guntingbon Viednesdey Morning, November 2, 1859 LOCAL lATTELzIGENeE. ARISTOCRACY.—Nothing is so disgusting in bur opinion, than the aristocratic, unsociable and contemptible bearing exercised by a cer • Sabi portion of our community, male and fat. male, towards their fellow... Whore ever we may cast our eyes, we behold distinctions of all kinds. Out every side we behold brain. lose fops and emptyheaded women, whose only conversation is the nobleness of family, or *heir contempt of what they term tilt', "lower blesses." Even in this, our boasted land of liberty and brotherly affection, this pitiful quid by abounds' ; yea, even iu our very communi ly and villiage. •If we use harsh language in hying that its devotees are the stench of so. piety, we feel that the subject requires it. Take fur instaAce, a villiage however small it .may he, in ivy portion of our State, fur example.— In it, we may find half dozen different classes or casts, as among the Hiudoos, Not d esig. mated by the color of their turbans, but by the length of their purses. First in order, we find the flaunting Miss, or sickly-countenanced dan dy, whose lingers are shining rings, and dres• ass glittering with shining gold; to hen or her the touch of a poor titan is contaminating , and the sight of an honest laborer a mark for their ridicule and et:useless jute. And yet would you go back a short distance in their generation, we world find nothing to invite us with ven eration for the chatacter of their sires. .Ashamed of the honest farmer, mechanic or laborer, because they toil day by day for the ir support. Ashamed of these the very emblems of a nabob's glory and honor; the bulwarks of freedom, and a country's noblemen. The work. ing•mau could not be spared from society, whilst .the idle, aristocratic dandy, would confer a bles• sing by his departure from it. Have we not bright, undying and holy examples of working. men wherever we may each them. The Su_ vior of mankind was a mechanic 1 the Pintos of Peace has hallowed our occupations by his participation in the toile of life. He, who commanded the winds to obey him, was not ashamed of the poor man, nor the occupation of man. The Apostles were laboring men, and then., oda of the wisest, greatest add hest spirits that have lived, labored fur their daily bread, With such examples before you, work ing men, bear up; mind not the taunting and insolent bearing of idiotic persans, for he or she who eau use insolent phrases towards an honest working man, on account of his occu- pation, is Kula lees than an idiot, but look up. ward and press forward in the road which has been laid out fur your example by the wisest and best that have lived. Poon CHILD !—d few !lionisings ago, as we passed along the street, we saw a little 4.. y, ra ,nlO.l W a pity ~tolletktil.frone— hildren whose fathers spend nearly all their earnings at the drinking saloons, re g.; dless “o! the little ones at home," sna king themselves and those around them mizerable, and mowing in the bodies of the children the seeds of consumption.— l'he children of the '•first families' are al so to be pitied—pitted for fashion's sake. The terrible mortality caused by the dread diseases of the age, should aughe us think a little seriously of many things, and not least seriously of the freaks of fashion, which set climate at il,fianco. tt by do we send children abroad in damp and cold Weather, with their limbs bare, submitted tender as their bodies are, to reks .that even strong adults could not brave with impunity I Custom has made this matter appear familiar and trifling, but it is not eat of place to say, at the beginning of an ether winter, that the denial to young chit. dren n( proper skit ta to their clothes, and warns coverings to their legs, has sown the avec!, of consumption in thousands, and is of many things done in obedience to laws of fashion, the one that is most thoughtlems and cruel. It is in the child that comsuinp lion can most readily be planted. Then, parents, reflect for a moment—winter is at our doors ; let not your passions for strong drink, or your desire to rank amongst the f ashionable, be instrumental in destroying your childrens' best interests I provide properly for those around you, that you .away sea health stamped upon their faces, Diswions. NOTICE.—(n accordance with the often expressed wish of a number or physician of this county, to have the late “Huntingdon County Medical Society," 'revived or re•organixed, the undersigned begs leave to call a meeting of the Proles. eibn, to be held at the Masonic Hall, of the Borough of Huntingdon, En Tuesday, the 16th day of November next, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and would friendly and cordially in vite all regular physicians of the county— thou .who are graduates of some respec- table medical school, recognized by the State Society, and those who haVe been practitioners for at least fifteen years, and who, moreover, are in good, moral and pro. fessional standing in the pie c, where they reside, and are regular practi:ioners"—to attend the proposed meeting and join there in far the above purpose. J. B LODICN, sa. D., Censor, Hong. Dial. Penna. State vied. Soct'y. ItiennvesaNTs.—We notice an 8 by TO dwelling house. almost finished, up on tow hill. II tntingdon must and will improve, ' We also notice with pleasure that a new pavement hes been laid by some of our Market street friends. The pr ,, ement at the Methodist Church has been completed . The house of Win. Mc\lurtrie is now ready for roofing. There are Pryers! oth • ar metterirof improvement in town, butt we rill police them at.serne ether time. liilirMiss Kate Dean, the American Prima Donna, gave a grand concert at the ' Methodist Church in this place on Mon. day evening last. Miss Dean wan apu pil of the celebruted Italian Segall, and is considered by professed vocalists to pos• sees a liner and more comprehensive organ than that of any of the present age. She is gifted, too, with a full sopreno voice.— All who have heard her express them• selves as being highly pleased. A second concert was given on Tuesday evening, for the benefi t of the church, 'Just es usual, a company of mid night marauders rosined through our Weer, on Monday night last(Hallow Eve) being full of vocal music and bad whisky, seeking for something to divert themselves with. We hear of several wagons being token away, fences built, and other like mischief It's a ,city these rowdies can not be •topped in their midnight prowling. disturbing the peacable citizens of our bor ough. Mr Kennedy's Rink Note Review, published at Pittsburg, and Peterson.% detector, published at Philadelphia, for November have both been received. It is astonishing how great a number of coun- terfeit and altered bank notes are in circa lotion at th;s time, and we know of no but ter protection for the hominess man than to get one of each of the above mentioned de tectors. Dr' We wonder if the ague is 'cathing.' In the same breath we wonder if it won't have a time shaking its last victim! COM SION SENSE Rules the maul of the people, whatever the misnamed and misantrope philos ophere may say to the contrary. Show them a good, thing; let ite merits be clearly demonstrated, and they will not hevitate to give it, their must cordial patronage, The UIaSSUE have already ratified the judgement of a physician, concerning the tit atisTerritive WT.., as may be seen by the immense quantities of this medicine Which are annually sold in every section tit the land. It in now recuguizeu us gamut) , super'. or to all other reined'es yet. deemed for diseases of the digestive urgent' such as diarrhtuu, dye• peps's, aria Inc the various levers that arise truth derangement of those purituus of the sp. tent. Hostetter's name is rapidly becomin h a household word, trout Maine to Texas, from the shores ul the Atlantic to the Pacific. try the article and be satisfied. butt! by all druggitne in the world. —See eilvertibument in uuother column. THE TRIUMPH COMPLETE, ditsoiber perfect cure o/ Epilepsy by Dr. Mime a EpUepttc Piths. DURANTS Ntor, rERQUIMAN 8 Co , OCt 1, lir. It*Nee—Lear btrt—tlaving been at , Aieted with ta11.% tits for twine yeara pelt, 1 heteruuued to give you Pille a trial, kudver• flan meat ut which I now to mune ut the inyere,) and couttuued to we mew for some mouth, ult .' I unaw r.uly eurad. 1 beltuvu ,Loin to be first rate attwle ; and Wu. 1 have wed thew, hove uut had uue 'ltasca, and am now to the eujoywe tt of good health. 0 aro, very respectfully, Yours, Zsc., JUN ATH AN J. J ICOBS. P. S. 'rho Pills were rel.:untended to we by Mr. Nathan Newby, ut 11110 euuuty, to Mame adOreee yuo sent thew. Those Pow, be.itles curing Epilepey, ore a specific ter au mum's cawu ut nervous Unmade. elicit *0 per hex; two boxes fur *5; twelve tamed her Pet tit/11d eta:loBl.g u remittance will have the ?ilia sent thew tbruugh the wail, 00 RIO receipt. For Bole by bare o.llusce, Nu. 100 bo.ti niure street, ttaifiwure, to whuni uitiers from all parte ul the Union 111114 L be audreased. To CuNet:sinus:lL—The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, alter having guttered sm. erai years with a severe Lung ..oection, and that dread disease, Consumptitni,-19 to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of a cure. To all who desire it he will send of the prescription used (tree of charge) with direction for preparing and using the name, which they will find a sure cure for Conaway lion, Asthma, Bronchitis, tic. The only ob ject of the advertiser in sending the prescrip tion is to benefit the afflicted, and he hopes every sulferer will try too remedy, an it will cult them nothing, and may prove a Messing. Par• lies wishir.g the prescription will please address Rev. EDlt Aktll A. tt 118 UN, Williamsburg, Kings Cu., N. Y. Nov. 2nd.-7t. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, PHILADELPHIA ; Se ptember 21. 1859. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $5 01/5 25 4, Extra " " 5 31(..., 50 Id family " 6 62ta 6 75 What—red, per buaheJ, 1 311(aal 31 " Whitt " 1 336,1 40 overseed $6 60®5 10 per 64 "moods Timothj eeed, $l,OO to 2 00 Flax. per bushel $1 70 American Life insurance Trust o. Capital stook. 3:10.000, ComPanY't Walnut street, South East corner of Fourth, Philadelphia. Life Insurance at the usual N'utual Rates. Or at Joint Stock rates at about . 20 per cent. lens, or at Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world. A. WHILLDIN, 'resident. J. C. Stan. Sec. Sept. 28, '59.—1y.. F. H. LANE. ,Agent. Great Western Insurance & Trust Co., 409 Walant•Bt . , Philad's. Capital and Available Assets, over $850,000. Fire inland and Marine Cargo risks taken on the most favorable terms.. as.* right, Sec. C. C. LA TTIROP, Prea. Oat 12, '59.-I — yee. F. IL LAtili, AO. Z. 11. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ; RESPV.CTFULI , i OFFERS HIS PROMS siunal services to the citizens of LIONTINCIRON and vicinity. Residence on Hill street, in the house for. merly occupied by Dr. R. A. Miller. April 12, 1869. PAPER I PAPER I ote, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale bytlie rsam, half ream quire or sheet. at Lewis' New Book mid Stationery Sto re. ' Ftte.22,411.4, EOENIVECIPS T4R (ND WOOD NAPTHA PECTORAL, In the best medicine in the world, for the Cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Consmoption, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predisposed to Consumption. It attacks the root of the disease, and makes the fell des. troyer succumb to its influence. It also pro. duces tree expectoration, and induces healthy action in the diseased Morons Membranes and Timm It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. One dose of this invaluable Syrup opens gives rose, and consequently sleep, which the peculiar nature of this disease denies him. It tit very pleasant to the taste and prompt in its effects. Try it, and be con• vineei., that it is invaluable in the cure of Brffirhial2tifeetions. Price 50 cents per 'Jodie. Prepored only by A. ESENWEIN. - Druggist, N. W. Corner of NINTH & POPLAR Streets. Philadelphia. N. B.—For aale by John Read. S S:Smith, Huntingdon, R. kießurneys, Sirs Mu+.+er, MeAlavey's Fort. John D. Rethriek Markles. burg, Gen. K. Smith, St Co. Phil. and Store• keepers sod Druggio generally May 25th, 1859 -ly. FALL & WINTER CLOTHING! The undersigned would remoectfully ctll the attention of our friends and custotnete, no well ■n the citizens of the town and country general ly, to oucnelyiind extensive atu , octnent of READY-MADE CLOTHING. consisting of every article of.gentlemente fur nishing goods. We deem it unneceesary to make a newspaper flourish, being confident that ■ call and on examination ()four goods, will sa tisfy all, that our goods are just what we re commend them to be, well male, of good mate rial, end as cheap as the same quality of goods can he bought in the count• of Huntingdon. It is not our desire, as it is ant the policy of honest men, to deceive, but this much we will say, that we will guarantee to all who 'may fa vor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction as to quality, fit and price. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing, not found in our stock, by leaving their meas ure, they can he accommodated at short notice Call at corner afthe diamond, Long's new house M. GUTMAN .2 CO. Oct. 12, 1859. CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER. A New Assortment Just Opened S And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CH EA PEST! ROMAN respectfully in'orma his Casio mers end the public generally, that he has ;net opened at his store-room in Market Manure- Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made . ..... Clothing for Fail and Winter, which be will iell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before I well'. sing elsewhere. Also, Bats, Caps, which will be sold lower than at any other es. tiblishment in the county. Huntingdon, April I. 1958. CHEAP DRUGS. New Thug and Grocery Store. SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 2 door, west of Montgomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in Drugs. Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints Varnish es, Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the hest article for medical pur pescs .Coneentrated Lye for mat ing Soap, Glass Pratt}Patent Medicines also Cofic, Tea, Cho colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish" Salt Flour. Crake., Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisies, Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum mer drinks, in a word every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire pure and Genuine articles will do well by giving us fl eon. 0,1. 12. 1552.-1 y. The Country Saved HI • An Abundant Harvest!! 1 And to meet the increasing demands for goods, JAS. A. BROWN has just received from the city the largest and hest stock of HARDWARE ever brought to Huntingdon, AT CITY PitIVY.A. Thin ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS exceeds all others in importance. Ist. Because it supplies TIIE PEOPLE with indevengable articles and many useful inven tions, which ran he found on/y in a HARD WARE STORE. 2nd. Tho subscriber purchasing in large quantities from manufacturers, in enaloled to sell these goods from 20 to 100 per cent cheaper! than they are sold by other merchants. Hie stock includes a complete variety el BUILDING-HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OILS, PAINTS. VARNISHES. GLASS, STEEL, IRON, MECHANIC'S TOOLS, HOLLOW-WAlig, SADDLERY, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, ISIOROCCOES, LININGS 8!::. Together with a full assortment everytt;, pertaining tc Ills lino! of hu,iiness. All orders recein prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Oct. sth, 1859. 90 75 to 80 NOTICE. TO COLLECTORS.—CoIIectors of 1858 and previous years who have not been already issued against, you are hereby reques ted to have your duplicates paid off, on or be• fore the first day or November next, or the Pal hem of your accounts will be put into the hat.ds of the Sheriff for collection. The collectors of 1859 are requested to have the one half of their duplicates paid against the November court, and to have them fully settled up on or before the first day of April, 1860. If hot paid by that time. the balance of their accounts will he immediately placed in the hands of the Sheriff for collection. By order of CPMMISiii one., HENRY W MILLER, Clerk. Miguel 17, 1859.-tn. 1859 -DRYOO ON FOR AUTUMN: 485 9 Full stool' of SILK GOODS, Full stock of STAPLE,GOODS, Full stock of FANCY GOODS, Fashionable FALL SHAWL q, CLOTHS, CASSIM ERB St VE , T 'NOS. Blankets, Quilts, Table Linens, 4,J8 EYRN: & LA NDEI Fourth and Aroh SU, PHI LA D' A . N. B.—Black Silks, Wholesale, at tow rat's. sir Bargains Daily from Now York Auctions. Sept. 7th, '59.-31a. Dr. John McCulloch, n ffere hi. professional .crv;cos to the ciiisensr Ulluntingdon and vicinity. Office, on 11111 it, between' Montgomery an , Both. .12mtentrlow, hrg. 2*, MIL TUE CELEBRATED COPPER TOES Mitchell's Patent Mciallio Tip, cipaigned on• peciall" for Boys'. Youilite and Children's ROOTS AID WOES. AN IMPROVEMENT hits been applied to BOOM and Shoes, by which a saving of expense to the customer, of t wo.thirds is realized, by actual exp• riment. lite Tip consists of a piece of copper or oth• er indestructible material, neatly fastened to the toe of.the boot or shoe, forming a complete protection. This invention is now presented to the public, with the fullest knowledge of its practical utility, having been tested over two years, and is destined entirely to supersede the old style, for CIDI.II . DIE . N'N,RDItie AND YOUTII3' BOOTS AND 0000, The importance of this invention will be readily appreciated, 11,1 it is well known that children invariably wear out their boots and shoes FIRST AT THE TOE, and, with this protection. Chet will upon an ay. erage wear at leas t two to three times as long as the old style, while the expense is hut a trifle more. This invention is also especially applicable to Miners' Boots, and all occupations subjecting the toe of the boot or shoe to be cut or worn. Merchants, and the public generally, will see the importance of obt.kning these goods imme diately, as they are destined for general use, to supersede all other kinds. The Goods may he • , htaiued of nearly all the wholesale dealers in Ike principal cities, or of the Subscribers, CHASE. MCKINNEY k CO., (Ow.. or Tee PA, ENT.) Boston August 31st, 1859.-6 m. C PECIAL ANNOVNCEMENT From the Quuker City Puhlithing House ! 100,500 CATALOGUES, new, enlarger! and revised—now ready for distribution. Superior Inducement. to the piddle ! A new and sure plan for obtaining rums and MILVER WATCHES, AIM other valuable Prizes. Full particulars giv en in Catalogues, which will ho sent free to all upon application. (wt. worth from 50 eta. to $lOO, GUARANTEED to each purchaser. $lOO.- 000 in Gifts have been distributed to my patrons within the past six mouths—slso,ooo to he dis tributed doting the next six months. The in ducements offered Agents are more liherol than those of any other biome in the business. Having been in the Publishing and Rooksel— ling 5 usiness for the last eight years. my expe rience enables me to conduct the Gilt Enter prize with the greatest vatisfaetion to ail. orAGENTS WANTED in every town and county. For lull particulars address I)UANE UCLISON, Quaker City Publishing House, 33 South 3.1 St., Philad'a.,, Pa. Sept. 21st, '59.-2m. TAGGART & FARR'S. IM PROVED F am 1 1, Se win Machines I NO. lo s, EMIT!! EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA These Machines were awarded the first pre- Minter at the Lan• aster and Montgomery County Fairs (the only fairs at which they have been yet exhibited) in competition with the Wheeler 0 Wilson. Singer, and ocher ma chMes, and are tittered to the public with con— fidence as being the cheapest and beet ma chine in the market. They are now in exten sive use and have met the unqualified appro val at all who have tried them. They are strong and simple itt construction, and are not liable to get out of order, as an examinee inn wili fully satiwy every one. They will do as great a curie ty or work, do it or well and do as much of it as the high priced machines ran do. FAMILIES, TAI [AIRS & SEAMSTRESSES Will find these machines adapted to their wants. They will new fine or heavy goods of every de scription with equal laeility. For gailnog purposes they ore unequalled. By a simple at~jnatalent ot the tension. a edit+ is made which gathers beautifully. The stich is the Double Lock Stitch, strong and elastie, and will no: unravel or draw the goods when unwed The thread is used from spools of any size, us purchased at the stores, without re-winding. Instructions in operating the mach ims given to purchasers. Each machine is erromplinled with -high .._ . directions, wi .. ore very explicit, out certain ell the information necessary to t I). Crate successfully. TAGGART & FARR, No. 103, North Eighth Street, l'hila. air.W. NO111(1 refer to Gen. S. Mks Green, Burro Forges, and W M. BRE WS TER, Agent, St•ot. 7, 1859.-Iy. Huntingdon, Pa. GIIADWICK & BRO . (Surc,smot, to 'Vernon 4. Warniek.) NORTII.EAST CORNER OF SECOND .t RACE STREETS, IHNIX.2I,D.ZIPgrA. Heaters, Ventllt%rs, Ranges and Manufacturers, Wholesale At Retail I' ~,1,,,,,, h., stoves. I We, the undersigned, hoeing thoroughly tested ALSO, the shove machine, take pleasure in rot..lnnen. McGregor's Celebrated Heaters and Stoves. ' 4 :11 the comet to the' public, assured that they With a great variety of the latest pattern. `'.'''' "tit all 6 " i '' Ith ',,,'" 'l in "' „ ~, nrrs i l t ittA ...witty, of Cook and Parlor Stoves ; also, Queen's Pat. 1 , - : , ,,71,71T 0 74', eat Portable Forges. , L. . oatiniox, .1. S. Moneta, " ANNIE 1.1. SCOTT, Aug. 31st, '59. CIIIIIBTIAN Loma, " E. Wiza.tasitioN, • 11 M ANSION HOUSE, CHAO. H. MILLER, "E. B. SAXTON, .1. M. CUNNINGHAM, " kl. C. GiviN, Corner of Hill & Montgomery Streets, Joon S. MiLLER, " M. B. S.MPPON, HUNTINGDON, PA. 1). H. roar., " M. C. MANES, CIIRISTaiIsi euUTS, Proprietor, Mrs. J. CUNNINGHAM, " LIZZIE L. Donnie, This stand is well known as the "McConnell I " JENNIN C. kluunsy " ANN E. CAMPBELL. House." The location is superior to any other, 1 Huntingdon, July 27th, 1859.-tl'. bring in the immediste proximity to busbies.; alto to the Bank and most l'ublic Offices 'Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad. It is the determination of the Proprietor, to II keep i hie House in a style satislitctory to the .-....-. public, and it is has desire, to make all who patronize him, feel at home, and to make the -- 'Mansion' rank among the hest of Hunting. ...- don Hotels. He very respectfully solicits the public patronage. Apr. 13th '59 - -..... - .1r,5a15,..,,,,i.—......r. _ . . JP A & Vet )1 It &ifCo .. Passenger Trains Arrive & Delia! iEa Follows: . MARKET STREET WHARF, PIIII,`A. MORNING TRAIN, Dealers in Fish, Cheese & Provisions; For Hepewell and intermediate Stations, leaves Here constantly on hand an nssortment ot at - - • • • -740 A. M. DRIED AND PICKLED FISH, &c., viz: Returning arrive' at Huntingdon at 12 33 P. kI. Mackerel, Shad, Saline'', Blue. Fish, Herrings, EVENING TRAIN, Codfish, Beet, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, For Saxton and intermediate Stations, leaves Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, &c , ' t - • • • • 5 00 P. M. ' a I - Supt. 14, 1859.-3 m. Return ng arrives at Huntingdon at 8 311 " -- J. .1. LAWRENCE, w0r.5000 AGENTS WANTED—To nu font" Huntingdon, Sept. 12. Superintendent. new and unequalled inventio s, wanted and .- ----- • selling everywhere. My agents have cleared Ant Iphlogiletic Salt. over $20,000 on them. Diplomas, Silver toed- This celebrated medicine is for sale at the al end four Patents granted them. For flier Smith's Drug Store. For all inflArninatory di stamps you will receive 75 pages particulnrs. 'eases it is o certain cure. Get a box anti try it, Best agency in the onunig, , • f:1)1-11tA151 BROWN4owell, Kass. , who are afflicted. For "tale at Smith'. Thug Rim', Ilimting• (let 13 1959-Int. ' 1 dew. Pa. MILNWOOD ACADEMY. A School for Young Ladies and Gentlemen. Shade Gap. Huntingdon County, WM. R. WOODS, A. M., Proprietor and Principal. 111 n. F. F. WOODS. Principal of the Female Department. J. ALFRED SHADE, M. D.. Profemor of Anatomy and Ilyg,ieue. Nits RUTH C. BOWMAN, Teacher of Mimic. Painting and Drawing. WM. M. WILLIAMSON. } A. tu•slanta. • DAVID M. BUTTS, 1 WE beg leave to call the atten- The next session of this Institution will open the Bret Wedneeday of November. In the ! tion of the Trade, and mot*. Commercial Department ,youn g men are prepared for the Countin g Rown, Sy a thorou g h practical (mime in Bookkeeping. especially the Physicians of the Terme per Imeion of five months, for hoard, tuition and coon, rent, $ 33 " country, to two of the most popu- SATIN all: Lessons on the Piano per sc..sion, - • . • $16,00 lar remedies now before the public. I Use of Instrument, . . • • 2 . 0 ( 1 We refer to MUSIC. i Lemons on the Gttitar per session, • • • • 8.00 [ Use of Instrument, • - • • 2,00 I Dr Ckas. I'Lltae's Celebrated Lessons in Vocal Music, • • ' - ' 3, ° 0 j Vermifuge and Liver Pills. Lessons in Oil Paintin g s per session, 10,00 DRAWING & PAINTING. Drawi, g and Paintin g in Water colors, 8.00 I .1 Grecian & Italian paintin g , each persession 4.00 [ We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for Leather work,• 100 ORNINIENTAL WORK.. :1 , 00 [ what their name purports, vii.: 1 Ornimental Nedle Work, • - • • Lessons in French per session, • • • 5.00 THE VERAIIFUGE, BOOKKEEPING, • 8,00 Double I,ntr " Y ' •• • • .. .. Y• . 20 , 00 ! For expelling Worms from the Students il the A It be charged $4,00 for sin g le entry, and *lll.OO [ human system. It has also been tadrnn Si ngly Department Fntr will 01 for double entry bookkeepin g . Fur farther particulars, address Win. H. WOODS. O ct 19. 1859-3 t i administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all 81L161.111 DERANGEMENTS, SICK ti nEAD-ACH I, &c. , ; ,In cases of 1 . FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui p nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men -1 tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the NATO (Do 3C)eC AID -OM7r. EFALa !AYJD nE21113 Shade Gap, Huntingdon Colley, Pennsylvania. W. U. WOODS, A. 11. Proprietor and Principal. Mits. F. T. WOODS, DAVID M. 111 - r Principal of Female Department. Teacher of thc k;nglish Branches. J. ALFRED SHADE, N. I)., WM. M. WILLIAMSON, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. reacher of Notheinatics. ALBRRT OWEN, Miss LIZZIE F. LYON, Lecturer on Art of leaching and Phts. ov. Teacher in Preparatory Department. Mtss ANNA 0. PATTON. EPHRAINI BAKER, Teacher of Music. Drawing Grecian and Bal. Monitor. ion Painting and Fancy Needle Work. rp HE next semi,. of this Institution will open the first Wedneedny of May. It holds out snpe rLir advantages to those seeking an education. 'the Board of Instruction is large, and com posed of those who are thoroughly qualified for !heir prOfession. To Parente and Guardians who wish to place their children in a secure nod healthy retreat, it holds out rascality. induce melds A NORMAL SCHOOL will be formed the present session, to which Mr. Owen, our worthy County Superintendent, will give lectures op the Arc of Teaching and PhysicalLfieogra• phy. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, young men wi:l be thoroughly qualif•ed for the Counting Room. TERMS, for session of five m mths , Sdri.oo. Light and fuel also. Leo sons in Music, French, Drawing, Painting and Fancy Needle Work, extra, For further particulars address N. B.—By those desiring places, early application should be made A,'s9 THE CASSVILLE s.,Mtputat NORMAL EiC3EIC)COI.; UOTJEt ILADII26 anD f'5?,1141.%Yt1211. THE CHEAPEST SCHOOL IN THE LAND Send for a Catalogue, and Address M. MN. WALSH, A. M., Cassuille, Pa FISHEn•&f, WI'MURTRIE ARE tIOW OPENING Tim largest aid best selected stock of Goods ever offered in this community. It comprises a full line of Fushionnlile Dress Goods, suitable for FALL and WINTER, such as Black, and Finley Silks. French and English Merino, All wool Detainer, (plain fled enl aced,) Nauvau Plaid Tanjore Lustre, Figured Cashmere, Plaids, Mouseline Delositter,Cnburgs. A Ipacens, Deßarge, Gingham, Prints. Are, A large and hesotitid ISMOnaleal of Fall and Winter SHAWLS, consisting of S7ELL.IS, 1)011BLE REVERS:I II; ES. SINGLE AND DO 1 . ,k; BIIOOIIA, WA PERLOO, SIN OLE . ND D 01711,1 WOOL GENTS' rlt.l rEttryo SHAWLS, (6C., &C. A full stock of Ladies Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such. as Citlars, Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts. Drawers, Ste. We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Raians, Mitts. Gloves, Gauntlets. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons. Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops, ke. ALso—Tickens, Ostialiurjr, bleached and unaleached Nuslins at all prices, Colored and White c am b r i c , Barred and Swiss AUtslin Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and man} other articles which comprise the line of While tind Domestic Gout's. w o have French cloths Fancy c aso i m eres, Sattinert,Jeans, Tweeds, Cottnnades, nee. Denims and Blue Drills.—ALSO, HATS and CAPS of every valiely and URN EKON, HARD WARE AND QUEENSWARE, ROOTS AND MIN. , WOOD and WILLOW-WARE which will he sold We shm deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and • n 'Nein les in thus branch or trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels rehand on, FREE CHA RGE, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Rail ads. Come one, come all, and he convinced that the "Alicritoromtats" is the p,,ce to ae eore fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Oct. sth, 1d59. WASHING CLOTHES RT PRESSURE V / V Atier flfly yearn experimenting, the pro per article has at lest horn invented the women in their hard labors on the was hi ng d a y. IT IS EVEN SO." Come and he enaritteed that we are ahead of every machine in i.e. Ila'f the time, I. all the hard labor. and half the wear and tear is saved. Little boys and girls can do the work kr their mothers. The undersigned have pmehased the exeltedve right of Huntingdon and 'Mifflin coun ties. to make and sell .1. T. MI'DOE'S Emancipator Washing Mraht.7„ We desire the end examine this trul y l a " 7-, °ltig machine. It can he teen at our on Washington street. BALL & PEIGIITAL. W. 11. WOODS, AND Piot. Chas. DeGratla , s Electric Oil.l 'ibis great discovery is now creating, a great sensation, among the Medical Facia ies of Etc , rope and this country. I. will cure the follow I ing (not everything): Warranted to Cure Fever and Ague in one day, Cure chjlls ; in five minutes. Cure Croup in one ni , rht..— Cure I tenthess in two to tour da2 cure barns and .Scalds itl tea rn2.antes. • Cure Sprains, We"ndf. , "! 'oruises in from one to three days `„ore lidhonation in one day. Cure Nenrall• gin, Croup, Tooth Ache. burnsin 10 minutes• Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, ' Abscess in ten days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, 'letter, in one to three days. Cure Ear Ache, Still neck, Ague in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Brea, • Salt. Rheum, in three to six days. Cure Quin. or'. Palpitation, Pleurisy, in one to ten days. Cure Asthma, (talsy, Gout, Erysipelas, in five to 20 days. Lure Frosted Feet, Child:tins, Chronic Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat I Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to walk I, a few bottles. Thia Oil (Ge Grath's) is mild • and plettsent, and in a great family :Medicine for children teething. dc. Ladies should all • use it. It always leaves you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Afflicted Thirteen ]earn' and Cured to One React letter from 11.. e. James Temple. l'hiledt , lphitt June 9,11. 1456, , . Prof. De Grath have been afflicted for thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain ful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep a mildly or walk any distance for many years post. Last week I got a bottle of your "Elec. trio Oil." The first night 1 slept soundly and well, and to day 1 am like a new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec uric Oil has done in one week what the ',by:li lt:lane of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years. Gratefully yours. REV. JAMES TEMPLE, 310 South stied DEAFNESS CURED New Haven, May 18th, 185(1. Prof. De Grath : My brother has been deaf three years. Atter trying teeny things, he used your Uil a few times, and it cured him eutire• ly. • CLIFFORD & SCRANTON. There are numerous imitations sprung up ten the reputation that myartiele has acquired. The public most beware. They are worthless. For sale by S. S. Smith. Iluntingdon. May 25 1859. See aeq . advenisetnentt DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER idirections, • Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success . fully engaged for the last Twenty • Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to • their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele-. brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.ll Wale. and Pb‘siciene ordering from other* than Fleming Broil., will do well to write Owls omen dvdmetly. MIA roar maw but 1, Jrissnes. grepturd loy Pim, Bros. Pittsburgh. To those wishing to yore them • trial, we will forward per mall, prat mid, to any part of the United State.. ono box of for twelve ibroterent pottage WWI,. or nor vial of vermirup fur be trteen three-mitt emit, All order. from endmia =BA recompanied by twenty mate extra. For nip in II untmoiou I, Join Ruud and 8. 8. Smith, and dealt rs grnerfrlly thrt ugh tie o unty. [May 11, 1859.—1 y. SAVINIC FUND. National' mr :I TRH? Company. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania RULES, 1. Money is received every (illy, and in any amount, Inrge or mop, . . _ 2. FIVEPER CENT interest is paid for monex from the der it is put in. 2. The money is always paid hack in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Adptf ;astral° •s, 'Guardians and others who deSire to hove it in a place of perfect safety, and when interest can be obtained for it- 5. The dioney received from depositors is in vested in REA lb ESTATE, MORTGAGES, ()CND RENTS., and such other firet•class ,ritrities as the Charter directs. _ _ G. Office 'lnure—Every dor from 9 till 3 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 9 o'clock in the evening; 110 N. HENRY 1.. BENNER, Presidents, ROBERT SELFRIDGE,. Vies Presidene,. WM. J. REED, Secretary. 1/1111ECfORS r I Hon, Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Bremner, Edward L. Carter, Joseph 13. Bury, Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Sand. It. Ashton, I J oseph Yerkes, .-. . C. Ijni;dreth Nlii;nis, I Ileay I)ieffen'ilerffes, OFFICK WALNUT STREET, SOUTII.WEST CONNER OF TOM , TWILADELPIEI2. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10; A ROME ,`I stead for $100; Also, Homesteads for $lOllO and over, situated on and near ltsppe, bannock river, above and below Fredericksburg, in Virginia. A new town called Rappaliatc nock, has recently been laid out, in Culpepper county, in the midst of the Gold Region of Yir ginia, surrounded by mine, and Mining Com. j ponies ; find farms and town lots in alternate j divisions or shares, cal, now be had for a morn song. simply to induce settlement in this dent ! rahle region. $151,900 worth of land is to be dividi.d amongst purchasers or given away an I an inducement to come on and make improve ments, and the land in of the most improvable qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are coming. Good farming land, in tracts of any size to suit purchasers, can also be hail at from $lO to $29 per acre, payable in easy quarter voarly installments. Ut.queetion• able titles will in till cases be given. se— Agents ate witnteei every where to sell these lands ; liberal inducements will he given. ! I For particulars, mititesti At• ,r,rjru incr. nil?