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Alter one or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, anew year has commenc ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until arrearages are paid. See No. 1. ifir The above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. A DVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the following rates I insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37} $ 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. 163 00 $4 00 $6 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 18 00 22 00 25 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 One square, Two squares, i column, * do., I do., 1 do., 22 00 35 00 45 00 Business Cards of six line,, or less, $4.00: Scrofula, or King's Evil, Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out k disease on any part of it. No organ is free tom its attacks, nor is there one which it may sot destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously loused by mercurial disease, low living, dia. esdered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What. iiver be its origin, it in hereditary in the con stitution, deacon ling " from parents to children into the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, "1 will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the Wood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which ;enders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous coattail. tons not only suffer from scrofulous com plaint., but they hays far lees power to with stand the ..... ef nelm guently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Moat of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly It this scrofulous contamination ; and many deetructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, end, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or ere aggravated by the same cause. Oue quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in- Ischou, and their health ie undermined by it. To cleanse it fromtlift m we must renovate the blood by an alt e medicine, and in vigorate It by he by food and exercise. 111.1 a • modiolne we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, die most effectual remedy which the medical drill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remediala that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the astern from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of sot only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Sammy. and SUN DEDIASES, Sr. ANTHONY'S Fine, ROSE, or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, lhoreitas, SLates and Bons, Tostons, Tarrix and SALT Rummy, SCALD BRAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM. SYPHILITIC and MSECORIAL DEP. SASES. DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA. DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING roots VIVA. yen ox larva. BLOOD. The popular belief impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, /sr scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa- Alla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in .310arainated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, *FOR ALL THE PURrOSEB OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, me Bo compelled that disease within the range of *cir action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetyating properties search, and cleanse, fn c ! ! in correcting n t every drerabs of the , h a u n n cr n restoringor its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of thw properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his keel, ,Jr energy restored by a remedy at once ea simpleand inviting. Not only do they Guth the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direction. for their use in the following complaints: Costive owes, Heartburn, headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Faits in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its function.. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Yost Tun *Arai cons or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Boareeneee, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumpa tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu memos are the eases of its cures, that almost 9yry . section of country abounds in persona pub ly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its ale. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtue. are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the sommunity have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable is b. forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Jour RCM), Agent Huntingdon, Pa. NOV. 10, 1868.-Iy. ‘l , - .cr t 4 44 , • ••• ••• t ,; , • 4 . ! , ( ! 1 • iv. • I ill ) POETRM THE MUFFLED DHCMINIEHA. There is a sort of martial rhymth in long fellow's "Psalm of Life," which makes it easy to remember and rehearse. That well known and justly popular verse, which tells us "Art is long, and time is fleeting ; And our hearts, though stout and brave, Still like muffled drums are beating, Fureral marches to the grave," we think is equalled by a production of an old English poet and divine, who lived nearly two hundred years ago. It is no "Elegy upon his Wife," and works its way straight to the heart, by its simple, tender and pathetic tone "Sleep on. my love, in thy, cold bed, Never to Ito disquieted I My last good night I thou wilt not wake Till I thy fate shall overtake t Till age, or grief, or sickneds, must Marry my body to that duet It an much loves, and fill the room My heart keeps empty in thy tomb ; Stay for me there ; I will not fail To meet thee in that hollow vale ; And think not much of my delay ; I am already on the way. And follow thee with all the speed Desire can make, or serums breed ; Each minute is a short degree, And every hour a step towards thee At night when I betake to rest Neat morn I rise nearer my west Of life, almost by eight hours sail Than when sleep breathed his drowsy gale. "Thus front the Sun my vessel stears, And my days compass downward bears, Nor labor Ito stein the - tido Through which to thee I swiftly glide. "'Tie true, with shame and grief I yield, Thnt, like the van first took'a the field, And gotten host the victory In thus adventuring to die Before me, whose more years might crave A just precedence in the grave. But hark I my pulse like a soft drum Beats my approach, tells thee I emus, Allll slow howe'cr my marches be, I shall at last sit down by thee. The thought of this bids toe go on And wait my dissolution With hope and comfort, dear, (forgive The crime.) lam content to live, Divided, with but half a heart Till we slosh meet no more to oust." A SELECT STORTs: Kate Irlie's Marriage 'lf ever I marry,' Kate Yale ostd to sa y, half in jest and hull in earnest, 'the happy man, or unhappy man, if you please, ha! alien la; a 11l three qualifications: first, a fortune; aecono good looks and third, common sense. 'I mention the (intone first because I thi• k it the moat needful and desirable qualification of the three. Although I nev er could think of marrying a fool, or a titan whose ugliness I should be ashamed 01, still I. think to talk sense for the one, and shine for tho other with plenty of money, would be preferable to living obscure with a handsome intellectual man—to whom economy might be necessary.' I do net know how much of this senti ment came from Kate's heart, She un doubtedly indulged in lofty ideas of station and style—for her education in the duties and aims of life had been deficient, or rath. er erroneous; but that she was capable of deeper, better feeling, none ever doubted who have obtained even a partial glimpse of her true woman's nature. And when the time arrived when Kate was to take that all important atop of which she had often spok so lightly—when she was to demonstrate to her friends how much of her heart was in the words we have just quoted. At the enchanting age of eighteen she had many suitors; but as she never gave a serious thought to mere than two, we will follow her example, and discarding ail oth• era, except those lavored ones, consider their relative claims.. If this were any other than a true story, I should certainly use an artist's privilege end aim to produce aft effect by making a strong contrast between the two favored individuals. if I could have my own way one should be a poor genius and something of a hero, the other a wealthy fool and somewhat of a knave. But the truth is—our poor genius was not much of n genius—not very poor eith er. Ho was by profession a teacher of music, and he could live very comfortable by the exercise thereof without the most distant hope, hcwever, of ever attaining to xealth. Moreover Francis Minot posses sed excellent qualities, which entitled him to be called by elderly people, a -fine char octet; by his companions a noble, good fellow, and by the ladies generally, a tclar- Knte could not help loving Mr. Frank, and he knew it. He was certain she pro. I forced his society even to that of Mr. Wel lington, whom alone he saw fit to honor with the appellation of rival. This Mr. Wellington, (his companions called him Duke,') was no idiot or hump back, as I could have wished him to be, in order to make a good story. On the con trary he was a man of sense, good l oo k s and hue manners, and there w. nothing of the knave about him as 1 could ever .- 1 certain. Besides this, his income was sufficient to enable hint to live superbly. Ales, he wan considered two or three degrees hand. somer than Mr. F. Minot• . . Therefore, the only thing on ich Frank had to depend was the power he posseded over Kate's sympathies and of. fections. The , lluke,' although just the man (or her in every sense, being blessed with a fortune, good looks and common sense—had never been able to draw those out, and the amiable conceited Mr. Fritek was not willing to believe that she would suffer mew worldly considerations to con trol the aspirations of her heart. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HLNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1859 However, one day, he pressed her to declare his fate, when she said to him with a sigh! .6h, Frank, I am sorry we ever met.' ..Sorry!' 'Yes: for we must part now.' 'Port!' repeated Fronk, turning pale.— It was evident he hod not expected this. . 'Yes—yes,' said Kate casting down her head with 'another piteous sigh. Frank sat by her side, he placed his nrin around her waist, without heeding her feeole resistance; he lowered his voice, and talked to her until she, proud Kate—wept wept bitterly. 'Kate,' said he, then with a burst of passion, 'I know you love me' but you are proud, ambitious, selfish ! Now, if you would have me to leave you, say the word and I go.' .Go - Lgo,' murmured Kate feebly. 'Have you decided?' whispered Frank .1 have.' Then, love, farewell l' He took her hand, gazed a moment ten derly and sorrowfully into her beautiful, tearful face, and then clasped her to his bosom. She permitted the embrace. She even gave wly to tho impulse, and twined her arms around his neck; but in a moment her resolution came to her aid, and she pushed him Srom h.ir with a sigh. Shall 1 go?' he articu l a ted A feebleyes fell from her lips—and nn instant later, she was lying on the sofa, sobbing and weeping alone. To rear the tenactOus root of love out of her heart hod cost her more than she could have anticipated; and the certainty of a golden life of luxury proved but it poor consolation it seemed, for the rocrilice alto had mode. She lay long upon the sofa, I sae, sob bing and weeping passionately, Gradtt• ally her grief appeared to exhaust itself, ft , r tears ceased to flow, and at length her eyes arid cheeks were dry. Iler head was pillowed on her arrn, and her face was half hidden to a flood of beautiful curls. The struggle was over The agony was past. She saw %Ir. Wellington enter, end rose cheerfully to meet him, Ills man ners ',eased her—his station and fortune fescinated her more. Ile offered her his hand-sho accepted it. A kiss s, al it engagement—but it was not such 1, as Frank had given her. and sl scare-tv repress a sigh There was a mu nificent wed,i her beauty Om , adorned, with every! h jog around her swimming in the churiii,l at mosphere or fuiry land, Kate gave her hand to the twit) her ambition—not h e r love—had chosen. But, certainly ambition could n o t have made a better choice. Already she snit' herself surrounded by a magnificent court. of Nhich 'ht was the acknowledged and admitted queen The favors of fortune were showered upon the smooth and glas sy wave of a charmed life. Nothing was wanting in the whole cir cle of her existence, to adorn it, and make it bright with happiness. But she was not long in discovering that there was some. thing in her breast. Her friends were numerous, her hus band tender, kind and loving ; but all the attentions nod atloctiona could not till her heart She had once felt its chord and sympathy moved by n skillful touch—she had knows the heavenly charm of the deep delicious harmony, and now they were si lent— motionless, muffled, so as to speak in silks and satins. These chords were still and soundless, her heart was dead— none the less so because killed by w golden shot, having known and felt the life of sympathy in it, unconsoled by the life of luxury. In short, Kate in time became magnificently miserable, splendidly un happy. Then a change became apparent to her husband. He could not remain long blind to the, fact that his love was not returned. Ile sought the company of those whose gaiety might lend hint to forget the sorrow and despair of his soul. This shallow joke, however, was unsatisfactory, and impelled by a powerful longing for love, ho went astray to warm his heart by a strange fire. Kate saw herself now in the midst of a gorgeous desolation, burning with a thirst I unconquerable by golden streams that flow. led around her—panting with a hunger, which not all the food of flattery and ad mii ation could appease. She reproached her husband for desert ing her thus, and he answered her with angry and desperate taunts of deception, and a total luck of love, which smote her conscience heavily. ' You do not care for me.' he said, then why do you complain that I bestow elsewhere the affection you have met with , coldness ?' But it is wrong—sinful,' Kate reman grated, . _ . Ye. I know it,' .aid her husband fiercely 'lt is the evil fru , t of an evil seed. And who sowed the seed ! Who gave me a hand without a heart. Who became a sharer of my fortune, but gave me no share in her sympathy ! Who de voted tne to the lite of A loving unloved husband I Nny, do not weep nod clasp pair hands, and sigh nad roh with such tlesperation of migntleeee, lor I c..V noun log you do not deserve t hear Very said Ku, ni. , •., your reproaches are 1 ,, :l granting low tlw 11: 11 . 1., call nit., 'Oil know 100 COlOlllO YV, I I,IOW it 01 1 ' J 7 r. brow ',ail —his eyes flitshed with tletLriiiitiation— his lips curled with scorn. .1 have made up my mind,' said he, that we mhonld not live together any long er. lam tired of being called the hus band of the splendid Mrs. Wellington. 11 will move in my circle; you will shine in yours. I will place no restraint on your actions, nor shall you on mine. We will be free.' . 'But the world I' shrieked poor Kate, trembling. 'The world trill admire you the same— and what more do you desire ?' asked her husband, bitterly. This marriage of hands and not of hearts is mockery. We have played the farce long enough. Few un derstand the true meaning of the terms husband and wife ; but do you know what they should [near) ? Da you reel that the only true union is that of love and sympa thy 1 Then enough of this mummery.— Farewell. Igo to consult my friends about the terms of separation.—Nuy, do not tremble and cry, and cling to me now—l shall he liberal to you. As much of my fortune shall be yours as yon desire.' He pushed her from him. She fell up on the sofa. From a heart torn with an guish she shrieked aloud : 'Frank ! Frank ! why did I send you from me! Why was 1 blind - until sight brsttght me misery ?' :She lay upon the sofa sobbing and weep ing passionately. Gradually her grief ap penred to exhaust itself, her breathing be came calm; her cheeks and eyes dry; her head lay peacefully , on her arm, over which swept her aishevelled tresses—until, with a start she cried : 'Frank ! oh, Viank--come back Ilere I am,' said a soli voice by , her side. She raised up her head, She opened her astonished eyes. Fronk Wes ataild,ng Wore her. Yt . it; have been asleep,' he said, smi ling kindly. Ash., p ' Anil dreaming, tro, I should say, not pleasantly. either.' Dreaming !' murmured Kate, ' and is it all a dream 1' I hupe so' replied Frank taking her hand-- Von e, tild not wenn to send tee orliy, I knew. so I St lid y li,t! 1 have • `all I an hour. I a ct• ionre, I I,t you • dr, murmured 1 . % 1,. • i 11,S ,t 1 like 1 thought I was ontrrie,l!' Arid wouirt that be so horrible?' asked Fraok. • 1 Mir you did DOI dream you were married mllll. 1' No, I thought 1 gave my band without my heart . . . 'Then if you give me your hand, it would not be without your heart ?' aaked No, Frank, said Kate, her bright eyes beaming happily through her tears, .and here it is.' And soon there was a real marriage— not a splebdid t'ut a happy one—followed by a life of love and contentment, and so ends the story or Kate Yale's marriage. - THE STOLEN SECRET. The intim distinction between iron and 1 in possession of European news to the 20th steel is that one holds carbon, or the flint , Oil., and though no important events have ter of charcoal, whereas the other does token place since preceding dates : some not. The amount of carbon is trivial, and items ore reported which enable us to is imparted by heating bars for a long pe- judge somewhat more correctly as to the rind together, surrounded by powdered exact state of European affairs. The arri. broken charcoal in a box. Having ragard val of the Emperor at St. Cloud, whence then, to this operation, it seems natural he probably designs a triumphal entry into that the outer portion of each bar should his capitol, is reported, as also the forma become more completely ' steelified' (if • I lion of a Sardinian Ministry, the denth of may be allowed to coin an expressive the Queen of Portugal, the dissatisfaction word) than the internal portion!, —Now of Palmerston with what has been done in steel of this sort, though perfectly gond Italy, and the general feeling of distil). for many purposes, is objectionable for pointtnent felt by the liberal party through. others. 'l'o give an example :itis by no out Western and Southren Europe. means good for the manufacture of watch convention of the representatives of France, springs ; nevertheless before the invention Austria and Sardinia is also announced to of cast steel to which the readers attention meet at Zurich, to conclude the treaty of is to be directed, watch springs had to peace, on the basis agreed upon by the two be made of it. Emperors. The other powers are to be . . There lived at Atterclifle, bear Sloi• excluded (reason participation in the heal field, about the year 1760, a watchmaker adjustment; but what degree of success mimed Huntsman. He was very much 'gill crown either the effort at exclusion. or dissatisfied with the quality of' steel of float adjustment, is yet an open question. which watch springs were made in bin The English press, Derby and anti-Der. tiny, and he set himself the task of thinking by, Ministerial, Tory and Liberal, unite in out the cause of inferiority. Mr. Hunt— criticising the treaty and its snicker, Napo. men correctly inferred that the imperfec. •bee, with ' , allow degrees of asperity.— tion of such watch springs as come in his None ore satisfied. Nearly all agree that way was referable to the fact of the irregu- Italy Is in no better condition now than in tar steelification' of the metal of their lsls or in 1849, that the Italian question manufacture. r If,' thought he, r I can is no nearer a settlement than before, and melt a piece of steel and cast it into irgets, that Napoleon has disappointed the patri. the composition of the latter should be ots of Europe, if he has not betrayed them. regular and homogeneous.' He tried, he ; The private conforence which took place succeeded. The forte of Huntsman's n the Emperors at Villa Franca is steel became widely spread, but the dis• Ijustly regarded with great suspicion. Ns coverer took cure not to designate it by lit has already converted ore open en• the name of cast steel, under which it is miry, Russia, into n fast friend. May he familiarly known. That teas his secret. ' nut have made overtures to Francis Joseph, About the year 1770, a hvge manatee. such an would secure to him, it' complied tory of this peculiar steel was established with, both the personal friendship of Na. at Atterelitle. The process was wrapt in , polcen, and lasting ndvantages in some secresy be every menus which the it, i t . other quarter ? The rumored visit of Na to, could commend. None but workmen p01e... arid his Empress to Vienna, is also of credit and character were engegeit, mut . steniti• ant. The virtual arrest of the Hun. the, wey rrraidrir n to disclose the secrets gamin- lenders is not without meaning.— .1 the be a strint,:ent font. of The reili•osis assioed by both Emperors for to h. At isst hie secret was stolen in clesing the war, are very properly colloid ii.•• to", o : t rho try i.t in mid erect as threats directed at Prussia she hay. lb. :all 0... et et Attr.rcli lie mg menaced one party, without proving 1, , .c1...1 i un.ar, giving herself the • natural ally' of the other, pi,...raw hr •. intent s. eu, Fugland is frightened at the prospect be. • ,:irked at the fore her, and is continuing her immense , to with a bit. preparations (or defence. .1 1,1 • I lie m ind There is still u possibility--we dare not ; . use a stronger word--that Napoleon does oat, the tired not design this fora final settlement. The v I, . t% 1,, re Puns correspondent of the London Poet, twrkvt.l, arid ~0 3, 0 that both of the Emperors ere con. the door was opened. A wptkrnan pre. ninced that the boeis of ponce agreed upon d.,11:1) seated himself, whom the wayfarer ad dressing, humbly begged admission. No admission here except on business.' The reader may well lancy how this intimation fell upon the travellm's ear on such an inclement night. But the work. Mats scanning the traveller over, and dis• covering nothing suspicious about him, granted the request and let him in. Feigning to be completely worn out with cold and fatigue, the wayfarer sank upon the floor of the comfortable factory, and soon appeared to have gene to sleep. To go to sleep however, was far from in tention ; the traveller closed his eyes all but two little chinks. Through these two little chinks he saw all that he cared to see He saw workmen cut bars of steel, into little bits, then place into cricibles, and •with enormous tongs pour their liquid cottents into a mould. Mr. Huntsmen's factory had nothing more to disclose.— This was the secret of cast steel. THE CLAY FAMILY. • An o:d letter, written in 1848, by the late He' Porter Clay—then preaching at Alton ill.. gives the following facts in regard to the origin of the Clay fatuity. Your wishes to know something about the history of our family could not be grat ified within the limits of a letter. The billowing concise account must suffice lit the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Sir Walter Raleigh brought over to the Virginia phi ma [low., among others, three brothers, sons of Sir John Clay. of Wales, England. He gave t 1 em $lO.OOO each, which was a very large fortune at Oat time. Their name, were (Marley, Thomas, and Henry. They settled on James River, neer lames. town. Tat ti of them, Charles and 111011111 P, had large families. Henry had no chil dren. The name Henry has been handed down in both branches of the family with tenacity ever since. Cassius M. Clay is descendent 01 Charles Clay; Henry and myself from Thos. Clay. Thus the two brothers alluded to are the progenitors of all the Clays in the United States. My father no you have heard, was a clergyman of the 13.ptist denomination. Ile died in early life, leaving seven chil fren—lour sons and three daughters; all of whom died withoutchildren, with the xceptemi of Henry and myself. My mother was married the second time, and raised a family of six ehildren, two of them are still living—Nathaniel W. Watkins • Fr r olithr n ! Pi " iiiPtart d aireieen chil dren—six daughters and Five sons. Toe daughters are all dead and One son, H. Clay Jr., who was killed at the battle of Huena Vista—his wife having previously died, leaving. three children, who are with their mother's connections in Louisville. Three of ray brother's sons nre settled tear him, in the neighborhood 9f Lexing ton. Two of these, Thomas and James 13. Clay are. married and doing well—one • lawyer, the other a farmer. John the youngest, whom you saw at Washington, is with his father at Ashland. Theodore, his oldest sou, is in the lunatic Asylum at Lexington, a confirmed lunatic. Further from Europe—Napoleon and his Pence. What next 1 The steamers, Ocean Queen end Allele Saxon, whkh arrived last week, plareTus by them is in twiny respects impracticable If so, it is possible that after a month or a year of negotiating, he contemplates a se ries of diplomatic victories aiming the Ger man States, and an ability then to over reach Austria, and accomplish his designs in Duly at a less expenditure of treasure, and of life. It is possible, on the other hand, that he is planning to turn Ita:y into a French dependency; and if so, his com mencement is admirable. Sardinia is now his; and a complicated confederation will afford numerous excuses and opportunities for seizing feher portions of the peninsula, But whate , er his project may be, if he sees his way safely through, he can boast of a penetration superior to that of any nth. er European statesman. If it should ulti mately appear that he has been beaten in diplomacy by his Imperial cotemporary, the world rosy regard it as his first defeat; but if it should prove, what we half sus pect, that he has ulterior plans in mind, to which the present is subservient, then it may safely be assumed that the last defeat , of Austria Is as certain as her present ap parent victory. POPPING THE QUESTION Popping the question,' which has heretofore proven such a' tenter,' to bash ful young men in pursuit of matrimony under difficulties, is likely, after awhile, to be rendered us easy as 'rolling off a log.' All aorta of methods have, front time to time, teen resorted to, to get around the difficult point in courtship—advertising in newspapers, corresponding by letter, ne gotiating through an agent, dtc.— but an improvement has been made upon all these plans lately as witness the following: A few nights back, a small party of la- t ' dies and gentlemen were laughing over the supposed awkwardness attending a dec. laration of love, when a gentle-man remar ked that if he offered himself, he would do it in n collected and business like manner.. 'For instance,' he continued, addressing I himself to a lady present, I would say, Miss S—, I have been two years look ing for a wife ; I nm in the receipt of about a thousand dollars a year from my busi ness, which is daily on the increase ' • dell admire ladies of my acquaintance, I dmire you the most; indeed I love you and would gladly make you my wife." You flatter me by your preference,' good hu neon:tile replier' Miss S—, to the stir ' none! aller:nt ; I refer you to Ivey men. Well. I declare' '' - salei k t n he - liits in chorus. The lady and gent eman were married, good reader, soon after.' Wasn't that a modest way of coining to the point,' and a ladylike method, especial ly during leap year, of taking a man at his word ? Here is another method of 'popping the question,' quite its cool as the foregoing, though perhaps not so commen dable ir. prudish eyes : ,! A gentleman was riding with a lady all of a summer's day,' and accidentally —men's arms. awkward things are ever in the way—dropped an arm around her waist. No objectiou was made for awhile and the arm gradually relieved the side of the carriage of the pressure upon it. But of a sudden whether from a late recogni tion of the improptiety of the thing, or the sight of another beau coming, never was known, the lady started with volcanic en erg, and with a flashing eye exclaimed, Mr y . B—, I can support myself I'-- • Capital 1' was the instant reply, you aro just the girl I have beets looking for these five years--will you marry me !' Speaking of popping the question,' we don't know but it would be fairly in order to ring in the following from an exchange, .13e sure before you commence wooing. Our friends P-and S-met one eve ning at th house of an acquaintance, for one of whore both gentleman entertained tender feelings. In a spirit of frolic, one of the ladles blew out the lamp, and our two friends, thinking it a favorable mo• 1 ment to make known the state of their foal ;no to the fair object of their regard, moved s , ats at the same instant, and placed themselves, as they supposed, by the lady's side, but she had also moved and the gentlemen were in reality seated next to each other. As our friends could not whisper without betraying their to here abouts, they both gently took as they thought, the soft little hand of the charmer and when, after awl ile, they ventured to give a gentle pressure, each was surprised to find it returned with an unmistakable squeeze. It may be well imagined that the in ments flew rapidly, in this silent interchange of mutual affection But the rest, wondering at the unusual silence of the gentlemen, one of them slipped out and suddenly returned with a light ; and there sat our friends S most lovingly squeezing each other's hands, and supreme delight beaming in their eyes. Their consternation and the vests oy of the ladies may be imagined, but not described Both gentlemen sloped, and P-was afterwards beard to say, that he thought all the while S-'s hard felt hard.' HOME.--How touchingly beautilnl are the relations of home ! There each is bound by en electric chain that seems to pass to all hearts in the family group; so that one cannot enjoy pleasures unless all partake in it. If one heart is oppressed, all sympathise; if one is exalted, all must share the happiness. It is in the hone where the aching heart is soothed, when the oppressed are relieved, the outcast re claimed, the sick healed, or falling the tear of pure love drop from the mourner's eyes, when the dear ones are gathered to their long home OW Look cn the inside of to.days po. per for the procoedinga of the Convention Editor 8, Proprietor. NO. 33, A CURIOUS EXPERIMENT. Work being about to be renewed on the Washington Monument at Washington, preparations were made last week for com mencing operations. Only one rope was left by which the top could be reached, but it was considered unsafe to attempt to as cend by this, lest It shou:d prove to be rot ten, and loss of life ensue. It was there fore necessary to get a new rope across the top. To do ibis a man was produced who, standing upon the ground outside the column, threw a stone over it—more than one hundred and seventy feet in height. Having ascertained that he could perform this teat a small pack of thread was attached to the stone, but the resistance of the air to the thread prevented his casting the stone more than half the height of the column. Next, an Inchon bow and arrows were ob tained, but the arrows, with thread attached would not rise above a hundred feet. A rifle was next obtained, and experiments were inade inside the column by shooting the ramrod, with a pack of thread attached upwards, in the hope that it would fall across a particular brace, but sometimes the rod took a wrong direction, and at oth ers the thread wan burned ofl by the pow der, and ihis plan failed. At last a pigeon with a pack thread tied to its leg, was star ' red on a flight upwards inside the column, and by dint of whooping and shouting by the persons below, the bird was frightened trite a continuance of his flight, and he res ted on the very brace over which it was desired to cast the thread. A pistol was then fired to startle him from his perch, and he luckily descended upon the right side of the column. The pack thread was caught, a heat ier cord was attached and drawn up, then heavier and stronger cords, until a rope of sufficient size was secured over the brace to enable the riggers to pro ceed with safety to the work of refitting the machinery in complete order fat future operations. A CURIOUS LOVE STORY. Says the Easton dirgus : • First love, the world generally admits, is always the most sincere. An instance illustrating the truth of this, recently came to our knowl edge, which is worth repeating. Forty five years ago, a young man named Peter son served his apprenticeship at the prirt ingbusiness, in the office of Chris. Jacob Flutter, of this place. Whilst in his em ploy he became interested in a young lady of anr lawn onA rlt was accepted but emo her of the air! npposeu crie dimen at m uroee it on. ismer finishing his trade he went to one of the Southern States, and married a sinter of lion. John M. Clayton, former United States Senator from Delaware. After hav ing two children, his wife died and left him a widower. lie then emigrated to Canada West where he became quite a wealthy and prominent man, and filled the office of County Recorder, a life appoint. ment, nt Guelph. There he married the second time, a widow. Last summer he passed through Easton, on his road to 1, Wilmington, where his daughter was at " school, and whilst here made enquiry after the sweetheart of his younger days. As certaining that she was a widow and resi ding in Philadelphia, he called upon her, renewed his acquaintance, and after more than forty years separation, again propo sed marriage to her, and was accepted. De was to have came on hero this very week to be married, but was taken and, denly sick about ten days ago with an at tack of pleurisy, and died after a short W HIMS, A few dads before his death, he wrote to the object of hie first affection, telling her that lie was doubtleee on his dying bed and never expected to see hen again on earth. A CHARMING CREATURE. A young clerk has been for the last four years employed in the counting-house of Paris, a merchant. in the Spanish trade. 'Phis latter has a niece brought up in Spain, arid an orphan. She is not beautiful, but refined and intelligent. At balls which she attended here, the past winter, escor ted by her uncle, she danced but little ; the truth being that she was seldom invited, except when the young clerk chanced to be present and offered the civility of re quesiing her to be his partner in a quad rille. Ir was thus that their acquaintance was made and ripened. A fortnight ago the clerk obtained per mission from Mademoiselle Frbricia to de mand her hand in marriage from her guar dian, his employer. The latter seemed surprised, and received the proposal with coolness. However, after a long consul , Cation with his niece, he gave his consent, and the marriage took place as soon as the necessary formalities could be accomplish ! ed. Two days subsequently, at breakfast, the young bride, observing the discontent of her husband at being obliged to return to his business so early in the honeymoon, said, Well, don't go to-day. Don't go any more !' . . Not go to tho counting house, my love! That is easy enough to say, but—' It is easy enough to do, also.' Indeed how so ?' Nothing more simile in tho world. have a million and a half of fortune ! In my apparently modest position I determin ed to choose a husband with a good heart. Do you blame me!' Thu gentleman's reply is not recorded.—Paris Letter. sir"[ wish I was a ghost, blamed it I don't,' said a poor covy. the other night, as he was soliloquizing in the cold. 'They goes wherever they please, toll free; they don't owe nobody nothin,' and that's cont. fort. Who ever heard tell of a man who had a bill against a ghost? Nolsuly.— They never buy hats and winds, nor has to saw woad nor run alums, as I do.'
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