The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, November 16, 1835, Image 3

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    evoted to Politics, Foreign and Donietitic Intelligence, Literature, Science, agriculture, the filleclianie arts, Internal Improvement, and General ...ptiscellany. 1,4)
WILL be gold nt Public Stile, on the
premises, on Thursday the 19/4 of
November next ,nt 1 o'clock, r. 31. the follow
ing property of GRIMM PEDAN and JOIIN
PEDAN, deceased, viz:
F. 9
Situate in Straban township, Adams county,
Pa. adjoining lands of Alexander Campbell,
Peter Trostle and ()theca, containing 170
Acres, more or less, on which are erected,
ous `ti •
II 0 IT S E,
13 I
Loa BARN, and other necessary
buildings, with two wells of water with
pumps Mersin; about 120 acres of Clear
Land and a duo proportion of Timberland;
about 20 acres of excellent Mnsaow.
here isalso a number of choice fruit trees
on said property. ALSO, ABOUT
60 acres qf -Mountain, Lund,
adjoining Joseph Chamberlin and others.
Persons desirous of purchasing the above
property, can be shown the same by calling
on the subscribers, or Thomas J. Cooper,
in Gettysburg.
Agent for the heirs of John Pedan, deed.
N. B. Vibe abovepropert:y isnot sold on
maid day, it willbe rented
October 26, 1835.
Sheriff's Sales.
IN porsaanco of sundry Writs of Vendi
tioni Exponas, and Alias Vonditioni Ex
pones, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Adams county and -to me directed'
will be Sale,
On Friday the 20th of November, at 1 o'.
clock, r , rs. at the Court house in the
Borough of Gettysburg.
a Lot 43f Groutia.,
No. eituato in the Borough of Gettys
burg, Adams county, Pu., adjoining lots of
Dr. Jesse Gilbert,-fronting on Baltimore
awl: Middle Streets on which are erected, A
• 11.
41i 1,.
and BAOK BEILVINO, with a well of water at
the back door, A LABILE FBA.DIE STABLE
and other out buildings. -ALSO-
On same lot fronting on Baltimore street a
Two Story Frame Dwelling HOUSE.
In 'Cumberland township, Adams county,
Containing 22 Acres more or less, adjoin.
ing lands of Thomas C. Miller, Samuel
Forney, and fronting on the Emmittsburg
In said township one other Lot, containing
8 acres more or less. Part wood land and
part vicar land, adjoining lands .of Jacob
Sherfe and others. -ALSO--
One other . Troct of illountaipamnd,
lituatein Menallea township, Adams coon
ty,.containing 10 Acres, more or less, ad
joining lands of Daniel Orner, Peter Arendt
and others. Seized and taken in Execution
as the Estate of Jacob Ziegler.
By a postponement, on Thursday the 19th
of IVovember next, at 1 o'clock, r.
on the premises,
.1 nact Land,
situate in Reading township, Adams coun
ty, Pa. containing 100 Acres, more or
less, adjoining lands of Myers, jr. John
Baker and others, on which are erected A
Dwelling Ilouae, `.a.
Loc STAta.c, and a Spring of wa• ". 11
ter near the door, and a small ORCUARD.-
Seized and taken in Execution as late the
Estate of Jacob Moses • nnd Tobias Stat•ry.
JAMES BELL, Jr. Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office,Gettysburg,
October t 2, 1835.
WILL be sold at Public Sale, on the pre•
mina, on Tuesday the 24th day of .Novein.
her inst.
Situate in Menallen township, Adams co.
Pa. on Conowago Creek, adjoining lands of
Nicholas Detrick, Benjamin Harris and oth.
ers, late the property of TuoxAs GRIEST,
deceased, containing 155 Acres, more or
less. The improvements are, A ONE AND
A II A It l Y &roily LOG
and DOUBLE Loo BARN, and a well of wa•
ter near the door. —ALso—
J 1 Lot of., 20 liereB,
adjoining the above tieliktribed Land and the
Heirs of Stephen Hendricks. The improve.
o merits are, k Two.STony Lou
- .; 41 ; UttaltFOMl l .2 l
a. 'Lot
Conjaming 30 Acres, adjoining the above
farni,Alihry Bender and others. The im.
provements are, A ONE AND A HALF STORE
.a small Double Burn, and a well of
water near the door.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, ac. on
said day, when the conditions wilt be made
known, by
November 2, 1835:
Joseph Dultehart
Basket, Woodlen,trare, and Fishing•tackle
Na fol 1, Baltimore, between Culvert and
South streets, •
lialtimarei 20th Month 19t la, 1833. *2O
IVI LL be Exposed to Public Sale, on
the premises, on Saturday the 28th
of November next,
A -1F A R
Situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams
County, Pa. adjoining lands ofJolm Horn•
berger,the Heirs of Cornelius Lot, George
%Volford and others, containing
more or le,s
• , '
Jr/ 0 ri e E ,
Log Stable, n Spring•bousc, with never rid
ing water.. There is a sufficient proportion
of Woodland and Meadow.
Any person wishing to view the premises,
can see the same by calling on William
KrSa'e to commence at 12 o'clock, st.
when and where attendance will he given,
and The terms made known, by
N. B. lithe above property is not sold on
the day of sale, it will be offered for rent, for
one year from the Ist day of April next.
To the in c e, .
I ,q -- cyoui.l) respectfully inform the kill .bi.
1 4' tants of Liberty ins nshipon-I the Pub.
Pc generally, that lie resides at ilie house
Esther and Elizabeth Carpenter,i,, said township,
two miles north of Emmittsburg, and ta o and
an half miles folltil of David Eikei's mill,es here
calls from patients will receive prompt atten
tion. Davitig studied with a celebrated INDI•
AN DOCTOR, who is very stated for his per
forming remarkable cures, and yr ho has no su
perior in curing chronic diseases, 111111 having
likewise pursued a regular course of Medical
Studies, and believing that Botanic Med-cities
are superior to every other kind, lie would
therefore invite the attention of those a lin are
afflicted with chronic disease, and can obtain
-no relief lion) other sources—believing float lie
can give general satisfaction to those who may
see proper to employ him.
The diseases to which he would invite public
attention are,
• Consumption —Those who are afflicted with
this disease may find relief in a very shout nine
by making use of those Indian remedies.
Likewise those who are troubled with the
Liver Complaint,Dropeey, Jlsthma or Phthi•ic, E
pilepsy or Falling Fila, Female ability, and Fe
male Complaints in general, Fever and .dgue, and
Fevers generally; Indigestion or Dyspepaiu, Gra
eel and Stone, Rheumatism, and Film These
troublesome complaints can be relieved in a
short time.
Cancers will be cured without caustic or the
knife. Those laboring tinder this di-case may
find Teller in a very stunt time, and if the dis
ease is not too far advanced, a permanent cure.
Lkewise, Inflammation and Ulcer.tion of the
bones, Mortification, Lock Jaw, White Snelling
and Fever Sores, Scaldnead,Fellons arid Sores
I also keep on hand most kiwis of Medicine
for family use. Also . Thompsonian Medicines
prepared for family use. Likewise a general
assortment cif Tel EDlClNES,(prepared upon the
true Indian principle) fur the following diseas
es, which I will sell at us moderate prices as a
ny other medicine sold at the apothecary's
shops forthe same diseases—viz: For Coughs,
Fain in the breast and side, or womaell, stitch
-or pain in the back, palpitation of the heart,
spitting -of blood, head ache, pain in the head,
catarrh snuff, anufffor the nose bleed, Dysen
tary or bloody flux, Fever and Ague, &c.
November 2, 1835. 3m--31
'1 Wasivingion SlliilOr.
THE subscriber having purchased the WANII
INGTON Dl anon from its former prop: ittor, u ill
in future be its conductor.
The general plan of the Minnow is, we be-
lieve, satisfactory to all our subscriber,— .Word.
ing a comprehensive view of city affairs in a
manner unattempted by any other paper.- This
plan will be strictly adhered to. Our leading
object being "to lay hold of those local 6uljecto, and
-occurrence-7 which harem! been noticed in Mc daily
papers," including Police Reports, and all such
matter as is of general interevt, we have engag
ed the valuable services of Mr, WILLIAM Timm e
sow as assistant editor, whose spirited and un
tiring exertions to establish this paper have
been so eminently successful.
We propose to furnish brief abstracts of all
judicial decisions which shall more particularly
interest the citizens of this Distriii. Also, a
brief but comprehensive summary of Congres
sional proceedings.
We propose further,• during the Session of
Congress, to publish an Evssixo Enertorr, by
which arrangement our distant subscribers will
receive the latest Congressional Intelligence
one day and a half sooner than through any oth
er Washington paper.
We intend, if possible, to furnish a weekly
list of all New Patents; a Bank-note Table, and
Prices Current of Washington, Alexandria, and
Georgetown, corrected with the greatest accu
racy: also, Stage, Steamboat, and Hail Road
We shall exert our best endeavors to elevate
the literary character of the Mianna. This
can only be done by the co-operation of those
minds which are able and willing to aid in the
advancement of letters. We cannot, hoe ever,
he so unjust to our subscribers as to niake the
Minima an arena fur the unskilful, since far
more desirable, it must be allowed, would he
judicious selections than mediocre originality.
We believe that the prospects of Washing
ton demand such a paper as we intend to pup
lish. She is already closely allied, by her rail
road, to a great and flourishing city, and is des.
tined to be her compeer, rather than rival, in
exchanging the products of the country; by
means of her stupendous
t rial, she is about to
be thrown, as it were, int * the centre of an im
mense territory, where the resources of indus
try defy the reach of imiiiination, and where
an amount of capital milaVation be crated,
which will astonish the motit,anguine:Acono
mist. Washington and Baltimore,as one migh
ty heart, must receive and return the current
which will give vitality to the commerce of
twenty millions of inert. Such, iirfuct, are our
advantages, that prosperity aiu•t come in spite
causes which conspire to oppress us; bat a sense
of duty, carried out into action, will relieve our
embarrassments, and produce results of incal
culable magnitude. •
We propose, then, to supply a paper in some
d-gree adapted to the a anis of an important
commu n ity ; a lit e r a ry and m'scellanemis fami
ly paper--a journal of current literature—a re.
po.itori of commercial inte:ligence. And .
appeal to an enlightened and liberal community
sustain us in our undertaking.
Terms of the paper—two dollars, payable in
all cases semi-annually in advance.
Waallington, D.C., Nov. 2, 1835. St—.3l
PAU port SALE.
163 Acres, and cell, wance,
The improveinetils are A
Octnber 20, 1F:35. ts-30
I Pennsylvania Telegraph. 1
TO every citizen of Pennsylvania, the proceed
ings of the Legislature grow yearly more inter
esting and important; but the ensuing session
promises to he one of greatly increased interest.
A new administration iv ill comeinto Flu er, "fresh
from the ranks of the People," pledged to a thor
ough reform all, abuses & corruptions of every
department of the Government. The now Gov
ernor is to be inaugurated. His policy and prin.
ciples unfolded and carried out into practice. his
cooricillors to be chio.en; his appiMitilierits to he
made; and his Whole administration to he formed.
The stiljecis I hat kill come before the Leg6latiire
will caiINO investig slums, discussions and acts of
the highest interest to
The. Editor of the Telegraph for seven years,
has been a znaloits supporter of the Governor e
lected for the office to vtl.ich the l'enple have trt
umplinntly called Iri.n. Ile has also been .1 no
less zealous advocate of thorough relorrn to every
department of the ;: overiltnesii ; arid having the
'idlest confidence that ll.e v ishes of the People
will be thoroughly tattled toll in this respect, lie
will take pleasure in sustaining the administra
tion oliosopli liitner and the principle; on which
In. was elecied.
The Telegraph will also give Cull, impartial and
early intelligence of the pr(sceedillgs of tooth bran
ches of the Legislature, including the reports and
debates on all questions of taken by corn.
vomit !importers. I rid every t-tiort will be made
to do justice to all parties, and to render it wor
thy of the continu-d confidence and support which
has been so liberally extended to it by an
gent public. It will also contain a pm Lion of
Gang ressiona I and General news. Arrangements
are making to publish it on 1111 sheet,
With nett type, and to have its mechanical execu
tion intCrior to none in the country.
TM? \I S,
For the Session, three times a week $3 00
twice a oeelt 2 00
For the whole year I in addition ti. the session
sul.ct lid ion.
Ti,e present subscribers who may desire the
to weekly Telegraph ate requested to notify us.
Post %l asters and others luttikliing five sub
scribe: H and becoming responsible for the same,
shall recent, a sixth copy w t, ithout charge.
Hari is burg, Nov. 9, 1835.
Ptunsly hit e,iligentex
d I wIE coming Session of the Legislature m a y
Ps•Li he anticipated as one nt importance to ev
ery citizen of Pennsylvania. A new Administra•
lion will come nano pm. er,pledged to a radical
reformation in the fiscal and other departments
of die Gosernment. I hiring the coming sander,
not only will the leading meASkli et of the new
Administration be developed teletive to State
Policy, but important national results may be
expected to flow from the 111P3SIIITC9 pursued
and the course adopted. Such being the case,
a paper published at Harristm. g, which will give
full, impartial, and early intelligence of events
which may tran.pire, will he highly interesting
to every freeman in the Commonwealth.
tain hill and impartial repoits of the Proceed
ings and Debates on impnit ant subjects in the
Legislature, as well as the accounts of the do
ings of the Presidential Conventions which will
a‘sernble at the Seat ofG-vernment doting the
‘Viiiter The editor himself, who has bad con
siderable experience as a reporter, will be, him
self, in attendance in the Horse of Representa
tives, and a competent reporter will be employ
ed in the Senate. The Intelligenicer will sus
tain the administratinn of Joseph Rdner in its
measures for reform and retrenchment, and will
endeavor to defend it the attack which
may be expected from a cen , orions opposition,
or disappointed ambit on. As the Interligencer
was among tLe first papers in the Slate to advo
cate an union of all t . e f iends of the Constitu
tion anal the Supremacy of the Laws upon JO
SEPH RI fNER for Governor, 'o it will siren
untialy advocate the same union upon General
WILLIAM 11. HARRISON for President; and
the editor appeals to the friends of the united '
action nn the Presidential question, to sustain
him in his m Worts
Tr.opts —For the whole year. twice a week
during the Session of the Legislature, and 'once
a a eek during the remainder of the year, $3,00.
For the Session of the Legislature only $2.00.
1:0 4 -Post Masters and Agents proctuing five
rcsimusible subscribe& will receive a sis.tli copy
Harrisburg, Nov. 9, 1835
TERM, 1835.
Germany township--George N 1 ill, Mi
chael K. Ntissear.
Hannltonban—lsane Robinson, William
Cobeati, Robert Slenimons, Israel Irvine,
Jacub Weld•.
Muuntpleasant—George Golden, Joseph
Rider, John Smith.
Conowago—Daniel G it:.
Tyrone—Peter Studebaker.
Liberty—Sumuel M'Nair, William Kerr.
Straban —floury Brinkerhoff, Geo. Born,
illiam Thompson.
Mountjoy—John Benner, James Barr.'
Menallen—Jacob Sandoe.
Gettysburg—Geo. Arnold, D. WCreary.
Cumberland—John Plank.
Res:ling—Joseph J. Kuhn.
G ettysl rg—M ichacl C. Clarkson.
Huntington township---Wm. Taughin
baugh, David DemaNe, Joseph Taylor, I
saac Sadler.
Berwick—Jamcs Lilly.
Mountjoy—John Horner, Jacob Dieldjr.
Franklin—Richard Scott, Adam S. E.
Conuwago—Martin Clunk, John Morn
ingstar, William Albright.
Ilamiltonban—Juliii M irkley, Jr. Hiram
Boyd, Geo. Irvine, John M'Gritiley
Reading-Francis Fiches.
Mountpleasant—John Cashman, Henry
Snyder, Lewis Will.
Straban—John Deardorff', Peter !trough,
Henry Hoflinan, Jr. George Boyer, Garret
Brinkerhoff, Peter Monfort.
Tyrone—Jacob Fuller, John Diehl ;
Hamilton—William Hildebrand.
Latinaore—Geo. Meyers, Samuel Hol
linger. •
Germany—Ephraim Swope.
Liberty-L—Josepli Will, Williatri.--,Seott,
Ibtaham Krise, Jr.
Nov. 9, 1835.
mu ERT v - RI FL E EN,
A COURT of Appeal for the past year
will be held at the - 11 , 41 , e of Mr. N. Morritz,
on Saturday the 28th of Noreather inst. at
it o'clock, A. 31. Where till interested
will du well to attend.
Nov. U, 16:35.
nary isbiw g o ►►icle
Published by Hugh Hamilton E? San.
TWICE ♦ wr.P:K.
THE approaching Session of the Legisla•ure
mu't be one of unosal interest to the people of
Pennsylvania. The accusations brought aeain•ll
the present administration with reap ct to faxea.
extraragance, internal impruvement, and the school
Inn% would seem to indicate that the new rulers,
just elected, are opposed, totally and w thous re.
serve, to the policy of Gov. Wolf; and it is to
great interest to the people to know vt h
cy shall be substituted lur th,t which has been
•u loudly condemned.
„Am its in all the departments of government
Itsve been charged against the present admoti..
Italian, awl reform It id been promi-tdi and it is
of great intelest to the people to know exartli
the extent ul the abuser, and the measure of the
These are points th a will nuke a paper at
the seat of I:overtime:it more than usually inter.
esting 41 the appro.clung se,.sion of the L, fi s
tature. and 48 the editor. of the Cu HON IC LE ha. e
both the leisure, and inclination, and, they trod,
the , to furn sh ample and actuate
ports of the proceedings of the Itepre4eotativeg
of the people, they pullic , P.trunage to
their sheet.
The Ilsrinisnunn Conosier.s will, a• hereto
fore,-be,scriapolonsl) impartial, suffering no par
ty bins to color the Report of Proceedings of the
Legi•hture. Put at the same time, the editors
r itualise that public ineaaurea shall be discussed,
fully, frock and lea , lessly , in the column. of the
Chruniele, such a di•ctission being imperiously
required by the positiou of our Public Improve
ment., and of our State and Natuniil
For the Ses ion alone, twice a week,
in advance, $2 00
For the whole year, in advance, 3 UU
all'ersons furnishing six subscriber., and TEN DOLLAR/4, shall have a acccoM Copy
forwarded regularly fur their trouble.
Ilsrrisbore, Oct. 26. 1835.
Daily Pennsylvania Reporter..
111 P. proprietors of the Pennsylvrnia
wire of the necessity which exits for the
dissemination of earlier and more minute details
of the proceedmgs of the Legislature, than die
circulation okneni-weekly paper will admit of,
de•ig.n comaFriekg, xith the appioaching , sea-
SIG!' of the Legisl.iture, the publication of a
DAILY JOURNAL under the title of the "D•t.
LT Psis PISYLV•ITI• lizeonTso," which will be de
voted, zscLosivr.LT, to detailed reports of the
proceedings, &c. in both houses of our State
Legislature. The experiment is one which can
only be justified by a liberal share of public pat
ruintge—but. cons inced of the accesstty which
prevails fur the establishment of such r medium
fur the more general diffusion of intelligence in
%%Inch every citizen of the State feels a deep in
terest, and determined to accuse the assistance
of tire most able and competent reporters, and
sparo no pains to render the Daily Reporter
worthy of public favor, they rely with confidence
inn the liberality of an enlightened and patriotic
people to sustain them in then undertaking.
It may be well to state, expressly and distinct.
ly that it is designed to make the Daily Pennsyl
rErt. Its columns will riot be open. to the ad
mission of any at ticles ofa party character—such
subjects will be refused to in the semi-weekly
paper alone.
Trusting to the well-known liberality of the
citizens of Philadelphia: and other parts of the
State. who feel an interest in the progress of our
public affairs, the subscribers submit this Pros
pectus to their consideration, and will feel happy
to receive, at their hands, a degree of support
which will cheer them in the prosecution of the
projected experiment.
The Dtily Pennsylvania Reporter will be pub.
fished curry morning, on a gond sized sheet,
with excellent type, at FOUR DOLLARS for
the session, payable in all cases in advance.—
Any individual transmiitiog TWP.I . 4TT DOLLARS,
will be entitled to stx Carl LS during the session.
exertions of Postmasters and others
are respectully solicited in aid of this enterprize.
Harrisburg, October 19, 1835.
Semi-lreekly Pennsylvania
1111 E subscribers intend publishing this paper
TWICE A WEEK, as usual, during the approaching
session of the legislature, which will be one of
more than ordinary interest—and from new ar
rangements which are now in train of prepara
tion, as well as from the fact that the best and
most experienced reporters have been engaged
to superintend the legisl dive department, they
hesitate nut to say, that the Reporter will be
rendered exceedingly interesting., and in every
respect more worthy of the patronage which
has been hitherto so liberally bestowed upon it.
Individuals desirous of being put in posses
sion of full, fair and impartial reports of legisla
tive debates arid proceedings, will, we doubt
not, satisfactorily attain their object, by adding
their names to the list nt subscribers for the Daily
or Semi-weekly Pennstlvania Reporter.
0 3 The terms will be the same as heretofore
For tire session, twice a wtek, in
For the whole year,
Ilarr:sbure. October 19,
Democratic Stat© Journal.
THE Editors of the STATE JOURNAL have
made arrangements for publidling at letigili,the
proceedings & debates of the next Leg•slature.
From the peculiar relations of parties, and the
principles and professions of the majority in the
lower house, the coming session is betield with
great curiosity, and expected to be one of un
common interest. Much has been said of the
unwoithiness of Free-Masonry, and the greatest
number of members owe their elections to ap
prehensions which have been excited on this
subject. It ma, therefore be presumed that the
mysteries of the lodge will be thoroughly scan
ned, by those professing the distinctive princi
ples of Anti-Mus:onry, who- have the power of
proving to the world the truth or falsity of the
allegations upon which the Anti• Masonic excite
ment is based.
The same party have also spoken "loud and
long" of manifold abuses and corruptions, tole
rated and encouraged by the present adminis
tration, and have accompanied their censures
with promises of reform and pate - 106c prolea
sions, which would do credit to the most re
nowned sages and bentfactots of mankind that
ever adorned our own, or any other age of the
world. The movements of men who have vol
untarily assumed tuck grAve obligations, will
afrord • spectacle replete with interest and in
TE1014.-THE STATE JOURNAL Will he pub•
lished at Ilarri-bang, Fa. once a week during
ine Summer and Fall, and setni•weekly during
the Sessions of die Leeslature, at Taunt Dot:-
LAas per annum--nr Two DULLARS during the
Session, payable in adwince.
Harrisburg, Nov. 2,1835.
hi the /Ifatignant,Spasmodic,or A siatic,Chate, a, Cho
kra Illarbus, Diarrhoea or Loo,eness, Dysentery,
Sick or Nervous Head-Ache, Cholera hifun
liim or Summer Complaint, Chalks,
Cramps, Sour Stomachs, c. 4.c.
THIS medicine has been be ore the pub
lie for three or four years past and has ac
quired probably a izreater degree of popu•
larity, than any article ever be are introduc
ed into general Use It cootui:e+ no nexilers
artich, nor mineral or metallic subqtatire
and isenaefidly compounded so as t , ) always
he of uniform strength and o stew y.
It will keep gold for years and grows
more pleasant by age. Child. en are gel..
orally very find of it, and none will reliise to
take it. It is so well adapted to the various
complanits of children, that every family
should always keep it in their houses, as
most families who have used it, now do.--
Sailors and travelling persons should always
carry it with them.
Tins medicine is put up in round 'wafts
moulded vials of two and niur ounces each,
with the words "Dn. D. JAYNE ' S CARMI
NATIVE BALSAM" blown on them, and the
written signature of D. Jayne to the bottom
of each direction—none others are genuine.
'Phis medicine is not recomme ided as a
"Panacea" to cure all diseases to "which
flesh is heir to" but as a remedy in Diar
rhiva. The beginning and latter stages of
Dysentery, Cholera Marlins, the Spasmodic
or ,Malignant CHOLER A, Cramps, Chokes,
Sick and nervous Headache. For the Sum•
tiler Complaint or CHOLIMA of children it is
unrivalled by any other combination of:medi
cine ever used. It has repeatedly effected
cures, when every other means had tilde('
aided by the attendance and skill of the a•
blest physicians, that could be procured.—
Obstinate Diarrhceas oft ears, have
been removed by the use of a few bottles of
it; violent Dvsenteries arrested and Cholera
Alorbus cured. The Spasms attending the
Nialignant Cholera have always been sup.
pressed in from one to three minutes time,
and that much threaded and fatal disease re
peatedly cared without the aid of any other
article of medicine. In facects Dower over
spasmodic diseases of every kind seem to be
absolute as it has never vet been known to
fail of giving relief in a single instance.—
Griping pains, tormina and tenesmus Chol
ics, Cramps &c. are also soon removed by it.
Hundreds of females and sedentary per
sons can attest to its superior excellence in
sick and nervous headaches as two or three
teaspoonfulls generally gives them relief in
the course of half an hour.
Children laboring under the Summer
Complaint, have been cured in a short time
after all known remedies had failed:--those
too who have been so extremely emaciated
that their bones almost protruded through
their skins, and all hope of recovery aban
doned, by all who saw them, have by a few
weeks use of this medicine been restored to
perfect health..
Certificate from Dr. William Bacon, Pastor oldie
Baptist Church at Pittsgrove, Salem Co., N.J.
Having been made acquainted with the ingre
dients composing Dr. Jayne's Carminative Bal.
sam, I behove it to be a very happy combination,
and a useful medicine in many complaints which
almost constantly occur in our country, such as
Bowel Affections of children, Cholic, Cramps,
Looseness, Dyspeptic Disorders of the Stomach,
Coughs, and Affections of the Breast, together
with all those diseases attended with Sourness of
the Stomach; and believe that the regular physi
cian will often find it a useful remedy in his hands,
and one that is proper for domestic use, and can
be put into the hands of persons at largo with
safety. WAI. BACON, M. D.
Pittsgrove, Salem Co. N. J. May 4th, 1831.
Certificate from Dr. Wm. Steeling.
This may certify that 1 havo used Dr. Jnynn's
Carminative Balsam very extensively in Bowel
Complaints, and have not the least hesitation in
declaring it superior to any preparation that 1
have met with, hr the relief of tilos() diseases.
Bridgolon, July 19th, 1631.
From Dr. M. L. Knapp, late Physician to the Bal.
timoro Diimonsary, and Agent for the Mary.
land Vaccine Institution.
Baltimore, March `.l7th, 1833.
Dr. JAYNE—Dear Sir.—You ask inc what proofs
I meet with of the efficacy of your medicine. I
can safely say that I never proscribed a medicine
for Bowel Complaints that has given me so much
satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and per
fect relief as this. W believer introduced into a
family, it becomes a standing remedy for those
ailments, and is called for again and again; which
I. think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and use
fulness. In the Summer Complaint of children, it
has frequently appeared to snatch the little vic
tims, as it wore, from the grave. "It saved the
life of my child, and of such and such a child," I
have repeatedly heard said. In dysenteric Mine.
lions of adults, I have time and again seen it act
like a charm, and give permanent relief in a few
hours, 1 may say in a few minutes. In fine, it is
a valuable medicine, and no family should be with
out it. Respectfully,
M. L. KNAPP, M. D.
From Dr. L. Lawrcnce
Dr. D. JAYNE—Deur Sir.--The curative powers
of your Carminative Balsam appears to be fairly
established in all Bowel Complaints, &c.; and
froin_the experience I have had with the medicine,
urn disposed to think very favorably of it. 1
have lately tried it on ono of my children, who
was severely handled, and with complete success,
without the use of any other medicine. So fin as
my practice has extended, I think it a desidera
turn in medicine, especially among children, who
are apt to be affected this way; and which every
practitioner iri medicine has found to be a very
troublesome disease. Respectfully,
From Dr. Charles Hammond
Dr. JAYNE—Doar Sir.-1 have made use
Carminative Balsam prepared by you fur Coin.
plaints of the Bowels, with complete success in
every case and I do riot liesitrire to recommend it
to the patronage of the public as a medicine,
worthy of their particular notice.
Leesburg, Va. Oct. sth, 1834.
From tho Roy. Charles J. Hopkins, Pastor of tho
Baptist Church at Salem N.J.
Dr. JAI - Nu—Dear Sir.—Understanding you
wore ebout to publish certificates respecting your
valuable Carminative Baleam.l thought if it would
he of any service to you, 1 would wish to beer 4
public testimony in its favor; we have proved
ite excellency very frequeutly in our family. and
ako administered it to our friends, who horn visi
ted us, and always found it gave them ppecdy ro
lief. Yours neppOetrUlly,
Salem N. J. Jan. 7th, 1835.
The above valunble nardicinc is K ohl at.
the Apothecary and Drug Store of the sub,
Gettysburg, May 4, 1835, 1)2,5
S EC1.14-1. t, 0 1," .
NoTicE is hereby given to all whom it
I may concern. th at, in pursuant.° of vo
Aet oldie General Assembly of Peonsy Iv .
III:1 entitled, " An t
_ Act for holding
Courts of yonitniaM'lcas,” passed the 15111
clay of mulch, hild Its SllpplelllVlth.,
A Special Count of Common Pleas
will he holden at the Cimrt,House in the bo•
rough of Gettysburg, in and for the county
of Adams, on Alwaloy the 281114111 y of Dr-
Celliber next, Owing the fourth Monday
sail month,) at I U o'clock, A. M. to try t tid
determine all such matters as shall propel ly
be cognizable by the said court.
JAMES BELL, Jr Sheriff.
October 2n, I F.1:15.
Prepared only by JOHN S. 111a.Lim, Frederick, Md.
1 tl'lllE subscriber has just re
al- ceived a supply of the a
hove valuable BALSAM, which
, t at ': 'i. is now extensively known and
A ___Ck used in many places in the
itp burGs' ,
. 1 1
.1, Mates of Virginia, itlaryland,
t 1 1 a _
Pennsylvania, Ohio, N. lot It,
and Kentucky, with astonishing
. 1 success, and has performed
wonderful cures in dyspepsia, clrks, ner
vous tremors, lowness of spirits, and palpita
tion of the heart—it is also a sovereign reini -
dy for - all kinds of worms, &c. The pro
prietor has a great iminber of certificates in
possession, of curer perthrmed by this val
uable medicine, which would fill several co
lumns of a newspaper, and therefore gives
only a few of the niost prominent, which the
reader will find below this advertisement.
It is neatly put up in square hall' pint bottles,
with the name of the medicine blown on the
glass of each bottle, and the proprietor's sig
nature on a label, pasted on the outside
wrapper of each bottle to prevent it front
being counterfeited. Each bottle is accom
panied with extensive directions for its use,
winch can at all times be had of the subscri
ber, at one dollar per bottle, and by the
quantity at a liberal ciscount.
Gettysburg, June 22,1835. eowly-12
Dr. John S. Miller, Frederick town, Md.
I do hereby certify that I had this last
spring and summer a constant pain in my
stomach, and a great weakness in my kid
neys, and pain across my eyes, for which I
used a good many remedies without giving
relief. I was at last recommended to try a
bottle of Garlegant's Balsam of Health, pre
pared by John S. Miller. I accordingly
made use of one bottle, which I procured
his agent in Hagerstown, which restored me
to my good health again, and am now as well
as ever I was, and you are at liberty to
make it known for the benefit ultimo Milli
ted in the same way.
Yours, .&c.
JACOB BOWER, Court Crior.
Hagerstown, Sept. 1834.
About two years ago I was severely at:
flicted with the dyspepiin, winch I had fir
the lust fifteen years, previous to the above
named time,wh►ch was very much increased
by my having a blood vessel ruptured upon
my lungs, occasioned by lifting—which in
creased my complaint, dyspepsia an47ener.
id weakness and debility to such a degree,
that for two years previous to my using the
Garlegant Balsam 1 never cat a meal hut
my stomach became so painful that I had
immediately to throw ►t up. Seeing Garle
gant's Balsam of Health advertised, 1 was
induced to try a bottle; after taking the very
first dose it appeared to strengthen my sto
mach; and every dose of the first bottle help
ed me so muck, that in the course of a few
days my stomach began to retain and digest
every thing I eat. I continued to use the
Balsam until I used seven bottles, which
cured me entirely, and restored me to per
fect health, which I have enjoyed ever since,
and not before for fifteen years. I cheerful
ly recommend it to all persons who are af
flicted with dyspepsia or debility of stom
ach. Given under my hand this 11th day
of January, 1934.
Frederick county, Va.
Luesblirg, Virginia.
Dear Sir--1 have used the Balsam of
Health which l procured from you, with
great benefit, it• riot with entire relief.--
When 1 procured it I was sorely afflicted
with dyspepsia, attended by all the distres
sing ss mptoms, headaches, giddiness, hca
burn, and the thousand nervous ittlbctions,
which accompany it, in its worst stages.--- .
At times such was the debility occasioned,
that I was bed ridden. 1 think 1 can say;
that the first relicf,..if not the entire curt,
was produced by the use of the Balsam.
Jan. Ist. • CHAS. ‘V. B 1 N NB.
Office of tilt"; Star dc Banner,:
Chambersburg ti erect, a for doors IV( ,st of
th,t Cop) . l. House.
1. The STA* Si REPUBLICAN BANNER , is publist.e.A
weekly, at Two DOLLAUB Per annum, f„or Volume
Nuutbers,)payable balfyearly ud - irnce—or
e s ltd 1 ffly it not paid t: 4t:lafter the eX--
piration of tbe year.
11. No subscription will be rer dy e d
for a sbortet.,
period than six tuontlni, nor will, the paper be discont
tinued mod all arrettrages are i stUtl, unless at the dis t
eretiou of 1)11.! editor- -A failuxo to notify u discontini
mice will be considered a nznv engagement, and ;hex
pal 'r forwurtled aecordiwsly.
111. Advertisements not exceeding a square, wi
be inserted THREE I 'noes for oNt: oot.tnit, null 25,
cents for 4:very, subseyient insertion—longer ones in
the:samc proportion. • The numberof insertio n s to tits
marked, or they will lac published till forbid tad Vilar
ged accottliugly.