PlntittOon lournal. Wednenday Morning, August 10, 1869. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Como KILLEn.—On Saturday last, a child was killed in Saxton—being run over by the cars. We have not heard the particulars, but understand that the head was severed from the body. IParßreathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to himself has said, "I will my coun ty paper take, both for my own and children's sake I" If such there be, let hint repent, and have the Journal to him sent; and if he'd pass a happy winter, he in advance should pay the printer.—ollice on Hill street, Huntingdon. FRUIT hdlg.—Bodine & Brothers, Williams. town, N. J., are the originators of the celebra ted "Ne Plus Ultra Jar," which has been pro. wen to be the best now in use. We cordially recommend this article to the public, and hope housekeepers will give it a trial, feeling sure that it will suit them exactly. Smith has been appointed agent for their sale, in this place. giar At the commencement exercises of Yale College, addresses were delivered before the Alumni by Governor Chase, of Ohio; Senator Trumbull, of Illinois ; Prof. Sill' man and others. A large number of distinguished visitors at• tended the exercises. In the list of those who graduated with the highest honors, and on whom the degree of A. B. was conferred, we notice the name of our young friend and townsman, Mr. Rudolph McMurtrie. ser We neglected noticing the admiraLle sermon delivered by Rev. Sarnia., in the Pres• byterian church, on last Sabbath a week. His subject was the ministry of Angels, and was ably handled. It was, in fact, a gem. How cheering the the% that the spirits of bliss Will bend their bright wings to a world such as this; IV ill leave the sweet joys of the mansions above To breathe o'er our bosom some messnge of love! They come, or, wings of the mornit.g they come, impatient to lead some poor wanderer home ; Some pilgrim to snatch from his stormy abode, And lay him to rest in the arms of his God. ALL Anone Hosts.—Court commenced WI Monday last, with a very limited amount of criminal business to dispose of. The often• dance is good.—The delegate meeting last Saturday, reminded us of the palmy days of the good old Whig party. Great interest was manifested, and a very large vote was polled. —To..clay the People's and Democratic Coon. ty Conventions meet. We shall give the pro. eeedings in out next is/inc.—Professor Owen 1 was seriously injured on Saturday last, by be• log thrown from his . horse.—New corn is flooding our market, and everybody is enjoying the luxury of ''your nice hot corn." —Excel• lent—that rebuff given to a couple of the `cod• fish aristocrats' from the city, by one of our town girls. Independent calico commands our respect and admiration.—lt isn't all persons who wear broadcloth and silk, that are ladies and gentlemen. For the two "city" ladies we met the other morning promenading our streets and who were talking so loudly of " the awk. wariness of country guts I" nn doubt live on the sixth landing of some dilapidated rat har bor, in none of the most respectable precincts of New York. !NTH/MAI/XL — This cursed, soul and body killing monster, is rapidly adding conquest to conquest, and extending the sceptre of hie power over our land. We have daily instances tr. the downfall of some, who, had they been other than the yielding, frail mortals they were, %night have been ornaments to society, sad the pride of their friends. But last week, in our neighboring county, a man comparatively young with talents of no ordinary kind, and who was respected by all who knew him, fell a victim to the demon's influence. Young man, let that awful death scene be a warning to you ; fur "Death speaks, eh I reader• doss thou hour? Haat thou no lurking cause for fear ? Has not o'er THEE the sparkling bowl, Constant, commanding, sly control ? Beelines reflect, betimes beware, Though ruddy, healthful now, and fair; Before slow reason lose the sway, Reform ; postpone another day, Tim too may fill a drunkard's grave." Who will deny that drunkenness is au evil— s master vice—the prolific mother o? a thou sand woes—the perennial spring of boundless misery prevailing in the land ? And it can he arrested only by the firm, persevering efforts of the wise and good. It prevails to au unbound ed extent, infecting all classes of the comma• nity, from the humble cottage to the lofty dome bringing in its trans moral depravity, di.ease and death. By the influence of this contam inating vice, the noble mind of man, that pla ce:, Lim first its the sphere of created beings and assimilates him to the image of his divine maker, is dethroned. His immortal soul lade. graded and prostrated in the dust, andhe sinks below the beasts that perish. How true that _ . . "Vice is a monster of such frightful mien, That to be hated, needs but to be seen ; But seen too ott, familiar with her face, We first endure—ther. pity—then embrace." So, the habit of intoxication, like moat other vices, is of slow and silent growth. A "bitter" in the morning ; a glass of "lager" at eleven; a little brandy to settle the dinner, r ncl a cup with a friend is the evening, often repeated, renders the practice inveterate. Liquor be tomes a tyrant. The noblest mind sinks into he degraded, resistless slave of appetite and sdalgetice, and then—happy is the victim if 'ce does not tread fast ou the heels of folly, .c 1 crimes foul and unseemly, blast the repute• in of the man, who, but for intemperance, tbht have proved an ornament to society, and ttern to husbands, fathers and friends. temperance peoples the abodes of indi• g." and wretcheducas ; it is the source of donlic infelicity. Ask the pale wife why she vicePn secret ? Ask at the iron gratings of your hone, teethe causes why so ninny human being% sequestered from friends and liberty. Go house and Hospital of your cit ies, andtquire into the origin of so much sieleneuenverty and wo, and you may trace lin""tef ANN evils to intemperance.— How common too are the instances in our courts of justice, that the only apology for theft and murder is the sense dreadful plea. Should not the very seeds of a vice that produces such effects, he rooted out from the earth ? It is worse than all the plagues of Egypt. The cup is more poisonous than that of Circe. It is bitterer than the waters of Marah. It betrayed Lot, and Alexander in his wine slew the friend of his bosom I If disease may boast of hay. log slain its thousands, Liquor may exult with all the malignant joy of a demon, in slaying its ten thousands. Young man, if the mon• ster bath entwined you in his folds, break from bins or you are lost forever. Shake off the vi• per or your destruction is inevitable. "To err is human, the common lot Of frail mortals ; • and he alone Is wise and happy, who, when ills-are done, Persists not. but would heal the wound he made. But eelfsufficient obstinacy ever Is follys utmost height." So said and so sang the old Grecian poetSo• phocles, who had no means else of moral in. etruction but from the light of nature. These words convey a world of meaning to the young; that is, let not the season of youth be barren of im prove means; so essential to your felicity and honor. Your character is now of your own forming; your fate is as yet, in some measure, put into your own hands. Tout nature is as yet pliant and soft, Habits hove not established their dominion. Prejudices have not pre.oe copied your understanding. The world has not had time to contract and debase your affse• tions. All your powers are more vigorous, disembarassed and tree, than they will be at any future period. Whatever impulse you now give to your passions and desires, the direction is likely to continue. It will form a channel in which your life is to run ; now it may determine an everlasting ins.. Consider then the em• ployment of this important period as the high. est trust which shall ever be committed to you ; as, in a great measure, decisive of your happiness in time .d as eternity. As in the succession of the seasons, each by the invaria ble laws of nature, affects the production of what is next in course ; so in human life, every period of our age, according as it is well or ill spent, influences the happiness of that which is to follow. Virtuous youth gradually brings forward accomplished and flourishing manhood; and such manhood passes of itself, without un• easiness, into respectability and tranquil old age. But when nature is turned out of its reg• illas cosine, disorders take place in the moral, just as in the vegetable world. If the spring puts forth 110 blossoms, in guanines there will Le no beauty, and its autumn nofruit. So if youth be trilled away, without improvement, man hood will be contemptible, and old age misera ble. [For the Huntingdon Journal.] TILE STOIOI. Written while on a visit to Long Branch, N. J, The air was still, the faintest moan not heard, Lite was at rest, and not a leaflet stirred ; Thick clouds impending—general gloom o'er. spread, While higher still, contending masses sped fu inky pall—obscured old. Out an s breast, And thick'ning yap. stole from East to West. Portents of a storm were gath'ring all around, Ceas'd the gay laugh, and huslid the sturdiest sound. A. moment's pause—all Nature fears the strife, Blanch is the cheek—and stoP'd the pulse of life, The wind now eddies and the storm comes near, Fast flies the scud, and big round drops appear; The rain descends, and bursting from on high, It seems Heaven open the sluices of the sky. Fiercely the torrent deluges the earth, As in old days—befbre its second birth ; And the tall verdant tenants of the wood, Bow %lentil the fury of the raging flood. Old Ocean heaves. and roars in sullen math, As the waked whirlwind moves across her path; And now Heaven's lightning cleaves the sable cloud, And metering thunder grows more harsh aid loud ; 'Till the huge welkin echoes with the crash, As peal succeeds to peal, and flash to flush ; As If the grand artillery of the spheres Were all let loose to harrow molts] ears— Or teach how feeble is man's boasted might, When tempest rages, or when lightnings blight. In fitful gusts the wind doth storm and rave, h,ad dashes high the foaming mountain wave, Whose voice co.mingling with the furious blast, And hoarser thunder, make all earth aghast. Herds to their coverts fly, with fearful bound, And-screaming-birds in terror seek the ground; The pliant willows bend beneath the blow, While giant oaks are prostrate laid and low. Alarmed gay folly sinks its crested head And pride's vain pomp and haughty spirit's fled. The bloom of beauty shrinks in pale dismay, E'en manhood trembles at the tierce display; Nor thinks it craven to be moved by dread, When Heaven—in thunder—speaks above our head. Yet storm and tempest rage but for a time, Howe'er impetuous, and howe'er sublime; As clouds obscure the cheerful face of day, Or sorrows come—but transient—pass away. More diet ai t now the muttering thunder growls, The wind less wildly blows, lees fiercely howls; Nor beats the rain with such terrific might, Or heaves old ocean to such fearful height ; The haze disperses, and our sight to cheer, Again peeps out the clear, blue atmosphere; Clouds roll away, in ranks embattled high, And lo! bright Pho3bus gleams throughout the sky, Clewing with brighter splendor to our gaze, That clouds and vapors had obscured its blaze. All life's astir—and sunshine gilds the scene, Where blinding rain, and toles, and storms had been ; And outward nature, cheerful, doth impart, Her own bright aspect to the mind nod heart. Give praise to Him, then, whose Almighty will Math bid the raging elements 'Be still." PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA AUGUST 9. 18.59. FLOUR—Superfine. pee barrel, $5 00145 50 " Extra " 5 00(4t5 75 family "." 6 50to 575 Wheat—red, per bushel, I 20®.; 25 a White " 1 30®1 33 79 Rye Corn Oats Clovereeed Timothy need, Flax, per bueliel $5 5036 75 per 64 pounds $l,BO to 2 00 $1 70 MARRIED: -...-- At the residence of George Howe, Esq., in Detroit, on Thursday, July 28th, by Rev. Mr. Metcalf, Dr. Hays McKinley, of Kenosha, Wis consin, to Miss Nannie E. Howe, of Clay, Onon. da ,, o county, New York, formerly of Hunting • don, Pa. WASHING CLOTHES BY PRESSURE. After fifty years experimenting, thepro per article has at last been invented for women in their hard labors on the wading day. '•IT IS EVEN SO," Come and be convinced that we are ahead of every machine in use. Hail the time, hell the hard labor, and half the wear and trar is saved. Little boys and g, rls can do the at , .k (Cr their mothers. 'rite undersigned have purchased the exclusive right of Huntingdon and Alililin coun ties, to make and sell J. T. MUDGE'S Emancipator Washing Machine. We desire the public to call and examine this truly labor-saring machine. it can be sten at our shop on Washington street. BALL & PEIGIITAL. We, the undersigned, hosing thoroughly tested the above mach Me, take pleasure in recommen ding the same to the public, assured that they will find it all tat is above claimed. Mrs..lo.lA B. Mit.EB, " L.R. 0111118011, ANNIE E. SCOTT, " E. WILLIANIBON, " E. B. SAXTON, PETER SWOOPE, JoN. H. Domemr, J. S. MORRIS, CHRISTIAN Loma, -emu.. 11. MILLER, _ __ J. • M. CUNNINGHA;I, "M. C. GIVIN, JOHN 8. MILLER, " M. H. D. H. FOSTER. " M. C. BLANKS, Mrs. J. CUNNINGIR INt. LIEZIE 1,. DORMS, "JENNIE C. MonnAy, s" ANN E. C.tairogt.t Huntingdon, July 27th, 1859.—ti. OIL SALE .-- Eight Shares of stock I' niche Morrison Cove & Woodcock Valley Turnpike Road Company, for sale at a reduced price for cash; or will be exchanged for coal or lumber. Address CARR, GIESE & Co., COMMISSION MERCHAN ra, 21 Spears' Wharf, Baltimore. July 20, '09.-6t* AHOMESTEAD FOIL $10; A H 031 ; - stead for $100; Also, Homesteads for $lOOO and over, situated on and near Heppe. hannock river, above and below Fredericksburg, in Virginia. A new town, called Rappahni, nock, has recently been laid out, in Culpepper county, in the midst of the Gold Region of Vir ginia, surrounded by mines and Mining Com panies ; nod (arms and town lots in alternate divisions or shares, can now be had for a mere song, simply to induce settlement in this deli ratite region. $154,900 worth of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or given away its an inducement to come on and make improve ments, and the land is of the most improvable qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are coming. Good farming hind, in tracts of any size to suit purchasers, can also be had at from $lO to $2O per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly installments. Ut.question able titles will in all cases be given. . . se— Agents are wanted every where to sell these lands ; liberal inducements will be given. For particulars, address E. BAUDER. LANit AGENT. July 13, '59.-6m. Port lloyat, IV AR ! WAR IN EUROPE R EV GLU TION IN PR Ir ES! The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has just rtrnoved his store to the old stani, near the corner of Hill and Smith streets. where he has always on hand and constantly receivin,, all the latest styles of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! DRESS GOODS, DE LANES, BARA G ES, CORSETS, PRINTS, uurt, arttem S ib i kl dry r •good line. Also, trimmings suited to all dresses and at reasonable rates. Ile has also on hand a tar,. fresh steels cf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, SPICES, FLOUR, BACON, And everything in the feed line. As his stock is almost entirely new, and been bought at prices which defy competition, pur chasers will find it to their advantage to buy from me before going elsewhere. All kinds of country produce at the highest market prices, token in exchange for goods. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, June 15, 1859.—tf. rrlIE WORLD—RENOWNED WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. PUBLISHED BY PETERSON & BROTHERS. No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. PETERSON'S CHEAP EDITION OF mu WAVERLEY NOVELS. PRICE—Each 25 cents. ELEVEN NUMBERS are already published. IVANHOE, GUY MANNERING, ROB ROY, KENILWORTH, QUENTIN DURWARD, THE ABBOT. BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, OLD MORTALITY. THE ANTIQUARY. WAVERLY. WOODSTOCK. And ono will he issued regularly on every Sat urday, until the whole ore comi.h•ted. TERMS OF sußscluvrios TO TWEN— TY—SIX VOLUMES. One complete set, twenty•tix volumes m all will 1•e sent to any one, a • fast as they ore nub tithed, for five dollars. Single numbers, 23 cents. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. visaiw*s. A general assortment of Blanks of all dv acriptions just printed and Ibr sale at (ht. "Journal (Vice." Appointnit of Referees, Common Bond. Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes Summons, Vendee Notes, Constabll's Sales, Subpoenas, Executions, Scire Facias, Com p •ts, Deeds, Warrants, Mortgages, Commitments, Bond to idemnify Constable, tte D 00TS AND SHOES. j The subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and viciults, thud he has opened a shop on St. Clair street, in the fast end of the town, where ho is prepared to manufacture all articles ill hie line, on the shortest notice, and C on reasonable terms. After a long experience in the Boot and Shoe business. 1 flatter myself that I can please those who give are their orders. Work dune when promised in all eases. _ _ "1 find the work the strongest and most beau- May 4, 1859. tiful I have ever seen, made either by band or machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma , alp MANSION 110 USE, chine as ono of the greatest blessings to our BOORS! BOOKS Corner ot Hill ak Montgomery Streets, HUNTINGDON, PA. sex."—Mrs. Tuytur, Nashville, Thras. "I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma -40,000 Volumes of hooks for Sale. C lIRIST u A:N curs. Proprietor, chines in use in my fan ily, nd find it nivel.- 8500,00 lu Gifts for every 1000 Sold. . This stand is well known as the "McConnell ble. I can confidently recommend it to all per le order to reduce my extensive stock I will House." The location is superior to any other, 1 eons in want of a machine."—G. T. Thompson, sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the being in the immediate proximity to business; 1 Nashville, Tenn. regular retail prices or less. and give 4500) also to the Bank and most Public Offices 1 WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, <' l take pleasure in eantifying to the utility of five hundred dollars worth of presents varying It is the determination of the Proprietor, to the c't• ens of Hunting - , the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. Iha e i n value from 25 cents to $100.90. Or, those keep this House in a style sati 4 actory to the ' Respectfully in forms : _:.:_. I P • used one on allow every description of work who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.— public, and it is his desire, to make all who • '1.., vicinity, and uric '"'"u""lnK coup- .. ...,. for month, and tind it much stronger than work My stock consists of eyery variety and style of patronize him, feel at house, and to make the try. that he lIIIS commenced business an i 4 ,, done b y hitnt'.—Mrs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville trio room opposite M. GLIIIII3II'S store in tATi binding. School Books of every kind, whole- 'Mansion' rank among the best of Coming MARKET SQUARE. HUNTINGDON, Rill, - MIN. sale and retail. Sales to commence Dec. 24th. doll Hotels. He very respectfully solicits the hi , ei , toreceive a share of publ i c paireasgs. 1 "I would be unwilling to dispose of my Ore- WM. COLON. public patronage. Apr. 13th '59 1 kVATCIIES and CLOCKS repaired in the nor & Baker Machine fur a large amount, could Dee.22,'58. , best workmanlike manner. I nut replace Regain at pleasure."—Mrs. H.C. nA PER ! PAPER!! MS stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY IS Scovel, Nashville Tenn. C OOK STOVE FOR SALE. r Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and of the best, nil of which he will dispose of at "(Jur tw o Machines, purchased i nnm yo, do A SPLENDID NEW COOK . blowup—a good assortment for sale by the Di e ',rice, ' the work of twenty young ladies. We with STOVE its aule at this °Hite; it is CRI- ream. all resin quire or sheet. at . The public generally are requested to give Ipleasure reeomniend the Gruver & Baker m ediated to burn wood or coal. It teal 1 Lewis' New Book and Btationerylitoro. I hint a call and examine his stock. chine to be the best in ass."—N. *down f• Co. Iva Ohre) low. ' Det.22,'661.-tf. Mar.e,'s9. rat.. iit . a . ;;;;lan apr 27 '39. C. WEAVER. MILINNATCZ:OI:I .A.4C_EIJCP3E3MEY. 1it1212 atilLO !mama immune. Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. W. H. WOODS, A. M. Pi MRS. F. T. WOODS, Principal of Female Department. J. ALFRED SHADE, M. D, Professor of Anatomy and Physioloyy. ALBERT OWEN, Lecturer on Art of 7eachiny and Phys. Goy. Ithas ANNA G. PATTON. Teacher of 3fnaic. Drawing Grecian and Dab ion Painting and Fancy Needle Work. THE next section of this Institution will open nix advantages to those seeking an education posed of those who are thoroughly qualified k who wish to place their children in a secure a snouts A NORMAL SCHOOL will be form worthy County Superintendent, wid give lecture phy. In the tIOMMER , . I)EPARTMEN the Counting Room. TERMS, for cession of fi sons in Music, French. Drawing, Painting and For further particular, address N. B.—By flow: desiring places, early applic Apr.6,'59, THE 0113E3VIELE ZEIANAR4 T\TC3OI=LM.A.I.-. ROCS Vo4llo® 121311%g5 Aran 04251'712E2E. THE CHEAPEST SCHOOL IN THE LAND. Send for a Catalogue, and Address M, MN. WALSH, A, It, Cassville, Pa PIKE'S rat( GOLD Cannot rival in attraction the superb stock of Sp r ing and Summer Goods now being received and opened by Fool. &Muunue. This stock has been selected with groat care and the public are cordially invited to call and examine it. ..... It comprises all the late styles of Indies' Dress Goods, such as Foil de Cheers, Robes n Lez, Organdies, Jaconets. Lawns, Challis, plain and figured Serapes. Crape Maretz, Plain and colored Chintzes, French and English Ging hams, Amaranths, Valenti., Alpaccas, Debage Prints, &e. Ac. A Umatilla assortment of Spring SHAWLS, round and square corners, all colors. A full stock of Ladies Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Co.lars, Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts, Drawers, &e. We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Trimmings Fringes, Hilsbans, Mitts. Gloves. O'nuntlets, ' Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops of nll Isinds, Ac. ALSO—Tickens, Osnaburg, bleached and un bleached Muslim at all prices, Colored and White Cambrics, Barred and Swiss MUSH Victoria Lawns Nainsooks, Terleton and many other articles Lawns, comprise the line of White and Domestic Gom's. We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Sattinetts,Jeans Tweeds, Cottonades, Linens, HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. of every varjety and style. Also all kinds of STRAW GOODS. A good stork of GROIERIES, HARD QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Wood and Willow-ware, which will be sold Emu'. We also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess is this ',ranch of trade unequalled by sop. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. Corns one, come 011, and be convinced that the "METuoroLITAN" is the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Apr.14;59. READI READII READ!!! ESENWEINN AROMATIC! M AZ:SAI74, Is It remedy not to be excelled for the relief and cure of those umlndies incident to the summer season, viz : Diurrbort. Dysentery. Cholorn or Chob.ra \Tor• bus, Vomiting, Acidity f Its exeellcn Carminntil I 11 ,nt I 3.a.iit taste nod 11111 a 1111, I,lla •...1 •,, 11 a val• Unble r, , no , dv in p, ,nhar to tin. SOl.OlOl 5,1,1, .1., 4 • 1:.! Pt, It I, 1 a,l, • 1”111.• i t ~,;.44 111.110 -.1 , 1,11111 - 1111.1 011 11, 1 ,10 -101'0 1,1 Ole wall I,.•11, 111 tql . l) . 1: ‘l.l : I,IIIIIIIS W4lll 11.111114.41 lo al', i, 'lry it. Preintrol A. E EN NV EINE Dispensing yheinist. Price 2.1 etz‘ 11;ottle Ninth (f Poplar sts., 14iladelphia. Sold by J. Head, Huntingdon, and Drodgim and Storekeepers gvnerally. [May 25, '59.• ly. 1859. ".itßgiiiil2l"RlBs3. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of our friends and customers, as well as the citizens of the town and county general ly, to our new and extensive usgortment of READY-AIADE CLOTHING consisting of every article of gentlemens' fur ninhing goods. We bent it unnecessary to make a newspaper flourish, being confident that a call and an examination afottr goods, will sa tisfy all, that our goods are just what we re commend them to be, well male, of good mate rial, tind as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought in the county of Huntingdon It in not our desire, as tt is not the policy of honest men, to deceive, hut this much we will say, that we will guarantee to all who may fa vor us with the irepatronage, entire satisfaction an to quality, fit and price. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing, not found in our stock, by leaving their meas ure, they can ho accommodated at short notice. Cull at corner oldie diamond, Long'a now house. M. GUTMAN & CO. •oprietor and Principal. lIMVID M. BUTTS. Teacher of the English Branches. ,M. M. WILLIAMSON, Teacher of Mathematics. Miss LIZZIE F. LYON. Teacher in Preparatory Department. EPIIRAINI BAKER, Monitor. the first Wednesday of May. E holds nut super n. The Board of Instruction is large, and coin . for their profession. To Parents and Guardians' tud healthy retreat, it holds out peculiar induce led the present session, to which Mr. Owen, our es on the Art of Teaching and Physical Oeoyra• NT, young men will he thoroughly quali(•ed fur live months, $55.00. light and fuel also. Les- Faiicy Needle Work, extra.... W. 1. WOODS, ,fttion should be made. AND of Rte. Dr. Lewitt, Editor OW. Y. Independent. ••I rimless myself delighted with your Seivin4 Maeliiiri, which lies been in my tinnily for ma ny months. It has always been ready for duty, re-tiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every variety of family sewing, by simply changing the spools of thread "—Met. Elisabeth Strickland. wife of Bev. Dr. Strichland, Editor of N. Y. Christian Advocate. "After trying several different good I preferred yours, un account of its simplicity, and the perfect ease with which it is managed, as well us the strength and durability ut the seam. After long experience, I feel competent to speak in this manner, and to confidently re commend it for every variety of family sewing." —Mrs. E. B. Spooner, wife of the Editor of Brook ' lye Star: "I have aced a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma chine Sir two years, and have found it adapted to all kinds of family sea , lig, from Cambric to ' Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out without the giving way of a stitch. The Mn chine is easily kept In order, and in easily lived." —Mrs. B • Whipple, wife of Bee. Geo. Whip ple, New Yinic. ' "Your Sew ing Machine has been in use in my family the past two years, and the ladies request me to give you their testimonials to its per,,t adaptedness• an well nn lahor-savitit qualities in the performance of fatuity and household sawing.'—Robert Boorman, N. Y. ....`.`For several months we have Grover & Ba eiiehision thaiiiyetyl rein, .0116 missies tier sew ing beairtffully and quickly . ‘lOllO, vvunld be waft fortunate in possessing one el these relmble and indellolgatile 'iron needle-women,' whose combined quitlities of beanie, strenyt and My. are itivaltiable,"—.l. W. 3forri.., ihatyhter of Gen. Ceo. P. Morris, Editor o/ Home Journal. Extract of n letter from Thos. H. Leavitt. an American gentleman, now resident in Sydney, I New South Wsles, dated January 11, 1858 I "I had u tent made in Nlelbourtie, in 185:1, in which there were over three thoumnil yards of sewing done with one of Grover & Baker's Ma- OFFICE, chines, and a single MUD of that has outstuod WALNUT STREET, all the doable seams sewed by sailors with a IMO -601,11-WEST CORNIER OF THIRD, ills and twine," PiIIgIIaALAMPELLA. "If Bower could be called up from his mur ky bailee, ite would sing the advent of Grover & Baker as a more benignant, intrude of art Prof. Chas. DeGrath% Electric 011, than was over Vulean's smith. Ile would de , This great discovery is now creating a great uounce midnight shirt-oinking as 'the direful setisntii ti, mitotic the Medical Focal ics of Ent- spring of woes unnumbered."—Pi . ol. North. rove :old this country. I will cure the follow "I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover & inn (not ei • rything): Warranted to Baker Sewing Machines have more than sun. Cure Fever and Ague in one day, Cure chills 'mined toy expectation, After tryitg and Tau, in too m ono°, Cure G rou p i n one night.— fling others, I have three of them in operation Cure Dealliesa in two to four days, Cure burns in any different places, and, after fair years' and Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Sprains, liurlt to B. Haniniond s W winds iind bruises in Rota one to three days "'nal" of Said Carolina. Cure Itithiniatton in one day. Cure Neural- I "Sly wile has had one of Grover & ticker's Family Sewing Machines for some time, and 1 gin, Croup, 'final' Ache. burns, in 10 minutes sihistied it is one of the best labor.saving Guru Ihnn(l " "n q n ' ScEntnin ' "nen ' in tun maelmes that has been i„vented. I take much days. Core Bruises,' Wounds, Tetter, in one pleasure in reconimonding it to tits public."— to there days. Cure Ear Ache, Still neck, J. H. Harris, Governor of Tennessee. Ague ill nine day. Cure Felons, Broken 13renst , is a baaa ,,,,, thing, and puts o,arybaay Salt Rheum, in three to nix days. Core Quill into .m excitement of good humor. Were .1 a Pleurisy, in one to ten day. , . Cathode I should uuon Saints Grover and Pure Amhara, palsy, Goat, Er01)(49., in Hy" , Baker having an eternal holiday in comment°. to 20 davit. Unto Frosted Feet,' Chiblaini, ration of their good deeds for Itumanity.—C'us- I Chronic Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat ~;„, .11. Cloy. Sfoirlet Fever, and the hone made to walk lit a few bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild "I think it by far the hest patent in use. This 31artime eon be adapted from the finest cambric nnd l' ien ' en " ni in ^rent family to the heaviest eassimer„. It sews stronger, for children teething. die. Ladies should all faster and muse beautifully than -lie can tine use it. It always leaves you better than it gine. It !nine could not be replaced, money finds you, and one bottle often cures eutirely. could not buy it."—.lfrs. J. G. Brown, Nash - viler, Tenn. --(glided Thirteen }ears and Cured its One i s spee d y , very neat, and durable in ire week. work ; is easily understood and kept in repair. I Read letter from Rey. James Temple.earnestly recommend this Maelline to all my ac- Philadelphia, June 9th, 1856, I quaintanees and others."—Mrs. .11, A. Forrest, Prof. De Grath: I Inane been afflicted for Memphis' Tem. thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain "We find this machine to work to our satin ful complaints. and 1 have been unable to sleep fiction, anti with peanut, reeoinnienti it to the a iundly or wnlk any distance for tunny nears public, as we believe Grocer & Baker to he the past. Last week I grit in bottle of your "glee. I best Sewing Machine in use."—Decry Brothers, trio Oil." The first night 1 slept soundly and Allisonia, 'Tenn. well, mid to tiny I ton like a new nian. My "If used exclusively for family purposes, smith wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec. ordinary care, I will wager they will last one I tric Oil has done in one week what the physi. 'three score years . and ten,' and never got out china of Philadelphia failed to .do Own.. of tix."—John Arskofe, Aashcille. Tenn. . . 31 , 1V1Vn FUND.: 1 ;r„ . ., : ,- , , : - ,rili i. - National 1 4 ....i, _t .. :•,,v,,,,„•,,,:::, .__••,, I ~,•••,4„,,,,,....,.......,......,, ; ~,fi R 1 :f SUETY TRIIST t i '. : 7i ~,l'W•li: i* , :' i :. 1,4, 1 51 , 1,' ri y• -'.&. ,q , uonnan i locorporotplbylhe Slat! of Pennsylvania.' M.MUS. L Money is received every day, and in any amount. low nr small. 2. FIVE PER, CENT interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid hack in GOLD whenever it is called for, mid without notice. • 4. Money is received from Executors. Admi• nistrato v. Coat d tans and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can he tor it. 5. The money received from depositors is in. vexed in REAL EiTATE, mmrroAcEs, aitouND RENTS. and tool, other first-class frororiors nt tho 9 t ill 5 o4ott'Stiti lin MuniSys 'and l'hursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening. 110 N. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SEI.I,RII)GI7, rice President, WM. J. REED, Svervoirv. DIRE(7I• , tIIS N. Carroll 13rewster, Joseph It Bury, Frew +, Lee ' Joseph Yerkes, [lon. Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Carter, Itele,rt L. Selfridge, Semi. K. Ashton, 6 " . " Eu . n . d . retik - iiii;ms, Ilemy I)ietyen'tlerffer, years. Gratdully yours. REV. JAMES TEMPLE. 310 South street DEAFNESS CURED. New Haven. May 19th, 1856. Prof. De Grath My brother has been deaf three years. After trying many things, he used your Oil a few times, and it cured hint entire ly. CLIFFORD & SCRANTON, There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation that my article has acquired. The public !mist beWare. They are worthless. For sale by S. S. Smith. Huntingdon. May 25 1859, NEW WATCH JEWELRY STORE. J. W. DUTCHER, GROVER & BAKER'S NEW STYLES—PRICES FROM $5O to $125 EXTRA CIIAROE OF $5 FOR REMMERS. 495 Broadway, N. Y. 73 - 0 — Chestnut St., Phila. I These Machines sew from two spools. an p.m chased from the store, recoiling no ra-winding of thread ; they Hem, Fell, Gather and Stitch in a superior style. finishing each seam by their ow•n operation, without recourse to the hand- , needle, as is required by other machines. They will do better and cheaper sewing titan a seam stress can, even if she works for one cent an hour, and are, unquestionably, the best Mu-- chines in the market for family sewing, on ac count of their simplicity, durability, ease of management, and adaptation to all varieties of family sewing—executing either heavy or tine work wita equal facility, and without special adjustment As evidence of the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the GROTKR & BAKER Sow. Isro MACIONE COMt'►RY beg leave to respectful ly refer to the following TESTIMONI LS. "Having had one or Grover & Baker's Ma . eldars in my family for r early a year and at halt 1 WI, in commending it us every way rated, hos the purpose lirr which it is designed Srriny dirs. Joshio: LifiriU. wife "I have had your machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the best and most beautiful that over was.— Maggie ilimison, Nashville, Tenn. "I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine linen stitching, and the work is admi rable—far better than the hest hand-sewing, or any other machine I Itave ever seen."—Ltcy B. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn DR. MTA NE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE A N D LIVER PILLS. ~ I wE beg leave to call the atm tion of the Trade, and mom especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr Chat rime's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been ' administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Liv ER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministereCin accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success. fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being ds. termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele. brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, _ and... gotip i • manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.S Dealer,' rod Physicians orderiog.,trom others Um Finning 11,..., will du well to serifs their orders distinctly. and take none but Dr Jr!arse's. prepared by Fleming Bras Pittsburgh. I'.. Tu those addling I ate. them a trial, we will forward per mail. poet paid, to env part a nu United State., one box of Pill. for twiny threeeont postage stamp', or ono rill of Tenuity& for tonneau three-nut ,tam , e All ardent from CNA& am* be accompauissi by twenty mut. extra. For sale in Huntingdon by John Read and S. S, Smith, and dealersgeneially through the county. [ Slay 11, 1859.-Iy. ^ PF7P7l;l4;lg'i DR. HOOPLANDI GERMAN BITTERS, •so DR.IIOOFLANWS BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicine of the present age, hare acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded saticfae• lion is rendered by them in all ease; mid eke people have pronounced them worthy. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsta, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all disease, arising from a disordassl lion or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and pessimist:, twat by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has aequired s reputation surpassing that of any similar pen paration extant. It will sure, WITLIOUT LUZ, Me most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Is• dams, Croup, Pneumonia, IsoipisaS Consumption, and has performed ina mat ottotoiablay orbs seer known of Confirmed Consumption. A fete doses will aim at once check and cure the moat severe Diarrhoea procadieny from Coin ra Tn. Down,. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Pa:, and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON will be on the outside wrapper of oath bottle. In the Almanac published annually by Ms proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALIIIRSAU, you will find testimony and commendatory notiew front all parts of the country. The. Almanacs are given away by ail our agents. Fur sale in Iluntingdon by John Read and S. S. Smith and dealora generally through lbw county. (May 11, 1859.—1 y. PRICE REDUCED ONE HALF I ! NEW MEDICAL SALT FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. TRY D.! ONLY ONE DOLLAR. CHRONIC PACKAGE lIS aO I BEE ADVERTISEMENT. For sale at Smith's Drug Store, Huntingdon. JACKSON'S HOTEL. Huntingdon, J Pa. J. S. MILLER, PROPIIIETOU, Respectfully informs his friends and the traveling public generally, that he lit has leased the "Jackson House, " for se7. eral years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and that ho will be pleased to receive the calls of all who may favor hint with their patronage. His table will be furnished with the best the market can afford, and every situation will be given to make those with him feel at Immo Illontingdaa. Ifireh 30, le n.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers