Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 24, 1859, Image 4

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Now the summer grass is waving,
And the summer flowers are seen,
And the merry birds are singing
On the leafy woods so green.
Now the summer corn is growing,
And the early fruit is red,
And the busy bees are humming
Where the yellow blossoms wed.
Now the balmy wind is blowing
Through the summer woodlands green,
And fairer birds are singing than
In royal park, I weep.
And the plover wild is screaming
In the downy woodland meads,
And the turtle-dove is cooing
Where the harmless green snake feeds.
In the marsh the mule is calling
Where she feeds her sable young,
And the meets' note is thrilling
Where the ivy-vines are hung.
In the fern the hare is crouching,
In the brake the serpent creeps ;
In the male the curlew's piping,
In the coed the troutlet sleeps.
On the hill the lamb is bleating,
In the shade the bullocks lie ;
On the rocks the kid is leaping,
While the shepherd rests him nigh.
Over all the sun is throwing,
Far and wide, its quickening heat ;
And the pulse of Nature's throbbing
With a strong and healthy beat.
Into ear the corn is verging—
All the cereals of the kind
And the ruby fruit is scattere d*
By the insect and the wind,
To the garner fast are hurrying
Golden stores—life's best defence ;
Summer yielding up her bounty,
Giving labor recompense.
"Having had one of Grover & Baker's Ma
chines in niy family for nearly a veer end a bolt
I take pleasure in commending it as every way
reliable for the purpose for which it is designed
—Family Sowing."—Mrs. Joshua Leucite. wife
of Rev. br• Leavitt, Editor of N. E Independent.
"I conies, mitelf delighted with your Sewing
Machine, which has been in my family for ma
ny months. It lots always been ready for duty,
requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted
to every variety of family sewing, by simply
ehaneing the spools of threat."—Mrs. Etizandh
Strickland, wife of Rev. Dr. Striehland, Editor of
N. 1' Christian Advocate.
"After trying several different good ianehines,
I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity,
and the perfect ease with which it is niantig,eil.
an well as the strength and durability of the
seam. After long experience, I feel competent
to speak in this manner, and to confidently re
commend it for every variety of family sewing."
—Mrs. E. B. Spooner, wife of the Editor o/ Brook
lyn Star.
"I hove need a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma
gains for two years, and have foetid it adapted
to all kinds of family see ng, from Cambric to
Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out
withont the giving way of a stitch. The Ma
chine is easily kept In order, and is easily used."
—Mrs. A. B. Whipple, wife of Rev. Geo. Whip
pie, Wes; York.
"Tour Sewing Machine has been in nee in
my family the pact two seers, and the ladies
request me to give you their tentimoniels to its
perfect adaptetiness, as well as labor-stivini ,
qualities in the performance of family entl
household sawing.' —Robert Boorman, N. 3'
"For several months we have Grover & Be
, keen Sewing Nl:whine. and have come to the
conclusion that every lady who desires her saw
! ing beautifully and quickly' done, would he most
I fortunate in possessing one of these relmlile
and indefatigable 'iron needle-women, '
combined qualities of beatify, sfrengt and simpli
city, are invaluable,"—.l. W. Morrie, daughter of
Gen. Geo. P. Morris, Editor of Rome Journal.
Extract of a letter from Thus. It. Lens itt. an
American gentleman, now resident in Sydney,
New South Wales, dated January 12, IssB :
"I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in
which there were over three thousand yards of
sewing done with one of Grover &Baker's Ma
chines, and a single seam of that has otitstocal
all the double seams sewed by sailors with a nee
dle and twine,"
"If Horner could be called up from his mur
ky had., he would sing the advent of Grover
& Baker as a more benignant, miracle of art
than was ever Vulcan's smith. He would de
nounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful
spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof. North.
"I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines have more than sns•
twined my expectation, After trying and retur
ning others, I hove three of then, in operation
in my different places, and, ifter how }ears'
trial, have so fault to find."—./. 11. Iloinownd,
Senator of S'outh Carolina.
"My wile has had one of Grover & Baker's
Family Sewing Machines fur some time, and I
am satisfied it is ono of the boot labor-wiring
machnes that has been invented. I tube melt
pleasure in recommending it to the putilic."—
A Church Seised with a Billions Attack, G. Barth) Goren. , of Tennessrr.
Last Sabbath was Quarterly Meeting of "It is a beautiful thing, and pots everybody I
the M. E. Church, and a, usual on such i&TlincelesilteuittiTtiVsfistgli°d
o G r S i l l r r u a l e
occasions, the Sacrament was administered. Baker having an eternal holiday in commemo-
Afte• the meeting acijourned, the members ration of their good deeds for humanity .—Cae
went their several ways, some to dine sine M. clap.
with friends in town, some to their homes "I think it by far the best potent in use. This
, '! . achi:te h e c a a n i li , : t ada a ri m teii from T i e cambric
in the country. In about an hour the doc
tors were in requisition in every direction; ' fiint ' e l ; and more beautifully . than one sews Cturnlmu.tear:
the whole membership was seized with a gino. if mine could not be replaced, money
simultaneous .€ billioue attack," and the could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nash
demand for medical agents was general.— Tee..
The first stnell of the sumptuous dinners qt is speedy, very neat, and durable in its
prepared provoked sudden and involuntal
work, is easily untlersr d and keptjar Pair. I
earnestly recommend t lis Machine to a I Fey ee
ry eructation on the part of all the ortho- , centime.. and others."—Mrs. :IL A. l'orrest,
do: members of the respective families.— IMemphis, Tenn.
The venerable Peter Cartwright, Prosi- "We fled this machine to work to our setis
ding Elder, for whom extra preparations , faction, and with pleasure recommend it to the
had, of course, been made, retired from the us b n , e , :in vr a o l o in ? fi r o u v s e o r ., l:4 Baker tot he e
prospect as dinner came on, little bent Allk on i a ,
over, with both hands placed below his
used exclusively for family purposes, with
vest buttons, declaring that "he didn't feel ordinary care, I will wager they will test one
like eating." One brother in said to have 'three score yearn and ten,' and never get out
made for his louse, half bent, and, with a of fix."—John Erskine, Nashville, Tenn.
groan, tumbled on to the bed, and in reply "I have had sour machine for several week,
to his wife's " What's the matter I" ex- and em perfectly satisfied that the work it doe.
claimed in a despairing tone, Oh ! I've ie the host and most beeelifill that over wa ,--
Jfaygie Aims., Nashville, Tenn.
got the cholera. "I'lle epidemic spread
all through the country, exciting consider- "I 1190 my Machine upon coats, Ili...nuking,
able alarm, and occasioning a general cast- I :.:,l,:nl. , , l !":::,: r t i t t 7, l : i ni, e l' a d , s l‘l,',Zr . ,, k ,,, l ; i :` l "" -
ing up of accounts. But the panic subsi• any other machine I have ever seen."— g iti i .;
ded when it was ascertained that antimo- B. Thompson, Nashville, 731 in
We/ wine hod been, by mistake,d
a ' "I find the work the strongest and moat beau
tered to the whole body of the communi- tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or
cants! We understand that "Uncle Pe- machine, and regard the Grover & Baker me
ter" said "it was the first time he ever chine as one of the greatest blessings to our
knew an attempt to vomit the devil out of Mrs. Taylor, Thou.
the church." Although it was a serious "I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma
matter' the sinners, owing to the hardness a e l 7" i in cit u ,',",l n f M f t t i , t r i , l , Y ,' o ,„ n ,„ d e t „ li ,j';:',„",;l p l e n ` r :
of their hearts, die laugh.—Winchester I Bone in want of aninchinn."—G. T. Thompson,
(Ill.,) Chronicle, July 16th. Nashville, Tenn.
"I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of
the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. Iha e
used ono on Mutest every description of work
for months, and find it much stronger than work
done by hand."—Mrs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville
Power of Imagination.
Dr. Noble, in a very able and analytic
lecture at Manchester, 4 0n the Dydantic
influence of Ideas,' told a good anecdote
of Mr. Boutihouse, a French servant, in
illustration of the power of imagination.
As Dr. Noble says:—'Boutihouse, served
in Napoleon's army, and was present at
many engagements during the early part
of the last century. At the battle of Wa
gram; in 1809, he teas engaged in the fray ;
the ranks around him had been terribly
thinned by shot, and at sunset he was
nearly isolated. While loading his rifle
he was shot down with a cannon ball.—
His impression was that the ball had pas
sed through his legs below his knees, and
separated them from the thighs ; for he sud
denly sank down, shortened, as he believed,
to the extent of about a foot in measure
ment. The trunk of the body fell back
wards on the ground, and the senses were
completety paralyzed by the shock. Tllll3
be lay motionless among the wounded and
dead during the rest of the night, tot
daring to move a muscle, lest the loss of
blood should be fatally increased. Ile felt
no pain, but this he attributed to the stun•
ning effect of the shock to the brain and
nervous system. At early dawn he was
aroused by one of the medical staff who
came round to help the wounded. •What
is the matter with you my good felloW
said the surgeon. 'Ah I touch me tender•
ly,' replied Mr. Boutihouse, .1 beseech
you, a cannon ball has carried off my legs.'
The surgeon examined the limbs referred
to, and then giving him a good shake, said,
with a joyous laugh, 'Get up with you,
you have nothing the matter with you.'—
Mr. Boutihouse immediately sprang up in
utter astonishment, and stood firmly on the
the lege which he thought lost forever.—
' I felt more thankful,' said Mr. Bout;•
house, • than I had ever been in the whole
course of my life before. I had indeed,
been shot down by an immense cannon ball;
but instead of passing through the legs, as
I firmly believed it had, the bull had pnssed
under my feet, and had plowed a hole in
the earth beneath, at least a foot in depth,
into which my feet suddenly sank, giving
me the idea that I had been thus shortened
by the lose of my logs: The truth of
this story is vouched for by Dr. Noble.
U" Well, my little fellow, what's the
!, Don't know where to go thir. 800.
hol.hoo I"
Why don't you go to school!"
Then the master 'ill beat me ! 800.
hoo-hoo ! "
Well, then take up your books and go
home I'
Then mother 'ill kick me thir. I can't
help getting licked any way ! 1100 hoo !
Boo•hoo•hoo 1"
nom & Bann
403 13rofttlwey, N. Y. 730 Chestnut St., Phila.
These Machines sew from two spools. as pur
chased front the store, requiring no re-winding
of thread; they Item, Fell, Gather and Stitch
in a superior style, finishing each seam by thei •
own operation, without recourse to the hand
needle, as is required by other machines. They
will do better and cheaper sewing than a scant
. stress can, even if she works for one cent .th -
hour, and are, unquestionably, the best Ma—
chines in the market fur family sewing, on ac
count of their simplicity, durability, ease of
management, and adaptation to all varieties of
family sewing—executing either heavy or fine
work with equal facility, and without special
As evidence of the unquestioned superiority
of their Machines, the GROTER & BAKER SEW
ING MACHINE Costraar beg leave to respectful
ly refer to the following.;
"I would be unwilling to dispmo of my Gro
ver & linker Machine for a large amount, could
I not replace it again at pleasure."—Mra. H. C.
Scour!, Nashville Tenn.
"Our two Machines, purchased from you, do
the work of twenty young ladies. We with
pleasure recommend the Grocer & Baker ma
chine to be the best in nee."—N. Clo.
or. 1414 ert
New Goods - ! New Cooal,-.
D. I'. Gwin has ill:, 11,1"
phia with the large, and • • •
pertinent or
tiPRING AND 501111 :v,
Ever brought to II ontim,hi
consisting of the most fa,hionahle Itr
for Ladies and Gentlemen. such as Illaek .-11
and Fatter, All Wool de Lain,
Spring 14isitins, Millie Detains, Itcrettee. ,
colors) 1 4 evell Cloth, Debnize, Alpaeea,
Frio Ilerages, lirilllast,. vlain and ti
nr e j, Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every tr
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, P.l,
yes, Antiques, Gunge, Ribbon. Itnttons,
Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoop, Skirt Cord, !Silk
and Linen handkerchiefs. Neck ties, Stock,
Zephyr, Freneli Working Cotton, Linet 4 eon
Ccttoo Tidy Yarn, &e.
Also the Lest and cheapest a ssortia,o of c o _
ars, and I:ndersleeves, in town. llv'd and
Plain .leconet, 'Aluslin,eSwi.s. Plain,
IS 1,1 11111,1, ,, • 1
vtl 111,1111:11:11,1 /111 , 1 they
rencty of hitt: goods ton ttorocrou, to loco- I ' l • "V T
y to vrrr, 141,4 at Ih., tail
1.1,11i:r. Auct,II.I:TRIV.
S,:rittc• I, Whit t , D e ui, ; .,
Ms, ens•itcers.
K. Clorf.r, 1 , 611, NAnkcet, Dttutill), 10, l iii,
Vlantwis. ,1•••
Also. a 4,1' I !tit-, ‘ Z .
Boots arid Shoes, the
pest mem iti town .
nuwan Q 11 -
1t.1133, Ilnekuts, Tuba, Baskets. Churns,
Trotter Howls, Ilrooniu. Brushes, tr t 1 , .
Oil Cloths, Fish and snit, linear.
'run, Molasses, nod A ll goods usuuils l.ept ill
country Store.
Itly old customers, nod nu wall , TWo ones as
can crowd in Are respectfully rollout., lu
and exittoine my goods
All kinds of Country produce !akar, in ,!,‘•
change for goods, at the highest Illal . k e I pr.--
April 21, 1858.
The '• • ay to Save Money!
AND visual rs,zicil
111, ALL KIN. of llAitimAßE
JAs. A.
FituNl JAS. A. Bu..w,
xveedm all othera in iinnortan,.
14t. Itrenume it rnipplies TILE' PEOPLE Isi,;
indraprna.rllr articles and many .0111
tions, whit•A ran .tbund ori4 in a //AP: ,
a a aloacrilier pnichl.ive , n
pont , rie, from nionufatourt.r.. .. • .
Is 4 14)0 per cent r
rt.,. the, ',ld by other ts , ,,
ovck ;urbyles a t•ompb, • ,
(rll.s. PAINTS.
CAIZIII., I II, 11 , 101 , 11.
CHAIN 1 1 1:Airs
Ll'Al/ I'll'l S,
Together with It fllll 11 , Sirrt C.! t.
A II order, receive pt,•tn,a 01 , 11 n, 71.
JAMIE:, A. ft P.i.W
Iluntingrlon, I hth, iss4,
n the "Globe" Nine .! ket is •
The aubseriber respeet full, it.l.,rn e.. •
zens of Iluntittrion an.. Raj ,,, 01/.1
that he has of a New Boot,
!'tare, in the corder I . OOM 01 the hOt.
ding, where nifty he lonfol .1 , 1!
meat of Miscellaneous mtd.
Statiot.ery, all id which hr will cell lu reamta
able ffe will add 10 /114 k wevldy
all nook, of/ RilirleA 111 demand, and ext.. els
in R 141,1 time to hare on hued iv. 101 a 'gook
lißlPltfo/P 'took., Stationery, ttt.., Its eon tor
101111/1 in Roy town 111 the Stole.
1 1 .// 1 / 4 : /11104 the rittc,s4ary orrim,f , menti
withll.o itp•
le prir
A, lo
'~~J~~i,.~ .<...
C1.,()T1-1 I
A New Assortment .In,t
And will be sold 30 peA
111 AN H ;
HROMAN respeetlulls
mers and the pul•lie
just opened at his ,;tare-room
Huntingdon,n splendid new
Clothing for Fall and it int
which he will sell cheaper than t
of Goods ran he purchased or retai l
phia or any other establisl,ment io,•
Persons wishing to hay Clothit,
well to Mien(' examine his !tusk ,•
sing elsewhere. Also,
Ilals, fags,
,vbio, will be sold lower than at any other
tultlishment in the county.
Huntingdon, April 1. 1858.
friON'T REAP • r •
Now Drug and Grocery Store,
sAm 11l s SNIITII, Dill St., 2 doors we,
MIM/ZOMCVy, St Huntingdon. Dealers in
tra,s, Chemicals. Dye Stull's, Points Varnish
., this, Spt. 'rurpentine, Flui,l, Alcohol. Win..
and Brandy *of the best article fee mid ie•.l our
roneentrated Lye lbr nut ing Soap.
Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, 'let. Cho.
eolate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish S.:oi
Fldur, ('rakers, Nuts, Candies, Figs. Hai-ies.
Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for elm.-
mse drinks, in a word every thing Iv nal!, I.
inn Drug or Grocery Store, those w h o . ire
pure and Genuine articles will' do eels n
giving us a call.
Sept. 29, 1858.—1 y.
'llEit 1 ,1.111,11,
;4.1///'/ILV(11.1,1111•ss ~•
tro county. Mk,. bk. s 111111 ,• •
11., Willi 11.10110,i 4111,1 t
lIV Will 111,0 1111,1111 I, 111.1E1,
tint 11. tit.,
I)ee. 22. .14,11 N
Joe- 5000 AIiF.N . I: , A N !
~clll Ilot
011,--k.lll r • i•.l. . •
Send four , • • ,
gratin. EPIIItAIM 13HOWN, Lowell, Man.
' Mar.28,49.4ii!
- •,,ot
l' U C ' . i V N r:• 1 1 , " fv - ID 0 t'
'o'; ' l l . ! iis !it
•".!. Ow I
~rk • _.i affil hay,. oil
. r. 311.4, :ill Wiwi"(
II t 1 . • I IL:tVe their OWtl wrnitt g 1 .01111.1.
110,e 1 ! It.. • in It rettliti ill' they .411
1..• ill! i•,•hi•tt tit eNI ht It 1111/111,e1ICS Make
itit lifttll or eilop•
N. 8.-
) thud of ittlorming their friends anti the pu'
lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingd 00 Foundry, and are now in successful Ip
-1.1.111i.,11, .11,11 arc per pared to furnish casting of
,ill l ind, of the best quality on the shortest no
, :Intl two, reasonable term,.
I ntniers are invited to call and examine our
Plough.. We are manufacturing the Hunter
rii[i n plough took the premium at the
[lto tit[gdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
[[e beat. together with the Keystone, Hill
: !bash., Ploughs. We have on hand
.[• [[ v e manntacturing attires, such as Cook,
and oilier stoves for coal cr wood.
OLL VIA/ -W111133
g[[rsisting of Kettles, Boilers. Skillets, ht.., all
t,t ttieb will be -old cheap for cash or in es!, Iltr . coUlltry pr „ duce. Old metal taken
los new casting.. By it strict .11clifiton to 1.1Isi•
vess and sterile to plen4l, n no Lope to revel% e s
here of public patronage.
.1, Al. t'UNNIStiIIANI 0 MO,
.51,11130. 185,-tf.
ST AG E I, IN .;..
hambert , biirs to Mt, Union
+~.~. I• r
~' ,
h l 2 ,)./.1,
it', Or awl teat iu the World;
.r. m. r'• imitation, and NIP Pli bi
, i,,.~
.1 101. WI, til riairlile.
ill;.ky 111 . 1, ' , IC ItC'S I(AllClovr.rlin
41,11 t‘. :,•01 S:kl•tral Itrown or
IR. Ihr 11•4 , 1 injury 10 }Emir or Skin.
hi', • •, Awl htivi, beer N•
\V M. A 1L ICI I ELOWS lIA lit pro.
1:11 , x eoior not to I. ilistitigiiihhed from nia.
:vitt is Wl4tlalit , .1 tat to injure in tint I,m3t
inny and t h e ill
..! Ifnd [het+ remeilied ; the Iltitin•
~ r,tit thim I)Te.
m Irl " i • applied (in 9 private rnoin3)
Fitet , rv. ?:t3 liritinlwity, New
1o!,1 in ail ,••,1 limns tit the Utii ,
•,1.. 1 , 1,1 • nnii Fauey (Jowls
, • : • • ..•• „ •i,r name and addrems
J. •. friar ni.leh of
M. A. BATc trEi.o“,
2:13 Broadway, New York.
,:• •.•! I Huntingdon Pa.
Pietures token from Rick or deceased person,
at their residences. Copies taken from Da
goemotypes or Portraits. Also, views of rest
I e Warm Springs at the have of Warrior'
live in les north of Huntingdon, overlook
o lint Stone I 'reek, and environed by ro
hills and woodlands, have been lease,
;ii oter proprietor of the Learner Ilott•e
vatunsice Ilutcl buildings, bath homes
er , d ;treat expenve by General .1 l'
have lieu'. completed—and the grove•
n bciiiititnll . , laid nut nail adorned.—
' i'''',l ' and chambers airy and coin
",11:‘ , ..y I . llElli-11(41; cud the proApect, from Ili
1 g • • ...ell kits fiir Lenoir, cannot be excelled.
hull a century, these Springs into
.41 for their medicinal tooliti2s, nett
.1u 001, ilt t h e waters in rheumatic and c',l c•
:4th•clions. The temperature or the c.oci
c;ni deerces. raiders the bathing delight
nil and invigorating. In the surrounding icood,
111111 111,11114filti. game abounds, and the finest
fib are caught in Stone errek. l'ersons in per,
suit of Ite:tillt or leusare, will fold thi , at most
delightful utul healthful retreat;airt it, nt•drues,
to the l'ettits 1%1110,1 I(uilr,,,td, and the t.heaptte , ,
ttf the rates eosage I ~,t-sts. ;..ivo it /I deCidr.l
over any ot,6t. to.lco 1;1
l'rel.ri,tor y
red to nick
lllielo run 11
.11 th, nrriv.,l
1 30 A.
ydon t‘
tt PA Ei,LANCOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Miscellaneous Advertisements, 1 Miscellaneous Advertisements.
. 7' - ' / 4 AtlTtruLoGisTto SALT; THE GREAT PURIVER !-
A Perfect Substitute
when the undersi,ned, after a long series
y 4../.. ) /"It f il , ;4h . For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters
sit : litar ter T 0
laborious and costly experiments, became folly i LarGLORIOITSLY TRIUMPHANT I
confirmed in his conviction, that the kutiphlo- i
1 sicy r s i s ,,,, Li , t ,, , , ' ,, tl i o ,A ssit_su . e ( r , c ii
A i a w l ,.
~.C L O . li i i s e s n s e • gpir=:iiolt,,,,,.
the American
i elic ti: n w p,b r ie .
, t , l , i . o n,i l n iappiness to.
pi:wToorownstongnnonatAfrDdiguilthZCreary, of Na-
I In April, 1856, Rs near as i can remomember
• • *.
31111 Students attending January
\T OW the largest and west thorough C lB o n i l i l i- • fmcninirrit(iTsdel:lfitglitgu'teirliran'ie c7t(illd
-ii , inertial School of the United States.— in.) . nights. The cause a his agitation was lased Pnitlee „, t .„. 1, ., 1
n.n ßlisters, lo his', tg e m t li p ll , i pimple h r m o id i e l i c ti o n i. p e p a es l a n n r c ag o v, o s n ri ry f - ,,)i 11 e p ... ....
like that of the virus in vaccination, could not rng I celled , I , • 1 ' -
I ( : ,, ,, i i i. i i i ; : i l ;,. l ,, iiti si fi lio l ,o i T r i e il l , :ar A e . d
N :o .. r ri a o e f t . utt , : f dti n ti o e i s ,k_ o h t e t o t e e .
h th: si ,a r t il: s t ri n i tt . l: r iC i t ;is di at the manner of its operation runt, wititotottnelerct..leyi,nootrgsetlitioologregx,tc;t:.
inn' a n d Science of Accounts. exp t,,;,,,,,;'" u pon 'any known pro t nz a n r ec o t f l it CANCER, E b . r lt e , m an p t i p i r t e i g . riyed r a in w d a in sh g
A. T. Dourtirrr. Teacher a Arithmetic ' subdued Inflammatory Disease and no othei'i '
' prineiple. 11., in what wily. it So aractunlly
and Cominerciat Calcnintion. , was at first wholly inexplicable—but, on further c' ti r iese remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr.
~ , , l ,ri ffe: , o o f u lLit c vlil t s i v i : 3 l I e d , i .
c S n o s m o e c rs a eL
c e r ou u n n t d y ,
g yv a l y 2 o r
.1. A. 11.1.111tIt•K and T. C. Jennies, 'reach - experitnent, it was prov,id that it equalizes the Illgo p.on _ . . .. . .
re A m . ,, 27 , 41. , 5,1 and W. A, MILLER, Prat. 01 ;
ers of nook-keeping. fluids of the body, the want man equilibrium in me tb• •
',ma! and ex tweet remedies—the latter
is d i i t ' s - ti'
potency,i t he
711 1 e a
that like a'ise o tl f ie in v i t n c n i i :l n e t i' ll n ia . tte ' r, e ii i t s
SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK- requires merely mat adheres to the point of a quill ward the nose. I next tilled a
KEEPING,I o u f t s rho in fl 'i a 'i m 'i njtio r I:ti -t i: sii46-
cpounrpsiosstein,gas p t r u n o lcd r : a . l a l y ,, of
r a
u caustic;
p spreading
R b r t t a i t o t i te f
! n o !
A s used in every deportment of hush... d sY li sTe e n d t— lu b t' ut a n s t o u l s u t ti b o o n instantly or it,to afloat
t t o b ' pr e :v i e ' n e t sonic , cetikc d i n
the t rho
i s f o o n r s m e l ,
I' 0 SIMERC I AI. ARITH METIC--li AP ID deco mpos'tion and secure it. hill virtue. Three increased. I next called upon Dr. Staffer of 84
lIUSI‘ ESS WRITING—DETECTING quills in a cute, and two in chronic diseases, Clairevillo, Bedford county, who also pronoun
m Eli,:
A(s't.i)..ll.lNlTEßl,(',l:lill'itTstNNF.).NY—DENeg,_ o hi v o e n ry h : , 4 .e l s io u u t r s s i , de ti d ll , t o t t h a ea p t, or p t u e i c n t a c n a d re feh c i a il e le ct s e ie d .. red the disease to be Cuneerr, and aPPlied a Sales
ssid to be a never-foiling remedy, but it had no
CWINIEIteIAI. LA W--- When it takes the place of blister's, ointment effect whatever in checking the attend of the
Are taught, and nil other subjects neeessary and leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever, sot, In December, of the same year, rho die
for the sorts,ss and thorough education of a Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, &c., its mode of ease had eaten away a greater part of my upper
practical business man. admi ni stration is two-fold . (See directiin of dis- lip, and had attacked the nose, when I went to
12 PREIVIITTIVIS. solving. &c.) , Cincinnati where I consulted Dr. It. S. Newton
Drawn all ilie premiums in Pittsburgh for The discoverer has withhold it from the p u b. iof the Electic ledica College. Ile pronoun
lie till sieve, by the advice of a judicious phys i• ced the disease "a cutaneous Cancer, superin
the pa, three years, aISO in Eastern awl Wes- clan and valuable friend whom he consulted— i !Need by . inordinate 1190 of mercury." Ho
tell, Cites, for the best fitilln, II gentlemen known and felt in the medical aPplMd mild zinc ointment, and gave me inter-
NOT ENGRVED IWoRK. world—and who desired to submit it to the test mil remedies. My race healed up, but the in
Important Information. o f experiment. After witnessing under Isis own flammation .viiiis not thoroughly removed, In
Stridents enter at any time—No vacation— scrutinizing rye, its signal triumph over hush February, 1857, he pronounced mo eared, and
Time onthnitcd—Review at pleasure—Grade- acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, in re- ; I left for home. In April the disease again re
„,,.„ „,„,„,,1 ~, „i,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 —Tuirf er , peated and re-repeated trials, lie offered sus._ i turned, and so violent was the pain that I could
for I- till Commercial course CM,oo—Avssenge 000 to come in as a special and equal partner in' not rest at night. Late in May I returned to
tiiiii 8 5.' i 0 .crik—ltintril, 80.50 per week— the Recipe fur its manufacture, but the prop.. : Cincinnmeand again placed myself under the
Staiiiinitr . stu.oo—entire cost, $60.00 to $7O.- sal won rejected. I charge of - Dr. Newton, with whom I remained
Ito. The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is do- lima September, during which timo ho used
Cii!i'' Mitiniters' Sons received sit hair price. mended both by humanity by humonity and every known remedy, unit partly succeeded in
or Punt—Cirmilar—Siocimens of Business science. Is it not a mistake, to suPPase that checking the disease, but when I returned
slid Ormaiiiintal Writing--inclose two stamps a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood) home there were still three discharging ulcers
mini clinkers F. W. JENKINS, will cease to boil, by clipping out a port of it— upon my fact. I continued using Newton's
` , ..,.t. 29, 1858.—1 y. ir;,,,,,,,igh, Pa or a cask of had cider (bad blood) be made preparations, and alto medicine that 1 got front
good, by drawing a portion of it 7 Is it no; a Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing on
jtArTa_l2l” mistake, to suppose that blisters:and rubefacients tit it had eaten off the left side of my nose, the
.- will remove in flammation. wisest they virtually greater portion of my left cheek, and had attack
-(pla C:::0M -1 9F l iC,M,. rumen.' one inflammntion to another? We en my left eye, I had given up all hope of ev
--cis- ii.- late Dr. B. Waterhouse, of Harvard Universi- ertheing cured, sin. Dr. Ely said he could only
Pr. adonis azinrileil the "JOURNAL' Of ty, said "I en sick of learned gnackery„' One give relief; but that a cure was impossible. In
h. , .., :1., ihs, i ',an., FAIR. for the hest of the most eminent physicians In New England March, 1858.1 bought a bottle of "Blued Sest
et. 11D, r 3 .IC AND acknowledged just before Ms death, that "lie eller," but I must confess I had no faith in It.
bits been doubting fur many years, wether Mood- Iw. very weak when I commenced taking it ;
Y ii . ' ''.• "Nt r 3. p n . TT . rr y.p..l".,- , ,,, letting and blisters did not aggravate rather , but 1 found that I gained strength day by dal,
.1.. i .....;.. i 1..? —'' ''' --••• •"* '''''''"• •••• • than arrest disease." Some who stand and also that the ulcers commenced drying up.
if N, , 11,, fcceiiily rocciri e d iy,,,,, the Muster!' high in the Old and New school, have quite re. I continued, and when the third bottle was to
lth -. o
l eac hest ulLs;etr i :ei y ni tt e i e ,, suen th ew l iacur ,.„,, ,ficsye t oiti,esnt o t
s tr i e n c , d e a ti l i 'T i nit hi b t, u e ttl b e ee a n n h t e l
t h h a e v i o as b t ee s n ov‘ h g e , a 3 lthier
cently events. his views and now openly con- ken my lace was healed as if by a miracle. I
and a - forge variety of the most filch iortubie
Pi i win:, Makrial, which makes it one of the They think there is a manning to Dolt. 10, In Although my face is sadly disfigured, I Lunn
r, , , ,
~ : I ,
hp h . ; - it e . . ,: , , , , t , —,..
L a i n i tl . . , e , vit l . ,
i1,7,,a.,54,—h.!,tut,tx,;:r:f grateful t l e i f fu tt I,
i benign )ki:srovkiodoenucaecizehot
through rho
~ , nip e ii Printing ,sta ts ments in t his blood (there never is too much) that causes di_ instrumentally of LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOM
, 11. r , .. Poisons in want of any kind of seam, but the want of a balance between the SEititelifil.' DAVID hIoCREARY.
./.1...11N OR EAIV-GY fluids and solids. ! Sworn and subscribed. this 91st day of An
The special excellence of the Antiplilogisfic gust, A. D. 185/, before me, ouo or the Justices
- , A, ca.!, iiii Mot ir Ili. fis v
c or no wish Sat, is that without the useless lose Of blood of the Peace in and for the Borough of llollidays
,,,r letronagii We have facilities for °seen and strength, it effectually subdued inflanonatu- ' burg,Blair county Pu.
I 11, ill It .11! ,-, iu.r manner any kind of ry . disease, (no others) by producing an equili- ! W(llOS9 U J Jones. RUIN GOBLEY.
PRINTING IN COLORS !mum of all the fluids in the body and s censer
quent uninterrupted circulation. It exerts, like , NEW
~, tie- am, reasonable terms. Those who the vaccine matter, and extraordinary influence I Being afflicted with a grovious Totter on the
iiiiry Wish to Irlihilli NI, stale of over the visas and aviaries—resulting in a grad- , arms end face—after trying many remedies
ual decline of inflammation . indieuted by the ! which utterly failed to eure-- was persuaded
ORNAMENTAL POSTERS pulse, which assumes its natural
as the ; by W. M. Barns & Co. to try Lindsey's Dupre
hoot, pain any fever dissappear, i ved HMO Searcher '
• 41111 now , six-wheke after
CST Many medicines offered fur sale, are , finishing the s cowl bottle, pronounao layout
backed by doubtful certificates, (their elleif sir-' cured.
tile) and Maim to he universal remidies, curing; The tatter broke out, something over a year
all I:exhales—a burlesque on common reuse; ago, on the inside of my arms, extending front
As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests OA elbows down to the wrists; also en ray face,
against having it placed in the categcry of immediately round the mouth and chin, and cos
dollar, with no otherparsport than its true val. almost useless, owing to the cracks and sores
ceive it—if spurious, they will reject and con- least exert io n to lilt or work, a nd sometime.
sta_ i: , : t N h_en , :in. a u bas ; 1 11 ' e l: : , : i c a tn e :
i, o .tn i
i : l n f t !l A, '
y ‘ l ' t .
ri : r ..... iPt' or: l
, i' v i t i br
, : l i e ti i i Te r i iii ; r i l l : 0 .11 .
i l' u A hi ; ".: ,E i irt i f i l i r_ igl ii r i gd e e: . , ,,, l : : : I g l i. o i t ch a il ink ,: l — : s e itoi nre e, e l : v i : it'aol'h°:esrlelr:
wit, v o l l ',
c li t e p t il . t a ; : e l: tea l : h i : l e l :
fsluitirl'r.Eilull,:ilai::, the,
i o tii : n u f c l a l i g n t itttl f ;: l e : l n : e :::ii; i d i t e s tS i l s h l ala i e y . i i : l i P :
3 1 ;: to I l t : ri: lh : l e m a u . : :::
, d r t a e s ° . b ko b: n l le : L ei r ) o : l: 7 , : inni : • , l ;b s el l i s e nla ye Y s s e t :i e t Pl e c a r: u l ; t r bi l d v e e l e ii d e n i n i t in:fil ot ls: : ii :x i '
h,u l l:: : : (
hp ' :
ot i o : : : : b k
y ;
domen, extremities or skin. It is asked, how , using his valuable medicine,
it does this7—simply by restoring the lost bal-
ince between the fluids and solids.
The following different/ores which the un
balanced fluids ussutne, and many not here men
tioned that have more or less heat, pain or lever
(no others)are as perfectly cured by the Anti
',Monistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by water.
1. Cases where the unbalsuced fluids affect
the HEM, and Tnito,r—to wit, Brain Eever,
Pits ' Headache, Inflemmed Eyes, Ears and Nose,
Canler, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Catarrh. Croup,
Bronchitis, ede.
2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
the CHEST and ANDOSIEN-10 tVit ; hylamed
Lungs and Liver, Colic, Pleurisy, Coughs, Dyspep
esti, Asthma, Dropsy, Heartburn, Gravel Piles,
Gonorrhea, Venereal, etc.
3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
the EXTREMITIES and Stets—to wit; Rheuma
tism, Gout, Scrulida, Ulcers,
Chilhains, Chilhains,
Chicken and Small Pox, Setll 81ue,,,,,, with itch
ing and other Cutaneous .elffections, &.
This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory
Indus pecular to married ladies, (before and at
the time of confinement) and many female com
plaints, and is very attentions in Fever, Agate,
Wounds, Nervous .d Spinal Affections and
anyother forms of (mark this)inflammatory di
seese, attended with heat, pain or 'febrile !quip
run l.l• a...othint.laied at this edtalolidlnueitt Nt
AUCTIoN 1111.1.5,
snow ;411,1,5,
11,11/ BILLS.
4.1111)5, &c. &c.,
will be fulninhetl promptly, exec , ,terl in he
best style and at reasonable rates.
r„ ~.
pee- Orders by ewe., mail or otherwise,
will receive immediate attention.
This gallery of Art is now open for public
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes, Crys•
talographs, Photographs, Circular and Star
Pictures also, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta
ken on the Pictures—letters of different colors.
Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or
1 ....Pnrtic - ttlar attention paid to taking pictures
of Children. Time, from one to four seconds.
Perfect antisfaction given, or persons are not
expected to she their pictures.
1. and Gentlemen are invited to cal
and examine specimens. Pictures taken a:
well in cloudy as thir weather.
IT.ov ofit.o do wo hear the exclamation, when
arl• r"11.1 . 1614— , 1 woald nu
~•, ; ;i,roe It Ih , PartrttiN
.•., . • children V Rcu
,• • ennobling feel
: t :: , :rtunity to grafi
-t, : • . ::a•nring Portraits
See , I 1,:—• I hai to learn this heautifu
" art eat, call ans see W, F. Thomas, from Philo
Priers trout cents upwards.
• •
Isult,criber re•pcetthily announces to his
-I- friends
out the public generally, that he has
leased that old and well establishep TAVFIiN
STAND knOMI 05 till) iftlittingdatt
thoriquel of llillur,d churies
Stieet in the Borough of flouting
!,. has recently put the house through a tiler°.
I , _ll c, , nr,e of repairs, and is now equal to any in
f j: 1,1:1 , e•
• TAnLE will Idways be stored with the
' • .1 the sins. eon atlord, to suit the tastes
;,pi etites of his guests.
a will ailwayshe filled nit!' Choice Li-
Mut 11. ST A IthE always attended by care
,tetitive ()•tlerA.
11,E 110pes by strict attention to business
ul accumulation, to merit and receive
, Intro or public patronage.
t. [5. 1958—1 y. P. AIeATEER.
' —"V VYalt -- Wartto
all. They aro elegant. light, easy
tu a charm—no turn up behind—no
utl'the head ; indeed, this is the only
neat where these things aro proper.
and made.
58.-1 y.
/tote' 10011 AuENTs ‘VANTEI).—For rarti
.., , 1.131111). C. I'. WlllllMad.
Mar. 23. '92. Ira* Le w• 11,
3 P. M.
Cr Persons who have a tendency of blood
to the head ar heart, or lead inactive livos, or
breath.the impure air of manufactories and the
poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or live
Is unhealthy eliruates, are exposed to a pertic
liar vitiation of the fluids of the bodv, which one
dose without interforeing with the diet or Mai •
ness, once in three months, would invariably
proven,. It is heleived to afford protection front
infectious disease, and therefore travellers,
sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves
with it.
Cr While minty nostrum-makers victimize
the good natured nod pill-ridden public, ny or
dering "from six to a dozen boxes of bottles,
to cute any malady." no matter what—the un
dersigned is happy in being ebb, to state, that
the severest forms of recent inllanunatory di
sease, tuns over come by one Acute package,
and the most obstinate and long standing by
one Chu nic package. It does just what it
claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes
the fluids by removing from the system all ar
terial and venous obstruc , ions.
se- Pleas let your neighbors rend this.
For sale et the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel
S, Smith, &Co.' Huntingdon, ru.
Feb. Inth 1859.
Green Willow Foundry.
IWOULD respectfully inform the public that
1 I have commenced business at the above
place, and will be ready to accomodate all who
may want anything in my line 1
will have on hand or make to order Threshing
Machines, and all oilier machinery that may ho
called for. Castings of every description, Cook
and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-ware, &c.—
All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and
Blacksmithing win ba done in the best manner
and on the most reasonable terms. Partners
and others wishing to purchase new machines
will find it to their advantage to give me a call.
All kinds of Countly produce taken in exchange
at market prices. PETER TIPPERY.
Waterst . reet, Oct. 13,18587-Iy. ---
titling Agency, 119 Nassau St„ New York, &
, 10 State St., Boston. S. M. Petteugill & Co.
are the Agents for the "Jocanaf," and the most
influential and largest circulating Newspapers
in the United States and the Canadas. They
ore authorized to contract for us at our lowes
' rater.
233 Broadway, N. Y.
Sworn and eubseribed before Me; ono of the
Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, thin
28th day of July, A. 1). 1859.
AND McMASTER Altionnen.
Hollidayeburg, Sept. 22,58-Iy.
In all dieenees intlamation more or lees pre.
dominates—now to allay inflamatioc ',takes
at the root of all theorises—hence an immedi.
ate cure.
and nothing elan, will allay inhumation at once,
and make a certain cure.
Dailey'. Magical Pain Extractor will Otlfe
the following among a great catalogue of
diseases Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, core
Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains,
Bites, Poison, Chilsays, Gout, Swelling, Rheu
matism, Scald Read, Salt Rheum, Baldness,
Rrysidelas, Ringworm, Barbara Itch, Small
Po:!, Measle Rash, &c.
To some it may appear incredulous that en
many diseases should be reached by ono arti
cle ; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, that the salve is a combina
tion of ingredients, each and every one apply.
ing a perfect antitodo to its apostate disorder.
in its effects is magical, because the time fa
'short between diseases and a permanent cures
and it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases
out of the affected part„ leaving nature to
perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne•
cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or
manufactory should be one moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the
box has has upon it a steel plate engraving,
with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufactu
rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent
medicine dealers throughout the United State.
and Canadas. Principal Depot,
165 Chambers St., New-York.
John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. 17, '6B.—ly.
New Card-Press.
Having bought afoul "CARHPRESS," we
aro now prepared to print in the proportion of
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the county can print one, consequent.
ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well
we make no charge at all. We ask your pa-
Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon
Blair, Cambria Centro Militia and Juniata Coun
ties. March 29, 1853.
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office some as formerly occupied by J. Scott.
Oct. 19, 1853.
TWO YO UNGICIEN to learn thoimbro.
typing business. Instructions given for tho
sum of $15.00. For particulars, &0., apply to
WM. F. THOMAS, Ambrotypisf .
Huntingdon, May 4, 1865.