Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 23, 1859, Image 1

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    t 6 inviting) pit
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After'one or more numbers of a new year
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Scrofula, or King's Evil,
it onestitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Tieing in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any port of it. No organ is free
from its attack. nor is there one which it may
not de,troy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered ,w unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing NiCCE, and,
above ell, by the venereal infection. What
aye: he its origin, it iv hereditary in the con
stitution, d , centling freer 'mints to children
unto the third and north gen , ,tion ;" indeed,
it recurs to be the rod of h im who says,
will vh,it the illiquidrre of the fathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on
thelturface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, as that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have fee less power to with
stand the attaeks of other diseases conse
quently, tenet numbers perish by disorders although no: SOlSlfaidUs in their nature.
sans still rendered faro by tale ettnt it the
system. !lost of the consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in thin scrofulous contamination; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous;
their persons ore invelled by this lathing in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
• cleanse it fr,on the system we must renovate
tbs blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorato it 1,7 healthy food and exercise.
Such a malletme we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the newt effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times con devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined front the most active remedial', that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disc - Trier from the blood, and the rescue of the
effstent from its destructive consequences.
Ifenee it should be employed for the cure of
rot only scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise front it, such as EnurrivE
Roan, or, Palmas, Pearetts,
and SALT ltuErm, SCALD HEAD, nun:moms,
eatEn, Dancer, I/ran:cam, DEBILITY, and,
indeed, AM Courtatxts AILISINO FROM VMA.
71110 on larette Iltoon. The popular belief
in ~ intro - ley of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula in a degeneration of the blood. The
particular ptupose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to ptuify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contami'lated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely withstand or erode them
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy sitalities. Asa consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored by a remedy at once an
find inviting.
t only do they core the every-day complaint s
of every body, but oleo many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and directions
for their use in the following complaints : Costive
ness, Ifeadburn, Headache arising from disordered
Nonsach, Nausea, Indigestion, diatomn and Morbid
inaction of the Dowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe
tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
Of its function..
Ayers Cherry Pectoral,
ron 'gun RADII; CURB or
.t! hs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
a 'up, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump.
tmti, and for the relief of Consumptive
katients in advanced stages of the
Pc wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
worm are the eases of its cures, that almost
• ry section of country abounds in persons pub
', ly known. who have been restored from alarming even desperate discern of the lungs by its
Fr. When once tried, its superiority over every
medicine of Its kind is too apparent to escape
• rration, and where its virtuosi arc known, the
. le no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
the disuniting and dangerous affections of ohs
monary organs that are incident to our climate.
. de many inferior remedies thrust upon the
:inanity have failed and been discarded, this
arm gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
sn the afflicted they can never forget, and pro
,iced cures too minimus and too remarkable le
DR. J. C. AYER & CO.
Jour ReAn n 'AgentKuntingdon, Pi.
1171, Is
The Country Lassie.
She blossomed in the country,
Where sunny summer fling,
Her rosy arms around the earth,
And brightest blessings brings;
Health was her sole inheritance,
And grace her only dower;
I never dreamed the wild wood
Contained so sweet a flower.
Far distant from the city
And inland from the sea,
My lassie bloomed in goodness,
As pura as pure could be.
She caught her dewy freshness
From hill and mountain bdwer,
I never dreamed the wild wood
Contained so fair a flower.
The rainbow must have lent her
Some of its airy grace;
The wild rose parted with a blush,
That nestled on her face;
The sunbeams got entangled in
The long waves of her hair,
Or she had never grown to be
So modest and so fair.
The early birds hove taught her
Their joyous matin song,
And some of their soft innocence,
She's been with them so long.
And for her now, if need be,
I'd part with wealth and power ;
I never dreamed the wild wood
Contained so sweet a flower.
To my mind, there is nothing in all the
world half so beautiful, half so delightful
or half so lovable as 'a nice girl.' I don't
mean a pretty girl, or a dashing girl, or a n
elegant girl, but 'a nice girl.' one of those
lively, good tempered, good heat Led sweet
faced, amiable, neat, natty, domestic crea
tures whom we !neat .n the spere of Home
diffusing around the dons eotic hearth tho
influence of het goodness, like the essence
of sweet flowers.
What we all know by a nice girl,' is
not the languishing beauty who dawdles
on a sofa and talks of a last new ravel or
the last n 7 opera; or the great giraffe
looking girl, who creates en effect by
sweeping majestically through a drawing
room. The mice girl' does not oven donou
well, or play well, and she, does:not know
is bit how to use her eyes or coquette with
a fan. She never languishes; she is too
active for that; she is not given to novel
reading for she is always too busy.. And
as to the opera, when she goes there she
does not think it necessary to show her
bare shouders, but sets generally away in
the hack part at the box, unheeded and
unnoticed. It is not in such scenes that
we discover the "nice girl." It is at
"Borne." Who is it that rises first in the
morning and gets the breakfast ready be.
lore the family Coln es down? Who is it
that makes papa's toast and carries up ma
ma's tea and puts buttons on the boy's
shirts, and waters the flowers, and chick.
ens, and makes everything bright and com
fortable in the parlor 1 Is it the sofa
beauty, or the giraffe, or the elegant crea
ture ? By no means. It is the 'nice girl.'
Her unaided toilet has been performed to
the shortest possible space of time; yet
how charmingly her hair is done, how aim.
ply elegant is her silk dress and plain white
collar. What hearty kisses she eistrib
utes unasked, among the members of th e
family. She dose not present her cheek,
or her brow, like the !!fine girl," but takes
the initiative herself, and kisses the boys
one after another, with an audible 'smack'
which says aloud, love you ever so
much.' If I ever covited anything in my
life it is one of those kisses from that 'nice
girl.' She is quite at home in all the do
mystic duties. She troubles no one to
'help the kettle.'
Breakfast over, she dives down into the
kitchen to see about dinner! and all day
long she is running up and down stairs, al
ways doing, and always cheerful and light
hearted. And she never ceases to be ac
tive and nseful until the day is gone, when
she will polka with the boys, and sing old
songs„ and play old tunes to her father for
hours together, and never tire. She is a
perfect treasure, is the 'nice girl.' When
illness comes, it is she that attends with
unwearying patience the sick chamber„—
There is no risk, no amount of fatigue that
she will not undergo; no sacrifice that she
will not make. She is all love, all devo•
Lion, I have often thought that it would
be happiness to be ill, to be watched by
such loving eyes and tended by such fair
One of the most strongly marked char-
acteristics of a 'nice girls,' is tidiness and
simplicity of dress. She is invariably as
sociated in my mind with a high frock, a
plain collar; and the neatest of neck rib.
bons; bound with the most modest little
brooch in the world. I never kneiv a
'nice girl' yet, who displayed a profusion
of rings and bracelets, or who wore low
dresses, or a splendid bonnet. Nor car.
imagine a 'nice girl' with curls; but this
may be a prejudice.
lam quite sure, however, that .coax•
ers,'—those funny little curls which it has
been the fashion to gum upon the cheek
with bandoline—are totally inconsistent
with the character of a 'nice girl.' And
if any one whom I have been disposed to
regard as a 'nice girt' wore to appear with
her bonnet stuck on the back of her head
I would cease to believe in her from that
moment. The only degree of latitude
which I feel disposed to allow to my beam
ideal—should it be in this case belle ideal
—is kid boots with brass holes. There is
ana melees charm about tidy feet which,
I believe, the whole world recognizes.
I maintain that a neatly booted foot, and
a well shaped aside, in conjunction with
a clean white petticoat, and a tight stock
ing, will nearly make amends for a squint.
Young men is it not so? Yes—you con
fess it.
I say again, there is nothing in the world
hull so beautiful, half so intrinsically good,
as a 'nice girl.' She is the swceteet flow
er in the path of life. There are others
far more stately, far more gorgeous; but
these we merely admire as we go by. it
is whore the daisy grows that we lie down
to rest.
Under every condition, every aspect, I
admire—nay, that is too cold asword—l
love the 'nice gill.' Under every condi
tion, every aspect, save one—that one is
the condition of matritnony. When I
hear that or.e of the 'nice girls' of my ac
quaintance is about to be married--about
to be monopolized by some beast with
whiskers, and on ugly sister to be brides
maid, I become faint and sick at heart.
Where 'nice 'girls' dwell it should he
written up as on gates of choice gardens
'Do not pick the flowers!' Oh it is hor
rid, horrid, to see I hnt spruce go ntleman
come in and take her away inn a corner
for the: rest of the evening. I
_nosy not
waltz with her now; I may not catch her
at blind nine's boa, I tinny not sit by her
and turn over the leaves an she singe
'Auld Rabbits Gray,' even though it were
Christmas time, I may not any more kiss
her under the mistletoe; I may not even
look at her! There is that horrid, spruce
man with whiskers, glowering at tne as if
he would eat me. I sigh as the remem.
brance comes over me of the many , nice
girls' whn has thus been torn, ruthlessly
torn from me by spruce, and I am sure we
should get on much better without them.
1 cannot bear to think of a 'nice girl'
getting married. I cannot contemplate
with patience what she is about to become.
What is she about to become? She is
about to become the slave of a man. In
less than a year her figure will be eternally
spoilt. In less than a year she will wear
sloppy dresses and wrappers of a morning.
She will leave ofl garters, and her stock
ings will hang loose. She will lose the
bloom in her cheek, and the merry twin
kle in her eye. She w ill have a baby. I
say I cannot contemplate this spectacle
with patience. I once visited one who
hac: been a 'nice girl,' a year or two alter
her marriage. The figure which she pre
sented shocked me. I could of cried
with vexation; and I am sure if ber hus
band bad come in, I should have kicked
him. I have resolved never to go through
such an ordeal again. When 'nice girl
marries now, I ant done with her forever.
You may wonder why since lam such
an admirer of 'nice girls,' I have never
made one my own--why, in fact, I have
never married one. I hare loved admired,
and adored them too much for that. I
could no more marry a 'nice girl,' than I
could wilfully trample down a bed of flow
ems. I have all my life considered it, and
still do consider it, a crime little short
of sacrilege to marry a 'nice girl.' Who
but a savage would deface a beautiful
sculpture? Who but a wretch would
stand with his book to the fire, and monop.
olize all the heat? To the man who at
tempts to marry a 'nice girl,' I say as
Diogeies to Alexander, 'Get ,he out of
my sun!'
Marry a .nice girl !' Never ! I know
what it would be. No mere is a hero to
bis valet de chambre, and no husband,
am sure, is a fire fellow in his wife's eyes
after she has mended his socks. On the
other hand, I am certair. there must be hor.
rid disenchantment about a skimp flannel
petticoat and a cotten night cap with
No; let the mice girls' alone. Let her
be the life and sunshine of 'Home' for
ever. Let as many hearts pint) away and
die with the rest. But change not Miss
into Mrs. I rob not her of her girlishness
and simplicity ; pollute not the gushing
fountain of her love, utch flooa for all
and fall like-dew upol the world. Let
her be a 'nice girrforeir; for such as she
never grow old. or lose ,e power to charm
If yon must marry, may the oetuty---the
clever girl--•the dashinsirl•-•anr kind of
girl you like, but leaveie, oh leave me,
the 'nice girl. For hetake, I will five a
bachelor to the end or v days; and when
I die, desire nothing beer than to have
such a one to watch ovame and close my
A Chapter on abies.
baby in the houss a well-spring
of pleasure." Then e houses of our
ambitious little villiageaust be well wa
tered, for such a ercy °babies as we show
this seasons has rarely been exhibited
since Barnum's famcii harvest, a few
years since. Indeed. I)i:excessive efforts
and improvements in I.h direction, led one
amateur judge to obser4, in tho classic
lat:gnage of Young Amirica,that .cif we
were a one•horse, we vere , ertainly not
a one-baby concern."
Oar district has ever been elebrated for
its choice flowers and elegat boquets.
Several gentlemen have proved that our
blackberries and pears are ikely to be.
come as renowned as our tme-honored
pippin, and now we may ad with truth,
that our babies are as "plant) as blackber
ries," and quite as worthy ofnotice. We
have large babies and sinallbabies; light',
babies and dark babies; qukt babies and
noisy babies; boy babies ant girl babies—
all soils of babies, except ugly babies and
cross babies—fortunately all our babies are
good and handsome!
A 3 We poor childless wives meekly go
from house to house, we learn that each
new baby that is presented for our inspec
tion is heavier, prettier, more forward and
more excellent than any other mother's
baby. '',firs Slouch's baby is a nice lit
tle creature, but so small !" ''Mrs Slim's
baby is a cunning farm , but what a head!
li't'he Tumble Bug's babies are always
ri,int,r. and tho nem- o3d heft ench. tams
(not starry) eye's." Mrs Plindoes baby
is a darling little girt; but did you sae NO
nose?" Whearas this baby—that is, the
we are holding in our awkward, un
accustomed arms—is just the dearest, love
liest, cunningest little creature that ever
was born! We stifle down a rebellious sigh
as we think of our own quiet home, where
cradle cares and cradle joys never intrude;
where no gentle baby breathings ever
freight the air with sweet anxieties, where
no baby's soft murmur of satisfied content
or helpless complaining is ever to break
the unnatural still of childless home, We
look on this mother's baby, and our yearn
, ing becomes a prayer of faith to know that
' "God doeth all things well!"
What a fine thing it is that each mother
thinks so well of her baby. We cannot
help smiling at this over admiration which
sees no defect in the little sift "bundle of
pink flesh" and white cambric. We listen,
as the pretty lady, duly arrayed in an ele
gant dishabille, recounts the peculiar ex
cel lencies of her new treasure, and we can
sec nothing more beautiful and interesting
titan a smile of perfect content, with which
as the nurse ham's out the baby, the con
valescent turns back the blanket, and dis
closes the little face and tiny arms. What
if the mother's eyes were not so enchan
ted; what would become of all the unlace
, ly babies? What would be the fate of those
unsightly little monsters that are born in
this troublesome world? It is a delightful
weakness, this Inordinate affection—see
will not degrade it by the name of instinct,
but allow it the noble one of affestionate
juegement. The generalty of mankind
may take comfort in the thought that,
however unloved and unappreciated they
ma!' have been' each one, was for time, at
least, and to one person, the most attrac
tive, the most interesting and the most im
portant of the human nee. Beautiful
manifestation of a glorious nature is this
instinct of maternal love! From the high
est to the lowest order of creation fervent
ly may we bless God for such a transcen•
dant gift. No elevation of rank, no deg
redation of sin, can extinguish the spark,
and though it be perverted or exaggera
ted, still there is ever in its partiality, ra
tience, self.denial and self-forgetfulness, a
holy beauty that must compel respect.
have heardof cWI things; but
never anything cooler than the following.
The landlord of a hotel in a western town
called a boarder to him one day, and said:
' , Look here, I want you to pay your bill,
and you must. I've asked you often
enough, and you don't leave my house till
you pay far it." ..Good," said hie lodger,
..just put that in writing, make a regular
agreement of it, and I'll stay with you as
lopg as you live.
ril ILI.
Ossawatamie Brown
Was a soldier in the war of 1812, a.
fought at Plattsbc rg.
It is understood that U.S. Attorney Ould
of Washington, and other federal officers,
were here yesterday; and it is supposed
they mime hither for the purpose of arra+.
ting Fred Douglas, for his alleged par
ticipation in the organized scheme against
the Slaveholding States of which the Bar
pet's Ferry insurrection was but, one of
the appointed results. Such being the
prevailing impression, we have taken a
little pains to inquire whether Fred is like
ly to be caught; or whether lie has placed
hitnself beyond the jurisdiction of the offi
cers supposed to be in quest of him. We
are told that he is 4, .infe;" or to other words,
that he is already outside of the United
States. Tilts information may be true and
it may not be. But it in likely to be tru e
since it is so easy a matter to go from
Rochester to Canada, either by Buffalo or
Niagara, or by other routes. However,
we do not pretend to be accurately posted,
and we would not have the U. S. rely
upon our information so implicitly as to
modify their operation in the least.
A " Noble Animal " for Sale.
A man in Wisconsin has a horse which
he wishes to sell. It the animal actually
possesses all the deiiirable qualities set
forth in the owner's advertiser - haat, he
must be worth more than King Richard
olleled for a horse on a trying occasion,
here is an extract from the advertisement:
Thou canst trust thy labor to hum, be•
cause his strength is great.
Thou mist bind him with his band in
the furrow ; se will harrow the valleys
after thee.
His strength is terrible in which he re
The glory of his nostrils is his pride;
his neck is clothed with thunder.
He paweth in the valley, and wax"th
proud in his speed.
He mocketh at fear. neither turneth he
his bath from the hobgoblins,
Le, now he moveth, his tail like it cedar;
His bones are like strong pieces of brass,
yea, like tiers at iron.
Ile euteth greee like an ox, behold he
drusketh up a river sad.truetvih that he
can draw up Jordan in his mouth.
Who can open tho door of his face ?
yet thou canst approach hull with a bridel.
His teeth are terrible 'round al.out.
I will not conceal his parts, nor his
power, nor his comely portions.
"He is gentle. he hie kind,
And his tail sticks out behind."
And I want to sell him for something I
can pay my debts wills.
A Fine Party•—
People poured in. The room began to
swarm. There was a warm odor of kid
gloves, scent bags and heliotrope, There
was an One hundred gentleman said,
"How warm it is t." One hundred ladies
of the highest fashion answered "Very."
Fifty young men, who all wore coats, col
lars and waistcoats that seemed to have
been node in the lump, and all after the
same pattern, stood speechless about the
rooms, wonle7ing what under the heavens
to do with their hands. Fifty older star-
.vied men, who had solved that problem,
folded their hands behind their backs, and
beamed vaguely about, nodding their
heads wherever they recognized any other
head,:and saying "Good evening," and
then, and, after a little more beaming,
"flow are yert" Waitors.pushing about
with trays covered with little glasses of
lemonade and port-sangaree, which of
fered favorable openings to, the unernloyed
young men and the married gentlemen,
who crowded along with a glass in each
hand, frightening all the ladies and beg
ging everybody,s pardon.—" Trumps,"
G. W. Curtis.
Laving colloquy actually took place at an
eastern post office:
Pat— , I soy, Mr. P'xitoffice,' is there a
litter for ins?"
P. M.—" Who are you my good sir?"
Pat.—" It's rueself, that's who I ant?"
P.M .—. Well, what's your name?"
Pat.—" An' what do ye want met the
name? isn't it on the litter?"
P. M.—" So that I can find the letter if
there ie one."
Pat.—" Well, Mary Burns, thin if ye
must have it."
P. M.—" No sir—there is none for
Mary Burns."
Pat— , —ls there no way to git in there
but through this pane of glass?"
P: M.—" No. air"
Pat.—'.lt's well for ye there isn't •••I'd
tache ye bitter manners than to insist on a
gintleman's name; but ye didn't git it after
ell-•-so I'm even wid ye, divil a bit is my
name Burns!"
The Two Headed Girl'
The Frankfort (Ky.) Permian, of Tues
day, says of this most singular creature.
now on exhibition there:--"Mad'lle Chris
tina Al illy is now in her ninth year, and
possesses the extraordinary appendages of
two fine heabs, four arms. and four feet,
all concentrated in one perfect body. She
has two pretty intelligent faces, denot lag
vivacuy of life and genuine mirthfulness.
She sings sweetly many of the most popu
lar songs and ballads of the day, and car
converse with two persons at the some
Limo upon one or different subjects. The
movements el the body are easy and quick,
enabling her to dance, walk or run with
as mud. style and rapidity PS any child of
her age. Not the least deformity will be
found in limb; body or features.
Power of the Human Eye.
Herr Driesbach, the famous lion tamer,
was at a hotel; and one night, a powerful
and savage drunken man was terrifying
every person in the bar-room. Herr Dries
volunteered to 'get an eye on him and fix
him;' u*l crowding himself in front of
the inebriate rowdy, he fastened his tern•
ble eye on hint. The fellow stooped over
towards the tamer, putting his hands on
his knees, and returned the glze as well
as he could in his then confused slate
The tamer • 'hought things were working,
and intimated as much by a nod of his
head to the crowd, when the subject as
ked in a calm dispassionate ,nahnar, .what
are you looking at !"Never you mind,'
said the tamer, throwing all the power he
could muster into his eyes; but the sub
ject did mind, fcr with a startling w! on•
ep, he dealt Driesbach a tremendous blow
under the left enr, which sent him through
a glass door into the next room, where he
came to a sudoen stop against a hard
THE GRAVE of David Hume, the skeptic I
is io Edinburgh. A correspondent say'
! --it is a circular stone building; over its
iron-grated door there is inscribed hi s
name with the dates of his birth and death•
No dun fat, Volmire, be flattered him.
k ; self that , ho 0
k •;lv..n t0.1.1..L1ew to
IChriatiar,.. fl, behold, there on the
wall of hio t, ,n alaacu were flesh Of hip
flush and bone of his bone,,ibear testimony
to the fallacy of his expectation. On its
ontside, and immediately above the nom
of Hume himself, there is a tablet contain_
mg an inscription, by a David Hume, to
his wife Jane Alder, dated 1817, closing
with these wordy, 'Behold I come quickly.
Thanks be to God, who giveth us',the vie
tory throng!' our Lord Jesus Christ." Al•
so, in the interior, there is another tablet,
sacred to the memory of David Hume,
one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and
his two sons, dated in 1848, the whole sur
mounted by these encoueraging words,'l
am the Resurrection and the Life.' "
gar 117 hen a Ti'Ts - c - onsin girl is hissed
she looks suprised and says :—,llow
could you ?' To which swain rep lies—'l
will give me great pleasure to show you.'
and proceeds to give her a duplicate.
The em allest song in the world
We three
Brothers be
In one cause ;
Bill puffs
Tom snuffs,
And I chaos.
Squareing Time.--The word time,
when arificially tran4posed, or inetagra
matized, forms the following words—meti,
item ; and if the afore-named and its an
agrams be placed in a quadraic posilion
they will form what may be termed an and
agrnmmatip palindrome:
The different transpositions of the word
time are all Latin as well as English, and
may be read forward, backward down and
-- iiirA,feilow was arrested far stealing,
ducks, and after a description of them, the
counsel for the prisoner said
'Why they cannot be of such a rare
breed, for I have some of them in my own
'Very likely,' said the complainant ; 'I
have lost a good many lately.'
4 W all/ savl a safr headed brother Jon
athan. the other day, 'Sukey has gin me
the sack, by gravy, I've iost he - .'
'Lose her 1 how I' inquired the sympa
rising Beeswing.
'I laid flattery on her so thick that the
critter got so proud she wouldn't speak
to me.
Doctor.—. John, did Mrs. Green get the
medicine I ordered 1'
Clerk•••I guess so for I saw it crape .on
the door this morning.'
Editor & Proprieor•
NO. 47.
The violet loves a sunny bank,
The cowslip loves the lea,
The scarlet creeper loves the elm ;
But I love—the.
The sunshine kisses mount and vale,
The stars they kiss the sea,
The west winds kiss the clover bloom;
But I kiss—the.
The oriole weds his mottled mate,
The lilly's bride o' the bee;
Heaven's marriage- ring is round the
Shall I wed thee?
A Remarkable Family,—
A correspondent of the Ohio Citizen
furnishes the editor of that paper with the
fo!lowing account of a remarkable family,
residing at present in Bourbon county, Ky
The old gentleman id a native of Mary
land, and in his 70th year :
feet inches, pounds.
6 4 200
Mother, 6 4 286
Thomas, 6 4
James, 6 6
saran, 6 6
_ _ _
6 11
Elijiiti, 6 2 210
Matthew 6 6 220
Eli, 6 6 197
Daughter, 6 3 160
Total-70 height , weight 2298
The family ore all living, except the
youngest daughter. All are wealthy and
of the first families of Kentucky.
SW" Where was John Rogers burnt to
death?" said a teacher to one of his pupils
in a commanding voice,
He couldn't tell•
"The 'text. ,
"Joshua knows," said a little girl at the
foot of the glass.
said the teacher, "it Joshua
knows he may tell."
' , ln the fire,' said Jeshaa, looking very
solemn and wise.
1 This was the last question.
War Out West, the law gives damages
for appare,t breach of promise. The
b..holoro. however, obviate the , difficulty
by having their cards labeled, Taloa for
this call only.'
efir it is sa;d that a Yankee baby will
crawl out of his cradle, take a survey of it,
invent an improvement, and apply for a
patent before he is six months old.
oar Bomb°, what man dat has a trade
is the biggest liar Why de shoemaker,
because he weber makes de work when he
gar A woman was fined 1110 with costa
at Memphis, Tenn., for disturbing a church
by laughing, and refusing to stop her mer
U 11r Tho most tender hearted man we
ever heard of was a shoemaker, aho al
wayeshut his eyes and whistled when
he run his ewl into a sole.
our A lady out West is charged with
Tutting on airs.' because she refilled to go
to a ball bare footed.
up- shall soon leave,' as tho oak
said to the pane in the Spring. 'You'll be
green if you du,' was the reply.
1111 r Tho young lady who saw a baby
WHIM kissing it has acknowledged that
her friend's bonnet is handsomer thnn her
ow n,
'Much remains unsung,' aithe tom-cat
remarked to the brickbat, when it abrupt
ly cut short his serenade.
The woman who never interfered with
her husband's aflairs vrived in town the
other day. She is an old---maid.
Beeswing says, the first time a woman
marries Is generally to please another. the
second time is invariably to please her
An object of. , inierest'...A girl whose in.
come is three thousand dollars a year.
air A boy in this town, was asked one
day what made him so dirty. and his reply
was, "I am made, so they tell me, of the
dust of the ground, and 1 reckon it's just
working out."
air W hat part of Scripture would two
lathes fulfil when they kiss each other?
"Doing unto others what they would that
men should do unto them."
s the women.