.iiii r tO.t . ...•_•:: . 's:..:s.._ ... lt*O#ibil.'tc..4.4 .. ...:...sl4*.tt***7''' VOL. 5--NO. 40.] TUE GARLAND. "With 3 wee tee t flowers enriched, From various gardens cult'd with care." SHILDOWS. A shadow resteth on the eye, Cast from a tearful cloud, When desolation has swept by And hope to earth Is bowed, When beauty's bright and buoyant form Shrinks in the grasp of death, 46 And lips which late with love were warm Have lisped their parting breath. A shadow passeth on the eye IN/len we have err'd in youth, And learned to heave the heavy sigh O'er stern and bitter truth: When the visions that have haunted And led our minds astray, And the loves to whom wo chaunted Like spectres flit away. A shadow dwelleth on the eye, When life is closing fast— The shade of many a scene gone by, Of grief and pleasure past. The brigntness of life's early years, The darkness of its WOCI, Alike claim feeling's tribute tears When age wanes to a close. A shadow resteth on the heart, When we have loved too well, And from our fond devotion start To mourn a broken spell: When to the altar we have pressed, .And vows thereon have laid, And on divinity bath blessed The offering we have made. A shadow lingoreth on the heart, Flung from the wing of care, When with hope's friction it must part, wrFhoornpiitiloneosos on which in youth we dwelt Are vanished all and gone, And visions of rapt fancy melt Before truth's rising sun. umaaLumwo u.oTaumatala4-. [SELECTED FOR THE STAR AND BANNER.] Mode of Teaching Arithmetic. [From Hall's Lectures ou School-gccping.] TILE study of arithmetic will next claim your attention. It is one which may be vbry early commenced. Indeed us soon as the child has learned to count twenty, he may be taught to add, subtract, multiply and divide. He may thus at a very early age form distinct ideas of the "ground rules of arithmetic." As far as intellectual arith• metic is concerned, I would recommend the use of Mr. Smith's, or Mr. Colburn's excel lent little work. Smith's perhaps, has the ad• vantage, as containing the two systems, in tellectual and written arithmetic combined.* I shall confine my remarks to the subject of written arithmetic, as taught to the more advanced scholar. 1. Let it be a first object to lead him to investigate the reasons on which the rules are founded. This is a direction of great importance. If ho form the early habit of inquiring why the direction is given for each step in his operation, he will be likely to proceed understcindingly from the beginning. But if he is directed to go to his rule, or to -commit it to memory, and then apply it to the performance of his operation, he will probably be led to suppose, that when he has obtained a correct answer, he understands his subject. He may go through with a common treatise on arithmetic in this way, and yet not understand the reasons on which the directions in the "ground rules" ate founded. "I have cyphered through," is of ten said by a young man, who in fact would find it very difficult to explain the reasons of the rule given for multiplication or dtvision. With all the attention such pay to arith metic, they are but poorly prepared for the common transactions of life. Many persons are aware of th is,and therefore provide them selves with a "cyphering book," and write down the operations in that for future use. In this way much more time is spent, than would be necessary for gaining a knowledge of the subject, aderate to the wants of life. When any engage in this study, whether they are beginners or not, it is proper for you to begin with the simple rules, and ques tion them on all the principles which Atave led to their form 'on. If the pupil can give 4ftl you proper answers, it 1. -- a - wellf - t, let him examine and search. Afford him a istance if he cannot find out the meaning r him self. If possible, let that assistan be giv. en in such a way, as shall make him his own teacher. What I mean, is, ask him such qaestions, as will lead him to the right track, and will make him necessarily come to ajust reason, and to a satisfactory conclusion. I may be bettor understood, perhaps by an example. A class is called to recite the rule of multiplication. inst. What is multiplication?, Class. "Multiplication teaches, having two numbers given, to find a third, which shall contain either of the given numbers, as often as the other contains a unit." «NoTE. We know of no treatise better adapted to the use of Common Schools than Emerson's North A merican -Arithmetic. It combines the two systems of oral and written arithmetic, and the examples are so arranged as to increase in difficulty very nearly in proportion as the learner acquires increased ability to solve them. The cheapness of this book, although of inferior n3oment,is doubtless an additional recommen dation. It can be purchased at present, nearly aglow as the miserable trash of former days and much lower than were any of the now obsolete systerns,when these were popular. We think that country merchants would confer a great benefit upon the community by purchasing this book to the entire exclusion of the systems of Jess, Pike and others of the old school. In order,however,to use the book to any advantage, it will be necessary for the Teacherto study it and ful ly comprehend the system. This will be no Herculean labor, and the enlarged views of the subject thus ac quired will be an ample compensation. Part First and Second of the North American Arithmetic have some time since been published, and Part Third has. been premised—but we have not yet seen it. It is the Second Part wo hero recommend. Lint. Well, so your book says, but what does it mean? Can either of you explain tt so that John, who has just commenced the rule, can understand it? Class. [After hesitating some time.] No sir, we cannot. Inst. Think: cannot you use some other language which will make it plainer? Class. May it not be called a short way of adding? Inst. Yes, and that explains it much bet ter than the ong definition which you reci ted. Can you tell me now why it may be called short addition? Class. Because it is the same as adding one of the numbers as many times to itself as there are units in the other. If we wish to multiply 3 by 5 it will be the same as writing three 5 times, or five 3 times and adding them together. Inst. Very well, now tell me why two numbers are given, and nut any more, to perform the operation? Class. If there be more than one multi plicand, there must be two answers, and if there be more than one multiplier, the mul tipliers will be component part 3 of each oth er, and therefore would in reality be but one. Inst. Why do you place one under the other? Class. To make the operation more con venient. The work might be done, if the numbers were differently placed. The instructor may proceed to ask the following questions. Why do you begin at the right hand to multiply? Why do you multiply the whole multiplicand, with the right hand figure of the multiplier, before vou multiply with the others? When you begin to multiply with the second figure,why do you put the product one place to the left of the first figure of the line above it? What is the value of the first product figure, in the second line, is it units or ten 3? When you have taken the third figure of the multiplier, why do you set the first figure of the product still farther to the !ell, and under the figure by which you multiply? What is the value of the first figure in the third line of the product, is it units, tens, or hundreds? Why do you add all the lines of the product, in order to get your answer? How do you prove the result? How do you cast out the Os? Why will this prove it? Will it prove it to cast out the 7s or 8s? Why not? Why do you take 9 rather than another number? Is there any other number that will prove it? Why will 3 answer as well as 9? It the multiplier be 9, how can the work be shortened? Why will the placing as ma ny cyphers at the right of the multiplicand, as you have 9s in the multiplier, and then subtracting the multiplicand once out, give the same answer as to multiply by the 9s contained in the multiplier? Answers to all these questions will be n , - cessary, in order to make the rule intellig ble. But many of them are those that the scholar will not, perhaps, think of, unless they be asked him by the teacher. What I wish to inculcate by the direction I have given is, that you proceed in a simi lar way through every rule. And if any of the answers cannot be given by your scho lars, after opportunity is afforded them to try, let your own explanation be as simple as possible. It is a useful exercise for a pupil to form a set of questions for himself to such rule, be fore being examined upon it. After he has thus formed all the questions he is able, you may make such additions as you think requi site. In this way he will be led to reflect on the rule, and will strive to understand the principles on which it is founded. He will not only gain more knowledge, but he will gain it in a way that will enable him to re tain it longer, and apply it more readily, than by the common method. MISCELLANEOUS. LIFE--A BOOR. We compare life to a book. You may smile at the simile, yet life may bo likened to an intensely interesting volume. It is a great, a glorious book; of strange and thrill ing incidents; of varied and ever varying contents; ofjoy and love; of hope and despair; of light and shade; of misery—and the grave closes the contents. There are golden passages in the book of life, and these are the sunny hours of child hood. The mind loves to rove through its flowery meads, and linger amid its fond en chantments. The syren hope sings in its sun-lit bowers, and all is light and redolent of bliss. We read with breathless interest —we take no heed of time—and weep when the chapter closes. Next a tale of love enchants us; and we . rove with frenzied interest through the wil dering bowers ofaffection. What hope— what love—what fond desires!—Yet its gloomy finale shows us that " 'Tis but a false bewildering fire: Toe_often love's insidious dart. Feeds the fond soul with sweet desire, c But wounds the heart!" Now we turn to the more sober expecta tions of friendship. The ardent flame of love has been quenched by tho damps of disap pointment; and the rational hopes of friend. ship absorb all our interest. But as we find 'too soon that the reality is far, very far be low our fancied standard; that it is too often but a-phant,n, which flits away like "the baseless fabric of a vision." "A sound which follows wealth and fame But leaves the wretch to weep." Then we open upon a new page, and here is manhood's busy story. And for a while we are lost in the cares, the business, and the turmoils of life. But the page soon tires. It is a monotonous tale; and again we turn 137 1101331 RT WHITE ulanragron, IMITOII, PT:TBLIMECER AND PROPRIETOR; "I WISH NO OTHER HERALD, NO OTHER SPEAKER OF MY LIVING ACTIONS, TO KEEP MINE HONOR FROM COIERDPTION."-.-SHAKS. (132WeltallitiNint e Zkiticoo tPtinitellthrilre crhaxptecal22. "Oh! monstrous!" groaned Johnson. "And besides, I'm told, that after church of a Sunday, he goes out a riding with his wife, the same as though 'twas a week •day." "Ohl unaccountable!" groaned Jiihnson. "ttAnd furthermore, I'm informed, that he never married a couple, without taking the unholy liberty of kissing the bride, the same' as all the rest of the company." "Oh! what a wretch!" groaned Johnson. "But between you and me, he's taken great er liberties with my wife." "Greater liberties?" "Yes: I couldn't~ have taken greater my self." to the but we can review the book in order; let us turn to the closing chapter. And there -What a sad collection of inci: dents meet the eye! Sickness—misery—a coffin—a winding sheet! The deep tones of the death.bed fulling heavily on the ear, sound a solemn "Finis"—and the lids are closed forever! v: 101- 1 13- 04BILOAcM14-Ie5leis3-Pil Happening to cast my eye upon a printed page of miniature portraits, the personages who occupied the four most conspicuous places were Alexander, Hannibal, Cxsar, and Buonaparte. I had seen the same un numbered times before,- but never did the same sensations arise in my bosom as my mind hastily glanced over their several his tories. Alexander, after having climbed the diz zy heights of his ambition, and with his. temples bound with chaplets dipped in the blood of countless nations, looked down up on a conquered world, and wept that there was not another one for him to conquer, set a city on fire, and died in a scene ofdebauch. Hannibal, after having to the astonish ment and consternation of Rome, passed the Alps; after having put to flight the armies of the mistress of the world, and stripped three bushels of gold rings from the fingers of her slaughtered knights, and made her senate tremble—fled from his country, be img hated by those who once exultingly uni ted his name to that of their god, and called him Hannibal—and died at last by poison, administered by his own hands, unlamented and unwept, in a foreign land. Caesar, after having conquered eight hun dred cities, and dyed his garments in the blood of one million of his foes, after having pursued to death the only rival he had on earth, was miserably assassinated by those he considered his nearest friends, and in that very place, the attainment of which had been his greatest ambition. Buonaparte, whose mandate kings and popes obeyed, after, having filled the earth with the terror of his name, after having deluged it with tears and blood, and clothed the world with sack-cloth, closed his days in lonely banishment, almost literally exiled from the world, yet where he could some times see his country's banner waving over the deep, but which could not or would not bring him aid. Thus four men, who, from the peculiar situation of their portraits, seemed to stand as the representatives of all those whom the world call great; those four who, each in turn, made the earth tremble to its very centre by their. simple tread, severally died —one by intoxication, or, as some suppose, by poison mingled in his wine—one mur dered by his friends—and one ►n lonely ex ile. How - are the mighty fallen! .a. examarckazi JOKE. A clergyman of free and jovial manners —whom, .or the sake of concealing his seal name, we shall call Johnson—had given great offence to parishioners and brother clergymen in Connecticut, by reason of that same freedom and joviality of manners.— They resolved to turn him out of the by na gog ue; or at least to compel him to appear and show cause, if any he had, why he should not be turned out. He was accord. ingly cited to be and appear before his cleri. cal peers, at Hartford on a given day; which citation he very readily obeyed. On his journey, jogging forward on horse back, .he fell in company with one of his brother parsons whom he did not know, and • who was equally unacquainted with him.-- Their black coats, however, were a sort of letter of introduction to one another. They immediately judged each other to be parsons and that each was on his way to the impor tant meeting at Hartford. They were very glad to see each other and immediately fell into conversation about sundry grave mat ters and things, and particularly about the case of the hero of our anecdote. "For me" said the strange clergyman, "if all is true that is said of brother John son, I think it will be likely togo hard with him." "Why yes," said the other, with a very grave countenance, "if all is true that is re ported of him, I wouldn't be in his shoes, not—no, not to have his stockings. But do you think the reports are all truer "I'm afraid they are but too true," groan ed out the strange parson. "What have you heard of him in particu ar?" "Why, I understand, between you and me, he don't make any thing of going into a tavern—right into the very bar-room— and taking a glass of toddy or a button o flip, and taking and cracking his joke, just like any common man." "Ohl shocking!" groaned Johnson. "It is shocking indeed, if it be true," said the ether; "and more than all that, I'm in formed, that when he was at New York, a few weeks ago, he actually went to the play house." The strange clergyman was so shocked at this, that ho scarcely opened his mouth a gain, till they reached Hartford.- Entering the convention with Johnson, he immediate ly broached this new charge against that unfortunate gentleman, and very honestly iippealed to himself for its confirmation.— “This gentleman,” said' ho pointing to John. son, "is my authority." "But that gentleman," said one of the as sembly who know him, "is Mr.. Johnson himself." "Is that Mr. Johnson?" exclaimed the strange clergyman,starting mid staring as if he had seen a ghost. But the joke was too good a one to be allowed to drop there; and the clerical gentlemen who, among them selves, are generally fond of sport—bandied it about so much at the honest clergyman's expense, that ho pretty soon slunk away, and mounting his horso rode out of ilartfbrd as soon as possible. As for the Rev. Mr. Johnson, though he was honorably acquitted, he told his parish ioners he would show them such a trick as the devil never had—whereupon, he bade them good bye, and left them. VARIOUS lIIArI'ERi3. The cost of the French army fur the present year is E 0098,255. CONJIIIIAL COMFORT.—It is estimated that there are about 8,000 applications for divorce, annually, in the United States; and that about 4,000 of them are successful. A !WINTERY EIPLAINED.—A family in this city had for some time been thrown in to great confusion by the constant ringing of the bells of the house, by some unknown hand. Servants left the dwelling in dis may; the cause of the unnatural noise could not be discovered. Fear had taken posses sion of the heads of the family—at nightliill the faces of the inmates of the house bore a sombre and melancholy aspect; the children refused to go to their beds as usual; all was dire dismay; continual waking and starting, agitated and disturbed the rest of all. For some time this state of things continued— ever and anon a tremendous peal of the bells struck terror into their hearts. During one of these fearful moments, a servant happen ed to, pass that part of the house.where all the bells connected, she observed a:favorite tabby of her mistress busily engaged in pull ing the bell rope, giving it every now and then a severe jerk, thus creating an alarm in the family, which threatened destruction to thekpeace for her catship's amusement. Tills little. ineident 'furnishes many an hour of laughter to the gay, but for a time bewildered lamily.—N. Y. Star. The Globe informs us that gold has been procured to pay every member of Congress the full amount of their pay and mileage. PLOUGHSHARES IN MEN.—Thore is iron enough in the blood of forty.two men to make a ploughshare weighing about 24 pounds. Top boots are again coming into fashion a the British metropolis. Tutu/des or STE.I.N.—We have hither. to omitted to notice the extraordinary feat executed by the locomotive engine Arabian, on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. A few days before the opening of the track be tween the Point of Rocks and Harpers-Fer ry, she was despatched to that-part4of the road lying west or the planes, in order to be in readiness for bringing up the train of cars. By her own unaided power she pass ed up the eastern acclivity of Parr's Ridge, at the rate of ten, miles an hour, drawing, besides her tender, another car laden with , coal. The whole burthen she brought up the planes, exclusive of her own weight, a mounted to 114 tons. On her return from Harpers-Ferry, ohe ran up the western ac clivity of the same Ridge, taking with her, in addition to her tender, two cars filled with passengers. The average ascent of one of these planes is two hundred and sixty-four feet to the mile, and the length two thirds ofa mile: There are four planes to be tra versed in surmounting this natural obstruc tion--two on the eastern side, and two on the western. Such an exploit, it is said, had never be fore been achieved, either in this country or in Europe.— Va. Free Press. BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This celebrated %ya wing place is offered for sale. Sirretrran PET.—M. De Dieskau captur. ed a wild boar, Which was nearly three years ofage, arid which he rendered so tame that - it would go up stairs to his apartment, fawn upon him like a dog and eat from his hand. He also endeavored to bring up one which he caught very young. This animal formed an attachment to a young lady in the house, accompanied her wherever she went, and slept under her bed. Upon one occa- sion, the animal seemed to take offence at the servant of this young lady for undressing her mistregs, and made a furious attack up- on her, and, had he been strong enough, would have done her a serious injury.— This lady was the only person for whom the boar exhibited the least affection; and what was strange, he was never. fed by her. M. De Dieskau became attached to a tame fox which he brought to the house: the boar ' took the attention Amwc to the fox so much to heart, that he fretted himself to -death. The hog otten grows to an immense size. One was killed on Monday, the 28d March, 1829, be longing to Mr. Lunton, ofthe. West ern Inn, Bodmain, which measured nine feet in length, seven feet five inches in girth, and weighed eight hundred and fifteen pounds. It was only twenty-two months old. Some have been known to Weigh twelve hundred pounds. In Minorca, the hog is converted into a beast. of draught; a cow, .a sow, and two' young horses, have been seen there yoked together. In some parts of Italy, swine are employed in hunting for truffles, (the Ly copender tuber of Linnmus.) A cord is tied round the foot of the animal, and he is led into the fields where this plant is found, and, wherever he begins to dig, it is a sure sign of the plant being immediately under. The hog possesses the sense of smelling and taste in high perfection. Hogs seem •to have a great dread of wind; on its approach, they fly to their sty with great precipitation; and, before a storm, they frequently indicate its coming by carrying straw in their mouths. Dr. Martin Barry, a Scotch gentlemen, succeeded in an ascent of Mount Blanc on the 16th Sept. The amount of tolls received at the Phila delphia end of the Columbia Rail Road for the week ending the 13th December, was $16 , 19 73. The Brooklyn Daily Advertiser suggests the following line of conduct to be pursued in relation to the French question. Let government assume the debt and .pay the claimants; let a discriminating duty of 25 per cent. be then laid on all French products until the five millions are paid. This plan, the editor thinks, would be much more like ly than violence to bring the French gov- ernment to terms, and would inflict little. if any inconvenience upon ourselves. NEW ORLEANS.—The Louisiana Adver tiser, states that the revenue of that city is about $300,000 dollars per annum, derived from shipping, steam and flat boats, lease on drays and carts, grog shops, and on real estate, &c. The income from grog shops alone is about $60,000, when sum added to the rents of about four hundred houses, at $4OO each on an average, attendance and support of the same at $2OO each, and the profit of eac h landlord at $2OO each,amounts to the enormous sum of $380,000, tax paid by the public for the support of a class of people who are a positive injury to the com munity. But this is not all. r,The chief contributors to this fund are the slaves, who are not only encouraged in drunkenness,but have strong inducements hold nnt to them to rob their masters, that they may be ena bled to gratify their propensity for drink. WAR—INEVITABLE WAR.-.—Mrs. Maria Louisa Clark, "the widow of a highly re spectable gentleman of Boston," was lately convicted in New York of keeping a disor derly house,although many "credible wit. nesses stated that they had known her for years, one of them for ten years, and be- lieved her to be a woman of irreproachable character." The Recorder, unfortunately for the country, only sentenced her to leave the premises, and gave her the whole vaca tion for that purpose . iand afterwards made the following , disclosure, which, ominously connected as it is with our present positiun towards France, it may be highly important to American history to record., Mrs. Ma ria Louisa Clark declared that she would not only lea - ve the house but the country, and go to France by the next packet; "and having many influential friends in that coun try, of which she is a native, she would not only engage that there shall be a war, but that her country should also give ours "a good whipping."—/V. Y. Courier. NAVIGATION OF THE RED SEA.-RAIL. ROAD ACROSS THE ISTHMUS OF SUEZ.-It has been mentioned that a sum of money had been voted by the British Parliament for the purpose of ascertaining the practica bility of opening a communication with In dia, by means of steam'navigation through the Euphrates and Persian Gulph. It is now announced, that whatever may be the result of the survey, steam will be called in to operation in effecting the passage to India, by at least one channel, viz: that by the Red Sea. Mahomed Ali, (the Pasha of Egypt, desirous of profiting by the determination of the British Government, has decided on the construction of a Rail Road across the Isth mus of Suez. It is supposed that a ship may be transported on the Rail Road, and thus the necessity may be avoided of unlading and relading the; cargo. Two years are judged to be sufficient for the proposed work; meanwhile, passengers can cross from the Nile to the Red Sea without difficulty or danger; so that when the plan is brought in to operation—and it is intended that it should without delay—a voyage from London to Bombay may be made in about two months. As numbers of persons in England are de sirous of emigrattng to Hindostan, they will he likely to avail themselves of this course, rather than the circuitous one by the Cape of. Good Hope.—N. Y. Amer. The present King of England, is William the First, Second, Third and Fourth—Wil liam the First, of Hanover; William the Second, of Ireland; William the Third, of Scotland; and William the Fourth, of Eng land. - If we are not mistaken, there will be a considerable fare up in the Legislature of this State before many weeks. On Wednes day week last, Mr. Lacoek of the House, [WHOLE ,NO4 introduced a resolution calling lot "tr ~atiititi-;z:4 ment of the names of all the agen'tgiiii-tht. public works, and the ailioUnt of Safari' paid, Sze. The resolutiOn was Pasied;- 'tut ,- Clio scaeching operation Will be tOtinneti forthwithi—Pitts; Advocate: '' ' ''• : :',-;'f) A convention ofcitizens of WesteroPeen: " sylvanin, was hold at Butler, on the . 24(ti., : v.: , ult., for the purpose of , deVising mans to insure the completion of the Pennsyliatitti Canal to the town of Erie. This work of course, open a direct communicatioit'l:l6;-:- tween Pittsburg and Lake Erie. The san._ dy and Beaver Canal, which will connect the Ohio State Canal with Pittsburg, will also open a communication with the Lake. The latter was commenced on - the Nov. The Beaver and Mahoniag Cati:al is: - another work whose object is to unite'the . Ohio and Pennsylvania Canals, - by a iqupi nearly mid-way between the two Wady . . -:"1 - named. HYMEMAL-EXTRAORDEVAR Married in the vicinity of this village, on Thursday last, by the Ron. John Treadway,; Mr.. Isaac Marts to Miss Lavina Par .:nick—and by the same, at the same time and place, Mr. Moses Marts to Miss Tab k.' tha M'Cormick—all of this county. Kr Cupid is an eccentric as well es a mischievieus and frolicksome rogue. It ie said he is blind—but we shall forever doubt it, atter the striking coincidence he has per petrated in the aforesaid matches. Messrs: Isaac and Moses aro twin brothers—Misses Lavine and Tabitha are twin sisters. The" first pair are the elder born—the second pair the younger born. The brothers were born on the 2 'wenty.seventh of May, 1812. The: sisters were born on the Tw enty.seversth, of February, 1816. All were married on the Twenty seventh of November, 1834. The brothers resemble each other so nearly, as also the sisters—that the Judge tells us it puzzled him exceedingly to tell which watt' which. Our Printer's Devil thinks if they stay about the same homestead, ong, they, ought to keep a sharp look-out least they, get 'kinked VP into a most confounded snarl' as Major Downing would say. We cordial;_ ly wish them all long and happy lives—that they may be "blessed in their basket and" their store" with all sorts of twin blessingi in abundance.—lndiana Watchman. The French have a formidable navy, and in case of a war with the United States, they would annoy us considerably, until some of ' Our heavy ships of the lino,now on the stocks, could be launched. The following is said. to be a correct statement of the French fleet:: 33 Ships of the line—of which, 8 three deckers, . 38 Frigates—of which, 13 of the , find class, 19 Corvettes--of from 20 to 32 guns, 10 Corvettes--a 18 guns, 32 Brigs—of 16, 18, and 20 gun, 3 echooners—of 12 guns, 20 Steam Vessels/ . I =o guns each, There are building, moreover, .24 shipi of the line, of which,.3 are first rates. 26 Frigates, 3 Steam vessels. The "Danville Watchman" recommends` the nomination of NER MIDDLESWARTRi as a candidate for Governor. Mr. Middle- . swarth, has on all occasions, in the held,and in, the Halls of the Legislature, shown him self to be brave, talented and worthy of the popularity and confidence, of the peePle which he so fully enjoys, and there is not an Anti• Mason in the State, but would rejoice to see him at the helm of the State ship; but at present they 'have their eyes fixed upon one equally able and worthy of the station; and who was foully cheated out of his rights at the last election. They will go for him once more in the hope that truth and justice will prevail over falsehood and petjury. . A very worthy member off . a church in Washington county, Pa. had a very bad buund boy, whom he used to take to church with him on Sundays.. One Sunday, how ever, it was not convenient to take him; so he left him behind, giving him the first three chapters of Genisis to read,-and in forming him if he did not tell him all about it, he would flog hith: On his return, the boy went on very well, giving an account, until where Adain was questioned about hts offence in eating the forbidden fruit. "Well, and what did am do?" asked the master. "Oh, lie rolled it over to the woman,"• said the boy. "Well,"again asked: the master, "and what did the woman do?" .'"Oh.X.saitr the boy, "she rolled it over to the devil," "Well," rejoined the master, "what did the devil do?" "W hy," said the boy, athe old rascal had ton and bear it." . • PATTERN Lays yot4 go to Gibraltar with me? C. B." --“Yee, or all the world over? N. A. B." Aii7 ANOTHER TRIIIMPII OF ANTI•M rt --HENRY F. JANES, an Anti-Mason, h as been elected member of (.011grSaS fro the sth district, in Vermont, on the second trial. A LARGE Tam—Travellers in Mexico give an account of a famous Cypress Tree, in Allixco in Mexico,which is said to be the 1,7, largest tree in the world, with the ezciiition of the Boabab in Senegal. It mesuipritelil feet in circumference. •ri; An old dog cannot alter his way or Wits , , • • [Phil. Post.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers