Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 12, 1859, Image 4

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    7117 w .9. 1111120
your virtue,
tl. '"''Tither the tongue; Sl°
Pity the fair vine
BliAhted so young;
Why not the tomb?
Sad, tattered life,
Why not the doom—
Widow, yet wife
Tears, like sad rivers,
Roll through all time;
He his heart's torrent,
Poured for its crime I
Billows of cod
Swell o'er his Lreast,
Pleading with God—
There let hint rest.
btill to another
Life is as Death
Home with its idol
Gone with a breath I
Blood on his hand,
Stuiu on his bed ;
Pity them all—
Living and dead.
Those whose life's current
Flows calm and quiet,
Whose love and whose passion
Never ran riot,
Judge not to harshly;
Few call by design ;
Pray fur the erring—
Their fate may bu thine.
Bridle your censure,
Tether the tongue, , _
Charity's Blessings ..
Ever are young ;
He knows the temptation
Who measures the sig,
May his mantled mercy
Forever be thine.
Anecdote of Governor Seward.
Cuziins, in his last 'Wine Press,' tells
an old story, which, he says, few persons
have at heard. W hen Governor of New,'
Yorie, Seward, in these pro-railroad days,
had occasion tc visit a certain portion of
the State, and accordingly, mounted upon
the box of the mail coach, in order that lie
might enjoy his cigar .d the scenery,—
The driver was an inquisitive fellow, and
hie passenger humored him.
'Land agent!' quuth the driver.
'No,' quoit] Seward.
'Selling goods?' -
'Traveling preacher?'
What then,' said the baffled driver, is
year business'
•Cievereor; replied Seward, with a trar•-
oi 11 DUO
. 4
-4671.,171.21. 0 'rhea'
!GC:01.110r pf 131,. Slate Of New Yo.k,
replied the molting pa.unger with pent
composure. - •
trout.' .
can convince you or 044'11E11d,
•fur here al a mar. on the road with',
whom tam acquainted,' and as the. stage
passed by, he saluted him. 'Good toor.
sing, Mr. Bunker, I want to ask you a
question—am 1 riot the Governor of the
butte of New York?'
'Nu, by thunder!' was Bunker's unex
peeled answer.
•Who it then?' said the startled smo
'Tharlow Weed!'
Queer Employmer.t.
We heard a good story the other day,
which we think merits a wider circulation
than it has yut gut.
The story runs that some holiest faced
Hoosier neat Into a fancy store to Cincin
nati, in hunt of a biIUNIIO4.
Thu proprietor or head clerk, was sit
ting in the counting-room, with his feet
elevated, contemplating human life through
the softening influence of excellent cigar
Our Hoosier addresad him modestly as
'Do you want to hire a hand about your
The clerk looked up indifferently, but
seeing his customer, concluded to have u
little fun out of him, so he answered very
briskly, at the same time pulling out a
large an] costly handkerchief. and blow tug
his nose on it.
Yea air what sort of a Situation do you
Well I'm nit panioular. I'm out of
work, and almost anything will do me fur
Yes, loan give yon a situation if it will
suit you.
What is it? What's to be dono, and
what do you give?
Well, I want bonds to chew cogs into
paper, and if you are willing to set in you
may begin at once.
Good es wheat! Hand over your
[lore take this haadkerehiel and coin
rence with it.
The Hoosier saw the 'sell,' and quietly
putting the handkerchief into his pocket,
remarked as he turned to go om;
Wher. I get it chimed, stranger, I'll
'etch it back!
or-A Frenchman has written to say
tiiat its has invented a remedy for the 2
araki which allevi 8 all pain 4 tit with
"Having bad one of Grover & Baker's Die
chines in my family for nearly a year and at halt
I take pleasure in commendieg It as every way
reliable for the purpose for which it is designed
—Family S:wing."—Mrs. Joshua Leavitt, wife'
of Rev. br. Leavitt, Editor of N. Y. Independent.
"I confess myself delighted with your Sewing
Machine, which has been in my family for ma
ny months. It has always been ready for duty,
requiring no adjustment, and is easily a3aptcd
to every variety of family sowing, by simply
ebanging the spools of threid."—ites. Eli:abeth
Strickland, wife of Rev. Dr. Strirldand, Editor f
N. Y Christian Advocate.
"After trying several different good machines,
I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity,
and the perfect ease with which it is managed,
an well as the strength and durability of the
seam. After long experience, I feel competent
to speak in this manner, and to confidently re
commend it for every variety of family sewing."
--Mrs. E, B. Spooner, wife of the Editor of Brook
lyn Star.
"I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma
chine for two years, and have found it adapted
to all kinds of family emu ng, from Calabria tr,
Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out
without the giving way of a stitch. The ;Ma
chine is easily kept In order, and is easily thied."
—Mrs. A. B. Whipple, wife of Bev. Geo. Whip
pie, NCIO York:
"Your Sewing Machine has been in use in
my family the past two years, and the ladies
request me to give you their testimonials. to its
perfect adaptedness, as well as labor-saving
qualities in the performance of family rind
household sowing."—Robert Boorman, N. Y.
"For several months we have Gros. er & Ba
ker's Sewing Machine, and have come to Oa
conclusion that every lady who desires her sew
ng beautifully and quickly done, would he mast
ortunute in possessing one of these
end indefatigable 'iron needle-women,' whose
ombined qualities of beauty. strengt , awl simpli
city, are invaluable,"—J. W. Morns, daughter o/
Gen. Geo. P. Morris, Editor of flame Journal.
Extract of a letter from Thos. it. Leavitt, en
' American gentleman, now resident in Sydney,
1 New South Wales, dated January 12, 1858 t
. , "I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1823, in
which there were over three thousand yards of
I sewing done with one of Grover & Baker's Ma,-
[ chines, and a sitiye seam of that has outstood
all the doable seams sewed by sailors with a nee
, dle and twine,"
: "If Bonier could he called up from kis mur
ky !lades, he would sing the advent of Grover
- & Baker le a more benignant, miracle of ,art
I than was ever Vulcan's smith. He would de
nounce midnight shirt , making as .the direful
spring of woes unnumbered."—Pro/: North.
"I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines have more than sus.
tamed my expectation, Afterrrying and retur
ning others, I have three of them in operation
in my different places, and, after four years'
trial, have to fault to find."—J. H. Hammond,
Senator of South Carolina.
"My wife has had one of Grover & Baker's
Family Sowing Machines for some time, and I
am satisfied it is one of the best laborsaving
machnes that has been invented. I take much
pleasure in recommending it to the publie."—
• 1. G. Barris, Governor ry . Tennessee.
I"It is a beautiful thing, and puts ererybody
into an excitement of good Manor. Were .7 a
Catholic I should melee noon Sainte Ororerand 1
loasolaihratna +a Wert, holiday in commemo
ration of their good deeds fcr liumanity.—Can- I
ilitts IL Coy.
"I think it by far the best patent in use. This
Machine can be adapted fiom the finest cambric
to the , hoesitait• emainveris- It sews stronger,
\faster and mo:e beautifully than "me can ima
gine. It mine could not be replaced, money
could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nash
ville, Tenn.
"It. is speedy, very neat,aud durable in its
work; is easily understood and kept in repair.
earnestly recommend this Machine to all my ac
quaintances and others."—Mrs. M, A. Forrest,
Memphis, Tenn.
"We find this machine to work to our satis
faction, end with pleaturc recommend it to the
public, as we believe Grover & Baker to be the
best Sewing Machine in use."—Leary Brothers,
Allisotaia, Term.
"If used exchislrely for family purposes, with
ordinary care, I will wager they will last one
'three score years and ten,' and never get out
of fix."—John Erskine, Nashville, Tenn.
"I have had your machine for several weeks,
and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does
is the best and most beautiful that ever was.—
Maggie Aimison, Nashville, Tenn.
"I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking,
and fine linen stitching, and tho work is admi
rable—far better than the best hand-sewing, or
any other machine I have ever seen."—Lacy
B. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn
find the work the strongest and most bent,
tiful I have ever seen, Made either by hand 01
machine, and regard the Grover & Baker mn•
chine as one of the greatest blessings to ow
sex."—Mrs. Taylor, Nashville, Than.
"I have one of Grover & Baker's Sawing Me
chines in use in my fa n ily, •nd find it invalus
ble. I ran confidently recommend it to all pet
sons in want of a machine."—G. Tlicunpeoi
Nashville, Tenn.
"I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of
the Grover k lialer Sewing Machine, I lia^e
used one on altimst every deecription of work
for mouths, iind.lind it much stronger than work
done by hanl."—.Mes. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville
"I would be unwilling to dispose of my Gro
ver & Baker Machine fora large amount, could
I nut tapioca it again at pleasure."—Mri. H.C.
Stove!, Nashville Tenn.
"Our two Machines, purchased from von, do
the work of twenty young ladies. We with
pleasure recommend the Grocer & Baker ma
chine to be the beet in nee."—N. Stillman Co.
Is a remedy not to be excelled for the relief and
cure of those maladies incident to the summer
inst.?, viz
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera or Cholera Mot.-
. bus, Vomiting, Acidity of the Stomach, Ac.
Its excellent Carminative powers, pleasant
taste and soothing influence. renders it n val
uable remedy in infantile diseases, peculiar to
the Second Summer, via :—Cholera Inlitittum,
etc. It has a reinvigorating anti tonic influ.
ence on the system, allaying inflamation where
it exists in the stomach and bowels—and on
trial will'be found indispensable to the well
being of every fatally. It will be found as well
adapted to adults as children. Try it.
Prepared only by A. EiENWEINE,
Price 25 cts. a bottle. Dispensing Chemist.
Ninth & Poplar stn., Philadelphia.
Sold by .1. Read, Huntingdon,and Druggifts
and Storekeepers generally. (May 25, '50..1y.
Antiphlogistic Salt.
This celebrated medicine is for talc at the
Sm!lh's Drug Store. For all inflammatory di
seases It is a certaiu cure. Oct a box ane try it,
who aro afflicted.
Fur sale at Smith's Drug Stine, hunting
dun. Pa.
'rfTv'mtunof l N - OtaDNIINaH aux,
Miscellaneous Advertisements.'
Neu GOods
new Goods !
D. D. Gavin has just returnd from Philadel
phia with the largest and most beautiful us-
'sr Imo 411MAItlt gooD4,
ITw ,
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
foi Ladies and Gcntlotben, such as Black Silks,
and Fancy. All Wool de Loins, (all colors)
Spring D e jainas Challis Deloins. Heroges,
colors),,tv evell Cloth, Debaize, Alpacca, Pop
lins, Prin ed Bern vs, Brilliaota, plain and fig
ured, Ginghoms, Lawns, and Prints of every de
ALSO, s large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
Crapes Rood & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk
and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock,
Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Linea and
Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Sc.
Also the hest and cheapest assortment of Col
ors, and Undersleeves, in town. Hoed and
Plain Jaconet, bull Muslin,sSiviss, Plain,
ured, Skirt Betty Marseillo for Capes, and a
sanely of white goods too numerous to men
tion. _
Spring end Tidbit Shawls, White Delain() for
Capes, Mantillas, &c.
Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Tweeds,
K. Jesus, , Cotton Drill, Nankeens,
Ticken, able Diapers, Flannels, &ce
Also, aJarge lot of Bonnets, Flat,'Hats,
]Roots and Shoos, the largest and chew
pest assortment in town.
}:ARDWAR 13,
WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carpe ts,
Oil Cloths, Fiih and Salt, Sugar, Gaffe°,
Tea, blolasses, and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
My old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in arc respectfully request.: to come
and examine'my goods.
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex-
change for goods , at the highest market prices.
April 21,
n the "Globe" Office Building, Market Square
The subscriber respectfully informs the
zeds of Huntingdon aad adjoining c imam,
'that he has opened a New Book and Stationery
Store, in the corner room of the "Globe' buil
ding, where may be found a general assort
ment of Miscellaneous and School Books and
Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason
able prices. He will add to his stock weekly
all Books and articles in demand, and expects
in a short time to have on hand as full a stock
r f saleable Books, Stationery, &c., us can be
found in any town in the State.
Having made the necessary arrangements
with publishers, any Book wanted bud not up.
on his ahelvec t will be ordered and furnished at
city prices.
. As be desires to do a lively business with
small profits, a liberal share of patronage is
Dec.22,'sB.•tf. WM. LEWIS.
nub aolL mama
IA New Assortm •
ent Just Opened !
And will be sold 80 per cent.
HROMAN respectfully in'orms his custo
, titers and the public generally, that he line
lust opened at his atorg-roomin Market Sauer.,
Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready
Ctondun for Fan and Winter,
which its will sell rhenper than the same finality
of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philadel
phia or any other establishment in the country.
Persons wishing; to buy Clotfliniwonitrtit;
well to all and examine his stock before 1 nrche
sing elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps,
which will be sold lower than at tiny other es
tublishment in the county.
Huntingdon, April 1. -1858
New Drug and Grocery Store.
SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 2 doors west
of Montgomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in
Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints Varnish
es' Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine
and Brandy of the best article for medical pur
poses, Concentrated Lye for mat. ing Soap, Glass
Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho
colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt
Flour, Crakera, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Baisies,
Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum
mer drinks, in a word every thing usually kept
in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire
pure and Genuine articles willi do well by
giving us a call.
Sept. 29, 1858.—1 y.
T HE subeeaiber has commenced the GUN
-I- sal - Immo business at Pine Grove, Cen
tre county, where he is prepared to manufacture
and repair Gun s and Pistols of every descrip
tion with neatness and dispatch.
He will also attend to repairing CLOCKS.
Prices to suit the times.
Dec. 22, 1858.-0: VAIN H. JACOBS.
Pnr sale at Smith's Drug Store, Huntingdon.
JACKSON'S HOTEL. Huntingdon,
Respectfully informs his friends and — :1
the traveling public generally, that be
has leased the "Jackson House," fur see.
eral years occupied by Win. B. Zeigler, arl
that he will be pleased to receive the calls of
aIL who may favor him with their patronaroo.
His table will be furnished with the be the
market can afford, and every attention .itl be
given to mak, those with him feel at b nut .
Huntingdon, March 30, 1869.
Respectfully Informs the citizens of Hunting
don, vicinity, and the surrounding coun
try, that he has commenced business in
the room opposite M. Gutmen's Store in
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
WATCHES and CLOCKS rrpuired in the
best workmanlike manner.
Ilia stock of IVATCHES and JEWELIIy is
of the beat, all of which he will dispose of at
reasonable prices.
The public generally are requested to give
him a call mil examine hie sleet•.
1711El&Ift ASITIV7I76W
N 13 -
TTIE Undersigned owners of the numingdou
Mili;inform farmers and the public general.
that, they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water .wheels and machinery.
They have put in five of the Improved Jon
sal Turbine Water Wheels t and can grinding
all stages of the water, ana during the c ,
weather, any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand
for male at all times, at market -wee,. all kind of
and farmers can have their own grain ground,
and take it bad, in a return load, or they can
be furnished in exchange at a momenta notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bonn or chop.
pod feed.
is of an improved manufacture; and they nil
insure aFULL TURN OUT of superior quali
ty to every bushel of groin loft at their mill.•
N. 8.--The Buckwheat stones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10; 1866.
Huntingdon • .•;',"".. Foundry.
9111 E 'sußscitiumts TAKE TIIIS ME-
I thod of informing their friends and the pu'.
lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful ap
erat ion, and are prepared to furnish casting of
ell kinds, of the best quality on the shorten& no
tice and most reasonable terms.
Farmers are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Huntingdon. County Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't be beet, together wills the Keystone, Hill.
side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and oilice stores for coal cr wood.
. .
consisting of Kettles , Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will bo sold cheap for cosh or in ex
change fur country produce. Old metal taken
fur how castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a
share of public patronage.
April au, IBn6.—tf.
Chaxnbersburg to Mt, Union
q , he undersigned aware that a suspensiono
1 the line of Stapes over the road between
Chamhersburg and Mt, Union, cannot be but
disadrantageous to a large section of the coun
try, has, ut a considerable expense and trouble
mode arrangements to ruu a line of Stages
Tri-weekly between the two points Good
Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla
ced on the route, and experienced and trusty
drivers will superintend the running of the
Couches. The proprietor of the line is disirous
that it bo maintained, and he therefore c^lls
upon the public generally to patronize it. et
dent that it will he for their mutual advanta t.
Every attention necessary will be given,
the running of the Stages will be regular.
eir Stages leave Mt, Union, every Tu day
Thursday, and Saturday evenings, urri rug at
Cliumbersburg the next day at 2 o'cloc . Re-
itwrjes,d4tive Chamberstmq.l:e ea
evening to tttiorhTt
too and Shade Gap the lino will he daily.
eir Fare through $3; to intermediate pointit
in proportion. JOHN JAMISON.
Jan. nOth, 1858.—tt
II nt. A.Batelkelorn Ilttir Dve I
The Original and Best iu the World!
All others are mere imitation, and should
be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule.
staidly to a beautiful and Natural Brown' or
Black, without the, least injury to Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a.
warded to Wni. A. Batchelor since 1839, and
over 80,000 applications have been made to
the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
duces a color not to be distinguished from na
ture, and is warranted not to injure in the least
however long it may be continued, and the ill
effects of Bud Dyes remedied ; . the Hi it in
vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye.
Made, recd or applied (in 9 private rooms)
at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New
York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni.
ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods
J car The Genuine has the name and address
upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of
each box, of WM. A. IIAtCHEL,OR, '
' 233 Broadway, New York.
John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. 17, 'lB-Iy.
The Warm Springs at the base of Warrior'.
Ridge, five !plea north of Huntingdon, overlook
ing Standing Stone Creek, and environed by ro
mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased
by the former proprietor of the Learner House.
The extensive lintel buildings, bill houses,
Ile., erected at great expence by General A P.
Wilson, have been completed—and the groves
have been beautifully laid out .d adorned.—
The Hotel parlors and chambers airy and com
fortably furnished; and the prospect, froth the
verandahs fur beauty, cannot be excelled.
For Italia century., these Springs have been
celebrated for their medichAll qualities, and the
great naturq otthe waters in rheumatic and chro
nic affections. The temperature of the water
being 691 degrees, renders the bathing delight=
ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods
and mountains, game abounds, and the finest
fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persona in pur
suit of health or pleasure, will find this a most
delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness
to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness
of the rotes charged guests, give it n decided
advantage over any other watering place in the
• The Proprietor has had years of experience in
the business and no pains or trouble will be spa
red to make guests comfortable.
Hacks run from Iltuitingtion to Warm Springs
on the arrival of the different Railroad trains--
fare 25 cents. Families accommodated at mo
orate terms. JOHN li. IIERI),
Warm Springs near Proprietor.
Huntingdon, June sth
Mail T. l Fast T.—Ex. T.
'f rainleaves A. M. P. M. A. M.
Petersbur,;, 9.5 i 10.29 2.29
Huntingdon, 9.13 10.45 2.42
51111 Creek, 9.24 10.55 2.52
Mt Union, 9.39 11.09 3.05
7 it kINS Gotha West.
Train leaves P. M. A. hi P. 111
Mi. Union, 4.26 G. 36 6.10
Mill Creek 4.41 6.99 6.23
Huntingdon, 9.55 7.00 6.35
Petersburg, 5,11 7.11 6.47
Sir The Passenger train on the H. & B. T.
railroad leaves Huntingdon al follows :
SO A. H. 3 P.M
C/n Mfd
.44(70`u'l z
- ( - -- t, ,
Iron city comm ercial College.
PlTTaann6li, Pl. - CHAIITEII. 1855.
300 Stinlenrs. attending January 1550.
Now the largest and most thorough Com
mercial School of the United Slides.—
Young men prepared for actual duties of the
Counting Room.
J. C. 8311T11;' A. At prof. of Book-keop
log and Science of Accounts.
A. T. DOOTHRTT, ,Tifikher of Arithmetic
and Commareial Calculation. .'
J. A. IlErnatua and T. C. JENKINS, Teach
ers of Book-keeping.
A. CowLar and W. A., Profs. of
As used in every department of business.
Aro taught, and all other subjects necessary
for the success and thorough education of a
practical business mall.
12 PRED/11172211; , `
Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for
the past three years, also in Eastern and Wes
tern Cites, for the est Writing,
Important Information.
Students enter at any time—No vacation—
Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Gradu
ates assisted in obtaining situations—Tuition
for Full Commercial course s3s,oo—Average
time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week—
S'ationary, s6.oo—.cntire cost, $60.00 to 870.-
agr Ministers' Sons received at hall price.
her Card—Circular—Specimens of Business
and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps
and address F. W. JENKINS,
Sept. 29, 1858.-Iy. Pittsburgh, l'a
ax,m3 OFFICE.
Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" 01
flee at the late County FAIR, fur the best
Having recently received from the -Casten
Cities, a
and a large variety of the most fwthional,le
Printing Material, which makes it one of dm
moot complete Printing Establishments in this
section, Persons in want of any kind, of
work, cannot do better than .fates .us with
their patronage. We have facilities for execu
ring in a superior manner any kind of
on the most reasonable terms. Thum who
may wish to obtain any style of
can be accommodated at this establishment at
short notice.
te r ainaLlt NES,
CARDS, &c.,
will be fulnished promptly, executed in lie
best style and at reasonable rates.
Ale-Orders by express, mail or otherwise,
will receive immediate attention.
This gallery of Art is now open for public
iuspection of specimens of Ambrotypes, Cry.
telographs, Photographs, Circular and Star
Pictures, also, Name, or 'Age, or Residence, ta
ken on the Pictures—letters of different colors.
Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or
Particular attention paid to taking pictures
of Children. Time, from one to four
Perfect satisfaction given, or persons are not
expected to take their pictures.
Pig tures taken from sick or deceased persons
at their residences. Copies taken from Da
guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of resi
dences, &c.
Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine specimens. Pictures taken as
well in cloudy as fair weather.
Hue often do we hear the exclamation, when
persons are looking at Portraits—"l would not
value any sum if I could procure the Portraits
of my paronts—or deceased children I" Rea
der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel
ing of unity, you have an opportunity to grati
fy it at a small cost, by 'procuring Portraits,
whiph, it is known, will just jade.
SeirThose that wish to learn this beautiful
at can call ate see W. F. Thomas, from Phila.
Prices from 50 cents upwards.
. , - -
1 u
Prl s n u Za"n i eril;:eptliZgtr,Z,ltinitool l iia l st
leased that old and well establishep TAVFIIN
Fiv.txu; known as the Iliintingdon
House, on the cornet of Hill and Charles
Street, in the Borough of Ilunting- ; ;
He has recently put the house through a thoro
ugh course of repairs, and is now equal to .y in
this place.
Ills TABLE will always he stored with the
hest the season can atlortl, to suit the 'Witco
and appetites of his guests.
His BA It will always be filled with Choice Li-
Twee, and ills STABLE always attended by care
fat nod attentive Ostlers.
anFa i p ' i e rit ho ol e a s ee b ii ' m b o t g e t t ion a , " to " in tio e n rit " ant i l ) 2e i T e s
a liberal share of public patronage.
Sept. 15,1858-Iy. P. DIcATEER.
.1) surpass all. They are elegant. light, easy
and d u ruble.
Fitting to a charm—no turn up behind—no
shrinking off the head ; indeed, this is the only
Establishment where these things are proper.
ly understood audihride.
Nos. 17, 'sB,—ly. . 233 Broadway, N. Y. •
tor 1000 AGENT. WANTED.—For ?amen
lora send stamp. C. P. Winn EN,
Mar. 3g. 49. get' Lowell, Ahem
Miscellaneous Advertisements. , n Nis ileneous Advertisements. 4,
For the Lancet. Leetlbalind Blisters!! per TO i'RODUCE 11
ITS xlt/
. , reerip4,llµllloolite TILE WORLD CRAIlNIRD omi l— t,w --
when the iintlCisileniflliftefflU t001, , ' series oft Dar THE BLOOD SEARCHtir
laboilionmand coatly .experfinents, hem. fully ,
le"'0 LORIOUBBY TRlUMPillthk.)
confirmed in his eonvietion, that the 4 wield,.
gestic Soli Wltieff he now has the happiness to Sworn statement of David McCrearT, of Na
present to the Aintirieenipshlie, was a pier Tesvisship, , ltedford county.
PERFECT SU BSTII TE j In. April, 1858, es, near as 1 eon rememembor
for Illood-letting, Letelie. chit 'Blisters, lilt pimple mode its appearance on my up•
mind 50.... agitated that ire , eourd not sleep for.' per lip; which soon became enlarged and sore.
many nights. The MISS of his agitation was' I used poultices et sorrel,: end a wash of blue
the striking tact, that the manner of ate operation' vitro!, without effect. Finding ina i lng st,ei
tl h ibr bi re ir e g x , htewedo
like that of the virus . in. vaccination, could not ing I called on Dr.
be sansfectorialy explained upon any known , pronounced it c4l!ioli, and prescribed a wash.
principle. Belts, in whiit'wny,' it so effectually jof sugar of lead and Tii,arl poultices. Finding
subdued Inflammatory Virisose and no others, ; these remedies of;nol Avail, I called upon Dr. .
was at first wholly ineeplicable—but, on further , Shaffer, of Devideville, Somereet eounty,who
experiment, pitevsill'thist it &poetises the also pronounced the diSease Cancel' and gave
. fluids the body, the want or an equilibrium in nee internal mid external etmedlels—the letter
which, it the tole edoseof inflammation. Such consisting principally of ennstic ; but ill to no
is its potency, that like dip vaccine matter, ;it purpose, as the disease contidited spreading to
requires merely sat adheres to the pointof a quill ward the nose. I next need a preparation of or
dipped into a solution of it, to effect the entire sonic, in the form of salve. This for a time
systom,—but must be instantly used to prevent checked the disease, lut the inflammation soon
deeetrepoe'tion and secure its full virtue. Three, increased. Inelt railed upon Dr. Stetter of St.
quills in acute, and two in chronic. dieesses, Claireville, Bedford county, who also pronoun
e very 24 hours, till the heat, pain and febrile no- I reel the disease to bo Cancer, and applied a Salve
tion leave subsided, and a Perfect cute effected. : said to ben never-failing remedy, but it bad no
When it takes the place blister.; ,
ointment sitar whatever in checking the spread of the
and leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever, j sure. In December, of fire same year, the die-
Croup, Toothaehe,Plee,risy, its mode
of ease had eaten away a greater part of my upper
administration is two-fold. (See direetiin of elis- lip, and had attacked the nose, when I wept to
solving. &c.) Cincinnati where I consulted Dr. B. S. Newton
The (Becomer has withheld it from the pub. of the Steele Medical College. lie pronoun
now, by the advice of a judicious pleysi• red the disease "a eutrineeus Cancer, superin
clan and Valuable friend whom he consulted— t deiced by an inordinate use of mercury." He
a deaden'an known and felt in rho medical applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me inter
world—and who desired to submit it to the test nal.remediee. My face healed up, but the in
ofexperinient. 'After witnessing under his own flanimation was not thoroughly removed, In
scrutinizing. rye, its signal triumph over both February, 1857, he pronounced rue cured, and
acute and. chronic l'effeemeitieee disc.., in re- , I left fur home. In April the disease again re
peated Mid re=tepteitedd trials, Ile offered 's2s.- turned, and so vielent was the pain that I could
MO to game in as a specie! and equal partner in not rest at night. Late in May I returned le
the Recipe for its manufacture, hot the Propo-Cincinnati, and again placed myself under the
sal was rejected. , charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained
the disuse of this lancet and blisters, Is de- until September, during wheels time ho used
mended both by humanity by humanity and evert' known remedy, and partly succeeded in
scienee. Is it not a mistake, tee suppose that checking the disease, but whets I returned
a kettle of boiliag water (the inliamod blood) linear there were still three discharging ulcer.
will cease to boil, by dipping but a part of it— upon my face. I continued using Newton's
or a cask of bad eider (bail blood) be made preparations, and also metlielne that I got from
good, by drawing a portion of it .Is it. not a 1/r. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing en • .•to
mistake, tee suppose t h at blimers'emel rubefacients ail it had eaten off the left side of my nose, the, Mt
will remove' Inflanimation. when they virtually greater portion of my left cheek, anti had attack e''
superudd one inflammatiou to another The eel my left eye, I hadgiven up all hope of evss)
late Dr. B. WaterleouSe, of Harvard Universi- er being cured,. since Dr. Ely said he could only.,
ty, Raid "I am sick of learned quackery„' One give relief; but that a cure was impossible.
of the most eminent physicians In New Englund March, 1858, I bought a bottle of "Blood Sear..
acknewleelged just beline his death, that "he ' cher,” but I must confess I had no faith in it.. ,„
has been doubting for many years, scriber blood- I was very weak when I commenced taking it ;
letting and blisters did nut uggfarate rather , but I fouled that I gained strength day by day. •
than arrest decease " Sonie who mend and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. ,
high in the Old and New school, have quite re-, I continued, and when thee third bottle was tm ,
cently espoused leis Views and Misr openly con- ! ken my lace was healed as if by a miracle. I '
fess, they believe the lanat, sotons leeches and used a fourth bottle and I have been healthier
blisters Nitre ten where they benefit ono-- since than I have been fur the last seven year..
They think there is u manning to Dout. 12, 23 Although my face is sadly disfigured I am mill
—Gen. e, 4—andLavit. 17 ; t4—tnat "nix ;emend to a benign Provideuce who has spared
lII.OOD to ruts LIFE." It is not the eveiss of Illy life, and which has been dome through the
blood (there never is too much) that ULM)s di. instrumentality of LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOM,
seem, but the want of a balance between the SEAMIER. DAVID McCREARYs
fluids and solids. , Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day of An
The special excellence of the Antiplelogistie guet, A. D. 1853, before me, ono of the Justice.
Salt, es [lest without the useless lose of blood of she Pence in and for the Borough of Hollidaym
and strength, it effectually subdued inflaminato- burg, Blair county Pa.
ry discus .;, (no others) by producing an equip- Wituess- U J Jones. JOHN aonusr.
brium of all the fluids in the body and n cons,
(went uninterrupted circulation. It exert', like NEW EVIDENCE.
the vaccine matter, and extraordinety influence Being afflicted with a grevidue Tetter on the
over the vens and arieries—resulting in a greed- arms and fareafter trying men) , remedies
real decline of inflammation as indicated by tee which utterly failed to care—l we persuaded
pulse, which assumes its Natural state as the by W. M. Burls & Co. to try,Litedsov'e
heat. pain an, fever dissappear. , teed Blood Searcher h and noW, six-wheks she:
Cr Many medicines otl'ered for sale, are finishing the s co a l Mlle, pronounce repel
bui e el by doubtful certificates, (their cheif sir-' cured.
) and claim to be universal renrielies, curing The tester broke out; something over a year
nside of my aims , exteudiig irate
As the desecrator of this Salt , solenreely protests '
against having it placed en rho cutegcry of
l,ee'/'eel lw•etent to ens until ) cnrsd by
f.444 frauds and istputitiona. ho has resolved that it , t a awn to the wrists ; also on en face r
ihnilg,uieerneled:eldibiapat:ihvhees:bad.. round the mouth and chin , and con
= i
at times were
If the will re- en them liebieno inn
'er r "' n ib"'
c u Cive s P l u .u b r i i i o c u tt e l , "l tl i e t cy ge n n it e reje a e le t Y and con- least ex e
itchy t r ' i t i i a u t n i t tes.
uld I:7;v d e o:r y t , u p n ei r d a il Eina i u i t e n h ei
a panacea fur all ills, '
ill,—tae tut one aim 071 I have now be
and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, sad l i t e rs C ' On control rye e l ! f b l u i ttefe
—uccompliahoe but cue
or locality—wetter in - i h ie :t .i l s/e a a t , t i :e , e l : sh r!
.o t l: tesi (
est ut that Ls , ' r e a r l s lyi i , k t o o
y4, make lr t
may be statement , b.. e a i u n
ed hope
I asked. how , using hie valuabl e
it does thisf—simply by restoring the Wei bal- cue
inu : a belslFeee the fluids and solid,
The 01lowing Mt:rent/orals which the un
balanced fluids assume, and many not here men
tinned time have more or less heat, pain or fever
(no others)nre as perfectly cured by the Anti
phlogistie Salt, as fire is extinguished by water.
1. Cases where the unbuinneed fluids affect
OM Heat. and THROAT—to melt , Brain Eerer,
Fits, Headache, hylonined Eyes, Ears and Nose,
Conker, Neuralgige,.Erysipelas, Catarrh. Croup,
Bronchia's, Ste.
2. Cares - 10mM the unbalanced fluids effect
the CHEST and A1if,031.-1 0 wit; hy/affed
Lungs and Liver, Coll, Pleurisy, Coughs, Illlspep
ma, Asthma. Dropsy, fleartUrn, Gravid Piles,
Gonorrhea, Venereal, ter.
3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
the EXTREMITIES mid SILIN—tp wit; Rhennia
fism, Gout, Scrofula, Ulcers ' Chilhains, Chi/hairs,
Chicken and Small Pox, Salt Moan with itcli
ing and other Cutaneous Alfeetions,&c.
This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory
pains pccular to married ladies, (before and at
the time of confinement) end many female com
plaints, and is very eflicutiuus in Sever; Ague,
Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections and
anyother forms of (mark this)inflammatnry di
sease, attended wetly heat, pain or febrile symp
Persons who have a tendency of blood
to the head ar heart, or lead inactive livei, or
breath the impure air of manufactories and the
pOleeetele fumes of metals and minerals, or-live,
is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a Panic
liar vitiation of the cf the body, which one
dose without interfereing with the diet or busi •
ness, once in three mouths, would invariably,
peeve,,,. It is beleived to afford protection front
infections• disease, nod therefore travellers,
sailors, and Soldiers should supply themselves'
with it.
• e a r While many nostrum-makers victimize
the good natured anti pill-ridden'public, oy or
dering "Iron, six to a dozen boxes of bottlea,
to cute any malady." no matter what—the ear
dersigned is happy in being able to state, that
the severest forms of recent inflammatory di
sease, was over come by ono Acute package,
and the most obstinate and long staindiug by
one Cbranie package. It does just what it
claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes
the fluids by removing from the system all ar
terial and venous obstructions.
gir Pleas lot your neighbors road this.
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel
S. Smith, &Co.' Huntingdon, I'a.
Fob. I Gili
Green Willow Foundry.
I WOULD respectfully inform thd public that
I have commenced 'business at the above
place, and will be ready to accomodate all who
may want anything in my lino Of,busitless.
will have on hand or make to order Threshing
Machines, and all o.her machinery that may be
called for. Castings of ever) dettcription, Cgok
and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-ware, &e.—
All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and
Blacksruithing will ha done in the best manner
and on the most reasonable' terms. Farmers
and others wishing to purchase new machines
will find it to their advantage to give me a call.
All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange
at market prices. PETER TIPPERY.
Waterstruct, Oct. 13, 1858.-Iy.
tittiug Agencyy, 119 Naas. St„ New York, dt
10 State St., Boston. S. 31. Pettenell & C. 4
are the Agents for the "Jounziat." and the most
influential and largest circulating Newspapers
lit the United Staten and the Canada. They
are authorized to contract for us at qar Ipwel
Sworn and subscribed before me, ono of the
Aldermen in and fur the City of,rittaburg, shin
58th day of July, A. D. 1858.
AND MoMASTEI2 Alderman .
Iloilidaysburg, Sept. 22,58. ty
la all diseasetivamti
fral on more or less pro.
dominutes—tiow to allay inhumation strikes
at the root of all diseases—hence an iminedi•
me cure,
nod nothing else, will allay Mama ion at once,
and make a certain cure.
Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor will cur.
the following among a great catalogue of
diseases : Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, sore
Nipples, Cotes, Bunions, Bruises, Strain.,
Bites, Poison, Chilseys. Gent, Swelling, Rhett•
teatime, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness,
Krysidelas, Ringworm,: Barbers Itch, Small
Pox, Meade Rash, etc., &c.
To some it may appear incredulous that NI
loony diseases should be reached by one arti
cle ; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, that the salve is a combine
lion of ingredients, each and every one apply
ing n perfect mititode to its apostate disorder.
in its effects is magical, because the tints is
short between diseases and a permanent cure;
end it is nn extractor, as It draws all diseases
out of the affected part„ leaving nature as
perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely tie•
cessitry to a, that no house, workshop, or
manufactory 'ohottld be one moment without it.
No Pain gxtractor is genuine artless the
box has hap upon it a steel plate engraving,
with the name of Henry Halley, Manufactu
rer. Poi ' sale by all thettruggitts end. patent
medicine dealers throughout the United '4tatee •
and Caned.. Principtil•P,Tpt,
165 Chitinbers New,York.
John Pad, Agent Huntingdon Fa.
Nov. 17, '38.-Iy.
New Card-Press.
Having bought a fast "CARD•PRESS," we
are now prepared to print in the prcportion of
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the couoty,can print one, couaequeat.
ly we coo print them cheaper --if not done well
we make nd charge at all. We ask your pa
tronage,. ' , •
A. P.
R. %mos Paramus
111.11APN 4 WitiklN_,
.97'TORJVRYS s7T Ls7W %
Praciiee 41_ the several Mixt& of Hpitindott
Blair, Cambria Centre Mifflin and Juniata Mum.
ties. ktiroh 23, 1853.
JOlllif SOOT?. SAmtrar. T. BROWS
kACciliT gk) 01130V7115 9
, Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as formerly occupied by J. Soot
Oct. 19, 1859.
TWO YOUNG MEN to learn the A .
typing business. Instructions given for
atm of $15.00. For particulars kn., apply tr.
F...THO, 41,ttlirotipt*
Huntingdon, May 4,16 NP.