Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 30, 1859, Image 4

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    ~,neA~ -
Miscellaneous Ads rtiselnents,
lguurtugdots!?•t; • 1 ' ' FoundrY.
•, min
;hod of intorruiiig their mends and the pa`.-
lie geuerally. that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now iu successful sp
erat ion, and prepared to furnish casting 0 t
all kind., of the hest rituality on the shortest no
tile Ind'rhost reatiofilible terms. •
armers are invited to call and emunine our
Ploughs. We are nultitifiteturing the' Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the oration at the
linuting.lon County Agrictiltural Fair, in 1853)
also 1100100'0 celebrated Cutter Plough, whi.
can't he Lent, together with for Keystone, Hill
side, and liarshear Plought.. We have on halal
and ore nianarneturing etuves, such as Cuok,
Parlor Lind olflru stoves for coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, Sc., all
of which will be sold cheep for Cll3ll or in et
change fur countryprothice. Old metal taken
for new castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a
share of pubic
April 3U, 1656.-tf.
V 1 7;;444fl
The great dandard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
throygh years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in alt cans; and ebe
people hare pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
'bebnity of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising front a disordered
Limar or weakness.of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permattently cured by
The naleamio Cordial has acquired a
reputation eurpassing that of any ainalar pre-
partefion alant. n will Mae, WITIMIIT att„
the inA . Sev.;re cii . rrlo;v-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the moat astonishing cures
eve known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will aiso al once check and
thr met Dlargiscsa proeeeding
from CmM 7S' 100
The medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M
40. 80 , 4 & 6 04 No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and ire sold by druggists' and
. .
cleakra in medicines eveywher6
_he 75 c-ni.c
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jnexpem
will be on the outside wrapper of each tattle.
In the Almanac published annually by Ar
proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S AIM., v.,
you will find teed:moo and comnzend,, , ry
notices from all parts of the country. The,
Almanacs are given away by all our agent,
For sale in Huntingdon by John Read nod
S. S. Smith and dealers generally through the
county. [May 11, 1859.—1 y.
spHE undersigned owners of the Huntingdou
I Mill, inform fanners and the public general
ly, that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water wheels and molar:era.
_ _ _
They have put in five of the improved Joii
val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grin(' ing
all stages of the water, Rua during the c' ' est
weather, any and all kinds of grain.
. .
They'are'prepared to sell, and have on hand
for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of
and farmers can have their own grain ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they can
be furnished in exchange at a tnotnent's notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Brats or chop.
ped feed.'
is of an improved manufacture; and they wil
insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quash
ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill..
N. B.—The Buckwheat stones nre not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 185 G.
n the - Globe" Office Building, Market Square
The subscriber respectfully informs the citi
zens of Huntingdon and adjoining c mates,
that ho has opened a New Book and Stationery
store, in the corner room of the "Globe" buil
ding, where may be found a general assort
ment of Miscellaneous and School Books and
Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason
able prices. He will add to bis stock weekly
all Books and articles in demand, and expects
in a short time to have on hand as full a stock
c f saleable Books, Stationery, Zitc., as can be
found iii.any town in the State.
Having made the necessary arrangements
with publishers, any Book wanted and not up
on his shelves, will be ordered and furnished at
city prices.
As he desires to do a lively business with
small profits, a liberal share of patronage is
8 7/11.1 - 7,7[11 -- V7L13:0.
surpass all. They are elegant. light, easy
and durable.
Fitting to a charm—no turn up behind—no
shrinking off the head ; indeed, this is the only
Establishment where these things are proper.
ly understood and made.
Nov. 17, '58.-Iy. 233 Broadway, N. Y.
JACKSON'S HOTEL, Huntingdon,
Respectfully informs his friends and
the travelling public generally, that he fff
hail leased the .Jackson House," fur sev• 1111
*rat years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, ap..l
that he will be pleased to receive the calls o!
all who may favor him with their patronage.
His table will be furnished with the best the
.market can afford, and every attention will bo
given to make those with him feel at h ems .
Huntingdon. March 30, 1859.
Du lox We at t_hls o c lii o c a l; it luit i
wood or I. IrW
,~' ~L
TAGGAil imp Allp , fAtltyB
E! ityirt:o
A 4 LN',
ramify Sewing Machines.
3S 7 ' A. 3121 11. .
These Machines were awarded tho first pre
miums at the Lancaster nod Montgomery
County Fairs (Me only fairs at which they
have been exhibited) in competition with
the Wheeler & Wilson, Singer and other
and are offered to the public with con
fidence us being the
.cheapest anti best ma
chines in the market. They are now iu exten
sive use and have met the unqualified appro
val of all who have tried them. They are
mining and hist.* in construction, and are not
liable t - het out of artier; as an examination
will fully satisfy every one. They will do as
great a variety of work, do it no well, and do
as much of it its the high priced terbium can
ra Wailers and Seamstresses
Will find these machines adapted to their wants.
Tinny will sew fine or heavy goods of every de
scription with eqiral facility. For 'quilting
purposes they are - unequalled. Ily a simple
'djustmand of the tension, a stitch is mode
which gathers beautifully. The stitch is the
Doulde Luck Stitch, strung and. elastic, anti
will not unravel or draw the good% When washed.
Tine thread it used from spools of any size
as purchased at the stores, withont re-winding.
Instructions in operating the machines given
to imahasers. Each machine, is accompanied
with directions, which ano very explicit, and
Contain all the information necessary tu oper
ate successfully.
B.. e:T u .. r . g n e .o . uld refer to Gen. S. 31ilee Green,
Huntingdon, l'a.
. _
Sept.?, 1959.—1 y,
Avor's Sarsaparilla
A L in which we have la.
bore t:l nrdne, th en, t offeetual alterative
that It a concentrated extract
l'ain cond.ii:ed with other
tan ',so: gr,t cr rut ive power as
to a'ford c. - .l,,tive •.ti,!ot,, for the di.,eases
San•arar:lla is reputed to It is believed
that 1 , ..;:h a renivie va,tttl by t lt o eo who
. . .
, ,
:;•r• Strioaoug . and that one
%%hick gill c,c,rel:4li acir cure Inzut prove
ni inu3ons. lo ?la, large cln,i of our
I low i.7olllpl . etely this
:tea 1,11.
provett by exper
•:• .• rr, ,r: t cOses to bo found
:..1:.•,(11.0C3 COMPLAINTS,
••• 'B4 1)1511.18E4, ULCERS,
:r• • 14.1,1.1E4, 1 . 1711'3115, SALT Itituum,
5TE1111..3 AND tirruturte AY
, • : ll:u.usy, Neu
. .: Tel Dy -
1,:i . ,A A •,.. Eitl,llT.L.le,
•-• , end ildeed the whole
C. of u . :: ieg IEOIII IHI . VIIIIY OY
ThiS fIIIIICI FI rent pm
of hr:alil4,,ben lit the spring, to
t,el the foul humors which fester in the
the! 1.2.011 of th, rsr. Ily thc time
ly (.7,a‘rabion of them tuncy mil:ling disorders
me ri l •q~c~t ha the bald. If.atitmles can, by
the nid of this rn—edv, ey e thonselsei from
the endurn,c of nuct erytions and ulcerous
through which the system will
it,lf eurruption,, :u: Toted to do
this tho 111/W . Channel. of the body
s slwative m7dicia, Clem., out the
vi. I whew. you foal it, Impurities
• , . , rila the Ala in pimples, eruptions,
I or • ; it who von :in it is oh-
and fingt;i4l v,V,s ; cicmtsr. it
w h ci ,,,;7r L. r,od your will tell
iF I:cauu, Eva
11;r vl,l. V.l l , 1,! trrd. Koup the
1.110.1 v, ; t tt Nvith this
r.f there can Le no
lato: wn..thing
Inwt. go nr. 1,0 tht. n.ntlii,try of
lir, is 'Jr, a
-..,h, the
• : • • •..,:•. I:. Bet
the ilaA GlAni ived ly
cf. it,' pertly 1 , ..• ,i, drug
Winn, li, net ,a), vitt. ti.i,c i s clailactl
fcr it, I,iit prercr:ittuns,
4,111 0, i ,
.ontain 1-o.t ef
tiny thing
la:e years 1.::e pul , •
led by large bottle, proc:un.
of Fatrect of :
cf the have 1, c r. :ck, far
they not only e , :.u.: • i o ; ,
rine, but often no etrt, • . . :t, v
er. Ifcrce, bitter ton; . rut
has followed the use c!
Sarnsaparilla which flood tl,c the
name itself is justic (1 , -; I .
ryllollyinlepiS Wlll. .. • ,:i1
VC .11 this ce II t d
to tupply r. rty ,
name from t f f .,
upon it. ithd
1.• . 11,11% it 1.,
by the c trliurry
eel to coine. In rid••l their c, toi i, te
eradirath front the tl othroccly '4,dd
Lc juil;einualy tfik. a ai,co dil,g to ditcctioni .
the bottle.
rrtr.r.,:rr) TOY
J)LL. Z. C. A E4C o!t CO
1.0 W'ET.T.,
e : p.c 331.1 e Lo:Ilen Co,
Ay er's Cherry Teetotal ,
Ern roiu f r it<elf norh n innmvo for Ibe r,t:re
every variety rr C01:10,i111, that
it in entlrcir 11, i.n
~lect.l,t, the
c.N4dot I
l' 1 : . ;•; 7 :.11 1 ,110.17 . 111; 1:::;:t11!;:t::::o'ITO:TI.I..t
is kept up I" tLc
It t•it.t Lati knit, :AA; it inov he rolit•il on to
do ft,t tl.cii. Lll it l uu ma Lan found lo do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
exitierberp, Jat.,,d;re, Ppprpia, Indigestion,
y, Ifrartadie,
l'iirs,llhretiont:nm, Eruptions aid :skin Di:eaves,
Lie, C.aphsi,ii, Lacpxy, Tater, Mb.. oid
lihmin, Wolof', Gnat, Neuralgia, 1.1 a
Dinner Pin, and for Paysifyiug tho Mood.
They are sugar-eoated,bo that the ',mat sensi
tive ,an the them pleasantly, and they are the
beat anerirpt in the world for all the ',lmages of a
PriooV cease per Do:, 5 Your for 431.00.
Great number. of Clergy - 17;n, I.llNaleians, States
men, tied eminent percumees, have lent their
111111:CS to i eta:, the unparalleled uaefultioas of these
I ut uur apace here will hot pursuit the
in -at am ut .
I. 'lke Agent.; 'Alms named fur
rill gratis our Minnie. Lim A NA, it which they
aro given; Mau full &Act Mem. of the above
umplaints, mid the ucatment that should bt fol
lowed fur their cure.
Du not be put off by unprincipled dealera with
other prem.rationa they make more profit on.
Demand and take nu ocl.ces. Ike sick
want the beat aid there is for theta, and the_ shokhl
hate it.
All eta Ikentedies axe for solo by
ho Warm Springs at the base of Warrior'.
Ridge, fiie iniles north of Huntingdon, overlook
ing Standing Stone Creek, and ehlironed by ro
mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased
by the former proprietor of the Leatner HOVO:
The extennise llotefbullilings, bath houses,
Si'., erected -ar great expellee by General A
Wilson, have been completed—and the grove?'
have been lieentifully laid out and adorned.--
The hotel parlors and chambers. airy and coin
tirtatilT furnished; and the prospect, from th e
va'rautitha ruf beauty, cannot be excelled. i
For half,a.ectitury, these Springs have been
celebrated' ILp tbeir'metlittinal qu'ultiis . , nail the
great nature of the waters 'in rheinti tie and ebrcoi
Me affections. The temperature of the water
being 691 degrees, renders the bathing delight
ful and invigorating. In the surrounding wends
and mountains, game abounds, And ;the finest
fish are caught in Stone Cita. Persons in ,
suit or health or pleasure, will find this n most
delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness
to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness
of the rates charged guests, give it a decided
advantage over any other watering place ht the
-- 'The Proprietor hoe had years of experience in
the lousiness and no pains or trouble will be spa
red to make guests comfortable.
°Hacks run from Huntingdon to Warm Springs
an the arrival or the different Railroad trains—
fare 25 cents. Families aceonimodated at mo
orate terms.
WArth'Springs near
tguntingthin, June sth
For sale at Stnith'..l.hug Store, Uttritindon
Popti.l.l at Philadelphia, by Messes Deacon
& Peterson, is one armtr beat weekly exchan
ges. The Post has engaged is
,Itost al the
ablest writers in the United States, •
It generally devotes a fair portion of its am
ple space to the news of the Week, Fureigh
and Domestic, to Letters from Paris, to an Ag
ricultural department, to Bank Note and stock
ttnd a Weekly and Accurate Price Cur.
'rent of t 4 Produce Market, &r, &c.
Modkon's two views of Niagara falls—a
couple of hands.ns and large sized Steel En.
gravings —the retail price of which' is five
duLars—e are enabled to Club With the Past
an the following remarkable liberaVterms.
We also cui; with those well•known Month.
ly 'Nfagazines, Arthir's Home Magtizine, and
Gt:ey's lattly's Book, Rend the following
Mid take your 0110100 of
One Copy of The Pug, $2OO n r.
Ooe Copy of The Post, toil both •
Engrit;ings of Niagara Falls. 3,00 "
Or.e Copy of The Post and one
'ot ArthiA Home Magazine. 3,00 "
One Copy of The Post and ono
of Godey'a Lady's Book ) 3,00 "
2 Copies of The Past, $5,00 a yr
4 (and one of the Enifravings
to the getter up of the Club) 5,00 "
8 " (and one copy extra, or both
- ,
Engravings to getter up of
Club,) 10,00
13 " (and one cupy extra, or both
Fugravtugs to getter up of
Club,) 15,00
20 " (sod our corly extra, or both
Engravings to getter up of
Club.) 20,00 "
30 " (and one copy extra, or both
En g ravings to getter up of
e1n1,,) 30,00 "
P. s.—Thu Postage will hu prepaid on the
No 132 South Third St• Philatb•lphio.
Xeu•Sainnle Copies of the'Post sent gratis
wheti requested.
Chambersburg to Mt, Union
the line of Singes over the road heh once
Clintnirerbburg and Mt, Union, cannot be but
distulrentageouf to n large section ot• time coun
try, has, ut n considerable expense and trouble
made arrangements to run a line of Stages
Tri-weekly between the two points Good
Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla
ced on the route, and experienced and trusty
drivers will superintend the running of the
Conches. The proprietor of the line is disirous
that it he maintained, and ho therefore ratio
upon the public generally to patronise it. ornmi
dent that it will he for their mutual advantage.
Every attention necessary will be given, and
the running of the Stages will be regular.
ar Stages leave Mt, Union, every Tuesday
Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving nt
Chnombersburg the next (lay at 2 o'clock Re
turning, leave Chambersburg, the some night
at to o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union he next
...Rig In time for time cars. Betweno Mt, Un
ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily.
er Fare through $3; to intermediate points
in proportion. JOHN JAMISON.
Jan. 20th, 1858.—tf
A. P. Wu.sou R. Baum Puritiscir
Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon
Blair, Catubria Centre Mifflin and Juniata Coun
ties. March 23, 1853.
gliqtan BE/lOW/E D
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as forme;ly occupied by J. Scott.
Ort. 19. 1853.
zoo. A. ilateloelors 'Hair e
The Original and Best in the World !
All others are mere imitation, and should
be•avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule.
stonily to a beautiful and Natural Brown or
Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals ono Diplomas have been a•
warded to Wm; A. Batchelor 'Since 1839, and
over 80,000 applications have been made to
the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
duces a color not to be distinguished from na
ture, and is warranted not to injure in the least
however long it may be continued, and the ill
effects of Bad Dyes remedied i the Hs it in.
vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in it private rooms)
at tho Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New
York. Sold in all cities and towns'of the Uui•
ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods
Dealers. •
*or The Genuine hasthe name and address
upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of
each box, of Will. A. BATCHELOR,
233 Broadway, New York.
Jobs Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. IT, '513-Iy.
h icing had ono or Grov. & Baker's
Aire, in Inv fmnily for nearly a year and it hall
pl,,nee in copinewling it as every way
for theliarmitte for ,vhi•di it is designed
S2win .10A,111 LetrriO, wife
V Rex. hr. Labia; ANNE V.V. Y. indepottlani.
.I.9atfeoi with pint . Sewing
whieh'lr A'fieen io my Conily Mr una
noonthp. It has always been randy li n • d u ty,
ro,itiring: nu adjustment, nu.l is ea,ily :Aimed
to every variety of family sewing. b y simply
nhangingtho spools of th road."-- , ,Vrs. E/izabcih ;
Strirkluna, or Rer. Dr. Strieldand, Editor V ,
N. 1' Christian Advocate.
"After trying sereml different good nimbi.,
I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity,
and the perfect ease with which it is nmnagml,
as well as the strength and durability of the
scam. After long experience, I fhel competent
to speak in this manner, and to
cottontail it forevery varlet!y of familsewing."
• —Alm E. B. Spooner, wife or the Editor oft JSr ,
I . yn Star. • . •
'Nori cior.
eve. used a Grover & Baker Sewing I‘l,t ,
and have round it adayttid
to all Imes see Jig, from Cambric lto
1111 , adeloth, Garments have been 'von] out
Williourtho giving way of a •The Ma
china is en%ily kept In order, and in easily wed,"
A. Q. wife of le, Um. tl?ip
"I . , , tur Sewing Machine has bean in werin
my family the teen two -, ears, and the ladies
reqn,•-t ma to 'give yon their testimonials to its
perk t athmtedness, as well us labor-saving
in the pereorinanee of family and
hram.hohl sewing."—Racrt lloarman, Y
"For Feversl months we hove Grover 86 Ba
ker's Sewing Machine, owl have come to the
~ , ,elusion that every lody who desires her sew -
Me beutotijittlg'and guirkig done, would lie Met
iMIIIIII. in possessing one el these relothle
and indefotlgoble 'iron needle-women,' whose
combined [motif'cs orte,a,bbsaTagt amid
it! Morrs.,, daughter of
Gen. (Ito. P.:Obrris, Editor of Home Journal.
Extract of n lett, from Thos. 11. Leavitt, an
American gentleinan, new resident in Sydney,
Now Smith W.lea. dated January 12, 18.58 :
"I had a tent made in Itlelhourne, in 1653, in
'which ilwre were over lima thousand yards of
sewing done with, ono of Grocer & Baker's Ma
chines, MI a s ingle seam of that has oubtood
all the double seams Sewed by sailors with a nee
dle and twine,"
"tr It aver rerun be called op from his mur
ky hales, he would shig the advent of Grover
& Baker as a more benignant, Miracle of art
than was ever Vulcan's smith. lie would de.
nuance midnight 'shirt-making as 'the direful
spring of ,rocs unnomberod."—Prof North.
"I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines hone more than sus
tained my expectation, After trying and retur
ning others, I have three of them in operation
in my different places, and, after four years'
heretrial, co fault to find."—J. IL Hammond,
Senator of Ziouth Carolina.
"My wife has had ono of Grover & Baker's
Family Sewing Machine:, for some time, and 1
ant satisfied it is one of the bast labor-saving
'Muddies that has been invented. I take much
pleasure in rceommonding it to the public."—
J. G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee.
"It in a beauttnit thing, and puts everybody
into do excitement of good humor, Were I a
Catholic I shankd insist upon Saints 'Grover and
Baker having en eternal holiday in commemo
ration of their good deeds far humunity.—Vas- -
sins M. Clay.
"I think it by fur the best patent in use. This
Machine can be adapted from the flneit cambric
to the heaviest at sows stronger,
• faster and !note beautifully thou , no can initt
gibe. It mine could not ho replaced, money
could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brace, Nosh
rine, Tens.
"It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its
work; is easily understood end kept in repair. I
earnestly recommend this Machine to all my ac
quaintances and others."—Mrs. 411, A. Forrest,
.11Ittrphis, Tenn.
"We find this machine to work to our satis
faction, and with plon3uro recommend it to the
public, as we believe Grover & Baker to be the.
boa Sewing timeline in usc."—Lawry Brothers,
"If used exclusively for family purposes, with
ordinary care, I will wager they will last one
'three score years and ton,' and never get out
of tix."—John Erskine, Nashville, Tenn.
"I have had your machine for several weeks,
and um perfectly satisfied that the Work it does
is the bast and most beautiful that ever was.—
Maggie 'Vials., Nashville, Tenn.
"I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking,
and fine linen stitching, and the work is admi
rable—far better than the best hand-sewing, or
any other machine I have over seen."--Lucy
a Thompson, Nashville, Tens
"I find the stork the strongest and most beau
tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or
machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma
chine as one of the greatest blessings to our
sex."—Mrs. Taylor, Nashville, Them. .
"I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma
chines in use in my fa wily, , ud find it invalua
ble.' I can confidently recommend it to all per
eons in want of a machine."—G. T. Thompson,
Nashville, Tenn.
"I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of
the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I have
used one on almost every description of work
for months, and find it much stronger than work
done by hani."—Mrs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville
"I would be unwilling to dispose of my Gro
ver & Bcker Machine for a large amount, could
I not replace it again at pleasare."—iirs. 11. C.
.Niteltrille Tenn.
"Oui two Machines, purchased from you, do
the work of twenty young ladies. We with
pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker ma
chine to be the best in nee"—N. Stillman o• Co.
VC) ELlaggiatt r in
'UBE subsealber has commenced the GUN.
SIUTH/A'G business at Pine Grove, Cen
tre county, where he is prepared to manufacture
and repair Gu:,s and Pistols of every descrip
tion, with neatness and dispatch.
He will also attend to repairing CLOCKS.
Prices to suit the times.
Dec. 22, 1858.—tf. JOHN H. JACOBS.
Mail T. I least T.—Ex. T.
Trainleaves A. M. P. M. A. M.
1 tersbur„, 8.58 -10.29 2.29
Huntingdon, 9.13 10.45 2.42
Mill Creek, 9.24 10.55 2.62
Mt Onion, 9.39 11.09 3.05
Train loaves P. M. A. M P. 51
Mt. Union, 4.26 6.36 6.10
Mill Creek 4.41 6.49 6.23
Huntingdon, 4.65 7.00 6.35
Petersburg,. 5,11 7.11 6.47
Sir The Paestager train on thd H. & 8. T.
railroad leaves Huntingdon as follow, :
7 30 A. M. 3 P. M
vr i ej ) 44"
e i vp7//u / N/mi,a ,
Iron City Commercial College.
Pirmuunuu, PA. - CIJARTEREI: 1855.
3110 Students attending January 1853.
- mov the largest and 'most thorough Com
l., suercial School of the I.lllited 'State,—
Young Men prepared for actual ditties of the
Counting Munn.
.1. C. SMITH, A. At. Prof. of Book•keep
ing and St ienee of Acemints.
, Teacher of Arithmetic
.1. A. 11Enntwic and T. C. Jcxxiss, Teach
ers ~ f 110 , 11,1,eepin4.
A. Cowt.EY and W. A. 'MILt., Profs. of
' KEEPING, _ .
A, used in every department of buskins,
Are taught, and all other subjects necessary
fr.r tho, success and thorough education of a
Tratenl business man.
Drawn all tho premiums in Pittsburgh for
the pant three years, also in Eastern and We/I
tem (Ikea,' for the best Writing,
Important Information.
Students enter nt any time—No vacation—
Tinto unlimited—lteview et pleasure—Gradn
ates assisted in obtaining sltuntions—Tuilion
Ibr Commercial course s3s,oo—Averagc
titira Bto 12 week—Board, $2.50 par week—
• Srationary, s6.oo—entire cost, diGO.OO to $70.-
CR," Ministers' Sons received at half price.
For Card-Cirenlar—Speeimens of Business
and Ornamental Writing—incluse two stamps
and addresa P. W. JENKINS,
Sept. 29, 1858.-Iy. Pittsburgh, Pa
Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" Ot
flee at the late County fur the best,lX Atm
Having i••ceeidlp received from the Ettitern
and a large variety of life most firhiona/de
Pri a tiay Material, which makes it one (4f the
most ohm plot Printing Establishments in this
scetion, Persons in want of nny hind of
work, cannot do -better than favor us with
their patronage. We have facilities fc r execs
ting in a sopiTior manner any kind o-
ou 6o most reasonable terms. lumen wbo
may n ish to obtain any style of
can he accommodated at this establishment ut '
short notice.
CARDS, &C., &C.;
will be tluinished promptly, executed in he
best style and at reasonable rates.
De Orders by express, mail or otherwi.l
will receive immediate attention.
This gallery of Art is uow open for public
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes, Crys•
talographs, Photographs, Circular and Star
Pictures, also, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta•
her on the Pictures—letters of different colors.
Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or
Particular attention paid to taking pictures
of Children. Time, from one to four seconds.
Perfect satisfaction given, or persons are not
expected to take their pictures.
Pictures taken from sick or deceased persons
at their residences. Copies taken front Da
pserreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of resi
dences, &c.
Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine specimens. Pictures taken as
well in cloudy as fair weather.
How often do we hoar the exclamation, when
persons are looking at Portraits—"l would not
value any sum if I could procure the Portraits
of my parents—or deceased children !" Rea
der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel.
Mg of unity, you have an opportunity to grati.
fy it at a ornall coat, by procuring Portraits
which, it is known, trill not lade.
,Z Those that wish to learn this beautiful
art can call any see W.F. Thomas, from Phila.
Prices from 50 cents upwards.
110EVIIIMDCO 1104%1.
HE subscriber respectfully announces to his
friends and the public generally, that ho has
leased that old and well establishep TAVERN
STAND, known as the Huntingdon
House, on thecornei of Hilland Charles •
Street, in the Borough of Hunting- ; ;
lle has recently put the house through u thoro
ugh course of repairs, and is now equal to any in
,this place.
His wax will always ho stored with the
best' the season can allortl, to suit the tastes
and appetites of his guests.
His Ban will always be filled a ith Choice Li
quors, and HIE STABLE always attended by care
ful and attentive Ostlers.
iri L y'lle hopes by strict attention to business
and a spirit of accomodat ion, to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
Sept. 15,1858—1 y. P. McATEER.
A general assortment of illa;ks of all
scriptions just printed and for sale at
'Journal (Vice."
Appointm't of Referees, Common Bond
Notice to Referees, - Judgment No tes
Summons, Vendue Nota,
' Executions, Constable's Sales
Sciro Facies, Subranas,
Complaints, Dee is,
Warrants, Nor 'gages
Commitments, Bond to identnify eons Ible
- - ,
Illiscel laneous AdvertisementF. , 1 THE GREAT PURIFER l—
r .
.1 Perfect Substitute 1 13. - THE 'BLOOD SEA NCH ER
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters lit ! 1,61,-GbonlotTSLY Tait mrtlA NT 1
when the undersigned, after a long series of i Snore statement of David McCreary, of Na
laboeions and costly experiments, became fully p i a , Township, Redford count,
confirmed in his conviction. that the Atitiphlo- , / n April, 1846, as near e 9 I can remememboi;
gistie Solt n 'dell he now has the happiness to u 'mall pimple made its
.w appeera d yi , on my up
present to the American public, was is pc lip, which soon became col d nod Fore,
PERFECT SUBSTITUTE I used poultices ot sorrel, and wash of blue
for Blood-letting, Leeches end. Blisters, his vital, without effect. Finding the sere extend
mind woe so egitated•that he could not sleep for ii r g I culled on Dr. Ely, el Seliellsburg', who
ninny nights. 'Mho cause of his agitation was ponounced it CANCER, and prescribed a ouch
the striking fact, that the mannet of its operation ,-,. sug ar of feed end bread poultices. Finding
like that of the ViniS in vaccination, amid not .tries,' remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr.
Lo satestieetorinly explained upon any known' m u ff., of Davidsville, Somerset county, who
principle. Hoes, in what way, it so effectually i also pronounced the disease Cancer end pea
subdued Inflammatory Disease and no others, ; m e internal and external remedies—the letter
wen nt first Wholly•inexplienble—but, on further; consisting principally of caustic ; but all to no
experiment, it was proved that it evtiatius dal purpose, as the disease continued spreading to
fluids of the brag. the want of au equilibrium it( ward the nose. 1 next need a prat t ion of sr
which, is the solo racier of inflammation. Such seine. in ,the form of salve. WM 01" a time
is its potency, that like the vaccine emitter, "ft, checked the disease, I ut the inflammation soon
requires merely :vat adheres to the point ofu quil ; increased. I next called upon Dr. Staler of St.
dipped into a solution of it, to effect the eet r , , Clairevillo, Redford county, who also pronoun
system—but must be instantly used to prey I al the disease to he Cerreer, and applied a Salve
decomposition and secure its full virtue. Thy e said to be a never-belting remedy, but it had no
quille'in neat., nnil • two in chronic disc s, e ff ect whatever in checking the spread of the
every 24 hours. till the heat, pain and febtil e- sure., In December , of the sane year, the dis
tiott have subsided, and a perfect core elf ed. ' ease had eaten away a greater part of my upper
When it hikes the place of blisters, oin .c ut hp, and had attacked the nose, when I went to
and leeches in loud affections, as Brain set', ; Cincinnati. where I consulted ' Br. IL S. Nelvton
Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, Ae., its m ‘e of of the Electic Medical College. Ile pronoun
administretion is two-fold.. (See Wreath& t dis- red else 'lntense "a cutaneous Cancer, supertre- 0
sokinollte.)., . . ; u . . deceit by Se' intirdiefate use of 'rniereethy." f[-
The discoverer has withheld It froen trot etele- applied mild sine ointment, and gave me inter
lie till now, by the advice of a judicious I , Ysi* Ind remedies. My face healed up, but the in
sign and 'valuable friend whom he consul d— flamination wt.s not thoroughly removed, In
i t gentlemen known and felt in the nein , ' rebreetery, 1557, lttptltiOVEod me cured, and
werld..enuel who desieed to submit it to the test I left for home. adl/101 , 111i1.41,0a5c again re
of csiertMent. ' Aft& witnessingunder , one turned, and so violent was the pain that I could
serutleizing eye. fte signal triumph uveirboth . n ot rest et night. Late in May I returned to
amte end chronic infiateratfere iliienses, , i , re- ; Cincinnati, and meta placed myself under the
posted etch re-repeated tritelit, he ittihred` les.- 1 eliarge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained
000 to come in us e special and equal patter in nail September, during which time he used
the Recipe for its manufacture, but the p , 1 ,,, - every known remedy, and partly succeeded iu
sal cone t . eillUtell. ' T ' chocking 1110 disease, but when I returned
The disuse a the: lancet; and blisters, 'te ale- log. there were still throe discharging. ulcers
mended both by linninnilY by liiiiniiililY mud. upon my thee. I continued using Newton's
seieliee. Is it nut a mistake, to seliposo teat properatio., and also treadle'. t h at 1 got from
a kettle of Wail% water (the inflamed It n i l) D e . Ely, but the Cancer continued growing on
will enese to built I'3' dapping tint n gal' 0 " . tin it bad ea. off the left side of my nose, the
era task (Abed cider (had blood) lee tale grcaii, portion of toy left cheek, and hate:leek
good, lekelrewing a portion of it 7 Is it .t 't 5 at my left eye, I had given np all leo.e.of or
mistake, tesuppose that !dieters:and rebefeemits er being aired, since Dr. Ely said he coati only
will remove ilillannialinii• "nu the?' vial ally give relief; bat that it cure was impossible. In
superield one inflammation to another': The MR1,11,1858, I bought a bottle of "Blood Seat
late lie. 13- Waterhouse, of it n•vaili I.'it,rBl- eller," but I most .011f088 I had no faith in it.
ty, said "I tine sick of l e a,ned (plash ry„ CDIO I seas very weak when I commenced it ;
of the most ern Mon pleysiciaos In New Emitted but I found that I gained strength day by day,
teeknowledged jest before his death, the: "1..1e and also that the sheers commenced drying up.
lies been doubting for many yeers, wethaelsoo- I continued. anti when the third bottle wag ta
letting and blisters did not aggravate *flier ken my face was healed as Why a miracle. 1
than arrest iliseese " Same who r , lenil toed a fourth bottle and I have been health'
high in the Old and New school, have quilts re- since titan I have been fur the last seven ye
emitly espouend his views and now openly, ton- Although my e.,,, is sadly disfigured I sun
fes;;,•they believe the, 8.1.119 leecheteed grateful to it lenign Providence who has epte
Misters injure ten where they benefit ~ my life, and n hick has been done through the
They think there is a moaning to Dent. it 9.3 instruinentalet) of LINDSEY - 8 I.III.ItUVED BLOOL.
--(it'll. 9, 4-10,1Lovit. 17, I.l—tout 'THE' f 3, se t ts's.. DAVID NIeCILEARY.
imam es THE LIVE." 11 is nut the saran , of Sworn an.l subscribed. this 31st clay of Au
blood (there never is too much) that cause: di- gust, A. D. 1858, before nee, one of the Justices
Beal, ' hill the Willa of n balance betwum; the ult. Peace in and for tho Borough of Holliday.-
fluids end solids. ' 1 berg, Iliair county Pa.
The special excellence of the Antiphlotistie ; Witness— U J Jonas. JOIIN GOBLET.
Salt, is that without the useless loss el Hood I
, .......... ....... . .
null strength, it effectually subdued inflame:do-NEW EVIDENCE.
ry disc. 3 ! (no others) by producing an optili- 1 Being ['filleted with a gracious Teller on the
brit. of ail the fluids in the body and a canoe- arms an d r ace — a fte r t r yin g man y reme di es
fluent uninterrupted.circolation. It exert , , like which utterly failed to cure—l wits persuaded
the vaccine matter, and extraordinary liaison,. by W. M . B an n,. & C o . h o t ry Lb i d ae cy s /awe _
over the v.ens and aricries—resulting in [';roll- red Blood Searcher; and tiara, six _ whek a aft .,
mil decline of inflammation MI indicated 1 , , the finishing the a roo bottle, pronounce myrel
pulse, mouse assumes its Mailed State
,t, the cure d.
Lent pain an r fever dissimpenr. ! I The tether out, something over a year
iliff' Many liirdirines offered for sale, art ago, on the inside of my arms, extending from
bur , acl by doubtful certificates, (th cheif sir-
the elbows clown to the wrists; also on rev taco,
) and claim to be universal octal 11 a, caring immediately round the mouth find chin, and can
ail innlidies—a linden. en r an an sense; tined to be a perfect torment to Me untili vireo' by
As the discoverer of this Salt, solen Iy protests the Blood ,S times,
eareher. My arms, at were
ngainst having it placed in the ,thgcry 01 almost useless, owing to the cracks and sores
frauds and impositions . he tins vas NI that it en them, 'bible to bleed at any time on the
shall go forth to the world, like th pure gold least exertion to lift or work, arid sometimes
doll, with no otherpasspert th an , t rue sal- so itchy that I could scarcely prevent tearing
ue. If Mu public find it genuine, ty will re- : oft my flesh. I have Dow been cured six weeks
ceive it—if spurious, they will raj t and con- i.d feel it duo to Mr. Lindsay, aad to the gib.
der. it. Instead of being a patincostor rill ills, , tic generally, to make this statement, in Lope
it has control over but one ill,—lini lint onc aim , Dint others like myself may be benk-; 1 '
—accomplishes lout one thing, to Dili 111411,111,a 7 us i ng his valuable modiri n n . .. • - • • . " ..'„•
INFLAMMATORY DISEASE.--WhllteVer [e its form i
or loeulity—wether in tiro bend, tlmtt
domes, extremities or skin. It is 0/4011 •
it does !MO—simply by restoring th
once bemeen the fluids and solidr.
The tb; lowing different Jonas whi
'inhumed fluids assume, and many aIuKN
boned that have more or leis bent. — .
. (no others)arc as perfectly cured 1 , 4 .saie.
phlogistic Salt, as fire is extinguialitl.oo Mn
1. Cases where the unbalunced aids Mira
the Man and THROAT—tO wit, tin k,',,,,,,
Fits ' Headache, lodicnuned Elm A - ,,,,
~C anner,
, an d ~
Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, C 4,/I. Crony,
Bronchitis, ice.
2. Cases where the unbalance ..lids effect
the CHEST Sod AnDomi.—to i!; ',l ame d
Lungs and Licer, Colic, Pleurisy, ,d,,,, D . , ~ ,rep,
ssa, Asthma, Awry, lieuraten, .44 u m pile,
Gonorrhea,. Venereal, me.
2. Cases where the unbalanced bids effect
the EXT.:MITI. end Sits—to vli Rheuma
tism, Gout, Scrofula, Ulcers ' Chitbane, Chiltains,
Chicken and Small Pox, Sa lt B4fiv 1, with iteli
ing and o th er Cuoeous Alerts e.
Phis Salt wends' alleviates . illamwptory
pains pecular to married ladies, ( " ..ulnd at
the time of confinement) and many —an; com
plaints, and is very en/cations in Fever, Ague,
Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections and
anyother forms of (mark this)inflammetory di
sease, attended wttli heat, pain or febrile symp
eir Persons who have a tendency of blood
to the head or heart, or lead inactive lives, or
breath the impure air of manufactories and the
poisonous fumes of metals and oinerols, or live
is unhealthy climates, are expelled to a porde-
IW vitiation of the fluids of th 9 body, which one
dose without interfereing with the diet or busi •
nese, once in three months, ,tould invariably
proven,. It is beleivcd to afford protection from
itffectioust disease, and therefore travellers,
sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves
with it.
eir While may nostrum-Makers victimize
the good naturetrand pill-ridden ny or
dering "t'rom six to a dozen boxes of bottles,
to cure any malady." no matter what—the un
dersigned is happy in being able to state, that
the severest forms of recent inflammatory di
sease, was over come by one Acute package,
and the most obstlnato and Nog standiag by
one Chi, nic package. It does just untie it
claims to do—and no more, or less—egtillises
the fluids by removing from the system al ar
terial and venous obstruc•ioes.
eir Pleas let your neighbors read this.
_ F. COLIGSWELL, 51. ~
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of ..: muel
S. Smith, &Co.' Huntingdon, Pa.
Feb. 16th 1859.
Respectfully informs the citizens of If
dun, vicinity, and the surrounding coun
try, that he has commenced business
the room opposite M. Gutman's Store in ,
hopes to receive u shore of Public patron,
WATCHES and CLOCKS rt pairod
best workmanlike manner.
• ,
llix stock of WATCIII,B and alire
of the best, all of which he will dispoi
reasonable prices.
The public generally ore requested
hliu 4 call and examine his stock.
TWO YOUNG MEN to !wan the
typing lminous. Instruction. given
Run of $15.00. For parthulars, I
WM. F. TllOl4B, Antbrog
Huntingdon, Hay 4, lOW.
i, udthar uperfeetcutf Epileply by Dr. framer
lepilep:ic Pills.
Deassys NECK. Pamir:l,llEN . * cc., Oct 1,
Dc. kisses—Dear Sirs—Having been or
Ilieted with lulling Fite for some years pa at.
I determines} to give your Pills a trial, (adveri
iiiiement of whirls I saw in sonic J.f the pap el.&
I and continued tense them hmserne mouths uiii'"'
i ' " ' , . -..1 t hvi". -- it....
lii all disuttscs inilumation mole or less pre.
I domiontea e -now to allay in limitation strikes
at the root of all diseases—hence au immodii
ale cure.
and nothing else, will allay iutlamation at once,
andl make a certain cure.
Batley's Magical Pain Extractor will cure
the following among a great catalogue of
diseases f linens, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, sore
Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains,
Bites, Poison, Chilseys, Gast, Swelling, Rheu
matism, Seuld Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness,
Krysidelas, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Small
Pox, Mende Rash, &c., &c.
To Immo it may appear incredulous that so
many diseases should he reached by one arti•
ele ; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, that the salve is a combina
tion of ingredients, each and every ono apply
ing a perfect solitude to its apostate disorder.
in its effects is magical, because the time ie
short between diseases and a perumnent cure;
and it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases
out of the affected
. part„ leaving nature se
perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne
cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or
manufaolery should be nun moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the
qox has has upon it a steel plate engraving,
with the name of Henry Dailey, Maoufactu
rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent
medicine dealers throughout the United States
and Canada.. Principal Depot,
165 Chambers Si,, New• York.
John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa,
Nov. 17, 'sB.—ly.
tising Agency, 119 Nassau St.,New York, & State St., Boston. S. M. Pttengill & Co.
are the Agents for the "JOURNAL" and the most
influential and largest circulating Newspapers
in the United States and the Canada.. They
are authorized to contract for us at our lowea
New Card-Press.
Flaying bought afuet nCARD:i'RESS," we
are now prepared to print in the prcportion
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the county can print one, consequent.
1y we can print them cheaper—if not done well
we make no charge at all. We ask your pa
o n age.
Green Willow Foundry.
T WOULD respectfully inform the public that
1 I have commenced business at the above
place, and will be ready to accomodate all who
may want anything in my line I
will have on hand or make to order Threshing
Machines, and all o.her machinery that may be
culled fop. Castings of every description, Cook
and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-Warp, &c.—
All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and
Blacksmlthing will be done in the best manner
and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers
and others wishing to purchase now machines
will find it to their advantage to give mo a call.
All kinds of Countty produce taken in exchange
at market price.. PETER TIPPERY.
Waterstreet., Oct. 1 , 1, 1158.-17.
ur the
)ply to