POZTEV: WHAT A DANDY IS. A dandy's what? A dicky and a quiz, A pair of goggles and a negro's friz • A scanty coat with a tremendous col lar, A greasy pocket and a half a dollar; A plaited 'bosom studded thick with giant', A forehead plaited with a coat of brass ; A scarlet nose, with a long nine and squirt, A flashy rest,and maybe half a shirt ; A pompons tone, a reverential how, A snow white hand, and straddle like a cow ; A squeaking voice, whiskers and brows of paint, A codfish eye, and visage of a taint ; A pair of whiskers borrowed from a goat, A pewter watch and seal source worth a groat; A packet-comb, a pair of random hose, A pair of neat skin slippers, black as aloes; A peaked hat with scarcely an t brim, A spindle shank, and body wondrous slim; A weak umbrern and a little switch, A monkey followed by a pointer bitch ; A servile ape, a pretty woman's tool, A stupid dunce, a despicable fool. TEE 7 Utf SEINTIED: TOMATO MARMALADE.—This is the best sort of tomato sweetmeat. Take ripe to matoes in the height of the season. In Autumn they become witt ry. end inaipid. Weigh them; and to every pound nf to matoes allow a pound of sugar. Put the tomatoes into a largo pan, or a small tub, and scald them with boiling water, so as to make the skin peel off easily. When you have entirely removed the skins, put the tomatoes (without any water) into a pres•erv!rig kettle, mash them, and add the sugar, with spoonfuls of ground ginger to I your taste; also fresh lemon-peel finely grated and sufficient lemon juice to give it a fine flavor. Stir up the whole together, and set it on a moderate fire. Boil tt gently for three or four hours, till the a hole he. comes a thick, smooth mass—skimining it well, and stirring it to the bottom after eve ty skimming. When done, put it warm into jars; cover it tightly, (pasting paper over the lids) and keep in a dry place. This will be found a very fine sweetmeat. There should be enough of ginger and lemon to overpower the tomato flavor. For children this sweetmeat is better than any other; and it can be made for them very economically with good brown sugar, (always allowing a pound of sugar to a pound of tomatoes.) and with no other flavoring than ginger. The natural taste of the tninntoes must not be pereeptibie, it is their substance only that is wanted, and their wholesome properties, VIRTUER 44 RED PEPPER —The Scien tific Ilmerierta says:—Put three or lour lumps of sugar, with a half tenspnnnful of Cayenne ',tipper in a tumbler, and fill up with hot water; when the sugar is dissolved drink. It in trot only pleasant to the pal ate, but warms the whole body more ef fectually ann q ticker than spirits. In In dia. priests who have made a vo v to wear no clothes. rub themselves of cold nights with red pepper. This gives a glow equal to the warmth of several blankets. POCK CAKE.—Th ree quarters of a pound of sweet almonds blanched and cut into small pieces, one pound of pulverized sug ar, and the whites of five eggs. Beat the whites until very dry. then add the sugar very gradually, a teaspoonful at a time, when done, stir in the almonds, place the mixture on white paper with a teaspoon, making them of a conical shape; put the paper on tins and bake it in a cool oven, until they can be removed from the paper without breaking. PLAIN GINOERDREAD.—Three pounds of flour, hall pound bitter, gu..rter pound sugar, one tablespoonful cinnamon, one tablespoonful saleratue. Rub the butter, sugar nod o,her ingredients together, and mil with an much niol isses as will make a dough. Knead it well, roll it into thin •beets, cut with a thin cutter, place them on tins slightly bmterml, wash them over with thin molasses and water; and bake in a moderate oven. MELow &o.—Keep your melon beds well earthed up. light an en Rah heap, free from weeds; and water frequently in dry weather. Do the some by tour Conte loupes, Cymblins, Cucumbers, &c. Don't bruise the vines in working them, and pinch off the terminal buds to throw them into fruit, end to prevent the vines from straggling to far. HARD II ONE' CARE,--Four pounds dour, one quart huffy, half pound sugar, half an ounce cinnamon, one teaspoonful saleratus. Rub the flour, butter, sugar and spice together, then pour in the honey and sale rates; work all into a smooth dough Roll it out and out it into thin cakes, and bake them on tins in a quick oven. ScOTCH CASE.—One pound and a half af fliur, one pound sugar, one pound but ter, one teaspoonful cinnamon. ono gill of milk. Rub the flour, butter, sugar end cinnamon together, after which add the milk; knead well, roll into thin sheets, cut with a round tin cutter, and hake in a ntod. Crate oven until a light brown. TO PREVENT DOUOIt PEON RovEiNo.— Watch it closely, and hake it as soon as it I in light enough. What to do it it &contr. Sou , —Put in soda or saleraius, and eat that which, it put moist on the back of your hand, will make a sore in an hour. ,dnother way.—Tarots it to the pigs, and watch closer next quirt. MILK PONCH.—Put a tablespoonful of Jamaica spirits in a tumbler of milk, swee en well,end grate nutmeg on top Miscellaneous Ilivertisemen(s. TERM; 01 , "IRP: JOURNAL. TERMS The"limmxonos JOURNAL' it; published at the following elites : If pnid in advance $1.40 If pnid within six months after the time of _subscribing _ .75 , .., If gold before the expiration of the year, 2.00 l , And two dollars and fifty cents if not pa w I lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt after the expiration of the year Na paper ills- i ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful 1p- , continued until the end of the ye ‘t• subscribed for. ' evict ion, curt are prepared to furnish coati " " 3. All subscriptions are continued until eth_ all kinds, of the hest quality on the shortest no erwise ordered, and no paper will he discontinu- tice and most reasonable terms. edunti 1 nrrearapes are paid, except at the option Farmers are invited to call and examine our of the publisher. Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter • 2. Returned numbers are never receired by ns. Plough, (this plough took the premium at the All numbers sent us in th it way ore lost, and Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) never accomplish the purpose of the sender. also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which 3 Persons wishing to stop their subscr iptions, can't be bent. together with the Keystone, Hill- mast jury fp arrearages, and send a written or side, nail Borshear Ploughs. We have on hand verbal order to that erect, to the race of pub- and ore manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, heath). in Huntingdon. Parlor and °thee stoves for mild er wood. 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a HOLLOW-wAll XI legs or a proper notice. consisting of Kettles ' Boilers, Skillets, &c., all 5. After one or more numbers of a new year of which will be sold cheap Mr cash or in ex have been forwarded. a new year has commesc- change for country produce. (lid mere' token ed, and the paper will net be discontinued Una fur new castings. By a strict attention to busi arreurages are 'mid. See No. I. ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a The Courts have decided that refusing total.' s h ore of P uh ‘ ic t uttrunu tt e * a nswspuper from the office, or removing andJ. 51. CUNKINGHAINI & BRO. hailing it uncalled for, is PRIMA FACIE widen,. 1 April 30. 1856.—tr. i intentional fraud. h Subscribe', living in distant counties, or in ' HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? other States, will be required to pay invariably 1 in advance. WI he above terms will be rightly adhered to to all cases. ADVEntisimENTS Will be charged at the Pullee lag rates 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 371 50 One square, (16 110010 50 75 1 00 Two (99 ) 100 1 50 200 3 Mo. 6 mn. 12 mo. $3 00 $4 00 $6 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 18 00 22 00 25 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 One square, Two squares, tcolumn, do., do., 22 00 35 00 45 00 Business Cards of six ling...or less, $4.00. TAKE NOTICE. Advertising and Job Work. We wuuld remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively before the pub lic e that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that it is anstantly incrensina;—and that it goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi zens. We would also state that our facilittes for exrcuting all kinds of JOB PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office inthe county; and all Job Work entrus ed to our hands will be done neatly, promptly, and at prices which will be satisfactory. CIXIMING WIWI MAGAZINES The Huntingdon Jouassi. for one year, and either of the Magazines for the same period will he sent to the address of any subscriber to hr paid in advance as follows : The Journal and Godey's Lad ie Book, for Our veer, $5 50 7',e Journal and Grahanee Magazin , , for one year, .13 50 The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly. fin nor your, :3 51) The Journal and Frank L eslie's Family Magazine and Gazelle of -Mishima, fur one r RA 50 SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 2 doors west of Montgomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in Drug, Chemicals. Ityo StulYs, Paints Varnish. US, M 4, Sm.. Turpentine. Fluid, Alcohol. Wine artrl Reandv of tt•-• hrst Attlrlo for medical par pesos, Con . centrated I.ye for ma. ilia Sung, Glens Putty Patent Medicines slim entree. Tea. CllO near, The Journal and Gereace Farmer, volute. Sugar, Molasses. Vinegar, Fish Salt . Flour. (;rakers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisies, one year $1 SI Tol.acen. Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum mer drinks, in a word every th , ng krid The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine, for one year, $2 75 The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, her oneii,s2 75 T Jo urnal and 4llantic Monthly, for une $3 50 . RAILROAD SOURS. I ton Drug or Grocery SW., these wh...lysji e TRAINS GOING' EAST. pure end Genuine articles will) do well gi hy OIR Mail T. I I Fast T.—Ex. T. us it .11. Sep t. 29, 1858.—1 y. Trainleavee A. M. P. M. A. M. Petersburg', 9.5 i 10.29 2.29 I — ...., Huntingdon, 9.13 10.45 2.42 , SUFVERINC4 HUMANITY lIMA I) THIS: Mill Creek, 9.24 10.55 2.52 i The undersigned takes this Method Of iftlifr th Union, 9.39 11.09 3.05 ! ming Ili , piddle generally that tl:ere is no med. IR k1:48 GOIEG Wet., i.•ifte non uttered tr., the tddie that is e.t.a to . pl.: V Al.t.'i 14 A INANIG OIL in relteveing suffering hum.ity. i waq en observer of its effects in a friend of mt. who stiffer WI almost everything from a nruralgic affection widelf misted the hest med ical treatment in Centre county. We applied freely the Galvanie Oil to the painful part, and gave some inwardly, end in 20 minutes the pa tient WAS asleep. and when awaked wan free free train pain, and confined so —This is a positive fact which I um willing to make good at any time. A vase of FELON was cured in nearly the same length of time. J. 11. llMlN,Centre Hill. Aug. 18 1358-1 y `lentre county. Train leaves P. M. A. M P. M MI. Union, 4.26 6.86 6.10 Mill Creek 4.41 6.49 6.23 Huntingdon, 4.65 7.00 6.35 Petersburg, 5,11 7.11 6.47 see- The Passenger train on the H. tic B. T. railroad leaves Huntingdon as follows: 7 30 A. M. 3 P. 51. W. F. THOM 1 1 41, AMBROTYPE AND Pno rOGRAPUIC ARTIST, PROMPIIILADELPIIII, AT THE COURT HOUSE This gallery of Art is now open for public inspection of specimens of hihrotypes, Cry:• tuto,raphs, Photographs, Circular and Star Pictures, also, Name, or Ace, or Residence, ta ken on the Pictures—letters of different colors. VARIOUS SIZLD PICTURES, Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pine or Bracelets. Purlieular attention paid to taking pictures of Children. Time, from one to four seconds. Perfect satisfaction given, or persons are not expected to take their pictures. Pictures taken from sick or deceased persons at their residences. Copies taken from Da guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of resi dence, &c. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to mill and examine specimens. Pictures taken as well in cloudy no fair weather. f1o•n often do we hear the exclamation, when persons are looking at Portraits—'•l would not vela any aunt if 1 could procure the Portraits of my parents—or deceased children I" der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel. ing or unity, you have an opportunity to grati fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits, which, if is known, will not fade. Ear Those that wish to learn this beat ful art can call ans see \V. F. Themes, front Phila. Prices Irons 50 cents upwards. Jen.12:30.1. WAI~i TED. TWU VOL At; (I EN to learn the Amhrn• typing basilic.. Instructions given for the sum of $15.00. Fur partieulure, &e., apply to AVM. F. THOMAS, Anibrolypist. Huntingdon, May 4, 1859. ' s ' pnyicrAN 42 1; ''' d SURGEON ; lth.blq.A.A el 1.1. Y UfFERS 111, PRIM sitmul services to the enizeue of HUNTINGDON and vicinity. Residence on Hill street, in die house for. u3enly occupied by Dr. R. A. Miller. • April 13, 1869. Miscellaneous Advertisements. IN BLAST AGAIN ! ulna i gd 0 u AA"`Foundry.y.l ,t 71 1,0 Spps , cr ß ! BE t, ,s .r ME ie in. A. Haien elan, Hair H 3 e t The Original and Best in the World ! All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided, if you wish to eseatae GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed in• stoutly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a. warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have been mado to the Hair of his patrons of Lis famous Dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro duces a color not to be distiorished from tatt. tore, and is warrautcd not to injure in the least however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied ' • the Hi it in vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye. Made, at Id or applied (in 9 private rooms) orthe Whig. Fatetory, 233 Broadway, New , York. So'd in till cities and towns of the Tint , teal States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods 1)..3', rs. e" The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, New York. John Rend, Agent Huntingdon Pa, Nov. 17, '5B-Iy. 111 V- 1 1 11 &Dal 00411... rpriE subseriher respeetfitily 11,111011BCCS to bin friends and the piddle geiwrally, lit he has lensed that old and well e,tablishep Tamil; STAND known on the ffir,iliitOrm Horse, on the cornet of 1101 MA I buries Street, in the Borough of Bunting. don. ! fie has recently put the house through a thoro ' ugh course of repuirs, and is now equal to any in this plat e. flta TABLE will altars he stored with the best the season can effort, to suit the tastes end appetites of his guests. His BAK will always he tilled with Choice Li goers. and Ms STABLE always Attended by care tut and atten tine Ostlers. Ile hopes by strict attention to higiness and a spirit it neeomoilation. to merit and receive a Tteral , .harcof politic patrotTitc. McATEER, Sept. 15, 1558—:1y fOON'T 11F AD THIS! New Drug and Grocery Store. Green Willow Foundry. T WOULD respectfully inform the publi , that I I have commenced business at the above place, sod will lie ready to accomodate all who may want nn 'thing in my line a haat.. I will have on band or make 10 order Threshing Machines, and all o.lier machinery that may he called for. Castings of evert description, Cook nod Parlor Stoves, Plows, hollow-wary, dm.— All kinds of Taming, either wood or iron. and Blseksulithing will ha done in the be,4 manner rand on the m o st reasonable terms. Farmers and others wishing to purchase new notchities will find it to their advantage to give me a call. ' All kinds of Cottony produce taken in exchange at market prices. Prrvit TIPPERY. Wal,f,btreet, Oct. 13, 18a.-Iy. 1) B L u e l / I RS Th ‘i u 'l.G ar S e e t e N ga n tiL l i ' i o ;, l.: t. PEE e.s S v and durable. Fitting to ft charm—no turn up behind—no shrioking•otT the ht•u ; indeed, this is tho only Establishment. where these things are proper Iy undetstood and wade. Nov. 17, 'sB.—ly. 233 Broadway, N. Y Jo. SCOTT. BAmueL T. BROWN @av - ps MOWE D Attorneys at Law, liustingitsu, l'a., . . Office samosas that tormerly occupied by John Scott, Sim. Oct. 19, 1853. 'V w 9 P. @,./AEPrk%Liall2. A TTORNE L.l ll', Willaticod to all business entrusted to:hito.Of fice ocarlv oppobite the Court House May 5, '53 A. P. WlLson R. finuest Peruntia IrILSON & PETRIKIN, SITTOILIV EY S 41' LJIIV, HUNT'S (; M.'S, PA. Practice in the several Courts or II toitingdon Blair,Caulbria, Centre, Mitllin and Juniata Coati ties. March 23, 1853. ______ Srar Subeeribe for the hermit. Only $1,5 0 'yea, Illistellancous Advertisements. New Goods 7. New Goods D. P. GUIN'S CHEAP STORE, D. P. Gavin has just retailed from Philadel phia with the largest and most beautiful as sort..tit of SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS, , Ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of the most fashionable Drawl Goods for Indies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, .d Fancy, All Wool de Laius. (all colors) Spring 14Isinits, Chaffin Gelatins. 'Benign!, (all rolory) Lt well Cloth ; Gelmize, Alpaeca, Pop lint, Plitt ed Berages, nluin and fig- . (IMO:tams, Lawns, and !'tints of every de• scription. ALSO, a large lot of dress Yrinitnings, Frin ge, Antisues, Gimps, Ribbon, Butt ons, Braids, Crapea, Reed & Brass Boops, .skirt c ur d. Silk and Linen handkerchielk, Ned: ties, Stork, Zephyr, French AVorking Cotton, Lin. and C,tton Floes, Tidy Yarn, &c. _ Aliin the In'ist solid cheapest assortment of Col ors, mod Undersleeveg, in town. lined and Plain Joronet. Moil MuslinoSiviss, Hain, Fig iired, Skirt Bela. larseille for Capes, and it variety of white goods too numerous to men tion. Spring nral Thihit Shawls, White I)cluine for Cope, Mantilla, & c . . . . Als,, cloths, eassimers, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Muslim', Cotton Drill, Nankeens, Ticken, Table Diapers, Flannels. &cs Also. a lame lot otlitilletS, Flat, nuts, &c. Moot& and Sboes, the largest and ellen pest assortment in town. ARDWAR EI, QUEENS WA/1.11, Buckets, Tabs, Baskets, Churns, Batter Bowls, Brooms. Brushes, 8 &e. Carpe ts. Oil ClOttiS, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones an can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and exonine thy goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex. change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID P. LAVIN. April 21, 1858. FOUND AT LA,lll' I The 1 , ny to Save 3ioney! AND CTIE4AI 1.11.73 X s is to BUY ALL KINDS OF 'HARDWARE BUY ALL KINDS or lIANDWARR BUY ALI. KINDS OF 11ARVW ARE FROM JAS. A. BROWN, ins. A. 13. w, FINN JAR. A. BROWN, AT CITY rill,. This ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS exceeda nil oilt,r. lvt. Because it supplies 'ME PEOPLE with irairspenftable ankles all Many useful inven tions. µllu•h in ho found on/y in a HARD RE STORE. 2nd. Tiiu nehncriber purehaning in large quantitieA Iry w inanulbeturers, is enabled to sell these goods li•otn 20 to 100 per cent cheaper! tbali they ore ma by other ttici coma, His stock includes e valiety of BUIL] )1Ni:1-11 A IHAVARE, CUTLERY. OILS. PAINTS. VARNISHES. GLASS, II:oN, ANlc's TOOLS, 11411.1.11W•WARE, 5A10 , 1.1131% CAli RI AHE TRIMMINGS. CHAIN PUMPS. LEAD PIPES, MoßoccoßS, LININGS 5, Together with a full assortment of everything pertaining to hi. hoe or listso,.. All orders receive prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Iluntingdon, Oct. 6th, 1858. ROOK AM) STATIONERY STORE. n the "Globe" Office Building, Market Square HUNTINGDON, PA The subscriber respc.afully informs the citi• 7,19 of Iltintingdmi adjoinii,g e nlntle•~. that he has opened a New Book and Stationery Siore, in the corner room of the "Globe" trbere may be found a general assort. went of Miscellaneous and School Books and Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason able prices. Ile will odd to his stuck weekly all 13001,4 and articles in demand, sod expects in st short time to bare on baud as full a stock r f saleable Bunko , Stationery, ill can be tumid in any town in the State. Baying made the neeessary arrangements with publishers, ant Book wanted and nut tw in, his shelves, will be ordered and fusuished at city prices. As he desires to do a lively business with small profits, a liberal share of patronage is solicited. Dee.22,'58.4f. . WM. LEWIS. V2ILI REM L17aT142i13 CLOTHING! A New Assortment .Itht Opened 1 And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CH PEST! HROMAN respectfully in cans his custo , niers and the public ',nanny, that he has just opened at his store-room in Market Squares Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready- Made Clothing for Fall and Winter, which be will sell ',beeper than the saute relity of Goods can he purchased at rotuil in Philadel phia or any other establishment iv the count,. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would an well to cull and examine his stock before' nrelia sing elsewhere. Also, Hats, Caps, which will ho sold lower ThAn At any other es. tablishment in the county. Huntingilon, April 1. . 1 105$. 261 t BLANKS I rba BLANKS BLANKS A general assortment of Btanks of all de seriptions jad printed and for sale at th e -Journal (Wire." &moduli. of Referees, Common Bond. Notice to ReLtees, Jirl:tutent Notes Slllllllll/1111, Ventlite Notes, Executions, Coastabit's Sales, Scire Facials, Subpunius, Complaints, Deeds, Warrants, Mortgages, Commitments, Bond to idemnity Constable, &c A n iplilogißt ic Salt. Thia colel.ratea medicine is for sale at the Smith's Drug Store. For all inflammatory di tmbca it is a tertniu cure. Oct a box ass try it, who arc afflicted. I•'ur bale at Smith's Drug Store, Hunting• don, Pa. Lit ritliAaliallEl.lll. roili has commenced the DUN. B.IIIIIIING business at Pine Grove, Cen tre county, where be is prepared to manufacture and repair floss and Pistols of every descrip tion, with neatness and dispatch. lie will also attend to repairing CLOCKS. Prices t suit the times. Dee. 22. litee.-11. JOHN li. JACOHR. aiIbi:LLI.AA Lot. Lit'iISE3IENTS THE CARVILLF,II , I4IIIUL ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT FACULTY. M. MCN. WAILwIII, Principal, Prot of Imogoticea null Philosophy. Chas. N. Joann. A. al, Piot, of Littiti. Greek, etc. James W. Hughes, Prot. of Nlattionaties. Ileulainin I. ck. of :Mathematics. GeO. W. Lin pr o f. of Vocal Music. Mrs. M. cacti. Preeeptress, Tetteber of Moan, Dii.tory, Reading; etc. Miss E. M Ennlkner. 'remit, of Pell Work. Paicting : Drawing, Miss D. 1.. , linaley. leacher ot l'emo Mimic, Wax Fruit, Flora, Mrs. 11r. .:nrwitt Trivher of 1.',, I.ohl Branches. Min irstisli. Teacher of Primary English. The recent success or this school is extraor dinary. Besides being the cheapest. one of the kind ever established, it is now the largest in this section of the State. All branches are taught, and students of all ages, and of both sexes, are received. The expenses foe a year need nut he more than S9O. Students can en. ter whenever thee wish. Address. M. Mc. IIi:WALSH, Commitle, Huntingdon Co., Pa. JuneWsB. HUNTINGDON WARM SPRINGS. The Warm Springs at the hare of Warrior'. Ridge. fire to lee north of iluntingdon,overlook leg Standing Stone Creek, and environvi hy ro. mantic hills and woodlands. have been leased bv the fit mer proprietor of the [.earner House. The extensive Hotel buiblinv, bath houses, &e., erected at ;;rest ext,nee by General A P. Wilson, have been completed—and the groves have been beentnnlly laid out and adorned.— The Hotel parlors and chambers airy and com fortably furnished; and the prospect, front the verattulaha for beauty, cannot be excelled. Ear half a century, these Springs have here celebrated for 'heir medicinal qualities, and the great nature at the waters in rheumatic and chro nic affections. The tomporntore of the water being fill degrees. renders the bathing delight ful and invigorating. In the surrnumlYng wands and mountains game abounds, and the finest are caught in Stone Cre.de. Persons in pur suit of health or . !ensure, will find this a most dt,ightful and healthful retreat; and its TIV:1111049 .to the Pennsylvania Itailromi,:tud the cheapness of the rates charged guests, give it a decided advantage over any other watering phut° in the State. The Proprietor has bud years of experience in the business and no pain. or troniOn will bo spa. red to uno: guests comfortable. Harks run (rum Huntingdon to Warnt Springs on the arrival or the different RAilroad trains— titre 25 rents. Families neentittnoduted at mu- JOHN lt. HEIM, Warm Springs near Ilunthiudon, June sth NUNTISOAQI4 rks. untlersicnetl owners ttf the littntingtlon Mill. inform thrtners /11111 the public. euentl• ly. that they new hive their new mill in running 'er, with all the modern improvements in the wetter wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jon cal Turbine \Valor WheelA, and can griad hag all stages of the water, ann during the ir ost menthe, ant and id , kin& of grain. They ur;:prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at sil tines at market tale, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and tamers can have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return 1.41, or they can Le furniAcd iu exattuu4- at it ununent's notice an equal quantity of Flour .and Bran or chop ped 1Ce41,..... srtm 311/ZUT 7211.CNINE is of an improved manuilteture; and they vril insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali ly to every bushel of grain left at t eir mill, FISHER & McNIURTBIS. N. 13.--The Buckwheat atones are nut quite ready. Iliintingdon, December 10, D 66, STAGE LINE Fitom hambersburg to Mt, Union rile unrterehrnal aware that a ausrensiono 1 the line or Ste over the rood between Cliamher,burg and Alt, Vt km. ',Mint be but diNitilrantagyous to a blip! ,eetion or the coun try, has, at a cow itlerable expense and troultio made arrangements to run a, line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Good noises and conifortable Stages have hoe. Pie ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the tine is disirous that it he maintained, and he therefore upon generally to patronize it. to. dent that it will be for their mutual advanta t. hlvery attention necessary will he given, r I the running ul the hinges will be regular. ' Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tu da., Thutstiny, end Setusdny evening, uteri ng at Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'cloc Re turning, leave Chambershorg, the se e night at 10 O'clock, arriving at hit, Union he next evening in time for the cars. Betwe •ti Mt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. Cr Fare through $3; to intermettinte ;mints iu proportion. JOUN JAMISON Jan. 20th, 1858.—tf Cheapest "Job Printing' , Office 7111 TlLit COUNTY. We have now made such arrangements in our Job I Oleg as will enable us to do all kinds of JobFrinting at 20 per cent. cheaper rates 'ratan any Unice in the C t y. Git eus e call. 11 we don't give entire Batiste. tiou, no charge at all will be made. PREMIUMS ItIVARDED TUE JOURNAL JOUOFFICE AT TUN LATE FAIR, 1,011 THE 3BMSiT Nbattifi akID T_AinV t HO THIS WAY. Does anybody want to get into good bind. nest, by which they can make from $75 to Slut a month without hard labor? D . so send me 6 cents in stamps or money, for return postage, and by return mail, you will seeeive circulars of the grandest money 'making .theme ever appeared to man. Discovered by Georgian and proved to be invaluable by t million of Southern people. Address, A. C. DENSON, Mobile Ala. Sept. 22, '2B.—ly. Dt. John IVloCullooh, Ou . - Ilia krolasaiona I service. to the citizens( Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, on ma at. between Montgomery and Bath. Bnntingdon, Aug. 29, 1950 e M 154 ELLANIAUS AlautrisioiENTs A f 7 ,o, Iron City Commorciall' Co !lege. I PlTT.Ulttill, Pa. - • (10anT 2 IlEr 18 55 . 300 Students attending January 1053. mow the largest and most thorough Cont' mereial School of the United States.— Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. SMITH, A. M. Prof. of Book-keep lag and Science of Accounts. A. 'l'. InicTuerr, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Cideulation. J. A. IlKyomoa and T. C. Jstuttss, Teach ers of Rook-keeping. A. CoWLET and W. A. Mmt.sn, Profs. of 1 Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK KEEPING, As used in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITIIM ET I C—RAPID BUST • ESS WRITINO—DETECTING COUNTERFEIT 51 oNEY— ! MERCANTILE in RESPONDENCE— ; COM NI ER CIAL 1..\ IV— Are taught. unit all other subjects necessary fix the ovens and thorough education of a practical business man. 12 PREMXIIIVIS. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years. also in Eastern and Wes tern Cites, for the he, Writing, NOT ENORVED WORK. Important Information. I Students enter at any time—No vacation— ; Time unlimited—Review at eteusure—Grltls• area in obtaining siteations—Tuition (',.aitherehd course $35.02—A enrage time S to 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week, Watiniary.s6.oo—entire cost, $60.00 to $70.- 00. efir Ministers' Sons received at half prier. or Card—Chrolar—speeimens of trustees, and Ornamental Wilting—inclose ties stamps and address F. W. JENKINS. Sept. 20, 1858.—1 y. Pittshurgh, Pa N I CJ I D_Hran a"C:013 Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" Of flee at the late County FAIR, fur the hest CA L ROI BLANA AND 18.RGY PRINTING?: Ilarug recently received from the Eastern C" lllea, A VASE' POWER raEss, and a large variety of the most fivrhionable Printing Mato inl. which makes it one of the must complet Ptioting Establishments in thin section. Persons in want of may kind of PLAIN OR work, Noma do better than thror u 4 with their patronage. We have facilities for a:ten tine in st supprior 111111111, nnc kind ld Proprieion PRINTING IN COLORS oa liar most reft.ll/11,1111 may wish to obtain any styli , of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be avt onittit•kb,ted at thin eatablishutent at xh at AUCTION BILLS, • BILL BLABS, sllO t' BILLS, CIBIBLAns, W AV BILLS. LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, rnocIiAMMLS, PAMPIILLTS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., will be futtikhed promptly, execrated in he beet awls awl at reasonable rates. Aker Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. WM. RREWSTEn. DU VALI 'S GALVANIC OIL, Prtpared originally by Pro. 11. DC 1%.,1 LL formerly ut the Celiege of surgeon., at I'ari~. I IS NOW OEFERED TO TUE PUB LIC. (E r }",,r the Cure of nil sore and :din , ful 8i50n5...14 . . _ . lllor instance—Pain or orene!s in any part of the t•yatem, Itheutmomm, pain in th e hook, breast or sides, healed breasts Ziournight, Burnt, Sprains, Bowl-dello Crimp m the Stomach or any other dia.' ease that is SOHF, or PA INF UL, and lit it only over thin clogs of diseases we' , ',lain' a vicTokr. We say positivel to our patrons we can relieve the sutrerer 99 times out of 100. We would just sat to the politic, Prof. Ito Vail was 26 years in bringing to this medicine superiority, over all others. Price 50 CtA, per hottle—i per cent cut oil the trade. All orders must he ad dressed to J. 1). S'IONEROAI), Sole Agent for U. S., LEWISTOWN. PA. LITERARY BUREAU. An ex perienced Editor. a successful Author, and u thoroughly educated Literary Man, wee. ry with t•ventytive years of the drucl ery of Daily Journalism, has determined to hire out and cell his brains at retail. to those who may require their services, in any honorable way. klerchants. Business Men, Liventurs, and dealers of every kind, will he supplied, off hand with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species of ar tick's desired. Politick. will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters,Toasts, Pam, pltlets, Editorial Articles, ooltlallnientionA, and every sort of Ilrain•work, whirls they may Bud it ineouveuient or troublesome to do them selves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so ciety or occupation in life,2. have Letters written on any subject, whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Correspondence of every kind, either English, French, Spanish, German or Latin. Poetty, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet. deux, %mulles, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character, incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wi.ibes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be ibtittly nod promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, I..ilPrttrY Bureau, Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0.,. Pa. Aug.lB.'sB.le lIII.ANKS..,IIwaya buy yuur Blanks at th " Jt. urnal Office." We have now prepured ave ry buperiorurtiele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS JUPGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC 0- TION S, &e. Miscellaneous Alive Ms:meats. THE GREAT PURIFER 1— T 111.: WORM) CIIA i.I.ENGED 1-- gar To PRODUCE ITS EQUAL I pip- THE BLOOD SEARCHER ler GLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT i Strom statement of David McCreary, of Na' pier 'rownghip, Bedford county. In April, 1856, an near as I can rememembee o ?milli pimple made its appearance on my up per D i , which soon became enlarged and aorta 'eti nerd p ,,t ill mt wash e o 7 e e t sorrel, ( l i i i n n g '1 s the l,r e r o x, who tebl i u vitial, with; di protium) , cA.Nhra CER, mul prescribed n wash d i of sugar of lead 111111 • tre, Fi n di u ., the , remedies of on aOil. 1 called upon fir. s„,,,;,ireet county, who' also pronounced the likenme l3n.:? r and gave me internal and external reniedies--Vie Wier consisting principally of caustic ; hut al; to no pal pOOO, an the disease cautioned spreading to ward the nose. I next toed a preparation of AU senie, in the form of salve. This for a tithe eherlkeil the disease. I of the inflatutnation soon incrensed. I next celled upun Dr. Stotler of St, Cleirsville. Bedford county, who also pronoun ced the disease to be Cancer. and applied a Solve said to he a never-failing remedy, but it had no effect whatever in checking the spread of the sore. In December, of the same year, the dis ease had eaten away a greater part of my upper lip. and had attacked the note, when I went to Cincinnati where I consulted Dr. R. S. Newton of Vie Electic Medical College. Ile pronoun ced the (became cutaneous Cancer, superin (lured by an inord ,rate nee of mercury." He applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me inter nal My face healed up, but the in thinimation was not thoroughly removed, In February, 1857, ho pronounced me cured, and I len for home. In April the disease twain re• turned. and on violent was the pain that 1 could not re.t ut night. Late in M.ty I returned to Cincinnati, and again placed myself under the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained anal September, daring which time he used every known remedy, nn l partly succeed.' in checking the (Baena°, but when I returned lime there were still three discharging ulcers upon niy face. I continued using No wtort's preperatiout, and also medicine that I got from Dr. Ely. but the Cancer continued growing un til it had eaten off the lelt side of my nose, the greater portion of my left cheek, a n d had attack. ea my left eye, I had eiven tip all Ito e oft, er being cured, sin. Dr. Ely Said he could only give relief; bot that a cure was huposslble. In March, 1858. I bought a bottle of "Blood Seat cher," but I must confess I hail no faith in it. I was very wt.ak when I commenced taking it ; but I found that I gained strength day by day. and also that ti, ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and a hen the third bottle was ta ken my lace was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle and 1 have heep healthier since than I have been for the last sere. years. Alth o ugh my fare is sadly disfigured I out. still grateful to a benign Provideuee who has spared , my life, and which has been done through the instrumentality of Litipsey'alsnmuvxu IlLoote tiaAhotatt. ___• DAVID McChEAtty„ Sworn awl subscribed. this alit day of Au gust. A. U. 1858, before me, one of the Justice! allot Peace in and fin• the 13orough of Holliday.. burg, Innis comity Pa. 1$ ham— U J J... JOHN OOBLBY• NEW EVIDENCE Reing afflicted with a grevious Tettor on tits arms and fain—after tr3ing many remedies which utterly failed to rare-4 was pursumied. hy W. M. Darns Ss Co. to try Lindsey's Impro ved Blood Searcher ; and now, six-wheks after Unfailing the s cund bottle, prouounco tope! cured. Those who The totter broke out, something over ft year ago, on the inside of my at ms, extending tram the clime, down to the wrists; also on my face, immediately round the month and chin, and con tined to he a perfect torment to me until, ennui 'by the Blood Searcher. My arms, at tinter, wore almost useless, tia lug to the cracks cud sores an them, liable to bleed at any thou on the mast exertion to lift or work, and sometimes so itchy that I could scarcely prevent tearing oil my flesh. 1 have now been mired six weeks and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub• lie genet:llly, to make this statement, in hope that others like smell inay be benotilted by using Ilia valuable medicine. Sworn and subsaribed heforo inn, ono of thu Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this '211:11 day of July, A. D. 1858. ANte hIchIASTER Aldermen. lbillitlayslitirg, Sept. 22,58• ly. DALLEPS iIIAGICAI I PAIN EXTRAC- TOR. all diseaseeintlamation more or lees pro. I domittatea—now to allay inliamatior. strikes, at the runt of all diseases—hence an immetth GALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTR'TOR 11141 nothing eke, will allay inhumation at once, 11111 make II certain cure. Dalley's Magical Puin Extractor will core the following among a great catalogue of diseases : Burns, Scalds, Cute, Chafes, sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains, Bites, Poison, Chilseys. Gout, Swelling, Rhea. realism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness, Kresidelus, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Small Pox, 31ensle Rash, Are. To temp it may aiiper;;Vt;redulous that en many diseases should he reached by one aril. chi ; sash an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a combine, lion of ingredients, each and every one apply. iug a per'eet notiiisle to its npostot.. disorder. GALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. to its elicits is magical, because the time Is abort between diseases and a permanent cure; and it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases out of the affected part„ leaving nature as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely a. cegsary to sae that no house, workshop, or manufactory should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuine tiniest the box has has upon it a steel plate engraving, with .the name of Henry Dailey, Idanufactu. ivr. For sale by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Caundas. Principal Depot, 165 Chambers St., New• York. . _ C. F. CRASH, John Rend, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, 'sB.—ly. ALTOONA Blair co., July 3,'38. J. D STONNROAD, f.ewistown, Deur Sir—Mr. Wm. TININISAUOII, who has been suffering several yen', front rheumatism, got so ill that his friends and relatives were summoned to witness his death. 1 induced his friends to try the virtue of your preparation—they did tiO, ns the last re; sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, ho be. ]tan t u improve, got better and better, and now. so Mr as 1 know, he is u hale and stout nom, This is not the only rose where the GALVANID Dm has surpassed human expectations. la every case where I have recommended the Ott.. it hos done what it promises to do. Send NO another s2o's worth. Your. truly, IL LEHER. A 18,'58-Iy. New Card-Press. Having bung ht a jitst “UA itt) PRESS," we are now prepared to print in the prcportion of three cards in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent. ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at all. We ask your pa. trunage. I 1000 AGENTS IV ANTED.—For pftrlioll lard seud stamp. C. P. WHITIEN, Mar. 33. 'O. 4m. HttNi. JANE ';.•IWILSON murk