i~-~~° .4 . 11 A C WD[. iiiREIVSTII{, VOL. XXJV TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. If paid in advance 51,40 If odd within six months after the time of subscribing 1,75 If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid after the expiration of the year No paper dis oontinued until the cod of the year subscribed for. 1. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, end no paper will be discontinu ed until arrearayes are paid except at the option of the publisher. 2., Returned numbers are on ' ,• received by'us. All numbers sent us in tint W.l V Mro lost, and Hexer accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. l'ersom wishing to stop dots subscriptions, roust poi/ sup ‘Arearages, nod semi a written or verbal order to that effect, to the &Hee of pub lication in Huntingdon. - Giving notice to a posonmter is neither lege' ore proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year It* been forwarded. a new year has commenc e, ml the paper will not ho discontinued until errcaraars are paid. See No. 1. thy 'l' II e above terms will be rigidly adhered in all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the following rates; 1 inxertion. 2 do. 9 do. elia lines or leas, $ 25 $ A7I $ 50 Ono square, (16 liner,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 t‘. ) 100 150 200 nio. 6 et.t.• 12 too. $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 600 .8 00 12 00 800 12 00 18 00 12 00 18 00 25 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 22 00 39 00 49 00 teeirtoss Cards of alit lin . re,or lees, $4.00. re ° 4.€11/a., or King's Evil, fa a cvmst:lutio:lal tr. , :cx, a corruption of the hlood, which this slain licenines vitiated, Weak, and poor. i.l the circulation, it )x.rvc..l F the may burst out •in disco cea c• •.• prt c.O it. No organ is free 'groin its 11.,1,k. , , Lis, is II icre nue WiliCll it may Lot taint is variously coursed liy low living, dis ordered or wiloalily d, impure air, filth and filthy the.cieorming vices, end, above all, I,y the vn.e,cet infectiee. 'What ever be its origin, it is licrillitery in the con etitution, " from pnrcuts to children unto the third aid P.m.!, er,lo..ation ;" indeed, ft seems to 133 the rout uhq soya, "1 will visit the iniquities of the &them upon 'their childron." One mourn, Two equnren, column, Its effects commence by depeeition from the blood of earrtipt or ttleermis matter, which, in the lungs, live?, and intenial omens, is ;Aimed tubercles; in the giroidr, swellings; and on the trorfaco, c - ,ivioos or sores. This foul cor ruption, sendern in the blood, derrosset the energies of life, so that,scroftdouaconstitu tiois not only coffer frimil So:Moloch Coln thexhate J.esit.nanary. stand - 11M atteels of other aocascert enure oileatly, van perish by 'disorders elthongli rot ,ortif•donn in their nature, are still rencicrel fetal by this taint in the system. Mint of the • consmnption which de inmates the human family ban its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, rind, indeed, of all the organs, wise from or are aggravated by the name rouse. • • 011equuter of all our people are ecrofulous; their'perstins are invaded by this baking in. ' , nth., and their health is undermined by it. 'Co vl,anne it from the ity4tein we must renovate the Wood by an alterative medieb.e, and in vigorate it by licaithyefood and exorcise. Hach a medium we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the mint effectual romedt which the medical skill of one times can devise for Oda every where prevailing and total malady. It is com bined from the most active remcdials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this fool elisordee frmi the blood, and the rescue of the re t nCe o it f er„ ' nlll. d e e tni l lWe iv d ' fo ' r °l the q c u i e t n rrol not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such m Eitt , PTIVB and Styr thaviasms, DT. A,ZTTIONY'S PM; Roan, or Ilsysteutss, Plumes, PI:STUMM, ULnrea PA, 11 TAIN4 and Ilona, Tenons, TErrEs And SALT SCAT.D Henn, litsmwonx, Itneestirien, Pwrintrric and Mermen's'. Dis name, Ihrorsv, Dyseerste, Ditlittitrr, and, indeed, at.,, COUPL,I.IIIItISINU nom Vim• trIlD on lumen Bloom The popular belief is impurity qf Mr blood" is founded in truth, lbr scrofula fa a degeneration of the blood. The particuler purpoe and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify end regenerate this vital fluid, without which mitind health ie impossible in f.atauli2ated constitution, Ayer's Cathirtie Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that diteaao within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalifies. As a conisequenco of these properties . ; tho invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored Ly a remedy at once so r-i•-ple and inviting. .ot only do they cure the every-day complaints ci every 'body, but also many formidable and dangerous discaaes. 'rho went below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaint.: Costive- MU, Bent tburn, Headache OrifillqfrOM disordered Stotnaeh, Nausea, Indiyestion, Pion in and Morbid &action of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the bode' or obstruction Of its function.. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron TUB mail; con. or fl .My Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Incipient Consuutp. 4 . 0)“, mid for the relief of Consumptive 'Patients in advanced stages of the Slisonee. 6o wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu ...roue are the cases of its cures, that almost ws-.7 section of country abounds in persons pub wi,7 known, who have boonrestored from ahtrming o .1 even desperate diseases of the lungs by its When once tried, its superiority over every medicine of its kind is too apparent to emit, - minion, and where its virtues ore known, the :so no longer hesitate what antidote to employ ere distressing and dangerous affections of the ..uonary organs that are incident to our climate. lle many inferior reiliedies thrust upon the , have failed and been discarded, this 4,4 gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits ki , ne co u r ticL o ed nthuenferruni and r t. f o or i ge t , and pro hs forgotten . PREPARED BY PR. J. C. AYER dr. CO, LOWELL, MASS. By49_,!4‘gent Huntlugden,Ps, P*lo ISVS..-17, r. 11111 SELECT POETRY A NTI-sTA V .- AT-114111E SOCILIFTY. Mouday Night. Oh love, lam so glad you've come, The supper's almost cold ; But here's a Mee warm bit for yon, • I don't intend to scold. Your office closed, all business done, Your books laid on the shelves, How pleasant it will be to pass This evening by ourael.es. My love, my dearest love, you know How happy I should lie If I could pass no leisure hours In sweet commune with them But (hero ho sighs) you know we must Obey stern duty's call, And this night, dearest, just this one, I must be at the hall. Tuesday Night. My love, Miss Cricket takes to-night, Her benefit, and so, Arid she iA One I mach admire, rd really like to go. HUSBAND. You4hall, my love. Stop, I forgot, 'Tic Tuesday night, I wear ; A special meeting's called tonight, I really must be there. Wedstemday Night WI PR. Dear Charles, it's boon so dull today Without you, I confess; Lot's draw the table to the lire Awl Lave a moue of chess. HUSBAND. I would accept your challenge, lore, And grant your sweet demand, But Wednesday is our Lodge, you know, And I must be on heed. Thursday Night. . . Well, love, what shall we do tootight, Read, or attend the play? Or have a little private talk. The first for many a day? Just as you please, soon be back Business of very groat Importance, love, comes off to•nighti I must not lot rues wait. Friday Night. Sly love, just clasp this pin for ine, And, Charles, pray hand my shawl ; You know you promised me to•day • To take me to the ball. I know I did; but really, love, I had forgot it all, And promised I would go to night Some members to install. I hate to disappoint you, dear, I know it is provoking, But when you spoke of it to day I really thought you joking. Saturday Night. 'Here take the baby, Charles; all day Ile's lain upon my lap; This evening you can watch him while I take a little nap. HUSBAND. Poor little thing, how pale he looks; I hope he won't get worse; There's an election held to-night, Else I'd stay at home and nurse. Sunday Night. Dear Charles, here are your cloak and hat, And overshoes, all warm I hope you won't stay late to-night, There's such a dreadful storm. 111.71TIAND. Not stay out late I you don't suppose I really could intend To leave my dearest wife alone Her evenings hours to spend. Just place my slippers by the Sre, And wheel the cheerful light Eight by my cosy rocking•chair, We'll stay at home tonight I Gov. WINE NO POWER TO PARDON BROWN.- It is tiTartained that, under the laws of Virginia, the • Governor cannot pardon a person convicted of treason to the commonwealth, except with the con. sent of the General Assembly, declared by joint resolution. Thi, rids Wise of all responsibility in the matter, What the Legislature will do is not known. There is a hope through them, But in order to secure the interference of the Legislature an extra session must be held, as the reg ular session does rigi begin until January, a month after the time (December 2) fixed upon for the execution of Brown, i f..: 1 1 1111 , !.0 1 • 4 / A - " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND ?DREYER, ONE AND. INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1859 _ _ Local torresponbtntr. For tho Journal. Rel igion . Necessary to a Nation's Stability. [Continued from Nor. 16th.] Tear out the very vitals, the soul of our Republic and how long will the remain der exist 1 There is an Indian tree which at first smell, grows larger and larger as the genial ruins and slimmer dew ire brought to bear upon it. It becomes strong It grows up n ; sfareedis hints chea take root and produces othi rs. Theis does it proceed until it hes covered a large amount of surface. Its roots have spread themselves in every direction. Attempt to destroy such a tree • nnd what must be the result, The whole earth must he torn'up with it. Thus with religion, •It It has Fowls with our. growth and strengthened with our strength ; ramify ing throughout every part of the natural system. it eifets in the remote portion and I any attempt to eradicate it must at tend with the most terrible consequences; and if we could succeed in destroying, how hog 'could our Republic survive the shock? As well might we think the physical man could exist when his heart, the sent of life, was torn out and all communication between it sod the numerous veins, spread mg life and vigor throughout the body he destroyed. Noughtfwould exist but the ruins of . a beautiful temple ; merely tra ces enough remaining to show its former grandeur and magnificerce. We can form no Adequate conception of the influence of atheism upon a nation if that inflence was brought to he fora length of time. We have bet one example on record of a nation profusely atheistic—the French Salton, during the revolution of 1792 and this was but short-lived. The mere thought is almost enough to make the heart shudder. The history of the A r e P rfliZlWttri ' 7ll4 .- Woe, ' 'difficult that man could become so brutal, so devil. ish as he became. Flourishing towns and cities were razed to the ground. Where ' all had been prosperity, industry, and en• ' joyment, nothing was heard but the ' wail of desolation. Innocent women and ' children, whose only crime was the fact of their existence, were ruthiessly put to the sword by inhuman barbarians whose hearts long since had been hardened a- 1 gisinst all tender emotions. Trenches wore dug, filled with loving and immortal beings, and cannons planted at each and opened on them the murderous fire, The rivers of France rolled en, reddened with the blood of her children, and as if filled to satiety cast their bodies on the banks. Front one end of the land to the other went up the wail of the fatherless children and widowed mothers. Temples and church were destroyed,priests inhumanly .butch ered and every trace of religion as far as possible, swept from the earth, They de creed as their doctrine this damning talse hood, "there is noGod," and in . the height of their impiety worshiped the , •Goddess of Reason," represented by a debased courtesan. Impiety and wickedness could have gone no further. bchenies of horror, bloodshed and Misery „almost too liorri• ble to be conceived of, here found an embodiment. The nation while guided by licentiousness And atheism, trembled on the verge of destructor ; and so critical had her situation become that Robespiere in public assembly proclamed boldly, , qf there is no God for the people we mat snake one' To such an extent had he be come convinced of the necessity of having some form of religion to order to restrain the brutal and barbarous passions of his countrymen. Such has been the result when atheism guided the ship of State.— The same same fact if true of other na tions, Greece. Italy, Rome. When the religious element was on the verge of arm- chy and despotism; while the nations that revererenced an oath and believ e d i n a Suptemo Being was preserved and the people restrained from deeds of wickedness and crime. Legislators have always commenced with the religious element. Whether the founders of goverements have them selves been religious or not, they have made arrangements for the existence and promotion of some form of religion in their economy. Napoleon, Mahommed, Robes peirre, no matter who the man might be, he must have a place in his planS for reli gion. his found in Piste'. immaginary republic. The point of the pyramid must reach the heavens. Indeed all great thinkers of the day have acknowledged its necessity and confessed the other folly -of attempting to build a stable government where man's religious element is ignored. Unless the formation is laid here, the sti. petstructlire is worthless. There was true philosophy in the determination of Robes. peirre if there is no God we . must inalre one." It finds lit nscessity in the nature of man, If prodortion as the true religion is prevalent so it will be a nation's strength. No amount of wealth or ma terial prosperity will compensate for its ab ecence. •It is written in the very necessi ty of things—m true nod tuition without religion.. • Washington sow the necessity. In his .1ton:well address'! die speaks thus, of all the disposii lens and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are inchspensible supports. Iu vein . Would that man claim the tribute patriotism, who should labor Co subvert the great pillars of human happiness, these finnest profs of the duties of own and citizens. The , mere politician equally with the pious emu ought to respect and cherish them.— A volume could not trace all their connec ttm+with public and private filicity. Lut ii simply be asked what is the security for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligations desert the oaths which are the instrulllCMS of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be main tained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined ed ucation on minds of peculiar structure reason and experience both forbid us to ex. pent that nationul morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles. It is sabstantially true that virtue sr morality Is a necessary spring„,of poplar govern ment. The rule indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who.that is a sincere friend to it cell look with indifference upon at tempts to shake the foundation of the fob ric. El. A. (CONCLUDED.) ~,sclect ITi< N 1111111) The Sequel. Onr readers have all heard tho story of soaping the clergyman's tin horn at camp meeting—so that when he went to cull the congregaticn together, he blew the 'soft snay over his brother clergymen, and how he exclaimed. 'Brethren, 1 have served the Lord thirty years and in that time have not uttered a prt farm word but I'll be d-d if 1 can't whip the man that soaped that there horn!' Our readers, we say, have all heard this, but have perhaps never heard the sequel as given to us yesterday, by a gentleman present. Some two days after, a tall swarthy, vil. lainous desperado strolled on the ground and leaned against a tree, listening tot ho eloquent exhortation to repent, which was being made by the preacher. After a while he became interested, finally affected and then took a position on the anxious seat, and with his face between his hands commenced groaning in 'the very bitier ness" of his sorrow. The clergyman walked down and endeavored to console him.—No consolation—he was too great a sinner, he said. Oh, no; there was pardon for the vilest. No; he was too wicked—there was no mercy for him. • W by, what crime have you committed? said the preacher —•hu• - e yon stolen?' 'Oh, worse than that!, 'What! have you by violence robbed fe- male innocence of its virtue?' Worse—than oh, worse than that!' 'Murder, is it? gasped the horrified preacher. , Worse than that!' groaned the smitten sinner. The excited preacher commenced peel ing oft'his outer garments. 'Here, Brother Cola should he—.hold my coat—l've found the fellow that soap ed 'hat horn!' KrPaddy, will you buy my watoh now? Atal is it about selling your watch ye are, Mike? Troth, it is, darling. What's the price? Ten shillings and a mutchkin of the creature. Is the watch a docent one? Sure and I've had it twenty years, and IL sever once.desaved me. WtII, here's your tin; now tell me, does it go well! Bedud, an' it goes faster thou any watch in Connaught, Munster, Ulster or ',muter not barring Dublin. Bad luck to ye, Mike, you have taken 'me in. Didn't you say it never desaved lota Sure an' I did —nor did it—lor t wet devindoll on it. , ,• , • S ( 7 , P. 0 It r n CURIOSITY CF PEOPLE TO SEE THE A Night in a Pigeon Boost. DEAD.—In nothing is the curiosity of peo pie moeeManifest than in the constant de- Just now the wild pigeons r o ost in sire to see the dead. When a person dies merable numbers in the Chenangs Swamp in the neighborhood„ particularly if on Crawford county, Pa., about ten miles the-level of the class of 'the people who' long by.two or three wide, grown up with tve adjacent, th .re oceans nu innate curi- tarnerack; or larch trees and alder bushes. osity to see how lie or she looks; and ini- The editor of the Ashtabula Sentinel has • mediately the house is throngedwith idlers ; beedninong the pigeoni. He gripe ' anxious to get a • fight of the dead. The I WI., within two miles of the roosting question arises, why , are people so curious place, we began to hear the roar of the to see inanimate dust of a once hunian wings of the millions of birds there COD being? lJn people by these means try nod gregated, which literally equaled the roar familiarize themselves wrih the destroyer !of Ningare. Hut the sights and sounds rid revolve in their own minds about how I that greeted us no we neared the stamp, they shall look, and what kind of a corpse beggars description. 'fhere were probe ; they shall make? Do house where bly u hundred hunters assembled and at hail, has occurred in the family of one work. These were divided into parties of in the lower walks of life; you win pass not more than Las or three—some in the a squad of curious lookers or around the , tamaracks, and some in, the alders. At a door, and as you reach the room le which shot in the bushes the birds rose in a muss the body lays, you find it hot and suffeca- and settled in the trees; and when flied tiug with the breath of many timas the upon there they flew to the bushes. number of people who can be present coin-I This changingcontiinued all night. At fortably. or who con in any cuss em- a single shot, the fleck always rose and ployed. In the majorrty of cases they do flew a short distance to settle or be fired not care to be employed—only effecting upon again. 'this scene lasted all night. sack small jobs Ns will ensure their remain• The usual mode of huntir.g tire pigeons is frig. These people gaze with a vacant and for taco men :o go together—one with a seemingly unsatisfied curiosity on the face gun, and the other with a bag and lantern and body of the dead. it is interesting to and matches. As soon as the shot is fiebd wale!) this vacant and listless curiosity. I the bag man strikes a light and .(bags" the There is with all a seriousness diet seems ; birds; and this must be done speedily, or s o unlikely to be deliberately courted. I the wounded ones will hide and he lost When passaig out through the loungers dozen is quite a heavy loud for any at the door anxious, to get in, but seeming man. We “gin rout" under five dozen, to lack the confidence, the question conies very soon. We were told to Ere with one to you irony one or more anxious serious barrel at the bushes, and ' with the ether face: Does he look natural ?Is he changed at the "Lineup" the term boi/pu, is a very muohl—a id other questions, that show a I natural one, for at every shot the flock ail longing desire to know allabout the dead. In the ease of those who have died sud- rise straight upward, and after circling a few moments. make n swooping course, denly, all these things become intensified ; and then alight perhaps within a few yards all the women and children in the neigh• of where they rose. The number killed boyhood call and look with eagerness un stews almost incredible. One roan killed the corpse, and it seems to matter little whether they eve!' saw tire person before four dozen at a single shot, and one hon. mired in the night. • leave always been unable to account for it, says i grace before a cotillon, swears n his sermons, select his text indifferently (rein unless it be speculating ou the vague un : certainty when death shall reach them. the bible. the books of Mormon, an alma or opt, Butter. Why is it, my son, that when you drop your bread and butter, it is always the but.. tared s;de down? I don't know. It hadn't oughter, had it? The strongest side ought to be upper most, hadn't it ma? and this yere is the strongest butter I ever seed. Hush up; it's some of your aunt's churn ing. Did she churn It? The great lazy thing ! What, your aunt? No ; this yero butter. To make that poor old woman churn it, when it's strong enough. to churn itself! Be still, Ziba ! It only wants working over. Well, warm, if l's you, when I did it, I'd put in lots of tnolassess. You good for nothing I I've ate a great deal worse in the most urtstocrotic New York boarding houses. Well, people of rook ought to eat It. Why people of rank? 'Cause it's rank butter You varmint you ! What makes you talk so smart? The butter bus taken the skin off my tongue, mother. •• Zibo, don't lie ! I c in't throw away the butter. It don't signify. I'll tell you, mann, what I'd do with it. Keep it to draw blisters. You ought to see the flies keel over, and die, as soon as they touch it. Ziba, don't exaggerate; but here ;a twenty-five cents—go to the store and buy a pound of fresh. WerA sun of the Emerald Isle, with a black carpet bag in hip hand, stepped into a store lately, and asked him to write him it ticket. I suppose you wish to vow the demo. cratic ticket. • Yes. Lewis Ames for Sheriff. Is he a Dinnkma Yes. G. W. Hunt for Trustee. Is he a Dimikratt Yes. The devil for Register. Arruli, now, is he a DimilErst? Oh yes; of conrse. Then bedad, that's my ticket—l'll rote fur him edr There is a great deal of discussion going so just now' upou the question of bunging Old Brown. Our opinion is, that it turns entirely upon political nconsidara tious. Ile will be dealt with in a manna that will bring the most capitol to the Dent ocretaic party, as he is in their hands. nac, or the President's message, and is perpetually quarreling for the sake of peace His religion is a joke, and he makes the best story teller a chief of the quorum. He assumes dignities, but has not the slighest respect for them; and the effect of his piety is to put bim on a level with the greatest reprobate of the time. In short, he is the Latter Day Saint; or in other words, the last one you would think of callings saint. ger A sailor the other day, in describing his hrst efforts to become a waterman, says that just at the close of a dark night, he 'was sent aloft to see if he could see alight. Mier a short Limo he was hailed from the deck so ith— ql Ist ahead ahoy?' 'Aye, aye, sir,' was the reply. 'Do you see a light?' 'Yes, sir.' 'What light?' 'Daylight, sir.' The lookout was ordered down with is run. • 'Yung man, what are the wages here? Dou't What does your employer get on Satur• day night? Tight as a brick. The Husband who was to Mind the House. Once on a time there was a mon so sur• ly and cross, he never thought his wife did anything right in the house. So one evening. in haymaking time, he came home, welding and swearing ; and showing hi. teeth and intdolig a dust. 'Deur love, don't be so angry, there' a good man," said his goody; "to•tuorrow let's change our work. go out wite the mowers and inow,and you shall mind the house at home." Yee the husband thought that would do very well; he was quite willing ha said. So, early the next morning, his goody took a scythe over her neck, and went out into the hayfield with the mowers, and began to mow; but the man was to mind the house ut home. First of all, he wanted to churn the but ter; but when he had churned a while he got thirsty, uud went down to the cellar to tap a barrel of ala. So just when he had knocked in the bung, ond was putting the tap into the cask, lie heard overhead the pig cme into the kitchen. When off he •rent up the cellar itups, with the tap to his hand, an last as he could, to look after the pig, lest it should upset the chars; hut when he got up, and saw the pig had al ready knocked the churn over, lind stood there rooting ■nd grunting amongst th ereamoellich was r ..1 C., ever ---I-L.-- • Editor & Propricor floor, he got au wild with rage that he quite forgot the ale barrel, and ran at the pig as hard as he could. He caught It lust as it Tan out of doors, and gave tt such a kick that piggy lay for dead cn the spot. Then all afonce he remembered he had the :op in his hand; but when he got down to the cellar, every drop of the had run out of the cask. Then he went into the dairy and found,. enough cream left to fill the churn again and so he began to churn; for butter they must have at dinner. When he had churned a bit,. ho remembered that theit milking cow was still shut up in the byre, nd hadn't had a bit to drink all the mor ning, though the sun was high• Then all at once he thought twas too tar to take her down to the meadow, so he'd just get bar up on the house top—for the house. you lutist know woo thatched with sods, and a fina crop of grass was growing there. Now weir house lay close against a steep down, and he thought il.he laid a plank across to the thatch at the back, ne'd ea sily get the cow up. But still he couln't leave the churn, for there was his little babe crawling about on the flour, and 'cif t leave it," he thought "the child is sure to upset it." So he took the churn on his bock, and went out with ; but then he thought he'd better water the con before he turned her out on the thatch ; as he took up a bucket to draw water out of the well, but as he stooped. down at the well's brink, all the cream ran out of the churn over his shoulders, and so on dawn into the well. Now it was near dinner time,, hadn't got the Muter yeti so he thought he'd ',.est boil t"e porridge, and filled the put with water, and hung it over the fire. When he had Milne that, he thought the cow might perhaiis fall oli the thatch and break her legs or neck. So he got up on the house to tie her up. One end of the rope he made lust to the cow's neek..afid and tied round his own thigh ; and he had to make haste, for the water began to boil in the pot, and he had still to grind the oatmeal. So he began to grind away ; but while he was lord at it, down fell the cow oft the house-top after all, and as she fell she dragged the man up the chimney by the rope. There he stuck fast; and as for the cow, she hung half way down the wall, swinging between, heaven and . , earth, for she could neither get dcwn nor up. And now the good lady had waited sev en lengths and seven breathe for her hus band to come and call her home to dinner; but never a call they had. At last she thought she'd waited long enough, and went home. But when she got there and saw the cow hangingin such an ugly pace she ran up and cut the rope in two with her scythe. But as she did this down came her husband out of the chimney ; so when his old dame came inside the kitch en, there she found him standing on his head in the porridge pot —Norse Tales. A RECENTLY married young man gat in. oxioated at a party, and in that state went home to his wife. As soon as he appeared she leaped from the sofa, on which she had been half reclining, and throwing tier alabaster arms about his neck, inquired. “Are you iil dearest?— What ails you? You do not seem to be yourself." '.Well, the t-t.truth is that— that—that I went to sit•sk up with a sick brother, belonging to eur.our lodge; you see my love, and the li-light•light went out and giving him brandy, as•as the doctor had pre-prescribed, 14 must have ma made a mistake•a mistake in the da.clark, and :alien the liquor myself, wt-whioh I should•should-ha•have hand-handed my friend—you see, my dear." Pouricer..—loe I' What.' EWhat'a your views—Mason or Anti Mason?' 'Neitho•.' 'How sot' I'm a carpenter.' eir 'I am afraid you,ll come to want,' said a mother to a young man. , 1 have come to want already, he re plied, !1 want your daughier.' gt.'Study elegance of expression; avoid vulgar sayings. 111. - Give a wise mu, health and he will give himself everythiny else. Be not hasty in spirit to be angry, for anger rosteth in the bosom of boll. li is not sufficient for legislators to close the avenues to erotic, they ilotild open those which lead to virtue. 4 1.111J,1ns etpant tqa pronatrar„ ( NO. :i8