POETETt GOD NE4'ED MADE A SLAVE. HY L. BLACK. Columbia'. eons, the' eleven ye be, Clod, your Creator. made you tree He life to all av d being gave, But never, never made a slave. His works are wonderful to see. And all proclaim the Deity; He made the earth and framed the wave, But never, never made a slave. He made the skies with spangles bright, The moon to shine by silent night, The sun—and made the vast concave, But never, never made a slave. All men are equal M }is sight, The bond, the free, the black, the white ; He made them all, them freedom gave, He made the man, man made the slave. MISCiELIANV: A Thrilling Romance. CHAPTER I. She stood beside the altar, with a wreath of orange buds upon her head; upon her back the richest kind of duds; her lover stood beside her with white kids and dick ey clean; the last was twenty-one years old, the fust was seventeen. The parson's job wan over, every one had kissed the bride, mad wished the young folks happiness, and danced, and laughed and cried. The lost kiss had been given, and the last word had been said, and the happy pair had simmered down and sought tho bridal hod. CHAPTER It She stood beside the wash tub, with her red hands in her suds, and at her slip-hods feet there laid a pile of dirty duds; her hus band stood beside her; the crossest man alive; the last was twenty nine yi:ars old, the fust was twenty-five. The heavy wash was over, and the cloths hung out to dry; and Tom had stuck his finger in the dirty baby's eye. Tom had been spanked and supper made upon a crust of bread, and then the bride and bridegroom went grumbling to bed. GIINESAL WASIIINOTON IN A TIOIIT PLACE.—There is a fine equestrian statue of Washington in Union Square, New York City. It was placed there by private subscription on the part-of the wealthy ci. tizens living in that vicini.y. At the cor ner of Broadway and--th street lives a close fisted millionaire, whom we shall call Judge Doe.—Gen. who was an active !non in soliciting the subscription aforesaid, called upon Judge Doe to put his name down for five hundred dollars!' 'Five hundred dollars!' exclaimed the Judge ; why, my dear sir, it's prepos terous ; won't pay; of what service to me will such a statu, ever be ?' The Gen eral, of course, went into a highly patri otic and exceedingly eloquent argument is behalf of the subscription ; but all in vain. At lost the Judge rose, and af• ter pronouncing an eloquent eulogium on Washington, laying his hand on his heart, 'aid 'I have no need of any statue of Wash ington, for I always have, and ever will carry hint here !' (striking his breast.) Well, Judge.' said the solicitor of the subscription, t I have no reason to doubt what you say, only it seems to me that if you do carry Washington there, you've got him in a very tight place !' SICKLES AND MS SEAT.--The New York correspondent of the 'Ledger' gays: A great deal of nonsense is afloat in some of the papers, respecting, the relations of Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, NI, C. eltct frem the Third Congressional District, and Mr. Williamson, pr prictor of the 'Sunday Hispatch.' who was his competitor in the race for Congressional honors. It has been given out that Williamson relies upon the disgrace which has fallen upon his rival, to aid him (W.) to oust Sickles from his seat, so as to put himself in; but'Mr. Will iamson, lam assured, indulges no such calculations. When the proper time comes he will be ready, with the requisite 'per sons and papers,' to show that, if frnudu• lent votes are omitted, he, and not Mr. Sickles, is entitled to represent the Dis trict. But beyond this, Williamson will not proceed. Indeed, he is so sensitive on this point, I am told, that he has gone so far as to discourage a proposed meeting of the electors of the District, (without dis- tinction of party,) to request NIT. Sickles, in justice to his constituents, to vacate his place, on the ground that they did not de• sire to to represented in the National Councils by a person occupying his 'bed eminence.' tar A Scotchman and an Irislimio were sleeping at an inn together. The weather being rather worm, the Scotch. man in his sleep, put his leg out of bed. A traveler, in passing the loom door, saw him in this situntion, and having a mind for a frolic, gently fixed a spur on Saw ney's heel, who, drawing his leg into bed, so disturbed his companion, that he ex claimed: , Arrah, honey, have a care of your great toe. for you have forgot to cut your nails, I believe The Scotchman being sound asleep, still kept on scratching Pat, till his patience being spent, he succeeded in rousing Saw ney, who not a little surprised on finding the spur on his heel, loudly exclaimed: Meow dumb the dale chiel of an 'ostler, he's ta'en my boots ofl last night and left on the spur.' A. P. WILIION R. BRUCH PETRI/LIN WILSON & PETILIKIN, frP•The Hartford Times gives vent to ATTORJVEYS ar LAW, HUNTINGDON, [ ' A. th3 pent up genius of a scholar of that city Praetive in the several Courts of fiuntingdon who astonished his schoolmates by the fol. Blair' Canibria Centre Mifflin and Juniata Coon lowing 'compositione tics. March 23, 1853. Courosmorr.—Once upon a turns therei ---- was a profit named Elisha, mho was walk- !o o Oa La TIETIP D rai. LOoD ing out one day, when some boys made PrIYSIGIAN AND SURGEON : protane and faceshus remarks on his bawld , RESPECTFULLY OFXERS 1118 PRoFES. head, whereupon, ho caused 2 she bears ' to devour the small boys. 'Ms was the :i:st:l ie s i e n r i c ty ie" to the citizens of lletirninaos first time that a man was ever known to Residence on Hill street, in the house for. bear children. Moral.--Use Barry's try- many occupied by Dr. R. A. Miller. . koferous. April 13,1825. VV.A.I%TrI I 3IIII:O. aft. A gentleman burying his wife, a TWO YOUNG MEN to learn the Ambro• friend naked him why he expended so t ing business. Instructions given for the much on her funeral. ' All, sir,' replied s Y u I L of $13.00. For particulars, &e., apply lo he, she would have done so much, or WM. F. TiIOMAS, Ambrotypile. more for me, with pleasure.' Einntingdon, May 4,1819. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Miscellaneous Advertisements, 8111.'r AMBROTY I P V I . ?, F AN T I II ) ° PII I O .4 I I. IjGRAPHIC A Perfect subomite ARTIST For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters HI , when the undersigned, after a long series of FROM PRILADELPII/A, laborious and costly experiments, bec o m e fully AT THE COURT HOUSE. confirmed in his conviction, that the fintiphlo gistie Solt which he now has the happiness to This gallery of Art is now open for public present to the American public, was a I inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes. Crya PERFECT SUBSTITUTE telographs, Photographs, Circular and Star for Illuort-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his pic t ures, also, N ome , or A g e, o r Residence, t o . mind won so agitated that he could not sleep for her. on the Pictures —letters of different colors. many nights. The cause of his agitation was the strikiqg fact, that the maimr of its operation like that Sf the virus in vaccination, could not ba satisfactorialy explained upon any known principle. How, in what way, it so effectually subdued Inflammatory Disease and no others, was at first wholly inexplicable—but, on further experiment, it was prov.id that it equalizes the fluids of the hotly, the want of an equilibrium in which, is the sole cause of inflammation. Such is Its potency, that like the vaccine matter, :it requires merely s at adheres to the point of a quill dipped into a solution or it, to effect the entire system—but must be instantly used to -prevent decompos , tion and secure its full virtue. Three quills in acute, and two in chronic diseases, every 24 hours, till the heat, pain and febrile ae. tion have subsided, and a perfect cure effected. When it takes the place of blisters, ointment and leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever, Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, &c.,its mode of administration is two-fold. (See irectiin of dis solving. &e.) The discoverer has withheld it front the pub lic till now, by the advice of a judicious physi• clan and valuable friend a-horn he consulted— a gentleman known and felt in the medical world—and who desired to submit it to the test of experiment. After witnessing under his own scrutinizing eye, its signal triumph over both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, in re peated and re-repeated trials, he offered $25.- 000 to come in as a special and equal partner in the Recipe for its manufacture, but the propo sal was rejected The di;use of the lancet and blisters, is de manded both by humanity by humanity and science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that a kettle of Waist; water (the inflamed blood) will cease to boil, by dipping out a part of it— or a cnsk of bad cider (had blood) be made good, by drawing a portion of it? Is it not a mistake, to suppose that blisters:and rubefacients will remove inflammation, when they virtually superadd one inflammation to another? The late Dr. B. Waterhouse, of Harvard Universi ty, said "I am sick of learnfd gnarkery„' One of the most eminent physicians In New England acknowledged just before his death, that "he has been doubting for many years, wether blood letting end blisters did not aggravate rather thnn arrest disease." Some who stand high in the Old and New school, have quite re cently espousnd his views and now openly con fess, they believe the lath at, setons leeches and blisters injure ten where they benefit one— They think there is a meaning to Deut. 12, 23 —Gen. 9, 4—andLevit. 17, 14—that "Tn. BLOOD 18 THE LIFE." It is not the mess of blood (there never is too much) that causes di scale, but the want of a balance between the flttids and solids. The special excellence of the Antiphlogistic Salt, is that without the useless loss of blood and strength, it effectually subdued inflammato ry disease, (no others) by producing au equili brium of all the fluids in the body and It conse quent uninterrupted circulation. It exerts, like the vaccine matter, and extraordinaty influence over the v;ens and arieries—resulting in a grad ual decline of inflammation as indicated by the pulse, which assumes its natural state as the Vlln sont y medicines offered for sale, are backed by doubtful certificates, (their cheif vir tue) and claim to be universal rereidies, curing all malidies—a burlesque on common sense; As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests against having it placed in the category of frauds and impotitions. he has resolved that it ehall go forth to the world, like the pure gold dollar, with no otherpassport than its true val ue. f the public find it genuine, they will re ceive it—if spurious. they will reject and con demn it. Instead of being a panacea for all ills, it has control over but one itt,--lut but one aim —accomplishes but one thing, to IYD, seances INFLAMMATORY DlSEASE—whatever be its form or locality—wether in the head, throat chest oh domen, extromit.es or skin. It is asked, how 1 it does this?—simply by restoring the lost bal -1 once between the fluids and solids. The lbllowing differentiorms which the un balanced fluids assume, and many not here men tioned that have more or less heat, pain or fever (no others)are as perfectly cured by the Anti phlogistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by water. 1. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect the Mau and THROAT—to wit Brain Eever, Fits ' Headache, Inlicmmed Eyes, Ears and Nose, Canker, Neutalgia, Erysipelas, Catarrh. Croup, Bronchitis, &e. 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the CHERT and AnnomEr4—to wit; Inflamed Lungs and Liver, Colic, Pleurisy, Coughs, Dyspep. ma, Asthma, Dropsy, Bearthurn, Gravel Files, Gonorrhea, Venereal, we. 3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the EXTIIEMITIER and Sans—to wit; Rheuma tism, Gout, Scrgfula, Ulcers Chilhains, Chilbuins, Chicken and Small Pox, S alt Rheum, with itch ing and other Cutaneous Affections, &c. This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory pains peeular to married ladies, (before and at the time of confinement) and many female com plaints, and is very efficatioue in Fever, Ague, Wounds, Nervous and Spinel Affections and anyothor forms of (meek this)inflommatnry di sease, attended wtth heat, pain or febrile symp toms. Persons who have a tendency of blood to the head ar heart, or lead inactive lives, or breath the impure air of manufactories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or lie e is unhealthy climates, are exponent to a poetic liar vitiation of the fluids cf the body, which one dose without interfereing with the diet or hunt nese, once in three months, would invariably proven,. It is beleiveil to afford protection from infectious disease, and therefore travellers, sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves with it. 11e - While many nostrum-makers victimize the good natured and pill-ridden public , oy or dering "from six to a dozen boxes et bottles, to cute any malady." no matter tehat—tho on dersigned is happy in being able to state, that the severest forms of recent inflammatory di sease, was over coma by one Acute package, and the most obstMate and long standiug by one Minnie package. It does just what it claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes the fluids by removing from the system all ar terial and venous obstructi ms. sr Pleas let your neighbors read this. F. COGGSWELL, M. D., DISCOVERER AND PROPRIETOR. For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel S. Smith, &Co.' Huntingdon, Pa. Feb. 16th 1859. VARIOUS SIZED PICTURES, Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pius or Bracelets. Particular attention paid to taking pictures of Children. Time, from one to four seconds. Perfect satisfaction giver., or persons are not expected to take their pictures. Pictures taken from sick or deceased persons at their residences. Copies taken from Do guerreotvpes or Portraita. Also, views of reel. dences. Ladies and Gentlemen arc invited to call and examine specimens. Pictures taken as well in cloudy as fair weather. How often do we hear the exclamation, when persons aro looking at Portraits—"l would not value any sum if 1 could procure the Portraits of my parents—or deceased children !" Rea der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel• ing of noisy, you have an opportunity to grati• fy it nt a small cost, by procuring Portraits, which, it is known, will 710 i fink. fiArThose that wish to learn this beautiful art can call any see W. F. Thomas, from Phila. Prices from 30 cents upwards. Jan.12,'09.•y. $4O 00 Pays for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, most extensively patronized and beat organized Schottl in the United States. 347 studen is attending daily, March. 1559. Usual time to complete a full coure, from 6 to 10 weeks- lively Student, upon graduating N guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $5OO to *lOOO. _ . Students enter at any time—No Vacation— Review t pleasure. 51 Premiums for beat Penmanship awarded in 11458. •Ministers' Son received at half price. For Circular .d Specimens of Writing, in. close two letter stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. Apr.20,'69. SUFFERING HUMANITY READ THIS; The undersigned takes this Method of infor ming the public generally that there is no med icine now offered to the pblic that is Neal to DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in relieveing suffering hnmnnity. I was on observer of its effects in a friend of mine, who suffered almost everything fropi a nrurolgic affection which resisted the best med ical treatment in Centre county. We applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and gave some inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa tient was asleep, and when awaked was free free from pain, fend confined so.—This is a positive fact which I am willing to make good at any time. A case of FELON was cured in nearly the same length of time. J. 11.IIAIIN,Centre11. Aug. 18 1858-1 y ' , ;entre county. Green Willow Foundry. I'WOULD respectfully inform the public that 1 1 have commenced business at the above place, and will ho ready to accomodate all who may wont anything in my line of .business. I will have on hand or make to order Threshing Machines, and all ocher machinery that may he called for. Castings of oven description, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-ware, &e.— All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and. Blacksmithing will he done in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers and others wishing to purchase now machines will find it to their advantage to give me a call. All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange, at market prices. PETER TIPPERY. Waterstreet, Oct. 13, 1858.-Iy. RAILROAD SOURS. TRAINS GOING EAST. Mail T. I Fast T.—Ex. T. Trainleaves A. M. P. M. A. M. Petersburg, 8.53 10.29 2.29 Huntingdon, 9.13 10.45 '2.42 Mill Creek, 9.24 10.55 2.52 Mt anion, 9,39 11.09 3.05 IR INS GOING West. Train leaves P. M. A. M P. Id Mt. Union, 4.26 6.86 6.10 Mill Creek 4.41 6.49 6.23 Huntingdon, 4.55 7.00 6.35 Petersburg, 5,11 7.11 6.47 Bliir The Passenger train on the H. 2E, IL T. railroad leaves Huntingdon as follows : 7 30 A. M. 3 P. M. 111JRI40TTBDC)511101fill. TIIE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has lased that old and well establishep TAvrim STAND, known as the Huntingdon House, on the conie: of Hill and Charles I'lV Street, in the Borough of Bunting- ; a ;I don. Ile has recently put the house through a thoro ugh course of repairs, and is now equal to uny in this place. HIS TABLE will always be stored with the hest the season enn afford, to suit the tastes and appetites of his guests. 11 ni BAR will always he filled w ith Choice Li quors, and Ills STABLE always attended by care fill and miles tire Ostlers. *rile hopes by strict attention to llama,' and a spirit of accomodat ion, to merit and receive is liberal share of public patronage. Sept. 15, 1858-Iy. P. McATEER. TJUlit -- MllO --- V7IIIZ. DATCHELORS WIGS AND TOUPEES L) surpass all. They are elegant. light. easy and durable. Fitting to a charm—no turn tip behind—no shrinking off the head ; indeed, this is the only Establishment where these things are proper. ly understood and made. Nor. 17, 'sB,—ly. 233 Broadway, N. Y. ana.Entatn. T HE subscaiber has commenced the GUN. SATITILING business at Pine Grove, Cen tre county, where he is prepared to manutacture and repair Guns and Pistols of every descrip tion, with neatness and dispatch. I He will also attend to repairing CLOCKS. Prices to suit the times. Dec. 22, 1828.—tf. JOHN H. JACOBS. ,A3ll/EL T,Bnowm Joliw SCOTT, M 044 DIECIT7E, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa,, .„ .. Office same as formerly occupied by J. Scott, Oct. 19, 1853. S. M. PETTENGILL & CO.'S Myer tisiug Agency, 119 Nassau Si,, New York, & 10 State St., Boston. S. M. Petteugill & Co, Stiob7 5 000 ADENTS WANTED—To sell 4 new are the Agents for the "Jottawal." and the most luventions. Agents have made over $25,000 influential and largest circulating Newspapers ou one, better than all other similar agencies. in the United States and the Canadas. They Send tour . stanaps and get 00 pages particulars, are authorized to contract for ue at our towel; grafi*, on 6t . plty w , Lowell, Mem. Pates. Miscellaneous Advertisements. New Goods ! New Goods ! AT D. P. GWIN , S7LTIEAP STORE. D. P. Gwin has just returnd from Philadel phia with the largest and most beautiful as sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ever brottglit to Huntingdon, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, and Fancy All Wool de Lains ' (all colors) Spring D o minos, Challis Delains. forages, (all colors) Lt oven Cloth, Debaize, Alpacca, Pop. Tins, l'rin ml Ravages, Brilliants, plain and fig_ ure.l . Ginghams, Lawns, and Prints of every de scription. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Fri, ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Braids, Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops,Skirt Cord, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Nck ties, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Liu. and C,:tton Floss, 'Hily Yarn, &c. Also the best and cheapest assortment of Col , ars, and Undorsleeves, in town. Bar'd and Plain daconet, Mull Muslin,sSwiss. Plain, Fig ured, Skirt Beltt• Marseille for Capes, and a variety of white goods too numerous to WOW. Spring and Thibit Shawls, White Malaise for Capes, Mantillas, 8:e. Also, Cloths, Cossimers, Cussinets, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Marlins, Cotton Drill, Nankeens, Ticken,'rable Diapers, Flannels, &ea Also, a large lot of Bonnets, Mut, lints, &c. Soots and Shoes, the largest and chess pest assortment in town. ARDW RE, QUEZINS WAZ.ZI, Buelicts, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Itr.mins, Brushes, &c. Carps ts, Oil Cloths, Fhb and Salt,, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, soil all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requester; to coun and ens mine my goods _ . . All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID I'. UW)N. April 21, 1858, FOUND AT LAST ! I I The ay to Save Money! AND Olt 1.1.a1t.1) TTh X s ! is IO BUY ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE BUY ALL KIN. OF HARDWARE BUY ALI. KIN. 01 , HARDWARE FROM JAS. A. Baowx. FROM JAM. A. 13nowN. FROM JAS. A. BROWN. AT CITY PRICES. This ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS exceedsrtll others in importance. Is,. Because it supplies THE PEOPLF, with indespensable articles and many useful inven tions, which can be found only in a 11,1 RD RE STORE. 2nd. The subscriber purchasing in large quantities from manufacturers, is enabled to sell these goods from . . 26 10100 per cent cheaper! - than they are sold by other merchatits. Ills stock includes a complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OILS, PAINTS. VARNISHES. GLASS, STEEL, IRON, BIECHANIC'S TOOLS, HOLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, MOROCCOES, LININGS he. Together with n full assortment of everything pertaining tc hii line of business. All orders receive prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Oct. 6th, 1858. NEW BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. n the "Glebe" Office Building, Market Square HUNTINGDON, PA The subscriber respectfully informs the citi• tens of Huntingdon and adjoining c =ties. that he has opened a New Book and Stationery Store, in the corner room of the "Globe" buil ding, where may ho found a general assort ment of Miscellaneous and School Books and Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason able prices. He will add to his stock weekly all Books anti articles in demand, and expects in a short time to have on hand as Hi a stock r 1 saleable Books, Stationery, tte., as cau he found in any town in the Slate. Having made the necessary arrangements with publishers, any Book wanted and not up on his shelves, will be ordered and furnished at city prices. As he desires to do a lively business with small profits, a liberal share of patronage is solicited. WM. LEWIS. Dec.22,'sB••tf. W2ll 4111 D warr2m, CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened And will be sold 80 per cent. cticArEit TEIAN Tim CHEAPEST! U ROMAN respect f ully in'brms his eusto ix, mere and the public generally, stint he has just opened at his store-room in Market Square- Iluntingdon,a splendid now stork of Ready made Clothing for Fall - and Winter, which he will sell cheaper than the satne quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Pluladel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before t grebe sing elsewhere. Hats, Caps, . which will be sold lower than at any other es• tultlitlanent in the county. Huntingdon, April I. 1058. IN BLAST AGAIN ! • Im. Huntingdon " I t Foundry. rpiit SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME thod of informing their 'friends and the pub lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful op eration, and are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best finality on the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the I Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be haat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, anti Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand I and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and (ace stoves fur coal cr wood. HOLLOW-wawa consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, of which will be sold cheap for cash or in el change fur country produce. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a share of politic patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April 30, 1855.—tf. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS HUNTINGDON WARM SPRINGS. The Warm Springs at the hose of Warrior'. Ridge, five m , les north of Huntingdon, overlook , ing Standing Stone Creek, and environed by ro mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased by the former proprietor of the Monier House. The extensive Hotel buildings, bath houses, &e., erected at great expence by fie neral A. I'. Wilson, have been completed—und the groves have been beautifully laid out and adorned.— The Hotel parlors and chatnbersmiry and com fortably furnished; and the prospect, from the verandahs for beauty, cannot be excelled. For half a centuri, those Springs have been celebrated for their medicinal qualities, and the great nature at the waters in rheumatic and Min nie affections. The temperature of the water being 69i degrees, renders the bathing delight ful end invigorating. In the surrounding woods and nmuntains, game abounds, and the finest fish see caught in Stone Creek. Persons in pur suit of health or pleasure, will find this a most delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests, give it a decided advantage over any other watering place in the State. The Proprietor has had years of experience in the business and no pains or troubio will be spa red to make guests comfortable. Hack:iron from Huntingdon to Warm Springs on the arrival of the different Railroad trains— fare 25 cents. Families accommodated at mo crate terms. JOHN R. HERD, Proprietor. Warm Springs near Iluntingdon, June sth Z i TiVf't,u If • MBE undersigned owners of the Fluneingdoe Mill, inform farmers and the public general ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water *heels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grinding all stages of the water, and during the er eat weather, any and all kinds of grain.• They are prepared to sell, and have on band for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and farmers can have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they cuu be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop. ped feed. sPirirr IVCA.CIIIATEI is of un improved manufacture; and they nil insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill.• FISHER & McMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. STAGE LINE FROM Chambersburg to Mt, Union gibe undersigned aware that a suspension° the line of Stages over the road between Chambersburg and Alt, Union, cannot be but disadrantageous too large section of the coun try, has, at a considerable expense and trouble made arrangements to run a lino of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Good llorses Rod comfortable Stages have been pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietorof the line is disirous that it be maintained, and he therefore cnlls upon the public generally to patronize it. el 6- dent that it will be for their mutual advanta h Every attention necessary will be given, P 1 the running of the Stages will ho regular. r Stages leave Art, Union, every Tu da) Thursday, and Saturday evenings, Furl ng Cl Chambershurg the next day at 2 o'cloc . Re turning, leave Chambersburg, the an a night at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt, Union ho next evening in time for the cars. Betweon Mt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. 63 - Fare through $3; to intermediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON. Jnn. 20th, 1858.—tf HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? ill M. A. liatchelors Bair Dye t The Original and Best in the World ! All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed in. •stantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a. warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro. duces a color not to be distinguished from no. tore, and is warranted not to injure in the least however long it may be continued, and the effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the 111 it in. vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye. Mode, st hi or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. sir The Genuine hasthe name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, 213 Broadway, New York. John Rend, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, '5B-Iy. (DON'T HEAD THIS! New Drug and Grocery Store. SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 2 doers west of Montgomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuns, Paints Varnish• es, Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the best article for medical pur• poses, Concentrated Lye for mob ing Soap, Glasi Potty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho• colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Sa Flour, Crake., Nuts, Candies, Figs, Haisies, Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum• mar drinks, in a word every thing usually kepi in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who (limits pure and Genuine articles willl do well by giving us a cull. Sept, 29, 1858.-17. HO ! THIS WAY. Does anybody want to get into good bolsi. nese, by which they can make from $75 to $lOO a mouth without bard labor? If so send me 5 cents in stamps or money, for return postage, and by return mail, you will soceivo circulars of the grandest money•tnaking •choose ever appeared to noun. Discovered by Georgian and proved to be invaluable by so million of Southern people. Address, A. C. DENSON, Mobilo Ala. Sept. 22, 'sB.—ly. Dr. John McCulloch, Otrue his professional services to the citizens t II untingdon and vicinity. Office, on 11111 st. between Montgomery and Bath. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855. .4ntialtlogistic Butt, This celebrate; medicine is tor sale at the Smith's Drug Store. For all inflammatory di semen it is a eertuiu cure. Dot a box ano try it, who are afflicted. For sale at timith'o Drug Store, Hunting• dm Pa. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS // t((i4 Iron City Comm ercial College. PITTSUURUII, PA. - CHAUTEREU 1855. 300 Students attending January 1053. NOW the largest and most thorough Com mercial School of the United States.— Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Boom. J. C. SUM!, A. M. Prof. of Book•kcop ing and Science of Accounts. A. T. DOUTIIETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. A. HEYDRICK and T. C. JENKINS, Teach ers of Book-keeping. A. COWLEY and W. A. Mitten, Profs. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK KEEPING, . . As used in every deportment of business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC—RAPID BUSINESS WRITING—DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE— COMMERCIAL LAW- Aro taught, and all other subjects necessary for the seems and thorough education of a practical business man. 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in Eastern and Wes tern Cites, for the best Writing, NOT ENGRVED WORK. Important Information. Students enter et any thnn—No vacation— Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Gradu ates assisted in obtaining situations—Tuition for Full Commercial course s39,oo—Average time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.90 per week— Stationary, s6.oo—entire cost, $60.00 to $70.- 00. Ministers' Sons received at half price. lor Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps and address F. W. JENKINS, Sept. 29, 1858.—1 y. Pittsburgh, Pa "/BCAIRI2IIaPD ac:›ia Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" 01 fice at the late County FAIR, for the best gARDS tAN It A,NO riiNGY FRINTINCIr Having recently received from the Eastern Cities, a VAST POWER PREBB, and a large variety of the most fashionable Printing Material, which makes it one of the most complete Printing Establishments in this section, Persons in want of any kind of PLAIN OR RIMY work, cannot do better than favor us with their patronage. We have facilities for enecu ting in a superior manner any kind of PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasonable terms. Those who may wish to obtain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c.,&C., will be famised promptly, executed in he best style and at reasonable rates. tor Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. WM BREWSTER. DU YELL'S GALVANIC OIL, Prepared erigmally by Pro. 11. DUV,ILL. formerly of the College of Surgeons, at l'aris. IS NOW OEFERED TO TIIE PUB LIC, fir For the Curo of all sore and Pain• ful Diseases. ..Ai instance—Pain or soreness in any part of the system, Rheumatism, pain in the back, breast or sides, healed breasts Neuralgia, Burns, Sprains, Head-ache, Cramp In the Stomach or any other dis ease that is SORE or PAINFUL, and it is only over this class of diseases we claim a VICTORY. We say positively to our patrons we can relieve the sufferer 90 times out of WO. We would just say to the public, Prof. Du Vitll was 26 years in bringing to this medicine superiorityl over all others. Price 50 etc. per bottlo—i per coot cot off the trade. All orders most be nil. dressed to J. D. STONEROAD, Sole Agent for U. S., LEWISTOWN, Pe, AUg.18;58.-ty. LITERARY BUREAU. An experienced Editor, a successful Author nd a thoroughly educated Literary Man, wea y with twenty-five years of the drud.icry o tally Journalism, has determined to hire 001 nd sell his brains at retail, to those who ma 3 require their services, in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and doubts of every kind, will be supplied, off hand with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species of ar titles desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pam phlets, Editorial Articles, Communications, and every sort of Brain-work, which they may find it inconvenient or troublesome to do them selves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so ciety or occupation in life, mu have Letters written on any subject, whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Correspondence of every kind, either English, French, Spanish, German or Latin. Poetty, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet deux, Monodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character, incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. Aug.18,'58..1v • BLANKS...AIways buy your Blanks ara urnal 01lleo." We havo now prepared avo ry superiorartielo of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U. 'HON S i Ice. Miscellaneous Advertise ments. T HE GREAT PURIFER !- THE WORLD CHALLENGED ! Or TO PRODUCE ITS EQUAL I S6Y" THE BLOOD SEARCHER WdrOLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT Sworn statement of David McCreary, of Na pier Township, Bedford county. In April, 1856, as near as I can rememember a small pimple made its appearance on my up per lip, which soon became enlarged and sore. I used poultices of sorrel, and a wash of blue vitrol, without effect. Finding the sore extend ing I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronounced it CANCER, and prescribed a wash of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding those remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset county, who also pronounced the disease Cancer and gavr me internal and external remedies—the latter consisting principally of caustic ; but nil to no purpose, as the disease continued spreading to ward the nose. I next vsed a preparation of ilk sonic, in the form of salvo. This for a time checked the disease, I at the inflammation soon increased. I next called upon Dr. Staler of St. Clairsvillo, Bedford county, who also pronoun ced the disease to be Cancer, and applied a Salvo !mid to bo a nover-failing remedy, but it bad no eflixt whatever in checking the spread of tho sore. In December, of the same year, the dis ease hod eaten away a greater part of my upper lip, and had attacked the nose, when I went to Cincinnati. where I consulted Dr. U. S. Newton of the Electic Medical College. Ile pronoun• ced the disease "a cutaneous Cancer, superin duced by an inordinate use of mercury." He applied mild zinc ointment, and gave mo inter nal remedies. My face healed up, but the in flammation was not thoroughly removed, Its Fehruarv, 1857, tie pronounced me cured, and I left for home. In April the disease again re tuned, and so violent was the pain that I could not rest at night. Late in May I returned to Cincinnati. and again placed myself under the charge of 1)r. Newton, with whom I remained nadl September, during which time ho used every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking the disease, but when I returned home there were still throe discharging ulcers upon my face. I continued using Newton's preparations, and also medicine that 1 got tram Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing an nil it bad eaten off the left side of my nose, tho greater portion of my 101 l cheek, and had attack en my left eye, I had given up all hope of ev er being cured, since Dr. Ely said Ito could only • give relief; but that a cure was impossible. In March, 1858. I bought a bottle of "Blood Sear cher," but I must confess I had no faith in it. I was very weak when I commenced taking it ; but I found that I gained strengths day by day, and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was ta ken my taco was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth battle and I hove been healthier since than I have bean for the last seven years. Although my face is sadly disfigured, I am still grateful to a benign Providence who has spared my life, and which has been done through the instrumentality of LINDSEY'S IMPROVED Btoon SEARCHER. DAVID MoCREARY. Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day of Att gust, A. D. 1858, before mo, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the Borough of Holliday'. burg, Blair county Pa. Witness— U J Jones. JOHN GOBLET. NEW EVIDENCE. Being afflicted with a grevious Totter on the arms and face—after trying many remedies which utterly Wed to cure—l was pursuaded by W. Al. Barris & Co. to try Lindsev's Impro ved Blood Searcher; and now, six-whets after finishing the s rood bottle, pronounce mysel cured. The totter broke out, something over a year ago, on the inside of my arms, extending from the elbows down to tho wrists; also on my face, immediately round the mouth and thin, and con tilled to be a perfect torment to me wadi owed by the Blood Searcher. My arms, at times, were almost Unless, owing to the cracks and sores en them, liable to bleed at any time en the least exertion to Litt or work, and sometimes so itchy that I could 13.1arcely prevent tearing oft my flesh. I have now been cured six weeks and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey. and to the pub lic generally, to make this statement, in hope that others like myself may be benetitted by using his valuable medicine. ID her JANE 1..1 WILSON mark Sworn and subscribed before me, one of the Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this 28th day of July, A. D. 1853. AND MoMASTER Menne,. Hollidaysburg, Sept. 22,58.17. DALLEYbS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRAC TOR. n all diseases inflamation morn or loss pre "dominates—now to allay intimation strikes at the root of all diseases—hence an immedi• ate cure. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTR'TOR and nothing oleo, will allay inflamation at once, and make a certain euro. Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor will curs the following among a great catalogue of diseases: Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains, Bites, Poison, Chilseys, Gout, Swelling, Rheu matism, Soald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldnewr, Krysidelas, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Small Pox Measle Rash, d7c., To some it may appear incredulous that se many diseases should be reached by ono arti cle ; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salvo is a combine. lion of ingredients, each and every ono apply ing a perfct antitode to its apostate disorder. GALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EX PRACTOR in its effects is magical, because the time is short between diseases and a permanent cure; and it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases out of the affected . part„ leaving nature at perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely no. cessary to say that no house, work-shOp, or manutnetory should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufactu rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Caaadae. Principal Depot, 165 Chambers St,,New•York. C. F. CHASE. John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa.• Nov. 17, '6B.—ly. ALTOONA, Blair co., July 8,'58, J. D. STONEROAD, Lewistowntyu.,_ Dear Wm. TunaaAvon, who has been suffering several years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends and relatives were summoned to witness; his death. I induced his friends to try the virtue of your preparation—they did so, as the last re; sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, he be gan t o improve, got better and better, and now. so fur as I know, he is a hale and stout mon_, This is not the only case where the GacvssiC OIL has surpassed human expectations. In every case where I have recommended the OIL, it done what it promises to do. Send us another s2o's worth. Yours truly, H. LEIIER. A 18,'58-Iy. New Card-Press. Having bought afast "CARD-PRESS," wo are now prepared to print in tho proportion of three cards in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent• ly we can print them cheaper--if not done well we make no charge at all. We nab your pa• tronage. Sier 1000 AGENTS WNTED.—For particu tare 'mud stamp. C. P. WRITTEN, Mar. 23.'6. time Lowell, Mast.