. (" ar li 1 11' Jo 1 4 42: Ht., , , • t ~~- bova3 1 i a ''~ .~• Wl. BREWST VOL. XXIV. TERMS OP THEJOVILN&L. If paid in advance $1,50 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,75 If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid after the expiration of the year No paper dis continued until the end of the year subscribed for. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontinu ed until arrearagea are paid except at the option et the publisher. e. Returned outdoors are never received by us. All numbers sent us in that way are lost, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, *lust pay up arrsarages, and Send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub lication in Huntingdon• 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a legel or a proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, a new year has common., "ed, unit the paper will not be discontinued until arreuraqes are paid. See No. I. itittlis above terms will be rigidly adhered in all cases. ADVERTISEMgNTS Will be charged at the following rates: 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Blx Hues or lees $ 25 $ 37i $ 50 Ono square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two (32 " ) 100 150 200 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. $3 00 $5 00 $9 00 500 800 12 00 800 12 00 18 oo 12 00 18 00 25 00 Ono square, Two equarea, i column, do., do.; 113 00 27 00 40 00 do., 22 00 95 00 45 00 Business Cards of six lin es, or less, $4.00. .dyer's Sarsaparilla ♦ compound remedy, in which we have In hered to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other *Wan= of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the disease. Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that ouch a remedy is wanted by those who dinar from Strumous'complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our atlieteil fellow-citizens. how completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints I SCE/PULL AND Scnormous COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND Exempts DISEASES, Hunts, PIEPLES, BLOTCHES, Temout, SAL? ItHEMI L SCALD MOLD, SY PRIM AND SYPHILITIC Al , mterioxs, Manconist. Dumws, DUOPRY, Nan- RAUH! cm TIC DOULOCILIWX, DEBILITY, Dra y:tests AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, Ross so Sr. ANTHONY'. Pine. and indeed the whole elms of complaints arising from limn= OF moo BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pro. tauter of health, when taken in the spring, to *ape, the foul humom which fester in the blood at that season of the year. B the time ly expulsion of them many rankung atoerarrs are nipped in the bud, Multitudes can, lay the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous ewes, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, it not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body ley an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, .r sores ; cleanse It when you find it is oh wafted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, mid your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Beep the blood healthy, and all is well; hut with this Pabulum of life disordered, there can be no asting health. Sootier or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of Ste is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But She world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for 'it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, eontain hut little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During lute years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla fur one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Smsaya rills, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the Lame itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend as supply such II remedy as shall rescue the came from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible I.y the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to once. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to direction' on the bottle. PREPARED DE D. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. _ _ _ _ Prior, $1 per Bottle ‘. Mr Bottle• for $5, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, bus wnn for itself such n renown for the eure of Avery variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecesearr for at to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has Leen em ployed. Ae it has long been in constant use ihroughnut this section, we need not do more than enure the people its quality is kept up to the hest ot or has Leen, and that it may be relied on to do for their tenet ell it luts ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Cestireness, Jaundice, Dy4pepsia, Indigestion, Py.akry, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Files, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Min Diseases, Liver A,mplaint, Dropsy, Tatter, Tumors and Salt Rhsum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, aed for Tursfying the Blood. They are sum-coated, so that the most Renal tire ran take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. 'deo 95 coats per Bov, 5 Boxes for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States. ince, and eminent personages, hace lent their MUMs to certify the unparalleled usefulnesss of these remediee, but our space here will nut permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AIIHRICAN ALMANAC in which they jars given; with also full descriptions of the above oomplaints, and the treatment that should be fol. Pawed for their cure. Do not be pot off by unprincipled denim with other preparations they make more profit en. Penland Armee, and take no Udall. The tick want the butt aid there la Ate them, and they should have It. All our Remedies are for tale by doittrilsta, Agent Huntingdon, re, 11h. 1 y. PStTRY., AN APPEAL. BY MILS. BROOKS. Oh, mother cease to break my heart) I vow it now—,l vowed it then— The kiss he left upon my lips— His !ips shall one day take again Ah I well I mind, the summer eve I As low scud swept the waning moon; And o'er the ripened cloverleaf Floated the balmy breath of June. Among the dreamy woodland gloom, Alone wo breathed our parting sighsi Only the silent watchful stars Looked on us, with their holy eyes. No golden circlet bound our love— No vow at sacred alter given, Yet, in that hour, our married souls Were registered As one, in heaven. I will not live a guilty thing— Piflowed upon another's breast— While every thought I send to him, Shall scare God's angels from my rest Purjured—before a new born Kul (If such unholy trust were givem) Mother! I need a clean white hand To lead a little child to heaven! Oh, turn away your cruel eyes! That gold you sell me for is dim What need I bargain for the world ? I have my full round world in him. Then mother cease to break my heart; I vow it now—l vowed it then— The kiss he left upon my lips,— His lips shall one day take agaid focal Torresponbence, For the "Journal " Mn, BREWRTER —At this late date, when the celebration at this place has been all mt Si forgotten, it is again brought to our , recollection by a communication in this week's Animal, signed "Defendant," whose only object seems to be to make an uncalled for, unjust and untruthful attack , upon some persons whom those acquaint. , ed with the circumstances would readily infer to be sonic of• the officers of the , schools, who took no part in the'celobra- Lion for the, as we think, very good reason that they being :Superintendents of the schools, should have had a voice in the goois.s, wk.a.rume, .16Ary warn ; us'to the propriety of having a celebration nor anything else concerning it, and id. though living to the villug., knew noth• ing about there going to be one, until late in the evening when owing to previous or. rungements, it was impossible for them to attend, they learned that. meeting was to take pl ce that evening, at which nrue the election of officers, &c took place, and other arrangements were mode for the holding of the "hard to surpass celehra• ties." They (the superintendents) very reasonobly inferring from the manner . of procedure that they were not "counted in,' , and hod neither port nor lot in the matter, gave nothing towards it, and did not ab tend it, for this, (although upon them de volves the responsible duties of superin tendents which duties they have faithfully , and conscientiously discharged according to their ability) they are visited with the vile onslaught of 'Defendant,' and notwith• standing they are ardent sspporters of the cause of Education generally, Sunday Schools in particular, and Sunday School celebrations when gotten up Democrati• cony, and when they are not willfully or ignorantly excluded by those who take the lead in getting them up-, they are-he-Id up to the public as the characters who 'opposed' the celebration—which is not true;—they are the persons who have so 'shamefully failed to comprehend the benefits of tine Sunday Schcol cause,' and have 'stooped so low es to censure and rid• icule'—a charge which has no foundation in truth;—‘those who are endeavoring to instruct the young,' they are the Individu. ale who are 'Costly resuming the principles of the original American.' If 'Defendant' had possessed the single virtue—truthful ness, so characteristic a trait of original In dian character, his communication would never have found room for conception, stil' Inns would it have been published to the world. 'Last but not least,' he says, 'these young men Mist and undoubtedly will take their places as teachers and pa trons, &c ' One truth, but 've happened to learn it some time ago, and we rejoice it? the reflection 'hat when by infirmity, age or dissolution, our seats are vacated in the Sunday School, we have contributed .an humble share in qualifying thrum who shall succeed us, honorably to themselves and profitiOly to the community, to fill our places as officers, teachers and patrons, of the Heaven born 5, S. Institution, and we not only say but with our whole heart wish them success. Does not reason, if he pos. yeses that priceless gem, teach 'Defen dant' that 'strips of boys,' or 'young men' if such they ;verb, ahould not determine within themselves to have $. S. celebra. 6 ` LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " --- HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1859. lions without consulting or asking the ad- the cottage, which I reached after wading vice or assistance of the officers of the through the mud and mire, and sustaining schools. Why does the anonymous wrt- , a combat with u poker that disputed my ter make an unjust attack, and so uurea• tunably avail those to whom he refers and then call himself Delendant;' unless he be the very identical 'opposed' strips of boys who sustains and carries on the Sunday School in the vicinity o( Murkleaburg.' W by not schools, as there were a plurality? Plaintiff or Assaulter would have been a more appropriate signature, and be he, they or their representative, they are tat beating the wind, in fighting an imaginary enemy. We think, however, that our S. l S. boys have more respect for truth, than to be the writers of such productions; arid we are sorry that 'Defendant' did not in his youthful days enjoy Ike advantages of a Sunday School, or has no 'shamefully failed to comprehend' or appropriate 'die benefits of the S. S. cause,' and utterly disregarded the moral truths there taught hits. . DEFENCE Marklesbnrg, Sept. '29th, '59 For the " Journal." Moral Miniatures.—No. 23. I flow call your serious auention, dear friends, to the cultivation of the polite, and necessary accomplishment of =deity. It is one which is always attendant upon real worth, and easily wins every heart. But I mean not that bashful timidity which is so oft mistuken for the true trait, and wearies its possessor so much, that it is often abandoned in despair, and an oppo site, and evil course begun ' True modes ty is an inmate sense of propriety which leads us to avoid everything which would cause others to censure, and will be des-' playedas touch in private as in public life. At; open, hotist, behaviour is the natural cohocquence via thorough knowledge of the world, end if this learning it properly used, will fix ii determination to do noth ing inconsistent wish decency and honor. There are on greater outlaws against good breeding —says Lord, Chesterfield—than thoSe who throw off their restraints of modesty. Here discretion also 111116 t as silt or we may—unintentionally destroy our moral courage by a blind following. of the will. and actionsnrOtners ungnvetnrd ; by a fixed principle of self meditation Act by reri,., alone for you need -be ashamed of ',long but vice or ignorance. Pride not yourself upon this, by an tin• seemly avowal of it, but when assailed in character, defend yourself only by a beau• tiful statement of facts.. Modesty is one of the greatest charms of youth but it gra ces', very station of life. True modetyis a dkerning gra c e And only blushes in the pro p er place; But counterfeit is bli-d, and skulks thee' fear Where 'us a sh. me—to be asham'd t' appear Humility the parent of the first, Ile lust by vanity produced, and nursed. A person without some share of modes ty is lost to real virtue, and acts merely as do the brutes from momentary impulse. The modesty of woolen is the loveliest of all their adornments, and prevails more than beauty, power. or . wealth. It is said of Jove, in ancient times, that when he created the various passions of human nature (as t'a us supposed he did) modes ty was forgotton, and when reminded of his mistake-he replied, he knew not where to place her, Finally she was CM manded to consort with all the rest, and has now become unseperuble from them. EDUCATOR. *ciat Viscciianß. Front the "Olive Branch." Steve Alant's Courting Mishap -OR A WARNING TO EAVESDROPPERS BY A L. DIESERVB, guess I never told ye what a scrape I got into one time when I was courting toy old 'oman there in the corner, did , I think not.' .And Steve, you never shall; and 1 , should think ye'd be ashamed of ye'self to think of doing so,' broke in the old gentle man's helpmate. But 1 urn to fast. On; day hut week it rained all dui long up bore among the meunta;Ls, and I hardly knew what to do with myself. I tried to write, but gave up in dispair, ant• commenced counting the drops on the windowpane i; but as now ones kept falling, and old ones ran clown, I fear that dick not enumerate them aright. The question 'What shall 1 dolt was at last answered by my gaxing out through the mist and rain, and my eyes resting on the bluck chimney and brown roof that warmed and sheltered my old friend, Uncle Steve Alant. Yes, another of his tales would wear away the time, so tine next moment saw me on the route fat' enterance I was warmly welcomed by Old Steve aed my request for . !mother story brought on the, conversation that commences this sketch. 'Hold your tongue, old , 'oinan, none of your bread and butter if I do tell about our cuurtship, for you had nothing to do with it 'cept running away when I arrived; so you darn them stockings and don't interrupt ine.' 'Who wouldn't run when you come in the plight ye did?' 'Wall, wall, old 'oman, keep easy while I tell him 'bout it. Wall, to begin at the beginning you see that I had boon courting niy ole 'oman there, for nigh nu to two years, on and off. She was the oldest darter of old Euthan Knox, who lived in Conway where I did, and the old gentle man ownd and bresessed a whopping grat e farm, and nine young uns beside Nancy. Wall, us I said, I had been courting near on two years, and that season I worked for the old gentleman for eight dotlirsa month, and was to take iny pay half in an old brindle cow, and the rest in corn. I worked tarnal cheap cause I wanted to be near Nancy. %Vail, things went on prosperous enough between !Nan cy and I, till long late in the fall of the year, when a schoolmaster came to the settlement from some of the down country towns, to keep the district school. He was mighty dressed up, an/ was seated all over With cologne, or collie other smell Old Cepten Knox was the committy man so, of course, he coined to his house to board first, and 1 seed in a ininet that i was powerfully struck with Nancy. This made me feel awfully, bit I felt worse before the week was gone, for I discovered hat she was kinder hankered octer his company.' 'Now, Steve, atop your foolish gab, for bier and wildest bauchee of the cro vd you know I never lovid anybody but when he was in the city. His name was you in my life.' Atigi.te St. %Train. Only three clays be. 'Don't 'rapt me, old 'omen, don't cause tore I had seen turn oi? Bloody Island in I ' m telling the truth jest its I should if I the river opposite to St. Louis, stand at etudese feel dreatalat bad, 'eau,e I loved t the city, and net tt nervo trembled, nor did ! Nancy like all pressed. Wall, things kept his face pale, but he 'winged' hie man as a growing wore and worse, till at lest toy cooly as if he had been shooting at a bird. case lucked kinder desperate I can tell ! Yet now, when that old man stepped up before him, rind he caught a glance of hie ye. The old capten who had always looked on kinder pleasantly, and praised ITeree eye, his courage and presence of mind, seemed utterly to fail hint, and me up to everybody he seed, now changed his tune, atid there was nobopy like Bilt trembling, while the old men's voice loud Simpson. I didn't think much of 13111 I and clear us a bugle, rang iu his car. can tell ye, and every nine I looked at hint, '1 have sought you long, Auguste St 1 couldn't help thinking of that verse \train and found you. Remember Ed that was writ by some grate poet, which I elet' runs urter this fashion:— " all in brinky Let runts say what they will; For though you scour a putor cup, It will be puler still. 'Wall, one night alter they had all gone to hed'cept the old Cupten, Bill Simpson, Nancy and 1, the old gentleman, emir piling on a whole armful of wood, turned to me and said, Come, Steve, let us go to bed: fur we must be up bright and airly iv the morning to finish digging them tatere,' thus giving me the hint that my company want wanted. 1 tell ye 1 felt kinder cheap then, and 1 looked at Nancy to see what site thought on it; bat she never looked up, but kept on knitting with all het might; and so as I seed no encnuragsment to that quarter 1 sueelced up the ladder to bed which was rite over the kitchen Wall, I , laid and laid, feeling awfully 1 can 'tell ye, until I heard the old man g o off to bed, leaving the coast clear for Bill and Nancy. Then I could stand It no longer, and I determined to find out what they wept talking about, for I could hear them clacking mighty bony, 'o I outer bed and entailed alonc , on all fours to P big crack in the loos;floor, exactly over where they were sitting, and by putting my ear down close I could hear every word that was said, and see all the manuvers between them. Bill kept saying soft things to Nancy, and hitching his choir a little clo. ser, till at lost they waiant snore than a foot n pan. I kept growing madder and coleer. But as I begun to think it best to crawl back into the straw and die of a bro. ken het! tor commit suicide, and jest as Hill begun to make up his mouth to give Nancy a bu:s, dreadful .0 tell on, I jumped, and the rough board I was on tipped up, and down I went her whack rite between Bill and Nancy. Nancy jumped up and gin one awful screech, for she thought the Old Nick himself had come down the ;him vieY What Pill 01 I ever kno•vd, for I hurried up the ladder awn awful.quick I can tell ye, and jest ns I was getting into bed, I beard old Capten Knox holler, arid ask Nancy if the c 0 hadn't brolte every dish tin the dresser. 'Wall, I didn't sleep much that night, but the next 'cunning - When wo wont out to milkinp, I asked Nancy rite off if she wouldn't have tae, and sho sed ties, and now we hove been married these forty years come next March' THE HUNTER'S LAST SHOT, A TALE Or AN OLD MAN'S REVENGE. To see an old hunter or trapper in his Buckskin garb, armed with rifle knife and tomahawk, is not a very unusual thing in the city of St. Louis, for that town is the headquarters of the North Western Fur Company, and the names of the Chateau- Aubrey's ; &c., are historically fixed there• to. Some years ago L was sitting in the reading room of the Virginia Hotel there, conversing with a gentleman on business, when an old man dressed and completely armed as a hunter or trapper is when in his accustomed wilds, entered and minute• ly scanned the features of every one pres• ent. He was evidently quite old, and very thin, rind feeble, looking us if he had re• cently risen from a couch of sickness.- 1(1. It's dark eye beamed brightly, even fiercely, in its sunken socket, and his erect term seemed to struggle against the mortal darkness • which pervaded It. The old man shook his Land as he fin ished his gaze around tho room nod mut tering in a low voice, "The cuss is not here !" he turned away. Flaying finished my business, I also left and went to the Planter's [louse where I boarded. IVlien I arrired, it lacked hut a few minutes of dinner time and the guests were gathering in the sitting room whiting for a gong to sound. I had just entered when the old hunter, who had bo lore attract-id my attention also Caine in, and as before commenced an inspection of every countenance. Suddenly his eye flashed with a fire more 'him than 1 ever saw glow to hu 'man face before, and he strode up to a young fellow who bore the name of being the most daring hunter of the North• West Company of which he was trading agent when on the hunt, the most reckless gam As he spoke, the oinnicious click of the old ohm's rib was heard. Astonishe d into silence the crowd drew to either side whikt St. Vrain tearing his shirt bosom open and said in a low hopeless lone : , Tiro old non, I deserve it!' The old Immo had scarce waitid for the word, for before St. Vrain's last word was spoken, the bullet from the old hun ter's ride had passed through his heart. He sunk a corpse to the floor murmuring only one word 'Edele.' The old man stood and gazed on the body a moment then he muttered, 'lt is right-1 have fired my last shot In a moment he was seized—he made no resistance—and hurried off to prison. As I ryas then practising attorney in the courts of that city, feeling a sympathy for the old man, I offered my services. He received ore calmly ;and kindly, but his voice was very feeble, as he replied : , It's little use you can du for me, sir, for I have fired my lust shot, and tramped my last tramp. But as you seem to be about the only friend I've got around here I may as well ease my mind and tell you why I shot St. Frain. Two years ago, I would have sooner shot myself than raise my hand to harm a hair of his head. He a•ns young, handsome, brave as ever drew bead ou a grizzly's eye, I loved him.' the old one's voice grow husky, his lip quivered, he paused a moment and their he went on: wits not the only one that loved Jinn my Edele--then only sixteen, the image of her poor dead mother--she loved him and he pretended to lave her. Ile prom. had to marry her and under that promise ruined her. Age ar.d shame made her heap the secret until it could no longer be kept; they he fled from her, left her to bring a babe into the world, and there to die bro ken hearted, with it upon her bosom. Both of them sleep in ono grave on the bank of the Yellowstone. For a time I thought I should have to lay down there too, before I found him, but I care not for life now.' I tried to cheer UP the 01 4 utan. told hitr. the mere recital of his wrongs he' e re n western jury would acquit him, 1:10 he only shook his head and muttered: 'My last shot is fired, I ant at the end of my last tramp!----*. One week afterwards, a few of us, who had .oiscovcred is aim a brother of the 'mystic tie,' gave him honorable burial in a neighboring cemetery for he passed sa•'oy as quietly as if he had laid down by a pleas ant camp fire to rest after a long and weary hunt. Green were the sprigs cast in his grave and true the hands which threw them.' Alphabetical Advice. The 'follot;ing advice is given to our readers: A—Allwaye attend to your occupation and avoid nle•housns and artrul woman. B—Be benevolent but not prodigal— Bury al blckeringe in the bosom of for getfulness. C—Contrive to collect cash and keep it. 13—Do your duty and defy the devil. K—Early endeavor to eradiate every er ror both of head and heart. F—Fight fairly when you do het— but the best way is not fight at all, Fid dle not for fools. G—Grace, goodness, gumption and a little goose grease, enables a inan to slip through the world mighty easy. Get them and glory in them. ll—flavor hope in your heart if you would be happyi'but hark ye, hope cannot rot the hemp of the hangman. I—lnquisitiveness is iusuffetable—in• dulge not in it. J—Juleps may be called the justice of joy and the yeast of pest; but let them alone, for tuo much joking often destroys the joviality of the social circle. _ _ IC—Kindness kindless the fire of friend. ship; a kiss always avails more than a kick L—Luve the ladies, 'look betore you leap' eschew loaferism. M—Make nu mischief by meddling with other folks' matters, N--Never be caught napping except in the night time. 0--Order is heaven's hrst law --obey it, 1?--Pittstio tho plain path of prohibity. put in ;,ractico whet you will in precept. _ Qaurrel not,. quibln pot, 61 not fond of tt,king tplettlons, or addicted to queries. 11.--ltulti ruins respectability, renounce, renew and and renovate. S—Seek salvation, 0 ye sinners ! be come saints, and you are safe. T— Take time by the forelock ; try to urn every moment to account. IT—Union unites with unity ; in the whole universe there is unison; he ye therefore united for the sake of the union. V- -Vanity has no concoction with valor, renumber that. W—Women and wine bring want, woe and wretchedness, when wlclredly in dulged in. • ' " 'xertion accomplished 'xtra ordinary ends. —Zigzag is a characteristic of a zany. Take a straight course through life and zealously pursue it. _ . &--6 mind your own butiness & let others nlone„&c., &c. WIIAT WE CALL ULTTIES.--Every man ought to pity hii debts--if he con. Every man ought to help his neighbor, if he can. Every man and woman onght to ge married, it they can, _ . Every man sh uld be honest and sober, if he can. Every man should do his work to suit his custoinars, if he can. . . Every mun'sholud please his wife, if ho can. Every wife should rule her husband, if she can. Every lawyer should tell the truth, If he can. Every p-sacher should be a christian, tt he can. And finally, every reader nay attend to the above, if he can. A llnfonT DIRECT-A clergyman fro.n a neightoring town and one of his elderly parishioners were walking home from church one icy day last winter, when the old gentleman slipped and fell flat on his back. 'file minister, looltingat him amo meet and being assured he was not much hurt said to him : sinners stand on slippery places." 'lke old gentleman looked up, as if to assure himself of the fact, and said, Inca they du; but I can't. eir"The attempt to govern by loud speaking, stamptrig, thumping upon desks or using on unnecessary amount of words, is vain. Subjection to •vholesome laws, properly administered, is as WWII a pnrt of essential education, as the knowledge acquired from books nod teachers. •• • ear An Iriblitnartwent to livu in Snot• land tor a Alert tune arid didn't like the cr. uutry. '1 .VII 3 sick all the time 1 wits .I.livre.' eta he 'and if I hod lived there I 01 this time I'd ?igen dead a year'ago'. ira(ipitilguß Editor & Proprietor. NO 41. (BY REQUEST.) Sorrow Shall Come Again No More. 2'unc—Hard times come again no mars. ' 1 What to me are earth's pleasures, and. )., What its flowing tears, What are all the sorrows I dei,lore There's a *Dug ever swelling—still liners, on my ears— Oh ! sorrow shall come again no more, Chores : 'Tie a song from the home of the weary— Sorrow—sorrow is forever o'er ; Happy now—ever happy on Canaau's peace ful shore— ; Oh! sorrow shall come again no more. 2 I seek not earthly glory, nor mingle with thil gay— I covet not this world's gilded store; There are voices now calling, from the brigh realms of day— Oh I sorrow shall come again no more. ma a song, &c. 3 8 Though here I'm sad and drooping, and weep my life away— With a lone heart still clinging to the shore ;' I Yeti bear happy voices, which ever seem to say-- Oh ! sorrow shall come again no more 'Tis a song, &c. 4 'Tis a note that in wafted across the troubleao( wave-- 'Tis a song that I've Klan?, upon the shorilk ot 'Tis a sweet thrilling murmur around the Christian's grave— Uh sorrow shall come again no more. 'Tie a song, Ike. ; Cann a neighboring village lives a person who has always refused to give anything towards the support of religious worship. A few years ago a new church was built, and the gentleman to the sun- ~ prise of all, gave a bell for the new a tue tore. On being asked the reason, he said he never put his money where he could not hear it ring. rt, MODERN MEANING OF OLD WORDS.-. I Aristocrat: One who considers the respec. Lability of his grandfather to to sufficient peryment for his debts. Abstemious Man: One who never take, I'wine or spirits at home. Apprentice: -A lad learning by experi. ti lericc, the tyiranny necessary to be a mat. • I ter. rin lunar or Ltitvw Authbritk for public tvhippin. .he wicked ; pour. Nuisance: The disturbance caused by your neighbor in making his fortune. " Oversight: To leave your old umbrella in a newsroom and brine away a new one, n Precocity: The impertinence of you, child Remorse : The feelings of pick•pocketr !e caught in the act. Unfortunate Man : One born with asai• d ence, rt Suggestive : Advice given by a servant his master. Ir_7 - .A sick boy, dreadfully sick from chewing tobacco, lay on a store box. An other boy sympathized with and cheered him by saying: 'Otis and bear it, Bill, we're all got to come to it sometime. You'll get over it bym'by.' rfirigrs. Purtington says that nothing despises he^ so much as to see people, who profess to expect salivation, go to church without their purses, when a recollection is to be taken. spirited woman caught her hue. band to the act of breaking up her hoops. The exertion, or something else, had a singular effect upon him, for his hair flew out by handful's. _'•Brethtea,"said an aged preacher at a revival meeting, 6 , 1 fear I must corn. pare some here to my crop of wheat and potatoes—for you have eyes and see not o ears have ye and hear not. org- A New York milkman somewha t resembles the whale that swallowed Jonah, for he takei a great prophet (profit) out of the water, gar•Aru you the mute?' said an Irish man it) New Orleans to the cook of a ship lying in port. 'Nn,' said he, 'but I'm tha men as boils the mate. A TOUGH STORY.—,There is a place in Maine so cocky that when down eaters plant corn, they look for crevices in the racks and shoot the grains in with a mus ket. ir Don't carry your handkerchief is your breast pocket. If you do, says Punch, you take a wiper to your besom. (AVM CORRECT.--A. Hartford r or t hi n k s it is ozep•edingly bad husbandry to barrow up thu feelings of your wile. tetlowing epttaph in Washings ton, Is on a little boy whofell a victim to a prevailing disease; q'he little hero who lies hate, Was conquered by the di e •a44se/.. 4Al!‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers