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After one or more nutubers of a now year Stave been forwarded, a new yam• has commenc ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until orrearages are paid. See No. 1. frgrThe above terms will be rigidly adhered f in all cases. ADVERiTISTMENTS Will be charged at the foiL:wing rates: 1 insertion. 2 do, ... a "' slx linos or less, $ 25 $ 37i $ :;:: Ono square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 .. ) 100 150 200 8 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. $3 00 $0 00 $8 00 5 00 8 00 12 ou 800 12 00 18 ou 12 00 18 00 25 00 One square, Two squares, I colu d m o n, 1 de 1 18 00 27 00 40 00 do., 22 00 95 00 45 00 Engines s Cards of six line,. or less, $4.00. Scrofula, or King's Evil, a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Doing in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free Atom its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously eausod by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, 'bore all, by . the venereal infection. What ever be its ongin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, h seems to be the rod of Him who says, "1 sill visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunge liver, and internal organs, is termed tuberclee ; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depressor the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders svhieb, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cunstcs the human family has ite•origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in. *Odom and their health is undermined byit. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in. vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. inset a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is cora. blued from the most active remedials that have teen discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the reecue of the system from its destructive consequences. Bence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other aft., 1101111 which arise from it, such as BRUPI,II pa Boise DISELEES, BT. A.NITIONY'S FIR., Ross, or BiIYBIPELLE, PIMPLIB, PBSTULEII, Burronas, Butane and Boma, Tommie, Term end SALT Ruovee, SCALD 'lran, Ilixowonst, BYTHILITIO and Mallet:mut. Die. LONE, DROPSY, Dvererato, DEBILITY, and, indeed, au, CompLaurre AIMING non VITLE. Teo on IMPUBB BLOOD. The popular belief impurity of the blood" le founded in truth, for ecrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sareapa tills ie to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in sontaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, MR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of %lick action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties aearch, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ tam, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalitiee. As a consequence of these propertiee, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his bealtlt t energy restored by a remedy at once so :.'.d Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direction' tor their use in the following complaints: Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache arisingfrom disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the aptrcht, Flatulency, Loss of App. Cite, Jaundice, ind other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction et its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, POR THE VAPID CITIlli OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, ' Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. Bon, and for the relief of COIISUITIptiro Patients in advanced stagou of the disease. No wide i. the geld of its usefulness and no nu- Onerous are the Caere of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persona pub- Ncly known, trho have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lunge by its an. When once tried, its superiority over every ether medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the dirtreeeing and dangoroue affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefit. on the billeted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable trt ke g' tte° ' ...... r , r‘ nv DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. _ .TORN READ, Ageut Huntingdon, Po. Nov. 10, 1838.--Ir. SELEZT PGETRY.r., OVER THE RIVER Over the river they beckon to me, Loved ones who've crossed to the farther side; The gleam of their snowy robes I see, But their voices are lost in the dashing tide. There's one with ringlets of sanity gold, And eyes the reflection of heaven's swn blue; He crossed in the twilight gray and cold, And the pale mist hid him front mortal view. We saw not the angels tuba met hint there— The gates of the city we could not see ; Over the river, over the river, My- brother stands waiting to welcome me. Over the ricer, the boatman pale, Carried another, the household ; . Her brown curls moved in the gentle gale— Darling Minnie 1 I see her yet. • She crossed on her bosom her dimpled hands, And fearlessly entered the phantom bark ; We felt it glide front the silver sands, And all our sunshine grew strangely dark. We know cbs is safe on the further side, Where all the ransomed and angels be; Over the ricer, the mystic river, My childhood's idol is waiting for me. For none return from those quiet shores, cross with the bt atman cold and pale; We fi n , t!!e dip of the golden oars, And eaten g 'leatn of the snowy sail ; And lo! they have p:m74 from yearning hearts, They cross the stress, r:2ic Are Pee for ace; We may not sunder the veil api,:r That hides from our vision the gateiir We only know that their barks uo more May sail with us o'er life's stormy sea ; Yet somewhere, I know, on the unseen shore, They watch, and beckon and wait for me. And I sit and think when the sunset's gold I's flushing river and hill, and shore, I shall one day stand by the water cold, And list for the sound of the boatman's our; I shall watch for a gleam of the flapping soil, I shall hear the boat as it gains the stiwtal, I shall pass from sight with the boatman pale, To the better shore of the spirit-land. I shall know the loved who 110S0 gone before, And joyfully sweet will the meeting be, Wino, over the river, the peaceful rivet, The Angel of Death shall carry.me. STZLE-ST A STRANGE RETRIBUTION Henri Du Barre, a young French rir t,t, became enamored of the only &nigh. ter of a well to do autiergiste in the town of eircossono, in the South of France.— Lucille Montaigne hod beauty and money. and Henri Du Barre, had wit and talent ; but these latter were nu fair equivalent for the former in the eyes of the purse proud father, who declared that no dough ter of his should merry a poor earth, though he were blessed with the wisdom of Solo mon. Now Lucille loved Henri—at leant elm told him so—but she was too prudent to elope with him and rink disinheritance; for, after all, what was love without money?— poverty, coating in at the door would send it (bin through tho window. Poor Heart was in despair. He really did love Lucille, whether she did hint or not—loved her madly; and his was one of those dark. fiery natures which makes love a wild terrible passion. How much money was necessary to make hint her•equal in the eyes of her worldly father? The aubergiste named the sum. It was large and Henri sighed, and felt more despair at his heart than ev er. Suddenly he brightened up with the tecollection that he had youth and genius and that in some Irrge city, Paris, per haps, where the latter would be apprecia• ted, he might acquire both fortune and fame But would Lucille wait?—well, Lucille was willing to vruit awhile—for just them as she admitted to herself, she could thick duo one she liked better than the poor artiste; but everything earthly must have a limit, and the fair coquette thought her patience ought not to extend beyond a year. . _ .1 year is a very short limo (or a man to acquire fame and fortune, with the lat ter depending on the former; but Henri was young, and youth is sanguine, and al all events he would make n trial , hoping great things, and knowing that he could do no worse than fail. So he finished his engagements hur riedly, declined any new ones, sold a few pictures on hand, for a moderate aunt, gathered together his scanty effects, bode his friends end Lucille adieu, with a hope ful but heavy heart, set off for the great metropolis of France. It was a long, long journey from eir• cassette to Paris in the slow cenveyances of the period when Henri Du Bar., 'wide it; and it nes nearly two weeks before he reached the gay capital. And then began his struggles with poverty, which clung to him in spite of his hopes, his exertions and his prayers, for six weary months; when he gave up in despair, and secretly left the city, to beg his way back to Circassone see his Lucille once more, bid her an eter nal adieu, and end a life no longer of any value to its possessor. . _ Henri IA Barre set out from Paris afoot and alone, depending solely upon char'ty of French peasants fot food and lodging Ile had six sous in his pocket when he started, and these he invested in a deadly poison. which he carried no a dernier re port, determined not to suffer beyond what nature might reasonablv bear, but which it was Ids hope to retain till Ito had again seen Lucille. In this manner he reached and passed through Lyons, foot sore, ragged and die heartened—an object indeed Mr commiser ation. Twenty leagues beyond Lyons, its passing t h rough a long, dark, lonely wood, he met a Jew, carrying a heavy pack on his luck. The poor artist asked the Isra elite for charity, his appeal was answered by a few coins, for which he thanked the giver and then offered to carry hie pack. “ LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLII. ” HL NTINGPON, PA., W li.:I)NESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1859. "0 , .. no—it is mailing it is moiling— a low old clothes only!" returned the .I,w hurriedly, and with such evident uneasi ness, in fact no to awoken SUpittiOn in the mind ot the young artist that it contained something of great value.... Then it was that a wild, vague uncle• fined desire to possess it first Ind: pvs.es• skin of the mart who was now ow home to die wretchedly, but whom two thousand francs might yet bless with lite and hap piness. When the mind of man takes it highly criminal bent, it seems an if some null demon •vhispera in his ear the mast plausable reason for a wicked course to . . ilenri Du Barre, who mad never before thought of hnrsniog a human beim , . mew gla cod furtively and almost shudderingly around him, with the dark and Wicked tnought in his brain, that if this noon were dead, and he, the possessor of his pach, ho might have a bright and glorious future. It was a dreary, dismal spot, in the thick wood where they both stood, and no hm man eye, save theirs, was locking upon the scene. Why should this old man be cum bered with wealth, which could not bring hint one tithe of the joy that a might him wholcoveted its possession/ Ho could not live many years, that old man, at the moot, and lie might die any minute, and his v.ih. noble diem become the inheritance of strangers! What mattered a few Tears more 07 less, to him—a wandering despised old Jewi why should lie..the poor, miserable artist, nee ate between the Jew's W e re pot all living life and his ow creatures bound by the inner ;gw pf their being to act in self defense, even UP !lie taking of lifewhen necessary to sustain their own? And would lie not die should the Jew live? and would he not live, should the Jew then and there die? And even should the secret be discovered, would it he anything than death at last? Ile had bought poison for himself, a n d wiry should not anothier take it for his sal which event he would have the ut ea ea IC, procure more, and could always as now carry his life in his hands, . . . Jew lied bidden huu good was trudging onward it n pace, while tiles, wilJ, wicked tL Li:7lJ were c‘mr,itill through the brim: ul latter, with nil the phmibilit, Di inn' Suddenly the Jew t,toppril, pre little thisk, rnified aim (tusk I Ll r devil ten. Du Beene to crime, mid here it 1 , 6, 11l ly goud friend," cell d the the Jew, " I inn very faint ; w Ii t eti me i t f ew drlis of that wino ?" e. I will give you hull," said the kroel (to. halting. The artist advaneod treinnous'y. tot duced the poi*on, and cuucenh•d it in hr. . _ band as he approached his victim, and, tin .der pretence of wiping, the month flask, (trapped it in. Then he pretended to drink, and handed it back with thanks, begging the Join to drink his [width at their final parting. Isaac complied. :mod they now separated, each going different ways. . . As soon as llenri was out of sight tithe Israelite, he entered the wood, and re. turned in an oblique direction mull he Caine in sight of hit eicti ,a, who was not, writhing in the agonies of I Icath, nod grousing 11,1. mercy. A few mit on, more and he was still--the dread work was done. Driuming the body front the ro, cone , , limit it, the murderer next • IlOd back into the for , • o it Op , 11, it indeed did m old clnil s. lle with !wady flan, ; he had s harmless 014 it and got nollimv her it. He threw the garments from him with the wild action of rviiiimse and despair Suddenly be heard the clink of 'nervy. Then he began to examine the old gar ments, and found to his almost tumid joy, tl.at they contained immense trettsurea in gold and jewels—diaitionds, sapphires, pearls tied rubies, to the value, us he ho't, of ten thousand francs, but in r.altiy mere than a hundred thousand Far in the depths of that dark wood. the murderer hid his most precious stones, to be brought forth in after time Thor , were two thousand five hundred tram. in monoy, and with this amount he .tamed home no longer a poor twin, but alas!, vi further than ever from being a happy one. He travelled in his ragged clothes as taws 7 , .; smes, fearful of spending 0 e of his ill acquired coins sooner; but at Nis• ins he ventured to purchase a new and genteel suit, and in this shortly alter ap pealed before Lucille, showed bee father the required.eum, which lie represented av having been honestly oh:anted in his pro. fvssion, and claimed her band. In due time Henri Du Barre married Lucille Montaigne, and happy were all lit the wedding but the guilty groom, wits wits never to know happiness again. He Kept his secret. and profited by it, tin tmg an occasional journey to the di , mal spm of his crime, under pretence of travelling en business. Ho took away and dispoted td the jewels one by one, and gradually grew opulent. and was regarded by all limo him a, an honest man of Ili,' 1,, tint the remembrance of hi- en.. •,.. strnu,e L,sciutttieu fur lota. ;IT . his Mlle W. spent in !.ro, hvervt an artist, lif at one 1,• . a ived th. nwrd r. ui d b.. ‘. miuinturi• of ivory, ',lour , Ow ;ICI of drnaging th, d. : J w into the lorest, from an • debrioaied with wonderful h i, • as it this was not enough co I I. morbid infatuation, ho wrote mid, ,• Isaac, a Jew, murdered by Henri Du Barre, artist, September teioti, in u dark wood, about twenty leagues South front It was a strange, insane iden, that of pre..•rvi,c,r ❑ inewors , of the horrible deed ...„ to • , Lat inini:dure of the ,ren 1, had oat in a twat huh. frame, and carried it in a hilt around his waist. liw the strangest part of 'his horrible ir i , yei to be told. On his last Vtai, to the rm.., for the lost jewel that yet re wowed of the proceeds of his awful crime, be won shot down by a highwaymen, who, ee seorcl.ing lire person, found the toinia• tore, and recognized in the features of the mordered Jere—Ais num father I This produced 00 strange .in iinpression npon the second murderer, that he carried it to the, authmitie,, and made a lull con• lesion of bin own crime. A full and 'hoc migh mv,stivalmo rook place; and among the paps, of Du Barre, was found one cmtmining the statement of the whole trans action, its we have 11,q, recorded it. The ,econd murderer, the son of the .kw. was subs. quently cx,•cuted, and so ended the chitin of dark and bloody events. Truly the ways of Providence arc won derful and myiterious. MISGELLAMTETSI. For Lattiea My—ls this Becoming pions. Clievreul, the Gallic Owen ,Joties, hue rect•ntly published a work ealitlrd 'l•he Lawn of 'ontritst of Color.' Among the subjects treated in one of nni• , er-al interest—(.•n t ale clothing. Al. Chet-T..111 disco,'•., thi, rcith all theca, it deinards. nr.id, lie establishes certain dininici lionslno~'he x•n types known 1.8 h-onette , filet of sitinn of the• articles teliether taining to the hair or to the cii:ip". lo o; ono that of of ile by colored rays ....natio, from the head dre•:.s, nod which. bete,- riiflorted on the It V. 1 ,11 their inicutiar 111:e I: ernlr•atlv po•do , “iiiNte it: the Lair over cu.)trnst, Huck hnir ,hmrti the .•; "tat a.' pr , dotaientitt_t, over ,• .•••of analogy The hair, hod eyes, contrast in ti.: , .1 ci , liir, not. only with tin. white c uu , hunt ithio with the red parts v. [l. •. hi; hart are really redder or less ;.• !, in the blonde type ; nod we i.i!! • that a decided red, associ• •1 • . • ',V five, to tho latter the • , !, deep color, ; , the li,ii , ind head dress • • I e \• !•,!, consid• en t 1 • • tot 10 . 011 light Or Wadi hair, Ci`Cry thOW winch produce great c , o,trasis ; thus, ,ky blue, ktiowe to accord o ell %‘ ith blondes, is the color that approach , o nearest to the compleuemtary of iiram;,., which is the basis of the tint of heir 1101 r and complexion. colors long esteemed to accord favorably with black nod red more or less orange—contrast in the same manner with them. Yellow and range,t.d, contras ting by color and brilliancy with black, a,id their complementaries, violet and blue green, in mixing with the tint of the hair, tire or front producing a bad result.' The following, on the colors of the com plexion and the contiguous drapery, afrirds valuable hints : . The juxtaposition of drapery with the didwent flesh lints of women, oili•rs to Hr. tra a mowers a host of remarks, which are results of the principles already 1.1 down We shall state the most gen• er it u : • Rose red cannot be placed in contrast h eve,. the rosiest complexions, without reusing them to lose some of their fresh• urns. Rose red, inure. and light crimson have the serious disadvantage of rendering the complex•en more or less green. This i, shown in the following experiment, : • I'loce two rheets of mutt r of the col,rs beside twiilkheets of flush colored paper. when it 'viii he seen how touch they will to a gretiter or leso di•gree, br 111011.11 y Injured, tho lighter betomitig greenish, and the darker rather of it violet hue.— fly light green for the rvd, w•• 'I hall iii (I them mutually heightt tied and implored. The height of toile of the the yr, eii, uctitig by contritst of toile. ou Meld., the ••euitil• xitio. that the comi;un of ifs coloto will be illappreciablt.; eii 111 contrast 01 ~,111 , 11 Zy, t!1 , 11 e0t1,1 , 1,001,. It • it. i!, Let.g higher to , • I import wiliteoehs to them in conbequunce of contrast of tone. /•:' s'4 'e'.?' 1 ;04 4 ~,47. '' C r i 1 1 • ii 1 Delicit, green is, on the contrary, favor- I, hie to all fair complexions which are dot ci •ut in rose, and which may have more unpinned favorable to complexions that are more ird than them without disodvan• tage But it is it RS rosy ; nor to those that haven tint of orange mixed with brown, becrtu, the red they add to this will be of a brick•red lute. In the latter case n dark gre.v will he less objectionable than a dehcato g reen. l'elbv imparts violet to n fair skin, an,l in this slew it is less Etvorable than the delicate green. To those skins which are more yellow than orange it imparts write. but this combination is very dull beovy for a fair complexion. When the skin is tinted more with orange than y-How, we can make it rosy by neutral. izietr the yellow. It produces this effect upon tlo , Hock haired type,and it is thus th,t, it snit, bruit ,ttes. ' Tu 1 i, the complementary of yellow, pro.hice, contrary effects • thus it imparts sou, greenish yellow to effect,; complexions. It niti the yellow tint of yellow and or.iiige skim, The little blue thole may he in cionplexion it mak, green violet.— Th Inert is one of the l"ast favorable curs to the skin. at least when it is not ,ofhei deep to whiten the skin by contrast of tone, flue imparts orange, which c imbines I vor.itly with wl&e, and the light flesh tints of fair coinpl-xions, which have al. ready n more or less determined tint of this color. Blue is thus suitable to most blot, and in this case justifies its reputa tion. It will riot suit brunettes,ts:nce they have already ter, much of orange • ('range is too brilliant to be elegant; it make, fair complexions blue, whitens those which hits, an orange tint, and gives **root line to those of a yellow tint. Lusierles, is bite, s.,ch as curnbric mus lin, assorts w.. 11 with a fresh complexion, of ul!icqi it reli, yes the rose color; but is inumnahle iu rfimplexions which have a di,tier , eahle tint, biN:Autse white always en lip all raters by rlising their tone ; con F.lll. , inly it is unsuitable ho tliose skins wird, without having this disagreeable tint very nearly approach it It Very 111 Veit. light white draperies, such ne toot lin or Lice, appear more gay then white. regard every white drapery rs the light to pass through ice. which is only uppercut to ey• t the outface opposed to thnt incident light. • i 'lrel cries. I y lowering the tone enhqs a ulr which they .tre in juxte 1..,ri0n whites the Owl; but if the rer ,.. 11 , m sr miry parts are ~, ,n ewhat disttint the drapery, it will follow that, Il.ough lowered in tone, they appear rein. ly to the white parts of the ohm o' tly tO It! or of iiguous to the same drapery, redder th a n if net contiguous to the black.' Rare Curiosities from the Isthmus. W e insert elsewhere an account of rich discoveries of gold at Pannitut. The fol io% ing. from the New York Expr,ss. des cribes suite of these treasures lied their 10. cutiont—lt seems diet about the first of this month some parties exploring in an Indian burial ground at David, Chiriqui, found un earthen pot at the left limn' tide of a grave. The pot contained several small images of gold, roughly cast, and nbout carats line. Further explore, tutus showed :het a 'similar pot wits placed nt the lett side of each ,rave, and in five days ever one hundred thousand dollars of gold images were token front one !male or tomb, ihe news spread like wildfire A delusion] persons were soon on t lie groun and it is expected that .mullions of dollars trill be dug out of these Indian burial places, ns there are hundreds of huncos at Chiriqui. The tangent on exhihition lit Bell & are small, rude imitatiuns of ;initials and birds, and probably were originally made for idols, One is a human figure shout three inches high, with the head of a monster. Auother a spread ea gle. Another a frog, and there are n vit• rimy of nondescripts that will make a high ly interesting study for the lovers of Indi• an untiquities. Some of the images are g lit mixed with copper alloy, but the greeter pert of 20 curet gold. There wan considerable excitement on the subject at Panama, tine on the 15th of July, three' clipper schooners were advertised to sail for the diegmes with pliesengeN and freight. These guild discoveries at Chiriqui are among the wonders of the day The dis coverer,: make no mote hesitation in adz ing tapun such plunder than if it was the product of one of their own corn or wheat fields. 'Pile awl sacra lames opens the vra ye, of the Incas as they would a coal ion, flu Pennsylvania or a gold mine in California. Fortunately for the memory rd the dead—if such dead have any mem eries that the living take any interest in— these gold doro,iis of anacondas, rattle snakes. frogs, butterflies, &c., &c., are in earthen vessel- by themselves end not at- I ched its ornaments to the dead. They or, pure idols end unadulterated objects of wor,llip aiming the natives. We•are nut- Fined. however, supposing them to have 1,...11 buried long before the conquest of Thicico, with the artistic attainment ac ,l by these who moulded those ob• j of wort hip—for, although very far • , ,,ed the workmanship of our own time, y r, randy show it knowledge of the t'.n hid!, among so rude and uncultiva , d a people, we did not suppose had been a ,, ,t1 in works of handicraft. . Kr. %%llmover you do, do it willingly. A boy that is whipped al school never Icarus hii lessens well. A man that is cut, polled to work, cares sot how badly it is preforined. Ile that pulls off his coat cheerfully, strips up his sleeves in earliest, and singe while ho works, is the true man. Toe ELLurtox tx MISAOURL—The friends of freedom have done well in Missouri. They have. broken the ranks of the slave party, and opened adeor of hope for the future and early triumph of Republican principles in that State. The battle has been gallantly fought and a cheering victory won, although the sweep may not lie as clean as was hoped for by the more sanguine of the free Democracy. The St. Louis Democrat of the 3d, says We publish this morning returns of the election, as fur as received, and if they, disap point our most sanguine hopes, they at the same time give undoubted assuraace of a sub st,tial victory to the freedemocracy and their allies. Out of fourteen candidates, we have electtd ten, including a majority of the Board of Commissioners. The four candidates elec. ted on the other side are not indebted for their sueeess to the strength of the' likttional democ racy. These candidates were on three or four regularly formed tickets, exclusive of the Na ' Ronal democratic. ticket. They were on the American ticket, on the Independent ticket, on the Citizen's ticket nod on the Workingman's ticket. We thoroughly appreciated the motive which gave rise to the formation of these tick ets, and we informed the public repeatedly that their effect would be to give aid to the Nation. al Democratic ticket. The results prove wo Were n ot mistaken. The so•ealled non-party, independent movements, have produced, as their net results, the election of tour National Democrats. We coed comment no further ou this Net." ARUM, W AHD PITT3BERG Entrons. —The Pittsburg D ispatch has been plowed to favor us with its hutittas about the editors in Philadelphia. Arbon. Ward, the great show. mateatithor, has performed the some kind office for the paper stainers of the Iron City, He Ime moving down slowly down your way I want you should Fit up nu awful excitement in the colossus of your valerable paper about my show. It tax the socks off from all other shows in the us. my wax work is the delight of all. the papers set my wax work up steep. I waist the editors to come to my show Free as the Flours of may, but 1 dout want them to ride, n Free Hess to doth. the editors in pitts. burgh are the suakyest cusses I ever did see. they hum to the show in lcrouils and thec ask the ten cents aline for puffs. They sed it I made a row or Disturbance about it they would all jive mid give my wax work perfex The editor of the journal Bed he wonld Tip over uty npel cart in double quick time if I Mowed a w n ct his prices. I put up to the extorshuns pony enui and left in Dizguat. Now which pa per is the most rce.pectful for your city I shall Kit my handbills printed at your oils—l want coo just to understand that I usual keep the you its good moor. Now mr Ed tell me frankly with no senepshon of all kinds I do di-pile; also get up an excitement in the Plane Wailer, since I role you ive added a Coo gan.° to my culleeshun of Living Wild 13easts, it would snake you part to see the little cuss jump and squeel. If you say anything plena state toy snakes are under perfex subjeestion, yours truly." STATE FAIRS roil 1809.—The following ex hibits the time and place for holding State Felts: Illinois at Freeport, from September sth to the Bth; United States Agricultural Society at Chicago, trout September 12th to the 17th; Kentucky at Lexington, from September 13th to the 17th; Vermout at Burlington, from Sep tember 13th to the lith; Western Virginia at Wheeling Island, from September 13th to the 19th; New Jersey at Elizabeth, from Septern• ber 13th to the 16th,• Maine at Augusta, from September 20th to the 23d; California at Sac• ramenta, from September 18th to the 22d; Ohio at Zatesville, from September 20th to the 23d; Nebraska at Nebraska city, front Sep tember t Ist to the 23c1; Indiana at Net: Albany from September 20111 to the 30111; St. Loris (N 10.) Comity Fair, from September 27th to the 30th; Wisconsin at Milwaultie, from Septem ber 20th to the 30th; Pennsylvania at Philailel• phis, from September 27th to the 30th; lowa at Oskal sour, from September 27th to the 30th. Canada West at• Kingston, from September 27th to the 30th; Michigan at Detroit, front Oc• tuber 4th to the 7th; New Hampshire at Dover from October oth to the 7th; Tennessee at Nashville; from October sth to the 7th; Geor gia at Atlanta, from October 24th to the 2811,; Maryland at Frederick city, from October 25th to )Im 2811; Alabama at Montgomery, front November 16th to the 18th. FINE FUR UNLAWFUL CUMMUNICATION FITE! A Juana.—On Monday last, in Charleston, S. C., Thomas M. Hume was fined five hundred dollars fur conversing with a jurcr in regard to a capitol case he was sitting on, and Chat les B. Kanapaux, Deputy Sheriff, tato called the ju ror out to see Hume, was fined one hundred darns. These penal proceedings were under a rule for contempt of Coutt. flume stated to Kanupaux that he wanted to see the juror, Ad am E. Gibs, n, for the purpose of ascertaining, for the information of his wife, whether he would be kept out all night.—Kanapaux there. upon ordered the juror to be called out, and lime after speaking to Gibson about family affitirs began to talk about the ease the jury were deliberating on. He told Gibson that he understood the jury good six to nix, and that he (Gibson) was in laver of bonging Mitchell the prisoner on trial. He also said why don't you find the prisoner guilty? fir there is an outcry among the citizens of Charleston that you don't find hitn guilty." Mr. Fume prompt. Iv paid his own fine, and that of the - Deputy I Sheriff. its' The Hon. Linn Boyd has written a letter with a view to the recent election in Kentucky, in which he declares himself as follows, on one of the groat questions of the day .t By the legislation of Congress, it is clearly thO right and duty of the Territorial Legisla ture to give adequate protection to persons and property ( slaves included) in the Territories, and I earnestly and most confidently hope that the duty will be so performed, as that no ocea• sion trill ever arise for an appeal to Congress ou that subject. If, however, doomed to dis• appointment in this hope, and from bad faith on the part of the people of the Territories, the rights of slaveholders should be disregarded and outraged, I trust that very few trill be found to deny that to Congress belongs the power and the duty to offer just protection.'' SerThe Herald, of Montgomery, Alabama, thud laments the loss of a valuable chattel; old "Nancy" • " Poor Nancy I Never more shall wo hold her in the flesh. She has finished her mission on earth, and entered the climes of glory above, and a post-mortem examination showed that ossification of the trachea had ta• ken place." Thiscolumnissolidbourgeoiclutt'aso. Editor & Proprietor. NO. 34, SABBATHEIat:DIN& LIFE IS FADING, Time is drawing nearer, nearer, While,our heads are turning gray ; Tears are falling on life's mirror Every day I Time is closing Beauty,s portals, Flowers are blooming to decay; Fate is delving graves for mortals Every day I While our pleasure boat is rolling Over life's eventful spray, Funeral bells are tolling, tolling Every day I While the laurel-wreath is shading O'er the fume lit brow of clay, Sad we see the garlands Ming Every day I Love, then take your promised treasures, Fame is dazzling to betray; Life is fading with its pleasures, Every day I Hence, while all things are declaring, Death a seeker for his prey, Let us be ourselves preparing Every day I "LET ME DIE QUIETLY." "Be still—males no noise—let me die qui etly."—lice President King. Be still 1" The hour of the soul's de parture is nt hand ; earth is fading from its vision. Time is gliding from its present I Hopes that cluster around young life, that swell in the bosom of manhood, have fal len from around it like the forest leaves, when the frosts of autumn have chilled them unto death. Ambition, with its hol low promises, and pride, with its lofty look, have vanished away. The world, with its deceitfulness; pleasure, with its gilded temptations, are gone ; and alone, in utter destruction of all that time promised, it must start on its solemn journey across the valley of the shadow of death! tt Make no noise I" Let the tumult of life cease, Let no sound break the soul's communal with itself ere it starts on ite roturnless flight. Trouble it not with cc. cents of sorrow. Let the tear stand still on the cheek of aflection, and let not the wailing of grief break the solemn silence of the death scene. Let it gather the ac cents that come from within the dark shad ow of eternity, saying to it, coma home.— Afar off the music came floating to it in the air 'Tie the sound of heavenly harps touched by viewless fingers Mar not the harmony by the discord of earth. " Let tne• die quietly I" Tho commo• lions of life, the strife and warring with human destiny, are over. Wealth accu mulated must be scattered ; honors won must bu resigned ; end all the triumphs that come within range of human achieve .nents must be thrown away. The past, its trial-u, it: transgressions, its accumula ted responsibilities, its clinging memories, its vanished hopes, is rendering up to the future account; disturb net the quiet of that awful reckoning. Speak not of fa ding memories, of affections whose ob jects perish in their lovlinesa, like flowers of spring, or wither inn slow decay. Talk not of an early home where loved ones lin ger, where a seat will soon be vacant, a cherished voice hushed forever, or of the desolation that will scat itself by the hearth. stone. The soul is at peace with God; let it pass calmly away. Heaven is opening upon its vision. Thu bright turrets, the tall spires, the holy domes of the Eternal City are emerging from the sceptre' dark ness, and the glory of the Most High Is dawning around them. The white throne is glistening in the distance, and the white. robed angels are beckoning the weary spit.- it to its everlasting home. Whet is life tart it should be clung to longer ? What are the joys of the world that they should be regretted ? What hag earth to place beforo the spirit of a wan to tempt its stay or turn tt from its eternal rest ?—Register, I'M SAFE• An iiihdel who was traveling, and who was uverteken by nightfall in a lonely and dangerous place, confessed that he was re lloved of his fears of being assassinated, where the owner of tha cabin where ha had taken abetter, led the family in prayer before retiring to rest.—The infidel slept soundly after such a manifestation of Chris t ianny. . . . . . In exercising hospitality to a clergyman who arrived at a dwelling late in the eve ning, the heads of the house surrendered to him their own chamber. Their little daughter. three years of age, was asleep in the crib, and they concluded not to die m b her,. Quite early in the morning she awoke, and looking toward the bed usual ly occupied by her parents, saw a stranger there. At first she WaLl startled, and cov ered her head with the counterpane.— Soon, however, she peeped out and said: —"Man do you pray to Godf" "Yes," was the answer, "1 love God, and pray to him every day." This satisfied the little inquirer; shy smiled, turned over, and dropped asleep. Herts.—The velvet moss will grow upon the sterile rock, the mistletoe flourish on the withered branch, the ivy cling to the inould ,, ring ruin, the pine and cedar re main fresh and fadeless, amid the mute ions of the dying year; and, heaven be praised! something green, something beau tiful to see, and grateful to the soul, will, in the coldest and darkest hour of fate, still twine its tendrils around the altar and bro ken arches of the desolate temples of the human heart ! IlllrTight hard against a hasty temper Anger will come, but resist it strongly. A spark may set a house on fire. A fit of passion may give you cause to mourn all the days of your life. Never revenge an injury.