The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, December 23, 1834, Image 3
.9;lP7.llloetolcd is l'iditics, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, Literature, Science, . I ,llgriculimv, the Mechanic arts, internal Improvement; mid General Miscellany...42o ADVERTISEMENTS. ,1 *IS 1— • 11114 A ' - flallerlia 'S Sales. y•sIN pursuance of sundry Writs of Vendi• Exponas, issued out of the Court of ~, . ..f:i-COmmon Pleas of Adams county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, on ',..' ; *,lviS i aturday the 27th of December inst., at 1 o'clock P. N. at the Court-house, in t3ettys '4:Purg,the following real Estate, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, ' ,Ititutito . in Cumberland township, Adams k . : . Countontaining 83 AcreS more or less, ;itijilinitig - lands of Jacob Hanky, James A. e L" . .-'; .t. ,:: l l:hom — ps' on, the heirs of Saiintel Sloan and ,ofhers, on which are erected a one and a . .1: half story LOG DWELLING r. .. „ . '' - . HOUSE , ~ • II I v -;;: • a log Stable, with a spring of water near . this house. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Samuel Blakely en right of hid Wife. -ALSO TRACT OF .LAND, Situate in Latimore township, A. dams county, containing 115 A. A cres, more or. less, adjoining lands •• of the heirs of Soloman Bower, J. Peiiriman, Michael Bower and others, with a•tvrnitory LOG • :.:DWELLING NOUSE, doable log Barn, two wells of water near the house, and one well of water in the field, two apple orchards, and a large quantity of meadow. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Isaac Bower. A. LOT .OF GUOII3 - NII, In the town of Heidlersburg, Tyrone town. ship, Adams county, on which are erected, A ono story Log Dwelling House, Log Shop, a Log Stable, and a part of st well of water convenient to the house.— Also, 8 Lots of Ground, in said town, occu pied as Meadow Lots. Seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of John Harman. A TRACT OF LAND, Situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams county, containing 120 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Joseph Harman, John Miller and others, on which are erected, A TWO-STORY LOG 1 I" DWELLING HOUSE, se u Log Kitchen, Double Log Barn, • - a small orchard,a large quantity of Meadow and a never-failing spring of water not far from the house. Seized and taken in execution is the property of John Garlock. A TRACT OP LAND, .. • • Situate in Liberty township, A , • - "7 dams county, containing 73 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Glacker, Neal McCallion, P r. Shields and others,on which are erected two.stor) LOG DWELLING HOUSE, with a spring of water near the door. Seiz ed and taken in execution as the property of John ifcCallion. .-.ALSO--.. A TRACT OF LAND, Situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, containing 249 Acres,more or less, adjoining lands of Jacob Hanky, James A. Thompson, Heirs of Samuel Sloan, dec'd, D. Ziegler and others,on which aro erected Two .1.4 story Log & Frame I DWELLING HOUSES, I I • T 1441. 1 -1 e . two Log Stables, a spring of water near each house and a well of water near the turnpike on said farm; alstra large-quantity of-Meadow.- Seized and taken in execution as the property of Sum tiel Blakely and John Sweney. ALL THE INTEREST OF A TRACT OF LAND, Situate in iattmore township, Adams conn ty,-.adjoining lands of Philip Myers, John Wolford , ' and others, containing 40 Acres; more or less, on which are erected a one and a half-atory LOG DWELLING /7 0 S E, log Statile, log Blacksmith Shop, an excel lent spring of water, and a small peach or chard: Seized and taken in elocution as the priiperty of Yoh?: ilicßride. -ALSO-- A TRACT OF' LAND, Situate in Cumberland township, -..• ti 0 4 -r.' Adams county, containing 10 A• eks, more or less, adjoining lands of James McAlister, Peter Fry and others, on which are erected,a two•story WEATHER-BOARDED HOUSE, ,Liog 'Stable, two springs of water and an ex tAllerit.Orehard. 'Seized And taken in exe- OtiOn as the property of Nelson Hagen and Henry *igen. LS 0-- of Mali Lot of Ground, 111rommte in West Street, Gettysburg, known by. No. 1, late addition to said town, adjoin -oga half lot of T. J. Cooper, and alleys-- On Which are erected ...STORY FRAME HOUSE & other buildings. and tahen in execution as the proper. ly ofJohn S'weney. LSO r'lltACT Or LAND, , Shwa in Franklin township, Adams coon. Lv, adjoining lands of John Lady, David 2140‘infan, Peter Marks and others, contain- OD-Acres, more or less, on which are ftd n„,l.k story LOG DWELLING 0-11 S E I . •.; ;ri";‘ - suad log Stable; with a spring of -.l.Asider neat` *Amos, and an apple orchard. hnid`ninl taken in execution as the proper- Crass, deceased, in the hands -ALSO-- -ABLO-- THE GE , TTYSBURG STAR. REPUBLICAN BANNER. of James Dobbin, Ex'r of said dec'd, with notice to T. Stevens, tertenant. -AiSO A TRACT OF LAND, Situate in Latimore,tewnship, Adams coun ty, containing 130 Acres, min.° or less, ad joining lands of John Wollbrd, Allen Robin ette and others, on which are erected a two story Brick dwelling II 0 U 8 E with a Brick back building attached to' the same, double log Barn, stone Spring-house, and other out-buildings; a small orchard.— Seized and taken in exeeutior. as the proper. y of Samuel Candy. James Bell, Jr, SUER IF F. -Sheriff's Office, Getty.,- . burg, Dec. 2, 1834. WILL be sold at public sale, on Tues day the 30th of December inst., on the premises, at 12 o'clock m., agreeably to an order of the Court, all that TRACT or LAND,' Lying in Huntington township, Adams coun ty, Pa. adjoining lands of James Neely, Ro. bert M'flvain and others, containing about 93 Acres, more or less—having thereon erected a. LOG IT 09, E , double log Barn, a- Smith-shop and an Or chard—to be sold as the Estate of Join Fiches. Ki.Terins made known on day of sale, and attendance given by JOHN "WOLFORD, H. WIERIVAN, r ustees. December 2, 1834. is-35 Kriff the above is not sold on the above day, it will then be rented to the highest bidder for one year from the Ist April next. 11 1 13BIAC SAIIATA. WILL be sold, to the highest and best bidder, at public sale, on Thursday the 25th inst. on the premises, A LOT or GROUND, Situate in the town of Hampton, Adams co. Pa. having thereon erected a good dwelling Er 0 U la S E • ; 0 - Stabling and a well of good wa• ter quite convenient—to ho sold as the Es tate of the late P. G. Leber. The house is now occupied by Mrs. Leber. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock r. 3r. when the terms will be made known. December 2, 1834. Vutiiv. ~,,ate. __.,..._ • W., be sold at public sale, on the premises,on Tuesday the 30th inst., A kl, A M 9 44446 -: ~ 0: 44.0 ..- .k . 1 ... situate in Menallen township, A dims county, Pa. on lonowago creek, ad joining lands of N ichol Doitrick, Benjamin Harris and others—Estate of Taos. GRIEST, deceased; Oontaining 155 Acres, more or less; whereon is erected a one and II V a half-story LOG U S F double log Barn, with a well of water near the house. • " -A LSO LOT OF 20 ACRES, adjoining the above described land and the heirs of .Stepben Hendricks, whereon is erected a two•story LOG ROUSE and Stable. -ALSO AL LOT OT 30 ACRES, adjoining the ahovo Farm and Henry ,Ben der and others, whereon'is erected a one and a half-story LOG 110 USE and a small log Barn, with a wall of water at the house door. [lf this last lot is not sold, it will be rented on said day for one year from the Ist of April next.] Also, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, by the bushel. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. m. when attendance will be given and terms made known by ISAAC TUDOR, " GIDEON GRIEST, December 16, 1884. to-37 Estate of Jacob iralker, deed. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of .z - •• JACOB WALKER, late of Latimore township, Adams county, Pa. deceaseit will make payment to the subscriber without do lay. And all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased, are here by no. titled to make known . the same to the sub scriber, without delay. SAMUEL W A LKER, Adm'r. December 2, 1834. 6t-35 AUDITORS' NOTICZ. NOTICE is hereby given to those con cerned, that the subscribers havebeen appointed AUDITORS to apportion the as• sets remaining in the hands of EJARMAN WIERMAN, Administrator of CA'PH A RIIV E lIIUNTORFF, deceased, will meet for that purpoSe, at the hoiise of Wt.. James Gourley, in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Saturday the 27th of December inst., ut 10 o'clock A. n. at which time and place those who have . claims against said estate are re quested to present them. JOHN M STEVENSON, SAMPSON S. 'KING, n. • SAMUEL R. RUSSELL, ?I . December 2, 1834. 41-35 11,111 , ACA, SSA R OTL.—ROwland's Maces. J•Tit , sar Oil to beautify and promote the growth of the hair. For sale at the Drug Dr. J. COI BERT Store of Gettysburg, Dec. 9,'18[1,, C. BLUSH, Adger. is-35 Nit's-ioj-44-).f+11.:i10:;:ili A MEETING of the Rock Creek Tern• perance Society will be held at the Rock Creek Chapel on Thursday the 25th inst. at 1 o'clock I. M. Several Addresses, it is expected, will be delivered• By . order of the Secretary. Dec. 16, 1..84. tm--37 Estate of Thomas Griest, dec'd. LL persons indebted to the Estate of -firk- THOMAS GRIEsT, late of Lati more township, Adams county, deceased, will make payment tot he subscribers without delay. And all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of said deceased, are hereby notified to make known the same to the subscriberS without delay. The Exgcutors both reside in Latimore township, Adams county. ISAAC TUDOR, ' GIDEON GItIEST, Pa rs, December 16, 1834 jr GREAT LITEILARY ENTERPRIZE PROSPECTUS OF TWO NEW VOLUMES OF WALDXZ'S LIBRARY FOR 1835. TRH' "SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRA. • UN , ' has been for some time fairly classed n- Mongst the the established periodical publications o the country, having obtained a credit and circulation unrecedented,when thdprice is considered; this cer tainty, by allowing greater freedom to our efforts, is calculated to render them alimce strenuous and more effectual. The objects that %Valdie's Library had in view,was the dissemination of good new books every where,at the cheapest possible rates, and experience has provep that a year's subscription will pay for ONE HUNDRED AND RIXTY-SIX. DOLLARS worth of books at the London prices. New and enlarged type. Volume .5 to he commenced early in January 1835, will be printed with new and enlarged type,rendering the work free from any objec tion that may have been madeby persons of weak eyes The Journal of Belles Lettres,printed on the cover, will be continued without tiny charge. It contains ev ery week, reviews and extracts from the newest and best books as they come from the press; literary intel ligence from allparts of the world,and a register of the new publicatiods of England and America, being the earliest vehicle to disseminate such information, and by the perusal of which a person,however remote from the marls of books,may keep pace with the times. As it is usual to wish in behalf of a son that he may prove a better man than his father, so we, without meaning any particular reflecton on our former vol umes,received with such distinguishes favor,hope and trust that our future may surpass them; for experience ought always to produce improvement,more especially when,as in our case, it lessens the number of difllcul ties we had to encounter in the outset. The objects the "Library" had in view,were fully detailed in the prospectus; the following extracts from that introductory paper, will prove the spirit of that liberality in which the work was uodertaken,and also that we have had no occasion to deviate from the ori ginal plan: Ertractsfrom the original Prospectus. In presenting to the public a periodical,entirely new in its character,it will be expected that the publisher should describe his plan, and the objects he hopes to accomplish. There is growing up in the U. States a numerous pulation,with literary tastes,who are scattered over a large space,& who;distant from the localities whence becks & literary information emrmate,feel themselves at a great loss for that mental food which education has fitted them to enjoy. Books are cheap in - our prin ciple cities, but in the interior they cannot be procur ed as soon as published, nor without considerable ex pense. To supply this desideratum is the design of the present undertaking, the chief object of which empha tically is,to make good reading cheaper,and to put it in aform that will bring it to every man's door. Books cannot be sent by mail,while the 'Select Cir culating Library' may be received at the most titir* post office in the Union, in from 12 totHidays after it is published, at a little Wriore expel& than newspaper postage; or in other words, before a book could be bound ioPhiladelphia,our subscribers in the most dis tant States may be perusing it in their parlors. ' 'l'o elucidate the advantagjs of the 'Select Gircula ting Library' such as we propose,it is only necessary to compare it with some other publications. Take the Waverly novels for example: the Chronic/es of the I Canon gate occupy 2 volumesovh ich are sold at $1.25 to $1.59. The whole would be reahily contained in five numbers of this periodical, at an expense of fifty cents,postage included! So that more than three times the quantity of literary matter can be supplied for the same money by adopting the newspaper course of cir culation. But we consider transmission by mail, and the early receipt of a new book,as a most distinguish ing feature of the publication. Distant subscribers will be placed on a footing with those nearer at hand, and will be supplied at their own homes with equal to a bout F ift y Volumes of the common London noted size for Five Dollars! rrangements have been made to receive from Lon don an early copy of every new book printed 'either in that mart of talent, or in Edinburgh, together with the periodical literature of Great Britain. From the former we shall select the Novels, Memoirs, Tales, Travels, Sketches, Biography, !Sec. and publish them with as much rapidity and accuracy as an extensive Printingoflice will admit. From: the latter,such lite rary intelligence will regularlY-bc culled as will prove interesting and entertaining to the lever of knowledge, and science, and literature, and novelty. Good standard novels, and other works, now out of print, may also occasionally be reproduced ill our . col mans. 'I he publisher confidently assures the heads of families, that they need have no dread of introdu cing the "Select Circulating Library" into their do rnestieclrcle,as the gentleman who has undertaken the Editorial duties, to literary tastes and habits adds a due sense of the responsibility he assumes in catering for an extended and moral enrnmunity,and of the eon sequenens, detrimental or otherwise, that will follow the dissemination of noxious or wholesome mental ali ment. His situation and engagements afford him pe culiar advantages and facilities for the selection of book. These,with the additional channels created by agencies at London ,Li verpool,and Ed in hu rgh ,warrant the .proprietor in guaranteeing a faithful execution of the literary department. It would be supererogatory to dilate on the general advantages and conveniences which such a publica tion presents to people of literary pursuits whever lo cated,but more particularly to those who reside in re tired situations—they are so obvious that the first glance cannot fail to flash conviction of its eligibility. TERMS.—"The Select Circulating Library" is printed_weekly on a double medium sheet of fine pa per of sixteen pages with three columns on each, and mailed with great care so as to carry with perfect safety to the most distant pipit office. It is printed and finished . With the same care and accuracy as book work. The whole fifty-two uninbers form two volumes well worth preservation,of 416 pa ges each,equal in quantity to 120(1 pages, or three vci lumes,of Rees' CyclopaAiri. Each volume is accompa nied with a Title-page acid Index. Theprice is Five Dollars for 52 numbers of 16 pa ges each— a price at which it cannot - he afforded un less extensively patronised. CO -Payment at all times in advance. Agents who procure five subscribers, shall have a receipt in full by remitting the publisher 820, and a proportionate compensation for a larger number. This arrangement is made to increase the circulation to an extent which will make it an object to pay agents li berally. Clubs of five individuals may thus procure the work for 84,bv uniting in their remittances. Subscribers living near.agents may pay their sub scriptions to them; those otherwise situated may re mit the amount to the subscriber at his expense, if payment is made in money at par in Philailk•lphia.— Our arrangements are all made for the fulfilment of our part of the contract. Subscribers' names should be immediately forwar ded,in ardor that the publisher may know how many to print of the. forthcoming volumes. - ADAM WALDIE, No. 200 Chesnut at. basement SIMI of lilrm. Sword's Philadelphia Haase. Philadelphia, December 16, 1834. 3t-37 The Port Folio 4•Compani on to the Library A WALDIF: 11 publishes"Thn Port Folio Sc Com panion to the Select Circulating Library" in the same form,every two weeks,at.half the price of the Library. It contains extracts from the best English periodicals and a vast amount of pops/at:information on Litera ture,Science,History, &c. adapted to all classes; also Tales, Sketches, Biography . and the general contents of a magazine. Clubs remitting SIO, receive five copies,being the chestiest reprint ever attempted -in any country. In dividual sulicriptions , , 7 "51; to those who take the Li. at an Or Court, FIELD at Gettysburg, for the County of Adams, on the 24th day of November, A. D. 18:34, before John Reed, Esq. and his associates, Judges, &c. assigned, &c. Due proof having been made . of the ser vice of the Rule granted at the last Orphans' Court, on all the heirs and legal represen tatives of Isaiah Wh;te, deceased, to be and appear at this Court to accept or reline to take the real Estate - of said deceased, at the valuation made thereof, and being severally called and making no answer, On motion— The Court Grant a Rule, ON ALL THE HEIRS AND.LEGAL RE PRESENTATIVES OF 2 - tayaava.4u uniazneak. deceased, to wit, John (the Petitioner,) Ta hitha,intertrarried with TlMmas Orr; Polly, who was intermarried with . .loseph Weld, lough,(both of whom are since dec'd, leaving issue one daughter named Adeline;) Martini, intermarried with William Paxton; Isabel- In; and Lucinda Jane, intermarried with Samuel M'Gaughy,or the Guardians ofsuch of them as are minors, to he and appear at the next Orphans' CoJrt, to be held at Get tysburg, for the County of Adams, on the 30th day of December inst., to shew cause why the real Estate of said deceased, should not be sold, agreeably to the Intestate laws of this ComMonwealth. at-37 By the Court, JOHN B. CLARK, Cl'k. December 16, 1834. tc-3 e 5 r 4 01 0 op 0 : F ii rill-11 . 3 mild and efficacious remedy pos. sesses many advantages over other remedies usually employed for diseases of children. It has been found beneficial in the followingdiseases—Pains in the stomach and bowels, cholic, grrping, restlessness, &c. &c. It is prepared from vegetables only. For sale at the Drug Store of Dr. J. GILBERT. Gettysburg, Dec. 9, 1834. tf- ti PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Fall - 1E School Directors of the Bornt4.h of Gettysburg,give notice,t hat they have divided the Borough into Four School Dis tricts, as follows: No. 1, which includes all upon the east side of Baltimore-street, from the northern and eastern line of the ''Borough to the alley between H. Little and J. Sweney. No. 2, which includes all from the south ern line of the Borough, on the east side of Baltimore Street, to the aforesaid alley, and on the west side of BaLimore-street to High-street. No. 3, which includes all from west High street to west Middle -street, and from West street as far as west_York,street to the wes tern limits of the Borough. No. 4, which includes all from west Mid dle-street, as far as West-street, to the northern limits of the Borough, and from West-street as far as west York-street to the western line of the Borough. In each of these districts there will be one Public School for Whites. There will also be one School in the Bo rough for Colored Children, to be under the superintendence of a Female teacher. The Public Schools will open on the First Monday of January next, in the several Districts as above detailed. Persons desirous of being appointed Teachers, will- make application to S. S. lime, Esq. President of the Board. By order of the Board, ROBERT G. HARPER, Seen , . December 2, 1834. t f-35 %TAMES COOP f, aUttlibiee) - K. s .lre eat? ChITICE in Chatnbersburg Street, a few doors East of Mr. Forrey'sTavern. Gett:tlsburg, June 10, 1834. tf-10 VARNISH—A large supply of black oil Varnish,fer saddlers' and shoemakers' use, just received and for sale at the Drug store of Gettysburg, Dec. 9,1834. ESSENCES, OPODELDOC, BRIT ISII OIL, eze. For sale by the doz en, &c. at the Drug store of Dr. J. GILBERT, Gettysburg. December 9, 1884. tf-38 CAUTION. ABSCONDED from Gettysburg on the 13th of October last, a young lad-by the name of JOHN B. HALL, 17 years of age, dark complexion, has the tetter in all his nails on both hands, has a la rgescar over his loft eye; has worked 'at the butch ering 2 years in Baltimore, and has worked at shoe.making in Gettysburg; he took with him various clothing, but commonly wears a black hat with a scarf 'on it. Anv infor. mation respecting him will be thankfully re ceived by a diSconsolate mother. • N. B. All persons are forwarned against trusting, harboringr, or employing said boy, at the peril of thjlaw, ns I will inflict the penalty or the same on all offenders, without respect to persons a f ter this date. S. HALL. Gettysburg, Dec. 9, 18:34. 3t-36 A / 170RM TEA—For . sale at the Di ug v store of DR. J.,GILBERT. Gettysburg, Dec. 9, 118 .8 / 1 . tf-36 DRUGS & MEDICINES. AFRESH supply of genuine DRUGS and MEDICINES just received and for solo at the Drug store of ' DR.J.'GILBERT, Gettysburg. DN:orriber 0, tz CI p CI 0 to ) ..g C l l p 1 "4 DR. J. GILBERT. A REMARKABLE CUBE OF RHEUMATISM! IIY TIIE USE OF DR. JEWS RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. I Copy of a Letter!/ CrixabEirrowN, tillass.) June 23, 1827. To the Proprietor of Dr. Jebb'4 Liniment. DEAR SIR—I deem it a duty 1 owo:to suffering humanity, to acqnaint you, and through you the public, (should you think best) of the unexpected and surprising cure performed on myself by the use of the . above most excellent Medicine. 1 have boon for more than thirty years, and sometimes most severely, afflicted with the Rheumatism, have boon frequently rendered perfectly holplees; and in consequence confined to My- bed, when it has required two persons .to move me, being in such extreme pain; I have several times been un der the care of the most eminent physiciunr, but procured only temporary relief, I one day no. ticed tho advertisement of Dr. Jebb's Liniment, with the testimonials accompanying it, and was induced to try a buttle,which I used without much sensible benefit. 1 concluded, however, to perse vere, and bought another bottle, and was greatly relieved, and by the use of.half the third bottle, was woolly cured, and have noyer since had a re. turn of the pain, which I had not boon free from a month at a time for thirty years, and it is pow more than three years since 1 was cured. I would must earnestly advise every person suffering un dor this painful complaint, not to despair °fa cure so lung as they can obtain Dr. Jobb's Liniment. You aro at liberty to make any use of this you may think advisable. Most respectfully yours, ' CALEB SYM ME'S. To the foregoing testimony, many other un questionable proofs might be added, in favor of the superior Liniment of Dr. Jobb. Nothing but a lair trial, which the proprietor confidently solicits, can give an adequate idea of its unrivalled effica cy, in mitigating, and thoroughly mastering, the excruciating disease, to which it has boon sue cessfidly applied in a multitude of cases. The operation of the Liniment is often immediate; and it has frequently cured rheumatic affections of years standing, in four and twenty hours. It is also recommended with confidence, us one of the best applications known for stiffness of the joints, numbness, sprains, and Price 50 cents, with directions. FAP Ol INDIGESTION. ti HIS prevalent disorder, as it exhibits itsel in its customary symptoms offprint of appe tite, distressin& flatulencies, heart-burn, pain in the stomach, sick headache, nausea, vomiting and costivenees, is now found to yield to the tried effi cacy of DR. RELFE'S VEGETABLE SPECIFIC, AND ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS. These two preparations combined, consti tute an efficacious remedy fir the Dyspep• sia, even after it has acquired the most ob stinate character, and resisted every eflbrt of profi:ssional skill. When both medicines ate administered in connection according to plain and particular directions accompany ing the Vegetable Specific, they thoroughly cleanse the alimentary canal of that viscid mucus which is the proximate cause of the disorder, and as a tonic and stimulent, they restore the healthy action and energy of the stomach, and strengthen the debilitated sys• tern. The proprietor can also confidently recommend the Vegetable Specific, as one of the best remedies known for the Sick Headache. Price 50 coats each article, with directions. BRITISH ANTICEPTIC DENTIPRICE. For cleansing, whitening, and preserving the Teeth and Gums THE BRITISH ANTICEPTIC DEN TIFRICE, which the present proprietor wishes' Most particularly to recommend tb the attention of the public, is perfectly ex empt from all those acids which in general form the basis of tooth powders in common use, and which although they may whiten the teeth for a short time, must inevitably destroy the Enamel by their deleterious ac tion on this beautiful covering of the teeth The consequence is that the Enamel which is the shield provided by nature to protect the spongy and nervous internal structure, is rapidly corroded by these acid ingredients, become more discoloured than ever, and ex , poses the inner portion of the tooth to caries and a rapid and tertian decay. By the use of the British Anticeptic Dentifrice, in the morning, as occasion may require, with a brush moderately hard, and cold water, the accumulation of -. 'Tartar will not only be pre. vented, but the teeth rendered beavtifully and permanently white, and the gurris resto red to that freedom from Soreness, that hard ness and efflorescence which are the sure tests of their healthy state, and the best guarantee of that natural fragrance of the Ih breath which n never be expected in con nection with foul teeth, and scorbutic un healthy gums. Price 50 cents a box, with directions. * * *The above valuable Medicines are prepared from ,the original Recipe in MS. of the late. Dr. %V. T. CoswAy, by Ilia immediate successor and the sole prOprietor, T2RIDDER, and for sale at his Counting Rooth, No. 99, next door to J. Ki n. (ice's Drug Store, corner of. Court and Hanover Streets, near Concert Hall, Boston, and also lby his special appointMent, (together with all the valuable Medicines as prepared ,by the late Dr. Conway,) by SAMUEL 11. BUEHLER, Druggist, Gettysburg, Pa. * * *Observe that none are g nnuino without the written signature of T. KIDDER, on the outside printed wrapper. A largo discount made to those who by to sell again. Juno Juno 3, 1994. TO MY CREDITORS. rffIAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, Pennsylvania, for the benefit Of the insolvent Laws of said Commonwealth; and that they have appoin• ted Tuesday the 30th day of December inst. for the hearing of me and my creditors,. at the Court house in the Borough of Gettys- burg, when and where pin may attend if you think proper. WI LLI A M M'CONNELL. • December 2,1834. • tc-35 IQUID OPODELDOC. —For, sale at the Drug store of Dr. J. GILBERT," Gettysburg. December 9,1894. . 0'46 aitzthaox - ,Ta Fan SALE A'r THE-5 OFFICE AND 07 QI)2,I22V,EteIPZEIVci WU, 3S. GII.ll3l2All't.T, BEGS leave to infimn his friends and the public generally, that he has now nn hand, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS' & VIZIDXCZNIES. Paints & I)ye Stuffs, which he will sell on"the most re:minable terms—among which are the following, viz:— A Ives A nnet to Arsenic Aqua Fortis A [missed Alcohol Antimony Alum Antimonial Wme - Borax,erude relin'd Balsam Sulphur " Cop;iibn " Turlington's " De Malta. British Oil Bateman's Drops Barks Brazil Wood, ground Blacking Chrome Red Green Cinnamon Caustic Colombo Root Cloves Camphor Calomel Castor Oil Cu bebs Cu mwood Corks Dragon's Blood Essences, of nll kinds Emory Ether Elixir Vitriol " Paregoric Flor. Camomile " Sulphur Fenugreek Fustic Fish Sounds Gum Arabic " Shellac " Myrrh " Tragacanth " Scammony " Elastic Galls Ginger Godfrey's Cordial Glue Heel Ball Isinglass Indigo Ipecaeuanha Itch Ointment Jalap Gettysburg, Nov. 1 CABINET-WAREHOUSE, Chambersburg ,Street. Where there is constantly on hand A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF aW2O/32M44)54 Ready for purchasers, for CaA) or Produce, 0:7 - Orders Ibr corrims punctu. ally attended to. DAVID IIEAGY. Gettysburg, Oct. 21, 18:34. if-29 COURT. KrAt an Orphans' Ccurt, to he held in Gettysburg on Tuesday the 30th inst. the following administration accounts will' he 'resented for confirmation nod allowance: The account ofJohn Hilbert, Executor of the Estate of 13idizer Hilbert, deceased. The account of James Moore, Adminis trator of the Estate ofJohn dcc'd. The account of Harman. %Viermun, Guar dian of Abraham, hum, James, Jacob and Maria Weidner. The account of William IL Lott, one of Out Executors of the Estate of 'Willtelina boughtelin, deceased. The account of IViWarn Gilliland, Ad- ministrator of the Estate of John Gilliland, deceased. The account of John Marshall and John Witherow, Adthinistrators of the Estate of Samuel Witherow, deceased. - The account or Alexander Campbell, Ad= minist rater oft he Estate Of Samuel R. Reed, deceased. Dec. 2 1834. Estede of John sifloivrey, deed. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of JOHN MOWREY, lute of Menallen township, Adams county, Pa. deceased, are hereby requested to discharge , the same--r -and those who have nny claims anainst said Estate, are desired to present t he satre to the subscriber, properly authunticated, for settlement. CEO. J. ILARTZELL, November 18,.18:34. fit-:33 TELE' ILADY'S 1200,ni (myru VOLUME.) A Repository for Music, Enzravirg, Wood Cuts, Pootry, and Prose, roe THE MOST CELEDUATED'AUTHORS, Published at Three Dollars per Annuira,. • BY L. A. GODBY, AtlioniSn Buildings, Franklin Al. A:RATU:37—A large quantity re . , " ceived and for sale at . the Drug store of DR. J. GILBELtI', Gettysburg. Decernhvr 9. 18:14. Cash given at all times for clean linen and cotton !lAGS, at the star Lead Black " Red " Whit© Litharge Logwood' Lainpblack Lilly Oil Manila Magnesia, common Calcined Mustard Seed Nutmegs Nicaragua Wood Oxycrociutn Oil Cinnamon " Lemon " Bergamot " Lavender " Juniper " Vitriol " Ulm,Os " Sassafras Opodeldoc, Liquid Do. hard or Steers Ochre Prussian Blue Pink Root Precipitate, white tic red [leeriest' • Pills, Scott's " Hooper's " GCEITIIIa " I .ee's " llyot ". Lyon's Rose Pink Rotten Stone Red Saunders Rosin Saga r of Lead Soap, Castile [Sponge Syrup of Squills Smiths Turmeric Turpentine Tartaric Acid (Jrnber Verdigris Vermillion Carmine Drop Lake Varnish W a feys Wax, white Whiting, &c. &c. 8, 1834. tf-33