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After ono or more numbers of n now roar bare been forwarded. a new year has cowmen°. ed, end the paper will not be discontinued until orrcuroyet are paid. See No. 1. The shave terms will be rigidly adhered io ell elms. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the following rates 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 to. SIX lines or less, $ 25 $ 37a $ rin one square, (16 linee,) 60 75 100 (33 " ) 100 1 5U 200 3 . 1 o• 6 In, 12 mo. One Ignore, 13 08 It 00 $8 00 Iwo squares, 600 800 12 00 AI column, 600 12 00 18 00 I do., 12 GO 18 00 22 00 18 00 27 00 40 110 du., 22 00 35 00 45 0" Business Cards of six Ii n c,. or less, $4..11. Scrofula, or King's Evil, I. a oonstitaitional disease, a corruption of the blood, which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. 'icing iu the•eirculation, it pervades the whole hut', and may burst out is disease 011 any part of it. No organ is free orom its attacks, line is theib one which it may not destroy. The s.zofulous bdut is viniously caused by ntimenrial cli,ease, low living, dis• grdrred or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and tiltity habit, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever he its origin, it in hereditary in the con stitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and tonrth gen—ation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilia who says, " I will visit the iniquities of the lathers upon their children." Its Outs commence by deposition from the blood cf corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is tenned tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far lew power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders nhich, although not scinfidous in their nature, arc still tendered fatal by this taint in the system. most or the eonsiimption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. Ow quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from tho system we must renovate tho blood by an alterative medicine, and in viwirate it by healthy food and exercise. such a medliano we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedial, that have been discovered tbr the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rosette of the system from its destructive eonsequenees. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but els° those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Ent:milts and Sum Dtsu.k.s, Sr. ANTHONY'S Fine, itotm, or Envairetas, rzstraus, PUSTULES. BLOTCHES. Ilt.mas and 8e,,,.', TUMORS. TETTER end SALT lie sec. Sc 111, HEAD, RINGWORM, DIIEVMATISAI, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL Des. aassa, DROI,Y. DYSPEPSIA. DEISILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM VITIA. 0/t IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief In impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa tilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, without Which sound health is impossible in ‘ontantinatcd constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand nr evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy 'Moline.. Ass consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once se simple r.l inviting. Not o:•:•,: du they cure the every-day complaints ef ,every iiudy, but also many fonnidahle and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions far their use in the following complaints: Costive oras, Iteariburn, Headache arising/rota disordered Ftomoch, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and dtorbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaint., arising front a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ran ruE ueriii CORE or , hs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, nip, Bronchitis, Incipient Consume. . n, and for the relief of Consumptive tratients la advanced stages of the Csease. wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu :* 4,..uts are the cases of its cures, that almost t v, iv section of country abounds in persons pub. I,llip . known, who have been restored front alarming even desperate diseases of the lungs by its 'ls,. When once tried, its superiority over every 't'.4tr medicine of ita kind is too apparent to escape .. , :vation, and where its virtues are known, the r lie no longer hesitate what antidote to employ &di distressing end dangerous affections of tl e .ry organs that are incident to our climate. ,11c many inferior remedies thrust upon the ..r.unity have failed and been discarded. this Pg; gitined friends by every trial, conferred benefits afflicted they can never forget, and Pt. c iced cures too numerous and too remarkable re • forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER dr. CO. LOWELL, MASS Jmni Agenta:untineies, Pe. V+Pv. Iht truntintitin Tformit SELECT POEM. NATIONAL ODE MRS. JANE MA IA MEAD. COLUMBIA I lift thy starry eyes And weep o'er ruined hopes no more; The sun still shines in yonder skies, Thou Ali lightnings leap and thunders roar; Then from •hy garments shake the dust, And smooth thy brow, and smile en care: Daughter of Heaven 1 't is thine to drool, And never breathe the wuri despair. Our tearless sires—uneheered, unshod— Through fire, and Hood, and tempest trod, And cuuquered "ik the halite of tiod." Comrades I the very stars have stooped Tu light the hero JII his way ; Thruugh war and pence, in glory grouped, L'udnu'ed, their beams ut vim!, play . They the logiuus of the tree ; They above the sunder's bier ; They guard our rights on laud and sea— ls doubt, in darkness doubly dear. Through }ears of pcatie—'ileath war-clouds dun— every t'utlier's son Dei;Jild the flag our lathers woo. Can We mr4et the men that trod The ranks of death with iron will? Can we fue,ei the Wood that flowed At Losilytua and Bunker Hill ? Na! By the inoinory a the Bravo hu !sleep in giory's hallowed bed— By every sainted mound and wave, &telt diup ut blond for Fieeduna shed, Shall prove a seed will rise again— A harvest vast of inighly men, Invincible with avoid and pen. From sea la sea, from pole to pole, 1 he swipes must wave, the soars must bore, Wilde wouutalos Ilea er rivers roil• Tu 'hum the wurld's oparessed shall turn, To them tit oppreesor Wan 41,3, dad tyrant's arm is clot, Tlytattt's be,pter but a straw; And till the reign Wrong gives way, Above cur Waters' nino)red dust We swear: Our swords shall right the Just Ur ever ill their seabt.r.! .tct:l o.:orrezp:iten.c. Religion Necessary lo a Niditio , s Sakailily. [Continued j; oda Oduber 26011 Ilel.ogion is necessary to the trite th vet upemein of ch. racier and the roost...ming . ol man's evil missions. flow moucti of tile e Vll. iii ilia World .nay be di,tinctiVely I raced to the indulgence of onmi's evil dolno.itinoo? How many rive feuds, pony brook nod bloody resolution. have their origin ;to lot tred„ malignity, ambition and the whole chain ,if evil passions whioh drag ut~ni on critue. II be had remained the Bing he once woo, 111111C11 of die tools. y nod wretchedness our world ha^ been room 'wiled to witness would never have exist. ed. Thew would not then hove been One w.or where n have existed ; no one murder where there have been tour ih•rs without nu ..bur ; not a droop 01 b hod where the earth has been reddened tt fah core ; not a cry of sorrow where wails of ar ouisli have gone up from thousands of broken henris ; not a solitary onormior where Move been heard the groans of mil hong of oppressed beings, hu rdened whit an elm ist insupportable despotism. The sithieranean murmurs of passion is often h oord in its heaving rind toss ino to and fro, threatniiig every moment to boost its bands aid heave forth, over this given earth, this land ef smiles and sunshine, the hidden lour of iniwty and desol o oti,m„ qurnchwo every noble feeling ; destroying all moral harmony. rending asunder motions and making of one loud now mighty, barren waste. It is only when these passions are restrained by the nlinlesome inguelees which religion throws or and them that they are indite to follow their pr iper C41111,e and be the dispenser of olotoloiess of d. solation to tenon The aim of cliris. tiomity is to restate initu to his hornier hap py condition ; to Apia 11 over our earth ohs bloom of the ancient Eden. It purifies nod ennobles the affections, shows man to fellow, not a- one to he dispe,sed. hated and destroyed but to be loved end respected It seeks to ni ke !TOW like his great creator meek gentle, long suffering. free of coin passion, and only when this is uecom• ',hailed has it effected its purpose. Where truce was a Tierra. , ual volcurni, sending forth its terrific tunes of fire. scattering terror and druth, tt lino Caused the green grass to pro.. the -cented flow. es to blnoni sad spreads joy and pear, nod glnrine•s on every ;jot, ti herr tle,Dlat ion and har rrnnens ru'ed ther.• in now n lax•lrinnt ; growth. Thus ehriEinuity restrains n o m's evil des:e •a atul turns Ins nanirnlit ,l9 and affections min pure and lawful channels. Meta under such influences commit few criniro. Such the influence• of chriteinnite en iudivulual ch MICA' Nation., nre hut collumiun of individuals. II a majority o LIBERTY AND I . NION. NOW AND FoßEvElt, ONE AND IRREPARARLE. " HI NTINGDON. PA.. WEI)NI4NI)AY. NOVEMBER 16, 1859 the liersms who Inein any con ttttt inity ors Christians it is easy to necertoin whnt the character of that community will he. It the individual 'llllll who determines pub lic sentiment. We have no!). approached i the idrn of n gnod government, one which no storms of annrchy or despotism, no civil feuds or bloody wars Khali enthrone where we hove religious spirit Frei vsding the I hind; in fine viten we have all men christions. A Christian is the highest style ' of man and a Christian got ernment is the I only stable one; as other. nppronch this standard, so will be the duration of their exish•nce We have been so long nccustomed to the religious element pervading society that we cannot possibly est...file its influence on the administration of law and stabit y of government. A ehristion people will have just lows. They ore those who know their rights, 81111 knowing dare main tain. No tyrant can oppress them w i t h impunity. 'rho bet of a nation having became a christiati nation. and of having the lob clicoloted and read among the citizens presupposes it degree of;ate geece mamma M prevent any oppression fa 111 one exercising dominion over them. When laws are just they are always ready and willing to obey them. There is no need it a standing army to compel the people to submit There is a government of low and one of mrco. It is for the ad vantage of every chi istrun to pay a ready „tiediettee to law. In oilier 11111.1011 S 110,t+ and brkiling bayonets tire of • ten ilie only resort of rulers In Mai:ital. hinds evkry man is an mlininktr eitr of r obieott. lan mid all Ins poo ere mid , influ rice are brought to bear upon its proper Suppte, we abolish religinu with all its aih.ii lull crveuimile, find what will be reNiih t I). uw Iy with the mud:med.! piof, , ,iho, mid then de-troy nil it 4 noble nod vni Hying infliwitreq en 1.4 [l.e clinicl,os which deck the g•ecii hid side, wheie the we.ii y end heart-hro live gathered for years. to listen to the words nl troili, es Liz., 0.. w• 111 (01111 1111• lips of the won of God to the ground. Let the ehildien who werkly 'fleet tit the solihath eeltoul unit are !roiled tin in the truli of dilly tool ore bought., love their hiline, ilos eonotre. unit th-ir fled, he turned 10n..• in he sit , els to watuder worrevez inclination uy lead then,. Gault, ..11 the bibles and relig. nits books, Witch fl,md tour he mi. sod hove ntiorded huh' to milli". id I unlighted snook illuittimitimr ,1t,,,,, and 1.1,4.10111 g lite hor zuht of ihoughl. loin out. have pule. and then horn them. I it wets possib e, destroy every itifl.terice every C iuuiott, inert' act winch all the.. h , ve benl le meant of pr during. Let ali our pinhuuhrupic societies, lot mod for the pro',,,, tit truth and good will to oleo, L erisb wan the inhere Destroy all that revel...nee (1) truth, justice, law nod litw ; !iver., fur woo awl God, which ham 1:1•111. , d tha peval. nee of religion in our midst : and whiott Clint only ezi.t tt minds nrknowleilguig the existiotre of in Deity. Let the mon cense to hive any repo , ' for an onth. Lot the Sithbath be sprat in folly. wickedness and revely.— It it nene pit suble, destroy all these, end whet is left worth having. *fiat `l4tlisccilam). ill;e 13 ble fec,cnb OF THE WISSMIIKON. DV GEORGE I.f PPARD. It we. here in these wilds of The Wis• suhikeo. oo the dey of the battle es the nfeeeley For. Cone shining t hreueh the thick I , clime red leaves. that Ivo) 1111.1) 11,1 in dewily combo 'They gr.topl .d in d vulle conflict neer a rock. that roQe—lik, Ow hog. wreck ist won+ primeval world— tit lent one hundred ft-et shove the shirk sonar. of the WisQnliikon. Thai man with the d ,rk brow. end the dot ker grey ey«. fl eshing oi.h dewily beht, tvi.h the minter lar form e!..,1 i, she blue hooting frock of the Revoltstion. is n Continental named %Varner, Ili, brother won MIMI.. red she other night at the Miss. Porte of Paoli. That other lota with long block hour. drooping clone his cadoverna 'ore, is rod in the holfmsilitory costume of a Tore o Thou is the murderer of Paoli. named .hney. They h..d met ther •in the wn.•d; nc cident, and now they f•mght, n•n t‘ith smnr4 or miflp hut 1 . th I,np mud dewily linn•inp kroiv , n,, •hn; fl..pt• in the light, they gn onnn¢ and 'wining mind twisting Th.. de••.,•drnwo- h.••nth mil t he hue h.•r . over h • green swar,l. th.. 1,11,1,fr0 of the murderer alone At last the Tory wee down I Down on ,uisturb the silenee.—The Isiduw end the! INritudd UL:: l: re very carefully the green sward Mall the knee of the Con (lurk eyed hay ore breathless JERRY SNEAKS. lINDIAN I INDIAN siILIMMIEH, In the Milo, in article, the Philadelphia There is time just whim the trust Prepares to pave old Winter's way, tinential upon hi. barns t—thnt sigra ised Th,t Utile girl onconsciPUS OS she was knife irtive•ing in the light that dark grey caught a feeling of awe fruts the honor of PittLLETIN hits off so true to life a aiss of ' When Autumn in a reverie lost, , the countenances around. nod stood brenth• hod' ulna's who are to be found in all coin. eye (I 'thing death into his lace ! The mellow daytime dreams away t. When slimmer conies in triusinir mud •Qwirter—l yield ! gasped the Tory. as li,s, her face turned Aside, her tiny fi n . mutinies, that we copy it entire, with this ' r„ paz.0„,,,,,„)re.'„ hill ~,,id ell, ' the hire wits pressed upon his bernst— gers resting upon the hue of life or death, additiounl remark, that whenever a strati- To mark how many sheaves-they biud, iSpnre ale-1 yield 1' : At lost gathering courage, the widow ger—be he lecturer, showman, or politi- And see Vail am ripened well. • P said the Patriot soldier, bent her eyes to the, m rige, a! re ad, It citm—iasppens to drop into 16 village W ith balm breath she whispers low Wl The dyin Y g Bowers look upon ' gi ' Me brother" in that kw deep tone of deadly hate— , Al u was aline from the N.. 1: Testament, i whiry J.T.Y &teals, are always on the There sweetest incense ere ihgo, , To Mtn who made their beauties live. "tot viva" they are sure of thrusting them . ' brother crien for •quarter' on the night of 'Love YOUR ENEMIEs.' how of : She enters 'neath the woal'ands shade, 1 selves right under his nose or lay Paoli. and even ns he clung to emir knees.' Ali ! that moment was sublime ! Her zephyr. lift the lingering leaf, you struck that knife, into his heart lOh I ! Oh ! awful Houk of Grid, in whose ' his "coat Oil ' use let hint move out of their And bear it gently where are led will give you the gainer of Paoli P dread pages we see Job talking face to M ee sight foi a moment imiil, by disgusting eve : The loved and lost ones of its grief, A.nin his reenter and his throne, At last old Autumn , rising takes And his hand wits raised for •he blow , with J,lmvO h. or Ja-eus wniting by S aw , 'ry Wan Of common sense an d CututOOß and his teeth were clenched to deadly hate ria's t',•' 1l tar wennering hy the wav es o f decency by t heir of "iiitisiiess they drive I With boisterous hand thetr ee h e sh a k e s, He patted Inv. n moment and then pinion. did( G •lilee. Oh ! Awful Cook, sli ti o ng the s:vitirve ta n .' ;ire place w Intent on gathering all hie own,ith no very ; flivi , ,,ilile Idea of its citizens. sweet Summer sighing. flies the plain, lid the 'Tory's arms, and with one rn id to-iiiQ lii, es I speelt. the light of lit wid- And uniting winter grant and grim, .. striee drugged him to the verg e o f the rock, ! ow's hm rite, the 0 Ini vof thin o,,,,;;,unien comooN pEsTs.—Everybody know. ! Sees miser Autumn hoard his grain, a nd held hint quivering over the Abyss.l sill'', siainiug , cam es aim here the werld roes , Pall every Claalliarlil V possesses several of And smiles 0 think it', all Air him. ~, • - --- . . "Mercy! ' gasped the Tory turning black t o l oo k on % T n . l„„, n io, o f , h , novio , io tht«e indi, blo a t s w h o , p e . en li artty i, a ! --..sar A quaiay paper publ.sheti in Ciacintla. nom ;oil craving for notoriety, no matter Inc 1 The Wife's eensurtudnleuts. ti, gives the following as a Correct version and a by by turns, 'lethal awful gulf yi•vii ' his coil, liobiteniii7 the way .5 Cod, even ed below 'Mercy ! I have it wife—a child over i h„,,f,,,,,, i Ilihh,,. flit ! hook of ~,, what ood no matter how, so that their : ' role m0 i„,,,, Hod ~:.;1,1.1:1., love, of :, ,, hii. t.. -.61.-(1 iier.onaltites may be incessantly --spare ne !' for the use of all doubting husbander, 'Dien the Continental, with his mtpcti • „,h,, Clint (~,,,,.1„, the .nu! join ow ,. „, .!.•..,, before the piald.c. Where a mon 1. Thou shall have no other wife bat ler strength gathered for the effort, shook 1„.,„ ‘ . j i nn ,„,.i 0 the i„,„,, wi.h ~.,,,,,,e : is ',tile di.tite,nislied. Whet he occupit, (or. beautiful graven image of a servant the murderer once more over the abyss, — vo n n ev e ,. o w , inn , ~,..,0 , -4 , ,i, h., , o . a 111110.•, won ht, exertion of superior intel. '2. Thou shalt not take Into thy boas* loch, ts heu lie has for years re-•eiv«cf the nay this hitter sneer between his teeth : tart, ., Wenn, when yeti hewed that murder. 6;10 it.., here, io tit it louely cot of the tribu.e« title to superior merit, when acl!til 'My brother had a wile and two chit - girh to bow to her, for I am ajealou drew !••• The morning after the night of e ,',. lir e ! , *touts, or ptilittcat talent, and tact, or high i wire. s P.mli, that wile wan a widow, those chi!. F . ,._,,,,,. (1 I tell yon—that mi ,... 3 ,,, e ,.. ' tinted yet tinobstrustee piety have distin.! 3. Th.ou shah not take the name of thy dren were orphans 1 -Wouldn't you like to lite t...s 0,10/.11! That widow teem-01,8,d goi,,lied his deeds, we might pardon bi n , wile In vain. go and beg your life of that widow and the fite2et• al Cbal--eteti the stew biother that he feels th t need at that celebrity , 4. Remember thy wife to keep her re • her children 1' toms atvetl i,i;it sdegl'e. i which has identified with nature. Yet it i , IA peCte 0. Th;s proposal. made by the Cominen. The nio•tie,e, weitt his way. is ienntikahle that such men con dispen.e 5. honor thy wife's father sad moth. i si in the no re mockery of hate. wog taken Now Itto': ye. how woed e rful are th e with celebrity infinitely 1110, lel.1:111). er. in serious earnest by the horror stricken 15,1 v, of 1-1, . e ,, i. thou those petty mods who without one a. Thou shalt not fret, Tory. lie b egged to be t.iked to tint wid. 'filet ve.y nigh,. no the widow saie by spark if 7. Thou /halt find no fault with thy f real ability, hunger and thirst tut i ow and her children, to have the puiliil her Wel? neat.—'rot oriiittios by her notoriety fur notoriety's alike. i wile. privilege of begging his life, aft e ra mo. side...ete brae w;,11 ('rushed heart sod ' Few per•on.see so much of there con. ; rya balls, ili;olotia oi her hip:bond,B Tbou shalt not chew tobacco. ceited pe: ses editor,, atid none s••t• more 9. Thou shun not ha behind thy neigh merit's serious lhoutzi , l, the patriot soldier hot consented ; he noun I the Vory's arms yet who tio'v ley tionildei jug oil the blood. clearly inevetied t!ie stnalittieheiy to which hot. tNlit r ;placed him tin the rack .igii;u . clrencli«d teal of Pooh . there was a tap at they resoit, to hoist themselves before the 'lite VP , ' h. of the ruoiseller• public. The pores is the great means of i h, l , u o, ,i f i r „ h k ou „„ e t h c al o t .„. n .. o , t :h i o sit : o h ::: n uni ko ta e l p e Z ; l e d him op to the wou.lb. • A quiet Collage, her door. -runt. nor his brandy, our his gin, nor his path 'stoned auttut4 trees, nr.die oat hi is She 01 ,,, , , q1 the door, and--;hm has. conferring notoriety and it is occordingty eye.. band Ovitoj, laving titu.t?,ll coveted with Mt press WIIICh IA lutist plied by them Inc „ 01 ,„ , ,,,. „,,yil,,„g that is behind the bar 'fury entered that cottage. There, beside matt, i,nito ti. vr..s iii In r arms ! smallest crumbs ol notice, the desulate Iteoitit mime, sat, the WA ,w 11 , 1 1.i11 bi nen tit l'indi ..bitc.nut in de a th. which tome men display for so) tiling il. Ti.o shalt not visit billiard saloons, and lier. catidr. U. Sle sat there a man,, ilo Wilt 011V0, his title ley puliuog on his which in the elight.o.i . "...'''''''' 7.: 1- r.. neither for wor.hipping in &bedtime, nut ly WII.IIIIII Of thirty years, with a face la , btea.it•- . them noloritrus,l4 really loci edible. i i t , y iu ib,. ti.l. 01 numourr that ii,.. ~ . 4.. . . d,d by core, a d.'eo clink .r. "--g That i 51171.1 the e Woe pray ••• IO that titinger evil thirst fur IL P. 10i Lee -- the , ilme. .... , black hair hanging in dishevelled fluks wuud v"'''"'`e' C ‘. a' d .' "%% .. ,,, L ,, ilLutt '' isll • At'''' oven " uululd lime ' mu '' u , ccu P' : 12. Thou 'shalt not stay out ICC' lil4o - ...... 101 , 1 e 10 , i, ill 11.,.11 0 Doller DE a l l, and upor. h •r shoublers. I • , nine o'clock at night. Oit niit. ride MIS a d ark haired buy, ar agate six years other a little g,rl, I The paeaciaer t,ll, prevented ll.m taking ane year yonaga.r. with Itght hair and blur his p..et in the ceremony, timid a newly ev. a Tie. iliv -an .4.1 and yew, .ble rtecivd Jun. ce .it toe Peace, anti endured v iiiiiiie• hit. open (Hn that m aner k lee. 'to tie pre.st iit, wos upon w officiate /Val then that pale I..ced Tairy flung in his place. '1 ne d iiian,• ku rs 611..11 I upon hae kaees CmllMYYrd th.lt he to treainie, for ne had never tied tile lona, blot ['niche-of her livsl.and on the n ght of and did not know wher e lu bight. Ile Pao i b•gzed tan life at h•r it to k I thadiau tieurgw Just.ce ur any other hunk,' *Spare me, fur the take iny wife, my slum nbach to read tile service. child !' Tilecainpany tcur arrriaged in a semi-circle He land exp..cied that hie pitiful Innen r.nat IMO b aring a ta.naw would touch the widow's heart • but not thought everything he aid eVel learn eda ane relenting gleam softened her pile face, even L test shall j•olsp• between un !' shC Thirty days hall September, said to i cold icy ono., that froze ilie mar- I April, Jute, and Novelawr." lThe Bahl , Lays span Jut all in vain, he could recollect nothing c e.s n u " p r rn r iy iw k a a r i t e . e . : ‘L th It vats u•', that suited Mr occasion. A suppressed and then this ha- shall open at, and place tuft!' toil all nl er t6r rn m ball übtcht d 111111, and nt ligfilly al desperation he began: Know all sawn by three presents, that hi , Ii •r at rail Ithit upon x hoe, and by that line you shall bettor die !' WI,S it strtot!'•• 1,1 , 00.11, made in full with of a wild and dark suer.titiun o olden dine. For a moment the Tor, kneeling there, lived as ashes, wrapt in thought. Then in a rallviia4 voice. he signified his consent Itaisnig her dark eves to Haven, the mother preyed the 6' HEAT FA fIIER to di rect the fi.tger o her MI • she clust d the Bible h Hided it to that but , , whose yowl- cheek red ietted with lwithiog as lie gized olo' his father's murderer ! Ile took the Bible •npetted it , . holy pa Res at rmidein • planed his huger on a Verlll'. Then there Wes silence ! Then thin Continentsl soldier. who hid sworn tnsvengo his brothor's do.oe with eli I.ilitig eves i,.d pined lips. Then the onl, , rit ktseelintt Millie fl mr, w i t h , t face Itlte di