Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 16, 1859, Image 3

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a•rr.. imbi,c 11111:11_111011 Bon of I:a Iron.{.
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Wednesday Normal ' , November 9, 1959 o, rt work. 15
J 1
' . Prims n ~droolu !vai.l r I T
LOCAL .INTELLIGENCE ' l' '" "" - -''''
Nit em. or number of th to eaci.liont d Ica.
Pawn et Train. ki iivi: ac. ll, llll \ iti . . as Follows
No 11alsorno, A rrZn Au..— It . ut•tior ""tml l'erioiltral has b. on ricolven, Evory g NIOR IN i
eland, says Friidiy's New York Herati, I teechm• shoal, I m v.. it. Published lit For It. swell and intermediate tinvitthe. kavea
Lancaster, Pa. by I ', FI, Girro, s. et on e at
the' Ooverner Wise has decided not to
doll " " Year. i Rata nt ag err'yeA nt IT nolingdno at t23:1 P. M.
hang Oki Brown and his companion, but EVENING l'lt.t IN.
10 art them to work in the State pettiien.
Tanglefoot.—A citizon of this borough ' For Saxton and intermedinte Station., 1,MV1,1
who has boo'. in liil 4 ing in that b•ll do at
tinny, and have strict examination made ‘lB ken b ., week Returning Rrrive. at Flantingdon at 836 ..
to their sanity, ab tut which there seems to 8 ""Y" , " I ' l ' fi"" I I.Y'. °°"".
by a sight of all the demons, hob goblings I to tint; ti AIM. Sept IP J.
L . , i'o7; l e,i l ; : i ‘ i \r o i aliti
be a little dould. At the expiration of his
&c, 11.1 in Il b y 'dime who indulge to exces, -----
term of office. Governer W ise mill turn PEN NA. R II
them over to his cuccessnr, Govern r mu
dirYcluiln" whisky ..
. R. •
Letchcr, probably to be again ra,pited.
h THE NEW YORK TR18UNE..,.....),, Fll /1711.4.
Trains leave P untingdun as follow,
rirown. Cook dc Co 1,11 he kept to 1... e • EAST. WEST.
hope of catching Seward, Giddings & Co . M 01 Train, Lin e. a. 5.49 0. a
who would be much more welcome in FIVIC Line, 921 A. M. 7.30 P. M.
1 lough I. xpreso. 11 00 0. M. 6.56 A. M.
Virginia then their half crazy tool.. ' ' Emigr alt Train, a. 4, a. M. 1,55 ra.
itlr.gditer,—%Ve saw a:notice in your
riper last week cautioning the boys in
Morris tognship to remain at home, nod
let honest people alone. As there Was a
email accident happened them on the night
of Ilulloweve. The gentleman cif we may
•say gentleman) would have been thanked
much more, if he tad obeyed the eleventh
commandment and not circulated such a
trifling affair, by noticing it in toe paper.
Nov. 16th 1856. X. Y
On last saturday, R. Milton Spear
Inntea 1.1, 0, Corbin. rind James D. Camp
bell piloted a very credm.Lle exiiiiiiiintion,
and era now admitied •to praciice in f o r
. I courts of Penris' in. We ere
iniirnatelyoccquainted with three genii. -
man, and hope they may meet with a de
Aervedly Ithrral patronage.
A oed accident occurred to Ea•Sheefl
f.:recnland on last Fri lay. The Sher
ill had been at this town, and nu his way
home in company with his Riagliter,
Mrs, Wadi, in it buggy, nod whoa
itbout three miles 'rout this pltc.. the
horse becntne trightened "ad ran away
Shan jr to i•ay, Mrs Week succeeded in
jumptag out with her child ,safe, hut the
Sher' ft held out to the horse. and was pre•
misdated from the buLtizy, *onions
CilllC.is4loll of the brain. te.e a.c !wispy
to Irons that he is recovering.
Arrival awl reception of Lieut. Ge•n
txtiteintrit and display which
has prevailed In roughout S Prantisc)
end vicinity on the• run v,l of elea Stint
hue nevtr hew)ryurlltd. „v.•r holy 'hoc
«and souls wets pre a t Ile was e d
with greatin Unary vela,.
Dm Groot Republic —The Nitre's,•
bvr number ol ,his Ants ib
'lo bin periodical iv one of the vita
bebt that it puhliblied iu New Folk. It
in devoted to the besit is( An,eri•
can :itertsturo wholly original. Puli
its New York, by ailfniiiith,&t. .3
per year.
Secem squares of Buildings D rroge:l
- Ths lire dill ru ging— .V, w Odeuns,
Nov. 8 —Seven square, if I:wilding.. from
Witehington to Math street,. in the Fourth
District, were destroyed by lire this, even
ing. 'I he buildings were chiefly moll
in silo, nod eery nuinerous. ?soother
tiquure to now on fire, and the efforts of the
hie men to 'toy the progress of the 0.11111 . $
re inellectui.l, in consequence of tie
any of water.
vibe, Cie, Nov S.—The legislature tart
here yesterday, and both t,ratiches were
organized by the election of Legrand
ity as President of the rienate. and Isaiah
Irvin es Speaker of the House. 'Die Liov
%nor communicated % lengthy message
solely confinea to State business; no reier
onto being made to national politics.
Paper in Japan
Tho number ul uses to which paper is
ut among the Japanese is perfectly won
dean!. IVith the aid of varnish .d skill
NI painting they make of it excellen t
,trunks, tobacco bags. cigar cases, saddles.
teleacope crt,es, Invites fur microscopes
.and water 1.:• of coats, the latter .rally
keeping cut me rain and are as suple a
best mackintosh. They use neither rilk
nor cotton handkerchiefs, towels, or dusters
paper in their hands serves as an excilerit
substitute. . l'he inner walls of many ui
their bonses . are nothing inure Mi. liniiitcd
paper screens, and their k moot, a are
covered with a fine translucent oescript tin
of the mile limier's'. II a armlike, per
has a parcel to tie up, he take* u stip of
paper ruit, it quickly between hie lienJe,
ind uses it ler the purpose. ri,d n le quite
a. strong us the uttlinery atrial; 'lard
among us. One of tile impu anon. for tile
brute, in a marriage contract is, Owe) ri,t
that she tow' have a cert.' quantity of
pope ellu•sed her.
COLUN prraents unrivaled intiocrmrrte
for rvrry onn to buy at bin initinininh
13.. k store. his stock of liaek, Statianary,
iVall Paper, Watches. Jrwr lre, Gold
P,ns, Puri.Maneys, Knaves. Cze. &C. is
<<•iy limpe rind prices • Xkr. , ll , ly Iu v. ru
buy there is but to be atitt."ll and save
war fie funy
.nod visit Prot Covle's
Grind Mu E nertnininent this even•
ing, Yt the Court House. A brilliant pro.
zrninme minima) , net. Only 15 estr.ta.
cm; TitthuNK more than eighteen'
years old, and having over Two Hundred
Thousand subseribera or constant purchasers, •
diffused tht,lllll every State and Territory of
our UnM continue in essence what it
lout been—the earnest champion of Liberty
Progress, and whatever will conduce to our na
tional }troth in Virtue, Industry, Knowledge,
veil Prosperity. It will continue to urge the
emancipation not only of the Black laborer
from chattelism and legal impotence, but of
the White lifrewise from Laud Monopoly, In
tempi...aim, Ignorance, and that dependence
on remote Markets which paralyzes exertion by
denying to Tod any adaq late and morally cer
into reward. Believing that the thief .6; of
our time is the in ird:nate in.atipheatiiiii and
dispropottion 9f Noit•Prodecers. it will eolith..
Eo wait against whatever tends to degrade Man
uel Labar or deprive it of its just and full re
tminicoise. It wil. intd.xihry commend the pol
icy to winning hillier from Europe the Useful
Arts, and, wherever they may be needed. the
Artisans as Wl'll.•far .110711, p..011a,t our em ,
tryis tiow refitting recklessly into debt. while
our laborers roam in fruitless quest of employ.
ment, leaving their children in want of bread,
thouch the farmer is too often compelled to sell
his crops at 1110.4 inudetpotte prices. in I.llr.
While battling against FillihniteriAnt and tot-re
other maitilestatem of that evil spirit which
seeks throti,li the spoilatton of other conotries
that aggronilisentent which i to be truly at•
rained only through the doe :Lod
' cultivittiiiii of our interuatiotiol t YA.IIIN-1, 11
will Ilrgl-1111 . 1. adVlll!alf, a 11111, i30'1,10,1,
crintieming 'Fara the Frin.linii of the Pointe
Lands,thu consi inetina of it R from the
navigable waters ii the of
the Pacific, and entry other iin•ainre
seems to tin calculated io enhance the dignity
er lie reentlipi.lim. it I,:t‘iiir trod promote the
w of Maul:Md.
The "irrepre.lllle lad•veell Dart:
tie,s sad I sil.ll ootil l'ra •ress. Slaver,
s a d rreelleae. 01.1.11. I. a
ted nets .1' lldly and stallaeis to iy tar ilii•
went give it ti, Wilma
lied nitll reigns. mod the Ages are true
,rmktply and year Iy.ill utast alt.
“Ilunoto Slntety be further siirezibeevil end
-tlefesett by die ',Lover nod owlet. the fig al
Fed,rul l; lien r is now Hui
mci taus if i,to etmettolive mower. , Lotol 1;w
• versus Se e m. for the Negro.
toims - tt oh, battle cry of the embodied Slili
lions who, having just swept Pennsylvania,
Ohio sad the North West,. appettr in th e new
I ..losogress, backed by every Free State, to de
mand a recognition) of every man's right to eul.
tivtde mod improve a me &elan of tile earth's
surface wherever he has not lit,at atitieip to
by the Stones's station to souther. Free Homes.
and the conseeration of the virgin soil of our
Terretories to Free Labor—two require:net .
but one pulley—must lar. ely absorb the mime
lion alloolgras4 theta lt 614 i 411014
ar of the People in the succeeding Preside n-
Old canvass; nod, whatever the iintnediate is
ca 11.% doubt that the ultimate verdict
will be in accord at once with the dictates of
impartial Philanthropy and the inalienable
Bights of
Having made arrangements for fuller and
store grophic repo.rts of the doings of Congress
and of whatever else transpiring at the Federal
Metropolis shalt seem worthy of public regard,
and having extended both our Foreign and
Domestic Correspondence and strengthened
our Eoliturim stilt .we believe Tux r RIBUNE
may safely challenge a comparison with any
rival, whether us au exponent id principles or
as a reliable mirror of the passing world. We
purpose not to be surpassed nor autiei pitted in
the collection' or presentation' of iiitellizeuce,
though we eschew that reputation of ennirprise
which is acclaimd by bribing mess:lnger* and
clerks in public offices to connive at the perm a
lure publication' of treaties or other official doe
laments. We prise accuracy ofstutement quit•
as highly as promptitude, out eneeavor not to
sacrifice the latter in securing the former. Es.
aentiaoly, Tux Timex. will be what it has
been, while we shall constantly study to its
prove its every feature, and -make each day a
critic on the last." 'fhe general verdict of the
Press and the Public has affirmed the success
Of oar past labors, and these of the future shall
be (Antrim:tensed by equal earnestness sad as.
aiolsaY• 11 y ask those -vho believe the general
intleenee of our journal to be salutary to aid us
in exteeding that influence through an incraase
of our subscriptions,
[her Prospectue in anutlwr coltitn
Now Drug sad Drucary :Aare.
SAMUEL S. Sill , Y door. west
of Molitgi.l7lWly, St., HUHU ilipdut, Dealer in
Drug, Chemicals, the Stuffs, Paints Varnieh•
es ' nil 4, l'arioen ine, Enlid, Aims.
aod Brandy or the , boo article tar ~, 1 1c41 par
l n, Yr.. Cuto ut lill•Nlegi Le Co . N. 411,
Platy. Patent Nle,lionima, a Yo Cod' .r
Tea, Chi .t.ti Sii M0b....
Fish salt.Fliir, Crackers, 111114.
Tut., SYr..l). id all ku"l'
lur 611 , drinks, it 4 w or,l ovary thing usu
ally kept ill a Dr, .t a il Unwary Snore, thus
*hug:lo4lN Net and Genuine artiste will die
well by giving lid a call.
Oct. 12; WO.
The Co n ry Savea
An Abundant Harvest!!!
And to nitlot die increasiag 11,r
jowls, JAS. A. !MOWN has just rioc,ived
/14, 111 .
ever brouse
exneedv all othi•rs iu ;input tam*.
Ist. Because it glipplies "I.llli, PEt tP
dh twitspensible articles and many uhe'ul in
cr.nwns, which can be found wily at. a ti.tßo•
1% ARE S Mkt
Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as
per directions on the to and they sill find
in it nstimulart peculiarly adapted to comfort
declining years, a+ it is pleasant to the palate,
invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,
and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi
dence of thousands of aged men and women
who have experienced the benefit of using this
preparation while suit' Ting front stomach de
rangements and general debility; acting under
t..e advice of physicians, they have abandoned
all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the
merit+ f I:,is article. A few words to the
gentler sex. 'liters sea certain periods when
their cares are no harassing that many of them
sink under t e trial. The relation of mother
and child is so absorbingly tender, that the
mother, especially if the bo young, is apt to
forget her own health in her extreme anxiety
for her infant. 81.411.1 the period or maternity
arrive during the summer cutouts. the sear of
body aka mind to generally oggravated. lime,
thou, ion neous•ity for a stimulant to recupe
rate the energies of the system, and enable the
loot er 't. bear up under her exhausting triton
aul ire. Nursing motheis gene
rally peeler the Ehlers to all other invigora
tors that receive the endorsement of physi
beent:+a it is ogre. able to tl e taste as
eon aim to give is permanent increase
IF F)1.1. .1 I. I) Isl r IL
21. d, The sulmeriber purchasing in large
quantities aim inithiiliteturs, is enabnal t) aril
tine mom
20 to 100 per cent cheaper !
Olin limy are nniJ Ily inner iti,ehakiits.
His stock includes a complete variety of
If I 1.1. , 1 NG-1.1.1 RD WARE,
CU 1 . 1.E11X.
V A RN 1,11 E ,, GLASS,
CA Auk; ritimrsos,
eiher witli a full /1.)111ileili. nt ever ; la.:,
pecta;lon, in Ins line of linsinors,
All ord,rs receive pr "tip ,
A Bito
Iliti.t111 ; 1(1,11, Oct. 511. 1,0
A NI w Assort Ja4 •'pen d
And will be sold 30 per oeat.
CAI 1. ArEsc I'ISA s' 1 Il&tLb i sets:Nl'
11 'Ltdgym..,
1111 I, •11,11 1.11/111 1.I•
\ I
1101 fb. Vali a.a 1 It i 3 n.
1 , a ", III.) I.t
C 1111•111,4 .21.1,11,re
flab, Caps
Width will I. still n VI•A . 111 611 ly ••3
IAIM•111114.1111 111 !Ill; cou.ll.
Hulingd. 11, NI/V. 1..8.13
Thu uudersigueU wouul redprolullly call the
utieution Ili our iriends awl Ault
as the uniz.:us ul ihn town mid couutry general•
iy, to our flew Mild extendlie ussurinu-tit
• I.(E.IDY•AAUE ULU I . lllNt.i.
ot every article tit fur-
I 1111"
0 dIWIII lt
11.101,111. being c iiticlent that
a Cali and cx um et 11, 11111 tl , 11111 car will sat
o*, all, llntt our goods are just whit We re
commend them to lie, welt n.ade, of good mate
rial, and at cheap :iv Ihanuitta gintilly al ,iludd
Lan be la4,lit in the emi.,t) of
It le not our desire.. it Itl not the poiley Ut
oleo, 1111, tllueh at. will
vu~. thnt We Will gilarlifileu to all WllO Way fa
vor its Witll their 1111 re
as to quality. fit and priee. bhuu la gentlemun
desire any particular aiud or cut ut clothing,
not found in our muck, by leaving their meas
ure, tiles can be ace-miodated at short notice.
Call at curnerof the diamond. Lioloo new house
N. (Hi 01.\N & CU.
Oct. 12, 1859.
N,i1"111.1 PLC 0..1cL,
In the bent medicine in the world, for the
0111.8 C'outike•aud cold., Croup.
A.11,1 - .71. DabCillty to Breainiiig, Pa. pit tit mi of
the Heart, and li,r the retell of patients in the
~i,, . ..ottsumplinat, to ether with
all Diseases of the Throat. Arai Cheat, wnd
which predisposed to Consumption. It .t:tticks
the root of the disease, and wakes the Lou des
truer euccusub to its influence. It mho pro
deers tree expectoration, and induces in Kith,
action in the diseased ,lbeous ilenthrititee and
Tissues. It in pecul'arly adapted to the ratite&
cure of Asthma Cue dose of this invaluable
Syrup tete,' gtves eitse, and consequently
sleep. stitch the peculiar nature of thin decease
denies hint. It to very pleasant to the taste
and prompt iu Ito effects. Try it. and 'oe 00w
that it is invaluable in the core of
Bronelli,tl offcclione.
Pei...e SO meats per Bottle. Prepared only
by A. EmENWEIN, Druggist, N W. Owner ut
1 , 1 IN I II it PU t.I.A It Street, Piiiiitiletreia.
N it - sole by John Head. S ii. Smith,
Huntingdon, K. Nlchturueys, Elms Musser,
NieAlavey's Fort, John U. Ruihrock, Markle.
bug. Oct.. K. Smith. & Co.. Phila., amt Store
!e pets and I/1,4,W generally.
lit 250, 1859.-Iy. •
bar 5009 AGENTS 11 ASTEIi—T. xELI, I. , ur
lieW and Uliequalled itivt...tinns, %hooted +IA
meliinu ever, vilitqr. Ms tus It. hare
ovrs2o,otitl im tltr. Iliplontax. Sit St, lewd.
a. and hour Paint granted ill«. I•iir
qamps coo will'recrivp 75 p. p..
lie.t agri,vs m ihr
E I'l 111.11 M BLtt)IVN, L0w.,11, Miss.
Oct 12, 1729-lict
t j kat ,
Irealers in rich, Choebe d 4. eruvisioc;
oil ati 11,00,, I,
.INI) Flsil, &e.. v.:
Slat togel, IhNd, tiumuu , atm. Fish, llrru.g.
Ifert, P,.rk,
1111111. 1 / 1 1.11111,, &a.
160, 14,16594 m
Bin as.
The propri, ars and o anufaelurers of 1108-
1“..111......'S tAt JI.ll II IT
'ILLS coo appeal with pert., conk. non to
hysician and title no unready of the blind
S a... because the article Lis I...lined a repu
tation hernotore unknown. A t. w tact. upon
i hi.. point will speak more low rhol'y than
volumes of b ve nooert ion or bl eon ing puffery.
The co sumpi . on of • llootetter's bit/1111101 bit
ters for the last year amounted to over a half.
million bottles, rind from its manifest sandy
increase 111 tint , . ',lSt, it ill evident that miring
Ge coming year the t onsumption will reach
near one milli 0 hot I le, 'lll.O immense am. tint
.uld never have been sold but for the rare
medicinal pr pert les contained in the prepara
tion, nod the sanction if the most prominent
physicians in those nt Lions of the country
where the article is best known, who not only
recommend tic bitters to their path me, but
arc ready at all times to give testimonial.. to its
efficacy in cases of stomachic derangements
and the discuses resulting therefrom. •
This is not a temporary p.-polarity, obtained
by extraordinwy ellorh iu the wity of trum
peting the qualities of the Bitters; but a solid
estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is
destined to ho as enduring as time itself.
Hostetter's Stomach Milo& have proved
a (lea!send to regions where fever and ague
and varions other billow' cemulaints have
counted their victims by hundreds. To be
able to state confidently that the "Bitters"
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, in to the proprietors a source of un
alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter
from tt o stone eh, purifies the blood, and
i 'parts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
ring it that tone and energy intlispemable
for the restoration of health. It operates upon
the stomach, liver, and other digestive...organ.,
mild y but powerfully, and noon restores them
to &condition essential to the healthy discharge
of the functions of It:tune. . .
or ..tzi
wboto we Inve pnrticu
-1 J . ry'. , I to wit: Folicrers ft otn
fo yr nl,l :. •. .1 I y 1111/ . lllh, dinril,cca !
fl • iI.SO of nil 'Abe. nod
all y- ,:• mottle of the vice:nob,
tt.,,,, 0 yt .11. oftPdentnry
: • • • , • ~;1,, s. will Consult
' .• • 1 ,t , lug to Bee
k • •. '• It, in ell 1 Riers n trial.
1'; - ~t,i(m the public ugninet
o : ~t' Li nAinyimiutlioos Or Counter
' n 1 , .• 11. 87,14.1t's CELEBRATED
• •• • • •• raid .ce that cacti bottle bas
1! .. ,t, ;• • •, .J. tic. terter's Stomach 1 hills"
.1 •t tysde of tlie bo'l'e, and n,ped
c,tl 11.• el, rove: i 0,%. rho cosh. end
T..era,ed and sold by HOSTET'I LI ds
Picteburgli, in., and sold by all
druggists, grocers, and clenlers renernlly
throughout the LAO.,
rica, and Ger- r
Nt.rrs or itTo
1111 li. it
& littler, Mt. Union ; George
Eby. NEU
The Brigade and Stall ()nicer, of tho 4th
Brigade 14th Division of i'. V.. are hereby
connintiideit to coil ~lie in hill ooduro t, at the
: , Nice ur ,I)1' B General. in Huntingdon,
IVeoltirsibiy eti the 2,0 week orthe N000n•
her Court Iwot et,Nlllll.e, at ten o'clock, for the
purpose of auditing all just claim on the Mill.
tory fund of said Brivade. Notice, also, is
hereby given to all I.Vrsol.B having claims on
said military food, to present their claims in
prilc•t 1 rut, at or previous to tho said 'heating
of the mild auditors.
H. LANE, Brigadier General.
Nor. 2nd —2t.
$1 0 REWARD--
The abov. , reward will be paid by the in
designed, lo any person or persons, who wit
deliver to e it het of us, the body of pr. Georke
R Mono, formerly a resident of Springfield
township. Huntingdon co.. Pa., and who MN
arrested by us un the 23d day of September,
1859, and who escaped from us at the house
of Silas Locks, at shade Gap the same day.
DA VII) SWOPE, Constable, Clay tp.,
MORRIS OUTSHALL, " Springfield.
Oct. 26, '69.-4.1.
It E I 1 ! rt f l l ! lti !:N. is hereby Liven, to all
ti that the following named persons hare
settled their accounts in the Register's (Alice,
at Huntingdon. and that the said accounts will
Fie preseti•ed fur confirmation and allowance at
. Uri,sttuns . , Jourt to he held at Huntingdon,
6 T hr t
day of A, ttheu x i; : g i do ot t o t the
1. David Atirionit and David gar€l. Exec.
tors of the last Will, kt, of JuseTh lisn7l 7
2. John E. Kettennan. Administrator ofJuo,
Shingler, late et rod tuwmaiip, deed.
3. John S. Isptt, Adinii,istrutor of Jannis
Gxrdonr, to i• of Franklin township, due. d.
. , . .
4. Jntn• %%iinuu, AdminiArn.. , i; of San uel
Henry. Imo of Burn-e tow, skip.
- • . .
5. 'John Rittig. Guard.o
a initnir eon of Henri/ 1.1_1I! ter.
6. James G. McClure, Administrator ut Jno.
Mellott, late of Tell township. dot' 4i.
. -
7. H,•nn I, t lose, Uu,nlinn ul nary A
R.,' Mary mihor childruu of .latuirw
H. swill'.
K. Elijah Morrison and John Morrison, Ad.
tsioiNtrwors of John Morri,oo. droM . was
utlo of liw Exiontors Askios hit
hi flrorr I, Soider. I , :inos•orator or 114.0
1, rof Priiikhil 1 , 1111,41 i El. di
111 Joh,
~I ,•%1•11‘1111. 11.0 e tit 111,11111.1t1.1•Ii. 1,11 I.,rltwrl.
I. I 5i,•i,...r,
ill, R ber. )1” lute ul Illy
l, , n,tigft or It
li ' " "•. 111 , ,NIcY
(),•,. 14, '49.
1 r. McCulloch.
0418 1141 pittlrehumiii ee to
Ulla. uu Hill
64, UtlAvelll AluntAiduely mid Bath.
Huoiugdon. Aug., a !KV,
WE beg leave to call the atten
tion of the Trade, and moir
especially the Physicians of the
country, to two of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public.
We refer to
Dr Chas 111 'Lane's Celebrated
Vermiiiige and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name purports, viz.:
For expelling Worms from the
human system. It has also been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
_ .
For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS,
HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of
preparatory to or after taking Qui
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the
Their unprecedented popularity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
Years, and they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manutlcture. And being de
termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele
brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring the Best
and „Purest material, and com
poun.i them in the most thorough
manner. Aidress all orders to
FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa.
1,111..r0 and ..h• Aielllll. nmeriwg &..M tthers
th iVIII do well to write their orders
11, 'moo /ad Dr Arlfinr . s. prepared iy
1' 1 .1717 111.1 MM.,. lb To flow. xl.liit gto ithe
fi.,. it tri g. W.• will forward per mail pot 1,41. to xny
part ..r u,•it...i State,. one Lox of for twelve
. w.rllr..;o4 l .e g jatiiiolP-Lt
, I we, cents cyd er.
mt.. In 11 , ,, by .lola Road and
S Setith,lid &tilers geeerol v thrtifigh the
vMhiy [May 11. 1859,1 y.
3 1 7 :, 7 :ma FU D
A t. kional
4 •,• c !!:
ncorpor.ted by the State of Pennsylvania
1. Money is received every day, and in any
amount. large or small.
2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid for
money from the day it is put in.
8. The money is always paid hark in GOLD
whenever it is rattled fur, nod without notice.
bloney M received from Executors, Att.
mmistratois. Guonlians and cohere who de-
sire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and
where interest or. he obtained for it.
5. The mimey received from depositors is in
GROUND RENTS, mid such other first clans
securities us the Charter directs.
6. Office hours—Every day from 9 till 5
o'clock. and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8
o'clock in the evening
ROBER r SELFRIDGE, rice A csident,
W .1. REED, Secretary.
Hon. Henry L Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry,
Ri.bert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee,
Sand. K Ashton, - i Joseph Yerhea,
C. Landreth MIIIIIIP. H..nry DieffeudertTer
WALNUT 1.1116 ET,
s ET!.! WEPT CORNER t.r TR rn,
tat ad or 0100; Also, tiotnesteatte fur
$lOOO and over, situated on and near Heppe.
hemlock river, above and below Fredericksburg
in Virvitiia. A new town, called Rapptilittn•
tok. h ometitly been laid out, in Culpepper
c in the midst it the Gold regions of V,
gave, surrounded by minea and Min hp Cont•
ponies ; and farms mid town lots in alternate
or shares. con now he had for a mere
stin g simply to induce settlement in thus dea15154.900
$154.900 worth of land is to he
d:.• bled atnatigal purchasers orgiven away as
in Inceinent to ciinie on make inirrot e•
Ml', d t 114 . ' .llO . 1)I t Mina I.l . "Vable
Matbinoc hone already sett'. d and
of others me coming. Good turmn mg
l a t,t, trails 'lnc to snit purchasers,
ea. also lie had at from $lO tos2o per acre,
poyat Ir to «us) Loaner yandy I.l4liteei.tri
otpitat iiimble nth a will in all ewes Le gm,.
per' w.ted IsVs•ry wtwrit ltt nell
the.. lat,tl. ; liber I intim enteuts will l,e given.
July 11. '59.. Mu. 'Puri A Dynii, Vs.
my' •• Dont toil to se. Sixth Animal An•
uwuic. meat;' am' hrillirnt ufNro, in Nti•
I 'IHE - 1:67.; \ ILLE bIiMINARY.,
NORMAL e C3EXC: Cor-g;
ITDa TR)mlti iLLIDIr ii;i`lo Culti!,7lllllE,
CFIE trEvir t:ll9')L ‘3l THE LAND.
Fend for a Catalogue, and Address
I _ M. Ma Walsh, A M., ertssville, Pa.
& Al' Li It
Toe largest and bent selecteitcinelcof , Ginvlqevnr offered in thin community
It comprises a full line of Fashionable Dress timals, suitable bt. FALL and WINTER, such
as Iliac:, and Fancy Silks, French and Engl.!' ‘lerinos. All wool DeLaines, (plain and col.
ored,) Nativan Plaid, Tanjore Lustre, Figured Ca.dunere, Plaids, SouselineDeLaines,Coburgs,
A l o aee.'s, De Berge, Gin hums, Print, &c.
' A 1., p• and heaut tiff assortinent of Full and Winter SHAWLS. consisting of Stella., Double
v , .1m" s and Double Brocha, Waterl o. Braila and Double Wool Gents' Travelling
S' Pyle, be., &c. A full stock of Ladies' Fine Collars G. 'plenum's Fut nishing Grimly such as
Collate, Cravats, Ties. Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, (inane and Silk Undershirts, Drawers, Ice.
We nave a fine selection of Man'illa, Grits T Gamin go, Fringes, Ribboos. Mitts, Gloves,
6 nao,ie s. ry, Aandkerchiefs. Buttons,Flo,, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops, be.
A Lao— ricke. t)s , ,alturg, bleached an unities teed MU/111118 at all prices, Colored and
ite fabrics, Barred and Swiss Muslin, Victoria Lawns, Naitatooks, Tarleton and many
u, artieles wt.icb c •tofno , uiae the line of White and Domestic Goods.
We have net. h (loth. Fancy Cauitnere, Satimpits, Jeans. Tweeds. cottonades, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.—ALSO, Rats and Caps of every variety and type,
WIMII and Willow ware which will be sold cheap.
We also &alio Plaster, Fish, Salt, and all kinds of Grain, and possess facilities in this
branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, Free
of Charge', at the depot= of theßroad Top and Penn,ylvmda Railroads.
Co tie one, come &hand he convinced that the •'M4:rnorot.ttos" is the place to secure fash
lovable and de,drahle goods, disposed of at the lowest rates.
O.•t. sti,, 1850,
Bl.scellaueous Advertisements.
Prof. Cha . Del:rant'. Electric Oil
This ient diseuvery is rve F es lu g a qest.
sNismion. amon g Medical Faculties of
rope and this cutlery. I will cure the w
lig (not ••v IV.trrnnted to
Cure F mid Ague in one day, Cure chill;
in five u i rotes. Cure Crimp in one night.—
Cure lii. f es in two to four-days, Cure Burns
and seii.d. in ten minutes. Cure ,pranis
W ool id,, a d Bruises, in front one to three
days, Cure hillemation in one day. Cure Neu
ralgot, Crutip; tooth Ache, burns, in 10 mite
t oes. Cure Hemorrhage. Scrofula,•Abseess in
ten days. Cure Bruised, Wounds, Totter, in
one to three days. Cure Ear Ache, stiff neck,
Ague in tine day. Cure Felluns, Broken
Breast Salt Rheum„ in three to nix days.—
Core Quinzy, Palpitation, Pleurisy, in nun to
ten days. torn A stilt., palsy, Gout. Erysip
elas, in live to 20 days. Cure' Frosted Feet
Chiblains, Chrunie Rheumatism, Stiff jiduts'
Sore I hroat, Scarlet Fever, and the I tine made
to oalk by a faV! bottles. This Oil (De Orath'i.)
toil . and pleasent,' and is a greet family
Medicine for children teething At.. Ladies
should all use it. It alwavia leaves you better
an it finds you, and one bottle often (Aires en.
Afflicted fur Thirteen rears and Cured in one
ter ek
Rend letter from Rev. domes Temple.
Philadelphia Jane 11th, let;
I'n is De Grath: I have been
thirteen years with Neuralgia and nth,
nod 1 have Inieu unable to Avvi.
soundly nr wale any distance for many year,
pest. Lioi week I got a bottle or your "Bic,
trio linit night I slept soundly and
~ell, and h►dny I um like a new tans. My
Ifs amid not believe her eyes. Your Elec
tric Oil boa &no in tine week what the physi•
sinus Philadelphia tailed to do in thirteen
roars• tiratenitly yours.
310 South street
New Haven, May 18th 1856.
Prof. Du Grath: My brother has been deaf
three yearn. Alier trying many thi pa. he used
your Oil a few times.and it cored him entire.
There tile numerous imitations sprung up.
oa the reptaati a that my article bad umpired.
l'he putitic must beware. They are worthless.
For ..ale by S. S. Smith, Huntingdon.
May 2:1 1859.
After fifty year, expentnenting the
proper article has at" last been invented fur
wealen in their bard labors on the 'meting
'IT IS EVEN 50.9
Come and b. convinced mat we are tdietvi of
mery machine in use. Half the time, half the
hard labor. and half the wear and tear is saved
Little boys and girls can do the wink for their
mothers. The undersigned have purchased
the exclusive right of Huntingdon and Mifflin
C 01111164, to make and sell J. I'. Mcour's
Emancipator IVashing Machine.
11 e desire thi- publieto cad nod examine this
truly labot , saving tnachine. It can be seen ut
our shop on Washington street.
We the undersigned, having thoroughly tes•
ted the °hove machine, take pleasure in rec
ommending the same to the public, assured
that they will find it all that is above Chlittlell!
J. S. Meatus, " A NNIE E. Scow,
JulIN S.M ILLER, " M. filmes.,
Huntingdon, July 27th, 1809.—tf.
Oil 23 W & BROTHER,
(Successor to Neman& Warrick.)
Manufactu•. re, 'V h..lrsa le 3 hetnll iptilpas
Heaters Ventilators, Ranges and
McGregor's celebrated ',lenient and Stoves.
With a grew variety of the latest patterns of
Cook and Parlor Stoves ; also, Queen's Patent
Portable Forges.
Au. Slat, IWO.
Corner ut hill S Montgomery Streets,
This stand is well known as the "McConnell
House." The location is superior to any oth.
Cr, bring in the immediate proximity 'o 13,Isi
uess ; also to the Bank and most Public WI
It is the determination of the Proprietor to
ki vp this House in a style stoutfactary to the
puh ic, nod is his desire to wake •ali wl.O
ltirullize him, feel at house,. and to make the
“Idsosiou" rank amonot the hest of Huntin ; ,•
rim nutria. He very respectfully solicits tht
public patronage
April lath, :859.
parNo change in the markets.
1 . !
Maci.ed's Patent Metallic Tip, designed
s a l eciaily fur Youths' and Childrens,;
80015 AND SHOES.
An improvement has been applied to Boot.
II lid Shoes, by which a saving of expense to the
customer, of two thirds is realized, by actual
The Tip consists of a piece of copper or oth
er indestructible material, neatly fastened to
the toe of the hoot or shoe, terming a complete
protection. This inver.tion is now presented
to the public, with the tulle t knowledge of its
practical utility, having been tested over two
rears, and is destined entirely to supersede the
old style, fur children's, boys' and youths' boots
and shoed.
The importance of this invention will be
readtl , appreciated, as it is well known that
maturen invariably wear out their boots and
and, with this protection, they will upon an av
erage we or at least two or three times as . long
a• the old Ltyte, while the expense is but a tri
tie more.
Tnis invention is also especially applicable
to Al iners' Boats, and all occupations subjecting
the toe of the boot or shoe to be cut or worn.
Merchittts, and the public generally, will ace
the importance of obtaining these mme•
d ately, as they are destined fur general use, to
supersede all other kinds.
The gun& may be obtained of nearly all the
wholesale dealers in the principle cities, or of
the subscribe..
(Ow.Nutts Ilr THE PATI:ST.) Boßton
August 316 t, 1959.-6 m,
0 Front the Quuker City Publisuing House I
100,000 Catalogues, new, large and revised
ready fur dibtribution. Superior in
et a public. A new sod sure
plum tormild a l d silver watches, and
ether vu'uable Prizes, F all particulars given
in calaliigues, which will be sent free to all up.
on application. .
Valuable gifts worth from 50 cents to SIOO,
GUARRANTEED to each purchaser. $lOO,-
000 in gilts have been distributed to my pat.
rims within the past six months—Si:An° to
be distribution during the next six months.—
The inducements offered Agents are mare lib.
erel than those of any other house in the bual.
Haring been in the PaliHalting and Book.
selling business titr the last eight years, my ex
.rienee etothles me to conduct the Gift En ,
tern rixe with the greatest satisfaction to all.
623..A1i EN rs WA NTEI) in evert town
and minty. Fur full pattieulars address
Quebec City Publishing House.
3:1 South id St., Philad'a., Pa.
Sept. 21st, 1859.-21 n
Family Sewing Machines.
3P' MI I 1.. A 37:) ' .A..
These Machines wero awarded the first pre
miums at the Lancaster and Montgomery
County Fairs (the only fairs at which they
hare been exhibited) in competition with
the Wheeler & Wilson, Singer and other ma
chines, and arc offered to the public with con
fidence as being the rho ipest and best ma.
chines in the market. They aro cow in exten
sive use and have met the unqualified appro
val of All who have tried them. They are
sarong and simple is construction, and are not
liable to got out of order, as an examination
will fully satisfy every one. They will do as
great a variety of work, do it as well, and do
us much of it as the high priced machines can
Families, Tailors and Seamstresses
wil t fi n d the, machines adapted to their wants.
They will sew film or heave goods of every de
mondon with equal facility. For Quilting
purpose+ they are unequalled. Ely a simple
udju,tiiient of the tension, a stitch Is wade
which gathers beautifully. The stitch is the
Double Lock Stitch, strong and elastic, and
will not unravel ur draw the goods when washed.
The thread is used from spools of .y sine
as purchased at the stores, without re-winding.
Instructions in operating the machines given
to purchasers. Each machine is accompanied
with directions, which ate very explicit, and
contain all the intiolnattwm necessary ttruper.
ate buccessfuny.
wouitl refer to Gen. S. Miles Green,
llsms Forges. _ _ _
Huntingdon, Pa
Sept. 7,1859.—1 y,
r Note, Post, Commercial, P9 , lltep and
Plet..ap—a'good aeiortrnent , for g es by the
r..atn, half rear • qu re or Isheot, it
• Lewia' N. Book sari qtaticliar• Stem
Tv. 17 '49 vf.
_ A
. :;.:•4
:; -... 74
2,:.- C_)
i'... co