Nuntingbon *rung. Editor. WM. BltEwsTEn,. Wednesday Morning, July 27, 1859, PEOPLE'S $T II TIGXET. TOR AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. COCHRAN, OF YORK COUNTY. FOR SURVEYOR OEVERAT : GEN. WILLIAM H. KEIM, People's County Convention. Tee members of the People's Patty of the County of Huntingdon, are requested to meet in the several townships, boroughs, and separate election districts, (in the townships between the boars of 4 and 7 o'clock, p. m., and boroughs between the hours of Ti and 9, p. m.,) at the usu. al places of holding delegate meetings, on Satur day, the Gth day of August next, to elect two persons (in each township and borough) to serve as delegates to the People's County Convention, to be held in the borough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of nominating a county ticket and doing such other business as the interest of the party may require. BENJ. F. PATTON, Chairman. July 13th, 1859. STILL ANOTHER OPINION. Poor old Mr. Cass ! What a grand mistake he made in his decision in regard to our eats• relined fellow citizens. It appears that the ad• ministration at Washington has ingloriously receded from the position it had assumed in the Cass-Le-Clerc letter. As the Pittsburgh Ga• sette truthfully remarks, the public sentiment of the country was too much for the President and his Cabinet, and hence the recent "decis ion." But conviction has come too late to do them any good, as they have shown clearly what they would have done but for the storm which was raised, through the instrumentality and existence of the Republican press. Their eleventh hour conversion will gain for them neither the respect ncr the confidence of that class of citizens who were most seriously affec ted by the position assumed at the outset. In the Le Clerc letter the President faithfully ex pressed his old federal aristocratic views, but the last movement, which the Globe editor calls "the third and last 'explanation'" rs nothing less than deference to an outraged public sen timent, with which, in reality, he has no gym ..ttv. T6a pooplu Clta yet, thank Heaven I a vow,er in tlfe laud, veldt. even a uentillng 'Pres. %dent cannot, with impunity, set at defiance. Bot poo• Me. esasi Niihmt Use become, oi him in this general desertion—this demolition of his hobby--by the President and h is Cabi net ? An ordinary man, under such circum stances, would promptly resign his place, but the great Michigander will commit no such fol ly. He will silently pocket the affront with the emoluments of his office. The hero of the broken sword has a constitutional aversion to giving up any office that pays, be it great or ■mall. Will our neighbor of the Globe let us know which side of the question ho endorses. The position of his old friend Cass, or the dissent ing opinion of Attorney General Black ? Say? A Voice for Poor Old Buck ! The Pittsburg Post, with a daring worthy of a better cause, boldly comes out in its last weekly issue, in a two column leader in favor of James Buchanan for a renomination to the Presidency I We did not think there was au individual in Pennsylvania, possessing any political character, who would be so far lost to rectitude and honor us dare name this renegade and breaker of solemn pledges for a ro•nomi nation to the station he has so eminently din graced; and a paper of the character of the Post, to use such language as the following, is, to say the best for it, disgraceful "Let the Convention renominate our pres ent Chief Magistrate, and in 1860 the oppo• Cents of the National Democracy will suffer a defeat as disastrous to them as the battle of Sofferino to the Austrians. Under such a banner, and with such a leader, the Demoera• cy of the country will come up like an allied arniy—no corps of which would be required to yield submission to another—all contending for a common cause, and all equally sharing in the inevitable victory which such a cause must in cure. We speak thus iu favor of Mr. Buchan an because we think he is the man for the pres. ent crisis in the political affairs of the party and of the country." We should ask nothing better at the hands of the Charleston Convention, than a fulfill ment of this desire. Such a defeat as be would receive, we think would assure the Post, to quote its own language a little improvci, that the people are not so easily humbugged, and that the "deep damnation" of public obloquy and contempt has settled down, like a cloud of darkness, upon him, who, in his "vaulting am bition " has "o'er•reached himself, and fallen on the other side" of the people's respect, Beautiful Financieting. It is stated in the New York paper; that a railroad, leading from Hollidaysburg, Pa., to the Sunbury and Erie road, has lately suffered a lost of $lBO,OOO in its bonds, by falling into bad hands in New York city. The bibline says the parties interested in this road and in the Hollidaysburg Bank are the same, and the Central bunk became embarrassed by the ex tension of itsaid to the road. In order to re lieve it, the officers of the road went to Now York to endeavor to negotiate some of its bonds. They fell into the hands of men much shrewder than themselves, and parted with $lBO,OOO of the bonds for $200,000 of the notes of the Southern Bank of Georgia, a con cern which has bad a black mark against it for some time in the respectable Bank Note Re porters. After discovering that the notes were worthless the road officers endeavored to regain their bonds, but have not yet been able to dis- I over their whereabouts. A WORD TO WORKING-MEN. When, in the history of our country, have we felt a greater depression of business, of the manufacturing interests, especially, than at present and for the past few years? As a nat ural consequence of this state of business stag nation, manual labor is begging employment, and industrious citizens are reduced to want. Notwithstanding that thousands of our citizens bare migtated to the Nast, and to the Pacific States, yet there is not employment for those who remain. We make this statement with sincere regret, but without the least surprise. The bitter fruits of the system of protection to foreign in preference to home labor, which has been forced upon the country by the Locofoco party, are being realized. Our mines, our for. ges; and our factories all feel the blight ; and the agricultural portion of our community are sharing largely in the general wreck and crush of all other business pursuits. Why should this continue—as continue it will under the ad ministration of Locofoco demagogues 1 Is the labor of our own people to be forever crushed, our home market disregarded, and our country placed in a condition of industrial vassalage to its former oppressor, because, forsooth, it is the policy cf Locofocoism. For, the policy of that party, instead of leading to the development of our natural resources and the progress of the agricultural and manufacturing interests of the country, is calculated to freeze all the cur rents of our prosperity, and to check, discour age and degrade our people. It is high titne, therefore, that the working-men of this land should open their eyes. It is getting to be clearer every day, that they must either forsake the doctrine which reduces them to the posi tion of "ten cent day" serfs, or consent to see starvation stare their families in the face, and hear their "little ones" cry for that bread which they are unable to provide. Great Brit• ain has been truthfully styled the workshop of America ; a workship which is favored with the patronage of the men whom many of the working-men ofA merle& aid in placing in power. The money that should stay here to keep our people employed, is sent to England to enrich British manufacturers and tradesmen. In short the policy of the day is to import British goods and export American gold. This evil must bo arrested ore the dawn of prosperity shall again break upon our moun tain tops, and there is but one way to do it. Renounce the false doctrine of Locofoco free trade and the other anti-republican dogmas of the corrupt organization which disgraces the name of "Democracy," and enroll yourselves under that glorious banner upon which is in scribed, Protection to Home Industry—Pro hibition to the Extension of Human Slavery— and all the other cardinal principles and meas ures of the faith which we profess. Leave the party which is arrayed against Home Labor— which has winked and connived at the eaten sion of human bondage—and which is, in fact, the advocate and supporter of a system of gov- arnmetimit poll, whit& vwnahl bring the labor ' of American freemen on a level with that of the poops. labor of Europa. tt moat come to this at last, and the sootier you begin the soon. er can you hope to succeed. Let us urge this upon you, fellow working-men, not, so much a party as a Pennsylvania measure. Tho de pression under which you labor can be romp. ved ; the cure for your complaint is presented; if you reject it, you most abide the consequen ces of your obstinate will. The Delegate Meetings, It will be noticed by the call of the choir. man of the County Committery, that a alight correction is mode therein, in this number, in relation to the hours of holding the delegate meetings. The last Convention, in view of the difficulties which often occur in such bodies occasioned by contested seats, in order to do away with this suggested that the hours of hold ing such meetings, should be as follows: In the townships, commencing at 4 o'clock, p, m. and closing at 7; in tho boroughs, commencing at 7} o'clock, and closing at 9 o'clock, p. m.— In issuing the call this year, the Chairman neglected stating this fact, and has since au thorized us to make the necessary correction. This will prevent any disturbance or difficulty relative to the illegal election of delegates. It Wud na , Work, Chief Justice Taney, the hoary-headed smart old gentleman who says that human beings aro " chattles," when covered with a black skin, has decided that a slave, though "subject to the some laws as other property," can yet commit felony, and declines, accordingly, to reverse the sentence against the slave girl Amy, for robbing the United States mail in Virginia. Although held and treated as a horse, she is held responsible and punished as an intelligent hu marobeing I Oh, Taney ! there isn't enough method in thy madam's. _LIOLLIDAYBBUIiG CENTRAL BANK.-TllO Hot. —...- lidaysburg papers say that "institution is evi dently hopelessly gone by the board. It ap. pears to be in a worse condition now than when it first suspended. Although the controllers or owners of the Bank may be perfectly honest men, they have proved themselves most mitt. erable financiers. Note holders, however, will lose nothing, if we are correctly informed, and should therefore not sacrifice any of their notes. The stockholders are bound individually fur the amount of capital stock, and they are fully able to pay." Home MAGAZINE.—The August number of this excellent periodical is now before us.— This book is published in Philadelphia at $2 a year. The steelplate "Crossing the Brook" is up to nature. The fashion plates are beau. tiful, and the story, "Twice Won" is good; be. sides a variety of other excellent pieces. SUBSTITUTE FOR IMPRISONMBNT.-A corres pondent of The Cincinnati Contntercial writes from Jefferson County, Texas; ' . This is not a county seat, but it is nom. nary to have some place of confinement for criminals; and as a substitute for a jail, the people have provided a large stone, weighing over three tone, placed in the public square, with a large iron ring and long iron chain fast ened to it, and when a poor fellow commits a crime, and the sentence is imprisonment, be is fastened to this chain by the ankle, and there remains night and day; but if his crime be light, and ho had previously borne a good character, the Judge in his mercy often allows him to carry an umbrella to protect him from the rain and storm." Latest News from Europe. On the 7th inst. the Emperor Napoleon tele graphed to the Empress that an armistice had been agreed upon and on the Bth it was signed at Villa Franca by Gen, Hess and Marshal Valliant. _ . ..... It is to end on the 15th of August. It stipu lates that commercial vessels, without distinc tion of flag, shall be allowed to navigate the Adriatic unmolested. The Parris lifoniteur cautions the public against misunderstanding the armistice, and says that negotiations may recommence, but does not see how the war may be terminated. The London Times believes in peace. It says that it is well authenticated that the pro posals came from France, indicating a good.l feeling moderation, or else the necessity of the ; French. but doe a not believe it wan the latter. France, however, reaps all the benefit of the a, mistice either way. The armistice has caused much excitement. Consols advanced li® 2 per cent, and on the Paris Bourse the advance was 2i. The other 1 Continental Bourses all advanced materially. The Austrian funds at Frankfort rose 10 per cent. Prior to the declaration of the armistice , the Sardinians proceeded vigorously in the seige of Peschiera; but this and other movements have now lost their interest. In the Federal Diet, on the 7th inst., Austria proposed to mobilize the whole Federal Con tingent and request the Prince Regent of Prus sia to assume the command in chief. The Wounded at Solferino. I am afraid to venture upon any conjecture as to the.number of the killed and wounded in this battle; but from the nature of the ease it must be enormous. lam confident that not less than 10,000 wounded have been brought into this village alone during the day, to say nothing of those that were loft on the field or taken to other places. It was certainly the moat dreadful sight I ever saw. Every con. ceivable kind of wound which can be in ' flitted upon men was here exhibited. All who were able to do so, were obliged to walk, the wagons and animals at command being rill required for those who could not otherwise bo removed. Some walked along, their faces com pletely covered with blood from sabre cuts up on their heads. Many had their arms shut. tered, hundreds had,their hands tied up, and some carried most ghastly wounds upon their faces. Some had tied up their wounds, and ethers had sf ripped away the clothing which chafed and made them worse. I saw one man walking along with a firm step and a resolute air, naked to his waist, nod having a bullet wound upon his side, an ugly gash upon his cheek and a deep bayonet thrust, received from behind, in his shoulder. Most of those who were welking wore a serious look, conversing but little with one another, though they walked two and two, and few of them carried upon their faces any considerable expression of pain. Those who were more severely injured rude upon donkeys or in carts, and a few were car ried on matresses on men's shoulders. But these were mostly of fi cers, and nearly all I saw . . carried in that way were so badly wounded that their recovery is scarcely possible. One had both his legs crushed by a cannonball. Anoth er had received a ball in his thigh, and was ev idently suffering the most intense agony. Ma ny of those whose wounds ware in their legs were seated in chairs swung across a donkey —one being upon each side. Several 1010 were thus carried, and were supported by sol• diens walking by theta side, were Tanhtai =r:On%'et u rtsl:7 a n:::l 5, and some of them 10 or 15 each. A steady stream of these ghastly victims or the battle of the day poured through the town. 1 sto o d in the crowd by the side of them as the sad pro. cession passed along, and watched it at this point for over an hour. It was not interrupted fora moment—except now and then by a crowd of prisoners—and it continued thus from about 10 o'cljck, A. hi., when it began to flow, until I left the street, long afterdark. Every church, every large hall, every private holm in town has been taken for the service of the wounded. Those whose injuries are slight, after having them dressed, pass at once into the ranks and mingle with their comrades. I looked into the church as I passed by. All the seats, railings, dc. had been removed mattresses of hay had bt;er. snread upon the floor, and were com• pletely Stied with wounded men, in every singe of alarming and of peril, 1)4.1 , side by side.— The surgeons were dressing their wounds; Sis• I ters of Charity and other women were giving them wine and otherwis^ ministering to their comfort, but morning, I am sure, will dawn upon a large proportion of them relieved for• ever from their paint. If anythino ' can be more horrible than a soldier's life, it certainly is a soldier's death. Six or eight times while I stood upon the sfreet watching the wounded, there came along squads of prisoners taken at various stages of the action. Sometimes there would be only 3 or 4—then 20, 50 or 100, and in ono company over 400. They walked closely together, 6 or 8 deep—the officers being generally in the mid• dle—and were guarded by a single file of troops walking on each side. As a general thing they were not bad looking titer. Very many of them were very young—not over 16 cer• tainly—and only now and then you would see a ',oracularly brutal countenance. There was nothing like anger or shame on their faces ; they seemed generally wholly indifferent to their position, but looked about with a good deal of curiosity upon the crowd which aur• rounded them.—Cbr. Y. Times. Peace: By the latest news received from Europe, we have the assurance that a treaty of peace has been concluded between the belligorant powers. We have only room to give the fol• lowing telegram frosts the Emperor Napoleon: VALLEGIO, July 11 —A treaty of peace has been signed between the Emperor of Aus tria and myself, on the following basis: 'rho Italia:: Confederacy is to be under tho honcra• ry Presidency of the Pope. The Emperor of Austria concedes his right in Lombardy to the Emperor of the French, who transfers them to the King of Sardinia. The Emperor of Aus tria preserves Venice, but she will form an in• tegrul part of the Italian Confederation." GRAND SQUIRREL HUNT.—A party of gentle• men wont to Chess Springs, in Blair county, recently to hunt for squirrels, with glowing no• ticipationu of a high old time among the long tailed beauties. They were absent two days, and succeeded in capturing ten squirrels, all told. The total expense of the party, counting lost time and horse hire, footed up $22.00 be. ing $.2.20 per sqairrel I Rather dear squirrel pie, that. ...-- StrlVe call attention to the advertisement of Messrs Ball & Peightal. We cordially roe. ommend the "Emancipator Washing Machine," feeling confident that it will do more than the manufacturers claim for it. Ifel.The Suubury American, an old Dem. °erotic paper, has posted the names of Cochran and Kohn to its editorial head, as well as those of Wright and Rowe. The editor finds the Buchanan administration indefensible, and talces this method of showing his indifference as to what ha thinks of it and its •audidatee. Test Lars: RAILROAD DisAstEß.—W. J. buildings. This property will be sold as a llawkes, of Charleston, Va., in giving an ac• • whole, or in separate tracts, as purchasers may count of the disaster upon the Michigan South. desire. ern Railroad, in which 40 persons were killed, 3. A tract of land situate in Brady township, after stating that he was a passenger, and that Huntingdon county, at the head of Kishacoquil he was swept tbrty yards down the stream from las Valley, containing 92 acres and 96 perches where the train was precipitated into it. says t eths frenitr•nvh:rret'lT",„lllinot:spln'.l7,:dc: acres "Ou reaching the shore I stumbled over a A few ' meadow land cleared, and a man—turned and found him alive—l asked I dwelling house thereon him his name. He replied 'Walworth.' I I 4. it ' lract of land adjolhing the above, eon could not raise him, and went to the cars for taining 188 acres, known as the Wiley tract. assist.ce, passing ten or twelve dead bodies Thi s i s also heavily timbered. on the beach. Arriving at the wreck, I found 5. A tract of lend on Mill Creek, near Lane's Hanle ono had procured a light—returning and mill surveyed on a warrant to Thomas Austin, found Walworth dead. He was a large, fine containing 404 acres and 81 perches. looking old gentleman. I afterwards assisted 6. A tract of land lying on the waters of Mill his son in his last moments. The first thing Creek. Brady township, adjoining lands of James that arrested my attention ou entering the car Lane, Dickson Hall and others, surveyed on a that I had left was that I was standing on a warrant to Samuel Ayres, containing 435 acres Idle of dead bodies. One man I thought alive andas perche s . of timlier land s unto in Walker it said gazing into my face. I turned the lamp 7 A tract township, Huntingdon county, surveyed on a around, and the glazed eye of death told me that all was over. A lady had her arm clasped warrant to George Cutwalt, containing about loo Beres, .ajoinin lands of Benjamin Oration, around his neck, with a frightful wound in her William S Lincoln and others. head, her feet caught and crushed in the wheels 8. A tract of land on the Penna. Railroad, in of the ear. At their feet lay a beautiful boy, Franklin township, Huntingdon county, known with his head severed from his body as close as the Freedom Farm, containing about 100 as it could have been done by the guillotine. acres. adjoining land of Joseph Dysart and oth- Setae were just the pangs of deatn. Others ers. caught .d crushed lay the falling timbers 9. The balance of the survey in the name of begged me to kill them and put them out of Frederick Ashbaugh, supposed to be about 45 their misery. There was a lady going to meet acres, lying back of tl n ie e kliant r in c g a , , lo j n ei r an y zicr d , her husband with her daughter, sire years old, '!!Yl_c_i i ": l l l. l l l , ll(l . s n t n i t ta ar l , l Al and a babe at her breast. The mother. mud TE SALE :—One third pur little girl werekilled. The mother had clasped chase moneyRMSOF on to be paid deliveryof the of the deed ' the babe in such a manner that it was unhurt. and the balance in four equal annual payments, The ground was strewed with heads, arms, with interest from delivery of possession, to be legs and dead bodies. Isaw several with their teetered by the bonds and mortgage of the par backs broken and their lower limbs paralyzed, c h aser , writhing in the sand. Some of them would clutch the as I passed with a grasp from which it was almost impossible to free myself. Sev eral beautiful boys and girls were taken from the water and laid upou the hank. They were drowned, but looked beautiful in death. Oth ers were crushed between the wheels, with their faces an 1 hands turned up in a supplicating manner. I passed a woman who 'begged me to find her children I' She was crying, 'Oll my dear family I oh, my six children I' Both of her legs were crushed off below the knee. She lived ten or fifteen minutes. I afterwards assisted in taking two other children from the wreck, dead. Two more fine boys of hers were found—one with his leg cut off; the other • , had lost an arm, and both were living when I left." 86'.An extraordinary elopement took place from Gaines, Orleans county, New York, on the 4th. Two juveniles, named Isaac Calkins and Mrs. Polly Burgess, each about 80 years of age, stole away at ten o'clock at night and wete married by the Rev. Mr. Reeler. They had the deed in contemplation for some time, but were restrained by their friends. DIED In this place on the 231 inst., Mr. J. A. Hall, in the 14th year of his age. The deceased was born in Adams county, in this State, and had for the last 15 years been a resident ofthis place. lie was a teacher by profession, and was, during a greater portion of that time—except whilst occupying for a short period the position of editor to the Hun. tingdon Journal—engaged in the pursuit of this calling; over maintaining the reputation of a successful teacher and distinguished edu cationist, and as such his name has been fn ...ably known, and will long be remembered. The writer oft his brief and imperfect notice, :=l=".ra A.- -.14, h. alightlft;fiCfpl " Itillhlilhe !MCI friellth n 7i ' ll whose sad duty it has been to be near him during the closing scenes of his life, would desire to ren der this last mournful tribute to the memory of departed worth. It is due to his memory to say that as a faithful and energetic teacher, he hail but few equals and no superiors in the rank of his profession. In his daily intercourse with his fellow men, in his private walk and conversation, and in his social a n d domestic relations, his manner wa that of an honest man, a sincere Christian, an agreeable cont. panion, a generous and open hearted friend, a kind and affectionate husband, a tender and indulgent parent, and "None that knew him need Le told A warmer heart death ne'er made cold." The inaiduous inroads of a painful and fatal disease, which had for years been undermining Lis constitution, causing a vast amount of physical suffering, had not obscured the pow. era of his noble intellect ; nor changed his uni formly kind and amiable disposition. Ills de• !ixture was an exemplification of the truth and reality of that religion which he professed.— There teas no shrinking back from the dark waters of death's Jordan, but havitw Lad— le use his own expression—"a long warning" it was evident that ho had made the proper preparation and had "set kis house is order,' and his portion we trust, is now with the re deemed and sanctified is the climes of eternal day. His death has caused a void in the cots. inanity, in the literary world, in the church of the Redeemer, and in the family circle, which will long be felt. May the God who "temper. eth the wind to the shorn lamb," sanctify this deep affliction, and sustain the hearts of the bereaved ones in the midst of this heavy sor row, 11. M. le- Jefferson and Adams county papers please copy. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS PutLauet.euta, Jut,v, 2G, 1859. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $5 00q45 50 " Extra " " 00(4,5 75 family " 6 50to 5 75 Wheat—red, per bushel, " White " 1 20®1 23 1 311(01 35 Rye 81 0.1. Corn 11 83 0818 II 38 CI overseed $5 50®6 25 per G 4 pounds Timothi need, $l,BO to 2 00 Flax, per bushel $1 70 4•1•11•10111.302.0.1.1:11/8 New Advertisements. EXECUTORS' SALE.--Real Estate of John Alcfahan, dee'd. The undersigned, Executors of John McCa llan, dec'd., by virtue of the power and author ity vested in them by the Will of said dec'd., will otter at public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, On Wednesday, the 14th day of September next, at ten o'clock, A. 11., the following described Real Estate : I. A FARM in Woodcock Valley, Walker township, Huntingdon county, now in tenure of Simon Coulter, about one mile north of McCon nefistown, composed of several surveys, con taining about 260 acres of good limestone laud —about 150 acres of which are cleared, well fenced and under good cultivation, with a log house and log barn thereon erected. There is a fine spring on this property, and running wa ter through the meadow land. 2. A FARM now in tenure of Jonathan har dy known its the "Buoy Farm," in Henders o n Tennis OP ALL ova ISSUES.—Cash invariably township, Huntingdon county, about two and a in advance. half miles north of Huntingdon, on the road n numbers forwarded upon application. leading to the Warm Springs. This fiat!' is P--Ie en'm composed of several surveys, containing alto- I All letters to be addressed to the "New York gotber, about 700 ACRES, and the greater part Times," New York City. of it is covered with valuable white oak, black oak, hickory nod pine timber. About too acres NB' The 'rimes Building is situated oppo are in good cultivation. The iniprovements are site the City Hall, on Park Row, Spruce and a good log dwelling house and lug horn. Allover Nassau Streets. failing spring of good water convenient to the July 27th.—It. JOHN CRESWELL, J. KINNEY McCAHAN, Executors of John McMillen, dee'd, WILLIAM H. KING, Auctioneer. Huntingdon, July 27, 1859. WASIIING CLOTHES BY PRESSURE. After fifty years experimenting, thepro per [Wide has at last been invented for women in their hard labors on the washing day. 'IT IS EVEN SO,' Come and be convinced that we are ahead of' every machine in use. Half the time, half the hard labor, and half the wear and tear is saved. Little bogs and girls can do the work fcr their mothers. The undersigned have purchased the exclusive right of Huntingdon and Mifflin coun ties, to make and soll J. T. MUDGE'S Emancipator Washing Machine. We desire the public to call and examine this truly labor-saving machine. It can be seen at our shop on Washington street. BALL & PEIGIITAL. We, the undersigned, having thoroughly tested the above machine, take pleasure in recommen ding the same to the public, assured that they will find it all that is above claimed. PETER SwoorE, Mrs. Jur.M B. MILES, JON. 11. DORSET, " L.ll. Onuisozr, J. S. Momus, 'g ANNIE E. SCOTT, CitnovriAN LONG, " E. WILLIAMSON, CHAS. H. MILLEN, " E. B. SAXTON, J. M. CUNNINGIIAN, "M, C. GIVIN, " ht: B. S7MPSON, " M. C. MAIMS, JOHN S. MILLER, I). H.yosTER, Mrs. J. CUNNINGHAM, " LIZZIE L. DclENis, "JENNIE C. MURRAY " ANN E. CAMPBELL. Huntingdon, July 27th, 1859.—ff. gly etu god EiMCS. A DAILY MORNING AND EVENING NEWSPAPER. INDEPALIV.L.PIIVP .1.07.1,1,714. Its columns afford a complete resume of the World's Doings from day to day; while its Cor respondence, Reports, Literary Contributions, Criticisms, and Leading Articles, represent all topics likely to engage public attention. In the promptitude and fullness of its accounts of the aIIEAVTaAN WAR. The New York Times has thus tar confessedly outstripped all its contemporaries; a precedence which with its ample Editorial and other Car respondence at the Seat of War, it will unques tionably retain. Price by Mail, Six Dollars a Year. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIME& To issued on the morning of every Tuesday and Friday, and contains in addition to the bulk of intelligence given in the Daity Paper, A LITERARY DEPARTMENT, Embracing Standard Novels and Tales, and Miscellaneous Selections of the highest interest. With the issue of Tuesday, July 26th, the iai• tint chapters of " The Good Fight," An Original nod profoundly interesting story of that unequalled Novelist, CHARLES READE, Will be reproduced from early London sheets, and will be continued through the volume. Back Numbers can be supplied. The Agricultural Departinent Is compiled from a variety of sources, many of them inaccessible to the American reader. Prise Three Dollars a Year • Two Ccpies to One Address, Five Dollars; Five Copies to One Address, $11,25 ; Ten Copies, to One Ad dress, $2O, THE WEEKLY TRIES, Appearing every Saturday morning, embraces comprehensive digest of the news of the pre• ceding week, with attractive Literary features, among which will be found HEADE% SPLENDID STORE, Acd other choice reading. It will also con tinue to furnish its valuable informal' nt fur the FARMER AND GARDENER, A Department which has become highly popular. Price, Two Dollars; three copies to one ad. dress, Five Dollars; five copies to one address, Eight Dollars; ten copies to one address, Twelve Dollars; twenty copies to one address, Twenty Dollars. Any person sending us a Club of twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. We believe we cannot do our readers a more important service, than by again calling their attention to that most remarkable preparation, discovered by Dr. Sells S. Hance, of Baltimore Md., which possesses the power of alleviating and curing that horrid visitation of man—Ep. ilepsy, or Falling Fits. In recommending this preparation to our readers, we do so with a con viction that we are not degrading our columns to pull' a common patent medicine, but are placing before them a discovery, which, if ful ly known, would probably do more to alleviate human sukring, than any invention of modern times. Dr. Hance, in asking us to notice his preparation favorably in our editorial depart meet, has seat us for perusal a number of let. tern from persons who have used his Pills, and have been cured thereby. All of them speak the most grateful and eulogistic terms.— One great advantage this medicine possesses is the fact, that it can be transported through the mails, thereby affording every one an op. portnnity of dealing directly with the inventor, and also precluding all possibility of being imposed on by a counterfeit or spurious imita tion. Dr. Hance pays the postage on all his Pills to any part of the country, and will for ward them by return of mail, ou the receipt of a remittance. His prices are as follows One box, $2; two do., $5; twelve d0.,524. All or ders fur the medicine should b addressed to SETH S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore street, Balti more, Md. Im. T -i 4 OR SALE.--Eight Shares of Stock of the Morrison Cove & Woodcock Valley Turnpike Road Company, for sale at a reduced price for cash; or will be exchanged for coal or lumber. Address CARR, GIESE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 21 Spears' IVharf, Baltimore. July 20, 's9.—Gt* A HOMESTEAD FOR $10; A HOME stead fur $100; Moo, Homesteads for $lOOO and over, situated on and near Rappa hannock river, above and below Fredericksbnrg, in Virginia. A new town, called Rappahan nock, has recently been laid out, in Culpepper county, in-the midst of the Gold Region of Vir ginia, surrounded by mines and Mining Com panics ; and farms and town lots in alternate divisions or shares, can now be bad for a mere song, simply to induce settlement in this desi rable region. $154,900 worth of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or given away as an inducement to come on and snake improve ments, and the land is of the most improvable qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are coming. Good farming land, in tracts of any size to suit purchasers, can also be had at from $lO to $2O per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly installments. Unquestion• able titles trill in all Cases be given. ea' Agents are wanteti every where to sell these lands; liberal inducements will be given. Vor particulars, address ILB . AUDER. LAND AONNT. Jul,. 15, .50.- Ibri Royal, Va. DIssOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. [Firm of Davis if7l.retiberg.] Notice is hereby given, that the co-partner ship heretofore existing between the subscri bers, in the mercantile business, under the name of Davis It Isenberg, is this day dissol ved, by mutual consent. The books of the firm are in [Le hands of Geo. Davis for cal lection, to whom, persona indebted, are earn estly requested to make immediate payment. DAVIS SISENRRRG. Craysville, Ilona. co., June 29, 1959. Toe bushieso of the late firm wilt hereafter be conk,' on by the undersigned, who hopes to hove the patronage of his old eirdomers as usnat G EQRU E DAVIS. July 6,1859.-4 t. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. A Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the estate of Homy loupe, latc.of Carbon township, Huntingdon county, deed., have bees granted to the subserihersre sidi ng in the same township, to whom all per. sons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. FREDERICK lIOUPT, l Adm .,. JOSEPH DIGGINS, I June 22d, 1859,60 WAR ! WAR IN EUROPE ! RE UTLON INPIIICES! The subscriber respectfully informs his friends Lad the public, that he has just removed his 0 ) ,...4 to the old stand, near the corner of Dill an d s u jith streets, where he has always on hand an d no „ .s idutly receiving all the latest styles of SPRING , SUMMER GOODS ! DRESS G DODS, DE LANES, AWAGES; COA_ C ETS, ,SILKS And in fact he can supply any article in the dry•good line. Also, trimmings suited ti; a;t . , dresses and at reasonable rates. I lle has also on hand a large, fresh stock cf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA. SPICES, FLOUR, BACON, And everything in the feed lino. As his stock is almost entirely new, and been bought at prices which defy competition, par• chasers will find. it to their advantage to buy from sir before going elsewhere. All kinds of country produce at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for goods. DAVID ORO VE. Huntingdon, June 15, 1819.—if. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been granted by the Register of Huntingdon county to the undersigned, on the estate of Tamer B. Law, lute of Clay township, Huntingdon coon• ty, deceased, nil persons indebted thereto, will make immediate payment, and those having claims will prose nt them duly authenti rated for settlement. JOHN P. BIEMINGER, Clay tp., June 22, 1859. BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a shop on St. Clair street, in the east end of the town, where he is prepared to manufacture all articles in his line, nu the shortest notice, and ou reasonable terms. After a long experience in the Boot and Shoe business. 1 flatter myself that I can please those who give me their orders. Work dune when promised in all cases. Huntingdon apr 27 '59. C. WEAVER, BOOKS! BOOKS 40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. $500,00 in Gifts for every 1000 Sold In order to reduce my extensive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the regular retail prices or less, and give ($500) five hundred dollars worth of presents varying in value firm 25 cents to $lOO,OO. Or, those who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.— My stuck consists of every variety and style of binding. School Books of every kind, whole. sale and retail. Sales to commence Dec. 24th. WM. COLON, Dee.2.!,'54 ANTIMILOCISTIO . SALT; A Perfect Snbstlttite For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters HS - - - when the undersigned, after a long series of laborious and costly experiments, became fully confirmed in his conviction, that the A ntiphlo guile Salt which he now has the happiness to present to the American public, was a PERFECT SUBSTITUTE . . for Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his mind wns so agitated that ho could not sleep fur ninny nights. Tim cause of Lis agitation was the striking fact, that the mannet of itr operation like that of the viruss in vaccination, could nut be satisfitctorialy explained upon any known principle. Dow, in what way, it so effectually subdued Inflananatorg Disease and no others, ions at first wholly inexplicable—but, on further experiment, it was provad that a eTtalizes the fluids of the body, the want of an etpulibrinm in which, is the sole rause of inflammation. Such is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, :it requires merely mat adheres to the point of a quill dipped into a solution of it, to effect the entire system—but must be instantly used to prevent decompos'Lion and secure its full virtue. Throe quills in acute, and two in chronic diseases, every 24 hours, till the heat, pain and febrile ac tion have subsided, and a perfect cure effected. When it takes the place of blisters, ointment and leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever , Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, &c., its med. ref administration is two-fold. (See direcliin of dis solving. he.) The discoverer has withheld it from the pub lic till now, by the advice of it judicious physi cian and valuable friend whom he consulted— a gentleman known and felt in the medical world—and who desired to submit it to the test ofexperiment. After witnessing under his own scrutinizing eye, its signal triumph over both acute and chronic itykoninutory diseases ' in re pealed and re-repeated trials, he offered $21.- 000 to come in as a special and equal partner in the Recipe fur its manufacture, but the propo sal was rejected. Tho disuse of the insect and blisters, is de manded both by humanity by Itumonity and science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood) will cease to boil, by dipping out a part of it— or n cask of bad cider (bad blood) be mado good, by drawing a portion of it? Is it not a mistake, to suppose that blisters:and rubefacients will remove inflammation, when they virtually superadd one inflammation to another The late Dr. B. Waterhouse, of Harvard Universi ty, said "I am sick of learned quackery„ Onb of the most eminent physicians In New England acknowledged just before his death, that "he has been doubting for ninny years, wether Hood letting and blisters did not aggravate rather than arrest disease." Some who stand high in the Old and New school, have quite re cently espousnd his views and now openly con fess, they believe the Inn.:et, scions leeches and blisters injure ten where they benefit one— They think there is a meaning to Dent. 12, 23 --Gen. 9, 4—andLevit. 17, 14—tnat "rile nt.oon is Tan Lt.." It is not the excess of blood (there never is too much) that causes di sease, but the want of a balance between the fluids and solids. The special excellence of the Antiplilogistie Salt, is that without the useless loss of blood rand discus,, strenh( n , it effectually o ehers hy produ c i ng y subtte d an equili brium i nfist mm of all the fluids in the body and a conse quent uninterrnptcd circulation. Is exert., like the vaccine matter, and extraordinary influence over the v;ens and arieries—resulting in a grad ual decline of inflammation as indicated by the pulse, which assumes its natural state as the boat, pain ant fever dissappear. ger Many medicines offered for sale, are backed by doubtful certificates, (their cheif vir tue) and claim to be universal rmidies, curing all Ina lidies—ft burlesque on common sense; As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly pretense against having it placed in the entegcry of im hag rev...Noe{ that it shall go forth to the world, like the pare gold dollar, with no otherpassport than its true val ue. if tha public find it genuine, they will re ceive it—if spurious, they will reject and con demn it. Instead of being n panacea ler all ills, it has control over but one but one sine —accomplishes but ant thing, to wit, summits tsrLafsm,ron, DlSEMSE—whatever he ire form or locality—wethee in the head, throat chest ab. domes, extremities or skin. It is asked, hoa,. it tines this?--simply by restoring the lasi bal env between the fluids and solid,'. The following di area ornb wh ich the nn balanced fluids assume, noel many not here men Lionel that have more or less heat, pain or fever (no others)are as perfectly cured by the Anti plilogistic Sate, as fire is extinguiahed by water. 1. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect the Mho and THROAT—LI) wit Lain Eever, Fits ' Headache, hylcnuned Eyes, Ears and Nose, Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Catarrh, Group, • Drotachiti:s, vv. 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the Clint? and Asuomtre—to wit; Infiamea' Lungs and Liver, Colic, Pleurisy, Coughs, Dyspep ssa, Asthma, Dropsy, Heartburn, Gravel Piles, Gonorrhea, Venereal, in. 3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the EXTREMITIEP and Snis—to wit; Rheuma tism, Gout, ,Scrofitla, Ulcers, C , hilhains,Chilhains,,. Chicken and Small Pox, Salt Means, with itch ing and other Cutaneous Afections,&e: This Salt greatly alienates the inflammatory pains peeular to married ladies, (before and at the time of confinemol) and many lanais can,' plaiuts, and is very eflidatiou,; he Fever, Ague,, Wounds, Nervous and Spinal isfentia' arnfl anyother forms of (mark this)inflamma:;rY ! was°, attended with heat, pain or febrile syoe eirpe t :tons who have a tendency of blood to the head ar ::eart, or lend inactive lives, or breath the impuils air of manufactories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or live is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a panic liar vitiation of the fluids cf the body, which one dose without interfereing with the diet or busi • ness, once in three months, would invariably proven,. It is belch - et] to afford protection front infectious; disease, and therefore travellers, sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves with it. GB - While many nostrum-makers victimize the . good natured and pill-ridden public, oy or dering "from six to a dozen boxes or bottles, to cute any malady." no matter what—the un dersigned is happy in being able to state, that tho severest forms of recent inflammatury di sease, was over come by one Acute package, and the most obstinate and long standiug by one Chrtnie package. It does just what it claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes the fluids by removing from the system all ar— te teeial and venous obstrucq ans. if ter I'leas let your neighbors read this. F. COGGSWELL, M. D., AND ON. For sale at the DISCOVERER Choap Drug StorePUOPRIBT of Samuel S. Smith,&Co.' Huntingdon, F. Feb. 1 0th 1859. THE WORLD-RENOWNED WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. PUBLISHED BY PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CESTNUT S PETERSON'S No. CHEAP H EDITION treet. OF THE' WAVERLEY NOVELS. PRICE—Each 25 cents. ELEVEN NUMBERS are already published. IVANHOE, GUY MANNERING, ROB ROY, KENILWORTH, QUENTIN DURWARD, THE ABBOT. BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, OLD MORTALITY. THE ANTIQUARY. WAVERLY. WOODS ar T And one will be issued regul ly on OCK every Sat urday, until the whole are completed. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO TWEN TY-SIX VOLUMES. One complete set, twenty-six volumes in alt will he sent to any one, an fast as they are Dub belied, for five dollars. Single numbers, 25 cent.. T. B, PETERSON BROS.,