The following stanzas were banded to us by Minister of the Gospel of the Welch descent. If there be any of our readers who can read and interpret the same, they are welcome to the benefits derived therefrom. gitROL NIZOLIG4: "Clanwyd i chwi heddy w geidwad yn Muss Dafydd yr hwn yw Criat yr arglwydd." Luc. IT, 11. Theo y Messiah . Death y Messiah run Owaredwr y byd Cafwyd y Tragwyddol air Yn y preseb gyda mair Ac addolodd angelion gyd Teithiodd y doethion Ac. Caweant ei Ceidwad mewn cuawd Pan y gweleant frenhin nef Offrymasant iddo of 01 trysorau, anrlsegion a wnawd Yn ei holl wyrthiau Profi ei dduwdod wnaeth e Gwel ei allu of fel Duw. Yn cyfodi'r meirw'n fyw Pwy allasai wneud hyn and efe Er rr boll brofion &c. Mynai'r luddewon ei ladd Ar y groan rhwng dae'r a uef Hwy a'i Croeaboeliaeant of A rhyfeddol y driniaeth a ga'dd Ein cyfe.ill ni oedd &c... , Trengodd, fel gallem gad byw A gogwyddo wna;th ei ben Pan oedd ar y garw bren. Ein cynhaliwr a'n ceidwad ni yw Bloeddiodd gorphenwyd Ac. Hcriodd y cwbl y nawr Ond er oynny hwy mewn bedd A rhoddasaut awdwr hedd 14'y anwylyd rhoddasant o lawr Er ein Cysuro Stc. Cododd o'i allu ei bun Ac er gwaetba'r maen a'r bedd Fe orchfygodd brenbin bedd Tr allweddau sydd gauddo bob. un 0 newydd hyfryd Ac. I'w eiddisgyblion a rhodd Nac amheuwch my fi yw. _ . _ 'Rhwn fu'tnfarw ac wyf fvw Ac mae bywyd i chwithau'r un model, Yn orfoleddus &c. Dyreh'odd mewn ewmmwl i'r nef Ar ddeheulaw'r Tad yn awr Ei dragwyddol orsedd fawr. Mewn an rbydedd a mawredd mae of Yno yn &din &e. Dad'lei rhinweddan ei wned Droa bechodau pawb o'r byd , "!ti ea dan y ddwyfol lid Oa dychwelant, a fuddeu' fy nhad? Er mwyn yr aberth &e. droe holl ddynolryw. •-.dawal ar ei ewyn Bfi wra.. -dy fwyn laddeusf e. . 1 401 ify w. dent nefoe4d dregwy,.. Yno yn gwledda Yno _rn gwledda - Dan ddywedyd "iddo Fe" "limn fu ferw yn ein He Bo'r gogoneant e'r eau—Amen. mirA married man says that when he was first married (he had been in the hub' py state of matrimony just rix months) he loved hie wife to such a degree that he thought he could eat her up, and now he is sorry he didn't' LOOK TO YOUR CATTLE.—Deeisions are becoming very general all over the court• try that railroad companies are not bound to fence aga'rnst the cattle. and they are requir ed to use ordi nary care not to vitro) , cattle upon the track. This will undoubtedly be the rule of action with all the courts. In the densely populated countries of Europe, railroad COmpanieta realize the necessity of fencing their trucks, for the safety of their passengers and the general economy of their operations. In time, ibis will be the rule in our country but at present 00 roads, of immense length compared with European roads, travel for bum) tads of miles through scarcely settled distrtcts, and the cost of fencing and keep. ing it in order would be enormous. The obligation conseqnently falls upon farmers and graziers to take due care themselves to keep their cattle off the railroads. The human or moral obligation to do this in behalf of human life and property of others is apparent and incontestable. And the owner of cattle wbo has not done this and by whose neglect life and property are destroyed, incurs an accountability that reaches beyond the courts of law and the locums of time. INIP - An exchange paper says : We re cently picked up the following memoran da which we saw dropped by a young lady !attired in an embroidered velvet mime, an exquisite Honiton lace collar, a white hat with plume, and a painfully brilliant silk dress, with exaggerated Bounces 'I must get a-- Vail, Sarceknet, Lame, Gluvs, Shinamyzet, Broun hoes, liulone. We confess we were startled at the last item, but think it means Cologne. The whole simpl) proves that weelth and intel lect do not necessarily travel in couples. Olirßecently a man was arraigned for stealing a demijohn of whisky. 'Are yon guilty?' asked the clerk. 'Wall, you can call it what you likes ; I tel the whisky, that I admit, and drank it, toe You took it without leave ; did you noir 'I never waits to be asked when that or• nele is around !' TESTIMONIALS. "Having had one of Grover & Baker's Ma chines in my family for nearly a year and a halt I take pleasure in commending it as every way reliable for the purpose for which it is designed —Family Sewing."—Mrs. Joshua Leavitt, wife' of. Rev. Dr. Leavitt, Editor of N. Y. Independent. •'I confess myself delighted with your Sewing Machine, which has been in my family for ma ny months. It has always been ready for duty, requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every variety of family sewing, by simply changing the spools of thread."—lirs. Elizabeth Stricldand, wife of Rev. Dr. Striehland, Editor of N. Y Christian Advocate. "After trying several different good machines, I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, and the perfect ease with which it is managed, as well as the strength and durability at the scam, After l o ng experience, I feel competent to speak in this manner, and to confidently re commend it for every variety of family sewing." —Mrs. E. B. Spooner, wife of the Editor of Brook lyn Star. "I have need a Grover & Baker Sewing Mn• chine for two years, and have found it adapted to all kinds of family sex ng, front Cambric to Broadcloth, Garments have been worn ant without the giving way of a stitch. The Ma chine is easily kept In order, and is easily med." —Mrs. A. B. Whipple, wife of Re, Gee. Whip pl., Nem York. "Your Sewing Machine has been in use in my family the past two years, and the ladies request me to give you their testimonials to its perfect adaptedness, as wall as labor-saving qualities in the performance of family and household sewing."—Robert Boorman, N. Y. "For several months we have Grover & Ba ker's Sewing Machine, and have come to the conclusion that every lady who desires her sew - ng bet:uglily and guirkly done, would be most ortunate in possessing one of these rel able end indefatigable 'iron needle-women,' whose omhined qualities of branty, strengt and Rimpli oily. are invaluable,"—J. W. Morrut, daughter of Gen. Geo. P. Morris, Editor of Home Journal. Extract of a letter from Thos. R. Leavitt, an American gentleman, now resident in Sydney, New• South Wales, dated January 12, 1958 "I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in which there were over three thousand yards of sewing done with one of Grover & Baker's Ma chines, and a single seam of that has outstood all the double seams sewed by sailors with a nee dle and twine," "If Homer could be called up from Ms mur ky hadea, he would sing the advent of Grover & Baker as a more benignant, miracle of art than was ever Vulcan's smith. He would de nounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof. North. "I take pleasure In saying, that the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines have more than sus tained my expectation, After trying and retur ning other:, I have throe of then, in operation in my different places, and, after four years' trial, have co fault to find."—.l. H. Hammond, Senator of South Carolina. "My wife has bed one of Grover & Baker'. Family Sowing Machines for some time, and I am satisfied it is ono of the best laborsaving machnes that has been invented. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the public."— J. G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee. "It is a beautiful thing, and pate everybody into a.. bould theist upon Saints Gii - rer din! Catholic I „. eternal holiday in connnenio- B aker h av i ng • deeds for horrianity.—Cas ration of their gooa . silts M. Cloy. •nt in use. This "I think it by far the best pat,. =t cambric Machine can be adapted front theft.- •ozer, to the heaviest eassirnere. It sews faster and more beautifully than me eon ima gine. It mine could not be replaced, money could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Ndi rale, Tenn. "It is speedy, very neat, nnd durable in its work; io easily understood and kept in repair. I earnestly recommend this Machine to nil ne quaintancea and others."—MrE. if, .1. Forms, Ihnophis, Tenn. .We find this machine to work to our satis faction, and with pleasure recommend it to the public, as we believe Grover & Baker to ho the best Sewing Machine in use."—Lkary Brothers, Allisoniti, Tenn. • "If used exclusively for family purposes, with ordinary care, I will wager they will last one `three scare years and ten, and never get out of fix."—Julio Erskine, Nashville, Tenn. h ave h a d y .:,;:r machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfiCil that the work it does is the best and most beautiful that ever Aloggis slltnisan, Nashville, Tenn. "I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine linen stitching, and time work is admi rable—lhr better than the best hand-sewing, or any other machine I have over w en."—Lucy B. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn find the work the strongest and moat beau tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or machine, and regard the Grover & Maker ma chine as ono of the greatest blessings to our sex."—Mrs. Taylor, Nashville, Than. have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma chines in use in my fan ily, , nd find it invalua ble. I can confidently recommend it to all per sons in want of a machine."—G. T. Thompan, Nashville, Tenn. "I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I hu•e used one on almost every description of work for months, and find it much stronger than work done by haul."—Mrs. D. W. lVheeler, Nashville Tenn. "I would be unwilling to dispose of my Gro ver & Baker Machine for a large amount, could I nut replace it again at pleasure."—Jkc. 11. C. &civet, Nashville Tenn. "Our two Machines, purchased•trom you, do the work of twenty young ladies. We with pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker ma chine to ho the best in use."—N. Stilloom il• Co. Tram OLD Garir.—Why don's you do to work and stop picking your nose? Box.—lt's nt y nose. ain't it! and its the Fourth of July too. I'll pick thunder out on't if I've a mind too. flr2'ik good many of the flying rumors of the day would be more appropriately designated by taking off the I. 110 , 1'he latest iniiiance of modesty is that of a lady who re lused to wear it watch in tier boym because it has hands on it. OgrA young thief, charged with pick. ing pockets, protested that he did not pick them at all, he took them as they come. 111111" He that wood sooth sorrow must not argue on the vanity of the most deceit, ful hypes. 11.'When you find a house with mod ern, improvements. you will generally find the mortgage IS one of them. I'HE HU.NTINGDU.N JO ---- - Miscellaneous Advertisements. New Goods ! New Goods ! AT D. P. GRIN'S CHEAP STORE. D. P. Gwin has Just retornd from Philadel , phia with the largest and most beautiful es. sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ever brought p punt i.egtlnn, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, and Fancy, ' All Wool de Lains, (all colors) Spring G e piinas Mollie Pelvic,. Berages, colors) Li evell Cloth, Dobai., Alpacca, Pops line, Prln ed Berages,Brilliants, plain and fi g . tired, Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every de scription. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin• ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Reed & Brass 'loops, Skirt Cord, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Lines and Csitton Floss, Tidy Yarn, &c. Also the best and cheapest assortment of Col ass, and Undersleeves, in town. Bar'd and Plain Jaconet, Moll Muslin,vSwiss, Plain, Fig. ured, Skirt Relit. Marseille for Capes, and a variety of white goods too numerous to men tion. Spring and Thihit Shawls, White Delaine for Capes, Mantillas, &c. Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Tweeds, K. :leans, Muslins, Colton Drill, Nankeens, Ticken, Table Diapers, Flannels, &cs Also, a large lot of Bonnets, Flat, Hats, 8.. e. Boots and Shoes, the largest And chew pest assortment in town. IZARDSITAR QULENS WARL, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &c. Carpe to, Oil Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Cone, Ten, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex. change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID I'. GWIN. April 21, 1858. FOUND AT LAST I ! ! The Way to Save Money! ! AND cvitE !LARD Timms 19 tO BUY ALT. KIM'S OF HARDWARE BUY ALL KI,P3 SF lIAIIDWARE BEY ALL WINDS OF HARDWARE FROM Jos. A. BnowN, FROM JAR. A. BROWN, FROM JO5. A. BROWN, AT CITY PRICES. TM. ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS exceeds ail others in importance. Ist. Because it supplies TiM PEOPLEwith indeverasable articles and mono useful inven tions, which can be found only in a HARD WARE STORE. 2nd. Tho inbseriber pnrebnqing in large quantities from manufacturers, is enabled to sell these goods from 20 lo 100 per cent cheaper! - . Sinn they are cold by other merchants. His stock includes a complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OILS. PAINTS. VARNISHES, GLASS, STEEL, IRON, MECHANIC'S TOOLS, HOLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, MOROCCOES, LININGS &e. pimatitnnethlha SHlb ai.ottatiSA. of everythi"" A II orders receive prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Oct. 6th, 1858. NEW BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. It the "Globe" Office Marling, Market Square EItINTINGDON, PA • .riper r e :neetfully informs the citi• The sub, • , d„,, 001 .djoining c zees of Huntin,„ Now Bo o k that he has opened a,. •tho "Glob"buil. Store, in the corner room : eneml ^."• ding, where may be found a , " ° °l. meet of Miscellaneous and School x. and Stationery, all of which he will sell at rea.f.m' able prices. He will add to his stock weekly all Books and articles in demand, and expects in a short time to have 011 hand ns full a stock o f saleable Books, Stationery, Ste., as can he found in any town in the State. Having made the necessary arrangements with publishers, any Book wanted and not up on his shelves, will be ordered and furnished at city Prices. As he desires to do a lively business with smell profits, a liberal share of rntrOnage i 3 Dee.22,'58.4f. WM. nal, ADD Vinorrni, CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened 1 And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! ROMAN respectfully Wormy Ids outdo. H mers and the public Federally, that he has i n n opened at his store-room in Market Square- Huntingdon,a splendid new stuck of needy made Clothing for Fall and Winter, which he will soil cheaper than the same (1;11114 of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philintel, phis or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would du well to call and examine his stock before Ircha sing aliewhers, Alio, Hata, Caps, which will be sold lower than ut any other es• tablishment in the county, Huntingdon, April 1. 1858. DON'T READ THIS! New Drug and Grocery Store. SAMUNL S. SMITH, Hill St., >i doors west of MontAomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints Varnish es, Oils, Spt. Turratine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the best article for medical pur poses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, Glasa Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho colate, Sugar, Maltese., Vinegar, Fish Salt Flour, Crakers, Nuts, Candies, Fig., Rabies, Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum mer drinks, in a word every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire pure and Genuine article. willl do well hr• giving us a call. Sept. 29, 1858•—!)'• 40 mananzi. ../rHY subscsiber lies commenced the GUN. SMITHINO business at Pine Grove, Cen tre countl, where he is prepared to manulacture and repair Goes and Pistols of every descrip• tio,n with neatness and dispatch. He will 4140 attend to repairing CLOCKS. Prices to suit the times. Dec. 22, 1.858.—tf. JOHN IL JACOBS. ser mg AGENT); WANTED—To sell 4 new invantious. Agents have made over $25,000 on one,—better than all other similar agencies Sand four stamps and get 80 pages particulars gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mane MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS VBX NIUNTIN( DON UlleAe. TAI: undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform farmers and the public general. ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grinding all stages of the water, and durins the e' weather. any and all kinds of gram. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times, nt market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and farmers can have their own grain ground, and take it hack in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop. ped feed. THE SMUT WAOITINIII is of. improved manufacture; and they tvil insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail ty to every bushel of grain left at their FISHER 8; McMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1056. IN BLAST AGAIN ! Unuringdon r i t , Foundry. sußscitißEßs TAKE THIS ME j thod of irdorming their friends and the pub tic generally, that they hove rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful op eration, and ore prepared to furnish casting of 01l kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't he heat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on band and are manufacturing emelt, such as Cook, Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood. EIOLLOW -W &RE consisting of Rattles Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which will be sold cheep for cash or in ex- change for country produce. Old metal token for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April 30, 1856.—tf. STAGE LINE FROM Chambersburg to Mt, Union mile undersigned aware flint a suspension° the line of Sieges over the rued between Chambershurg and Mt, Union, cannot he but disadrantogeous to a large section of the coun try, has, at a considerable expense and trouble made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the too points Good Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietorof the line is disirons that it be maintained, and he therefore ells upon the public generally to patronize it. et ti dent that it will be for their mutual advanta r. Every attention necessary will be given, w I the running of the Stages will be regular. 410" Stages leave Mn, Union,,every Tu day Thutsday, and Saturday evenings, urn ag at pinat i rrm:lttAr.% the next deg at 2 o'dor . Re. iiiii 114IGI 010 16, 1.110 C 111,4 at to o'clock,' arriving at Alt. Union ho next evening in time for the ears. 13etwe, Alt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. irsir Fore through $3; to intermediote points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON. Jan. 211th, 1359.—tf HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? II it, A. Mite helm% Hair Dye The Original and Best. in the World! All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided, if you wish to escane ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY 'HAIR Dyed in. stunt to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, withoti: the least injury to flair or Skin. Fifteen Medals aim' Diplomas , wat ,:led to Wm. A. Batehelo: s lum© 1 839 , . end over 99,900 applications have been ma de to the Hair of his patrons of Ilk famous Dye. WM. A. IIATCHELOIt'S HAIR DYE pro. duces a color not to ho distinguished from na• tare, and is warranted not to injure in the least however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of Bud Dyes remedied I the IL it in• vigoratedkr life by this splendid Dye. Made, us Id or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New vnek. Soul in all cities mid towns of the Uni. red 1,,0ggit; . ,; and Fancy Goods Dealers. 116$'• The Genuine bnstho name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of IV M. A. BATCHELOR , 2811 Broadway, Now York. John Rend, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, 'OB-Iy. HUNTINGDON WARN SPRINGS, The Warm Springs at the base of Warrior'. Ridge, live to north of Huntingdon, overlook ing Standing Stone Creek, and environed by ro mantic hills end woodlands, have been leased by the fro mer proprietor of the Learner !Wyse, 'fire extensive Hotel buildings, bath houses, he., erected at great expence by General A P. Wilson, have been completed—and the groves hove been benetifully laid out and adorned.— The Hotel parlors and chambers airy and com fortably furnished; and the prospect, from the verandahs Mr beauty, cannot be excelled. For half a century, three Springs have been celebrated for their medicinal qualitin, and the great nature of the waters in rheumatic and chro nic affections. The temperature of the water being G9f degrees, readers the bathing delight ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods and mountains, game abounds, nod the finest ash are caught iu Stone Creek. Persons in pur suit of health or tleasure, will find thin a most delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests, give it a decided advantage over any other watering glace iu the Stele, The Proprietor has had years of experience in the business and no pains or trouble trill be spa• red to make guests cumlintable. Hacks run - from Huntingdon to Warm Springs on the arrival of the different Railroad trains— fare 25 cents. Families accommodated at 1110. orate strata. • JOHN H. HERO, Warm Springs near Proprietor. Huntingdon, Juno sth RAILROAD HOURS, TRAINS GOING EAST. Mail T. I Fast T.--Ex. T. Trail,leaves A, M. P. M. A. M. l'etersboxg, 8.58 10.29 2.29 Iluutingdon, 9.13 10.45 2.42 Mill Creek, 9.24 10.55 2.52 311.Jniou, 9.39 11.09 3.05 lauxs GOINU Weal. Train leave. P. M. A. M P. M Mt. Uuion, 4.26 6.36 6.10 Mill Creek 4.41 6.40 6.23 Huntingdon, 4.55 7.00 6.35 Petersburg, 5,11 7.11 6.47 Ilfie - The Passenger train on the 11..1: 11 T. railroad leaves Huntingdon as follows 7 30 A. M. 3 P.M MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS feoj2 Iron City Comm ercial College. PITTSBUROIt, PA. CHARTERIM 1855. 390 Students attending January 1850. NOW the largest and most thorough Com mercial School of the United States.— Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. SMITH, A. M. Prof. of nook-keep ing and Science of Accounts. A. T. Dolma:TT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. A. ilErniticE and T. C. JENKINS, Teach. ere of Book•keeping. A. COWLEY and W. A. MILLER, Profs. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK- KEEPING, A. need in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC--RAPID BUSINESS WRITING—DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE— COMMERCIAL LAW- Are taught, and all other subjects nereasary for the success and thorough education of a practical business man. 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in Pittshurgh for the past three years, also *Eastern and Wes tern Cites, fortk,!hest NOT ENGRVED WORK. Important Information. Students enter at any time—No vacation— Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—(lrodn• ales assisted in obtaining SitMltions—Tuition for Full Commercial course s 3s , oo —Average time Bto 12 week—Board, 82.80 per week— SMtionary, so.oo—entire cost, $60.00 to $70.- 00. gir Ministers' Sons received at half price. 1• or Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps and address F. W. JENKINS, Sept. 29, 1858.-Iy. Pittsburg!), Pa 46uoipanal" a - cx corp.xcimi. Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL' Ot Gee at the late County FAIR, for the hest CAM IMAM& ANti EANZI; PRINTIN& Having recently received from the Eastern Cities, a titBT POWEB and a large variety of the most firslaanable Printing Material, which makes it one of the most complete Printing Establishments in this section. Persons in want of any kind of PLAIN OR IIANGY work, cannot do better than favor as with their patronage. We have facilities for execs ting in a superior manner any kind of PRINTING IN COLORS nn the most reasonable tetniti. Mime Who may wish to obtain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishment nt short. notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS • SHOW BILLS, 4 , II:CULAMI, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., will be furnished promptly, exect.ted in be best style and at reasonable rates. IPtir Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. WSI BREwsT W. F. THOMAS, AMDI,'OTYPL•' AND PHOToORAPIIIC ARTIST, PROM PHILADELPHIA, AT THE COURT HOUSE This ga p e ; i 7 of Art is now open for public ivapeetion o r gp „;:ens of A mbrotypes, Crys• talographs, Photographs, Circular and Star Pictures, also, Name, or Age, o: Residence, ta ken on the Pictures—letters of differt,:li• colors. VARIOUS SIZED PICTURES, Set in Frames, Cases. Lochets, Rings, Pies or nracelets. • , . Particular often:Z:2 void to taki ng Pktorett of Children . Time, from one to lour sec:2:A, Perfect satisfaction giver., or persons aro not expected to take their pictures. Pictures token from sick or deceased persons at their residences. Copies taken from guerreotrpes or rortruitn, Al o, riuwg of resi• dunces. Lairlies and Gentlemen are invited to mill and examine specimens, Pictures taken as well in cloUdy as fair weather. How often do we hear the exclamation, when persons are looking at Portraits—"l Would not value any sum if could procure the Portraits of my parents—or deceased children I" Rea der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel ing of unity, you have an opportunity to grati fyit at a small cost, by procuring Portraits, which, it is known, w il t not Jade. 2.l4Those that wish to learn this beautiful art cane call ens see ',Y F. Thomas, from Phila. Prices from 50 cents upwards. Jan.12:50..y. T loniturnmon subscriber respectfully announces to his A. friends and the public generally, that he has leased that old and well establishop TAVFIIN BTAND, knowN RS the Ilunlingtlon House, on the cornet of Billow! Charles c - Jr " street, in :hp Borough of Hunting- ; ; don. • He has recently put the house through a Wore, ugh course of repairs, nod is now equal to any in this plane. ills TABLE will always be stored with the best the season can afford, to suit the tastes awl appetites of his guests. HIS BAR will always be filled with Choipe Li. quors, and HIS STABLE always attended by care WI and apes tine Ostlers. ile hopes by strict attention to business and a spirit of accomodat ion, to merit and receive n liberal share of public patronage. Sept. IS, 1858-Iy. I'. MeA'fEEl4, • • 1? • Thin:DELORS WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass all. They 'are elegant. light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm—no turn up behind—no shrinking ell the head; indeed, this is the only Establishment where these things are proper. ly understood and made. Nov. 17,'38.-Iy., 233 Broadway, N. Y, 1000 AGENT 6 W•XTICD.—For partiou lan send stamp. C. P. WHITTEN, Mar. 33. '69. 6re* Lowell, Mass. Miscellaneous Advertisements. ; Miscellaneous Advertisements. ANTIPHLOOISTIC SALT _ _ A Perfect Substitute For IlieLancet.Leeches and Blisters lit when the undersigned, after a long series of laborious and costly experiments, became fully confirmed in his conviction, that the ktitiphlrt- • gistic Salt which he now has the happiness to present to the American public, wen a PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for Blood-letting, Leochen and Blisters, his mind was so agitated that ho could not sleep for j many nights. The cause of his agitation was the striking tact, that the manna, of its operation like that of the rims in vaccination, could not be satisfactorialy explained upon any known principle. How, in whet way, it so effectually subdued Inflammatory. Disease nail no others, was at first wholly inexplicable—but, on further I experiment, it was proved that it equalises the fluids o/ the body, the want ot an equilibrium in I which, is the solo cause of inflammation. Such ie he potency, flint like the vaccine matter, :it requires merely Oat adheres to the pointofa quill dipped into a solution of It, to effect the entire system—hut must be instantly used to prevent decompos'tion and secure its frill virtue. Three quills in acute, and two in chronic diseases, every 24 hours, till the heat, pain and febrile ac tion have subsided, and a perfect cure effected. When it takes the place of blisters, ointment and leeches in Ince, affections, as Brain Fever k Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, &c. its mode of administration is two-fold. (See directiin of dis solving. &c.) The discoverer has withheld it from the pub lic till now, by the advice of a judicious physis chin end valuable friend whom he consulted— gentlemen known and felt in the medical world—and who desired to submit it to the teen o f experiment. After witnessing under his own serutinizing rye, its signnl triumph over both acute end chronic io/lammatory diseases, in re pented and re-repeated trials, he offered $25.- 000 to come in as a special end equal partner in the Recipe for its manufacture, but tire propo sal was rejected. The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de manded both by humanity by humonity and science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood) will reuse to boil, by dipping out a port of R— oy a cesk of had cider (had blood) he muds good, by throwing n portion of itt Is it not a mistake, tosuppose that blisters:end rabefacients will remove lamination, when they virtually superedd one inflammation to another t The late Dr. B. Weterbouse, of Harvard Universi ty, said am sick of learned qtiackerg„' One of the most eminent physicians In New England acknowledged just before Lis death, that nice has been doubting for ninny years, wether blood letting nail blisters did not aggravate rather then west disease." Some who stand high in the Old and New school, have quite re cently espousnd his views and now openly con fess, they believe the lien .et, setons leeches and blisters injure ten where they - benefit one— They think them is a miming to Dent. 12, 22 —Gen. it, 4—nndLevit. 17, 14—taut "run iii.oon is T. LIVE. " It is not the excess of , blood (there never is too much) that causes di- ; scale, but the went of a balance between the fluids end solids. The special excellence or the Antiplilogistic Salt, Is that without the useless loss of blood and strength, it effectually subdued inflammato ry (no others) by producing an equili brium of nil the fluids In the body and n conse quent uninterrupted circulation. It exertP,l;ite the vaccine matter, and extraordinary ialluenee over the v'ens and ark:les—resulting grad ual decline of inflatnnuition as indicated by the pulse, which ASSUMES its natural state as the heat, pain ion cover dissappear. i t ar Many medicines offered fur• sale, are backed by doubtful certificates, (their rheif vir tue) and claim to be universal rem idles, curing all Illeildiel4-11 burlesque on common sense; As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests against having it placed in the categury frauds and ininotitions. he has resolved that it shall go forth to the world, like the pare gc,1.1 dollar, with no other phoport than its true val ue. If tho public find it genuine, they will re ceive it—if si uriotts, they will reject anti con demn it. Instead of hoing a panacea far all ills, it has control over but one but one aim —accomplishes hat vac Way, to wit, SCIII/VES iNFLAMMATOIII. I , lSEASE—whatever he its form or locality—nether in the Lead, throat chest ati dom., or skin. It is asked, bar it does tic ht—simply by restoring the lost bal ance between the fluids and solid, The ftillowing ditterantjarais which the un balanced fluids aasinna, and many not here men tinned that have more or less heat, pain or fever (no others)are as perfectly cured by tho Anti phlogistic Salt, as tire is extinguished by water. 1. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect the HEAD and TunoaT—to wit , Brain /:Tier, Fits, Iltadacht, gym, Ears (Ind Nose, Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Catarrh, Croup, Bronchitis, &c. 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids ofreet the CHEAT and Mittman—to wit ; Allanad Lungs and Liver, Colic, Plenri:qy, Coughs, bytaa p sea, Asthma, Dropsy, Ilearthurn, Grat•el Piles, Gonorrhea, Venereal, we. 3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids etlhet the Exvnzativika and &cm—to wit; Mannar am; Uoul, Serviela, Ulcers Mara and Small Pox, Sa'll Rheum, with itch ing and other Calaneous AQecliunx , Sr. Phis Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory reeultir le married !?rhea, (before and at the time ve confinement) and many Com laints, and Is very etlienilunt , in Fever, Ague, Wound'', Nervous and Spinal ittreetlons and anyother forms of (mark dila) lagammotery cease, attended with heat, pain or febrile symp. toms. ar Persons who ha U a tendency of blood to the head urbeart, or lead inactive lives, or breath the impure fur of manufactories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or lit e uulieulthy climates, are exposed to o poetic liar vitiation of the fluids cf the body, which oms dose without interiCreing with the diet or bpi ness, once in three months, would invariably prance,. It is beleived to afford protection from infectious disease, and therefore travellers; sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves with it. er While many nostrum•ntakers victimize the good natured and pllkridden public, ny or dering "from six to a dozen boxes 01 bottles, to cute any malady." no matter what—the un dersigned is happy in being able to state, that the severest forms of recent inflammatory di sease, was over come by one Acute package, and the most obstinate and long standing by one Chu, nic package. It does just what it claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes the fluids by removing from the system all ar terial and venous obstruc'ims. ffir Plnnr 10, your neighbors reniriliis. F. COGGSWELL, M. D., potoovaapp Axo paoratuToit. For sale at the Cheap Drug Storo of Samuol S. Smith, &Co.' Huntingdon, Pa. Feb. 16th 1669. Green Willow Foundry. TWOULD respectfully inform the public that I have commenced business at the above place, and will be ready to accomodate all who may want anything in my line of,business. I will have on band or make to order Threshing Machines, and all o.hcr machinery that may be called for. Castings of ever) description, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-ware, &e.— All kinds of Turninit, either wood or iron. and Blacksmithing will lig gone in the hest manner and on the most reasonable terms.' Farmers and others wishing to purchase new machines will find it to their advantage to give me a call. All kinds of Countiy produce taken in exchange at market prices. PETER TIPPERY. Wuterstreo, Oct. 13, 185801 y. serS. hi. PETTENGILL & CO.'S Adver tisiu,,,, Agency, 119 Nassau St.,New York, & 10 State St., Boston. S. M. ettengill & Co. are the Agents fur the "JoonNat," and the most ineuoutial and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Cantles. they are authorised to contract for us at our lower rates. T HE GREAT PURIFER !- THE WORLD CHALLENGED P Sfir TO r'RODUCE ITS EQUAL! SW - THE BLOOD SEARCHER SW-GLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT Sworn statement of David McCrearyb of lqa pier lownahip, Bedford county, In April, 1856, ns near as I can rememember a smell pimple mode its appearance on my up per lip, which soon became enlarged and sore• I mod poultiaes at sorrel, and a wash of blue vitro], without effect. Finding the sore extend ing I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronounced it CANCER, and prescribed a wash of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of nn avail, I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset county, who Mon pronounced the disease Cancer and gavr me Internet and external remedies—the latter consisting principally of caustic) bat alt to no piirpose, as the disease continued spreading to ward the nose. I next used a preparation of or sonic, in the form of entre. This for a time checked the disease, Int the inflammation loon increased. I next celled upon Dr. Stade:. of Si. Clairsville, Redford county, who Mao pronoun ced the disease to he Cancer, and applied a Sain t ssld to be n never-failing remedy, but it had no effect whatever in checking the spread of the sore. In December, of the snme year, the dio cese had amen away a greater part of my tipper lip, and had attacked the nose, when I wont to Cincinnati, where I consulted Dr. R. S. Newton of the Electic Medical College. He pronoun. ced the disease ''a cutaneous Cnecer, even*, dared by an inordinate use of mercury." its applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me inter nal remedies. My face healed up, but the animation wrs not thoroughly removed, In. February, 1857, he pronounced me cured, and. I left for home. In April the disease again re toned, and so violent was the pain that I caul& not rest nt night. Late in May I relented to. Cincinnati. and again placed myself under ths• charge of Dr. Newton, with whom 1 remained. until September, during which time he used every known remedy, and partly aucceoded in, checking the disease, hot when I returnedt Mme there were still three discharging ulcers, upon my face. I continued tieing Newton's. preparations, and also medicine that I got note • I/r. Ely, but the Dower continued growing un tit it hod eaten ad' the left side of my nose, the greeter pardon of my left cheek, and hall attack ' eat my left eve, flusd given up all harm ales ! er beSug cured, since Dr. Ely said liecould only give relief; but that a cure was impooollsias 1• March, 1858.1 bought a bottle of "Mood Stea dier," but I must confess I had no faith in it. I toes very yank when I commenced taking it ; but 1 found that I gained strength day by day. and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was ta ken my lace was healed 03 if by a miracle. noel a fourth bottle and I have bean healthier since than I have been for the last seven years. Although my face is sadly disfigured I am still grateful to a benign Providence who has spared my life, and which hes been done through the instrumentality of Lixusev's IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER.DAVID McCILEARY. . . . Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day or Au gust, A. B. BB'S, before tile, ono of the Justices of the Peace in and for the Borough of Uollidays. burg, Blair county Pa. Witness— U J Jones. JOIIN (10BLET, E DENO& Tieing afflicted with a gresions etter on tLit twins anti face—after trying many remedies which utterly failed to cure—l was persuaded by W. Barris Ss CO. to try Lindsay's Impro ved Blood Searcher) and now, six-whets after finishing the s road bottle, pronounce tuysel cured. The letter broke out, something over a year ago, on the inside of my mms , extending from the elbows down to the wrists; also on my f.we,, immediately round the mouth mid chin, and con titled to he a perfect torment to me until( cored Llr Mr Blood Sotreher. My arms, atwe're utmost useless, owing to tho cracks and sore. ell them, liable to bleed at any timo on the kiln exertion to lift or work, and sometime* so itchy that I could Extreely prevent tooting on my flesh. I have now been eared nix weeks' and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, exit to the pub lic generally, to make this statement, in hope that others like myself may be benefited by using his valuable medicine. JANE .;;;; WILSON mark Sworn and subscribed before me, one of the Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, thin 28th day of July, A. D. 1853. AND Mt:MASTER Aldermen, Hollidaysburg, Sept. 22,58• l y. BILLET'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRAC- TOR. In all tlistmsea intlarnation 1;;Te or lens pre dominates—now to allay hill:motion striker nt the root of all diseases—heave an frarnedi rite cure. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTR'TOR and nothing eine, will allay inflama ion at once, and s make a certain cure. Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor will cure the following among a gloat catalogue of diseases t. Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, sore Nipples, Corns, Bunicnts, Bruisei, Strains, Bites, Poison, Chilseys. (lout, Swelling, Rhea. ~,:tist n , Soak! Read, Salt Rheum, Baldnetts, K r y s id e t us :::""worm, Barbers Itch, Small Pox Mem& Roth, Sze., to_ To some it may appear incredulous that so many diseases should he reached by one arti cle ; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a .combiaa• lion of ingredients, each and every ono apply ing a perfect antitode to its apostate disorder. GALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR in its effects is magical, because the time is short between diseases and a permanent cure; and it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases out of the affected part„ leaving nature as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne. eessary to spy tinit no house, workshop, or manufactory should be one moment without it, No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufactu. rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Cunadas. Principal Depot, 165 Chambers St.,NetiiiYork._ • C. F. CHASE, John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, New Card-Press. Having bought after "CARD•PREBB! we are now prepared to print in the prcportion of three cards in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent^ ty we can print them cheaper—it not done well we make no charge at all. Wor ask your pa. tronage. A. P. WILSON H. Bituon PETUIILLN WILSON & PETRIKIN,. ATTORNEYS .4T LAW, iIUIYTINGDON, PA. Practice in the accord Courts of Huntingdon Blair, Cambria Centre Mifflin and Juniata Coun ties. March 23, 1853. Join' 800TT. &mom. T. 13Rows Z1A0 1 57 DEOWED Attorneyg . at Law, Huntingdon, Pa,, office smug as formerly occupied by J. Scot. Oe. 19, 1999. ---- WANTED. TWO YOUNG MEN to learn the Atnbre• typing beelines.. Instructions given for the auto of $1;3.00. For particulars, apply. to WM. V. TriOMO, iirretromintet. Auntinrion, Nay 4, 1867. if