The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, August 11, 1837, Image 3

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tlisportaies to Farmers:
• - •": 4 -- 1 ;4
hereby informs the
-Farmers of Adams County, that he
/411, 5 " PA Patented Spike
s = Bt - I, A C LIIJVE
' P a
it na aorse Power,
he is enabled to thresh more
'4gaso — ' dam' can tra done in the same time by
- 7 :rliaryy - machine in the County. It is so
that it can easily be taken from
'thee to and requiring but a small
loshold it. From 250 to 300
.is dare work, and warranted to
• tbt the grain as clean as can be done in
any other way.
• "
''The-maclune can be seen in operation at
ny - at h . ie residence in Mountjoy town.
e r •:: 'ship, near the turnpike, three Wei; west of
:As the subscriber has three of the above
lanes which he is desirous of keeping
in operation, he gives notice that he will
Wised at ant place in the County and thresh
`.` and Wheat at 8 centg_otr bushel, and
ass at, 2 cents. Those wishing to have
-- •
woilidone, will inform him as soon as co n.
erThe subscriber would also state that
-bp has on hand several of the above MA
,. CHINE:), which he will dispose of, togeth
erwith either Barn or Township Rights,
on acooMmodating terms.
I,li - 21;1837.
NcyricEis hereby given, to all whom
it may concern, that, in pursuance of
as Act of the General Assembly of Penney,.
'Wiz; entitled; "An Act for holding Special
-Coots of Common Pleas," passed the 15th
- day of March, 1816, and its supplements,
• dil• Special Court of Conn.
' • mon Pleas
Will be helden at the Court . House, in the
Borough of Gettysburg s in and for the Coun.
ty tf. Adams, on Tuesday the 26th day of
September next, (being fourth Tuesday
in - said snontb,) at 10 o , clock, A. M. to try
'and :determine all such matters as shall pro
perly bio cognizable by the Court.
- _
=July 17,1887, tc-16
Ltat,-diuoust Term, 1837.
'Jacob Spengler vs. Isaac Clark
Sonnet R.. Russell vs. Win. McClellan and Rob.
.ert &nith, Eerie of J. Kline,deed
Shriver vs. • Mosel Davis, Henry Gear
_ imd.Thomas Craighead
Thomas McKnight vs. Adam Spangler
;Isseph Marshall.use of Samuel Forney, vs. Lind
ley Sturgeon, survivor in a bond with William
Sturgeon. deed.
Benjamin .Maions vs. Sam'l and Jos. Morthland
George; Deardorffvs. Jacob Sidle -
Bank Of Gettysburg, use of 8. Morthland, vs. N.
`7-Whitman, 8. Comly and S. Morthland
~Shah Reddett vs. George Croft
*scud Creigh and 3. D. Creigh s use of 8. Creigh
va. Philip IKohler .
Henjcunin Detord and Wm.Patton,trading under
• - the' firm 'of Deford & Co. vs. John Snyder
William McClellan vs. Adam Myers
. .111tewarrii Trustees mi. Thomas. McKnight
Jetles,Bowen is, Samuel White (of Franklin)
: - Vicx!rigalidier vs. Samuel Fahneetock
'illringlo iv. Beggs & Harlan
MY 21, ' 1837.
List—Special Court
SEPTEMBER 26, 1887-
David Witherow. vs. gunnel Eppley, eldest eon
aid heir &flaw. of'Petet Eppley, deceased
bly 211, • te-17
Arruie American Union Betel r
ion o f o l •
"Mtiere Will parade for inspection on
Satervia ••logh of August nest, at half
o'clock A• at. in Gettysburgh.
election will be held on said day
ght Captain of the Troop of Horse in
iroinia . of C o pt. Duns, resigned; and for Ju•
r-officers of said Company should any
mummies occur.
Juli 21,1887•
"re the Liberty Riflemen.
Firelit members erthe Liberty Rifle Cont.
pricy, an d those-wishing to become
anetabers, are requested to call immediately
tat Mi.' frseutreu9a Store and receive their
iisitionnftinifbrin,so that they can be equip•
red at the above parade.
(a; ETTYSBUIIGIi TROOP—Parade in Get.
trams* on SATURDAY the 19th of AU.
- 4GTST' NEXT, 'at 10 o'clock a. is. It is hoped
111M1, each' member Will hare the alteration in his
Uniform agreed upon by 'the company, by the a.
Imes day. , -
- N.ll. An erection for CAPTAIN will be held
on that day. ,
Jule 28, 1837.
at Capt. Thomas 11 1 Knight's. in Franklin
ilowniphip,on SATURDAY the 12th of AUGUST
Out: it.l o'clock r. at.
• - Q An election will be held at the same time
.and elace file Officers.
- DAVID SCOTT Brigade Inspector.
May 28,'1887. tp-17
oii Saturday the 12th inst. at the usual place.
OWDOlar unifixa l •
_ - • -.41- A. M'CO3II,
4,; ien. • • . tfr-1 8
dal! booby requeettid to return to the suhscri.
ber l ,wit/wout delay, a JUPITER GLASS which
be berieeN of hue some years since. Or if any
„ hail obtained Wad glass from Ftuckle. the
Mika it will give 'TWENTY.FIVE DOL.
-7, - ' 4 IATIS fit its recovery -or the above reward for
'll/16,00$ itwlAlt! ghee. /Rack% was last heard of
b or astir Address.
I.JMXOII MILLER, Emmitteburg,tild.
:114 Wit ' 3t-18
ITHUPO- 7 -The superior advantages of
'pro thatAt is a compound exoln•
. ' and contains no alcoholic'
, ingredients: '
tbe Drug Store of
J. GlUlElitT,Gattyaburg.
ilia 0 ISO: .
Ririe 2",
JOHN ASH, Major. .
li~7;A LI~~
ATONE DISEASE heat thou only—an impuri
ty of the Blood, which by impeding Oa circula.
ton brings on pains or derangement in the or
gans or part where such impurity of blood settles.
flipT is true a variety of causes may bring about
a l ibis state of the blood—such as a violent
bruise or tall, damp feet, indigestion, pain in the
head, &c.—and although it may . bo said that
these diseases 'have not their origin in impurity
of the blood, yet the effect is the same—they all
end in impurity of the blood and our only objoct
to prevent the irritating influences being kept
up, is continually to purge the body, as long as
any unpleasant symptoms remain, with
which, If persevered with in sufficient quantities
to produce copious evacutions, will assist nature
to restore every organ to a state of health. This
icon the principle of draining. We drain a mar.
shy piece of land, and from a state of sterility
soon produce a most abundant fertility, and so
it is with the human body. When any thing is
the matter with it, we have only occasion to
drain it by purgation, end experience has taught
those who have adopted this reasonable practice,
[because consistent with our nature,] that they
have acted rightly, the result having been sound
health. About ton thousand persons can bo re.
furred to in New York city, and nearly the sumo
number in Philadelphia, who have been cured,
when every other moans had become unavailing,
of diseases which appeared of the most opposite
character, and where to all appearance, no human
means could save life, have patients, by tho use
of those Pills, boon restored to perfect health, the
devouring disease having boon perfectly eradicat
NOTICE.—Owing to the numerous attempts
of Drugiste, to destroy the. fame of Doctor Bran.
(troth's Vegetable Universal Pills, by selling a
counterfeit, instead of the genuine article, the
Public are cautioned against purchasing. said Pills
of any person, except the appointed agents, but
especially to avoid Drug stores; as they aro never
in any case appointed as agents; and it is in their
hands the spurious Pills aro usually found.
Tho following are the appointed agents for this
vicinity. for list of agents of other counties see
their respective more.
JACOB Ar WINROTT, Gettysburgh,
HENRY SIDLE, Dillsburgh, York Co.
CRULL & BARTON,Lewisbury,York co
WM. GILMORE, Chambersburgh,
6:l''Dr. Brandreth's Offices aro 169 Baca stroet
above • sth atroot, and 43 Chosnut atroot above 2d
stroot, Philadelphia.
CAUTION—Beware of mei/tieing the Bran.
dreth's Pills of any Druggist, either in the city or there dro so many counterfeits for salo
in their stores.
May 1,1837. Iy-5
yHEREAs the Hon. D. DURKEE,
Esq. President of the several Courts
of Common. Pleas, in the Counties compos
ing the Nineteenth District,& Justice of the
Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General
Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and
other offenders in the said District--and
Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and
Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Termi
ner, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial
of all capital and other offenders in the Coun
ty of Adams—have issued . their precept,
bearing date the 27th day of April, in
the year of our Loan one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-six, and tome directed,
for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and
General Quarter Sessions of the. Peace, and
General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer
and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Monday
the 28th day of Angust next--
Noticei is hereby given,
To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coro.
ner, and Constables, within the said County
of Adams, that they be then and there, in
their proper persons, with their Rolls, Re
cords, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other
Remembrances, to do those things, which
to their offices and in that behalf appertain
to be done and also they who will prosecute
against the prisoners that are, or then shall
be, in the Jail of the said County of Adams,
are to be then and there,to.prosocute against
them as shall be just.
July 21, 1837.
Grand Jury, angst Term, 1887
Conowago—John L. Gubornator,Esq. Peter 44.
Hamilton—Thomas Ehrehart, Esq. John Ban.
Huntington—John Brame.
Latitnoro—Goorgo Robinette.
Liberty—Wm. McCreary.
Reading—Peter Deardorff, Jamos Boyd, Job
Dicks. •
Germany—Frederick Bittinger.
Menallen—Jamos Major Wm. Galbroath.
•• Borough—George Gilbert, Goorgo Little, Goo.
Shryock, John Jenkins.
Btraban—William Howard, Jacob Cassell, Jr.
Jacob Herman.
Cumberland—James Boyd, David Horner.
Franklin—Daniel Arendt.
Mountjoy—Jesse D. Newman.
General Jury.
Latimore--jecob Heocin, Caleb Beelee, jr.
Cuniberland—Eli Horner, Marks Forney,Geo
Borough—Adam Walter, Esq. Daniel Gilbert,
John Emmitt.
Reading—Henry Knopp, Jacob Holhnger,Mo.
see M. Neely, Joseph J. Kuhn. John Tudor.
• 17ormany—Juseph Fink, Esq. Philip Bishop,
Him Duttra, Jacob Bishop.
Hamilton —Petor Brough..
Huntington—Harman Wiorman, Esq. Abra.
ham Fiches, Chador, Kottlewoll, Jas. hi'Cosh, jr.
Straban—Josoph Herman, Potor Hulick, John
N. Graft, John Eckenrode, Armstrong Taughin.
Mountpleasant--Samuel Swope.
Franklin—Jacob Bender.
Menallen—Henry Kuser. -
Mnuntjoy.—..Tosish Benner, William Guinn.
Berwick.—John Bucher,Mathias Steiger°, Hen.
ry Gitt.
Liberty—Henry Woldy.
July 21, 1837. tc-16
General Coiirt.
Franklin—Andrew Heintz()!man, D. Beecher,
Peter Mickley,Jr., J. Pfoutz.
Huntington—W. Moorhead, J. Hessler.
Mountpleasint—J. Wolford, W. Lott, J. Wolf,
H. Brinkerhoff, C. Homier.
Conowago—J. Wagoner, J. Me!horn.
Hamilton—R. AL Hutchinson, I. Treat, George
Latimore—Geo. Myers. of Jacob. -
Liberty—William Scott.
Readlng 7 —W. Fickes. 8. Albert, 8. Heiner.
Strabast—D. Monfort, W. Wert. W. Black, R.
. 'llheny. J. Weaver,W. Vanorsdallen,P. Moritz.
rougb—J. &Marsh, P. Little, IL G. Harper.
Germany—A. Cole, T. Himes.
M'Creary. P. Deemer:
Cumberland- 1 10bn Eyler.
July 28,1837. tc-17
1 1 (titi • :'- .1.; took%
In the room lately accupiea by M. C. Clarkson,
Esq. as a HARDWARE Stole, on the West Cor
ner of the Diamond, in the Borough of GAVE,-
rr HE Sub,criber having returned from
iL the City, has just opened,
Such ag Cloths, Silks, Lawns, Painted Mus
lins, Chintz's, Calicoes, Cotton fabrics, and
generally goods of every kind.
Hardware, Groceries and
which he is determined to sell CHEAP for
Cash or Country Produce.
The public nre invited to call and see his
assortment, and judge for themselves.
May 1, 1837.
MONTHLY Magazine, published by Wt-
LET & LONG, 161 Broadway, Now York,
at 95 per annum, in advance. It is ono of the
moat valuable, as well as interesting Periodicals
extant, and is certainly deserving of patronage.
Contents of June Number.
Electro Magnetism,
Tho Deluge,
Loaves from the Journal of a Cruise,
Labors of Love,
Gud in Nature. An Extract from an unpub
lished Poem.
Pedagogy, by a Pedagogue,
April Snow,
Tho Forest Child, a sketch,
Francis Mitford. A Tale. In two parts.
Isle Santa Cruz,
Random Passages from Rough Notes of a Vi
sit to England, Scotland, France, Switzerland,
and Germany.
The Cry of my Soul,
Grove Hall, or "Living like other People," a
sketch from Real Life,
The Brandywino,
Autobiography of a Broomstick,
Tame, -
Dramatic Fictions',
Wilson Conworth, (Number Four,)
A Mothor'.i Joy.
Lockhart's Memoirs of the Life of Scott,
Brown's •Grammar of English Grammars,'
Erato. (Number Three;)
Crichton, by W. H. AinssiOrth.
Exhibition of the National Academy,
'Letters from Palmyra,
The Drama,
Salt Water Bathing,
A New Drama,
Mrs. Sophie M. Phillips.
Mechanics' Magazine; Valuable Work for
Schools; 'Lost Tribes of sraole To Readors and
July 28, 1837.
thousand positive certificates of the virtue of
this article might be added, but the follow.
ing is ton reepectuble to' require others:—
YEW.YORK, Doc.l l ' 1833.
I hereby cattily that my wife has boon for years
afflicted with. a most distressing periodicarbigk
headache; and that remedies, prescriptions, add
chat. had boon tried in vain. Nothing relieved hor
until she commenced the use of Dr. Spohn'a Head.
acl.e Remedy, which gave hor imniodiatti relief;
and by the use of a few bottles she has become
entirely cured. I therefore recommed it to all
labouring under the dreadful complailit, as a car.
lain remedy.
I have also witnessed its vii toes in many other
cases, in all of which it has proved effectual.
WSi H. WHITAKER, N 0.12, Bowery.
Just received and for sale by
Dr. J. GILBERT, Gettysburgh.
June 16, 1837. f-11
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of
JOSHUA SNYDER, kite of Hunt
ington township, Adams county, deceased,
are requested to call with the subscribers
on or before the l st day of September next,
and discharge the same; and those who tile
claims against said Estate, are desire to
present them at the same time properly au
thenticated for settlement.
JOHN L. SADLER, Ex , tors.
Juno 30, 1837. 4t-13
HAYS' LINIMENT, used in the prin.
cipal hospitals, and by eminent Medi
cal men, as a certain cure for the following
For. the Piles, Croup,
For all Dropsy. Whooping Cough,
All swellings of the Extre-Tightness of the Chest, es
mities, pectally in Children,
Rheumatism, acute andill Bruises and Sprains,
chronic, Scald Head,
Lumbago and Sciatic, Scrofula in its worst stages.
Tender Fact, Foul Ulcers of the legs or
Corns, other fungous sores,
White Swellings, and all Fresh wounds, Chilblains,
swellings of the Neck, &o. &o.
Sore Throlat by cancers or
A number of certificates accompany the
directions for using the Linitnent.
Just received and foijiale at the Drug
Store of
Dr. J. GILBERT, Gettysburah.
June 16, 1837. v . tf-11
RESPECTFULLY invites those who
are troubled with Rheumatic pains,
either chronic or inflamatory, to give him
a call, having had very good success in cur
ing Rheumatism; and having within the
short space of time that he has been here
had upwards of forty cases of Rheumatism
under treatment, and having given relief in
every case, and failed in but five or six cases
of performing a complete cure—and some
of these were through neglect on their part;
and others to the long standing of the dis
ease, so that no perfect cure could be expec
ted. He would, therefore, invite those af
flicted with Rheumatic pains to give him a
call, and satisfy themselves. Not desiring
those who are unacquainted with him to re
ly on his statement, but to come into his
neighborhood and enquire of those who
know, and satisfy , themselves before they
employ him.
Dr. Carpenter still continues to reside at
his former residence in Liberty, township,
two miles North of Emmittsburgh, and two
miles from Rhodes Mill, on Middle.creek.
October 3. 1836. tf-27
RESPECTFULLY informs his old
friends and customers that ho has ta
ken a Shop convenient to his dwelling,where
ho is icady at all times to fill the orders of
those who may wish work dono in the Cabi
netmaking line.
He has also on hand a variety of
IS*l - 11e is also prepared to make CO P _
PINS, as usual, at the shortest notice,
out of either Mahogany, Maple, Cherry or
Thankful for past favors, he hopes to re
ceive a continuance ufthe public's liberality.
May 1, 1837. tf-5
Important Imyroyentent
in Spring-seatetl
FIpHE Subscriber respectfully informs the
AL Public generally, that ho has purchas
ed the Patent Right for making and vending
Spring- Seated Saddles of the
Zig Zag or IV spring ,in
the Seat,
And also a Spring attached to the Girth or
Girths and to the tree. The saddle is made
with or without a Pommel, just as persons
may fancy.
Saddles made upon this plan aro incom
parably superior to any heretofore in use,
in point of strength, durability and elastici
ty, to the horse and rider. The application
of the spring to the girth is productive of
ease and comfort to the horse, and protects
him from injuries arising from violent or
sudden exertions. 'rhoSpring is also ap
plicable to LADIES' SADDLES.
cer t is deemed unnecessary to state any
thing more. The public are invited to call
and judge for themselves.
IC?" The Subscriber returns his sincere
thanks to his Customers and the Public in
general, fbr the very liberal support extend
ed to him, and would respectfully inform
them that he has at all times
SadAles i lftridles, Marta
Carriage, Wagon and Cart
At his Old Stand in South Baltimore Street,
o=7" All kinds of MARKETING taken
in exchange for work.
December 26,1836. tl-39
Look Here!
THE subscriber wishes to inform his pat
rons, and others who may wish to pat
ronize him in future, that ho has recently
purchased Mr. Callihan's Patent Right for
the use of his valuable improvement iu malt
ing et
. .
Notwithstanding the prejudices against
those Saddles heretofore, he feels justifiable
in saying, that he hopes to gain the confi
dence and patronage of the public—as he is
enabled, on the present principle, to ensure
all his saddles without any extra charge.—
That a soft, easy saddle is desirable to all
persons who ride much, and particularly to
those who may not be favored with a very
pleasant horse; I presume all persons will
unhesitatingly patronize the spring saddles,
when they will be ensured as long as the
pukchaser may deem necessary.
'rho elasticity of the Saddle acting in har
mony with the symetry of the horse and
rider, not only affords ease to the man, but
incalculable advantage to the horse. All
persons of judgment and experience must
know, that a dead, unelastic weight on a
horse is oppressive. The Spring in the
Girth affords the following advantages: Ist
Moving or yielding with the horse's chest in
breathing, no cramps.or cholics or any dis
ease can rise therefrom. 2d. The girth will
outlast two or three of the common kind,
because the y telding of the spring on the sud
den expansion ofthe chest prevents the girth
from breaking, and saves the rider from fall
ing; niany falls have been the fruits of break
ing girths.
GENTLEMEN and LADIES are invt-
WEI to apply, as the little difference in the
cost of these and the hard Saddles is so tri
fling, and incomparable with the difference
in comfort and safety.
N. B. Saddlers in_ the country can be
accommodated with Township or Shop
Rights at a trifling cost.
Itra"The subscriber returns his thank,Uo
the public for the very liberal support oxtffli
ded to him, and would respectfully state that
he has at all times
Saddlei, Bridles, Martingals,
Saddle-Bags, Portmanteaus.
and Trunks;
Carriage, Wagon and- Cai
with every other article in hie line of busi
Pt:7'All kinds of MARKETING taken
in exchange for work at fair prices.
Gettysburgh, Jan. 16, 1837. tf-42
THE subscriber respectfully informs the
public that he bar purchased of the
Patentee, (Mr. P. NAGLE, of Philadel
phia,) all his right, title and interest in the
County of Adams, for making, constructiig,
using and rending to others to be used, his
patented method of making BOUTS AN D
Au article of this kind has low , and anxi
ously been looked for by the public. The
certificates aro in the subscriber's pos.
session, prove the great efficacy of this
desirable desideratum. To prove the utili•
ty of this article. and its groat advantages
to the public, the Patentee has obtained
from the American Institute two Diplomas
or Premiums. The improvement renders
the Leather soft and pliable and is a sure
preventive against its breaking.
Public patronage is earnestly solicited.—
All orders thankfully received and punctu.
ally attended to, by the subscriber, residing
in Hampton, Adams county, Pa.
Hampton, March 13, 1837. tf-50
0:7 - O'N El L L'S
.ilnti-Rl&euueatic Decoction
An infallible remedy for Chronic, Inflammatory
and Macurial
11.7 it also cures LUMBAGO and SCIATI CA,and
it will bo seen by some of tho eartificatos given
from Physicians and othere,that it is a sovereign
DISEASE OF THE HIP JOINT, and all aillic.
Lions arising from an IMPURE STATE OP THE BLOM
lIF undersigned takes pleasure in announc
ing to the public that' ho has discovered a
Sovereign Retnedy fur RhOumatiem &c. It never
fails to cure where the medicine is taken agreed.
bly to the directions which accompany each
. .
Innumerable instances might be given of the
happy effects and powerful virtues of this prepa
ration, in the curd of those painful and distressing
diseases which have been named above, and a
gainst whose resistless attacks the artillery of
medical science has so long been directod in vain.
The transcendent merits atlas preparation; its
sanative powers and unparalleled efficacy
.in the
cure of Rheumatism &c. have drawn forth the
voluntary plaudits of thousands, who by its use
have been restored from pain and torture, stiffness
and decrepitude, to ease, strength, activity and
vigorous health; credulity and scepticism must
disappear before the powerful array of teatime;
nista voluntarily furnished by Physicians of high
reputation, who use it in their practice and have
the honesty to give it the character it so justly
- -
Lotter of Dr. Jos. Getzendannor of Montgome.
ry Co., Md., who was long and ioverely afflicted
with Chronic Rheumatism. and finally curod by
two bottlou of O'Neill's Medicine:
Dear Sin—ln compliance with your request,
I cheerfully add my testimony in'favor of your
Anti-Rheumatic Medicine, and no selfish consid.
oration could induce me to withhold it. My motto
is, "honor to whom honor is duo." I Was groat.
ly afflicted with Chronic Rheumatism, and dis.
covered that the "Materia Medics" contained
nothing that would roach my disease. It is un
necessary hero to stale in detail, how much I sof
fored; suffice it to say, that I have boon sovoroly
afflicted for many yours, and suffered groat pain;
and that I obtained two bottles ofyour Anti.Rheu.
matic decoction. and twu phials of tho liniment.
which accompanies it, and that it has banishod
every vestige of Rheumatism from my frame.—
The afflicted would do well to resort to this rein.
ody, Your ob't. servant &c.
From the Frederick Times and Dom. Advocate
Highly Important to the Afflicted.
It will no doubt be gratifying to our readers
relearn the wonderful success which has attend
ed Mr. P. O'Neill, in the use of his yaluable Anti-
Rheuniatic Medicine, which has been ascertained
to be a specific not only in Ithe,itizatistn, but also
in White Swelling, disease officio Hip Joint, Scro.
Fula, &c. &z. We aro urged' to make these re.
marks, not from the cortiftc/atos of unknown per
sons, but from our own 4rfewledge of several im.
portant cures effected jiy his medicine,which have
created general astonishment. The most impor
tant one is that of 'Miss E. Rohr, the daughter of
our worthy Post-master, who, after years of suf.
fering, has been relieved solely by tho use of Mr.
O'Neill's medicine—the Medical Faculty having,
tried every thing in vain. Those aro Miss Rohr' s
own statements. Tho high reputation of Mr.
O'Neill's endorsors justify us in saying that their
statements merit universal credence.
From tho Baltimoro Chroniclo
We aro not in the habit of expressing an opin•
ion of tho efficacy of Patent Medicines, but in the
case of the aboVe mentioned remedy for Rheuma
tism, wo feel called on, by principles of humanity,
to stato that it has had the most surprising of.
Tho inventor is a gentleman in whom tho
greatest reliance can be placed; but ho has other
than his own testimony in favor of the medicine
which ho offers to the public. Clergymen, phy
sicians, and those who have boon ioliovod, have
borne voluntary witness to its astonishing office
cy; and those who.havo the misfortune to be laic
ted with this distressing complaint may be assur•
ed of immediate relief by resorting to this remedy.
_ Tho following is from,the Frederichtown Der.
ald, edited by Win. Ogden Niles, Esq. April 6th,
Mr. O'Noill's Rheumatic Medicine, offered to
the public in this day's paper, awe form an opin.
ion from the character of the maker, and numer
ous certificates in his possession from highly res
pectable individuals, who have boon cured by the
use of it, is one of the most valuable of recent dis.
covory. Its effects upon those afflicted with chro.
nic and inflammatory rheutnatism,havo boon truly
marvellous; a few bottles enabling them to die.
pens° with crutches, flannels and bandages, with
which for years they have protected their imbs
and bodies. Mr. O'Neill merits the gratitude of
the afflicted, and the testimony of respectable
physicians forbids those imputations which are
generally attached to venders of panaceas.
Ili For sale at the Drug Store of
Agent, Gottyaburgh.
May 1, 1837. tf-5
dispepsia or indigestion, nervous, debility,
giddiness, headache, acidity of the stomach,
habitual costiveness, cutaneous diseases;
gout, gravel, &c. and much valued as a gen
tle cooling purgative, an article highly re
commended by the Faculty, has just been
received at the Drug Store of
Juno 30, 1837. tf-13
TOILET.—A superior cosmetic for
beautifying the Skin.
For sale at the Drug Store of
Dr. J. GILBERT, Gettysburgh.
June 16, 1837, tf-11
JR- 7 safe, efTeetual and speedy remedy for
the diseases of young children,such as voile,
cotivulstons,restlessness, griping, disorder, d
bowels, green tEttools,.sour vomiting, flatu
lency., &c. This article is not a new inven
tion, but one whose merits has been tested
by time, and found fully adequate to the pur
poses for which they are recommended.
Price 23 cents a bottle, and for sale at
the Drug Store of - •
June 30, 1R37.
Ng axis a xvz or HEALTH.
Prepared only by JOHN S. MILLER, at Ins
Drug and Medicine Stare, nppiattle the
Market Howe, Frederick, Md.
lIIS valuable Medicine has
already acquired n celebrity
to which low othlrs perhaps in so
short n time evot , arrivod, and Its
extnnsiva use for 4 or 5 years, in
various parte of our Country,Citiea
and Towne in Maryland, Virginia,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Now York,
Kontucky, Missouri, South Caro.
lion, Alabama, Georgia, and New
Orleans, which has attended it with
unparalleled success. •-
Hundriids of persons have used it, and nine out
ton cases have boon permanently cured of Dys
popsia, Chohos, Nervous, Tremors, Lowness of
spirits, Palpitation of the heart, and all those train
of Diseases resulting from a disordered condition
of the stomach and liver, or derangement of the
Digestive functions, such as GENERAL DEBILITY
To Adults and Children who aro troubled with
Worms, it will operate as a safe and thorough
vermifuge. It is entirely Botanical in its compo.
sition, and may be used by both sexes and of any
ago, with perfect safety, without any change of
habit or diet.
' A full and satisfactory Direction accompanier'
each Bottle, which can be bad at ono Dollar per
Bottle, and by the quantity at a liberal Discount
of the proprietor and of all 1118 agents, which aro
named at the bottom of each directiun.
Now testimony of its cures are frequently re
ceivod, a fow of which follow this ailvertisemont,
and many more can be soon on the directions u.
round each Bottle.
• About two years ago I was severely afflicted
with the dyspopsiii,which I had for the last fifteen
yoart, previous to the above named time, which
was very' much increased by my' having a blond
voesel ruptured upon my lungs,occasioned by lift.,
ing—which increased my complaint, dyspepsa
and general weakness and debility to such a de
gree, that for two years previous to my using the
Garlogunt Balsam, I never -oat . a meal but my
stomach became go painful that I had immediate
ly to throw it up. Seeing Garlegant's Balsam of
Health.udvertised, I was induced to try a bottle;
after taking the very first dose it appeared to
strengthen my stomach; and every dose of the
first bottle helped mo su much, that in the course
of a lbw' days my stomach began to retain and di
goat every thing I oat. I continued to use the
Masotti . until I used seven bottles, which mired
me entirely, and restored me to perfect health,
which I have enjoyed over since, and not before
for fillocii yours. I cheerfully recommend it to
animating who are afflicted with dyepopsittor de
bility of stomach. Given under my hand this Ilth
day ofJanuary, 1834.
Frederick county, Va.
Certificate of Nicholas Wearier•.
Tills is to certify that I bought of your agent , at
Gottysburgh, several bottles„of your valuablo
Balsam °Moeda,. which completely cured me of
the Dyspepsia. I had talton much of other pa.
tent Medicines, but found no roliof, until I made
use of your Balsam or Health, which effected a
radical cure, and do recommend it to all those
who aro troubled with that obstinate disorder
Dyspepsia. N.' WEAVER.
Gettysburg'', Pa. Nov. 2,1836.
Certificate from the Rev. D. P. Schafer,
Pastor of the Lutheran Church..
JOHN S. MlLLica(—Dear Sh:-1. doom It my
duty to inform you that 1 consider Garlegant's
Balsam of Health, proparod by you. a superior
medicine, My wife has long been in a delicate
state of health, and of course no means wore left
untried of which wo count hoar; myself opposed
to nostrums and patent modicines-1 neverthe
less consented to purchase a bottle-of your Sal
sent of Hoalth, and I do hereby certify that Mrs.
Shaffer derived more benefit from the use of it
than of any other medicine. My opinion le, that
if a cure can be effected, as regards the diseases
you mention, your Balsam will, if used in the
first stage of the disease,
Frederick; Aug. 23, 1836.
P. S. I used the Balsam in my own family
and administered it to borne indigent parsons, and
invariably found it a most efficacious vormilugo.
Kr For sale only at the Drug Store of
Agent, Gettyshurgh.
February. 13. 1837. • ffin 46
F AKE NOTICE, that I have applied to
A the Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of Adams County, Pa'.' far the benefit
of the Insolvent Laws of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, and that they have appoin
ted Monday the 29tth of August next, for
the hearing of me - and my Creditors, at the.
Court-House,in the Borough of Gettysburgit
—when and where you may attend if you
think proper.
June, 9, IPB7.
• LINIMENT, an article superior to aIL
other applications for Rheuinatisin, chil
blains, sprains, numbness of the limbs,weak.
ness and stiffness or the joints, sore thruat,,
&c., which has effected cures in severat
cases which had baffled the most respecta
ble medical aid.
Price 50 cents a bottle, to be had at the.
Drug Store of
Dr. 4. GILBERD..
June 30, 1837.
Office of the Star & Banner:
Chambersburg Street, a few doors West of
the Court-House.
weekly,at Two DOLLARS per annum,(or Volume of
52 Numbers,)eayable h alf yearly in a dvance--or 'isvo
Dollars and lifty Cents it no t paid until after the ex
piration of the year.
H. No subscription will be reeeked for a shorter
period than six months, nor will the paper be (linen.
tinned until all arrears es are paid, unless at the ilis.-
cretion of the editor—A failure to notify a discontinu
ance will be considered a new engagement, and the.
paper forwarded accordingly.
111. Advertisements net exceeding a square, wilt
be inserted THREE times for oms DOLLAR, andi
cents for every subsequent insertion—longer ones in
the same proportion. The numberof insertions to he
marked, or they willbe published till forbid and chss
god accordingly.
IV. Communications, &e, by mall, must be post
paid--otherwise they will no meet with attelitio