-ADystatsEmENTs. ' PAuer 'worm -LAWS. A LL persons desiring copies of the Laws "AL; of Pennsylvania of the Session 1836-7 who are not entitled by law to receive them, can obtain the same half.bound at 60 cents pet copy, provided they leave their names It any time before 'the First Monday of January next with the subsri her. • J. G l LBERT, Treasurer. December .5.1836. 3t-36 LITE R. l Rik' U.VI O i: Zadli,Ditoa laq)co...a • . AND Ladv 7 s American Magazine. TOE Proprietor of the Lady's Book, grateful for the unceasing patronage which he has received, an , flounces to the Ladies who have so generously sus tained their own "Book," that lie has made new ar rangements for their gratification. Convinced that be could not in any way more effectually promote the interests, or realize the wishes of his numerous sub scribers, he has secured the valuable aid of IVIRS..SARA , II JANE HA LF., of Boston, to whose, superinteudance the literary de partments of the Lady Book will hereafter be com mitted ` For many years Mrs. Hale* has conducted • the American Ladies Magizinc—a periodical of on; common merit, which will be merged in the Lady's -- Book. Her abilities are familiar to hercountrywomea, and on both :sides of the Atlantic she enjoys a high reputation as: one of the most graceful, vigorous, and accomplished of our female writers. Under the judicious management of Mrs. Hale, the Lady's. (look will not only maintain the excellent character it has already acquired, but it Is confidently expected that it will be rendered inure eminently worthy of the support of those to whose interests and amusement it has been, and will combine tube devo ted. The superior talents and line taste of the Edi tor will give the work anew impulse; while her own contributions, and those received from her personal friends, and other correspondents, of whom a number have al ' ready promised,.tvill render it almost entirely original. Amongst others who are expected to fur nish - matter fur the Book may be mentioned, Mrs. Sarah J. Halo, Ed. Morton McMichael, Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, Robert T. Conrad, Mrs. Ann SS Stephens, Alex..Danntry, A. M., Mrs. Caroline L. Hentz, H. E. Hale; Mrs. E. F. Ellett, E. Burke Fisher, Miss Leslie, N. C. Brooke, A. M., Miss H . F. Gould; Win. E. Burton. Miss C. E. Gooch, , - Willis G. Clark, "Mimi L. H. Medina, Joseph C Neal, IL S. Mackenzie, L. L.D., 13. B. Thatcher, Juiepb 11. Chandler, R. Venn Smith, 1.. ! Proprietor of the Lady's Book is determined to use every means to maintaln the superiority which his publication has obtained. For years he has gone steadily on in the course of improvement, and lie flatters himself that his facilities are such as to give his work eminent advantages over his competitors. His very: ample subscription list enables hie to be liberal in his expenditures upon it, and whatever can be accomplished by euterprize and cost he is resolved to 'effect. Besides the persons above mentioned as contributors,he has expectations of receiving original articles from several distinguished female writers in Europe: and:as an inducement to writers of our own country,he is willing to pay for every article adopted. by him as suitable to his publicationits high a rate of remuneration nil will lid given by the proprietors of any other periodical iu the United States. The mechanical portion •of the Lady's Book will . likewise be implored. The typography will be more 'I the paper of a better quality. During:the year portraits, engraved on steel, of several soniuent ladies will be given: and every second month a co- Joined plate, illustrating the prevailing fashion, will he furnished. Other embellishments,caleulated to en hance the appearande and increase the value of the work,will be introduced; and generally, every thing will be done that the most untiring purpose of leaking, the Lady's Book pre-eminently entitled to patronage can suggest. With the experience: le has acquired during a long course of years devoted to the business, and the aid to be derived Irons disting uished lady who will henceforth be associated with lurn,the Pub lisher is confident that he wilt tie able to render the amplest satisfaction to all who may become his pa trons. Ile,therefore,with u just reliance on his (Aaiun to support, 'respectfully solicits a continuance of that liberal encouragement which has so kindly been be stowed on his endeavors. The terms of the Lady's Book are Three Dollars perannum,payable in advance. All orders must be addressed to • L. GODEY, 100 Walnt st. As the publisher of the Lady's Book is connected with other popular periodicals, be suggests, for the convenience of remittance,the following system of CLUBBING: Lady's Book and Buliver's Novels, for , $5 Lady's. Book and Marryates Novels, for $ 5 13uhver'S and Marryatt's Novels, 17 In all, $5 Buliver'Sor Mirryatt's Novels & Saturday Newsss Lady's . Book,Sat.Ncws,& Sketch Book, $ 5 Lady's Book,Celebrated Trials,St. Sketch Botic, $5 Culwer's or Morryatt's Novels, Celebrated • Trialiisud Sketch Book, $ 5 SIR WALTER SCOTT'S NOVELS.—A premium atilt the Novels by this celebrated author will be given to any perso furnishing ten subscribers and the cash,t43o,to the publisher of the Lady's Book,frec of postage; or ono half Of the Novels for five subscribers and the cash, $15., Philadelphia, Nov. 2.8., 1835 THE ICITIOHERBOCHEtt, A. MONTHLY Magazine, published by WI :A RALEY. & Lona, 161 Broadway, Now York, at $5 per annum, in advance. It is ono of the most valuable, as well us interesting, Periodicals extant, and is certainly dem ring of patronage. Cements for November Number, 18;30. ORIGINAL PAPERS: The Marvels of Catalepsy. Stanzas: by Mrs. G. H. SIGOURN.SV, Tho patriots of the Tyrol: A tale of the Nine teenth Century: by the author of "The Siege of Antioch," Sloop: by the Rey. J. H. CLINCH, The Portico: (Number Three.) Napoleon's Prophecy; by the author of "Guy Rivers," "The Yeinmesect," etc., The Old Church: another Group from "Still Life," by the author of "Our Village." Lines to a Friend, on being requested to sing: "Oft in the Sully Night," hefore a fashionable Evening Party. Town and Country, Sonnet, "Know Thyself," Genius, Autumnal Leaves, The Flying Dutchman. A Sketch, by the au thor of "Jack Alarlinepike's Yarn," "rho Eclipse, eat. • Saturday Evening in the Country, A Serious Argument against the use of Cloth. ing: Addressed to Tailors. By the author of "Red Smith, Loafer," Poesy, Life in Florida. (Number Two) St. Augustine, rind its Environs, The Sky: by Miss MARY ANNE BROWNS, Thoughts on Loan BACON, and his Philosophy, A Whisper of Death; by Miss M. E. LEE, Charleston, (S. C.) : - Major Rocket.. ' A Portrait, Ode: by J. H. BalOllT, Esq. "Thy Will be Done," Loaforiana. (Numlrer Two.) An Autumnal Lay: by W. 1). GALL-kutrEa,Esq. Cincinnati. LITERAIti NOTICES:—The Magnolia "'!'ho Doctor"—Proolof its Authar:hip, • l'Atrunso'S History of "John Bull" and "Broth er Jonathan.'! 'Phrouology known by its Fruits, by Dr. Itm:sh, Ciiiiirgo Holcombe: IL Novel, Mr. Midshipman Easy: by Capt. Mmtam, The Parlor Serap,Book, Eorrostal Rus.snt.r., Dr, 1114185. EV'S Reply to Jumus, Jr. • Tun Dasos:-1, Park Theatre—Mr. end Mrs. ItinnurrMr. Derivri.. 2 National Theatre—The Maid of Cashmere, American Theatre Bowery--- Mr. 11.101111 , 1104 nOnOfit. _ Tun Fir Awrs:-1, Cole's "Courso of Empire S. "Scene from the Deluge:" by F. ,ANELL. "nit Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man,' Staten island—Oration by Hon. Witutsm At om; of Obit). Lritit it it MORD: NIBLICK NOTICES. NEW BOOT & SHOE v dow ESTABLISIDIENT. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has commenced the business of inanuflieturing BOOTS A N I) . 407- SHOES • • IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES, .81 his residence in East York Street,a few doors from the Court-House: Where he intends always to keep on hand a general assortment of first-tato work— SUCII AS. _ Men's • and Boys' BOOTS, MONROE SHOES and PUMPS ;. Ladies' Morocco, Stuff & Leather SHOES; Misses' and. Children's MONROES and SHOES, of every description. ir-p. flaying first-rate Stock and hands, he hopes to receive a share of Public patrotinge- A. B. KURTZ. Gettysburg June 27,18.6. 6m-13 41 O:ERCIIANTS from the' Country will be Supplied by the dozen, at fair prices, Gettysburg manutlicture. Two or Three Journeymen, First•rate workmen, wanted itntnedmtelv MARSHALL COLLEGE. ITT is with pleasure the undersigned announces to the public that Mar-shell College, chartered by the,lngislature of this State during its session lust winter, and located at Morcersburg, Frank lin county, Pa , is to open its . first Session on WedneSdaY the 9th of' November next. The op erations of this Institution commence under very flattering prospects. The number' of Students, who are waiting to enter it, is much larger than its must sanguine fiirnds could have anticipated. And the Trustees feel themselves happy in hav ing secured the services of gentlemen, as Profes sors, combining u high degree both of talent and attainment. Entire eolith once may therefore bo reposed in the competency of the Instructors, who have been appointed to their respective de partments in the Institution. And it is the de sign of the Trustees to increase the number of Professors as the wants of the Institution may require, and as soon as the necessary arrange ments can ho made. The gentlemen who corn. pose the Faculty of the College at present are, Rev. F. A. RAUCH, D. P. President and Profes sor of tho Hebrew, Greek, and Gomun lan guages, arid Literature, and the Evidences of Christianity. S..W. BUDD, Jr. ' M. A. Professor of Mollie- Matics and Natural Philosophy. Rcv. J. I'. BERG, A. M. Professor of the Latin and Greek languages and Bolles Letters. Intellectual and Moral Philosophy will be taught by ono of the Faculty, until a Professor for this department can be obtained. One of the Faculty will also teach the French language. Rev. WM. A. Goon has been chosen by the Faculty as Rector of the Preparatory School, connected with the College, and under the imme diate inspection and assistance of the Faculty. and in which ovary branch of Science and Liter. uturo is taught necessary for the admission of students into the College, or for those pursuits and occupations for which their parents or guar dians may design them. The annual oxponso attach student, for tuition in the College, will be OP, and in the Prepara tory School, $26. Boarding can be had at the house of the Rector, who is propnred to accom modate about 16 boarders. Parents and Guardians may feel confident that a vigilant attention will bo bestowed to the mor als, habits and manners of the Students while connected with tho College. Tlio location of Marshall College is peculiarly favorable for such an Institution. The town of Mercersburg is in general remarkably healthy. It stands in tho great Cumberland Valley, and is .surrounded by a fertile and well cultivated country, with a range of lofty mountains at sumo miles distance on eitheir side, mountain and yule preventing a scenery at ono striking and beau tiful. Under the impression that the Trustees et this infant Institution can, in good faith invite public attention to it as a seat of sound and thorough Literature, Marshall Collage is most cordially recommended to the American community, and especially to the German part adult community for whose benefit it is especially founded, us justly meriting in the opinion of its founders, public I confidence, and a cordial general patronage. All Editors, favorable to the great cause of Education, by giving this notice ono or two in sertions in their respective papers, will be entitled to the sincere thanks of the friends and patrons of our rising lustitution lIENRY L. RICE, Preet. of the Board of Trusteeo. Oct. 1836.[N0v. 21.] 3t-34 an.tiallasonic Slate Democrat PUBLISHED ONCE A WEEK. THE Editor of the "ANTI-MASONIC STATE DEMOCRAT " intends to give fulfweek ly reports of Legislative Proceedings the ensuing session; but . in order to enable him to do so it will be necessary to incur a heavy additional expense. He would therefore respectfully solicit a generous public, and particularly the supporters ofGeneral HAIL RiSON, to extend their patronage to him more largely than he has hitherto enjoyed it. He is grateful for past encouragement, and believes he has given evidence of this by his zeal and efficacy in advancing the cause of the Hero candidate and ofconstitu. tional government and freedom. Au addi tional supply of means to conduct his opera. tions will act as a stimidous to redoubled exertions in support of the cause in its further progress, and in opposition to the alarming doctrines and designs of the Federal Van Buren party. He can only further add,that his political feelings and principles have hitherto been developed in the language of a FREE REPUBLIcAN boldly, in conformity to strict truth, both in regard to the cause of.the people and the candidate who fought for their rights and liberties, and to that of the office holders and the candidates round whom Ow) , aro rallied for the retention of place and power. TERMS. For the whole year, B'2 00 For the Session ofthe Legislature 1 00 SIX COPIES will be furnished during the sitting of the Legislature for FIVE DOLLARS. Any person forwarding filenames of six responsible men for the whole year, will be entitled to one copy gratis. SAMUEL H. CLARK. Harrisburg, Nov. 21. 15.30 WI ®On e ITRU * EES' SAME: 1 111 ALII I 1 Al l -1 AV Ob TVO VIVILL POSITIVELY be sold at pub. lie Isle, on Friday the ICIII day of VII" ANTED, by the Subscriber, at ht' s7, De - c.rzr , ber next at 10 o'clock, A. M. on - the Saddle tree manufactory, in E. 3 4 -4 rerrimL-es, the following real Estate of ROB. I • Middle street, from ; ERT WAIN, E-I.—consisting of ts Fifteen to Twenty Cords or A 2.6.Fu1t, &Maple or Beech libud, I, , of good quality, to ho four feet 1' anal Zl'Arn c e in Huntington township, Adams fifteen to eighteen inches thick, am!, (par: carts. Pa. adjoining Jacob Padres, Iler tered; for which I will pay SEVEN DoL,_: . irrri IVierman and others—containing _ LA RS per Cord, on dglivc!rv. - i. 493 deres, JOSEPit LtrrLF more or less, PATENTED LAND. The iM. Gettysburgh, Nov. 2,3,1930 i. 3 , t _xi,' prarements are Two GOOD DWELLING 6 II i ot, ' 1 l' `lo Owners 01 T eas . F-CeIISZM 7 •ri. I . - - - - . 4. - .. TirO BARNS and Two 'PENA rrr 1101 SES WESTERN LOADMEIG, C and other cecessary buildings. The farm is a first-rate grazing limn and at Wrightsville, York County-1i . .. - tritriated within 2A miles of limestone,with i an allauneance of Woodland. /II itlE Subscriber is now receivino , LOA D ili. LNG for Pittsburg, Wheelie . :. Sc- to" The property will be sold all together, or ' in Tao Farms of about 150 Acres each, be forwarded by w agons. d ivneri cg - win araill the balance in Lots to suit purchasers— Teams that will load at Wrigli6aiiie, always get the Philadelphia price; orgy de _ :, a Mt agile whole will be exhibited on the a 3 of sale, or can be seen sooner by calling ducting freight on Rail Road front Plai/a- 11 0 D the Tenant. delphia to the above place. H a Lot of Ground, ENRY KAIIFFELT- - - - -7-Al-s— ° Nov. 14, 18:36. an.-33: _ ' Situate in Hamilton township, adjoining Andrew Milwain and others containing 3 ~,!:,, A c r,s, having erected thereon a .' ~S TALL il®l3= sr.. —ALSO- - The undivided. iifth part of 300 acres with appurtenances, Sitaate in Hamilton township, adjoining Gel [limes and others. r:_ - _ - , - Ternas made known on the day of CABIN ET-WAREHOUSE, CIIAIIRERSRURG STREET. r raiE subscriber respectfully infernas his: JAS. 1. THOMPSON, ? •lIL old friends and customers that he Las'. THOS. J. COOPER, k on hand, and is prepared at all times to ; , N ovem b er 21, 18:16. Trustees. manufacture, r vilfahOgany, elVapte, Cherry „ atad Baleful:1 4 11 TirTi t l qs"Tr, V rzjilITCM - p t , q r. - -L, ~., 1 , 3 - N pursuance of a Deed of Trust, the 4 j'A 41. A -- 5 "-' 3 l'''.'7-G•=; -' -E r ` g ‘li'llitscribers. Trustees of Bottles FAH or EVERY DEsentertos IN tits LINE. ; Ntstrom, wail oiirer at Public Sale, on Fri- His materials are good; his work warranted= 4,,,, the 16th ,e December next,tit 12 o'. and of the latest patterns. His term-7 are c1 ,,, k, A L moderate,Au ordersa anti fir accommodated to v d to the se times. . 2.r 481, , rarizx or Lamm. o • Situate in Menallen township,Ada ins county, tually attended to. DAVID lIEAGY. : cocillamil'l4 16 Acres, more or less, having Geqysburg, June 13, 1836. ti-I1 : therm: 3 a A 7 AN-1 7- A.l? D 9 with I 6 LAYAWAY mid other necessary Vats, large Bark -Shed and Shop, Patent ----- ; iita,rli-mill, &c. There isa constant sup- SAMUEL WIT ROW !' rizs - of running water through the Yard. II AS just returned from the city with a rats OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ARE large and splendid assortment of ii TWO GOOD LOG rips 1 ! DWELLING 1 6, 11 " ramsz croc, ~ .„...,,.-z........,„ --....." I li HOUSES, = m e. - ,..., ,..., suitable for the season, consisting of ecen ': o - : trsia3 - , mad a good bearing Orchard, variety of +;with a well of good water at the door. The Dry Goods, Groceries, and, , land is of the first quality, and under good QtteenANNare.fence, containing a sufficiency of good Mea .eiyx. Thts property is situated on the MS ASSORTMENT OF Pi n e-Grove and Berlin road, in a very Cloths and Cassimers , healthy situation, and is well located as to he calls particular attention to. His GianuG ~. the advantages of country hides and bark, have been all selected with care, and will .; and is well worthy the attention of any per be sold as cheap as they can be procured at ;', s,aa wishwg to engage in business of this any other Establishment. The Public are;; kind_ respectfully requested to call and judge far (I C. F. KEENER, ( themselves. WILLI A M REX, Trustees. t: Gettysburgh, Oct. 10. - tf--2 r November 7, I i:• 1 313. 117arrisbar•-hronicle. g __ ,___ C _ _ - NOTICE. O r eob r dv f.-" . il PROCEKDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE., THERE having been at no time within II the recollection of the subscriber,3 TIIF. Stockholders of the Hanover and correct and impartial synopsis precisely CarIOC Turnpike Road Company, are proceedings in both Homw- -- -- given of the t hereby notified that an election for Mane- Legislative - . gers of said road for the ensuing year, will and there being considerable anxiety Mani - il' e held on Tuesday the 13th cloy of De tested on this account throughout the state, r ",,,b e ra rnext , between the hours of 10 o'clock the editor of this paper has made arrange-, , . A_ M. and 6 o'clock, P. M. at the public meats for giving full, fair and yet succinct!' boibe of C. Overholtzer, in South Middleton -n ,, accounts of all the sayings and doings i' towmhip, Cumberland county. that body, the coming session. This prep- G The Commissioners of Adams and Cum aration has been considered the more ne-ti b er b ni i counties, will attend at the above cessrtry, inasmuch as the next Legislature i i.idischarge the duty re. tune and place to re will be an utnisnelly interesting one. This t T i ne d o f t h em by law. because, the two elective. branches either, By order of the Board, Government are different in complexion (in D MICHAEL M. EGE, Sec'y. a political point of view,) and both iiiir4 November .--, 1c36 • 3t-34 from the Executive branch of the Govern-[ DAILY & SEMI-WEEKLY meat—such a state of things has not occur I Pennsylvania Telegraph. red for many years, if ever, in Pennsylvania. I THE advantage of having a DAILY PA- The re will be, therefore, clashing of inter s. PER published at Harrisburg, during the ests, and confliction in opinions. Session of the Legislature, containing full, The Cintoxicee is now printed on new„ early and correct Reports of the proceedings type, and contains one third inure reading' both branches, is generally known and matter than has been heretofore pmerited' to its readers: and is now ore of the far, _ i acknowledged by citizens of intelligence ir, pa of the commonwealth. At the (there being but one equal in size,) ropers an rts urgei:it solicitation of gentlemen of high res. published in this place. Along with the y pectability, the experiment was tried by the Legislative proceedings will be givenreeti- ..-alnlier, at the last Session, and although larly the proceedings of Congress and all N commenced at a late day without previous other matters that may . prove i e g. ntere--tin nosier, the encouragement extended to it, TERMS: This paper will, as heretofore,; by men oLallparties, exceeded his expecte. be published twice a week during the ti Ses sion of the Legislature, and once a week "LS yet it was not sufficient to meet its by a large sum. With a belief during the remainder of the year, on a fine-thateN Pease e.,3 sufficient patronage may be obtained double medium sheet and new type, at :;' Insecure the publisher from less, while he per annum, payable in advance. For the confers a favor upon the public, the subsc ri. session alone $2 in advance For six months _,.. her proposes to publish again a Daily Pa including the session of the Legislature 5;.... „ per, during the Session, provided a sufficient tl 50 in advance. No subscriber can -•• on retrenage be extended to defray the expense. tinue his paper until all arrearages are pain. ' five names As its publication will depend upon tho.pa- ICT'Any person forwarding of the Ll ag ib erect esefriendly to the p aspect, in all ived,he solicits the aid of ed i tors, ns subscribers shall have a copy Chronicle one year gratis. partsof the state. Their favors will be E. Gl/TER. . I gratefully acknowledged. I The DAILY TELEGRAPH will be ; POLISHING POWDER.!: Published on a large medium sheet, with FOR Polishing Brass and other 31Lta1Lz.th....4 : hand---43me type, at $3 50 for the Session, ir require a high and .durable Lustre. Thasi paid in advance, or by the Ist of January' Powder will produce a Polish with: 1-----' next—ois4, if not paid until after that time. labor than any other in use. ll 'The SEMLWEEKLY TELEGRAPH - ITS .ExeueraeXCe IN • will he published on a large double medium CLEANSING ALL KINDS OF METAL 0 sh;.et, with handsome type; at $2 for the SUILII:CT TO CORRUSION,—THE 11.,:sieta, payable in advance, or before the BRILLIANCY OF ITS POLISH, ii end of the Session. AND Tin: n,sl: wan wilt , :u rr is .trzuw. 1;C 'There will be no deviation from the Render it an object to every family in paint above terms. of EGON 031 Y. Its superior qualities have I THEO. FENN. gained tin- it a high reputation, and a most Harrisburgh, Nov. 7, 1830. decided preference over any the kind ever offered to the Public. It isi preparation of .szsYL'S -1 .3 ane - dlitronmer. OIN TIELENT3. FOR the cure of Ringworm, there is said warranted not to contain AN ACID, or any , i • to b e no thi ng equal to this Ointment—ma other corrosive ingredient. q ny having been cured by its use. For sale at the Drug Store of i For sale at the Drug Store of - Dr. J. GILBERT, Gettysburg.' Or. J. GILBERT, e 1 April 4, 18313 tf-1 I November 14. 16:36. ' t f-t3:3 November 7, 1836. PUBLIC SALM. LITERARY PUBLICATIONSAC. THE .1 'Miscellany of .Morals, Literature, Science and the arts. -EDITED BY Jas. Cooper be Wm. M. Reynolds. Tut: 'loess, beyond a doubt, is the grand lever which now moves the intellectual world. Among civilized nations, public opinion bows so submis sively to no other power; even despots reverence its voice, and demagogues tremble at its frown. Of course, it may be an ,instrument either of good or of evil—au Ithuriel's spear of truth, or a sorcerer's delusive wand. The obstinate defender of exploded doctrines and the wild propagandist Of the latest theory alike make this their weapon of • attack and defence; and by its means may the friend of truth most successfully refute error and disseminate the pure principles of right reason. I In one of these ways, we may rest assured, it will be employed;•for never can it be fettered or I silenced, and thus will the world continue to read I and be ruled 'by its reasonings. In the present state of society, books, periodicals, magazines and newspapers inay be reckoned among the necessaries of life, for which the appetite and demand are be coming alike universal. Is it not,thint incalculably important that a proper direction be given to this feeling, so that it may be productive of all the bene fits which it - promiseSl - - We have long believed that the weekly news paper might assume a character somewhat different from that which it has usually bad—that it might be made to come more home to the bosoms and business of men—that its interest might he deep ened—its moral tone elevated—its usefulness ex tended far beyond its present limits. Desirous of contributing somewhat to the fur therance of such an object, we propose publishing a weekly journal under the above title. Tut: hats will endeavor to keep constantly in view and stead lastly advocate the objects to which it is professedly devoted. Regarding virtue as the surest source of individual happiness and national prosperity, we shall endeavor to illustrate its principles and en force its precepts. Laboring for "the many," we shall offer to the people the Key of knowledge, that they may thus keep in their own hands that power which will otherwise ere long glide from them into the hands of "a few." Looking at all useful labor as not only the true foundation of wealth, but also honorable—discoveries and im provements in the arts: agriculture aid kindred subjects, will claim a due share of our attention. Whilst we aim at combining - "the useful with the agreeable," we hope to avoid the danger of dulness, on the one hand, and that of pandering to the corrupt taste, on the other. Studiously abstaining from party politics, we shall think it our duty to discuss important points of policy. We shall also attempt to give an im partial account of domestic as well as of foreign afikirs. With this brief exposition of their views and plans, the Editors throw themselves upon the in dulgence of a discriminating public, pledging themselves, if they meet with encouragement, to render the work worthy of patronage. TERMS. I. Tun BIS will be published weekly, on a half sheet of imperial size, on paper of good quality,and in a handsome style, for one dollar and a half per annum—one half payable in advance,the remainder at the expiration of six mouths—lf payment be not made within the year,two dollars will be charg ed. 11. Any number of persons forwarding fine Dol lars shall be entitled to four copies. HI. Any person becoming responsible for five subscribers upon the ordinary terms, shall receive a sixth copy for himself. IV. No subscription discontinued, but at the option of the Editors, until all arrears are paid. The first. Number will be issued on the first Saturday in January, 1837. Gettyslairgh, November 21. 1R36. CO.ll Cll, S.IIIII7PLE .1.111" JD TRUNK FACTORY. THE Subscriber returns his thanks to the Public for the very liberal support extended to him, and would respectfully state that ho is at all times prepared, at his old Stand in Cliumbersburg Street, a few doors Neat of the Court-House, to Make, Trim and Repair ii=t4. l .lomEk r 53 3- - .4, • Baronches CARRIAGES of all kinds, in a neat, fashionable and sub stantial manner, of GOOD mATEnt.tts and at the shortest notice. He is also prepared to manufacture, and has now on hand, SADDLES BRIDLES, $,-oirD LES, - Saddle-bags,addle-bags, Portmanteaus, Trunks, Harness, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN lIId LINE OF nOSINESS. 'rho Public are respectfully invited to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. O - All kinds of Marketing taken .in ex change tur work at fair prices. EDWIN A. ATLEE. Gettysburg, May 2, 1836. tf-5 DR. J. CARPENTER, BOTANIC PIEYSICIAN, RESPECTFULLY invites those whn are troubled with Rheumatic pains, either chronic: or inthimator , to give him a call, having had very good success incur ing Rheumatism; and having. within the short space of time that be has been here had upwards of forty cases of Rheumatism under treatment, and having given relief in every ease, and failed in hut five or six cases of performing a - complete cure—und‘ some of these were through neglect on their part; dud others to the long standing of the dis ease, so that no perfect cure could he expec ted. He would, therefore, invite those af flicted with Rheumatic pains to give him a call, and satisfy therriselves. Not desiring those who aro unacquainted with Inm to re ly on his statement, but • to come into his neighborhood and enquire of those who know, and satisfy themselves before they employ him. Dr. Carpenter still continues to reside at his former residence in Liberty township, two miles North of Eminntsburgh, and two miles from Rhodes Mill, on Middle-creek. October 3, 'MO, tf-27 PUBLICK NOT! •c. FRESH DREGS A IC D aZiTehE.92e2O ) 2lVO at-Z- A FRESH Supply just received and for -. 731 k sale—among which are the followings Brimstone, - Calcined Magnesia, Saltpetre, Oil Sassafras, Indelible Ink, '' Nutmegs; Hot. Mustard, best, " Origanum, Cream Tartar, Nursing; bottles, Powder Puffs, in em Croton Oil, bossed boxes, Balsam Copaiba, Furniture Corks, Mercurial Ointment, 'l'ooth Brushes, sohdFish Sounds, hacks!, Visiting Cards, Quinine, Drawing paper or' Refined Liquorice, boards English Ven. Red, Pearl powder, Acetic Acid, No. 8, Aromatic Salts. All of which can be had, on reasonable terms, at the Drug Store of Dr. J. GILBERT, Gettysburg. If-33 Novdmber 14, 1836. • NATIONAL ENQUIRER AND Constitutional advocate of Universal Liberty. Edited and Published by Benjamin Lundy THIS work has recently been establish ed with the view of advocating the cause of Universal Emancipation. The Ed itor, having devoted more than eighteen years of his life to this important subject, and having, nearly the whole of this period, superintended the editorial department of another publication of similar character and views, conceives it to he unnecessary,at pre sent, to give an exposition of his particular sentiments in relation to it. Yet it may not be improper to state explicitly,that the prin cipal aim and leading object of the work will be TUE I3I3IEDIATE AND TOTAL ABOLI TION OF SLAVERY IN ABIEEICA, by the most efficient moral, judic;ous and Constitutional 111COns. 'Tl►e time was—and well indeed is it re menzbercd—when but a solitary voice (ex: cept its own occasional echo) was heard throughout the land, in favor of a restora tion of the "inalienable rights," and redress for the innumerable wrongs, of the Ameri can bondman. ft was a dreary night of hopeless, soul-depressing toil and carol But within the period above mentioned, a mark ed and visible change has been eflbcted; a wonderful impetus has been given to the pro gress of the holy cause; and the brightest cheering• rays of hope and confidence in sue cess,are beaming around us. It is true that much yet remains to be done, ►n orderlito guard against and ward off the awful, im pending calamity,which has long threatened the peace and safety of our country. A severe contest is yet to be waged with tho demon of oppression, ore the vengeful arm ofJustice shall be stayed, and the power of moral truth established, and the renovation of our social system effected. We must, therefore," buckle on the armor of righteous persevering energy—renew our zeal and activity in the vineyard of labor--plead with more earnestness the cause of the suffering and the enslaved—engage with more fervor in supplication, at the Throne of Almighty Power, for the successful termination of our arduous, yet glorious undertaking. Wit such views as are hero expressed, editor of this work has assumed the sta- lion which he now occupies. lie long since entered with alacrity this groat arena of moral warfare,and yields to none,m the die position to sustajn the principles which he has for ninny years reduced ,practice. [Slavery's] field advancing his firm foot, lie plants it on the line that Justice draws, And will prevail or perish in her cause." The co•operation of all who are friendly to the object of the work is desired,and their patronage is generally solicited, Every ex ertion will be made to render it instructive and entertnining,while the appropriate mot to will be ever recollected —" Fiat Justitia _ Ruat Cceluf7t." - Terms of Publication.—The National Enquirer is published every Saturday. at.. Vo. 223 Arch Street, Philadelphia. -Tlio" price of subscription is Two DOLLARS rait ANNUM, payable half yearly, to adrocmce. Twenty six Numbers will constitute a Volume. Ally person who will procure sub. ,4criptions, and forward the money .for the same, as aforesaid, will be entitled to six copies of a volume complete, for every Five Dollars ad vanced. The Advocates of Email, cipation, .generally, are requested to use their influence, and lend their assistance ift : obtaining patronage, and in circulating work. Letters and communications must be ftnelk: warded to the editor,. free of expense, or they,;:' will not be attended to. 'This regulatio4 absolutely necessary, to prevent inipositte'll ,: from the opponents of our cause. . . BENJAMIN LUNDY. Philadelphia, Dec. 5, 1230. 3t-30 COMPOUND • Carrageen Cough Syrup. TUE superior advantages of this Syrup ire that a is a compound exclusively vege. able, and contains no alcoholic or narcotic etal. dients. For sale at tho Drug Store_of Dr. J. GI LIMIT, Gettysburg December 5, 1536. ti 766 Office of the Star & Banner : Chambersburg Street, a few doors West of the Court-House. • CON DatoNs I. The ST ,t & Rea , ea weA ri DANNER is published weekly-, at Two D6LLARE; per annum,(or Volume of 52 Numbers,)kniyable half yearly in avance—or Two Dollars and illy Cents if not paid until after the ex. pi ration of the year. 11. No subscription will be received for a shorter period than six months, nor will the paper be discon tinued until all a rrearages are paid, unless at the dis cretion of the editor—A failure to notify a discontinu ance will be considered a new e ngagement, and the paper forwarded accordingly. M.-Advertisements not exceeding a square, will be inserted THREE times for ONE DOLLAR, and 26 cents for every subsequent i n sertion—longer ones ha the same proportion. The numberof insertions to be marked, or they willbe published till forbid aud char.. gad accordiutirp,