Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 07, 1859, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, September 7, 1859.
People's County Ticket.
B. B. WIGTON, of Fluntingdon Borough
JOHN C. WATSON, of Brady Township
HENRY T. WHITE, of Oneida Township.
M. P. CAMPBELL, of . Union Township
WILLIAM MOORE, of W.nt Township
JOHN W. MATTERN, of Huntingdon
JOHN F. RAMEY, of Huntingdon.
W. L. CIIIININGHAM, of Clay Township,
ISRAEL GRAFFIUS, of Alexandria.
BERRY GRAFF 111 S, of Porter township,
v _ .
WILLIAM H. W GODS. D üblin tp., Chairman.
J. H. Kennedy, Alex'a. J. A. Doyle, Mt. Union.
J. B. Clark, Birm'g'm. Adolp..White, Oneida.
J. F. Wilson, Barren. Jas. Baker, Orbisonia.
J.Vandevander, Brady. Benj. Hopkins, Porter.
Ralph Crotsley, Cass. John Garner, Penn.
E. B. Wilsln, Cass bor. L. G. Kessler, Pet. bor.
Bend. Stevens, Clay. B. F. Miller. Shir. bor,
T. T. Cromwell, Crom. J. Brewster, Shirley.
Geo. Tate, Carbon. H. Madden, SpringEeld.
John Kiner, Franklin. R. Wilson, jr. Shay. Ck.
J. Williamson, Hunt. Henryl Green, Tod.
J. Flenner, Henderson. eo. Wilson, Tell.
J. Entriken, Hopewell. Sim. Wright, Union.
W. B. Smith, Jackson. Henry Neff, West.
Wm. Dean, Juniata. 1 3. J. Patterson, W'mk,
Perry Moore,
Morris, !S. Peiehtal, Walker.
Jacob Lutz, (ot Jacob) Shirley.
The terrific slaughter of okl•hne Democrats
at the late Loco Convention, has caused con
siderable excitement throughout the county.—
It is a fact beyond contradiction, that political
turncoats who submitted their names to the
Convention, received the nomination, while the
old veterans of the party were in every instance
defeated where there were turncoat competi
tion. It has been asserted that had there been
a " bloody know nothing " candidate for eac h
office, not a single original Democrat would
have been nominated. Wo caution tho mem
bers of the old k. n. party against being de
ceives by the turncoat ticket. We do this from
an apprehension that they might think, owing
to the number of Know Nothings on the tick.
at, that they were nominated by a Know Noth
ing Convention, This ie not so. These men
are renegades, who have broken their solemn
oaths and who have deserted their old party for
the sake of office—which they will not get, if
the Opposition do their duty. Beware of tick
ets with the names of Africa, Speer, &e., on
them, as these men are now affiliated with the
Buchanan Federalists.
11. 7'. WHITE, ESQ.
The Locofocus aro making great effor; 4 to
defeat this gentleman, fur the office of Treasu
rer. They resort to the most foolish stories
and base acts, and we warn our friends against
them. Mr. White is a young man of extraordi•
nary abilities, and has always been an ardent
and enthusiastic member of the party. He is
well deserving, the support of the people, and
we feel satisfied they will reward his devotion
to the principles of our party, by such an over
whelming majority, as will forever vindicate
the truth of the saying that the people delight
to honor an upright and hottest man ; and as
will rebuke his traducers. It is true Mr. White
has to depend on his daily labor for his doily
bread, but those who seek to make capital out
of that fact, will, we think, find they have mis-,
judged the principles of the yeomanry of the
county. It is true be is young, but "old men
are not always wise," and there is no danger
of his being deficient in capacity. Vote fur
him by all means.
That the Huntingdon Globe, the organ of J.
Simpson Africa, is in favor or the repent of the
tonnage tax, and that its editor is in pay of the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
That the Huntingdon Union, the organ of
General George Washington Speer, is a sup.
porter of James Buchanan; and its editor is
the bellows blower of of that virtuous man's
That two Locofoco candidates were mem
bers of the Know Nothing party ; and that in
deserting it, they have violated their most ea•
reed obligations, and proven that they have no
regard far solemn oaths,
We understand the Locofocos are ringing in
religion in some quarters, tot political capital.
Let them try it again. We have not an infidel
nor Joutit on ourticket. Can they say as much?
A New Trap Sprung in the Campaign.
" Beware of the Dog.
If any man of the People's party in Hunting
don county, who is at heart opposed to the
corruptions of Locofocoism can read the fol
lowing extracts from the laet issues of the Hunt
ingdon Globe and Union, without a feeling of
indignation, or a blush, it is because he has not
sensibility enough left to feel as he should, an
contemplating one of the most bra zoo-laced,
impudent impostures of the age.
" There is no use denying the fact that upon
a strict party vote in this county, every man
upon the Democratic ticket must be defeated."
* * * * * * * * *
"The Democratic Convention placed in nom
ination men who deserve to be elected, and
will be, if the voters of the county will but de
termine to disregard party and vote for the
beet men."—Huntingclon Globe
"It is of vast importance that we carry
Pennsylvania this Fall, for if lost now, the
chances are all against us for '6O. What Dem-
ocrat would desire to aid in bringing upon es
so great a political catastrophe."—Haid Laudon
Here we have the distinct avowal that every
man upon the Locofoco County Ticket ‘. ntust
be defeated" unless—it is with a blush we , te,ty
it—traitors enough can be found outsk'w of the
organization to secure its trium , :,.. I We have
also the result to be gained. 'oy the success of
this scheme—"the trh.;mph in 1860." Let us
investigate the cl?..ims of these men upon Amer
jean Republi!ains. Every man upon that tick
et, votiyA for James Buchanan; they mocked at
the efforts which were made by the patriotic
citizens to secure the election of on honest inan
for President ; they scoffed at the wrongs and
sufferings whirls were endured by the people of
Kansas, and the outrages which deluged that
fair territory in the blood of freemen—our
brothers and friends; and they denounced the
principle that freedom was national. And
these are the men for whom you aro called up
on to "disregard party ;" and for what?—to se
cure another Buchanan "triumph in 1860 I"
Let the people beware of the men on this hum
bug ticket, and their supporters. Let them
That they are the members of a party which
is now represented by an administration, the
most influential members of which, and whose
chief supporters in Congress are, Southern se.
cessionists, open and avowed disunionist,
Or, on the other hand, a party which besides
being fully committed to these sectionalechemes
of disunion, seeks to destroy the harrnomy of
our society by drawing distinctions between
poor working men of the North, and Southern
That the success of the Locofoco county
ticket would be an endorsement of the acts of
the present Executive ; an endorsement of the
opening of the slave trade; of the free trade sys.
tem ; and the enactment of a slave code for the
territories. If yo o support that tieket,you man
ifest a willingness to worship in the temple
where Toombs, Stephens, Benjamin, and the
In. one caner or 000 of toe organs of 4 - , !
Locofoco party, is in pay of the Penneylvc-
Railroad, and advocates by his silence the re
peal of the tonnage tax—thereby assenting to
the scheme to "defraud the people out of two
hundred thousand dollars." That he has un
bounded influence over the candidate of his
party for Assembly, and will support that can
didate, no doubt, on the ground that he will
exert himself, if elected, to secure the repeal of
this tax.
That candidates who will willingly violate
their words, and treat a vow as an idle thing,
have proven recreant to the most sol•
emn obligations which can bind men ; hate
forfeited the respect of the community, al
are unworthy the confidence of the people.—
And finally,
That "a full vote is a sore victory" for the
People. In this State Locofocoism has no
hope, but in the apathy of American Republi•
cans. "We can't be whipped when we all
poll tolother." Then, "UP I GUARDS AND
AT 'EM."
Every interest dear and precious to Ameri
can citizens calls upon the people of Hunting.
don county to ho up and doing, that the good
cause of honest politics and an upright admin.
istration of the government may make progress,
and this great State send forth an influence in
h e •llialf of the right which shall thrill upon the
h eart ,Ithe nation, and bring shouts of thanks.
g i e j„, from gratified millisus. The triumph
of arty part or pnrtion of the Locofoco county
ticket this tali, would be hailed by the partizans
or the Buchanan fcctioi:.s, as a victory which
would do much towards .suceing the "triumph
in 1860." Whilst, on the other band, if we
all pull together, and roll up our'
majorities, for our candidates, it will c ontribute
greatly towards securing the election ot
candidate for the Presidency in 1860, and the
consequent triumph of the Right.l
When the editor of that unscrupulous sheet,
the Bald Hornet, (brother of General George)
started on his editorial career, he stated that
he would utter no sentiment which he did not
know to be correct. His practice has been in
direct violation of this avowal. That paper has
become notorious for its falsification of facts,
and the persistent obstinacy with which it ad.
hors to its false statements, after they are pro
ven to be base falsehoods. We do not blame
General George's brother so much for this, as
his unprincipled controllers. We believe he
is a young man—unsophisticated, it is true—
who, if it wore not for the influence of design.
ing knaves, might Le taught the virtue of troth;
but in loaning himself to "base Trojans" has
lost much of the beauty which rural simplicity
stamps upon the character.
That paper asserted that R. B. Wigton had
voted, last winter, for the repeal of the tonnage
tax, and persistently reasserts the same thing
in its last issue. This is a direct falsehood.—
Mr. Wigton did not vote for any such thing,
and the Union knows it. We defy it to prove
this assertion. That gnestion was not before
the last Legislature. How, then, could Mr. W.
have voted for it ?
That paper asserted that Messrs Moore,
Watson and White had is mectingl in a private
room at some hotel, where they iteknowledg•
ed to each other their "hopeless cases," &C.—
This is too simple and naked an untruth to de
notice. Suffice it to say, it is a falsehood.
Mr. Watson was not in Huntingdon on the eve- I
'ling the conversation should have taken place. I
We think General George's brother has lead his
ear at the wrong key hole.
But if we were to go on giving the false
hoods contained in that spurious sheet, we
world consume too much space: We will on
ly mention one more. It intimates that sever
al prominent gentlemen of this town, of the
People's party, oppose Mr. Wigton, We give a
letter from one of these, as an miniver ai..d re
futation of the slander :
Ma. EDITOR :—ln the Union of last week,
in an article of some three-quarters of a col.
men in length. I observe my name introduced
in a manner which, if it means anything, would
seem to convey the idea that I am dissatisfied
with the remominatiim of p.. 8. Wiemn, Esq.,
for the Legislature. 11 tide is the impression
intended to be made by the writer of the arti
cle, I can ;:inly say he is entirely mistaken. If
ha'!„ made the nominations of the American
itepublican party, I ant satisfied that out of the
large number of good men, who were bcfere
the Convention, as candidates for the dilfernit
entices, I could not have made a better selee.
Hun thou the Convention did. lam therefore
entirely satisfied with the ticket nominated—
from R. B. Wigton down to Auditor--and trill
gi o it my hearty suppott.
8. 8. WHARTON.
The Extra Sa7.ary Candidate,
Let the free and independent voters of Hunt.
ingdmt county remember, that whilst the Lo•
cofocos are endeavoring to make a little capi
tal out of the resolution passed by their Coun
ty Convention instructing their—ran didnte for
Assembly to receive but five hundred du llars I
of a salary, if elected, that same candidate--
J. Simpson Africa—did pocket, last winter,
ono hundred dollars wore than he was entitled
to by the custom which fixes the clerk's salary
at five hundred dollars. Recollect, when
you are asked to vote for Africa, on the plea
— that he underbids honorable competitors, that
in addition to his high wag., he received one
hundred dollars EXTRA PAY, out of the
Pockets of the People. And recollect, too,
that Richard B. Wigton, for his faithful public
services as your Representative, has acr, re•
c rived one cent extra pay.
If any one doubts the tail' of this chew, the
most skeptical can be convinces, of the fact,
by examining the pages of the Legislative Rcc.
ord. It cannot be refuted or explained away ;
and every man who would be convinced, has
but to call at our office and ma the proof.—
Now if J. Sienpson Africa, whilst a clerk in
the Senate of Pennsylvania, could and did nb•
strnet from the treasury of the Commonwealth ,
!”00,00 of extra pay, to which he was not en
titled by justice, the question naturally (trivia
in the public mind, would be be a safe man to
entrust with the responsible duties and ener•
mons power plamod in tile hands of a Legislator?
j Would the interests or the people oh Ibis scum
m‘ ,6 ..narantv have
- stance woold not, if he had the power, commit
the same abuses in other instances? None—
none whatever; and the verdict of the people
must be against him.
That unscrupulous Locofoco sheet, the Un
ion, has shown a characteristic inconsistency
in stating that "he will record no vote to de
fraud the people out of two hundred thousand
dollars and then return home and kayo his
party's convention pass a resolution strongly
opposing the repeal of the tonnage. tax." He
will have no opportunity of doing anything of
this kind, it is true; but he did pocket one hun
dred dollars of the money of the people of this
State as extra pay, and he did return home and
had "his party's convention pass a resolution"
to impose upon the people by a very cunning
yet nevertheless little piece of political trick.
cry. A man whose political action and policy
is based upon trach inconsistency, and fraud,
is surely not the one to he trusted. What say
you, voters? _ _ _
The Locotbeos have given up all hope of
electing any of their candidates on th o County
Ticket, unless they can prevail on our party
men to support their ticket! Beware of the
scheme, friend . . It will strengthen Locofoco
ism, if we lose one of our county candidates.
If we wept to succeed in 1810, we must to in
Pennsylvania now. We inset make sure of onr
position here i we most consolidate and strength.
en our power in the State, else it will be use
less to talk next year of a Governor or Presi.
dent either. Friends, if you are wise, you will
heed us, and go ahead at once to win in Octo.
leer. Fail then, .and the worst consequences
must ensue. Let your motto be " there's no
such word as fitil,"and there is not if the merit
is done
Look to it, people of Pennsylvania! Look
to it, yo active men of the People's Party!—
Look to it all who are interested, and look to it
Note 1 . 8 TOOT TIME. A few days and
it wilt be too late.—The mischief will have
been done, ~;:n1 all the fond hopes of better
times in store for will have been devised to
the earth through our own folly and supineness.
Work while you may. .lere is no danger of
defeat it the proper work is done. There is
every prospect of a Glorious Viciory on the
contrary, and an assurance of prosperous times
in the future as one of the results of that Victor;
Is it not worth working (or? Wont NOW,
We ought not to he satisfied with a bare ma
' jority this fall—but should remember that the
utter route, and almost total annihilation of the
I Locofoco party, is in our hands. If we are
wise enough to improve the present opportunity,
the battle of 1860 will be as good no won.--
' Let it be our Rita to prepare for the National.
!State canvass, of next year, by the establish.
meat of an efficient organization—bynrousing
the lagging interest of our friends, and, above
nil, by polling a full vote this Fall for the State
and County Tickets, which con only be accent.
listed by the proper preliminary arrange
ments. That the enemy are active, vigilant
and determined as ever, is evident. 'flint they
I will spare no means to avert the threatened
defeat, is equally certain. rigi/nn, on the
part of the friends of the People's Party was Address of the People's State Coin
never more needed than it is at present—and mitten.
vigilant WO must be, if we hope to wrest the We received last night, by mail, a printed
Government from the corrupt and unscrupulous copy of the address just issued by the State
Committee of the People's party of this cons
tmliticianswhc now control it. Then" A wAisi, I
monwealth. We should be glad to publish it
ARV. l" and march onwards, in solid phalanx,
entire, but it is ioo long for our space, occupy
to victory in October, and a consequent Tri
ing ns it does four and a half closely printed
mph in 1.960. No negligence will do hence•
forward. Be wide Awake! Be fully Aroused I columns of the Lebanon Courier. It is written
Be gloriously Victorious! in a clear, candid and forcible manner, and
_ , expresses satisfactorily all the party views on
Beewsysn t In the last Journal, under questions of present moment. We quote front I
the head "The Sunday Law," where speaking it the portion which snore immediately concerns
of the religinue sentiments 1 Legislators, y our the industrial interests of Pennsylvania:— I
article is so worded that the impression may he
fastened open the minds ofyour readers through- The industry of American freemen has an
out the county that Ido not believe in the exits- other great and vital interest which has always
tence of a Supreme Ruler, stud have no regard been refused the recognition of those who are
for the Institution of the Sabbath, and might enernged in the schemes of slavery aggression
vote, if elected to the Legislature, for its abets• which we have noticed. - The welfare of the
Ovation. This impression, air, is the from the., people, as well as the financial interests of the
tenth. I am ne firm in the belief of the existence government, indicates policy of protection and
of a Supsreier Intelligenee as any man can be defence of our agricultural, mining, =maim
and would ee the lust to desire, vote for, or as. .taring, mechanical and lemma' labor, against
stet, in anntiling any law, regulation or custom, the schemes and systems of foreign nations, as
having the, effect of preserving inviolate the ... the true course to be adopted in one legislation
Sableath toy. Oil the subject of a tariff. Properly considered
Presuming that you as a neighbor and par- I and as actual experience proves, revenue and
tiesdarly ne n relit' one man would not willing- protection possess a blended harmony of inter
1y permit sentiments to be misconstrued on este. At those very periods in our history,
! these impel sant stecetions, 1 desire you to pill- I when the labor of the people was best sheltered
iiets this note and thus correct, any false in, • front - unequal competition with accumulated for
eign capital, long trainer] nedskill and low fl ues o f
article its question. J. SIMPSON AFRICA. waves, the national coffers wore mast fully re•
ression sob ieh miglit have been sande by the
fl We insert the above note at the request plenished—the expenditures of government
were completely met from its resources, rind
of Mr. Africa, not wishing to do injustice to
the process cf national debts, contracted smiler'.
any person, eta we think Lim own Ye!'"" °I other systems, was in most enceensful opera.
Isis opinion en the subject attested to does not lion. When. however, discriminating duties
snake a satisfisetory impression. wh a t d ose were taken off, or made to discriminate against
he mean by ti "Superior Intelligence." Lit home industry—when free trade was put in
practice, end protection entirely abandoned
the orthodox term fee the Supreme Being echo an d condemned by the party in power, not en
presides over the Christian system? Or does ly did batistes .d miller in all its
the gentlemen wish to evade a direct acknotvb departments—failure, I..cerne frequent, discs
trees and over Nhelming—furnaces, forges, foe
edgement of that system?
toriel and wor'sehope cense their operations.—
labor asks in eau the empleyinant—mechan
ice seek unevailimsly foe customero —and even
the great foundation interests of agrieniture
suffer in the general htagnntioli of businese,
and contraction of prices, and scarcity of
ey, but the revenues of the. Treasury fell o?in
rapid diminution, and the government, which
had just been paying a high preminni for its
own bonds, was compelled to theme its notes
on the market to raise the means of defraying
Ls ordinary espenses, and, in a t:me of pro
found peace, to contract a new national fun
ded debt. This has been the recent expert
ence of the countsy, nod at this moment the
people are eulterieg from the praetitml noose
quencee of the injurious policy of their 'metre
servants. Pennsylvania has witnessed, shrine, I
the last two years, the most disastrous sacrifr
res of the property other people, .d the trust'
depressed coielition of her great industrial ie
tereete. *Valuable propel ties have been brought
to the block of forced sales, and at no time
have sheriffs nod other executive officers of
the law reaped surds abundant harvests of fees,
while productive laborites Morel idle, and looked
on betide:a at the saciifice of hard earned pos.'
sessions rowing from the grasp of the toiling
hand that gave them all their value, for mere
ne inieel prices, into the asnership of capital
ists and speeulators, most sit whose means were
! wrung in usury from the very men whom they
j were thus dooming to homeless poverty.
What more melancholy sight than this can
be presented, and how doubly bitter resist the
experience be to the eufferer when ho reflects
thet the creel nets fiselieli policy of the ruler.;
of his country, whom his own vote may have
assisted to their places of influence and power,
has struck the blow under which ho has fallen!
with other nations utterly destrue
rr,--,ry .....• ore pursuing a course
a dealing
live of our own interests, buying recklessly and
extravagantly, paying in gold, robbing the
country of its specie circulation and basis of
Fewer currency, and contracting debts abroad
which must be settled for in the future. There
way imported at New York intone, of foreign
dry goods, since the fi rst day of th e year up . to
Anenet the 3:11, the enormous amount of s7:y
623,118—59,000,000 mere Ilan in the corres
ponding period of wild extravagence just be
fore the track in September, 1837, and about
42,000,007 more than under the compelled con•
traction of the same period in 1858. We
ported during the year ending June Ist, 1838,
of tbreign goods, wares and merchandise, 5243,-
2:19,0(10; during the year ending June Ist, 1839,
$3.10,000,000, an increase of nearly 597,000 -
000. During the first period we exported $32,-
63:1,0000f specie—during the last, $(18,000,000,
and MI our imports of the same article were ten
millions less in the last than first period, our
stock on hand woo $26,337,000 less than the
,year before. Our exports of cotton, grain and
flour, and all other products of every kind of
labor, are vastly below the importations for
while we sent out only $37,751,000 in the first
seven months of the present year from New
York, we had to make up the sum of $42,219,
GOO in coin, to puny the balance due to foreign
nations on the dealings through that port alone.
Facts like these convey their own best cons
meat ; they explain, without any learned parade
of argument, the season of the paralyzed state
of our home industry, and call trumpet tongued
for the application of the proper remedy. This
is in the hands of Congress and the Executive
Administration of the national government, to
which the adjustment of the terms of our com•
suereo with other nations has been committed
by the constitution. But the "detnocraticpar
ty," which wields these powers, rents. all re
her It is bound to the opposite interest, which
professes to me in the protective poiicy a foe
to all who are engaged in raising southern pro
duets by slave labor. Wo believe that policy
is the best, most beneficial, and advantageous
to evens interest and investment in the country
—the farm and the !Se:station—the mine and
forest—the factory t, ~.1 workshop—all have here
a complete harmony of interests.
But Free Trade is the pet delusion of the
South, only second fn its estimation to the iihy•
sical, moral and political blessings of slavery,
and, therefore, "the Democratic party," whose
course of conduct it dictates, denounces the
Protective Policy. Even the President of its
choice guardedly differing on this point from
the controlling power, is shorn of his influence
and regarded as wholly unsound; for when Mr.
Buchanan, in his last annual message, modest
ly suggested to Congress that the ad ralcrena
spawns toss prolific of frauds, and that specific
duties, especially on such articles as are sold by
weight and measure, as coal and iron for ex•
ample, would be much sitter for the govern
ment as well as beneficial to the people, he was
flatly contradicted by his own Secretary of the
Treasury, in his annual report on finances—his
party in Congress never acted on the Pres'.
deist's suggestion, and he failed to exercise in
behallof Ills tariff recommendation those in
fluences whose potency was so actively expert
enced when, in concert with his southern friends
he fought the battle of Slavery in Kansas on
the Isccompton Constitution end the English
Bill. old colossal dams, favored by our finan
ciers of the modern Democratic school, are not
only productive of fraud and perjury, but they
have the very admirable quality, in the eyes of
their advocates, of being lavest when they are
most required to be high, and when foreign
goods are forced into our market on low in
voices, sworn through the Custom House by
false oaths, to the entire destruction of the
American manufacturer and pimducer, and of
being highest. when the foreigner, having over.
MAZZIn'S MANIFF.TO.—England is in a ter-
rible ne rv ous condition at present, and Muni.
ni, by his late proclamation, has contributed
much to beep alive this feeling. Just at the I
time when there is a general distrust of the
French ay, just at the time, too, when fears
of awar are entertainedowd while ride clubs
are being actively organized, Idazzini throws
out a manifesto, most ingeniously contrived to
prove everything which the English want
proved to confirm their ugitniion. According
to the Italian revolutioniNt, thee is forming, I
or has been formed, an alliance between France, !
Russia and Austria, whose object is the parti- !
lion of Continental Europe between these three
powers. At lenst Mazaini thinks that the ori4d•
nal plan was the division of Europe between
France and Russia, but the admission of Are
Ida to the fraternity limits the prograunme to
the Mohammedan Europe between the three,
and to war r!gah,tEngland and Prussia.
. .
How tnuel; of this i;true? It is all certain
ly very plausiblie But a child can see that
austria, by taking part in this tremendous c.,-
alition, wanid he preparing her own downfall.
With only Austria lett between them, Fiance ;
and Russia would soon cut in pieces the em
pire of ten languagea, which has no ;social on..
ty, nn real national existence. Tlb appear.;
improbabie. But in one thing Mozeini chant
sense. He recomerends o league, beaded by
England, coto prising that country, with Prussia,
Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland,
Spain and other mitt,: states of Europe. With
the exception of Portugal, such a league would
embrnee 11,0 il,
t h e. j,..t z t,,, :it industry and commerce ;
othiir band,
position towards annexation in hiTrOpe. -41 rt
certainly cannot he denied that the Mazzininn
maintimto embodi, an idea or two well worth
MURDER.-- wo murders have been commit
ted in Ulster county, New York. A daugh
ter of James Ynnlervoort, of fdytel, was en
gttged nt the heuse of Mr. Alliet.Laio in s, akiug
n shroud for the body of his wife, when her
father came in and demanded her to go home.
threatening her with personal injury if sho re
fused. Young .Albertson interfered to reason
with Ilia:. The two got into a quill-re], in the
course of which Albertson was stabbed m the
Lrenst. He expired shortly after the wound
was inflicted. Vandcrettort has nines been ar
rested, and is sow in the Kingston jail. On
Sunday a men named Cunningham was mur
dered by three brothers. Thomas, Augustus
and Peter Berhany. They, in company with
others, were at n ' clearing bee," when they
got into a querrel with Cunningham. Ono of
them stabbed him in the breast with a knife,
and another struck 'din on the head with a
stone, !rect.-Mg the skull. One of them has
been nrtested, and is now in the Monticello
jail. Augustus and Peter ace still at large,
and cants are in pursuit of them.
The State Central Committee of the Opposition
party in Virginia net at Richmond on Wed
nesday lest, and agreed upon the 14th of De
cember next, as the best tone, and the city of
Richmond as :be most suitable place for hold.
leg aState Convention representing the Oppo
sition in that titan:. This Convention is "pre.,
liminary to a National Convention intended to
be held hereafter, with the view of collecting,
and harmonizing, and or,genizing the conserve
Live Union sentiments of the country."—A'al.
'ls the Opposition in Virginia defeated them•
selves last flay by the extreme course they
took on the Slavery question, and on they can.
not hope, now, in any event, to carry that State
for any Opposition candidate for President,
their right tc load or initiate a national Oppo •
sitton movement scorns to us a very doubtful
one. It would he much more modest in them
to yield the lend to some State that can ho car•
rigid in 1860.
LANCASTEIL—The Republican Convention
met on the 2.lta and nominated the following
Legialotitre—Nadi'l Ellmaker, Jr., Dr. Stung
Keneagy, Jacob E. Cassel, A. S. Green.
Distrid Attrney—Emlin Franklin.
County Taanircr—Michael H. Shirk.
County Coll7llli.iollo . — Levi S.
Prison inspenn . s—littgll S. Gars, Joseph
Directors of the Thor—David Styors, Simon
Groth, Christian Warfel.
Ai,tioe—John Mecartney.
.lilimaker, Keneagy and Green were
members of the last ilouse.
BLAIR COUNTY—The anti•Lecomptonites in
Blair county wore defentod at the loeolocu Con.
vention held on Monday Inst. Neff, Ler:omit
ton, was nominated fur Assembly, by a vote of
24 to 19 fur Gil!more, anti•Lecomptou. Mnj.
T. Snyder was nominated for Senate, with the
power to choose his own conferees ; but as he
is a Lecomptonite he is probably a mere eta!
of Bigler's, who will use his coaerees to secure
the nomination of a Clearfield man fur Stns•
tom' On Saturday night last, at Tyrone city,
Pa., some young Men were disposed to be play•
tul, and Maj. F. Shindle jumped upon Is
chair to make is secret,, whets his feet slipped
and ho fell with his entire weight across the
back of the chair, thereby breaking three ribs.
thrown domestic competition, asks enormous
prices for his go. ds, arid comi els outpeople to
pay the most liir articles of inferior value. 'rho
specific duty of so mach by the yard or pound
is, on the contrary, fixed and invariable—al
ways the same; the American producer knows
exactly Ulna to calculate on, and no fraudu
lently under-charged invoice con be sworn
through the Custom-house by individuals reck
less of perjury, when the article itself defines
the rate import. But the reasonable de
mand of the people for the protection which
would be secured both to them arid the nation
al treasury by the substitution of moderate,
fixed, specific dirties for the ad valorem rates
of the present Tariff, falls unheeded on the
ears of the governing powers at Washington,
or is treated by them with derision and con ,
tempt. Pennsylvania has a vast and vital con
cern in this matter. We need not refer to the
coal and iron interests—her investments for
improvements to carry the products of her
fa: ma, mines, forges, furnaces, factories, &e., to
market, and the advantage which the active
prosecution of those now languid or suspended
operations would be to the agriculturalist,
I mechanic, and manual laborer, in giving them
I purchaeers for their products and fabrics, and
employment for their stalwart arms. The peo
ple of this State are too intelligent not tu under
eland these things, and the classes mentioned
have by hitter experience, had them deeply
irepreesed upon their min ds and meteoric,—
Will they not with united purpose. work towel,
er (or the accomplishment of the great reform
which is necessary in our system of imposing
duties on import's, and as "the democratic
party"—its representations and active agents
in public station and political manager..
not only committed the wrong of introducing
free trade, bet refuse to remedy it, therneelvee
theory Die tho influence of this party, amt by
rejecting its candidates make plain their unal
terable determination that the protection of
American industry Aran be the settled, abiding
and irreversible policy of the government
When fully convinced that such is the renolu
• lion of Pennsylvania, opposition will begin to
ell:rapper, end her true repreemtatives will be
clothed with power to make efibctual her de
It is a remarkable peculiarity of the present
National Adintnietratiou that, with a deficient ,
revenue and a people suffering in all their
bmtieese interests from the unfriendly policy of
the government, the public expenditures 1111V0
increased' to an unprecedented amount,
and corruption, purgation, reiamanagement
end favoeitilm ereyail at the cost of the Feder
al Treasury. 'When Mr. Buchanan entered
Mien his office, he found a surplus of $14,000,-
000 on hand. Belbre the first yeas of his
time had closed, this wee all exhausted—the
isene or' $20,000,000 in Treasury notes, and a
clock loon of the like amount were authorized
by the first melon of Congress afterhis itirrug.
metier,— the total annual expenditures of the
ficial year which ended on the 30th of June,
reached the enormous amount of
C2B, 867, and the appropriations for the en
seine, year covered the surn of $98,854, 201 04,
and 'this 17113 less by $7,769,000 than the Ad
ministration asked for.
When John Quincy Adams, thirty years ago,
expended some $15,000,000 annurillr, the
outcry against his extravagance was loud
ard incessant, Mr Buchanan being among
those who raised it for political effect; but he
has not only nearly sextupled, but tins, in time
of protbund pence-with all nations, far rxece
ded the annual expenditures when the country
ets on
y's coasts, and
is cap
n nnnde
i h l : g ra e' n l en in ; ipitenlf; these expeuyee
andat, uafortenntoty,
' i l el et ::::s eaa s o'i
linen lo:pl3tuel
designs. The navy yards of Brooklin nod
Philatleluhia were crammed will 3 nressme
lion to Congress of the friends of the Adrsiois
tration, and its supporters in attempting to
consummate the Lecompton fraud and outrage;
contracts for building ships and supplying; coal
for the navy were awarded, not to t h e lowest
bidders, but to family connections of tnernbers
of the Cabinet, or to establishments whose re,
onitnendntion, referred by the President him.
self to the Secretary of the Navy, was that they
exercise a strong influence in n congressional
district, and ought to be rewarded for deserting
old political associations to contribute to Mr.
Buchanan's election, and as an encouragement
to them to work for the re election of his friend
to Congress. Large purchases of moles, wag
ons, and other materials for the Ptah expedi
tion were made of near relations of the mom,
bars of the House of Representatives. who
pleased the Administration by supporting its
Kansas measures, or of members of the patty
supposed tee wield political influence in pudic•
ular localities.
Calculating the Chances.
The New York Tribune Is calculating the
chances for the Presidency in 1860. It makes
out 186 free State votes in the various electo
ral colleges, and 120 slave State—total, 306,
making 154 necessary to n choice. Counticg
the cloven States that voted for Fremont In
1856 as sure for the Republican candidate in
1860, would give 114 electoral votes, making
40 tnoro votes necessary. The remaining free
States poll 72 votes. Of these, Pennyslennia
(27), Illinois (11), and Kansas (3), are certain
to go for the Republican candidate, with the
test chance for Now Jersey (7), Indiana (13),
and Minnesota (4), making altogether 25 voles
more than enough. This is without counting
a single Southern State. Upon the whole,
the chances are decidedly favorable to the
Republican side, and their success is absolutely
certain if they are wise in scatting a nomination
that will not ha objectionable to the distinctive
American branch of the party. Mho election
goes to the House, the Smith Americans and
Independent Democrats will probably hold the
balance of potent. Ist that case we may ex
pect warm work, end a possible success of pro.
slavery party the another terns. The Ameri
can Republicans have the game in their own
hands, and it is hoped they will play it judi
ciously so as to carry off the prize.
Nervous Diseases Controlledand
Of all the carious ills that detract from the
enjoyment of human life, most of them may bo
traced to a disordered condition of the nervous
system. The horrors of Epilepsy, or Falling
Sickness, arise in most cases from this cause.
Our readers may remember, on several occa•
sieve before, we have alluded to the wonderful
cures, or modifications of Fits, made by the
Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills, invented
and prepared by Dr. Seth S. Hance, of 108
'lnitiator° Street, Baltimore,
Md. We feel
fully satisfied that these Pills have cured some
of the most stubborn cases of Epilepsy, as
well as the milder forms of Fits, Boehm severe
Cramps, Spasms, &r. We now record the
fact, that persons will find these Pills equally
efficacious in curing every form of nervous
debility;—no matter whether manifested in the
acute and excruciating form of Neuralgia, Tic
Doloreux, or Nervous Headache, the misery of
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, the sufferings of
Rheumatism or Gout, the melancholy halluci•
nation of depressed spirits or hysteria, their cf•
feels will be equally happy and certain.—
Persons in the country can write to the insets.
tor, and haSe the medicine forwarded to them
by mail. Tho prices are, one box, $3; two
boxes $5; twelve boxes SII-f ; and scut to any
part of the country, free of postage. Direct
your communications to SETH S. DANCE, 108
Baltimore street, Baltimore, hid,
On the sth inst., by Rev. M. Spangler, Mr.
John Smith to Miss Sarah Ann Miller, both of
ITnion township, ITuntingdon county.
TAGGART & rmiats
e 25
13) 0'; Fhl
\ VO. J
t~tFamily Sewing Mac hineel
NO. 1.03, STREET,
These Machines were accorded the first pre
miums at the Lanroster and Montgomery
County Fairs (the only fairs at which they
have been yet exhibited) in competition with
the Wheeler & Wilson. Singer, and other ma
chines, and are eared to the public with con—
os being the cheapest and best ma
chine in the market. They are now in exten
sive use and have met the unqualified appro
val of all who have tried them. They are
strong and simple in construction, and AM net
liable to get out of order, as en examination
will fully satisfy every ono. They will do as
wont a variety of work, do it as well and do
as much of it as the high priced machines can
Will Sol these machines adapted to their wants.
They will sew tine or heavy goods of every de
scription with equal IN cility. For Quilting
purposes they are unequalled. By a simple
adjustment of the tension, a atich is made
which gathers beautifully. The atich is the
Double Lock Stitch, strong and elastic, and
will not unravel or draw the goods when washed.
The !breed is used from spools of any size,
as purchased at the stores, without re-winding.
Tustructions in operating the machines given
to purchasers. Each machine is accompanied
with directions, which urn very explicit, a ad
contain till the information necessary tot. p
No. 103, North Eighth Street, Phila.
CrlVe nould refer to Gen. S. Miles Green,
Barra Forges, and
WM. BRE W S TER, Agent,
Sent. 7, 1859.-Iy. Huntingdon, ra
I The undersigned will meet the teachers
and school directors in their respective districts
as indicated in the following table
Carbon September 10, at Coolmout.
Porter & Alexandria, Sept. 12, at Alexandria.
West, September 13, at Petersburg.
Walker, ,‘ 14, at MeCounellstown.
Juniata A Henderson, Sept. 15, at Huntingdon.
Brady, September 16, at Mill Creek.
Oneida ' " 17, at Donation.
Shirley & Shirleysburg, Sept. 20, at Shirleyab'g.
Burn, September 22, at Mannr Hill.
Jackson, " 23, at MeAlavey's Fort.
The hour for meeting at each of the above
places, will be 9 o'clock, a. m. Teachers are
requested to be punctual. A. OWEN,
September 7,1859.-3 t. Co. Sup'S.
Suit sfoca of SILK GOODS,
Full stock of STAPLE GOODS,
Full Stock of FANCY GOODS,
Fashionable FALL. SHAWLS,
gircLoms, cAsstmEtts & VESTING 9,
Fourth and Aroh Sts. PUILAVA.
V. /3.—/ilock Wholesale, at low rates.
CUlaryaivs Daily from Now Turk etoCtiOnS.
Sept. 7th, '39.-3m.
In pursuance of Orders of the Orphans' Court
of the co u nty of Ifuhtiogdon, the Tracts of
Land, 4:c., hereinafter described, situate in said
county, will be exposed to public sale on the
T'ltorrelay, the tigth dart of September, 1859;
ns the property of John Ker, late of said coun•
ty, deed., to wit :
'l. All that tract marked (A) in the diagram
annexed to the return of the Inquest, contain
lag 237 acres and 130 perches, it being tho
Mansion Farm of said dee'd. About one half
of this tract is cleared and under cultivation ;
about 40 acres of which is meadow. Running
water for cattle, Ac., may be readily introduced
into almost every field upon this farm. There
are upon it n two story frame dwelling house, a
large brick barn and other buildings. Also, a
good apple orchard.
2. All that tract 'narked (C) in said diagram,
containing 237 acres and 68 perches, and called
the Moore Farm. Somewhat snore than half
of this tract is cleared and under cultivation, a
fair proportion of which is meadow. On ac
count of the nearness of these two farms to the
borough of Huntingdon, and the large quanti
ty of meadow upon each, they would be well
suited for grazing or stock farms.
3. All that tract !sluiced (D) in said diagram,
containing 185 acres and 132 perches ; about
one half of this tract is cleared and under cub
tivation, and has thereon erected, two tenant
4. All that tract marked (E) in said diagram,
containing 214 acres and 87 perches; about.
100 acres of this tract are cleared and under
cultivation. No buildings thereon.
5. All that tract marked (G) its said diagram,
containing 110 acres; woodland.
6. All that tract marked (K) in said diagram,
containing 87 acres and 147 perches; wood
Y. All that tract marked (L) in said diagram,
containing 148 acres and 83 perches; wood
8. All that tract =died (SI) in said diagram,
containing 117 acres and 147 perches; wood.
9. An undivided interest in Milnwood Acad.
emy, in Dublin tp., the extent of which interest
will be made known on the day of sale.
10. All that tract marked (13) insaid diagram,
containing 203 acres and 39 perches, and called
the LetTard or Spring House Farm ; about one
half of this tract is cleared, and has thereon a
dwelling house, saw mill, and an excellent spri tug
of water. To be sold as the real estate of
Joshua W. Ker, dee'd., under his last Will.
11. All that tract marked in said diagram
with letter (F), containing 170 acres and 124
perches, and called the Creek Farm ; about 80
acres thereof are cleared, and a dwelling house
thereon erected ; the uncleared part of this
tract is heavily timbered. To be sold as the
real estate of bleary M. Her ; deed., under his
last Will.
All these lands, except Milnwood, lie in one
body near the borough of Huntingdon, and will
be sold together or separately, so as to suit
purchasers. TERMS.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of the
sale, and the residue to be payable, with inter
est, at such times as may be agreed upon ou
the day of sale. The ut:paid purchase money
to be secured by Bowls nod Mortgage,
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day.
Attendance will be given by
DAVID S. KER, Trustec
August 31st, 1850.