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After one or noire numbers of s new year Save been forwarded. a new year has comotene ed, end the !goner will not be discontinued until orreoroyes ore p a id. See Ni,. 1. 'I he allure terms will be rigidly *tillers la all eases. ADS' EIiTISEVIENTS Will be eharked at the following rate. 1 inwortion. 2 do. 3 .10. lives or lees, $ 25 $ 37e $ 50 floe square, (16 lines ' ) SU 75 I 00 two " (2 ) I LIO ISU 200 I mo. $ nu, 13 ttttt . $3 00 $5 , 10 $8 Oil 6 00 8 Pun 12 on 8 so 12 110 18 'oil 12 00 18 oil 24 1111 •ua square, two 'guars,. 1 eolumu, Au., do., It 00 27 00 ao dm, 21 00 35 00 43 1111 ISI.IIIIIIIIII Card. of six lino • or less. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Ira emistittitional disease, a corruption of the blond, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it • pervades the whole body, and mny burst out it disease on any port of it. No organ is free from its al tacks, nor is there ore which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously soused by mercurial di-case, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, *hove all, by the venereal infection. What over be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending •• from parents to children Onto the third and }Mirth gen—atioit ;" indeed, It seems to be thc rod of 11. m who says, will visit the iniquities of the Where upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresseil the energies of life, so that /scrofulous constitu tion. not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases COIIFC- IlUelltly, vast numbers perish by disorders a/hich, although floc scrofsnouss in their nature, by stair taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de eimstes the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. . . On'squarter of our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in. Section, anti their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it front the system we must remmate She blood br an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by health• food and exercise. Susi • medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the mast efitctual remedy which the medical skill of our time. can cleviivi for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is emu lined learn the most active rcnicilials that have been flhcoccrecl for the expurgation of this foul ii.nrcter from the blood, and the rescue of the irrstem from it. destructive nonsequenees. flume it should In employed for the cure of sot only scrofula, but also those other alkc 'ions which arise from it, such as liHrPTIVII and Saul DMUS., ST. ANTHONY'S Fine, Floss, or EIIYNIPELSS, PISITLEIL P I'STIJt,F R, Swum., Iltszne and 1105t.4, Tenons, 'rerun and SALT RIM,, Sc'Lo HEAD, ItINOWORM, itHZUMATISM, Sim IMAM and Ileum:nu 1, Ms wan thioriv, Drarcreis, DEHILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS MUSING /ROM VITIA, van can ilitUlta Bump. 'the popular belief impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, hr scrofula is a dcgenciation of the blood. 'l he particular purpose .d virtue of this Sarsapa. villa is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without ei Icleh soui,d health is imposaible in wisttaminalsd constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are co eomposed that diseue within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating pro/write. search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ km, correcting its Mama action, and restoring its healthy vit.ditice. Asa consequence of these prapertiee, the invalid who is bowed down with ran or physical debility is astm.t,,,had to th,: l , :,;i learnt or ft,etr restored by a regmly at once so Simple anti inviting. only du they cure the every-day coon Jo in ts at every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. the agent below named is Omitted to furnish gratis my American Almanac, siontaining certificates of their cures and directions *ir their use in the following eemplainta: ▪ Ileaiihtirn, Headache aristny . trom thundered Ptopmell, Nausea, hidiyratian, Pa n t inn and ,Itorbid inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Lass of Appt- Me, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction Mita functions, dyer's Cherry Pectoral, 7 01 TItZ $4P415 CV. Ot • ks, Colds, influenza, Hoarseness, C sup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consoler. Ica, and for the relief of Consumptive rotients is advanced stages of the !Neese. 11, wide is the field of it,usefulnesseud en nu• 1111311. etc the eases of its cures, that almost very section of country alounds in persons pub. idly known. who have l ren restored from alamting ad men desperate diseases of the lunge 1.. y its mt. When once tried, Its superiority over every aber medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape -teatime, and where its virtues are known, the is no longer hesitate what antidote to employ she distressing and dangerous affections of ti e nan..ry organs that are incident to our climate. tie sonny inferior remedies thrust 'mon the enamel have fatted and been discarded, this Hu gained friends by every trial, conferred Lynette en the afflicted they can never forget, end pro iseed cures too numerous and too remarkable le I e forgotten. TitEPARED RY DR. J. C. AI ER & CO. _ LOWELL, MASS. ° N Z,. inrotiit4ti essinm4e., pa. SELECT POETRY. To a Coquette. She has ne heart, but she in fair The rase, the lilly can't ninvie her; She smiles no sweetly, that the air Seeing full alight and beauty nigh her. She has 110 heart. but yet her lace So ins. y hues of )ouil. revealing, With MO Much ltvelii•ss and grace, 'flint ell Illy coal ' tic eon, stealing. She has no heart, she cauttot. love, But she can kindle love in mine— Strange, that the softness lif the dove Round such a thing of air cull twine. She has no lu•.ert—her eye, the' bright, Has nut the brightness of the soul; Tic not the pule and tender light, 'Dist lots Irian seraph ',ant) , stole. "lid but a wild and witching Same, That lends us no awhile thro' 11.0verdi Then leaves us, lost iii guilt mud 81111111 e, TO 1110111 . 11 our vain departed hours. Go then from use—thou carat not chain A .uul, is witived above; Turn no UII ine ilm.e nytu aI,NIII ; 11.1 IMO heart, thou 01111 i 1 11111 lIIVP. Cool torrespaocm. For the Ilourind " Religion Necessary to a Nation's Sta• -what Coma 4 es a stater' "Not ur latior'o mound, Thick wall or minded gate; Nu cities proud with 'Tires mid turrets eruwil'il Nut bays and broad turd purls, Where, laughing at the storm, rich navies ride; Nut aitHri'd and sp. ogled mums, Nhere luw brow'd baseness wells perfume to pride tin sat, hiehdninded men, With powers as fur above dull brutes endued Ilk forest, Muse, ur dell, As beasts excel cold rucks aid mumbles rude; Men who their duties knew— But know their rig Ins and knowing, dare main. tam ; Prevent the long tuned blow, And crush the tyrant, while they rood the chain, These cuilatliutva 61 Jtate." "SIN Ju.s." Man la naturally a religious heitig, and must, therefore, have out a Clad to woe ship—some Divinity to adore. Tole god nay be It cleator of his turn 1111. k--a be tog rissessing like power and possums Wlw OUrrelVrS,oll.l having Ma same evil propensities , ueverilis less the idea still exists, he is to us si god. Renee. a rea son for the blood that has been stied for the of sin, and the stook' , of sac fairies that has ascended to the heavens front the thonatiods 01 11Clirra : hence, a reason or the di-grading aup.•rsulllos 111.11, ho to brought &rotation and tutu- upon our owthi, mid those Mira 0 , 11 red deord Llit pages of history. I one! •It may be solely loot down IVI a prop,. I Th e y soy hr loot u Ill o o.nud dtill.: to In vitioni, that every mlwiu 10001 hour. stole beir. al tit V...., no I I a .. -44 vest ire ahoon olio.o for the , eople if it dews.. to ex.-t, as much ill rhino, of bring pron. cooed. us the puler the religion the more firm mid i tau tar of g. hung , not the poor house. be stable will be its foundation. If it has au poliolisliiiog the toyer. I no: sorry for the orliglOri hut adopts Atheism for Its gtude, girl tinn tip y have m ad, n It tt ill quickly be rent Ly the whovos - oh 'nog of We. Caught hy the Mott silk 'march y uud du•spill ,or dashed tend boner's; they wore tinyo into the brooch, a disordered nod ruined mos, a lair position. that they will very much This loony be orgoord fro& :be ronaliogy of okinage their prOOIOCI our life. the individual luau. What then is the And this perlioiro, lo a- coalition n fool eXrrteol by religion upon the in- hog p rulers. II Is among clic pro dividuoil character 1 pie. The) becin wroog. and start in II cremes witom him the idea of duly-.' hosiot•s• on a logger Ira], than obey cult Some moon are only restrained Irmo lie hold rot. y but ahi farm grtirtally Colllllllsailill 0t crimes by the strong arm WIC.- as nlncl, as th y tau pay for ati.l id civil lacy. A mj ur ty, however, Hie (Flea are Own( .111 . 1, our Cl. by s comoderotiost of the a waist a WII II Is pr. 'ouch like 'elation roil ling beloYteit themselves. their 1.)r.0.110 Silrilli'r bilging lit the e• etlty midonaunanty. Rut not of ooXivieller pitches hi+ 01 lir poi iirgli tit the id -it of .1 cntpreine erase trout the 1 . 1101 " 1 , that his Tub a br mks low ; mods mind the co/I.c of his 0,0 scru etch b• lore lie eels ihnoioh, and nob.. personal accoinutainlity Cohau-al inn di aail 10,100 1.110 111, 1(1.1 is ail! 10..11 his Vi.,V llui j .ys mid Nor tow, of that foo up b lore ihr hoviolin is hall auto! The Ilfr tt Itieli Hatiuh, 5,1 mach comfort to hirtiout. ossietel ~f nisi. o!, goo, Iro o v cod biro the inisoconi, and ir hull of istr-r for the c.:•, will oft,. 'tut lout' tuitut..l., to a guilty %V&A such it man not dal— ylik.• ut c- , (1 , .f0r Ito., lion. dare set a limit to his ctlilieS 1 ar , .lflollurS, ;IRA M lost bor., for Ilirr. or V.Ol 111 VlOll lip Val to hit, about duty.-- tour hundred don't stop to think %V bat is duty to him! Mrto ly the gr .uu lir'. C....1g 0111. Cutiou Of Ilia 00 . 11 desires and ad 0 . 111114 ' A 101 l Morin tf his wife hogior io the hour.• howevs r it onus b... The reli, o t o s Its the 01111 e way. 11 1101 a'i uuy hay Inn 1111011 think. nut lifoileiol.iig civil law. nor 1.11 . 1 fi"'"I'll' c""'e".. 'Flier" 1,01 ' ll.- "is how hr may a•C.11).. Ira pull •al II I• Slilllillog antl bo ttiir Was Pi lilt!" 1.-1 r. motives for isctusto horn to mooting pl.oco 1 111111 of cotopuile. Hod on earth, they hove their aright l,tr hock till tides- slid live in tip top farmer's in Deity. There is a judge over all oho FI)I.-. The 1111 .". l'uut 111) gull had nil old hike. cogiesuoice of ill his actions. Ile l .' s ' "' it. tool •"'" c" 1 " 1 "n" 111 ". 'thud shall account in him fur every secret Om% w''ulii hnvrls't urn d urn 11111.x11 1.. - -word or dead. There is an extern II honor: l 0 "'it it 11 , iin it. 'tut she ;haat have whet all them. (Imagine ahull be bro tight It 111"11 up 1101111 and h "" 1 " 111 " Y to light. 11 Ins actions have hero good. he i " u ' vud la • 8 " T "'" l'"I on nu nlidilnitts shun reCitote pima. for Ilerra accomplish- "I 1 "I ""' "1"'10rd"It and Plum": "lid meld. It his life has buten one of misery. papered, and h rtl finished, and by the tithe he got through. it about finished him. and cruelty, and evil, he shall reap a simi. hir reward. II a nom is thoroughly isn- Sh 1,1101 have rxinsvninir I carpets. and bued with such truths, and conscious of furniture, at d n fin" VlrriNae to ride in. their existence, Bari duct] n min wifely uni ‘ i v u h ve n r),: ir t , l . iing munch the tiny boos••. lorionalt lib his fining ',onion crime 1 I - lis idea of duty i n not out he foun in Fatt iu l uself fifteen hundred e.unil by the eadooleivil society, but rune dollars in debt. Thu, farm was& good hatr, " LIMIRTY AND [TNION. Now AND PORP.vEtt, ONI ANn INB6PARABLZ• HINTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1859 poroll , l vitt' the. ett.rti.,l hw of r. witutle. All the influences which ore, brought to briir in determining his ef,llll,lr of endue', and the prom..t.tig•such ncnnn®. numerous as the r.irs of the genial exit independent of civil enciety,and orig inate lar hook Its the Chimh.r of the Cri P. A I.HObIIP,ON. To 1.b. , Coo • •soed cititct 11.1kcc1lanp. in.- ifii ov, ni g rriic h from the .drn«ricnn and nrr s!rongly tempted to it will ,tilt b own!' J. 0 O. Tim Bunker on Beginning Life• A PEEP ATTU,: 811ADToWN PARS. NAO., EDlTsit.—lt Is well thin you err st good isusltri! noire out 0f ilueketttisvu 11. out the sr [sure. Stiles thno picnic •on sgisl lissor4 rot' rome out. these lus4 Orr.) a l good d. el 05 talk —end nllls us or more. 1.1,0 in : 4 1111t0% glass there I 11'is~ 1111 ll . e,e sick, mut f .1 sts with Colonel I, o,on. who got up t.r rnc, lIrCo, op to stet its rift—Woking an r, , (1 in to d about n , sis sl its a M.. Icit soul eases ise: d butiki.r, slid yuu h;.t 1.11, 9 Ili :Mt Ili Hie I r I dill. Ili. my a i t i iii. r and C. 1 .1 Nick 11111%, 011 ra. any. Wiovrt• •%Val, 1,110 the wochcat gut p,, that p 1.11 llir unit, %%nil th.•ur bon: .3, “fl. old 1.t1,..11 bidding tnr hinkr4 11,- puce ty,.a nad vritinall, tint ilia p.ctrr ,11> all fired ntr.m, anti milep , d,Nt. It vbssi.'t lit to d”c. tit. 1 aunt pier. cut. tfi. 1)111)6111J for L 11,44 iiihn! IV hy, tenfit'. the picter it to s. LIP, ilecording facer!' 'A true WO. 'nut's wt•.:it I !Inv,. in effluvium on ni:fflp•llier ton tinltl WO, with hr•r ban art flying, Irathr, matt all, and a 1t•Ilour With hits t rteko. hook out, that they say was for me I esti Igo Hoy eh. re Itilimog tice. 11l folks, bat tri. , they are slit Itn g .111.1 d Iwo illy lee, nod irriairang wall swot here(' *art of ;Veil. •We mod, huv.• you .•e••u the last dgrie of tole?' I genii g • 6..11 011 lold if there ' s soy Litt' lathe I/I.i. . 1 ,14 bound to prose. Cult" cm.% ke.•p cool, 'I Lr li•mt 12.1. d. F011..112.1 put 222,22 (Lim. liter , o i l tor nbow, Intiim till'', in tl tin i ore show, up. Folks whin., 'm a r t bnol , a dr,. go to law—good mornitig, l of and produced errand crops; bat with all ttor isroi4 nos gloomy cli•ut► upon ~our he could ito, the b lance tuna nn the•wrnng )isoi ionl sky, l still would Wend for sown Side an the also uf s o r ry year, and it the tern us. hours. noine industrious. monients; end of it 'bigot, yeare they had to sett not, time apportioned to the culture of the and emigrate. You eel.. the sick do, ages mold. the enriching of the memory n ith and other women fitting kept him iii deli, more, of uoe•ful knowledge. I would plead nod he had no chir•ce to buy more ntork, mist the capacities and arpiration of 'the when he needed it, or to hire as mufti la• i oat,' al pan receive some miniairitinn hor Pa he really needed. to carry on the mtd that the moral faculties he cultivated farm in advantage. It is of DO use to be and stimulated, and the g , •rterous gin life in thin way. If Its hM lived in' of the non] be expend••d in tabus fir the• the old house a fen yi•ars. and wailed for h•st pool of these around y•at, BO in Ihr finery moil hr had the cash m his rur•'d them in no beamy like that of gond pot ken to pny for it, he might have been ness—ihere in no power like that of 'virtue in , Itm.kertown to this day, Hog ui thrit- personal totality may aatr•ict the admiration Mg a nom as there is iu it •I'ny as you of the moral worth, the hotelmen. is the go, 'IS the true prinutplo lur everything moil, Mat continuo& the deepest River. that, lyu't nsee•sury. A titan. !logy incur etice and soCules the inoso enduring affec debt Ito a part of tin. Lind or 'leek. Or for' tiom Er,: men who have no ieligion the Pods nl los tool,, Bin he 11140.1 on th.•nusrives, but are men of jodgaient, w •Ii go to the poor house On to run in delii and whme opinion in worth Ma most. re. for fin.• clothes. and a rpkintid r p rc i ad m ire a hay most, who dia. Reiter abiett on a pine I.rdatrud, till you rats in her ohdracter the ''beauty uf hie rare obi, to pit• for mahogany. tool's." • I have tall.ed this dvrtrin over so lunch 'lt Mare in one sight more than any nth ter its this world of notinid sorrow, which ali the elements of beauty, nt 111-to and st wont], it is that at n t•rnnng in my lowly, that I vest: the children ha t. Lot it h, hurt Silly has. lam c.•rtttitt I -tipp. t i, tinnier, w.. 11111 1,10. u. tear him she t. L. that! on, I.v, r t, tht. puriminagt.. 11.11-I,atirt• and wino a as of bilks were or no cite,. tp,..c.• em 101, ittir r the y got omrrird.— lIU I um tasty writing a st.lteitteiti ~ 1 •011. I , ,itigv tit ihe dof sti•ady Xp 111 to p• 11. 1, I I,.xt d Sdly 11111,111 r O i l. in OleSr CIICII ..• ,thr,cr rt. Ihu Jo•fxh knu iA in. w to Hullor tow or, larva bit. Hintont• fanner, and in plain citv I Ii• Id 1.1111 H sun isler i. kell td b • Hill eXH•01110 10 VIP thick. 10 ill, ,1) lr nl living, tvt , tl its is 111. istor.tts,lititl to Ili. rt.logittli. I hive notice It, lime arid ogoin dud exists pie waa a grand thirign. put the nosh on to remora. If a 'llllll, prellebt'S 11'0111 'hi. It Hit, 13 VP 100 1111111 anything,' run drives limm• thill he linen ., I,lld tor. some how the wo things err.. 10 h i tch 10. gt•ifier. 114 se ex , n 4,, .1 mut lit 10. drlVe filtnist,rs fr u . OH,r pa, t.s.. They gni in 41. b:. g... and NI1111 . 1.(1, •iiin .11111 . 111 with 61101 things it,. airy !nod, ' until they were n..le to get heir,. I didn't tpiuble i t Snnrltown. and I knew ugin.d II I clniintlt•il "pun. lir:puffing tigiit Ily tt Ono, but I sent ninotz n cnutn WWI it, ill 11.414110 her .1141 . ' 0 COllllll ol hie was tan at! um +lc The.e wss is tat 01 cim—bnitmit and hut Joh,. :lips.. d iu n tuuplr fit' of his ou viu mak, us us if hint I ,111 inizo dint nil 11, tit...a %%He not ti, tie el. , in th• puurhur 0 t p It( ,n,• dr,ss e• 1.. the 1 Ilia pair 1,1 rherk rd orroo I ?wt.: , 31,N •r Ico. w wit re t It. v Clllll.. (1 , 111. I 11.1.1 to 4.4}1 it co moue. lor S • Ily lilork 'fowl: hors, too' I sent down iiii• to.xi (fay C.t, with it lot ol fano und us it sort ul in.inuutn•g thus hal, 11,1 i wool sot:lento,. be m. 0,1 Mg of llie 1g... 'roo,eful wort pr, ty wcll mix of nit wart the •0 "et. indoor, mid out. From oil I ono !rout, the p.,y Ie to, prto3y well eft the young folk., and with the ar• tvs I hi... Millie for theiii. 'I hey liiieti'i got anything bin what thee ran of tivil and nothing thin don't vitti'l to itse.ilool that. t it. tit the wh.;',„ i " d: 'am rr. lt. C.. iiiii IWO, WOMAN'S PAOPSa SPRZRE The ”ri.o.• I• it dieaunnr of R c E I' Ituger.. ou .1 hr Nod DA. X mtlirt.iamty L'•l tow orgr h••rr ;won mt• G•,ur,l« N.r....11. V lit V IVIIO UV. 11l thr 1,01•01,01 e, 01 uslogig I..ftfrr 114 LI n. r vv ter ,1 Ilir tl nn thop, 111.1g•st I y th.• von, world. It I- .1 sndilting i U we runny ul tlo• 1,1.. n li .• I. I will oro Out in b ; keen •,,,• i. lii wtimse 11411)1.• I,lnvers. .0,, ~•it :of Cann tytt:tu•• pr.•Ci.ot+ ii only 110.111 dr• SS g oty, w.•nr Iltr ni ppor. I of tbe I,twerey. and lire ligot unit er.scefhl. Hold . tat• hoe. • tut higher ttv e oo• f CI Olt plo,il, Or the day : the. I tr 4, itte.rty. or the to.ver topic— deers ; wii P,l" I,olllle IS the int.; eroll.• trash which ir unu•d•un t r every r 0.0.• unity. tool iiiebottiog and dis:tipia o , g the wools of our youth; Win, whole life veettitt to he Hu sunless. trivoloul life; owl *he. its they flit by us on their wiry wing+• intivt d the n•quiry • "For what tv re these pretty orenture. pray yo t ak.• loftier views of life than these.. 11•htle I would not draw you (tom the rational pleasures of society nod lovely ',mode. who., youth and b•ou.y who:, ;low h rtctsttrx•. of nod 1,V1110..e itiflue MY 1111 humor; heart,. are 11.1 el 111 the ciiti,e of troth mot ln•d 118 on humble offer r • a feet! Such a being is, I/I toy :he revrr.•nce Hurl ,011111111 OM of et • r. itioi Hod hold.. Wort ; and :Ow ciosiiiittilif it, even alien the light of her hewn y tr gn••nched hod the flower ..f her loveline.- i. 11.1.11 Rot it these i, b ad, le an I.reaking'sieht en earth. it is that of one gifted to u h ell ine charms whien u dote lavishes open daughters, prostati hug tile., upon the alter ul v..nug it fash i on. and starving the soul on the utonearitit g II 1. tery tit a am tool hollow hearted world; rtiatinig it giddy ,meal of Reirty. frivolity. 111.0 I: a. 11 , 1.11,11 i; lot nog tip lit the !wore it elle...ties, and forsaken old age, and ft nos requor.elt,s eternity " Oil, what is woman ? What her smiles, Her lips ttt love, her eye. ut Whitt, to she, tt thube hi.; revs le The lowly Jerk.? L tn, tinky %rite Ills name up m her marble And linger in her curls utjei ; The 1i,410 spring flowers 1114 y meekly bow lirliire lier trend—and pet—and yet Wilhout tbnt uweker gruceoliell be A lighter thing th. vutiii)!" •Mo e Copy' 011 . 0. ;11 t nna dreary. ,fit thi• wrn.•r, er 6 rind wenry. puitlerffig er a u+.•d below ( of •erawh: g titles, ram. r, ri , to olotig days tit grittier thr.rir tir hat writ worther, usirrg tip wiser run, 1411.1 I , poirder.:(l Wr three ttrur• o'er. ire crriffi'd 'hem, el.etVly riwking, (. ..... our (pievr 4.1 , •as ft:eking r cart, a thin 1, u. ti 111,V1). k , ,Cknig —k,wv 1.. g Ilex sneterUirs do u r. •Sure theft he Jail,: a e errurt.qed —'J in k s t: at's lirritrkarg ill 11111' chamber door; Jrrik, the r-v.-11,1,tirre AI , web do, wv rrmin , iu the wild. which thrti cooditit d ut, the •• !whim! 1., b tore uN. mid aisosmod • uli u r the &u,. Thuu„lit we ..litilts usuis burrow maim. netvNiiisp..l' 1:11 lio•iii rrote,mu d mill be r. hen Irwin Mir • au go 101 n t itiiks. the hire, In ) (Ten• inn tt tile the •auctititi yell vas nor keseCkllng—konniCkling hand r than' hilure. Aid] the sc•stierril piles of 'milers Col auanr rusts r c iprr . boug bi br.,•2,, cowing twougli uionfor dour suit we wished our wish woo evil, ('•r men nteenniell nni.nnys civil ) that Jneka k%nns it wed • 1. to billy the,e there it. tied Inns level—,lntka, the nerve tir .riuu up uur petu•nce firm r, then %, oho.. r mliflli..r, we ...I 'your pa don your lorgirriletis, 1.11,16. r . 1:11 , 1 1 Ie f.c IV We Wure• rt..1(1,111, us is. , vit. loos p0mv.41..g, Hod two it dire your loud nipping there bulfirr-- 2 Herr ..prowd wide tho deur. Itui ptionry, now, our plieelniks— for tt w'•.>u '• . b•re.—Jutks. sistu-less ere . rinur But ihe form Unit stuisl tie tore u.. if tienibling lit coin« t. ', l U., Mid iu , ou'ry quickly bore us, back s e wn tit days of yore, days witen•ivoiss' wen. in plenty, wliere ' er iiiis writer tv,•nt tie p ck , d up neon. by tl.e -coo, 'Teas the ton. ut oar • d••vil' in fin littilude uncivil and lie. thrust his bend it lila. th.• ripen door. I'hr foreman's our 0' Copy ! vie —old viii. lie mums s hotr like Al.. r. warted Now, this ' , mil' mid lare.iilv walked about till overly dial—hr bid sauntered th , imuli lh« city till his G•rt very sore —waked the street c.tiir.i Iller kit, soil the by w.sys running nfl thin the pinions 01 the city both public cud obscure had examined atom end cellar, and had rptesnotted every .101 r wh.tua lie met trout door to door, it auythung was aiirrithf —any t , ccideot occurring—not published heretofore; and had met with no Stn.'. ; he would rather kinder guess he felt ii little wicked at that uily little bore, with the message from the foreman that be wonted •minetlitog more.' •Now, Ws time you were d•iparting, you scamp!' cried we, upstarottg; 'get vou back into the office • office whe7e you were before; or the words thin you have spoken will get your bones all broken ' (nod seiz-d n cud .k en, !toil was lying nu the floor) take your hands out of }oar pockets. and leave the ttatictutu door oqi the foreman there's nn copy, you ugly little bore.' Quoth the devil, .send lion more.' And our d.vtl, never sitting. still is flit Ling. still in flitting hack and birth upo n the I:iiidtii2 jot% outside our 9.011•11 Tem* , lidnwil his cheeks rirrxtninc• strange Itei t from hi+ eves is hex Z... *oil his voice is henna, still .ur •Sir. the loreiniiii waists simile 'wire !• And nu. • pierc,d with ilvit sure:tilting. is stui lotheit fr m tot ere: ttttt lig. and tin. lint had fore ;f ir t he (•"'C% will clone oer 11P, iliot eocti render n beton• U. beer, the horrid word, , we wont n hub• inure Winds on their flirt* fiend. •your loony colon'n need:, n I ttle 'lmre Astronomical Clock. There is, to the tow.. ui Nantucket Ala+•.tut a• nick. uncle by I 100 it idler Fulg••t.. when he Was M.lV.Wentr ll,t year. ti age • The plum of the wind. muchniery of the ri••ch w.OO In:our,' unit cnosidvted to his mind before he cnmtuert• c d to put it together. It keeps tke cot , rec. &avid the year, nod the figures CllHnge HS ayr r changes The sun soil notion rrpreset•t.d by balls sppear to rnr and set to. the Ince of the clock, it h oil their curl mitt. sod vs in the heavens. It nl ludientesth. sun s place in the ecliptic. keeps iiiiiircout of the it... no of the intlim . s norh•s around the ecliptic, the•. sun's nod moon's decloottion. The wheel that tieetti the date 9' the yetir,ret,olves nroua•t ! once hundred years. it remain.. -.till ten years, and after that time shirts reg Wally time notch. This clock is cutisill eyed. ht• thin.e who base witnessed Os per fornimice, to lie toe ol the gr mutest apeCi• owns of iliedialikAl lugruoiht• in the Cmtl. try, regotring not only no chniiic il skill. not n perfect know...lee lir nstronoinv.-- When the inventor died it few years some, ii 'r u n dun•u ...if an line c'u'd hr 1 . 011 .. .: to lidia,g he puns. Omi of his son, who. wa, it cinchona!, r bt trade, sut•h.•d at hir two years. nod after 'oakum! a east amount id mathematical ea:comm.', final ly its 'main., so that uo v its pendulum swings in .1. regular arcs. The inv.mitir also, when fifty Gtr years sf sge con, ructi d o r• tele,cnp • by which he tin• enabled to discovered spine rot the planet Venue. Mr. Fulg,•r n.•ver suet) but a few mouths to learn the lud totems of lesraiiii E. but he possessed sop. rinr Mind 'hilt diln led hie t f to to lii , n and lnteomntunp•,wurs lit npphe+nits and pers.•v,••anca. A Idle)) 11110 won. IN C 11. ., remit Wlth the coil m, mtind+ of th.• country, in speaking of hint, au td he wits the ginatest toutheolatt ciao he eVt-r saw, JOIN RoGIEDA AND CHILDRtV.— W n Hintilit_• Oa hats not p rplexe t his or her determine the eft. children owned by t hi+ is r W re? Who has Mat speellittiet . .10 Welher the Mine 1 , 11 , 11 CH Idren notone lit the taneiint . ' 11 , 111. d this Itrirner , tuns meant In CIIIIIVI.y the hie" that tile ‘• OM at the tirea.i was ihclo.leil in the nit, .1101 Mire. or tuns liti dem ite ittitiiio, making the itootb.r iit hedges /tn. At last this prrpl. x4l goes lion It; 011 Golly sett rd. for we srr ttt It lotocellor IValworth, it the Ii r celrb. tom to Ntir0 . 1011.1 . 01111., tilt-411011 g 0 , VW ilf.; , %; , •11,11110: , Of the martyr, who. reside in t loti aoctrot town, P 70111,10 ,1 Irmo noms old history a kw, or addreas Irmo Joh. to the ti..vrrotorot. ti which urns a pastakr. to ill:. c:.• 1 would that my wolutty wife hod come to 20, 110. ; Ira child, en. ~hich are liens and 'Moe, mutt I would comfort her some w hut ." Ten te thrrelore :he number. lir An An...demi nwhor pays hr &Ps nul rxrct hie work vu last for•vrr. ' , for its. is ,iihj ct dec iy.' Bust One* nit .gii 0110 his ts riting, will decay ;there In to , ioure . in thriii. Mr.! tines Pitt is a enntliffmte for nifice itt Ueoruti. Oh.. .1 the Gooruis pipers shy.. Ono he hag sp •el} and no hot anu " Ilu to the obottusildes Pat," we uppeso Editor & Prop: ALL A MIPDDLE. DT UKAC APPLETUY. Grumble, grumble, Houirh and tumble— So the world goes, High and humble! Sorrow, irrinble, .10y outtioubl•—• Life ix but a Bursting bubble I Leisure, pleasure, Stinted measure—. Gild Rhine is Stand ird treasure Wealth uomeeded, Worth unheeded Pallid lint, with Blond drupt beaded I Sin assailing, Virtue failing, Lo! in dust her Banners trailing! Anguish wailing, Sc.,Gra railing— D , •moue over - Gods prevailing I Alight rough ehodilen, Right clovnieroddeu— So the race rues, God forgottoe I A POINTED SERMON. --%l.ttly a (:m lt, ur's Istogth is tist hnlf . thr I .4luwirtg from au accenqic Et F. *ober, grave, tem. arm,: ii, 9 1. There sire three compinif w itnii yt.o .huuld kgrie 2 Your wit, 8. You r 4. Your conscience. 5. II you •sith to ertirr'pencr., and happiness, pre,ers, them tt] mice Intemperance producer 6. Demesttc misery. 7. Premature death. 8 Infidelity. Tr, 11111ke these points clear. I 9. To the hovitals, nn I woi k hinwes. . JO. T. he post experi.rfre have rese and suffered. holy and et•tste. Header, decide ! which will pi Teitilwriasuce, with hititpiiiriw end insealpersiicr with misery um Curt llrnth t THE Mums or GEeri/ —1 to mrr that this world is tun of tic). ; and I have long hero pro v” it, mot rather comfort fort boor of nrukt tg up lily occouot whim I fIIIIV iiptorehristl to hr And 41 oub I ha••r l by Ili ~ru I lint in toy youth, and feared lin sigh+, Mid 1.1111,d to II Ve COns,it of tio..oce totvords oil linen; yet, Lord, shoolds. be extreme to iii I bon- time n•nies how sha'l Illirre I folve failed, Lord, shn t• 1 lttr ; 6.r I plead lint lay rightr bu. rues of my nought torooul. Ilir mt•rila Who died In wirdors for An ;1410.01. Gsrtl. I.•l it null hi.., tiettl the.. ch..o-e null tic mit to It LO.l no , mint. U L .id. door. -- Richar Hook,. ger An betide! win had horn hist to prove that oleo have it Indy. with an air of trsuoi .he thought I his pfuloNophy. pear. to MP." Ale replied, .•Li.o 1 . 1 been rtuitloylog n pod deal of prove your.ell a huoist." itir' A 6.11 is under enn.nd.-ren 1.-,:i•lun Ore ut I Cm.... pry nil it r id' coin, over rig' mud. r fifty yents ul Shull .1 Ihe Lute Ilr gO. 11110 vii Vet,. gar All rXChallutl i tirr their 110 Way of f Vesuviu.. Yes, kallIble• ftkr Ilfr ei11.1 . 111 lilt,/ the cruvr..,u 11 , 1 dinthi, &it uil the 6(0 up ell lIIVNIS. Vir 43(4 arty ice at r rtti 11..e•wig f' N'; but I • vr got Ow nrzt Lt liitt . 3 lliot r .A *vv., cold,' 0.:7". X iiiiirrivd I Id 1..1 Virginia. is smut ts, ws.4h tire 'l,l poncila. tit; hu.' get lady r won sir %V. ors time supplying green point in it S.iei suppo.e if they in nil tlietr, , can bore pIIUS all Wltiler. fire- W high it the bee. nt do iirtivt, a tvatita..a horse, a vital Laptev,