s t reng th en th e
body, improve the memory, and enliven the im
agination, so that whole faculties become restored
to their pristine tone and vigor. Nothing is so
signally efficacious in recruiting and nourishing
enfeebled or relaxed constitutions, as Dr. Win.
Evans' invaluable tonic Pills, alternated (as di
rected) with his vegetable eperient
- rev
Persons whose nerves have been thus injured by
calomel or excessive grief, great loss of blood, the
suppression of accustomed discharges, or cutane
ous eruptions, excess in drinking, or other causes
which tend to relax and enervate the nervous sys
tem, will find a friend to soothe and comfort them
in the above medicines.
Dr. Win. Evans's Medical (Mice, 100 Clint
ham street, New York, where he can be consulter
and his medicine procured, and in Philadelphia a
No. 19 north Bth street.
Interesting 4' Astonishing Facts
Being conclusive proofs of the extraordinary c
fleecy of Dr. William Evans's celebrated Canto
mile and Aperient Antibilious Pills, in allevit
ting afflicted mankind:
To James Dickson, 36 Cornhill,Boston, Agent for
the sale of Dr. Wm. Evans's Camomile Pills.
LOWELL, Nov. 15, 1836.
Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every
reference that the afflicted receive of the beneficial
results of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine to the
public in behalf of DR. NV AL EVANS'S CAM
OMILE PILLS I have been afflicted fur the last
ten years with ditress in tho head and chest: often
an bad as to deprive mo of sleep for three or foUr
nights in succession, dut have never found !relief
by any of my friends prescriptions, until my wife
saw the advertisements in the pnper,when she per.
suaded me to send for some, which I did, and ob
tained two boxes and bottles, which resulted in
almost completely restoring me to health, although
I have not yet entirely finished them. Should you
consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public,
you have my cheerful permission to publish it.
Yours, respectfully,
THOS. K. GOODHUE, Central st
Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill,aillicted with the
above distressing malady. Symptoms—great lan
guor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous headache,
I difficulty of breathing,tightness and stricture across
the breast, dizziness, nervous irritability and rest
lessness,could not lie in a horizontal position,with
out the sensation of impending suffocation, palpi
tation of the heart, distressing cough, costiveness,
pain of the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and
deficiency of the nervous energy. Mr. R. Monroe
gave up every thought of recovery, and dire de
spair ant on the countenance of every person inter
ested in his existence or happinessjill by accident
ho noticed in a public paper some cores effected
by Dr. Win. Evans's medicine, in his complaint,
which induced him to purchase a package of the
Pills, which resulted in completely removing eve
ry symptom of his disease. Ho wishes to say his
motive for this declaration is, that those afflicted
with the same or nny symptoms similar to -those
from which ho is happily restored, may likewise
receive the same inestimable benefit.
A perfect cure effected by the treatment of Dr
Mr. John Gibson of N. 4th street, Williamsburg
afflicted with the above complaint for three years
and nine months, during which time ho had to use
crutches. His chief symptoms wore' excruciating
pain in all his joints, but especially in the hips,
shoulder, knees and ankles, an aggravation of the
pains towards night; and for the most part all times
from external heat, an obvious thickening of the
fascia and ligaments, with a complete loss of mus
cular power. For the benefit of those afflicted in
a similar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives it moot to
say that the pains have entirely ceased, and that
his joints have completely recovered their natural
tone, and ho feels able to resume his ordinary busi-
Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne,
N. 6th street, near 'decant', Williambburgh, afflic
ted for the last ten years with the Liver CoMplaint,
completely restored to health througli the treatment
of Dr. Win. Evans. Symptoms—HabituaJeon
stipation of the bowels, total loss of appetite, ex
cruciating pain of the epigastric region, groat de,
pression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of
extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow .
of the menses, pain in the right side, could motile
on her left side without an aggravation of the pain,
urine high colored.with other symptoms indicating
great derangement in the functions of the liver.
Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first
physicians, but received but little relief from their
inediciae, till Mr. Browne procured some of. Dr.
Wm. Evans's invaluable preparations,which effec
tually relieved her of the above distressing symp
toms, which others, which it is not essential to in
City and County of New York, ss.
Joseph Browne, of Willinnisburgh,Long
being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts
as set forth in the within statement, t 0 which he
has subscribed his name aro just and true•
Hiisband of the said Hannah BroWne.
Sworn before me, this 4th day of Jnnuary,lB37,
PETER PIN KNEY, Coin. of Deeds.
11:7" Just_ received, and for sale, at
Mug the Store of
DR. J. GILBERT, Agent,
Getty bburg, l'a.
December 1, Iy-35
William Evans
nzonnisows PILLS.
General Agent for Pennsylvania, Mary, land, Tele
{rare, &c., 3 1-2 south 7th bt. three doors below
Market st., Philadelphia, 'anit No. 10, North st.,
Baltimore, near the Pont Office,
uzrrtrats.a.x. r.rfa - acia.l4s
OP "Irlllimax.rmsH
TWIIIICEI have obtained the approbation and
\,(;s4/ recommendation of thousands who have
been cured in Consumption, Chaim Merlins, In
trannitions, internally or.externally; and all disco
sos of the Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, illumine.
thaw, Lumbago, Tic Doloreux,Dropsy, St. Vitinea
Da nce,Epilopsy,Apoplexy,Paralysis, Palsy,“ rem
Sickness, and all obstructions, to which the female
form is GO distressingly liable and Which sand so
many °film fairest portion of creation lo'lhoir on.
timely graves; Small Pox, Measles, Whooping
Cough, Scarlet Fever, Astlinia; inunclice,'(>ravol,
Stone, and all Urinary Obstructions,Fist ula, Piles,
Strictures, ruptures, and Syphilis in all its stager;
Constipated Bowels, Worms, Scurvy, Itching . o
tho Skin,King's Evil, and all cutaneous disorders;
in short, every complaint to which the human
frame is so direfully subject, under all their varied
forms and IluMes, as the Hygoian conviction is,
REAL DISEASE, that is, to the iMPURi -
TX OF TILE 1314001) —tit in which
springs every complaint that can possibly assail
his complicated fraimi; and that it is tho perpetual .
struggle of' this vital, pure stseain of life (the gift
of Almighty power) to disencimibur itself of Its
viscous acrid humors, with which it has become
This valuable medicine, being composed only
of vegetable matter, or medicinal herbs, and war
ranted on oath us containing not one particle of
mercurial, mineral, or chemical substances;
of which aro uncongenial to the nature of man.
and therefore destructive to the human frente,)
is found to be perfectly harmless to the most ten
der age, or weakest frame, under every stage of
human sulfuring, the must pleasant arid benign
in its operation, and at the some time the most
certain in Searching out the runt of every coin,
plaint, however deep, and of performing a cure
that was ever offered to the world. This wonder
fel effect, too, is produced by the least trouble to
the patients, by merely swallowing a certain num
her of pills and being called a few extra times to
the purposes of evacuation, with the least possblo
sensation of pain, exhaust.on of bodily strength,
and without the fear of catching cold, or attontton
to dress, or diet, in any way, different from their
accustomed habits.
These pills cure in all cases, and cannot be
token to excess. Experience, which is the touch..
stone of all human knowledge, has long borne
testimony to the tact, and. extensive use of them
has already verified Its truth in this country.
These medicines cure by purging, and yet the
weak, the feeble, the infirm, and the nervous, the
delicate, are in a low•days strengthened by their
oporation, because they clear, the body of its bad
humors, and invariably, produce sound sloop; they
are the anima and moat efficacious medicine to
take to sea, preventing scurvy, costiveness, &e.
The operation of this mild medicine. which
convoys imuiediatei conviction of its utility, from
the first dose, is as beneficial to the mind as to the
body, first calming, then curing, all mental de
rangements, eccentricities, nervous affectionaitir
ritabilities, and restiessness,from whatever source'
—complaints which, have hitherto not been prop
erly understood, as the Ilygoists have found them
all to proceed from acrimonious humors in the ,
blood, and, happily for the present and future
race of munkind,, discovered a cheap and univor
sal mode of purifying, curing, and preventing.
The being cured of any disease, infirmity, or
sore, is now no more a dubious or uncertain pro.
cedure; perseverance in the Vegetable Universal
Medicines will always restore nature to her .due
course. The literary one sedentary, of both sexes..
whose pursuits so, touch impair the faculties, will
tied a sure remedy in the Universal Medicines fur
preserving the energy and sprightliness of the
imagination, and improving their health; old age
will be attained by the use of them, and pussod
free from pain and infirmities.
They are not enveloped with the mysteries or
other medicines; they only require to be parse.
vorod in with sufliciontly large' doses, and the'
patient will come off. well; when a disease is ob
etinate,patients frequently do not take doses large
The medicines are comprised in three differ
ent articles only, viz: in two kinds of 'pills, of
different strength or power, designated by No. 1
and No. 2; the first is a most powerful, but mild
and gentle apporiont, or opening ..medicine, de
taching and partially removing the bilious ropy
humors, whilst the N 0.2 pills carry off those and
the serous acid and putrid humors 'incidental to
the body; and act together as a ferret in a Warren,
never resting ,until 'every avenue to, the human .
frame is ,thoroughlysourchod, and cleansed of
it. iro t iorittei. • •
Tho Vegetable Cleanaing Powders are of great
assistance to patients, and facilitate the crocua..
tion of bad humors; Ahoy soften, clause, and de •
tach the acrimonious. phlegm are cooling, and
allay the thirst. One, two, or three powderittnai
he taken throughout the day, mixed in hilt a •
tumble' : of water.
rho pills are sold in packets °fel; $2 and , 83,
and 25 and 50 cent boxes—thu two further consist
of throe boxes oach, viz, one box of No. 1, and two
boxes of No. 2—thit latter, one large box with a
division; the eowders aro in separate boies at, 376
cents each. " ' ' • •
ll:TIn consequence.of the repeated solicitations, ~
of the Agents, and . for the cenyonience of the rub. •
lic in general, boxes' of 50 cents. and 2A cis each,
can now bo hud of all the Agents.
MORISONIANA, the Family Adviser of the • "
British College of Health, 3d Edition, price $2,75; •
and PRAC'IICAL. PROOFS of the Hygoian
tom of Physiology,including the" Origin of Life."
"Treatise on Small Pox,""Letter on Cholera ;
bus," und•many attested cures affected in' this- .
country, as _well as in Greut..Britain.
tion, price 37b cents.; , . •
The Dygenitin Modicineeare all imported
this country at a great expense, notwitlisidniling
whicl4they are sold ut the same pike as in Eng....
land. They have boon six years, before, the A.,••
merman public; their, preeminent success in ther'''..
relief of the afflicted, thotisande . call testify,
, consequence of the .high
,in which'MorrisOn's Pills aro hold by '
the . public,. it'has induced• an innumerable host or -
'Unprincipled counterfeiters to tatempt initiations
under deceptive tering thus:to delude the unwary,
and foist their nostrums for the Genuine Hygoion •
Medicine; in consequence ,of which . the .Agent
has 'When the procautinnary moestire of having .
an, Extra Yellow Label flied on each Packet,
signed by the Agent of ouch State and Dilttrict,
and by their Sub• Agents, in every County; the
imitation of which will subject the forger to the
severest punishment the I tty can mould; and a
is furthei to be noticed, thut none of the above..
Medicines can be obtained in any Drug Store
tl.rougliout the Union; the Drug Store's being the'
principal source through vv,hich the Coptiterfeites a
vend their spurious articles. . . .
rfliespectable parties rosy be appointed -A.: .
gents on liberal terms, by applying to the Genera
three doors below 'Market 'street,. Philadelphia—
and at No.lo Nortli street Baltimore, nosily op
posite the Post Office, where the Genuine Aledi..
tine May, nlways be obtained. ,
Gottysburgli, August 25,1E37.
FEZ ESE! rupply oftbo above PiIN bag jure
o been reeoived by
J. A. WINIOTT, about.
• Atql.., lea. U