Nuntiughn 'Wednesday Morning, September 7, 1859• LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ile'We have received a copy of a new des criptive hand-book of the Pennsylvania Rail road, compiled by Geo. B. Ayres, Esq., which is ono of the best affairs of the kind we have ever seen. It should ho in the possession of every man, woman and child in the State, as it contains not only a vast amount of useful information, but interesting anti instructive reading matter besides. We extract the fob lowing notice from it t—Huntingdon, 204 miles from Philadelphia, and 152 miles from Pitts burgh, boasts a history which strongly vindi cates the truth of ita present soubriquet, " an cient borough." It was a well known Indian post, where the very earliest traders could nev er ascertain by Indian tradition how long it had been a village. Here existed the celebra ted "Standing Stone," which name has given to its earliest settlement, and is still retained by the stream which; flows into the Juniata at this place. It is a county town of some business, con tains a population of 2,000, .d is a place of considerable wealth and refined society. In addition to the county buildings, it has several churches, and academy. The celebrated Hugh Brady was born here, in 1768 ; who, in addi tion to his celebrated campaigns against the Indians, was greatly distinguished by his gal lantry and bravery during the war of 1812. About five miles from this ancient .d quiet place, situated in the valley Of the Standing Steno creek, are the " Warm Springs," owned by Gen. A. P. Wilson—a place of considera• bit; resort—whose waters aro chalybeate, "light on the stomach, diuretic, and said to contain magnesia." Commorr, August. 29. 1859. Me. Enurom--In looking over your very ex. celleut paper from week to geek, I discover that you are without a correspondent from this place. Therefore, that you may no longer re main in ignorance of matters and things in and about Coalmont, I have determined (with your consent) to become an occasional con. tributor to your valuable paper, from here. Nothing very strange, or of special impor. lance has transpired to disturb the equan int fig of our usually quiet village. The health of our citizens is extraordinarily good—as you are well aware we are not wanting in those two great necessaries of life—pure air and water. The leading topic of conversation, and the only ono which really seems to engage the public mind—is politics. The ticket put in nomination by the People's Convention on the oth of August, meets with the hearty commence of almost all classes. True there are those belonging to the Locofo co party, who never under any circumstances vote with the Opposition, no mutter how defier sing they may be. While this is true as to some, there are others less bigoted in their principles, who will vote with a hearty will for the Opposition candidate. Quite a number of the Democrats here, are very much dissatisfied with their nominees for Assembly and Sheriff, knowing that it is but a few years since they were sworn members of the American party. Such is the general dissatisfaction in the ranks of the Locofoco party, that it is very question able whether some of their candidates will re ceive half their party vote. Mr. Wigton, our nominee for Assembly, has a host of firm friends here in Carbon. Judg ing by the feeling now manifested, I feel confident in asserting, that Mr. Wigton will run two-thirds of the entire vote polled. In a word, the whole ticket will be eittm. phantly endorsed on the second Tuesday of October and Carbon will roll up such an over whelming majority for the People's nominees, that those Locofocos who have had the presump• tion to assert their superiority in number, will be astounded I Last fall we came off more Shan conquerors, as we had some very fractious elements to contend with. And judging the future by the past, we feel sanguine of the most consummate success at the coming Or. tuber election. Rest assured, that you will have no occasion to be ashamed of Carbon— she will do her work well and gloriously. Hastily, ADVANCE. MAtutt.csnotto, Sept. 3, 1859. DEAR JOURNAL:-With your permission I will attempt a brief description of the Sabbath School celet ration, which took place a short distance from our town on Friday morning last. About 10 o'clock the procession formed in Main Street, headed by martial music and the speakers of the day marched to a beautiful grove, previously selected for the occasion. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. A. M. 12 .rnits., after which the scholars sang one of their sweet hymns. H. T. White, Esq., of Huntingdon, then ad dressed the steholars upon the "Rise and Pro gress of Sabbath School.," which was highly appreciated, if we may judge by the marked attention to which it was listened. He was followed by Rev. Bricker, upon the "Happy Influences of Sabbath Schools," in a very able and eloquent manner. The "Continentals" 'gym place, then sang one of their soubstirring songs, after which, both old and young partook of the good things prepared for the occasion by the fair ones of Marklesburg. For more the an hour, the scholars amused themselves by engaging in different rustic ex• ercises, when they again seated themselves, and were addressed by Rev. S. Barnitz, of York, in his usual happy style. The day being advanced, the band discoursed one of their patriotic pieces, when all returned to their homes happy—pleased with each °tit. or and more especially with themselves. FOREST. ter The camp meeting of the colored folks hes been largely attended. It is one of the most orderly, well conducted tneetin,s of the kind, we have over attended. Some six or sev. en ministers are present, and perhaps two hut, dyed other colored people. WY - We understand there was a celebration at McConnellstown, on Saturday last, by the hi. E. Church. Addresses were made by the Rev., Barnitz of York, and Gee. John Will iamson—after which all partook bountiful. ly of the good things which had been pre. pared for the occasion. The table is spoken of by those who were present as exceeding any. thing in these latter days. The whole affair passed of pleasantly, and all returned to their homes, feeling that the day had been well spent, lterA valuable mare belonging to Mr, Da vid Rupert, of Lick Ridge, bad her leg broken, last week, by being kicked by a horse. She was afterwards shot. le r Owing to a press of job work we hare been unable to pay much attention to our local columns. S6B-The Genesee Farmer, for September, has been received. Published at Rochester, N. Y., at $1 a year. Ilgt..Kennedy's Bank Note Review for Sep tember, is now before us. We can recommend it as ono of the very best. Send 81 to J. \V. Kennedy, Pittsburg, Pa., and he will send it to you for one year. iferThe Great Republic Monthly : a nation• al magazine, devoted to the best interests of American Literature—wholly original, imper• sonal, and in no wise sectional or sectarian.— The September number is now before us. Pub. Milled by Oaksmith & Co., 112 & 114 William at., New York, at $3 per annum. ter Petersons' Counterfeit Detector is cor rected by the celebrated bankers, Drexel it Co., and it is ceitainly the most reliable 'Detector published in the Union. Everything is fair about it; that may be known by tho high stand ing of the publishers and editors. The latest information is given of all counterfeit notes, broken banks, the rates of discount, &a. Ev. cry person in trade should subscribe to it and have atbp y. The price is, monthly, only ..$l. a year; semi-monthly, S 2. Address all orders to the publishers, I'. B. Peterson it Brothers, Philadelphia, and our Nord for it, you will nev er regret it. _ _ more. This invention is also especially applicable to Miners' Hoots, and all occupations subjecting the toe of the boot or shoe to be cut or worn. CHARLES Dicrtexs' Wonas.—The well known Nterchants, and the public generally, will see first of T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chest- the importance of obtlittintr these goods imint, nut street Philadelphia have just commenced diately, as they are destined for general use, to publishing a remarkabl ' y cheap edition of those i s all other hinds. unripproacliable works of fiction. It is called The o may be obtained of nearly all " 1 '° 1,,, ..5 . Neal' F.riilion. fan /4, .Million, of the wholesale dealers in as principal clues, or the entire writings of Charles Dickens, noz," of the Subscribers, and will bo issued complete in twenty-eight CHASE, AIeKINNEY k CO., weekly volumes. One volume will be published (OWNERS OF true PiTes-r.) Bost.. regularly on each and every Saturday, until August 31st, 1859.1 m. the whole number of volumes—twenty-eight— _ is completed. The low price fixed by the pub- MOTIOE TO COLLECTOHS.--Collectors of fishers for them are only 25 emote a volume, or Jll 1858 and previous yen's who have not been the whole twenty.eight vulnmes for five dollars, already issued against, you are hereby reques- A complete set will be forwarded free of post- ted to have your duplicates paid off, en or be. age, by !Mail, to any Art of the United States, fore the first day of November next, or the hal. to any one, by the publishers, on receiving a I Ran of your accounts will be put into the remittance of five dollars for the twentv-eight I hods of the Sheriff for collection. volumes, or a remittance of three dollars will The collectors o f 1829 are requested to have pay for the first fourteen volumes; or a remit. I the one halt' of their duplicates paid against lance of ono dollar will pay for the first four the November court, and to have them fully volumes. The colonies will he neatly printed, settled up on or bel'ora the first day of April, and each; volume will contain 160 large octavo 1860. If not paid by that time. the balance pages, printed on fine white paper, and neatly of their accounts will be immediately placed bound with paper cover. The revised uniform i n th e hands o f the sheriff f o r coll e cti o n, Edinburgh edition, from which this is reprinted I By order of Commissioners, comprises twenty-eight volumes, the cost of lIENUY 51' ; 2111..1.E1t, Clerk. which is seventyfee dollars; and this edition August 17, 1, , 59.—t 11. will contain every word of the Edinburgh tion. We commend the determination of this A 1 . 01 INIST1(A'l Ultti NuTICE. entesprising Philadelphia firm, to furnish the It jEstate of Joseph Hunter, dee'd] complete and entire willics of Charles Dickens Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis at a price so reasonable, that all persons what.- bullion on the estate of Joseph Hunter, late of ever may possess a fall set, and direct the es. the township of Jackson, in the county of How pedal attention of our readers to the fact, and titertion, deed., have been duly granted to the would advise them all to make a remittance j subscriber, to whom all persons indebted to of five dollars at once, per first mail, to Clue said estate will make payment, such ;bane mv publishers, for the entire set, who will send them tug claims or demands against the mimo will to any one, area of postage, on receipt of that present them for settlement. BUM. JOHN CUMMINS, ddui r. , August 17, 1859.—Gt. ser Scorbutic diseases are the parent stock from which arises a large proportion of the fa- I DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. tal maladies that inflict mankind. They are 11 [Estate of John Morrison dee'd.] as it were a species of potato rot in the human Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin. constitution, which undermines and corrupts istration on the estate of John Morrison,:dee'd., all the sources of its vitality and hastens its late of the township of Shirley, in the county decay. They are the Aiwa ) , from which spring of Huntingdon, have been duly granted to the Consumption, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, *iiiiiiscrilieNt to whom oil Pi , riiinis knowing Liver Complaint. and Emptive Dis eases w hid i themselves indebted to said estate will make I will be recognized Iv among those most fatal payment, and those having claims or &mania and destructive to the races of ents. So dread- I against the same will present them duly am ful,are its consequences to human life, that it thenticated for settlement. is hardly possible to over estitnato the impor. I EL IJA H MORRISON, AA/ iv twice of an actual, reliable moody, that can JOHN S. MORRISON, sweep out this Scrofulous contamination. Wo I Aug. 111 1859,—Gt.. know then we shallproclaim welcome news to • - our readers, of one from such a quarter as will - WASHING CLOTHES BY PRESSURE. leave little doubt of its efficacy—and still more V V After fifty years experimenting, theme welcome, when we tell.thein that it timely does per attiele has at last been invented ibr women accomplish the end desired. We menu Ayer's lis their hard labors on the washing day. Sarsaparilla, and it is certainly worthy the at- i "IT IS EVEN 80," tentiod of those who are afflicted with Scrofula Come and be convinced that we are ahead of or Scrofulous complaints.—Register, Albany, every machine in use. Half the time, h elf the N. E hard labor, and half the wear and tear is saved. Little boys nod girls can do the work ter their mothers. The undersigned here purchased the exclusive right of Illintingdon and Militia coun ties, to make and sell J. T. Mt•oot:s . Emancipator Washing Machine. We desire the public to .11 and examine this truly Ittbor•saving machine. It can be sr en at our shop on Washington street. BALL & PEIGUTAL. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, riIILAIDEI.I.IIIA, September 7, 1859. FLOUR—Superfine. pet barrel, $4 50q5 00 " Extra " 5 25(0 50 family " 5 60tu 6 50 Wheat —red, per bushel, I 15@1 20 " White " 1 20®t 28 72 COrn II 77 Outs . 34 Cloverseed $5 50@6 ?5 per 64 pounds Timothy seed, $l,BO to 2 00 Flux, per bushel $1 70 Jon. 11. Donssy, " L. It. OnntsoNt J. S. Moan's, ~ ANNIE E. SCOTT, LI It ZA. IF it A. ll 1 5 A rAI 1 ,;__ _ _ . , CHRISTIAN LONG, E. I l Vii . .unmsox, U Valuable Farm at Public Sale. i cV.g. l ' l , l ":" , D . l d . ' -' 4- -7 , i( ) Z, Will be exposed to public sale, on the prowls- :i.,,,, S. 1, / ,,, , L1 , m ' " 11. B. S.mrsox, es, on DAM., Friday, the '2lst day of October next, M 1). 11. FOSTER, "M. C. rs. J. CUNNINGIIAM, " LIZZIE L. Donuts, the valuable farm, known as the Bowman Farm, "JENNIE C. MURRAY " ANN E. CAAIINSELL. situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon coon. Huntingdon, July 21111, 1859.-tf. ty, one mile north of Burnt Cabins on the pub. -- - - lie road lending from thence to Huntingdon. Id toliNdl.S. This *trim is well watered, with a neverfailing A general assortment of Blanks of all d - Branch of Tuscarora Creek running through acriptione just printed and /kr sale al the it, having thereon erected a large two storynj oanu a offi c e ~...., D welling House,double log barn, I Appointin't of Referees, Common Bond, Tenant House, out buildings, Ate. I Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes exit:: The farm contains about Allgi sunimany, Vendue Notes , 171 - 171 acres, 149 perches, and JkgaL Executions, Constabli's Sales, allowance, partly limestone, with fine limestone I Scire Facia., Subpains, quarries—of which, eighty acres are farm land Coniplaints, Deeds, and thirty meadow; balance well timbered, Warrants, Mortgages, with two extensive apple orchards—is admire- Commitments, Bond to idemnify Constable, ,to bly adapted to raising stock--and within a tulle of a good market for grain and stock Vie situation is beautiful and on the line of theSherraan's Valley, or Pennsylvania Pacific Railroad, now being constructed, which is ex• petted to be the groat line of communication between Now York and the South West. The owners having removed to the West when young, are determined to sell. Atten• dance will be given and terms of sale lands known on day of sale by NATHANIEL K. BOWMAN, SAMUEL E. BOWMAN, DAVID PORTER BOWMAN, Or by Jamison Kelly, their Attorney in fact. gerW. S. Morrow, tenant on the premises, or Jamison Kelly, Burnt Cabins, will give in formation of the premises. Aug. 31st, 1859.-ls. rIHADWICK & BRO , kj (Successors to Neman 4 War:tick.) NORTH-EAST CORNER OF SECOND & RACE STREETS, Stlagnii.n.ritritta. Manufacturers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Heaters, Ventilators, Ranges and Stoves. A 1.90. MeGregor's Celebrated ileaters and Stoves. W itli a great variety of the latest pattern; of Cook and Parlor Stoves ; also, Queue's Pat ent Portable Forges. Aug. 31st, 'O. RUNAWAY FROM THE SUBSCRIBER, living in Porter tp., Huntingdon co., Pa., on Monday, August 15, 1859, a colored boy, au apprentice to the "forming business, about 15 years old, and by name of Thomas Etat.). A reward of 50 cents will be paid for his re tarn. but no expenses paid. All persons are notified not to harbor or trust ssid runaway, on ny account. JOHN COLDER, Sen. Aug. 18, 1859. THE CELEBRATED COPPER TOE Mitchell's Patent Metallic Tiiil designed es pecially for Boys', Youths' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES. Ax IMPROVEUNNT lots been applied to Boots and Shoes, by which a saving of expense to the customer, of too-thirds is realized, by actual exp riment. The Tip consists of a piece of copper or oth• er indestructible material, neatly fastened to the toe orthe boot or shoe, forming-n complete protection. This invention is now presented to the public, with the fullest knowledge of its practical utility, havin g been tested over two years, mud is destined entirely to supersede the old style, for C'IIII.Dn V . ,:eB,BOYS . AND YOUTHS' BOOTS AND siroEs. The importance of this invention will be readily appreciated, as it is well known that children invariably wear out their boots and shoes FIRST AT TIIE TOE, and, with this protection, (het will upon an ao• erage wear at least two to three times as long anf he old style, while the expense is but a trifle We, the undersigned, having thoroughly tested the above machine, take pleasure in recommen ding the same to the public, assured that they will find it all that is above claimed. PETEU SWOOrE, l'iys,Jyl,lA 13. MILLS, Antiphlogistiy Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the &utiles fkrug Store. For all inflammatory di seases it is a certain cure. Got a box nee try it, who are afflicted. For sale at Smith's Drug Store, Ilooting• don, Pa. Dr. John McCulloch, Pfeil his professional services to the citizens c jHuntingdon and vicinity. Office, on llill between Montgomery and Bath. . _ _ Huntingdon, Aug.. 29, 1855. COOK STOVE FOR SALE. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE tut sale at this office; it Is cal culated to burn wood or coal. It will be uttered low. - LIXECIPTottS' SALE.--Iteal Estate of )lcfahan, deed. The underhigned, Executers of John ATeCit ban, clee'd., by virtue of the power ittel author ity vested in them by the Will of said deed., will oiler at public sale at tho Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, On iredMmilay, the I.lth' day q September nes", at ten o'vtork, A. M., the following described Reid Estate : 1. A FARM in Woodcock Valley, Walker township, Huntingdon county, now in tenure of Simon Coulter, about one mile north of McCon. nellstown, composed of several surveys, con taining about tau acres of good limestone land —about 150 nem of which ore cleared, well fenced and under good cultivation, with a log house RIO log barn thereon erected. There is a line spring on this property, cud running wa ter through the meadow land. 2. A FARM now in tenure of Jonathan Har dy known on the "Buoy Form," in Henderson township, Huntingdon comely, about two and a half miles north of Huntingdon, on the road leading to the Warm Spring., This farm is composed of several surveys, containing alto gether, about 700 ACRES, and the gmater part of it is covered with valuable white oak, black oak, hickory and pins timber. About 1110 acres ore in good cultivation. The improvements are n good log, dwelling house and log barn, Anever failing spring of good water convenient to the buildings. This property will he sold as a whole, or in separate tracts, as purchasers may desire. 3. A tract of land situate in Brady township, Huntingdon county, at the head at Kisbaemmil las Valley, containing 92 acres and Ci; perches formerly the propetty of James 11,0,5, deed, This tract is finely timbered with oak, pine, An. A few acres of meadow land elcareJ, nod dwelling house thereon erce.e,l. 4. A tract of land adjoining the above, con taining 183 Arrca, known as the Wiley tract. This is also heavily timbered. 5. A tract of knit on Mill Creek, near Lane's mill surveyed on a warrant to Thomas Austin, containing 404 acres mid 81 perches. a. A tract of land 13ing on the waters of Mill Creek, Bratty township, adjoining land, of James Lane, Dickson Hall and others, surveyed on a warrant to Samuel Ayres, containing 435 acres and 85 perches. 7. A tract of timber land situate in Walker township, Huntingdon county, surveyed on a warrant to Heorge Cutwalt, containing about 100 acres, adjoining hinds of Benjamin Crating, William S. Lincoln and others. 8. A tract of land on the Penna. Railroad, in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, known as the Freedom Farm, committing :Mat 10(1 acre, adjoining land of .1 oseph Hyattrt and oth ers. 9. The balance of the survey in the settee of Frederick Ashbaugh, supposed to he abont •:5 items, lying back of the Huntingdon grave yard odioiniug land, of Daniel Africa, John Glazier, David Blair and others. - TERMS OF SALE:—One third of Monar ch:m tnoney to be paid on delivery of the deed and the balance in Mar equal annual payments, with interest run delivery of pos:ue , ,ion, to he seeured by the bonds mid mortgage of the pur chaser. JOHN CHESSWELL, J. KINNEY McCAHAN, Executors of John 111,,C,,,han, deed, WILLIAM 11. KINu, Auetioliecr. Huntingdon, July 27, 1859. AilomEsTiltD POll $10; 110111 , :- stead Ibr $ [OO ; Also, liornesteatits fur SENO and over, situated un st.d :atm. Rupp., hanitoA river, abee,,, th d below Freao icht burg, in Virginia. A new town, ,sll*.si Rapitithan• noel:, has recently been laid out. in Culpepper county, in the ntidat of the Gehl Itr, , ion of Vir ginia, surrounded by mines and Mining Com panies ; awl hams and tows lots in alternate divisions or shares, can now be had for a met, Sung, 81111111 S 10 1, , b,C, cable region. fit 1,9110 weoak of land to be divided amongst purchasers or given away as an inducement to come on and make improve mews, and the land is of thumiost impruruLlu qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are coming. Good filming land, in tracts of any size tat snit putellascrs, can also be had at from it In hi *2ll per acre. payable•in easy quarter yearly installments. I.l.4nestion• able titles will in all t .1105 Le ;thell. ge- Agents are want.; every where to sell these lands ; littoral inducements will be given. Fur particulars, address E. BAUDER. Loon A GENT. July 13, 's9.—tim, Port Royal, Iv WAR ! WAR IN EUROPE ! RE I - 61,1710N . / 1'1?1 .0 ES ! The tobSeriber respectfully iol,rms his friends and the public, that he has just re.noved his store to the old stool, near the earner of Hill and Smith straits. where he has always on hand and constantly receiving all the latest styles of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! DRESS (Mop: L.t.\ ES, CORSETS, PRINTS, SILKS. And in fact he can supply any article in the dry•szood line. Also, trimmings suited to all dresses and at reasonable rates, He has also on band Is Itirle, fresh stock ct GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. COFFEE, SUGAR, TF,X, .......... FLOUR, 11ACON, And everything in the teed line. An Ins stock is almost entirely new, and been bought at prices which defy competition, put , chasers . will lied it to their advantage to boy lromtnebefore going elsewhere. . . All kinds of tMunii.y prodoor at the higheit market pricer, taken in exchange Ire goods. DAY! Ii (,ROVE. Huntingdon, June 15, 1559.-if. BOOKS !4%) BOOKS 40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. $500,00 in Gills for every 1000 Sold, In order to reduce my extensive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the regular retell prices or hiss. and give (5500) Live hundred dollars worth of presents varying in value from 25 cents to y 120.00. Or, those who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.-. My stock consists of every variety and style of Lintlin, School Books of every kind, whole sale and retail. Sales to continence Dec. 21th. WM. COLON. Dec.22,'58. 110 TS , ) Erfkrisr, EID o o PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ; RESPECTITLIX OFFERS HIS PROFI:S. siunal servieci to the citizens ot HUNTINUBUN and vicinity. Residence on Rill street, in the house for. merly occupied by Dr. R. A. Miller. April 13, 10 9. HO ! THIS WAY. Does anybody want to get into good busi ness, by which they con make from $W to $lOO a month without hnol labor? If no send me 5 cents in stamps or money, for return postage, and by return mail, you will seceivu circulars of the grandest money-making •cbomo ever appeared to man. Discovered by Georgian and proved to be invaluable by •u million of Southern people. Address, A. C. DENSON, Mobile Alu. Sept. 22, 'sB.—ly. EIRUIT JARS, made air tight by simply tin.. r niag a serew. For sale only at the Hurd. ware store of JAMES A. BROWN. AMILDTNA,T4C3C:›3IZI .A.CALI33OM - Y. ULALE 21ID TP2UAL.t? Shade Gap, Huntingdon Coun+y, Pennsylvania. WT. if 117411()!Dm, A. M. P Mr, F. T. wooDs. ip , rl or Fe ßudc Peparlmf J. M.F1;1:.D . 51i.1411::, M. I)., IlatOilill awl Piiiise.lo9y. Teacher of Mothemotiev. Muss LIZZiE F. LYON, ,t, 7, , ,,hi n y and l'hys. Caw. nark,. in Pr , paralory Deportment. Ms, ANNA IL PATTON, EPHRAIM BAKER, Tt 101, 61 .110`1 . C. and Ital. Monitor. ion Pointing and Ner.lte 'Work. next session of this Institution will op, the first Wednesday of May. P. holds out sop, rim advantages to those sucking an education. The Board of Instruction is large, and cony posed of Homo who aro thoroughly qualified (or their profession. To Parents and Guardia!, who wish to place their children in a secure nod healthy retreat, it holds ens peculiar induce meets A NORMAL SCHOOL will be focused the present session, to which Mr. Owen, ot,r worthy County Sisporintenslent, ref I give lectures on the Art of Teitehing nod Physical Geo:, s• phy. Iss the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, young men will be thoroughly qnsilif,l the Counting Room. TERMS, for SPRAIOII of fire months, Light and fuel also. I suns in Ylnsie, French, Drawing, Pointing and Fancy Needle Work, extra Fur farther partieula, N. B.—lly those desiring places, early application should be mode TH4 CAZSVII,I, :1?..17c:10/ 7 :1111/.1 1 1.1-. F3C52EXC:1 01, C.)3E,-; © 11 E 0 A 'II Li , ' 19 I 2,1'11 THE CHEAPEST SCNIOOL IN TILE LIND, Send for a Catalogue, and Add X, Ma. W. rums EIU sacs Cannot rival in attraction the superb nlu k of Spring and Summer Co..(11 nom king received und opened by FisttEtt Nt•MUK'IMIE. Thul mock been v,ieet,ll with grunt car, and the public are cordially to call and exlmine it. It comprißes all the styl..4 of I.adies . Drell (}00(1.4, ouch WI l'l , l I ilu Ch.•vra, Lev.. Organdies, Jaconot, Lawna, plain an.llierageB. Crain: Mart : tv,, Pt:~iu aril colored Chintit•s, French and Eng Gin hams, Amaranths, Valmoins, Alpftetas, 11,,ba : Prints, tte., „ - - A heautifnl totsortment or Si , ring 31E1 W I.S, round and square corners. all odors. A lull stock at Ladle.] Fine Collars, Gentlemen', Furnishing Goods, such us Co.lars, Cravats. Tics, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk UnderAirts, Dtawers, We haven fine solect ion or Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, A Lso—Tiekens, oAD:thing, kleached and on Beached Muslim at all prices, Colored and White Canihrics, Barred and Stoics MUSH Victoria Lawns, Sainsooks, 'linoleum and many other A rticl e s wi t icti comprise the line of White and Domestic Qom's. W 0 have Ilene), t_7100...:, Fancy raSSimeres, SattinettsJeani, Twved,,Cuttffirclus, Linens, Denim.: and Rine EATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, or every varjety aml stele. Als9 all kinds a suz AW GOODS. A good stork of GROITRIES, 11.1111) QUEENSWARE, BOOT"' SH.biES, Wood and Willow-ware, which will he sold HAr. We qlso deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess facilities in thin brunch t•f trade e,iled by any. We deliver all packages lsr parcels of Nierehandise, FREE OF ellA Rtili, at the &anti of the Broad Top anti Pennsylvania Railroads. Conte one, entire all, and be convinced that the "I'ds,ruorobrrAst" in the ploce to necure litsitionahle and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. ILEADt READ!! READ!!! ESENWE VA ABOIVIATIC AIkSAIII, lan remedy not to he exc:'ih•d thr the relief and cure of those maladies incident to the Anntner . senson, viz Diarrhoea, Dyoentery, Cholera or Cholera Mor. boo, Vomning, Acidity of the Stomach, be. .„, Its excellent Cannirtative powers, plensant taste and soothing influence. renders it a val uable remedy in infantile diseases, peculiar to the Second Summer, viz :—Chotera!mount. etc. It has a reinvigorating anti tonic influ ence on the system, allaying intiamation where it exists in the stomach sad bowels—and on trial will be found indispensable to the well being of every family. IL will be fttund ao well adopted to adults as children. Try it. Prepared only by A. 1..; , EN WHINE, Pritn2s . cts. aL bottle. Dijensing Chemist. , Ninth t{' Poplar es., Philadelphia. Sold by J. Read, Huntingdon, and Druggists and Storekeepers generally. [May 23, '59..1y. 1859. 1859 The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of our friends and customers, on well as the citizens of the town and country , general ly, to our ew and exterprive al,ortment of READY-MADE CLOTIIINa _ . consisting of every article of gentlentene fur nishing goods. Wu deem it unnecessary to make a newspaper flourish, being confident that a call and an examination of our goods, will sa tisfy all, that our goods are just what we re commend them to be, well mute, of good mate rial, and as cheap as the same quality of goods .con he bought in the county of Huntingdon. It is nut our desire, as it is sot the policy of honest men, to deceive, but this much wo will use, that wo will guarantee to all who ,nay tit- Tor us with their patronage., entire satisfaction ns to (polity, tit and price. Should gentlemen desire any particular kilod or cut of clothing, not found it, our stock, by leaving their meas ure, they eau ho accommodated at short notice. Cull at corner of tint diamond, Long's new house. Pl. GUTMAN & Co. , May 4,1850. ro l trof il t?it S & l %tontgomery Streets, 111TNTINUDON, PA. CIIRISTA:N COUTS. This stand is well known as the "3leCounell House," The location is superior to any other, being in the tmtnediato proximity to business; also to the Bank and 1110, Public Offices It is the determination el the Proprietor, to keep this House in a style ,ati=thetory to the public, and it is his desire, to make all who patronize him, feel at home, and to make the 'ldansion' rank among the best of Hunting• don Hotels. He very respectfully solicits the public patronage. Apr. 13th '59 nAPER! PAPER!! r Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flateap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, hall ream quire or sheet. at Lewis' New Book and Stationery Store. Dec.'_':; 59.4. • oprictor and Pl'ollCipai. I , AI'II, M. BUTTS, nveher o/ Me English 'hunch.. ‘VM. M. 11ILLIAMSON, W. 11. WOODS, 7 1; I tress ALM, A, N., Cassville, Pa c; ruND. National 4 siiiTY TRUST CoTn•)any - • ;,:;, Inc nporatrd liyt he Stale ofPernsylvania 6C1'1,4.N I. 'Money is rri ived every day, and in am amount, kr, or small. 2. FIVE l'Eft. CENT interest is paid f, 'nosey trCIII the day it is put in. 1. The nioney is always paid hark in GOl.ll Vbeacver it is called for, and without notice. 1. Money is received front Erecidonl, Admi. ni,trato,, Guard ions and others who desire to have it in a place or perfect safety, and where interest ean he obtained for it. 5. The money received from depoNitors is in vestril in ItE Al, ESTATE, MORT(iMiES ROUND RENTs, and such other first•elas: s ecn riii; as the Charter 'directs. d 011ie. !fours--livery day from 9 till ; o'clock in the evenin, lIGN. lIENItY 12 - BENNER, l'resident, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, rice President, WM. J. REED. Secretor,. IiIIiECtORS : Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edsvard L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Robert L. Selfridge, Lee, Sand. I(...lsitton, Jo,plt Yerlea, C.. Landreth Nlunns, Ilenry Diettenderiler, OFFIC I. WA UN UT ,STREET, .011111-WEBT Prof. Chas. DeGrath% Electric Oil. This great discovery is now creating a great sensation, among the Medical Fecal; jos of Eu rope and this country. L• will cure the follow log (nut everything): Warranted to Cure Fever and Ague in one day, Cure chills in live minates. Cure Croup in one night.— Cure Deafness in two to four days, Cure burns and Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Sprains, Wounds and bruises in from one to three days Cure Intimation in one day. Cure Nturad pin, Croup, Tooth Ache, burns, in le minutes• Cure hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess in ten ( b oy ., C ure Brai s es, Wounds, Totter, in one to three days. Cure Ear Ache, Still neck, Ague in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Bren•.t Salt Rheum, in three to six days. Cure Quin sy, Palpitation, Pleurisy, in one to ten day, Cure Asthma, palsy, (lout, Erysipelal, in live to days. Cate Frostod Curl, Childains, Chronic Ithvunno into, Stilt S'ore Throat Scarlet Fever, nail the lame made to wall: by a few bottles. This Oil (De Grath s) is mild and pleasokt, and is a groat family Medicine for children teething. &e. Ladies should all use it. It always leases you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Afflicted Thirteen Tears: and Cued In One Read letter from Her. James; Temple. Philadelphia June 9th , Prof. De Grath: I have been afflicted fur thirteen rears with Neuralgia and other pain fat complaints. and I have been unable to sleep mndl y or walk any distance for many years post. Last weak I got a bottle of your "Elec. trio Oil." The first night I slept soundly and well, and to day I am like a now roan. My wife could not'believe her eyes. Your Elec tric Oil hat done in one week what the physi. clans of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years. Gratefully yours. REV. JAMES TEMPLE, 310 South street DEAFNESS CURED, New Ilaven, May 19tH, 1856. , . , Prof. De Grath t My brother has been deaf three years. After trying many things, he used your Oil a few times, and it cured hint entire. CLIFFORD R SCRANTON, There are numerous imitations sprung up tin the reputation that my article has acquired. Thu public must beware. They are worthless. For sale by S. S. Smith. Huntingdon. May 25 1859. MEW WATCH A: JEWELRY STORE. J. W. DUTCHER, WATCILUAKER & JEWELLER, 'Respectfully informs the citizens of Hunting don, vicinity, and the surrounding cone- .,....4 jACK: SON'S HOTEL, Huntingdon, try. that lie has commenced business in r,,,,,,1 . Pa. J. S. MILLEU, PROPRIETOR. m the roo opposite M. Gutman's Store in ;11 Respectfully informs biz friends and - MARKET Sizuznu, HurcrttfonoN, anti ,---,---- the travel'ing public generally, that he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. has leased t h e u,j, t o,,,, eit n e ,,, t0, ,, fur sev . g cral years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and WATCHES and CLOCKS rf paired in tho best workmanlike mnlier. His stock of WA'fCIIES and JEWELRY is that he will be pleased to receive the calls of of the best, all of which be will dispose of ut 1 all who may favor hint with their patronage. reasonable prices. His tattle will he furnished with the best the 'rho public generally sre requested to give market can afford, and every attention will be lino a call stud examine his stuck. given to make those with him feel at b tune. )1ar.0,'59. Huntingdon. Marph 30, 1859. .4. , DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and morn, especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chu M 'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, • ... For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROI'HERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. • to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined 'that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all order% P.P. D. sits,' and Pln eitiltna ordering from others than naming Bros., will doxsell to write their orders distinctly, and take none but Dr. 11'Latte'e, prepared by ph, Bras, jyteetaryb, lit. To those wishing to gine them a trial, we will forward per mull, post paid, to nit, past of (Ito United Slat,. out itox of Pills for twulss tbrencaut laminas statops. it out tint of Ve...lfyse for fourteen tits.-sent strops. All ordem from Canada most be accompanied by twenty rents extra. For ;We in hluntln,dou by John blend and S. S. Smith, and det,b rs generally through thu county. [May 11, 15:59.-Iy. P;;11M; DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, DR. 1100FLANWS BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfa. lion is rendered by them in all eases; and sis people have pronounced them worthy. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the :Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre- Farallon