Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 12, 1859, Image 2

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    untingbon otinat.
rekget/Morning, October 19,1859
\ a
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People's County Ticket.
R. B.WIGTON, of Huntingdon Borough.
JOHN C. WATSON, of 13r,tdy Township,
HENRY T. WHITE, of On iidn Township.
M. F. CAMPBELL, of Union Township
WILLIAM MOORE, of West Township.
JOHN W. MATTERN, of Huntingdon
JOUR F. RAINEY, of Huntingdon,
W. L.CUNNIRGRAM, of Clay Township
ISRAEL GRAFFIUS, of Alexandria.
It is many a long day since we have
had'the pleasure of bearing anything equal
to the speimh delivered by the Hon. John
Covode in this piaci on Wednesday last.
Mr. Covode was invited hereby our Cou
nty Committee, and we cannot bat congratu
late the gentlemen composing that Com
mittee for discernment and good judge.
meta for procuring so able an advocate as
Mr. Covode. Never did the Sham Democ
racy receive such a scathing rebuke,
never was the treachery and nypocracy to
the people's interest so clearly and coml.,
swerably portrayed. Ho raised the curtain
and unveiled the secret corruption of Lee,.
lam so completely, as to crimson the cheeks
of all honest men, Bigler's treason to
the Tariff, and his betrayal of Pannsyl
a denial of the record. The corruption
fraud at Washington, of Wendell, urn' the
whole corrupt Administration, was ex
plored to its lowest depths, its frauds,
chicanery, and swindling, fully discovered
to the minds of every one when. thu eighty
millions of money had gone. As a great
statistical and powerful debater, we think
Mr. Covode is unrivalled. Let hint then
be the standard bearer of the Peoples great
party in 1860. No man can carry up our
flag with more strength. He is one of
the people, knows their wants, and dare
fearlesly mentain their rights.
fillrln order to meet the several mails,
we are obliged to go to press before any
returns of the election are received, but
29:t week we will give you 'the official
Attack Upon the Overland Mail.—Con
dudor and one Passenger Ellie d.
Sr. Loots, October 7.
A despatch from Independence, says
the mail which left there on the 10th ult.
for Banta Fe Fork. The conductor and
one of the passengers wero killed. The
incoming snail due last Tuesday, has not
yet a-rived at InJependence, and fears are
entertained for its safety.:
to the opening of the Public Schools of
Brooklyn. one of the Roman Catholic cler.
gy men made them the subject of a Sun
day discourse. Their"godless" charac.
ter vats forcibly depicted; the charge wan
made that they were hot beds of vice and
infidelity, and parents were vehemently
urged not to patronize them. Two or
three Roman Catholic Institutions, heid in
he unwholesome basements of churches,
we believe, were recommended to the pat
ronage of the faithful.
'The Covington and Lexington Rail.
road was -sold at auction, Oct. sth, for
52,125,000. Th. bid was made by W.
Cadge, of Covington Ky.. for what is
known as the Bowler Company. The sale
of the road was made to saosfy a judge
ment obtained by the second mortgage
111:1•The Bonea of quite a number oldie
eoldiers who fell at the battle of Brandy.
wine, have been dug up at Chadd's Ford
near Philadelphia, by the men enraged in
grading the Philadelphia and Baltimore
Central Railroad. The bones of one man,
supposed to have been a German soldier,
measured about six feet six inches. He
had on the Hessian uniform. The but.
tens were made of lead, and were not
mach defaced.
Latest News from Europe. armed completely on a war footing, with
rifled cannon fur all the batteries.
The London Morning Herald given a
prominence 'o the following paragroph:—
'•We have reason to believe that a del inite
treaty of peace will soon be concluded at
Zurich. It will, however, bear the signa
tures of only
. two Powers, From and
Anode. The preliminarie of V illafrancit
will be strictly maintained no :o the rola.
lions of Austria and Sardinia. We learn
from Vienna that the preliminaries of peace
will serve as a guide for thei conduct of
The Steaier Caaile at Halifax.
It is reported that the result of the
King of the Belgians to the Emperor
Napoleon, at Biarritz, was fully success•
ful, arid various ruiners are afloat with re-
Bard to the arrangements entered into.
The London Times' Paris correspon
dent says that one report was that the ques
tion of the Duchies had been settled, and
that Tuscany was to be isigned over by
the King of the Belgians second son, and
Purina and Modena by Maximilian.—
Another report says that the Court of Flan
ders is to have the three Italian Duchies,
and the Archduke Maximilian Venitia,
with separate constitutions. There reports
are not with enticatod , and mist be taken
for what they are worth.
Another Paris rumor was that there was
tn be no Chinese expedition. That the
head of the Mandarins offending at Peiho INTELLIGENCE RECEIVED
OF • ;
had been proffered in atonement, coupled
with promises to make all the satisfaction SIR JOHN FRANKLIN !
that can be required, and that the embus. It is a satisluctom to be, at least, informed
seders will be immediately received at I definitely of the fate of Air John Franklin
Pekin ! and the men composing his crews. The
It is txpectet i that the King of the Bel. steamer Fox, Ca l t, Mct Hintock, sent out
gians, Prince Reschaed Menet nich, and by Lady Franklin, has got back to England
Count Watewaki, will remain at Biarritz with the full particulars, and tunny mem
until the departure of the Emperor at the morials of the ill-starred expe6tion. 'l'hese
end of September. Prince Pomalowski were found on the northwest coast of King
quitted Italy for Biarritz. William's Island. A full record or the
The Paris correspondent of the London events that occurred in the expedition, da
ted April 2Oili, 1848, was found, and this
Herald regards the scheme of placing ft
Belgian Prince on the 'Tuscan throne as a shows that Sir John Franklin died Jtine
ridiculous canard. 1 11th, 1847, up to which time nine officers
Numerous political exiles had arrived and fifteen men had died. 'The Survivors,
at Marseilles. 105 in number, were proceeding south to
The Paris Bourse had brat and anima- the Great Fish River. 'The discovery
ted. The three per cent. Rentes, on the confirms the preview reports that have
23d, advanced to 1391 35c. been received. Dr. Rae ascertained from
TIIE LATEST. the Esquirnaux. in 1854; that a party of
The Parts correspondent of the London about forty white men were on Ring Will•
Spectator, who on several occasions has later and
in 1850, and a few months
communicated early an , / authentic news, later they found their bbdies nut far frets
asserts that Napolean accepts the p l an o f ! the Great Fish River. These were dou 4 t.
the King of the Belgians, which gives the ; less the last remnant of Franklin's party,
fortresses of Prschiera and Mantua and who,after the close of the record lately
the States of Parma and Modena to, Sar- aiscovered, started southward and gradu
dinia. and reinstates the House of Loraine ally wasted away and perished. -
in Tuscany, and restores the legations to . The story of Franklin's Expedition can
the Pope. After introducing a variety of now be told, from beginning to end, some
reforms, Venetia is to have governments! i what ss (allows:
'institutions, and an tinny of its own, un- I May 20, 1845—The Embus and Ter
der the A rchduke Ferdinand Maximilian. ! ror sailed front Sheerness, officers and men
under the title of Grand Duke of Venetia. ; numbering 188 persons.
These stipulations have the concurrence of i July 20th, 1845—The Expedition was
Austria. A European congress is elan t o hetoria Bitritt'S Shy. :
he held at preseeleresided over bOl
,py e ! June 11th, 1847—Sir John Franklin
~,,,,.. The Paris Patric pertfelly con- died.
firm. the above. ( April 230, 1848-7 . lve ACrebasts netcl V....-
'ITALY , ror were abandoned in the ice in Victor's
' ll.l Sardinian government lies issued a I Strait, Up to this time 33 r t the officers
theater denying the reported cession of and men had perished.
Savo to France. I Spring of 1859 the b Lies of the rem-
The Sardinia government is oleo said to
have protested to the great Powers against
the secret aid offered by Austria in recrui•
tins soldiers for the Pope.
The King Jai Sardinia was enthusiastical
ly received on his visits to Pavia, Lodi, etc.
The Pope is in a very alarming state•
Cardinal Antonelli has declared him unfit
to attend to public eclairs.
The . Lausanne Gazette says that the
Minister of the United States , Mr. Fay,
has presented a long memorial t a the Fed
eral Council, praying it to intervene with
the cantons which persevered in enforcing
intolerant measures against the United
Statesiewith a view of obtaining a modifica
tion of the same.
The report that Serrano had been ap
pointed Captain General of Cuba was fut
ly confirmed.
It i • reported that England has offered to
mediate in the case of Morocco.
Amicable relations hod bean established
between Turkey and Persia.
Matters at Caudill were of a serious
character and numerous troops had been
sent thither. .
tichatnyl was betrayed for a bribe of six 1
million reubles. 1
The Ctrcnsaians continue in war against
Parts Saturday —The King of Belgi
um wns io leave Biarritz last night for
Genoa, where, it is said, he is to confer
with several impartant personages. It is
so ppiised his journey is connected with
the proposed Congress at Brussels.
The report of the foundation of the
kingdom of Central Italy under the Count
of Flanders, in positively denied.
L,ndon, Saturday Afternoon .—ln the
treaty with the Cochin Chinese, the
French Admiral obtained four important
concessions, viz:
The exercise of the ChrWien religion.
A treaty of commerce.
The cession of the town of Logan and
adjoining territory; and
The , ecognition of the rights of the
French to the Bay of Surma.
The health of the King of Prussia i s
The harvest of Belgium will be only
two thirds of the average.
The Paris correspondent of the London
Times nye that Cherbourg is about to be
A Berne telegram says a courier from
Vienna had reached Zurich, with iustruc
tons to draw up a treaty of peace, and a
document (or the cession of Lombardy to
Sardinia. No allusion is made to the Duch
ies, It is hop••d that a treaty will be signed
in a few days.
nant of the crews were found near Great River,
There is nothing more to he told, that in
ensentiul to ascertain the fates of the Ere
bus and Terror expedition. In five years
thous the time of their sailing all had per.
ished. Hut the titmice of the expedi
tion and its calamities will be looked fur
with eager interest by the whole world.—
' all civilized nations have hod their sym
pathies excited in behalf of Franklin Enid
his lost navigators, and there will be a sad
satisluction in knowing what they suffered
and how they perished.
Sir John Franklin, whose name will
forever be remembered by reason of his
unhappy fate, was born at Spilspv,
colnshire, April 13th, 1780, being the
youngest son of a respectable yeoman, lie
was put to school at St. Ives, and after.
wards at Louth, He had an early longing
for the sea, and entered us a midshipman
on the Polyphemus in 1800, being at the
battle of Copenhagen, April 2d, 1801
Be saw much and varied service, end was
signal midshipman on board the Belleru•
phon at Trafalgar. lie commanded the
boats of the Bedford in the fight with
lAmerican gun bouts at New Orleans, cap.
Itaring one of the boats, and receiving n
wound in the action. In 1818 he was up
pointed to the command of the Trent, in
the expedition ordered to attempt the pas
sage to India by the polar sea, North of
Spitsbergen. The expedition turned out
unfortunately, but Franklin gained much
repumtion. In 1810, he was sent in coin.
mod of sin expedition to explore the coast
of America, east of the Coppersoine River.
The result of this was a great addition to
our knowledge of A rtic geography. Frank
lin returned ta England in 1822. In 1825
he was ordered on another overland cxpe•
didon to the Artic sea, and lie had to leave
the sick bed of his young wife, who died
the day after he went tones. lle returned
by way of New York, and landed is Liv
erpool, September 24th, 1`27. On the
Bth of March, 1828, he Was married to
Jane Griffin, the present respected Lady
Franklin. In the following year he v,as
knighted. In 1830, he was sent 'o the
Mediterranean, rendering good service to
the Greek cause. lu 1830. he wee made
Governor of Tasmania, or Van Diemen's
Land, which office he administered ably
till 1843, when he returned to England.—
In 1846, he was appointed to command a
now expedition to search for the rorthwest
Pomp, and he veiled with the I 'bee
and Terror on the 26th of May, 1845.
The record ends with his death on the 11th
of June, 1847, at the age of sixty -one years
and nearly thre - e months.
Of the two wives of Franklin, the first,
Eleanor Ann Porden, was a lady of win.
sual ecnoinPlishments and scholarship,
who taught herself Greek and Latin when
eleven or twelve years old, and became a
proficient in other la"guages, besides stud•
ying other branches of natural sciences.—
She wrote and published several poems,
one of which Arctic Expedition,"
which appeared in 1818, led Franklin to
seek her acquaintance, and they were mar
ried in 1823. She flied within less than
Iwo years, of consumption. His second
wife, who survives him, was a daughter
of John Griffin, and was born about 1800
Her devotion to him is well•known to the
whole world, and it is to her persistent ef•
forts that the final discovery of his fate is
WHAT Trig WAR CoST.—The two
months campaign in Italy can scarcely be
said to have been a cheap amusement for
any of the parties concerned. The Allge•
meine Zeitung figures up the cost to the
Immediate portico to the war, and also to
the neutral Powers who were required to
make preparations for contingencies, in
the following tables:—
Austria about £20,000,000
France 20,000,000
Piedmont 4,000,000
Other Italian States 800,000
Russia 1,200,000
England 880.000
Germany 5,120,000
This makes the snug hale aggregate o
$260,000,000 or nearly one-third of the
whole nationnl debt of England•
Miles in Four Hours.—On Thursday,
September 22, Mt Li Mountain and Mr.
Haddock, of the Reformer, made an as
cension at Watertcwn, • New York, and
were soon lost to sight. No tidings were
received from them for more than ten days,
whiih caused great excitement and much
spy b lotion as to their fate. On Monday,
the 8d instant, a telegraph dispatch was
received by their f rionds, announcing their
Isafety. Mr: Had dock has given a lengthy
account of theit voyage, in which he
states that they lityuled in the Canada wil
derno49, and were four days without food.
Their balloon waseompletely wrecked,
and is a totallff:lk._
States Senate on the first day of De
cember next, on 'A, hich day the first see
Mon of the thirty sixth emigre. will com
Hon. Willard Saulsbury, of Helawure.
•n. James W. Grimes, of lowa.
Hon. Lazarus W. Vowel), of Kentucky.
Hon. Kingsley 1. Bingham, of Michigan,
Hon. John C. Teo Eyck, of New Jersey.
Hon. Thomas Bregg. of North Carolina.
Flan. Henry R. Anthony, of Rhode Nand
Hon. A. 0. P. Nicholson, of Tennessee.
Hon. J. W. Hemphill, of Tex.?.
The Late Indian Outrages
WAkillscrrox7 Oct. 8
Information has been received here that
as soon hs Col. Sumner heard of the attack
on the Santa Fe load, with its fatal result.,
he dispatched a company of dragoons to
tie Pawnee Fork, to punish the offending
Indians: Hopes ore entertained that:, lis
prompt action en the part of Col. Sumner
trill result in the capture of the murder
ers and the rescue of the passengers by
the overdue mail. It will probably be
found necessary to station troops s•. the
Pawneo Fork to escort the mail thence to
Cold Spring,.ond thus obviate thu re•occur
.ronce of such outrages.
p•An editor of u paper lately informed
hit readers that the ladies always pull off
the left stocking last. This, as may be
supposed, created some stir among his lair
readers, and while In positive terms they
denied the statement, they insisted that
he had no business to know it. even if
such were the fact. He proves it, how
ever,by a short argument. "When one
sucking is pulled off, there is another left
on; pulling off this is taking the Ivft stock
ing off last."
vsats ED. A r e ID October s.—Th e
death sentence pussed ou Jetties Stephens,
the wife poisoner, WB9 of to-day by
the Court of A; , peals, while the Caine
court reversed the sentertc.i of James
shepherd, condeined to deuth for inu der,
'FM KANsABEuccrtoN —Leavenworth,
K. 7', Oct. 5.-7'he returns from the
recent electioni are still meager. Those
received show the vote to hove been very
light, a large proportion of it in favor of
the Wyandotte Constitution.
yCeThe Mormons are in favor JA Mr.
Douglas for the Presidency. Trey are
emphatically Squatter Sovereignty men.
They want no outside powers or influen
ces iaterfe ring with their polygamy, or any
of their other inatitutlons.
in one of his articles,
written since thee Revolution of '4B, de
clared that the fatal detect in French char
acter which made a permanent French
Republic impossible was Lck of conscience
This is exactly true.---X.Y.Eagusres.
The Latest
,Hews received by Magnetic
From Washington.
WASHINOTON, Thursday, Oct. 6, 1859.
As predicted by me some days since a
second article upon Slavery in the Tenho.
rie s has been issued by the Administration.
A reply to both of there will appear
shortly. It is stated here in a well inform
ed quarter that the Harpers have received
great numbers of articles pro ana con upon
thi same subject, but nobody supposes that
such pructiole men as they, or indeed any
other, have borne the infliction of peru
sing them. There are few intelligent men
now, oven among Democrats, who-do not
believe in the ofd doctrine of the right of
Congress to control Territorial matters,
In addition to accoutre of the California
mail imbroglio, as published in the New
York patient of to day, it may be stated
that Johnson recognized Mr. Sloo only as
his agent; who said that no company had
been termed to carry the mails under the
Johnson contract; but Jo. White and others
represented that Johnson wits their agent
fur getting the contract, and that they had
made an arrangement with the Pacific
Mail Company for the sea seretco, but • the
agent of the latter Cotnpany.informed tie
Pestinaster General that the condi.ion of
such service was payment in advance.—
By the conditional contract with Vander
bilt, he is to receive some *49,090 more
fat carrying the mail by Nicaragua than
by Panama. He has promised to carry
, the moil by the former route at an early
day, if done it will be a source of, great
satisfactien to the President, who has all
along been very solicitous of etlecting that
asnisiwrox, Thursday, Oct. 6„ 1859.
The presid e nt has recognized Henry
A. Pierce us Consul al the kingdom ul
the Hawaiian islands for Boston, New
Bedford, Portsmouth, and Portland, to ro.
side hi Boston.
11 bile it is authoritatively stated that "it
"may be that blinister Ward did art out for
"Pekin, and is there nuw after having ex•
"changed ratifications of the treaty," y.t
nu official atlvlces to thdt effect have been
received ut the State Department. limy
be mentioned that (Apt 'rdtnall, in ft letter
dated the 4th of July, ',Aye that the myna.
tution of the Cluvernor of the Province in
Mr, Hard designated the bth of that month
for a conference with him.
t second edltiOn of Judge Black's pain
phlet has been issued, with no appendix,
in reply to Senator Douglas's Wousitr
queen, and to the criticisms of a difet•
rut kind whidh have appealed in other
Lute last night an official dispatch was
received Irons New Orleans, stating that
the strainer Philadelphia had been seized
by the United Suites iMars.hal. An answer
Will I turnebi.ttely transmitted directing the
retention of the captain and crew, in view
of judicial proceedings, and to hold the
vessel, which, if it shall be found she was
employed in a hllibustering expedition,
will subject to forfeiture. The di,putch
further stated that an artillery company
from Buton R iuge was on its way to the
polo: where, it is said. the litllibusters
! have congregated nod were to be used
by the United States Marshal us occasion
may require in the effort to arrest them.
Never has more earnestness been exhibited
with regard to any similar expedition than
in relation to this one, for the frustrati , m of
which the most vigorous measures have
been adopted. So far, the efforts of the
Federal officers have been successful; and
is reliably asserted that their proceedings
are altogether satisfactory to the Guvern•
The instructions sent to Mobile not only
refer to the filibusters connected with the
present expeditiom but also to that, who
want out in the former one, in the after.
word wrecked schooner Susan. The or
der in to arrest them.
The commercial restrictions of Brazil
have been further relaxed. This is a sub
ject in which the Administration hss taken
un active interest. An official aisputch
was received to day announcing that the
export duty of 10 per cent heretofore
chargell on the lesdina exports of Brazil
including sugar, hides, and other native
products, has been reduced to b percent.
by a recent decree of the Emperor, which
is now in full force.
TRU CALIFORNIA Etscriost.--The Stitt
Francisco paper. give meagre returns from
the election. It is. however, conceded on
all sides, that the whole Lecorupton. anti-
Douglas ticket is elected' by a large ma
jority Baker and McKibben went out of
San Francisco with about three thousand
majority, but Burch and Scott soon over
took all three figures in the country, and
at the latest accounts were far ahead.—
The Administration party fired a salute of
one hundred guns in Sun Francisco on the
10th ult. in honor of their victory.
A Pious Donn THIEF CAU-GHT.—The
fellow who stole a home from Mr. Richard
in Bedford county, and who was allowed
to escape, on his way to jail, was arrested
at a private house on Ilabb'e creek, on Sat
urday night last, and brought before Jus
tice Cox, of Hollidaysburg, on Sunday,
tad committed tojail to await trial at court.
SHOT BY A Doc.—One. day - last we e k,
Mr. John Avent, of Nash county, North ,
Carolina, living within a mile or two of
the Halifax line, came suddenly to his en
by the accidental firing gills gun. It ap
pears that he had, with his dog and gun,
(a double-barreled one,)gone out hunting.
His dog having treed a squirrel, he shot
and killed tt. On stooping to take up the
squirrel, it is supposed that, as he was in
the act of raising himself, his dog refired
npon him, and, in coming down, hit the
trigger of the undischarged barrel, which
was, no doubt, full sprung, causing it to
Ere, end killing Mr. Merit almost instant
ly --the charge passing through from the
lower jaw, to one side of his head.
On the 20th ult., by Rev. M. Spangler, Mr.
Samuel Rudy to MISS Isabella Crisiuger, both
of Jackson tp.
On Thursday, Oct. 6th, by David Snare,
Esq., Mr..Epliraim Bowman to Miss Lesion
Quarry, both of Cass tp.
On the sth inst., by Rev. S. IT, Reid, Mr•
W/11. Poster to Miss Anna Mary Piper, both of
Alexandria, Pa.
By the same, on the 7th inst., Mr. John J.
Gordon to Miss Caroline Gahagan, both of
Walker tp.
On the 3d inst., is Woodcock V.llev. Jona.
than, son of Catharine and Daniel . Flonner,
aged ab. ut 16 years .
Can it be possible I Ah, yes, God bath vie
iced the household with death, and bath taken
one of the family circle atm. We hope to
meet him in heaven.
In heaven where death no more shall come,
Where peace and happiness doll' reign;
There where holy angels 1009 to sing
Of Christ, our Maker's name.
New Advertisements
New Goods ! New Goods !
D. P. Gw•in has just recei fed on of the lar
gest and most lashiebable and best selected
Nock of
in the market, consisting of Cloths;Cassimers,
Satinets, K. Jeans, Tweeds, Deaver. Teens,
Velie Cords, &e.
The best assortment of Ladies' dress goods
in town. Black and Fancy Silks, Plain and
Figured French Merinos, English Merinos,
tithe). and plain, all wool DeLains, Mousline
Delmins. Alpacca, Lacuna Cloths, De But ge,
Col!rga, Gingham, Pciatgatc._ •
ALSU Ticiiings; Cheeks, Muslins bleached
aril untlearhed, Cotton and all Woolen Flan•
nels, Suck Flannels, Cloaking Clothes, linsys,
Bro. and Blue Drills, Blankets,.&e.
ALSO A large assortment or Ladies' Col
lars, Dress Trimmings, Ribbands, Gloves,
Gauntlets, Cotton and %Vool Hosiery, Silk nod
Linen Emulkereheils, Neck Ties, Voil4, Jack-
Duets, plain and hued, Swiss Mullins, Ladies'
Vests, Ac.
Watt , 'loo and ::ay State, Single and Daublo
roots and Shoos, the largest awl eliew
pest assortment in town.
WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Boskets, Churns,
Bunter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, ste. Carps ti,
Oil Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Cufthe,
Ten, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
Call examine my goods, and you will
lie convinced that J have the best assortment
and the cheapest goods in the market.
' All kinds of Country produce taken in ex.
chinge for gondv , at the highest market prices.
Det. 12, 1859.
The undersigned would respectfully call the
attention of our friends and customers, as well
an the citizens of the town and country , general
ly, to our new nod extensive assortment of
consisting of every article of gentleinens' fur
nishing goods. We deem it unnecessary to
make n newspaper flourish, being confident that
a call and on exnnsination ofour goods, will sa
tisfy all, that our goods are just what we re
commend them to be, well made, or good mate- .
dal, tool as cheap as the same'quality of goods
can ho bought in the county of Huntingdon.
It is not one desire, as it is not the policy of
honest men, to deceive, but this much we will
say, that we will guarantee tool! who may fa
vor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction
RR to quality, tit and price. Should gentlemen
desire any particular kind or cut of clothing,
nut found in nor stock, by leaving their meas.
ore. they can be accommodated at 'short notice
Call at corner of the diamond, Long's new house'
Oct. 12, 1859,
New Drug and Grocery Store.
SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 2 doors west
of Montgomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in
Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stud's, Paints Varnish
es, Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine
and Brandy of the hest tinkle for medical per.
pmes .Concentrated Lye for mid ing Soap, Glass
Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho
colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar Fish Salt
Flour, Crakers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Nobles,
Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds Mr sum
mer drinks, in a word every thing usually kept
in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire
pure and Genuine articles will! do well by
gin mg us a call.
0 r. IY. 1859.—1 y.
new and unequalled invention a, wanted and
selling everywhere. My agents have cleared
over $20,000 on them. Diplomas, Silver med.
al and four Patents granted them. Fur four
stamps you will receive 75 pages particulars.
Best agency in the country.
EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Maas.
Oct 12, 1839.-6 m.
403 Walant•St., Philad'a.
Capital and Available Assets, over
Five Inland and Marine Cargo risks taken
on the most favorable terms.
Jas. Wright, Sec. C. C. LATHROP, Prat.
Oct 12, 's9.—lysc. F. H. Lang, Ag t.
Dr. John BloCullooh,
nffers hi s professional services to the citizens(
Ull untingdon and vicinity. Office, 01 Hill ut.
between Montgomery and Bath.
lantingtian,Ang. Mt, Mi.
The Country Saved
Au , Abundant Harvesti!
And to meet the increasing demands curgoodo,
JAS. A. BROWN has just received front tits
city the largest and hest stock of
A T y eit
' l244 "'St
ever brought to Mititingdon,
exceeds all others is importance.' .• • "
Ist. Because it supplies THE PEOPLE with
intlespenlable articles. And many useful inven
tions, which can , he. found• only in a lIARP
2nd. The subscriber purchasing in large
quantities from manufacturers, is enabled so
sell these goods from
20 to 100 per cent cheaper!
than they are sold by other merchants.
His stock includes a complete Variety of
CHAIN rumps, •
LEAD npgs
Together with a full assortment of everything
pertaining to his line of business.
All orders receive prompt
Huntingdon, Oct. sth, 1859.
) iPlIl ! C : tl e!1 1° ' ( iltale,YEeec Lleole, dc.
Ily virtue of. Order of the Orphans' Court
or Huntingdon County, there will be exposed
Public Sale in Beavertown, Tod Township,
Oct Saturday. Oct , 29th. 1859,
Al 2 o'clock of 'laid day, the one undivided half
of filly live scree of land, situate in Tod tp.,
Ilfliolllllll4 lands cif Samuel Sayler, John Sav
age's heirs, and others, with a small dwelling
f l 't
' house end other improvemrnts, belong.
iii Mg to Enoch Chilcote, dec'd., and MOT.
decal Chilcote, deed. -
Also an undivided interest, being oneaixtla
fart subject ton right of dower to Honor Chß
cote, widow of Mordecai Chilcote, late of Tod
Ip., deed., ol; in and to two certain tract. of
loomototho property of the; aaid DforJecal
Chileote, dee'd.; eitunte in Ted tp., one thereof
adjuining lands of Jos. McNeal, Jonathan Bar•
net and Where containing
' 96 ACHES, •
having thereon arected a frame dwelling bonne,
and frame barn, land mostly cleared, and in a '
good ewe of culti esti°. The other of said
tracts adjoining lands of Henry Elias, John
Myerly, John Spanglerat!dothers, containing
• 161 AcaEs,
mostly cleared and in a good state of cultiva•
tion, having tlirraun a log dwelling house and
log barn, an apple orchard and other improve
TERMS : One•half of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of sale at the Nor.
Court following. and the balance in one year
thereafter, with interest, to be securtd Ly the
bonds and mortgage of the purchasers.
de Lonis non.
Oct. 5.-4.
_ .
The undersigned, assignee of Jonathan
Leslie; will offer at public sale, at the Coat%
House in the borough of Huntingdon,
On Wednesday, November 16fh, 18b9,
4% . tau 0,104 FARM. AiLUlttlliltllle
township,co., containing
- • -
1 . 6 . ACRES,
mere or lean. adjnining the Juniata River and
lands of hilijah McVey, David Jenkins, Samuel
'Vhurton and others, having a large fram•
how., (unfinished) and frame back building
erected thereon ' together with a fracas bank
barn aboul.4o by 66 feet, with a wagon-shed
'and euricerib attached thereto ; alai • atoms
spring house. There are two never faults
spriags of good water upon the premises, one of
them near the house and burr. ; also an apple
orchard containing from 50 to 75 trees.
This farm in good limestone land, about 60
acres woodlaild, some of which is choice land
for cultivation, ft lids on the mouth aide of the
Juniata River ' about one mile from the New
i ton lituniltentita lion of the Penna. Railroad,
and the Newton Hamilton Dam of the Penn'a.
Canal is to part upon tlie premises. A portion
the land lien upon Sugar Ridge, in the vi.
cinity of large.deposits•of iron ore, and is con
sidered a good site for inanufacturing establieb
This Form will be sold
the properly 'of
the said Jun:alum Leslie, for the benefit uf bit
'I E I IMS : One Miff of the purchase money
to be ;mid on the first day of April next, when
pessesion will he given, and the other half ia
one year, with interest, to be secured by hood
and mortgage.
THEO. H. cliEsigu, Animnee.
Huntingdon, c et. sth, '5O-41.
The nudersigned will meet the teach'
ern and school direct°rs in their reepecto•
districts as indicated in the following table :
Union, October 7, Mapleton.
Cromwell. " 12, Orbisonia.
Springfield, " 15, Meadow Gap.
Clay, " 14, Scottsville.
Dubbin, " 15, Shade Gap.
Tell, " 17, Bolingertown.
Hopewell, " 19, Coffee Run.
Tod, " 20, Newburg.
ALBERT OWEN, County Sufi.
Oct. sth, '69.-3t
American Life Insurance Trust Co.
Capital Stock. 500,000.
Company's Building, Walnut street, Boath
East corner of Fourth, Philadelphia.
Life Insurince at the usual
l'slutual Hates.,
Or at Joint Stock rates at about 20 per coat.
less, or at Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest
in the world. A. WHILLDIN, Iresishint.
J. C. Stun, Sec.
Sept. 28, P. H. LANE, Agent.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on fiat estate of J. A. Hall, late
of Huntingdon Borough, dec'd., have bees
duly granted to the undersigned, to whom all
persons indebted to said estate will make pay
ment, and those having claims or demands
against the seine will present them, duly as.
theuticated, for settlement.
Huntingdon, Sept. 14th, 1859.-61.
Healers in Fish, Cheese & Provisions;
Bare constantly un hand an assortment of
Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Herring.,
Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulder.,
• Hams, Bides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, itc.
Sept. 14, 1859.-3ra.
Call at D. P. GWIN'S if you want fuhlonable
You will find the hugest and best &geodes sat
erf Issollos 4004. at OVIUM