Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 07, 1859, Image 4

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Beritembur—and yer here skeeters ; well,
I bee been a lookin fur ye sum time since,
An a hopin that ye wouldn't cum
At all, but yer bein here
Won't keep me frum speakin out mi mind,
Fur i've g. t no respec furyer presents ye tarnal
Pests, wurs than the frogs that pla4ed Near,
And made him let the 'gyptions all go free ;
But that's a ole subgee.
Ye need'ut buzz roun an maids so much ado ,
For yur nuthin but a skeeter no how,
A cussed little thing, and a littler pit
When yer wan a wiggle tail.
Spose yer don't remember whar yer cum from.
Folks don't, ginerally, wen they git up a notch,
I don't no what yer made fur, no how,
Cept it was to keep the perlice awake ; well,
I spect that was it.
Sum sez yer sing, so due a hose,
The durndest singin out, if yer call it singin,
Yo can quit, or els ile own ive got no year
Fur muiick; if poits fund virtues in yer,
Skeeters, its morn i kin, i don't think yer
Performanall ever raise a angel to the skies,
Specially if I'm the angel.
Well yer a triky varmint after awl ;
Ye put me in mind of lawyers, bout as triky,
Yer always found inside a bar, reddy to
Run up a bill, au it keeps a feller sparrin
To keep yer off, be gits no sleap,
Yer make nits morale, and mornin
Nita, fines.
"A home to go to."-11G•s. Ellis,
Beautiful, inexpressibly oeautiful defini
tion, suggestive of gentleness, alleetton,
rest! Yes, rest and home.
Even I—l who have been a wanderer
all my life long—who have never had a
fireside all my own—mine to be sat by with
a:second self, dearer, if possible, than the
fireside—even I, lingering over that phase,
can scarcely reconcile myself to the fact
that I am not to some fond and faithful
heart that being to go home to.' Even I
can shut my eyes and dream a dream of
which that would be a blessed reality.
I can see a cottage which love has
made holy, nestling away in the sunny
summer leaves, where the golden glory of
sunset longest lingers, and the shadows
latest reach. I can see the gentle wife,
with her soft, sweet face g - izing out through
the open door, and down the lane to the
turnpike where he is momentarily expect
ed to appear. I can hear the hunt of chil
dren's voices, and feel the pressure of cool,
fresh hisses, which come only from child
hood's lips, I can read in the sudden
flashing of her eye that there is a step not
too far distant for her impatient ear to dis
tinguish; and now I can see him, that
impetuous, worldly man, leaving the world
he has • - atak,laßo ItiPi to...RPM ik
wife in his arms ; there are children clam
bering his knees for kisses ; there is peace,
quietude, home, all around him, and the
worldly man, with the dust of city life on
his spirit, with the knowledge of city
cares and city speculations teeming in his
brain, turns from them all to find rest and
repose in the little nook he has set apart
for love ! God bless hint, and God bless
her—imaginary though they are;
while I witness their perfect love and con
tent, I am remembering that I am still a
wanderer. A wanderer with the knowl
edge that, had fate been more propitious,
I, too, might have had my loving heart,
my sunny home, and my loving children.
But fate was inexorable. and where all this
happiness might have been, lies stark and
bare before me the panorama of two wast
ed lives. God help us all; we are not the
architects of our own destiny, let moralists
say what they will.
I know that the world is full of homes
that are no homes, of wives upon whose
artificial hearts no true husband could cull
for sympathy, or mothers upon whose bare,
jeweled necks there is no room for child
hood's fondling arms. I knew all this, yet
I cannot realize that it is ao ! Love seems
to me so sacred, marriage so holy a tie,
that man or woman's life should not be
complete without it. Not the wild, fierce,
persistent love which burns itself out in its
own Ere—not the marriage of circumstance
tar convenience to which so many lives are
devoted, but the pure, true, lasting love—
the wedding of souls that have grown in•
dissolubly to each other—the uniting of
hearts that neither time, nor, distance, nor
misfortune can effect—a union of soul,
sense, and spirit, sure as death, and lasting
as eternity. Pitiful, oh, most pitiful, that
there are no more such unions !
A being to go home to!' Only the
heart of man can tell how truly, in every
life, such a being is needed. No matter
how self-centered, or preoccupied, no tune.
ter how burdened down with the cares and
perplexities of life, there come yearnings
for that rapturous, human love, dreamiogs
of fond lips and warm, loving arms, and
anticipations of a time to come when one
heart, out of the great wilderness of hearts
shall best for him, and him alone.
Lucky for him who, admits the unreal
and artificial glare of life, gathers to his
bosom this pearl of greatest price. Lucky
for him who, when the tempest of care
and worldly responsibility rage most fierce
ly, can feel that when the tiresome toil is
over, and the der is done, he has' a being
to go home to,' who can minister to his
comfort and sympathize with his cares.—
The man who has a wife that he truly loves,
and a wife who truly loves him, can make
up his tr.ind that he has anticipated the
nrillenium, and commenced his paradise
on earth.
air To learn to read the following, so as
So make good sense is the mystery :
I thee read see that tne.
Love is down will I'll have
But that and you have you'll
One and up and you if
COP An exchange tells us that a physician in
Louisville, Ky., has made the discovery that
by living principally on buttermilk a human
being may prolong life to the period of 200
Flurra for buttermilk
enovEß a 13111tri'$
t „.....,...,
~..T. ,111::4=,*
. -]!--i;-:„ :v -..
ALSO, st large tot of dress Trimmings, Fria
- gas, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids,
05 Broadway, N. Y. 7 80 Chestnut St, Phila. : Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops. Skirt Cord, Silk
and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock,
These Machines sew from two spools. es par- Zephyr, French
. Working Cotton, Linen and
chased from the store, requiring no re - w i nding I :: rr es ' ijt! ' assortment of Col
of thread ; they Hem, Fell, Gather and Stitch ars, „„ d ti n d ors i ce y e , i n b ows , Thirod and
in a superior style, finishing each seam by dud Plain Jaconet, Molt Muslin,aSwiss. Plain, Fig
own operation, without recourse to the hand- urea, Skirt Beltt; Marseille for Cape, ,, , and n
needle, as is required by other machines. They
r'ety of white goods too numerous to teen
will do better and cheaper sewing titan a seam-Ilion'Spring and Thibit Shawls, White Detains for
stress can, even if she works for ono cent anCapes Mantillas, &c.
Ihour, and are, unquestionably, the best Ma- Also, Clutha, Cassitners, Cassinets, Tweeds,
chines in the market for family sewing, on ac-
Picket,, Tahle Flunucls, &c,
count or their simplicity, durability, ease of I Also, a large lot of bonnets,Flat, Hats, &e.
management, and adaptation to all varieties of roots and ; shoos ; the largest and rhea
Gamily sewing—executing either heavy or fine l'pest avartment in town.
•work with equal facility, and without special EC .a. aDV7 ,II It 0 , QUM.T37.3S
adjustment. I VT.EL/tlll, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns,
hotter Bowls, Brooms :Brushes &e. Carps Is,
As evidence of the unquestioned superiority I
Cloths, Fists a'ad Salt, 'Sisgar, Cathie,
of their Machines, the GROTE. & BAKER SEW- Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
tva MACIIINE COMPANY beg leave to respectful- country Store.
ly refer to the following My old customers, and as many new oat* as
can crowd in are respectfully.requestetilo come
'TESTIMONIALS. and examine my goods.
"Having had one of Grover & Baker's Ma- All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
chines in my family for nearly a y e ar and a baltchange fur goods, at the highest market prices.
I take pleasure its commending it as every way I DAVID I'. G WIN.
reliable the the purpose for which it is designed
—Family Swing."—.3/rs. Joshua Leavitt, wife
of Rev. Ur. Leavitt, Editor of V. Y Independent.
•'I confess myself delighted with your Serving
Machin% which has been in my Mmily for ma
months. It has always been ready fur duty,
rerinirin; no adjustment, and is easily adapted
to every variety of family sewing, by simply
allowing the spools of throad."—Mrs. Elizabeth
Strickland, rife of Rev. Dr. Strichland, Editor of
Y Christian Advocate.
"After trying several different good machines,
I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity,
and the perfect ease with which it is managed,
as well as the strength and durability of the
seam, After long experience, I feel competent
to speak in this manner, and to confidently re
commend it for every variety of family sewing."
—Mrs. E. B. Spooner, offs of the Editor o/ Brook
lyn Star.
"I have usedea Grover & Baker Sowing Ma
chine for ton years, and have found it adapted
to all kinds of family sea ng, from Cambric to
Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out
without the giving way of a stitch. The Ma
chine is easily kept In order, and is easily tt,ed."
—Mrs. A. B. Whipple, wife of tier. Geo. )17.4.,
A'ew York.
"Your Sewing Machine has been in use in
my family the past two years, and the ladies
request me to give you their testimonials to its
perfect adaptedness, as well as labor-saving
qualities. in ,he performance of family and
household sewing."—Robert Boorman, N. Y.
"For several months we have Grover & Ba
ker's Sewing Machine, end have come to the
conclusion that every lady who desires tier sow
ing beunqully and quickly done, would be most
and indefatlgeble 'iron needle-women,' whose
combined qualities of beanty, strengt and simpli
city, are invaluable,"—.T. IV. Morris, daughter of
Gen. Geo. P. Morris, Editor• of Borne Joural.
Extract of a letter from Thos. R. Leavitt, an
American gentleman, now resident in Sydney,
New South Wales, dated I:urinary 12, 18?18 :
"I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in
which there were over three thousend pints of
sewing done with one of Grover &Baker's Ma
chines, and a single seam of that has outstootl
all the double seams sewed by sailors with a nee
dle and twine,"
"If Homer could be called up from his mur
ky Mules, he would sing the advent of Grover
& Bicker as a more benignant, miracle of art
than was ever Vulcan's smith. He would de
nounce midnight shirt-making es 'the direful
spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof. North.
"I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines hove more then sus
my expectation, After trying and retur
ning others, I have three of them in operation
in my different places, and, after four years'
trial, have no fault to find,"—J. U. Ilammond,
Senator of South Carolina.
"My wile has had one of Grover & Baker's
Family Sewing Machines for some time, and I
am satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving
machnes that has been invented. I take mach
pleasure in recommonding it to the public."—
J. G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee.
"It is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody
into en excitement of good humor. Were 7 a
Catholic I should insist upon Saints Grover and
Baker having an eternal holiday iu commemo
ration of their good deeds for humanity.—Cas
sius AL Clay.
"I think it by far the best patent in use. This
Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric
to the heaviest casmmere. It sews stronger,
faster and more beautifully than me can ima
gine. If mine could not he replaced, money
could not buy it."-31rs. J. G. Brown, Nash
ville, Tenn.
"It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its
work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I
earnestly recommend this 'Machine to all my ac
quaintances and others."—Mrs. .1/, Forrest,
Memphis, Tenn.
"We find this machine to work to our satis
faction, and with pleasure recommend it to the
public, as we believe Grover & Baker to be the
best Sewing Machine iu use."—Leary Brothers,
illlisonia, Ten,.
"If used exclusively for family purposes, with
ordinary care, I will wager they will last one
'three score yearn and ten,' and never get out
of fix."—John Erskine, Nashville, Tenn.
"I have had your machine for several weeks,
and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does
is the best and most beau tiful that ever was.—
Maggie Airaison, Nashville, Terns.
"I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking,
and fine linen stitching, and the work is admi
rable—far better than the best hand-sewing, or
any other machine I have over seen."--Lucy
a Thompson, Nashville, Tenn
"I find the work the strongest and most beau
tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or
machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma
chine an one of the greatest blessiugs to ode
sex."—Mrs. Taylor, Nashville, Than.
"I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma
chines in use in my family, and find it invalua
ble. I can confidently recommend it to all per
sons in want of a machine."—G. I'. Thompson,
Nashville. Tenn.
"I take pleasure In celtifying to the utility of
the Grover & Buker Sewing Machines. I hare
used one on almost every description of work
for months, and find it much stronger than work
done by band."—Jlrs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville
"I would be unwilling to dispose of my Gro
ver & Baker Machina for a large amount, could
I not replace it again at pleasure."—Mrs.
Scovel, Nashville Tenn.
"Our two Machines, purchased from you, do
the work of twenty young ladies. We with
pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker ma
chine to be the best in nee."—N. Stillman J- Co.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
D. P. Gwin hes just retoend from Philndol•
tibia with the largest and most beautiful as•
sortment of
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
. .
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goode
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
and nom All Wool de Lulus, (all colors)
Spring li e jninas, Challis Detains. Burages. (all
colors) Lt well Cloth, Dobai., Alpacca, Pop.
grin ed Borages,l3rilliants, plain and fig
ured. Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every de
scription. . . . . .
April 21, ISSB,
The V , :ay to Save Money!
FROM JAS. A. BitowN,
Fituu JAS. A. BilowN,
exceeds all others in importance.
lst. Because it supplies THE PEOPLR with
indespensable articles and many useful inven
tions, which ens he found only in a HARD
2nd. The subscriber purchnsing in large
quantities from manufacturers, is enabled to
sell thes e goods from
20 Io 100 . per cent cheaper:
that: they ore sold by other merchuti . ts.
Ills stork includes u complete varizty of
Together with a fall assortment of everything
pertaining tc his line of business.
All orders receive prompt attention.
nuntingdon, Oct. Gth, 1858.
n the "Globe" Office Building, Market Square
The subscriber respectfully informithe
zens of Huntingdon and adjoinint; c mnbes,
that he has opened a New Book. and Stationery
Store, in the corner room of the "Globe" buil
ding, where may be found a general assort
meat of Miscellaneous and School Books and
Stationery, all of which he will eel! at reason
able prices. He will add to his stock •aceltly
all Books and articles in demand, and expects
in a short time to hare on band as full a stock
r f saleable Books, Stationery, ese., as can be
found in any town in the State.
Having made the necessary arrangements
with publishers, any Book wanted and not up
on his shelves, will be ordered and furnish.] at
city prices.. . .
Ai ho desires to do a lively business with
small profits, a liberal share of patronage is
D0c.22,',58 , 11. WM. LEWIS.
A New Assortment Just Opened
And will be sold 30 por sent..
LT ROMAN respectfully informs his eusto-
AA. mots and the public generally, that he has
just opened at his stare-room in Market Square-
Huntingdon, a splendid now stock of Mundy
made _ _
Clothing for Fall and Ifinter,
which he will sell cheaper than the same quality
of Goods can be purchased at retail in Phlludel
phia or eny other establishment in the country.
Personsoi.biuq to buy Clothing would do
well to cull and examine his stock before' archa
sing elsewhere. Also,
Hats, Caps,
which will be sold lower than at any other es
tablishment in the county.
Huntingdon, April 1. 1858.
New Drug and Grocery Store,
SAMUEL S. SMITH, Ilill' St., 2 doors west
of Montgomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in
Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints Varnish
es, Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wino
and Brandy of the best article fohnedicel pus
peses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, G lass
Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho
colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt
Flour, Crake., Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisies,
Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds fur sum
mer drinks, in a word every thing usually kept
in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire
pure and Genuine articles will) do well by •
giving us a call.
Sept. 29, 1898.-1 y.
THE suhseniber Las commenced the GUN.
slums c business at Pino Grove, Con•
tre county, where he is prepared to manufacture
tind repair Gnus and Pistols of every &scrip.
tion, with neatness and dispatch.
He will also attend to repairing CLOCKS.
Prices to suit the times.
Dec. 22, 1858.—tf. JOHN H. JACOBS.
x`sooo AGENTS WANTED—To sell 4 new
invoutions. Agents have made over $25,000
on one,—better than all other similar agencies.
Send four stamps and get 80 pages particulars,
gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Naas.
rrFIE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
Mill, infprm farmers and the public general.
ly, that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water wheels and machinery.
They have put in five of the Improved Jon
val Turbine Water Wheels, and ears grinding
ell stages of the water, and during the est
weather, any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand.
for sale at all times. at market rat., all kind of
and farmers can have their own grain ground,
and take it bock in a retorts load, or they can
be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop.
pad teed.
is of an improved manuliteturm and they ail
insure a FUI.I, TURN OUT of superior qu all
ty to every bushel of grain left at their tun.
N. B.—The Buckwheat atones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 1856.
nunthigdou ric9l Found-y
o •
thod of informing their !Timis and the pub
lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful op
eration, and era prepared to furnish casting of
all kinds, of the beat quality on the shortest no
tice and most reasonable terms.
Farmers are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We are umnuliteturing the Hamer
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Iluntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't he beat, together with the Keystone, hill
side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and office tooves for coal cr wood.
r.0."7..MC (Alin
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will be sold cheap for cash or in ex
change for country produce. Old metal taken
for now castings. By a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a
share of public patronage.
April 30, 1856.—tf.
Cho.mbersburg to Mt, Union
gilt° undersigned ewers that a suspension°
the line of Stages over the road between
Clmmhersburg and lilt, Union, cannot be but
disatirantageous to a large section of the coun
try, has, at a considerable expense and trouble
made arrangements to run a line of Stages
Tri-week ly between the two points Good
Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla
ced on the route, and experienced and trusty
drivers will superintend the running of the
Conches. The promieterof the line is disirons
that it be maintained, and ho therefore colts '
upon the public generally to patronize it. et fi
dent that it will he for their mutual advents 1.
Every attention necessary will be given, P I
the running of the Stages will be regular.
dv "urges coca 11,, : - pion, ovary Tu 41n)
Thuystlity, 111141 Satioday evenings, nrri og at
Chambersburg the next tiny at 2 &clue .. Re
turr,ing, I cave • Chambersh urg, the no o night
at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt, Union be next
evening in time foe the curs. Iletwe, Mt, Un
ion and Shade Gap the line will be tinily.
Sj ° Fore through $3 ; to intermediate points
in proportion. JOHN JAMIBON.
!• Jnn. 20th, 1855.—tt
04 ne. A. liatchelore Hair Dye tt
The Original and Best in the World !
All others are mere imitntion, and should
ho avoided. if vou wish to escape ridicule.
stnntly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or
Black, without the least injury to Hnir or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a•
warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1039, and
over 80,000 applications have been made to
the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
duces a color net to be distinguished from nit.
Lure, nod is wnrrunted not to injure in the least
however long it cony be continued, and the ill
effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the llt it
vigorntedfor life by this splendid I)ye.
Made, tit ld or applied (in 9 private rooms)
at the Whig Factory, 23) Broadway, New
York. So'd in 01l cities and towns of the Uui•
ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Geods
zer. The Genuine has the name and whims
upon a steel plate en,raving on four Bidet of
each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR,
2:i3 Broadway, Now York.
John Rend, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. 17, '5B-Iy.
The Warm Springs at the base of Warrior'.
Ridge, live m .les north of II tint ingdon , overlook
ing Standing Stone Creel, and environed by ro
mantic hills and woodlands, have been leaned
by the former proprietor of the Loaner House.
The extensive Hotel buildings, bath homes,
&c., erected at great expence by General A P.
Wilson, have been completed—and the groves
have been beautifully laid out and adorned.—
The lintel parlors and chambers airy and com
fortably tarnished; and the prospers, from the
verandahs for heituty, cannot be excelled.
For half a century, these Springs have been
celebrated fur their medicinal qualities, and the
great nature of rite waters in rheumatic and chro
nic affections. The temperature of the water
being 69i degrees, renders the bathing delight.
NI and invigorating. In the surrounding woods
and mountains, game abounds, anti the finest
fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persons in pur
suit of health or pleasure, will find this a mast
delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness
to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness
of the rams charged guests, give it a decided
advantage over any other watering place in the
The Proprietor has hail years of experience in
the business and nu pains or trouble twill be spa.
red to multi: guests comfortable.
!lacks run from lluntingdon to Warm Springs
on the arrival of the different Railroad ttains—
iltre 25 cents. Families accommodated ot Itin
erate terms. JOHN It. GERD,
Warm Springs near Proprietor.
Huntingdon, Juno sth
Mail T. I Fast T.—Ex. T.
Trainleaves A. M. P. M. A. U.
Petersburg, 8.58 10.29 2.29
Huntingdon, 9.13 10.45 2.42
Mill Creek, 9.24 10.55 2.52
Mt Union, 9.39 11.09 3.05
'I a tINS Goma West.
Train leaves P. IL A. M P. B 1
Mt. Union, 4.26 6.96 6,10
Mill Creek 4.41 6.496.23
Huntingdon, 4.55 7.n 6.35
Petersburg, 5,11 7.11 6.47
gke The Passenger train on the H. Si B. T.
railroad leaves Huntingdon as follows
T 30 A. M. 3 P. M.
Iron City Comm ercial College.
300 Students attending January 1858.
NON the largest and most thorough Com
mercial School of the United States.—
Young men prepared for actual duties of the
Counting yoom.
J. C. - SMITH, A. M. Prof. of Book-keep
ing and Science of Accounts.
A. T. 'I)ouTiETT, ...reacher of Arithmetic
end Commerciatleulatiom
J. A. licyourcu and T. C. Jummes, Teach
ers of Book-keeping.
A. COWLEY nod W. A. MILLER, Profs. of
As used in every deportment of business.
Are taught, and nil other subjei ts necessary
for the success and thorough education of a
practical business matt.
12 lb/LEMMA/3.
Drawn ell the premiums in fittunurgh for
the past three years, also in Eastern and Wes
tern Cites,
for the best Writing,
Important Information.
Students enter at any time—No vacation—
Time unlimited—Review at pleesure—Grada
ates assisted in obtaining site Lions—Tuition
for Full Commercial course s3s,oo—Average
time 8 to 12 week—Board, $2.60 per week—
Stationary, s6.oo—ontire cost, $60.00 to $70.-
Ministers' Sans received at half price.
1 - or Card—Circular—Specimens of Business
and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps
and address F. W. JENKINS,
Sept. 29, 1858.-Iy. Pittslinrgh, Pa
64 .UCCI,.ti r itB211"
UfQM C} 1 .27 , 'N'1C3311.
Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" Or
fice et the late County FAIR, for.the best
a4:a 0 y ,inz All A Ail 0
, orcrvlrt , Y1'.111717,
Having rt . •_ edy received from the Eustern
Cities, a
and a large rariely of the most fir4hionable
Printing Material, which makes it one of the
most complete Printing Establishments in this
section, l'ersons in want of any kind of
PY' . :LYN 01
work, cannot do better than favor us with
their patronage. We have facilities for exec&
tine. inn superior manner any kind of
on the most reasonable terms. Those who
may wish to obtain any style of
can he accommodated at this establishment at
short notice.
CARDS, &c., &c .,
will be futnihed promptly, executed M be
beat style and at reasonable rates.
bar:Orders by express, mail or otherwise,
will receive immediate attention.
This gallery of Art is now open for public
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes, Cry+
talographs, Photographs, Circular and Star
Pictures, also, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta
ken on the Pictures—letters of different colors.
Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or
Particular attention paid to taking pictures
of Children. Time, from one to four seconds.
Perfect satisfactiongiver., or persons are not
expected to take their pictures.
Pictures taken from sick or deceased persons
at their residences. Copies taken from Da
guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of resi
dences, &o.
Ludes and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine specimens. Pictures taken as
well in cloudy as fair weather.
How often do we hear the exclamation, when
persons aro looking at Portraits—"l would not
value any sum if I could procure the Portraits
of my parents—or deceased children !" Ren
der, if you aro gifted with this ennobling feel.
ing of unity, you have an opportunity to grati
fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits,
which, it is known, will not jade.
terThose that wish to learn this beautiful
art can call ans see W.F. Thomas, from Phila.
Prices from 50 ceuta upwards.
LE subscriber respectfully announces to his
friends and the public generally, that he has
lensed that old and well establishep TAvrust
STAND,, known as the Huntingdon
House, on the cornet of Hill and Charles
Street, in the Borough of Hunting-I
don. If a
110 has recently put the house through a thoro
ugh course of repairs, and is now equal to any in
11;; TABLE will always be stored with the
best a, ,eason ma afford, to suit tho tastes
and ar, '129 of his guests.
kiss will always be filled with Choice Li
quors, and HIS STAII{4: always attended by care
fill and soon tiro Ostlers.
Cs'lle hopes by strict attention to business
and a spirit of accomodat ion, to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
Sept. 15,1858-Iy. I..IIIcATEER.
surpass all. They are elegant. light, easy
and durable.
Fitting to a charm—no turn up behind—no
shrinking off the head ; indeed, this is the only
Establishment where these things are proper.
ly upderstood and made.
Nov. 17, 'sB.—ly. 233 Broadway, N. Y.
iiiir 1000 AGENTS WANTED.—For portico
tars send stamp. C. P. WHITTEN,
Mar. 23. '59. 6m* Lowell, Mass.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
A Perfect Substitute
when the undersigned, after a long series of ster THE BLOOD SEARCHER
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters 11! se- TO PRODUCE ITS EQUAL I
laborious anti costly experiments, became fully IifarOLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT
confirmed in his conviction, that the A ntiphlo-
Sworn statement of David McCreary, of Na
gistic Salt which he now lons the happiness to
pier Township, Bedford county,
present to the American pudic, was it
PERFECT SUBSTITUTE In April, 1856, as near as I can rememember
for Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters,
mind was so agitated that he could not sleep fat' I Mil' , 'TO r n i t rees ° su ,: s lar a g,V e Z er ly: 9 *
his , a small pimple matte its appearance on my op
many nights. ' The cause of his agitation was "ned I t l enTt - eff (j ect. Fisiding the Sore extend--
the striking tact, that the mantle( of its operation ; ritr. l o '
ha sabsfaeforialy . explained upon any knowril pronounced it C.ANC.hII, and prescribed a wash
po s ,ltices. Finding
like that of the virus in vaccination, could not
_I ing I ealled 011 Dr. Ely, of Schellsberg, who
principle. How, in what way, it so effectually ;of sugar of lead and itiVul
subdued Inflammatory Disease and no others,
I these remedies of no avail, I galled non Dr.
was at first wholly inexplieroble—but, on further Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset cortign wad experiment, it was proved that it equalizer the also pronounced the disease Cancer and gavi
fluids ol the body, the want of an equolibrinm in me internal and external remedies—the latter
which, is she sole cause of inflammation. Such consisting principally of caustic ; but all to no ,
is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, ;:it purpose, no the disease continued spreading to
requires merely wet adheres to the point of a quill word the nose. I next used a preparation of for
dipped into a solution of it, to effort the entire sonic, in the form of salve. This fbr a time
system—hoot must he instantly steed to prevent checked the disease, tut the inflammation soon
decomposition and secure its fu 11 virtue. Throe increased. I next called upon Dr. Starter of St.
quills in acute, and two in chronic diseases, Cleirsville, Bedford county, who also pronoun
every 24 hours, till the heat, pain and febrile no- ,
cod the disease to be Cancer, and npplied a ao
Sion have subsided, and a perfect cure ellbeted. aid to be a never-failing remedy, but it ba S d
n lvo
When it takes the place of blisters, ointment i effect whatever in checking the spread of the
end leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever, I sore. In December, of the same year, the dis-
Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, Sze. its mode of ease had oaten away a greater part of my upper
administration it two-fold. (See directiin of dis- lip, and hail attacked the nose, when I went to
solving. &c.) Cincinnati where I consulted Dr. R. S. Newton
The discoverer has withheld it from the pub. ,of the Eleetic Medical College. Ile pronoun
lie t ill now , by the advice o f a judici ousphysi•eed the disease "a cutaneous Cancer, superin
cian and valuable friend whom he consulted— slimed by an inordinate use of mercury." Ha
a gentlemen known and felt in the meeical applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me inter
world—and who desired to submit it to the test nal remedies. My face healed up, but the in
ofexperiment. After witnessing under his own 'lamination wits not thoroughly removed, In
scrutinizing rye, its signal triumph over both February, 1857, he pronounced me cured, and
acute and chronic infienimatery diseases, in r e. I left for home. In April the disease again re
peated end re-repeated trials, he offered $26,- turned, and so violent was the pain that l could
coo to come in es a special and equal partner in not rest tot night. Late in May I returned to
the Recipe for its manufacture, but the prop.- Cincinnati. and again placed myself under the
sal was rejected. charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained
The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de- ulna September, daring which time ho used
mantled both by humanity by humanity a n d j every known remedy, mind partly succeeded in
science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that checking the disease, but when I returned
a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood) j home then were still three discharging ulcers
will cease to boil, by dipping oat ama of it— j upon my face. I continued using Newton's
or a cask of had eider (had blood,' be rondo j preparations, and also medicine that 1 got from
good, by drawing a portion of ill Is it not a Dr. Ely, bat the Cancer continued grooving un
mistake, to suppose that blisters:and rubefaeients ail it had eaten off the left side of ni • nose, the
will remove inflammation, when they virtually greater portion of my left cheek, and had attack
superadd one inflammation to another ? The eat my left eye, Ituul given up all lime ofov
late Dr. B. Waterhouse, of Harvard Uthversi. er being cured, since Dr. Ely said he could only
ty, said "I am sick of learned qrsacker ll ,, , o n o give relief; but that a cure was impossible. I n
of' the most eminent physicians In New England ' March, 1858. I bought a bottle of "Blood Sear
acknowledged just before his death, that "he cher," but I must confess I had no faith in it.
hits b een iio„hii„g fo r many years, „ et h er w oo d. I was very weal( what I commenced taking it;
letting and blisters did not anvarate rather Lot I found that I gained strength day by day,
than arrest disease." Some who stand awl also that the ulcers cotrunencod drying up.
hi g h i n she Old mind New school, have gst is e l continued, and when the third bottle Was ta
eently espoused his views and now openly eon- j ken my taco was healed as if by a miracle. I
fees, they believe the Inn ,et, scums leeches and used a fourth bottle and I have beets healthier
blisters injure ten where they benefit one— , since than I have been for the last seven years.
They think there is a meaning to Dent. 12, ssa Although my face is sadly disfigured. lam still
—Den. 9, 4— n n i m ov i t . 17, "THE grateful to a benign Providence who has spared
'moon is Tan LIFE." It is not the excess of my life, and which has been done through the
blood (there never is ton much) that causes di. • instrumentalsty of LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD
xenon, but the want of a balance between the SEAffeff... DAVID Mo C REA RY.
floods and solids. I Sworn mid subscribes!. this 91st day of Au
_ _ .
The special excel:dice of the Antiphlogistic
Salt, is that without the useless loss of blood
and strength, it effectually subdued inflannuato
ry disease:, (no others) by producing an equili
brium of all the fluids in the body and a rouse
(went uninterrupted circulation. It exerts, like
the vaccine matter, and extraordinary influence
over the viens and arieries—result ing in a grad
ual decline of inflammation as indicated by the
pulse, which assumes its natural state as the
heat, pain ans fever dissappear.
1W" Many medicines offered for sale, are
backed by doulitMl certificates, (their choif vir
tue) and claim to be universal remidies, curio;;
all tnalidies—a burlesque on common sense;
As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests
against having It placed in the eategcry et
frauds and impotitiow. he has resolved that it
shall go feral to the world, like the pure gold
dollar with no other passport than its true val
ue. if the public find it genuine, they will re
ceive it—if spurious, they will reject and con
demn it. Instead of being 0 panacea for all ills,
it has control over but one 111,—has but one aim
—accomplishes but one thing, to wit SUBDUES
INFLAMMATOHT DlSEASE—whatever be its form
or locality—wother in she bead, throat chest ab
domen, extremities or skin. It is asked, hour
it does this?—simply by restoring the lost bal
ance between the fluids and solid,
The litilowing tlillerent /ems which the un
balanced fluids assume, and many not here men
tioned that hare more or less heat, pain or fever
(no others)are as perfectly cured by the Anti
phlogist le Salt, as tire is extinguished by water.
1. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
the HEAD and THROAT-40 wit Brain Erver,
/its, lhadade, Inflemmed Eyes, Eara and Nose,
Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Catarrh. Croup,
Bronchitis, Sre.
2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
the CHEST and Annomxtr—to wit; Inflamed
Longs and Lircr, Colic, Pleurisy, Coughs, Dysin p.
ssa, Asthma, Dropsy, heartburn, Gravel Piles,
Gonorrhea, Venereal, ere.
3. Case's where the unbalanced fluids effect
the EXT.MITIES and SKIN—to wit; N.M.
limn, Gout, Scrrilida, Ulcers, Chilbains,L'hilbains,
Chicken and Small Pox, Salt Rheum, with itch
ing and other Cutaneous Affections, &c.
This Salt greatly allevintes the intlimmatory
pains pecular to married lathes, (hder° and at
the time of confinement) and many female com
plaints, and is very eflicatious in Fever, Ague,
Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections and
anyother forms of (mark this)intlammatory di
sease, attended wtth heat, pain or febrile symp
Persons who have' a tendency of blood
to the bead nr heart, or lend inactive lives, or
breath the impure air of manufactories and the
poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or file
is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a panic
liar vitiation of tilt fluids of the body, which one
dose without interforeing with the diet or husi •
floss, once in threw months, would invariably
proven,. It is belcivod to afford protection from
infectious: disease, and therefore travellers,
sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves
with it.
itir While many nostrum-makers victimize
the good natured and pill-ridden public, uy or
dering "from six to a dozen boxes of bottles,
to rule any malady." no matter what—the un
dersigned is happy in being able to state, that
the severest forms of recent inflammatory di
sease, was over come by one Acute package,
and the most obstinate and long standiug by
one Chrenie package. It does just what it
claims to do—and no more, or less—equalises
the fluids by removing from the system all ar
terial and venous obstruei 3ns.
Cr Pleas lot your neighbors read this.
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel
S. Smith, &Co.' Duutingdon, Pa.
Feb. 16th 1859.
Green Willow Foundry.
I WOULD respectfully inform the public that
I have commenced business at the above
place, and will be ready to accomodate all who
may want anything in my line I
will hove on hand or make to order Threshing
Machines, and all other machinery that may be
called for. Castings of every description, Cook
and Parlor Stoves, Plows, }follow-ware, &e.—
All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and
Blacksinithing will ho done in the best manner
and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers
and others wishing to purchase new machines
will find it to their advantage to give me a call.
All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange
at market prices. PETER TIPPEItY.
Waterstreet, Oct. 13, 1858.-ly.
tising Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York, &
10 State St., Boston. S. B. Pettengill & Co.
aro the Agents for the "Joutmar." and the most
influential and largest circulating Nowspaings
in the United States and the Canadas. They
are authorized to contract for us at our lowes
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
I gust, A. D. 1858, before me, one of tliti.histTes
of the Peace in and for the Borough of Holliday.-
burg, Blair county Pa.
' Witness— U J Jones. JOHN GOBLET.
Being afflicted with a grovious Tettor on the
arms and face—after trying many remedies
which utterly failed to cure—l was persuaded
I.y W. lit. Barris & Co. to try Lindsev's Lupo
red Blood Searcher ; and now, six-wheks after
finishing the a cond bottle, pronounce usysel
The totter broke out, something over a year
ago, on the inside of my arms, extending from
the elbows down to the wrists; also on my face,
immediately ro und the mouth and chin, and cos
tiued to he a perfect torment to me untill cared by
the Blood Searcher. My arms, at times, wore
utmost awe less, owing to tho cracks and sores
on them, liable to bleed at any time on the
least exertion to lilt or work,. and sometimes
so itchy that I could scarcely prevent tearing
oft my flesh. I have now been cured six weeks
' and feel it duo to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub
lic generally, to make this statement, in hope
that others like myself may be benefftted by
using his valuable medicine.
Sworn and subscribed before tne, one of th•
Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this
28th day of July, A. 1). 1853.
AND MoMASTER Aldermew,
Hollidaysburg, Sept. 22,58. ly.
In all diseases intimation more or less pre
' dominates—now to allay intlamation strikes
at the root of all diseases—hence an iromedi.
ale cure.
and nothing aloe, will allay intlatuation at once,
and make a certain cure.
DaHey's Magical Pain Extractor will cure
the following among a great catalogue of
diseases: Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, sore
Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains,
Bites, Poison, Chilseys, Gout, Swelling, Rheu•
motion], Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness,
Krysidelas, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Small
. Pox, 'Meade Rash, &c., &e.
To some it may appear incredulous that so
many diseases should be reached by one arti
cle ; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, that the salve is a combine
lion of ingredients, each and every one apply
ing a perfect antitode to its apostate disorder.
in its effects is magical, because the time is
short between diseases and a permanent cure;
and it is nn extractor, as it draws all diseases
out of the affected part„ leaving nature as
perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely nc•
emery to say that no house, workshop, or
manufactory should be one moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the
box has has upon it a steel plate engraving,
with the name of Fleury %Dailey, Maoufactu•
rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent
medicine dealers throughout the United States
and Canadas. Principal Pepot,
165 Chambers St., New• York.
John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. 17, 'sB.—ly.
New Card-Press.
Having bought afoot "CARD•PRESS," we
are now prepared to print in the proportion of
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the county can print one, consequent.
ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well
we make no charge at all. We ask your pa
A. P. WlLem; R. Ituois PRTamnir
Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon
Blair, Cambria C entre Mifflin and Juniata Coun
ties. March 23, 1853.
(g(:)44 4 131110 VIE D
Attorney!' at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as forme'rly occupied by J. Scoit.
Oct. 19, 1859.
TWO YOUNG MEN to learn the Ambro.
typing business. Instructions given for the
aunt of 515.00. For particulars, &c.,apply to
WM. F. THOMAS, Atnolowt,
Huntingdon, May 4 ,186 P.