/iuntingtion fiurnal. Ed lion Will. BREWSTER,. Wednesday Morning, September 14, 1859. PEOPLE'S STATE TIMM TOR AUDITOR GENERAL THOMAS E: COCHRAN, OP YORK COUNTY, FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: GEN. WILLIAM H. HELM, OP BERES COUNTY', People's County Ticket. ASSEMBLY: It. B. lIGTON, of Huntingdon Borough SUEIIIPF JOIIN C. WATSON, of Brady Township. COUNTY TREASURER HENRY T. WHITE, of On ;kin Township COUNTY COMMISSIONER AL P. CAMPBELL, of Union Township POOR DIRECTOR I WILLIAM MOORE, of West Township, DTSTRICT ATTORN. : JOHN W. MATTERN, of Huntingdon COUNTY SURVEYOR: SOHN F. RAMEY, of Huntingdon, AUDITORS: W. L.CUNNINGIIAM, of Clay Township. ISRAEL GRAFFIUS, of Alexandria. CORONER: HENRY GRAFF lUti, of Porter township. ry COMMITTEE. , Dublin tp., Chairman. J. A. Doyle, Mt. Union. Adolp. White, Oneida. Jas. Baker, Orbisonia. Benj. Hopkins, Porter. John Garner, Penn. L. G. Kessler, Pet. bor. Wm. B. Leas, Sh ir. bor. J. Brewster, Shirley. R.Madden, Springfield. R. Wilson, jr. Shay. Ck. Henry Green, Tod. Geo. Wilson, Tell. :Sim. Wright, Union. ,!Henry Neff, West. IJ. J. Patterson, W'mk. S. Peightal, Walker. Jacob) Shirley. PEOPLE'S COUNT WILLIAM H. WOODS J. H. Kennedy, Alex'a. J. B. Clark, Birm'g'm. J. F. Wilson, Barren. J.Vandevander, Brady. Ralph Crotsley, Cass. E. B. Wilson, Cass bor. Bend. Stevens, Clay. T. T. Cromwell, Crom. Geo. Tate, Carbon. John Miner, Franklin. J. Williamson, Hunt. J. Flenner, Henderson. J. Entriken, Hopewell. W. B. Smith, Jacksdn. Wm. Dean, Juniata. Perry Moore, Morris, Jacob Lutz, (ot ' , THE VOTE•» Under this caption, that notorious sheet, the Huntingdon Union, after trying in vain to ere• ate the impression that our candidate, Mr Wig ton, had voted for the repeal of the tonnage tax, flies off on a tangent, and publishes some garbled resolutions, which it asserts Mr. IV. did vote for. Thus, when it finds itself brought op squarely before a lie, like the wolf in the fa ble, it cries out, 'it was some of your relations.' Mr. Wigton thus nails the falsehood: R. MI LTON SPEER, ESQ. ; Sir :—ln your paper you have insinuated j that whilst at Harrisburg last winter, I voted to repeal the tonnage tax. You should have known that the insinuation was not true, be- 1 cause that question was not before the body of which I was a member ; and you know now, that the nominating convention of my party instructed me to oppose the repeal of that tax. No gentleman would be a candidate for a par ty if he did not avow his willingness to obey those instructions and if I am elected I shall certainly do so. In your issue of last week, you publish Res• olutions which were before the House of Repre eentatives at its last session, and twoof the votes given upon them. Intentionally or ignorantly the whole truth is not told. Why a part is pub. lished the impartial and candid may decide. When those Resolutions were before the House, it was openly charged, that they were introduced for political purposes • I did not believe that I had a right to waste the time and money of the people, to play tricks to help poi iticians. To test the truth of this charge amendments were offered to extent the same rule to other delinquent Railroads. I voted for all those amendments; and if they, and such as were contemplated but were cut elf by the call of the previous question bad been adopted I would have voted for the Resolutions, even although I did not think it necessary to pass a law to compel the Attorney General to do that which was his duly already if a corporation had violated its charter. That officer was ap pointed by our political opponents ; and he should have known .d performed his duty.— Nobody ever dreamed that the second resole. tion was ictended to be passed icto n law. Ev• ery year the State paya thousands et dollars of old debts, and will not pay her poor laborers who have been kept out of their money simple interest ; and no man was dunce enough to think that a law would be passed to give the State power to collect sixty per cent. for a debt which was then or soon to be decided by a court of law. I would not disgrace myself and an intelligent constituency, by consenting by my vote to such a sheer waste of time, for such purposes ; and I dare do what I know to be right and leave my fate to honest men. Those resolutions were finally passed by a Republican House of Representatives; and were sent over to the Democratic Senate, of which .1. Simpson Africa, was an active officer, and under hi; nose and in the power of his par ty they have remained until this day ; and a rote upon them was never had. Surely I am not alone censurable. You charge me with travelling with a free pass on the railroad. Did you not know that Mr. Africa did the same? I demand at the hand of every truth loving man the whole truth to be told, and VI am the Injured by it I cannot complain. You say that at the time I gave these votes I had a contract to furnish a large amount of coal to the Penn's. Railroad. If you knew anything about it, yen knew I never made a 'contract with that road to deliver coal; if you iid not know, sound log ic will convict you of unfairness in either event. Truth is said to be slow of foot, if you will publish this I trust it will overtake the false impressions which may have been made by your article. R. B. WIGTON. Iluntinpdon t Sept. 10th. 116 l Beware of the tricks of the Locolocos. 'they are becoming desperate, and will resort Le an sorts of lies. AS WE EXPECTED--BEAD AND BE CONVINCED. Two weeks ago we published an editorial ar ticle in our columns, headed "The Sunday Law," in which we simply stated the fact that this question would be sprung in our next Legisla ture, and also took occasion in the connection to give a caution or word of advice to the vo ters of the county, in the selection of a Repre sentative. We made no allusion to any garlic. ular candidate, merely expressing a hope that the people would use their best efforts to secure the election of a man whose religious princi ples were above reproach and could not be doubted, over any one whose principles hong loosely upon him, and who might not be above suspicion. Of this, they were to be the judg es. These remarks, had the effect of arousing the virtuous indignation of our quondam friend, J. Simpson Africa, Esq., the "Democratic" no minee for the Legislature, who replied through the columns of the Huntingdon Globe and the Union, in an article, which, by actual measure ment, was near a "link" in length, in which he betrayed an over-anxious desire to smooth down any feeling which might have prevailed, owir.g to the writer's previous declarations, pub licly expressed on the subject, which he has so sanguinely attempted to deny. lie likewise called upon us and intimated his purpose of in stituting a suit of libel against 'us, unless we should publish a card from him, expressing his views in relation to the article in question. We published his card, not through intimidation, however, but a desire to deal fairly with all the candidates, and as his "neighbor, and particu larly as a religious man," who "would not wil lingly permit my (his) aentiments to be mis construed on these import ant questions." In our comment upon his letter, we stated as our opinion,that the tenor of it seemed to be an evasion of a direct acknowledgment of the Christian system. To prove that our opinion had some foundation, we offer as evidence Mr. Africa's own statement. What language can be plainer or what clearer evidence could be adduced than this "I am as firm in-the belief of the existence of a Superior Intelligen ce as any man can be and would be the last to desire, vote for, or as sist, in annulling any law, regulation or custom, having the effect of preserving inviolate the Sabbath day.! "I am willing to be measured by the defer sonian standard." Words, in political times, are dangerous tools to play with. We cannot and will not suppose that, with Mr. Africa's well known precision and profound tact, he has unintentionally com mitted a blunder. We have charity enough to credit him with believing what he says. He believes in "a Superior Intelligence," and so do the heathen ; and we have high authority for asserting "the devils believe and Tremble." "He would be the last to desire, rote for, or as sist, in annulling any law the object of which was preserving inviolate the Sabbath." We submit to the candid reader that this is a re. arkable assertion. The last "to desire" what? He is certainly a better grammarian than to have intended writing "to desire in annulling." The last "to vote for' what 7 Not, certainly, "to vote for in annulling." It must, therefore, according to our idea of verbs, nouns and pre positions, simply mean that he would be "the last man to desire or vote.for any law having the effect of preserving inviolate the Sabbath day"! while at the same time he would he "the last to assist in annulling" the same. This is the only construction we can place on the lan guage used, and we are 'roe to say the princi ple it embodies is altogether consistent with Mr. Africa's position on every other issue now before the people of the county. He is and is , not in favor of the repeal of the tonnage tax, ! because he quite fully endorses the course of both the Huntingdon Globe and the Union, and I the one is in favor of the repeal of this tax and the other opposes it. He is and is not in favor of the reduction of the salary of Represents- Lives—because ho now agrees to receive as a salary if elected a Representative, two hundred dollars less than any other member of the Leg islature, but whilst a clerk in the Senate, pock eted $lOO 00 snore than the usual pay of clerks! And, with the construction which we think his card in our last issue will bear, lie is and isnot in favor of abolishing the Sunday Law. His own language, we think, is abundant proof of the third position. In this connection, we wish to speak more at length of the question of religious belief, which has been sprung upon us. The gentleman has invited a controversy on his religious opinions, and we have no desire to disappoint him ; more particularly as questions which relate strictly to the Christian coinmunity, will be brought be fore the next Legislature—for a seat in which body Mr. Africa is an aspirant. It is therefore a legitimate question fordiscussion at this ante. What is Mr. Africa's belief? Ho tells us lie believes "in a Superior Intelligence," and is "willing to be measured by the Jeffersonian standard." Tom Paine, Voltaire, and other worthies of that scllool, when in the decline of life, admitted a similar belief. But is it a doe trine which a true believer in the Triune God is prepared to admit as orthodox? What is the foundation of true Christianity believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost." Is Mr. Africa willing to pro claim this to the world as his solemn creed? NO I He "is willing to be measured by the Jeffersonian standard" ! And yet he can un blushingly assert with all the eloquence of wounded innocence, "henceforth any man who proclaims me a disbeliever in the existence of God, bears a lie upon his lips"!! ! What is the "Jeffersonian standard" ? It is a belief in the existence of "a Superior Intelligence," it is true, but it is also a belief which strikes down the very prop of the whole Christian system. It is a belief which mocks at the Divinity of "God the Son and God the Holy Ghost," and, denounces the first as an imposter, a cheat, a madman ; which robs the world of a Redeem , er ; which scoffs at the whole scheme of sales , tins, and treats the Word of God, as uttered by Prophets and Apostles, as "cunningly devised fables." A belief which, with the ancient .'ews, cries "crucify him," when Christ says, "I and my Father are one." "Ile who rejects me re jects Him who sent me." Does he who de flounces the rejecter of the second and third persons of the Trinity, "bear a lie upon his lips," when he says such one is a disbeliever in the only living and true God? Do the Scrip tures say so ? What mean those passages just quoted ? Ah I rest assured they were fur ap plication to those who are "willing to be meas ured by the Jeffersonian standard." It was not necessary fur Mr. Africa, after this open declaration of his belief, to erect any new plank in his "Jeffersonian standard," by aiming a stab nt members of all religious do. nominations, in saying, "I do not don the invul• nerable garb of religion to hide my deformities and conceal my short-comings, and by its pure character ride into public favor." If there are such men, why, in the name of common .sense,i I not name them, if they interfer(with his elec tion ? Why insinuate that all members of re ligious denominations are hypocrites IA this the "Jeffersonian standard" of fair dealing We do not believe that the author of Mr. Af rice's standard himself, would acknowledge it, , although ho did insist on the impropriety of "calling in foreign aid" on an occasion where it was proposed opening a meeting with prayer. Is it just to charge the "shortcomings" of the few on the whole body ? IBut we have no more space for this subject, at present. Should it become necessary, we may advert to it again. We are perfectly wil ling to permit the people of this county with this evidence before them, to decide who "bears a lie upon his lips I" TUE .CANDIDATES, We think it due, not only to the party whose principles we advocate, but the honest portion , of our opponents, to place the candidates ask ing their suffrages, in their proper positiontr,be fore them. As to the ticket nominated by the People's County Convention, we have already , spoken. The men on it are honest and cape• ble, and we believe will receive a large major. ity. Let us, for a moment, compare candidates and platforms. For the Legislature, we have R. B. Wigton, Esq., and J. Simpson Africa, Esq., as candidates. This is an office, the du ties of which are responsible—the acts of the incumbent not only affecting the citizens of the county, but the whole State. The faithful man• ner in which Mr. Wigton has represented his constituents, is a sufficient guarantee for his future conduct, What are the influences which surround J. S. Africa? his qualifications ? his honesty to adhere to instructions? are questions which demand an investigation. He is pledged to receive, if elected, but five hundred dollars of the seven hundred, which the members are entitled to by law. Was Mr. Africa honest wlien he made that bid for the nomination ? It is asserted that at the very time he made it he slipped a resolution in his own hand-writing , into the hands of a member of the convention, to be offered, allowing him to take the full sal ary. As to the question of the repeal of the tonnage tax, there is no mistaking the positions of the candidates. Mr. Wigton belongs to a party which, to a man, favored the sale of the public works in order to deprive plunderers the facilities they afforded them to amass large for- , tunes at the expense of the taxpayers, and revel in luxury and dissipation to the disgust of a moral community. The selling of t hese works, has not abated this nuisance. The burthen is removed from the shoulders of the taxpayers and is now born by a corporation, it is true, but the tyrnnical, domineering, stealing prin. ciple, is still the same. If any portion of Mr. Africa's party is opposed to this Railroad Cor poration, it is because they do not find the trough long enough for them to feed at. The leaders and the majority of that party, howev er, arc the servants of the Corporation—many of whom bout the large amounts they made, and the power they are able to exercise. To this faction and to these men Africa belongs. Is it not very certain that Africa will ho con trolled by these men as was Dr. Houtz ? In the hands of such, is he deserving confidence. Before the close of this campaign, we shall give a full history If the plundorings of cer tain individuals ; of contracts on the Portage Road, Penn'a Canal, and Railroad, &c., and prove bow entirely Mr. Africa is controlled by these spoilers. In regard to the Sheriffalty, it is a well known fact, that the Locofoco candidate, G. W. Speer, has been brought forward by men who have 'axes to grind." Speculators who lerow they can use him for their own purposes, and in whose hands he would be a willing tool. He is known to be incompetent—front educa tion and principle—to discharge the duties of this office, to the satisfaction of the people.— But he suits speculators and should he he elect ' ed, will carry out their projecta better than one who has honesty and capacity to recommend him. Good Pay, Including Extras. At the close of the session of the legislature for 1858, J. Simpson Africa,Transeribing Clerk of the Senate, received for his services, the snug sum of $653 10, included in which are one hundred dollars extra, voted to him by the leg: islature, which he was not backward in receiv ing. At the close of the session of 1859 he received $657 10 for services in the same ca. pacity. There is also included in this, she sum of one hundred dollars extra. Tho two sessions gave him the sum of $l3lO 20. He does not seem to be much horrified at good pay, when he receives it himself. Ifs certain ly has no right to complain of Mr. Wigton tab. ing the salary fixed by a democratic Legisla. tore of which Dr. Houtz was a member, and for which the latter voted. District Attorney. The Union which has become another word for falsehood and misrepresentation, insists upon making Mr. Brown our next District Attorney over Mr. Mattern, on the plea that Mr. Matters "is no criminal lawyer." We presume that the able writer of that article will soon be constituted the solo member of the " examining committee." Such profound rev soiling and such powerful logic an he writes weekly is too .:reat for us. Mr. Matters, we are free to say, c ill fill that office much more satisfactorily thou the former gentleman. No person will deny that in ability, he is far the superior of Mr. Brown, and he will not be an officer who can be swayed by personal considerations. If the voters of the county wish an honest, capable and reliable man to fill thin office, we say vote for John W. Matters, A Word in Season, Last week we published J. Simpson Africa's card. We had in our previous issue asserted that some one on the ticket of our political ad versaries, did not believe in a God. For some good reason, Mr. Africa knew we meant him ; therefore his card. We should have been sat• isSed to let his answer remain as the only proof of the charge, if another card in the Globe and Union did not demand furtLer notice. In the letter which he published in his own party pa. pers, he has manifested more boldness and directness. The necessity for the two versions we do not now see. We are content that he shall have the advantage of both. We have however a word to say as to our position. It in wholly useless to detail all the idle gossip an to Mr. Africa's notions about the existence of a God. We wilt seek for noproof among the young men, whose minds have been poisoned by his itifidel errors. We have in our recollec• tion a single scene, that will satisfactorily show who and what we meant. In the days of dark lanterns and American success, political aspirants sought admission into the American Order. A candidate fo( admission knocked at its outside door and en d te red the ante-chamber. Before he could learn . its m yeleries, or be invested with its honors— his honor and integrity mutt be tested, and its forms demanded every candidate to answer this question: "Do you believe in a Supreme Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe, and that an obligation at this time taken, will be binding upon you through life ?" That candidate would not answer that ques tion. He would not say yes—and his case was taken before the Council, and "take him away," was his sentence. Another and another effort was made to get an answer to this question.— Zealous for admission, he declared his belief in a "Superior Intelligence," and was, at last, by equivocation got past this demon of the three. hold. He was admitted. How much he cared about his Superior Intelligence was evident by the way he treated his obligation. That candi date who refused to answer the above question was J. Simpson Afsica. Let him deny it if he dare. One question for our readers Will any bon est man, wlio acknowledges the true God as hie God, refuge to answer such a question any. where? We leave J. Simpson Africa to the bad eminence he has attained. AFRAID OF THE DOCUMENTS I—Wa'learn by telegraph from Washington that the Adminis tration has given orders that documents issued by the Republican National Committee, and mailed under the frank of Hon. John COVODF, and other Republican members of Congress, shall not be sent through the mails. The cowardly rascals I When it is remembered that the pimp of J. 8., the notorious Beef Bigler, and others of his stripe, have been fil ling the mails with documents of all kinds, suited to the taste of the powers that be, with out any interference, this outrage will have a double significance. Let them go on. There is a day of retribution approaching, when these gentry will feel the might that slumbers in a freeman's ballot I Tao KANSAS GOLD MINED, &c.—A special dispatch says that the express, with Denve.• City dates of the 24th ult., reached Leaven. worth on the 31st. The 'richness of the new diggings at the headquarters of the South Platte is confirmed, but the prospects of profit able mining were not flattering, in consequence of the distant location, the roughness of the roads, and the consequent difficulty of procu ring supplies. Four quarts grinders were in successful operation at Gregory Valley. The express bought a large quantity of gold dust. An Indian fight took place on the 13th ult., be tween the Brule, Sioux and Ponces. Eleven of the latter wore killed, and seven wounded. B Cc!! ANAN REPLIES TC DOUGLAS.-A. private dispatch to the NOW York Tribune says : " Mr. Buchanan is preparing an elaborate reply to the recent manifesto of Mr. Douglas on Squatter Sovereignty, and has sent to New York for Mr. James Gordon Bennett to aid him in putting the matter in the hest form for the public eye. It is on this business that Mr. Bennett has been closeted with the President daily, fur the last week. Mr. Brown, the clever ' gentlemanly editor of The Canal itution, has also been detained here on the same business, though he bad made arrangements for a brief visit to the North." It is not stated whether Mr. Becitanan will copyright his reply." pfd' We have three d.ys later news from Europe, by the Europa at Halifax. The Peace Conferences at Zurich had made some further progress, and would arrive at a successful con. .elusion early in September. Sardinia refuses to accept, even provisionally, the annexation of the Duchies, without consulting the other Powers, particularly France. The .Italians BIM retain a firm attitude for national indepen• dente. The affairs of the Duchies are to be treated directly between the Courts of Vienna and Paris. The Freud' and Austrian plenipe. tentiaries have regulated the matter o f Lom• hardy. Ber Later news has been received from the Rocky Mountain gold diggings. In Gregory's diggings some of the miners have penetrated Through a strata or sulphate of iron, finding rich dirt below. The gold discoveries on the Colorado prove to be remunerative. Indian depredations continue, and isolated parties of miners are frequently cut off. A political row has occurred in Leavenworth, Kansas, in consequence of a Democratic pro. cession attempting to pass through a Republi• I can meeting. One person was shot ; and several badly cut. iiiirWe have received two more copies of T. B. Peterson & Bros. cheap edition of the Waverly Novels—the "Heart of Mid•Lothian," and the "Fortunes of Nigel." Either of these books can be purchased for 25 cts. i or the whole series foe 25,00. Bend for these works, and get a cheap and good edition of Waverly. Mt. In Col. Wharton's letter, last week, we erroneously printed Auditor, for Coroner. It should hare read—"l am heartily satisfied with the ticket; from Mr. Wigton, down to Coroner." Too TONNAGE TAX QUESTION.—The case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to room , er the amount of Tonnage Tax due to the State and withhold by the Company, was argued in the Dauphin can't) , Court of 'Common Pleas last week, and resulted in favor of the State. Judge Pearson delivered an able opinion nn Thursday, instructing the jury that the tax was constitutional, and directing them to find for the Commonwealth the full amount claimed— over s9l,ooo—which was done accordingly. He held that the proper parties to contest the matter are those to whom the goods belong that are afficted by the tax on tonnage. The Com. puny having collected the tax, they were bound to pay it over to the State Treasury. RENEGADE YANKEES. —The Springfield Re. publican says: R. Barnwell Rhett, of South Carolina, the leader of the Nullifiers, was born in Massachusetts, and changed his name from Smith to please his rich father.in.law. Horace Maynard, of Tennessee. the uncompromising hater of the North, was born of poor parents at Westboro, graduated at Amherst, and went South to" teach school." Slidell, of Louisiana, was a Yankee, and Hammond, of South Caro. lina, was born of New England parents. In fact the moat outrageous Southern demo /goes were " raised" in the North, to adopt an Jc i, i f ° r e d s i s a i u o T n o o n o of editors,t lir present m os t home. e . of OlSr Northern origin, who think they can't be too hot to please the children of the sun. VERMONT Evea TRUE.—The annual 'elec. tion for State officers and members of the Legislature took place in Vermont last Tues. day. Hiland Hall, the present Governor, was voted for by the Republicans, and John G. Saxe, by the Democrats.—There was no min• soul interest manifested. According to the la• test accounts, the vote for Governor in 17 towns stands—for Hall, 12,814; for Saxe, 5123. The same towns last year gave Hall 11,405. and Keys 5168. Hall's gain, therefore, over last year's vote in these towns, is 1040. Returns trom 165 towns give the Republicans 144 Rep. resentatives, and 17 Democrats. Well done, Vermont NS. The Nashville Union ban received the entire vote of Tennessee, official and reported, the returns front thirty-two counties being un official. The fooling ions follows:—For Harris, 76,262; for Netherland, 68,156; Harris'.majori ty, 8103. The aggre:ate vote of this year reaches 144,421, being 13,436 larger than that of two years ngo, and 4606 larger than that cast in the Presidential election of 1856. Gov. Harris' vote is 5084 larger than it was two years ago, and 2624 larger than Buchanan's in 185 G, while Netherland's is only 1981 larger than Filmore's in 1856, though it is 8352 larger than Hatton's two years ago. 11V^The Locofocos, we see it stated, have organized a secret movement to get out their vote at the October election, and thus steal a march upon the Opposition. The only trouble is that the party is so far gone in a galloping consumption that it has not many votes to get out. Still it would be well for our friends to be prepared. Let us make it a point to poll every one of out. votes, and then the secret organi zation plan of the Locofoco politicians will be sure to fail in the accomplishment of its object. Star Of the seventeen Democratic candidates for the Legislature in Philadelphia, about one half, according to the Press, a Democratic or• gun, are ram sellers; of another, the Pass is gratified to say that there is uo chance of his election; of another. that "he is the same can. dilate who was defeated at the last election;" and of the District Attorney, that ho was our. ted some years ago "on account of alleged frauds in certain of the election districts."— Hopeful party. TRESPASSINO.—Abort five hundred illegal squatters are on the lands belonging to the Kaw Indians in Kansas. The subject of pre venting intrusion of this character, which ex tensively prevail, occupies the attention of the Commissioner cf Indian Affairs, who contem plates the initintion of such measures as will at least lesson if not altogether remove these abuses, so dangerous to peaceful relations with the Indians, and from which the United States are bound to protect them under existing trea ties. CAMP JUNIATA.—The work goes bravely on. .We learn that Gen. Patterson, of Philadelphia, the oldest Major General in the United States, with his staff; nod Gen. E. C. Williams and staff, of Uarrisburg, will be present as Review ing Officers. The famous brass cannon cap. tared at Cerro Gordo in Mexico will also be on the ground. The committee having the matter in charge are hard at work petf,cting arrange. meats to accomodate all that may come.— Lew iSiOW7i Gazelle. A MARBLE SARCOPHAGUS for the remains of llet.ry Clay, has just been completed in l'hila dolphin. It is designed for the monument now erecting in Lexington, Kentucky. It is cut from a solid block of marble of the shape of a coffin, and the interior is of sufficient size to admit the leaden case containing the re m3ins of the deported statesman. The out side of the sarcophagus is beautifully carved with appropriate emblems. Weir The Concord, N. H. Standard, says the Concord clique" are bold in their assertion that they will oppote any candidate nominated at Charleston for the Presidency, unless it be Douglas or Franklin Pierce. It is said that Mr. Pierce is quite confident that he or Doug. las will get the nomination, if things are shrewdly managed. FROST IN AUOUBT.-01.1r exchanges are already doleful with accounts of damage by frost seine of the cold nights of last week.— The greatest damage appears to have been in Wisoonsig, so far as wo have heard. Corn is nipped, bean leaves killed, buckwheat tops cut down, and in some cases tomato and cucumber vines done for. A REBUFF.—Barnum is said actually to have offered Mr. Spurgeon, the celebrated English Baptist preacher, $lO,OOO a year to come to America and make a lecturing tour. Mr. Spurgeon replied by writing simply "Acts xiii, 10," and sending it to Barnum. The verso reads thus. "0, full of subtlety and all mischief thou child of the devil, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord 1" larThe St. Joseph Free Democrat is out for a free•labor mass convention of all the anti• slavery men in Missouri. The object is to or. ganize a thorough Slate system, with State, county and other committees. If this convert. tion be held, slavery is not long for Missouri. Sir The County Tickets will be ready next week. MARRIED -o- On Tuesday Sept. 6th, by Rev. G. Van Arta dales, Mr. John Blair Moirow to Miss Hackie! Y. eldest daughter of James H. Rodgers, Esq, all of Blairs Mills, Huntingdon co., Pa. On the 30th ult., by S. Wright, Esq., Mr. J. Thomas Coder to Miss C athnrine S. Butngarte nor, all of Union township, Huntingdon Co. On the 30th ult., by Jambs E. Glasgow, Esq. in Scottsville, Mr. Isaac Ashton of Cassville Borough to. Miss Judia Maria Taylor of Case township, Huntingdon Co. DIED: In this borough, on the 9th inst., Mita, wife of Nicholas C. Decker, aged about 35 years. Nervous Diseases Controlled and Conquered. Of all the various ills that detract from the! enjoyment of human life, most -of them may be traced to a disordered condition of the nervous system. The horrors of Epilepsy, or Falling Sickness, arise in most cases from this cause. Our readers may remember, on several occa• Mons before, we have alluded to the wonderful cures, or modifications of Fits, made by the Vegptable Extract Epileptic Pills, invented and prepared by Dr. Seth S. Hance, of 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. IVe feel fully satisfied that these Pills have cared some of the most stubborn cases of Epilepsy, as well as the milder forme of Fits, such as severe Cramps, Spasms, hr. We now record the fact, that persons will find these Pills equally efficacious in curing every form of nervous debi lit) ;—no matter whether manifested in the acute and excruciating form of Neuralgia, Tic Dolomitic, or Nervous Headache, the misery of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, the sufferings of Rheumatism or Gout, the melancholy halluci• nation of depressed spirits or hysteria, their ef. fects will be equally happy and certain.— Persons in the country can write to the inven tor, and have the medicine forwarded to them by mail. The prices are, one box, $3; two boxes $5; twelve boxes $24; and sent to any part of the country, free of postage. Direct your communications to6writ S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. 0 . PHILADELPHIA, September 14. 1859. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $4 60(a15 00 11 Extra " " 6 2565 40 family " 6 60to G 50 Wheat—red, per bushel, I 15(ip, 20 11 White " 1 20@ , 31 Rye 72 Corn 80 Oats It 35 CI overseed $5 50Q3 25 per 64 pounds Timothy seed, $l,BO to 2 00 Flax, per bushel $1 70 New Advertisements H untingdon & Broad Top Railroad. Passenger Trains Arrive & Depart as Follows: MORNING TRAIN, Fof Hopewell and intermediate Stations, leaves at • - - - • 7 40 A. M. Returning arrives at Huntingdon at 12 33 P. M. EVENING TRAIN, For Saxton and intermediate Stations, leaves at • • - • - 5 00 P.M. Return ng arrives at Huntingdon at 8 311 " J. J. LAWRENCE, Huntingdon, Sept. 12. Superintendent. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Mercer - county, there will he exposed to sale et public auction on the premises, on Fri-lay, October 21st, 1859, at 12 o'clock, the following described real estate, viz: 156 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Mil'creek township, bounded on the North 'by land of Joseph Russell and others, East by land of Levi Milner, South by land of Beni. 'Thompson, and West by Burrows and Borland? late the property of Caleb Corbin, deceased. Termv—One.third in hand, and the balance in two equal annual payment; with interest From confirmation of sale. SAMUEL KERR, Administrator of a Corbin, dec'd. Mil(creek, September 14, 1859.—1 t. NOTICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS-- Five School Teachers Wooled,— The School Directors of Carbon township, will meet in Minersville School House, on Solar. day, September 24th, for the purpose of em• ploying teachers to take charge of the public schools of said township, for the coming win. tcr. A salary of 535 will be paid Ibr No. I certificates, in full; $3O for No. 2, and $25 for N 0.3 and under. No. 2. By order of President. C.W. MOORE, Sec. Coalnaont, Sept. 14th, 1859.-2 t. ESTATE OP J. A. HALL, DEC'D. Notice i s hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on tho estate of J. A. Hall, late of Huntingdon Borough, dec'd., have been duly granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate will make pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them, duly an• thenticated, for settlement. LUCINDA C. HALL, Administratrix. Huntingdon, Sept. 14th, 1859.—Gt. T ViL&MER le CO. I MARKET STREET WHARF, PHIL'A. Dealers in Fish, Cheese & Provisions; Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED AND PICKLED FISH, &e., viz: Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Bides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, 3:c. Sept. 14, 1859.-3 m. Gll.Ma7 Rant:l4,EN. Valuable Farm at Public Sale. Will be exposed to public sale, on the premis- Friday, the '2lst clay of October next, the valuable farm, known no the Bowman Farm, situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon coon• ty, one mile north of Burnt Cabins on tho pub lic road leading from thence to Huntingdon. This farm is well watered, with n never•failing Branch of Tuscarora Creek running through it, having thereon erected a large two story Dwelling House, double log barn, „ Tenant House, out buildings, &c. The farm contains about At 171 acres, 149 perches, and.loll. allowirice, portly limestone, with fine limestone quarries—of which, eighty acres are farm land and thirty meadow ; balance well timbered, with two extensive apple orchards—is admira bly adapted to raising stock•—and within a mile of a good market for grain and stock. _ Tiro situation is beautiful and on the line of the Sherman's Valley, or Pennsylvania Pacific Railroad, now being constructed, which is ex pected to be the groat line of communication between New York and the South West. The owners having removed to the West when young, are determined to sell. Atten- dance will be given and terms of sale made known on day of sale by NATHANIEL K. BOWMAN, SAMUEL E. BOWMAN, DAVID PORTER BOWMAN, Or by Jamison Kelly, their Attorney in fact. gigg-W. S. Morrow, tenant on the premises, or Jamison Kelly, Burnt Cabins, will give in formation of the premium. Aug. slat, 1809.-ta. New Advertisements. TAGGART & ARIVO IMPROVED : 41 ; v ' 4: : B'4 / ( :_ i _,Al ~.. a i hijrit,,,,sl Family Sewing Machines!' NO. IoN NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. These Machines were awarded the first pre miums at the Lancaster end Montgomery County Fairs (the only fairs at which they have been yet exhibited) in competition with the Wheeler & Wilson, Singer, and other ma chines, and are offered to the public with con— fidence as being the cheapest and hest ma chine in the market. They are none in exten sive use and have met the unqualified appro val of all who have tried them. They are strong and simple in construction, and are not liable to get out of order, as an examination will fully satisfy every. one. They will do as great a variety of work, do it as well and do as much of it as she high priced machines can do. FAMILIES, TAILORS & SEAMSTRESSES Will find these machines adapted to their wants. They will sew fine or henvy goods of every de scription with equal Vacility. For Quilting purposes they are unequalled. By n simple adjustment of the tension, u stieh is mad* which gathers beautifully. The stick is the Double Lock Stitch, strong and elastic, and will not unravel or draw Ole goods when washed. The thread is used from spools of arty size, as purchased at the stores, without re-winding. Instructions in operating the machines given to purchasers. Each machine is accompanied with directions, which are very explicit, and contain all the information necessary to 4. p crate successfully. TAGGART & PARR, No. 103, North Eighth Street, Phfin. ISirWe would refer to Gen. S. Miles Greeu, Barre Forges, and WM. BREWSTER, Agent. Sept. 7, 1859.-Iy. Huntingdon, Pa. TEACIIERS'EXAMIhATIONS. The undersigned will meet the teachers and school directors in their respective distriuta as indicated in the following table . : Carbon September 10, at Coalmont. Porter & Alexandria, Sept. 12, at Alexandria. West, September 13, at Petersburg. Walker, " 14, at MeConnellstown. Juniata'd, ffenderacM, Sept. 15, at Huntingdon Brady, September 16, at Mill Creek. Oneida, " 17 , at Donation . Shirley '& Shirleysbutg, Sept. 20, at ShirleysVg. Barree, September 22, at Manor Hill. Jackson, 23, at McAlavey's Fort. The hour for meeting at each of the above places, will be 9 o'clock, a. tn. Teachers are requested to be punctual. A. OWEN, September 7,1859.-3 t. . Co. Sept. 11359.-DEY GOODS FOR AUTUMN.-I BIS Full stoca of SILK GOODS, Full stock of STAPLE GOODS, Full stock of FANCY GOODS, Fashionable FALL SHAWLS, 65 -TLOTHS, CASSIMERS & VEST INGS, Blankets, .Quilts, Table Linens, j.c.,gfp EYRE & LANDELI, Fourth and Arch Ste., PIELAD'A. N. B.—Black Silks, Wholesale, at low rates. lEir Bargains Daily from New York Auctions. Sept. 7th, '59.-3tn. n RPH ANS' , COERT SALE. V VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NEAR HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. In pursuance of Orders of the Orphans' Court of the county of Huntingdon, the Tracts of Land, &c., hereinafter described, situate in said county, will he exposed to public solo on the premises, On Thursday, the 29th day of September, 1839; as the property of John Ker, late of said emit. ty, dec d., to wit : 1. All thartract marked (A) in the diagrams annexed to the return of the Inquest, contain. ing 237 acres and 130 perches, it being the Mansion Farm of said ilec'd. About one half of this tract is cleared and under cultivation; about 40 acres of which is meadow. Running water for cattle, &c., may be readily introduced into almost every field upon this farm. There are upon it a two story frame dwelling house, a large brick barn and other buildings. Also, a good apple orchard. 2. All that tract marked (C) in said diagram, containing 237 acres and 68 perches, and called the Moore Farm. Somewhat snore than half of this tract is cleared and under cultivation, a fair proportion of which is meadow. On ao• count of the nearness of these two farms to the borough of Huntingdon, and the large quanti• ty of meadow upon each, they would be well suited for grazing or stock farina. 3. All that tract marked (D) in said diagram, containing 185 acres and 132 perches ,• about one half of this tract is cleared and under col• tivation, and has ther2on erected, two tenant auses. 4. MI that tract marked (E) in said diagram, containing 214 acres and 87 perches; about 100 acres of this tract are cleared and under cultivation. No buildings thereon. 6. All that tract marked (G) in said diagram, containing 119 acres; woodland. 6. All that tract marked (K) in said diagram, containing 87 acres and 147 perches; wood• land. 7. All that tract marked (L) in said diagram, containing 148 acres and 83 perches; wood land. 8. All that tract marked (M) in said diagram, containing 117 acres and 147 perches; wood• land. 9. An undivided interest in Milnwood Acad emy, in Dublin tp., the extent of which interest will be made known on the day of sale. 10. All that tract marked (13Yin said diagram, containing 203 acres and 39 perches, and called the Leffard or Spring Douse Farm ; about one half of this tract is cleared, and has thereon a dwelling house, saw mill, and an excellent spring of water. To be sold as the real estate of Joshua W. Ker, deed., under his last Will. 11. All that tract marked in said diagram with letter (F), containing 170 acres and 124 perches, and called the Creek Farm ,• about 80 acres thereof are cleared, and a dwellinghouse I thereon erected ; the uncleared part of this tract is heavily timbered. To be Sold as the real estate of Henry Xer, dee'd., under his last Will. All these lands, except Milnwood, lie in one body near the borough of Huntingdon, and will be sold together or separately, so as to snit purchasers. TERMS.—One third of the put• chase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue to be payable, with inter est, at such times as may be agreed upon on the day of sale. The unpaid purchase money to be secured by Bonds and Mortgage, Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day. Attendance will be given by DAVID S. KER, Trustee. August hlst, 1859. sirßlanks of all kinds for sale at the Sent' nal office .