Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 12, 1859, Image 3

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Wednesday hlonung, October 12, 1859.
Taro Ilona ON. THE FAIR GROUND.—.•
What curiosities were there—During our
blunt stay on the Fair Ground we became
satisfies that Huntingdon county can't be
surpassed for good and nice things. The
fleeteet hnrses,•the beat live stock through
out, the best Agricultural. Implements, the
most wonderf,l curiosities.-.amongst the
number was the live rattle snake, the
greet Nlaroboo owl, the live alligator, dm,
--the largest pumpkin., apples, cabbages,
beets, potatoes, grapes, dca., were all there,
Grain of all sorts arid of the best quality
was. exhibited. As regards fruits, we
learn from th‘se who visited the State Fair
that the fruit exhibited here surpassed that
at Philaaelphia. There were some of the
fairest flowers, and the best executed paint.
Jigs exhibited, extant.
The Excelsior Cornet Band discoursed,
during the three days, some splendid tau•
sic, which ad ded.greatly to the entertain
ment of the mosses of people.
On the ground were several institutions
which attracted large numbers of people.
The boy with the donkey, the man with
she "little gemlain cow," the flying hirers,
which proved to be a profitable concern to
the proprietors, the roan with pens, ink
and paper, the patent medicine man, the
man who informed his friends that he would
make a political speech, and to his die.
course plunged deep into history, winged
high in the anticipation of patriotic glary,
and finally he told the people that he wits
neither a Lecoinpton nor unti.Lecompion
Denim*. but a through going Know Noth
ing. flis speech was introductory to a
stile of jewelry, pocketbooks, &c.
A gentleman was present exhibiting a
panoramic view of the laying of the Allan.
tic Cable, the Coal Region neer Puttoville,
Pa., the Girard College, the Capitol at
Washington, the Niagara Falls, &a , there
being thrrty different scenes, allot the mos t
pleasing nature,
The scent) was, throughout, a grand
WIIA.T We Sire AND HDAIL—A fight took
place up town, on Tuesday or Wednes
day night last. We ha not learned the
particulars.—A grand (1) ball came off
at the Court Houve, on Thursday night.
A free tight was created.—A man in•
dulged in u swim in the race, on Wednes•
day evening. A cool swim, tvo•opine.--
P..reone t 6 &.5.e rings iu I (teer,,nom
whilst in their neighbor's store should not
forget to lay the ring back again, or at
!vast to keep the ring from between the
teeth and cheek. A hint to you, stranger.
in abundance was visible an Mon
day morning.—We have not yet learned
to whom premiums were awarded ut the
late fair. Perhaps by another week we
will b, better informed.—Sume inen (I)
accompanying the circus have left their
murk behind by thrashing one of our towns
!Mr Wt listened to a lecture, delivered
its the Baptist Church, on Tuesday nigh;
at last week, by a lady, whose lather, like
many others, bud been led astray by the
delusion of Mormon's. and After 'brut
years made their escape to the States.—
This lady lecturer through perseverance
has gained a tolerable good education, and
she enraptured her hearers by her rheto.
etc. We believe we have never before
heard a lecture marked with so much :n.
sorest—it was truly a perfect inaster-piece
of eloquence ; and she afro favored her
hearers with a verse of a Mormon hymn,
in a voice as sweet as that of a nightingale.
We hope we may soon hear another lec
turer' possesing the eloquenoe of Miss
sir- A printer having only one arm
worked for us a short time recently. He
done his work expeditiously end in good
order—spacing well, emptying hit own
e , ick and snaking a good proof. He placed
his stick in an attitude 'looting from the
to the .'h" box, and performed the el.
Ace of the left thumb with the front finger
of the right hand after placing each type
an the stick. Wonders will never ceast .
our Prof. Coyle and the Continentals'
concert was a splendid one. The gentle
men composing this body are first clues
musicians. All their music was of the
most pleasing and soul-cheering character,
consisting as it did of choioe Duets, Quar
tets, &c., sal the large audience brought
together on the second nignt clearly shows
that the people appreciated the performan-
Mr 'Our fellow townsman, Mr. Robert
Stitt, has remembered us by sending us
'some fine grapes. We believe we have
never before seen or tasted better grapes,
and the fine present calls forth the thanks
of all bands.
ger we ore frequently the recipients
of fine frnit, but we knowof no time when
we were the recipients of apples as fine as
those banded to us by Mr. Harrison Flee
weft Mr. F. will please inept our thanks.
Picruftts--Bur kholder and Camp
Aathrotypes, Melainatypes and Halochrys
taltypea—neatly taken b C. C. Burk . -
holder, Shade Gap, Huntingdon connty.
Mr. Burkholder ranks, among the beat ar
tists in the State. Those desiring a good
likeness cannot do better than to patronite
him. He has the honor of having mode
the disolvery of Halo•chrysialtype, which
is the latest and Levt improvement ever
made since the day of "Dagurre.'• Mr. J.
G. Camp, who has been for years been
connected with Mr. 8., is now in town.—
' Give him a call and he will tuke your pic
ture that is both beautiful and durable.
I.llrßy reference to another column of
to-days paper it will be seen that intelli
gence has been revived of Sir John Frank
lin. Comment is unnecessary as his his
tory is too well known.
Ear - We have received the; first' num
ber of Vol. 1 of a pnper called the
Practical Machinist, devoted to the en
couragement of inventive genius and
mechanical skill. It is to be published
weekly by T. H. Leavitt & Co., New York,
at one dollar per annum. We have no
doubt but it will be a good thing. Try it.
nor .1 be September number of the
"Printer" has been received. This work
is devoted to the best interests of the craft,
Published at $1 per year, by John Henry,
No 1 Spruce st., New York.,
"1 W!LL Maur."—This mogszine is pub
lished in %lechnnicsburg, Cumberland co.,
at 80 cents per year. Parents, subscribe
to it fer your chill ren.
Medical imponibilitie;.
For a long time a certain class of diseases
have bailed the skill and practice of the most
eminent members of the regular mcdiCal Inc.
ally. Foremost amorg these wo might in•
stance epilepsy or falling fits. Happily cow
by the skill and inventive genius of an eminent
chemist of Baltimore, this disease bus been
brought within the means of a care. We al-
hide to the preparation called the Vegetable
Extract Epileptic Pills, invented and prepared
by Dr, Seth S. Hance, of 108 Baltimore st..
Baltimore, Md. Since their discovery who had
given up all hope of ever being cored, have
been restored to the full enjoyment of health.
Prominent among these we might enumerate
Mr. Harrison Lightfoot of Huntsville, Ala.—
Mr. 1,. has sufferred as much from Epil , psy,
as any other person iu the world : never know
ing what it was to pass a week without having
an attack, and often in the streets of Huntville.
He is now fully restored and has not had an at.
tact for more than a year, Dr. Eltinee's Pills
hove been the sure cause of the cure. Thi se
pills also cure all modifications of Fits. Spasms,
Cramps &c., and are very serviceable for per.
i•onsof weak nerves, Dr. Hance, ae o ns them to
any part of the country on the receipt of a rc•
mittenee. Price one box, $3; two, $5; twelve
$2l. Attires. Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore
ter Any of our readers afflicted with Sf rot . -
ula or Scrofulous complaints, will do well to
read the remarks i n nor advertising columns
respecting it. Rut little of tint ratture of this
disorder has beer. known by the people. and the
clear exposition of it there given, will prove
aceeptople and mieful. We have long ml'
mired the searching and able manner in which
Dr Ayer treats every subject he touches: what •
ever lute his attention at all, has a great deal
.ft it, he masters what he undertakes, and no
one who has a particle of feeling for his afflict
ed f llow man, can look with indifference upon
his labors fur the sick. Read what lie says of
Scrofula, and see in how few words and how
dearly he tells us more than we hove all known
of this inaiduous and fatal malady.—Soo.
PIIILADIMPHIA ; Se ptember 21. 1859.
FLOUR--Superfine. pet barrel, $4 50(A5 00
" Extra " " 5 25(e? . 5 40
{4 fatuity “ . 5 liGt . i; G 50
Wheat—red, per bushel, i 154 . .: 20
1, White " 1 2(;(a, , 31
Rye 72
61;;;ereeed $5 50(150 15 per C 4 pounds
Timothy need, sl,Bo to 200
Par, per bushel $1 70
G3l E. AW. a Xr N
Valuable Farm at Public Sale,
Will be exposed to public sale, ou the premis
Friday, the 2let day of October next,
the valuable farm, known as the Bowman Farm,
situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon coun
ty one mile north of Burnt Cabins on the pub.
lie road lending from thence to Uontingdon.
This farm is well watered, with a never Tailing
Branch of Tuscarora Creek running through
it, having thereon erected a large two story
Dwelling House,double leg
Tenant House, outbuildiu;s.
17,Fi The farm contains abou t
171 acres, 149 perches, and I ' t '
allowance, partly limestone, with fine limestone
quarries—of which, eighty acres are farm land
and thirty meadow ; balance well timbered,
with two extensive apple orchards—is admira•
bly adapted to raising stock--and wit bin a ini:e
of agood market for grain and stock.
TM situation is beautiful and on the line of
the Sherman's Valley, or Pennsylvania Pacific
Railroad, now being constructed, which is ex•
petted to be the great line of communication
between New York anti the South West.
The owners having removed to tho West
when young, are determined to sell. Allen.
dance will be given and terms of sale made
known on day of sale by
Or by Jamison Kelly, their Attorney in fact.
gay-W. S. Morrow, tenant on the premise.,
or Jamison Kelly, Burnt Cabins, will give in•
formation of the premise..
Aug. 31st, 1859.-its.
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps—the largest as•
sorttnent and cheapest to be found at
D. P. GA'IN'S.
Ladies' Collars, very cheap and beautiful, at
D. P. °WIN'S.
ploaking cloths, tassels, cords and binding. at
Ir von want Carpets and Oil Cloths, cull at D.
P. Gwin'a, wham )on will and the largest no•
sorlinent ix town.
I stead for $lOOl Also, Homesteads for
POOO and over, situated on and near Rupp,
hittinock river, bovoatid below Fredericksburg,
iu Virginia. A new town, called Iteppahme
nock, has recently beenhai S out, in Culpepper
county, in the midst of thg Child Region of Vir
ginia, surrounded by mines and Mining Com
panies i and hump and town lots in alteruimi
divisions or sliares, can now be 1184 for a mere
song, simply to indtitst settlement in this desi
ruble region.
.$154,900 worth of land is to lie
divided amongst purchasers or given. away nn
an inducement to come on and tnithe improve
ments, and the land in of the most improvable.
qualities. Many have alreidy nettled anti sews
of others are coining. Idood farming land. in
tracts of any sire to auk purchasers, can also
he had at from $10.t04524 per acre, payable iii
easy quarter yearly installments. Unquestion
able titles will in all cases be given.
siar Agents are wanteti every where to cell
ilieTe land, liberal inducements will be given.
Fur part ieultßa,addren._
.Tuly 13, '59.-6m
H untingdon & Broad Top It ailroail.
l'urt lloyttl, l'a.
Passenger Trains rrive Depart as Follows:
MORNING TRAIN, Will find these MACHUes adapted to their cants.
For Hopewell and intermediate Stations, leaves
s 'r e 'r ii Y u l ll ,:, e ,l, v li c Tl i W i l h Z,T,Y,g,." 4 , 41 ,: r f Tirdt:iileg
at - • - " - 7 " A. : % I. purposes they arc Ulleplelled. By a simple
Returning arrives at Huntingaon at 12 33 P. M. adjus tment ol the tension, a stich is made
EVENING TRAIN, which gathers heatitioally. The stich is the
Ear Saxton and intermediate Stations, leaves Double Lock Stitch, strong and elastic, and
at 5 00 P . m . will not unravel ordraw ,he goods w h en
lell washel
Tho thread is used from spools of any size,
Return 7ig arrives nt Hunlingd. nI 8 36. " as pnrchnsed at the stores, without re-winding.
J. J. LAWRENCE.lnstructions in operating the machines given
Huntingdon, Sept. 12. Snperinteiguent •to purchasers. Each machine is accompanied
W--- .- ~„„,, with directions, which are very explicit, and
ASHING CLOTHES HY PRESSu u ir. contain all the information neceswy tu t',-
After hilly year, experimenting, thapro- I erute successfully.
par wick:has at last hi, invented for women TAGGART its FARR,
in their hard labors on the washing day. I No. 103, North Eighth Street, Phila.
'IT IS EVEN so," I 63 - We would reMr to Gen. S. Miles Green,
Come and he convinced that we are ahead of B o n g F orge , and
every machine in use. BAT the time, half the WM. BREWSTER, Agent,
hard labor, and half the wear and tear is saved. i Sept. 7, 1850.-I,y. Huntingdon, Pa.
Little boys and girls can do the workfrr their
panthers. The undersigned hive purchased the . ()RPHANS , COURT SALE.
exclusive tight of Huntingdon and Mifflin comp- ,
ties• to make and sell J. T. Munoa's VALUABLE REAL ESTATE
Emancipator Washing Machine. ! NEAR HUNTINGDON, PEN,V 4 ,I.
We desire the public to call and examine this In pursuance of Orders of the Orphans' Court
truly lahor-saving nniehine. It can he yen at .of the county of Huntingdon, the Tracts of
our shop on Washington street. , Land, Ac.,
hereinafter described, situate inlaid
! county, will be exposed to public sale on the
- . premises,
We, the mulct-signed, having thoroughly tested , oee 7 , 5 ,, r , they, 'he „i,th they of seykeether, 1859;
the ILIUM ranch ine take pleasure in recommen-
~,,, •
, f John Ker late of said coon
ding the same to tile public, assured that they ' as " i' m P urt : " 4 •
will find it all that is shove claimed. fy, decd., to wit
PETER SwoorE, m rs.
.1,.„,., B . 3/,,,,,,,, I. All that tract marked (A) in the diagram
lox. H. I),„„ Nere pp L. It. 0,,,,,,,,,,, : annexed to the return of the inquest. contain.
J. S. Bottom,. - " Astor It. Snot I, lug 237 acres and 190 perches, it being the
CHRISTIAN Loan, "E. Wmpasmnox, , Mansion Farm of said deed. About one half
Cuss. IL MILL EN " E. It. SAXTON, : of this tract in cleared and tinder cultivation i
.1. NI CI . ..INGHAM, " 2,1, C. CMS, . about 40 acres of which is meadow. Bumping
lona S. Mtuatit, " AL B. 5'311 , /0., water for cattle, Ate. ' may he readily intr.:Need
U. H. Fopersn, t' B. C. 01.1(.0. ' into almost every field upon this farm. There
Ole.. ' l . C'''''''..... " L... L . ihthn "' ! are upon it n two stirs frame dwelling house, •
'34.'4' C. Si4: ""i' " AN. It. CAMP."' " , i large brick barn fltill other buildings. Also, a
Ilutainwhin, duty 27th, 1859. if.
good apple orchard.
..._. .
... .
.. ... . ..
2. that tract markml (C) said diagram
containin g 23/ acres and 68 pereLes, and call°.
Frcat the Quaker City Publishing (louse ! the Moore Farm. Somewhat inure than Ma
of this tract is cleared and under cultivation, a
loosen CATALOG uns, new, enlarged and ; f a i r proportio n of which is mend.w. On no.
ready far dktribe""". Superior ; count of the nenrnena of these two farms to the
Inducements to the tOlhliO A new MT sure , boroug h of Huntingdon . no d otmoth
plan for obtaining now, and tobvittt wArenna, t , Z eetdow e
;et ;" e „,, h they would well
itll other valuable Prizps„ h'ull particular% ' 3 . em
Nlrlo6 wilt •h,
or larnm
" "" 7 31 "g "-"". "" N ""‘ "-"" nut l:!7,l ' irtL C l " :;:•net barked (P) in wild dim , ram,
upon :till oitatt
worth from 50 rt ,„ to $lOO, ct,taioiug 105 twos and 132 per•hei ,• about
Gist ANTl % purc one all of this Inlet is cleared and under eel.
(MO in Gills here been disiributed t ,, my m o ron . ; oration, and has ther.on erected, two tenant
n Wait the past six months—slso,ooo In he din- • homes.
triillited during the next six months. The in- 4. All that tract a allied F,) in said diavrnin,
decentents - ntihred Agents ; are more liberal then I coniniking 214 acres and 87 perches., about
dew: of any other house in the busbies, ' 109 acres of thin tract are cleared and under
•'•'"' " • ' " "
!laving peen in alto Pa'dishing. and Booksel- cultivation. NO buildings thereon.
ling iisinces far the last right years. my expo- 5. All that tract marked (0) in said diagram,
Hence enables me to concluet the Gift Enter-I containing 119 acres; wcodland.
Withpries the greatest satisfaction to all. lAll that tract. marked (K) in said diagracn,
0 - AGENTS WANTED in every town and
runtnining 87
a0 .,.. a
a , 14 7 paraB,B;
con. ty. Fur lull particular , address !
Q,, n t, r ci t y p u blishi n , I 7. Al) that tract marked (L) in said diagram
33 s out h 3d 81, , rhth it r„ .. ' containing 118 acres acid 83 perches: wood
Sept. 2lst, and.
117 acres and 147 perches; wood•
11159—DRYGOODS FOR AUTRION.-11459. 1 c'"‘itti.i"g
Fall states of SILK GOODS, ,
9. An undivided interest in ;Millwood Acad.
Full stock of STAPLE GOODS,
Full stock of FANCY GOODS, emy, to Dublin tp., the extent of which interest
Fashionable FALL SHAW LS, t will he made known on the day of salt,
tir curus, CASSINI KRS & vEs . riNos. I 10. All that tract marked (I 1) in said diagram.
1 , 0„0,,,, WI,. nth. Li m ~,, d .,.0 ; containing 203-acres and 39 perches, and called
EYllit: & LANDEL 1,, , the Lefford or Spring Obtuse Farm; about one
Fourth and Arch Sta., PHI LAIYA . ; 1 half of this tract is cleared, and has thereon a
, dwelling house, sow mill, anal au exeellentspring
w it'. 811.—aryiii/icahemk
Doily. l h,
il l o lnet
, e, 3 t !um it taus. n..
of water. To be sold as the real estate of
Sept. 7th, 'o9.—lnh Joshua W. Ker, deed., under his last Will.
11. All that tract marked in said diagram
T HE CELEBRATED COPPER TOE 1 with letter (lq, containing 170 acres and 124
larches, and caved the Creek Farm • about HO
Mitel " .ll' ' rntent Metalli c T i r' d es i g n ed.' acres thereof' are cleared, and a dm:Hingham.'
pedal's - for Boys'. Youths' and Children's thereon erected ; the unclented part of this
BOOTS AND SPOES. tract is heavily timbered. To be sold as the
A, ~,,,,,,,„„y , has b een app li e d to 8 00 , real estate of Fleury M. Err, deu'd. ; under his
and Shoes, by which a saving of en pPIISV, to last Will.
the customer, of two-thirds is realized, by actual All them' Wih, except Militwood, lie in one
rap riment. body near the borough of Huntingdon, and will
The Tip consist,' an piece of copper or oth• I he sold together or separately, so as to aim
er indestructible material, neatly fastened to Purchasers. TERMS.—One third of the pr.
the toe of the boot or shoe, forming . complete chase money to be paid on confirmation of the
pynt „ t i a „. This invention i s now presented sale, and the residua to be payable, with inter
to the public. with the fullest knowledge of its eat, at such times so may be agreed upon on
„ tet t e ,' ut ili ty , having been tested over t „. O I tine day of sale. The uriWd purchase motley
years , an d is destined ent i re l y to supersede t h e to be secured by Bonds and Mortgage,
oldatyle, for Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on amid day.
cuill.MlEN'B,llolll' AND TOUTDS' 800,14 . , . , SHOES. AttelidallCß trill be given by
The importance of this invention will he I DAVID S. KER, Tinnier.
readily appreciated , no it is well known that I August 3161, 1859.
children litvariably'wear out their boots and
and, with this protection, the, will Upon an ay.
erage wear at leas t two to three times as long
as the old style, while the expense is hot a trifle
more. •
This invention is also especially applicable to
Miners!' Boots, and all occupntions sultiecitng
the toe of the hoot or shoe to be cut or worn.
Merchants, and the public generally. will see
the importance of ohm; sing these goods home•
diately, as they are destined for general use, to
supersede all other kinds.
The Goods may be obtained of nearly all
the wholesale dealers in de principal cities, or
of the Subscribers,
(Ownne or T. PATENT.) Boston
August alst, 1859.-6 m.
(11.7.1 , 1 BARRELS and LOCKS, a large assort
U ment at the Hardware store of
.1. A. BROWN.
,x• 5000 AGENTS WAN - nn—To sell 4 new
inventions. Agents have made over $25,000
on one,—better than all other similar agencies
Send four stamps and get SO pages particulars
gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass
STOVE lot sale at this office; it is cal
culated to buro wood or coal. It will
be offrred low.
TAOCART a rams
Family Sewing Machines!
These Machines were awarded the first pre
minim at the Len aster and Montgomery
County Fairs (the only fairs at which they
more been yet exhibited) in competition with
the Wheeler & Wilson. Singer, end oilier ma
chines. and nre offered to the public with con—
fidence ns being the cheapest and hest ma
chine in the market. They are now in extoll
s:oe ate and boor met the unqualified appro
val of all who have tried them. They ere
strong end simple in construction, and are not
Itahle to get out of order, as an exam.nst ion
will fully satisfy every one. They will do as
great a earie iy of work, do it as well and do
as ninth of it as the high priced machines can
(Stt,c,sworA to Neman Warnick.)
Manufacturers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in
Heaters, Ventilators, Ranges and
McGregor's Celebrated Heaters and Stoves.
With a great variety or the latest patients
of Cook and Parlor Stoves ; also, Queen's Pat•
eat Portable Forgot,
Aug. 81 sty '59.
1858 and previous years who have not been
already issued against, you are hereby requec.
led to have your duplicates paid off, on or be.
tore the ling day alloventher next, or the hal.
once of your accounts will be put into the
har.ds of the Sheriff for collection.
The collectors of 1859 are requested to have
the one hnlf of their duplicates paid against
the November court, and to have them fully
settled up on or before the first day of April,
1800. If not paid by that Iliac. the balance
of their accounts will be immediately placed
in the hands of the Sheriff for collection.
By order of Commissioners,
August 17, 1859 s—tn.
Pall at David P. °win's if yon want GOOD
D 121:!?. I'M IWY 'Pr!
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
W. IL WOOD*, A. M. Proprietor and Principal.
Principal of Female Department.
trotter of flu' Knglish. Brintehot.
.1. ALFRED SHADE, M. D.. WM. M. W LI.I A M - SO N,
Profeesor of Anatomy and Physiology. • Thacker Mathentalica.,
Lechri,r 611 Art of leaching and.Phlt. • NO, in PrepUraiOry DCParillterti •
Thachec of Yiraie. Dratrinq Greeiarcund hal Monitor.
inn Painting and Fancy Nixdle IVork.
UN next session of this Institution *ill open the first WednesdaY of May. It holds Out sup,
1 ri tr. advantages to those seeking an education. The Board of Iristruction in large, and corn.
posed of those who are thoroughly qualified for their profession. To Parents and
who wish to place their children in a secure and healthy retreat, it holds out peculiar indifre.
ments A NORMAL SCHOOL will be formed the present. H 0,6011. to which Mr. Gwen, our
worthy County Superintendent, will give lectures on the Art of Tettehitt• and Physical (iiingra.
'thy. In the COMMERCIAL, DEPARTMENT, young men will he tlioniughly roaliecil for
the Counting Room. TERMS, for session of live months, 5.0.0 u. Light and fuel also. Le.
sons in Moak, French, Drawing, Painting and Fancy Needle Work, extra.
For further . particulars address
N. B.—By those desiring places, early application should be made.
'to I 1 ' 7
.7 O . ® LEI Lt 11) rk, TIT .1
Send for a Catalogue, and Address
M. McN. WALSH, A, M., nr,si.mi , .
Too largest and best selected stock of Goods' ever offered in this community.
It comprises a full line of Fashionable Dress (loads, suitable for FALL and WINTER, flitch
as Itlnek, and Finiey Silks, French and English Merin.. All wool Detrain., (plain and col
ored,) N.V. Tanjore Lustre, Figured Cashmere, Plaids, Muuseline DeLaines,Caburgs.
Alpaceas, Delbirge, Giughams, Prints. Ae.
A large and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter SHAWLS, consisting of
stock of Ladle] Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Collars, Cravats,
Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts, Drawers, Ac.
We have a fins selection of Mantilhis, Dress Triminings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts. Gloves,
Gauntlets. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Seining Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops, Ac.
ALso"—Tickens, Otinahurg, bleached and unbleached Mullins at all prices, Colored a nd
Whim Cumbrics, Barred and Swiss Muslin Victoria UMW, Nuinsouks, Tarletun and many
'other articles which comprise the line of White and Ihmiestie Goat's.
We have French Cloths, Fxne y thissiateres, Sattinettn,leans, Tweeds, Cottomulcs, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.—ALSO, trAws and C of every variety and Rlyle,
WOOD and WILLOW-WARE *Odell will he sold Cita*t.
We 460 deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and ad kinds of GRAIN, and poetess facilities
in due branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages ur parcels of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads.
• Conte 011 e, come all, and he convinced that the "MEII,4II.OI.IITAW' is the place to secure
litahiooal•lc and desirable goods, disputed of at the lowest rates.
Oct. sth, Id)).
Prof. Chas. DeGrath , s Electric (Hil t , s E
Thin great discovery is now creating a great ; ;; F1 et , ‘l r wha. RI LI •
sensation, among the Medieni
rope and this country. 1, will core the follow
Mg (not everything): Warranted to National
Core Fever and Ague in one dui, Core ehilli
in fire 11111111tes. Cure Cronp In one riirht.—
Coro Desifesosso fa SWIP 111, too: dityN, ett‘rit , Mithi
nod Scolds in ten minotee. Cure Sprains,
Weioscis and bruises in trout one to three days
Cure Infinmntiun in one day. Core Neural.
gin, Croup, Tooth Ache. burns, in 10 minutes.
Cure hemorrhage, Serolul:t, Abscess in ten
days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, 'retier, in one
,to thee!: days. Cure Jar Ache, Stiff' neck,
Ague it. one day. Clive Felons. Broken
Snit Rheum, in three to six days. Cure Qui.
ow, Palpitation, Pleutisy, in one to ten days.
Cure Alma, pal,y, Gout, Erysipelas, io tire
to 20 days. .ClllO Frosted Peet ' Chiblains,
Chronic Rheumatism, Still Juiiits,Sore Throat
Scarlet Fever, sod the lame made to wall: by
it few bottles. This Oil (Do (truth's) is mild
and plement, and is a great latuily Medicine
fur children teething. ,te. Ladies should all
use it. It always leaves you better than it
finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely
Afflicted Thirteen leursand Cured In One
Read letter from Roy. James Temple,
Philadelphia June 9th. 185 G.
Prof. De Grath t I have been afflicted fur
thirteen years with Nmalgin and other mitt
ful complaicis and I have been unable to sleep
s mildly or wail( tiny distance fur many rears
past. Last week I got' n bottle of your "'Elec.
tile Oil." The first night I slept sunnily tuid
well, and to day I ant like 11 new luau. My
wife eutild not believe Ite'r eyes. Your Eler
trie Oil hoe done in one week what the physi
cians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirtten
years. Gratefully yours.
310 South street
New Haven, May 19th, 16 iG.
Prof. De Grath t My brother has beett deaf
three years. Atter trying tn.y things, he used
your Oil a few times, and it cured him entire.
There are numerous imitations sprung up
an the reputation that my article has acquired.
The public must beware. They are worthless.
Fur sale by S. S. Smith. II untingdum
May 25 1 iiss.
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public, that he 1111,1 just re:nowt! his •
store to the old stool, near ihe corner of Hill
and Smith streets, where he has always on hand
and constantly receivinu nit the latest styles of
DnEss GooDs,
13 GE'S,
And in filet he can supply nay article in the
dry.gond line. Also, trimmings suited to all
dresses and at reasonable rates. .
He has also on hand a large, fresh stock cf
. _ . . . .
And everything in the feed line.
As his stock is almost entirely new, and been
bought at prices which defy competition, pur•
chasers will find it to their advantage to buy
. 111 e kefore going elsewhere.
All kinds of c - ouniry produce at the highest
market prices, taken to exchange for goods.
Huntingdon, June 15, 1859.—tf.
SIIEET ZINC and OIL CLOTLI fet putting
under Stoves, &e., fur sale by
gEAT CVITERS ar.d ST OFFERS. the beat
in the county, and cheaper than ever at the
ardware store of JAMES A, BROWN.
T. ala a
1,, ,
' , 3 , ' TINT
.1 4 1t/V,
__ - - - ti: 4 4t, -3
lucurF taled by the Slate of Pennsylvania.
t. Money is rereived every day, and in any
amount, large or small.
2. FIVE PER CENT interest b, paid for
money from the day it is put it,.
3. The money is always paid back in GOLD
.whenever it is called for, and without native,
•1. Money is received from Execidoiw, _Edna.
iii,fratow, Guardian, nod others who desire to
have it in a ',Mee of perfect salbty, and where
interest can be obtained for it.
5. The money received from depositors is in
GROUND RENTS, end such other Grst-class
severities as the Charter direct.
11. ()Mice Hours—Every 'lnv from 9 till 5
o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8
o'clock in the evening.
WM. J. REED, Seereturs .
Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseplr B. Derry,
Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee,
Saint. K. Ashton, I
Joseph Yerkes,
C. Landreth Moans, Henry Dierlenderffer,
10,000 . 1'olumes of Books for Sale.
$500,00 in Mils for every 1000 Sold.
In order to reduce my extensive stock 1 will
sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the
regular retail prices or less, and give ($500)
tine hundred dollars worth of presents varying
in value front 25 cents to $lOO.OO. Or. those
who prefer ran purchase at wholesale prices.—
My stock consists of every variety and style of
binding. School Books of every kind, whole.
sale and retail. Sales to commence Dee. 24th.
Coruer of Hill & Montgomery Streets,
This stand is well known a. the .dcConnell
House." The location in superior to any other,
being in the immediate proximity to business;
also to the Bank and most Public Offices
It is the determination of the Proprietor, to
keep this House in a style sati.factory to the
public, and it is his desire, to make all who
patronize him, feel at hi me, and to make the
'Mansion' rank among the best of Hunting.
dun Hotels. He very respectfully solicits the
public patronage. Apr. 13th '59
Flo Qo ~~~~~p ( 1110 ©o fl
eitentl senit-cs to the citinene of HCNTINI:DON
and vicinity.
Itesiden . ce nn H II street, in the haulm for.
merly occupied by Dr. H. ►. Miller.
Aril lA, 14511.
F; ; k
The great stand.,l irnrthcinee of the present
,age, hare acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded *mutat
lion is rendered by them in all eases;
,and 44
people hare pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases, of the Kidneys,
and all diatom .arisiog from a disorders&
liver or weakness of the .tornach and digestive
organs, are sparkly and permanently cured by
The Balaaniio Cordial has acquired •
reputation, surraving Mal of any similar rip
yora , i,n (van,. It will cure, WITUOLT
...71 sofa und long-standing
Cpugh, Cold, or Hoarseness, bronchitis, In,
bums, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
end has performed the mast astonishing Arm
ewer known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A f 4ozes will also at once duels sag
cure the mai reVere Dlanticea promoting'
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
Inc.:sow & Co., No. 418 Arch Stress, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 mils
per bottle. The signature of C. SI. '.lAccios
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac ptiblished annually by the
proprietors, called EVEIITBODT'S ALwAxso.
you will find ((simony and commendatory
notices from all parte of Me country. Thaw
Almanacs are riven away by all our agents.
For sale in s unting,don by John Read snit
ti S Smith and dealers generally through the
toasty. Ditty 11, 1859.-Iy.
WE beg leave to call the atttn- ,
tion of the Trade, and morn
especially the Physicians of the
country, to two of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public.
We refer to
Dr Chas 11 'Laue's Celebrated
Vermifuge and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-ails, but simply for
what their name purports, viz.;
For expelling Worms from the
administered with the. ''ntoSe - satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
For thecure of LIVEICCOMPLAINtS,
HEAD-ACRE, &c. In cases of
preparatory to or after taking Qui
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
timed diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the
Their unprecedented popularity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
Years, and they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being de
termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele
brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring the Best
and Purest material, and com
pound them in the most thorough
manner. Address all orders to
FLEMING BROS. Pittgburgh, Pa.
P.S Dealers and Phl ordering from other*
than Bast.. will dew.. 11 t.. write their orders
dudluetly, 111.1 bike none not Dr le Laney, Yreparoi by
Flew., Brat l'ittsburgb. IL. To those wiobing WOs
them a trial, we will forward per mall. poet paid. to any
part .if the Stat, o, ono boa of Pllla for twelve
three-cent porta, stamp., or one drial of ternilfuge for
tourteen ihre-cent ' , tun,. All orders from Canada must
im accompanied by twenty ciente extra.
For sale in Huntingdon by Jan Road and
S. S. Smith, and dealers generally through th•
ouoty. [ May 11, 18.59.-IV.
_A general assortment of 11lanks,qf all do.
sem:pawls just printml and for sale al the
"Journal tyke."
Appointtn't of Referee', Common Bond,
Notice to Before., Judgment Notes
Summons, Vendue Notes,
ExedutiOne. Constabll's SsNs,
Sub pcenao,
Complaints, Deeds,
Warrants, biortgagee,
COMMitlntlite. Bead to idemnify Constable, •a
ote, l'ost, Commercial, FoOlscap and
Flatetip—a good assortment for sale Dyth•
tea w, halt ream quire or sheet. at
Lewis' New Book and Stutiouery Sto re.
vrc KN IVES aud ClEVEltSitte t
aegt quality, for sale , in coat variety at
MOM Mytd war. *raw!'