PEOPU'S STATE TICKti. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL THOMAS E. COCHRAN, OF YORK COUNTY, FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL : GEN. WILLIAIN H. KELM, People's County Ticket. ASSEMBLY: B. B. WIGTON, of nuntingdon Borough SIIERIFY JOHN C. WATSON, of Brady Township . COUNTY TREASURER: HENRY T. WHITE, of On Lida Township • COUNTY COMNISSIONEB: M. F. CAMPBELL, of Union Township POOR DIRECTOR: WILLIAM MOORE, of Wot Township DISTRICT ATTORNET 5011111 W. MATTERS, of Huntingdon COUNTY SURVEYOR: JOHN F. RAMEY, of Huntingdon ArDITORS : W. L. CUNNINGHAM, of Clay Township. ISRAEL GRAFFIUS, of Alexandria. CORONER: HENRY GRAFF lIIS, of Alexandria, IS...Hall's Journal of Health, published in the city of New York, at only p a year, is one of the most desirable . publications now extant. The August number is extremely in teresting. It is a work that no family:should be without. ley"' Professor Gardner, of Brown's Mil versity, one of the ablest and most popular lecturers of the day," entertained our citizens last week, with one of his incomparable lee.. tures, on all the leading topics of the day, interspersed with wit and humor, and winding up with the remarkable qualities of his "New England Soap." Prof. G., is a gentleman, in every sense of the term, a scholar, and a good fellow, generally. Wherever be goes, he drives away the " blue devils," purifies the commu nity and—makes lots of money. Such a man is deserving the great success wb ich has crowned his labors for the public good, and we take p.n... y Luny w WWI V letiLl• montais which he is receiving of the appreci ation of his worth as a citizen and—his soap as a great purifier. It has, in fact, become one of the " institutions" of the county; and people would almost as soon think of relaps ing into barbarism as to be without a supply of Prof. Gardner's world renowned New England Soap. We need not say, wherever he goes, may success attend him, for his preparation is bound to sell wherever it is tried. " None try it but to love it ; None name it but to praiser' RECENT ELECTIONS. The recent election in Kentucky has resul ted iu the success of the Democratic candi dates for Governor and Stateofficers, by from 7 to 10,000 majority, and a majority in the Legis lature, securing the election of Vice President Breckenridge or some other Democrat to the United States Senate, in the place of John J. Crittenden. In the Congressional delegation, the opposition elect three members, being a gain of one. In one district it is repotted that there is a tie vote. In Tennessee the Democratic candidate for Governor is re elected by about 6,000 majority and it is said the same patty have a majority in the Legislature. For Congress, the Oppo sition have gained four members. The delega tion stood 7 Democrats and 3 Opposition, now Opposition and 3 Democrats. In North Carolina the Democratic candi date for Governor is elected by a large major ity, but the Opposition have gained two mem• berg of Congress. Trues.—From the returns received it ap• pera that Gen. Sam. Houston, the independent candidate for Governor, is elected over the reg elar Democratic nominee by from 3,000 to 5,- 000 majority. From Oregon we have the gratifying rumor that the Republican candidate for Congress, Daniel Logan, has been elected by a majority of from 20 to 30. Should this prove to be cor• tact, Oregon is turning against the Democracy sooner than was expected when they rushed her into the Union last winter and kept Kansas out. These elections have placed tho organizat ion of the next House beyond the reach of the Democracy. . — . A .G 0 IT BLIND• TICKET. The ticket placed in nomination by the Lo. cofoco faction. of this county, is a motley con• cern ; consisting as it does, of expelled Know Nothings, members of the society familiarly known as "Molly Maguire," and one gentleman who prides in calling himself "an old Federal. ist," and having voted with James Buchanan when that virtuous man acknowledged the same creed, It is a ticket presented fur the blare. gee of the people unsupported by a resolution, and without the shadow of a platform to rest spun. We shall have more to say of th is mat• ter hereafter. FRANKLIN COUNTY. --The following is the People's ticket in Franklin;—Sheriff, Wm. McGrath; Treasurer, John Stouffer; District Attorney, Geo. Eyster ; Commissioner, J. S. Good ; Director of the Poor, David Spencer ; Auditor, John Downey; Senator, Col. A. K. McClure, subject to the decision of the Sena. tonal Conferees; Assembly, James R. Brewster. The People's County Ticket. It is with a pleasure, sincere and heartfelt, that we notice the action of the People's Coun ty Convention which met in this borough on Tuesday last. We can safely say we have nev er before attended a meeting of this kind, where a more harmonious and orderly feeling pre• vailed throughout the entire proceedings, and where the spirit of true patriotism was more sincerely felt. Every township and borough was represented, and the delegates were intel ligent, honest and reliable men. The tick et formed, which will be found under our masthead, is composed of the right kind of men, and we are truly gratified at the uuiver. sal favor which it meets—it could not be oth• R. B. WIGTON, Esq., of Huntingdon bor ough, has been re-nominated for Assembly, by acclamation. This is a compliment, handsome as it is deserving, and proves conclusively that our fellow citizens take pride in rewarding their faithful and honest public servants. Mr. Wig ton is a popular and able candidate, and his re nomination will be of immense importance to our Party, in maintaining and advancing the cause in the campaign in which we are engaged; and his election—of which there is not n shad ow of doubt—will be an honor and advantage to every citizen of the county. As a business man, Mr. W.has no superior and but few equals in the State, and the faithful and energetic manner in which he represented his constitu ents in the last Legislature, fully attests his ability to perform the responsible duties of his office with credit to himself and advantage to the people. As a great effort will be made by the leaders of the difierent factions of the Lo• cofoco party in the county to defeat Mr. W., and as they rely principally upon the " Railroad Question" and the reduction of the "Salary" of our Representatives to secure this object, it will be well for our friends to know our candi dates true position on these issues. In regard to the latter, he voted, last winter, against the resolution proposing to increase the salaries of Representatives, and stands pledged todiscoun tenance any scheme which has for its object the increase thereof. In relation to the repeal of the tonnage tax imposed upon the Pennsylva nia Railroad, Mr. Wigton has been instructed by the Convention which nominated him, on the course he is to pursue, should that question arise in the next Legislature It is embodied in the resolution Resolved, That we deem it the right of the people to instruct their representatives, and we hereby instruct our candidate for Assembly, to oppose the repeal of the three mill tonnage tax imposed upon the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. for freights, &c." This covers the whole ground, and places our candidate in the right position. We hope 011 r friends will not be deceived by the wily ar tifices of the Buchanan demagogues. The tri. umphant election of Mr. Wigton is beyond a peradventure. Gen. JOHN C. WATSON, of Brady town• ship, is the nominee of the Convention, for Sheriff. He is a gentleman of excellent char. actor fur hon esty and we hail hie selection with pleasure. No man in Huntingdon county is better qualified to fill this office; having been engaged nil his life in ta pursuit which requires the greatest amount of business talent, and possessing in an emi• nest degree all the qualifications necessary to tnake an obliging, competent and efficient officer. An henester man does cot breathe, and a more moral and upright citizen, the State cannot boast. With such a man, who would be silly enough to think an instant of defeat. HENRY T. WHITE, Esq., of Oneida town. altip, is the choice of the Convention fur Colin. ty Treasurer. This gentleman has for some three years been studying law in this borough, and at the last April term of C3urt, after a highly creditable examination was admitted to the Bar. He is a young man of commanding talents, and the high estimation in which he is held by the people of this place, is but the just tribute to a strictly upright and correct" waili and conversation." So far as capacity is con. corned, Mr. White's abilities are unquestiona ble, and we have no hesitancy in saying that he will discharge the duties of the office for which ho has been nominated, to the satisfaction of every one. He deserves and will receive a handsome majority. Major WILLIAM MOORE, of-West town. ship is nominated for Director of the Poor. A better selection could not possible have been made. The nominee is one of the most pops. tar and highly esteemed citizen of the "upper end " of the county; has always been an ac tive and energetic member of the party, and will be elected as sure as the 2d Tuesday of October comes round. MATTHE IV F. CAMPBELL, Esq., of Union township, is our candidate for County Commis sioner. It would be superfluous for us to say anything about 'Squire Campbell. He is well known all over the county, as a life-long, devo. ted, and ardent member of the party opposed to Locofocoisni; who has never deserted the ranks nor dodged a principle. He is an hon est man; a pure and upright citizen; with abilities of no ordinary kind ; and the interests of the county will be perfectly secure in his hands. JOHN F. RAMEY, of Huntingdon, is the choice for County Surveyor. He has filled this office for some time, to the entire satisfaction of the people; and we have no doubt will continue to please the public in the capacity of a public officer. He is bound to be elected. WM. L. CUNNINGHAM, of Clay town• ship, and ISRAEL GRAFFIUS, Esq., of Al exandria, were nominated for Auditors. Al. though this is an office which may appear of little importance, yet in reality it is the very one which requires the clearest head and pu rest heart to fill faithfully. These qualifica tions are possessed by our candidates. They aro both able calculators and strictly honest men. Such names area " tower of strength " to a ticket. JOHN W. MATTERN, Esq., of this bor ough, received the nomination for District At torney. We heartily endorse this choice, know. ing Mr. Mattern to be a competent and excel. lent candidate, fully filling the true standard— honesty and capacity. HENRY ORAFFILTS, of Alexandria, is the candidate for Coroner. Ho is an intelli gent and industrious mechanic ; has always been a zealous .d efficient party-man, and will fill the office with credit. Such, fellow•citizens of Huntingdon county, is the material we present for your suffrages. Although our description has been feeble and inadequate, it is a ticket unexceptionable ; there is not an incompetent or unworthy man upon it, and it stands upon a platform which every honest man must acknowledge to be the best for our county. We ask you now in view of the momentous interests at stake to rally, rally one and all to its support. Vote for the ticket, the whole ticket and nothing but the tick et, and let us roll up such a majority in October as sill cheer the hearts of our friends in other parts of the State, and nerve them up for the. great Presidential battle, under the banner of Protection and Freedom. Prepare for action. The Locofocos are splitand dismembered, and nothing is wanting but unity of action and A FULL OPPOSI TION VOTE to secure a glorious triumph in October. We call upon all our friends in the county to organize at once, and prepare to meet the enemy with a solid front. "If we all pull together, we can't be beat." Let us prepare, therefore, to "all pull together," and discountenance everything which would have 'a tendency t c militate against the cause, or de feat any of our candidates. The Locofocos, driven to desperation by their recent shameful defeats, will leave nothing undone which will tend to make our candidates unpopular in the minds of those who are silly enough to believe the stories they set afloat. But we hope they will not succeed. They have meu to deal with —men who "ask no favors and shrink from no responsibility." They rally, rally; and let us sing our good old songs as "Once more our glorious banner out • Upon the breeze we throw; Beneath its folds with song and shout, Let's charge upon the fuel" Pen, Paste and Scissors. Zar Some people love their neighbor's wife better than their own. Fact. 1 6r. A Bowery Boy says his "occupation is gone " for all the sewing girls now "run wid de musheen." Car The Wash. Constitution says " that Providence_ has preserved the Democratic party." Oh I what preserves. fie" If women were jurors, as some of them claim that they ought to be, what chance would ugly old fellows stand when indicted. ter General Walker is organizing another Nicaraguan expedition , which is to rendezvous at New Orleans by the 18th of September. ger A funny writer in the New York Ex• press calls the President" a corporation." He is certainly like a corporation in one respect— he's " got no soul." Stir Mr. Adam Hoffman, residing near Mifflin, committed suicide by cutting his throat, a few days ago, His mind had been partially deranged for some time. p®' Ire was formed at Somersst, Pa., one night last week, and clothes hung out to dry were frozen stiff. The frost was very heavy, and did much damage. TI ;;;1 PIPOI ;gr. Tecrivad.livas PI h; ton will be elected Governor by from three to five thousatsi majority. lar A Vienna paper reports that Count Gyulai intends returning to Baden to take the waters; whereupon a wit shakes his head doubt• fully and exclaims : "But will he take them ?" fl It is confidently asserted by those who ought to know that the article in The Pillsbury Post, nominating Mr. Buchanan for another term, was written by that virtuous man himself. &Z.. Movements in favor of Santa Anna are being actively made in Mexico. As usual, there were many daring robberies, and lar,e amounts of money were constantly being sent out a the country. SOY - The Postmaster General has decided that transient newspapers, which happen to be mailed without being prepaid, may be paid for on delivery, at the rate of postage which ought to have been paid before they were mailed. lie-Persons wishing to change their names hitherto had to apply to the legislature t , but according to the provisions of 11 act of the last Legislature of this State, they can now do so by applying to the Court of Common Pleas. Ser The New York Supreme Court has re fused the motion to discharge from prison the man in New Yorlt city who swindled the Tyrone and Lockhaven Railroad out of 5175,000 in bonds, by means of notes of an insolvent batik. 125,.. The democratic organs are preaching economy in the administration of the govern ment. That is the way with all reckless and dishonest spendthrifts. After they spend all they can beg, borrow, or steal, they turn econo mists. tar The Pennsylvanian, the organ of Belch. artful in-this State, made a bitter attack a few days ago, on Vice President Breckenridge.— The President and his Vice are certainly on very bad terms, in fact the " unterrified" are terribly cut up. Sar The election in Kentucky will send an administration Senator to Congress in place of Mr. Crittenden, whose term expires next March. It is generally understood that Hon. John C. Breckenridge, the Vice President, will be his successor. le' The wife of the well known Rev. Dr. Cummings, of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, recently eloped with Rev. Dr. Humphreys of the same church. Tho guilty pair went to Canada. they were separated, but the woman refuses to return to her husband. . Oaf' A five dollar note, on the Harrisburg Bank, has been put in circulation. There is harvest scene on the right lower corner, a large 5 in the centre, with the State Capitol directly underneath. The counterfeit is an exact iron. tatiou of the genuine notes of the bunk. liar In the constitution being formed for Kansas, women are allowed to vote in school matters. They may cote for school officers, school taxes, and everything pertaining to the organization of the Common Schools, equally with men. Conferring this much of the elec. five franchise upon females is intended as ant experiment. We believe that females arc al. lowed to vote In school matters in Canada and Louisiana. CANING AFFAIR.--WO copy the following Item from the Pittsburg Chronicle of remit date, presuming that it will possess inte , est to some of our readers who are acquainted with the parties The Greensburg Argus states that Gen. W. A. Stokes administered a caning to Thomas Seabrook, Esq., of that place, the • other day. Mr. Seabrook, it is alleged, made use of some very insulting expressions with regard to Mr. S., which he refused to retract, whereupon the latter deult him several blows on the head with his cane. Some mutual friends interfered, and the combatants having been seperated, the matter dropped. Mr. Seabrook held at one time the position of Resident Engi. neer on the Central Railroad, bat has nut been in the employ of the Company for some time, and now, we believe, reeidee in Olsvelaod." Latest front Europe. SACKVILLE. N. 8., Aug. 10.—The horse ex press arrived this morning, with the details of the news far the Associated l'ress by the steam er Arabia. The steamships Vanderbilt, City of Balti more and Bavaria, from New York, had arrived The Emperor Napoleon has decided that the army and navy of France shall be placed on a pence footing with the least possible delay.— Phis fact has been officially announced in the Paris Moniker, and has had the effect of cans fog the Emperor to be regarded as sincere, and his intentions pacific. The Zurich Conference had not yet assem• bled. The time had not been fixed, but it was expected to meet in a few days. The arrival of the Sardinian plenipotentiary to the Zurich Conference, at Paris, is an nounced. The ativices from Italy are peaceful, , . The Noniteur's announcement of the inter, ded disarmament caused au advance of 1 per cent. on the Paris Bourse, but subsequently this was partially lost. Three per cent. Renl closed at 68f. 46c. The American horse, " Starke," entered by Ten Broeck, for the Goodwood Race, bas won the stakes; but the cup was carried off by 'Promised Land." The American mare, "Pri oress," came in third. . s.. The Overland Mail, with Calcutta dates to June 17, Hong Kong to may 19, had reached Marseilles. The advices are not important. The English Cabinet has announced that the invitation to participate in the Con.ress of the great Powers will not be considered until after the results of the Zurich Conference has been ascertained. Lord John Russell and Lord Palmerston have made important speeches in Parliament on European affairs, in which they admitted that England had acted as the medium for con• veying terms from France to Austria, but with. out endorsing them. The subject of the.,national defences had been debated in Parliament, and the ministers exhibited the intention of the Governmeat to continue a vigorous prosecution of the work on the national defences. Count Coloredo, the Austrian Ambassador to represent Austria at the Zurich Conference, reached Marseilles on the 27th ult., on his route direct t o Zurich. The litdepeade.e Beige says that the kits- Irian Provincial Councils will all be convoked soon, and will have complete liberty in their deliberations, and may make known openly and sincerely to the Emperor the wishes of their populations. The first Austrian corps de armee for the present will be maintained in Italy on a war footing, 200,000 strong. The other corps de armee are to go to their former cantonments in Gallicia and Hungary, The official Piedanontese Gazelle says that the new Ministry will not produce any serious variation in the policy of Sardinia. There will be a grand illumination nt Milan on the arrival there of the King. The Sardinian Governors of Modena bane beer. withdrawn, and the government turned over to the municipalities. The result of the deliberations on the annex ation of Tuscany to Piedmonts had been made known. At 141 places, including Leghorn and Florence, there was 809 affirmative, and only 15 negative votes. Le Nord denies that any French troops are to remain it: the Duchies. A Milan letter says that the extreme party is commencing ivitation, and an insurrection in Venetia is possible. The Invalide Rasse says that Austria and Ern rmake w h ate vet.) forremips valsasg . , ask the concurrence of the rest of Europe. It is said that a deputation, with the Prince Napoleon at its head, will soon reach Vienna to take the remains of the Due de Iteichatadt to France. On the 28th, in the House of Commons,Lord C. Paget said that experiments were progree. sing to test the practicability of laying a sub marine telegraph to Gibralter, Lord John Russell made his statement rela tive to foreign affairs. Ho said he would have postponed it if there had been any prospect of being able to announce a definite settlement of the affairs of the Continent before the approach ing close of the session. He was glad to see, in the Paris Iron item) that the Emperor of France had determined to place the army and navy on a peace footing. After reviewing the grounds of peace as proclaimed by the two Emperors, he said as England did not interfere in the war, he did not think that* was for her to interfere in the pence. The-sacrifice of a province by Austria did not affect the state of affairs of Europe sufficiently to warrant the in terference of the neutral Powers. The most itnportant part of the treaty, however, related to the future of Italy. and the invitation of the Emperor Napoleon to England to enter the Congress was to consult on the actual state of affairs of Italy, quite irrespective of the terms of the treaty of Villafranca. A Voice From Virginia. Cant Pols; Surry Co., Va. Dr. ScM S. Rance :—I was in baltimore in April, 1854. and from a paper I received of yours was induced to buy a box of your Pills, recommended as a sovereign cure for the Epi leptic Fits. At that time one of my servants had been afflicted with fits about twelve years. When reaching home, I commenced with the pills according to directions. I do not think she has had one since. My wife, though, is somewhat induced to believe she may have had one only. Enclosed you will find five dot lars, for which you will please forward me two boxes. I suppose you can forward them by mail. Your compliance will oblige Yours respectfully, M. P. SLED.. Dr. lance's Epileptic Pills aro also a sov ereign remedy for every modification of nervous diseases. The nervous sufferer, whether tor mented. by the acute, physical agony of nen ralgm, tiedoloreuc, or ordinary headache, af flicted with vague terrors, weakened by period. ical fits, threatened with paralysis, borne down and dispirited by that terrible lassitude which proceeds from a lack of nervous energy, or experiencing tiny other pain or disability ari sing from the unnatural condition of the won derful machinery which connects every mem ber with the source Of sensation, motion and thought—derives immediate benefit from the use of those pills, which at once calms, invig. orates, and regulates the shattered nervous organization. Sent to any part of the country by mail, free of posts. e. Address SETII S. Nee, 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Price, one box, $3; two, $5; twelve, $24. Peon UTAII.—The great Forgery Case—A Daagerous Scheme Frustrated a—Camp Floyd (U. T.,) Jury 9, 1859.—There is a good dela of excitement in the camp. in cinthequence of sumo heavy forgeries Liii.g br.a,lit to light.— A baud was organized in Salt Lake City fur the purpose of forging Quartermaster's checks upon the Sub Treasure. of New York and St. Louis. Gen. Johnston bad received an iatianation of what was going ou, and fur more than a week had been having thu parties watched. Yesterday% man moiled Brewer, a Mormon, came down from the city to effect the first sales. He sold one check for tii:in7 to a man who had bees instructed to purchase them if offered for sale. A warrant loran arrest was immediately issued, the man was taken while in bed, and, on search being made, the plate for striking cheeks on Bt. Louie, together with a number of blank checks, were found. The fellow had in his possession several checks with the Quarter. masters name upon them. The signature had been so accurately traced that the Quartermas ter himself could not detect the counterfeit. it was one of the boldest, as well as ono of the most dangerous attempts at forgery ever per. petrated. A man named McKenzie, who keeps the Mormon in the city, executed the engraving, and probable struck thints. A party has been sent up to arrest him. The intention was to send Brewer over to California with Win million dollars in checks, there to put them into circulation. If the scheme had not been nipped is the bud the public would probably have been swindled out of a million of dollars. Brewer is in the hands of the United States Marshal for the Terrritory, in heavy irons, and with a double guard over him all the time. There is no doubt about obtaining proof to convict him. RICHARD. New Advertisements. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS.— THE undersigned will meet the Teachers of Mdrris township, on Saturday, August.l3th., at Shaf fersville ; of Warriorsmark on Friday, August 19th., at Birmingham ; of Franklin on Satur. day, August 20th., at Hook School House ; of Porter and Alexandria, on Mwday, August 22d. at Alexandria. Time of meeting, 9 o'clock., A. M. Dime. tors requested to attend. ALBERT OWEN, Co. Sup. August 17,1809 MOTIOE TO COLLECTORS.--Collectors of a 1858 and previous years who have not been already issued against, you are hereby rogues. ted to have your duplicates paid off, on or be fore the first day of November next, or the bal. ance of your accounts will be put into the har.ds of the Sheriff for collection. The collectors of 1859 are requested to have the one half of their duplicates paid against the November court, and to have them fully settled up on or before the first day of April, 1860. if not paid hy that time. the balance of their accounts will be immediately placed in the hands of the Sheriff for collection. By order of Commissioners, HENRY W, MILLER, Clerk. August 17, 1859.—tn. ADMINISTRAT OR'S NOTICE. Estate of Joseph Hunter, deed.] Notice is hereby given that letters of st minis. tration on the estate of Joseph Hunter, late of the township of Jackson, in the county of Hun. tingdon, deed., have been duly granted to the subscriber, to whom all persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and diets hay. ing claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement. JOHN CUMMINS, Atha', August 17, 1859.—Gt. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of John Hoover, deed.] The undersigned A uditorappointed to hear and decide upon the exceptions hied to the account of Samuel L. Glasgow, one of the Administra• tors of John Hoover, deed., will meet the par ties interested, at the r ffl ce of Miles & Dorris, in Huntingdon, on Friday. the 23d day of Sep tember next. at ten o'clock, A. M. WILLIAM DORRIS, Jr., And. Huntingdon, August 17, 1859.-3 t. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of William Laird, dee'd.] The undersigned Auditor appointed to hear and decide soon the exceptions filed to the account of it. A:Laird, surviving Executor and Trus tee under the Will of William Laird, deed., 1 1 YL h jP dutie5 , , , , , , ,,,,,,,, day of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. WILLIAM DORM% Jr., Auditor. Huntingdon, August 17th, 1859.-3 t. WANTED—A PERSON OF ENERGY and good character, as Agent in Hunting don, for an Established Fire & Life Insurance Company. Address Box 482, Philadelphia Post•office. August 17th.-2t. OTICE.—AII persons indebted to the .11 firm of Lorenz & Cooper, either by Note or Book account, are hereby requested to make immediate payment or their notes and accounts will be left with proper officers for collection. LORENZ & COOPER. August 10.-30 NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF the Shermau's Valley & Broad Top R. IL Co., now Pu. Pacific Railway C.—At the in stance of Stockholders a special adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of said Co. is called to convene on Wednesday the 24th day of Au. gust inst , at one o'clock, P. H., at the House of H. H. Etter, Warm Springs, Perry county, Pa., to take into consideration lands, routes, &c. and all matters of importance to the company. The Board of Directors are requested to meet at 10 o'clock, A. H., same day and place. A. P. WILSON. Aug. 10, 1859. President. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. [Estate of John Morrison dec'd.l Notice is hereby gtven that letters of Admin. istration on the estate of John Morrison,'dec'd., late of the township of Shirley, in the county of Huntingdon, have been duly granted to the subscribers, to whom all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims or cletnanis against the same will present them duly au• thenticated for settlement. ELIJAH MORRISON,I JOHN S. NORRISON, J "' Aug. Id 1859.-6t.* WASHING CLOTHES BY PRESSURE, After fifty years experimenting, the pro por mticle has at last been invented for women in their hard labors on the washing day. ..IT IS EVEN SO," _ _ Come and be convinced t;nt7W are ahead of every machine in use. Half the time, half the hard labor, and half this wear and tear is saved. Little boys and girls can do the work fcr their mothers. The undersigned have purchased the exclusive right of Huntingdon and Mifflin cone ties, to make and sell J. T. l'klunnE's Emancipator Washing Machine. We desire the public to cull and examine this truly labor-saving machine. It can be seen at our shop on Washington street. BALL & PEIGHTAL. We, the undersigned, having thoroughly tested the above machine, take pleasure in recommen ding the same to the public, assured that they will find it all that is above claimed. PLTER SWOOPE, Jos. 11. 100801, J. S. MORRIS, Mrs. JULIA MILES, " L. R. Onuisom, ANNIE E. SCOTT, CIIuISTIAN LONG, " E. ~VILL 1A)IBON, CHAS. IL MILLER, " E. B. SAXTON, J. Al. CUNNINGHAM, M, C. GIVIN, JOHN S. MILLER, " M. B. 5 . 31P60N, 1). H. FOSTER, " M. C. MARES, Mrs. J. CUNNINGHAM, " LIZZIE L. Dorms, ',hams C. MURRAY, " ANN E. CAMPBELL, Huntingdon, July 27th, 1859.—tf. RIANZS. A general assortment of Blanks of all de seriptions just printed and for sale at the "Journal °Jim" A minim% of Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes Summons, Vendue Notes, Executions, Constable's Sales, Scire Facias, Subpoenas, Complaints, Deeds, Warrants, Commitments, Bond to idemn i‘l if o y rt gs g et e tible, kr URI:MORS , SALE,--Real Estate of John Mcfahan, deed,_ _ The undersigned, Executors of John McCa• han, deed., by virtue of the power and author ity vested in them by the Will of said deed : , will offer at public sale at the Court House, M the borough of Huntingdon, On Wednesday, the 14th day of September . . next, at ten 0'c104., 2. it., the following described Real 'Estate't 1. A FARM in Woodcock Valley, Witlker township, Huntingdon county, now in tenure of Simon Coulter, about one mile north of McCon nellstown, composed of several surveys, con taining about 260 acres of good limestone land —about 150 acres of which are cleared, well fenced and under good cultivation, with a log house and log barn thereon erected. There is a tine spring on this property, and running wa ter through the meadow land. 2. A FARM now in tenure of Jonathan Har dy known as the "Buoy Farm," in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, about two and a half miles north of Huntingdon, on the road leading to the Warm Springs. This farm is composed of several surveys, containing alto gether, about 700 ACRES, and the greaterpart of it is covered with valuable white oak, black oak, hickory and pine timber. About 100 acres i are n good cultivation. The improvements aro a good log dwelling house and log barn. Anever failing spring of good water convenient to the buildings. This property will be sold as a whole, or in separate tracts, as purchasers may desire. 3. A tract of land situate in Brady township, Huntingdon county, at the head ot Kishacoquil las Valley, containing 99 acres and 96 perches formerly the property of James Ross, decbl. This tract is finely timbered with oak, pine, &c. A few acres of meadow land cleared, and a dwelling house thereon aree.ed. 4. A tract of land adjoining the above, con taining 188 'tarts, known as the Wiley tract. This is also heavily timbered. 5. A tract of lend on Mill Creek, near Lana's mill surveyed on a warrant to Thomas Austin, containing 404 acres and 81 perches. 6. A tract of land lying on the tvaters of Mill Creek, Brady township, adjoining lands of James Lane, Dickson Hall and others, surveyed on a warrant to Samuel Ayres, containing 433 acres and 85 perches. 7. A tract of timber land situate in Walker township, Huntingdon county, surveyed on a warrant to George Cutwalt, containing about 100 acres, adjoining lands of Benjamin Grathis, William S. Lincoln and others. 8. A tract of land on the Penna. Railroad, in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, known as the Freedom Farm, containing about 100 acres, adjoining land of Joseph Dysart and oth ers. 9. The balance of the survey in the name of Frederick Ashbaugh, supposed to be about 45 acres, lying back of the Huntingdon grave yard adjoining lands of Daniel Africa, John Glazier, David Blair and others, TERMS OF SALE t--Onc third of the pur chase money to be paid on delivery of tile deed and the balance in four equal annual payments, with interest from delivery of possession, to be scoured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur chaser. JOHN CRESSWELL, J. KINNEY McCAIIAN, Executors of John AleCahn, deed. WILLIAM 11. KING, Auctioneer. IluUtingdon, July 27, 1859. FFOR,SALE...Eight Shares of Stock of the Morrison Cove & Woodcock Valley Turnpike Road Company, for sale at a reduced price for cash; or will be exchanged for coal or lumber. Address CARR, GIESE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 21 Spears' Wharf; Baltimore, July 20, 's9.—Gt. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10; A HOME ,. • too lUr $lOOO and over, situated on and near Rappa hannock river, above and below Fredericksburg, in Virginia. A new town, called Rappahan• 'lock, has recently been laid out, in Culpepper county, in the midst of the Gold Region of Vir• girlie, surrounded by mines and Mining Com panies ; and farms and town lots in alternate divisions or shares, can now be had for a mere song, simply to induce settlement in this deli ruble region. $154,900 worth of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or given away as an inducement to come on and make improve. meats, and the land is of the most improvable qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are coating. Good farming land, in tracts of any size to suit purchasers, can also be had at from $lO to $2O per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly installments. Unquestion able titles will in all cases be given. SEW' Agents are wanted every where to sell these lands ; liberal inducements will be given. For particulars, address E. BAUDER. LAND AGENT. July 13, 'u9.—Gm. Port Royal, Va. WAR ! WAR IN EUROPE REVGAUTION IN PRICES! The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has jest removed his store to the old staid, near the corner of Bill and Smith streets, where he has always on band and constantly receiving all the latest styles of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! DRESS GOODS, DE LANES, ,BARAGES, CORSETS, • PRINTS, SILKS. And in fact he can supply any article in the drygood line. Also, trimmings suited to all dresses and at reasonable rates. He has also on hand a large, fresh stock cf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, SPICES, FLOUR, BACON, And everything in the feed line. As his stock is almost entirely new, and been bought at prices which defy competition, pug• Chasers will find it to their advantage to buy from me before going elsewhere. All kinds of country produce at the highest' market prices, taken in exchange for goods. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, June 15, 1859.—tf. BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and viciurty, that he has opened a shop ou St. Clair street, in the east end of the town, where be is prepared to manufacture all articles in hiso kbp., line, on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. After a long experience in the Boot and Shoe business, 1 flatter myself that I can please those who give me their orders. Work dune when promised in all cases. Huntingdon apr 27 '59. C. WEAVER. BOOKS! BOOKS 40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale, 000;00 in Gifts for every lonaOld. In order to reduce my extensive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the regular retail prices or less, and give ($500) five hundred dollars worth of presents varying in value from 25 cents to $lOO,OO. Or, those who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.— My stock consists of every variety and style of binding, School Books of every kind,, whole. sale and retail. Sales to commence Dec. 24th. coioisi7 Dee.22,'513. COOK STOVE FOR SALE. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE for aide at this office; it is cal culated to burn wood or coal. It will be uttered law, MOVER a SAXES'S rN 4 4 '' ~ lif itajr ili nn U •• ~ 0 ''' Alkelh 4 't 3:I6I.A.CiaTIVMSk. NEW STYLES—PRICES FROM $5O to sit; EXTRA 011AROE or $5 FOR HEMMERS. 495 Broadway, N. Y. 730• Ch estnur.St., Pt iIo These Machines sew from two spools. as par • chased from the store, requiring no re-winding of thread; they Item, Fell, Gather and Stitch in a superior style, finishing each sew by their own operation, without recourse tithe hand needle, as is required by other machines. They will do better and cheaper sewing than a seam stress can, even if she works for one cent an hour, and are, unquestionably, the best Ma chines in the market for family sewing, on ac count of their simplicity, durability, case of management, and adaptation to all varieties of family sewing—executing either heavy or flue work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. . . . As evidence of the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the GIIOTEII & BAILEE Soli, nfo MACIIINE COMPANY beg leave to respectful ly refer to the following TESTIMONIALS. "Having had neofrrper:s : ; ; lisnap : yfrneyaet : d : il i el pleasure commending as every y reliable fur th rros7fricitis esind _pnlysa_i,.hu : iuwre of Bev. Dr. Leavitt, Editor of N. Y. Independent. "I confess myself delighted with your Sewing Machin% which has been in my family for ma ny months. It has always been ready for duty, requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every variety of family sewing, by simply changing the spools of thread."—Mrs. Elizabeth Strickland, unfe of Bev. Dr. Strickland, Editor of N. Y Christian Advocate. "After trying several different good machines, I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, and the perfect ease with which it is managed, as well as the strength and durability of the seam. After long experience, I feel competent to speak in this manner, and to confidently re commend it for every variety of family sewing." —3lrs. E. B. Spooner, wife of the Editor of Brook lyn Star. "I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma chine for two years, and have found it adapted to all kinds of family se?a ng, from Cambria to Broadcloth, Garments have been worn Ott without the giving way of a stitch. The Ma chine is easily kept In order, and is easily nsed." —Mrs. A. B. Whipple, wife of Rev. Geo. Whip ple, New York. "Your Sewing bfachine has been in use in my family the past two years, and the ladies request tee to give you their testimonials to its perlect adaptedness, as well as labor-saving qualities in the performance of family and household sewing."—Robert Boorman, N. Y. "For several months we have Grover & Bn ker's Sewing Machine, and have come to the. conclusion that every Indy who desires her sew ing beautifully and ouickly done, would bo most ..... on. of bhaoo tol.ablo and indefatigable `iron needle-women,' whose combined qualities of beauty, strengti and simpli city, are invaluable,"—J. Morris, daughter of Gen. Geo. P. Morris, Editor of Bonne Journal. Extract of a letter from Thos. R. Leavitt, an American gentleman, now resident in Sydney, New South Wales, dated January 12, 1858 "I bad a tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in which there were over three thousand yards of sewing done with ono of Grover &Baker's Ma chines, and a single seam of that has outstood all the double seams sewed by sailors with a nee dle and twine," "If Homer could billed up from Gs mur ky ladles, he would sing the advent of Grover & Bicker as a more benignant, miracle of art than was ever Vulcan's smith. Ile would de nounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof. North. "I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover & Baker Sowing Machines have more than sus tained soy expectation, Alter trying and retur ning others, I have three of these in operation in my different places, and, after four years' trial, have no fault to find."—.T. LL Hammond, Sender of South Carolina. "My wife has had one of Grover & Baker's Family Sewing Machines for some time, and I 8111 satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving maelines that has been invented. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the public."— J. G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee. "It is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody into an excitement of good humor. Were I a Catholic I should insist upon Saints Grover and Baker having an eternal holiday in commemo ration of their good deeds for humanity.—Cas sius N. Clay. "I think it by far the best patent in use. This Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric to the heaviest eassimere. It sews stronger, faster and more beautifully than mile can ima gine. If mine could not be replaced, many could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nash. Ellie, Tenn. "It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I. earnestly recommend this Machine to all my ac quaintances and others."—Jlrs. Al , A. Forrest, Memphis, Tenn. "No find this machine to work to our Baas faction, and with pleasure recommend it to the public, as we believe Grover & Baker to be the est ewini Machine in use."—Leary Brothers, Allisonia, Senn. "If used exclusively for family purposes, with ordinary care, I will wager they will last one . 'three score years and ten,' and never get oat of fix."—John Erskine, Nashville, Tenn. "I have had your machine for several weeks, and tun perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the best and most beautiful that ever was.— Maggie Aimison, Nashville, Tenn. "I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine linen stitching, and the work is admi rable—far better than the best lucid-sewing, or any other machine I have ever seen."—Lucy B. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn "I find the work the strongest and most beau tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma chine as one of the greatest blessings to OUP pet."—Mr. Taylor, Nashville, Than. "I have ono of Grover & Baker's Sowing Ma chines in use in my family, and trod it invalua ble. I can confidently recommend it to all per sons in want of a machine."—G. T. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn. "I take pleasure in coitifying to the utility of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I have used one on almcst every description of work for months, and find it much stronger than work done by band."—Mrs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville Tenn. "I would he unwilling to dispose of my Gro ver & Baker Machine for a large amount, could I not replace it again at pleasure."—Mrs. lI.C. Sand, Nashville Tenn. "Our two Machines, purchaied trout you, do the work of twenty young ladies. We with pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker ma chine to be the hest in nee."—N, Hman Co.- Tann.