WM. HREWSTLit, VOL. xxiv. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL, lir paid in advance $1,30 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,70 If pn id belbre the expiration of the year, 9,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid after the expiration of the year Nn paper dis aontinued until the end of the year subscribed for. 1. All suhsgriptiops arp captioned until fith arwim ordered, and no paper will he discontinu ed until orren r ages are paid except at the option of the publisher. 2. Returnee! numbers are new received by us, All numbers sent as in that way are lost, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. a. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, most pay up arrearages. and send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub lication in Huntingdon. 4. Giving notice to a postmeter is neither a legal or a proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year hare been forwarded, a new year has commene• ad; and the paper will not be discontinued until strreuraoes are paid. See No. I. shove terms will be rigidly adhered o it, all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged et the following retest • I insertton. 2 do. • 3 do. aix lines or less, $ R 5 $ 371 $ So One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 100 rwo " (22 '` ), 100 150 200 3 no. 6 me, 12 inO: $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 800 12 00 18 00 12 00 18 00 26 00 18 00 27 00 . 40 00 One square, Two squares, 4 column, I do., 22 00 35 00 45 00 Business Cards °raiz liue,, or less, $4.00. Scrofula, or Bing's Evil, h a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, „y e a, .7rocl poor. Being in the circulation, it vervade , the whole body, and may burst out to disease on any ;nit of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulo2 , taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, 1, w living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of him who says, " will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition front the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, to the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed .tubereles ; in the glands, swellings; and on 'the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul CM , ruption, which Fenders in the blood, depresses +the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish, by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nat':ire, are still rendered fatal by shit. taint i.. 4he tsrtern. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. Ono quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. 'To cleanse it from the system Ave must renovate; the blood by an alterative medicine, and in, vigorate it by healthy food and exercise, Much a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the moot effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Howie it should be employed for the cure of ,not only scrofula, but also those other affec .tions which arise from it, such as linorriva and Sent DISEASES, Sr. ANTHONY'S FIRE, hoes, or ERYBIPELAB. Pumas, PUSTULES, DLOTCHEE. BLAINA and Boise, TUMORS. Terme, and SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD. RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM. Swum.= and MERCURIAL Die. 11A888 DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY. and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS Alum. FROM VITIA. ran OR IMPURE BLOOM The popular belief .in ii impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, far scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The .particular purpose and virtue of this Sarni*. "rills is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in .!sontaminatcd constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ inn, correcting its diseased action, and remodel; its healthy vitalitiee. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his Lralth or energy restored by a remedy at once se (Ample and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis en American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache arisingfront disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaint., arising from a low state of the body or obstruction et its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TILE RAPID CURE or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, ' Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump.. Lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate disease. of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of it, kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. WLite many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits an the afflicted they can never forget, and pro &toed cure. too numerous and too remarkable ts be forgotten. ,PREPAILED BY DR. J. C. AYES k CO. LOW ILL. 31.4.814 •Tour Run, Agaut Liuutingdou, Pa. ...;ov. IG, 18$EL—ly. flh litintingbon 7 0 Trial. BELEGP POETRI Crinoline. Sail nn, sail on, old crinoline, Iu 01l thy majesty and pride; Three quarters of the walk is thine, And I moot take the outer side. Ohl well perchance for ladies' charms • That thou dust ever intervene I For what's the use of lover's arms To compass thee, oh! crinoline? - Oh I what would Ceopatrs say, Or Helen fair of Trojan fame, Could they but promenade Broadway, And 1400 a modern lady's FRAME ? Methinks their ghost at such a sight Would make for Htules a bee line, For what on earth could more affright Transcendent shades, than crinoline? I loved, a few short years ago, A lady fair, and straight, and slim, Who ne'er had worn a crinoline To hide a fault in firm or limb. I loved her as a lover should, With tho't intent to make her mine But when the time came that I could, Then came this cursed crinoline. • It boots not to repeat the tale, How day by day, expanding, site, Blown up by Fashion's fickle gale, Grew more and more apart from me. it matters not that now no ;lore We meet, as then, with joy divine; r only know her heart's best store Is lavished on a crino.ine. Sail on, sail on, oh I crinoline! Rome hail her day to rise and fall, And the setae fate will yet Le thine, Fur change comes ever unto all. Wave proudly still while yet you may, White Fashicm's stars Upon thee shine; Extend thy sphere from day to day, But leave me mine, oh! crinoline I SELEGT STORY THE WRONG T: 3. , Z)RSE, by W. 0. EATON A stalwart but tired•looktng horse-man was riding !hoard the village of Mossy Brook. /tithe c'ose of a sultry summer arty:, netin, at fast as the jaded bay mare he be strode could lessen the tedious distance.—, cien wan hmulsonie. but he ware an nox;ous expression, and ho stared about the country, as he rode on, with the air of a stranger nt those..pnrts. His dusty feet his pale visage, and the foreign cut of his apparel, with the watchfulness of his man ner would have led any observer to con, older him one that had trave:led for that day, and who wee not only from a foreign country, but laboring under some deep dis tress of mind, sorrow or fear—perhaps te- As he climbed the Will which looked dawn spas the village his face brightened somewhat. 'Thank Heaven there I shall find n few hours rest and refreshment, for myself and this exhausted bcinst,' he muttered.— and the mare piclied op her ears as she saw the village and heard his voice, and hastened her pace, as if she new her ri der's intention. 'Care for Iter well,' said the stranger to the hostler, us he alighted. '1 tun to sup and sleep a few hours, and at ten, to-night have her ready saddled at the door; for I nut in great haste to continue my journey, and must then depart.' Tip: hostler promised, and the stranger, after eating a hearty supper, retired to teat. Having well bestowed the inure, the hostler flung htinself down Lefore the ct 4• ble dour, and considering that he had as touch right to rest as any other num or beast in a free country, went to sleep bite sell. W bather hu bud worked or drank too much that day, certain it was that ho over slept his time, and when he started up, and hastily saddled the mare upon which the stranger was to continue his nay, it was eleven o'clock,and pitch-dark. As the stranger, also, had overslept his hour, he did not no much lame the hostler but paid his bill, mounted quickly, and rode off, making no answer to the remark of the man, that there would bu a heavy storm belore morning, as the clouds were already black and threatening. 'Valuable information 1' sneered the traveler, at be made unutually quick tune over the road. .Couldn" I see for myself? Had I not been in haste to get at the end of my journey, I should not, of course. have gone on before morning, after forty miles of travel under a summer sun. The deuce is in my luck to be roasted by day, and hull-drowned •by night, as this ap proaching storm seeing to forhode. Ha! what &vivid flash ! The tempest is corn. ing sooner than I expected. How fast the mare goes! A few hams bave worked woudera with her; or, 1 ethapa, instinct bids her speed to map' the tempest, if possible.' " LIBIRTY AND UNION, NOW AND row:ilea, ONN AND INSEPARABL/I. " HLNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1859. A heavy crash of thunder, just then, startled both horse and horse•toan,lhe open tog commode of the elemental battle which was soon to sweep furiously around them. 'She has been overfed, or she is very skittish,' though the horsemen, as he felt the tremor of the frightened animal's limbs and her gait for a short distance became irregular. 'Our road lies through a wood fora few miles, as I am told; and when the shower is on us in full force, what with the lightning, the thunder, the rain, and tae darkness, she may become unman ngable. Perhaps I had Netter stayed, lif ter all. The more haste the worst speed, so.netimes. Flash after flash, peal after peal now followed rapidly, with blinding and deafen ing effect upon man and boast, and coon the wind and rain combined with fearful power and •itilu me, as am distract and din. comfort the benighted horse and rider.— [Jere and there, ovor their rough road,the torn brandies of trees encumbered it, as if to dispute their passage. Twice, as the seared beast galloped frantically on, she stumbled, and nearly threw the cav alier, requiring all his efforts to recover her and keep the midair; and once, a daz zling bolt and a fearful sitnultanous clap of thunder caused the poor beast to swerve madly aside, rear, and then turn bacic in her track for a short distance—while a tall tree, c!eft by the lig!itning, scatterA half its mighty bulk over the str A which the mare had srhunk inck. But, with a steady ',land and coaxing voice, the horsem"..a I' tallycaused her to return agar,, art :, vaulting over the pros trate truri!:, they resumed their stormy cou:se, while broken boughs torn from tallest trees, whirled dangerously throu.gh. the dark dir. Thus through the night, they procee ded, the storm gradeglly abating as the dial dawn of day approached; and when, the cheetiug sun at last broke watt merry Lace over the glisteuing hills, the drenched sicanger was far beyond the perplexing (west through which ho had ridden. 'Thank you for nothing,' he exclaimed, • is full of such friends, who give their aid only when trouble is over. The sun should shine in the night, such tunes?— [lcy, noire?' - The more did not answer, but made the best of her way to the neighboring viilage where her rider now determined to s , op, recruit, and puss, a half a day at least. Dirty, drenched, sore with travel, and haggard as he was, it may be supposed that he did not feel overcomintsnicatit e to the people at the tavern, who stared at the stranger the harder. They thought hint not at all prepossessing—poor, proud, no baggage, and very likely no money. 'I he mare, however, was stalled; not without being closely regarded by every eye. 'May I never eat, meat, said one, •if that isn't Amos Dimbar's inure, Jule.' I wish I may be shot if I don't think so too, White fore feet, and just such a shape height, head and gait, main: and tail, at any rate.' 'Couldn't be passible,' said another, He left here yesterday, to be gone it week, ho said, and he would not allow any live tuan but himself to ride his mare.' 'But here she is, ho,wsoindever;' ted the others, and they went to the barn to re•asauro themselves. Nlesnwhile .he stranger having gone in to wash, and make his garments a little more tidy, discicwed to the landlord a blood• y gash upon the side of his head, which he bathed, and calling for a plaster dressed 'How did you gel that wound, friend?' asked the landlord curiously. 'A falling bough, in the storm lest night,. was the answer carelessly, 'I did tint think it was so revere a cut, So much to !nonage my horse, I hardly gave it a tho't.' 'Where might you be from, sir? contin• ued the landlord, not exactly satisfied. .1 might. be from any part of the world you choose,' said the stranger; 'and if I told you f rom England, I don't know that it would make you any wiser. Don't be. gin to chastise a tired man, If I pay my way, that's all you need wish of me.' , llutiiph!' grunted the landlord, as lie ordered a table ready for his bluff visitor. 'Cm not sure that thin fellow aiu'l a ..ough customer and a suspicious character. keep an eye on him!' While the stranger vas at bienkfan, those who had been to inspevt the horse reasserted that it wits no other than Amos Dunbar's mare, and whispering to the landlord about it, they agreed to ask the stranger how ehe came into Its posses sion, as soon as he had finished his incul. 'He had a heap' of money about him whdttlie went away yesterday,' said the 'en•keeper, shaking his bead ,n a tiuitter manner, .Look here, stranger,' suid one of the Site ;ere, as he rose from the table and came forth, %int that acme Dunbar', 'nitre, that you ride here 1' .1 don't know him. Why do you ask?' said the stranger, following at what lie con• sidered vilage impertinence, 'But we know his mare; and that's her, sure as snakes in Virginny, He left here, where he lives yes'd'y. forenoon, on her back; and you must have met him, else how come you by his horse'', 'I have ridden her about two hundred miles, and so she couldn't well have been here yesterday,' replied the stranger, vexed at the suspicious glances which were cast upon htm, and att-ibuting them to the insolence which a soiled exterior aninetimes invites from the low minded. Without staying to hear their replies, be turned his back suddenly upon them, and proceeded to the barn, where he took from the saddle a large leathern pocket. book, and concealing it about his person, returned to the house. had forgotten that,' he rPileoletl. •Without money, I might indeed give sus. picion.' A boy in th' barn had noticed this uct, and hearin'g that the man was a Puspected horse-'.'ntel he run in and told the landlord.. Sytric;ori now increased against the , :ranger. Why didn't he tell a straight story? \'here did he get the woand on his head? Why did holiday about de mare? Why was he so close minded? Amos amber was widely known as wealthy atan, 4 and his farorhe taare, Jule, was equally well knowu in the village.— flo had ridden away with her the day before, with, a large skim of money, Now s;rungor had come bock with her preten ding nut to ha ye seen him! What did all this mean? The landlord, sent at once for Men, Dun bar, who came, in great haste and anguish indentified the mare, eyes the saddle; and nos joined in the painful WA' that the traveler had murdered her linsband fo{ his money, and 4ed. upon his beast, not dream r'e" The ire of the people at the tavern was aroused, and they agat.n confronted the stranger, having procured a constable; and to his dire alarm, the mare having been brought from the stable, he was told to consider himself under area unless he could give it satisfactory exilanation of the mystery. The presence of Mrs. Dunbar added solemnity to the inquest. But the stranger's indignation still overmastered his alarm. 'The snare was hired by me in the city, which is over two hundred miles away.. I have ridden her, night and day. since Olen, only stopping for a few hours' rest and refreshment, stud intend to do so till I reacts B--, whither important business urges mu to this taste. Moro you have right to know, store I will not answer unless compelled, in due form, by those who have a right to question sue.' 'Surely, I ought to know my own horse, tt hich was brought up by us from a foal!' exclaimed Mrs. Dunbar, petting the animal affectionately, while tears of apprehension roiled down her face. .Aladitin,' said the stranger, in a more soothing tone, 'you are certainly mistaken in the identity of the animal. I have rid. den her, as I say; for more than —' Don't lie any more!' roughly interrupt• ed the landlord. 'Murder will out, and you might as well tell the truth first as bat. For—' Eleiwas in turn interrupted by a savage spring, which the stranger at that motion made toward him, to avenge the insult of being callea a liar; and had not others in terposed, he would have paid a severe penalty (or his rashness. 'Hold him! He is getting desperate now!' cried the equally enraged host. 'He'll have to swing yet, I'll be bound. Why don't you search him? He has been seen to take a pocket-book from this say dle!' 'Where my husband always keeps k when be rides far,' said Mrs. Dunbar. 'You need not search me—it it mine,' insilted the stronger, instinctively endear vorfng to prevent the indignity. 'Oh! but there is need!' said the coneta• ble. 'lf tee you's you'll get it again, and hero it is,' he added drawing it from be neath the shirt bosom of the suspected loan. 'Mrs. Dunbar, do you know the pocket book?' She opened it, and disclosed a pile of batik notes, her husband's saute written on the inside, and papers which could be long to none but him. 'Proof positive!' said, everybody; an t i .their looks of horror were ectuttlled,:by those of the wronger, who was evidently, Confounded. lie trembled now, but par. tinily recovering himself, he said. know not how it come, I had a pocket. book. like _ that,' and lifting up his hands, he added, and I call on—' Don't blaspheme, sir; don't elmmiL any more sin, you can't deceive us. You MUPI now—' An unexpected interruption forever cut short which might have been a very ma jestic senter.ce front the constable, For the accused man : desperate ht his situation, and stung to ferocity iy the behavior of his interrogators, with the quickness of light hundred down two who stood in his way and in another instant bounded upon the more, who was standing handily at his side, and putting her to the top other speed before any could interpose, he shoolc a defiant fist bac% at them as he rode, and was son out of sight, disappearing over the hill, in the direction from, which he bind come early in the mornin&. 'Confound the luck!' he. muttered, us, the fleet mare sped. I hadine mind to be imprisoned, and had rather clear myself to save time. I fancy how it in. My horse is lest. L tri,l! try to get back to Mossy Brook, and find her. Or, per,. haps this may be her; and the wrong sad dle was put upon her by the bungling host. lot. yet bum( two mares could look so much alike, or two pocket-books, or— Deuce take it! if I get back, the mystery may be cleared up by the owner of the other horse—!f there is another horse. By j , upiter! they are coining! On, marel! Ois, on, on!' Two or three horseman were indeed in hot pursuit; though still a mile behind, yet mounted on fresh horses, and were last lessening the distance between them and the fugitive. As he decended a hill, the sight of a wood had almost induced him to dismount and seek shelter afoot, when. cooling fast in the opposite direction, he saw another mounted traveller. they were abreast of each other, and, at theeinstant, both reined in and dis• mounted! Their mutual glance explained The liorses were"&?lititiepremeiyit,o,,.., in shape, color, size ea, save that cue had but two white feet, the other four. Ay nape. is Amor Dunbar! exclaimed that individual, smiling, and extending his hand 'No explanation is needed, sir, the hostler was half drunk, and,acknowledged that lie hod made the bungle, Here is your pocket book;' he added, delivering it, 'That, too, is like m.,mq, and was placed where I placed mine,' William Norton!' 'That is my now, dear sir Your own wallet will be found at the village tavern, or with the constable! They recognized your mare, and,took me for both murderor and thief! Here they come, some of them. We will ride barb together.' The pusuers clone up, and a few words of Maher explanation put all in good hu• mor, as they rode leisurely to the tavern again That night, Sir William Nortou,—tvm. 'warily in A inericaopon impor alit business —was the guest of Mr. Amps Dunbar, and his now very agreeable wife. They. found the knight something bettet than a kig , hway man, his courtly manner shining thrOugh his travel•worn apparel; am! he confessed, when he resumed his journey in the morning, that he had earned this, significant moral: throughout life to be coryul that you mount the right horse. EffrA Scotchtuan called at the house Oa lawyer to consult the legal man pro fessionally; 'is the squeer at home?' he inquired of the lawyer's lady, who opened the door at his summons. He was answered nega. tively. Dusappomtment was now Added to Scotia's son; but after a moment's can, @duration, a new thought relieved knit.— Blebly yoorsell can give me the necessary as the squeer—CVl3lll as ye're are his wife.' The kind lady expressed her willingness to data', if on learning the nature of the difficulty, she found it in her power; the other proceeded to state his case as fellows: 'Spore ye was an ould white [near, and I should burry ye to gang to mil', with a grist on yer back, and we should get no larthej than Slat's hill, when all at once, ye should back up, rear up, and pitch up, and kneel backwards, who'd pay (or yer. Darn me if 1 would!' The lade smiled, told him; as she closed .he dour, as he had passed sentenc WI the case, advtce would be entirely superflu• ger Nlother,' ssid s little chap, 'what is this word, is itsValentines?' Vo, no,' said the knowing mother, 'it is Val•en tiners ; here you have been to school for six menthe, and can't give the' right prouuncihcatiotte to word. yet" More Utah Outrages. "On Thursday evening last we received a call from Messrs Win. Taylor, Daniel Kelly, and Amos and Norman Reid, who' have just returned from the South Park. They told us a tale that filled us with hor• ror and dismay. On the 25th ult., when about 200 miles south-vest of this point they cerise up to the bodies of nix white and one red man, all stripped end scalped, They also found the carcasses or eight an;:aals—five horses and three mules—in the immediate vicinity of the spot op which the mutilated human bodies were stretched. From all appearances, the finders were led to believe that the victims of the Utah ferocity had been members of a large company, and that the .Indians belonged to a friendly tribe and acted as the guide of the fernier. This is another of the seties of brutal outrages committed by the bloodthirsty savages of the (treat liasiun upon our mining population during the present season. Their victim: can, already be numbered, by the dozens, and yet no steps have been taken to meet out • just retribution and avenge the slaughter of our countrymen. Blood cells for blood. These North American Thugs should be forthwith stopped in their career of car nage and plunder. Nothing can be ex pected from the Government this Fall, hence would it not lan proper and timely For the p , t °plc of thin country to rise of their own cscoyd and see that, the perpe - trators of those vapidly succeeding dep• redations shall not remain unpunished ?,' A CONSIDERATE DOCTOR, A poor girl who had just recovered Iron a fit of sickness, gathered up her scan ty earnings and went to the doctor's ofltca to settle her bill. lust as she got to the dour, the lawyer of the place entered on a shut lar errand. •Well, doctor, I believe 1 ant indebted to you, and I wish you to tell toe how much,' said the lawyer. 'Yes,' said the doctor, 'I attended you about a week, and what would you, charge tut s f.ur a, 'Ol,, perhaps seventy• five dollars,' &odd the, lawyer. fetsion are as valuable as yours, yotir wit is seventy-five dollars.' The poor girl's heart sank tvithiit her, for if her bill was anything like that how could she pay It. The lawyer paid his bill and passed otg, when the doctor kindly inqured her er. rant,, 'I come to ask what I owe you, though I know I con never pay it.' I attended you about a week?' 'Yes sir.' 'How much do you get a week?' 'Seventy•five cents.' 'ls that Ala: 'Yes sir.' 'Then yo ir bill is seventy.five The pour girlpattl him, and went away with a light heart. _ BOLD., A gentleman on his way from Vision to Vermont, stopped at a tavern where he met an inquisitive fellow, who said to hint: WherO have you come from,.if I may be so bold?' 'Not bold at all— I came from Boston.' 'Wl.a.e are you going, if I may oe so bold?' um going to Vermont.' 'IV be are you going to sea there, if I may be so bold?' .1 sill g0:11g to see the widow M.' 'Are you a 'named man, if I may be so bold?' am a widower.' 'Are you going to marry tho widow M., if I may be so bold?' 'Ahem! that is to confounded thundering boldY far Edward itlullekin, aged ulnety four years and eight ruontltc, died in Sid ney, Blaine, on the 9th itist. He was a Revolutionary pensioner, having enlisted as a soldier at the early age of Aileen rears —being so small, as he often remarked, that ithey hod to stretch him up to make measure enough.' His physical and wen. tal faculties were remarkable, of which he was in full possession up to the day he died. He has attended every town meet. ing for the last fifty years, and has voted for every Whig and Republican President since Washington. A few weeks since he followed to the grave his only daughter, she being nearly 59 years old, since which he failed rapidly. _ _ SHORT AND TO;i7PoiNT.LA pretty girl attended a ball, recently, decked off in short dress and pants. The other ladies were shocked. She quietly remarked that g they would pull up their dresses about the neck. as they: ought to do. their skirts would be as short as hers' ~.. E ditor & Propric tor. NO 40 BLACKBERRYING, ! Sam, ate is about now gone dead.' 'ls she dead, Bones?' .Yes, Sam. She sent for me three days after she died.' Oh, no, Bones; you mean three days pre vious to her decease,' , She had no niece; she was eq, only a phan.' 'L mead three days before she parted this earthly tenement.' 'Sir!' That is three days before she left the wor,ld o or cled., 'Oh, yes!' 'Well, I went down to see her ; went up to de bedside wid de bed in both of my eyes,' 'You mean to say, with the tears in your , eyer,r .Yes, wicl de pillows in myeyes. Sex she, 'Bones, ►'m guying to.leave dis world of care.' .Whitt did you reply?! 'I sed I didn't care much. Den she axed me it I would go to the shothecary pop fur some medicine? I sed yet ; so I went (low!' to Dr. Night Bell—' 'No, not to Dr. Night Bell; that is tho name of the bell on the door—the night bell,' 'Well, I called him Dr. Night Bell, any how.' '1 presume he wake physiejan'r 'No; he wasn't fishin'; he was staying at home 'Oh, no; I meat lie was a doctor of sorry note.' 'Yes ; he was counting out his notes when 1 went ill.' • No ; 13ones ; you do not understar,. 'No; he wasn't steo4ing, he woe sitting on a three•legged of ol.' Pshuw! I moan he was a doctor of Elmo reputation.' .Yes; he was there; he was a nice fil ler.' lie was de cleilc; ‘Wlip was the clerk?' 'Rcp station.' 'Well, what did the doctor gave to you •lle gabs me a piece obpup-er.- 'A prescription.' 'No ; it was a met,. 'Ol course it wu on a paper, neverthe- less, a prescription. What did it say or the paper!' . . . 'lt was lull ob chalk marks made with a pencil. He sed I must get two dozen fish hooks, No. 7, and put in a quart ob molas ses, and boil it down, den gib . her de broth, so I went up to de bar-' 'No; you moan the counter•' .He dtc:n't count dem; be Weighed sent out,' 'And wus there any elTipacy in the (lose r Np; nofEn in it but den little fish hoo4IV mean was the medicine any way effi: c. °iota?' .Sam, be so kind as to 'dress ine in the. English language.' 'Bones, I mean did the medicine do her any good?! 'lt wouldn't have cured her, but the poor gal in absence of mind, instead of Lakin' the broth, took the fish hooks, and dey killed her.' 'Then that must have been he* funeral I saw last Wednesday.' 'No it wasn't. De doctor says I can't . bury her until next summer.' Why nut, Bones?' 'Kale dat's de best time to go out black, berry ia'.' AGREEING WITH HER.—A minister who was a bit of a humorist s , once took tea with a lady of his pariah who Tided herself upon her nice bread, and who waa also addicted to the loolish trick of depre 'ciatio4 hoc viands to her guests. As she passed the nice biscuit to the minister, she said— " They are no: very good, L am almost ashamed to offer them.' The trlimster took one, looked at it rath er dubiously, and replied : 'They are not as good on they might The plate was instantly withdrawn, and with heightened color, the lady ex claimed; They are good enough for you!' Nothing more was said about the bin• sku_Tlie rain which fell at thin point, during Friday and Saturday, lath and 17th inst., was found by actual mens• liniment to be over three inches la depth, Ou the night of the 14th, the stateof weath er as indicated by the Ettiiitut was within Nu= deo met •` freezing atilat.