Ott- 'Devoted to 'Politics, Foreign and Linnsesfic ffidelligence, Literatitre, Science, agriculture, the aftlechrinic arls, Internal Improvement,- mid General Okiscel eo-kiiiiwer whether Muhlenberg or %i he at • kte head; and of course will be as much in lerested, as they are at present, to prevent reformation and smother investigation. Be not deceived by the clamor and outcry at present raised by the Mublenberg party a iptinst the extravagance and improvidence = ofGov. Wolt's administration. It is am in terested clamor, carved for present purposes, :.:'and will die away as soon ns the election is over, if they succeed in electing their man. You will then hear no more of their Jere ' •miads over the public burthens; but in lieu thereof, you will find them with one accord time their voices to the Syren song of peace and plenty! We promised you, in the outset, that our conclusions should be warranted by the evi 4eace. What better evidence can we give • you of the correctness of the conclusion brie drawn, than the simple fact, that prior to the 4th of March, 1835, w hen the schism took place, although the abuses now csm plained of, all then , existed—although the public debt was then es now; 25 1 000 e. 000 of dollara—althougli the fact was then as now, notorious that one third or more - of-this immense sum was idly and unneces sarily expended to emit h the Canal nobility .and the army of OA holders—although, in a word, the aspect public elfin's was then"identical with the preseike—not one of • these netrjledged Church and mtriots .had one word to say about y and gxtranngance, or lifted up his warn• sn a g and admonition to the pub le! What -new light has since theii, flashed athwart their benighted vision? Alil yes!—There is 'icifinleres4 by its fitful and r ..:, ominous glare, they are (lbw groping their way to power through a tangled maze of oontradictions, absurdities and incoosisten • Cleat If the public desire a reform of, there must be an investigation into, abuses—and this investigation can never be had, until the reins of power shall be committed to those who will not be interested in its suppression. - It there is any value in the precepts of ex perience, we tray derive-from it one saluta ry lesson,—that it is utterly in vain to ex pect any investigation that shall be search ing, thorough and satisfactory, whilst the party now in power maintain the ascendan cy. The public voice has again and again demanded it. The effort has again and a gain 'been- made in the Legislature, to effect it—and still the lEgis of power has been interposed to screen the guilty from expo mitre and punishment! lf, then, we are in earnest in our endeavors to secure this de sirable, end ? we must arise in the might and irresistible' strength of an insulted, abused people, and, plucking the lEgis of power :from the hands that now hold it, commit it' "to the hands of those who will not interpose it between public offenders and public justice. There are other reasons why we conceive neither Mr. Wolf nor Mr. Muhlenberg de serving of the support of the free people of Pennsylvania. We shall only notice a few; the limits of this address forbid an attempt to enumerate them all. -- In 1820, when Gov. Wolfcame into pow er, the canals and public works were nearly half finished, and the State debt was then !something over 57,000,000. He - has been in office 6 years, and the debt is now $2 s,ooo,ooo—nearly quadru pled. This immense augmentation of the State debt, was the direct result of Governor Wolf's own acts; for,- be it remembered, that no bill'passed by the Legislature .be. comee a law, without the Governor's signa ture, Unless sustained by a veto of two-thirds of the members. The greater part of this money was ex pended in local improvements and appro priations, which were not only unnecessary until the main line of communication be -tweet) the East and the West was comple ted, but also retarded the completion of the latter, and thus rendered the whole unpro tluetive, for years beyond the time when _they ought to have been a source of reve nue. If, therefore, Gov. Wolf had refused ' his assent to those local and partial appro priations, the main line would have been earlier completed, and the larger portion of 1 . the debt not incurred; for amid the conflict of local interests, it is not probable that any, . or but-few at most, of those bills could have passed by the 'constitutional vote. ,Again—The Interest on the State debt now amounts to 81,250,000 Annual repairs, salaries of 443 -canal officers and expences, amounts to $1,911,775 , . the Canal tolls,estimated by the Wolf party at Letivipg a bnlance to be paid in TAXES of 81,211,775 Add to this, the fact that more than dou , " ble the number of Canal Officers and Agents • • suaemployed that are necessary, that Col lectors are employed in various places at ;higher 'salaries than the whole amo't of tolls p:illected at their: respective offices—and .that many of the Canal nobility hire persons low wages to do the duties of their office, whilst they spend their time and the money trf , ,the people, in riding about the country electioneering—and we have such a state of :,,,,things presented as lou:lly and imperiously galls fat n application of a remedy. di , Our last objection to Gov. Wolf which :., We shall state is, that he is 'thigh, adhering t4liNpflo.44l" Deputy Grand Master of the tiOttettod one of the main pillars of that tillOiti;lteptiblicrin order—and as such has tat to eamuso the cause or a brother Ma „riteto wbetlAr he he right or wrong—to oprambtesaenmpanion Royal Arch Ala ' i political_ Pieferment in preference to ocoquileualifications"—and to keep :: 46 nitirder and treason notexcept ti"-man who has taken upon 'inn ; - bbligatioas as these, which direct- Wm) the lawn of his cbuntry,and 011i.latil41.0 be:paranoia* to all mead Iva debt be a sale gopository of ~ ;:0); : ',•,-- 4 ;''..,, •,,,,,,.3.::,*....- -,- .lAz- THE GETTITSBITRG STAR & REPATBLICAN BANNER. power and public trust and pat; cringe— Judge yo! In addition to the foregoing objection., I which from their identitl of party, interest, and previous action, apply with equal force to Mr. Muhlenberg, we have other objections to the latter which we think render him un-. fit for the high station to which he aspires. He is a renegade Parson—an apostate from' the service of Almighty God, to which he had solemnly dedicated himself in the min is!ry. We do not deem it right to reward with honors and emoluments, the man who, to gratify a worldly ambition. thus forsakes his allegiance to Heaven—and we consider , it unsafe as a precedent, as tending to bring clerical influence to bear upon public coun sel, and thus leading to a union of Church and State. In the last place, both Wolfand Midden berg stand identified with the Van Buren party; and it is well known that the latter by their voies,prevented Pennsylvania from receiving her share of the . proceeds of the public lands, amounting to at least $300,- 000 annually--a sum which would have been no slight a;leviation of the burthens un der which she groans. Contra distinguished from Welt and Mull ienberg, in almost every particular that we have noticed, we have as our candidate for Governor, Josnrn RITNER—the able, prac tical statesman—the self:educated scholar— the liberal, enlightened friend of Education —like many of yourselves, a practical, in dustrious farmer—and tie noblest of God's works, AN HONEST UPRIGHT MAN. He is all this, but Fellow-Citizens! lie is more: He is the representative of sound Democratic' principles. Here, again, we notice a strik ing contrast between ours and all other po litical parties in the State. They may rai l., respectively under-the Wolf standard and the Muhlenberg banner. We rally under the broad flag of Anti-Masonry. They may be, as they are, characterized by a slavish devotion to the name and the fortune of an individual—for they have no other common tie to bind them together—We go for free thim, reform and the Supremacy of the Laws. Let others talk of the Wolf party, and the altililenherg party. We repudiate the idea and disclaim the name of the Ritner party. We bind ourgelves to the chariot wheels of no individual. We assert our principles and fearlessly maintain them; and when we select an individual from our ranks, as their representative, we strive to select one who will do them no dishonor, and hay ing made our selection, we sustain him with our talents and oar influence—because, in sustaining him, we uphold those eternal and everlasting principles on which our cause is based. Such a representative, we believe we have found In JOSEPH RITNER. Starting from ob scurity and humble life, he has by the force of native talent, without any of the adventi tious aids of fortune, raised himself to the highest honors; and then again when his allotted terms of public service had expired, we see bim,like Cincinnatus,returning to his' plough. He has ever, in all his varied pub lic career, been found arrayed on thee side of the constitution and the laws—and his life, both in public and in private, has been that of a virtuous man, without fear and without reproach. At the call of his Country, we see him rush to the tented field, his knap sack on his back, and his fire-lock on his shoulder, not too proud to serve in the ranks as a common soldier--happy, too happy, if even there unnoticed and unknown, he might water with his blood, the tree of liberty.— He was among the earliest of those who as serted the supremacy of the laws against the secret and oath bound institution of Free- Masonry; and from that time until the pre sent,he has been their unwavering advocate. Fellow-citizens! HAVE ISE NOT REASON TO BE PROUD OF SUCH A CANDIDATE. The busy malice of his enemies, finding nothing else in the history of his life, to find fault with, accuse him, as though that were a crime, of being a Catholic!!! Gracious Heaven! and has it indeed come to this!— Not half a century elapsed since the adop tion of that Constitution which declares "That no person shall, on accouct of his re ligious sentiments, be disqualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit under this commonwealth' —and are we already to have a religious test introduced into our e lections? Suppose Mr. Rimer was a Cath olic, would that be a crime in him? Then is every Catholic a criminal? Would that be a disqualification for civil office? Then is every professor of the Catholic faith disqual ified! Nay more—your constitution, which you hold as the apple of your eye, becomes worse than a dead letter. Such is the ne cessary, the legitimate, the inevitable con sequence, of the recognition of the princi ples assumed by the advocates of Wolf and Aluhlenherg. You see to what it would lead. We cannot find language to express our abhorence of this attempt to mingle sec. tarian excitement with political discussion, and to outlaw by implication, a large and respectable portion of our fellow-citizens. We consider it a matter of no importance in a political point of view, whether Mr. Ritner is or is not a Catholic; for ourselves, we would never pause to make the inquiry; but as the allegation has been made that he is, and made in a way that implied that he was deserving of reproach on that account, it is but homage to truth, to deny it. The voluntary testimony of his neighbors estab lishes the refutation; and to that we refer, and thus dismiss the subject. FELLOW-CITIZENS! Our county has been inundated with anonymous hand-bills, pur porting to be a statement of Joseph Ritner's votes on the subject of Internal Improvement, and the object has been, to induce you to believe that he went hand in hand with the visionary theorists, and profligate specula tore, who have brought the State to her pres ent condition. Rut if you will examine the map as well as the Journal, you will find that every vote he gave was necessary for the furtherance of his plan, the completion ofa mai» rinds from Philadelphia to Pitts. 661,775 700,000 bkai burg, in conformity with the rule laid down and policy advocated by himself in the House of Representatives. Now, who does not a gree that such a plan was rational, expedi• ent and necessary? Had his views been adhered to and this plan pursued, the State would have been enriched instead of being impoverished by her System of Internal Im provements. 1 Anti-Masons of Adams County: The present is to you an important era. You are about to reap the reward of your con stoney and perseverance in maintaining your principles. Three years since, the ' victory was wrested from you by the hand of FRAUD and FORGER Y. You must expect the same arts will again be employed against you; for you have. the same opponents to deal with. On this occasion,however, their devices will all b- in vain. Taught by dear. bought experience,the nature of your fraud ful foe, you cannot be twice deceived. The prospect before you is a glorious one. Success is certain, and awaits only your grasp. Over a factious and disunited foe, the victory is certain, and cannot but be en• SW. ONWARD, THEN, TO TIM POLLS, TO VICTORY AND TO TRIUMPH! Be true to yourselves, YOUR CAUSE, AND YOUR COUNTRY, AND YOU HAVE NOUGHT TO FEAR ! Record your votes, ON TUE SECOND TOES DAY. OF OCTOBER NEXT, in fiivor of JOSEPH RITNER, AND THE WHOLE COUN TY TICKET—you have reason to .be proud of both. And remember, that in so doing, you du not only deposit them in favor of meritorious individuals, but, ►chat is of infinitely more importance, IN SUPPORT OF FREE PRINCIPLES AND THE REGENERATION AND REDEMPTION OF YOUR COUNTRY—Ob jects which are of far more importance in the eyes of a true patriot, than the triumph of any man, or the ascendancy of any party! On motion of James Dobbin, Esq. Resolved, That the YOUNG MB/ST of the respective townships be invited to enroll their names on the Committees of Vigilance of their respective townships. Rrsolved, That the proceedings of this Meeting be signed by the President, Vice. Presidents and Secretaries, and published in all the papers in the County. JOHN DICKSON, President. DAVID WILSON, JAMES BELL, Sen. JAMES WILSON, co JAMES ROBINETTE, JOSEPH FINK, Lr ' JOHN MYERS, D. G. Pfeffer, James Renshaw, Secretaries. Beujamin F. Gardner, George L. Fauss, For (he Slar & Banner The ensuing session of Congress will doubtless be one of great interest. The discussion of the respective merits of the ' several contending democratic parties in the key stone State, and the determination as to which is really the Democratic party,will elicit such display of Wolf and Muldie tal ent as to render it highly important. A special message from Andrew the 2". ruling monarch of the White House, it is conjec tured, will be delivered on the subject, in which the advantages resulting from bur l:110111CW action will be clearly illustrated in his usual felicitous and forcible manner! It is to be revelled, that proclamation was not made previous to ,the approaching election, with a view to concentrate the republican party, that that honest Farmer, JosErti Itirnirai, might have been defeated! For the Star & Banner. PREACHING AND SERMONS. MR. MIDDLETON, The Parson's boys from your place, who have assumed the ministerial functions have been traversing this section of the county, preaching some of his stale sermons, in which is most awfully deprecated the sin of forsaking the priesthood. They have had a wonderful effect upon some of the devout families of this region. They likewise dis tributed a great number of printed sermons, which are gladly received at this apple-but ter time, being very convenient to tie over jars, &c.! They can be purchased here by wholesale at twelve and a half cents a do. zen! They are printed on excellent paper! CONO %VAG°. P. S. A new edition is shortly expected. For the Getlystnow Star and Republican Banner Muhlenberg the God of Nature!!! It is wonderful the folly and prejudices of man in general, and more particularly when Men in their heart of zeal in supporting principles attribute to frail and corruptive flesh, the living principle of animation! In no instance have I experienced this more palpably than a few days ago, in passing through East Berlin, where 1 observed a lean exhibiting to public view a mammoth Corn Stock, which he represented to the gazing multitude as a pure Illuhlenberger! It was wonderful to behold the worshippers! Their gestures bespoke them vai-i and sin cere, while bowing the knee before their Idol!! It was pitiful to see a few fine look ing decent men—some, for ought I knew, held office, worshipping before the sacred Corn stock!!! Shall we for a moment gine that the willy Parson blessed with lim its immeasurable, the lands of his worship. pers, so as to become the God of Nature to some, and the God of Desolation to others? What an absurdity! Men of common sense —! pause for a moment; examine the matter for youi selves, and show by your timely attendance at the polls on the second Tuesday in October, that Muhlenberg corn stalks, and Priest-ridden Office-holding, Office-seeking sycophants, must submit to the will of the PEOPLE, and that Joseett RITIVER will be the watch-word to victory. READING. David Fullerton, who three years ago rode the greater part of the south side of this county to aid the election ofJoseph Ritner, has been, by the %Volt men, nominated for the state senate. I low he can expect to re ceive the support of the democtatic party, is more than we can discover. There is also another grand objection to him,and that is, the great length of time he has already been in office. It never has been the pract irt with democrats to elect a senator for a third time, and very rarely for a second—but Mr. Fullerton like Wolf himself, notwithstand ing his advocacy of some of the most obnox ious laws ever passed, wants the citizens of Franklin county to overlook his faults and keep him 12 years in one office.—Cham bersburg Telegraph. BENEFITS OF GEORGE WOLF'S ADMINISTRATION. The fidlowing statement is compiled from the Journals of the ! louse of Representatives, and therefore defies contradiction. The n• mount of the State Debt is too small, as it does not include the lute appropriations, uhich swell it to about 5'25,000,000 A State Debt of 23,:365,00,:323 (See the Auditor General's Report of Jan uary 28th, 1835.) • When George W olf came into office the State Debt was only 8,286,000,00 (See the Auditor General's Report ofJanu cry 2d. 18:30.) Increase during his Admin istration, 15,079,003,32 Amount of interest accruing annually on the State Debt, 1,166,975,17 Yearly increase of debt, 2,513,167,22 Monthly increase 209,430,60 Daily d 0,6,981,02 _ _ Interest on State Debt and salaries of Canal officers, 1,311,075,17 Estimated amount of Tolls, 700,000 Deficiency to be made up by OerTAXATION, 611,075,17 Amount of debt held by foreigners 12,494,936,09 (See Auditor General's Report of January 29th, 1835.) Cost of New York Canals per mile, Cost of our Public Works under Shulze's adminstration 22,500 Cost of our Public Works under Wolf's adminstration, 42,000 Add to this an A RNIY of OFFICERS upon the Canals and Rail Roads, numbering FIVE HUNDRED and FOUR, and cost ing the State ONE HUNDRED AND FOR TY•FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS an nually, (see Report of Canal. Commissioners of January 6th, 1835.) and then we may be enabled to appreciate the blessings of Gov. Wolfsadminist ration,wbich hasoverwhelm ed us with DEBT and TAXATION. If the people of this county aro willing to continue this administration in office for an other term of three years and support its measures, let them vote the ticket headed: For Governor—GEOßGE WOLF. But if they are desirous of a change, and wish to see economy and virtue supply the place of profligacy, extravagance and cor ruption, let them vote the ticket headed: For Governor—JOSEPH RITNER. Masonic Falsehood Refuted. OzrAlthough we consider a man's Re ligious opinions as matters of no importance in politics, yet we deem it our duty to ex pose the FALSEHOODS and FORGERIES of the Masonic party in reference to Mr. RITNER'S Religious opinions. They charge him with being a Catholic, believing that they could render him and the Catholic Religion odi ous at thesame time. We subjoin the proof of their lies:— VERITAS. GEMTLEMEN, Your favor dated the 21st inst was hand• ed to me a few hours ago. It appears that you were appointed at a numerous and re spectable meeting of the opponents of Secret Societies, to address me for the purpose of repelling an untrue report which has been circulated against me. • 1 regret that my political friends should have found it necessary to apply to me per sonally, for any such refutation; but it seems that our adversaries wish to avail themselves of the Catholic excitement to obtain votes un der an erroneous public impression. Under ordinary circumstances, I would have considered it of no consequence; but as there can be no doubt but that the assertion that I am a Roman Catholic is made for the same purpose, and comes from the same source that induced John Brown to commit .perjury, and others to perpetrate forgery, in 1832, I repel the charge, and inform you that I AM NOT A ROMAN CATI-10- LIC. I am Gentlemen, with respect, lour obedient servant, JOSEPH RITNER. gqqq i gqg The following is the oath taken by Mr. Muhlenberg upon his being ordained a min ister of the gospel. Citizens of Pennsylva. nia,can you think for a moment of bestowing your votes upon a man, who has thus, with.' out any good reason whatever, (save the lust of oflico,) forsaken the cause which he had thus solemnly espoused and sealed with an oath!! An able writer correctly ob serves, "there can be no escape from this oath .but a suspension of deprivation of the bodily or mental powers!!! Mr. .Mublen. berg has apostatized from the church, which he was in duty bound by his oath, to "build up." Read it, christians of all denominations— ponder on it professors of religion, and on Me day of the election remember this man's treason. Philad. Star. , "I know that I am now free and may pass to a secular state of life; but if I receive this order„ it will no longer be lawful for me to recede from my engagement, wherefore 1 should reflect while I have time, lest I should take upon mpelfa solemn covenant to the Lord which being unable to keeßl incur his wrath. All these things I know, and have Buffalo township, Washington county, t August 22, 1835. ~g~ ~'; held in long, deep and prayful meditation; and with God's grace I am resolved for his holy service, and call the Father, Son and Holy Ghost to witness that Ido now abjure the world, the flesh and the devil; that 1 will devote myself to the service of God, that my lffe shall be pure and I will he FOR. EVER ENGAGED IN THE MINISTRY OF GOD ' S Cuuncu, that I renounce all the levities, al lurements and occupations of the world; that I will rum lily my members from rill vices and concupiscenceses; that my doctrines shall be spiritual medicine for the people of God; that the odor of my life shall be the de light of the church of Christ; and that I will by unwearied labour and prayer, build up the house of God. And I pray the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost to give me grace and strength to keep this VOLUNTARY VOW." In our paper of to day, will be found a most important and interesting document, on the sub ject of Freemasonry. Some time since, an action of Libel wns institunted and It led, in the court of common Pleas of Adams county, by Thaddeus t.-.Leven?, Esq. against Jacob Lefever, editor of the Gettysburg Compiler, it masonic print. The do. cement to which we aikido, is the deposition of finned A. Shedd, which was procured by Mr. Ste. tens, to ho read in evidenco.on the investigation of the case referred to. Mr. Shedd, evidently is, fiollll the manlier in which his deposition is writ ten, a highly talontod,intelligent and disinterested witness; and-much as has, heretofore, boon writ ten on the all engrossing subject of masonry, in our opinion, the public has nover been favored with any thing, which more fully unfolds, to the candid and impartial reader, tho ►mysterious work. ings and secret and dainnning influence, which the operations of the Institution has upon the morals and religion of the community, and its treasonable tendency towards ALL forms of re• publican government. The deposition of Mr. Shedd covers the whole ground of masonry, and proves beyond a rational doubt the forcoablo abduction and wilful, premeditated, and savago murder of William Morgan, a free citizen; for no other purpose than to suppress his (Morgan's) in tended rovolatiun oldie infamous oaths, fiendish penalties, and tho corrupt and dangerous influence of the Institution. Wo introat every man in the community, to road carefully and without preju dice, this expose oftnasoury, and wo fool warran ted in venturing the opinion, that the conclusion which every man who will bo convinced, will arrive at, will be, an unqualified reprobation of the' Order.—Huraingdon Aurora. • 821,000 Six Cents Reward. R ANA WAY from the Subscriber living in Franklin township, Adams County, on Tuesday the 29th inst. a mulatto boy named JOHN JONES, about 18 years of age. I forewarn all persons from harbor ing, or trusting said boy in any way upon my account. The above reward will be given for his apprehension, but no thanks nor charges 'aid if brought back. JOSEPH WILSON. 3t-27 October 5, 1835. BARGAINS: BARGAINS: NIPAW GOODS. 11.11 1 / 4 b-WV—* caMe'is`POlL,7) o IAS just received, and now offers for sale AS LARGE AND WELL SELECTED eititblia -bat ait rt) as ever been offered to the public in this place! ISIS STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF Fine and Superfine all colours. CLOTHS: Milled CASSIMERES, plain, striped, plaid and corded, Fine and Superfine CASSINETTS, SAT. TINETTS and CORDS, BEVERTEENS, MOLESKINS and PE TERSHAMS, FLANNELS and BLANKETS, Merino, silk and common VESTINGS, 3-4, 4-4 and 6-4 English and French ME RINOES, Oil and common 3-4 and 4-4 CHINTZ, CALICOES and GINGHAMS, Merino, Thibet Wool, Cashmere and rilk SHAWLS, Merino, Thibet Wool, Cashmere, Silk and Gause Dress HANDKERCHIEFS, Italian LUTESTRINGS, Plain and plaid GROS DE NAPS. Fur CAPES, CRAVATS, BOAS, Fur and Chincilla CAPS, &c. &c. &c. WITII ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE IN THE DRY GOOD L 1 E. ALSO-A LARGE STOCK OF Marbbiare, 'iar Kroll anti Zteel; Sheet, hoop and strap IRON, HOLLOWV•WVARE and CASTINGS, SHOVELS4and TONGS, Brass AND-IRONS, &c. &c. &c. WITH A LARGE STOCK OF „ft! cob aro ter ito, Queensware, Woodwarensm&c. O'''Country Merchants can be supplied with Nails by the ton at City prices. The l'ublic are invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. P. S. OLD DEBTS would be thank- fully received. • G. A. • • Gettysburg, Sept. 28, 1835. tf-26 Petersburg Invincibles, AI'TE?VTIOIV! ITOU will parade at the house of Mr. Daniel Miller, in Petersburg. (York Springs,) on Saturday the 10th of October next, at 10 o'clock, A.lll. in Winter Uniform. JONAS JOHN, Capt. October 5, 1F:35, An Election will be held on said day, for officers of said Company. DAVID SCOTT, Mai-. BATTALION WIDER S. THE American Union Battalion of Vol unteers will parade in the Borough of Gut. tyshurg, on Friday the 9th October of next. 'at ,10 o'clock, A. M. each private to he pro vided with 10 rounds of - Blank Cartridge. DAVID - SCOTT, Maj. An Election will be held on said day for officers of the Gettysburg Troop. General T. C. Miller and Staff are requested to at tend said parade. October sth, 1835. PVIIIIAIC IN pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Ott Court of Adams county, will be sold at Public Sale, on the preinises, on Frtday the Mih of November next., at 1 o'clock, P. M. IDIA A:Nia" ALT I 0% 4 - * *' Ai . Late the Estate of Francis ` , Tit , - ( son, deceased, situate in Mountjoy township, Adams county, on . the road from Gettysburg to Taney-town, 6 lodes from the former and 7 frOm the lour r place, adjoining lands of Isaac Paxton, Ja cob Mitring 80 others, containing ‘2 tt 3 Acres, more or less, ofTatented Land. The improvements are, a good Loa ~,•••• LT 0 S E BUICK BARN, and other necessary ings, and is spring of never falling water.— There is a sufficient proportion of woodland and . meadow, and a stream of water running through the flirm; also, an excellent OR CII ARD GRAFTED. The farm is in an ex cellent state of cultivation, and produces good IV heat and Clover. Persons desirous of purchasing can bo shown the property previous to !Co day of sale, by either of the subscribers living on the farm. Terms made known on the day of sale. -ALSO On Saturday the 14th of November next, at 12 o'clock m. on the promises, A LOT OF GIiOUND Late the Estate of Francis Allison, deed, situate in the Borough of Gettysburg, h:.v• ing erected thereon A TWO. STORY BRICK E l 0 LT V• 3 STABLE, &c. and a well of water near the kitchen door. The property is now occur pied by Mr. Geiselman. Kr-Terms will be made known on the day of sale by FRANCIS ALLISON, Adm'rs. ROBERT ALLISON, t* -- If the above Farm is not sold at the time specified, it will then he ()tiered to the highest bidder for rent fur one year from the first of April next. September 28,1835. PUBLIC Sik.LIPA. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be sold at Public Sale on the premises, on Wednesday the 28th of October next, the following pro. perty, late the Estate ofJosErn FALLER, de ceased, viz: A FARM, Situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams County, Pa. about two miles ft om Conowa go Chapel, adjoining lands of Jacob Will, Jacob Lawrence and others, containing 63 acres, more or less, on which are erected, A ONE AND A DAM , ' STORY LOG DWELLING if OVS E , I 0. : •,v, Double Log Barn, Stone Spring house,there are also two wells of excellent water on the place. About 5 acres in meadow, and 12 acres of which is in good timber. There is also a first rate ORCHARD of choice fruit on the farm. -ALSO- On the same day, A TRACT OF LAND, late the Estate ofJosEPs FALLER, deceased, Situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams Co. Pa. about 2 miles from Conowago Chap el, adjoining lands of Peter Smith, Jas. Mc- Sherry and others,containing 33 acres more or less, on which are erected, a one and a half STORY LOG DWELLING HOUSE, Double Log Barn, Log Spring House, with never failing water. About 6 acres in mea dow, and an excellent ORCIIARD. The sale of the fdrmer to commence at 12 o'clock, m. and the latter at 1 o'clock, r. m., when due attendance will be given, and terms made known by JACOB SMITH, Administrator, De bolas non. September 21, 1835. ts*-25 KJ - Utile above farms are not sold on the day of sale, they will be offered for rent. John Evans & John L. Mayer, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HAVE formed a partnership in business. Their office is on the corner between Sehr!ver's and Small's stores, where one of them may always be found. The Courts at Gettysburg as well as York will be attended. York, Sept. 21, 1835. 4t-25 DUE .VOTIOE. ALL persons having nrcounts with E MANUEL ZIEGLER are hereby requestud to call and settle the same with the subscriber. It is absolutely necessary to close the seine by the 20th .of October ttext—.after which time, the Books will he placed in the hands of a Magistrate for col lection. DAVID ZI EG LEH. Sept. 28, 1835. tm-26 DUE *0 TES For Sale at tliiq Office). OBITUARY RECORD DIED. On the 2d inst. Mrs. CATHAINE SWOZ"E-, wife of: , Mr. Ephraim Swope, of Littlestown,in the 3fitit year oilier age. On the 20th ult. Mrs. RACIIAEL. BELINKEIIIIOI , Ti. wife of Mr:lsaae Briniterhoff,of this county, aged-3X years. HY:VENIAL, EEGIsTEE. MARRIED. In Frederick, Md. on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Zncharias,Mr. DANIEL GituErrr.of this place, to nag EMMA ELIZABETH RICE, of Frederick. On the !?.-Ith ult., by the Rev. Mr. Gottwfild s Mr. ANDREW KUIINB, of this county, to Mies IN w. me Recto*, of Cumberland county. On the lst nit. by the Rev. Mr. Gottwald. Mr.. Pc. TEE SMITH to Miss EVE BENTV, boat of York count). On the same day, by the same, Mr. GEotten Gauss tp Miss EUZAIETH. MLEts, both of Adana county. OkMl Krnevott(l to Foreign and Domestic Ihttelligence r Literature, Science, acriettltitre, the allechairic arts, ffsiteraitil Improvement, and General alllscetrany"4-0 _ Uto.e Afar AND REPUBLICAN BANNER HY ItOIIERT W. 311111)1,ETON At tilli per annum. lialf•yearly in advance. GETTYSBURG., PA. 'Monday, October 5, 1 835. BALTIIVIOR [Corrected weekly fro $612 to IClovetsced $4 25 0)4 50 1 2 _5 to 1 301 Flaxseed 1 25 to 1 50 85 to Whiskey 33 to 31 to 33i Plaster, per ton, 3 60 Flour Wheat Corn Oats Wood! Wood! (:}—The emptiness of our cellar, and the coldness of the weather, prompt us to re mind our friends, that n few loads of WOOD will not tome amiss just nt piesent. Democratic Atitillialionlo• Tickett GOVERNOR, JOSEPH ItITNER. sENATon, J A ill S 111 cCOAKEY. ASSEMBLY, Thaddeus Stevens, Esq. James McSherry, Esq. commissroNEß GEORGE WILL, Esq. AUDITOR, ALLEN ROBINETTE. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, QU I NTIN A R NISTRONG. Masonic Wolf Ticket. ASSEMBLY T. C. MILLER. COMMISSIONER JOHN A ULABAUGH, Esq ISEEIEB3 JOHN EIKER. DIR ECTOR OF THE POOR JACOB HERBST. Masonic, Ignorance Ticket. "MUIILENBERO AND NO FREE SCHOOLS!!!!" SENATOR, ALEXANDF.It SMALL. ASSEMBLY GEORGE SNIYSER, ISAAC ROBINSON. CODUIIISSIONER, HENRY MYERS AUDITOR, o::rDechned! DIRECTOR, PETER TROSTLE. Public Meeting . : do t ty- A MEETING of the friends of JOSEPH RITNER and ANTI-MASONRY, will be held at the house of Philip Heagy, Esq. in New-Ox ford, on WEDNESDAY NEXT (the 7th day of October inst.) at 12 o'clock M. The friends of the Farmer, the Constitu tion, the Supremacy of the Laws and Econ omy, are respectfully requested to lay aside private business for that day, and attend the meeting; so that the Office-holders and Of fice-hunters, as well of this State as of • the General Government, may see, that neither the Parson nor the La wyer,but that the FAR MER OF WASFIINGTON COUNTY IS the true Candidate of the PEOPLE of Adams coun ty. As the Second Tuesday :n October tnst. must decide, if the People's rights and, interests shall be consulted and regarded in future within this State; or if you and your posterity shall, for three years longer, be doomed to be the hewers of wood and the drawers of wilier for the exclusive benefit of the minions of a depraved Secret Socie ty and an ambitious PRIESTHOOD—both highly aristocratical in their principles; we hope Fellow-Citizens, that you will not hesi tate to looso a day, in order to promote the reform necessary for the saving of your lib erty. T. STEVENS, Esq. has promised to at tend, and tt is hoped, that he and other Gen tlemen will address the meeting. The presence of Messrs. M ' CONXEY, SIIRRRY, and of' the other candidates on the Anti-Masonic ticket would be remarked with gratitude by MANY OF THE PEOPLE. October 5, 1825: Who shall do his duty best among the eir• lightened ,on of Adams county on the lath of October instant, 0:7 - 111#3 Bonovon district will have hard battling with the Lodge, but will do nobly. The pure FARMERS of CUMBERLAND Will come to our aid. Linnirry, ns usual, will prove hi rselt worthy of her name. She weeps over one or two deluded sons, but others have taken their deserted seats. lEMILTONBAN—There are the Working people; there are tho honest yeomanry!-- Of course, an for Ritner—All? No! n. row idlers in town are for Wolf, and a few worn out politicians for the worn•out Parsonl— Ilarniltonban will strive hard with honest - Menalleti for the race. FRANKLIN—There the rally is all for the Farmer; and the hardy sons of the Montt. Win will come down to the aid of their fel low wot king-man' and wagoner, JOSEPH 01.4'NER. • • P*ENALLEN! HONEST MENALLENI What ciin we say in thy praise? Be equal to thy . self;• slack not of thy Fortner effirts, and you wijibe above all praise. Strain hard, or Hanailtonban will out•strip ou in your glO noes course! - TYRONE! Although small, you have n Lion's heart! According to your numbers, none will do better for honest Joe! liti-snxenon! Here are to be found the MARKET. the Baltimore Patriot.] CtZrThe Renegade worshippers at the shrine of the Renegade Priest have been tril -1 veiling into different nooks and corners of ,the county, gathering together their breth ren and exhorting them to stick to their faith and not, like their very worthy leaders, back-slide and be devoured by the Wolves and Antics! We notified the public or the great meeting they had at Slagle's. We can now state that the meeting in Little& town was still greater—no less than six— jive Muhlies and one Wolf! Fine speaking on the occasion, and many were the tears shed when a feelingly tender exhortation in German was made to the disciples, to stick to the orator notwithstanding the attacks mado against his pure and spotless charac ter! THE GETTVSBITRG STAR tvz R`EPUBLICAN BANNER. noblest of the Free! Hero also is a bitter and insidious fee who will be signally routed On the day of battle! LATIMOR E! The art pure enough for the Paradize of the Just. Had you one or two ambitions fallen spirits thrust from among you, peace would reign throughout your borders. STRABAN! Here are the sound and in telligent Farmers and Mechanics. No dis trict can boast of more intelligence or more honesty. READING! The clouds of darkness are passing from thy horizon; and light will soon cheer thee. The faithful among you have been faithful to the end. HAMILTON! Poor Hamilton! You have a few choice and determined spirits; the rest are honest and will eventually be sound. Let the "Spartan Band" of Hamilton show a bold front, and their neighbors will come to the rescue. BERWICK! Fit to enter the lists with Hainiltonban and honest Menallen! No higher • glory can be won. If nny of thy once solid band have back-slidden and re ceived their reward from George Wolf in the shape of office, point them out to the scorn of their fellows as "honest in pro portion to their interest." Strive to be fore most. CoNowAco! Oh! Conowagol Many of thy sons are pure, but why are some of the mighty among you fallen? Let your deeds speak your eulogy. MOUNTPLEASANT/ Thou art a pleasant Mount, and thy acts shall not disgrace thy MOUNTJOY! Strive for the victory, and the sons of light will triumph. • GERMANY! Plain, honest, unsophisticat ed Germany! On the day of trial, the plain GERMAN FARMER will find you all ready to aid him in the groat labors bel , re him—the labor of cleaning the Masonic sta ble. What have thy honest sons to do with the Royal Arch Companion or the woman handed Priest? Huzza! for Germany! Freemen of Adams! RALLY FOR THE coNFmar! Let no man remain slothfully at home. _ Let no man boast in idle security, UNTIL TILE VICTORY IS WON! Anti-masons of Adams Co.: Krln ono short week the destinies of the State for the next three years, and the final destiny of Masonry in Pennsylvania, will be decided by the votes of the FREEMEN of this great State. How important, then, for yourselves and your children that every un shackled voter s hould be at the polls! Nev er before has so fair an opportunity offered for redeeming the State, from the enormous abuses which now oppress it. It is the duty of every freeman who is able to go to the election, to deposit his vote in the ballot box. Let none think that his vote will be of but little importance. One absent voter in each township of the State, might decide the re sult. Let none think that because RITNEWEI prospect is bright, that he may neglect his duty. Desperate efforts will be made to defeat him. FRAUD, FORGERY and PERJU RY will be again resorted to, to defraud the people. Up, then,every Freeman! Go to the polls, and vote for the FARMER, hiseph Ritner! Look out for Forgeries, Frauds and Lies! OzrAs usual with the Masonic party, we expect to hear of a thousand LIES about JosErn RITNER, the week betore the elec- tion. Let not the people believe them.— Never was a purer and abler man than Jo- SEPIt. RITNER before the people for their suffrages. Office• holders and Office-hunters may lie and swear to their lies, his charac ter will go down to the grave without a blemish. ANOTIIER FAILURE! GROAT IVIEEITI'NO EV GEttiIIANYI 0-%Ve had the satisfaction of attending, on Saturday last, the largest political meet ing ever held in any section of the county out of the Borough—and exceeded but by very few ever held in the Borough. The old and the young for miles around, were there—all animated and zealous in the cause of the GERMAN FARMER. The meet. ing was organized by appointing Mr. DA VID 'LUCK, President; Messrs. Jecon BAIMIGARTNEUi ISAAO KREBS,JOHN LECII. 'TV and Lvowles STUDY, Vice•Preanlents; ii4SE and Messrs. Isaac Snyder and Isaac Jones, Secretaries. After the organization of the meeting, the subjoined Resolutions were in troduced and supported in an eloquent and forcible manner by Mr. STEVENS, and after a few remarks from Gen. MILLER, were U NANIMOUSLY adopted:— Resolved, That we believe Secret Som. ties bound together by unlawful oaths, to be inconsistent with the genius and safety of a Republican government. Resolved, That we ore opposed to the election of George Wolf, because he is bound by his Masonic Oaths to give an unmerited preference to his Masonic brethren; and has squandered the people's money on worthless favorites. Resolved, That we will oppose the Rev. trend Henry A. Muhlenberg, because ho is a member of the Masonic party; and he, and his friends have supported Geo. Wolf in all his wasteful measures, and approved of all his acts, and have only turned against him when the people would no longer follow them. Resolved, That we believe li. A. Muh lenberg was nominated and supported for the purposg of taking votes from Joseph Ritner, and thitis secure the re-election of George Wolf, by again cheating the people. Resolved, -That we will never support for Governor either an adhering, or an apostate Priest, as we believe it dangerous to our liberties to unite Church and State. Resolved,• That we will support Joseph Rimer, because he is an honest, saving man, and a plain Republican FARMER; without guile, and without pride. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting, be signed by the Officers and pub lished. KrAs the stale charge of Mr. Ritner being a Deist, has been renewed by those pretty boys who are traversing the county delivering speeches in favor of the Apostate Preacher, we feel called upon to give such evidence in our possession as will refute this vile slander, propagated in the first place by those convicted Of ROBBING TIIE MAIL and of llonsE STEALING, and renewed now by Renegades and betrayers of confidential let ters! Such persons are generally the revi lers and defamers•of purity and virtue! In reply to a letter addressed to him by Mr. Jacob Williams, of Carlisle, Mr. Limn . MYERS, of Cumberland county, with whom he lived about nine years, bears the follow ing ample testimony to his correct, moral character:— West Pennsboro' Township, September 5, 18:15. Mr. Jacob Williams:—Dear Sir—ln re ply to your letter in which you request me to give such information as t possess in re gard to the religious and moral character of Mr. Josheph Ritner. For the purpose of publicly showing the falsity of fabricated charges ofDeism and Catholicism that have been alleged against him, hereby state that Joseph Ritner lived with me about nine years—namely, from the age of about four teen years until he married, during which time he attended church with my family regularly. And that he never attended the Roman Catholic church to my knowledge. Moreover, he had a bible and testament of his own which he read, professed and be lieved to be the word of God. His religious sentiments were favorable to christianity— his character was unfornily honorable and moral—Hence, I believe him well qualified to fill the office of Governor of Pennsylvania. 1 am yours most respectifully, &c. 'JACOB NIYERS . Besides this satisfactory evidence, we have more stronger in a letter from the Rev. W. C. ANDERSON, son of the Rev. Dr. ANDERSON, of Washington county, who was for a long time Pastor of the congregation to which Mr. Ritner was attached:— From my earliest recollection, Mr. Rit ner was a pew-holder in the Presbyterian church of Upper Mill°, till lately under the pastoral care of the Rev. Di. Anderson.— In that church he, together with his family, wore generally worshipporb. He also sus tained his part in the benevolent associations of the day. I remember once to have re ceived from him a handsome collection of books for the use of the library of the Sab bath School connected with that congrega tion. Of this school some of his children were members; and his son,the accomplish ed and much lamented Lieut. Ritner of the U. S. A. an efficient teacher. I will state further, that, I do not remember to have seen so many copies of the Holy Bible in any house in our district as in Mr. Miners —and BIBLES too, bearing marks of fre quent reference. These facts in Mr. Rit. nor's history furnish you the refutation de sired. It' direct testimony was wanting, they most plainly prove the charge a false one. And before I diSmiss the subjecti let me farther say, that I knew Mr. Ritner well long before ho was known in political life, and for sterling good sense, unquestionable veracity, and goodness of heart,no man stood higher in the . neighborhood. Ho was al ways considered as possessing mental pow ers of a high grade. These statements I make, not because I am a political partizan of Mr. Ritner. I intend, however, to vote for him, not be-, cause he is a Democrat—not because 'he : is an Anti-Mason—but because I know him to be an honest competent man, who will make the best Governor Pennsylvania has had since the days of Judge M'Kean. , , AM2 DAVID ZUCK, President. JACOB BAUMGARTNER, ISAAC KREBS, V. Pres'ts. JOAN LECIITY, LUDWICK STUDY, j Isaac Snyder, ( Secretaries. Isaac Jones, Mr. Ritner IS NOT a Deist. WASHINGTON COUNTY, August 18, 1835. (* - 001. GEORGE ICKES has been appoin ted Post Muster at A bbettstown,in the room of J. Falinestnelt, Esq. resigned. Glorious News! Alakt room for the Wash- ington county Turme,rl Stand back, Aristocrats! The PEOPLE arc coming! DI-FIRST IS OLD ADAMS—which, as far as heard from, speaks as follows: Borough—lnspector and Assessor, Anti-Massais. Cumberhuid 'township, ditto Moantjoy, (two Anti•Mrsons run) ditto Germany! ditto! Mountpleasant ditto Straban • ditto Berwick ditto Conowago Middle Tyrone Anti-Masonio. Latimore ditto Buntingllon a tie. Mcnallcn Anti-Masonic Franklin ditto Harniltonban ditto CI- And all the others to hear from will bo ditto! except pour, dark, lost Hamilton. Philink - 10110, city & county for tile, I' ar mew I. [From the Philadelphia Inquirer.] Victory ! Victory ! Philidelphia City has nobly discharged her duty—has fully verified all our predic tions—has stood forward in the true spirit,. and spoken in a voice that cannot be mis taken as to the character of her principles— and the determination of the vast majority of the freemen who reside within her limits. IN THE CITY THE WHIGS HAVE CARRIED EVERY WARD! —an event that has not oc curred before for many years. It will be perceived that their aggregate majority is 2471 votes, and it must be observed that in several of the wards the friends of Mr. Miih lenborg and those of Governor Wolf united in the support of the same tickets for Ins pectors. As they will support distinct tickets for !;overnor, on the 2nd Tuesday of this month, we may safely calculate that RI I IVER'S majority over Wolf, in the city alone, will be 3000 votes! We have also carried six OUT OF SEVEN WARDS OF THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES! The aggregate Whig majority in that dis- trict is ;354 votes. The intelligence from Spring Garden is also of the most favourable V.l!aracter. In the first ward alone, our majority over Wolf is 163 votes. In Moyamensing, the friends of Mr. Mull. lenberg have prevailed. Indeed, Gov. Wolf has triumphed no whore but in South. work.' 'To judge from the result of the election ofycsterday, the Whig tickets will succeed; both in the city and county, on the second Tuesday of October, and by over. whelming majorities. Wen done, Pittsburg! Extract of a letter to a gentleman in this place, dated PITTSBURG, Oct. 2. I have only time to give the majorities. It is a glo rious victory for Anti-Masonry— West Ward, Anti-Masonic maj. 83 North Ward do. lb East Ward do. 16 South Ward, Wolf maj. 20. Last year the Jackson party carried every ward except ono! The changes in the County arc greater. here comes [From the Harrisburg Intelligeneer.] The vote for Inspectors and assessors, have just been . counted—and the Ritner Inspector and assessors have carried in every Ward in Harrisburg. This is the first time the friends of Ritner have ever carried in the Borouoh. FIVE HUNDRED and TEN Votes have been polled, and the Ritner Inspectors were elected by a majority of 95 votes. In 1832,,W01f's majority was 117 over Ritner.—Ritner's gain since '32-212! The Muhlenberg ticket got 128 votes. 9::!7-We have just heard from Susquelm na township, and Ritner Inspectors and As- sessors are elected by a vote of 65 to 9. "Glory Enough for one day." Mother Cumberland, too! eCt-An extra from the Expositor office brings intel ligence from 13 districts in Cumberland county-8 of which arc for Rimer, 3 for Wolf and 2 for Muhlie.— Old Mother Cumbcrland,says the Expositor,bas done nobly. Wi th 600 of a majority in 1832 for Wolf, the tables will be turned this year and Inner will beat either of his opponents that number. Cr.7-We have also cheering accounts from York, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon and other counties, but want of room compels us to cut the good news by saying that the People everywhere are shouting .Der Joseph Ritner ist der Mann, Der unsern Stant regieren he kann. And that he WILL be elected by AN 0- INERWEIELMING MAJORITY! • Iltizzat. - cur the Yarnlex% few Declinations! EAST BERLIN, Adams Co. Oct. 3. MR. MinoLETos—Havina been inform ed that my name is placed' on the Wolf committpo of vigilance, I beg leave to state through the medium of your paper, that I never authorized my name to be placed there—nor can I ever suffer myself to he mode the tool of such men as George Wolf or Henry A. Muldenberg. - JACOB HI LDE BRA ND. ' From the Lebanon Democrat. CLE.IR THE war FOR THE DEMOCRATS OF HANOVER TOWNSHIP, LEBANON COUNTY!!! Mr. MILLER—We, the undersigned citi zens of East Hanover . township, Lebanon county, see our names published by the Miih lenberg men, as inembcrs of a committee of vigilance fir this township. We supported RITNER in 1832; and as we believe him to be the ONLY regularly nominated demo. cratic candidate for Governor, we will again yield him our zealous and hearty support at the coming election. We consider Muh lenherg to he the candidate of a faction, nominated by a third convention of disap pointed, self-interested politicians, and will do nothing to prop up his sinking cause.— As staunch Democrats, therefore, we de cline serving on said committee, PETER BRIGHTBILL, JOHN BRIGHTBILL, PETER BRIGHTBI LL, Jun. THOMAS BOSHORE, JOHN BOSHORE. • 'PETER BASTROSS, Jun. CASPAR SHERK, SAMUEL SFIERK, JACOB RAUCH, HENRY SHU EY, GEORGE ECKERT, Sen. SI MON BOLTZ, ABRAHAM BRIGHTBILL, GEORGE WARD. Sept. 7, 1835. . CLEAR THE PASSAGE, FOR THE Mr. MILLER—We obierved in the Leb anon "Ileobachter," that the Muhlenberg men have made use of our names as mem bers of a committee of vigilance for the bo rough of Lebanon. We regret that we are compelled to inform these men publicly that they grossly deceive themselves In taking us for Muhlenberg men. We conceive JO SEPH RITNEtt to be the TRUE Demo cratic candidate of the people for Governor, and as such will yield him our zealous sup port at the ensuing election. DAVID KLICK, JACOB STA UCH, MICHAEL WAGNER, Sept. 9, lE=35. Victory ! From the Berke and Schuylkill Journal. • CLEAR' THE WAY ! THE DEMOCRATS OF CUAIRU ARE COMING!!! We the . undersigned, having seen our names appended to the committee of vigil .anco, by a meeting of the friends of Henry A. Muhlenberg, held at the house of ;Jahn Fritz, in Cumru township, on Saturday the 29th of August last, beg leave to state, that our names were placed upon said committee, without our knowledge or authority, arid we cannot support Henry A. Muhlenberg, be. lieving, if he should be elected, our affairs of the State would not be in any better hands than they now are. We aro therefore for an entire change, and thorough reform, and shall vote for the peoples Candidate, JO SEPH RITNER, the Farmer of Washing. ton County. DANIEL MILLER, FRAUD, FORGERY AND IMPOSITIONS We the undersigned, having seen our names made use of in the Reading Eagle, Chronicle of the Times and Democratic Press, signifying that we would not serve on a Committee of Vigilance, appointed by a meeting of the friends of JOSEPH RIT NER, held at the house of Samuel Bern hart, in Ruscombmanor township, hereby declare, that our names were surreptitiously obtained, and that we are in favor of JOSEPH RITNER, the Farmer of Washington Coun ty, and opposed to Geo. Wolf's Tax party and the disorganizers. HENRY COLLER, PAUL BARLET, WILLIAM COLLER, ANDREW HOPP. Ruscombmnnor township, Sept. 19,1835. -We shall leave Mr. Harper to settle the question of his apostasy from Whig principles with his own prrty. Neither have we any objection to the Editor of the Sentinel choosing his owu political course; but when we find him professing one thing:and practicing another, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DECEPTION, we think. it right to unmask the deceiver, and expose his ter giversation and insincerity, as the conductor of a pub lic journal, to the public. Mr. Harper, like a true Brother of the Cable-tow, could not close his apology without putting in a word in behalf of Masonry! He says— "As to the hacknied and stale charge of being sworn to advance a Mason's "polit ical preferment," in preference to anolber who is not a Mason, it is scarcely necessa ry to make a remark; we presume that but few mon, with the evidence before them to the contrary, have any belief in - the con stantly reiterated charge." We ask Mr. Harper, where is his evidence to the contrary? We call on him to produce it. Let us have no, shuffling or equivocating. You have courted the dilemma yourself,by an assertion which you knew to be UNFOUNDED and urvratrc. We call on you to sus tain it, by producing your Evidence to the contrary. We have seen none, save the assertion of Mr. Har per and kindred spirits. Is it to be found in the hack mg out of Masons from all investigation whenever au opportunity is presented of disproving the aforesaid and other charges, as in the recent case ofStevens vs. Lefever? 'We pause for a reply. 0::rBy printed bills stuck up in different directions, we understand that the purely disinterested followers of Parson Mullen berg are to hold forth at York Springs on Friday next! The bills notify, that that a miable youth, the Junior Editor of a smut machine in York Street—together with that honest and conscientious betrayer of a confi der), ial letter, are among those who are to "address" and enlighten the Republican Freemen of that purely Republican portion of Adams county! God bless the country when such agents are to be sent to insult and tell honest men what measures and men they DEMOCRATS!! JOSEPH WEIMER, JOHN STRUNK, CFI A RLES WINTER, HENRY MATERNUS, WILLIAM DOU'I;RICH, SAMUEL EBERLY, DAVID VVENRICH, SAMITEL DOUTRICH, JOSEPH EBERLY, HENRY SCHNEIDER, DANIEL BOOKS. Look Out! 110tA must support! The intelligent eittzentr74,,,, Huntingdon and Latimore to be haranOly by such men as James Cooper and John I P . 1 ; , Fuller! "0 tempores! oh mores!" SOMETHING BETTER.' Kr If the people—the honest, Repuol4' can Yeomanry of Latimore and Huntingdon desire correct infOrniatron on subjects claim. ing their deepest attention, let them attend at the same place, (York Springs,) on SA= - TURDAY NEXT, and hear these princi.: pies dear to every freeman of tho State, and connected with their own and their conn.,:', try's dearest interests, promulgnted, and plamed and defended by those who Itativat no higher object than that of discharging what;.. they conceive to be a duty afficting theii own as well as their fellow freemen's rights., No renegades from correct prineiples—ecs betrayer of his' benefactor's confidence. :7 , !:. : no betrayer of confidential letters—will be there to address you. No, fellowtcitizene —there will be none but those who have ev. , er enjoyed your confidence—those have discharged faithfully those duties ea. trusleii, by you to them, and who have win been called by you as candidates for the • seine high stations. These are the men who will appear before you, to correct false. - hoods and misrepresentations—as wilt NV: seen from the following notice. IFLTEILIC DIEETING. i ttez 7- A k MEE LING of the friends of 4Z , f; 4-11. L JOSEPH RITNER and ANTI 51Asom will be held at the house of Mr., McCosh, at York Springs, ON SATUR. DAY NEXT, (the oth inst.) at 1 o'clock P. at. All in favor of the "Supremacy of. the Laws," are invited to attend, as . it isAle. sired and expected that THADDEUS STE. VENS, Esq. and others will address the meeting. THE PEOPLE... 0::r The allusions of "A Voter of Cono. wage" to a "certain Wolf Doctor," have fio foundation in truth. The poison alluded to has written nothing political for this paper. The writer in the Press, we suspect,.is bet. ter at disclosing Qom - "confidential" lettere, than in ferreting out the writers for the Star. PUBLIC JULE.- WILL be exposed to Public Sale, on Thursday the 12th of November next, on the premises. A FARM, Late the Estate of GEonen BRINKERHOFF, deceased, situate in I%lountpleasant town ship, Adams county, Pa. containing,abouit 1 84 ACRES—adjoining lands of Conrad Snider, George Wolford and others. The improvements are A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE -tafri Sri ; ; and BARN with other necessa- ry OUT BUILDINGS with a SPRING OF WATER near the house with a LARGE Orchard of fruit trees. A good proportion of Meadow and Wood land. The above property is well watered. -ALSO- On the same day, another TRACT OF LAND, Late the Estate of George Brinkerhoff, de ceased, adjoining the above tract, contain.. ing about 54 acres. The improvements _ aro A TWO STORY LOG DWELLING -' • 4r. HOUSE,, , essiC4 left ' lll and Loot BARN A.WELL OF W- TER, near the door, and an ORCHARD ok awe fruit trees, with a sufficiency of MEA. DOW and TEnnEn. Any persons wishing to view the property will please to apply to the tenants residing on the property. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock on said day, on the first named property, when at tendance will be given and terms of saki made known by _ _ G. BRINKERHOFF, Ex'irs. PETER P. BERCAW, . October 5, 1835. is-27 (n — The above properties, if not sold, will bo offered for rent on said day. FOR Sal, E. rpriHE Subscriber,offers for Sale, until the -153 "15t of January next, his DWEL, LING AND Store-House, 1.,,A with THREE OUT LOTS—and if -Tgal not sold then, all will be of for RENT. • DAVID ECKER. • Gettysburg, Oct. sth, 1835. eow-27 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the York Springs Post Office, Adams county, Pa. on the Ist of October, 1835. John Anderson Thomas Brownfield Sam'l Burkholder Richard Brook John Bates Jacob Becisen Jesse Cook Jesse Chronister The Hon. Carmich ael Abram Crook Sylvania Day-2 Joseph Diehl Stephen Emmerson John France Abram Frey Arched Girl ni, G rare-2 John HotTinan Mary Hatton Wrn. Hemtßey, Esq. D. N HtOt Sani'lliippenbitner I . H. WIERMAN, P. 41:".. 4 7' 4 York Springs, Oct. b p 4.011k:`.: r., • .••••ty'l,,, Dennis 0. Keefl Michael Leen Richard Marttisen David Mumper- James Moorhead M'Fl-tee , • Mary it!f3 P,inr , :,t U.; Co El 4, 1 Pt!) . .0: 'StillbJCl 'A•T Joseph Pearson Washington ,Sinttki J. C. Swan'. , John 5 . nt110.::,,, ; f Cal bon flterti?l?;', Wm:Slate/#.42 . Peter Snider:::::` Levi Spangler ' Moses ;V:moreityerck !Christian Wohrio