Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 30, 1859, Image 2

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    puntin g boa iattrui.
Wedneoday I nain, Nov. 30,1859
People's :state Convention.
The Citizen: of Pennsylvania who ar e ,
opposed to the principles nod measures
of the present National Administration,
and to the Election of men to otlice who
sustain these principles and measures, are
requi:s'ed to meet in their respective
cou..ties, and to elect Delegates equel in
number to their representatives in the
General Assembly, ton PEOPLE'S CON
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22d, 1860
at 12 A. M., to intimate their choice be
he next Presidency,noiiiinote a candidate
for Governor, form an Etectorinl ticket,
appoint Senatorial, and it) designate the
time and inn le of electing District Dele
gates to the Notional Conveniion, and to
trsnoct such other business as may be
deemed necessary to ensure success nt the
General Election. LEVI KLINE.
Chairman People's Executive Coin.
Mass Meeting.
In accordance with the usage of the Ameri.
ean•Republicans of this county, there will be a
Mass Meeting, at the Court House, in Hunt.
icgdon, on the evening of the second Tuesday
of January next, fur the purpose of appointing
a delegate to represent them in the next State
Convention which will assemble on the 22nd
day of February next,and for the appointment
of conferees to meet similar conferees from
Sulleset and Bedford counties, to name a
affirorial delegate. By order of the County
To the Patrons of the 'Journal. ,
The relation which has existed between us
for the last few years is now terminated. With
thw number our connection with the JunnivAL
.aaeaseinnt.te be.
terest in the Press, Type, and Subscription
List, to JOHN LUTZ, Esq., of Shirleyeluirg.
Ma. LUTZ is a gentleman of talent and ex
perience, vigilant and firm in conducting a
newspaper, a Whig of the Old School, and
an active and influential nietuber of the pres•
eta party of the People ; and this change of
proprietorship works uo change in the politi.
ical principles beretofo.e advocated and sus
tained by the JOURNAL.
While we confess that we experience a feel
sing of releif in turning over upon the broad
shoulders of our euecessor, the burden of do ly
cares and perplexities which the publishers of
a newspaper must bear, we at the Came time
cantina take leave of our Patrons without
pain and regret. In all the vieisskudes and
vexations of Editorial life, the constant
port of a noble band of Patrons huaencouraged
and eustained us; and we would du violence to
OW feelings if we did nut, in . parting, publicly
express our obligations to you. Into whatever
new sphere of life our future lot may be cast
we shall bear with us a grateful remembrance
of your kindness and sympathy.
Permit us in conclusion to urge upon yon to
attend to, and sustain the principles of your
party—the strife may be fierce and protracted
but true victory will be sure.
"For Fredum's battle once begun,
Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son,
Though baffled uli is always wou."
To our brethren of the Press we return ou:
%haulm for their uoiluran courtesy.
INlTHaving disposed of the Huntingdon
Ammo/ to Mr. Lutz, all who are in arrearagtO
for Subscription or Job work to me will oblige
me very much, and themselves too, perhaps,
by immediately calling and settling their sc•
counts. We intend to give our attention to
sett,ing and collecting these accounts, and
closing them a!l up without delay. Costs will
be saved by attention to this notice.
PENNA. ALMANAC.—We have received front
the publishers, Messrs Davis & Co., Odd Fel.
lows' Building, Pittsburg. a copy of the above
named work for 1860, giving the History ut
the State, Foreign and Dcimestic Postage,
Post Otfice directory of the State, full account
of the Masonic and Odd Fellows' Lodges, Rail
State and county officers, time of meet.
ing President Judges, &c. To be continued
annually, giving the latest Statistical informs•
lion regarding the State.
lier The festival of Thanksgiving, on.last
Thursday, was celebrated, in this place, in a
most orderly Malin.r. Public and private
business was suspended. Religious services
was conducted at the several churches.
afrOne of the Blair county papers Bays
that bears are unusually plenty on the moun
tain, and so bold that they sometime. venture
into the settlements in quest of food. Quite
a number had been seen in this county, but
only two cubs have been shot lately. They
bad been prowling about the premises of Mr,
J. N. Laney, of Sine ing Valley,for mime time
when that gentleman laid in watt, and without
muck trouble succeeded in killing both.
N• A Vigilance committee has been
formed in Barbour county, V. and all aboli.
Monists are earnestly invited to leave the coun
ty in thirty days, In Alabama, • similar
warning has been given at •ll tbe"cromed"
'lmes on Brow'ns map, sod cornmitbare see
*too Nit7s every diatOttfde
) 7- 4 V
Excitement at Mariston!
Gov. Wise visits the Prisoners.—
itrowa ready to die—Cook wants
to be shot—Wise urges them to
prepare for ...cant—Jim. Brown's
insanity—Pennsylvania tenders
itid—Gov. Wise declines the offer
—Fresh outbreak of Excitement
A sentinel challe ages cow—She
refuses to halt—another scare—
Three men in buckram fire on a
sentinel—Whisky Insurrection.
Gov. Wise is here reviewing the mill.
tary, and in the afternoon he had en inter
view with the prisoner,. The C4overrior
urged upon then► the necessity of prepar•
ing for death, as the sentence of the court
would by carried out, without any inter
ference on his pert.
Brown declared himself ready to die--
He justified his course, only regretting his
error in not allowing the train to pass with•
out interruption.
Cook acid he was willing to be shot,
but always had a great reOugnattee to hang
Gov. Wise said that Coppee was the
only one that he had ever thought of cam
touting, but he had now determined to
hong than all.
Gov. Wise, yesterday, received a dis
patch kindle Governor of Smith Cart&
na, tendering him any amount of military
aid, in the defence of Virginia. Mr Wise
replied by thanking him for the offer, but
wearing the Governor that Virginia was
able to defend herself.
Richmond mill try were all ordered
to return home yesterday, but the people
protested against such a c torso, declaring
that if there was any necessit7 for them to
come, that necessity 'till existed. Finally
Governor Wise ordered two Richmond
companies to remain, and also the Petere
burg Artillery.
Several of the Richmond companies star
ted *home this morning, and others will
Gov'. Wf..4 c....
ping. lle expresses the intention of hay
ing a thousand military present on the day
of execution.
It seems that by the law of Virginia,
even after trial and conviction, upon'asug
gestion made of insanity, n prisoner may
have that potut tried by a Jury. To give
the counsel of Jelin Brown an opportuni.,
ty to have such an issue framed and tried
an npplicetion hits been made to Gov. Wise
to postpone the execution of salience; and
is a basis for his action in the premises. a
collection of affidavits taken in Ohio among
the relatives and early acquaintances of
Brown has been submitted to him. We
have had an opportunity of examining
these affidavits. It appears from them
that Brown had resided the greater part
of his life in Hudson, Summit County,
Ohio, of which his father was one of th e
original settlers. Brown was absent many
years since, for is few years in Pe nnsyl.
yams, but returned again to Ohio, whence
he removed some four or five years ego to
Essex Co., N. Y.
It is abundantly shown by these nffida
vits that.On 'The mother's aide Brown be•
lunged to a family in which insanity was
hereditary. His maternal grandirtothgr
watt insane for six years and died insane--
, Three of her children, a brother and two
sisters of Brown's mother, suffered from
the same disorder, and another brother
who himself escaped. had three insane
children, cousins Of John Brown. 'l•lte
only sister of John Brown was also liable
to attacks of insanity, as .vere a child of
here, and two children of John Brown him
A br •ther of John Brown's first wife
states that at the time of hor death, some
twenty-four or five years ago. the conversa
tion and conduct of Brown strongly impres
ses his relations with the idea of insanity
on his part; and it is the opinion of this
brother in law that ever since at intervals
the mind of Brown has been more or lees
disordered. An uncle of Brown's who
might be supposed to hove setae knowl
edge of the symptoms of insanity, as his
own mmher and three off is children were
the victims of that disord r. states that he
has regarded Brown, for twenty yenta, as
subject to periods of insanity, not of a very
marked type, but partaking of the charac.
ter.of monomania. Signior testimony is
given by I netwons who describe
themselves as acquainted with Brown Prow
early childhood. A physician of Hudson
who has known Brown since (812. has es
teemed hien subject to minks of insanity
and tine at times been fully convinced that
such wss life condition. A lawyer whom
Brown was in the habit of consulting shoot
his business affairs. comodered him of a
very excitable temperament and as consti.
tutionally predisposed to insanity. Say.
cral of his old acquaintances, who saw
him after his return from Kansas, state
that there was something is his meaner
and cativ'ersetten, and *specially, the Idea
with 'hich he seemed to be itopressed,
and of which he often spoke, the. he was
an instrument, in the In of tlal for the
overthrow of Shivery, which strongly im
pressed them 'with the idea that his mind
was disordered.
The whole history. of John Brown for
the lust two years, so far as it has come
to light; nod all the incidents of his fa
mous foray upon Harper's Ferry, have
neva appeared to us, from the first, as
consistent wi,h soundness of mind. We
have no dont), that, if the issue could be
tried, a very strong case might be made
out, It would, however. be too mortify mg
to the , pride of the Virginians to adm it
that they had been so frightened by a cra
ay man, and Gov. Wise to ill no doubt dis
pose of this application as sum•uurilyat
the Court of Amtrak did of the a pplica
'lion for a new trial.
CHARLEsrowN, Vs , Nov 28, 1859
Gov. Wise left idarper,s Ferry this inor
rung for Richmund, after receiving a des-
patch front GUY. Packer of Peatisyivenia.
tendering him the services of 10,90 J men
and offering to station a guard along the
dividing line between Pennsylvania and
Maryland. Gov. Wise returned thanks
for the oiler, assuring Gov. Packer that
Virginia was able to protect he , honor.•
After the departure of the Gott roar, Col.
Elliot addressed the military, telling them
that it was possible they might have to
undergo arduous and perilous duties, and
that he felt satisfied that should the vet•
erable Commonwealth be invaded, they
would effectually aripe Inn the stain,
Lam night at 9 o'clock an alarm was
given by one of the sentinels tiring his rt
Ile. Military orders were sounded
one end of the lOWA to the other. and
caused very. great panic among wound!:
and children, and some men Wilo6V nee•
vows systems have become much disor.
demi by late events. Stowers were closed
and lights extinguished in quirk tune.
The excitement continued until 10 o clock
when it was ascertained that the sentinel
had mistaken a cow for a man—that he
challenged her--she wouldn't halt and he
At 3 o'clock this morning another alarm
was occasioned by the report of three goon
A sentinel came rushing in and reported
having hailed three men, who, instead of
out bui uo nien tOlifld - ofillfliturlF4-41. 1 4-
town was in an uproar fur the balance of
the night. The fact is that the voldiera
regard it as a frolic and it la believed that
seine of them were under the influence of
whisky, and were playing pranks upon:
their comtades. All has been quiet to.
New papers of a late dnte deny the no•
sertion that Gov. Pucker tendered aid to
Gov. Wise.
Ilnown.— It 19 ascertained that, untrue the
leas of Virginia, the Gl.ivarnor cannot
pardon n person convicted of treason to
the commonwealth, exceo with the con.
sent of the . General Assembly, declared
by joint resolution. This rids qtr ise of all
responsibility in the matter. What the
Legislature will do is nut known. There
is II hope through them, But in order to
secure the interference of the Legislature
an extra session must be held,.as the reg
ular session does wit begin until Jllllllllry,
a month after the time iDecember 2) fixed
upon for the execution of Broom.
nab Republican sityi he convene. freely .d
Tuts OIL Parse Ste VENANGO COEN IT !Ind with all of the action and delicate.
The latest intelligence fruits the Vettangit Oil t one d vo i ce o f a wow ., R e i s an exqins i,
district states that the exeiteinent attending c ,,,,,,t er ra, and seems up to the arts ut the
the recent oil discoveries, to which we have
before alluded, is greatly on the increase. nee , and d eper ,,,,, e „, , wear. her ciothi.,, grace.
Scores of •sites' have been taken up, and new f u ll y, aid they are arranged with a certain
ones are being discovered every "Y. nom' degree uf haste, wholly inconsistent with the
ber of capitalists from Pittsburg sod oilier habits of males. The mayor sentenced him
places are co mat:sitting operations. The Coin- eon na, tell day ..
putty lutmed in this place have secured an ex. ,
perienced operator, and have commenced bor. Weights staid Metteutet.
. A proposition will be submitted to Congress
ing near Hall's Mill. Cul. Hoover has a fa.
vocable 'site' on the Allegheny river tear the at its ensuing session, backed by the ennui
mouth of Big Sandy. He will fully test the 1 mous approval of the Leyielature of New.
matter in „ et heeativ. Lease .
of ,sites, are Hampshire, having fur its object the establish.
gra bbd at with as much avidity as gold privi me"' "r a uniform system of Weights ""d
Measures, based upon the decimal principle
loges in California and with quite much
. r hoppilp, imbehbed in our Currency. In
prospects a them becom ing re munera toe in g 0
the end: other words, Congress will be asked to estsb.
IVtaet.ts Neon Ily.—For a week or more
humpback whales have been seen otf Seconet
Point and in the vicinity of Martha's Vineyard
and bums have imbued them front different
points. Wednesday, a dead fitilniek whale wits
discovered by Captain Rufus Pease, of Edger
own, which was taken in tow and proved to
be of the capacity of about sixty barrels. it
had been killed by a bomb lance, and about
five barrels of oil had been taken front it at
Norman's Laud or its Long Island Soutoloind
it is supposed to have drifted away from its
capture. They commenced cutting blubber
from it yesterday.
longing to Mr. Melling.•r. of Cumberland
county. recently gave birth to a calf with
two heada—each h •ad being perfectly for.
med. with the exception that one of them
had but a single ear. It lived but a short
valuable public iinpruvement is rapidly
progressing towards oompletion. All the
spans of the bridge are now up, and in a
short time will be entirely finished. It is
substantially built, and will not likely be
gain prepiratri IV the wind.
On 22nd ultimo, by the Rev. S. Reid, Mr
Charles Green to Miss Elizabeth Lang, both
of Ettrree
On the 2:td ult., by the seine, Mr.' • Wtit,
Ronal to Slips Elizabeth Grave, both of Penn
In Huntingdon, Pa ,on Nov. 28th, by Rev.
G. N. Enlit,izer, Mr. Charles E. Adorns, of Sy
sander. Otiondivo Ceunty, N. Y. to Miss 1NI•
Antoinette Hollister, of Phoenix, Oswego I 10.,
N. Y:
lerDr Locke will be in town on the fifth
or December nod may be found at his office
one dour East of the Bunk, (up stairs) person s
wishing thn : services of a good dentist should
give him a call.
war The Secretary aftver 11114 received
4 th'SpOlCh from Lieutenant General Scott,
expressing the opinion that his xuggesiinn
to 11,v. Dnuginiq• of temperary adjust.
meta of the ext,ting San Juan difficulties
will be accepted.
nor it is saiu that Gov. Wise has in.
formation of the organization of anutiands
of men in Ohio and elsewhere, hound by
horrid oaths, to r;:scue John Bro vn and
take vengeance on those who were instru
mental in the conviction of him and his
associates. Another fright!
11111 r Nome Virginian fools have lately
threatened to dissolve. the Union in ease
the electionv in this quarter should go
against their blends. They seem to have
forgotten that only the other day seventeen
white men and five negroes were able to
conquer the whole orthet great State. and
frighten its people so that they have not
yet recovered their senses.
Tile CANA I:.—...l.lllVi7tlTif:ll ' On the canal is to be
kept ,men late This season. A entice issued
by th • Superintendent states that the Eastern
!bylaw') will be kept open until the Brat of
January, and if previously closed by Irina, a
force will be employed to break the me awl
kept upen until the that ot• January, utile,ss the
boats are previously withdrawn or laid up,
when the water will be drawn off and naviga
tion impended.
A QUEHTION fun Diffustomisrr.-'—lf two
powerful Southern States, backed by their
•vhole military force, are unable to defend
themselves against an insurrection of twenty.
two 'neu r otic) have to call on the Genera
Government for assistance, how will it be when
4bajaavikjetuud 'Ley have itu (lent
tended revult uhuuld °Ceti, "'
LOCC,QCO JtiSTlCd.—Atchison, Stringfellow
and Barlett' are anwbipped of justice. The
miscreant who squirted tobacco juice ii.tu the
eyesuf Old Brown's murdered and dying sun
wad rewarded fur the act with the whets of
United States Marshal. Old Brown id sure to
get the gallows fot• his reward Oily ruffians
in behalf of Shivery are buttered. Such is
Lucelueu justice.
, gfiar Catatonia hids fair to excel Ohio in •
the pemluction of native wine. Must ut thu•
wine muds there to unadorned it: the Susie, and
hence very little of it•ts semi in this quartet,'
, bat une 01' the Situ Francisco pavers gives a
bet of twenty six various brands. One deal,
; has a stuck uf one hundred thousand gallons
another eighty tbausatid kittens, at•l u Oita
thirty thousand gallons. fun sale of Caiiiuru tn
wines in San Frani:is.; this year will amount .
to Italia nnilliuu ui dollars.
• A MAN WHAMxts fluors.—A pemen sup.
posed to be a female, giving the name of Ann
Page, woe arrested in Savannah, Ga., on
Monday, wearing very extended lumps. An
examination, however, showed that, the person
was a mule. On his examination he stated
Ihis nurse to be Charles Williwns. The Saw,.
dish a table thus : 10 lines,'l inch; 10 inches,
1 lout; 10 feet, 1 rod; 10 rods, 1 rood: 10 roods,
I mile; 10 tulles, I league—with names expred•
sive of the several measures.
The need °filth; change to very great. Oar
present Weights and Measures are defective
and uncertain to an extent that will not be
credited a generation hence. We are perpet•
wally buying and selling by the barrel; but whe
can say how much a barrel is P—other meas.
urea also'?
We Ernst the reform suggested will be made,
and that it will be very careful and thorough.
Then let us buy and sell everything but liquids
by weight, not measure: a pound hundred,'or
tun of potatoes or apples being a definite
City, while a bushel or hundred bushels being
considerably more or less according to the
sleight of hand of the measurer.
Q/IFBAT sportvg.- came to the
k 2) plantation of the subscriber ' in Warriors.
mark tp., about the lot inst., a dark brindle
steer, with a piece off the right
ear, and white face. The owner s
is requested to come forward. * me i ' ,
prove property, pay charges ar.d
take him away, or else he be dealt with
according to law.
WovernVier 30th. laSit, 3t--4
Found upon the PIIMMit of
70. TURAey'B 11101111iNill, in a starving
condition, and taken to the re R.
!I-ass ideuce of tubs Beaver Esq. of
Hopewell tp, Said stray is supposed to be two'
years old; color, black and white. The owner
will please call upon the subscriber, pay char
n.,41 take him away, or he will he aold
to.cordinst to low. ROBERT DUNCAN.
Hopewell tp., Nov. 235 '59-4*
Will he rationed to public sale, on the preir.
ions, on Saturday the 24th day of Deceinber
next, as the property o Rebecca E, Borst, de-
ceased. In pursuance of an order of the Or•
phone Court of Huntingdon County : all Ilia'
certain lot of ground, situated in West town.
Alp, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of
John Eberle. Jacob Eberle, Milton Montgom
ery. and John Hewit, containing ten acres
more or less having thereon erected a two Ito.
ry fraine'dwelling house, with a cellar, ;and
sundry out buidings. About the half of this
lot is cleared and under cultivation. Sale to
continence at One o'clock, P. M., of Raid day,'
Terms, made known on tho day of sale by
November, IGth, 1852..3t
It is no' a conceded fact that
DAVID GROVE has just received at the old
stand, neer the corner of Hill and Smith sts..
the cheapest and hest assortment 01 uo tis ever
stirred in this community. He is now prepared
to furnish
And in feet he ean supp ly . any article in the
dry.good line. Also, trunininge suited to all
dresses and at reasonable rates.
He ham also on hand a large, fresh stock cf
And everything in the feed line.
As his stock is almost entirely new, and been
bought at prices which defy competition, pur•
chasers will find it to their advantage to buy
from me lielbre going elsewhere.
My stock will be disposed of cheap for cash,
and all kinds of country produce at the high.
est market prices, will In taken in exchange
for goods. DAVID GROVE.
Iluntingdon, - June 15, 1859.-6 m.
Will he exposed to public sale, on the premi
sett, on
'Wednesday, November 30th inst.,
All that value' to FALLSI, in Tell tp., adjoining
lends of Samuel llackedorn, Wm. Widney and
others. consisting of 200 ACRKS of farm,
and 100 acres of mountain—the improvements
are 2 LOG HOUSES and a log
2 * - 1., barn. Two of the hest springs
of limestone water in the 41,14
lower end of the county akelaa
couvenient to the houses. The fields are all
watered. A good orchard is on it. The land
is limestone in general, and will be sold at a
bargain, on ticcomadating terms. The State
Rued leadinkfrom Buint Cabins to Perrys,
so within hall a mile of a goutlinill; "Inti
and lan factory.
If the above farm is outsold on the day men
tioned, it will then be rented to the highest
and best bidder. Those wishing to view the
premises wilt call on the subscriber.
Tell tp., Nov. 16.-to.
For sale in Bill Valley. five or six miles
from Mt. Union, a farm of 197 acres of good
nimbi, a Stone House thereon, 60 acres cleared,
price $3.000. Also, u farm ofalmat 140 acres.
with those, Baru, and Batt tail, 'hereon, 50
acres cleared: price $l6OO. Ale about 45
acres, (ridge.) 5 acres cleared. pr'te $450.
A too, 7 houses and lots at the ohl,runnery seat
!pica from $l5O to $6OO. Also, Tannery seat
meadow and orobard, paymews made mtge.--
Would he a good chalice to start one of those
went thawing mills, n small store, sumac
and bluck-oak barb mills.
Shirleyaburg, Nov. 15th 1859. •
is printed sit a large imperiarsbeet, and pub.
Bolted every morning and evening (Sunday ex•
ce;ited). It contains Editorials on the topics
of the times, employing a large corps of the
best newspaper writers of the day ; Domestic
and Foreign Correspondence; Proceedings
td Congress ; Repo rtsof Lectures; City News;
Cattle, Horse. and Produce bluckets ; Reviews
of Books ; Literary Intelligence; Papers on
Mechaates and the Arts, dte., rltc., We strive
to make THE TRIBUNE a newspaper to
net the wantsof the public—its Telegraphic
new• alone costing=
. **llFi,ol/0 per annum.
THE DAILY TRII3UAIE iti mailed to sob.
scribers at $0 per annum, iu advance ; $3 fan
Si% moialis.
is published. every uttitusx and FRIDAY, and
contains all the Editorials of th e D e il y , w i t h
the Cattle, Horse and, General Markets, relia
bly reported expressly for THE TRIBUNE,
Foreign and Domestic Corresponderee; and
during the session of Congress it contains a
summery of Cougresional doings, with the more
important speeches. We shall, es heretofore,
make THE SEMI WEEKLI"IRIBCNE as a political newspaper. and
we are determined that it shall remain in the
front rank of family papers.
I copy, otter. sil I 5 copies, one yr. $ll 25
2 copies, 5 10 "is one adilreFs 20
Ten Copies, or over, to address of each sub•
scriber, $2.20 each.
Any persuu sending us a club of twenty, or
over, will be entitled to an extra copy. lur a
club of fifty we will send the Daily Tribune one
to Clm-vrinen at $2 per annum.
a 'urge eight-page paper fur the country, is pub
lished every Saturday, and contains Editorials
on the most important topics of the times, the
news of the week, interesting correspondence
from all parts of the world, the New-I irk Cat
tle, Horse, and Produce Markets, interestin
land reliable Po liticat, Mechanical and Agr
cultural articles. fic., &
We Anil, during this year, as hitherto, con
stantly Inbor to improve the quality of the in
struetive entertainment ailiirded by THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE, which we intend, shay
cohtinue to lie the best Family Weekly News
pimer published in the World. We consider
the Cattle Market Reorts alone richly worth
to cattle raise a year' s subscription price.
1 copy. one yr., s2li;;Pies, one yr., $8
3 " 5I 10 " "
20 copies. to one address, 20
anti any larger number, $1 each.
20 copies, to address to each subscriber, 24
and any larger number at $1.20 each.
Tribune Buildiugs, N. Y.
- -
6th Annual Announcement!
From all sections of the country subscribers
to this popular Art 1 mititution,(now in its Gib
year;) are being received in a ratio napalms{
led with that of soy previous ear.
Any person can become a mem•
ber by subscribing $3
Ist.—The beautiful Steel Engraving.
..Shekespear and His Friends."
2d.—A Co..y of the elegantly Illustrated
Art ' lournit I; one year.
3d.—A Free Season Admission to the
• Galleries, 548 Brondwny, NY.
In addition to which, over four hundred val.
mible Works of Art are given to subscribers
no Premiums, comprising choice Sculptures,
Paintings, Outlines, dic.,.by the first American
and Foreign Artists.
THE ' mu en ENORATINO, which every sub.
scriber will receive immediately on receipt of
subscription, entitled
is of a character to give anqualified pleasure
.and satisfacuion. No worlouf equal value was
ever before placed within reach of the people
nt ouch a price. The Engetving is of a very •
large size, being . printed oil very heavy plate
prayer, 30 by 2H niches, making a most suburb
ornament satiable for the walls of either the
library, parlor, or Mice.
It can be sent to any part of the country. by
mail, with safely, being packed in a cylinder,
postage prepaid.
Think of it l Such a work, delivered free
of eturge and the Art Journal one year, for
three dol lars 1
SUNCRIPTIONS will be received until the
Evening of Tuesday the 31st of January, 1880
at whirl, !line the books will close nod the pre.
iniunts will be given to subscribers.
No person is restricted to a single sub.eriptien
Those reinitiating $l5 are entitled to six mew.
Subscriptions from California, the Canadas,
and all Foreign Provinces. must he $3,50 in.
stead or 53. in order to defray extra postages.
Persons wishing to burin clubs, will apply tar
a circular 01 terms, ite
The beautilully Ilfustred Art Journal, giving
full particulars, will be sent in receipt ut 18
cents, la stamps or coin.
Address C. L. ocnoN. Actuary c. A.A
Subscriptions also received by
.1. LAWRENCE, nos. ncr.
For Huntingdon and vicinity.
FutwititeeptuLt, November 22, 1859.
FLOOR—Superfine, per barrel, $5 12 to 5 25
" Extra, " • 1 5 30 to 5 62
family, . 6 50 to 6 75
Wheat—Red per bushel
Wit in "
1 29 to 1 31 1
Rye 9O to 91
Corn 7O to 73
Claverseed, $5 to per 64 pounds.
Timothy seed, per bushel, sl 80 to 2
Flax " " 1 79 to
zw l / 4 1!tV., per 102 ilis• • • ;$9 00 to $9 87
Como on qualisy, do.
luferior quality, do.
First quality esill $4O On to $5O 00
Second quality do. 30 on to 35 00
Third quality do. 2800 to 311 Old
Ordinary do. 25 00 to 28 00
Dry dw 15 OC to 25 00
From $3 to $4 pet head, equal to 7 to 8 for
Sold at $7 50 to 8 15 par 100 Ito., according to
40,000 'Volumes of Books for Sale.
900,00 in Gifts for every 1000 Sold.
In order to reduce my extenstve stock I will
sell one thousand dollars worth of Books nt the
regular retail prices or less. nod give ($500)
five hundred dollars worth of presents vnrying
in value from 25 cents tu 5100.00. Or, those
who prefer can purchase nt wholesale prices.—
My stock conmists of every variety and style of
binding. School Books of every kind, whole.
aide and retail. Sales to commence Dee. 24th.
summing FOR iBOO
This popular Monthly Magazine has already
a circulation of 100,000; but it id to be great.
ly improved fur 1860. It will contain
One Thousand pages of Reading
Fourteen splendid feel Plates !
Twelve Colored Fashions !
Twellwe Colored Berlin Work
. ' ratterina!
Fight Hundred Wood Cuts !
Twenty-four pages of Music !
All this wiii he given for only Two
LAR9 a year, or n dollar less than Magazines of
the clam of "Peterson's." Its
lea anb N'outlet 3
Are the best published anywhere. All the
meet ?velar widen are ttapnyed In write
Origitially for ''Peterson." It also pub! takes
Each number. in addition to the Colored
plate, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresres. en.
graved on wood. Also, a Pattern, from which
a Dress . , Man•illa or Chi'll's Dress can he cut
but, without the aid of a mantun•mak. r.
It is the best Lady's Magazine in the
Now Drug and Grocery store.
SAMUEL. S. SMITH, Hill St., 2 doors twee
of Montgomety, St., Huntingdon. Den /er
Drugs Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints Varnish
soils.,tipt.Torpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Nine
and Brandy of the hest article fur medical pur
poses, Concentrated Lye fur making. Soap
Oltuts, Putty, Patent Medicines, also .Coffee
Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar
Fish Salt. Flour, Crackers, nuts, Candies, Fig.
Raisins, Tohaccg, Cigars, Syrups of all kind s
fur drinlll, in a Word every thing use
ally kept in r. Drug and Grocery Store, those
who desire pure and Genuine article will de
well by giving U. a enll..
Ont. lf,
8,1 NIFKE O ,,
This Celebrated Washing Soap. is now
iu market for more than a year. and that
it has given universal satisfaction, is
evident from the fact that the Manure°.
toren' of it, in order to ripply the demand
Lave been oblignuTto increase their ca•
purity to make equal to One Hundred
Thousand pounds perweek. It is decided•
ly the belt and cheapest soap ever mule
in thin country; one pound qf a will yo as
fm' soy use. as three of the C0W7i4016
soup in general 113 e. It is made opou •
new principle, of the bent materials, and
known only to VANHAAUES & McKean'''.
It doer away entirely with the wash
board—saves the necessity of boiling the
clothes, it dace vat shrink fianneln, RE
SPOTS perfectly, and from the most
delicate fabric, saves fully one•halt the
teme.and labor usually spent to do the
washing. it in warranted free films Sal
Soda or other injurious alkalies and
gee 'steed not to rot or injure the alkalis,
For sale by all respectable timers
and Wholesale by
No. 22 wad 24 South Whams.
CA Lll.l_OlT.
There being several limitations brands Deter
sive Sonp ;n market, the public are notified
that none is genuineexeept VAN flaxaxa !(a
K KONE is Stamped upon each Bar of the Soap
no well as the Boxes.
Nov. 2.-3 m.
New Goods ! New Goods !
D. P. Gin has just recei 'oil one ash, ISM
Rost and most fashionable and bast mamma
stuck of
in the market, consisting of Cloths, Canister*
Saltiness, K. Jeans, Tweeds, Beaver Teems.
Velvet Coral, &c.
The beet assortment of Ladies' dress goods
in town. Black and Fancy silks, Plain and
Figured Fronch Merinos, English Morino*,
fancy and plain, all wool DeLains, Mouslias►
DeLains, Alpacua, Lnvella Cloths, De Bar"
Cohurge, Gingham, Prihts.dce.
ALSO Tickings, Checks. Muslin*, bleached
and uullenched, Cotton and all Woolen Flea•
nets, Sack Flannels, Cloaking Clothes, Limeys,
Bro. and Blue Drills, Blankets, &c.
. _
ALSO A large asiMrtment of Ladies' Col
lars, Dress Trimmings, ltibbands, Glove.,
Gauntlets, Cotton and Woo) Iloniery, Silk sad
Linen Handkereheil4, Neck Ties, Vella, Jack•
(mete, plain and bard, SWiS3 &Inslint, Ladiaa'
Vesta, ate.
Waterloo and :/ay State, Single and DorWie
Moots and. Shoes, the largest and Au.
" Mitant is. xi, worsarairos-
WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms, Bruslies,ttc. Carpets,
Oil moms, Nish and Salt, Sugar, Co.,ffe
Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept la •
country Store.
Carnet examine my goods, and yes will
be convinced that I ',use the best arsortaes.
end the cheapest goods in the market.
Ali kinds of Country produce takes is es
change fur goods, at the highest market pries..
Ott. 12, 115!.
u Ather uperfect . 7el Epilev by De. Hamm
ltiNi/rpac tills,
DURANTS Neat. PlaqutmKN'd Co., Oct 1,
HANeg—Dear Sir:—Having been mg
Meted with lulling fits for some years pa st„
1 determined to give your Pills a trial, (adver.
tiovtiient of whieb I saw in some if the pap e r a.
and continued to use them for some mouths tar
tii I was entirely cured. I believe them to be
a first. rate article, am] since 1 Lave used them
I have not had non :meek, and em now is the
enjoyment of good health.
I um, very respectfully,
Yours. Ate., .lOIIN ATHA NJ. JACOBS.
P. S. The Piflx wore rot:untended to me
by Mr. Nathan Newby, of this county, to whose
address you 50111 them. Those Pills, beside
curing Epilepsy, are a specific for all modifi;
cation of nervous disease'. Price $3 per box;
two boxes for $5; twelve boxes for $24. Per•
sons enclosing a remittance will have.the Pill .
sent them through the mail, on its receipt.
For sale by Srrn S. HAN., No. 108 Balti
more curvet, B;tltimore, Md., to whom orders
rout all parts of the Union tnuetbe addressed.
Full stock of SILK GOODS
Full Wock of STAPLE GOODS,
Full stack of FANCY GOODS,
Fashiotc ble FALL SHAWLS,
Blankets, Quilts, Thble Linens.NßS
Fourth and Arab eta., PHILAD'A.
N. B.—Black Silks, Whrlesale, allow salsa,'
ger Bap gains Daily from New York Aueliona.
Sept. 6th, '59.-3m
lEI2 kik El,
ii..54-p-ak.uLLY OFFERS 11IS PRO
sional services to the citizens of HUNTIII
nod vicinity
Residence on Hill street; in the h
overly occupied by Dr. R. V. Miller.
April 13, 1859.
I Will be offered at Fiddle Sale on
Friday, the 2nd day of December next, )
the Farm on which the subscriber now resides,'"
situated in Franklin township, Huntingdon
comity; co • • g one hundred cud seventy.
one acres, and one hundred and fiftydhree per.
chew, (neat mensure)—about one hundred and
thirty acres of which are cleared, and in a good
mute of cultivation, having thereon erected •
good and subitancial •
lat. and Frame bank Barn, Wagon shed,
CGrnerib. Wood-house and Hog-pen. Also,
an Orchard of Apple, Pear and Peach trees.
A never failing Spring of limestone water and
a good spring house near the dwelling house.
Said Farm is nearly all Lime stone lard, and
and anumg the surest Wheat land on Spru
Creek. The Spruce Creek and Water etre
Turnpike rune through the seine—and it is
acted within halt a mile of Colerain Forg
.d three and a half miles front the Penns
vaults Railroad at Spruce Creek Station.
is also convenient to School houses and Church.
es. Sale to commence at one. o'clock in the
afternoon, when and where due attendance will
be glees and the terms of sale made know-
by JOHN B.
Franklin tp., Now. 3, '59.-3t.
Larwietown Oas* linkart thaws sal.