.)untitigbolt Nttrnal. Wednenday Morning, September 28,1859 LOC.IL INTELLIGENCE. sfirOu 'l . :Jur:day morning of last week, a pheasant waa seen to fly against the window, at the store of Mr. David Grove. What brought "the lone wanderer" into the streets of our town we are unable to say. Caul. Jutanta —We learn that the En eampm,mt, held at Lewistown, was well attended—there being eleven companies there. One hundred and eight tents were pitched, while the streets of the town had the necessary fixins" to give all it beauti ful taste of display. Wreathes were sus pended from one house top to another through different parts of town. The Ex. eelsior Cornet Band of this place, returns home amid thowers of praise, as all who have heard it play say that they can't be heat. We are pained to learn that James Platt, a me nibt r of the Jaokson Artillery, of Mc, .levy's Fort, this county, was mortally if not fatally wounded, during the encamp ment at Lewistown. it appears that he attempted to pass one of the guards, when the contents of a musket passed entirely through him. A report was created t h at a party of rowdies deolared their intention to enter the camp and cut down the tents when some of the guards charged with horse shoe nails, and the consequence was thst Platt had the nail shot through him. TheLunn on guard was Court Martiuled and afterwards dismissed. Szwarro MscurNEs.--A table has been prepared showing by actual experiment of laur different workers, the time required to stitch each part of a garment by hand, and with the Sewing Machine. Thu superior. ite of the work done by the machine and the healthfulness of the employment, are advantages quite as great as the saving of time. We subjoin a summary of several of tho tables: Machine. Hand hour, mitt. kl. M. 6,nta' abirte 1 5 13 31 Fr,ek coats 2 33 16 35 so tin testsl 14 7 19 Lines yens 0 48 5 11 Cktl pants 0 5t 6 10 Bum., pants 0 33 2 50 Seams of any considerable length are stitched ordinarily by machines at the rate of a yard a minute. Attrosts.--Thelittiinnal months are Isere; the summer foliage is strewn over the sidewalks of our borough, and the inclem. ency of the weather has driven the fair daughters Of Huntingdon to other employ ment than promenadiug, to a greater or lees aegrec. There is a pleasing melancholy in viewing the approach of Auturrin,which all the bright coloring of Spring, and the rich abundance of Summer cannot produce, how quick the change tram Suntin,s's scorching heat to the fading gory of Au• tumn ! The fields are stripped of their beautiful coverings and the trees strew the ground with their leafy Insure. The beau tiful flowers that were seen in the woods are seen no more— their SWet , iIIICSS is de. parted and their leaven are .withered and fallen. Even the songsters of the grove feel that nature now is fast fading around them, and they bid '.farewell" to their fa vorite homes and depart to a sunnier clime. But a fox weeks since, and the sweet car ol the birds of Spring saluted our ears, with a pleasing melody; the dew was sprit/ling in the sunshine elan April morning, and the air was perfumed with the sweet smel ling flowers. To this quickly succeeded the meridian sun: the strength of nature is now ?pent ; old Sol is gradually withdraw. ing his vivifying rays, and Autumn's plea titude, will soon be followed by Winter's blasts and barrenness. Medical Impoasibilit Lee. For a long time a certain class of diseases bare baffled the skill and practice of the most eminent members of the regular medical foe. ulty. Foremost amorg these we might in• stance epilepsy or falling fits. Happily cow by the skill and inventive genius of an eminent e!,ernist of Baltimore, this disease has bar n Drought within the means of a cure. We al. lode to the preparation called the Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills, invented and prepared by Dr. Seth S. Hance, of 108 Baltimore st., Baltimore, Md. Since their discovery who had given up all hope of ever being cured, have been restored to the full enjoyment of health. Prominent among these we might enumerate Mr. Harrison Lightfoot of Huntsville, Mr. L. has sufferred as much from Epilepsy, as any other person in the world : never know. ing what it was to pass a week without having An attack, and often in the streets of Huntville. lie is now fully restored and has not had an at tact for more than a year, Dr. Hance's Pills have been the stue cause of the cure. Three pills also cure all modifications of Fits, Spasms, Cramps &c., mid are very serviceable for per. eons of weak nerves, Dr. Hance, sends them to any part of the country on the receipt of a re. mittanee. Price one box, two, $5; twelve $24. Address Soh S. Hance, 108 lialtiinere street, Baltimore, Md. 4Our friend, Jas. A. Brown has just re. ceived one of the largest and best assortments of hardware oror brought to Huntingdon.— By all means go to Brown's fur bargains. sa-We atop our prods to adorn' our Wends that Prof. Coyle and the Continentals intends giving a grand concert on next Tuesday and Wednesday evening.'; we hope it may be wall attended WirSee the communication on the first r•g9. (Earreoponbence. MR. EDITOR—Dear Sir: Having lately travelled through several of the townships in the lower end of the county, and been brought a great deal in contact with the people there, I sin enabled to give some tolerable idea of political sentiment in that locality. I find there is a determination existing on the part of those acting with the People's party, to adhere to the regular nominations. The ticket placed before the people by the late nominating convention gives decided and general setisfaction, nod will he supported Isom' the highest to the lowest 011 it. The nominees are considered first.class men, and every way qualified for, and deserving of the offices to which they I aspire. Efforts have been make and are still snaking to injure the success of Mr. Wigton, by misrepresenting the vote relative to the tonnage tax. I have not, however, heard ol any want of faith in his Orthodoxy as respects fundamental re. ligious truth ; and the real facts about his vote on the Railroad question, last winter, are getting to be understood, and his course and veto in this connection are applauded, instead of being censured, as rapidly as I the people get to see his actual position.— IMr Wigton'e straight forward statement to tile pu"clic, in the Journal, of the 11th inst. I will do good, notwithstanding the grain• I mar of the version in the Union. By the I by it seems a little odd that the same letter of Mr. W.'s as a appease in your issue and that of the Union is on different. I !Alp pose you followed copy. Did ,Miltou, lesser do so! People will here dill , . ••, ideas of this thing. In either edition, !• ever, of Mr. W.'s letter he does not faii make himself fairly understood, and 'hi t is, after all, what the public wants. There is Ili ambignity, no labored attempt to be misunderstood its his document. whertite: the very elaborateness and careful cue : sideration of WOlllO, and their position which makes the address of Nlr. Africa to the public conveys the idea that words' with him are used to conceal and not t,, convoy truth. The truth needs not the aid of studied phraseology, and a world be well for Mr. Africa in his communica tions to the peop'e herimfter to emulate the frankness .d fairness of Mr. Wigton. Au increased mojarity for the candela., of the l'eople's party map be confidently looked for fruit, the "lower cod." peel - Dewy is shivered into too many fragnimitq, and the Republican party are to firmly united in this region to fail of splendid sue • cese et the coming election. ONE OP 'ZEE, PEOPLE. Sept. 2.ttli. MR. EDITOR• , Ili lurking over the Globe of lest week, I see a commuciontiou, t rem Barrett, signed by a "Republican," stating that the ptospects of some of tb'. candidates were quite premising- that it. was a conceded tact that WOW of them would be elected. perhaps we are as well be tired up as the Barrett -Republica, - and HO fitICII an idea is entertained tie iley • men in tht• township, just the revery, we intend to vote fur every man on our ticket Irwin A uditor-Genera I dew nto Cormier, and elect them, toe, by such main-loco as will leave Lorofoceinin in the shade. The free laborers of this part of the county are, not to be bought, sold or drove by the nig get di icing democracy. It is quite annis. mg to see route of the Locos begging rind coaxing fur Republican voice, tutting them there is nothing in title VIOCtiOII and thal they will do as much for iht`Ol at SOM.! Olti er GOOLIVOIen, you can't come that guise .ever us this time; it is too lately that you stigmatized us as wooly heeds, Black Republicans, and every epithet that would heap contumely un us es a party; and should we vote for them, and elect them, would they not crow over us and and call it a Buchanan victory and laugh at us yet? We say mend to your ticket. We think we have quite as good Betiet as they have; though some Of thin are clever and social men -we respect theme-we will treat them in war as eneinies, and in peace as friends. We have had an opportunity of seeing a considerable portion of the so. tete of the county and they intend to re buke those who presume on their creduli. ty, The Onion, as it is called , in this part of the county in in about as good or der as Skunk's Cabbage, and about as easily taken; while the 31 , be is a No. 1 among the Douglas Deue..cracy. We are u Republican and no BACKING OUT. Jackson tp., Sept, 19. ----_— RAINSBURO, Bedford Co., Sept. 17. Not. EniToa-•Drui Sir: Although have been a reader of your valuable paper fcr a nunider of yearn, neither °sleeted., curiosity nor unibitien has prompted me to prepare a few thoughts for the pe. anal of your earliest readers. When I. speak of your readers I speak of those whose names are written upon My memory ; and whose friendship in like a bright star in the hori zon of the past which in its revolution silty gaze upon us in the future, For the present .'our linen have fallen to us in pleas ant placea." Thro' the energy and zeta of our teachers—the diligence, perseverance it ,: ambition of the students our school has been made truly intere‘ting. Tim at tention paid It; Normul instructions and the great interest isiart,'!e.ted in the Literary Societies is greatly iii ,;;vor of cur present advenceinent and future inZerests. We boast of the moral hattax 'exhibited in the character of each student, The most :In, gular truth obvious in comiection with this place is that not a single student can be termed a habitual smoker. The Sulphur Spring of ibis blues to the favorable resort of all, especially the ladies. It is certainly one of nature's curiosities. The mountain scenery in every direction is truly grand,- the landscape moi'd level sad for (+tined Scope Valley. The friend,liip as exhibited by this community excels chat of any we have realized in it stri,nge land. In this place politics is it dead letter. Al though a correlmodont of the Uniai, trrrn id have you believe that the citizen, c..rrc d nut the go,tlolll Mime , at fc hy rtinurine anti driving. back to Slercfnci it r rurinitway, we are ham,• io tell you that men of trite American and honest. pliblie.in principle, arc numerous in this place. You have Ike best wishes and sin• cero thanks of every Jefier,nrinto for the donation pat have ti nfered. I but expo.- the Pentinient of every member ; when I say We highly esnmat th e fa• t w reeeiv.l well ss appreciate the beneli, c i fined from an earnest perthul of your valuable p,rioil• ital. 0, M. 8. PHILADELPHIA 111'ARKETS. PHIL/01E1.1'111A 81.10,niber 21, ISM FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, 504,5 00 " Extra. " " 5 25((0 40 14 11 family " 5 GOto G 50 Wheat—red, per bushel, I 15(it: 20 " White " 1 20(Att 31 an;erseed $5 50@8 ¶5 per G 4 pounds Timothj seed, $l,BO to 2 00 Flax, per bullet $1 70 New Advertiscnalits. Anne :can Life insnrrw 'Prsist Co. Cp.pil'al Stock - . o 00'J. Contlittny . 4 Am, 61, - ^l,t, South East o,lter nt' Fourth. Lire Itivurinre HI Ilse usual !: tetteal linf Or at at • ', ee rent. ;LI l't,at ••1i , • , • .• lrnt•e.. 4 See. . 'J . . : ';' Ito: i • 1 1 of 'I• • • R .. ('" ~ .' dlow:a nip l with two exti • lily it(latited • : :c cif P.. 10; '.. :• .; Tyypted to Le th .1.1 II Solllll rs t. ..r::? to Ow NATHANIEI. IMWMA'N 1.),1V11. POIZILIt 1;0 \VNIAN i,o1) FLF5,ll,ir iti .7tuaismi liurnt fiirm.tiern of rlio . pri.mice,+. Aug. llst. IFsll.—tg. F . FT . } . t . . 1: i (r J. A. HALL DECit. rivon ILO :•:1)A C. TTAI,I,, -I,l;:titthitrtif onlir ' . 1 Ph, =- :ey r toca . f r I. ?:, ;;, f .. i Corifi,l , , 14,1. F,. 1 • fititllB,l , 4l..s, (11,, , lilt'.,, Sept. 11t 11-1.,14.-3 in . FOR SALE .--Tito Two FRAME o n D PLLI2VG ROUSES, on the 11. 4 ." & Broad Top Railroad, near the Depot. The purchaser to remove them before the lot ofJam nary next. Inquire of J. J. LAWRENCE, Sept. 21, 1859.-31 Stip% SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT From the Quaker City Publishing Rouse I 100,000 CATALOGUES, new, enlarged and revioed—now ready fur dietributton. Superior Inducements to the public I A now and sure plan for obtaining an. and atone,, WATCIIK% nil valaable Full Ov en In Catalogues, which will be scat toe tit all tiplat application. Valtianie 4 i to north from 50 et, to $lOO, GUALIANTEEI) to eaeh port haser. $109,- 000 in Gilts have been distributed to my t' root within the past FIX months-- 50,0,0 to be di!• tribute , " during the neat IN month, Tho in •locentent,h•reri Agents are we, lilowdi than tle,se Of any oth, house in Ile , 1.1141111 ,4 4. 1111,111;i been in the thihUsOon.: An llt , ,1- 1114: tut• the lost eight ncein. tar exile• rienee tumbles tee to eonditet the ‘tilt Eon , - Prize wull the creme. , e tod'. CIVAGENTS IVAN I•I•.I) in even• town and county. ice full partieiear, addre,s DUANE 11WLISON. Q , nther tiutto :id Sept. 21st, '59.-2tn. olt lIANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of thy Orphans' C•vtr' ul Me.rter county, there will he expo ~s 1 hale at public auction tat the pretni.,3, on Fogey, Oetulter lint, 11459, at IV o'clock, it., the following describe,' reed estate. viz : 1.51; ACRES 01 LA NI), Situate in Millereek township. nounde , l on the lima el ,Iren , pli E , , ,, - , •11 nod coln-Ft, I'n4 I,t lama (4 . Lcvi M iinew by Inn l of Benj. Thoinp . ,ion, nii•l Wedt Burrows nut Borland; lute the property of en!,b Corbin, • Term:v-011e third in hand, and t 1 ',lance in two equal mound paytmmts, with lomeo,t 6 0 7. confirmation of onto. SAMUEL 1:1'.11II, iNll'alol . Corbin, dec'd. Millcreek,Sep er11, 1 ' 59 . -3 t. COOK STOVE FOR SALE. A SP]. ENDII) NLIT COW: STO li ltu sale at fhb ollicu; it la cal- 1. 4 culated to burn wood or coal, It w , ll ba offered low. 1 1 tinting:lmi i;rv., 11 . • .!. timi intortw..l For E•l37tlon und • • Iletttl•t?in:f nrri , • I_ ; 1;1 L~~r,an,, , .~: ~~.. ~. I IT, • '• - V releltuticd utt 'a t• i s r tttile ~t th' Smith's Drug Sutra. h•or all ittlia.itattitttry ...is it i+ N certniu cure. (il•t a box Joe tty it, who are elltictetl. 1 , 4. r tale tit Stnith'a Drug Slurs, Hunting don, l'a. -W ASH T ING CLOT BY PIIESSFE is Alter fifty years experimenting, thepro per allele has at lest been invented Mr women in their hard labors em the wirs'ing day. 'IT IS EVEN SO." Come and he convinced that we are ahead of every machine in vse. INT the time. I, all' the herd labor, and half the weer and tear is saved. Little boys and wets can do the work fcr their mothers. The undersigned have purchased the exclusive 14'0., ot litintie,lia and Mifflin coun ties. to Mill, and sell J. T. M1 . 11.1e8 IVlshhe Wt. gh-iie . t public cnatltHe trulr tivit•liire. It Can nur Pllopon te+loington BALI, & PEIGIITA We. the trro , errig*..ell, h:tvitnr. ilior the ',hove rive:. if,. t..t,•. I e (lit, the ,PHIC 1 , 1 "• .1. S. "N1,1 , 3te , ,k, 171,1 , 11 kr; • 7,!•,11,c. " •I• I . .4711r, I .fir.--o 'I • : ••• t•• • t . • t. Iv It,: :Ott ti I?t • • t• t• •• . l• t Itt•tttt 11111. ir.t •• •••• • t . , ~. - ~ . . ~~~~ ~ .. , . ; it will in • Lily 13, TT TN Xllll.l' •• 1 ' i& Gu'i.L, ii: L.I VI C 7 JI r ' a », ~~..,... C;n•... ~ ~ ... . .• 'I -1 , ,t . I. I ' • i,. ~` .. unit kci tal,ll 1111., 11,1, for ,001.1. II 11 . 11) 1311.0 Vb. Huntingdon, Juno 15. 1 , 51). -ti. BOOKS!4ADBOOKS 10,C00 Volumes of Rooks for Sate. $500,00 in GUIs for atry 1000 Sold. lu to..ler to reduce my retentive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Hooka at the regtilar retail prices or lens. and give ($590) five hundred dollars worth of present. varying in value from 25 cent. to $lOO,OO. Or, those who. prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.— My dock emotion of every variety mil •ityle of binding. School hooks of every kind, whole. solo anti retail. Sales to cumin..., 1 t . t Ith. 51. 01,0 N. Dec.22,'58. 71 A.. A general a.,,, , arenl Ma'nleg of on de ,riptiohv jr , ,t printed tend ihr ,ile ,e Al•puilmn't ktvfer,e3 ) C-mmon ,TA, .1 vol. 111 N1,;1t!., 10 Lich.l.,l, C0.1,1,i,'s Salve, P -.IA to .11(.1117;4 C NV al Z.> DIG PHYSICIAN AND SUPtriF , :.O l l; , OFFERS JIN 110 rrES,• •• • • ;: • • ; ; to the iititrre 01 lIVNTINLOWN li• , n on Hill strpo, in the house for• meri copied by 1)r. H. A. Miller. Aril 1.3, INW3. 110 ! THIS WAY. roes wribotls trout to get into Rood bus'. b. which filly can make from $75 to Sled to riot.lh without hard labor? If Sasentl Nlf. 5 cents ill Wl4llllOl or tnoriey, for return ',tug, mid by return mail, put will 011,11 0 irer.iiirs of the grao.b.,t. -chew , : ever ttpi,ar..4 to 1111113. Disise.ensl Georginii nod Uri to be jar:C.l.ll.le by I • t 116111011 of :polo rti prop!, A. C. I)ENSON, di Dr. John IVlcCulloch, Offer. Id, iirofes,iona I ,erviccs t t the II antinnilon anti vicinity. 011ine, on Jlill at. niguniery and Bath. ' Huntingdon, Ang. 29, 1956. ILL.J'idi;/" .., C:•"'' . . ri11.7:11 , .', !A ED ..i.i.' Ehatio Enut!n?;don Pul.asyl7anla. 134 , 5::•41. - 4, A. .111,!prit;lyr ;roll Principal! F. I. l' • „ • .. ~ aP th:• f.~ stir ~ +I „ ihr ." r. ~p this . for of I.; . eons in Maxie, Fri thawing, Painting and V p aiiny Needle Work, extra. For further Twne:Wow address W. H. WOODS. N. D.—lty those desiring places, early application should he made. Apr.6,'59.. THE CAZ3VILLE ZETAMAZIY, INT' , CL.:: , •_7I - Ina..a_i. 29 , 4\ if) '.l7i 'it 'l — ?, E itsfi I'AIE EN'T NC131!1,1, PN THE EstAD. Sella for a Cottl9:,w‘. and A r li ve .,- ; VATAF.:::Tf, A, Pl., C!,.171,-, Po $ ocit.D • ;• • • I I .~ . ,~ „ . , SII it tN, tia i 1 .. thP li pie of V A'IT) . • • , , ,-1.-!• : I; .! ~~1 ~ 1 \, . 1 1. ~... it !. . :% 1 , ! ' : F ";, 3 •. (r. . _~ - Idly, 91111 tt , t , !IOU: it itattit,., r. it k'tit.tite iliseitmea, peculiar to the rieetitql Sotin. o'er, etc. It 11. te rider igt.rnting rind tonic intitt emir Oft the alluring inthinoition where it eaiats in thrt ntotntiel; end howele—and on trial will he found indivpetisable to the well being of every family. It will be found es well adapted to adult) as children. Try it. Prepared only by A. E 4EN WHINE, Price 25 chi. ft bottle. Dimpeneing Chemist. Ninth & sta., Philadelphia. Sold by J. Rend, Huntingdon. and Druggirte and Storekeepers generally. Play 25, '59.-Iy. - 1859 . 5pi ? ... ; J:., ,,,, ,,7 1 :4; , :: . 11 ER 1 Qv° tout.). , Oh! eNneetnilly Cilil the t.f 0,, I ~tit,,,ncrs. 9•t11 It I/1., of 11 , .• town 119,1 coturry nvral ly, to ot . t . s_i•,7 of li1'411 , Y•:11:\)lli CLOTIIINq rrlesrra ill tido 1 , 11, 1., NV, dt . , , Tl it 1111110, , ,EV 11111, thtlri.b iCtit t it • •I• on t , ol or,ll . Wold 4, h•l• i , • , ‘ 17,11 ur..j , 1 , 1 wi /t.. 11,11 t. 1111 011 1, ttr 1:1 , 11.19 ~ , ,1 1. 11 , 1101, hrII, It IS II •I •it i• ir t•tvt. 1... t t' 11l will 1 .~!~.N , '.,• • ;•••• I, i 0 or utit • nt 11 , r. Cad alt ,'le 31. Gl - 01AN & CO. Slay 4, IF '. ;tots •:, Dicoroor of Itin StrP , to, INODON, PA. CII RISTA:N CI.)UTS. l'r;ipi it.tor, Thin ntriii.l is well known an the 11,111,," I he location is superior to any other, ! hi.it: in the itetne.liate proximity to liiiminesH; • also to iho li.trtk and most Publ . ,: 011ie It i., the flotermiefttioti of the Proprietor, to keep this iati• ritt•tm . y to th e pulrlie, hod it i$ ill: , di to all Vllll 11,01'1111,e at to 111•11, tl.• .1.0114 lilt, 1 •ht. (11 . !doe Ile very respeetrally bolie;t, the pulriie patroemT. Apr. 13th '59 ,;;;• Al. i - pAt..m! r.‘rurtu r Commercial, Foolscap and j. .1? :11..-:a nl a 4 , , riment 11,r F,ll, tut i re tm, hali 1,1111 quire or sheet. at I.ewia . New Book and Stationery Store, Dan.22;58.4f. ! .. .... _.a vP.~.. .L. 9• t ' .1 ; 1111.i.1.1 y.s. 6 1'•I 1i.”47 ' . . Iti AND Jr' • . 'h tri:h f \ ~r ,r. . ~' ~,,. ;.,, 'fetter, in t`.!. !,.. Yuri, Ache, !-! , 10! Agin •in one day. Care Felon,!.! • Salt Rheum, in thrie 1.4 or, Palpitation, PleurLiv, in m, t o ears Ae:hinis, palsy, Gout, ErTaipeht,, in tine to 20 days. Cure Frosted Feet, Chiblain.., Chronic Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to walk by a few bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild and ;dement, r.nd is a great family Medicine for children teething. &c. Ladies should all use it. It always leaves you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Afflicted Thirteen rear.. and Cured fn On, Read lettr, fromßev..TrelTernple. Prof. (:1,01: I I,re Itflr,to , l for any] orn, r .. T!!•• I W.: nt.,l ".1!, „ A i t non Wm n 11,1 MAIL I , ly her Ynnr Eiet - Irk. 0,1 I,:ts (11.111tt in 0411 week what th e phy s i• cit./ of failed to do in tLirtLen year, l; raft! Idly v, , nri. Itl: V. JAMES TI:MPLE, :110 B,,ltth start DEA N ESS CUR ED, tie 'lnvert, Miy 19th, Met: Prof. De Grath : taw h, has L, nu eked thniv yettrl. After trying moor thitt,t, Are INA your llil it•few 11 ,, d it etm..l hint petite- SCRAN lON, There are toilhermis imilathltat mitruag np oa the rerttathat that my article has strfittiretl. The pahlie tnadt hewitre, Th... are werthtee,. For me, by S. S. Smith. litiiithigdon. May 25 1559. I ER'WATCH dL JEWELRY STORE J. W. DUTCHER, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER, ltespectrully inlet ins the citizens of Minting- La don, vicinity, and the silt ',midi:, , win- .0„ try, th.,t 611119 eototo-n,ed hit stm in/ 0,1. 1,,111 4)i,,,,,\1• (1.11:110t; StUre ili !,...... M.,141:1.1. ..., 4 1 ,1:1., 11l N11N4:1 , ..ti, :1114! !ll,po. tO l'ervi, , ` a shore or ',ollie pistron,,ge. WATeIIES and C 1.. t IC iiti repaired in the I,c4t workmanlike trantivr. Ills stock of WAVIIIES ant JEWELRY of tho besi, oif of whit+ he will dispose of St ren,,mehlo ores. The public generally are requested to give hint a call itn‘l examine his stock. 11.11r.a,'SO. M'LANE'S CF.I.L.BRATED VERMIFUGE LIFER PILLS. WE beg lcave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more: csi.cciaily the Physicians of the to mu of the most popu- - ,-s Low before the public. t,i !' i.e.: ,4; partmcnt rt.! , ..r to lba )1 'Lane's Celebrated Vcr rniiiige and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their nanie purports, viz.: TII E V E R3IIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. TILE LI E'ER PILLS, For the cute of LIV LA COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK, I~CAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, 7 1 ,77 Tipir.:lP FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success• fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undit•ided time and attention to rri.tilu fact tire. And being de that Dr. M'Lane's Cele- Company. nr~d i~ Veinlifuge and Liver Pills viii continue To occupy the high they now hold among the nedies of the day, they contikue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com a tlwin in the most thorough Address all orders to i VAG BIM. Pittsburgh, Pa. f' on. ••••i. rinq fno,ll Other/ 7 • • d.. 41 rlle their mit:. - • I, /h. J 1 Law,. prepared ly • I, T., Op., wirlling to give - • A, n,ati, pont paid. to nny i ' • r• bor et Pink for twird r •i+l VerinlNSlt foe • - A, r,1 , , from Canada mur, nre,:ter, r. ity Ivbtf.Lis. 7"7 E ; r e '1 P2.lLii) DR. 2T.OOILAND'S ~' r!c OF!. GEllLifirl BITTERS, Dn. noorr, 4.4 D'S BALSAMIC CU IL DIAL, T peat etandard medicines of !At present age, iare acquired IPAr great popularity only through your, ce viol. Unbounded taiisfac- Non is rendered by them in all rasa; and A, peopk Aare pronownewi then worthy. r.:i. Liver Censetaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervous Eiyhtem, Diseases of the Kidneys, and ell disecses arieing from s disordered liver or woo/inns of the etotwiteh and digestive orgasm, are speedily and perenstiently aired by the GERMAN 131STERS. The Balsamic, Cordial has aspired a repootion sucreoeirg that of any similar pre. pararion mien , . It win ore, WITHOUT ran" the most tercre and long-otanding Cough, Cold, or aoursetess, Bronchitis, If Bunn, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Cvattumption, and h,a perf,rnted tit awes aitonirhing area ever knor .•. Cozaf,..-med Consumption. d fele doer* also at onet cheek and nits the Plait es en. Diarrhosa proceeding from ?as DowiLa mer'freere ore prerored ly Dr. C. Xt. JACLtur fl Co., No. Arr 4 Street, Phila deld.lia, ord ore sold by devour" and dealers ka rnedirines everywhere, at 76 rt , 4 per boqle. The .!mature of C. M. .7 er: s will be on the oWris wrapper of earh In the .dloranoe published cfir propieturs, calied Evs.111.10117'?: AC, you will find terlowny and comn,Li I,ty nolien from all Tart. of eh. country. T 1,4 allmanaeo are given away by 411 our urn,. FIT in untinpion by John Read end S. S. Stuith end dealersgenerally through the county. [May 11, 11459.-Iy. Pahl; HEDVCED ONE HALF!!! NUW =I3I3XCAL SALT lI 4 IFLAMNIATORY DISEASES. •tity IT ONLY ONE DOLLA.E. ellltOtile tt.Ed.tc.2:: 6250 t SEE ADVERTISEMENT. Stlol,, ;;lion. JACK"( , N•;-; 111intinrden, I'3. J. s. MILLER. I'w - weir:Ton. itd.rnig big trienda and the pwlJie generatir, tlvit he ;;; hat , 6'n ,ti the "Jackson ' tt end t sty, ,ccupled' hy Wm. R. Zeigler, ant that i will 11,• pleased to receive, the call, 0 .! all try,,r him with 111,ir patronage. 144 talje rill he inilkishea with Ole best the market can and every attention will be given t, make Olean with him fuel at it 'MY I.ltudintion, March 30, 1569. . :ohm Read and ,1.1). through tho