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After one or more numbers of a now year have been forwarded, a new year has commenc ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until arrearages are paid. See No. 1 . The above terms will be rigidly adhered in all eases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the following rates 1 insertion. 2 do. S do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37i $ 50 One square, (1G lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 ) 100 150 200 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. One square, $3 00 $5 00. $8 00 'Two squares, 500 800 12 00 I column, 800 12 00 18 00 do., 12 00 18 00 25 00 do. is 00 27 00 40 00 1 d 0. ,, • 22 00 35 00 45 00 Business Cards of six lin ci•,or loss, $4.00. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out an disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, tho depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of liim who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunge, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul co, ruption, which Fenders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseasea; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the th l eMingginiPy n t i gittiebritltSij in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active rcmcdiala that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE end SHIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ROSE, or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, Btorcars, ELATES and Botts, TUMORS, TErrint and SALT Rantwt, SCALD HELD, RiNowonsr, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and hienconter, EASES, Daorcy, DYSPEPSIA, Denxtrry, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA, TED on henna Biwa. The popular belief in impurity of the brood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rills is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. • Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, sae so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health ,r energy restored by a remedy at once as simple and hinting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous dioceses. The agent below named pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: COMM,. etess, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice , and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of itsfUnctions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roa TILE RAPID CURE OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, • Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. lion, and for the relief of Consumptive • Patients in advanced stages of the disease. fici wide is the field of it s titanium and so nu- soe7oueare the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When otter tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. . PA., 114111 AV DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELJ, MASS. Jottw READ; Agent Huntingdon, Pu. Nov. 10, 1858.—1 y. llt „. .(4 , 6 I 1 a • * V _ nMGT POETRIV: THE DRUNKARD'S CHILD. DY XENETTE. A little child stood moaning In thn hour of midnight lone, And no human ear Ivan 11.V:sing To the feebly wailing tone. The cold keen blast of winter, With funeral wail swept by, And the blinding snows fell darkly Through the murky wintry sky. Ah I desolate and wretched Was the drunkard's outcast child, Driven forth amidst the horrors Of that night of tempest wild, The babe so fondly cherished Once 'neath a parent's cle, Now laid her down in anguish Midst the drifting snows to die I "Papa, papa I" she murmured, The night is cold and drear, And Pm freezing, 0, I'm freezing I In the storm and darkness here. My naked feet are stiffening, And my little hands grow numb, Papa, cau I not come to thee, And warns myself at home ?" "Mamma, mamma I" more wildly, The little sufferer cried, Forgetting in her anguish, How her stricAu mother died— "Oh I take me to your bosom, And warm me on your breast, Then lay mo down and kiss me " In my little bed to rest I" Poor child, the sleep that gathers Thy stiffer.'d eyelids o'er, Shall know no weary waking To a life of suffering more. Sleep on I—the snows may gather O'er thy cold and pulseless form, Thou art resting, calmly resting In the wild dark midnight storm I A SELEZT 5T,01117, MY FRIEND JOSHUA. Did you ever see a bashfuln7a;,Teader? If you have, you have seen one of the most awkward, ungainly creatures among the human bipeds. Now there may be something very attractive and interesting in the shrinking timidity of n blushing girl, though I confess that I have my doubts in regard to it, but a bashful man, who ev• er F,C.JP i n i/Y. age doing what he never ought to have done, and saying what he never intended to say he is one of the most pitiable objects in existence. To be sure, in these days of brass and assurance, when everybody thinks himself as good as his neighbor, and a great deal better, they are . very rare. But still they are to be met with occasionally, though they are quickly disappearing, and proba bly in a few years there will be no trace of them left, My friend, Joshua Wheat, was one of this unfortunate class of people, I say he was, for he was wonderfully improved of late years, But I will not anticipate. No one could have seen Joshua enter n room where there was company, especially ladies, without being aware of this pecu liarity of his. He generally either blun• dered along, looking red and foolish, or shot hurriedly ir., with a white, sacred face, hiding himself as . soon as possible from observation behind a door, or in a cor ner. If there was a chair or stool any where in the room, which was very apt to be the case, he generally managed to Aura bits over it, which was not at all calculated Ito increase his self-possession, or add to the grace of his entrance. If a pretty girl spoke to him, he stammered, and turned all sorts of colors, looking as frightened and ashamed as if he had been convicted of sheep stealing. Poor Joshua! there certainly never was a man who had a higher opinion of the better part of creation, or was snore capa ble of appreciating the blessings of matri mony; yet he had reached the age of twenty-eight without being one step near er toward realizing them than he was eight years before. Ho had five brothers, but though none of them had half of his good looks or sense they possessed what he did not, plenty of assurance, and a tact of showing all they did know,and were all married and hap pily settled in life, while he remained a Iforlorn, disconsolate bachelor. It was not for the want of means to sup port a wife, for he had plenty of this world's goods, a well stocked farm, +a nice, new house, besides some money in the bank. It certainly was not for want of girls, for there were scores of them in the town where he lived, of all sorts and sizes, black eyed, blue eyed, and grey eyed. and eyes of. no color at all. No Joshua Wheat re mained unmarried merely because he had not the moral courage to look at one of these in the face and say, “I love you— will you marry me?" These words are very simple, and to the uninitiated very easily spoken, end yet I have known many a man's courage fail him at the thought of saying them, who would have rode into the front of the fierc est and hottest battle without the shadow of a fear. At last all girls of Joshua's acquain tance were married to braver, if not better men. All but one, Mary Dearborn, the prettiest ens among them all, and as good and sensible as she was pretty. Mary bad plenty of suitors, but she turned a cold shoulder to them all, she would have nobody but Joshua Wheat. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1859. . _ ----- — nity justly feels in having in its bosom, I I knew a p oor Bearish carpenter, who, another loop • What is it ?' Joshua had taken a great shine to Mnry ! "You d ' on's say so. Yuri Ore looking fosses the honor which the whole co.nmu. !dent gives to innate talent. said that amiable lady, and she took up ever since they were ch ildren, they used polo," said Mary, with an appearance of to go to school together in the littl e re d great symp a thy, glancing mischievously at and cherishing its its otvn, individuals who with the ut most dif f iculty gathered the •Aml to ' have a pudding for my dinner, schoolhouse on the hill, drawing her on his face, which was growing redder cv. , have so distinguished themselves and their needful bread for his fami ly. His had- or not?' his little sled, and bringing her apples as try moment, and which certainly showed ' race , ten were to the public setiool of a neigh. • Perhaps you may, and may be you This moral dignity of labor is purely an boringcity. His eldest son having no mayn't,' was his rib's unsatisfactory reply. red and shining as her rosy cheeks, • signs of ill health. When they grew older, he still exhite• 1 "What n beautiful situation you have," , American schen•e and thought. it h ag c h ance of Y auc r a e tio d u i before, t i d aid w h i o th id h o o f his led hie preference 01 her, though in asome. she resumed, aft e r a pause, lookin when. marked our country'a history from the ear• o ortuoit e, Mr. Sniuggins, stamping round, and mak- Well, we'll' see about that,' snarled what different manner. Every Sabbath, ringly around the well cultivated farm.—, liest pnriods of its eolouial establishment ; through ell tl g le s e tag l e 3 s ' o P f a p " ublic ed ucatirn r Mg hie coat tails fly übout. '!'hoot , afwr meeting was over, he would post , ~T he Wis only one thing wantipg to make ' not itio-e arising from the first strugghvg at the public expert., and on hie graduat: , ..• I . l . ' d ell , , re itny al t u a t r t , t y ; e s t . ' a h:t y d , p . e i. rh t n it p e s k b t e t t . t h er . himself by the church door to escort her you quite comfortable," she added. :slyly. condition of its original settlers, than from ing at the summit of the career of the ci : home, and in the evening, arrayed in his •• ar,d that Is a wife, What in the world the very principles with which they erni• ' ty's provision, was immediately appointed en," And then she dropped a stitch. "Sunday's best," he might have been seen !is the eeaeon you don't get married, Josh- , grated, end upon which' the determined .. teacher and a ' professor of ancient langua- g s g rn ra u v g a g te in a s saint, Madam,' ox. to erect the empire which they founded. i nes in one of the highest institutions, and cla.ilYneedu'Ndlra. striking a bee's line for Esq. Dearborn's, us ?" About nine o'ttlocrc the old folks would go The poor fellow colored up to the tips It is, undoubtedly, true that labor was at , honored the mote for the industry which ,Do saints upset chairs that way!' was the meek inquiry, off to bed leaving loshua and Mary to-. of his hair. "I— I really don't know," first the necessity of their being. Hands i had mode him from neglected po y have and arms that had never toiled before were ' what he is. 'FLis ie America. gather, And there he would sit, looking !be gasped, "there won't anybody straight into the fire, scarcely daring to me. ' i 1 )0Y . Mrs. Stnuggins,' sa i d the male proprie required to toil unceasingly upon the rug. ! might have lived and died a beggar in the move or breath, with the momentous gees- "Fiddlestick's end 1 ." was the laughing ged Shores which were !elected as their ! streets of London, and no titled man have tor of that euphonious name, confronting lion trembling on the very tip of his tongue I rejoinder, "I know better than that ! tome. And, in this very fact, a dignity 1 taken hint by the hand to brie ou t , i his sleeping partner. g ,n an , Well.' yet never leaving it. No nearer toward There are plenty that would it you would was given to human industry which load 1 elevating • • education, the noble powers Ite the object of his visit than when he en • only take the trouble to ask them 1 never been b•• Will you go and make a pudding or • , Le fore connected with it in rno- j Creator had implanted within him. tared. know of ono, at leapt," she added in a low• ' d • not?' , int tonics. The Winffirops, and John-1 Let a man :sake a tour of the single • Things went on this way a number of er tone. • No.' ! eons, and Endicotts, of that slay , would State of Connecticut with tin oth • k I months. But at toot an event occurred "No, but really do you?" inquired Josh• jlt•d T el • ' ' Itl ' ' • ate lot le any s.ution in le. Ale ,et. notv - e You wont?' edge or ebsereation up. fl subject than which gave Joshua quite a Start. A son ua, eagerly. "Who can it be?" ' D 't bother I' Id on me ; ve to you once.' tv hen were seen hewing out their fu• ; that which betimes to every intelli wet of Doctor Hale, the village physician This was rattier too much, - and growing turo th ereindedence from the, wilderness ' American, he will never foreet the ; i' • I fancy, Mrs. Smuggins, that you en came house from college, where • he had : indigo:int at either his stupidity or want and rearing their partial but honorable 5 ob. ' sion of di • b t I tinPree• feted into e compact to obey me,' mid her graduated, it was said, with considerable lof courage to take advantage. of the op• sistence filen a sterile end unwilling soil, 1 • wtil b gnitY• eau y ari n. potyer Is hich shamefully deceived lord, beating the emade upon his ini d From the . distinction. He was a tall, lank, SIDOOOI. ' portuuity she gave him, she remained si- never ha d the nice glittered with such li i I • • devil's tattoo' on his best carpet. git at ading of a pm to the hanunering of gra ined, fellow, with fur more Teeming than lent. , I won't be ordered ' thel , was rop y.— nor the lam moved with such majesty be. ' nite, from the polishing of the brass Dutton braille, and more brass than either. He "What a singular looking apple that is fore. utton , And the lady with a great deal of dignity i l to the beating of the brazen kettle from , saw Mary in church the first Sabbath after you have in your hand," site remarked at 1 Within the recollection of our oldest the India rubb • el to' ' picked , up her traps, and flounced out of uspen er the 1 aflame. the room. his return, and took a great fancy to her, lust, breaking the embarrassing silence that ' citizens, instance', were not infrequent . fedend beautiful ee' , ..., Brusse ls carpet, in eve• and commenced paying her considerable followed. Ir. another minute the outrag ed gentle• I where our most eminent men considered It ry possible variety and shape and beaut ' kitchen, ' ' ' ' attention. 1 i•Ye•s," retArd Joshua. "It is a new no degradation to discharge with their men 'of moo hi y, d u ~_ , Y man was in the , Sukey, he said Young Hale had always been Mary's , kind that 1 grafted last year, and the only hands, it (occasion required it, services us - u. rive W e t fr n oZ ilinee htt son r e e ve h r r y i , r tle miry furiously, snake me a currant demplin' for particular aversion; she had disliked him 1 one that came to perfection. Won't you , or stone dinner—plenty , of currants' ally eeteemed • it in the exreme—the ' edce if maU t r•• " to LI d y s o ins le ru e s Jed of from his boyhood; but site did tel scruple.l have it, Miss Mary?" he added, looking at ro I h dbl k• ✓ b • • , Why sir 1 replted that young lady, g ore ng ernes an tic ing oots, not pine bonrds in the woods, upon the mar. , hews one a to flirt with him a little, hoping to arouse 1 her timidly. only for themselves, Joshua's jealousy, and bring him to the "Will I have you Joshua? Of course Isl stati on• W ell look, sir, for yourself.' said Swam. , , o could exalt men who would eel- effects of the American system, Ito ' ' ' point. • I will," said :Mary, with the most i tiering, , Missus made it with her owe hands an , , i nnocent wearily arid cheerfully do this ; and hoot. ' dignifying, prospering and droteetin ) It seernecl to have its effect, for learning! air iontnaginable. g Am- hour ago. blacking, iti their hands, ro. to idlegnity erican labor and American skill. that Mr. Lawrence, one of his neighbors, 1 Joshua teas thunderstruck, scarcely der • which. iti this country',And there, sure enough, bobbing up 10 xurious ness, Human talent, indusd a thriving farmer, intended to give a p a r. 1 nog to trust his eras . . A re y ou in earn. , though charioted In wealth, can never cent- E kill, under the favorin tr . y . , wisdom t,...0n and down, was a glorious sized dumpling ty, and having obtained an inkling, to some , est, Mitry ?" he inquired, looking a n xi o u s- , mend, la Ili spirit whieh was shone ctn. ' von, g blening . Hea• —the species of dumpling on which he , must now go forth to sow and togath• domed way, that dint collegiate chap, its lie termed ;ly nito her face. . i tie:tied, an honor wee affixed to labor, and er in the harvest of the earth. We * his rival, intended to take his Mury, ho I ••To be sore 1 am," she returned, laugh.? in the general feeling of the people there are Considerably mollified , yet filled with leeching • c • . • g lessons of political economy which went over to Esquire Dearborn's to ask her ! ing and coloring. "An4 o ‘ve will be mar- was tr Insulin • the sense of a wronged husband, he pro . ed a moral dignity as connect- ' the wield hue never heard before. It is a S himself• tied next Chrietnins." • • ed to his wife's - sore c. et wall industry, even in the lowest shapes waste die iensation for our innatey Dille "e . Delighted at the success of her manam • Unal - de to confide himself, jOFLua Mime-r • Well, madam,' he began,' so it seems in e Inch the needs of men required it, nations 1 see us, but nor w ith the ! vet Mary gave a sniffing consent, And diately threw his tutus around Mary, and which should b, cherished by the present or olives of Italy or France . vines there is a pudding after all.' at the appointed time , much to t h e ch.., ratified the haird o with a hearty kiss, at generation and made perpetual in the fu- e Y . . , nor with the •Is there ?' was the echo. mimes and erne. of Spite and Portugal, •o ye grin of the young colegian, who had in- ' which performan. Mary manifested not . tete s, madam and it is lucky for you - I nor even the rich and glowing verdure, ' that there is ' tended to appropriate her to linnself, she !the slighteta objection or displeueure. The extreme difference between this • and the temning !weenie of England and i• * ' went accompanied by Joshua. On the following Christie:43 there was a general feeling, and the whole morel con- ! I• Is it really ? was the provocative re went Scotland. 'l e magni fic ence of Alarmed at the bare possibility of los• merry wedding icy Itlil, Dearborn's, at dition of the Eastern continent, is a ter sponse. Y their ti me arclnct t'' 1 ec ure we have mg her, Joshua Itepeared like te new m an which our frie e d e , testma and Mary, were remarkable fact. Throughout monterchial • , Yes, madam, it—is. In fact, von dared not attained. And yet there are inwilt- • and instead of mopping in soma corner as !the chief actors. Europe the permanent distiections drew. , ___ . a - ,_,' nee r mei, eitAtto ease CU ti t 11,f4 j• ' was his wn not daring to sp e ak to h er , l And now, the staid, dignified looking Anil mlteaseem me' Duman mind, nor m tne :envy of the grandeur and glory of inure- , In•deed !' replied Mrs. Stnuggins with or any one else, he remained by "e aide' in "'"•' ' '' "'"' n ' ev en eba 'i li f - Menlly be innate ambition of individual thought. Ag• perm display. They see that we have a suspicious emphasis. • Now if you d or. 't nearly the whole evening, seetrcely quit- importinot of.ir.w.Sthenner, ;', • wisward ! ricul.sre in the hands of a peasantry wile efejessle. flourishing and prosperous beyond leave the room, I will ; all that I have to 1 I 1 - • ling her side for n dom. ,and then only lnt e i . a,al kile l i i . neder t•g• •- must live anti die in the rude hamlet is i comparison ; but we have no rabble but say is, that I won't be ordered.' When she rentiosted h , '"'''' '"',"` 1,, .).'t: i r ' eu ' l4 7 which they were born, whose ignorance, ' that winch their own degradatioe has Dinner-time came, and so did our injured Mr. Hale, who had viewed J'oshua , . -"•'••••"."''•" must never be enlightened beyond the thrown upon our shores. It is :he prov- husband. (Dinner's the thing to bring 'mu attentions to Mary with a jealous eye, entessecenzerer . ylkuisa u s . i . , clumsy implements of culture which their into of America to build, toot palaces, but home.) Ile sat down, said nothing, looked heard the request, and being well aware of •••••• 1 •• , - , s•neesse s. e•e Joshua's blundering propensities, very forefathers have used, who must feel them- men ; to exalt, not titled stations, but gem- dag gers, The dumpling carne. Mr. . LABOR MORAL DIGNITY OF AMERICAN selves marked out US the mere tolerated oral humility ;to dignify, not idle repose. " Stnuggins undid the lower button, drew maliciously placed a stool directly in In way. Pretty soon Joshua cause back, and _____ . denizens of a soil which can never be their but nssiduous :ndustry ;to elevate, not the himself half afoot nearer to his work, and awn, whose fare le of the coars est ated few, but the many ; and to make herself handed his plate, saying gruffly—. Give instead of walking around the stool; us ex CUM:, El. TIMG, D. D. mennest provision, which can sustain the known, not as much in individuals , as in met some of that.' anybody else would have do., he stein effort of the life of men, and the average wages of herself ; spreading to the highest possible , W hat's this!' he shouted. bled over it, and sprawling full length up• It is not a con descending t , i. r. whose labor is, in Austria, less than ene• level, but striving to keep it level still, uni- , dear,' the. `Plc nodding, mywas on the floor, landed the cements of his high to exalt the low, nor of the pecti i l a in France, less than one-third, and ! versa' education, prosperity and honor. `What the—have you boon doing to inch consisted of a cup 01 cell., ly cultivated to elevate and bene fi t the l ean s eventh,. hands, w Englund,lone-half of time The great element of this whole plan of . - refined sod p rivileged of men. But it is even in less thou it' he frantically demanded, and a plate heaped with doughnuts, pump average of agriculture' wages ainoug the , effort and instruction is the moral, relative honor that imper 'l rolled it in the ashes', my sweet love. kin pie and various other eatable's, directly a mutual agreemeet to , f • , n of America. Attempts to rise : dignity of labor—an element which we are _ . said this morning that I • ishable element ea loan which t he power retire. highest You know you in Mary's fop, hinted within him, above this state, to attain a position in the 1 , to exalt in public einininiinn in the high-- • dared not disobey you. No more [hove This unexpected feat produced quite a. of the Creator has imp hinted highest which twin may have his hones its a man, possible degree, and transmit to our faini d r 'I here's your pudding—eat it,'— sensation. Mary set up a loud scream, milt to excite and cultivate to s ite in teti• and exercise a better influence up. the lie s and to posterity, as the true greatness The specimen ot P obedience (tw eed the rest of the company retailed toward possible degree, by an hor : ora e f " tit l e in: destiny of his own family, or his fello•v- cite el the country and the world, We are to conjugal .. . •.. her to ace what was the matter, and it teas Lion, the skill and effort of man or • , appeared suddenly out of ahoy room, with ' • f f • b•• considered a vire. look at this enlarging elevation of the , laugh. It was lucky for her that • resent aces, f ur from tang prevenient and elevation of Ins p , . . • le 1 I fr et which may la hearty some time, before order WAS restored. right .1 • 1 he melee at- wlitclus to be encouraged, or a U iIC i we , nog.c asses o men—a her side, and had been left When the tumult had, in a measure, coed nine . of being—not for t time door was on . fur' isto be acknow ledged, is rt crime for which Ibe considered the main index of our age— the for a prompt exit, subsided, Mary looked around for the un- tainment of luxurious indulgence, butne.. to . Inc shot. not us a difficulty to be limited, but as an eji h e lr. Sulu ins said teeny a highly ins • lucky cause of it, but he was.. nowhere to the wildest disposal of beeline upon tratn• One benificent operation of the French ' aunt mem in which we greatly rejoice. Ithing gg imp ulse of the moment; be found, Pelortified at the ridiculous fig- kind ; for the utmost slue 'oration of the , moral on thou t 'volution, in the midst of all the horrors And if our heraldry is in the hammer, and Difficulties and enlargement of the ndvan• I a I however. he was too much of u *lose ure he cut, and the merriment of those who . d o f the Creator has of its spirit and its march, has been to break the,a xi., and the awl, and the needle, WO 1 '" to 'let his pudding cool; so he cut it witneoned lt, he had rushed from the j tag, watch th e wi t , me NoI up the, sy stem of servile peasantry, .d to ore to feel it a far higher honor than, if in jl' " • dout the 'fuddle house. raid never stopped his speed until I appended to the human station. obi 1• I inde•finitel the owners of the their p lace, we could have dragons and open, and snooped little he had reached his own room and bolted jet[ beneath the e ff ort to a -cure and blues multiply liu Y t even in the Y agriculture of France Itelmeis, and cross bones and skulls. Our He went down tow n, and for pr es uming gae the door, firmly resolving, as he did so, the future immortality of item can be con boy a lick on the h h t ea t o ffie mildew of the past is still thickly coat-' country's greatness is to be the result, not that he would never speak or even look at sidered greater or of more importance. • slip duwn against m. of ed up on the efforts and hopes of the prey- of foreign war, but of domestic peace; not The whole history of the prosperity Tupper, He got a girl again, 50 long. he lived. d the minds of :nen cramped in ! of th e plunder of the weak, but of the fair lie didn't go home to Poor Mary was much more annoyed at our country, whether general or , . sectional, ant ; an d he assert'. infancy like the feet ofChinese w o f Ci • • men • of just c mmerce, a that at Thompson's rued then *. and even p rinciples a o neat to the Joshua's evident discomfiture, than at the •vill hear to a demonstration t thriving agriculture, and beautiful and in- theater. About ten o'clock something in byun unnatural and detestable preesure loss of her dress, which was nearly ruined, that not to soil nor chniete, nor sea r no r va,. the play seemed to tinkle him amazingly, from m without, ore feeble and slow in all dustrious art. and conceived a stronger diclike than ever land, nor zones nor temperatures, ne Let us glory in everything that indicates for he scratched his head as though an e in• attempts to run into a new path, however to the collegiate, whom she was quite sure leys nor mountains, nor rivers, are n• • idea had suddenly taken root there, and tt five and this fact, as an Index also of our desire . of t all. She resolutely debted for the wonderful display of genius a rac promising. was at the bottom i .. mechanical labor and skill, the eh- for renown. This great lesson—honor to smiled. industry and resulting wealth In declined his proffered escort at the close of and skill, and s rkod, but settee of a ll h oner ne en habitual attendant the werking classes, in the proportion of Mr. Smuggins carried his smile home the entertainment, going home with one of by which our nation has oeen .. a h n i their industry and merit—the world will with him, and up to his bed room, where r ' ist . 1 ed is ta Europe equally , manifest. It is known her brothers, leaving him the alternative to the elevating influence . of ' C a d •'UI the that luxury purchases often eta great price 1 yet completely learn. And when the Mrs. Smuggins wee nicking paradoxical of unending some other lady, or going ucation upon youthful ininc.e, n up o n leveling system of Christi- preperatione (by debarrassing herself of the beautiful reeults of handicreft arid i great exulting, society in which they home been tra i ne d , . home alone. hill. It is known that individuale of bold- antsy gams its universe' reign, mountains her luggage) for a trip to Blanket Bay. he most honorable conditien , Two Sundays passed and Joshua never dignifying, as t fire soil, leakier: nees and energy—those irrepressible, spiv- will be brought down and valleys will be 'Deuce take it,' said he, a few minutee came near her, and on Monday following, el man, free labor upon a 1 'i • .1 elasticity no bounds cats limit— filled ; a highway shall be mode for ha- aPerwards, with an 'Olive.brar.ch' creak in d , the muting artificer a perfect equa l to theis n Rose e Mary put on her bonnet and shawl an , man prosperity and peace—for the eleva- his tone. , I say, Mary, do you know I , ! the head that has Lave occnsionully forced their way through went over to hie house for the ostensiale 1 eloquent orator, exu d ing , non, and dignity, and security of man— where my night cap is? If you da, I wish a toilemne day, ' mill this downward pressere, and have 1 purpose of having a gossip ' with old Mrs. humbly hote through many good girl.' over which no oppressor's foot shall pass; you'd get it for me, that's ot lived with her sosi but in re- over the bench of mitten) ,to pr eside , with• co it idled an ecknowledgment of their 1 p Wheat, who- , d a respect for their mighty de. 1 the poorest of the sons of Achim sled -To he sure I will, Thomas,' was the allay to find what had became of her sensi dignity .- a which commands united never- , greatness. dwell unmolested and heirless beneath his hearty response. 'Ali! here it is.' of judg ment , and velopments of mental and moral power, ence upon the benc h live lover. titledtribeshabitually fun- 1 hove followed throu g h from t hese whoa I own vine and fig tree ; the united families , Thank you, thank you.' Much to her dieappointment, Joshua leading the feet that ta the field, to stand . cy their intereet to be in widening the gulf ,of earth shall all compete to acquire and oLock here, Thomas,' said Mary, laying was not at home, though she saw a cout• 1 many a wearfurro furrow statesmen In ii ' l the councils j c( their separation, and insulating their encourage the arts of peace ; nation shall her hand gently on his arm, , we had words tail quickly disappear through an opposite on a leen I w ith I own condition as completely as possible. not riee up 'Tainst nation, and men shall. to day ; I hope the will never hit en door as she entered the room, which she of the teatime But what are these nmong so many? Their ; learn wili. no ....e. again. We havn't been together very long, shrewdly conjectured to belong to Josh. class are tradesmen and tradespeople st ill, I esseseeeas--- and we may as well just make up our I Matrimonial Philosophic'. And the habitual fact in their history a not , . had minds to start straight, or we shall be corn ' but great ' When Mr. Smuggles married, he . only no encouragement to rare, in some day or other moat confounded dl hop ed to insure domestic bliss.— log discourogement tend jealousy of their pos. fon dly ily crooked. I promised to love you ; and lafter that Ms savant event, sible ability to broils the shot: of caste, 'These more 19 .i with 1 do, dearly. I promised to honor you; savage rivet. he expressed his conviction, yr' I whose accumulated scales ages have I d o . l a ls o promised to obey you; he I we ll, e' earnestness, to Mrs. Smuggine—that Inv; Thomas, ask me to do anything in ed upon them. hadn't Elbe had expected nothing (vide' i , . I stood the other day by the bench of nu . . my power, in reason, or almost out of ten. rolume ) he might have been a English mechanic, whose remarkable skill , nn an d cient ;son, es you asked me to get your night cap, 1 t ofully din as I was a w 1 was admiring, and the genius et whose 1 bles , e in di vidual; I and I'll do it, gladly and unmurinuringly. youthful son in his work I was , ' appointed one.. noticing st • 'ltsquietlydelivered a simi• I But, if you ask me to do anything as you %chenille father took from the drawer some Mrs. am aggi asked me to make that pudding — •fit o 1 that lan op inion respecting herself, and went on . beautiful crayon end pencil sketch es,.. . , pudding 1 d . I'll •- - ; and make a . I won to a. .. ... After chatting awhile with the old lady, with whom she was quite a favorite, Mary arose to go, saying, as she did' so, " that site guessed she would go across the lots, as it was much nearer," She accordingly passed out the back way. As she was going through the gar. den she caught a glimpse of Joshua in an adjoining orchard, walking disconsolately among the trees, laden with their luscious fruit, and looking as the' ho hadn't a friend in the world. _ Ha %tatted and colored as his eyes fell upon Mary. "Why, Mr. 14 heat," she exclaimed, in a tone of surprise, " who would have theight of seeing you hers ! Why, 1 haven't seen you for an age ! Have you been sick 2" • ~ Yes—no—that is, I haven't been very well lately," stammered poor Joshua, looking as if he had half a mind to run away. There is that, in all the influences and promises of this system of heavenly light, which is precisely adapted to excite man to stir up the gift that is in him—to make hint feel that he was made to servo no mas ter hut God—to call him out to the utmost effort in mental competition, for the rin• provernent (Alin, race—to make him deem himself inferior to no underaking to which the line of his manifest right mid duty shall lead hitn—to give him patience in effort coolness in judgment, sk.II in discernment arid determination in execution—the ele ments of indubitable and certain success ; and whether thy- wilderness blossoms like the rose under his skill in agriculture, or the works of his hands seem almost to live, and speak, and act, in time beauty of his mechanical invention, Christianity honors his effort, and commands men to honor and protect the claims which it orig. mates. It preparea # stow of public mind which smiles encouragingly upon his at. tainments And productions, and which con- this working boy had 'wade. 6 . Ah ! air, said the father, this is America. My boy was taught all this for nothing, at your pub. lic school. Had I stayed at home, he would have lived and died unnoticed nt the bench, Here he may take a stand and be honored and encouraged." Yes, and this is but one of the multitude of illustrations which a knowledge of facts would bring out, of the encouragement which American free• with . her knitiing with an aggravating • calmness. . obey you , . :l'oni but I won't be ordered.' 1 .• Mr, Smuggins walked about the room 1 .1 here, now! keep still! nuff red,' came evidently under the itnpression that the i merrily from Tout's lips, as he closed hers law for' assort!. and buttery' was both un• , with a thrilling kiss. hallowed and unconditional. I He put on his night cap, blew out the Suddenly he stopped, . Mrs. Smuggms , light, jumped into bed, end, overcome by —Mrs. Smuggles I , he roared, as he re- ' the contending emotions of that eventful coved no reply. i day, both were almost immediately heard . Well, well, I hear you man, I hear you,' I to snore in blissful unison. Editor & Proprietor. NO. 36,