The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, December 30, 1834, Image 1

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    sill a i r
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VOL. 5--NO. 39.]
-"lVith sweetest flowers enriched,
Front various gardens cull'ii'with care."
(Icy-There is much in the following glowing appeal of
a gifted Massachusetts hard, to arouse our country
men from their inglorious condition of vassalage:
W 111 W—shall we send with lavish hreath
Our sympathies across the wave,
Where manhood on the field of death
Strikes for his freedom, or a grave?
Shull prayers go up—and hymns be sung
For Greece,
the :Moslem fetter spurning;
And millions hail with pen and tong tin
Our light on nll her alters limning?
Shall Belgium feel, and gnllant Franco
fly Vendomo's pile and schoenhrun's wall,
And Poland grasping on her hike,
The impulse ufour cheering call!
While hero at home wo calmly rest
The Briton's scorn—the•Frenchmen's mirth,
Content to live the lingering jest,
Tho by-word of a mucking earth?
Go ask the heir of Catluirine
To looso his grasp on Poland's throat,
And hog Um lord of Malimmul's line ,
To spare the struggling Sulioto.
Will not the scorching answer
From turban'il Turk and fiery Russ,
Go, loose your Despot's gyves at home,
Then turn and ask the like of us!
Up, then, in freedom's manly part,
From grey-heard old to fiery youth,
And WI the nation's milted heart
Scatter the living coals ot Truth.
Up—while ye slumber, tleepor yet
The shadow of out fame is growing;
Up--while ye pause, our sun muy sot
In blood around our . altars flowing!
Up nun, for freedom!—Not in strife
Like tl n .t•ynur sterner f4thers saw—
The awful waste of human life.
The glory end the guilt of war;
But break the chain—the yoke remove—
And smile to earth oppression's rod,
With those mild arms of Truth and Love,
Made mighty through the living God!
F i• the Gettysburg Star and Republican Banner
"My heart laments that virtue cannot live
Out of the teeth of envy."
Or all the passions that pervade the human
mind, thero is none, perlimm, so corrosive to him
who is the subject, and so injurious to him who
has the misfortune to be the object of it, as ENvv.
The mind of the envious is subject to perpetual
torment, as long as it perceives that there aro oth•
era superior to itsoll in honors or emolument. Ho
is constantly projecting schemes, however foul, to
deprive his follow of what he has more than him
self; but the evil does not often stop hero, for he
is rarely over satisfied, until ho has completely de.
spoiled him. Fraud and villainy are amongst the
ministers of his train, that are called to his aid,
that he may accomplish his design of plundering
the lionoSt of the effects of their industrious labor
and economy. No arts or intrigues aro too vile,
if they will only subserve his vicious purposes.—
He insinuates himself into the confidence of his
intended victim,. with all the subtility lie is master
of, that he may the more readily betray him.
Slander, with its, thousand toiigues;is called in.
to requisition, to portoim its appropriate part in
this impious work. Until the last loaf is plucked
from the wreath of laurels which encircled t h e
brow of his victim, lie is not at ease. Many a fair
fame has been blasted—many an honest man de.
privod of his all, by this demoniacal feeling of En.
vy. Numerous are the secret and invisible springs
that are put in motion, to destroy the unsuspect
ing The envious man is a secret enemy, to be
dreaded as a midnight assassin. He lurks about
secretly, until the auspicious moment arisos,when,
with the ferocity of a demon, he pounces upon his
victim, who is then the certain sacrifice of - his
passion. Envy has perhapS boon as instrumental
in retarding the progress of literature, science
and the arts, as any other cause; for if the lot of
a noble aspirant should be cast amongst the ion
rant and envious, nosooner dries he surpass them
in any thing that is splendid and sublime, than all
their machinery is called into action; he is drag.
god down from liismell-carned eminence to a Lvel
with themselves, or, (if possible,) still lower, to
appease thoSo feelings that so distract thorn.
To illustrate tho tendency of this passion, it
will merely be necessary to relate an instance
familiar to many. A young man, by the most
untiring industry and intellectual toll, bud possos.
NII,d himself of the most brilliant literary acquire
ments; ho had arisen to a degree of eminence, of
which the noble aspirant might well be proud; ho
had won for himself a firma that attracted the at
tention of all who know how to appreciate exalted
merit and smeller Wont. But, unfortunately,
what should hove been to him the greatest bless.
ing was rendered, in consequence of the peculiar
circumstances with which ho was sui rounded, the
greatest curse. In the vicinity in which lie re
sided, amongst those who should have gloried in
such a man, ho met with nothing but disappoint
ments. He was greeted with smiles, only to lure
him to destruction. Conceive to yourself the an.
guish that rucked his inmost soul! He_ new full
well that all his labors were in vain, that inovita.
the doom awaited him; that ho was to fall a prey
togratify the envious multitude that surrounded
MM. Despair took possession of his mind, for tie
know full well that the results of his unwearied
exertions had plunged him into the vortex of in. ,
extricable ruin. nom the moment that the fa:
tal truth flashed upon his mind, lie grow careless
and inattentive to his former ptirsuits, indulged
in every species of vice, his mind became °nerve.
led, and his body afflicted with disease. Ho was
resolved that:those who were hastening his 'ruin
shpuld not long triumph in his misfortunes.— .
Nothing now remained of the hitheito nobld and
majestic being, but the wreck of reason and a ho.
dy broken d'ivvii 'With disease. He was impelled
on from ono vice to andtlier, until nothing but
scones of riot and dissipation afforded him nny
delight. The shafts ofallliction had sunk deeply
into his heart. It is scarcely necessary to add,
that siiicido was the sad result of the unfortunate
subject %Also portrait has been thus imperfectly
sketched. The fatal result afforded him a melon.
chnly pleasure, that ofdepriving his destroyers of
the pleasure which they would have felt upon per.
forming the horrid deed.
Here wo are presented with a young and vigor
ous intellect, upon which the genial and invignra.
Ling inAuence of the sun of science and literature
was shed in vain; yen, more than in vain! Envy
in its Protean forms, fell upon him like a blight.
ring mildew. All that was groat, all that was
noble and sublime, Was destined to be the victim
of Envy! Ho was crushed to the earth, with an
irresistible force, which not oven the Herculean
powers ofthis youthful hero could withstand! All
this sacrifice was for the gratification of an infer
nal passion, without a solitary hope of gain! But
may it, to the eternal infamy of the perpetrators
of this horrid deed be recorded with a pen of iron
against them, which oven the all destroying hand
of time shall never be able . to obliterate! May the
innocent blood which they have shod, rise up in
testimony against them, and cry aloud for ven
geance! Let it be an indelible stain upon them,
which all the waters of the mighty ocean shall
never be able to wash away! They who thus wan
tonly stiffer their evil passions to destroy the rcpt,.
tat ion atone who thinks nothing else worth living
tier, deserve nothing but the anathemas and exe
crations of every friend of merit! Did they pro.
perly improve those high and noble filculties which
God has given thorn, those low and grovelling
passions, the certain indications of mean and vi.
cious minds, would never bo permitted to enter.
But instead of rendering themselves fit compan
ions for angels, by imitating their deeds, they
render themselves fit subjects to hold communion
with devils!
What a deplorable commentary this upon man,
the "noblest work of God!" Far better wore it for
that man had ho never been born, who instead of
Immolating by those who excel him in knowledge
and virtue, only envies their superiority and glo.
ries in their destruction! Instead of a blessing and
ornament to his race, ho is nothing but a curse.
Instead of inculcating Into the minds of his chil
dren precepts of morality and virtue, and point
ing them to those splendid luminaries of ancient
and modern times, from which to learn useful les.
'sons, he is exerting his abilities to the utmost to
deprive them of the laurels they have so nobly
From the foregoing feeble effort, it is presumed,
that it will not be difficult to infer, that Envy is
ono of the most dangerous of all the passions, both
as relates to him who is the subject, and the ob.
ject destined to be its victim.
An old Dutchman, named Shumm, who
lived in one of the wretched hovels that stand
in the rear of Sheriff street, and whose ap
parent poverty and manifest sufferings from
a dreadful case of hernia had long excited
the sympathy of his humane neighbors, died
on Friday last of asthma and a complication
of other diseases. He was well known to
be of a very obstinate and eccentrie,dispo
sition; and, although he had been confined
to his bed several weeks, he not only rejec
ted all medical aid, but persisted to the last
in his singular habit of sleeping in the whole
of his wardrobe, which consisted chiefly of a
pair of breeches, that at some remote era
had been constructed of blue velvet, a sail
or's jacket, and a frieze over -coat; which
all exhibited accumulated proofs of the old
man's attachment. On Wednesday he sent
for Mr. M. Van Duersen, a respectable
countryman. of his, residing in the neigh
borhood, who had often given him charita
ble relief, and privately requested . him to
make his Will! To this gentleman's great
surprise he bequeathed various sums of mo
ney, amounting altogether to $3,700, to
children and grandchildren - residing at
Newark and Albany; and confidentially in
formed him whore t his property was deposi
ted. He then narrated to Mr. Van Duer
sen the following remarkable facts in his
He stated that about 20 years ago lie was
a porter ton mercantile house in Haniburgh,
and, having been long in its employ, was
frequently entrusted with considerable sums
of money for conveyance to other establish
.inenta. In an hour. of evil influence he was
induced to violate his trust, and to abscond
to this country with a large sum. Having
arrived, he invested the greater part of it in
the purchase of two houses, which adjoined
each other, and which, before he had effec
ted an insurance on them, were burnt to the
ground.. Considering this a judgment of
heaven upon his dishonesty, he determined
to devote the remainder of his life to a se
vere course of industry and parsimony, with
the single object in view of making 1911 res
titution to the persons whom he had injured,
of to their descendants.
He adopted another name, and, with the
means he had left, commenced business in
this city us a tobacconist; and although his
trade was a retail one, and he had again
suffered a. heavy loss from fire, he had suc
ceeded five years since, in acquiring sufli 7
Cient property to accomplish his just and
elevated purpose. He then, accordingly,
sold his stock in trade, and was preparing to
transmit2the necessary . amount to Elam
burgh, where the mercantile firm he had de.
frauded still continues, when he ascertained
that it_had a branch establishment, or agen
cy counting-house, at Philadelphia. Thith
er he went, and paid the sum of $14,000,
being aquivalent to the original sum he had
embezzled, with a certain rate of interest.
The latter, however, - was generously re
turned to him - ;by a son of one of the part
ners, and this, together with some surplus
money, he has. bequeathed as above stated.
For the last five years ho has lived in utter
eateoretratiPme s ZPQacie tpwatarborar. roatamaUttlat Mm e aoad.
obscurity, and in severe accordance with
his long formed habits of paritiniony:
His executor, Mr. Van Duersenfound the
above named sum of $3,700, principally in
doubloons, curiously concealed in a certain
private department of t he tenacious breeches
befbro specified; and it was ascertained that
the old man's dreadful case of hernia, was
I a case of something far loss objectionable.
The remainder of his money was found
under the patches of his jacket, with the ex
ception of a small sum in shillings and six
pences discovered in an old snuff jar, which
seems to have been the depository of his
current funds.---N. Y. Courier.
Reader! you know very little about the
life of an Editor, and it is not worth while
for us to try to tell you what sort of a life he
leads. Paper, ink, and types can't describe
it. Pencil and paint may be essayed in vain.
To know how an Editor lives, you must be
come an Editor. But we say to you, as we
have said to almost every one who has tho7t
worth while to advise with us on the subject
—don't try it, we beseech you. Stick to
the lap stone--the shears—the sledge—the
handsaw—the pestle—the ploUgh—or even
he. a lawyer—and whistle for clients—and
ou may chance to "go-ahead"—but, as
ou value quiet and consistency, as you
wish to have comfort by day and rest by
night, don't be an Editor!
Do you ask why? Just think, for a me•
merit what an Editor must do, and what ho
must not do, and your question will be an=
He must publish all the news—and he
must not publish any thing that is not found
ed on fact.
He must endeavor to raise the standard
of public morals; but 'he must not attack
any vice, or error, or infirmity, tolvhich
any of his patrons or friends are sub t 4
He must write, whether he is gloorpror
gladsome--sick or well—whether theraer.
cury runs high or low—whether political
prospects are fair or foul—still he must
write, and he must produce something that
is either pretty or popular, he is deemed
a stupid fellow.
He must print whatever is sent or handed
to him for insertion, iyhether he can reed
it or not—let his space be little or much—
at the very time, and in the very manner
that is requested.
He must remember and duly execute all
orders, verbal or written', that hisicind pu
trons are so obliging as to dictate.
He must .be literally "all things to all
men," and try to please every body—or--
he must take the "responsibility" of acting
upon principles—pursue an independent
course—labor to uphold the rights and lib
erties, and to improve the manners and mor
als of his country—determine to he honest
in the worst of times—write like a freeman,
and toil like a slave—wear out his press
and types, and finally, himself—and leave
to his wife and children—if he can keep
the one, and accumulate the other—a good
name and afile of old newspapers!
Fonce OF htworNATtow.--- 7 A few yearS
ago a celebrated physician, author of an ex
cellent work on imagination, being desirous
to add experimental to his , theoretical knowl
edge, made application to the Minister of
Justice to be allowed an opportunity of prov
ing what he asserted, by an experiment on
a criminal condemned to death. The min
ister complied with his request,and delivered
over to him an assassin, a man who had
been born of distinguished parents. The
physician told him that several persons who
had taken an interest in his family had ob
tained leave of the minister that he should
starer death in some other way than on the
scaffold, to avoid the disgrace of a public
execution; and that the easiest death he
could die would be by blood-letting. The
criminal agreed to the proposal, and counted
himself happy in being freed . from the pain
ful exhibition which he would otherwise
have been made of, and rejoiced at thus be
ing able to spare his friends and family. At
the time appointed the• physician repaired
to the prison, and the patient having been
extended on a table, his eyes bound, and
every thing ready, he was slightly pricked
near the principal veins of the legs and',
arms with the point of a pen. At the four
corners of the table were four fountains, fill
ed with water, from which issued small
streams, falling into basins placed there to
receive them. The patient,.thinking it was
his blood that trickled into the basins be
came weaker and weaker by degrees-, and
the remarks of medical men in attendance
in reference to the quality and appearance of
the blood (made with that intention) increai'•
ed the delusion, and he spoke more and more
faintly, until his voice was at lenght scarce
ly audible. The protound silence 'which
reigned in.the.apartinent, and the constant
dropping..of the .fountain, had. so extraordi
nary, effect on the brain of the poor patient,
that all his vital energies were soon gone,
although before a very strong man, and he
died without having lost a single drop of
blood.—Le Camelon.
habitant of this city (says the New Haven
Herald,) a foreigner and a German, well
known to the public, was a few evenings
since called en tb go tea public house to see
a transient gentleman, also a German,stop
ping there, who had been remarked to bare
a great similarity to him, in person,speech
and manners, and which had attracted the
notice of some gentlemen present. Having
attended to the call, after an introduction,thc
parties commenced a conversation in their
.vernacular tongue, relative to the nativity
and paternity of cad), when, after a few
moments, they rushed into each other's arms
with the exClamation, "Mine Got, you are
.mine broder," and they wept in holy silence . ...
The scene was extremely affecting to-the
beholders. The brothers had been separa
ted in youth, and fora period of thirty-seven
years had been unknown to each other.—
Though the transient gentleman had been
frequently hero on matters of business, and
the persOnal affinities had been before re
marked; a dissimilarity of - names had pre
vented a recognition; the one resident here,
having been impressed into the British ser
vice, while in London, and sent to the West
Indies, from whence he escaped to this
country, in a vessel belonging to this port;
which circumstance induced him to adopt a
different cognomen from that by which he
had been known. He has since been a man
of property, lived respectable among us, and
has brought up a numerous and industrious
rite attar
(r!rTo get in the matter which follows
under this head, nearly all of which was
crowded out of our last, we are compelled
to omit, until our next, the selections made
0::7 - On the 15th inst. Mr. M'SHERRY pre.
sented a petition in support of the claims of
Thomas Abbott, an old soldier of the revo
OZ - On the 170, on Mr. M'SnEnny's mo
tion, the report of the. Committee on Claims,
in the case of Emanuel Ziegler, an old sol
dier, was re-committed to the same Corn:
mittee. Also, that the same committee re.
port to the [louse the rules they have adop
ted relative to persons asking pensions.
For Revolectionary Soldiers.
Kr - From the followingrules, read by Mr.
SMYSER in the State Senate, Revolutionary
Soldiers will' learn the "current system et
procedure upon the petitions of old soldiers"
for pensions which go ern the Committee
on Claims in the F.:enat6:—
Ist. Two months service in the revolu
tionary war shall entitle the soldier or his
'widow to a gratuity of forty dollars.
2d. Four months service shall entitle ap
plicants to a gratuity of forty dollars, and an
annuity of Col ty dollars, payable half yearly,
to commence on the first day of January,
3d. Widows of old soldiers who were
married preVious to the close of the revolu
tionary war, shall be entitled to a gratuity,
or a gratuity and annuity as the case may
be, according to ...the service performed by
the husband,
4th. Proof of the petitioners being• in ne
cessitous circiimstances required in all cases;
or a certificate from a member of the legis•
!attire, stating that he personally knows the
petitioner to be poor and in need of asis
sth. Proof by one or more credible wit
nesses, that the service was performed in,
the Pennsylvania line, or in the militia of
Pennsylvania, will be required.
6th. The petitioner to set forth in his or
her petition, the service performed, the
length of time served, and the fact of his or
her being in indigent circumstances; to
which statement, he or she must be sworn
or affirmed.
7th. When positive evidence cannot be
obtained relative to the services rendered,
then the proof and proceedings to be : in con
formity with the following resolution passed
in Senate on the 21st day of February, 18:33.
"Resolved, by the Senate (lithe House of Rop
resentatives concur,) that the committees on
claims of the respective Houses, he instructed to
receive as evidence of revolutionary service, in
cases whore bettor testimony cannot be obtained,
a detailed statement ofthe time and kind of service
rendered by the applicant, and the officers under
whom lie served, verified by his own Oath, and ac.
companiod by the depositions of two or more res
pectable persons, stating that they aro acquainted
with the petitioner, and that he is worthy of cred
it, and. that they believe his statement to be true,
and that ho is generally reputed by those who
have known hini,.to have been in the revolutiona.
ry war. And the like evidence shall be received
in support of the applications of the widows of
revolutionary soldiers."
Bth. Those receiving pensions from the
United States, are not on that account, to be
excluded from receiving a gratuity or annui
ty from the State.
4:7 - From the following it will appear,
That a very fit person has at length been
found to run with the Great Magician, at
the next Presidential election! An excellent
selection! Wonder how it will take with our
magical friend up town!
It is - a beautiful characteristic in our na.
tional government that even the meanest
may aspire to the highest offices in the gift
of the people. GEORGE W. DIXON, the
"national vocalist," has been nominated for
Vice President on the Van Buren ticket.—
This -certainly getting a share of the
"loaves and fi4hes"—for "a mere song."—
Zip Coon. will doubtless preside with great
dignity over the deliberations of that august ,
body—the Senate of the United States! and
as it is Jim Crow's province to
"Whet)l about and turn about—and do just so,"
there can be Itttle doubt but he will make a
~Jity' politician, and watch the veertngs of
the wind!—Ball. Visiter.
Oz - The Philadelphia Inquirer states,that
orders have been received at the Boston
Navy Yard, to enlist 500 men for the frigate
Constitution. •
0: The Anti-Alasoni t c Convention,which
assembled at Middletown, Ct. on the 10th
inst. nominated the following candidates:—
For Gov. Hon. Samuel A. Foot; Lt. Gov.
John M. Holly; Isaac Spencer, Treasurer;
Thomas Day, Secretary. For Congreas,
Joseph Trumbull, Ebenezer Jackson, Jr.
Chas. J. McCurdy, Alanson Hamden,
nezer Young and Phinoas Miner.
0:7 - The house of Mr. Vandersol, in Ship
pensburg, Pa, was broken open recently,
and robbed of $l5O.
o* - The following item will be found in
the last annual report of the Secretary of
the . Treasury: "Paid for furniture for the
President's house, six thousand dollars!"
Pretty well for the "Farmer of Tennessee!"
KrThe lion. CHARLES Gewsnonounn,
formerly Governor of Maryland, died at his,
residence in Dorchester county on the 13th
The following is among the toasts given
at a Whig celebration, at Tops&ld, Mass.
"YANKEE Notiorie—Love of liberty and
knowledge, respect for religion and morali
ty, the spirit of industry and enterprize. If
any country has better notions to give us in
exchange, we are ready to trade; but other.
wise long may we stick to the favorite no
tions of the Yankee land."
ANTI- NlAsornty.—Political Anti-Mason
ry spran4, from the bosom of the People
themselves, and it was the cry of horror,
from the unlearned, sophisticated voice
of the People, at the murder of Morgan—
at the prostration of law and justice in the
impunity of the murderers, and at the dis.
closure -of the -Masonic obligations—that ,
cry arose, not from the mansions of the
wealthy, nor from the cabinets of the learn
ed or of the great—nor even from the senti
nels on the watch-towers of Zion. It came
from the broad basis of the population; from
the less educated and roost numerousiclass
of the community. So it is with all great
LANvs.—According to the offi
cial report of the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Office, the sales of public lands,
in the year 1833, exceeded those of 1832,
1,393,885 acres; 1,856,908 dollars of pur
chase money; and of the amount paid inte
the Treasury, 1,344,300 dollars; and it ap
pears that the sales of the first three quar
ters of 1834, exceed those of the corres
ponding quarters of 1833, 330,291 acres;
$437,040 of purchase money, and of the
amount paid into the Treasury, the sum of
$856,518. •
The .prevailing practice of asking Sena
torsto resign if they are not subservient to
thel - will or the Executive, cannot fail to
make slaves and dependents of that body—
to utterly corrupt legislation, and destroy
the representative freedom and powei of
each State. Senators ure elected six years;
to give them independence in the discharge
of their duty, and no Legislature ha., a right,
from political motives, to call for their- re
signation. Senators shouldhave the man
ly firmness, in such times, to disregard these
calls for resignation.---/V. Y. Eva. Star.
Colvverrr Ittareas.--The trial of a man
named Buzzell,charged with having assisted
in burning thr Ursuline Convent, has been
going on in Boston for eight or ten days past.
The examination of witnesses was conclu
ded on Tuesday last, and the argument of
council, and the charge Of Chief Justice
SHAW, were made on Thursday, and the
case submitted to the jury. The Court met
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and sent an
inquiry to learn if they had agreed upon a
verdict, and received for answer that they
had not, and probably should not be able to
agree upon a verdict that evening. The
roan then adjourned to Friday morning at
9 o'clock, at which time the jury returned
intocourt with a verdict of NOT GUILTY.
The Report of the PostinaSter General,
has been hailed with great satisfaction by
the Globe, and other Jackson prints. But
this actin's no evidence of any improve
ment in the financial or moral condition of
that department. The same prints lauded
the false statements heretofore exhibited by
Major-Barry—nor would his misrepresenta
tions have been yet exposed, hut for the ne
cessity which forced their disclosure. The
present Report is pronounced by the Globe,
a "simple and ;inpretending statement of
figures and facts;" and yet these "figures, and
facts" are so arranged as to deceive the
casual reader as to the actual debt now due
by the department. For instance, ho says:
"the balance of the debt against the depart
ment, beyond the amount of its available
funds, was, on the Ist January,lB34, 015,-
599 98." Of this debt he had paid, on the
let day. of July last, $47,307 24---"reduc
lug the balance of debt which - existed against
[WHOLE NO. 247
, 4,4*
the department, on the Ist July, "1834 10'
ir `l ,
'268,092 74." From the manner in
this statement is made, many persons Mahn
conclude that this amount included the!WliOrn:.:";.,
debt due by the department; and it
have been so framed to produce thi;l'ireF.;,,,
sion. It is true, the Postmaster Oeneti4::
subsequently mentions the balance of file
t .
account with the hanks; but this mighkoef-:
be viewed as a distinct item of debt, esper. 2 ,
cially as he had just stated a Pa rticular: sttin.;.
us "the balance of debt which existed
the department to the Ist July,
Now let us "put this and that together," •alit
see how he stood, by hie disin - showings on
the Ist of July lust.
Balance as above stated, f3268,092`
1)o. due banks on "loans and
over checks,"
Making together
Ito which ndd (surplus left by Judge
McLean,) • ' 200100 r
And we have e 1396,700,
as the sum expended by Major Barry to the
Ist July last, over and above the receipts of
the department. If the administration, r
its editors, can find. aught in this exhibit that
is pleasing, they are welcome to the grafi;
The Postmaster General informs us that
he borrowed the large sums which yet re.
main unpaid; on the credit of the Post Of
fice Departmentexclusively. But, where
does he find the authority for this proceed
ing? If the income of the department.proyed
inadequate to its expenditures, it was his du
ty to make the fact known to Congress, that
funds might be appropriated or expenses be
'educed. He, however, not only
the deficiency, but makes a false and decal).
tive report—nor is Congress
,aware of his
difficulties until he has plunged his depart
ment nearly a million in debt. In the proi
titution of his official patronage to political
purposes, he rushed heedlessly forward in
total disregard of consequences, until he
was brought to a full stand by imperious cir
cumstances. For this profligate and i3pend.
thrift course, he is yet unrebuked by the
President—en the contrary, in the various
mutations of cabinet officers, he alone bait
retained his station. The reason may be
found in the essential partizan services he
has rendered to General Jackson, by "re
forming" the Post Office Department into a.
mighty engine of political influence and' ar.
ruption.—Baltimore Chron.
The farming and milling interests of the
country are beginning to feel the effects.of
Gen. Jackson's interference with the cur.
rency of the country.
On the 17th of December, 1831, the Wa.•
gon price of flour in Baltimore was $5 25.
On the same day in 13:32 it was $6.
On the same day in 1833 (after "the
meival of the deposites) it had fallen to'ss;
and •
On the same day is 1834 it has lanai' to .
84 - 37 i to 4 50. -
These facts furnish a subject thr the most
anxious reflection. We leave them to the
farmers and millers.—Fred. Examiner.
APLAUCRT,IN'S LoTTERX.—•This Lottery.,
was drawn this forenoon: The first prize ,
consisting of the Patapsco Hotel, at Ellicott's
Mills, with The addition upon the'Rail-roadi
the large Stow Stables, Carriage and. hie,
House, and the splendid Garden of nearly
acres, which is the Capital Prize, valued at
836,500, was drawn to No. 5086,. and Jo
seph Barling, of Baltimore, is the fortunate
owner. • •
No. 90 drew the dwelling house, valupditt
$3,000, and the owner of the ticket is Ro
bert Campbell, the lamp•lighter at thetity
No. 4866 drew the elegant Angelo,Cot
tage,valued at $2,650, and the ticket le own
ed by Lieut. C. Ringgold of the Navy.-Pat.
A WILD CAT.-A large animal of tile lc
hove kind,was killed on the Conowago hills,
1,1 miles from York Haven, York county, on
Saturday last. After some chase the ani-
mal "treed," the hunters assembled near,
and after seven discharges brought the
"critur" wounded to the ground, among the
dogs, (five in number,) all of which it would
have whipped, and sped its way, but for the
interference of the hunters.— York Guz..
one of the County. Courts, though he had
been some time in office, was so stupid that
he never could learn his lesson properlY>
and seldom opened the Court without.goine
blunder. "Crier," said the Clerlcone daY,
"open the Court—and see that you do it cot;
do it as well as the case will admit
of," replied the crier, suddenly, and prepay
in g, his mouth for the triple "0 ves!"—"But
the truth is, this is the hardest Court fovea
I ever saw." , .
rington, in giving some advice to fair dein.
sels, when brat ` nourishing the tender pas.
sien, describes what he calls the matrimo
nial ladder, which he says consists of ;eight
stops, viz:-1. Attention; 2. Flirtition; 3.
Courtship; 4. Breaking thoice; :5. -Popping
the question; 6. The negociation; 7. The
ceremony; 8. The Repentance. , .
A man in debt is stoned every year.
A servant is known by% hts master so *b.
c r
Anger and , haste hinder good counsel.
A poor man has not many marks tOr
tune to shoot at.
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